Xy0 crash

29 Май 2019
Я так и не пофиксил ошибку :d
Код CEntity.h:
Дайте фикс:roflanEbalo:
#pragma once
#include "Definitions.h"
#include "IClientUnknown.h"
#include "IClientEntityList.h"
#include "CInput.h"
#include "..\Utils\Utils.h"
#include "..\Utils\NetvarManager.h"
#include "CGlobalVarsBase.h"
class viewmodel_t;
#define NETVAR2(type, name, table, netvar)                           \
    type& name##() const {                                          \
        static int _##name = g_pNetvars->GetOffset(table, netvar);     \
        return *(type*)((uintptr_t)this + _##name);                 \

#define PNETVAR2(type, name, table, netvar)                           \
    type* name##() const {                                          \
        static int _##name = g_pNetvars->GetOffset(table, netvar);     \
        return (type*)((uintptr_t)this + _##name);                 \

#define ANETVAR2(type, funcname, num, table, netvar) std::array<type, num>& funcname() \
{ \
    static int _##name = g_pNetvars->GetOffset(table, netvar); \
    return *reinterpret_cast<std::array<type, num>*>( uintptr_t( this ) + _##name ); \

// class predefinition
class C_BaseCombatWeapon;

class C_AnimState
    char pad[4];
    char bUnknown; //0x4
    char pad2[91];
    void* pBaseEntity; //0x60
    void* pActiveWeapon; //0x64
    void* pLastActiveWeapon; //0x68
    float m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTime; //0x6C
    int m_iLastClientSideAnimationUpdateFramecount; //0x70
    float m_flEyePitch; //0x74
    float m_flEyeYaw; //0x78
    float m_flPitch; //0x7C
    float m_flGoalFeetYaw; //0x80
    float m_flCurrentFeetYaw; //0x84
    float m_flCurrentTorsoYaw; //0x88
    float m_flUnknownVelocityLean; //0x8C //changes when moving/jumping/hitting ground
    float m_flLeanAmount; //0x90
    char pad4[4]; //NaN
    float m_flFeetCycle; //0x98 0 to 1
    float m_flFeetYawRate; //0x9C 0 to 1
    float m_fUnknown2;
    float m_fDuckAmount; //0xA4
    float m_fLandingDuckAdditiveSomething; //0xA8
    float m_fUnknown3; //0xAC
    Vector m_vOrigin; //0xB0, 0xB4, 0xB8
    Vector m_vLastOrigin; //0xBC, 0xC0, 0xC4
    float m_vVelocityX; //0xC8
    float m_vVelocityY; //0xCC
    char pad5[4];
    float m_flUnknownFloat1; //0xD4 Affected by movement and direction
    char pad6[8];
    float m_flUnknownFloat2; //0xE0 //from -1 to 1 when moving and affected by direction
    float m_flUnknownFloat3; //0xE4 //from -1 to 1 when moving and affected by direction
    float m_unknown; //0xE8
    float speed_2d; //0xEC
    float flUpVelocity; //0xF0
    float m_flSpeedNormalized; //0xF4 //from 0 to 1
    float m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays; //0xF8 //from 0 to 2. something  is 1 when walking, 2.something when running, 0.653 when crouch walking
    float m_flFeetSpeedUnknownForwardOrSideways; //0xFC //from 0 to 3. something
    float m_flTimeSinceStartedMoving; //0x100
    float m_flTimeSinceStoppedMoving; //0x104
    unsigned char m_bOnGround; //0x108
    unsigned char m_bInHitGroundAnimation; //0x109
    char pad7[10];
    float m_flLastOriginZ; //0x114
    float m_flHeadHeightOrOffsetFromHittingGroundAnimation; //0x118 from 0 to 1, is 1 when standing
    float m_flStopToFullRunningFraction; //0x11C from 0 to 1, doesnt change when walking or crouching, only running
    char pad8[4]; //NaN
    float m_flUnknownFraction; //0x124 affected while jumping and running, or when just jumping, 0 to 1
    char pad9[4]; //NaN
    float m_flUnknown3;
    char pad10[528];

struct c_animstate {

    char pad_0x0000[0x18]; //0x0000
    float anim_update_timer; //0x0018
    char pad_0x001C[0xC]; //0x001C
    float started_moving_time; //0x0028
    float last_move_time; //0x002C
    char pad_0x0030[0x10]; //0x0030
    float last_lby_time; //0x0040
    char pad_0x0044[0x8]; //0x0044
    float run_amount; //0x004C
    char pad_0x0050[0x10]; //0x0050
    void* entity; //0x0060
    __int32 active_weapon; //0x0064
    __int32 last_active_weapon; //0x0068
    float last_client_side_animation_update_time; //0x006C
    __int32 last_client_side_animation_update_framecount; //0x0070
    float eye_timer; //0x0074
    float eye_angles_y; //0x0078
    float eye_angles_x; //0x007C
    float goal_feet_yaw; //0x0080
    float current_feet_yaw; //0x0084
    float torso_yaw; //0x0088
    float last_move_yaw; //0x008C
    float lean_amount; //0x0090
    char pad_0x0094[0x4]; //0x0094
    float feet_cycle; //0x0098
    float feet_yaw_rate; //0x009C
    char pad_0x00A0[0x4]; //0x00A0
    float duck_amount; //0x00A4
    float landing_duck_amount; //0x00A8
    char pad_0x00AC[0x4]; //0x00AC
    Vector current_origin;
    Vector last_origin;
    float velocity_x; //0x00C8
    float velocity_y; //0x00CC
    char pad_0x00D0[0x10]; //0x00D0
    float move_direction_1; //0x00E0
    float move_direction_2; //0x00E4
    char pad_0x00E8[0x4]; //0x00E8
    float m_velocity; //0x00EC
    float jump_fall_velocity; //0x00F0
    float clamped_velocity; //0x00F4
    float feet_speed_forwards_or_sideways; //0x00F8
    float feet_speed_unknown_forwards_or_sideways; //0x00FC
    float last_time_started_moving; //0x0100
    float last_time_stopped_moving; //0x0104
    bool on_ground; //0x0108
    bool hit_in_ground_animation; //0x010C
    char pad_0x0110[0x4]; //0x0110
    float last_origin_z; //0x0114
    float head_from_ground_distance_standing; //0x0118
    float stop_to_full_running_fraction; //0x011C
    char pad_0x0120[0x14]; //0x0120
    __int32 is_not_moving; //0x0134
    char pad_0x0138[0x20]; //0x0138
    float last_anim_update_time; //0x0158
    float moving_direction_x; //0x015C
    float moving_direction_y; //0x0160
    float moving_direction_z; //0x0164
    char pad_0x0168[0x44]; //0x0168
    __int32 started_moving; //0x01AC
    char pad_0x01B0[0x8]; //0x01B0
    float lean_yaw; //0x01B8
    char pad_0x01BC[0x8]; //0x01BC
    float poses_speed; //0x01C4
    char pad_0x01C8[0x8]; //0x01C8
    float ladder_speed; //0x01D0
    char pad_0x01D4[0x8]; //0x01D4
    float ladder_yaw; //0x01DC
    char pad_0x01E0[0x8]; //0x01E0
    float some_pose; //0x01E8
    char pad_0x01EC[0x14]; //0x01EC
    float body_yaw; //0x0200
    char pad_0x0204[0x8]; //0x0204
    float body_pitch; //0x020C
    char pad_0x0210[0x8]; //0x0210
    float death_yaw; //0x0218
    char pad_0x021C[0x8]; //0x021C
    float stand; //0x0224
    char pad_0x0228[0x8]; //0x0228
    float jump_fall; //0x0230
    char pad_0x0234[0x8]; //0x0234
    float aim_blend_stand_idle; //0x023C
    char pad_0x0240[0x8]; //0x0240
    float aim_blend_crouch_idle; //0x0248
    char pad_0x024C[0x8]; //0x024C
    float strafe_yaw; //0x0254
    char pad_0x0258[0x8]; //0x0258
    float aim_blend_stand_walk; //0x0260
    char pad_0x0264[0x8]; //0x0264
    float aim_blend_stand_run; //0x026C
    char pad_0x0270[0x8]; //0x0270
    float aim_blend_crouch_walk; //0x0278
    char pad_0x027C[0x8]; //0x027C
    float move_blend_walk; //0x0284
    char pad_0x0288[0x8]; //0x0288
    float move_blend_run; //0x0290
    char pad_0x0294[0x8]; //0x0294
    float move_blend_crouch; //0x029C
    char pad_0x02A0[0x4]; //0x02A0
    float speed; //0x02A4
    __int32 moving_in_any_direction; //0x02A8
    float acceleration; //0x02AC
    char pad_0x02B0[0x74]; //0x02B0
    float crouch_height; //0x0324
    __int32 is_full_crouched; //0x0328
    char pad_0x032C[0x4]; //0x032C
    float velocity_subtract_x; //0x0330
    float velocity_subtract_y; //0x0334
    float velocity_subtract_z; //0x0338
    float standing_head_height; //0x033C
    char pad_0x0340[0x4]; //0x0340
}; //Size=0x0344

class AnimationLayer {
    char  pad_0000[20];
    // These should also be present in the padding, don't see the use for it though
    //float    m_flLayerAnimtime;
    //float    m_flLayerFadeOuttime;
    unsigned int m_nOrder; //0x0014
    unsigned int m_nSequence; //0x0018
    float m_flPrevCycle; //0x001C
    float m_flWeight; //0x0020
    float m_flWeightDeltaRate; //0x0024
    float m_flPlaybackRate; //0x0028
    float m_flCycle; //0x002C
    void* m_pOwner; //0x0030 // player's thisptr
    char  pad_0038[4]; //0x0034
}; //Size: 0x0038
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>

#define ONETVAR( funcname, name, table, extra, type ) \
    __forceinline auto& funcname( ) { \
        static std::ptrdiff_t offset = g_pNetvars->GetOffset(  table ,  name  ); \
        return GetValue< type >( offset + extra ); \

#define dwThis (DWORD)this
#define NETVAR(type,offset) *(type*)(dwThis + offset)

class C_BaseEntity : public IClientUnknown, public IClientRenderable, public IClientNetworkable
    template<class T>
    T GetPointer(const int offset)
        return reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(this) + offset);
    // To get value from the pointer itself
    template<class T>
    T GetValue(const int offset)
        return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(this) + offset);

    template <typename T>
    T& SetValue(uintptr_t offset)
        return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) + offset);


    C_AnimState* AnimState()
        return *reinterpret_cast<C_AnimState * *>(uintptr_t(this) + 0x3900);

    float m_fDuckSpeed()
        static int m_flDuckSpeed = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "m_flDuckSpeed");
        return *(float*)((uintptr_t)this + (uintptr_t)m_flDuckSpeed);

    c_animstate* AnimStatev2()
        return *reinterpret_cast<c_animstate * *>(uintptr_t(this) + 0x3900);

    AnimationLayer* AnimOverlays()
        return *reinterpret_cast<AnimationLayer * *>(uintptr_t(this) + 0x2980);

    float* m_flPoseParameter() {
        static int offset = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter");

        return reinterpret_cast<float*>(uintptr_t(this) + offset);

    AnimationLayer* GetAnimOverlays4()
        // to find offset: use 9/12/17 dll
        // sig: 55 8B EC 51 53 8B 5D 08 33 C0
        return *(AnimationLayer * *)((DWORD)this + 0x2980);

    AnimationLayer* GetAnimOverlay4(int i)
        if (i < 16)
            return &GetAnimOverlays4()[i];
    int GetNumAnimOverlays()
        return *(int*)((DWORD)this + 0x298C);
    int NumOverlays()
        return 15;

    void UpdateClientAnimation()
        Utils::GetVFunc<void(__thiscall*)(void*)>(this, 223)(this);
    template <typename T>
    T& read(uintptr_t offset)
        return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) + offset);

    std::array<float, 24> * get_ragdoll_pos()
        return read<std::array<float, 24>*>(g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_Ragdoll", "m_ragPos"));

    void ClientAnimations(bool value)
        static int m_bClientSideAnimation = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_bClientSideAnimation");
        *reinterpret_cast<bool*>(uintptr_t(this) + m_bClientSideAnimation) = value;

    int GetSequence()
        static int m_nSequence = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_nSequence");
        return GetValue<int>(m_nSequence);

    void SetSequence(int Sequence)
        static int m_nSequence = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_nSequence");
        *reinterpret_cast<int*>(uintptr_t(this) + m_nSequence) = Sequence;
    int Money()
        static int m_ArmorValue = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_iAccount");
        return GetValue<int>(m_ArmorValue);
    void SimulatedEveryTick(bool value)
        static int m_bSimulatedEveryTick = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_bSimulatedEveryTick");
        *reinterpret_cast<bool*>(uintptr_t(this) + m_bSimulatedEveryTick) = value;

    void SetAbsAngles(Vector angles);
    void SetAbsOrigin(Vector origin);

    void InvalidateBoneCache();

    Vector GetAbsOrigin()
        return Utils::GetVFunc<Vector & (__thiscall*)(void*)>(this, 10)(this);

    Vector& GetAbsAngles()
        typedef Vector& (__thiscall * OriginalFn)(void*);
        return ((OriginalFn)Utils::GetVFunc<OriginalFn>(this, 11))(this);

    void SetAbsVelocity(Vector velocity);

    C_BaseCombatWeapon* GetActiveWeapon()
        static int m_hActiveWeapon = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseCombatCharacter", "m_hActiveWeapon");
        const auto weaponData = GetValue<CBaseHandle>(m_hActiveWeapon);
        return reinterpret_cast<C_BaseCombatWeapon*>(g_pEntityList->GetClientEntityFromHandle(weaponData));

    int GetActiveWeaponIndex()
        static int m_hActiveWeapon = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseCombatCharacter", "m_hActiveWeapon");
        return *reinterpret_cast<int*>(uintptr_t(this) + m_hActiveWeapon) & 0xFFF; //m_hActiveWeapon

    int GetTeam()
        static int m_iTeamNum = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_iTeamNum");
        return GetValue<int>(m_iTeamNum);

    float GetFireReadyTime()
        static int m_flPostponeFireReadyTime = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_WeaponCSBase", "m_flPostponeFireReadyTime");
        return GetValue<float>(m_flPostponeFireReadyTime);

    EntityFlags GetFlags()
        static int m_fFlags = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "m_fFlags");
        return GetValue<EntityFlags>(m_fFlags);

    void SetFlags(int offset)
        static int m_fFlags = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "m_fFlags");
        *reinterpret_cast<int*>(uintptr_t(this) + m_fFlags) = offset;

    MoveType_t GetMoveType()
        static int m_Movetype = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_nRenderMode") + 1;
        return GetValue<MoveType_t>(m_Movetype);

    float GetSimulationTime()
        static int m_flSimulationTime = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_flSimulationTime");
        return GetValue<float>(m_flSimulationTime);

    float GetOldSimulationTime()
        static int m_flOldSimulationTime = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_flSimulationTime") + 4;
        return GetValue<float>(m_flOldSimulationTime);

    float GetLowerBodyYaw()
        static int m_flLowerBodyYawTarget = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_flLowerBodyYawTarget");
        return GetValue<float>(m_flLowerBodyYawTarget);
    CBaseHandle owner()
        static int m_hOwnerEntity = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_hOwnerEntity");

        return GetValue<CBaseHandle>(m_hOwnerEntity);
    auto ObserverTarget() -> CBaseHandle {
        return *(CBaseHandle*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x3388);
    auto observer_target() -> uintptr_t {
        return *(uintptr_t*)((uintptr_t)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_hObserverTarget"));
    auto observer_mode() -> int32_t & {
        return *(int32_t*)((uintptr_t)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_iObserverMode"));

    matrix3x4_t GetBoneMatrix(int BoneID)
        matrix3x4_t matrix;

        auto offset = *reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(uintptr_t(this) + 0x26A8);
        if (offset)
            matrix = *reinterpret_cast<matrix3x4_t*>(offset + 0x30 * BoneID);

        return matrix;

    void SetLowerBodyYaw(float value)
        static int m_flLowerBodyYawTarget = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_flLowerBodyYawTarget");
        *reinterpret_cast<float*>(uintptr_t(this) + m_flLowerBodyYawTarget) = value;

    const matrix3x4_t& m_rgflCoordinateFrame()
        static auto _m_rgflCoordinateFrame = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_CollisionGroup") - 0x30;
        return *(matrix3x4_t*)((uintptr_t)this + _m_rgflCoordinateFrame);

    bool GetHeavyArmor()
        static int m_bHasHeavyArmor = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_bHasHeavyArmor");
        return GetValue<bool>(m_bHasHeavyArmor);

    int ArmorValue()
        static int m_ArmorValue = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_ArmorValue");
        return GetValue<int>(m_ArmorValue);

    float* m_flFlashMaxAlpha()
        return (float*)((uintptr_t)this + 0xA3DC);

    bool HasHelmet()
        static int m_bHasHelmet = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_bHasHelmet");
        return GetValue<bool>(m_bHasHelmet);

    bool GetLifeState()
        static int m_lifeState = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "m_lifeState");
        return GetValue<bool>(m_lifeState);

    bool IsScoped()
        static int m_bIsScoped = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_bIsScoped");
        return GetValue<bool>(m_bIsScoped);

    int GetHealth()
        static int m_iHealth = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "m_iHealth");
        return GetValue<int>(m_iHealth);

    CHandle<C_BaseCombatWeapon>* m_hMyWeapons() const
        static int _m_hMyWeapons = 0x2DF8;
        return (CHandle<C_BaseCombatWeapon>*)((uintptr_t)this + (_m_hMyWeapons / 2));

    CBaseHandle* GetWeapons()
        return (CBaseHandle*)((DWORD)this + 0x2DE8);

    bool IsKnifeorNade();

    bool IsKnife();

    bool IsPistol();

    bool IsShotgun();

    bool IsSniper();

    bool IsScopableWeapon();

    int GetSequenceActivity(int sequence);

    float DesyncValue();
    void SetModelIndex(const int index)
        Utils::GetVFunc<void(__thiscall*)(C_BaseEntity*, int)>(this, 75)(this, index);
    int* FallbackPaintKit()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x31B8);
    inline int* GetFallbackPaintKit() {
        return (int*)((DWORD)this + 0x31B8);
    short* ItemDefinitionIndex2()
        return (short*)((DWORD)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAttributableItem", "m_AttributeManager", "m_Item", "m_iItemDefinitionIndex"));
    int* ViewModelIndex()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseViewModel", "m_nViewModelIndex"));
    int* OwnerXuidLow()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x31B0);
    int* OwnerXuidHigh()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x31B4);
    int* ItemIDHigh()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x2FC0);

    float* FallbackWear()
        return (float*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x31C0);
    int* FallbackSeed()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x31AC);

    int& GetItemIDHigh()
        return *(int*)((DWORD)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAttributableItem", "m_AttributeManager", "m_Item", "m_iItemIDHigh"));

    int& GetItemIDLow()
        return *(int*)((DWORD)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAttributableItem", "m_AttributeManager", "m_Item", "m_iItemIDLow"));

    int& GetAccountID()
        return *(int*)((DWORD)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAttributableItem", "m_AttributeManager", "m_Item", "m_iAccountID"));

    bool IsAlive() { return this->GetHealth() > 0 && this->GetLifeState() == 0; }

    bool IsNade();
    bool is_valid(C_BaseEntity* local_player = nullptr, bool is_player = true, bool dormant = true, bool team_check = true) {
        if (!this)
            return false;

        if (dormant)
            if (this->IsDormant())
                return false;

        if (team_check && local_player)
            if (this->GetTeam() == local_player->GetTeam())
                return false;

        if (is_player)
            if (!this->IsPlayer())
                return false;

        if (this->GetHealth() <= 0)
            return false;

        return true;
    bool IsPlayer() {
        using original_fn = bool(__thiscall*)(C_BaseEntity*);
        return (*(original_fn * *)this)[157](this);
    bool IsEnemy();

    bool IsImmune()
        static int m_bGunGameImmunity = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_bGunGameImmunity");
        return GetValue<bool>(m_bGunGameImmunity);

    int GetTickBase()
        static int m_nTickBase = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "localdata", "m_nTickBase");
        return GetValue<int>(m_nTickBase);

    int GetShotsFired()
        static int m_iShotsFired = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "cslocaldata", "m_iShotsFired");
        return GetValue<int>(m_iShotsFired);

    void SetTickBase(int TickBase)
        static int m_nTickBase = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "localdata", "m_nTickBase");
        *reinterpret_cast<int*>(uintptr_t(this) + m_nTickBase) = TickBase;

    Vector GetEyeAngles()
        static int m_angEyeAngles = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_angEyeAngles");
        return GetValue<Vector>(m_angEyeAngles);
    Vector* GetEyeAnglesPointer()
        return (Vector*)((DWORD)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_angEyeAngles"));

    Vector* GetEyeAngles2()
        static int m_angEyeAngles = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_angEyeAngles");
        return GetValue<Vector*>(m_angEyeAngles);

    void SetEyeAngles(Vector Angle)
        static int m_angEyeAngles = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_angEyeAngles");
        *reinterpret_cast<Vector*>(uintptr_t(this) + m_angEyeAngles) = Angle;

    Vector GetOrigin()
        static int m_vecOrigin = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_vecOrigin");
        return GetValue<Vector>(m_vecOrigin);

    Vector GetOldOrigin()
        static int m_vecOldOrigin = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "localdata", "m_flFriction") + 12;
        return GetValue<Vector>(m_vecOldOrigin);

    Vector GetNetworkOrigin()
        static int m_vecNetworkOrigin = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "localdata", "m_flFriction") + 40;
        return GetValue<Vector>(m_vecNetworkOrigin);

    void SetOrigin(Vector Origin)
        static int m_vecOrigin = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_vecOrigin");
        *reinterpret_cast<Vector*>(uintptr_t(this) + m_vecOrigin) = Origin;

    Vector GetVelocity()
        static int m_vecVelocity = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "localdata", "m_vecVelocity[0]");
        return GetValue<Vector>(m_vecVelocity);

    void SetVelocity(Vector velocity)
        static int m_vecVelocity = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "localdata", "m_vecVelocity[0]");
        *reinterpret_cast<Vector*>(uintptr_t(this) + m_vecVelocity) = velocity;

    Vector GetAimPunchAngle()
        return *reinterpret_cast<Vector*>(uintptr_t(this) + uintptr_t(0x302C));

    Vector GetViewPunchAngle()
        return *reinterpret_cast<Vector*>(uintptr_t(this) + uintptr_t(0x3020));

    Vector m_vecViewOffset()
        return *reinterpret_cast<Vector*>(uintptr_t(this) + uintptr_t(0x108));

    Vector GetViewOffset()
        return *reinterpret_cast<Vector*>(uintptr_t(this) + 0x104);

    int Deadflag()
        static int m_iShotsFired = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "deadflag");
        return GetValue<int>(m_iShotsFired);

    Vector GetVecOrigin()
        return *reinterpret_cast<Vector*>(uintptr_t(this) + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_vecOrigin"));

    Vector GetEyePosition()
        if (!this)
            return Vector(0, 0, 0);

        Vector ret;
        typedef void(__thiscall * OrigFn)(void*, Vector&);
        Utils::GetVFunc<OrigFn>(this, 284)(this, ret);

        return ret;
    inline Vector ExtrapolateTick(Vector p0, Vector v0)
        return p0 + (v0 * g_pGlobalVars->intervalPerTick);
    Vector GetPredicted(Vector p0)
        return ExtrapolateTick(p0, this->GetVelocity());

    Vector GetBonePosition(int iBone)
        matrix3x4_t boneMatrixes[128];
        if (this->SetupBones(boneMatrixes, 128, 0x100, 0))
            matrix3x4_t boneMatrix = boneMatrixes[iBone];
            return Vector(boneMatrix.flMatVal[0][3], boneMatrix.flMatVal[1][3], boneMatrix.flMatVal[2][3]);
            return Vector(0, 0, 0);

