Автор темы
- #1
void C_BasePlayer::SetupBonesFix() {
static auto r_jiggle_bones = g_CVar->FindVar("r_jiggle_bones");
auto animstate = GetPlayerAnimState();
animstate->m_vVelocityX = 0.f;
animstate->m_vVelocityY = 0.f;
animstate->speed_2d = 0.001f; // 0.0 will break more than fix so use 0.001 or just hook this field
auto parent_cvar = r_jiggle_bones->m_pParent;
if (parent_cvar == r_jiggle_bones)
parent_cvar = 0;
parent_cvar = 1;
// fixing goal feet yaw for better interpolating bones
animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw = this->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget() + animstate->m_flMaxBodyYaw;
C_AnimationOverlay* pOverlay = this->GetAnimOverlay(6);
//adjust the value to correctly calculate the position of the bones
pOverlay->m_flWeight = pOverlay->m_flCycle = pOverlay->m_flPlaybackRate = 0.f;
if (pOverlay->m_Sequence > 0)
pOverlay->m_Sequence += 1; // Fixing sequence delay before setup bones calc
//skip extrapolating velocity
m_bHasDefuser() = false;
this->m_vecVelocity() = this->EstimateAbsVelocity() * animstate->m_flUnknownVelocityLean;
//trigger lby update
m_nSequence() = 979;
animstate->m_flLastBodyUpdate = g_Globals->curtime + 1.32f; // set new body yaw update with delay
*(int*)(((uintptr_t)this) + 0xA30) = 0;
auto v5 = *(int*)(((uintptr_t)this) + 0xF0);
*(int*)(((uintptr_t)this) + 0xF0) |= 8u;
auto v6 = *(uint8_t*)(((uintptr_t)this) + 0x274);
*(uint8_t*)(((uintptr_t)this) + 0x274) &= 0xFEu;
*(int*)(g_GlobalVars + 0x001C) = -1; // fix interpolation
*(bool*)(((uintptr_t)this) + 0xF3C) = true; // SetupVelocity call for calculation right angles
// ref: DoExtraBonesProcessing
(*(_BYTE *)(uintptr_t(this )+ 0xA28)) |= 0xE;
*(short*)(uintptr_t(this)+ 0x272) = -1
int result = 1;
__asm push 0x54f12f43
this->SetupBones(0, -1, BONE_USED_BY_ANYTHING, g_GlobalVars->curtime);
__asm pop result
this->m_vecVelocity() = this->EstimateAbsVelocity(); // restore velocity
*(uint8_t*)(((uintptr_t)this) + 0x274) = v6;
*(int*)(((uintptr_t)this) + 0xF0) = v5;
bool __fastcall hkSetupBones(void* ecx, void* edx, matrix3x4_t* pBoneToWorldOut, int nMaxBones, int boneMask, float currentTime) {
auto stack = _AddressOfReturnAddress();
//prevent game call setupbones
if (*(int*)((int)stack + 0x14) != 0x54f12f43){
return false;
return oSetupBones( ecx, edx, pBoneToWorldOut, nMaxBones, boneMask, std::remainderf(currentTime, 360.0f));