// removed because antipasta
Автор темы
- #1
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
взято с этой темы: https://yougame.biz/threads/160078/
Тестил на ботах, краш с tier0 пропал
#include "Hooks.h"
#include "AnimationFix.h"
#include "RageBackTracking.h"
#include "Resolver.h"
#include "Ragebot.h"
#include "AntiAims.h"
CMAnimationFix* g_Animfix = new CMAnimationFix();
CResolver* resolver = new CResolver();
float calculate_lerp()
static auto cl_interp = interfaces.cvars->FindVar(hs::cl_interp::s().c_str());
static auto cl_updaterate = interfaces.cvars->FindVar(hs::cl_updaterate::s().c_str());
const auto update_rate = cl_updaterate->GetInt();
const auto interp_ratio = cl_interp->GetFloat();
auto lerp = interp_ratio / update_rate;
if (lerp <= interp_ratio)
lerp = interp_ratio;
return lerp;
void Extrapolate(IBasePlayer* player, Vector& origin, Vector& velocity, int& flags, bool on_ground)
static const auto sv_gravity = interfaces.cvars->FindVar(hs::sv_gravity::s().c_str());
static const auto sv_jump_impulse = interfaces.cvars->FindVar(hs::sv_jump_impulse::s().c_str());
if (!(flags & FL_ONGROUND))
velocity.z -= TICKS_TO_TIME(sv_gravity->GetFloat());
else if (player->GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND && !on_ground)
velocity.z = sv_jump_impulse->GetFloat();
const auto src = origin;
auto end = src + velocity * interfaces.global_vars->interval_per_tick;
Ray_t r;
r.Init(src, end, player->GetMins(), player->GetMaxs());
trace_t t;
CTraceFilter filter;
filter.pSkip = player;
interfaces.trace->TraceRay(r, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, &filter, &t);
if (t.fraction != 1.f)
for (auto i = 0; i < 2; i++)
velocity -= t.plane.normal * velocity.Dot(t.plane.normal);
const auto dot = velocity.Dot(t.plane.normal);
if (dot < 0.f)
velocity -= Vector(dot * t.plane.normal.x,
dot * t.plane.normal.y, dot * t.plane.normal.z);
end = t.endpos + velocity * TICKS_TO_TIME(1.f - t.fraction);
r.Init(t.endpos, end, player->GetMins(), player->GetMaxs());
interfaces.trace->TraceRay(r, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, &filter, &t);
if (t.fraction == 1.f)
origin = end = t.endpos;
end.z -= 2.f;
r.Init(origin, end, player->GetMins(), player->GetMaxs());
interfaces.trace->TraceRay(r, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, &filter, &t);
flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND;
if (t.DidHit() && t.plane.normal.z > .7f)
flags |= FL_ONGROUND;
bool animation::is_valid(float range = .2f, float max_unlag = .2f)
if (!interfaces.engine->GetNetChannelInfo() || !valid)
return false;
const auto correct = std::clamp(interfaces.engine->GetNetChannelInfo()->GetLatency(FLOW_INCOMING)
+ interfaces.engine->GetNetChannelInfo()->GetLatency(FLOW_OUTGOING)
+ calculate_lerp(), 0.f, max_unlag);
//if (CanDT() && csgo->dt_charged && !CMAntiAim::Get().did_shot && !vars.ragebot.disable_dt_delay)
// range += TICKS_TO_TIME(8);
return fabsf(correct - (interfaces.global_vars->curtime - sim_time)) < range && correct < 1.f;
animation::animation(IBasePlayer* player)
const auto weapon = player->GetWeapon();
this->player = player;
index = player->GetIndex();
dormant = player->IsDormant();
velocity = player->GetVelocity();
origin = player->GetOrigin();
abs_origin = player->GetAbsOrigin();
obb_mins = player->GetMins();
obb_maxs = player->GetMaxs();
memcpy(layers, player->GetAnimOverlays(), sizeof(CAnimationLayer) * 13);
poses = player->m_flPoseParameter();
//if ((has_anim_state = player->GetPlayerAnimState()))
anim_state = player->GetPlayerAnimState();
//anim_time = player->GetOldSimulationTime() + interfaces.global_vars->interval_per_tick;
sim_time = player->GetSimulationTime();
interp_time = 0.f;
last_shot_time = weapon ? weapon->GetLastShotTime() : 0.f;
duck = player->GetDuckAmount();
lby = player->GetLBY();
eye_angles = player->GetEyeAngles();
abs_ang = player->GetAbsAngles();
flags = player->GetFlags();
eflags = player->GetEFlags();
effects = player->GetEffects();
lag = TIME_TO_TICKS(player->GetSimulationTime() - player->GetOldSimulationTime());
// animations are off when we enter pvs, we do not want to shoot yet.