    ICollideable* GetCollideable()
        return (ICollideable*)((DWORD)this + 0x318);

    void SetCurrentCommand(CUserCmd* cmd)
        static int m_hConstraintEntity = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "localdata", "m_hConstraintEntity");
        *reinterpret_cast<CUserCmd**>(uintptr_t(this) + m_hConstraintEntity - 0xC) = cmd;

    float FireRate();

    void FixSetupBones(matrix3x4_t* Matrix);
    Vector GetHitboxPosition(int Hitbox, matrix3x4_t* Matrix, float* Radius);
    Vector GetHitboxPosition(int Hitbox, matrix3x4_t* Matrix);
class viewmodel_t;

class C_BaseCombatWeapon : public C_BaseEntity
    template<class T>
    T GetPointer(const int offset)
        return reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(this) + offset);
    // To get value from the pointer itself
    template<class T>
    T GetValue(const int offset)
        return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(this) + offset);

    //    offys.m_iItemDefinitionIndex = ;
    ItemDefinitionIndex GetItemDefinitionIndex()
        static int m_iItemDefinitionIndex = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAttributableItem", "m_AttributeManager", "m_Item", "m_iItemDefinitionIndex");
        return GetValue<ItemDefinitionIndex>(m_iItemDefinitionIndex);

    CBaseHandle GetWeaponWorldModel()
        return *(CBaseHandle*)((uintptr_t)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseCombatWeapon", "m_hWeaponWorldModel")); //m_hWeaponWorldModel

#define VirtualFn( cast ) typedef cast( __thiscall* OriginalFn )
    void SetModelIndex(int nModelIndex)
        VirtualFn(void)(PVOID, int);
        Utils::GetVFunc< OriginalFn >(this, 75)(this, nModelIndex);
    CBaseHandle m_hWeaponWorldModel_h()
        return *(CBaseHandle*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x3234); //m_hWeaponWorldModel
    HANDLE m_hWeaponWorldModel_c()
        return *(HANDLE*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x3234); //m_hWeaponWorldModel
    short* ItemDefinitionIndex2()
        return (short*)((DWORD)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAttributableItem", "m_AttributeManager", "m_Item", "m_iItemDefinitionIndex"));
    int* ModelIndex()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x258);
    int* WorldModelIndex()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseCombatWeapon", "m_iWorldModelIndex"));
    int* GetEntityQuality() {
        // DT_BaseAttributableItem -> m_AttributeManager -> m_Item -> m_iEntityQuality
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x2FAC);
    short* fixskins()
        return (short*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x2FAA);
    int* FallbackPaintKit()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x31B8);
    inline int* GetFallbackPaintKit() {
        return (int*)((DWORD)this + 0x31B8);
    int* ViewModelIndex()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseViewModel", "m_nViewModelIndex"));
    int* OwnerXuidLow()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x31B0);
    int* OwnerXuidHigh()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x31B4);
    int* ItemIDHigh()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x2FC0);

    float* FallbackWear()
        return (float*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x31C0);
    int* FallbackSeed()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x31AC);

    int& GetItemIDHigh()
        return *(int*)((DWORD)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAttributableItem", "m_AttributeManager", "m_Item", "m_iItemIDHigh"));

    int& GetItemIDLow()
        return *(int*)((DWORD)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAttributableItem", "m_AttributeManager", "m_Item", "m_iItemIDLow"));

    int& GetAccountID()
        return *(int*)((DWORD)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAttributableItem", "m_AttributeManager", "m_Item", "m_iAccountID"));

    float GetInaccuracy()
        typedef float(__thiscall * oInaccuracy)(PVOID);
        return Utils::GetVFunc< oInaccuracy >(this, 479)(this);

    float GetSpread()
        typedef float(__thiscall * oWeaponSpread)(PVOID);
        return Utils::GetVFunc< oWeaponSpread >(this, 449)(this);

    float GetAccuracyPenalty()
        static int m_fAccuracyPenalty = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_WeaponCSBase", "m_fAccuracyPenalty");
        return GetValue<float>(m_fAccuracyPenalty);

    float GetLastShotTime()
        static int m_fLastShotTime = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_WeaponCSBase", "m_fLastShotTime");
        return GetValue<float>(m_fLastShotTime);

    int GetZoomLevel()
        static int m_fLastShotTime = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_WeaponCSBase", "m_zoomLevel");
        return GetValue<int>(m_fLastShotTime);

    void AccuracyPenalty()
        typedef void(__thiscall * OrigFn)(void*);
        return Utils::GetVFunc<OrigFn>(this, 480)(this);

    float GetNextPrimaryAttack()
        static int m_flNextPrimaryAttack = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseCombatWeapon", "LocalActiveWeaponData", "m_flNextPrimaryAttack");
        return GetValue<float>(m_flNextPrimaryAttack);

    float m_flPostponeFireReadyTime()
        static int m_flNextPrimaryAttack = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseCombatWeapon", "LocalActiveWeaponData", "m_flPostponeFireReadyTime");
        return GetValue<float>(m_flNextPrimaryAttack);

    int GetAmmo()
        static int m_iClip1 = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseCombatWeapon", "m_iClip1");
        return GetValue<int>(m_iClip1);

    int GetAmmo2()
        static int m_iClip1 = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseCombatWeapon", "m_iClip2");
        return GetValue<int>(m_iClip1);

    WeaponInfo_t* GetCSWpnData()
        using OriginalFn = WeaponInfo_t * (__thiscall*)(void*);
        static OriginalFn return_func = (OriginalFn)((DWORD)Utils::FindSignature("client_panorama.dll", "55 8B EC 81 EC ? ? ? ? 53 8B D9 56 57 8D 8B"));
        return return_func(this);

    std::string GetName()
        ///TODO: Test if szWeaponName returns proper value for m4a4 / m4a1-s or it doesnt recognize them.
        return std::string(this->GetCSWpnData()->weapon_name);
#pragma once

#include <cstring>

#pragma once

#include <assert.h>

template< class T, class I = int >
class CUtlMemory
    // constructor, destructor
    CUtlMemory(int nGrowSize = 0, int nInitSize = 0);
    CUtlMemory(T* pMemory, int numElements);
    CUtlMemory(const T* pMemory, int numElements);

    // Set the size by which the memory grows
    void Init(int nGrowSize = 0, int nInitSize = 0);

    class Iterator_t
        Iterator_t(I i) : index(i) {}
        I index;

        bool operator==(const Iterator_t it) const { return index == it.index; }
        bool operator!=(const Iterator_t it) const { return index != it.index; }
    Iterator_t First() const { return Iterator_t(IsIdxValid(0) ? 0 : InvalidIndex()); }
    Iterator_t Next(const Iterator_t& it) const { return Iterator_t(IsIdxValid(it.index + 1) ? it.index + 1 : InvalidIndex()); }
    I GetIndex(const Iterator_t& it) const { return it.index; }
    bool IsIdxAfter(I i, const Iterator_t& it) const { return i > it.index; }
    bool IsValidIterator(const Iterator_t& it) const { return IsIdxValid(it.index); }
    Iterator_t InvalidIterator() const { return Iterator_t(InvalidIndex()); }

    // element access
    T& operator[](I i);
    const T& operator[](I i) const;
    T& Element(I i);
    const T& Element(I i) const;

    bool IsIdxValid(I i) const;

    static const I INVALID_INDEX = (I)-1; // For use with COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT
    static I InvalidIndex() { return INVALID_INDEX; }

    T* Base();
    const T* Base() const;

    void SetExternalBuffer(T* pMemory, int numElements);
    void SetExternalBuffer(const T* pMemory, int numElements);
    void AssumeMemory(T* pMemory, int nSize);
    T* Detach();
    void* DetachMemory();

    void Swap(CUtlMemory< T, I >& mem);
    void ConvertToGrowableMemory(int nGrowSize);
    int NumAllocated() const;
    int Count() const;
    void Grow(int num = 1);
    void EnsureCapacity(int num);
    void Purge();
    void Purge(int numElements);
    bool IsExternallyAllocated() const;
    bool IsReadOnly() const;
    void SetGrowSize(int size);

    void ValidateGrowSize()



    T* m_pMemory;
    int m_nAllocationCount;
    int m_nGrowSize;

// constructor, destructor

template< class T, class I >
CUtlMemory<T, I>::CUtlMemory(int nGrowSize, int nInitAllocationCount) : m_pMemory(0),
m_nAllocationCount(nInitAllocationCount), m_nGrowSize(nGrowSize)
    assert(nGrowSize >= 0);
    if (m_nAllocationCount) {
        m_pMemory = (T*)new unsigned char[m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T)];
        //m_pMemory = (T*)malloc(m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T));

template< class T, class I >
CUtlMemory<T, I>::CUtlMemory(T* pMemory, int numElements) : m_pMemory(pMemory),
    // Special marker indicating externally supplied modifyable memory

template< class T, class I >
CUtlMemory<T, I>::CUtlMemory(const T* pMemory, int numElements) : m_pMemory((T*)pMemory),
    // Special marker indicating externally supplied modifyable memory

template< class T, class I >
CUtlMemory<T, I>::~CUtlMemory()

template< class T, class I >
void CUtlMemory<T, I>::Init(int nGrowSize /*= 0*/, int nInitSize /*= 0*/)

    m_nGrowSize = nGrowSize;
    m_nAllocationCount = nInitSize;
    assert(nGrowSize >= 0);
    if (m_nAllocationCount) {
        m_pMemory = (T*)malloc(m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T));

// Fast swap
template< class T, class I >
void CUtlMemory<T, I>::Swap(CUtlMemory<T, I>& mem)
    V_swap(m_nGrowSize, mem.m_nGrowSize);
    V_swap(m_pMemory, mem.m_pMemory);
    V_swap(m_nAllocationCount, mem.m_nAllocationCount);

// Switches the buffer from an external memory buffer to a reallocatable buffer
template< class T, class I >
void CUtlMemory<T, I>::ConvertToGrowableMemory(int nGrowSize)
    if (!IsExternallyAllocated())

    m_nGrowSize = nGrowSize;
    if (m_nAllocationCount) {
        int nNumBytes = m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T);
        T* pMemory = (T*)malloc(nNumBytes);
        memcpy(pMemory, m_pMemory, nNumBytes);
        m_pMemory = pMemory;
    else {
        m_pMemory = NULL;

// Attaches the buffer to external memory....
template< class T, class I >
void CUtlMemory<T, I>::SetExternalBuffer(T* pMemory, int numElements)
    // Blow away any existing allocated memory

    m_pMemory = pMemory;
    m_nAllocationCount = numElements;

    // Indicate that we don't own the memory

template< class T, class I >
void CUtlMemory<T, I>::SetExternalBuffer(const T* pMemory, int numElements)
    // Blow away any existing allocated memory

    m_pMemory = const_cast<T*>(pMemory);
    m_nAllocationCount = numElements;

    // Indicate that we don't own the memory

template< class T, class I >
void CUtlMemory<T, I>::AssumeMemory(T* pMemory, int numElements)
    // Blow away any existing allocated memory

    // Simply take the pointer but don't mark us as external
    m_pMemory = pMemory;
    m_nAllocationCount = numElements;

template< class T, class I >
void* CUtlMemory<T, I>::DetachMemory()
    if (IsExternallyAllocated())
        return NULL;

    void* pMemory = m_pMemory;
    m_pMemory = 0;
    m_nAllocationCount = 0;
    return pMemory;

template< class T, class I >
inline T* CUtlMemory<T, I>::Detach()
    return (T*)DetachMemory();

// element access
template< class T, class I >
inline T& CUtlMemory<T, I>::operator[](I i)
    return m_pMemory[i];

template< class T, class I >
inline const T& CUtlMemory<T, I>::operator[](I i) const
    return m_pMemory[i];

template< class T, class I >
inline T& CUtlMemory<T, I>::Element(I i)
    return m_pMemory[i];

template< class T, class I >
inline const T& CUtlMemory<T, I>::Element(I i) const
    return m_pMemory[i];

// is the memory externally allocated?
template< class T, class I >
bool CUtlMemory<T, I>::IsExternallyAllocated() const
    return (m_nGrowSize < 0);

// is the memory read only?
template< class T, class I >
bool CUtlMemory<T, I>::IsReadOnly() const
    return (m_nGrowSize == EXTERNAL_CONST_BUFFER_MARKER);

template< class T, class I >
void CUtlMemory<T, I>::SetGrowSize(int nSize)
    assert(nSize >= 0);
    m_nGrowSize = nSize;

// Gets the base address (can change when adding elements!)
template< class T, class I >
inline T* CUtlMemory<T, I>::Base()
    return m_pMemory;

template< class T, class I >
inline const T* CUtlMemory<T, I>::Base() const
    return m_pMemory;

// Size
template< class T, class I >
inline int CUtlMemory<T, I>::NumAllocated() const
    return m_nAllocationCount;

template< class T, class I >
inline int CUtlMemory<T, I>::Count() const
    return m_nAllocationCount;

// Is element index valid?
template< class T, class I >
inline bool CUtlMemory<T, I>::IsIdxValid(I i) const
    // GCC warns if I is an unsigned type and we do a ">= 0" against it (since the comparison is always 0).
    // We Get the warning even if we cast inside the expression. It only goes away if we assign to another variable.
    long x = i;
    return (x >= 0) && (x < m_nAllocationCount);

// Grows the memory
inline int UtlMemory_CalcNewAllocationCount(int nAllocationCount, int nGrowSize, int nNewSize, int nBytesItem)
    if (nGrowSize) {
        nAllocationCount = ((1 + ((nNewSize - 1) / nGrowSize)) * nGrowSize);
    else {
        if (!nAllocationCount) {
            // Compute an allocation which is at least as big as a cache line...
            nAllocationCount = (31 + nBytesItem) / nBytesItem;

        while (nAllocationCount < nNewSize) {
#ifndef _X360
            nAllocationCount *= 2;
            int nNewAllocationCount = (nAllocationCount * 9) / 8; // 12.5 %
            if (nNewAllocationCount > nAllocationCount)
                nAllocationCount = nNewAllocationCount;
                nAllocationCount *= 2;

    return nAllocationCount;

template< class T, class I >
void CUtlMemory<T, I>::Grow(int num)
    assert(num > 0);

    if (IsExternallyAllocated()) {
        // Can't grow a buffer whose memory was externally allocated

    auto oldAllocationCount = m_nAllocationCount;
    // Make sure we have at least numallocated + num allocations.
    // Use the grow rules specified for this memory (in m_nGrowSize)
    int nAllocationRequested = m_nAllocationCount + num;

    int nNewAllocationCount = UtlMemory_CalcNewAllocationCount(m_nAllocationCount, m_nGrowSize, nAllocationRequested, sizeof(T));

    // if m_nAllocationRequested wraps index type I, recalculate
    if ((int)(I)nNewAllocationCount < nAllocationRequested) {
        if ((int)(I)nNewAllocationCount == 0 && (int)(I)(nNewAllocationCount - 1) >= nAllocationRequested) {
            --nNewAllocationCount; // deal w/ the common case of m_nAllocationCount == MAX_USHORT + 1
        else {
            if ((int)(I)nAllocationRequested != nAllocationRequested) {
                // we've been asked to grow memory to a size s.t. the index type can't address the requested amount of memory
            while ((int)(I)nNewAllocationCount < nAllocationRequested) {
                nNewAllocationCount = (nNewAllocationCount + nAllocationRequested) / 2;

    m_nAllocationCount = nNewAllocationCount;

    if (m_pMemory) {
        auto ptr = new unsigned char[m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T)];

        memcpy(ptr, m_pMemory, oldAllocationCount * sizeof(T));
        m_pMemory = (T*)ptr;
    else {
        m_pMemory = (T*)new unsigned char[m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T)];

// Makes sure we've got at least this much memory
template< class T, class I >
inline void CUtlMemory<T, I>::EnsureCapacity(int num)
    if (m_nAllocationCount >= num)

    if (IsExternallyAllocated()) {
        // Can't grow a buffer whose memory was externally allocated
    m_nAllocationCount = num;

    if (m_pMemory) {
        m_pMemory = (T*)realloc(m_pMemory, m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T));
    else {
        m_pMemory = (T*)malloc(m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T));

// Memory deallocation
template< class T, class I >
void CUtlMemory<T, I>::Purge()
    if (!IsExternallyAllocated()) {
        if (m_pMemory) {
            m_pMemory = 0;
        m_nAllocationCount = 0;

template< class T, class I >
void CUtlMemory<T, I>::Purge(int numElements)
    assert(numElements >= 0);

    if (numElements > m_nAllocationCount) {
        // Ensure this isn't a grow request in disguise.
        assert(numElements <= m_nAllocationCount);

    // If we have zero elements, simply do a purge:
    if (numElements == 0) {

    if (IsExternallyAllocated()) {
        // Can't shrink a buffer whose memory was externally allocated, fail silently like purge

    // If the number of elements is the same as the allocation count, we are done.
    if (numElements == m_nAllocationCount) {

    if (!m_pMemory) {
        // Allocation count is non zero, but memory is null.
    m_nAllocationCount = numElements;
    m_pMemory = (T*)realloc(m_pMemory, m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T));

// The CUtlMemory class:
// A growable memory class which doubles in size by default.
template< class T, int nAlignment >
class CUtlMemoryAligned : public CUtlMemory<T>
    // constructor, destructor
    CUtlMemoryAligned(int nGrowSize = 0, int nInitSize = 0);
    CUtlMemoryAligned(T* pMemory, int numElements);
    CUtlMemoryAligned(const T* pMemory, int numElements);

    // Attaches the buffer to external memory....
    void SetExternalBuffer(T* pMemory, int numElements);
    void SetExternalBuffer(const T* pMemory, int numElements);

    // Grows the memory, so that at least allocated + num elements are allocated
    void Grow(int num = 1);

    // Makes sure we've got at least this much memory
    void EnsureCapacity(int num);

    // Memory deallocation
    void Purge();

    // Purge all but the given number of elements (NOT IMPLEMENTED IN CUtlMemoryAligned)
    void Purge(int numElements) { assert(0); }

    void* Align(const void* pAddr);

// Aligns a pointer
template< class T, int nAlignment >
void* CUtlMemoryAligned<T, nAlignment>::Align(const void* pAddr)
    size_t nAlignmentMask = nAlignment - 1;
    return (void*)(((size_t)pAddr + nAlignmentMask) & (~nAlignmentMask));

// constructor, destructor
template< class T, int nAlignment >
CUtlMemoryAligned<T, nAlignment>::CUtlMemoryAligned(int nGrowSize, int nInitAllocationCount)
    CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory = 0;
    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount = nInitAllocationCount;
    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nGrowSize = nGrowSize;

    // Alignment must be a power of two
    COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT((nAlignment & (nAlignment - 1)) == 0);
    assert((nGrowSize >= 0) && (nGrowSize != CUtlMemory<T>::EXTERNAL_BUFFER_MARKER));
    if (CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount) {
        CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory = (T*)_aligned_malloc(nInitAllocationCount * sizeof(T), nAlignment);

template< class T, int nAlignment >
CUtlMemoryAligned<T, nAlignment>::CUtlMemoryAligned(T* pMemory, int numElements)
    // Special marker indicating externally supplied memory
    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nGrowSize = CUtlMemory<T>::EXTERNAL_BUFFER_MARKER;

    CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory = (T*)Align(pMemory);
    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount = ((int)(pMemory + numElements) - (int)CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory) / sizeof(T);

template< class T, int nAlignment >
CUtlMemoryAligned<T, nAlignment>::CUtlMemoryAligned(const T* pMemory, int numElements)
    // Special marker indicating externally supplied memory
    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nGrowSize = CUtlMemory<T>::EXTERNAL_CONST_BUFFER_MARKER;

    CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory = (T*)Align(pMemory);
    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount = ((int)(pMemory + numElements) - (int)CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory) / sizeof(T);

template< class T, int nAlignment >
CUtlMemoryAligned<T, nAlignment>::~CUtlMemoryAligned()

// Attaches the buffer to external memory....
template< class T, int nAlignment >
void CUtlMemoryAligned<T, nAlignment>::SetExternalBuffer(T* pMemory, int numElements)
    // Blow away any existing allocated memory

    CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory = (T*)Align(pMemory);
    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount = ((int)(pMemory + numElements) - (int)CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory) / sizeof(T);

    // Indicate that we don't own the memory
    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nGrowSize = CUtlMemory<T>::EXTERNAL_BUFFER_MARKER;

template< class T, int nAlignment >
void CUtlMemoryAligned<T, nAlignment>::SetExternalBuffer(const T* pMemory, int numElements)
    // Blow away any existing allocated memory

    CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory = (T*)Align(pMemory);
    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount = ((int)(pMemory + numElements) - (int)CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory) / sizeof(T);

    // Indicate that we don't own the memory
    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nGrowSize = CUtlMemory<T>::EXTERNAL_CONST_BUFFER_MARKER;

// Grows the memory
template< class T, int nAlignment >
void CUtlMemoryAligned<T, nAlignment>::Grow(int num)
    assert(num > 0);

    if (this->IsExternallyAllocated()) {
        // Can't grow a buffer whose memory was externally allocated


    // Make sure we have at least numallocated + num allocations.
    // Use the grow rules specified for this memory (in m_nGrowSize)
    int nAllocationRequested = CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount + num;

    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount = UtlMemory_CalcNewAllocationCount(CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount, CUtlMemory<T>::m_nGrowSize, nAllocationRequested, sizeof(T));


    if (CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory) {
        CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory = (T*)MemAlloc_ReallocAligned(CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory, CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T), nAlignment);
    else {
        CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory = (T*)MemAlloc_AllocAligned(CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T), nAlignment);

// Makes sure we've got at least this much memory
template< class T, int nAlignment >
inline void CUtlMemoryAligned<T, nAlignment>::EnsureCapacity(int num)
    if (CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount >= num)

    if (this->IsExternallyAllocated()) {
        // Can't grow a buffer whose memory was externally allocated


    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount = num;


    if (CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory) {
        CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory = (T*)MemAlloc_ReallocAligned(CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory, CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T), nAlignment);
    else {
        CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory = (T*)MemAlloc_AllocAligned(CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T), nAlignment);

// Memory deallocation
template< class T, int nAlignment >
void CUtlMemoryAligned<T, nAlignment>::Purge()
    if (!this->IsExternallyAllocated()) {
        if (CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory) {
            CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory = 0;
        CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount = 0;
template< class T, class A = CUtlMemory<T> >
class CUtlVector
    typedef T* iterator;
    typedef const T* const_iterator;
    typedef A CAllocator;
    typedef T ElemType_t;

    // constructor, destructor
    CUtlVector(int growSize = 0, int initSize = 0);
    CUtlVector(T* pMemory, int allocationCount, int numElements = 0);

    // Copy the array.
    CUtlVector<T, A>& operator=(const CUtlVector<T, A>& other);

    // element access
    T& operator[](int i);
    const T& operator[](int i) const;
    T& Element(int i);
    const T& Element(int i) const;
    T& Head();
    const T& Head() const;
    T& Tail();
    const T& Tail() const;

