Автор темы
- #1
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
//Paste this into Visuals.cpp
//Paste this into Visuals.hpp,under Misc section, or whatever,just dont forget to change the Visuals::Misc::RenderPunchCross to Visuals::Player::RenderPunchCross
/Paste this under void __stdcall hkPaintTraverse in Hooks.cpp,almost at the end
//This goes into Options.hpp
//This into menu
void Visuals::Misc::RenderPunchCross()
int w, h;
g_EngineClient->GetScreenSize(w, h);
g_VGuiSurface->DrawSetColor(g_Options.color_esp_c4); //<-- I am too lazy to make personal color for it.Yellow looks like good color
int x = w / 2;
int y = h / 2;
int dy = h / 97;
int dx = w / 97;
QAngle punchAngle = g_LocalPlayer->m_aimPunchAngle();
x -= (dx*(punchAngle.yaw));
y += (dy*(punchAngle.pitch));
g_VGuiSurface->DrawLine(x - 8, y, x + 8, y); //If you want to make the PunchCross bigger or smaller just change the numbers
g_VGuiSurface->DrawLine(x, y - 8, x, y + 8);
void RenderPunchCross();
/Paste this under void __stdcall hkPaintTraverse in Hooks.cpp,almost at the end
if (g_Options.esp_punchcross)
//This goes into Options.hpp
OPTION(bool, esp_punchcross, false);
ImGui::Checkbox("Punch Crosshair", &g_Options.esp_punchcross);