Автор темы
- #1
#pragma once
#include "CryTools.h"
// PlayerDummy or ObserverPlayer [+ GameFrameWork + Game]
if ( !dword_1B4D79C )
dword_1B4D79C = (*(int (**)(void))(*(_DWORD *)dword_1B53138 + 56))(); [dword_1B4D79C] - GameFrameWork [dword_1B53138] - Game
v12 = (*(int (**)(void))(*(_DWORD *)dword_1B53138 + 56))(); [dword_1B53138] - Game
dword_1B4D7A0 = (*(int (__thiscall **)(int))(*(_DWORD *)v12 + 0x78))(v12);
dword_1B4D798 = (*(int (**)(void))(*(_DWORD *)dword_1B4D79C + 104))(); [dword_1B4D798] - IItemSystem
ray: 384 / 4 = 86
srwi: 136 / 4 = 34
enum GameData : int32
dwGlobalAdress = 0x1926580,
dwBaseRender = 0x1B4A50C,
dwBaseGameCVar = 0x1B53128, // g_victoryCondition
dwBaseGameFrameWork = 0x1B4D79C,
dwBaseIItemSystem = 0x1B4D798,
dwBaseProjection = 0x1B45724, //74 14 56 81 C7 AC 00 00 00 B9 10 00 00 00 BE
dwBaseMatrix = dwBaseProjection + 0x40, // BE 4C 55 B3 01
enum IRenderData : int32
GetCameraI = 0x1044,
GetWidthI = 0x7018,
GetHeightI = 0x701C, //85 C0 74 08 8B 10 57 8B C8 FF 52 18 80 BE 2C 70
enum IEntityData : int32
GetEntityIdI = 0x4,
GetEntityClassI = 0x28,
GetFlagsI = 0x4,
GetRawIdI = 0x14,
GetWorldTMI = 0x30,
GetNameI = 0xB8,
GetClassNameI = 0x8,
GetRotationI = 0x78
enum IActorData : int32
GetEntityI = 0x8,
GetActorIdI = 0x10,
GetTeamIdI = 0x344, // (gameParams) 55 8B EC 81 EC 9C 01 ?? ?? 53 56 FF 75 08 8B D9 or 84 C0 74 09 6A 01 8B CE (Revive) if ( v17 ) (*(void(__thiscall **)(int, int, _DWORD, int))(*(_DWORD *)v17 + 292))(v17, v3, *(_DWORD *)(v3 + 0x348), a3);
GetPlayerI = 0x964, // 55 8B EC 8B 89 ? ? ? ? 8B 45 08 F3 0F 7E 81
SetScaleI = 0xC0,
claymore_detector_radiusI = 0xB00,
leanAngleI = 0xB2C,
WeaponIdI = leanAngleI + 0x4,
slideDistanceMultI = 0xC3C,
GetClassIdI = 0x3A0 // 85 C0 74 0A 8B 10 8B C8 FF 52 20 C2 04 00 33 C0 mov eax, [ecx+3A4h] retn
enum IWeaponData : int32
IWeaponSpecificI = 0x4,
SetFiringPosI = 0x10,
IWeaponExtraI = 0x24,
IWeaponCryptI = 0x30,
IWeaponAmmoI = 0x34,
ShutterI = 0x8A,
GetWeaponStanceI = 0x70,
DamageI = 0x8
enum ICVarData : int32
i_pelletsDispI = 0x118,
g_victoryConditionI = 0x57C,
g_ingame_afk_timeoutI = 0x6F8,
g_gameroom_afk_timeoutI = 0x6F4,
g_anti_cheat_memscan_thread_delayI = 0xA28,
g_anti_cheat_memscan_logI = 0xA2C,
g_anti_cheat_memscan_dump_patternsI = 0xA30
class IRender
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
template<class cData> cData TGetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>(dwOffset);
template<class cData> void TSetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>((dwOffset), Value);
static IRender* Singleton()
return Read<IRender*>(GameData::dwBaseRender);
Vec3 GetCamera()
return GetValue<Vec3>(IRenderData::GetCameraI);
int32 GetWidth()
return GetValue<int32>(IRenderData::GetWidthI);
int32 GetHeight()
return GetValue<int32>(IRenderData::GetHeightI);
bool ProjectToScreen(int32*vp, f32 ptx, f32 pty, f32 ptz, f32* sx, f32* sy, f32* sz)
Vec3 vOut, vIn;
vIn.x = ptx;
vIn.y = pty;
vIn.z = ptz;
int32 v[4] = { vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], vp[3] };
Matrix44 mIdent;
Matrix44 View = TGetValue<Matrix44>(GameData::dwBaseProjection);
Matrix44 Projection = TGetValue<Matrix44>(GameData::dwBaseMatrix);
if (__mathVec3Project(&vOut, &vIn, v, &Projection, &View, &mIdent))
*sx = vOut.x* 100.0f / (f32)v[2];
*sy = vOut.y* 100.0f / (f32)v[3];
*sz = vOut.z;
return true;
return false;
void DrawAABB(AABB aabb)
int32 v2 = (int32)this + 0xC * (GetValue<int32>(0xE08) + 0x93A);
int32 v0 = TGetValue<int32>(v2);
int32 v3 = TGetValue<int32>(v2 + 0x4);
if (!v0 || !v3) return;
if (v0 == v3)
TSetValue(v0, aabb);
TSetValue(v2 + 0x4, v0 + 0x18);
class IActorSystem
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
template<class cData> cData TGetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>(dwOffset);
template<class cData> void TSetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>((dwOffset), Value);
IActor* GetActor(int32 EntityId)
int32 v7 = NULL;
int32 v3 = GetValue<int32>(0x1C);
int32 v4 = v3;
int32 v5 = TGetValue<int32>(v3 + 0x4);
while (!TGetValue<BYTE>(v5 + 0xD))