    // Gets the base address (can change when adding elements!)
    T* Base() { return m_Memory.Base(); }
    const T* Base() const { return m_Memory.Base(); }
    // Returns the number of elements in the vector
    int Count() const;
    // Is element index valid?
    bool IsValidIndex(int i) const;
    static int InvalidIndex();
    // Adds an element, uses default constructor
    int AddToHead();
    int AddToTail();
    int InsertBefore(int elem);
    int InsertAfter(int elem);
    // Adds an element, uses copy constructor
    int AddToHead(const T& src);
    int AddToTail(const T& src);
    int InsertBefore(int elem, const T& src);
    int InsertAfter(int elem, const T& src);
    // Adds multiple elements, uses default constructor
    int AddMultipleToHead(int num);
    int AddMultipleToTail(int num);
    int AddMultipleToTail(int num, const T* pToCopy);
    int InsertMultipleBefore(int elem, int num);
    int InsertMultipleBefore(int elem, int num, const T* pToCopy);
    int InsertMultipleAfter(int elem, int num);
    // Calls RemoveAll() then AddMultipleToTail.
    void SetSize(int size);
    void SetCount(int count);
    void SetCountNonDestructively(int count); //sets count by adding or removing elements to tail TODO: This should probably be the default behavior for SetCount
    void CopyArray(const T* pArray, int size); //Calls SetSize and copies each element.
                                               // Fast swap
    void Swap(CUtlVector< T, A >& vec);
    // Add the specified array to the tail.
    int AddVectorToTail(CUtlVector<T, A> const& src);
    // Finds an element (element needs operator== defined)
    int GetOffset(const T& src) const;
    void FillWithValue(const T& src);
    bool HasElement(const T& src) const;
    // Makes sure we have enough memory allocated to store a requested # of elements
    void EnsureCapacity(int num);
    // Makes sure we have at least this many elements
    void EnsureCount(int num);
    // Element removal
    void FastRemove(int elem);    // doesn't preserve order
    void Remove(int elem);        // preserves order, shifts elements
    bool FindAndRemove(const T& src);    // removes first occurrence of src, preserves order, shifts elements
    bool FindAndFastRemove(const T& src);    // removes first occurrence of src, doesn't preserve order
    void RemoveMultiple(int elem, int num);    // preserves order, shifts elements
    void RemoveMultipleFromHead(int num); // removes num elements from tail
    void RemoveMultipleFromTail(int num); // removes num elements from tail
    void RemoveAll();                // doesn't deallocate memory
    void Purge(); // Memory deallocation
                  // Purges the list and calls delete on each element in it.
    void PurgeAndDeleteElements();
    // Compacts the vector to the number of elements actually in use
    void Compact();
    // Set the size by which it grows when it needs to allocate more memory.
    void SetGrowSize(int size) { m_Memory.SetGrowSize(size); }
    int NumAllocated() const;    // Only use this if you really know what you're doing!
    void Sort(int(__cdecl* pfnCompare)(const T*, const T*));

    iterator begin() { return Base(); }
    const_iterator begin() const { return Base(); }
    iterator end() { return Base() + Count(); }
    const_iterator end() const { return Base() + Count(); }

    // Can't copy this unless we explicitly do it!
    CUtlVector(CUtlVector const& vec) { assert(0); }

    // Grows the vector
    void GrowVector(int num = 1);

    // Shifts elements....
    void ShiftElementsRight(int elem, int num = 1);
    void ShiftElementsLeft(int elem, int num = 1);

    CAllocator m_Memory;
    int m_Size;

    // For easier access to the elements through the debugger
    // it's in release builds so this can be used in libraries correctly
    T* m_pElements;

    inline void ResetDbgInfo()
        m_pElements = Base();

// constructor, destructor
template< typename T, class A >
inline CUtlVector<T, A>::CUtlVector(int growSize, int initSize) :
    m_Memory(growSize, initSize), m_Size(0)

template< typename T, class A >
inline CUtlVector<T, A>::CUtlVector(T* pMemory, int allocationCount, int numElements) :
    m_Memory(pMemory, allocationCount), m_Size(numElements)

template< typename T, class A >
inline CUtlVector<T, A>::~CUtlVector()

template< typename T, class A >
inline CUtlVector<T, A>& CUtlVector<T, A>::operator=(const CUtlVector<T, A>& other)
    int nCount = other.Count();
    for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) {
        (*this)[i] = other[i];
    return *this;

// element access
template< typename T, class A >
inline T& CUtlVector<T, A>::operator[](int i)
    assert(i < m_Size);
    return m_Memory[i];

template< typename T, class A >
inline const T& CUtlVector<T, A>::operator[](int i) const
    assert(i < m_Size);
    return m_Memory[i];

template< typename T, class A >
inline T& CUtlVector<T, A>::Element(int i)
    assert(i < m_Size);
    return m_Memory[i];

template< typename T, class A >
inline const T& CUtlVector<T, A>::Element(int i) const
    assert(i < m_Size);
    return m_Memory[i];

template< typename T, class A >
inline T& CUtlVector<T, A>::Head()
    assert(m_Size > 0);
    return m_Memory[0];

template< typename T, class A >
inline const T& CUtlVector<T, A>::Head() const
    assert(m_Size > 0);
    return m_Memory[0];

template< typename T, class A >
inline T& CUtlVector<T, A>::Tail()
    assert(m_Size > 0);
    return m_Memory[m_Size - 1];

template< typename T, class A >
inline const T& CUtlVector<T, A>::Tail() const
    assert(m_Size > 0);
    return m_Memory[m_Size - 1];

// Count
template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::Count() const
    return m_Size;

// Is element index valid?
template< typename T, class A >
inline bool CUtlVector<T, A>::IsValidIndex(int i) const
    return (i >= 0) && (i < m_Size);

// Returns in invalid index
template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::InvalidIndex()
    return -1;

// Grows the vector
template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::GrowVector(int num)
    if (m_Size + num > m_Memory.NumAllocated()) {
        m_Memory.Grow(m_Size + num - m_Memory.NumAllocated());

    m_Size += num;

// Sorts the vector
template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::Sort(int(__cdecl* pfnCompare)(const T*, const T*))
    typedef int(__cdecl * QSortCompareFunc_t)(const void*, const void*);
    if (Count() <= 1)

    if (Base()) {
        qsort(Base(), Count(), sizeof(T), (QSortCompareFunc_t)(pfnCompare));
    else {
        // this path is untested
        // if you want to sort vectors that use a non-sequential memory allocator,
        // you'll probably want to patch in a quicksort algorithm here
        // I just threw in this bubble sort to have something just in case...

        for (int i = m_Size - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            for (int j = 1; j <= i; ++j) {
                if (pfnCompare(&Element(j - 1), &Element(j)) < 0) {
                    V_swap(Element(j - 1), Element(j));

// Makes sure we have enough memory allocated to store a requested # of elements
template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::EnsureCapacity(int num)

// Makes sure we have at least this many elements
template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::EnsureCount(int num)
    if (Count() < num) {
        AddMultipleToTail(num - Count());

// Shifts elements
template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::ShiftElementsRight(int elem, int num)
    assert(IsValidIndex(elem) || (m_Size == 0) || (num == 0));
    int numToMove = m_Size - elem - num;
    if ((numToMove > 0) && (num > 0))
        memmove(&Element(elem + num), &Element(elem), numToMove * sizeof(T));

template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::ShiftElementsLeft(int elem, int num)
    assert(IsValidIndex(elem) || (m_Size == 0) || (num == 0));
    int numToMove = m_Size - elem - num;
    if ((numToMove > 0) && (num > 0)) {
        memmove(&Element(elem), &Element(elem + num), numToMove * sizeof(T));

#ifdef _DEBUG
        memset(&Element(m_Size - num), 0xDD, num * sizeof(T));

// Adds an element, uses default constructor
template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::AddToHead()
    return InsertBefore(0);

template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::AddToTail()
    return InsertBefore(m_Size);

template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::InsertAfter(int elem)
    return InsertBefore(elem + 1);

template< typename T, class A >
int CUtlVector<T, A>::InsertBefore(int elem)
    // Can insert at the end
    assert((elem == Count()) || IsValidIndex(elem));

    return elem;

// Adds an element, uses copy constructor
template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::AddToHead(const T& src)
    // Can't insert something that's in the list... reallocation may hose us
    assert((Base() == NULL) || (&src < Base()) || (&src >= (Base() + Count())));
    return InsertBefore(0, src);

template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::AddToTail(const T& src)
    // Can't insert something that's in the list... reallocation may hose us
    assert((Base() == NULL) || (&src < Base()) || (&src >= (Base() + Count())));
    return InsertBefore(m_Size, src);

template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::InsertAfter(int elem, const T& src)
    // Can't insert something that's in the list... reallocation may hose us
    assert((Base() == NULL) || (&src < Base()) || (&src >= (Base() + Count())));
    return InsertBefore(elem + 1, src);

// Adds multiple elements, uses default constructor
template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::AddMultipleToHead(int num)
    return InsertMultipleBefore(0, num);

template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::AddMultipleToTail(int num)
    return InsertMultipleBefore(m_Size, num);

template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::AddMultipleToTail(int num, const T* pToCopy)
    // Can't insert something that's in the list... reallocation may hose us
    assert((Base() == NULL) || !pToCopy || (pToCopy + num <= Base()) || (pToCopy >= (Base() + Count())));

    return InsertMultipleBefore(m_Size, num, pToCopy);

template< typename T, class A >
int CUtlVector<T, A>::InsertMultipleAfter(int elem, int num)
    return InsertMultipleBefore(elem + 1, num);

template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::SetCount(int count)

template< typename T, class A >
inline void CUtlVector<T, A>::SetSize(int size)

template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::SetCountNonDestructively(int count)
    int delta = count - m_Size;
    if (delta > 0) AddMultipleToTail(delta);
    else if (delta < 0) RemoveMultipleFromTail(-delta);

template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::CopyArray(const T* pArray, int size)
    // Can't insert something that's in the list... reallocation may hose us
    assert((Base() == NULL) || !pArray || (Base() >= (pArray + size)) || (pArray >= (Base() + Count())));

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        (*this)[i] = pArray[i];

template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::Swap(CUtlVector< T, A >& vec)
    V_swap(m_Size, vec.m_Size);
#ifndef _X360
    V_swap(m_pElements, vec.m_pElements);

template< typename T, class A >
int CUtlVector<T, A>::AddVectorToTail(CUtlVector const& src)
    assert(&src != this);

    int base = Count();

    // Make space.
    int nSrcCount = src.Count();
    EnsureCapacity(base + nSrcCount);

    // Copy the elements.   
    m_Size += nSrcCount;
    for (int i = 0; i < nSrcCount; i++) {
        CopyConstruct(&Element(base + i), src[i]);
    return base;

template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::InsertMultipleBefore(int elem, int num)
    if (num == 0)
        return elem;

    // Can insert at the end
    assert((elem == Count()) || IsValidIndex(elem));

    ShiftElementsRight(elem, num);

    // Invoke default constructors
    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
        Construct(&Element(elem + i));

    return elem;

template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::InsertMultipleBefore(int elem, int num, const T* pToInsert)
    if (num == 0)
        return elem;

    // Can insert at the end
    assert((elem == Count()) || IsValidIndex(elem));

    ShiftElementsRight(elem, num);

    // Invoke default constructors
    if (!pToInsert) {
        for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
            Construct(&Element(elem + i));
    else {
        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
            CopyConstruct(&Element(elem + i), pToInsert[i]);

    return elem;

// Finds an element (element needs operator== defined)
template< typename T, class A >
int CUtlVector<T, A>::GetOffset(const T& src) const
    for (int i = 0; i < Count(); ++i) {
        if (Element(i) == src)
            return i;
    return -1;

template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::FillWithValue(const T& src)
    for (int i = 0; i < Count(); i++) {
        Element(i) = src;

template< typename T, class A >
bool CUtlVector<T, A>::HasElement(const T& src) const
    return (GetOffset(src) >= 0);

// Element removal
template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::FastRemove(int elem)

    if (m_Size > 0) {
        if (elem != m_Size - 1)
            memcpy(&Element(elem), &Element(m_Size - 1), sizeof(T));

template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::Remove(int elem)

template< typename T, class A >
bool CUtlVector<T, A>::FindAndRemove(const T& src)
    int elem = GetOffset(src);
    if (elem != -1) {
        return true;
    return false;

template< typename T, class A >
bool CUtlVector<T, A>::FindAndFastRemove(const T& src)
    int elem = GetOffset(src);
    if (elem != -1) {
        return true;
    return false;

template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::RemoveMultiple(int elem, int num)
    assert(elem >= 0);
    assert(elem + num <= Count());

    for (int i = elem + num; --i >= elem; )

    ShiftElementsLeft(elem, num);
    m_Size -= num;

template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::RemoveMultipleFromHead(int num)
    assert(num <= Count());

    for (int i = num; --i >= 0; )

    ShiftElementsLeft(0, num);
    m_Size -= num;

template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::RemoveMultipleFromTail(int num)
    assert(num <= Count());

    for (int i = m_Size - num; i < m_Size; i++)

    m_Size -= num;

//===== Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#pragma once

#include <malloc.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <new.h>


// NOTE: All compiler defines are Set up in the base VPC scripts
// The rationale for this is that we need COMPILER_MSVC for the pragma blocks
// #pragma once that occur at the top of all header files, therefore we can't
// place the defines for these in here.

// Set up platform defines.
#ifdef _WIN32
#define IsPlatformLinux()    false
#define IsPlatformPosix()    false
#define IsPlatformOSX()        false
#define IsPlatformPS3()        false
#define IsPlatformWindows() true

#ifndef _X360
#define IsPlatformX360() false
#define IsPlatformWindowsPC() true

#ifdef _WIN64
#define IsPlatformWindowsPC64() true
#define IsPlatformWindowsPC32() false
#define IsPlatformWindowsPC64() false
#define IsPlatformWindowsPC32() true

#else // _X360

#define IsPlatformWindowsPC()    false
#define IsPlatformWindowsPC64() false
#define IsPlatformWindowsPC32() false
#define IsPlatformX360()        true
#define PLATFORM_X360 1

#endif // _X360

#elif defined(POSIX)
#define IsPlatformX360()        false
#define IsPlatformPS3()            false
#define IsPlatformWindows()        false
#define IsPlatformWindowsPC()    false
#define IsPlatformWindowsPC64()    false
#define IsPlatformWindowsPC32()    false
#define IsPlatformPosix()        true

#if defined( LINUX )
#define IsPlatformLinux() true
#define IsPlatformOSX() false
#elif defined ( OSX )
#define IsPlatformLinux() false
#define IsPlatformOSX() true
#define PLATFORM_OSX 1
#define IsPlatformLinux() false
#define IsPlatformOSX() false


// Set up platform type defines.
#ifdef PLATFORM_X360
#ifndef _CONSOLE
#define _CONSOLE
#define IsPC()        false
#define IsConsole() true
#define IsPC()        true
#define IsConsole() false

// Set up build configuration defines.
#ifdef _CERT
#define IsCert() true
#define IsCert() false

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define IsRelease() false
#define IsDebug() true
#define IsRelease() true
#define IsDebug() false

#ifdef _RETAIL
#define IsRetail() true
#define IsRetail() false

// Maximum and minimum representable values
#if !defined(PLATFORM_OSX) && !defined(__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS)

#ifndef INT8_MAX
#define  INT8_MAX            SCHAR_MAX
#ifndef INT16_MAX
#define  INT16_MAX            SHRT_MAX
#ifndef INT32_MAX
#define  INT32_MAX            LONG_MAX
#ifndef INT64_MAX
#define  INT64_MAX            (((int64_t)~0) >> 1)

#ifndef INT8_MIN
#define  INT8_MIN            SCHAR_MIN
#ifndef INT16_MIN
#define  INT16_MIN            SHRT_MIN
#ifndef INT32_MIN
#define  INT32_MIN            LONG_MIN
#ifndef INT64_MIN
#define  INT64_MIN            (((int64_t)1) << 63)

#ifndef UINT8_MAX
#define  UINT8_MAX            ((uint8_t)~0)
#ifndef UINT16_MAX
#define  UINT16_MAX            ((uint16)~0)
#ifndef UINT32_MAX
#define  UINT32_MAX            ((uint32_t)~0)
#ifndef UINT16_MAX
#define  UINT64_MAX            ((uint64_t)~0)

#ifndef UINT8_MIN
#define  UINT8_MIN            0
#ifndef UINT16_MIN
#define  UINT16_MIN            0
#ifndef UINT32_MIN
#define  UINT32_MIN            0
#ifndef UINT64_MIN
#define  UINT64_MIN            0


#ifndef  UINT_MIN
#define  UINT_MIN            UINT32_MIN

#define  FLOAT32_MAX        FLT_MAX
#define  FLOAT64_MAX        DBL_MAX

#ifdef GNUC
#undef offsetof
//#define offsetof( type, var ) __builtin_offsetof( type, var )
#define offsetof(s,m)    (size_t)&(((s *)0)->m)
#include <stddef.h>
#undef offsetof
#define offsetof(s,m)    (size_t)&(((s *)0)->m)

#define  FLOAT32_MIN        FLT_MIN
#define  FLOAT64_MIN        DBL_MIN

// Long is evil because it's treated differently by different compilers
// Preventing its use is nasty however. This #define, which should be
// turned on in individual VPC files, causes you to include tier0/valve_off.h
// before standard C + windows headers, and include tier0/valve_on.h after
// standard C + windows headers. So, there's some painful overhead to disabling long
#define long            long_is_the_devil_stop_using_it_use_int32_or_int64

// Various compiler-specific keywords

#define STDCALL                    __stdcall
#ifndef FASTCALL
#define  FASTCALL            __fastcall
#define FORCEINLINE                __forceinline
#define FORCEINLINE_TEMPLATE    __forceinline
#define NULLTERMINATED            __nullterminated

// This can be used to ensure the size of pointers to members when declaring
// a pointer type for a class that has only been forward declared
#define SINGLE_INHERITANCE        __single_inheritance
#define MULTIPLE_INHERITANCE    __multiple_inheritance
#define EXPLICIT                explicit
#define NO_VTABLE                __declspec( novtable )

// gcc doesn't allow storage specifiers on explicit template instatiation, but visual studio needs them to avoid link errors.
#define TEMPLATE_STATIC            static

// Used for dll exporting and importing
#define DLL_EXPORT                extern "C" __declspec( dllexport )
#define DLL_IMPORT                extern "C" __declspec( dllimport )

// Can't use extern "C" when DLL exporting a class
#define DLL_CLASS_EXPORT        __declspec( dllexport )
#define DLL_CLASS_IMPORT        __declspec( dllimport )

// Can't use extern "C" when DLL exporting a global
#define DLL_GLOBAL_EXPORT        extern __declspec( dllexport )
#define DLL_GLOBAL_IMPORT        extern __declspec( dllimport )

// Pass hints to the compiler to prevent it from generating unnessecary / stupid code
// in certain situations.  Several compilers other than MSVC also have an equivilent
// construct.
// Essentially the 'Hint' is that the condition specified is assumed to be true at
// that point in the compilation.  If '0' is passed, then the compiler assumes that
// any subsequent code in the same 'basic block' is unreachable, and thus usually
// removed.
#define HINT(THE_HINT)            __assume((THE_HINT))

// decls for aligning data
#define DECL_ALIGN(x)            __declspec( align( x ) )

// GCC had a few areas where it didn't construct objects in the same order
// that Windows does. So when CVProfile::CVProfile() would access g_pMemAlloc,
// it would crash because the allocator wasn't initalized yet.

#define SELECTANY                __declspec(selectany)

#define RESTRICT                __restrict
#define RESTRICT_FUNC            __declspec(restrict)
#define FMTFUNCTION( a, b )
#define NOINLINE

#if !defined( NO_THREAD_LOCAL )
#define DECL_THREAD_LOCAL        __declspec(thread)

#define DISABLE_VC_WARNING( x ) __pragma(warning(disable:4310) )
#define DEFAULT_VC_WARNING( x ) __pragma(warning(default:4310) )

#elif defined ( COMPILER_GCC )

#if (CROSS_PLATFORM_VERSION >= 1) && !defined( PLATFORM_64BITS )
#define  STDCALL            __attribute__ ((__stdcall__))
#define  STDCALL
#define  __stdcall            __attribute__ ((__stdcall__))

#define  FASTCALL
#define  FORCEINLINE        inline

// GCC 3.4.1 has a bug in supporting forced inline of templated functions
// this macro lets us not force inlining in that case
#define FORCEINLINE_TEMPLATE    inline
#define EXPLICIT
#define NO_VTABLE

#define NULLTERMINATED           


// Used for dll exporting and importing
#define DLL_EXPORT                extern "C" __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
#define DLL_IMPORT                extern "C"

// Can't use extern "C" when DLL exporting a class
#define DLL_CLASS_EXPORT        __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))

// Can't use extern "C" when DLL exporting a global
#define DLL_GLOBAL_EXPORT        __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#define DLL_GLOBAL_IMPORT        extern

#define HINT(THE_HINT)            0
#define DECL_ALIGN(x)            __attribute__( ( aligned( x ) ) )
#define CONSTRUCT_EARLY            __attribute__((init_priority(101)))
#define SELECTANY                __attribute__((weak))
#define RESTRICT
#define FMTFUNCTION( fmtargnumber, firstvarargnumber ) __attribute__ (( format( printf, fmtargnumber, firstvarargnumber )))
#define NOINLINE                __attribute__ ((noinline))

#if !defined( NO_THREAD_LOCAL )
#define DECL_THREAD_LOCAL        __thread



#define DECL_ALIGN(x)            /* */
#define SELECTANY                static


#if defined( GNUC )
// gnuc has the align decoration at the end
#define ALIGN4
#define ALIGN8
#define ALIGN16
#define ALIGN32
#define ALIGN128

#define ALIGN128_POST DECL_ALIGN(128)
// MSVC has the align at the start of the struct
#define ALIGN4 DECL_ALIGN(4)
#define ALIGN8 DECL_ALIGN(8)
#define ALIGN16 DECL_ALIGN(16)
#define ALIGN32 DECL_ALIGN(32)
#define ALIGN128 DECL_ALIGN(128)

#define ALIGN4_POST
#define ALIGN8_POST
#define ALIGN16_POST
#define ALIGN32_POST
#define ALIGN128_POST

// This can be used to declare an abstract (interface only) class.
// Classes marked abstract should not be instantiated.  If they are, and access violation will occur.
// Example of use:
// abstract_class CFoo
// {
//      ...
// }
// MSDN __declspec(novtable) documentation: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vclang/html/_langref_novtable.asp
// Note: NJS: This is not enabled for regular PC, due to not knowing the implications of exporting a class with no no vtable.
//       It's probable that this shouldn't be an issue, but an experiment should be done to verify this.
#define abstract_class class
#define abstract_class class NO_VTABLE

// Why do we need this? It would be nice to make it die die die
// Alloca defined for this platform
#if defined( COMPILER_MSVC ) && !defined( WINDED )
#if defined(_M_IX86)
#define __i386__    1

#if defined __i386__ && !defined __linux__
#define id386    1
#define id386    0
#endif  // __i386__

// Disable annoying unhelpful warnings
// Remove warnings from warning level 4.
#pragma warning(disable : 4514) // warning C4514: 'acosl' : unreferenced inline function has been removed
#pragma warning(disable : 4100) // warning C4100: 'hwnd' : unreferenced formal parameter
#pragma warning(disable : 4127) // warning C4127: conditional expression is constant
#pragma warning(disable : 4512) // warning C4512: 'InFileRIFF' : assignment operator could not be generated
#pragma warning(disable : 4611) // warning C4611: interaction between '_setjmp' and C++ object destruction is non-portable
#pragma warning(disable : 4710) // warning C4710: function 'x' not inlined
#pragma warning(disable : 4702) // warning C4702: unreachable code
#pragma warning(disable : 4505) // unreferenced local function has been removed
#pragma warning(disable : 4239) // nonstandard extension used : 'argument' ( conversion from class Vector to class Vector& )
#pragma warning(disable : 4097) // typedef-name 'BaseClass' used as synonym for class-name 'CFlexCycler::CBaseFlex'
#pragma warning(disable : 4324) // Padding was added at the end of a structure
#pragma warning(disable : 4244) // type conversion warning.
#pragma warning(disable : 4305)    // truncation from 'const double ' to 'float '
#pragma warning(disable : 4786)    // Disable warnings about long symbol names
#pragma warning(disable : 4250) // 'X' : inherits 'Y::Z' via dominance
#pragma warning(disable : 4201) // nonstandard extension used : nameless struct/union

#if _MSC_VER >= 1300
#pragma warning(disable : 4511)    // Disable warnings about private copy constructors
#pragma warning(disable : 4121)    // warning C4121: 'symbol' : alignment of a member was sensitive to packing
#pragma warning(disable : 4530)    // warning C4530: C++ exception handler used, but unwind semantics are not enabled. Specify /EHsc (disabled due to std headers having exception syntax)

#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
#pragma warning(disable : 4996)    // functions declared deprecated

// When we port to 64 bit, we'll have to resolve the int, ptr vs size_t 32/64 bit problems...
#if !defined( COMPILER_MSVC64 )
#pragma warning( disable : 4267 )    // conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
#pragma warning( disable : 4311 )    // pointer truncation from 'char *' to 'int'
#pragma warning( disable : 4312 )    // conversion from 'unsigned int' to 'memhandle_t' of greater size


// Stack-based allocation related helpers
#if defined( COMPILER_GCC )

#define stackalloc( _size )        alloca( ALIGN_VALUE( _size, 16 ) )

#define mallocsize( _p )    ( malloc_size( _p ) )
#define mallocsize( _p )    ( malloc_usable_size( _p ) )

#elif defined ( COMPILER_MSVC )

#define stackalloc( _size )        _alloca( ALIGN_VALUE( _size, 16 ) )
#define mallocsize( _p )        ( _msize( _p ) )


#define  stackfree( _p )            0

// Used to break into the debugger
#define DebuggerBreak()        __debugbreak()
#define DebuggerBreak()        __asm { int 3 }
#define DebuggerBreak()        DebugBreak()
#if defined( PLATFORM_CYGWIN ) || defined( PLATFORM_POSIX )
#define DebuggerBreak()        __asm__( "int $0x3;")
#define DebuggerBreak()        asm( "int3" )

// DLL export for platform utilities
#ifndef STATIC_TIER0


#else    // BUILD_AS_DLL

#define PLATFORM_INTERFACE    extern

#endif    // BUILD_AS_DLL

// Posix platform helpers

// Visual Studio likes to put an underscore in front of anything that looks like a portable function.
#define _strupr strupr
#define _getcwd getcwd
#define _open open
#define _lseek lseek
#define _read read
#define _close close
#define _vsnprintf vsnprintf
#define _stat stat
#define _stricmp strcasecmp
#define _finite finite
#define _unlink unlink
#define _putenv putenv
#define _chdir chdir
#define _access access
#define _strtoi64 strtoll

#if !defined( _snprintf )    // some vpc's define this on the command line
#define _snprintf snprintf

#include <alloca.h>
#include <unistd.h>                                            // Get unlink
#include <errno.h>


// Generally useful platform-independent macros (move to another file?)

