UE4 Asset Pirate Ship Cabin

30 Июн 2020
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Трейлер / Trailer:

Pirate Ship Cabin, использует множество различных функций доступных в Unreal Engine 4, включая один основной материал, включающий Parallax Occlusion Mapping с distance based fade, sub-surface scattering и tessellated displacement. В среде также используются передовые методы освещения, такие как Static Mesh Emissive Lighting, Modulated Lighting и Volumetric Lighting.
Эта среда предназначена для изучения различных методов, доступных в Unreal Engine 4, а меши предназначены для повторного использования в других проектах.

Технические детали / Technical Details
Key Features:
  • A single master material featuring parallax occlusion mapping with distance based fade, sub-surface scattering, and tessellated displacement
  • Advanced lighting techniques such as Static Mesh Emissive Lighting, Modulated Lighting and Volumetric Lighting
Modular design to keep resource overhead low

General Info:
  • All textures are 2K (2048)
  • Collision: Yes
  • Meshes ranged between 30 and 6,000 polys
  • LODs: No
  • 41 Meshes
  • 6 Materials and 44 instances
  • 107 Channel packed textures
  • Supported Development and Build Platform(s): Windows PC
  • There are two Planar Reflection actors in the scene which you can enable to improve reflection quality by selecting them then under their Details pane checking Rendering > Visible but this will dramatically reduce performance.
  • The door above the stairs uses modulated lighting, to use this swap the glass material with the modulated version then build lighting. I replace this with an emissive material after i build to improve the visual quality.
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