if (TGetValue<int32>(v5 + 0x10) >= EntityId)
v4 = v5;
v5 = TGetValue<int32>(v5);
v5 = TGetValue<int32>(v5 + 0x8);
if (v4 == v3 || (v7 = v4, EntityId < TGetValue<int32>(v4 + 0x10)))
v7 = v3;
if (v7 != v3) { return TGetValue<IActor*>((int32)v7 + 0x14); }
return NULL;
void CreateActorIterator()
int32 v3, v5, j, i;
int32 m_actors_size = GetValue<int32>(0x20);
v3 = TGetValue<int32>(GetValue<int32>(0x1C));
while (m_actors_size)
m_actors.emplace(TGetValue<int32>(v3 + 0x10),
TGetValue<IActor*>(v3 + 0x14));
if (!TGetValue<BYTE>(v3 + 0xD))
v5 = TGetValue<int32>(v3 + 0x8);
if (TGetValue<BYTE>(v5 + 0xD))
for (i = TGetValue<int32>(v3 + 0x4);
!TGetValue<BYTE>(i + 0xD);
i = TGetValue<int32>(i + 0x4))
if (v3 != TGetValue<int32>(i + 0x8))
v3 = i;
v3 = i;
v3 = TGetValue<int32>(v3 + 0x8);
for (j = TGetValue<int32>(v5);
!TGetValue<BYTE>(j + 0xD);
j = TGetValue<int32>(j))
v3 = j;
class IEntity
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
template<class cData> cData TGetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>(dwOffset);
const char* GetStringValue(int32 dwOffset)
return ReadStringMemoryPtr((uintptr_t)this + dwOffset);
int32 GetEntityId()
return GetValue<int32>(IEntityData::GetEntityIdI);
IEntityClass* GetEntityClass()
return GetValue<IEntityClass*>(IEntityData::GetEntityClassI);
Vec3 GetWorldPos()
return GetValue<Vec3>(0x60);
int32 GetFlags()
return GetValue<int32>(0x4);
int32 GetRawId()
return GetValue<int32>(0x14);
Matrix3x4 GetWorldTM()
return GetValue<Matrix3x4>(0x30);
Quat GetRotation()
return GetValue<Quat>(0x78);
IEntityRenderProxy* GetRenderProxy()
return TGetValue<IEntityRenderProxy*>(GetValue<int32>(0x9C));
void SetLocalPos(const Vec3& vPos)
WriteMemory(((int32)this + 0x30), &GetWorldTM().SetTranslation(vPos), sizeof(f32) * 12);
const char* GetName()
return GetStringValue(0xB8);
int32 GetIntName()
return GetValue<int32>(0xB8);
void SetIntName(int32 name)
SetValue<int32>(0xB8, name);
ICharacterInstance* GetCharacter(int32 Slot)
if (int32 GetProxyRenderPtr = (int32)GetRenderProxy())
int32 Point = TGetValue<int32>(GetProxyRenderPtr + 0x30);
int32 SlotID = TGetValue<int32>(Point + 0x4 * Slot);
if (Point && SlotID)
return TGetValue<ICharacterInstance*>(SlotID + 0x6C);
return 0;
class IEntityClass
const char* GetStringValue(int32 dwOffset)
return ReadStringMemoryPtr((uintptr_t)this + dwOffset);
const char* GetName()
return GetStringValue(0x8);
class IEntityRenderProxy
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
void GetWorldBounds(IEntity* pEntity, AABB &aabb)
aabb = GetValue<AABB>(0x3C);
aabb.SetTransformedAABB(pEntity->GetWorldTM(), aabb);
void SetRndFlags(int32 Flag)
SetValue<int32>((0x14), Flag);
void SetHUDSilhouettesParams(f32 r, f32 g, f32 b, f32 a)
int32 m_color = (int32)(f32)(a* 255.0) | (((int32)(f32)(b* 255.0) | (((int32)(f32)(g* 255.0) | ((int32)(f32)(r* 255.0) << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
SetValue<int32>((0x78), m_color);
class ICharacterInstance
ISkeletonPose* GetISkeletonPose()
return (ISkeletonPose*)(this + 0x748);
class ISkeletonPose
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> cData TGetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>(dwOffset);
QuatT GetAbsJointById(int32 nJointID)
return TGetValue<QuatT>(GetValue<int32>(0x114) + 0x1C * nJointID);
class IActor
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
template<class cData> cData TGetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>(dwOffset);
template<class cData> void TSetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>((dwOffset), Value);
int32 GetEncryptValue(int32 dwOffset)
int32 xor_decdata[2];
ReadMemory((int32)this + dwOffset, &xor_decdata, sizeof(xor_decdata));
return xor_decdata[0] ^ xor_decdata[1];
void SetEncryptValue(int32 dwOffset, f32 fValue)
Write<int32>((int32)this + dwOffset, *(int32*)& fValue ^ Read<int32>((int32)this + dwOffset + 0x4));
template<class cData> cData GetFunction(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetFunction(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