// need macro for constant expression
#define ALIGN_VALUE( val, alignment ) ( ( val + alignment - 1 ) & ~( alignment - 1 ) )

// Force a function call site -not- to inlined. (useful for profiling)
#define DONT_INLINE(a) (((int)(a)+1)?(a):(a))

// Marks the codepath from here until the next branch entry point as unreachable,
// and asserts if any attempt is made to execute it.
#define UNREACHABLE() { Assert(0); HINT(0); }

// In cases where no default is present or appropriate, this causes MSVC to generate
// as little code as possible, and throw an assertion in debug.
#define NO_DEFAULT default: UNREACHABLE();

// Defines MAX_PATH
#ifndef MAX_PATH
#define MAX_PATH  260

// FP exception handling
//#define CHECK_FLOAT_EXCEPTIONS        1
//#define CHECK_FPU_CONTROL_WORD_SET    1    // x360 only

#if defined( COMPILER_MSVC64 )

inline void SetupFPUControlWord()

#elif defined ( COMPILER_MSVC32 )

inline void SetupFPUControlWordForceExceptions()
    // use local to Get and store control word
    uint16 tmpCtrlW;
        fnclex                        /* clear all current exceptions */
        fnstcw word ptr[tmpCtrlW]    /* Get current control word */
        and [tmpCtrlW], 0FCC0h        /* Keep infinity control + rounding control */
        or [tmpCtrlW], 0230h        /* Set to 53-bit, mask only inexact, underflow */
        fldcw word ptr[tmpCtrlW]    /* put new control word in FPU */


inline void SetupFPUControlWord()


inline void SetupFPUControlWord()
    // use local to Get and store control word
    uint16 tmpCtrlW;
        fnstcw word ptr[tmpCtrlW]    /* Get current control word */
        and [tmpCtrlW], 0FCC0h        /* Keep infinity control + rounding control */
        or [tmpCtrlW], 023Fh        /* Set to 53-bit, mask only inexact, underflow */
        fldcw word ptr[tmpCtrlW]    /* put new control word in FPU */


#elif defined ( COMPILER_GCC )

inline void SetupFPUControlWord()
    __volatile unsigned short int __cw;
    __asm __volatile("fnstcw %0" : "=m" (__cw));
    __cw = __cw & 0x0FCC0;    // keep infinity control, keep rounding mode
    __cw = __cw | 0x023F;    // Set 53-bit, no exceptions
    __asm __volatile("fldcw %0" : : "m" (__cw));

#elif defined( COMPILER_MSVCX360 )

FORCEINLINE bool IsFPUControlWordSet()
    float f = 0.996f;
        double flResult;
        int pResult[2];
    flResult = __fctiw(f);
    return (pResult[1] == 1);
#define IsFPUControlWordSet() true

inline void SetupFPUControlWord()
    // Set round-to-nearest in FPSCR
    // (cannot assemble, must use op-code form)
    __emit(0xFF80010C);    // mtfsfi  7,0

                        // Favour compatibility over speed (make sure the VPU Set to Java-compliant mode)
                        // NOTE: the VPU *always* uses round-to-nearest
    __vector4  a = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
    a;                //    Avoid compiler warning
        mtvscr a;    // Clear the Vector Status & Control Register to zero

#endif // COMPILER_MSVCX360

// Purpose: Standard functions for handling endian-ness

// Basic swaps

template <typename T>
inline T WordSwapC(T w)
    uint16 temp;

    temp = ((*((uint16*)& w) & 0xff00) >> 8);
    temp |= ((*((uint16*)& w) & 0x00ff) << 8);

    return *((T*)& temp);

template <typename T>
inline T DWordSwapC(T dw)
    uint32_t temp;

    temp = *((uint32_t*)& dw) >> 24;
    temp |= ((*((uint32_t*)& dw) & 0x00FF0000) >> 8);
    temp |= ((*((uint32_t*)& dw) & 0x0000FF00) << 8);
    temp |= ((*((uint32_t*)& dw) & 0x000000FF) << 24);

    return *((T*)& temp);

// Fast swaps

#if defined( COMPILER_MSVCX360 )

#define WordSwap  WordSwap360Intr
#define DWordSwap DWordSwap360Intr

template <typename T>
inline T WordSwap360Intr(T w)
    T output;
    __storeshortbytereverse(w, 0, &output);
    return output;

template <typename T>
inline T DWordSwap360Intr(T dw)
    T output;
    __storewordbytereverse(dw, 0, &output);
    return output;

#elif defined( COMPILER_MSVC32 )

#define WordSwap  WordSwapAsm
#define DWordSwap DWordSwapAsm

#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning (disable:4035) // no return value

template <typename T>
inline T WordSwapAsm(T w)
        mov ax, w
        xchg al, ah

template <typename T>
inline T DWordSwapAsm(T dw)
        mov eax, dw
        bswap eax

#pragma warning(pop)


#define WordSwap  WordSwapC
#define DWordSwap DWordSwapC


// The typically used methods.

#if defined( _SGI_SOURCE ) || defined( PLATFORM_X360 )
#define    PLAT_BIG_ENDIAN 1

// If a swapped float passes through the fpu, the bytes may Get changed.
// Prevent this by swapping floats as DWORDs.
#define SafeSwapFloat( pOut, pIn )    (*((unsigned int*)pOut) = DWordSwap( *((unsigned int*)pIn) ))

#define BigShort( val )                WordSwap( val )
#define BigWord( val )                WordSwap( val )
#define BigLong( val )                DWordSwap( val )
#define BigDWord( val )                DWordSwap( val )
#define LittleShort( val )            ( val )
#define LittleWord( val )            ( val )
#define LittleLong( val )            ( val )
#define LittleDWord( val )            ( val )
#define SwapShort( val )            BigShort( val )
#define SwapWord( val )                BigWord( val )
#define SwapLong( val )                BigLong( val )
#define SwapDWord( val )            BigDWord( val )

// Pass floats by pointer for swapping to avoid truncation in the fpu
#define BigFloat( pOut, pIn )        SafeSwapFloat( pOut, pIn )
#define LittleFloat( pOut, pIn )    ( *pOut = *pIn )
#define SwapFloat( pOut, pIn )        BigFloat( pOut, pIn )

#elif defined(PLAT_BIG_ENDIAN)

#define BigShort( val )                ( val )
#define BigWord( val )                ( val )
#define BigLong( val )                ( val )
#define BigDWord( val )                ( val )
#define LittleShort( val )            WordSwap( val )
#define LittleWord( val )            WordSwap( val )
#define LittleLong( val )            DWordSwap( val )
#define LittleDWord( val )            DWordSwap( val )
#define SwapShort( val )            LittleShort( val )
#define SwapWord( val )                LittleWord( val )
#define SwapLong( val )                LittleLong( val )
#define SwapDWord( val )            LittleDWord( val )

// Pass floats by pointer for swapping to avoid truncation in the fpu
#define BigFloat( pOut, pIn )        ( *pOut = *pIn )
#define LittleFloat( pOut, pIn )    SafeSwapFloat( pOut, pIn )
#define SwapFloat( pOut, pIn )        LittleFloat( pOut, pIn )


// @Note (toml 05-02-02): this technique expects the compiler to
// optimize the expression and eliminate the other path. On any new
// platform/compiler this should be tested.
inline short BigShort(short val) { int test = 1; return (*(char*)& test == 1) ? WordSwap(val) : val; }
inline uint16 BigWord(uint16 val) { int test = 1; return (*(char*)& test == 1) ? WordSwap(val) : val; }
inline long BigLong(long val) { int test = 1; return (*(char*)& test == 1) ? DWordSwap(val) : val; }
inline uint32_t BigDWord(uint32_t val) { int test = 1; return (*(char*)& test == 1) ? DWordSwap(val) : val; }
inline short LittleShort(short val) { int test = 1; return (*(char*)& test == 1) ? val : WordSwap(val); }
inline uint16 LittleWord(uint16 val) { int test = 1; return (*(char*)& test == 1) ? val : WordSwap(val); }
inline long LittleLong(long val) { int test = 1; return (*(char*)& test == 1) ? val : DWordSwap(val); }
inline uint32_t LittleDWord(uint32_t val) { int test = 1; return (*(char*)& test == 1) ? val : DWordSwap(val); }
inline short SwapShort(short val) { return WordSwap(val); }
inline uint16 SwapWord(uint16 val) { return WordSwap(val); }
inline long SwapLong(long val) { return DWordSwap(val); }
inline uint32_t SwapDWord(uint32_t val) { return DWordSwap(val); }

// Pass floats by pointer for swapping to avoid truncation in the fpu
inline void BigFloat(float* pOut, const float* pIn) { int test = 1; (*(char*)& test == 1) ? SafeSwapFloat(pOut, pIn) : (*pOut = *pIn); }
inline void LittleFloat(float* pOut, const float* pIn) { int test = 1; (*(char*)& test == 1) ? (*pOut = *pIn) : SafeSwapFloat(pOut, pIn); }
inline void SwapFloat(float* pOut, const float* pIn) { SafeSwapFloat(pOut, pIn); }


inline uint32_t LoadLittleDWord(uint32_t* base, unsigned int dwordIndex)
    return LittleDWord(base[dwordIndex]);

inline void StoreLittleDWord(uint32_t* base, unsigned int dwordIndex, uint32_t dword)
    base[dwordIndex] = LittleDWord(dword);

// Protect against bad auto operator=
#define DISALLOW_OPERATOR_EQUAL( _classname )            \
    private:                                            \
        _classname &operator=( const _classname & );    \

// Define a reasonable operator=
#define IMPLEMENT_OPERATOR_EQUAL( _classname )            \
    public:                                                \
        _classname &operator=( const _classname &src )    \
        {                                                \
            memcpy( this, &src, sizeof(_classname) );    \
            return *this;                                \

#if _X360
#define Plat_FastMemset XMemSet
#define Plat_FastMemcpy XMemCpy
#define Plat_FastMemset memset
#define Plat_FastMemcpy memcpy

// XBOX Components valid in PC compilation space

#define XBOX_DVD_SECTORSIZE            2048
#define XBOX_DVD_ECC_SIZE            32768 // driver reads in quantum ECC blocks
#define XBOX_HDD_SECTORSIZE            512

// Custom windows messages for Xbox input
#define WM_XREMOTECOMMAND                    (WM_USER + 100)
#define WM_XCONTROLLER_KEY                    (WM_USER + 101)
#define WM_SYS_UI                            (WM_USER + 102)
#define WM_SYS_SIGNINCHANGED                (WM_USER + 103)
#define WM_SYS_MUTELISTCHANGED                (WM_USER + 106)
#define WM_SYS_INPUTDEVICESCHANGED            (WM_USER + 107)
#define WM_LIVE_CONNECTIONCHANGED            (WM_USER + 109)
#define WM_LIVE_INVITE_ACCEPTED                (WM_USER + 110)
#define WM_LIVE_LINK_STATE_CHANGED            (WM_USER + 111)
#define WM_LIVE_CONTENT_INSTALLED            (WM_USER + 112)
#define WM_LIVE_VOICECHAT_AWAY                (WM_USER + 114)
#define WM_LIVE_PRESENCE_CHANGED            (WM_USER + 115)
#define WM_FRIENDS_PRESENCE_CHANGED            (WM_USER + 116)
#define WM_FRIENDS_FRIEND_ADDED                (WM_USER + 117)
#define WM_FRIENDS_FRIEND_REMOVED            (WM_USER + 118)
#define WM_CUSTOM_GAMEBANNERPRESSED            (WM_USER + 119)
#define WM_CUSTOM_ACTIONPRESSED                (WM_USER + 120)
#define WM_XMP_STATECHANGED                    (WM_USER + 121)

inline const char* GetPlatformExt(void)
    return IsPlatformX360() ? ".360" : "";

// flat view, 6 hw threads
#define XBOX_PROCESSOR_0            ( 1<<0 )
#define XBOX_PROCESSOR_1            ( 1<<1 )
#define XBOX_PROCESSOR_2            ( 1<<2 )
#define XBOX_PROCESSOR_3            ( 1<<3 )
#define XBOX_PROCESSOR_4            ( 1<<4 )
#define XBOX_PROCESSOR_5            ( 1<<5 )

// core view, 3 cores with 2 hw threads each

// Include additional dependant header components.
#if defined( PLATFORM_X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_core.h"

// Methods to invoke the constructor, copy constructor, and destructor

template <class T>
inline T* Construct(T* pMemory)
    return ::new(pMemory) T;

template <class T, typename ARG1>
inline T* Construct(T* pMemory, ARG1 a1)
    return ::new(pMemory) T(a1);

template <class T, typename ARG1, typename ARG2>
inline T* Construct(T* pMemory, ARG1 a1, ARG2 a2)
    return ::new(pMemory) T(a1, a2);

template <class T, typename ARG1, typename ARG2, typename ARG3>
inline T* Construct(T* pMemory, ARG1 a1, ARG2 a2, ARG3 a3)
    return ::new(pMemory) T(a1, a2, a3);

template <class T, typename ARG1, typename ARG2, typename ARG3, typename ARG4>
inline T* Construct(T* pMemory, ARG1 a1, ARG2 a2, ARG3 a3, ARG4 a4)
    return ::new(pMemory) T(a1, a2, a3, a4);

template <class T, typename ARG1, typename ARG2, typename ARG3, typename ARG4, typename ARG5>
inline T* Construct(T* pMemory, ARG1 a1, ARG2 a2, ARG3 a3, ARG4 a4, ARG5 a5)
    return ::new(pMemory) T(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5);

template <class T>
inline T* CopyConstruct(T* pMemory, T const& src)
    return ::new(pMemory) T(src);

template <class T>
inline void Destruct(T* pMemory)

#ifdef _DEBUG
    memset(pMemory, 0xDD, sizeof(T));

// A platform-independent way for a contained class to Get a pointer to its
// owner. If you know a class is exclusively used in the context of some
// "outer" class, this is a much more space efficient way to Get at the outer
// class than having the inner class store a pointer to it.
//    class COuter
//    {
//        class CInner // Note: this does not need to be a nested class to work
//        {
//            void PrintAddressOfOuter()
//            {
//                printf( "Outer is at 0x%x\n", GET_OUTER( COuter, m_Inner ) );
//            }
//        };
//        CInner m_Inner;
//        friend class CInner;
//    };

#define GET_OUTER( OuterType, OuterMember ) \
   ( ( OuterType * ) ( (uint8_t *)this - offsetof( OuterType, OuterMember ) ) )


(Note added to platform.h so platforms that correctly support templated
functions can handle portions as templated functions rather than wrapped

Helps automate the process of creating an array of function
templates that are all specialized by a single integer.
This sort of thing is often useful in optimization work.

For example, using TEMPLATE_FUNCTION_TABLE, this:

TEMPLATE_FUNCTION_TABLE(int, Function, ( int blah, int blah ), 10)
return argument * argument;

is equivilent to the following:

(NOTE: the function has to be wrapped in a class due to code
generation bugs involved with directly specializing a function
based on a constant.)

template<int argument>
class FunctionWrapper
int Function( int blah, int blah )
return argument*argument;

typedef int (*FunctionType)( int blah, int blah );

class FunctionName
enum { count = 10 };
FunctionType functions[10];

FunctionType FunctionName::functions[] =

PLATFORM_INTERFACE bool vtune(bool resume);

typedef RETURN_TYPE (FASTCALL *__Type_##NAME) ARGS;                                \
template<const int nArgument>                                                                \
struct __Function_##NAME                                                                      \
{                                                                                                          \
    static RETURN_TYPE FASTCALL Run ARGS;                                                \
};                                                                                                        \
template <const int i>                                                                            \
struct __MetaLooper_##NAME : __MetaLooper_##NAME<i-1>                            \
{                                                                                                          \
    __Type_##NAME func;                                                                            \
    inline __MetaLooper_##NAME() { func = __Function_##NAME<i>::Run; }    \
};                                                                                                        \
template<>                                                                                            \
struct __MetaLooper_##NAME<0>                                                                \
{                                                                                                          \
    __Type_##NAME func;                                                                            \
    inline __MetaLooper_##NAME() { func = __Function_##NAME<0>::Run; }    \
};                                                                                                        \
class NAME                                                                                            \
{                                                                                                          \
private:                                                                                              \
    static const __MetaLooper_##NAME<COUNT> m;                                      \
public:                                                                                                  \
    enum { count = COUNT };                                                                      \
    static const __Type_##NAME* functions;                                              \
};                                                                                                        \
const __MetaLooper_##NAME<COUNT> NAME::m;                                              \
const __Type_##NAME* NAME::functions = (__Type_##NAME*)&m;                    \
template<const int nArgument>                                                                    \
RETURN_TYPE FASTCALL __Function_##NAME<nArgument>::Run ARGS

    if( (BOOLEAN) )\
    } else\

FORCEINLINE uint32_t RotateBitsLeft32(uint32_t nValue, int nRotateBits)
    return _rotl(nValue, nRotateBits);
FORCEINLINE uint64_t RotateBitsLeft64(uint64_t nValue, int nRotateBits)
    return _rotl64(nValue, nRotateBits);
FORCEINLINE uint32_t RotateBitsRight32(uint32_t nValue, int nRotateBits)
    return _rotr(nValue, nRotateBits);
FORCEINLINE uint64_t RotateBitsRight64(uint64_t nValue, int nRotateBits)
    return _rotr64(nValue, nRotateBits);

template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::RemoveAll()
    for (int i = m_Size; --i >= 0; ) {

    m_Size = 0;

// Memory deallocation

template< typename T, class A >
inline void CUtlVector<T, A>::Purge()

template< typename T, class A >
inline void CUtlVector<T, A>::PurgeAndDeleteElements()
    for (int i = 0; i < m_Size; i++) {
        delete Element(i);

template< typename T, class A >
inline void CUtlVector<T, A>::Compact()

template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::NumAllocated() const
    return m_Memory.NumAllocated();

// Data and memory validation
template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::Validate(CValidator& validator, char* pchName)
    validator.Push(typeid(*this).name(), this, pchName);

    m_Memory.Validate(validator, "m_Memory");


// A vector class for storing pointers, so that the elements pointed to by the pointers are deleted
// on exit.
template<class T> class CUtlVectorAutoPurge : public CUtlVector< T, CUtlMemory< T, int> >

// easy string list class with dynamically allocated strings. For use with V_SplitString, etc.
// Frees the dynamic strings in destructor.
class CUtlStringList : public CUtlVectorAutoPurge< char*>
    void CopyAndAddToTail(char const* pString)            // clone the string and add to the end
        char* pNewStr = new char[1 + strlen(pString)];
        strcpy_s(pNewStr, 1 + strlen(pString), pString);

    static int __cdecl SortFunc(char* const* sz1, char* const* sz2)
        return strcmp(*sz1, *sz2);

class IRefCounted
    volatile long refCount;

    virtual void destructor(char bDelete) = 0;
    virtual bool OnFinalRelease() = 0;

    void unreference()
        if (InterlockedDecrement(&refCount) == 0 && OnFinalRelease())

class C_EconItemView
    char pad_0000[4]; //0x0000
    CUtlVector<IRefCounted*> m_CustomMaterials; //0x0004
    char pad_0018[520]; //0x0018
    CUtlVector<IRefCounted*> m_VisualsDataProcessors; //0x0220

class C_AttributeManager
    char pad_0000[64]; //0x0000
    C_EconItemView m_Item; //0x0040

class C_WeaponCSBase : public C_BaseEntity
    char _pad_0x0000[2508];
    CUtlVector<IRefCounted*> m_CustomMaterials; //0x09DC
    char _pad_0x09F0[9120];
    C_AttributeManager m_AttributeManager; //0x2D80
    char _pad_0x2D94[812];
    bool m_bCustomMaterialInitialized; //0x3330

class CBaseWeaponWorldModel : public C_BaseEntity
    inline int* GetModelIndex() {

        return (int*)((DWORD)this + 0x258);

class CBaseCSGrenade : public C_BaseCombatWeapon
    bool pin_pulled()
        return *reinterpret_cast<float*>(uintptr_t(this) + 0x3332);

    template<class T>
    T GetValue(const int offset)
        return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(this) + offset);

    float throw_time()
        static int m_flNextPrimaryAttack = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("C_BaseCSGrenade", "m_fThrowTime");
        return GetValue<float>(m_flNextPrimaryAttack);

class viewmodel_t : public C_BaseEntity {
    NETVAR2(int, m_nModelIndex, "DT_BaseViewModel", "m_nModelIndex");
    NETVAR2(int, m_nViewModelIndex, "DT_BaseViewModel", "m_nViewModelIndex");

class C_BaseViewModel

    inline DWORD GetOwner() {

        return *(PDWORD)((DWORD)this + 0x29CC);

    inline int GetModelIndex() {

        return *(int*)((DWORD)this + 0x258);


