When it hit it hit.
Автор темы
- #1
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Shit CSS design.
PHP based Loader.
Steps for retards:
Create Database.
Create user give all privilages to the desire database.
Log in PHPMYADMIN and import the SQL file in the folder /database/
Once done.
Go \panel\functions\c_settings\ change info based on your DATABASE + USER credentials.
Done everything should be working fine.
Note :
des1gner1337 : Disable SSL for extra security.
PHP based Loader.
Steps for retards:
Create Database.
Create user give all privilages to the desire database.
Log in PHPMYADMIN and import the SQL file in the folder /database/
Once done.
Go \panel\functions\c_settings\ change info based on your DATABASE + USER credentials.
Done everything should be working fine.
Note :
des1gner1337 : Disable SSL for extra security.
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