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- #1
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Функции чита:
Визуалы работают во всех режимах!!! скриншоты и видео снятые с игры, будут чистыми. Chams Off.
Bone Aimbot (Humanistic):
This aimbot moves your cursor like a human does, it doesn't use any of the setting angles code my competitors use. It aims in a legit fashion so that when set-up properly, even a league admin spectating you shouldn't be able to tell if you are aimbotting or not.
- Bone - Adjust Which Bone to Aim at
- MultiBone - Adjust Upto 3 Bones to Aim at. (NEW)
- Smoothaim - Adjust How "smooth" the aimbot is in its human-like drag. (Redone for Increased Accuracy)
- TeamAim - Toggle friendly fire options
- CloseAim - Toggle Distance based aiming algorithm, (cDelta for increased stickyness), (NEW) CloseAim 2, Whoever is closest to the crosshair (instead of player distance)
- FOV - Adjust the Field of view of the aimbot or percentage of the screen (starting from the center) that the aimbot will target enemies.
- Aimkey - Adjust which key the aimbot will use to aim.
- AimDraw - Toggle the Drawing of the Aimspot on enemies (Visible/Always) (New)
- VisibleCheck - Visible Checking on Enemies w/ Close Enemy (NEW)
- Recoil Adjust the recoil counter while using the aimbot (Completely Redone!)
- RecoilKey - Adjust which key the anti-recoil is on. (For all Aimbot Keys) (NEW)
- RecoilType - Control if Recoil is on Always or only when Using Aimbot (RCS Type 3)
- Triggerbot - Auto Shoot at an Enemy in the Radius (Use with or Without Aimbot)
- TriggerKey - Control what key activates Triggerbot (Use with Any Key)
- TriggerFov - Control the radius around the AimSpot which Activates the Triggerbot (NEW)
- TriggerDraw - Draw the Bone Spot that the triggerbot is aiming at.
- TriggerBone - Select the Bone that the Triggerbot will target (MultiBone Added - Upto 9) (NEW)
ESP (ESP Version Features Start Here):
- Name - Name of player
- Health - Health of player
- Index - The internal Index of the player
- Distance - The distance of each player
- Box - A box around each players model, adjusting with distance (New Rectangle Box Type)
- Sequence - What action or stance the player is in (Running, Ducking, Jumping, etc)
- XESP - A leaguecheats.com signature "PROESP" Offering just an XX on the players, good for legit play, unobtrusive.
Box Size & Box Multi - The size of the boxes around the players, adjustable to how you like.
- Team ESP - Toggle ESP on your Teammates (NEW)
- Clean Draw ESP - Move ESP away from box
- Pixel ESP - Single Pixel ESP For Legit Play - (NEW) Ability to Change Pixel ESP color for streaming
- Visible ESP - Different Color ESP for Visible & Non-Visible Players, Ability to hide visible players from ESP (NEW)
Dynamic Lighting:
- DLights are a special "Dynamic Lighting" feature built into the CS engines. Much like a Flashlight, this feature lights up a players model in the darkest locations, making them easier to see. My signature dynamic lighting has special options such as the ability to dynamically adjust the intensity of the lighting depending on the models surroundings.
- Dlight - Toggle the feature on and off
- Auto Intensity - The automatic brightness feature of the Dynamic Lighting
- Intensity - If you prefer to manually set the intensity of the DLights.
- Radius - The size of the dynamic lights around the models.
- DTeam - Draw Dynamic Lights on Both Team & Enemies, or Only Enemies
2 Different wallhacks are included in this cheat, and a 3rd one is coming soon. They are the only MM safe wallhacks on the market.
Offering full see-through walls, or full model drawing through walls. This is a classic style wallhack, just like from the original CS, years and years ago.
- Adjustable Menu Location (In Settings File)
- Ini Loading (SAVE Added)
- Adjustable Text (TrueType Fonts) - Text Reboot on Device Change (NEW)
- Adjustable Text Sizes - (NEW)
- Anti Screenshot (Doesn't Appear on in-game SS) - Other Anti SS for League AC's
- Polymorphic
- USN Journal Protection via Mutation & Unique Software (New Improved Mutation Software)
- Advanced VM Protection on Modules
- Full Real Time String Encryption w/ Randomized Keys (Runtime & Binary)
- Internal W2S Options
- Rotating Build System COMING SOON
- Metamorphic Engine (NEW)
Поддерживаемые ОС:
- Windows Vista [x32 | x64]
- Windows 7 [x32 | x64]
- Windows 8 [x32 | x64]
- Windows 8.1 [x32 | x64]
- Windows 10
- VAC3 - Undetected
- SMAC (скрины чистые) Undetected
- Matchmaking - Undetected
- CEVO - Undetected
- FACEIT - Undetected
- ESL - Undetected
- Serverside - Undetected
- Others ...