26 Апр 2018
Я так и не пофиксил ошибку :d
Код CEntity.h:
Дайте фикс:roflanEbalo:
#pragma once
#include "Definitions.h"
#include "IClientUnknown.h"
#include "IClientEntityList.h"
#include "CInput.h"
#include "..\Utils\Utils.h"
#include "..\Utils\NetvarManager.h"
#include "CGlobalVarsBase.h"
class viewmodel_t;
#define NETVAR2(type, name, table, netvar)                           \
    type& name##() const {                                          \
        static int _##name = g_pNetvars->GetOffset(table, netvar);     \
        return *(type*)((uintptr_t)this + _##name);                 \

#define PNETVAR2(type, name, table, netvar)                           \
    type* name##() const {                                          \
        static int _##name = g_pNetvars->GetOffset(table, netvar);     \
        return (type*)((uintptr_t)this + _##name);                 \

#define ANETVAR2(type, funcname, num, table, netvar) std::array<type, num>& funcname() \
{ \
    static int _##name = g_pNetvars->GetOffset(table, netvar); \
    return *reinterpret_cast<std::array<type, num>*>( uintptr_t( this ) + _##name ); \

// class predefinition
class C_BaseCombatWeapon;

class C_AnimState
    char pad[4];
    char bUnknown; //0x4
    char pad2[91];
    void* pBaseEntity; //0x60
    void* pActiveWeapon; //0x64
    void* pLastActiveWeapon; //0x68
    float m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTime; //0x6C
    int m_iLastClientSideAnimationUpdateFramecount; //0x70
    float m_flEyePitch; //0x74
    float m_flEyeYaw; //0x78
    float m_flPitch; //0x7C
    float m_flGoalFeetYaw; //0x80
    float m_flCurrentFeetYaw; //0x84
    float m_flCurrentTorsoYaw; //0x88
    float m_flUnknownVelocityLean; //0x8C //changes when moving/jumping/hitting ground
    float m_flLeanAmount; //0x90
    char pad4[4]; //NaN
    float m_flFeetCycle; //0x98 0 to 1
    float m_flFeetYawRate; //0x9C 0 to 1
    float m_fUnknown2;
    float m_fDuckAmount; //0xA4
    float m_fLandingDuckAdditiveSomething; //0xA8
    float m_fUnknown3; //0xAC
    Vector m_vOrigin; //0xB0, 0xB4, 0xB8
    Vector m_vLastOrigin; //0xBC, 0xC0, 0xC4
    float m_vVelocityX; //0xC8
    float m_vVelocityY; //0xCC
    char pad5[4];
    float m_flUnknownFloat1; //0xD4 Affected by movement and direction
    char pad6[8];
    float m_flUnknownFloat2; //0xE0 //from -1 to 1 when moving and affected by direction
    float m_flUnknownFloat3; //0xE4 //from -1 to 1 when moving and affected by direction
    float m_unknown; //0xE8
    float speed_2d; //0xEC
    float flUpVelocity; //0xF0
    float m_flSpeedNormalized; //0xF4 //from 0 to 1
    float m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays; //0xF8 //from 0 to 2. something  is 1 when walking, 2.something when running, 0.653 when crouch walking
    float m_flFeetSpeedUnknownForwardOrSideways; //0xFC //from 0 to 3. something
    float m_flTimeSinceStartedMoving; //0x100
    float m_flTimeSinceStoppedMoving; //0x104
    unsigned char m_bOnGround; //0x108
    unsigned char m_bInHitGroundAnimation; //0x109
    char pad7[10];
    float m_flLastOriginZ; //0x114
    float m_flHeadHeightOrOffsetFromHittingGroundAnimation; //0x118 from 0 to 1, is 1 when standing
    float m_flStopToFullRunningFraction; //0x11C from 0 to 1, doesnt change when walking or crouching, only running
    char pad8[4]; //NaN
    float m_flUnknownFraction; //0x124 affected while jumping and running, or when just jumping, 0 to 1
    char pad9[4]; //NaN
    float m_flUnknown3;
    char pad10[528];

struct c_animstate {

    char pad_0x0000[0x18]; //0x0000
    float anim_update_timer; //0x0018
    char pad_0x001C[0xC]; //0x001C
    float started_moving_time; //0x0028
    float last_move_time; //0x002C
    char pad_0x0030[0x10]; //0x0030
    float last_lby_time; //0x0040
    char pad_0x0044[0x8]; //0x0044
    float run_amount; //0x004C
    char pad_0x0050[0x10]; //0x0050
    void* entity; //0x0060
    __int32 active_weapon; //0x0064
    __int32 last_active_weapon; //0x0068
    float last_client_side_animation_update_time; //0x006C
    __int32 last_client_side_animation_update_framecount; //0x0070
    float eye_timer; //0x0074
    float eye_angles_y; //0x0078
    float eye_angles_x; //0x007C
    float goal_feet_yaw; //0x0080
    float current_feet_yaw; //0x0084
    float torso_yaw; //0x0088
    float last_move_yaw; //0x008C
    float lean_amount; //0x0090
    char pad_0x0094[0x4]; //0x0094
    float feet_cycle; //0x0098
    float feet_yaw_rate; //0x009C
    char pad_0x00A0[0x4]; //0x00A0
    float duck_amount; //0x00A4
    float landing_duck_amount; //0x00A8
    char pad_0x00AC[0x4]; //0x00AC
    Vector current_origin;
    Vector last_origin;
    float velocity_x; //0x00C8
    float velocity_y; //0x00CC
    char pad_0x00D0[0x10]; //0x00D0
    float move_direction_1; //0x00E0
    float move_direction_2; //0x00E4
    char pad_0x00E8[0x4]; //0x00E8
    float m_velocity; //0x00EC
    float jump_fall_velocity; //0x00F0
    float clamped_velocity; //0x00F4
    float feet_speed_forwards_or_sideways; //0x00F8
    float feet_speed_unknown_forwards_or_sideways; //0x00FC
    float last_time_started_moving; //0x0100
    float last_time_stopped_moving; //0x0104
    bool on_ground; //0x0108
    bool hit_in_ground_animation; //0x010C
    char pad_0x0110[0x4]; //0x0110
    float last_origin_z; //0x0114
    float head_from_ground_distance_standing; //0x0118
    float stop_to_full_running_fraction; //0x011C
    char pad_0x0120[0x14]; //0x0120
    __int32 is_not_moving; //0x0134
    char pad_0x0138[0x20]; //0x0138
    float last_anim_update_time; //0x0158
    float moving_direction_x; //0x015C
    float moving_direction_y; //0x0160
    float moving_direction_z; //0x0164
    char pad_0x0168[0x44]; //0x0168
    __int32 started_moving; //0x01AC
    char pad_0x01B0[0x8]; //0x01B0
    float lean_yaw; //0x01B8
    char pad_0x01BC[0x8]; //0x01BC
    float poses_speed; //0x01C4
    char pad_0x01C8[0x8]; //0x01C8
    float ladder_speed; //0x01D0
    char pad_0x01D4[0x8]; //0x01D4
    float ladder_yaw; //0x01DC
    char pad_0x01E0[0x8]; //0x01E0
    float some_pose; //0x01E8
    char pad_0x01EC[0x14]; //0x01EC
    float body_yaw; //0x0200
    char pad_0x0204[0x8]; //0x0204
    float body_pitch; //0x020C
    char pad_0x0210[0x8]; //0x0210
    float death_yaw; //0x0218
    char pad_0x021C[0x8]; //0x021C
    float stand; //0x0224
    char pad_0x0228[0x8]; //0x0228
    float jump_fall; //0x0230
    char pad_0x0234[0x8]; //0x0234
    float aim_blend_stand_idle; //0x023C
    char pad_0x0240[0x8]; //0x0240
    float aim_blend_crouch_idle; //0x0248
    char pad_0x024C[0x8]; //0x024C
    float strafe_yaw; //0x0254
    char pad_0x0258[0x8]; //0x0258
    float aim_blend_stand_walk; //0x0260
    char pad_0x0264[0x8]; //0x0264
    float aim_blend_stand_run; //0x026C
    char pad_0x0270[0x8]; //0x0270
    float aim_blend_crouch_walk; //0x0278
    char pad_0x027C[0x8]; //0x027C
    float move_blend_walk; //0x0284
    char pad_0x0288[0x8]; //0x0288
    float move_blend_run; //0x0290
    char pad_0x0294[0x8]; //0x0294
    float move_blend_crouch; //0x029C
    char pad_0x02A0[0x4]; //0x02A0
    float speed; //0x02A4
    __int32 moving_in_any_direction; //0x02A8
    float acceleration; //0x02AC
    char pad_0x02B0[0x74]; //0x02B0
    float crouch_height; //0x0324
    __int32 is_full_crouched; //0x0328
    char pad_0x032C[0x4]; //0x032C
    float velocity_subtract_x; //0x0330
    float velocity_subtract_y; //0x0334
    float velocity_subtract_z; //0x0338
    float standing_head_height; //0x033C
    char pad_0x0340[0x4]; //0x0340
}; //Size=0x0344

class AnimationLayer {
    char  pad_0000[20];
    // These should also be present in the padding, don't see the use for it though
    //float    m_flLayerAnimtime;
    //float    m_flLayerFadeOuttime;
    unsigned int m_nOrder; //0x0014
    unsigned int m_nSequence; //0x0018
    float m_flPrevCycle; //0x001C
    float m_flWeight; //0x0020
    float m_flWeightDeltaRate; //0x0024
    float m_flPlaybackRate; //0x0028
    float m_flCycle; //0x002C
    void* m_pOwner; //0x0030 // player's thisptr
    char  pad_0038[4]; //0x0034
}; //Size: 0x0038
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>

#define ONETVAR( funcname, name, table, extra, type ) \
    __forceinline auto& funcname( ) { \
        static std::ptrdiff_t offset = g_pNetvars->GetOffset(  table ,  name  ); \
        return GetValue< type >( offset + extra ); \

#define dwThis (DWORD)this
#define NETVAR(type,offset) *(type*)(dwThis + offset)

class C_BaseEntity : public IClientUnknown, public IClientRenderable, public IClientNetworkable
    template<class T>
    T GetPointer(const int offset)
        return reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(this) + offset);
    // To get value from the pointer itself
    template<class T>
    T GetValue(const int offset)
        return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(this) + offset);

    template <typename T>
    T& SetValue(uintptr_t offset)
        return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) + offset);


    C_AnimState* AnimState()
        return *reinterpret_cast<C_AnimState * *>(uintptr_t(this) + 0x3900);

    float m_fDuckSpeed()
        static int m_flDuckSpeed = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "m_flDuckSpeed");
        return *(float*)((uintptr_t)this + (uintptr_t)m_flDuckSpeed);

    c_animstate* AnimStatev2()
        return *reinterpret_cast<c_animstate * *>(uintptr_t(this) + 0x3900);

    AnimationLayer* AnimOverlays()
        return *reinterpret_cast<AnimationLayer * *>(uintptr_t(this) + 0x2980);

    float* m_flPoseParameter() {
        static int offset = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter");

        return reinterpret_cast<float*>(uintptr_t(this) + offset);

    AnimationLayer* GetAnimOverlays4()
        // to find offset: use 9/12/17 dll
        // sig: 55 8B EC 51 53 8B 5D 08 33 C0
        return *(AnimationLayer * *)((DWORD)this + 0x2980);

    AnimationLayer* GetAnimOverlay4(int i)
        if (i < 16)
            return &GetAnimOverlays4()[i];
    int GetNumAnimOverlays()
        return *(int*)((DWORD)this + 0x298C);
    int NumOverlays()
        return 15;

    void UpdateClientAnimation()
        Utils::GetVFunc<void(__thiscall*)(void*)>(this, 223)(this);
    template <typename T>
    T& read(uintptr_t offset)
        return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) + offset);

    std::array<float, 24> * get_ragdoll_pos()
        return read<std::array<float, 24>*>(g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_Ragdoll", "m_ragPos"));

    void ClientAnimations(bool value)
        static int m_bClientSideAnimation = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_bClientSideAnimation");
        *reinterpret_cast<bool*>(uintptr_t(this) + m_bClientSideAnimation) = value;

    int GetSequence()
        static int m_nSequence = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_nSequence");
        return GetValue<int>(m_nSequence);

    void SetSequence(int Sequence)
        static int m_nSequence = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_nSequence");
        *reinterpret_cast<int*>(uintptr_t(this) + m_nSequence) = Sequence;
    int Money()
        static int m_ArmorValue = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_iAccount");
        return GetValue<int>(m_ArmorValue);
    void SimulatedEveryTick(bool value)
        static int m_bSimulatedEveryTick = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_bSimulatedEveryTick");
        *reinterpret_cast<bool*>(uintptr_t(this) + m_bSimulatedEveryTick) = value;

    void SetAbsAngles(Vector angles);
    void SetAbsOrigin(Vector origin);

    void InvalidateBoneCache();

    Vector GetAbsOrigin()
        return Utils::GetVFunc<Vector & (__thiscall*)(void*)>(this, 10)(this);

    Vector& GetAbsAngles()
        typedef Vector& (__thiscall * OriginalFn)(void*);
        return ((OriginalFn)Utils::GetVFunc<OriginalFn>(this, 11))(this);

    void SetAbsVelocity(Vector velocity);

    C_BaseCombatWeapon* GetActiveWeapon()
        static int m_hActiveWeapon = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseCombatCharacter", "m_hActiveWeapon");
        const auto weaponData = GetValue<CBaseHandle>(m_hActiveWeapon);
        return reinterpret_cast<C_BaseCombatWeapon*>(g_pEntityList->GetClientEntityFromHandle(weaponData));

    int GetActiveWeaponIndex()
        static int m_hActiveWeapon = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseCombatCharacter", "m_hActiveWeapon");
        return *reinterpret_cast<int*>(uintptr_t(this) + m_hActiveWeapon) & 0xFFF; //m_hActiveWeapon

    int GetTeam()
        static int m_iTeamNum = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_iTeamNum");
        return GetValue<int>(m_iTeamNum);

    float GetFireReadyTime()
        static int m_flPostponeFireReadyTime = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_WeaponCSBase", "m_flPostponeFireReadyTime");
        return GetValue<float>(m_flPostponeFireReadyTime);

    EntityFlags GetFlags()
        static int m_fFlags = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "m_fFlags");
        return GetValue<EntityFlags>(m_fFlags);

    void SetFlags(int offset)
        static int m_fFlags = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "m_fFlags");
        *reinterpret_cast<int*>(uintptr_t(this) + m_fFlags) = offset;

    MoveType_t GetMoveType()
        static int m_Movetype = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_nRenderMode") + 1;
        return GetValue<MoveType_t>(m_Movetype);

    float GetSimulationTime()
        static int m_flSimulationTime = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_flSimulationTime");
        return GetValue<float>(m_flSimulationTime);

    float GetOldSimulationTime()
        static int m_flOldSimulationTime = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_flSimulationTime") + 4;
        return GetValue<float>(m_flOldSimulationTime);

    float GetLowerBodyYaw()
        static int m_flLowerBodyYawTarget = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_flLowerBodyYawTarget");
        return GetValue<float>(m_flLowerBodyYawTarget);
    CBaseHandle owner()
        static int m_hOwnerEntity = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_hOwnerEntity");

        return GetValue<CBaseHandle>(m_hOwnerEntity);
    auto ObserverTarget() -> CBaseHandle {
        return *(CBaseHandle*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x3388);
    auto observer_target() -> uintptr_t {
        return *(uintptr_t*)((uintptr_t)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_hObserverTarget"));
    auto observer_mode() -> int32_t & {
        return *(int32_t*)((uintptr_t)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_iObserverMode"));

    matrix3x4_t GetBoneMatrix(int BoneID)
        matrix3x4_t matrix;

        auto offset = *reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(uintptr_t(this) + 0x26A8);
        if (offset)
            matrix = *reinterpret_cast<matrix3x4_t*>(offset + 0x30 * BoneID);

        return matrix;

    void SetLowerBodyYaw(float value)
        static int m_flLowerBodyYawTarget = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_flLowerBodyYawTarget");
        *reinterpret_cast<float*>(uintptr_t(this) + m_flLowerBodyYawTarget) = value;

    const matrix3x4_t& m_rgflCoordinateFrame()
        static auto _m_rgflCoordinateFrame = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_CollisionGroup") - 0x30;
        return *(matrix3x4_t*)((uintptr_t)this + _m_rgflCoordinateFrame);

    bool GetHeavyArmor()
        static int m_bHasHeavyArmor = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_bHasHeavyArmor");
        return GetValue<bool>(m_bHasHeavyArmor);

    int ArmorValue()
        static int m_ArmorValue = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_ArmorValue");
        return GetValue<int>(m_ArmorValue);

    float* m_flFlashMaxAlpha()
        return (float*)((uintptr_t)this + 0xA3DC);

    bool HasHelmet()
        static int m_bHasHelmet = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_bHasHelmet");
        return GetValue<bool>(m_bHasHelmet);

    bool GetLifeState()
        static int m_lifeState = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "m_lifeState");
        return GetValue<bool>(m_lifeState);

    bool IsScoped()
        static int m_bIsScoped = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_bIsScoped");
        return GetValue<bool>(m_bIsScoped);

    int GetHealth()
        static int m_iHealth = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "m_iHealth");
        return GetValue<int>(m_iHealth);

    CHandle<C_BaseCombatWeapon>* m_hMyWeapons() const
        static int _m_hMyWeapons = 0x2DF8;
        return (CHandle<C_BaseCombatWeapon>*)((uintptr_t)this + (_m_hMyWeapons / 2));

    CBaseHandle* GetWeapons()
        return (CBaseHandle*)((DWORD)this + 0x2DE8);

    bool IsKnifeorNade();

    bool IsKnife();

    bool IsPistol();

    bool IsShotgun();

    bool IsSniper();

    bool IsScopableWeapon();

    int GetSequenceActivity(int sequence);

    float DesyncValue();
    void SetModelIndex(const int index)
        Utils::GetVFunc<void(__thiscall*)(C_BaseEntity*, int)>(this, 75)(this, index);
    int* FallbackPaintKit()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x31B8);
    inline int* GetFallbackPaintKit() {
        return (int*)((DWORD)this + 0x31B8);
    short* ItemDefinitionIndex2()
        return (short*)((DWORD)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAttributableItem", "m_AttributeManager", "m_Item", "m_iItemDefinitionIndex"));
    int* ViewModelIndex()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseViewModel", "m_nViewModelIndex"));
    int* OwnerXuidLow()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x31B0);
    int* OwnerXuidHigh()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x31B4);
    int* ItemIDHigh()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x2FC0);

    float* FallbackWear()
        return (float*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x31C0);
    int* FallbackSeed()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x31AC);

    int& GetItemIDHigh()
        return *(int*)((DWORD)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAttributableItem", "m_AttributeManager", "m_Item", "m_iItemIDHigh"));

    int& GetItemIDLow()
        return *(int*)((DWORD)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAttributableItem", "m_AttributeManager", "m_Item", "m_iItemIDLow"));

    int& GetAccountID()
        return *(int*)((DWORD)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAttributableItem", "m_AttributeManager", "m_Item", "m_iAccountID"));

    bool IsAlive() { return this->GetHealth() > 0 && this->GetLifeState() == 0; }

    bool IsNade();
    bool is_valid(C_BaseEntity* local_player = nullptr, bool is_player = true, bool dormant = true, bool team_check = true) {
        if (!this)
            return false;

        if (dormant)
            if (this->IsDormant())
                return false;

        if (team_check && local_player)
            if (this->GetTeam() == local_player->GetTeam())
                return false;

        if (is_player)
            if (!this->IsPlayer())
                return false;

        if (this->GetHealth() <= 0)
            return false;

        return true;
    bool IsPlayer() {
        using original_fn = bool(__thiscall*)(C_BaseEntity*);
        return (*(original_fn * *)this)[157](this);
    bool IsEnemy();

    bool IsImmune()
        static int m_bGunGameImmunity = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_bGunGameImmunity");
        return GetValue<bool>(m_bGunGameImmunity);

    int GetTickBase()
        static int m_nTickBase = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "localdata", "m_nTickBase");
        return GetValue<int>(m_nTickBase);

    int GetShotsFired()
        static int m_iShotsFired = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "cslocaldata", "m_iShotsFired");
        return GetValue<int>(m_iShotsFired);

    void SetTickBase(int TickBase)
        static int m_nTickBase = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "localdata", "m_nTickBase");
        *reinterpret_cast<int*>(uintptr_t(this) + m_nTickBase) = TickBase;

    Vector GetEyeAngles()
        static int m_angEyeAngles = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_angEyeAngles");
        return GetValue<Vector>(m_angEyeAngles);
    Vector* GetEyeAnglesPointer()
        return (Vector*)((DWORD)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_angEyeAngles"));

    Vector* GetEyeAngles2()
        static int m_angEyeAngles = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_angEyeAngles");
        return GetValue<Vector*>(m_angEyeAngles);

    void SetEyeAngles(Vector Angle)
        static int m_angEyeAngles = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "m_angEyeAngles");
        *reinterpret_cast<Vector*>(uintptr_t(this) + m_angEyeAngles) = Angle;

    Vector GetOrigin()
        static int m_vecOrigin = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_vecOrigin");
        return GetValue<Vector>(m_vecOrigin);

    Vector GetOldOrigin()
        static int m_vecOldOrigin = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "localdata", "m_flFriction") + 12;
        return GetValue<Vector>(m_vecOldOrigin);

    Vector GetNetworkOrigin()
        static int m_vecNetworkOrigin = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "localdata", "m_flFriction") + 40;
        return GetValue<Vector>(m_vecNetworkOrigin);

    void SetOrigin(Vector Origin)
        static int m_vecOrigin = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_vecOrigin");
        *reinterpret_cast<Vector*>(uintptr_t(this) + m_vecOrigin) = Origin;

    Vector GetVelocity()
        static int m_vecVelocity = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "localdata", "m_vecVelocity[0]");
        return GetValue<Vector>(m_vecVelocity);

    void SetVelocity(Vector velocity)
        static int m_vecVelocity = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "localdata", "m_vecVelocity[0]");
        *reinterpret_cast<Vector*>(uintptr_t(this) + m_vecVelocity) = velocity;

    Vector GetAimPunchAngle()
        return *reinterpret_cast<Vector*>(uintptr_t(this) + uintptr_t(0x302C));

    Vector GetViewPunchAngle()
        return *reinterpret_cast<Vector*>(uintptr_t(this) + uintptr_t(0x3020));

    Vector m_vecViewOffset()
        return *reinterpret_cast<Vector*>(uintptr_t(this) + uintptr_t(0x108));

    Vector GetViewOffset()
        return *reinterpret_cast<Vector*>(uintptr_t(this) + 0x104);

    int Deadflag()
        static int m_iShotsFired = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_CSPlayer", "deadflag");
        return GetValue<int>(m_iShotsFired);

    Vector GetVecOrigin()
        return *reinterpret_cast<Vector*>(uintptr_t(this) + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_vecOrigin"));

    Vector GetEyePosition()
        if (!this)
            return Vector(0, 0, 0);

        Vector ret;
        typedef void(__thiscall * OrigFn)(void*, Vector&);
        Utils::GetVFunc<OrigFn>(this, 284)(this, ret);

        return ret;
    inline Vector ExtrapolateTick(Vector p0, Vector v0)
        return p0 + (v0 * g_pGlobalVars->intervalPerTick);
    Vector GetPredicted(Vector p0)
        return ExtrapolateTick(p0, this->GetVelocity());

    Vector GetBonePosition(int iBone)
        matrix3x4_t boneMatrixes[128];
        if (this->SetupBones(boneMatrixes, 128, 0x100, 0))
            matrix3x4_t boneMatrix = boneMatrixes[iBone];
            return Vector(boneMatrix.flMatVal[0][3], boneMatrix.flMatVal[1][3], boneMatrix.flMatVal[2][3]);
            return Vector(0, 0, 0);