IEntity* GetEntity()
return GetValue<IEntity*>(IActorData::GetEntityI);
IPlayer* GetPlayer()
return GetValue<IPlayer*>(IActorData::GetPlayerI);
int32 GetActorId()
return GetValue<int32>(IActorData::GetActorIdI);
int32 GetClassId()
return GetValue<int32>(IActorData::GetClassIdI);
int32 GetTeamId()
return GetValue<int32>(IActorData::GetTeamIdI);
int32 GetWeaponId()
return GetValue<int32>(IActorData::WeaponIdI);
int32 GetCurrentItemId()
return TGetValue<int32>(GetValue<int32>(0x1C) + 0x68);
int32 GetHealth()
f32 fValue = 100.0f;
*(int32*)&fValue = GetEncryptValue(0x40);
return fValue;
int32 GetArmor()
f32 fValue = 100.0f;
*(int32*)&fValue = GetEncryptValue(0xBD4);
return fValue;
void SetHealth(f32 fValue)
SetEncryptValue(0x40, fValue);
void SetArmor(f32 fValue)
SetEncryptValue(0xBD4, fValue);
bool IsDead()
int32 xor_decdata = GetValue<int32>(0x44);
if (xor_decdata)
int32 xor_data = xor_decdata ^ GetValue<int32>(0x40);
return (xor_data != IsDeadFlag::eUnknown && xor_data != IsDeadFlag::eDead);
return false;
IWorldQuery* GetWorldQuery()
int32 ptr_s = GetValue<int32>(0xC);
if (!ptr_s)
return nullptr;
int32 ptr_v = TGetValue<int32>(ptr_s + 0x40);
if (!ptr_v)
return nullptr;
return TGetValue<IWorldQuery*>(ptr_v + 0x18);
class IWorldQuery
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
Vec3 GetPos()
return GetValue<Vec3>(0x20);
Vec3 GetDir()
return GetValue<Vec3>(0x2C);
void SetPos(const Vec3 &vPos)
SetValue(0x20, vPos);
void SetDir(const Vec3 &vPos)
SetValue(0x2C, vPos);
f32 m_proximityRadius()
return GetValue<f32>(0x1C);
uint32 m_validQueries()
return GetValue<uint32>(0x14);
int32 m_renderFrameId()
return GetValue<int32>(0x18);
EntityId* ProximityQuery(int32 &numberOfEntities)
numberOfEntities = (GetValue<int32>(0x130) - GetValue<int32>(0x12C)) >> 0x2;
return numberOfEntities ? GetValue<EntityId*>(0x12C) : 0x0;
EntityId* GetEntitiesAround(int32 &num)
num = (GetValue<int32>(0x24) - GetValue<int32>(0x20)) >> 0x2;
return num ? GetValue<EntityId*>(0x20) : 0;
void SetProximityRadius(f32 n)
SetValue(0x1C, n);
SetValue<uint32_t>(0x14, m_validQueries() & (eWQ_Proximity | eWQ_InFrontOf));
ray_hit GetLookAtPoint(f32 fMaxDist = 0, bool ignoreGlass = false)
if (GetValue<BYTE>(0x48))
ray_hit m_rayHitPierceable = GetValue<ray_hit>(0x8C);
ray_hit m_rayHitSolid = GetValue<ray_hit>(0x4C);
ray_hit hit = !ignoreGlass && GetValue<f32>(0x8C) >= 0.f ? m_rayHitPierceable : m_rayHitSolid;
if ((fMaxDist <= 0) || (hit.dist <= fMaxDist)) { return hit; }
return ray_hit();
EntityId GetLookAtEntityId(bool ignoreGlass = false)
return !ignoreGlass && GetValue<f32>(0x8C) >= 0.f ? 0 : GetValue<EntityId>(0x110);
void ValidateQuery(EWorldQuery query)
uint32 queryMask = 1u << query;
int32 frameid = GetValue<int32>(Read<int32>(GameData::dwGlobalAdress) + 0xE4);
if (m_renderFrameId() != frameid)
SetValue(0x18, frameid);
SetValue(0x14, 0);
if (m_validQueries() & queryMask)
SetValue(0x14, m_validQueries() | queryMask);
class IPlayer
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
void SetScale(f32 fValue)
SetValue<f32>((0x8), fValue);
void SetRecoilMult(int8 iValue)
SetValue<int8>((0xB1), iValue);
Quat GetViewRotation()
return GetValue<Quat>(0x80);
void SetViewRotation(Quat &rotation)
SetValue<Quat>((0xA0), rotation);
SetValue<Quat>((0x80), rotation);
SetValue<Quat>((0x90), rotation);
class IItemSystem
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> cData TGetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>(dwOffset);
static IItemSystem* Singleton()
return Read<IItemSystem*>(GameData::dwBaseIItemSystem);
IItem* GetItem(int32 itemId)
int32 v7 = NULL;
int32 v3 = GetValue<int32>(0x40);
int32 v4 = v3;
int32 v5 = TGetValue<int32>(v3 + 0x4);
while (!TGetValue<BYTE>(v5 + 0xD))
if (TGetValue<int32>(v5 + 0x10) >= itemId)
v4 = v5;
v5 = TGetValue<int32>(v5);
v5 = TGetValue<int32>(v5 + 0x8);
if (v4 == v3 || (v7 = v4, itemId < TGetValue<int32>(v4 + 0x10)))
v7 = v3;
if (v7 != v3)
return TGetValue<IItem*>(v7 + 0x14);
return NULL;
class IItem
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