LeagueCheats Non-League - 1 месяц 1390 ₽
LeagueCheats Multi - 1 месяц 1850 ₽
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Skype WhiteUfa (WhiteUfa (ARTUR)) 600+ контактов
Визуалы работают во всех режимах!!! скриншоты и видео снятые с игры, будут чистыми. Chams Off.
Bone Aimbot (Humanistic):
This aimbot moves your cursor like a human does, it doesn't use any of the setting angles code my competitors use. It aims in a legit fashion so that when set-up properly, even a league admin spectating you shouldn't be able to tell if you are aimbotting or not.
- Bone - Adjust Which Bone to Aim at
- MultiBone - Adjust Upto 3 Bones to Aim at. (NEW)
- Smoothaim - Adjust How "smooth" the aimbot is in its human-like drag. (Redone for Increased Accuracy)
- TeamAim - Toggle friendly fire options
- CloseAim - Toggle Distance based aiming algorithm, (cDelta for increased stickyness), (NEW) CloseAim 2, Whoever is closest to the crosshair (instead of player distance)
- FOV - Adjust the Field of view of the aimbot or percentage of the screen (starting from the center) that the aimbot will target enemies.
- Aimkey - Adjust which key the aimbot will use to aim.
- AimDraw - Toggle the Drawing of the Aimspot on enemies (Visible/Always) (New)
- VisibleCheck - Visible Checking on Enemies w/ Close Enemy (NEW)
- Recoil Adjust the recoil counter while using the aimbot (Completely Redone!)
- RecoilKey - Adjust which key the anti-recoil is on. (For all Aimbot Keys) (NEW)
- RecoilType - Control if Recoil is on Always or only when Using Aimbot (RCS Type 3)
- Triggerbot - Auto Shoot at an Enemy in the Radius (Use with or Without Aimbot)
- TriggerKey - Control what key activates Triggerbot (Use with Any Key)
- TriggerFov - Control the radius around the AimSpot which Activates the Triggerbot (NEW)
- TriggerDraw - Draw the Bone Spot that the triggerbot is aiming at.
- TriggerBone - Select the Bone that the Triggerbot will target (MultiBone Added - Upto 9) (NEW)
ESP (ESP Version Features Start Here):
- Name - Name of player
- Health - Health of player
- Index - The internal Index of the player
- Distance - The distance of each player
- Box - A box around each players model, adjusting with distance (New Rectangle Box Type)
- Sequence - What action or stance the player is in (Running, Ducking, Jumping, etc)
- XESP - A leaguecheats.com signature "PROESP" Offering just an XX on the players, good for legit play, unobtrusive.
Box Size & Box Multi - The size of the boxes around the players, adjustable to how you like.
- Team ESP - Toggle ESP on your Teammates (NEW)
- Clean Draw ESP - Move ESP away from box
- Pixel ESP - Single Pixel ESP For Legit Play - (NEW) Ability to Change Pixel ESP color for streaming
- Visible ESP - Different Color ESP for Visible & Non-Visible Players, Ability to hide visible players from ESP (NEW)
Dynamic Lighting:
- DLights are a special "Dynamic Lighting" feature built into the CS engines. Much like a Flashlight, this feature lights up a players model in the darkest locations, making them easier to see. My signature dynamic lighting has special options such as the ability to dynamically adjust the intensity of the lighting depending on the models surroundings.
- Dlight - Toggle the feature on and off
- Auto Intensity - The automatic brightness feature of the Dynamic Lighting
- Intensity - If you prefer to manually set the intensity of the DLights.
- Radius - The size of the dynamic lights around the models.
- DTeam - Draw Dynamic Lights on Both Team & Enemies, or Only Enemies
2 Different wallhacks are included in this cheat, and a 3rd one is coming soon. They are the only MM safe wallhacks on the market.
Offering full see-through walls, or full model drawing through walls. This is a classic style wallhack, just like from the original CS, years and years ago.
- Adjustable Menu Location (In Settings File)
- Ini Loading (SAVE Added)
- Adjustable Text (TrueType Fonts) - Text Reboot on Device Change (NEW)
- Adjustable Text Sizes - (NEW)
- Anti Screenshot (Doesn't Appear on in-game SS) - Other Anti SS for League AC's
- Polymorphic
- USN Journal Protection via Mutation & Unique Software (New Improved Mutation Software)
- Advanced VM Protection on Modules
- Full Real Time String Encryption w/ Randomized Keys (Runtime & Binary)
- Internal W2S Options
- Rotating Build System COMING SOON
- Metamorphic Engine (NEW)
Поддерживаемые ОС:
- Windows Vista [x32 | x64]
- Windows 7 [x32 | x64]
- Windows 8 [x32 | x64]
- Windows 8.1 [x32 | x64]
- Windows 10
- VAC3 - Undetected
- SMAC (скрины чистые) Undetected
- Matchmaking - Undetected
- CEVO - Undetected
- FACEIT - Undetected
- ESL - Undetected
- Serverside - Undetected
- Others ...

- Обновления бесплатны.
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