    ICollideable* GetCollideable()
        return (ICollideable*)((DWORD)this + 0x318);

    void SetCurrentCommand(CUserCmd* cmd)
        static int m_hConstraintEntity = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BasePlayer", "localdata", "m_hConstraintEntity");
        *reinterpret_cast<CUserCmd**>(uintptr_t(this) + m_hConstraintEntity - 0xC) = cmd;

    float FireRate();

    void FixSetupBones(matrix3x4_t* Matrix);
    Vector GetHitboxPosition(int Hitbox, matrix3x4_t* Matrix, float* Radius);
    Vector GetHitboxPosition(int Hitbox, matrix3x4_t* Matrix);
class viewmodel_t;

class C_BaseCombatWeapon : public C_BaseEntity
    template<class T>
    T GetPointer(const int offset)
        return reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(this) + offset);
    // To get value from the pointer itself
    template<class T>
    T GetValue(const int offset)
        return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(this) + offset);

    //    offys.m_iItemDefinitionIndex = ;
    ItemDefinitionIndex GetItemDefinitionIndex()
        static int m_iItemDefinitionIndex = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAttributableItem", "m_AttributeManager", "m_Item", "m_iItemDefinitionIndex");
        return GetValue<ItemDefinitionIndex>(m_iItemDefinitionIndex);

    CBaseHandle GetWeaponWorldModel()
        return *(CBaseHandle*)((uintptr_t)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseCombatWeapon", "m_hWeaponWorldModel")); //m_hWeaponWorldModel

#define VirtualFn( cast ) typedef cast( __thiscall* OriginalFn )
    void SetModelIndex(int nModelIndex)
        VirtualFn(void)(PVOID, int);
        Utils::GetVFunc< OriginalFn >(this, 75)(this, nModelIndex);
    CBaseHandle m_hWeaponWorldModel_h()
        return *(CBaseHandle*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x3234); //m_hWeaponWorldModel
    HANDLE m_hWeaponWorldModel_c()
        return *(HANDLE*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x3234); //m_hWeaponWorldModel
    short* ItemDefinitionIndex2()
        return (short*)((DWORD)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAttributableItem", "m_AttributeManager", "m_Item", "m_iItemDefinitionIndex"));
    int* ModelIndex()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x258);
    int* WorldModelIndex()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseCombatWeapon", "m_iWorldModelIndex"));
    int* GetEntityQuality() {
        // DT_BaseAttributableItem -> m_AttributeManager -> m_Item -> m_iEntityQuality
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x2FAC);
    short* fixskins()
        return (short*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x2FAA);
    int* FallbackPaintKit()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x31B8);
    inline int* GetFallbackPaintKit() {
        return (int*)((DWORD)this + 0x31B8);
    int* ViewModelIndex()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseViewModel", "m_nViewModelIndex"));
    int* OwnerXuidLow()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x31B0);
    int* OwnerXuidHigh()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x31B4);
    int* ItemIDHigh()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x2FC0);

    float* FallbackWear()
        return (float*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x31C0);
    int* FallbackSeed()
        return (int*)((uintptr_t)this + 0x31AC);

    int& GetItemIDHigh()
        return *(int*)((DWORD)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAttributableItem", "m_AttributeManager", "m_Item", "m_iItemIDHigh"));

    int& GetItemIDLow()
        return *(int*)((DWORD)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAttributableItem", "m_AttributeManager", "m_Item", "m_iItemIDLow"));

    int& GetAccountID()
        return *(int*)((DWORD)this + g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseAttributableItem", "m_AttributeManager", "m_Item", "m_iAccountID"));

    float GetInaccuracy()
        typedef float(__thiscall * oInaccuracy)(PVOID);
        return Utils::GetVFunc< oInaccuracy >(this, 479)(this);

    float GetSpread()
        typedef float(__thiscall * oWeaponSpread)(PVOID);
        return Utils::GetVFunc< oWeaponSpread >(this, 449)(this);

    float GetAccuracyPenalty()
        static int m_fAccuracyPenalty = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_WeaponCSBase", "m_fAccuracyPenalty");
        return GetValue<float>(m_fAccuracyPenalty);

    float GetLastShotTime()
        static int m_fLastShotTime = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_WeaponCSBase", "m_fLastShotTime");
        return GetValue<float>(m_fLastShotTime);

    int GetZoomLevel()
        static int m_fLastShotTime = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_WeaponCSBase", "m_zoomLevel");
        return GetValue<int>(m_fLastShotTime);

    void AccuracyPenalty()
        typedef void(__thiscall * OrigFn)(void*);
        return Utils::GetVFunc<OrigFn>(this, 480)(this);

    float GetNextPrimaryAttack()
        static int m_flNextPrimaryAttack = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseCombatWeapon", "LocalActiveWeaponData", "m_flNextPrimaryAttack");
        return GetValue<float>(m_flNextPrimaryAttack);

    float m_flPostponeFireReadyTime()
        static int m_flNextPrimaryAttack = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseCombatWeapon", "LocalActiveWeaponData", "m_flPostponeFireReadyTime");
        return GetValue<float>(m_flNextPrimaryAttack);

    int GetAmmo()
        static int m_iClip1 = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseCombatWeapon", "m_iClip1");
        return GetValue<int>(m_iClip1);

    int GetAmmo2()
        static int m_iClip1 = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("DT_BaseCombatWeapon", "m_iClip2");
        return GetValue<int>(m_iClip1);

    WeaponInfo_t* GetCSWpnData()
        using OriginalFn = WeaponInfo_t * (__thiscall*)(void*);
        static OriginalFn return_func = (OriginalFn)((DWORD)Utils::FindSignature("client_panorama.dll", "55 8B EC 81 EC ? ? ? ? 53 8B D9 56 57 8D 8B"));
        return return_func(this);

    std::string GetName()
        ///TODO: Test if szWeaponName returns proper value for m4a4 / m4a1-s or it doesnt recognize them.
        return std::string(this->GetCSWpnData()->weapon_name);
#pragma once

#include <cstring>

#pragma once

#include <assert.h>

template< class T, class I = int >
class CUtlMemory
    // constructor, destructor
    CUtlMemory(int nGrowSize = 0, int nInitSize = 0);
    CUtlMemory(T* pMemory, int numElements);
    CUtlMemory(const T* pMemory, int numElements);

    // Set the size by which the memory grows
    void Init(int nGrowSize = 0, int nInitSize = 0);

    class Iterator_t
        Iterator_t(I i) : index(i) {}
        I index;

        bool operator==(const Iterator_t it) const { return index == it.index; }
        bool operator!=(const Iterator_t it) const { return index != it.index; }
    Iterator_t First() const { return Iterator_t(IsIdxValid(0) ? 0 : InvalidIndex()); }
    Iterator_t Next(const Iterator_t& it) const { return Iterator_t(IsIdxValid(it.index + 1) ? it.index + 1 : InvalidIndex()); }
    I GetIndex(const Iterator_t& it) const { return it.index; }
    bool IsIdxAfter(I i, const Iterator_t& it) const { return i > it.index; }
    bool IsValidIterator(const Iterator_t& it) const { return IsIdxValid(it.index); }
    Iterator_t InvalidIterator() const { return Iterator_t(InvalidIndex()); }

    // element access
    T& operator[](I i);
    const T& operator[](I i) const;
    T& Element(I i);
    const T& Element(I i) const;

    bool IsIdxValid(I i) const;

    static const I INVALID_INDEX = (I)-1; // For use with COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT
    static I InvalidIndex() { return INVALID_INDEX; }

    T* Base();
    const T* Base() const;

    void SetExternalBuffer(T* pMemory, int numElements);
    void SetExternalBuffer(const T* pMemory, int numElements);
    void AssumeMemory(T* pMemory, int nSize);
    T* Detach();
    void* DetachMemory();

    void Swap(CUtlMemory< T, I >& mem);
    void ConvertToGrowableMemory(int nGrowSize);
    int NumAllocated() const;
    int Count() const;
    void Grow(int num = 1);
    void EnsureCapacity(int num);
    void Purge();
    void Purge(int numElements);
    bool IsExternallyAllocated() const;
    bool IsReadOnly() const;
    void SetGrowSize(int size);

    void ValidateGrowSize()



    T* m_pMemory;
    int m_nAllocationCount;
    int m_nGrowSize;

// constructor, destructor

template< class T, class I >
CUtlMemory<T, I>::CUtlMemory(int nGrowSize, int nInitAllocationCount) : m_pMemory(0),
m_nAllocationCount(nInitAllocationCount), m_nGrowSize(nGrowSize)
    assert(nGrowSize >= 0);
    if (m_nAllocationCount) {
        m_pMemory = (T*)new unsigned char[m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T)];
        //m_pMemory = (T*)malloc(m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T));

template< class T, class I >
CUtlMemory<T, I>::CUtlMemory(T* pMemory, int numElements) : m_pMemory(pMemory),
    // Special marker indicating externally supplied modifyable memory

template< class T, class I >
CUtlMemory<T, I>::CUtlMemory(const T* pMemory, int numElements) : m_pMemory((T*)pMemory),
    // Special marker indicating externally supplied modifyable memory

template< class T, class I >
CUtlMemory<T, I>::~CUtlMemory()

template< class T, class I >
void CUtlMemory<T, I>::Init(int nGrowSize /*= 0*/, int nInitSize /*= 0*/)

    m_nGrowSize = nGrowSize;
    m_nAllocationCount = nInitSize;
    assert(nGrowSize >= 0);
    if (m_nAllocationCount) {
        m_pMemory = (T*)malloc(m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T));

// Fast swap
template< class T, class I >
void CUtlMemory<T, I>::Swap(CUtlMemory<T, I>& mem)
    V_swap(m_nGrowSize, mem.m_nGrowSize);
    V_swap(m_pMemory, mem.m_pMemory);
    V_swap(m_nAllocationCount, mem.m_nAllocationCount);

// Switches the buffer from an external memory buffer to a reallocatable buffer
template< class T, class I >
void CUtlMemory<T, I>::ConvertToGrowableMemory(int nGrowSize)
    if (!IsExternallyAllocated())

    m_nGrowSize = nGrowSize;
    if (m_nAllocationCount) {
        int nNumBytes = m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T);
        T* pMemory = (T*)malloc(nNumBytes);
        memcpy(pMemory, m_pMemory, nNumBytes);
        m_pMemory = pMemory;
    else {
        m_pMemory = NULL;

// Attaches the buffer to external memory....
template< class T, class I >
void CUtlMemory<T, I>::SetExternalBuffer(T* pMemory, int numElements)
    // Blow away any existing allocated memory

    m_pMemory = pMemory;
    m_nAllocationCount = numElements;

    // Indicate that we don't own the memory

template< class T, class I >
void CUtlMemory<T, I>::SetExternalBuffer(const T* pMemory, int numElements)
    // Blow away any existing allocated memory

    m_pMemory = const_cast<T*>(pMemory);
    m_nAllocationCount = numElements;

    // Indicate that we don't own the memory

template< class T, class I >
void CUtlMemory<T, I>::AssumeMemory(T* pMemory, int numElements)
    // Blow away any existing allocated memory

    // Simply take the pointer but don't mark us as external
    m_pMemory = pMemory;
    m_nAllocationCount = numElements;

template< class T, class I >
void* CUtlMemory<T, I>::DetachMemory()
    if (IsExternallyAllocated())
        return NULL;

    void* pMemory = m_pMemory;
    m_pMemory = 0;
    m_nAllocationCount = 0;
    return pMemory;

template< class T, class I >
inline T* CUtlMemory<T, I>::Detach()
    return (T*)DetachMemory();

// element access
template< class T, class I >
inline T& CUtlMemory<T, I>::operator[](I i)
    return m_pMemory[i];

template< class T, class I >
inline const T& CUtlMemory<T, I>::operator[](I i) const
    return m_pMemory[i];

template< class T, class I >
inline T& CUtlMemory<T, I>::Element(I i)
    return m_pMemory[i];

template< class T, class I >
inline const T& CUtlMemory<T, I>::Element(I i) const
    return m_pMemory[i];

// is the memory externally allocated?
template< class T, class I >
bool CUtlMemory<T, I>::IsExternallyAllocated() const
    return (m_nGrowSize < 0);

// is the memory read only?
template< class T, class I >
bool CUtlMemory<T, I>::IsReadOnly() const
    return (m_nGrowSize == EXTERNAL_CONST_BUFFER_MARKER);

template< class T, class I >
void CUtlMemory<T, I>::SetGrowSize(int nSize)
    assert(nSize >= 0);
    m_nGrowSize = nSize;

// Gets the base address (can change when adding elements!)
template< class T, class I >
inline T* CUtlMemory<T, I>::Base()
    return m_pMemory;

template< class T, class I >
inline const T* CUtlMemory<T, I>::Base() const
    return m_pMemory;

// Size
template< class T, class I >
inline int CUtlMemory<T, I>::NumAllocated() const
    return m_nAllocationCount;

template< class T, class I >
inline int CUtlMemory<T, I>::Count() const
    return m_nAllocationCount;

// Is element index valid?
template< class T, class I >
inline bool CUtlMemory<T, I>::IsIdxValid(I i) const
    // GCC warns if I is an unsigned type and we do a ">= 0" against it (since the comparison is always 0).
    // We Get the warning even if we cast inside the expression. It only goes away if we assign to another variable.
    long x = i;
    return (x >= 0) && (x < m_nAllocationCount);

// Grows the memory
inline int UtlMemory_CalcNewAllocationCount(int nAllocationCount, int nGrowSize, int nNewSize, int nBytesItem)
    if (nGrowSize) {
        nAllocationCount = ((1 + ((nNewSize - 1) / nGrowSize)) * nGrowSize);
    else {
        if (!nAllocationCount) {
            // Compute an allocation which is at least as big as a cache line...
            nAllocationCount = (31 + nBytesItem) / nBytesItem;

        while (nAllocationCount < nNewSize) {
#ifndef _X360
            nAllocationCount *= 2;
            int nNewAllocationCount = (nAllocationCount * 9) / 8; // 12.5 %
            if (nNewAllocationCount > nAllocationCount)
                nAllocationCount = nNewAllocationCount;
                nAllocationCount *= 2;

    return nAllocationCount;

template< class T, class I >
void CUtlMemory<T, I>::Grow(int num)
    assert(num > 0);

    if (IsExternallyAllocated()) {
        // Can't grow a buffer whose memory was externally allocated

    auto oldAllocationCount = m_nAllocationCount;
    // Make sure we have at least numallocated + num allocations.
    // Use the grow rules specified for this memory (in m_nGrowSize)
    int nAllocationRequested = m_nAllocationCount + num;

    int nNewAllocationCount = UtlMemory_CalcNewAllocationCount(m_nAllocationCount, m_nGrowSize, nAllocationRequested, sizeof(T));

    // if m_nAllocationRequested wraps index type I, recalculate
    if ((int)(I)nNewAllocationCount < nAllocationRequested) {
        if ((int)(I)nNewAllocationCount == 0 && (int)(I)(nNewAllocationCount - 1) >= nAllocationRequested) {
            --nNewAllocationCount; // deal w/ the common case of m_nAllocationCount == MAX_USHORT + 1
        else {
            if ((int)(I)nAllocationRequested != nAllocationRequested) {
                // we've been asked to grow memory to a size s.t. the index type can't address the requested amount of memory
            while ((int)(I)nNewAllocationCount < nAllocationRequested) {
                nNewAllocationCount = (nNewAllocationCount + nAllocationRequested) / 2;

    m_nAllocationCount = nNewAllocationCount;

    if (m_pMemory) {
        auto ptr = new unsigned char[m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T)];

        memcpy(ptr, m_pMemory, oldAllocationCount * sizeof(T));
        m_pMemory = (T*)ptr;
    else {
        m_pMemory = (T*)new unsigned char[m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T)];

// Makes sure we've got at least this much memory
template< class T, class I >
inline void CUtlMemory<T, I>::EnsureCapacity(int num)
    if (m_nAllocationCount >= num)

    if (IsExternallyAllocated()) {
        // Can't grow a buffer whose memory was externally allocated
    m_nAllocationCount = num;

    if (m_pMemory) {
        m_pMemory = (T*)realloc(m_pMemory, m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T));
    else {
        m_pMemory = (T*)malloc(m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T));

// Memory deallocation
template< class T, class I >
void CUtlMemory<T, I>::Purge()
    if (!IsExternallyAllocated()) {
        if (m_pMemory) {
            m_pMemory = 0;
        m_nAllocationCount = 0;

template< class T, class I >
void CUtlMemory<T, I>::Purge(int numElements)
    assert(numElements >= 0);

    if (numElements > m_nAllocationCount) {
        // Ensure this isn't a grow request in disguise.
        assert(numElements <= m_nAllocationCount);

    // If we have zero elements, simply do a purge:
    if (numElements == 0) {

    if (IsExternallyAllocated()) {
        // Can't shrink a buffer whose memory was externally allocated, fail silently like purge

    // If the number of elements is the same as the allocation count, we are done.
    if (numElements == m_nAllocationCount) {

    if (!m_pMemory) {
        // Allocation count is non zero, but memory is null.
    m_nAllocationCount = numElements;
    m_pMemory = (T*)realloc(m_pMemory, m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T));

// The CUtlMemory class:
// A growable memory class which doubles in size by default.
template< class T, int nAlignment >
class CUtlMemoryAligned : public CUtlMemory<T>
    // constructor, destructor
    CUtlMemoryAligned(int nGrowSize = 0, int nInitSize = 0);
    CUtlMemoryAligned(T* pMemory, int numElements);
    CUtlMemoryAligned(const T* pMemory, int numElements);

    // Attaches the buffer to external memory....
    void SetExternalBuffer(T* pMemory, int numElements);
    void SetExternalBuffer(const T* pMemory, int numElements);

    // Grows the memory, so that at least allocated + num elements are allocated
    void Grow(int num = 1);

    // Makes sure we've got at least this much memory
    void EnsureCapacity(int num);

    // Memory deallocation
    void Purge();

    // Purge all but the given number of elements (NOT IMPLEMENTED IN CUtlMemoryAligned)
    void Purge(int numElements) { assert(0); }

    void* Align(const void* pAddr);

// Aligns a pointer
template< class T, int nAlignment >
void* CUtlMemoryAligned<T, nAlignment>::Align(const void* pAddr)
    size_t nAlignmentMask = nAlignment - 1;
    return (void*)(((size_t)pAddr + nAlignmentMask) & (~nAlignmentMask));

// constructor, destructor
template< class T, int nAlignment >
CUtlMemoryAligned<T, nAlignment>::CUtlMemoryAligned(int nGrowSize, int nInitAllocationCount)
    CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory = 0;
    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount = nInitAllocationCount;
    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nGrowSize = nGrowSize;

    // Alignment must be a power of two
    COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT((nAlignment & (nAlignment - 1)) == 0);
    assert((nGrowSize >= 0) && (nGrowSize != CUtlMemory<T>::EXTERNAL_BUFFER_MARKER));
    if (CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount) {
        CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory = (T*)_aligned_malloc(nInitAllocationCount * sizeof(T), nAlignment);

template< class T, int nAlignment >
CUtlMemoryAligned<T, nAlignment>::CUtlMemoryAligned(T* pMemory, int numElements)
    // Special marker indicating externally supplied memory
    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nGrowSize = CUtlMemory<T>::EXTERNAL_BUFFER_MARKER;

    CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory = (T*)Align(pMemory);
    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount = ((int)(pMemory + numElements) - (int)CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory) / sizeof(T);

template< class T, int nAlignment >
CUtlMemoryAligned<T, nAlignment>::CUtlMemoryAligned(const T* pMemory, int numElements)
    // Special marker indicating externally supplied memory
    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nGrowSize = CUtlMemory<T>::EXTERNAL_CONST_BUFFER_MARKER;

    CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory = (T*)Align(pMemory);
    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount = ((int)(pMemory + numElements) - (int)CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory) / sizeof(T);

template< class T, int nAlignment >
CUtlMemoryAligned<T, nAlignment>::~CUtlMemoryAligned()

// Attaches the buffer to external memory....
template< class T, int nAlignment >
void CUtlMemoryAligned<T, nAlignment>::SetExternalBuffer(T* pMemory, int numElements)
    // Blow away any existing allocated memory

    CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory = (T*)Align(pMemory);
    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount = ((int)(pMemory + numElements) - (int)CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory) / sizeof(T);

    // Indicate that we don't own the memory
    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nGrowSize = CUtlMemory<T>::EXTERNAL_BUFFER_MARKER;

template< class T, int nAlignment >
void CUtlMemoryAligned<T, nAlignment>::SetExternalBuffer(const T* pMemory, int numElements)
    // Blow away any existing allocated memory

    CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory = (T*)Align(pMemory);
    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount = ((int)(pMemory + numElements) - (int)CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory) / sizeof(T);

    // Indicate that we don't own the memory
    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nGrowSize = CUtlMemory<T>::EXTERNAL_CONST_BUFFER_MARKER;

// Grows the memory
template< class T, int nAlignment >
void CUtlMemoryAligned<T, nAlignment>::Grow(int num)
    assert(num > 0);

    if (this->IsExternallyAllocated()) {
        // Can't grow a buffer whose memory was externally allocated


    // Make sure we have at least numallocated + num allocations.
    // Use the grow rules specified for this memory (in m_nGrowSize)
    int nAllocationRequested = CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount + num;

    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount = UtlMemory_CalcNewAllocationCount(CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount, CUtlMemory<T>::m_nGrowSize, nAllocationRequested, sizeof(T));


    if (CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory) {
        CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory = (T*)MemAlloc_ReallocAligned(CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory, CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T), nAlignment);
    else {
        CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory = (T*)MemAlloc_AllocAligned(CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T), nAlignment);

// Makes sure we've got at least this much memory
template< class T, int nAlignment >
inline void CUtlMemoryAligned<T, nAlignment>::EnsureCapacity(int num)
    if (CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount >= num)

    if (this->IsExternallyAllocated()) {
        // Can't grow a buffer whose memory was externally allocated


    CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount = num;


    if (CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory) {
        CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory = (T*)MemAlloc_ReallocAligned(CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory, CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T), nAlignment);
    else {
        CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory = (T*)MemAlloc_AllocAligned(CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount * sizeof(T), nAlignment);

// Memory deallocation
template< class T, int nAlignment >
void CUtlMemoryAligned<T, nAlignment>::Purge()
    if (!this->IsExternallyAllocated()) {
        if (CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory) {
            CUtlMemory<T>::m_pMemory = 0;
        CUtlMemory<T>::m_nAllocationCount = 0;
template< class T, class A = CUtlMemory<T> >
class CUtlVector
    typedef T* iterator;
    typedef const T* const_iterator;
    typedef A CAllocator;
    typedef T ElemType_t;

    // constructor, destructor
    CUtlVector(int growSize = 0, int initSize = 0);
    CUtlVector(T* pMemory, int allocationCount, int numElements = 0);

    // Copy the array.
    CUtlVector<T, A>& operator=(const CUtlVector<T, A>& other);

    // element access
    T& operator[](int i);
    const T& operator[](int i) const;
    T& Element(int i);
    const T& Element(int i) const;
    T& Head();
    const T& Head() const;
    T& Tail();
    const T& Tail() const;