valid = lag >= 0 && lag <= 17;
// clamp it so we don't interpolate too far : )
lag = std::clamp(lag, 0, 17);
animation::animation(IBasePlayer* player, Vector last_reliable_angle) : animation(player)
this->last_reliable_angle = last_reliable_angle;
void animation::restore(IBasePlayer* player) const
//player->GetVelocity() = velocity;
player->GetFlagsPtr() = flags;
//player->GetEFlags() = eflags;
player->GetDuckAmount() = duck;
memcpy(player->GetAnimOverlays(), layers, sizeof(CAnimationLayer) * 13);
//player->GetLBY() = lby;
player->GetOrigin() = origin;
//player->m_flPoseParameter() = poses;
void animation::apply(IBasePlayer* player) const
//player->m_flPoseParameter() = poses;
*player->GetEyeAnglesPointer() = eye_angles;
//player->GetVelocity() = velocity;
//player->GetLBY() = lby;
player->GetDuckAmount() = duck;
player->GetFlagsPtr() = flags;
player->GetOrigin() = origin;
/*if (anim_state) {
void animation::build_server_bones(IBasePlayer* player)
const auto backup_occlusion_flags = player->GetOcclusionFlags();
const auto backup_occlusion_framecount = player->GetOcclusionFramecount();
player->GetOcclusionFlags() = 0;
player->GetOcclusionFramecount() = 0;
player->GetReadableBones() = player->GetWritableBones() = 0;
player->GetEffects() |= 0x8;
const auto backup_bone_array = player->GetBoneArrayForWrite();
player->GetBoneArrayForWrite() = bones;
csgo->UpdateMatrix = true;
player->SetupBones(nullptr, -1, 0x7FF00, interfaces.global_vars->curtime);
csgo->UpdateMatrix = false;
player->GetBoneArrayForWrite() = backup_bone_array;
player->GetOcclusionFlags() = backup_occlusion_flags;
player->GetOcclusionFramecount() = backup_occlusion_framecount;
player->GetEffects() &= ~0x8;
void CMAnimationFix::animation_info::update_animations(animation* record, animation* from)
auto Interpolate = [](const Vector from, const Vector to, const float percent) {
return to * percent + from * (1.f - percent);
auto Interpolate2 = [](const float from, const float to, const float percent) {
return to * percent + from * (1.f - percent);
if (!from)
// set velocity and layers.
record->velocity = player->GetVelocity();
// fix feet spin.
record->anim_state->m_flFeetYawRate = 0.f;
// apply record.
// run update.
return g_Animfix->update_player(player);
const auto new_velocity = player->GetVelocity();
// restore old record.
memcpy(player->GetAnimOverlays(), from->layers, sizeof(CAnimationLayer) * 13);
player->GetVelocity() = from->velocity;
// setup velocity.
record->velocity = new_velocity;
// did the player shoot?