IWeapon* GetWeapon()
return (IWeapon*)(this + 0x14);
IEntity* GetEntity()
return GetValue<IEntity*>(0x8);
class IWeapon
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void TSetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>((dwOffset), Value);
IWeaponSpecific* GetWeaponSpecific()
return GetValue<IWeaponSpecific*>(IWeaponSpecificI);
void SetFiringPos(Vec3 VectorValue)
int32 ptr_s = GetValue<int32>(0xC);
if (!ptr_s)
TSetValue<Vec3>((ptr_s + SetFiringPosI), VectorValue);
class IWeaponSpecific
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
IWeaponExtra* GetWeaponExtra()
return GetValue<IWeaponExtra*>(IWeaponData::IWeaponExtraI);
IWeaponCrypt* GetWeaponCrypt()
return GetValue<IWeaponCrypt*>(IWeaponData::IWeaponCryptI);
IWeaponAmmo* GetWeaponAmmo()
return GetValue<IWeaponAmmo*>(IWeaponData::IWeaponAmmoI);
void Shutter(int8 iValue)
SetValue<int8>((IWeaponData::ShutterI), iValue);
int32 GetWeaponStance()
return GetValue<int32>(IWeaponData::GetWeaponStanceI);
void StartFire()
SetValue<int32>((0xF4), GetValue<int32>(0xF8));
void StopFire()
SetValue<int32>((0xF4), GetValue<int32>(0xF0));
class IWeaponExtra
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
void SetDamage(int32 iValue)
SetValue<int32>((IWeaponData::DamageI), iValue);
class IWeaponCrypt
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
template<class cData> cData TGetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>(dwOffset);
template<class cData> void TSetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>((dwOffset), Value);
void SetSway(Vec3 VectorValue)
SetValue<Vec3>((0x0), VectorValue);
int32 GetCrypt(int32 Id)
int32 result;
int32 v3 = GetValue<int32>(0x6C);
int32 v5 = TGetValue<int32>(v3 + 0x4);
while (!TGetValue<BYTE>(v5 + 0xD))
int32 EntityId = TGetValue<int32>(v5 + 0x10);
if (EntityId == Id) break;
else if (EntityId < Id) v5 = TGetValue<int32>(v5 + 0x8);
else v5 = TGetValue<int32>(v5);
if (TGetValue<int32>(v5 + 0x10) == Id)
result = v5;
return result;
bool GetEncryptValue(int32 Id, f32* fValue)
bool result = false;
int32 xor_decdata[2];
ReadMemory(GetCrypt(Id) + 0x14, &xor_decdata, sizeof(xor_decdata));
result = *(int32*)fValue = xor_decdata[0] ^ xor_decdata[1];
return result;
void SetCryptValue(int32 Id, f32 fValue)
TSetValue<int32>(GetCrypt(Id) + 0x14, *(int32*)&fValue ^ Read<int32>(GetCrypt(Id) + 0x18));
class IWeaponAmmo
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
void UnlimitedAmmo(bool bForce)
SetValue<int32>((0x0), bForce);
int32 GetAmmoCount()
return GetValue<int32>(0x4);
void SetAmmoCount(int32 iValue)
SetValue<int32>((0x4), iValue);
class IGameRules
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
int32 GetTeamCount()
return GetValue<int32>(0x88);
class IGameFramework
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> cData TGetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>(dwOffset);
static IGameFramework* Singleton()
return Read<IGameFramework*>(GameData::dwBaseGameFrameWork);
IGameRules* GetGameRules()
return GetValue<IGameRules*>(0x618);
IActorSystem* GetActorSystem()
return GetValue<IActorSystem*>(0x4B0);
IEntitySystem* GetEntitySystem()
return GetValue<IEntitySystem*>(0x18);
int32 GetClientActorId()
int32 v3 = 0;
int32 v4 = 0;
int32 v8 = GetValue<int32>(0x28);
if (v8)
int32 v2 = TGetValue<int32>(v8 + 0x24);
if (v2)
v3 = TGetValue<int32>(v2 + 0x8);
v3 = 0;
if (v3)
v4 = TGetValue<int32>(v3 + 0x10);
return v4;
IActor* GetClientActor(TActorMap m_actors)
TActorMap::iterator it = m_actors.find(GetClientActorId());
if (it != m_actors.end()) return it->second;
return 0;
#pragma once
#include "CryTools.h"
// PlayerDummy or ObserverPlayer [+ GameFrameWork + Game]
if ( !dword_1B4D79C )
dword_1B4D79C = (*(int (**)(void))(*(_DWORD *)dword_1B53138 + 56))(); [dword_1B4D79C] - GameFrameWork [dword_1B53138] - Game
v12 = (*(int (**)(void))(*(_DWORD *)dword_1B53138 + 56))(); [dword_1B53138] - Game
dword_1B4D7A0 = (*(int (__thiscall **)(int))(*(_DWORD *)v12 + 0x78))(v12);
