Автор темы
- #1
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
i am poste it because newcomers like I needed help before, for example, the same grenade prediction
#include "GrenadePrediction.h"
#include "../../Utils/GlobalVars.h"
#include "../../SDK/ISurface.h"
#include "../../Utils/Math.h"
#include "../../SDK/IEngineTrace.h"
#include "../../SDK/IClientMode.h"
#include "../../SDK/CGlobalVarsBase.h"
bool ExplectedWorldToScrean(Vector vOrigin, Vector &vScreen)
float w = Globals::w2s_matrix[3][0] * vOrigin.x + Globals::w2s_matrix[3][1] * vOrigin.y + Globals::w2s_matrix[3][2] * vOrigin.z + Globals::w2s_matrix[3][3];
int x, y;
g_pEngine->GetScreenSize(x, y);
float ScreenWidth = (float)x;
float ScreenHeight = (float)y;
if (w > 0.01f)
float inverseWidth = 1.f / w;
vScreen.x = (float)((ScreenWidth / 2) + (0.5 * ((Globals::w2s_matrix[0][0] * vOrigin.x + Globals::w2s_matrix[0][1] * vOrigin.y + Globals::w2s_matrix[0][2] * vOrigin.z + Globals::w2s_matrix[0][3]) * inverseWidth) * ScreenWidth + 0.5));
vScreen.y = (float)((ScreenHeight / 2) - (0.5 * ((Globals::w2s_matrix[1][0] * vOrigin.x + Globals::w2s_matrix[1][1] * vOrigin.y + Globals::w2s_matrix[1][2] * vOrigin.z + Globals::w2s_matrix[1][3]) * inverseWidth) * ScreenHeight + 0.5));
return true;
return false;
void DrawF(int X, int Y, unsigned int Font, bool center_width, bool center_height, Color Color, std::string Input)
/* char -> wchar */
size_t size = Input.size() + 1;
auto wide_buffer = std::make_unique<wchar_t[]>(size);
mbstowcs_s(0, wide_buffer.get(), size, Input.c_str(), size - 1);
/* check center */
int width = 0, height = 0;
g_pSurface->GetTextSize(Font, wide_buffer.get(), width, height);
if (!center_width)
width = 0;
if (!center_height)
height = 0;
/* call and draw*/
g_pSurface->DrawSetTextColor(,,, Color.alpha);
g_pSurface->DrawSetTextPos(X - (width * .5), Y - (height * .5));
g_pSurface->DrawPrintText(wide_buffer.get(), wcslen(wide_buffer.get()));
void GrenadePrediction::Tick(int buttons)
bool in_attack = buttons & IN_ATTACK, in_attack2 = buttons & IN_ATTACK2;
if (Globals::LocalPlayer && Globals::LocalPlayer->GetHealth() > 0)
act = (in_attack && in_attack2) ? ACT_LOB :
(in_attack2) ? ACT_DROP :
(in_attack) ? ACT_THROW :
bool IsGrenade(C_BaseCombatWeapon* weapon)
auto WeaponIDz = *weapon->fixskins();
if (WeaponIDz == 44 || WeaponIDz == 48 ||
WeaponIDz == 46 || WeaponIDz == 43 ||
WeaponIDz == 47 || WeaponIDz == 45)
return true;
return false;
void GrenadePrediction::View(CViewSetup* setup)
if (Globals::LocalPlayer && Globals::LocalPlayer->GetHealth() > 0)
auto weapon = reinterpret_cast<C_BaseCombatWeapon*>(g_pEntityList->GetClientEntity(Globals::LocalPlayer->GetActiveWeaponIndex()));
if (!weapon) return;
if (IsGrenade(weapon))
type = *weapon->fixskins();
type = 0;
void DrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, Color color)
g_pSurface->Line(x1, y1, x2, y2, color);
void DrawFilled3DBox(Vector origin, int width, int height, Color outline, Color filling)
float difw = float(width / 2);
float difh = float(height / 2);
Vector boxVectors[8] =
Vector(origin.x - difw, origin.y - difh, origin.z - difw),
Vector(origin.x - difw, origin.y - difh, origin.z + difw),