// setup extrapolation parameters.
auto old_origin = from->origin;
auto old_flags = from->flags;
for (auto i = 0; i < record->lag; i++)
// move time forward.
const auto time = from->sim_time + TICKS_TO_TIME(i + 1);
const auto lerp = 1.f - (record->sim_time - time) / (record->sim_time - from->sim_time);
/*player->GetDuckAmount() = Interpolate2(from->duck, record->duck, lerp);*/
// resolve player.
if (record->lag - 1 == i)
player->GetVelocity() = new_velocity;
player->GetFlagsPtr() = record->flags;
else // compute velocity and flags.
Extrapolate(player, old_origin, player->GetVelocity(), player->GetFlagsPtr(), old_flags & FL_ONGROUND);
old_flags = player->GetFlags();
record->resolver = ResolverMode[player->GetIndex()];
player->GetPlayerAnimState()->m_flFeetYawRate = 0.f;
// backup simtime.
const auto backup_simtime = player->GetSimulationTime();
// set new simtime.
player->GetSimulationTime() = time;
// run update.
// restore old simtime.
player->GetSimulationTime() = backup_simtime;
if (!record->dormant && !from->dormant)
record->didshot = record->last_shot_time > from->sim_time && record->last_shot_time <= record->sim_time;
void CMAnimationFix::UpdatePlayers() {
if (!interfaces.engine->IsInGame())
const auto local = csgo->local;
// erase outdated entries
for (auto it = animation_infos.begin(); it != animation_infos.end();) {
auto player = reinterpret_cast<IBasePlayer*>(interfaces.ent_list->GetClientEntityFromHandle(it->first));
if (!player || player != it->second.player || !player->isAlive()
|| !local)
if (player)
player->GetClientSideAnims() = true;
it = animation_infos.erase(it);
it = next(it);
if (!local)
for (auto i = 1; i <= interfaces.engine->GetMaxClients(); ++i) {
const auto entity = interfaces.ent_list->GetClientEntity(i);
if (entity && entity->IsPlayer())
entity->GetClientSideAnims() = true;
for (auto i = 1; i <= interfaces.engine->GetMaxClients(); ++i) {
const auto entity = interfaces.ent_list->GetClientEntity(i);
if (!entity || !entity->IsPlayer())
if (!entity->isAlive() || entity->IsDormant())
if (entity == local)
if (entity != local && entity->GetTeam() == local->GetTeam()) {
csgo->EnableBones = entity->GetClientSideAnims() = true;
if (animation_infos.find(entity->GetRefEHandle()) == animation_infos.end())
animation_infos.insert_or_assign(entity->GetRefEHandle(), animation_info(entity, {}));
// run post update
for (auto& info : animation_infos)
auto& _animation = info.second;
const auto player = _animation.player;
// erase frames out-of-range
for (int i = 0; i < _animation.frames.size(); i++)
if (!_animation.frames[i].is_valid(0.45f, 0.2f))
_animation.frames.erase(_animation.frames.begin() + i);
// resolver->Do(_animation.player);
// have we already seen this update?
