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Приватный чит для Battlefield 3 от nxHacks
Без преувеличения это один из лучших и многофункциональных читов для BF3 !!!
Без преувеличения это один из лучших и многофункциональных читов для BF3 !!!
Статус: Рабочий
Поддерживаемые ОС: Windows 7 / 8 / 10
Поддержка игры в Origin: x64
Безопасность: Рабочий Анти-Чит для Punkbuster
Перечень доступных опций (
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
- Aim Style (Distance, Closest to Crosshair etc.)
- Aim Key (Custom aimbot key)
- Aim FOV (Sets the Aim Field of View)
- Visibility Checks (Bot Aims at Visible enemies only)
- Aim Bone (Head, Chest, Knee etc)
- Aim Bone Scan (Bot Aims For a visible part to hit)
- Aim Vehicle-Part Scan (Bot Aims For a visible part to hit)
- Auto-Wall (Aim through penetratable objects)
- Auto-Weapon Switch (Switch weapons when reloading)
- Aim Distance (Set the max aim distance)
- Aim Lock (Stay locked on to an enemy)
- Jet Aimbot (Aim while flying in a jet)
- Jet Priority (Bot will focus on Jets first)
- Vehicle Aimbot (Aim with any vehicle)
- Gadget Aimbot (Aim at enemy gadgets)
- Customizable Aimbot Prediction (Improved accuracy)
- Auto-Fire Aimbot (Vehicles and Infantry) (Shoot when aimbot is locked on)
- Ignore Vehicle Types (You choose what to aim at)
- Enemy Priority (Aimbot prioritizes enemy list)
- No-Recoil (Disable weapon recoil)
- No-Spread (Disable bullet spread)
- No-Breath (Disable soldier breathing)
- ESP Scale Adjustment (Sizes Can Be Adjusted) (Adjusts according to enemy distance)
- Engine ESP (Makes ESP look sexy smooth)
- Friendly ESP (Mark your team with ESP)
- Name ESP (Display enemy name)
- Box ESP (Put a rectangle box around the enemy)
- Skeleton ESP (Draw the enemy's skeleton)
- Health ESP (Display the enemy's health)
- Distance ESP (in meters) (Show how far away the enemy is)
- Vehicle ESP (Show enemy vehicles)
- Vehicle-Aim ESP (Display a lock-on markert)
- Gadget ESP (Show enemy gadgets like Beacons)
- Supply ESP (Put a box around any ammo boxes)
- Explosive ESP (Display enemy explosives)
- Missile ESP (Display enemy missiles)
- Grenade ESP (Display enemy grenades)
- Weapon ESP (Shows enemy's current weapon)
- Admin ESP (Show which players are admins)
- Mini-map (Show enemies on the mini-map)
- Crosshair (Put a crosshair on the screen)
- Auto-Spotting (Spot visible enemies)
- Super-Spotting (Spot all enemies on the map)
- Show FPS (Display an FPS counter)
- Show Ammo (Display your ammo count)
- Show Health (Display your health)
- Show K/D (Show how much ass you're kicking)
- 2D Radar (Display a 2D ESP map)
- Aim Warning ESP (When an enemy is aiming at you)
- Vehicle Info ESP (Show info about your vehicle)
- Enemies List (Put people on your enemy list)
- Soldier Snaplines (Draw lines to enemy soldiers)
- Vehicle Snaplines (Draw lines to enemy vehicles)
- Custom Colors (Configure all ESP colors)
- Origin HWID Spoofer!! (Unlimited Gametime Accounts/ No Hwid Bans)
- Weapon Swapping (Insert any weapon into any inventory slot!)
- Gadget Swapping (Insert any gadget into any inventory slot!)
- Perfect-Jet (Constant speed for perfect turning)
- Auto-Eject (Before your Jet is destroyed)
- Auto-Suicide (When health is low)
- Auto-Countermeasures (Flares|ECM|Smoke Deploy as soon as the enemy fires a missile)
- Auto-Blind (Turn on flash light to blind enemies)
- Squad Hack All (Force all teammates into your squad)
- Squad Hack (Self Force yourself into any squad)
- Squad Hack Force Spawn (Great for Team Deathmatch)
- Radio-Spam (Spam commands to piss off your team)
- Auto-C4 (Detonate C4 when an enemy is in range)
- Auto-Knife (Knife kill an enemy when they are in range)
- Auto-Revive (Revive a team mate when in range)
- Damage Modifier (Customize the weapon damage output)
- Spectator Mode (Fly around!)
- Magic Bullet (Kill through walls, and with 1 bullet)
- Custom Weapon Kills (Works with Magic Bullet On) (Ammobox/Radio Beacon/Medkit kills etc..)
- Always Headshots (Lots of XP with long range sniper shots)
- Unlimited Weapon Range (Disables the range limit of weapons)
- Auto-Heal (99% Godmode)
- Instant-Respawn (Suicide Hack) (Don't wait for the respawn timer!)
- Force Unlocks (Unlock all weapon attachments/skins)
- Spoof Ping (Never get kicked for high ping)
- No-Overheat (Disable overheating of emplaced weapons)
- No-Sun (Remove the sun from the sky)
- No-Sky (Remove the sky.. from the sky)
- No-Foliage (Remove trees and grass)
- Color-Correction Removal (Remove BF3's Blue tint - can increase FPS)
- Anti-Blind (Remove blinding effects from flash-lights)
- Save/Load profiles (In jet/tank/on-foot etc.)
10$ - 1 месяц (650 р.)
25$ - 3 месяц (1550 р.)
45$ - 6 месяц (2800 р.)
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
Другие методы оплаты: Yandex, Bitcoins, Qiwi, Credit/Bank card.
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У Вас должна быть регистрация на форуме nxHacks.net
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Дискорд: BaXXXter#8293
ВКонтакте: Приватные читы [nxHacks.net]
Другие предложения от nxHacks:
NXhacks основано в 2012, во главе с кодером NX который и по сей день занимается разработкой и поддержкой многофункциональных читов для игр серии Battlefield !!! Все читы разработаны на собственном движке, все они приватные и безопасные в использовании!!!
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