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kYou should say that i gave you
а в чем разница между обычным стрейфером(типо токогоКороче отрыл вам автострейфер для хуо т.к. не в одной хуо пасте не видел его - ликаю сюда
C++:void DoAutostrafe() const { if (!c_config::get().misc_autostrafe) return; static bool is_bhopping; static float calculated_direction; static bool in_transition; static float true_direction; static float wish_direction; static float step; static float rough_direction; auto local_player = Globals::LocalPlayer; if (!local_player) return; enum directions { FORWARDS = 0, BACKWARDS = 180, LEFT = 90, RIGHT = -90 }; // Reset direction when player is not strafing is_bhopping = pCmd->buttons & IN_JUMP; if (!is_bhopping && local_player->GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND) { calculated_direction = directions::FORWARDS; in_transition = false; return; } // Get true view angles Vector base{ }; g_pEngine->GetViewAngles(base); // Calculate the rough direction closest to the player's true direction auto get_rough_direction = [&](float true_direction) -> float { // Make array with our four rough directions std::array< float, 4 > minimum = { directions::FORWARDS, directions::BACKWARDS, directions::LEFT, directions::RIGHT }; float best_angle, best_delta = 181.f; // Loop through our rough directions and find which one is closest to our true direction for (size_t i = 0; i < minimum.size(); ++i) { float rough_direction = base.y + minimum.at(i); float delta = fabsf(g_Math.NormalizeYaw(true_direction - rough_direction)); // Only the smallest delta wins out if (delta < best_delta) { best_angle = rough_direction; best_delta = delta; } } return best_angle; }; // Get true direction based on player velocity true_direction = local_player->GetVelocity().Angle().y; // Detect wish direction based on movement keypresses if (pCmd->buttons & IN_FORWARD) { wish_direction = base.y + directions::FORWARDS; } else if (pCmd->buttons & IN_BACK) { wish_direction = base.y + directions::BACKWARDS; } else if (pCmd->buttons & IN_MOVELEFT) { wish_direction = base.y + directions::LEFT; } else if (pCmd->buttons & IN_MOVERIGHT) { wish_direction = base.y + directions::RIGHT; } else { // Reset to forward when not pressing a movement key, then fix anti-aim strafing by setting IN_FORWARD pCmd->buttons |= IN_FORWARD; wish_direction = base.y + directions::FORWARDS; } // Calculate the ideal strafe rotation based on player speed (c) navewindre float speed_rotation = min(RAD2DEG(std::asinf(30.f / local_player->GetVelocity().Length2D())) * 0.5f, 45.f); if (in_transition) { // Get value to rotate by via calculated speed rotation float ideal_step = speed_rotation + calculated_direction; step = fabsf(g_Math.NormalizeYaw(calculated_direction - ideal_step)); // 15.f is a good alternative, but here is where you would do your "speed" slider value for the autostrafer // Check when the calculated direction arrives close to the wish direction if (fabsf(g_Math.NormalizeYaw(wish_direction - calculated_direction)) > step) { float add = g_Math.NormalizeYaw(calculated_direction + step); float sub = g_Math.NormalizeYaw(calculated_direction - step); // Step in direction that gets us closer to our wish direction if (fabsf(g_Math.NormalizeYaw(wish_direction - add)) >= fabsf(g_Math.NormalizeYaw(wish_direction - sub))) { calculated_direction -= step; } else { calculated_direction += step; } } else { // Stop transitioning when we meet our wish direction in_transition = false; } } else { // Get rough direction and setup calculated direction only when not transitioning rough_direction = get_rough_direction(true_direction); calculated_direction = rough_direction; // When we have a difference between our current (rough) direction and our wish direction, then transition if (rough_direction != wish_direction) { in_transition = true; } } // Set movement up to be rotated pCmd->forwardmove = 0.f; pCmd->sidemove = pCmd->command_number % 2 ? 