if (player->GetSimulationTime() == player->GetOldSimulationTime())
// reset animstate
if (_animation.last_spawn_time != player->GetSpawnTime())
const auto state = player->GetPlayerAnimState();
if (state)
_animation.last_spawn_time = player->GetSpawnTime();
// grab weapon
const auto weapon = player->GetWeapon();
// make a full backup of the player
auto backup = animation(player);
// grab previous
animation* previous = nullptr;
if (!_animation.frames.empty() && !_animation.frames.front().dormant)
previous = &_animation.frames.front();
const auto shot = weapon && previous && weapon->LastShotTime() > previous->sim_time
&& weapon->LastShotTime() <= player->GetSimulationTime();
if (!shot)
info.second.last_reliable_angle = player->GetEyeAngles();
// store server record
auto& record = _animation.frames.emplace_front(player, info.second.last_reliable_angle);
// run full update
_animation.update_animations(&record, previous);
// restore correctly synced values
// use uninterpolated data to generate our bone matrix
void CMAnimationFix::update_player(IBasePlayer* player)
static auto& enable_bone_cache_invalidation = **reinterpret_cast<bool**>(
hs::bone_cache_validation::s().c_str())) + 2);
//// make a backup of globals
const auto backup_frametime = interfaces.global_vars->frametime;
const auto backup_curtime = interfaces.global_vars->curtime;
const auto old_flags = player->GetFlagsPtr();
// get player anim state
auto state = player->GetPlayerAnimState();
if (state->m_iLastClientSideAnimationUpdateFramecount == interfaces.global_vars->framecount)
state->m_iLastClientSideAnimationUpdateFramecount -= 1.f;
// fixes for networked players
interfaces.global_vars->frametime = interfaces.global_vars->interval_per_tick;
interfaces.global_vars->curtime = player->GetSimulationTime();
player->GetEFlags() &= ~0x1000;
player->GetAbsVelocity() = player->GetVelocity();
if (player->GetAnimOverlay(5)->m_flWeight > 0.0f)
player->GetFlagsPtr() |= FL_ONGROUND;
// make sure we keep track of the original invalidation state
const auto old_invalidation = enable_bone_cache_invalidation;
// notify the other hooks to instruct animations and pvs fix
csgo->EnableBones = player->GetClientSideAnims() = true;
csgo->EnableBones = player->GetClientSideAnims() = false;
// we don't want to enable cache invalidation by accident
enable_bone_cache_invalidation = old_invalidation;
// restore globals
interfaces.global_vars->curtime = backup_curtime;
interfaces.global_vars->frametime = backup_frametime;
player->GetFlagsPtr() = old_flags;
CMAnimationFix::animation_info* CMAnimationFix::get_animation_info(IBasePlayer* player)
auto info = animation_infos.find(player->GetRefEHandle());
if (info == animation_infos.end())
return nullptr;
return &info->second;
bool animation::is_valid_extended()
if (!interfaces.engine->GetNetChannelInfo() || !valid)
return false;
const auto correct = std::clamp(interfaces.engine->GetNetChannelInfo()->GetLatency(FLOW_INCOMING)
+ interfaces.engine->GetNetChannelInfo()->GetLatency(FLOW_OUTGOING)
+ calculate_lerp(), 0.f, 0.2f);
float deltaTime = fabsf(correct - (interfaces.global_vars->curtime - sim_time));
float ping = 0.2f;
//if (CanDT() && csgo->dt_charged && !CMAntiAim::Get().did_shot)
// ping += TICKS_TO_TIME(8);
return deltaTime < ping && deltaTime >= ping - .2f;
std::optional<animation*> CMAnimationFix::get_latest_animation(IBasePlayer* player)
const auto info = animation_infos.find(player->GetRefEHandle());
if (info == animation_infos.end() || info->second.frames.empty())
return std::nullopt;
for (auto it = info->second.frames.begin(); it != info->second.frames.end(); it = next(it)) {
if ((*it).is_valid_extended()) {
if (TIME_TO_TICKS(fabsf((*it).sim_time - player->GetSimulationTime())) < 25)
return &*it;
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<animation*> CMAnimationFix::get_oldest_animation(IBasePlayer* player)
const auto info = animation_infos.find(player->GetRefEHandle());
if (info == animation_infos.end() || info->second.frames.empty())
return std::nullopt;
for (auto it = info->second.frames.rbegin(); it != info->second.frames.rend(); it = next(it)) {
if ((*it).is_valid_extended()) {
return &*it;
return std::nullopt;
std::vector<animation*> CMAnimationFix::get_valid_animations(IBasePlayer* player, const float range)
std::vector<animation*> result;
const auto info = animation_infos.find(player->GetRefEHandle());
if (info == animation_infos.end() || info->second.frames.empty())
return result;
result.reserve(static_cast<int>(std::ceil(range * .2f / interfaces.global_vars->interval_per_tick)));
for (auto it = info->second.frames.begin(); it != info->second.frames.end(); it = next(it))
if ((*it).is_valid(range * .2f))
return result;
std::optional<animation*> CMAnimationFix::get_latest_firing_animation(IBasePlayer* player)
const auto info = animation_infos.find(player->GetRefEHandle());
if (info == animation_infos.end() || info->second.frames.empty())
return std::nullopt;
for (auto it = info->second.frames.begin(); it != info->second.frames.end(); it = next(it))
if ((*it).is_valid_extended() && (*it).didshot)
return &*it;
return std::nullopt;
void CMAnimationFix::UpdateFakeState()
//static bool ShouldInitAnimstate = false;
if ((!interfaces.engine->IsConnected() && !interfaces.engine->IsInGame()) || !csgo->local) {
//ShouldInitAnimstate = false;
if (!csgo->local->isAlive() /*|| csgo->game_rules->IsFreezeTime()*/) {
//ShouldInitAnimstate = false;
if (csgo->DoUnload) {
static CBaseHandle* selfhandle = nullptr;
static float spawntime = csgo->local->GetSpawnTime();
auto alloc = FakeAnimstate == nullptr;
auto change = !alloc && selfhandle != &csgo->local->GetRefEHandle();
auto reset = !alloc && !change && csgo->local->GetSpawnTime() != spawntime;
if (change) {
memset(&FakeAnimstate, 0, sizeof(FakeAnimstate));
selfhandle = (CBaseHandle*)&csgo->local->GetRefEHandle();
if (reset) {
spawntime = csgo->local->GetSpawnTime();
if (alloc || change) {
FakeAnimstate = reinterpret_cast<CCSGOPlayerAnimState*>(interfaces.memalloc->Alloc(sizeof(CCSGOPlayerAnimState)));
if (FakeAnimstate)
if (FakeAnimstate->m_iLastClientSideAnimationUpdateFramecount == interfaces.global_vars->framecount)
FakeAnimstate->m_iLastClientSideAnimationUpdateFramecount -= 1.f;
csgo->local->GetEffects() |= 0x8;
CAnimationLayer backup_layers[13];
if (csgo->local->GetOldSimulationTime() != csgo->local->GetSimulationTime())
std::memcpy(backup_layers, csgo->local->GetAnimOverlays(),
(sizeof(CAnimationLayer) * csgo->local->GetNumAnimOverlays()));
csgo->local->UpdateAnimationState(FakeAnimstate, csgo->FakeAngle); // update animstate
csgo->local->SetAbsAngles(Vector(0, FakeAnimstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw, 0));
csgo->local->GetAnimOverlay(12)->m_flWeight = FLT_EPSILON;
csgo->local->SetupBones(csgo->fakematrix, 128, 0x7FF00, interfaces.global_vars->curtime);// setup matrix
csgo->local->SetupBones(csgo->fakelag_matrix, 128, 0x7FF00, interfaces.global_vars->curtime);// setup matrix
if (!vars.visuals.interpolated_dsy) {
for (auto& i : csgo->fakematrix)
i[0][3] -= csgo->local->GetRenderOrigin().x;
i[1][3] -= csgo->local->GetRenderOrigin().y;
i[2][3] -= csgo->local->GetRenderOrigin().z;
std::memcpy(csgo->local->GetAnimOverlays(), backup_layers,
(sizeof(CAnimationLayer) * csgo->local->GetNumAnimOverlays()));
csgo->animstate = FakeAnimstate;
csgo->local->GetEffects() &= ~0x8;
void CMAnimationFix::ApplyLocalPlayer() {
auto animstate = csgo->local->GetPlayerAnimState();
if (!animstate)
const auto backup_frametime = interfaces.global_vars->frametime;
const auto backup_curtime = interfaces.global_vars->curtime;
animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw = csgo->VisualAngle.y;
if (animstate->m_iLastClientSideAnimationUpdateFramecount == interfaces.global_vars->framecount)
animstate->m_iLastClientSideAnimationUpdateFramecount -= 1.f;
interfaces.global_vars->frametime = interfaces.global_vars->interval_per_tick;
interfaces.global_vars->curtime = csgo->local->GetSimulationTime();
csgo->local->GetEFlags() &= ~0x1000;
csgo->local->GetAbsVelocity() = csgo->local->GetVelocity();
static float angle = animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw;
animstate->m_flFeetYawRate = 0.f;
CAnimationLayer backup_layers[13];
if (csgo->local->GetSimulationTime() != csgo->local->GetOldSimulationTime())
std::memcpy(backup_layers, csgo->local->GetAnimOverlays(),
(sizeof(CAnimationLayer) * csgo->local->GetNumAnimOverlays()));
csgo->ShouldUpdate = csgo->local->GetClientSideAnims() = true;
csgo->local->UpdateAnimationState(animstate, csgo->FakeAngle);
csgo->ShouldUpdate = csgo->local->GetClientSideAnims() = false;
angle = animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw;
std::memcpy(csgo->local->GetAnimOverlays(), backup_layers,
(sizeof(CAnimationLayer) * csgo->local->GetNumAnimOverlays()));
animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw = angle;
interfaces.global_vars->curtime = backup_curtime;
interfaces.global_vars->frametime = backup_frametime;
#pragma once
#include "Hooks.h"
#include <unordered_map>
#include <optional>
#include <deque>
struct animation
animation() = default;
explicit animation(IBasePlayer* player);
explicit animation(IBasePlayer* player, Vector last_reliable_angle);
void restore(IBasePlayer* player) const;
void apply(IBasePlayer* player) const;
void build_server_bones(IBasePlayer* player);
bool is_valid(float range, float max_unlag);
bool is_valid_extended();
IBasePlayer* player{};
int32_t index{};
bool valid{}, has_anim_state{};
alignas(16) matrix bones[128];
bool dormant{};
Vector velocity;
Vector origin;
matrix* bone_cache;
Vector abs_origin;
Vector obb_mins;
Vector obb_maxs;
CAnimationLayer layers[13];
std::array<float, 24> poses;
CCSGOPlayerAnimState* anim_state;
float anim_time{};
float sim_time{};
float interp_time{};
float duck{};
float lby{};
float last_shot_time{};
Vector last_reliable_angle{};
Vector eye_angles;
Vector abs_ang;
int flags{};
int eflags{};
int effects{};
float m_flFeetCycle{};
float m_flFeetYawRate{};
int lag{};
bool didshot;
string resolver;
class CMAnimationFix
struct animation_info {
animation_info(IBasePlayer* player, std::deque<animation> animations)
: player(player), frames(std::move(animations)), last_spawn_time(0) { }
void update_animations(animation* to, animation* from);
IBasePlayer* player{};
std::deque<animation> frames;
// last time this player spawned
float last_spawn_time;
float goal_feet_yaw;
Vector last_reliable_angle;
std::unordered_map<CBaseHandle, animation_info> animation_infos;
void ApplyLocalPlayer();
void UpdatePlayers();
void UpdateFakeState();
CCSGOPlayerAnimState* RealAnimstate = nullptr;
CCSGOPlayerAnimState* FakeAnimstate = nullptr;
CBaseHandle* selfhandle;
void update_player(IBasePlayer* player);
animation_info* get_animation_info(IBasePlayer* player);
std::optional<animation*> get_latest_animation(IBasePlayer* player);
std::optional<animation*> get_oldest_animation(IBasePlayer* player);
std::vector<animation*> get_valid_animations(IBasePlayer* player, float range = 1.f);
std::optional<animation*> get_latest_firing_animation(IBasePlayer* player);
extern CMAnimationFix* g_Animfix;
Тестил на ботах, краш с tier0 пропал

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