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Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Взято с UC, но почему выкладываю, чтобы не продавали всякие "предприниматели" такой же чит за кучу денег.
Переводить не буду,кому надо есть переводчик, слова автора : "
with mouse_move patched I recoded
this works on my computer, but might not work on yours, make sure that you have purple outlines and fullscreen window. this script also dosen't support playing the game on another monitor.
by default, the triggerkey is to HOLD ALT. you can change this in the config.txt "
Как только подтвердят файл на форуме, залью тут или можете идти к источнику : forum/valorant/391764-color-aimbot-mouse_move-bypass.html
Используйте осторожно, теперь дают бан по хвид, юзайте спуфер или на свой страх и риск
Переводить не буду,кому надо есть переводчик, слова автора : "
with mouse_move patched I recoded
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
in c++. I wont be uploading a source this time because I have gotten messages saying that riot will only patch it if I do. This time you have to install a driver via cmd, [command line installer] for the aimbot to work. also this time dont ask for the perfect config, everyone have diffrent computers. If the aimbot feels a bit wonky try to decrease the speed.this works on my computer, but might not work on yours, make sure that you have purple outlines and fullscreen window. this script also dosen't support playing the game on another monitor.
by default, the triggerkey is to HOLD ALT. you can change this in the config.txt "
Как только подтвердят файл на форуме, залью тут или можете идти к источнику : forum/valorant/391764-color-aimbot-mouse_move-bypass.html
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
Используйте осторожно, теперь дают бан по хвид, юзайте спуфер или на свой страх и риск
1.some might get an error that causes the program to crash when pressing alt (the triggerkey). this has to do with the image capture code and can be solved by changing the settings in nvida to autoselect, see
2. Couldn't open config file for reading
to all the ppl having this issue, the code it kinda bodged and you can't rename the folder or the config.txt
I might fix that in a future release, but im new to c++ so this is the first time I do a lot of things in c++ so it will not be as good as my years of experience in c#
worked for renaming the folder
3. Failed to acquire new frame

2. Couldn't open config file for reading
to all the ppl having this issue, the code it kinda bodged and you can't rename the folder or the config.txt
std::ifstream cFile("..\\Release\\config.txt");
std::ifstream cFile("config.txt");
3. Failed to acquire new frame
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