dword_1B4D798 = (*(int (**)(void))(*(_DWORD *)dword_1B4D79C + 104))(); [dword_1B4D798] - IItemSystem
ray: 384 / 4 = 86
srwi: 136 / 4 = 34
enum GameData : int32
dwGlobalAdress = 0x1926580,
dwBaseRender = 0x1B4A50C,
dwBaseGameCVar = 0x1B53128, // g_victoryCondition
dwBaseGameFrameWork = 0x1B4D79C,
dwBaseIItemSystem = 0x1B4D798,
dwBaseProjection = 0x1B45724, //74 14 56 81 C7 AC 00 00 00 B9 10 00 00 00 BE
dwBaseMatrix = dwBaseProjection + 0x40, // BE 4C 55 B3 01
enum IRenderData : int32
GetCameraI = 0x1044,
GetWidthI = 0x7018,
GetHeightI = 0x701C, //85 C0 74 08 8B 10 57 8B C8 FF 52 18 80 BE 2C 70
enum IEntityData : int32
GetEntityIdI = 0x4,
GetEntityClassI = 0x28,
GetFlagsI = 0x4,
GetRawIdI = 0x14,
GetWorldTMI = 0x30,
GetNameI = 0xB8,
GetClassNameI = 0x8,
GetRotationI = 0x78
enum IActorData : int32
GetEntityI = 0x8,
GetActorIdI = 0x10,
GetTeamIdI = 0x344, // (gameParams) 55 8B EC 81 EC 9C 01 ?? ?? 53 56 FF 75 08 8B D9 or 84 C0 74 09 6A 01 8B CE (Revive) if ( v17 ) (*(void(__thiscall **)(int, int, _DWORD, int))(*(_DWORD *)v17 + 292))(v17, v3, *(_DWORD *)(v3 + 0x348), a3);
GetPlayerI = 0x964, // 55 8B EC 8B 89 ? ? ? ? 8B 45 08 F3 0F 7E 81
SetScaleI = 0xC0,
claymore_detector_radiusI = 0xB00,
leanAngleI = 0xB2C,
WeaponIdI = leanAngleI + 0x4,
slideDistanceMultI = 0xC3C,
GetClassIdI = 0x3A0 // 85 C0 74 0A 8B 10 8B C8 FF 52 20 C2 04 00 33 C0 mov eax, [ecx+3A4h] retn
enum IWeaponData : int32
IWeaponSpecificI = 0x4,
SetFiringPosI = 0x10,
IWeaponExtraI = 0x24,
IWeaponCryptI = 0x30,
IWeaponAmmoI = 0x34,
ShutterI = 0x8A,
GetWeaponStanceI = 0x70,
DamageI = 0x8
enum ICVarData : int32
i_pelletsDispI = 0x118,
g_victoryConditionI = 0x57C,
g_ingame_afk_timeoutI = 0x6F8,
g_gameroom_afk_timeoutI = 0x6F4,
g_anti_cheat_memscan_thread_delayI = 0xA28,
g_anti_cheat_memscan_logI = 0xA2C,
g_anti_cheat_memscan_dump_patternsI = 0xA30
class IRender
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
template<class cData> cData TGetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>(dwOffset);
template<class cData> void TSetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>((dwOffset), Value);
static IRender* Singleton()
return Read<IRender*>(GameData::dwBaseRender);
Vec3 GetCamera()
return GetValue<Vec3>(IRenderData::GetCameraI);
int32 GetWidth()
return GetValue<int32>(IRenderData::GetWidthI);
int32 GetHeight()
return GetValue<int32>(IRenderData::GetHeightI);
bool ProjectToScreen(int32*vp, f32 ptx, f32 pty, f32 ptz, f32* sx, f32* sy, f32* sz)
Vec3 vOut, vIn;
vIn.x = ptx;
vIn.y = pty;
vIn.z = ptz;
int32 v[4] = { vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], vp[3] };
Matrix44 mIdent;
Matrix44 View = TGetValue<Matrix44>(GameData::dwBaseProjection);
Matrix44 Projection = TGetValue<Matrix44>(GameData::dwBaseMatrix);
if (__mathVec3Project(&vOut, &vIn, v, &Projection, &View, &mIdent))
*sx = vOut.x* 100.0f / (f32)v[2];
*sy = vOut.y* 100.0f / (f32)v[3];
*sz = vOut.z;
return true;
return false;
void DrawAABB(AABB aabb)
int32 v2 = (int32)this + 0xC * (GetValue<int32>(0xE08) + 0x93A);
int32 v0 = TGetValue<int32>(v2);
int32 v3 = TGetValue<int32>(v2 + 0x4);
if (!v0 || !v3) return;
if (v0 == v3)
TSetValue(v0, aabb);
TSetValue(v2 + 0x4, v0 + 0x18);
class IActorSystem
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
template<class cData> cData TGetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>(dwOffset);
template<class cData> void TSetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>((dwOffset), Value);
IActor* GetActor(int32 EntityId)
int32 v7 = NULL;
int32 v3 = GetValue<int32>(0x1C);
int32 v4 = v3;
int32 v5 = TGetValue<int32>(v3 + 0x4);
while (!TGetValue<BYTE>(v5 + 0xD))
if (TGetValue<int32>(v5 + 0x10) >= EntityId)
v4 = v5;
v5 = TGetValue<int32>(v5);
v5 = TGetValue<int32>(v5 + 0x8);
if (v4 == v3 || (v7 = v4, EntityId < TGetValue<int32>(v4 + 0x10)))
v7 = v3;
if (v7 != v3) { return TGetValue<IActor*>((int32)v7 + 0x14); }
return NULL;
void CreateActorIterator()
int32 v3, v5, j, i;
int32 m_actors_size = GetValue<int32>(0x20);
v3 = TGetValue<int32>(GetValue<int32>(0x1C));
while (m_actors_size)
