V4.24 - V4.25 https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/moveit-locomotion-system Трейлер / Trailer: Документация / Documentation. Технические детали / Technical Details: Features: Full network prediction and replication Easy to integrate, easy to work with Clean and efficient multi-threaded animation Procedural strafing Pivoting Procedural Foot IK and floor orientation Procedural gait Semi-procedural jumping & landing Turn in place Sprinting Procedural ducking (under obstacles) Incline adjustment Impacts with walls, scuffing walls, impact with other characters Surface impacts (procedural footstep system that works with any bone) Regular third person movement mode & cycled movement mode (see feature overview video) View Component with camera blending and character state transitions Procedural Look Targets Twitch Bones (procedural hit reaction) Weapon adjustment (weapon and offhand placement) Network Replicated: Yes - Completely! Скрытое содержимое