450.f : -450.f; // Calculate ideal rotation based on our newly calculated direction float direction = (pCmd->command_number % 2 ? speed_rotation : -speed_rotation) + calculated_direction; // Rotate our direction based on our new, defininite direction float rotation = DEG2RAD(base.y - direction); float cos_rot = cos(rotation); float sin_rot = sin(rotation); float forwardmove = (cos_rot * pCmd->forwardmove) - (sin_rot * pCmd->sidemove); float sidemove = (sin_rot * pCmd->forwardmove) + (cos_rot * pCmd->sidemove); // Apply newly rotated movement pCmd->forwardmove = forwardmove; pCmd->sidemove = sidemove; }
В misc.h находим это:
И заменяем на код который я скинул вышеC++:void DoAutostrafe() { if (!Globals::LocalPlayer || !g_pEngine->IsConnected() || !g_pEngine->IsInGame() || !c_config::get().misc_autostrafe) return; if (!Globals::LocalPlayer->IsAlive()) return; if (!(Globals::LocalPlayer->GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND) && GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE)) { pCmd->forwardmove = (10000.f / Globals::LocalPlayer->GetVelocity().Length2D() > 450.f) ? 450.f : 10000.f / Globals::LocalPlayer->GetVelocity().Length2D(); pCmd->sidemove = (pCmd->mousedx != 0) ? (pCmd->mousedx < 0.0f) ? -450.f : 450.f : (pCmd->command_number % 2) == 0 ? -450.f : 450.f; } }
Credits: Collapse#9278
if (g_LocalPlayer->m_nMoveType() == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP || g_LocalPlayer->m_nMoveType() == MOVETYPE_LADDER || !g_LocalPlayer->IsAlive()) return;
if (!InputSys::Get().IsKeyDown(VK_SPACE))
if (!(g_LocalPlayer->m_fFlags() & FL_ONGROUND))
if (cmd->mousedx > 1 || cmd->mousedx < -1) {
cmd->sidemove = clamp(cmd->mousedx < 0.f ? -400.f : 400.f, -400, 400);
else {
if (g_LocalPlayer->m_vecVelocity().Length2D() == 0 || g_LocalPlayer->m_vecVelocity().Length2D() == NAN || g_LocalPlayer->m_vecVelocity().Length2D() == INFINITE)
cmd->forwardmove = 400;
cmd->forwardmove = clamp(5850.f / g_LocalPlayer->m_vecVelocity().Length2D(), -400, 400);
if (cmd->forwardmove < -400 || cmd->forwardmove > 400)
cmd->forwardmove = 0;
cmd->sidemove = clamp((cmd->command_number % 2) == 0 ? -400.f : 400.f, -400, 400);
if (cmd->sidemove < -400 || cmd->sidemove > 400)
cmd->sidemove = 0;
нажимаешь w (или не нажимаешь) = автострефишь вперед, нажимаешь a = автострефишь влево и т.да в чем разница между обычным стрейфером(типо токогоC++:if (g_LocalPlayer->m_nMoveType() == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP || g_LocalPlayer->m_nMoveType() == MOVETYPE_LADDER || !g_LocalPlayer->IsAlive()) return; if (!InputSys::Get().IsKeyDown(VK_SPACE)) return; if (!(g_LocalPlayer->m_fFlags() & FL_ONGROUND)) { if (cmd->mousedx > 1 || cmd->mousedx < -1) { cmd->sidemove = clamp(cmd->mousedx < 0.f ? -400.f : 400.f, -400, 400); } else { if (g_LocalPlayer->m_vecVelocity().Length2D() == 0 || g_LocalPlayer->m_vecVelocity().Length2D() == NAN || g_LocalPlayer->m_vecVelocity().Length2D() == INFINITE) { cmd->forwardmove = 400; return; } cmd->forwardmove = clamp(5850.f / g_LocalPlayer->m_vecVelocity().Length2D(), -400, 400); if (cmd->forwardmove < -400 || cmd->forwardmove > 400) cmd->forwardmove = 0; cmd->sidemove = clamp((cmd->command_number % 2) == 0 ? -400.f : 400.f, -400, 400); if (cmd->sidemove < -400 || cmd->sidemove > 400) cmd->sidemove = 0; } }
спиздил этот .Вроде он получше ачёПожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
upd: ya knshn znal 4to pasteri xy0 low iq no ne nastolko ze.......
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