m_actors.emplace(TGetValue<int32>(v3 + 0x10),
TGetValue<IActor*>(v3 + 0x14));
if (!TGetValue<BYTE>(v3 + 0xD))
v5 = TGetValue<int32>(v3 + 0x8);
if (TGetValue<BYTE>(v5 + 0xD))
for (i = TGetValue<int32>(v3 + 0x4);
!TGetValue<BYTE>(i + 0xD);
i = TGetValue<int32>(i + 0x4))
if (v3 != TGetValue<int32>(i + 0x8))
v3 = i;
v3 = i;
v3 = TGetValue<int32>(v3 + 0x8);
for (j = TGetValue<int32>(v5);
!TGetValue<BYTE>(j + 0xD);
j = TGetValue<int32>(j))
v3 = j;
class IEntity
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
template<class cData> cData TGetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>(dwOffset);
const char* GetStringValue(int32 dwOffset)
return ReadStringMemoryPtr((uintptr_t)this + dwOffset);
int32 GetEntityId()
return GetValue<int32>(IEntityData::GetEntityIdI);
IEntityClass* GetEntityClass()
return GetValue<IEntityClass*>(IEntityData::GetEntityClassI);
Vec3 GetWorldPos()
return GetValue<Vec3>(0x60);
int32 GetFlags()
return GetValue<int32>(0x4);
int32 GetRawId()
return GetValue<int32>(0x14);
Matrix3x4 GetWorldTM()
return GetValue<Matrix3x4>(0x30);
Quat GetRotation()
return GetValue<Quat>(0x78);
IEntityRenderProxy* GetRenderProxy()
return TGetValue<IEntityRenderProxy*>(GetValue<int32>(0x9C));
void SetLocalPos(const Vec3& vPos)
WriteMemory(((int32)this + 0x30), &GetWorldTM().SetTranslation(vPos), sizeof(f32) * 12);
const char* GetName()
return GetStringValue(0xB8);
int32 GetIntName()
return GetValue<int32>(0xB8);
void SetIntName(int32 name)
SetValue<int32>(0xB8, name);
ICharacterInstance* GetCharacter(int32 Slot)
if (int32 GetProxyRenderPtr = (int32)GetRenderProxy())
int32 Point = TGetValue<int32>(GetProxyRenderPtr + 0x30);
int32 SlotID = TGetValue<int32>(Point + 0x4 * Slot);
if (Point && SlotID)
return TGetValue<ICharacterInstance*>(SlotID + 0x6C);
return 0;
class IEntityClass
const char* GetStringValue(int32 dwOffset)
return ReadStringMemoryPtr((uintptr_t)this + dwOffset);
const char* GetName()
return GetStringValue(0x8);
class IEntityRenderProxy
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
void GetWorldBounds(IEntity* pEntity, AABB &aabb)
aabb = GetValue<AABB>(0x3C);
aabb.SetTransformedAABB(pEntity->GetWorldTM(), aabb);
void SetRndFlags(int32 Flag)
SetValue<int32>((0x14), Flag);
void SetHUDSilhouettesParams(f32 r, f32 g, f32 b, f32 a)
int32 m_color = (int32)(f32)(a* 255.0) | (((int32)(f32)(b* 255.0) | (((int32)(f32)(g* 255.0) | ((int32)(f32)(r* 255.0) << 8)) << 8)) << 8);
SetValue<int32>((0x78), m_color);
class ICharacterInstance
ISkeletonPose* GetISkeletonPose()
return (ISkeletonPose*)(this + 0x748);
class ISkeletonPose
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> cData TGetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>(dwOffset);
QuatT GetAbsJointById(int32 nJointID)
return TGetValue<QuatT>(GetValue<int32>(0x114) + 0x1C * nJointID);
class IActor
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
template<class cData> cData TGetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>(dwOffset);
template<class cData> void TSetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>((dwOffset), Value);
int32 GetEncryptValue(int32 dwOffset)
int32 xor_decdata[2];
ReadMemory((int32)this + dwOffset, &xor_decdata, sizeof(xor_decdata));
return xor_decdata[0] ^ xor_decdata[1];
void SetEncryptValue(int32 dwOffset, f32 fValue)
Write<int32>((int32)this + dwOffset, *(int32*)& fValue ^ Read<int32>((int32)this + dwOffset + 0x4));
template<class cData> cData GetFunction(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetFunction(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
IEntity* GetEntity()
return GetValue<IEntity*>(IActorData::GetEntityI);
IPlayer* GetPlayer()
return GetValue<IPlayer*>(IActorData::GetPlayerI);
int32 GetActorId()
return GetValue<int32>(IActorData::GetActorIdI);
int32 GetClassId()
return GetValue<int32>(IActorData::GetClassIdI);
int32 GetTeamId()
return GetValue<int32>(IActorData::GetTeamIdI);
int32 GetWeaponId()
return GetValue<int32>(IActorData::WeaponIdI);
int32 GetCurrentItemId()
return TGetValue<int32>(GetValue<int32>(0x1C) + 0x68);