    // Gets the base address (can change when adding elements!)
    T* Base() { return m_Memory.Base(); }
    const T* Base() const { return m_Memory.Base(); }
    // Returns the number of elements in the vector
    int Count() const;
    // Is element index valid?
    bool IsValidIndex(int i) const;
    static int InvalidIndex();
    // Adds an element, uses default constructor
    int AddToHead();
    int AddToTail();
    int InsertBefore(int elem);
    int InsertAfter(int elem);
    // Adds an element, uses copy constructor
    int AddToHead(const T& src);
    int AddToTail(const T& src);
    int InsertBefore(int elem, const T& src);
    int InsertAfter(int elem, const T& src);
    // Adds multiple elements, uses default constructor
    int AddMultipleToHead(int num);
    int AddMultipleToTail(int num);
    int AddMultipleToTail(int num, const T* pToCopy);
    int InsertMultipleBefore(int elem, int num);
    int InsertMultipleBefore(int elem, int num, const T* pToCopy);
    int InsertMultipleAfter(int elem, int num);
    // Calls RemoveAll() then AddMultipleToTail.
    void SetSize(int size);
    void SetCount(int count);
    void SetCountNonDestructively(int count); //sets count by adding or removing elements to tail TODO: This should probably be the default behavior for SetCount
    void CopyArray(const T* pArray, int size); //Calls SetSize and copies each element.
                                               // Fast swap
    void Swap(CUtlVector< T, A >& vec);
    // Add the specified array to the tail.
    int AddVectorToTail(CUtlVector<T, A> const& src);
    // Finds an element (element needs operator== defined)
    int GetOffset(const T& src) const;
    void FillWithValue(const T& src);
    bool HasElement(const T& src) const;
    // Makes sure we have enough memory allocated to store a requested # of elements
    void EnsureCapacity(int num);
    // Makes sure we have at least this many elements
    void EnsureCount(int num);
    // Element removal
    void FastRemove(int elem);    // doesn't preserve order
    void Remove(int elem);        // preserves order, shifts elements
    bool FindAndRemove(const T& src);    // removes first occurrence of src, preserves order, shifts elements
    bool FindAndFastRemove(const T& src);    // removes first occurrence of src, doesn't preserve order
    void RemoveMultiple(int elem, int num);    // preserves order, shifts elements
    void RemoveMultipleFromHead(int num); // removes num elements from tail
    void RemoveMultipleFromTail(int num); // removes num elements from tail
    void RemoveAll();                // doesn't deallocate memory
    void Purge(); // Memory deallocation
                  // Purges the list and calls delete on each element in it.
    void PurgeAndDeleteElements();
    // Compacts the vector to the number of elements actually in use
    void Compact();
    // Set the size by which it grows when it needs to allocate more memory.
    void SetGrowSize(int size) { m_Memory.SetGrowSize(size); }
    int NumAllocated() const;    // Only use this if you really know what you're doing!
    void Sort(int(__cdecl* pfnCompare)(const T*, const T*));

    iterator begin() { return Base(); }
    const_iterator begin() const { return Base(); }
    iterator end() { return Base() + Count(); }
    const_iterator end() const { return Base() + Count(); }

    // Can't copy this unless we explicitly do it!
    CUtlVector(CUtlVector const& vec) { assert(0); }

    // Grows the vector
    void GrowVector(int num = 1);

    // Shifts elements....
    void ShiftElementsRight(int elem, int num = 1);
    void ShiftElementsLeft(int elem, int num = 1);

    CAllocator m_Memory;
    int m_Size;

    // For easier access to the elements through the debugger
    // it's in release builds so this can be used in libraries correctly
    T* m_pElements;

    inline void ResetDbgInfo()
        m_pElements = Base();

// constructor, destructor
template< typename T, class A >
inline CUtlVector<T, A>::CUtlVector(int growSize, int initSize) :
    m_Memory(growSize, initSize), m_Size(0)

template< typename T, class A >
inline CUtlVector<T, A>::CUtlVector(T* pMemory, int allocationCount, int numElements) :
    m_Memory(pMemory, allocationCount), m_Size(numElements)

template< typename T, class A >
inline CUtlVector<T, A>::~CUtlVector()

template< typename T, class A >
inline CUtlVector<T, A>& CUtlVector<T, A>::operator=(const CUtlVector<T, A>& other)
    int nCount = other.Count();
    for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) {
        (*this)[i] = other[i];
    return *this;

// element access
template< typename T, class A >
inline T& CUtlVector<T, A>::operator[](int i)
    assert(i < m_Size);
    return m_Memory[i];

template< typename T, class A >
inline const T& CUtlVector<T, A>::operator[](int i) const
    assert(i < m_Size);
    return m_Memory[i];

template< typename T, class A >
inline T& CUtlVector<T, A>::Element(int i)
    assert(i < m_Size);
    return m_Memory[i];

template< typename T, class A >
inline const T& CUtlVector<T, A>::Element(int i) const
    assert(i < m_Size);
    return m_Memory[i];

template< typename T, class A >
inline T& CUtlVector<T, A>::Head()
    assert(m_Size > 0);
    return m_Memory[0];

template< typename T, class A >
inline const T& CUtlVector<T, A>::Head() const
    assert(m_Size > 0);
    return m_Memory[0];

template< typename T, class A >
inline T& CUtlVector<T, A>::Tail()
    assert(m_Size > 0);
    return m_Memory[m_Size - 1];

template< typename T, class A >
inline const T& CUtlVector<T, A>::Tail() const
    assert(m_Size > 0);
    return m_Memory[m_Size - 1];

// Count
template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::Count() const
    return m_Size;

// Is element index valid?
template< typename T, class A >
inline bool CUtlVector<T, A>::IsValidIndex(int i) const
    return (i >= 0) && (i < m_Size);

// Returns in invalid index
template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::InvalidIndex()
    return -1;

// Grows the vector
template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::GrowVector(int num)
    if (m_Size + num > m_Memory.NumAllocated()) {
        m_Memory.Grow(m_Size + num - m_Memory.NumAllocated());

    m_Size += num;

// Sorts the vector
template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::Sort(int(__cdecl* pfnCompare)(const T*, const T*))
    typedef int(__cdecl * QSortCompareFunc_t)(const void*, const void*);
    if (Count() <= 1)

    if (Base()) {
        qsort(Base(), Count(), sizeof(T), (QSortCompareFunc_t)(pfnCompare));
    else {
        // this path is untested
        // if you want to sort vectors that use a non-sequential memory allocator,
        // you'll probably want to patch in a quicksort algorithm here
        // I just threw in this bubble sort to have something just in case...

        for (int i = m_Size - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            for (int j = 1; j <= i; ++j) {
                if (pfnCompare(&Element(j - 1), &Element(j)) < 0) {
                    V_swap(Element(j - 1), Element(j));

// Makes sure we have enough memory allocated to store a requested # of elements
template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::EnsureCapacity(int num)

// Makes sure we have at least this many elements
template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::EnsureCount(int num)
    if (Count() < num) {
        AddMultipleToTail(num - Count());

// Shifts elements
template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::ShiftElementsRight(int elem, int num)
    assert(IsValidIndex(elem) || (m_Size == 0) || (num == 0));
    int numToMove = m_Size - elem - num;
    if ((numToMove > 0) && (num > 0))
        memmove(&Element(elem + num), &Element(elem), numToMove * sizeof(T));

template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::ShiftElementsLeft(int elem, int num)
    assert(IsValidIndex(elem) || (m_Size == 0) || (num == 0));
    int numToMove = m_Size - elem - num;
    if ((numToMove > 0) && (num > 0)) {
        memmove(&Element(elem), &Element(elem + num), numToMove * sizeof(T));

#ifdef _DEBUG
        memset(&Element(m_Size - num), 0xDD, num * sizeof(T));

// Adds an element, uses default constructor
template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::AddToHead()
    return InsertBefore(0);

template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::AddToTail()
    return InsertBefore(m_Size);

template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::InsertAfter(int elem)
    return InsertBefore(elem + 1);

template< typename T, class A >
int CUtlVector<T, A>::InsertBefore(int elem)
    // Can insert at the end
    assert((elem == Count()) || IsValidIndex(elem));

    return elem;

// Adds an element, uses copy constructor
template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::AddToHead(const T& src)
    // Can't insert something that's in the list... reallocation may hose us
    assert((Base() == NULL) || (&src < Base()) || (&src >= (Base() + Count())));
    return InsertBefore(0, src);

template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::AddToTail(const T& src)
    // Can't insert something that's in the list... reallocation may hose us
    assert((Base() == NULL) || (&src < Base()) || (&src >= (Base() + Count())));
    return InsertBefore(m_Size, src);

template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::InsertAfter(int elem, const T& src)
    // Can't insert something that's in the list... reallocation may hose us
    assert((Base() == NULL) || (&src < Base()) || (&src >= (Base() + Count())));
    return InsertBefore(elem + 1, src);

// Adds multiple elements, uses default constructor
template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::AddMultipleToHead(int num)
    return InsertMultipleBefore(0, num);

template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::AddMultipleToTail(int num)
    return InsertMultipleBefore(m_Size, num);

template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::AddMultipleToTail(int num, const T* pToCopy)
    // Can't insert something that's in the list... reallocation may hose us
    assert((Base() == NULL) || !pToCopy || (pToCopy + num <= Base()) || (pToCopy >= (Base() + Count())));

    return InsertMultipleBefore(m_Size, num, pToCopy);

template< typename T, class A >
int CUtlVector<T, A>::InsertMultipleAfter(int elem, int num)
    return InsertMultipleBefore(elem + 1, num);

template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::SetCount(int count)

template< typename T, class A >
inline void CUtlVector<T, A>::SetSize(int size)

template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::SetCountNonDestructively(int count)
    int delta = count - m_Size;
    if (delta > 0) AddMultipleToTail(delta);
    else if (delta < 0) RemoveMultipleFromTail(-delta);

template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::CopyArray(const T* pArray, int size)
    // Can't insert something that's in the list... reallocation may hose us
    assert((Base() == NULL) || !pArray || (Base() >= (pArray + size)) || (pArray >= (Base() + Count())));

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        (*this)[i] = pArray[i];

template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::Swap(CUtlVector< T, A >& vec)
    V_swap(m_Size, vec.m_Size);
#ifndef _X360
    V_swap(m_pElements, vec.m_pElements);

template< typename T, class A >
int CUtlVector<T, A>::AddVectorToTail(CUtlVector const& src)
    assert(&src != this);

    int base = Count();

    // Make space.
    int nSrcCount = src.Count();
    EnsureCapacity(base + nSrcCount);

    // Copy the elements.  
    m_Size += nSrcCount;
    for (int i = 0; i < nSrcCount; i++) {
        CopyConstruct(&Element(base + i), src[i]);
    return base;

template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::InsertMultipleBefore(int elem, int num)
    if (num == 0)
        return elem;

    // Can insert at the end
    assert((elem == Count()) || IsValidIndex(elem));

    ShiftElementsRight(elem, num);

    // Invoke default constructors
    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
        Construct(&Element(elem + i));

    return elem;

template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::InsertMultipleBefore(int elem, int num, const T* pToInsert)
    if (num == 0)
        return elem;

    // Can insert at the end
    assert((elem == Count()) || IsValidIndex(elem));

    ShiftElementsRight(elem, num);

    // Invoke default constructors
    if (!pToInsert) {
        for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
            Construct(&Element(elem + i));
    else {
        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
            CopyConstruct(&Element(elem + i), pToInsert[i]);

    return elem;

// Finds an element (element needs operator== defined)
template< typename T, class A >
int CUtlVector<T, A>::GetOffset(const T& src) const
    for (int i = 0; i < Count(); ++i) {
        if (Element(i) == src)
            return i;
    return -1;

template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::FillWithValue(const T& src)
    for (int i = 0; i < Count(); i++) {
        Element(i) = src;

template< typename T, class A >
bool CUtlVector<T, A>::HasElement(const T& src) const
    return (GetOffset(src) >= 0);

// Element removal
template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::FastRemove(int elem)

    if (m_Size > 0) {
        if (elem != m_Size - 1)
            memcpy(&Element(elem), &Element(m_Size - 1), sizeof(T));

template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::Remove(int elem)

template< typename T, class A >
bool CUtlVector<T, A>::FindAndRemove(const T& src)
    int elem = GetOffset(src);
    if (elem != -1) {
        return true;
    return false;

template< typename T, class A >
bool CUtlVector<T, A>::FindAndFastRemove(const T& src)
    int elem = GetOffset(src);
    if (elem != -1) {
        return true;
    return false;

template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::RemoveMultiple(int elem, int num)
    assert(elem >= 0);
    assert(elem + num <= Count());

    for (int i = elem + num; --i >= elem; )

    ShiftElementsLeft(elem, num);
    m_Size -= num;

template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::RemoveMultipleFromHead(int num)
    assert(num <= Count());

    for (int i = num; --i >= 0; )

    ShiftElementsLeft(0, num);
    m_Size -= num;

template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::RemoveMultipleFromTail(int num)
    assert(num <= Count());

    for (int i = m_Size - num; i < m_Size; i++)

    m_Size -= num;

//===== Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#pragma once

#include <malloc.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <new.h>


// NOTE: All compiler defines are Set up in the base VPC scripts
// The rationale for this is that we need COMPILER_MSVC for the pragma blocks
// #pragma once that occur at the top of all header files, therefore we can't
// place the defines for these in here.

// Set up platform defines.
#ifdef _WIN32
#define IsPlatformLinux()    false
#define IsPlatformPosix()    false
#define IsPlatformOSX()        false
#define IsPlatformPS3()        false
#define IsPlatformWindows() true

#ifndef _X360
#define IsPlatformX360() false
#define IsPlatformWindowsPC() true

#ifdef _WIN64
#define IsPlatformWindowsPC64() true
#define IsPlatformWindowsPC32() false
#define IsPlatformWindowsPC64() false
#define IsPlatformWindowsPC32() true

#else // _X360

#define IsPlatformWindowsPC()    false
#define IsPlatformWindowsPC64() false
#define IsPlatformWindowsPC32() false
#define IsPlatformX360()        true
#define PLATFORM_X360 1

#endif // _X360

#elif defined(POSIX)
#define IsPlatformX360()        false
#define IsPlatformPS3()            false
#define IsPlatformWindows()        false
#define IsPlatformWindowsPC()    false
#define IsPlatformWindowsPC64()    false
#define IsPlatformWindowsPC32()    false
#define IsPlatformPosix()        true

#if defined( LINUX )
#define IsPlatformLinux() true
#define IsPlatformOSX() false
#elif defined ( OSX )
#define IsPlatformLinux() false
#define IsPlatformOSX() true
#define PLATFORM_OSX 1
#define IsPlatformLinux() false
#define IsPlatformOSX() false


// Set up platform type defines.
#ifdef PLATFORM_X360
#ifndef _CONSOLE
#define _CONSOLE
#define IsPC()        false
#define IsConsole() true
#define IsPC()        true
#define IsConsole() false

// Set up build configuration defines.
#ifdef _CERT
#define IsCert() true
#define IsCert() false

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define IsRelease() false
#define IsDebug() true
#define IsRelease() true
#define IsDebug() false

#ifdef _RETAIL
#define IsRetail() true
#define IsRetail() false

// Maximum and minimum representable values
#if !defined(PLATFORM_OSX) && !defined(__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS)

#ifndef INT8_MAX
#define  INT8_MAX            SCHAR_MAX
#ifndef INT16_MAX
#define  INT16_MAX            SHRT_MAX
#ifndef INT32_MAX
#define  INT32_MAX            LONG_MAX
#ifndef INT64_MAX
#define  INT64_MAX            (((int64_t)~0) >> 1)

#ifndef INT8_MIN
#define  INT8_MIN            SCHAR_MIN
#ifndef INT16_MIN
#define  INT16_MIN            SHRT_MIN
#ifndef INT32_MIN
#define  INT32_MIN            LONG_MIN
#ifndef INT64_MIN
#define  INT64_MIN            (((int64_t)1) << 63)

#ifndef UINT8_MAX
#define  UINT8_MAX            ((uint8_t)~0)
#ifndef UINT16_MAX
#define  UINT16_MAX            ((uint16)~0)
#ifndef UINT32_MAX
#define  UINT32_MAX            ((uint32_t)~0)
#ifndef UINT16_MAX
#define  UINT64_MAX            ((uint64_t)~0)

#ifndef UINT8_MIN
#define  UINT8_MIN            0
#ifndef UINT16_MIN
#define  UINT16_MIN            0
#ifndef UINT32_MIN
#define  UINT32_MIN            0
#ifndef UINT64_MIN
#define  UINT64_MIN            0


#ifndef  UINT_MIN
#define  UINT_MIN            UINT32_MIN

#define  FLOAT32_MAX        FLT_MAX
#define  FLOAT64_MAX        DBL_MAX

#ifdef GNUC
#undef offsetof
//#define offsetof( type, var ) __builtin_offsetof( type, var )
#define offsetof(s,m)    (size_t)&(((s *)0)->m)
#include <stddef.h>
#undef offsetof
#define offsetof(s,m)    (size_t)&(((s *)0)->m)

#define  FLOAT32_MIN        FLT_MIN
#define  FLOAT64_MIN        DBL_MIN

// Long is evil because it's treated differently by different compilers
// Preventing its use is nasty however. This #define, which should be
// turned on in individual VPC files, causes you to include tier0/valve_off.h
// before standard C + windows headers, and include tier0/valve_on.h after
// standard C + windows headers. So, there's some painful overhead to disabling long
#define long            long_is_the_devil_stop_using_it_use_int32_or_int64

// Various compiler-specific keywords

#define STDCALL                    __stdcall
#ifndef FASTCALL
#define  FASTCALL            __fastcall
#define FORCEINLINE                __forceinline
#define FORCEINLINE_TEMPLATE    __forceinline
#define NULLTERMINATED            __nullterminated

// This can be used to ensure the size of pointers to members when declaring
// a pointer type for a class that has only been forward declared
#define SINGLE_INHERITANCE        __single_inheritance
#define MULTIPLE_INHERITANCE    __multiple_inheritance
#define EXPLICIT                explicit
#define NO_VTABLE                __declspec( novtable )

// gcc doesn't allow storage specifiers on explicit template instatiation, but visual studio needs them to avoid link errors.
#define TEMPLATE_STATIC            static

// Used for dll exporting and importing
#define DLL_EXPORT                extern "C" __declspec( dllexport )
#define DLL_IMPORT                extern "C" __declspec( dllimport )

// Can't use extern "C" when DLL exporting a class
#define DLL_CLASS_EXPORT        __declspec( dllexport )
#define DLL_CLASS_IMPORT        __declspec( dllimport )

// Can't use extern "C" when DLL exporting a global
#define DLL_GLOBAL_EXPORT        extern __declspec( dllexport )
#define DLL_GLOBAL_IMPORT        extern __declspec( dllimport )

// Pass hints to the compiler to prevent it from generating unnessecary / stupid code
// in certain situations.  Several compilers other than MSVC also have an equivilent
// construct.
// Essentially the 'Hint' is that the condition specified is assumed to be true at
// that point in the compilation.  If '0' is passed, then the compiler assumes that
// any subsequent code in the same 'basic block' is unreachable, and thus usually
// removed.
#define HINT(THE_HINT)            __assume((THE_HINT))

// decls for aligning data
#define DECL_ALIGN(x)            __declspec( align( x ) )

// GCC had a few areas where it didn't construct objects in the same order
// that Windows does. So when CVProfile::CVProfile() would access g_pMemAlloc,
// it would crash because the allocator wasn't initalized yet.

#define SELECTANY                __declspec(selectany)

#define RESTRICT                __restrict
#define RESTRICT_FUNC            __declspec(restrict)
#define FMTFUNCTION( a, b )
#define NOINLINE

#if !defined( NO_THREAD_LOCAL )
#define DECL_THREAD_LOCAL        __declspec(thread)

#define DISABLE_VC_WARNING( x ) __pragma(warning(disable:4310) )
#define DEFAULT_VC_WARNING( x ) __pragma(warning(default:4310) )

#elif defined ( COMPILER_GCC )

#if (CROSS_PLATFORM_VERSION >= 1) && !defined( PLATFORM_64BITS )
#define  STDCALL            __attribute__ ((__stdcall__))
#define  STDCALL
#define  __stdcall            __attribute__ ((__stdcall__))

#define  FASTCALL
#define  FORCEINLINE        inline

// GCC 3.4.1 has a bug in supporting forced inline of templated functions
// this macro lets us not force inlining in that case
#define FORCEINLINE_TEMPLATE    inline
#define EXPLICIT
#define NO_VTABLE

#define NULLTERMINATED          


// Used for dll exporting and importing
#define DLL_EXPORT                extern "C" __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
#define DLL_IMPORT                extern "C"

// Can't use extern "C" when DLL exporting a class
#define DLL_CLASS_EXPORT        __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))

// Can't use extern "C" when DLL exporting a global
#define DLL_GLOBAL_EXPORT        __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#define DLL_GLOBAL_IMPORT        extern

#define HINT(THE_HINT)            0
#define DECL_ALIGN(x)            __attribute__( ( aligned( x ) ) )
#define CONSTRUCT_EARLY            __attribute__((init_priority(101)))
#define SELECTANY                __attribute__((weak))
#define RESTRICT
#define FMTFUNCTION( fmtargnumber, firstvarargnumber ) __attribute__ (( format( printf, fmtargnumber, firstvarargnumber )))
#define NOINLINE                __attribute__ ((noinline))

#if !defined( NO_THREAD_LOCAL )
#define DECL_THREAD_LOCAL        __thread



#define DECL_ALIGN(x)            /* */
#define SELECTANY                static


#if defined( GNUC )
// gnuc has the align decoration at the end
#define ALIGN4
#define ALIGN8
#define ALIGN16
#define ALIGN32
#define ALIGN128

#define ALIGN128_POST DECL_ALIGN(128)
// MSVC has the align at the start of the struct
#define ALIGN4 DECL_ALIGN(4)
#define ALIGN8 DECL_ALIGN(8)
#define ALIGN16 DECL_ALIGN(16)
#define ALIGN32 DECL_ALIGN(32)
#define ALIGN128 DECL_ALIGN(128)

#define ALIGN4_POST
#define ALIGN8_POST
#define ALIGN16_POST
#define ALIGN32_POST
#define ALIGN128_POST

// This can be used to declare an abstract (interface only) class.
// Classes marked abstract should not be instantiated.  If they are, and access violation will occur.
// Example of use:
// abstract_class CFoo
// {
//      ...
// }
// MSDN __declspec(novtable) documentation: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vclang/html/_langref_novtable.asp
// Note: NJS: This is not enabled for regular PC, due to not knowing the implications of exporting a class with no no vtable.
//       It's probable that this shouldn't be an issue, but an experiment should be done to verify this.
#define abstract_class class
#define abstract_class class NO_VTABLE

// Why do we need this? It would be nice to make it die die die
// Alloca defined for this platform
#if defined( COMPILER_MSVC ) && !defined( WINDED )
#if defined(_M_IX86)
#define __i386__    1

#if defined __i386__ && !defined __linux__
#define id386    1
#define id386    0
#endif  // __i386__

// Disable annoying unhelpful warnings
// Remove warnings from warning level 4.
#pragma warning(disable : 4514) // warning C4514: 'acosl' : unreferenced inline function has been removed
#pragma warning(disable : 4100) // warning C4100: 'hwnd' : unreferenced formal parameter
#pragma warning(disable : 4127) // warning C4127: conditional expression is constant
#pragma warning(disable : 4512) // warning C4512: 'InFileRIFF' : assignment operator could not be generated
#pragma warning(disable : 4611) // warning C4611: interaction between '_setjmp' and C++ object destruction is non-portable
#pragma warning(disable : 4710) // warning C4710: function 'x' not inlined
#pragma warning(disable : 4702) // warning C4702: unreachable code
#pragma warning(disable : 4505) // unreferenced local function has been removed
#pragma warning(disable : 4239) // nonstandard extension used : 'argument' ( conversion from class Vector to class Vector& )
#pragma warning(disable : 4097) // typedef-name 'BaseClass' used as synonym for class-name 'CFlexCycler::CBaseFlex'
#pragma warning(disable : 4324) // Padding was added at the end of a structure
#pragma warning(disable : 4244) // type conversion warning.
#pragma warning(disable : 4305)    // truncation from 'const double ' to 'float '
#pragma warning(disable : 4786)    // Disable warnings about long symbol names
#pragma warning(disable : 4250) // 'X' : inherits 'Y::Z' via dominance
#pragma warning(disable : 4201) // nonstandard extension used : nameless struct/union

#if _MSC_VER >= 1300
#pragma warning(disable : 4511)    // Disable warnings about private copy constructors
#pragma warning(disable : 4121)    // warning C4121: 'symbol' : alignment of a member was sensitive to packing
#pragma warning(disable : 4530)    // warning C4530: C++ exception handler used, but unwind semantics are not enabled. Specify /EHsc (disabled due to std headers having exception syntax)

#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
#pragma warning(disable : 4996)    // functions declared deprecated

// When we port to 64 bit, we'll have to resolve the int, ptr vs size_t 32/64 bit problems...
#if !defined( COMPILER_MSVC64 )
#pragma warning( disable : 4267 )    // conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
#pragma warning( disable : 4311 )    // pointer truncation from 'char *' to 'int'
#pragma warning( disable : 4312 )    // conversion from 'unsigned int' to 'memhandle_t' of greater size


// Stack-based allocation related helpers
#if defined( COMPILER_GCC )

#define stackalloc( _size )        alloca( ALIGN_VALUE( _size, 16 ) )

#define mallocsize( _p )    ( malloc_size( _p ) )
#define mallocsize( _p )    ( malloc_usable_size( _p ) )

#elif defined ( COMPILER_MSVC )

#define stackalloc( _size )        _alloca( ALIGN_VALUE( _size, 16 ) )
#define mallocsize( _p )        ( _msize( _p ) )


#define  stackfree( _p )            0

// Used to break into the debugger
#define DebuggerBreak()        __debugbreak()
#define DebuggerBreak()        __asm { int 3 }
#define DebuggerBreak()        DebugBreak()
#if defined( PLATFORM_CYGWIN ) || defined( PLATFORM_POSIX )
#define DebuggerBreak()        __asm__( "int $0x3;")
#define DebuggerBreak()        asm( "int3" )

// DLL export for platform utilities
#ifndef STATIC_TIER0


#else    // BUILD_AS_DLL

#define PLATFORM_INTERFACE    extern

#endif    // BUILD_AS_DLL

// Posix platform helpers

// Visual Studio likes to put an underscore in front of anything that looks like a portable function.
#define _strupr strupr
#define _getcwd getcwd
#define _open open
#define _lseek lseek
#define _read read
#define _close close
#define _vsnprintf vsnprintf
#define _stat stat
#define _stricmp strcasecmp
#define _finite finite
#define _unlink unlink
#define _putenv putenv
#define _chdir chdir
#define _access access
#define _strtoi64 strtoll

#if !defined( _snprintf )    // some vpc's define this on the command line
#define _snprintf snprintf

#include <alloca.h>
#include <unistd.h>                                            // Get unlink
#include <errno.h>


// Generally useful platform-independent macros (move to another file?)