Vector(origin.x + difw, origin.y - difh, origin.z + difw),
Vector(origin.x + difw, origin.y - difh, origin.z - difw),
Vector(origin.x - difw, origin.y + difh, origin.z - difw),
Vector(origin.x - difw, origin.y + difh, origin.z + difw),
Vector(origin.x + difw, origin.y + difh, origin.z + difw),
Vector(origin.x + difw, origin.y + difh, origin.z - difw),
static Vector vec0, vec1, vec2, vec3,
vec4, vec5, vec6, vec7;
if (ExplectedWorldToScrean(boxVectors[0], vec0) &&
ExplectedWorldToScrean(boxVectors[1], vec1) &&
ExplectedWorldToScrean(boxVectors[2], vec2) &&
ExplectedWorldToScrean(boxVectors[3], vec3) &&
ExplectedWorldToScrean(boxVectors[4], vec4) &&
ExplectedWorldToScrean(boxVectors[5], vec5) &&
ExplectedWorldToScrean(boxVectors[6], vec6) &&
ExplectedWorldToScrean(boxVectors[7], vec7))
Vector lines[12][2];
lines[0][0] = vec0;
lines[0][1] = vec1;
lines[1][0] = vec1;
lines[1][1] = vec2;
lines[2][0] = vec2;
lines[2][1] = vec3;
lines[3][0] = vec3;
lines[3][1] = vec0;
// top of box
lines[4][0] = vec4;
lines[4][1] = vec5;
lines[5][0] = vec5;
lines[5][1] = vec6;
lines[6][0] = vec6;
lines[6][1] = vec7;
lines[7][0] = vec7;
lines[7][1] = vec4;
lines[8][0] = vec0;
lines[8][1] = vec4;
lines[9][0] = vec1;
lines[9][1] = vec5;
lines[10][0] = vec2;
lines[10][1] = vec6;
lines[11][0] = vec3;
lines[11][1] = vec7;
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
DrawLine(lines[i][0].x, lines[i][0].y, lines[i][1].x, lines[i][1].y, outline);
void GrenadePrediction::Paint()
if (!Globals::LocalPlayer) return;
if (Globals::LocalPlayer->GetHealth() > 0)
if ((type) && path.size() > 1)
Vector nadeStart, nadeEnd;
Vector nadeStart2, nadeEnd2;
Vector prev = path[0];
Vector prevoth = others[0].first;
auto weapon = reinterpret_cast<C_BaseCombatWeapon*>(g_pEntityList->GetClientEntity(Globals::LocalPlayer->GetActiveWeaponIndex()));
if (!weapon) return;
bool in_attack = Globals::pCmd->buttons & IN_ATTACK, in_attack2 = Globals::pCmd->buttons & IN_ATTACK2;
if (!(in_attack || in_attack2)) return;
auto WeaponIDz = *weapon->fixskins();
for (auto it = path.begin(), end = path.end(); it != end; ++it)
if (ExplectedWorldToScrean(prev, nadeStart) && ExplectedWorldToScrean(*it, nadeEnd))
DrawLine((int)nadeStart.x, (int)nadeStart.y, (int)nadeEnd.x, (int)nadeEnd.y, Color(123, 153, 172));
prev = *it;
for (auto it = others.begin(), end = others.end(); it != end; ++it) {
if (ExplectedWorldToScrean(prevoth, nadeStart2) && ExplectedWorldToScrean(it->first, nadeEnd2)) {
g_pSurface->FilledRect((int)nadeStart2.x - 2, (int)nadeStart2.y - 2, 4, 4, Color(0, 255, 0, 255));
prevoth = it->first;
//RENDER::DrawFilled3DBox(others.rbegin()->first, 4, 4, CColor(255, 0, 0, 200), CColor(0, 135, 255, 200));
void GrenadePrediction::Setup(Vector& vecSrc, Vector& vecThrow, Vector viewangles)
if (!Globals::LocalPlayer) return;
Vector angThrow = viewangles;
float pitch = angThrow.x;
if (pitch <= 90.0f)
if (pitch < -90.0f)
pitch += 360.0f;
pitch -= 360.0f;
float a = pitch - (90.0f - fabs(pitch)) * 10.0f / 90.0f;
angThrow.x = a;
float flVel = 750.0f * 0.9f;
static const float power[] = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f };
float b = power[act];
b = b * 0.7f; b = b + 0.3f;
flVel *= b;
Vector vForward, vRight, vUp;
g_Math.AngleVectors(angThrow, &vForward, &vRight, &vUp);
vecSrc = Globals::LocalPlayer->GetEyePosition();
float off = (power[act] * 12.0f) - 12.0f;
vecSrc.z += off;
C_Trace tr;
Vector vecDest = vecSrc;
vecDest += vForward * 22.0f;
TraceHull(vecSrc, vecDest, tr);
Vector vecBack = vForward; vecBack *= 6.0f;
vecSrc = tr.end;
vecSrc -= vecBack;
vecThrow = Globals::LocalPlayer->GetVelocity(); vecThrow *= 1.25f;
vecThrow += vForward * flVel;
void GrenadePrediction::Simulate(CViewSetup* setup)
Vector vecSrc, vecThrow;
Vector angles; g_pEngine->GetViewAngles(angles);
Setup(vecSrc, vecThrow, angles);
float interval = g_pGlobalVars->intervalPerTick;
int logstep = (int)(0.05f / interval);
int logtimer = 0;
path.clear(); others.clear();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < path.max_size() - 1; ++i)
if (!logtimer) path.push_back(vecSrc);
int s = Step(vecSrc, vecThrow, i, interval);
if ((s & 1)) break;
if ((s & 2) || logtimer >= logstep) logtimer = 0;
else ++logtimer;
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846f
void VectorAngles(const Vector& forward, QAngle& angles)
if (forward[1] == 0.0f && forward[0] == 0.0f)
angles[0] = (forward[2] > 0.0f) ? 270.0f : 90.0f;
angles[1] = 0.0f;
angles[0] = atan2(-forward[2], forward.Length2D()) * -180 / PI;
angles[1] = atan2(forward[1], forward[0]) * 180 / PI;
if (angles[1] > 90) angles[1] -= 180;
else if (angles[1] < 90) angles[1] += 180;
else if (angles[1] == 90) angles[1] = 0;
angles[2] = 0.0f;
int GrenadePrediction::Step(Vector& vecSrc, Vector& vecThrow, int tick, float interval)
Vector move; AddGravityMove(move, vecThrow, interval, false);
C_Trace tr; PushEntity(vecSrc, move, tr);
int result = 0;
auto weapon = reinterpret_cast<C_BaseCombatWeapon*>(g_pEntityList->GetClientEntity(Globals::LocalPlayer->GetActiveWeaponIndex()));
if (!weapon) return 0;
if (!IsGrenade(weapon)) return 0;
if (CheckDetonate(vecThrow, tr, tick, interval))
result |= 1;
if (tr.flFraction != 1.0f)
result |= 2;
ResolveFlyCollisionCustom(tr, vecThrow, interval);
QAngle angles;
VectorAngles((tr.end - tr.start).Normalize(), angles);
others.push_back(std::make_pair(tr.end, angles));
vecSrc = tr.end;
return result;
bool GrenadePrediction::CheckDetonate(const Vector& vecThrow, const C_Trace& tr, int tick, float interval)
switch (type)
case 45:
case 47:
if (vecThrow.Length2D() < 0.1f)
int det_tick_mod = (int)(0.2f / interval);
return !(tick % det_tick_mod);
return false;
case 46:
case 48:
if (tr.flFraction != 1.0f && tr.plane.normal.z > 0.7f)
return true;
case 43:
case 44:
return (float)tick * interval > 1.5f && !(tick % (int)(0.2f / interval));
return false;
void GrenadePrediction::TraceHull(Vector& src, Vector& end, C_Trace& tr)
CTraceFilterWorldOnly filter;
g_pTrace->TraceRay(C_Ray(src, end, Vector(-2.0f, -2.0f, -2.0f), Vector(2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f)), 0x200400B, &filter, &tr);
void GrenadePrediction::AddGravityMove(Vector& move, Vector& vel, float frametime, bool onground)
Vector basevel(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
move.x = (vel.x + basevel.x) * frametime;
move.y = (vel.y + basevel.y) * frametime;
if (onground)
move.z = (vel.z + basevel.z) * frametime;
float gravity = 800.0f * 0.4f;
float newZ = vel.z - (gravity * frametime);
move.z = ((vel.z + newZ) / 2.0f + basevel.z) * frametime;
vel.z = newZ;
void GrenadePrediction::PushEntity(Vector& src, const Vector& move, C_Trace& tr)
Vector vecAbsEnd = src;
vecAbsEnd += move;
TraceHull(src, vecAbsEnd, tr);
void GrenadePrediction::ResolveFlyCollisionCustom(C_Trace& tr, Vector& vecVelocity, float interval)
float flSurfaceElasticity = 1.0, flGrenadeElasticity = 0.45f;
float flTotalElasticity = flGrenadeElasticity * flSurfaceElasticity;
if (flTotalElasticity > 0.9f) flTotalElasticity = 0.9f;
if (flTotalElasticity < 0.0f) flTotalElasticity = 0.0f;
Vector vecAbsVelocity;
PhysicsClipVelocity(vecVelocity, tr.plane.normal, vecAbsVelocity, 2.0f);
vecAbsVelocity *= flTotalElasticity;
float flSpeedSqr = vecAbsVelocity.LengthSqr();
static const float flMinSpeedSqr = 20.0f * 20.0f;
if (flSpeedSqr < flMinSpeedSqr)
vecAbsVelocity.x = 0.0f;
vecAbsVelocity.y = 0.0f;
vecAbsVelocity.z = 0.0f;
if (tr.plane.normal.z > 0.7f)
vecVelocity = vecAbsVelocity;
vecAbsVelocity *= ((1.0f - tr.flFraction) * interval);
PushEntity(tr.end, vecAbsVelocity, tr);
vecVelocity = vecAbsVelocity;
int GrenadePrediction::PhysicsClipVelocity(const Vector& in, const Vector& normal, Vector& out, float overbounce)
static const float STOP_EPSILON = 0.1f;
float backoff, change, angle;
int i, blocked;
blocked = 0;
angle = normal[2];
if (angle > 0) blocked |= 1;
if (!angle) blocked |= 2;
backoff = in.Dot(normal) * overbounce;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
change = normal[i] * backoff;
out[i] = in[i] - change;
if (out[i] > -STOP_EPSILON && out[i] < STOP_EPSILON)
out[i] = 0;
return blocked;
enum ACT
//tweexer1337 wtf
template<typename T>
class singletonxd1 {
singletonxd1() { }
~singletonxd1() { }
singletonxd1(const singletonxd1&) = delete;
singletonxd1& operator=(const singletonxd1&) = delete;
singletonxd1(singletonxd1&&) = delete;
singletonxd1& operator=(singletonxd1&&) = delete;
static T& get() {
static T inst{};
return inst;
#include "../../SDK/Vector.h"
#include "../../Utils/Color.h"
#include <vector>
class C_Trace;
class CViewSetup;
class GrenadePrediction : public singletonxd1<GrenadePrediction>
std::vector<Vector> path;
std::vector<std::pair<Vector, QAngle>> others;
//std::vector<Vector> others;
int type = 0;
int act = 0;
void Setup(Vector& vecSrc, Vector& vecThrow, Vector viewangles);
void Simulate(CViewSetup* setup);
int Step(Vector& vecSrc, Vector& vecThrow, int tick, float interval);
bool CheckDetonate(const Vector& vecThrow, const C_Trace& tr, int tick, float interval);
void TraceHull(Vector& src, Vector& end, C_Trace& tr);
void AddGravityMove(Vector& move, Vector& vel, float frametime, bool onground);
void PushEntity(Vector& src, const Vector& move, C_Trace& tr);
void ResolveFlyCollisionCustom(C_Trace& tr, Vector& vecVelocity, float interval);
int PhysicsClipVelocity(const Vector& in, const Vector& normal, Vector& out, float overbounce);
void Tick(int buttons);
void View(CViewSetup* setup);
void Paint();