int32 GetHealth()
f32 fValue = 100.0f;
*(int32*)&fValue = GetEncryptValue(0x40);
return fValue;
int32 GetArmor()
f32 fValue = 100.0f;
*(int32*)&fValue = GetEncryptValue(0xBD4);
return fValue;
void SetHealth(f32 fValue)
SetEncryptValue(0x40, fValue);
void SetArmor(f32 fValue)
SetEncryptValue(0xBD4, fValue);
bool IsDead()
int32 xor_decdata = GetValue<int32>(0x44);
if (xor_decdata)
int32 xor_data = xor_decdata ^ GetValue<int32>(0x40);
return (xor_data != IsDeadFlag::eUnknown && xor_data != IsDeadFlag::eDead);
return false;
IWorldQuery* GetWorldQuery()
int32 ptr_s = GetValue<int32>(0xC);
if (!ptr_s)
return nullptr;
int32 ptr_v = TGetValue<int32>(ptr_s + 0x40);
if (!ptr_v)
return nullptr;
return TGetValue<IWorldQuery*>(ptr_v + 0x18);
class IWorldQuery
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
Vec3 GetPos()
return GetValue<Vec3>(0x20);
Vec3 GetDir()
return GetValue<Vec3>(0x2C);
void SetPos(const Vec3 &vPos)
SetValue(0x20, vPos);
void SetDir(const Vec3 &vPos)
SetValue(0x2C, vPos);
f32 m_proximityRadius()
return GetValue<f32>(0x1C);
uint32 m_validQueries()
return GetValue<uint32>(0x14);
int32 m_renderFrameId()
return GetValue<int32>(0x18);
EntityId* ProximityQuery(int32 &numberOfEntities)
numberOfEntities = (GetValue<int32>(0x130) - GetValue<int32>(0x12C)) >> 0x2;
return numberOfEntities ? GetValue<EntityId*>(0x12C) : 0x0;
EntityId* GetEntitiesAround(int32 &num)
num = (GetValue<int32>(0x24) - GetValue<int32>(0x20)) >> 0x2;
return num ? GetValue<EntityId*>(0x20) : 0;
void SetProximityRadius(f32 n)
SetValue(0x1C, n);
SetValue<uint32_t>(0x14, m_validQueries() & (eWQ_Proximity | eWQ_InFrontOf));
ray_hit GetLookAtPoint(f32 fMaxDist = 0, bool ignoreGlass = false)
if (GetValue<BYTE>(0x48))
ray_hit m_rayHitPierceable = GetValue<ray_hit>(0x8C);
ray_hit m_rayHitSolid = GetValue<ray_hit>(0x4C);
ray_hit hit = !ignoreGlass && GetValue<f32>(0x8C) >= 0.f ? m_rayHitPierceable : m_rayHitSolid;
if ((fMaxDist <= 0) || (hit.dist <= fMaxDist)) { return hit; }
return ray_hit();
EntityId GetLookAtEntityId(bool ignoreGlass = false)
return !ignoreGlass && GetValue<f32>(0x8C) >= 0.f ? 0 : GetValue<EntityId>(0x110);
void ValidateQuery(EWorldQuery query)
uint32 queryMask = 1u << query;
int32 frameid = GetValue<int32>(Read<int32>(GameData::dwGlobalAdress) + 0xE4);
if (m_renderFrameId() != frameid)
SetValue(0x18, frameid);
SetValue(0x14, 0);
if (m_validQueries() & queryMask)
SetValue(0x14, m_validQueries() | queryMask);
class IPlayer
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
void SetScale(f32 fValue)
SetValue<f32>((0x8), fValue);
void SetRecoilMult(int8 iValue)
SetValue<int8>((0xB1), iValue);
Quat GetViewRotation()
return GetValue<Quat>(0x80);
void SetViewRotation(Quat &rotation)
SetValue<Quat>((0xA0), rotation);
SetValue<Quat>((0x80), rotation);
SetValue<Quat>((0x90), rotation);
class IItemSystem
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> cData TGetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>(dwOffset);
static IItemSystem* Singleton()
return Read<IItemSystem*>(GameData::dwBaseIItemSystem);
IItem* GetItem(int32 itemId)
int32 v7 = NULL;
int32 v3 = GetValue<int32>(0x40);
int32 v4 = v3;
int32 v5 = TGetValue<int32>(v3 + 0x4);
while (!TGetValue<BYTE>(v5 + 0xD))
if (TGetValue<int32>(v5 + 0x10) >= itemId)
v4 = v5;
v5 = TGetValue<int32>(v5);
v5 = TGetValue<int32>(v5 + 0x8);
if (v4 == v3 || (v7 = v4, itemId < TGetValue<int32>(v4 + 0x10)))
v7 = v3;
if (v7 != v3)
return TGetValue<IItem*>(v7 + 0x14);
return NULL;
class IItem
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
IWeapon* GetWeapon()
return (IWeapon*)(this + 0x14);
IEntity* GetEntity()
return GetValue<IEntity*>(0x8);
class IWeapon
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void TSetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>((dwOffset), Value);
IWeaponSpecific* GetWeaponSpecific()
return GetValue<IWeaponSpecific*>(IWeaponSpecificI);
void SetFiringPos(Vec3 VectorValue)
int32 ptr_s = GetValue<int32>(0xC);
if (!ptr_s)
TSetValue<Vec3>((ptr_s + SetFiringPosI), VectorValue);