// need macro for constant expression
#define ALIGN_VALUE( val, alignment ) ( ( val + alignment - 1 ) & ~( alignment - 1 ) )

// Force a function call site -not- to inlined. (useful for profiling)
#define DONT_INLINE(a) (((int)(a)+1)?(a):(a))

// Marks the codepath from here until the next branch entry point as unreachable,
// and asserts if any attempt is made to execute it.
#define UNREACHABLE() { Assert(0); HINT(0); }

// In cases where no default is present or appropriate, this causes MSVC to generate
// as little code as possible, and throw an assertion in debug.
#define NO_DEFAULT default: UNREACHABLE();

// Defines MAX_PATH
#ifndef MAX_PATH
#define MAX_PATH  260

// FP exception handling
//#define CHECK_FLOAT_EXCEPTIONS        1
//#define CHECK_FPU_CONTROL_WORD_SET    1    // x360 only

#if defined( COMPILER_MSVC64 )

inline void SetupFPUControlWord()

#elif defined ( COMPILER_MSVC32 )

inline void SetupFPUControlWordForceExceptions()
    // use local to Get and store control word
    uint16 tmpCtrlW;
        fnclex                        /* clear all current exceptions */
        fnstcw word ptr[tmpCtrlW]    /* Get current control word */
        and [tmpCtrlW], 0FCC0h        /* Keep infinity control + rounding control */
        or [tmpCtrlW], 0230h        /* Set to 53-bit, mask only inexact, underflow */
        fldcw word ptr[tmpCtrlW]    /* put new control word in FPU */


inline void SetupFPUControlWord()


inline void SetupFPUControlWord()
    // use local to Get and store control word
    uint16 tmpCtrlW;
        fnstcw word ptr[tmpCtrlW]    /* Get current control word */
        and [tmpCtrlW], 0FCC0h        /* Keep infinity control + rounding control */
        or [tmpCtrlW], 023Fh        /* Set to 53-bit, mask only inexact, underflow */
        fldcw word ptr[tmpCtrlW]    /* put new control word in FPU */


#elif defined ( COMPILER_GCC )

inline void SetupFPUControlWord()
    __volatile unsigned short int __cw;
    __asm __volatile("fnstcw %0" : "=m" (__cw));
    __cw = __cw & 0x0FCC0;    // keep infinity control, keep rounding mode
    __cw = __cw | 0x023F;    // Set 53-bit, no exceptions
    __asm __volatile("fldcw %0" : : "m" (__cw));

#elif defined( COMPILER_MSVCX360 )

FORCEINLINE bool IsFPUControlWordSet()
    float f = 0.996f;
        double flResult;
        int pResult[2];
    flResult = __fctiw(f);
    return (pResult[1] == 1);
#define IsFPUControlWordSet() true

inline void SetupFPUControlWord()
    // Set round-to-nearest in FPSCR
    // (cannot assemble, must use op-code form)
    __emit(0xFF80010C);    // mtfsfi  7,0

                        // Favour compatibility over speed (make sure the VPU Set to Java-compliant mode)
                        // NOTE: the VPU *always* uses round-to-nearest
    __vector4  a = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
    a;                //    Avoid compiler warning
        mtvscr a;    // Clear the Vector Status & Control Register to zero

#endif // COMPILER_MSVCX360

// Purpose: Standard functions for handling endian-ness

// Basic swaps

template <typename T>
inline T WordSwapC(T w)
    uint16 temp;

    temp = ((*((uint16*)& w) & 0xff00) >> 8);
    temp |= ((*((uint16*)& w) & 0x00ff) << 8);

    return *((T*)& temp);

template <typename T>
inline T DWordSwapC(T dw)
    uint32_t temp;

    temp = *((uint32_t*)& dw) >> 24;
    temp |= ((*((uint32_t*)& dw) & 0x00FF0000) >> 8);
    temp |= ((*((uint32_t*)& dw) & 0x0000FF00) << 8);
    temp |= ((*((uint32_t*)& dw) & 0x000000FF) << 24);

    return *((T*)& temp);

// Fast swaps

#if defined( COMPILER_MSVCX360 )

#define WordSwap  WordSwap360Intr
#define DWordSwap DWordSwap360Intr

template <typename T>
inline T WordSwap360Intr(T w)
    T output;
    __storeshortbytereverse(w, 0, &output);
    return output;

template <typename T>
inline T DWordSwap360Intr(T dw)
    T output;
    __storewordbytereverse(dw, 0, &output);
    return output;

#elif defined( COMPILER_MSVC32 )

#define WordSwap  WordSwapAsm
#define DWordSwap DWordSwapAsm

#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning (disable:4035) // no return value

template <typename T>
inline T WordSwapAsm(T w)
        mov ax, w
        xchg al, ah

template <typename T>
inline T DWordSwapAsm(T dw)
        mov eax, dw
        bswap eax

#pragma warning(pop)


#define WordSwap  WordSwapC
#define DWordSwap DWordSwapC


// The typically used methods.

#if defined( _SGI_SOURCE ) || defined( PLATFORM_X360 )
#define    PLAT_BIG_ENDIAN 1

// If a swapped float passes through the fpu, the bytes may Get changed.
// Prevent this by swapping floats as DWORDs.
#define SafeSwapFloat( pOut, pIn )    (*((unsigned int*)pOut) = DWordSwap( *((unsigned int*)pIn) ))

#define BigShort( val )                WordSwap( val )
#define BigWord( val )                WordSwap( val )
#define BigLong( val )                DWordSwap( val )
#define BigDWord( val )                DWordSwap( val )
#define LittleShort( val )            ( val )
#define LittleWord( val )            ( val )
#define LittleLong( val )            ( val )
#define LittleDWord( val )            ( val )
#define SwapShort( val )            BigShort( val )
#define SwapWord( val )                BigWord( val )
#define SwapLong( val )                BigLong( val )
#define SwapDWord( val )            BigDWord( val )

// Pass floats by pointer for swapping to avoid truncation in the fpu
#define BigFloat( pOut, pIn )        SafeSwapFloat( pOut, pIn )
#define LittleFloat( pOut, pIn )    ( *pOut = *pIn )
#define SwapFloat( pOut, pIn )        BigFloat( pOut, pIn )

#elif defined(PLAT_BIG_ENDIAN)

#define BigShort( val )                ( val )
#define BigWord( val )                ( val )
#define BigLong( val )                ( val )
#define BigDWord( val )                ( val )
#define LittleShort( val )            WordSwap( val )
#define LittleWord( val )            WordSwap( val )
#define LittleLong( val )            DWordSwap( val )
#define LittleDWord( val )            DWordSwap( val )
#define SwapShort( val )            LittleShort( val )
#define SwapWord( val )                LittleWord( val )
#define SwapLong( val )                LittleLong( val )
#define SwapDWord( val )            LittleDWord( val )

// Pass floats by pointer for swapping to avoid truncation in the fpu
#define BigFloat( pOut, pIn )        ( *pOut = *pIn )
#define LittleFloat( pOut, pIn )    SafeSwapFloat( pOut, pIn )
#define SwapFloat( pOut, pIn )        LittleFloat( pOut, pIn )


// @Note (toml 05-02-02): this technique expects the compiler to
// optimize the expression and eliminate the other path. On any new
// platform/compiler this should be tested.
inline short BigShort(short val) { int test = 1; return (*(char*)& test == 1) ? WordSwap(val) : val; }
inline uint16 BigWord(uint16 val) { int test = 1; return (*(char*)& test == 1) ? WordSwap(val) : val; }
inline long BigLong(long val) { int test = 1; return (*(char*)& test == 1) ? DWordSwap(val) : val; }
inline uint32_t BigDWord(uint32_t val) { int test = 1; return (*(char*)& test == 1) ? DWordSwap(val) : val; }
inline short LittleShort(short val) { int test = 1; return (*(char*)& test == 1) ? val : WordSwap(val); }
inline uint16 LittleWord(uint16 val) { int test = 1; return (*(char*)& test == 1) ? val : WordSwap(val); }
inline long LittleLong(long val) { int test = 1; return (*(char*)& test == 1) ? val : DWordSwap(val); }
inline uint32_t LittleDWord(uint32_t val) { int test = 1; return (*(char*)& test == 1) ? val : DWordSwap(val); }
inline short SwapShort(short val) { return WordSwap(val); }
inline uint16 SwapWord(uint16 val) { return WordSwap(val); }
inline long SwapLong(long val) { return DWordSwap(val); }
inline uint32_t SwapDWord(uint32_t val) { return DWordSwap(val); }

// Pass floats by pointer for swapping to avoid truncation in the fpu
inline void BigFloat(float* pOut, const float* pIn) { int test = 1; (*(char*)& test == 1) ? SafeSwapFloat(pOut, pIn) : (*pOut = *pIn); }
inline void LittleFloat(float* pOut, const float* pIn) { int test = 1; (*(char*)& test == 1) ? (*pOut = *pIn) : SafeSwapFloat(pOut, pIn); }
inline void SwapFloat(float* pOut, const float* pIn) { SafeSwapFloat(pOut, pIn); }


inline uint32_t LoadLittleDWord(uint32_t* base, unsigned int dwordIndex)
    return LittleDWord(base[dwordIndex]);

inline void StoreLittleDWord(uint32_t* base, unsigned int dwordIndex, uint32_t dword)
    base[dwordIndex] = LittleDWord(dword);

// Protect against bad auto operator=
#define DISALLOW_OPERATOR_EQUAL( _classname )            \
    private:                                            \
        _classname &operator=( const _classname & );    \

// Define a reasonable operator=
#define IMPLEMENT_OPERATOR_EQUAL( _classname )            \
    public:                                                \
        _classname &operator=( const _classname &src )    \
        {                                                \
            memcpy( this, &src, sizeof(_classname) );    \
            return *this;                                \

#if _X360
#define Plat_FastMemset XMemSet
#define Plat_FastMemcpy XMemCpy
#define Plat_FastMemset memset
#define Plat_FastMemcpy memcpy

// XBOX Components valid in PC compilation space

#define XBOX_DVD_SECTORSIZE            2048
#define XBOX_DVD_ECC_SIZE            32768 // driver reads in quantum ECC blocks
#define XBOX_HDD_SECTORSIZE            512

// Custom windows messages for Xbox input
#define WM_XREMOTECOMMAND                    (WM_USER + 100)
#define WM_XCONTROLLER_KEY                    (WM_USER + 101)
#define WM_SYS_UI                            (WM_USER + 102)
#define WM_SYS_SIGNINCHANGED                (WM_USER + 103)
#define WM_SYS_MUTELISTCHANGED                (WM_USER + 106)
#define WM_SYS_INPUTDEVICESCHANGED            (WM_USER + 107)
#define WM_LIVE_CONNECTIONCHANGED            (WM_USER + 109)
#define WM_LIVE_INVITE_ACCEPTED                (WM_USER + 110)
#define WM_LIVE_LINK_STATE_CHANGED            (WM_USER + 111)
#define WM_LIVE_CONTENT_INSTALLED            (WM_USER + 112)
#define WM_LIVE_VOICECHAT_AWAY                (WM_USER + 114)
#define WM_LIVE_PRESENCE_CHANGED            (WM_USER + 115)
#define WM_FRIENDS_PRESENCE_CHANGED            (WM_USER + 116)
#define WM_FRIENDS_FRIEND_ADDED                (WM_USER + 117)
#define WM_FRIENDS_FRIEND_REMOVED            (WM_USER + 118)
#define WM_CUSTOM_GAMEBANNERPRESSED            (WM_USER + 119)
#define WM_CUSTOM_ACTIONPRESSED                (WM_USER + 120)
#define WM_XMP_STATECHANGED                    (WM_USER + 121)

inline const char* GetPlatformExt(void)
    return IsPlatformX360() ? ".360" : "";

// flat view, 6 hw threads
#define XBOX_PROCESSOR_0            ( 1<<0 )
#define XBOX_PROCESSOR_1            ( 1<<1 )
#define XBOX_PROCESSOR_2            ( 1<<2 )
#define XBOX_PROCESSOR_3            ( 1<<3 )
#define XBOX_PROCESSOR_4            ( 1<<4 )
#define XBOX_PROCESSOR_5            ( 1<<5 )

// core view, 3 cores with 2 hw threads each

// Include additional dependant header components.
#if defined( PLATFORM_X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_core.h"

// Methods to invoke the constructor, copy constructor, and destructor

template <class T>
inline T* Construct(T* pMemory)
    return ::new(pMemory) T;

template <class T, typename ARG1>
inline T* Construct(T* pMemory, ARG1 a1)
    return ::new(pMemory) T(a1);

template <class T, typename ARG1, typename ARG2>
inline T* Construct(T* pMemory, ARG1 a1, ARG2 a2)
    return ::new(pMemory) T(a1, a2);

template <class T, typename ARG1, typename ARG2, typename ARG3>
inline T* Construct(T* pMemory, ARG1 a1, ARG2 a2, ARG3 a3)
    return ::new(pMemory) T(a1, a2, a3);

template <class T, typename ARG1, typename ARG2, typename ARG3, typename ARG4>
inline T* Construct(T* pMemory, ARG1 a1, ARG2 a2, ARG3 a3, ARG4 a4)
    return ::new(pMemory) T(a1, a2, a3, a4);

template <class T, typename ARG1, typename ARG2, typename ARG3, typename ARG4, typename ARG5>
inline T* Construct(T* pMemory, ARG1 a1, ARG2 a2, ARG3 a3, ARG4 a4, ARG5 a5)
    return ::new(pMemory) T(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5);

template <class T>
inline T* CopyConstruct(T* pMemory, T const& src)
    return ::new(pMemory) T(src);

template <class T>
inline void Destruct(T* pMemory)

#ifdef _DEBUG
    memset(pMemory, 0xDD, sizeof(T));

// A platform-independent way for a contained class to Get a pointer to its
// owner. If you know a class is exclusively used in the context of some
// "outer" class, this is a much more space efficient way to Get at the outer
// class than having the inner class store a pointer to it.
//    class COuter
//    {
//        class CInner // Note: this does not need to be a nested class to work
//        {
//            void PrintAddressOfOuter()
//            {
//                printf( "Outer is at 0x%x\n", GET_OUTER( COuter, m_Inner ) );
//            }
//        };
//        CInner m_Inner;
//        friend class CInner;
//    };

#define GET_OUTER( OuterType, OuterMember ) \
   ( ( OuterType * ) ( (uint8_t *)this - offsetof( OuterType, OuterMember ) ) )


(Note added to platform.h so platforms that correctly support templated
functions can handle portions as templated functions rather than wrapped

Helps automate the process of creating an array of function
templates that are all specialized by a single integer.
This sort of thing is often useful in optimization work.

For example, using TEMPLATE_FUNCTION_TABLE, this:

TEMPLATE_FUNCTION_TABLE(int, Function, ( int blah, int blah ), 10)
return argument * argument;

is equivilent to the following:

(NOTE: the function has to be wrapped in a class due to code
generation bugs involved with directly specializing a function
based on a constant.)

template<int argument>
class FunctionWrapper
int Function( int blah, int blah )
return argument*argument;

typedef int (*FunctionType)( int blah, int blah );

class FunctionName
enum { count = 10 };
FunctionType functions[10];

FunctionType FunctionName::functions[] =

PLATFORM_INTERFACE bool vtune(bool resume);

typedef RETURN_TYPE (FASTCALL *__Type_##NAME) ARGS;                                \
template<const int nArgument>                                                                \
struct __Function_##NAME                                                                      \
{                                                                                                          \
    static RETURN_TYPE FASTCALL Run ARGS;                                                \
};                                                                                                        \
template <const int i>                                                                            \
struct __MetaLooper_##NAME : __MetaLooper_##NAME<i-1>                            \
{                                                                                                          \
    __Type_##NAME func;                                                                            \
    inline __MetaLooper_##NAME() { func = __Function_##NAME<i>::Run; }    \
};                                                                                                        \
template<>                                                                                            \
struct __MetaLooper_##NAME<0>                                                                \
{                                                                                                          \
    __Type_##NAME func;                                                                            \
    inline __MetaLooper_##NAME() { func = __Function_##NAME<0>::Run; }    \
};                                                                                                        \
class NAME                                                                                            \
{                                                                                                          \
private:                                                                                              \
    static const __MetaLooper_##NAME<COUNT> m;                                      \
public:                                                                                                  \
    enum { count = COUNT };                                                                      \
    static const __Type_##NAME* functions;                                              \
};                                                                                                        \
const __MetaLooper_##NAME<COUNT> NAME::m;                                              \
const __Type_##NAME* NAME::functions = (__Type_##NAME*)&m;                    \
template<const int nArgument>                                                                    \
RETURN_TYPE FASTCALL __Function_##NAME<nArgument>::Run ARGS

    if( (BOOLEAN) )\
    } else\

FORCEINLINE uint32_t RotateBitsLeft32(uint32_t nValue, int nRotateBits)
    return _rotl(nValue, nRotateBits);
FORCEINLINE uint64_t RotateBitsLeft64(uint64_t nValue, int nRotateBits)
    return _rotl64(nValue, nRotateBits);
FORCEINLINE uint32_t RotateBitsRight32(uint32_t nValue, int nRotateBits)
    return _rotr(nValue, nRotateBits);
FORCEINLINE uint64_t RotateBitsRight64(uint64_t nValue, int nRotateBits)
    return _rotr64(nValue, nRotateBits);

template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::RemoveAll()
    for (int i = m_Size; --i >= 0; ) {

    m_Size = 0;

// Memory deallocation

template< typename T, class A >
inline void CUtlVector<T, A>::Purge()

template< typename T, class A >
inline void CUtlVector<T, A>::PurgeAndDeleteElements()
    for (int i = 0; i < m_Size; i++) {
        delete Element(i);

template< typename T, class A >
inline void CUtlVector<T, A>::Compact()

template< typename T, class A >
inline int CUtlVector<T, A>::NumAllocated() const
    return m_Memory.NumAllocated();

// Data and memory validation
template< typename T, class A >
void CUtlVector<T, A>::Validate(CValidator& validator, char* pchName)
    validator.Push(typeid(*this).name(), this, pchName);

    m_Memory.Validate(validator, "m_Memory");


// A vector class for storing pointers, so that the elements pointed to by the pointers are deleted
// on exit.
template<class T> class CUtlVectorAutoPurge : public CUtlVector< T, CUtlMemory< T, int> >

// easy string list class with dynamically allocated strings. For use with V_SplitString, etc.
// Frees the dynamic strings in destructor.
class CUtlStringList : public CUtlVectorAutoPurge< char*>
    void CopyAndAddToTail(char const* pString)            // clone the string and add to the end
        char* pNewStr = new char[1 + strlen(pString)];
        strcpy_s(pNewStr, 1 + strlen(pString), pString);

    static int __cdecl SortFunc(char* const* sz1, char* const* sz2)
        return strcmp(*sz1, *sz2);

class IRefCounted
    volatile long refCount;

    virtual void destructor(char bDelete) = 0;
    virtual bool OnFinalRelease() = 0;

    void unreference()
        if (InterlockedDecrement(&refCount) == 0 && OnFinalRelease())

class C_EconItemView
    char pad_0000[4]; //0x0000
    CUtlVector<IRefCounted*> m_CustomMaterials; //0x0004
    char pad_0018[520]; //0x0018
    CUtlVector<IRefCounted*> m_VisualsDataProcessors; //0x0220

class C_AttributeManager
    char pad_0000[64]; //0x0000
    C_EconItemView m_Item; //0x0040

class C_WeaponCSBase : public C_BaseEntity
    char _pad_0x0000[2508];
    CUtlVector<IRefCounted*> m_CustomMaterials; //0x09DC
    char _pad_0x09F0[9120];
    C_AttributeManager m_AttributeManager; //0x2D80
    char _pad_0x2D94[812];
    bool m_bCustomMaterialInitialized; //0x3330

class CBaseWeaponWorldModel : public C_BaseEntity
    inline int* GetModelIndex() {

        return (int*)((DWORD)this + 0x258);

class CBaseCSGrenade : public C_BaseCombatWeapon
    bool pin_pulled()
        return *reinterpret_cast<float*>(uintptr_t(this) + 0x3332);

    template<class T>
    T GetValue(const int offset)
        return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(this) + offset);

    float throw_time()
        static int m_flNextPrimaryAttack = g_pNetvars->GetOffset("C_BaseCSGrenade", "m_fThrowTime");
        return GetValue<float>(m_flNextPrimaryAttack);

class viewmodel_t : public C_BaseEntity {
    NETVAR2(int, m_nModelIndex, "DT_BaseViewModel", "m_nModelIndex");
    NETVAR2(int, m_nViewModelIndex, "DT_BaseViewModel", "m_nViewModelIndex");

class C_BaseViewModel

    inline DWORD GetOwner() {

        return *(PDWORD)((DWORD)this + 0x29CC);

    inline int GetModelIndex() {

        return *(int*)((DWORD)this + 0x258);
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