class IWeaponSpecific
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
IWeaponExtra* GetWeaponExtra()
return GetValue<IWeaponExtra*>(IWeaponData::IWeaponExtraI);
IWeaponCrypt* GetWeaponCrypt()
return GetValue<IWeaponCrypt*>(IWeaponData::IWeaponCryptI);
IWeaponAmmo* GetWeaponAmmo()
return GetValue<IWeaponAmmo*>(IWeaponData::IWeaponAmmoI);
void Shutter(int8 iValue)
SetValue<int8>((IWeaponData::ShutterI), iValue);
int32 GetWeaponStance()
return GetValue<int32>(IWeaponData::GetWeaponStanceI);
void StartFire()
SetValue<int32>((0xF4), GetValue<int32>(0xF8));
void StopFire()
SetValue<int32>((0xF4), GetValue<int32>(0xF0));
class IWeaponExtra
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
void SetDamage(int32 iValue)
SetValue<int32>((IWeaponData::DamageI), iValue);
class IWeaponCrypt
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
template<class cData> cData TGetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>(dwOffset);
template<class cData> void TSetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>((dwOffset), Value);
void SetSway(Vec3 VectorValue)
SetValue<Vec3>((0x0), VectorValue);
int32 GetCrypt(int32 Id)
int32 result;
int32 v3 = GetValue<int32>(0x6C);
int32 v5 = TGetValue<int32>(v3 + 0x4);
while (!TGetValue<BYTE>(v5 + 0xD))
int32 EntityId = TGetValue<int32>(v5 + 0x10);
if (EntityId == Id) break;
else if (EntityId < Id) v5 = TGetValue<int32>(v5 + 0x8);
else v5 = TGetValue<int32>(v5);
if (TGetValue<int32>(v5 + 0x10) == Id)
result = v5;
return result;
bool GetEncryptValue(int32 Id, f32* fValue)
bool result = false;
int32 xor_decdata[2];
ReadMemory(GetCrypt(Id) + 0x14, &xor_decdata, sizeof(xor_decdata));
result = *(int32*)fValue = xor_decdata[0] ^ xor_decdata[1];
return result;
void SetCryptValue(int32 Id, f32 fValue)
TSetValue<int32>(GetCrypt(Id) + 0x14, *(int32*)&fValue ^ Read<int32>(GetCrypt(Id) + 0x18));
class IWeaponAmmo
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
void UnlimitedAmmo(bool bForce)
SetValue<int32>((0x0), bForce);
int32 GetAmmoCount()
return GetValue<int32>(0x4);
void SetAmmoCount(int32 iValue)
SetValue<int32>((0x4), iValue);
class IGameRules
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
int32 GetTeamCount()
return GetValue<int32>(0x88);
class IGameFramework
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> cData TGetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>(dwOffset);
static IGameFramework* Singleton()
return Read<IGameFramework*>(GameData::dwBaseGameFrameWork);
IGameRules* GetGameRules()
return GetValue<IGameRules*>(0x618);
IActorSystem* GetActorSystem()
return GetValue<IActorSystem*>(0x4B0);
IEntitySystem* GetEntitySystem()
return GetValue<IEntitySystem*>(0x18);
int32 GetClientActorId()
int32 v3 = 0;
int32 v4 = 0;
int32 v8 = GetValue<int32>(0x28);
if (v8)
int32 v2 = TGetValue<int32>(v8 + 0x24);
if (v2)
v3 = TGetValue<int32>(v2 + 0x8);
v3 = 0;
if (v3)
v4 = TGetValue<int32>(v3 + 0x10);
return v4;
IActor* GetClientActor(TActorMap m_actors)
TActorMap::iterator it = m_actors.find(GetClientActorId());
if (it != m_actors.end()) return it->second;
return 0;
class ICVar
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
static ICVar* Singleton()
return Read<ICVar*>(GameData::dwBaseGameCVar);
template<class cData> cData GetCVar(int32 dwOffset)
return GetValue<cData>(dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetCVar(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
SetValue<cData>((dwOffset), Value);
class ICVar
template<class cData> cData GetValue(int32 dwOffset)
return Read<cData>((int32)this + dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetValue(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
Write<cData>(((int32)this + dwOffset), Value);
static ICVar* Singleton()
return Read<ICVar*>(GameData::dwBaseGameCVar);
template<class cData> cData GetCVar(int32 dwOffset)
return GetValue<cData>(dwOffset);
template<class cData> void SetCVar(int32 dwOffset, cData Value)
SetValue<cData>((dwOffset), Value);
Последнее редактирование модератором: