JS-скрипт Dreamsync helper aka paste.

23 Авг 2020
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Короче сделал скриптец(1 если что). Можете юзать, да. Прошу не критиковать меня, вы просто морального права не имеете это делать.
Скрипт включает : вотермарку, кейбинды, фристенд, настройки сейф поинтов, дабл-тап, мин дамаг, аспект ратио, наш лакшери клантег и модель ченджер. Вообщем алл ин ван.
Паста? да.
ss :
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.

На слабых пк лучше не юзать т.к требует оптимизации что я делать конечно не умею....

UI.AddLabel("  #Welcome to Dreamsync helper#")


const x1 = UI.AddSliderInt("Hotkeys_x", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]);
const y1 = UI.AddSliderInt("Hotkeys_y", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);

var color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Watermark");

if (color[3] == 0)
    UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Watermark", [89, 119, 239, 255]);

function draw() {

    var today = new Date();
    var hours1 = today.getHours();
    var minutes1 = today.getMinutes();
    var seconds1 = today.getSeconds();

    var hours = hours1 <= 9 ? "0"+hours1+":" : hours1+":";
    var minutes = minutes1 <= 9 ? "0" + minutes1+":" : minutes1+":";
    var seconds = seconds1 <= 9 ? "0" + seconds1 : seconds1;

    var server_tickrate = Globals.Tickrate().toString()
    var ping = Math.round(Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CPlayerResource", "m_iPing")).toString() // кто это сделал - контуженный на всю голову ебаный хуесос

    color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Watermark");

    var font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 400);
    var text = "dreamsync helper | delay: " + ping + "ms | " + server_tickrate + "tick | " + hours + minutes + seconds;

    var w = Render.TextSizeCustom(text, font)[0] + 8;
    var x = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];

    x = x - w - 10;

    Render.FilledRect(x, 10, w, 2, [ color[0], color[1], color[2], 255 ]);

    Render.StringCustom(x+4, 10 + 4, 0, text, [ 255, 255, 255, 255 ], font);

Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "draw");

var color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys");
if (color[3] == 0) {
    UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys", [89, 119, 239, 255]);
function in_bounds(vec, x, y, x2, y2)
    return (vec[0] > x) && (vec[1] > y) && (vec[0] < x2) && (vec[1] < y2)
function main()
    if(!World.GetServerString()) return;
    const x = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_x"),
            y = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_y");
    color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys");
    var font = Render.AddFont( "Verdana", 7, 100);
    var h = [];

     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Slow walk")) {
       h.push("Slow motion")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck")) {
       h.push("Duck peek assist")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Auto peek")) {
       h.push("Peek assist")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter")) {
       h.push("Anti-aim inverter")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force safe point")) {
       h.push("Safe point override")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force body aim")) {
       h.push("Force body aim")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Resolver override")) {
       h.push("Resolver override")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Doubletap")) {
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots")) {
       h.push("On shot Anti-Aim")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Minimum damage override")) {
       h.push("Damage override")
    if (h.length > 0) {

        Render.FilledRect(x, y+3, 200, 2, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255]);
        Render.StringCustom(x + 100 - (Render.TextSizeCustom("Hotkeys", font)[0] / 2) + 2, y + 9, 0, "Keybinds", [0, 0, 0, 180], font);
        Render.StringCustom(x + 100 - (Render.TextSizeCustom("Hotkeys", font)[0] / 2) + 1, y + 8, 0, "Keybinds", [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
        for (i = 0; i < h.length; i++)
            Render.StringCustom(x + 102 - (Render.TextSizeCustom(h[i], font)[0] / 2), y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, 180], font);
            Render.StringCustom(x + 101 - (Render.TextSizeCustom(h[i], font)[0] / 2), y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    if (Global.IsKeyPressed(1) && UI.IsMenuOpen()) {
        const mouse_pos = Global.GetCursorPosition();
        if (in_bounds(mouse_pos, x, y, x + 200, y + 30)) {
            UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_x", mouse_pos[0] - 100);
            UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_y", mouse_pos[1] - 20);

Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "main")


//region api

// Localizing all of the functions in snake_case because why not.
const global_print = Global.Print, global_print_chat = Global.PrintChat, global_print_color = Global.PrintColor, global_register_callback = Global.RegisterCallback, global_execute_command = Global.ExecuteCommand, global_frame_stage = Global.FrameStage, global_tickcount = Global.Tickcount, global_tickrate = Global.Tickrate, global_tick_interval = Global.TickInterval, global_curtime = Global.Curtime, global_realtime = Global.Realtime, global_frametime = Global.Frametime, global_latency = Global.Latency, global_get_view_angles = Global.GetViewAngles, global_set_view_angles = Global.SetViewAngles, global_get_map_name = Global.GetMapName, global_is_key_pressed = Global.IsKeyPressed, global_get_screen_size = Global.GetScreenSize, global_get_cursor_position = Global.GetCursorPosition, global_play_sound = Global.PlaySound, global_play_microphone = Global.PlayMicrophone, global_stop_microphone = Global.StopMicrophone, global_get_username = Global.GetUsername, global_set_clan_tag = Global.SetClanTag, globals_tickcount = Globals.Tickcount, globals_tickrate = Globals.Tickrate, globals_tick_interval = Globals.TickInterval, globals_curtime = Globals.Curtime, globals_realtime = Globals.Realtime, globals_frametime = Globals.Frametime, sound_play = Sound.Play, sound_play_microphone = Sound.PlayMicrophone, sound_stop_microphone = Sound.StopMicrophone, cheat_get_username = Cheat.GetUsername, cheat_register_callback = cheat_register_callback = new Proxy(Cheat.RegisterCallback, { apply: function(_, _, args) { switch(args[0]) { case 'paint': Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', args[1]); break; case 'create_move': Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', args[1]); break; case 'fsn': Cheat.RegisterCallback('FrameStageNotify', args[1]); break; default: Cheat.RegisterCallback(args[0], args[1]); break; } } }), cheat_execute_command = Cheat.ExecuteCommand, cheat_frame_stage = Cheat.FrameStage, cheat_print = Cheat.Print, cheat_print_chat = Cheat.PrintChat, cheat_print_color = Cheat.PrintColor, local_latency = Local.Latency, local_get_view_angles = Local.GetViewAngles, local_set_view_angles = Local.SetViewAngles, local_set_clan_tag = Local.SetClanTag, local_get_real_yaw = Local.GetRealYaw, local_get_fake_yaw = Local.GetFakeYaw, local_get_spread = Local.GetSpread, local_get_inaccuracy = Local.GetInaccuracy, world_get_map_name = World.GetMapName, world_get_server_string = World.GetServerString, input_get_cursor_position = Input.GetCursorPosition, input_is_key_pressed = Input.IsKeyPressed, render_string = Render.String, render_text_size = Render.TextSize, render_line = Render.Line, render_rect = Render.Rect, render_filled_rect = Render.FilledRect, render_gradient_rect = Render.GradientRect, render_circle = Render.Circle, render_filled_circle = Render.FilledCircle, render_polygon = Render.Polygon, render_world_to_screen = Render.WorldToScreen, render_add_font = Render.AddFont, render_find_font = Render.FindFont, render_string_custom = Render.StringCustom, render_textured_rect = Render.TexturedRect, render_add_texture = Render.AddTexture, render_text_size_custom = Render.TextSizeCustom, render_get_screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize, ui_get_value = UI.GetValue, ui_set_value = UI.SetValue, ui_add_checkbox = UI.AddCheckbox, ui_add_slider_int = UI.AddSliderInt, ui_add_slider_float = UI.AddSliderFloat, ui_add_hotkey = UI.AddHotkey, ui_add_label = UI.AddLabel, ui_add_dropdown = UI.AddDropdown, ui_add_multi_dropdown = UI.AddMultiDropdown, ui_add_color_picker = UI.AddColorPicker, ui_add_textbox = UI.AddTextbox, ui_set_enabled = UI.SetEnabled, ui_get_string = UI.GetString, ui_get_color = UI.GetColor, ui_set_color = UI.SetColor, ui_is_hotkey_active = UI.IsHotkeyActive, ui_toggle_hotkey = UI.ToggleHotkey, ui_is_menu_open = UI.IsMenuOpen, convar_get_int = Convar.GetInt, convar_set_int = Convar.SetInt, convar_get_float = Convar.GetFloat, convar_set_float = Convar.SetFloat, convar_get_string = Convar.GetString, convar_set_string = Convar.SetString, event_get_int = Event.GetInt, event_get_float = Event.GetFloat, event_get_string = Event.GetString, entity_get_entities = Entity.GetEntities, entity_get_entities_by_class_i_d = Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID, entity_get_players = Entity.GetPlayers, entity_get_enemies = Entity.GetEnemies, entity_get_teammates = Entity.GetTeammates, entity_get_local_player = Entity.GetLocalPlayer, entity_get_game_rules_proxy = Entity.GetGameRulesProxy, entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID, entity_is_teammate = Entity.IsTeammate, entity_is_enemy = Entity.IsEnemy, entity_is_bot = Entity.IsBot, entity_is_local_player = Entity.IsLocalPlayer, entity_is_valid = Entity.IsValid, entity_is_alive = Entity.IsAlive, entity_is_dormant = Entity.IsDormant, entity_get_class_i_d = Entity.GetClassID, entity_get_class_name = Entity.GetClassName, entity_get_name = Entity.GetName, entity_get_weapon = Entity.GetWeapon, entity_get_weapons = Entity.GetWeapons, entity_get_render_origin = Entity.GetRenderOrigin, entity_get_prop = Entity.GetProp, entity_set_prop = Entity.SetProp, entity_get_hitbox_position = Entity.GetHitboxPosition, entity_get_eye_position = Entity.GetEyePosition, trace_line = Trace.Line, trace_bullet = Trace.Bullet, usercmd_set_movement = UserCMD.SetMovement, usercmd_get_movement = UserCMD.GetMovement, usercmd_set_angles = UserCMD.SetAngles, usercmd_force_jump = UserCMD.ForceJump, usercmd_force_crouch = UserCMD.ForceCrouch, antiaim_get_override = AntiAim.GetOverride, antiaim_set_override = AntiAim.SetOverride, antiaim_set_real_offset = AntiAim.SetRealOffset, antiaim_set_fake_offset = AntiAim.SetFakeOffset, antiaim_set_l_b_y_offset = AntiAim.SetLBYOffset, exploit_get_charge = Exploit.GetCharge, exploit_recharge = Exploit.Recharge, exploit_disable_recharge = Exploit.DisableRecharge, exploit_enable_recharge = Exploit.EnableRecharge, ragebot_override_minimum_damage = Ragebot.OverrideMinimumDamage, ragebot_override_hitchance = Ragebot.OverrideHitchance, ragebot_override_accuracy_boost = Ragebot.OverrideAccuracyBoost, ragebot_override_multipoint_scale = Ragebot.OverrideMultipointScale, ragebot_force_safety = Ragebot.ForceSafety;

//region dependencies

* @title BetterUI
* @version 2.0.0
* @description A better UI system for Onetap

var menu = [];
const menu_spacer = "                                                                                  ";

* Creates a new menu label
* @param label {string}
menu.label = function(label)
    // Creates the label

* Creates a new menu element
* @param func {function}
* @param name {string}
* @param label {string},
* @param properties {array}
menu.call = function(func, name, label, properties)
    // Get properties
    const final_name = name + menu_spacer + label;
    var final_props = [final_name];
    const element_info_t = {
        path: ["Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", final_name]

    // If our properties aren't null, then pack them together.
    if (properties != null)
        for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++)

    // Create our menu element and return properties
    func.apply(null, final_props);
    return element_info_t;

* Creates a new menu reference
* @param path {array}
menu.reference = function(path)
    const element_info_t = {
        path: path

    return element_info_t;

* Gets the value of a menu element
* @param elem {array}
* @return {*}
menu.get = function(elem)
    // If the element doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Returns the element's value
    return UI.GetValue.apply(null, elem.path);

* Gets the value of a menu element
* @param elem {array}
* @return {*}
menu.get_hotkey = function(elem)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Returns the element's value
    return UI.IsHotkeyActive.apply(null, elem.path);

* Gets the value of a menu element
* @param elem {array}
* @return {*}
menu.get_color = function(elem)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Returns the element's value
    return UI.GetColor.apply(null, elem.path);

* Sets the value of a menu element
* @param elem {array}
* @param value {any}
menu.set = function(elem, value)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Get properties
    const properties = elem;

    // Set the element's value
    UI.SetValue.apply(null, properties.path);

* Sets the value of a color picker
* @param elem {array}
* @param color {array|Color}
menu.set_color = function(elem, color)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Get properties
    const properties = elem;

    // Set the element's value
    UI.SetColor.apply(null, properties.path);

* Sets the value of a color picker
* @param elem {array}
menu.toggle = function(elem)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Set the element's value
    UI.ToggleHotkey.apply(null, elem.path);

* Changes the visibility of a menu elements
* @param elem {array}
* @param visible {boolean}
menu.visibility = function(elem, visible)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Get properties
    const properties = elem;

    // Change the element's visibility
    UI.SetEnabled.apply(null, properties.path);

* @title Vector
* @description Simple 3d vector system
* @typedef Vector {x: number, y: number, z: number}
var vector = {
    _class: 'vector'

* @brief Creates a new 3d vector instance.
* @param data {array}
* @returns {Vector}
vector.new = function(data)
    return {
        x: data[0],
        y: data[1],
        z: data[2]

* @brief Realizes a mathematical operation between two vectors.
* @param vec {Vector}
* @param vec2 {Vector}
* @param operation {string}
* @returns {Vector}
vector.operate = function(vec, vec2, operation)
  switch (operation)
      case '+':
          return {
              x: vec.x + vec2.x,
              y: vec.y + vec2.y,
              z: vec.z + vec2.z

      case '-':
          return {
              x: vec.x - vec2.x,
              y: vec.y - vec2.y,
              z: vec.z - vec2.z

      case '*':
          return {
              x: vec.x * vec2.x,
              y: vec.y * vec2.y,
              z: vec.z * vec2.z

      case '/':
          return {
              x: vec.x / vec2.x,
              y: vec.y / vec2.y,
              z: vec.z / vec2.z

          throw new Error("[Vector] Invalid operation type.");

* @brief Returns the 2d length of a vector.
* @param vec {Vector}
* @returns {number}
vector.length2d = function(vec)
    return Math.sqrt(vec.x * vec.x + vec.y * vec.y);

* @brief Converts a vector to angles.
* @param vec
* @returns {Vector}
vector.angles = function(vec)
    return {
        x: -Math.atan2(vec.z, this.length2d(vec)) * 180 / Math.PI,
        y: Math.atan2(vec.y, vec.x) * 180 / Math.PI,
        z: 0

* @brief Calculates the fov delta between two points based on a specific view angles.
* @param origin {Vector}
* @param destination {Vector}
* @param view {Vector}
* @returns {number}
vector.fov_to = function(origin, destination, view)
    const angles = this.angles(this.operate(destination, origin, '-'));

    const delta = this.new(
            Math.abs(view.x - angles.x),
            Math.abs(view.y % 360 - angles.y % 360) % 360,

    if (delta.y > 180)
        delta.y = 360 - delta.y;

    return this.length2d(delta);

* @brief Unpacks a vector object into an array.
* @param vec {Vector}
* @returns {[number, number, number]}
vector.to_array = function(vec)
    return [

* @brief Normalizes an yaw angle.
* @param angle {number}
* @returns {number}
function normalize_yaw(angle)
    var adjusted_yaw = angle;

    if (adjusted_yaw < -180)
        adjusted_yaw += 360;

    if (adjusted_yaw > 180)
        adjusted_yaw -= 360;

    return adjusted_yaw;


//region main

// Create our main instance
var plugin = {
    _info: {
        _title: "Advanced body freestanding",
        _version: "1.1.0",
        _author: "april#0001"

    last_hit_lby: [],
    last_target_visibility: false,
    override_flip: false,
    last_override_time: globals_curtime( )


//region menu

// Create our menu elements
const enable = menu.call(ui_add_checkbox, "Smart freestand", "lby_enable", []);
const body = menu.call(ui_add_dropdown, "Body freestanding", "lby_body_mode", [["Normal", "Reversed"]]);
const smart = menu.call(ui_add_checkbox, "Smart switch", "lby_smart", []);
const flip = menu.call(ui_add_multi_dropdown, "Body inverter flip", "lby_body", [["Slow motion", "Run", "Jump"]]);

// Declare our references
const ref_inverter = menu.reference(["Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter"]);
const ref_bodyflip = menu.reference(["Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter flip"]);
const ref_inverter_legit = menu.reference(["Anti-Aim", "Legit Anti-Aim", "Direction key"]);
const ref_ragebot = menu.reference(["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Enabled"]);


//region functions

* @brief Inverts the lower body yaw to the specified value.
* @param state {number} Whether or not to invert the lower body yaw.
function update_anti_aim_state(state)
    // If our rage aimbot is enabled, than we should invert the
    // rage anti-aim.
    if (menu.get(ref_ragebot))
        // Check if our inverter's state is the same as our desired one.
        // If not, then toggle the hotkey to invert it.
        if (menu.get_hotkey(ref_inverter) !== state)

        // Return because we don't wanna do the same to the legit anti-aim's state.

    // Invert the state because the legit anti-aim's inverter is different
    // from the rage one.
    state = (state + 1) % 2;

    // Check if our inverter's state is the same as our desired one.
    // If not, then toggle the hotkey to invert it.
    if (menu.get_hotkey(ref_inverter_legit) !== state)

* @brief Gets the closest (FOV-based) enemy and returns its entity id.
* @returns {number}
function get_closest_target( ) {
    // Get our entities.
    const players = entity_get_enemies();
    const me = entity_get_local_player();

    // Initialize our data array.
    const data = {id: null, fov: 180};

    // Loop for each player in the server.
    for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
        // Get the current player.
        const e = players[i];

        // Get our eye's position, the player's head position and our view angles.
        const destination = vector.new(entity_get_hitbox_position(e, 0)),
            origin = vector.new(entity_get_eye_position(me));
        const angles = vector.new(local_get_view_angles());

        // Calculate the FOV distance.
        const fov = vector.fov_to(origin, destination, angles);

        // If our FOV distance is lower than the cached one, then it means that
        // there's another player which is even closer to our crosshair.
        if (fov < data.fov) {
            // Cache this entity and our current FOV distance for further
            // calculations.
            data.id = e;
            data.fov = fov;

    // Return the closest entity to our crosshair.
    return data.id;

* @brief Gets whether or not our target is visible.
* @returns {boolean}
function get_target_visibility( )
    // Get our target.
    const target = get_closest_target( );

    // If the target is not valid, then it is not visible.
    if (!target || !entity_is_valid(target))
        return false;

    // If it is dormant, than it isn't visible either.
    if (entity_is_dormant(target))
        return false;

    // Get our tracing properties.
    const me = entity_get_local_player( );
    var origin = vector.new(entity_get_eye_position(me)), velocity = vector.new(entity_get_prop(me, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]")), destination = entity_get_hitbox_position(target, 0);

    // Adds our velocity vector to our origin vector as to make the trace
    // more accurate when moving.
    velocity = vector.operate(velocity, vector.new([0.25, 0.25, 0.25]), '*');
    origin = vector.operate(origin, velocity, '+');

    // Trace a line from our eye position to the target's head and see if we hit anything.
    const result = trace_line(me, vector.to_array(origin), destination)[0];

    // Return results.
    return result === target;

* @brief Gets which anti-aim side matches your settings the best. Or, in other words, does freestanding.
function get_optimal_angle( )
    // Get current lower body yaw mode
    const _mode = menu.get(body);

    // Get some properties.
    const me = entity_get_local_player( );

    // And more properties..
    const origin = vector.new(entity_get_render_origin(me));
    var yaw = local_get_view_angles( )[1];
    var data = {left: 0, right: 0};

    // Loops for every angle from the left of your yaw to the right of your yaw
    // in steps of 30, resulting in 3 steps per side.
    for (var r = yaw - 90; r <= yaw + 90; r += 30)
        // If our current angle is the center one then there's no need
        // to do anything with it.
        if (r === yaw)

        // Convert our angle to radians
        const rad = r * Math.PI / 180;

        // Create our destination point based on current angle.
        const point = vector.operate(
                256 * Math.cos(rad),
                256 * Math.sin(rad),

        // Trace a line from our player's origin to the current point.
        // Using this to check the trace's fraction (m_flFraction) until
        // it hits something and then add it to our data array.
        // This is how my 'environmental freestanding' logic is made.
        // The side with lower fractions is the side which is logically
        // closer to the player's head.
        const line = trace_line(me, vector.to_array(origin), vector.to_array(point));

        // Get which side we're iterating on.
        const side = r < yaw ? "left" : "right";

        // Update our data array.
        data[side] += line[1];

    // Calculates an average for both sides.
    data.left /= 3;
    data.right /= 3;

    // If our left avg. fractions are greater than the right ones, then return
    // the number 0 which corresponds to the right side, or, in the Hide fake angle mode,
    // return 1 which corresponds to the left side.
    if (data.left > data.right)
        return _mode === 0 ? 0 : 1;

    // Does the same thing as above, except the right avg. fractions are greater than
    // the left ones.
    return _mode === 0 ? 1 : 0;

* @brief Handles the inverter flip feature.
function update_inverter_flip( )
    // Check if the inverter flip options are enabled.
    if (!menu.get(flip))

    // Get some properties.
    const visible = get_target_visibility( );
    const now = globals_curtime( );

    // If it has been 300ms since the last override then
    // reset the override state.
    if (plugin.last_override_time + 0.3 < now)
        plugin.override_flip = false;

    // If our current target visibility isn't the same as
    // our cached one, then the target became visible/invisible.
    if (visible !== plugin.last_target_visibility)
        // In this case, we should override, so, set override to
        // true and cache our current time.
        plugin.override_flip = true;
        plugin.last_override_time = now;

    // Cache the target's visibility.
    plugin.last_target_visibility = visible;

    // Check if we're overriding
    if (plugin.override_flip)
        // Set the inverter flip to nothing.
        menu.set(ref_bodyflip, 0);

    // If we're not overriding, then set the inverter flip options to
    // the selected options.
    menu.set(ref_bodyflip, menu.get(flip));

* @brief Updates our anti-aim based on the current freestanding mode and input.
function update_anti_aim( )
    // Get our local player.
    const me = entity_get_local_player( );

    // Check if our player is valid and alive.
    if (!entity_is_valid(me) || !entity_is_alive(me))

    // Get if our anti-aim is on smart mode.
    const _smart = menu.get(smart);

    // Handle the inverter flip.
    update_inverter_flip( );

    // If our anti-aim is set to 'Smart', then the entire logic is different.
    // The smart mode does not use freestanding as input, it uses data from
    // other users as input.
    if (_smart)
        // Get our FOV-based target.
        const target = get_closest_target( );

        // Check if our target is valid.
        // Otherwise, just return our current freestanding angle.
        if (target == null)
            update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle( ));

        // Check if our target has already hit us.
        // If not, then just return current freestanding angle.
        if (plugin.last_hit_lby[target] == null)
            update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle( ));

        // Return the opposite angle to the last hit angle.
        // In this case if the inverter was off, now return on.
        if (plugin.last_hit_lby[target] === 0)

        // Or, if the inverter was on, return off.

    // If our anti-aim is not on smart mode, then we're just using regular
    // freestanding. So, do freestanding.
    update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle( ));

* @brief Renders our plugin's indicator.
function do_indicators( )
    // Get our local player.
    const me = entity_get_local_player( );

    // Check if our player is valid and alive.
    if (!entity_is_valid(me) || !entity_is_alive(me))

    // Get our drawing properties.
    const y = render_get_screen_size( )[1];

    // Get our anti-aim info.
    const yaw = local_get_real_yaw( ), fake = local_get_fake_yaw( );
    var delta = Math.round(normalize_yaw(yaw - fake) / 2), abs = Math.abs(delta);

    // If we're using legit anti-aim, invert the delta.
    // Doing this to fix the indicators because legit
    // anti-aim inverter is different.
    if (menu.get(ref_ragebot))
        delta *= -1;


* @callback create_move
* @brief Handles our plugin's logic.
function on_tick( )
    // Checks whether or not our script is enabled.
    if (!(menu.get(enable)))

    // Does the freestanding.
    update_anti_aim( );

function on_frame( )
    // Checks whether or not our script is enabled.
    if (!(menu.get(enable)))

    // Draws our indicators
    do_indicators( );

* @callback player_hurt
* @brief Handles the last hit LBY logic.
function on_player_hurt( )
    // Get the event's entities.
    const me = entity_get_local_player( );
    const attacker = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int("attacker"));
    const userid = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int("userid"));

    // Checks if our local player was the one getting hurt and not the one attacking.
    // Or, in other words, check if we got hurt.
    if (me !== attacker && me === userid)
        // Update the last hit lower body global.
        plugin.last_hit_lby[attacker] = menu.get_hotkey(ref_inverter);

* @callback round_start, player_connect_full
* @brief Resets the last hit LBY list whenever the round ends or you switch servers.
function reset( )
    // Reset the last lower body state.
    plugin.last_hit_lby = [];


//region callbacks

// Register our 'create_move' callback.
    'create_move', 'on_tick'

// Register our 'paint' callback.
    'paint', 'on_frame'

// Register our 'player_hurt' callback.
    'player_hurt', 'on_player_hurt'

// Register our 'player_connect_full' callback.
    'player_connect_full', 'reset'



UI.AddLabel("#MIN DMG#")
UI.AddHotkey("Heavy Pistol Override")
UI.AddSliderInt("Heavy Pistol Mindmg", 0, 130)
UI.AddHotkey("Scout Override")
UI.AddSliderInt("Scout Mindmg", 0, 130)
UI.AddHotkey("AWP Override")
UI.AddSliderInt("AWP Mindmg", 0, 130)
UI.AddHotkey("Auto Override")
UI.AddSliderInt("Auto Mindmg", 0, 130)

var heavy_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
var scout_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
var awp_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
var auto_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
function isActive(a)
    return UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", a)
function setValue(cat, value)
    UI.SetValue("Rage", cat.toUpperCase(), "Targeting", "Minimum damage", value)
function isHeavyPistol(name)
    if (name == "r8 revolver" || name == "desert eagle")
        return true
function isAutoSniper(name)
    if(name == "scar 20" || weapon_name == "g3sg1")
        return true
function onCM()
    heavy_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Heavy Pistol Mindmg")
    scout_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Scout Mindmg")
    awp_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "AWP Mindmg")
    auto_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Auto Mindmg")
    weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))

    if (isActive("Heavy Pistol Override") && isHeavyPistol(weapon_name))
        setValue("HEAVY PISTOL", heavy_value)
        setValue("HEAVY PISTOL", heavy_cache)

    if (isActive("Scout Override") && weapon_name == "ssg 08")
        setValue("SCOUT", scout_value)
        setValue("SCOUT", scout_cache)

    if (isActive("AWP Override") && weapon_name == "awp")
        setValue("AWP", awp_value)
        setValue("AWP", awp_cache)

    if (isActive("Auto Override") && isAutoSniper(weapon_name))
        setValue("AUTOSNIPER", auto_value)
        setValue("AUTOSNIPER", auto_cache)


Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "onCM")
UI.AddCheckbox("Safe point conditions");
const conditions = UI.AddMultiDropdown("Conditions",["head", "legs and feet"]);

function safe() {
    const dropdown_value = UI.GetValue.apply(null, conditions);
    if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Safe point conditions")) {
        if (dropdown_value & (1 << 0)) {
        if (dropdown_value & (1 << 1)) {

function main_createmove(){

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "main_createmove")
UI.AddSliderInt("Safe point after x missed shots", 1, 6);

function on_ragebot_fire() {
    //The ragebot fired so now we're waiting for a 'player_hurt' event
    waiting_for_hit = true;
    //Update the current target index
    target_idx = Event.GetInt("target_index");
    //Update the tick count
    tick_count = Globals.Tickcount()

function on_player_hurt() {

    var entity = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));

    if (entity == Entity.GetLocalPlayer())

    var attacker = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker"));

    if (attacker != Entity.GetLocalPlayer())

    if (entity != target_idx)

    waiting_for_hit = false;
    target_idx = 0;
    tick_count = -1;


function on_create_move() {

    var tick_interval = 1000 / Globals.Tickrate();

    var wait_ticks = 1 + Math.ceil((Local.Latency() * 2) / tick_interval);

    if (Globals.Tickcount() - tick_count >= wait_ticks && waiting_for_hit) {

        if (misses[target_idx] >= UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Safe point after x missed shots")) {
            safety_ents[target_idx] = 1;

        waiting_for_hit = false;
        target_idx = 0;
        tick_count = -1;

    var rbot_target = Ragebot.GetTarget();

    if (rbot_target == 0)

    if (safety_ents[rbot_target] == 1) {

function on_player_death() {
    var idx = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));

function reset_miss_logs() {
    for (var i = 0; i < 64; i++) {

function reset_specific_miss_logs(idx) {
    misses[idx] = 0;
    safety_ents[idx] = 0;

Cheat.RegisterCallback("ragebot_fire", "on_ragebot_fire");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "on_player_hurt");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "on_create_move");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_death", "on_player_death")
Cheat.RegisterCallback("round_start", "reset_miss_logs");

UI.AddLabel("#DOUBLE TAP#")
UI.AddLabel("Double tap fast recharge always on")
function can_shift_shot(ticks_to_shift) {
    var me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    var wpn = Entity.GetWeapon(me);

    if (me == null || wpn == null)
        return false;

    var tickbase = Entity.GetProp(me, "CCSPlayer", "m_nTickBase");
    var curtime = Globals.TickInterval() * (tickbase-ticks_to_shift)

    if (curtime < Entity.GetProp(me, "CCSPlayer", "m_flNextAttack"))
        return false;

    if (curtime < Entity.GetProp(wpn, "CBaseCombatWeapon", "m_flNextPrimaryAttack"))
        return false;

    return true;

function _TBC_CREATE_MOVE() {
    var is_charged = Exploit.GetCharge()

    Exploit[(is_charged != 1 ? "Enable" : "Disable") + "Recharge"]()

    if (can_shift_shot(14) && is_charged != 1) {

function _TBC_UNLOAD() {

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "_TBC_CREATE_MOVE");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "_TBC_UNLOAD");
UI.AddDropdown("T Model", ["None", "'TwoTimes' McCoy", "Seal Team 6 Soldier", "Buckshot", "Lt. Commander Ricksaw", "Dragomir", "Rezan The Ready", "Maximus", "Blackwolf", "The Doctor' Romanow", "8 Squadron Officer", "3rd Commando Company", "Special Agent Ava", "Operator", "Markus Delrow", "Michael Syfers", "Enforcer", "Slingshot", "Soldier", "The Elite Mr. Muhlik", "Ground Rebel", "Osiris", "Prof. Shahmat", "Heavy armor"])
    UI.AddDropdown("CT Model", ["None", "'TwoTimes' McCoy", "Seal Team 6 Soldier", "Buckshot", "Lt. Commander Ricksaw", "Dragomir", "Rezan The Ready", "Maximus", "Blackwolf", "The Doctor' Romanow", "8 Squadron Officer", "3rd Commando Company", "Special Agent Ava", "Operator", "Markus Delrow", "Michael Syfers", "Enforcer", "Slingshot", "Soldier", "The Elite Mr. Muhlik", "Ground Rebel", "Osiris", "Prof. Shahmat", "Heavy armor"])

      function AgentCh(){
            if(Cheat.FrameStage() != 2)
            var team = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(),"DT_BaseEntity", "m_iTeamNum")

            UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "T Model", true)
            UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "CT Model", true)
            if(team == 2){
                UI.SetValue("Misc", "SKINS", "Player", "Player model", UI.GetValue("Script items", "T Model"))
            if(team == 3){
                UI.SetValue("Misc", "SKINS", "Player", "Player model", UI.GetValue("Script items", "CT Model"))

UI.AddSliderInt( "Aspect ratio", 0, 500 );

function fsn( ) {
    ui_arat_val = UI.GetValue( "Aspect ratio" );

    switch ( Global.FrameStage( ) ) {
        case 5: {
            Global.ExecuteCommand( "r_aspectratio " + ui_arat_val.toString()/100 );

        default: break;

Global.RegisterCallback( "FrameStageNotify", "fsn" );
UI.AddLabel("#CLAN TAG#")
UI.AddDropdown("Custom Clantags",  ["DISABLED", "DREAMSYNC"]);
trigger = true;
halftimeval = false;
var lasttime = 0;

function start( )
    var tag = UI.GetValue( "Script items", "Custom Clantags" );
        if(tag == 0){
            speed = 0;
        if(tag == 1){
            speed = 2.5;
    var time = parseInt(Math.round(Globals.Curtime() * speed))

    if (time != lasttime)
        if(tag == 0) { Local.SetClanTag(""); }

        if(tag == 1)
            DREAMSYNCTAG = [

"D ",
"DR ",
"DRE ",
"DREA ",


            Num = time % DREAMSYNCTAG.length;

    lasttime = time;

Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "start");
UPD: скрипт был написан, извиняюсь, спащен в блокноте..............
Последнее редактирование:
28 Янв 2020
Короче сделал скриптец(1 если что). Можете юзать, да. Прошу не критиковать меня, вы просто морального права не имеете это делать.
Скрипт включает : вотермарку, кейбинды, фристенд, настройки сейф поинтов, дабл-там, мин дамаг, аспект ратио, наш лакшери клантег и модель ченджер. Вообщем алл ин ван.
Паста? да.
ss :
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.

На слабых пк лучше не юзать т.к требует оптимизации что я делать конечно не умею....

UI.AddLabel("  #Welcome to Dreamsync helper#")


const x1 = UI.AddSliderInt("Hotkeys_x", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]);
const y1 = UI.AddSliderInt("Hotkeys_y", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);

var color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Watermark");

if (color[3] == 0)
    UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Watermark", [89, 119, 239, 255]);

function draw() {

    var today = new Date();
    var hours1 = today.getHours();
    var minutes1 = today.getMinutes();
    var seconds1 = today.getSeconds();

    var hours = hours1 <= 9 ? "0"+hours1+":" : hours1+":";
    var minutes = minutes1 <= 9 ? "0" + minutes1+":" : minutes1+":";
    var seconds = seconds1 <= 9 ? "0" + seconds1 : seconds1;

    var server_tickrate = Globals.Tickrate().toString()
    var ping = Math.round(Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CPlayerResource", "m_iPing")).toString() // кто это сделал - контуженный на всю голову ебаный хуесос

    color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Watermark");

    var font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 400);
    var text = "dreamsync helper | delay: " + ping + "ms | " + server_tickrate + "tick | " + hours + minutes + seconds;

    var w = Render.TextSizeCustom(text, font)[0] + 8;
    var x = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];

    x = x - w - 10;

    Render.FilledRect(x, 10, w, 2, [ color[0], color[1], color[2], 255 ]);

    Render.StringCustom(x+4, 10 + 4, 0, text, [ 255, 255, 255, 255 ], font);

Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "draw");

var color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys");
if (color[3] == 0) {
    UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys", [89, 119, 239, 255]);
function in_bounds(vec, x, y, x2, y2)
    return (vec[0] > x) && (vec[1] > y) && (vec[0] < x2) && (vec[1] < y2)
function main()
    if(!World.GetServerString()) return;
    const x = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_x"),
            y = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_y");
    color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys");
    var font = Render.AddFont( "Verdana", 7, 100);
    var h = [];

     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Slow walk")) {
       h.push("Slow motion")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck")) {
       h.push("Duck peek assist")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Auto peek")) {
       h.push("Peek assist")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter")) {
       h.push("Anti-aim inverter")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force safe point")) {
       h.push("Safe point override")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force body aim")) {
       h.push("Force body aim")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Resolver override")) {
       h.push("Resolver override")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Doubletap")) {
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots")) {
       h.push("On shot Anti-Aim")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Minimum damage override")) {
       h.push("Damage override")
    if (h.length > 0) {

        Render.FilledRect(x, y+3, 200, 2, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255]);
        Render.StringCustom(x + 100 - (Render.TextSizeCustom("Hotkeys", font)[0] / 2) + 2, y + 9, 0, "Keybinds", [0, 0, 0, 180], font);
        Render.StringCustom(x + 100 - (Render.TextSizeCustom("Hotkeys", font)[0] / 2) + 1, y + 8, 0, "Keybinds", [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
        for (i = 0; i < h.length; i++)
            Render.StringCustom(x + 102 - (Render.TextSizeCustom(h[i], font)[0] / 2), y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, 180], font);
            Render.StringCustom(x + 101 - (Render.TextSizeCustom(h[i], font)[0] / 2), y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    if (Global.IsKeyPressed(1) && UI.IsMenuOpen()) {
        const mouse_pos = Global.GetCursorPosition();
        if (in_bounds(mouse_pos, x, y, x + 200, y + 30)) {
            UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_x", mouse_pos[0] - 100);
            UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_y", mouse_pos[1] - 20);

Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "main")


//region api

// Localizing all of the functions in snake_case because why not.
const global_print = Global.Print, global_print_chat = Global.PrintChat, global_print_color = Global.PrintColor, global_register_callback = Global.RegisterCallback, global_execute_command = Global.ExecuteCommand, global_frame_stage = Global.FrameStage, global_tickcount = Global.Tickcount, global_tickrate = Global.Tickrate, global_tick_interval = Global.TickInterval, global_curtime = Global.Curtime, global_realtime = Global.Realtime, global_frametime = Global.Frametime, global_latency = Global.Latency, global_get_view_angles = Global.GetViewAngles, global_set_view_angles = Global.SetViewAngles, global_get_map_name = Global.GetMapName, global_is_key_pressed = Global.IsKeyPressed, global_get_screen_size = Global.GetScreenSize, global_get_cursor_position = Global.GetCursorPosition, global_play_sound = Global.PlaySound, global_play_microphone = Global.PlayMicrophone, global_stop_microphone = Global.StopMicrophone, global_get_username = Global.GetUsername, global_set_clan_tag = Global.SetClanTag, globals_tickcount = Globals.Tickcount, globals_tickrate = Globals.Tickrate, globals_tick_interval = Globals.TickInterval, globals_curtime = Globals.Curtime, globals_realtime = Globals.Realtime, globals_frametime = Globals.Frametime, sound_play = Sound.Play, sound_play_microphone = Sound.PlayMicrophone, sound_stop_microphone = Sound.StopMicrophone, cheat_get_username = Cheat.GetUsername, cheat_register_callback = cheat_register_callback = new Proxy(Cheat.RegisterCallback, { apply: function(_, _, args) { switch(args[0]) { case 'paint': Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', args[1]); break; case 'create_move': Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', args[1]); break; case 'fsn': Cheat.RegisterCallback('FrameStageNotify', args[1]); break; default: Cheat.RegisterCallback(args[0], args[1]); break; } } }), cheat_execute_command = Cheat.ExecuteCommand, cheat_frame_stage = Cheat.FrameStage, cheat_print = Cheat.Print, cheat_print_chat = Cheat.PrintChat, cheat_print_color = Cheat.PrintColor, local_latency = Local.Latency, local_get_view_angles = Local.GetViewAngles, local_set_view_angles = Local.SetViewAngles, local_set_clan_tag = Local.SetClanTag, local_get_real_yaw = Local.GetRealYaw, local_get_fake_yaw = Local.GetFakeYaw, local_get_spread = Local.GetSpread, local_get_inaccuracy = Local.GetInaccuracy, world_get_map_name = World.GetMapName, world_get_server_string = World.GetServerString, input_get_cursor_position = Input.GetCursorPosition, input_is_key_pressed = Input.IsKeyPressed, render_string = Render.String, render_text_size = Render.TextSize, render_line = Render.Line, render_rect = Render.Rect, render_filled_rect = Render.FilledRect, render_gradient_rect = Render.GradientRect, render_circle = Render.Circle, render_filled_circle = Render.FilledCircle, render_polygon = Render.Polygon, render_world_to_screen = Render.WorldToScreen, render_add_font = Render.AddFont, render_find_font = Render.FindFont, render_string_custom = Render.StringCustom, render_textured_rect = Render.TexturedRect, render_add_texture = Render.AddTexture, render_text_size_custom = Render.TextSizeCustom, render_get_screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize, ui_get_value = UI.GetValue, ui_set_value = UI.SetValue, ui_add_checkbox = UI.AddCheckbox, ui_add_slider_int = UI.AddSliderInt, ui_add_slider_float = UI.AddSliderFloat, ui_add_hotkey = UI.AddHotkey, ui_add_label = UI.AddLabel, ui_add_dropdown = UI.AddDropdown, ui_add_multi_dropdown = UI.AddMultiDropdown, ui_add_color_picker = UI.AddColorPicker, ui_add_textbox = UI.AddTextbox, ui_set_enabled = UI.SetEnabled, ui_get_string = UI.GetString, ui_get_color = UI.GetColor, ui_set_color = UI.SetColor, ui_is_hotkey_active = UI.IsHotkeyActive, ui_toggle_hotkey = UI.ToggleHotkey, ui_is_menu_open = UI.IsMenuOpen, convar_get_int = Convar.GetInt, convar_set_int = Convar.SetInt, convar_get_float = Convar.GetFloat, convar_set_float = Convar.SetFloat, convar_get_string = Convar.GetString, convar_set_string = Convar.SetString, event_get_int = Event.GetInt, event_get_float = Event.GetFloat, event_get_string = Event.GetString, entity_get_entities = Entity.GetEntities, entity_get_entities_by_class_i_d = Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID, entity_get_players = Entity.GetPlayers, entity_get_enemies = Entity.GetEnemies, entity_get_teammates = Entity.GetTeammates, entity_get_local_player = Entity.GetLocalPlayer, entity_get_game_rules_proxy = Entity.GetGameRulesProxy, entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID, entity_is_teammate = Entity.IsTeammate, entity_is_enemy = Entity.IsEnemy, entity_is_bot = Entity.IsBot, entity_is_local_player = Entity.IsLocalPlayer, entity_is_valid = Entity.IsValid, entity_is_alive = Entity.IsAlive, entity_is_dormant = Entity.IsDormant, entity_get_class_i_d = Entity.GetClassID, entity_get_class_name = Entity.GetClassName, entity_get_name = Entity.GetName, entity_get_weapon = Entity.GetWeapon, entity_get_weapons = Entity.GetWeapons, entity_get_render_origin = Entity.GetRenderOrigin, entity_get_prop = Entity.GetProp, entity_set_prop = Entity.SetProp, entity_get_hitbox_position = Entity.GetHitboxPosition, entity_get_eye_position = Entity.GetEyePosition, trace_line = Trace.Line, trace_bullet = Trace.Bullet, usercmd_set_movement = UserCMD.SetMovement, usercmd_get_movement = UserCMD.GetMovement, usercmd_set_angles = UserCMD.SetAngles, usercmd_force_jump = UserCMD.ForceJump, usercmd_force_crouch = UserCMD.ForceCrouch, antiaim_get_override = AntiAim.GetOverride, antiaim_set_override = AntiAim.SetOverride, antiaim_set_real_offset = AntiAim.SetRealOffset, antiaim_set_fake_offset = AntiAim.SetFakeOffset, antiaim_set_l_b_y_offset = AntiAim.SetLBYOffset, exploit_get_charge = Exploit.GetCharge, exploit_recharge = Exploit.Recharge, exploit_disable_recharge = Exploit.DisableRecharge, exploit_enable_recharge = Exploit.EnableRecharge, ragebot_override_minimum_damage = Ragebot.OverrideMinimumDamage, ragebot_override_hitchance = Ragebot.OverrideHitchance, ragebot_override_accuracy_boost = Ragebot.OverrideAccuracyBoost, ragebot_override_multipoint_scale = Ragebot.OverrideMultipointScale, ragebot_force_safety = Ragebot.ForceSafety;

//region dependencies

* @title BetterUI
* @version 2.0.0
* @description A better UI system for Onetap

var menu = [];
const menu_spacer = "                                                                                  ";

* Creates a new menu label
* @param label {string}
menu.label = function(label)
    // Creates the label

* Creates a new menu element
* @param func {function}
* @param name {string}
* @param label {string},
* @param properties {array}
menu.call = function(func, name, label, properties)
    // Get properties
    const final_name = name + menu_spacer + label;
    var final_props = [final_name];
    const element_info_t = {
        path: ["Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", final_name]

    // If our properties aren't null, then pack them together.
    if (properties != null)
        for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++)

    // Create our menu element and return properties
    func.apply(null, final_props);
    return element_info_t;

* Creates a new menu reference
* @param path {array}
menu.reference = function(path)
    const element_info_t = {
        path: path

    return element_info_t;

* Gets the value of a menu element
* @param elem {array}
* @return {*}
menu.get = function(elem)
    // If the element doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Returns the element's value
    return UI.GetValue.apply(null, elem.path);

* Gets the value of a menu element
* @param elem {array}
* @return {*}
menu.get_hotkey = function(elem)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Returns the element's value
    return UI.IsHotkeyActive.apply(null, elem.path);

* Gets the value of a menu element
* @param elem {array}
* @return {*}
menu.get_color = function(elem)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Returns the element's value
    return UI.GetColor.apply(null, elem.path);

* Sets the value of a menu element
* @param elem {array}
* @param value {any}
menu.set = function(elem, value)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Get properties
    const properties = elem;

    // Set the element's value
    UI.SetValue.apply(null, properties.path);

* Sets the value of a color picker
* @param elem {array}
* @param color {array|Color}
menu.set_color = function(elem, color)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Get properties
    const properties = elem;

    // Set the element's value
    UI.SetColor.apply(null, properties.path);

* Sets the value of a color picker
* @param elem {array}
menu.toggle = function(elem)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Set the element's value
    UI.ToggleHotkey.apply(null, elem.path);

* Changes the visibility of a menu elements
* @param elem {array}
* @param visible {boolean}
menu.visibility = function(elem, visible)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Get properties
    const properties = elem;

    // Change the element's visibility
    UI.SetEnabled.apply(null, properties.path);

* @title Vector
* @description Simple 3d vector system
* @typedef Vector {x: number, y: number, z: number}
var vector = {
    _class: 'vector'

* @brief Creates a new 3d vector instance.
* @param data {array}
* @returns {Vector}
vector.new = function(data)
    return {
        x: data[0],
        y: data[1],
        z: data[2]

* @brief Realizes a mathematical operation between two vectors.
* @param vec {Vector}
* @param vec2 {Vector}
* @param operation {string}
* @returns {Vector}
vector.operate = function(vec, vec2, operation)
  switch (operation)
      case '+':
          return {
              x: vec.x + vec2.x,
              y: vec.y + vec2.y,
              z: vec.z + vec2.z

      case '-':
          return {
              x: vec.x - vec2.x,
              y: vec.y - vec2.y,
              z: vec.z - vec2.z

      case '*':
          return {
              x: vec.x * vec2.x,
              y: vec.y * vec2.y,
              z: vec.z * vec2.z

      case '/':
          return {
              x: vec.x / vec2.x,
              y: vec.y / vec2.y,
              z: vec.z / vec2.z

          throw new Error("[Vector] Invalid operation type.");

* @brief Returns the 2d length of a vector.
* @param vec {Vector}
* @returns {number}
vector.length2d = function(vec)
    return Math.sqrt(vec.x * vec.x + vec.y * vec.y);

* @brief Converts a vector to angles.
* @param vec
* @returns {Vector}
vector.angles = function(vec)
    return {
        x: -Math.atan2(vec.z, this.length2d(vec)) * 180 / Math.PI,
        y: Math.atan2(vec.y, vec.x) * 180 / Math.PI,
        z: 0

* @brief Calculates the fov delta between two points based on a specific view angles.
* @param origin {Vector}
* @param destination {Vector}
* @param view {Vector}
* @returns {number}
vector.fov_to = function(origin, destination, view)
    const angles = this.angles(this.operate(destination, origin, '-'));

    const delta = this.new(
            Math.abs(view.x - angles.x),
            Math.abs(view.y % 360 - angles.y % 360) % 360,

    if (delta.y > 180)
        delta.y = 360 - delta.y;

    return this.length2d(delta);

* @brief Unpacks a vector object into an array.
* @param vec {Vector}
* @returns {[number, number, number]}
vector.to_array = function(vec)
    return [

* @brief Normalizes an yaw angle.
* @param angle {number}
* @returns {number}
function normalize_yaw(angle)
    var adjusted_yaw = angle;

    if (adjusted_yaw < -180)
        adjusted_yaw += 360;

    if (adjusted_yaw > 180)
        adjusted_yaw -= 360;

    return adjusted_yaw;


//region main

// Create our main instance
var plugin = {
    _info: {
        _title: "Advanced body freestanding",
        _version: "1.1.0",
        _author: "april#0001"

    last_hit_lby: [],
    last_target_visibility: false,
    override_flip: false,
    last_override_time: globals_curtime( )


//region menu

// Create our menu elements
const enable = menu.call(ui_add_checkbox, "Smart freestand", "lby_enable", []);
const body = menu.call(ui_add_dropdown, "Body freestanding", "lby_body_mode", [["Normal", "Reversed"]]);
const smart = menu.call(ui_add_checkbox, "Smart switch", "lby_smart", []);
const flip = menu.call(ui_add_multi_dropdown, "Body inverter flip", "lby_body", [["Slow motion", "Run", "Jump"]]);

// Declare our references
const ref_inverter = menu.reference(["Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter"]);
const ref_bodyflip = menu.reference(["Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter flip"]);
const ref_inverter_legit = menu.reference(["Anti-Aim", "Legit Anti-Aim", "Direction key"]);
const ref_ragebot = menu.reference(["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Enabled"]);


//region functions

* @brief Inverts the lower body yaw to the specified value.
* @param state {number} Whether or not to invert the lower body yaw.
function update_anti_aim_state(state)
    // If our rage aimbot is enabled, than we should invert the
    // rage anti-aim.
    if (menu.get(ref_ragebot))
        // Check if our inverter's state is the same as our desired one.
        // If not, then toggle the hotkey to invert it.
        if (menu.get_hotkey(ref_inverter) !== state)

        // Return because we don't wanna do the same to the legit anti-aim's state.

    // Invert the state because the legit anti-aim's inverter is different
    // from the rage one.
    state = (state + 1) % 2;

    // Check if our inverter's state is the same as our desired one.
    // If not, then toggle the hotkey to invert it.
    if (menu.get_hotkey(ref_inverter_legit) !== state)

* @brief Gets the closest (FOV-based) enemy and returns its entity id.
* @returns {number}
function get_closest_target( ) {
    // Get our entities.
    const players = entity_get_enemies();
    const me = entity_get_local_player();

    // Initialize our data array.
    const data = {id: null, fov: 180};

    // Loop for each player in the server.
    for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
        // Get the current player.
        const e = players[i];

        // Get our eye's position, the player's head position and our view angles.
        const destination = vector.new(entity_get_hitbox_position(e, 0)),
            origin = vector.new(entity_get_eye_position(me));
        const angles = vector.new(local_get_view_angles());

        // Calculate the FOV distance.
        const fov = vector.fov_to(origin, destination, angles);

        // If our FOV distance is lower than the cached one, then it means that
        // there's another player which is even closer to our crosshair.
        if (fov < data.fov) {
            // Cache this entity and our current FOV distance for further
            // calculations.
            data.id = e;
            data.fov = fov;

    // Return the closest entity to our crosshair.
    return data.id;

* @brief Gets whether or not our target is visible.
* @returns {boolean}
function get_target_visibility( )
    // Get our target.
    const target = get_closest_target( );

    // If the target is not valid, then it is not visible.
    if (!target || !entity_is_valid(target))
        return false;

    // If it is dormant, than it isn't visible either.
    if (entity_is_dormant(target))
        return false;

    // Get our tracing properties.
    const me = entity_get_local_player( );
    var origin = vector.new(entity_get_eye_position(me)), velocity = vector.new(entity_get_prop(me, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]")), destination = entity_get_hitbox_position(target, 0);

    // Adds our velocity vector to our origin vector as to make the trace
    // more accurate when moving.
    velocity = vector.operate(velocity, vector.new([0.25, 0.25, 0.25]), '*');
    origin = vector.operate(origin, velocity, '+');

    // Trace a line from our eye position to the target's head and see if we hit anything.
    const result = trace_line(me, vector.to_array(origin), destination)[0];

    // Return results.
    return result === target;

* @brief Gets which anti-aim side matches your settings the best. Or, in other words, does freestanding.
function get_optimal_angle( )
    // Get current lower body yaw mode
    const _mode = menu.get(body);

    // Get some properties.
    const me = entity_get_local_player( );

    // And more properties..
    const origin = vector.new(entity_get_render_origin(me));
    var yaw = local_get_view_angles( )[1];
    var data = {left: 0, right: 0};

    // Loops for every angle from the left of your yaw to the right of your yaw
    // in steps of 30, resulting in 3 steps per side.
    for (var r = yaw - 90; r <= yaw + 90; r += 30)
        // If our current angle is the center one then there's no need
        // to do anything with it.
        if (r === yaw)

        // Convert our angle to radians
        const rad = r * Math.PI / 180;

        // Create our destination point based on current angle.
        const point = vector.operate(
                256 * Math.cos(rad),
                256 * Math.sin(rad),

        // Trace a line from our player's origin to the current point.
        // Using this to check the trace's fraction (m_flFraction) until
        // it hits something and then add it to our data array.
        // This is how my 'environmental freestanding' logic is made.
        // The side with lower fractions is the side which is logically
        // closer to the player's head.
        const line = trace_line(me, vector.to_array(origin), vector.to_array(point));

        // Get which side we're iterating on.
        const side = r < yaw ? "left" : "right";

        // Update our data array.
        data[side] += line[1];

    // Calculates an average for both sides.
    data.left /= 3;
    data.right /= 3;

    // If our left avg. fractions are greater than the right ones, then return
    // the number 0 which corresponds to the right side, or, in the Hide fake angle mode,
    // return 1 which corresponds to the left side.
    if (data.left > data.right)
        return _mode === 0 ? 0 : 1;

    // Does the same thing as above, except the right avg. fractions are greater than
    // the left ones.
    return _mode === 0 ? 1 : 0;

* @brief Handles the inverter flip feature.
function update_inverter_flip( )
    // Check if the inverter flip options are enabled.
    if (!menu.get(flip))

    // Get some properties.
    const visible = get_target_visibility( );
    const now = globals_curtime( );

    // If it has been 300ms since the last override then
    // reset the override state.
    if (plugin.last_override_time + 0.3 < now)
        plugin.override_flip = false;

    // If our current target visibility isn't the same as
    // our cached one, then the target became visible/invisible.
    if (visible !== plugin.last_target_visibility)
        // In this case, we should override, so, set override to
        // true and cache our current time.
        plugin.override_flip = true;
        plugin.last_override_time = now;

    // Cache the target's visibility.
    plugin.last_target_visibility = visible;

    // Check if we're overriding
    if (plugin.override_flip)
        // Set the inverter flip to nothing.
        menu.set(ref_bodyflip, 0);

    // If we're not overriding, then set the inverter flip options to
    // the selected options.
    menu.set(ref_bodyflip, menu.get(flip));

* @brief Updates our anti-aim based on the current freestanding mode and input.
function update_anti_aim( )
    // Get our local player.
    const me = entity_get_local_player( );

    // Check if our player is valid and alive.
    if (!entity_is_valid(me) || !entity_is_alive(me))

    // Get if our anti-aim is on smart mode.
    const _smart = menu.get(smart);

    // Handle the inverter flip.
    update_inverter_flip( );

    // If our anti-aim is set to 'Smart', then the entire logic is different.
    // The smart mode does not use freestanding as input, it uses data from
    // other users as input.
    if (_smart)
        // Get our FOV-based target.
        const target = get_closest_target( );

        // Check if our target is valid.
        // Otherwise, just return our current freestanding angle.
        if (target == null)
            update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle( ));

        // Check if our target has already hit us.
        // If not, then just return current freestanding angle.
        if (plugin.last_hit_lby[target] == null)
            update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle( ));

        // Return the opposite angle to the last hit angle.
        // In this case if the inverter was off, now return on.
        if (plugin.last_hit_lby[target] === 0)

        // Or, if the inverter was on, return off.

    // If our anti-aim is not on smart mode, then we're just using regular
    // freestanding. So, do freestanding.
    update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle( ));

* @brief Renders our plugin's indicator.
function do_indicators( )
    // Get our local player.
    const me = entity_get_local_player( );

    // Check if our player is valid and alive.
    if (!entity_is_valid(me) || !entity_is_alive(me))

    // Get our drawing properties.
    const y = render_get_screen_size( )[1];

    // Get our anti-aim info.
    const yaw = local_get_real_yaw( ), fake = local_get_fake_yaw( );
    var delta = Math.round(normalize_yaw(yaw - fake) / 2), abs = Math.abs(delta);

    // If we're using legit anti-aim, invert the delta.
    // Doing this to fix the indicators because legit
    // anti-aim inverter is different.
    if (menu.get(ref_ragebot))
        delta *= -1;


* @callback create_move
* @brief Handles our plugin's logic.
function on_tick( )
    // Checks whether or not our script is enabled.
    if (!(menu.get(enable)))

    // Does the freestanding.
    update_anti_aim( );

function on_frame( )
    // Checks whether or not our script is enabled.
    if (!(menu.get(enable)))

    // Draws our indicators
    do_indicators( );

* @callback player_hurt
* @brief Handles the last hit LBY logic.
function on_player_hurt( )
    // Get the event's entities.
    const me = entity_get_local_player( );
    const attacker = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int("attacker"));
    const userid = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int("userid"));

    // Checks if our local player was the one getting hurt and not the one attacking.
    // Or, in other words, check if we got hurt.
    if (me !== attacker && me === userid)
        // Update the last hit lower body global.
        plugin.last_hit_lby[attacker] = menu.get_hotkey(ref_inverter);

* @callback round_start, player_connect_full
* @brief Resets the last hit LBY list whenever the round ends or you switch servers.
function reset( )
    // Reset the last lower body state.
    plugin.last_hit_lby = [];


//region callbacks

// Register our 'create_move' callback.
    'create_move', 'on_tick'

// Register our 'paint' callback.
    'paint', 'on_frame'

// Register our 'player_hurt' callback.
    'player_hurt', 'on_player_hurt'

// Register our 'player_connect_full' callback.
    'player_connect_full', 'reset'



UI.AddLabel("#MIN DMG#")
UI.AddHotkey("Heavy Pistol Override")
UI.AddSliderInt("Heavy Pistol Mindmg", 0, 130)
UI.AddHotkey("Scout Override")
UI.AddSliderInt("Scout Mindmg", 0, 130)
UI.AddHotkey("AWP Override")
UI.AddSliderInt("AWP Mindmg", 0, 130)
UI.AddHotkey("Auto Override")
UI.AddSliderInt("Auto Mindmg", 0, 130)

var heavy_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
var scout_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
var awp_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
var auto_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
function isActive(a)
    return UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", a)
function setValue(cat, value)
    UI.SetValue("Rage", cat.toUpperCase(), "Targeting", "Minimum damage", value)
function isHeavyPistol(name)
    if (name == "r8 revolver" || name == "desert eagle")
        return true
function isAutoSniper(name)
    if(name == "scar 20" || weapon_name == "g3sg1")
        return true
function onCM()
    heavy_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Heavy Pistol Mindmg")
    scout_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Scout Mindmg")
    awp_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "AWP Mindmg")
    auto_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Auto Mindmg")
    weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))

    if (isActive("Heavy Pistol Override") && isHeavyPistol(weapon_name))
        setValue("HEAVY PISTOL", heavy_value)
        setValue("HEAVY PISTOL", heavy_cache)

    if (isActive("Scout Override") && weapon_name == "ssg 08")
        setValue("SCOUT", scout_value)
        setValue("SCOUT", scout_cache)

    if (isActive("AWP Override") && weapon_name == "awp")
        setValue("AWP", awp_value)
        setValue("AWP", awp_cache)

    if (isActive("Auto Override") && isAutoSniper(weapon_name))
        setValue("AUTOSNIPER", auto_value)
        setValue("AUTOSNIPER", auto_cache)


Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "onCM")
UI.AddCheckbox("Safe point conditions");
const conditions = UI.AddMultiDropdown("Conditions",["head", "legs and feet"]);

function safe() {
    const dropdown_value = UI.GetValue.apply(null, conditions);
    if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Safe point conditions")) {
        if (dropdown_value & (1 << 0)) {
        if (dropdown_value & (1 << 1)) {

function main_createmove(){

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "main_createmove")
UI.AddSliderInt("Safe point after x missed shots", 1, 6);

function on_ragebot_fire() {
    //The ragebot fired so now we're waiting for a 'player_hurt' event
    waiting_for_hit = true;
    //Update the current target index
    target_idx = Event.GetInt("target_index");
    //Update the tick count
    tick_count = Globals.Tickcount()

function on_player_hurt() {

    var entity = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));

    if (entity == Entity.GetLocalPlayer())

    var attacker = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker"));

    if (attacker != Entity.GetLocalPlayer())

    if (entity != target_idx)

    waiting_for_hit = false;
    target_idx = 0;
    tick_count = -1;


function on_create_move() {

    var tick_interval = 1000 / Globals.Tickrate();

    var wait_ticks = 1 + Math.ceil((Local.Latency() * 2) / tick_interval);

    if (Globals.Tickcount() - tick_count >= wait_ticks && waiting_for_hit) {

        if (misses[target_idx] >= UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Safe point after x missed shots")) {
            safety_ents[target_idx] = 1;

        waiting_for_hit = false;
        target_idx = 0;
        tick_count = -1;

    var rbot_target = Ragebot.GetTarget();

    if (rbot_target == 0)

    if (safety_ents[rbot_target] == 1) {

function on_player_death() {
    var idx = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));

function reset_miss_logs() {
    for (var i = 0; i < 64; i++) {

function reset_specific_miss_logs(idx) {
    misses[idx] = 0;
    safety_ents[idx] = 0;

Cheat.RegisterCallback("ragebot_fire", "on_ragebot_fire");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "on_player_hurt");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "on_create_move");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_death", "on_player_death")
Cheat.RegisterCallback("round_start", "reset_miss_logs");

UI.AddLabel("#DOUBLE TAP#")
UI.AddLabel("Double tap fast recharge always on")
function can_shift_shot(ticks_to_shift) {
    var me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    var wpn = Entity.GetWeapon(me);

    if (me == null || wpn == null)
        return false;

    var tickbase = Entity.GetProp(me, "CCSPlayer", "m_nTickBase");
    var curtime = Globals.TickInterval() * (tickbase-ticks_to_shift)

    if (curtime < Entity.GetProp(me, "CCSPlayer", "m_flNextAttack"))
        return false;

    if (curtime < Entity.GetProp(wpn, "CBaseCombatWeapon", "m_flNextPrimaryAttack"))
        return false;

    return true;

function _TBC_CREATE_MOVE() {
    var is_charged = Exploit.GetCharge()

    Exploit[(is_charged != 1 ? "Enable" : "Disable") + "Recharge"]()

    if (can_shift_shot(14) && is_charged != 1) {

function _TBC_UNLOAD() {

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "_TBC_CREATE_MOVE");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "_TBC_UNLOAD");
UI.AddDropdown("T Model", ["None", "'TwoTimes' McCoy", "Seal Team 6 Soldier", "Buckshot", "Lt. Commander Ricksaw", "Dragomir", "Rezan The Ready", "Maximus", "Blackwolf", "The Doctor' Romanow", "8 Squadron Officer", "3rd Commando Company", "Special Agent Ava", "Operator", "Markus Delrow", "Michael Syfers", "Enforcer", "Slingshot", "Soldier", "The Elite Mr. Muhlik", "Ground Rebel", "Osiris", "Prof. Shahmat", "Heavy armor"])
    UI.AddDropdown("CT Model", ["None", "'TwoTimes' McCoy", "Seal Team 6 Soldier", "Buckshot", "Lt. Commander Ricksaw", "Dragomir", "Rezan The Ready", "Maximus", "Blackwolf", "The Doctor' Romanow", "8 Squadron Officer", "3rd Commando Company", "Special Agent Ava", "Operator", "Markus Delrow", "Michael Syfers", "Enforcer", "Slingshot", "Soldier", "The Elite Mr. Muhlik", "Ground Rebel", "Osiris", "Prof. Shahmat", "Heavy armor"])

      function AgentCh(){
            if(Cheat.FrameStage() != 2)
            var team = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(),"DT_BaseEntity", "m_iTeamNum")

            UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "T Model", true)
            UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "CT Model", true)
            if(team == 2){
                UI.SetValue("Misc", "SKINS", "Player", "Player model", UI.GetValue("Script items", "T Model"))
            if(team == 3){
                UI.SetValue("Misc", "SKINS", "Player", "Player model", UI.GetValue("Script items", "CT Model"))

UI.AddSliderInt( "Aspect ratio", 0, 500 );

function fsn( ) {
    ui_arat_val = UI.GetValue( "Aspect ratio" );

    switch ( Global.FrameStage( ) ) {
        case 5: {
            Global.ExecuteCommand( "r_aspectratio " + ui_arat_val.toString()/100 );

        default: break;

Global.RegisterCallback( "FrameStageNotify", "fsn" );
UI.AddLabel("#CLAN TAG#")
UI.AddDropdown("Custom Clantags",  ["DISABLED", "DREAMSYNC"]);
trigger = true;
halftimeval = false;
var lasttime = 0;

function start( )
    var tag = UI.GetValue( "Script items", "Custom Clantags" );
        if(tag == 0){
            speed = 0;
        if(tag == 1){
            speed = 2.5;
    var time = parseInt(Math.round(Globals.Curtime() * speed))

    if (time != lasttime)
        if(tag == 0) { Local.SetClanTag(""); }

        if(tag == 1)
            DREAMSYNCTAG = [

"D ",
"DR ",
"DRE ",
"DREA ",


            Num = time % DREAMSYNCTAG.length;

    lasttime = time;

Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "start");
UPD: скрипт был написан, извиняюсь, спащен в блокноте..............
даже лайкну за юного пастера в блокноте :roflanBuldiga:
23 Авг 2020
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
11 Янв 2019
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Для в4 надеюсь?
28 Мар 2020
Короче сделал скриптец(1 если что). Можете юзать, да. Прошу не критиковать меня, вы просто морального права не имеете это делать.
Скрипт включает : вотермарку, кейбинды, фристенд, настройки сейф поинтов, дабл-тап, мин дамаг, аспект ратио, наш лакшери клантег и модель ченджер. Вообщем алл ин ван.
Паста? да.
ss :
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.

На слабых пк лучше не юзать т.к требует оптимизации что я делать конечно не умею....

UI.AddLabel("  #Welcome to Dreamsync helper#")


const x1 = UI.AddSliderInt("Hotkeys_x", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]);
const y1 = UI.AddSliderInt("Hotkeys_y", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);

var color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Watermark");

if (color[3] == 0)
    UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Watermark", [89, 119, 239, 255]);

function draw() {

    var today = new Date();
    var hours1 = today.getHours();
    var minutes1 = today.getMinutes();
    var seconds1 = today.getSeconds();

    var hours = hours1 <= 9 ? "0"+hours1+":" : hours1+":";
    var minutes = minutes1 <= 9 ? "0" + minutes1+":" : minutes1+":";
    var seconds = seconds1 <= 9 ? "0" + seconds1 : seconds1;

    var server_tickrate = Globals.Tickrate().toString()
    var ping = Math.round(Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CPlayerResource", "m_iPing")).toString() // кто это сделал - контуженный на всю голову ебаный хуесос

    color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Watermark");

    var font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 400);
    var text = "dreamsync helper | delay: " + ping + "ms | " + server_tickrate + "tick | " + hours + minutes + seconds;

    var w = Render.TextSizeCustom(text, font)[0] + 8;
    var x = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];

    x = x - w - 10;

    Render.FilledRect(x, 10, w, 2, [ color[0], color[1], color[2], 255 ]);

    Render.StringCustom(x+4, 10 + 4, 0, text, [ 255, 255, 255, 255 ], font);

Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "draw");

var color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys");
if (color[3] == 0) {
    UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys", [89, 119, 239, 255]);
function in_bounds(vec, x, y, x2, y2)
    return (vec[0] > x) && (vec[1] > y) && (vec[0] < x2) && (vec[1] < y2)
function main()
    if(!World.GetServerString()) return;
    const x = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_x"),
            y = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_y");
    color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys");
    var font = Render.AddFont( "Verdana", 7, 100);
    var h = [];

     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Slow walk")) {
       h.push("Slow motion")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck")) {
       h.push("Duck peek assist")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Auto peek")) {
       h.push("Peek assist")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter")) {
       h.push("Anti-aim inverter")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force safe point")) {
       h.push("Safe point override")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force body aim")) {
       h.push("Force body aim")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Resolver override")) {
       h.push("Resolver override")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Doubletap")) {
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots")) {
       h.push("On shot Anti-Aim")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Minimum damage override")) {
       h.push("Damage override")
    if (h.length > 0) {

        Render.FilledRect(x, y+3, 200, 2, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255]);
        Render.StringCustom(x + 100 - (Render.TextSizeCustom("Hotkeys", font)[0] / 2) + 2, y + 9, 0, "Keybinds", [0, 0, 0, 180], font);
        Render.StringCustom(x + 100 - (Render.TextSizeCustom("Hotkeys", font)[0] / 2) + 1, y + 8, 0, "Keybinds", [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
        for (i = 0; i < h.length; i++)
            Render.StringCustom(x + 102 - (Render.TextSizeCustom(h[i], font)[0] / 2), y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, 180], font);
            Render.StringCustom(x + 101 - (Render.TextSizeCustom(h[i], font)[0] / 2), y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    if (Global.IsKeyPressed(1) && UI.IsMenuOpen()) {
        const mouse_pos = Global.GetCursorPosition();
        if (in_bounds(mouse_pos, x, y, x + 200, y + 30)) {
            UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_x", mouse_pos[0] - 100);
            UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_y", mouse_pos[1] - 20);

Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "main")


//region api

// Localizing all of the functions in snake_case because why not.
const global_print = Global.Print, global_print_chat = Global.PrintChat, global_print_color = Global.PrintColor, global_register_callback = Global.RegisterCallback, global_execute_command = Global.ExecuteCommand, global_frame_stage = Global.FrameStage, global_tickcount = Global.Tickcount, global_tickrate = Global.Tickrate, global_tick_interval = Global.TickInterval, global_curtime = Global.Curtime, global_realtime = Global.Realtime, global_frametime = Global.Frametime, global_latency = Global.Latency, global_get_view_angles = Global.GetViewAngles, global_set_view_angles = Global.SetViewAngles, global_get_map_name = Global.GetMapName, global_is_key_pressed = Global.IsKeyPressed, global_get_screen_size = Global.GetScreenSize, global_get_cursor_position = Global.GetCursorPosition, global_play_sound = Global.PlaySound, global_play_microphone = Global.PlayMicrophone, global_stop_microphone = Global.StopMicrophone, global_get_username = Global.GetUsername, global_set_clan_tag = Global.SetClanTag, globals_tickcount = Globals.Tickcount, globals_tickrate = Globals.Tickrate, globals_tick_interval = Globals.TickInterval, globals_curtime = Globals.Curtime, globals_realtime = Globals.Realtime, globals_frametime = Globals.Frametime, sound_play = Sound.Play, sound_play_microphone = Sound.PlayMicrophone, sound_stop_microphone = Sound.StopMicrophone, cheat_get_username = Cheat.GetUsername, cheat_register_callback = cheat_register_callback = new Proxy(Cheat.RegisterCallback, { apply: function(_, _, args) { switch(args[0]) { case 'paint': Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', args[1]); break; case 'create_move': Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', args[1]); break; case 'fsn': Cheat.RegisterCallback('FrameStageNotify', args[1]); break; default: Cheat.RegisterCallback(args[0], args[1]); break; } } }), cheat_execute_command = Cheat.ExecuteCommand, cheat_frame_stage = Cheat.FrameStage, cheat_print = Cheat.Print, cheat_print_chat = Cheat.PrintChat, cheat_print_color = Cheat.PrintColor, local_latency = Local.Latency, local_get_view_angles = Local.GetViewAngles, local_set_view_angles = Local.SetViewAngles, local_set_clan_tag = Local.SetClanTag, local_get_real_yaw = Local.GetRealYaw, local_get_fake_yaw = Local.GetFakeYaw, local_get_spread = Local.GetSpread, local_get_inaccuracy = Local.GetInaccuracy, world_get_map_name = World.GetMapName, world_get_server_string = World.GetServerString, input_get_cursor_position = Input.GetCursorPosition, input_is_key_pressed = Input.IsKeyPressed, render_string = Render.String, render_text_size = Render.TextSize, render_line = Render.Line, render_rect = Render.Rect, render_filled_rect = Render.FilledRect, render_gradient_rect = Render.GradientRect, render_circle = Render.Circle, render_filled_circle = Render.FilledCircle, render_polygon = Render.Polygon, render_world_to_screen = Render.WorldToScreen, render_add_font = Render.AddFont, render_find_font = Render.FindFont, render_string_custom = Render.StringCustom, render_textured_rect = Render.TexturedRect, render_add_texture = Render.AddTexture, render_text_size_custom = Render.TextSizeCustom, render_get_screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize, ui_get_value = UI.GetValue, ui_set_value = UI.SetValue, ui_add_checkbox = UI.AddCheckbox, ui_add_slider_int = UI.AddSliderInt, ui_add_slider_float = UI.AddSliderFloat, ui_add_hotkey = UI.AddHotkey, ui_add_label = UI.AddLabel, ui_add_dropdown = UI.AddDropdown, ui_add_multi_dropdown = UI.AddMultiDropdown, ui_add_color_picker = UI.AddColorPicker, ui_add_textbox = UI.AddTextbox, ui_set_enabled = UI.SetEnabled, ui_get_string = UI.GetString, ui_get_color = UI.GetColor, ui_set_color = UI.SetColor, ui_is_hotkey_active = UI.IsHotkeyActive, ui_toggle_hotkey = UI.ToggleHotkey, ui_is_menu_open = UI.IsMenuOpen, convar_get_int = Convar.GetInt, convar_set_int = Convar.SetInt, convar_get_float = Convar.GetFloat, convar_set_float = Convar.SetFloat, convar_get_string = Convar.GetString, convar_set_string = Convar.SetString, event_get_int = Event.GetInt, event_get_float = Event.GetFloat, event_get_string = Event.GetString, entity_get_entities = Entity.GetEntities, entity_get_entities_by_class_i_d = Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID, entity_get_players = Entity.GetPlayers, entity_get_enemies = Entity.GetEnemies, entity_get_teammates = Entity.GetTeammates, entity_get_local_player = Entity.GetLocalPlayer, entity_get_game_rules_proxy = Entity.GetGameRulesProxy, entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID, entity_is_teammate = Entity.IsTeammate, entity_is_enemy = Entity.IsEnemy, entity_is_bot = Entity.IsBot, entity_is_local_player = Entity.IsLocalPlayer, entity_is_valid = Entity.IsValid, entity_is_alive = Entity.IsAlive, entity_is_dormant = Entity.IsDormant, entity_get_class_i_d = Entity.GetClassID, entity_get_class_name = Entity.GetClassName, entity_get_name = Entity.GetName, entity_get_weapon = Entity.GetWeapon, entity_get_weapons = Entity.GetWeapons, entity_get_render_origin = Entity.GetRenderOrigin, entity_get_prop = Entity.GetProp, entity_set_prop = Entity.SetProp, entity_get_hitbox_position = Entity.GetHitboxPosition, entity_get_eye_position = Entity.GetEyePosition, trace_line = Trace.Line, trace_bullet = Trace.Bullet, usercmd_set_movement = UserCMD.SetMovement, usercmd_get_movement = UserCMD.GetMovement, usercmd_set_angles = UserCMD.SetAngles, usercmd_force_jump = UserCMD.ForceJump, usercmd_force_crouch = UserCMD.ForceCrouch, antiaim_get_override = AntiAim.GetOverride, antiaim_set_override = AntiAim.SetOverride, antiaim_set_real_offset = AntiAim.SetRealOffset, antiaim_set_fake_offset = AntiAim.SetFakeOffset, antiaim_set_l_b_y_offset = AntiAim.SetLBYOffset, exploit_get_charge = Exploit.GetCharge, exploit_recharge = Exploit.Recharge, exploit_disable_recharge = Exploit.DisableRecharge, exploit_enable_recharge = Exploit.EnableRecharge, ragebot_override_minimum_damage = Ragebot.OverrideMinimumDamage, ragebot_override_hitchance = Ragebot.OverrideHitchance, ragebot_override_accuracy_boost = Ragebot.OverrideAccuracyBoost, ragebot_override_multipoint_scale = Ragebot.OverrideMultipointScale, ragebot_force_safety = Ragebot.ForceSafety;

//region dependencies

* @title BetterUI
* @version 2.0.0
* @description A better UI system for Onetap

var menu = [];
const menu_spacer = "                                                                                  ";

* Creates a new menu label
* @param label {string}
menu.label = function(label)
    // Creates the label

* Creates a new menu element
* @param func {function}
* @param name {string}
* @param label {string},
* @param properties {array}
menu.call = function(func, name, label, properties)
    // Get properties
    const final_name = name + menu_spacer + label;
    var final_props = [final_name];
    const element_info_t = {
        path: ["Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", final_name]

    // If our properties aren't null, then pack them together.
    if (properties != null)
        for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++)

    // Create our menu element and return properties
    func.apply(null, final_props);
    return element_info_t;

* Creates a new menu reference
* @param path {array}
menu.reference = function(path)
    const element_info_t = {
        path: path

    return element_info_t;

* Gets the value of a menu element
* @param elem {array}
* @return {*}
menu.get = function(elem)
    // If the element doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Returns the element's value
    return UI.GetValue.apply(null, elem.path);

* Gets the value of a menu element
* @param elem {array}
* @return {*}
menu.get_hotkey = function(elem)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Returns the element's value
    return UI.IsHotkeyActive.apply(null, elem.path);

* Gets the value of a menu element
* @param elem {array}
* @return {*}
menu.get_color = function(elem)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Returns the element's value
    return UI.GetColor.apply(null, elem.path);

* Sets the value of a menu element
* @param elem {array}
* @param value {any}
menu.set = function(elem, value)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Get properties
    const properties = elem;

    // Set the element's value
    UI.SetValue.apply(null, properties.path);

* Sets the value of a color picker
* @param elem {array}
* @param color {array|Color}
menu.set_color = function(elem, color)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Get properties
    const properties = elem;

    // Set the element's value
    UI.SetColor.apply(null, properties.path);

* Sets the value of a color picker
* @param elem {array}
menu.toggle = function(elem)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Set the element's value
    UI.ToggleHotkey.apply(null, elem.path);

* Changes the visibility of a menu elements
* @param elem {array}
* @param visible {boolean}
menu.visibility = function(elem, visible)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Get properties
    const properties = elem;

    // Change the element's visibility
    UI.SetEnabled.apply(null, properties.path);

* @title Vector
* @description Simple 3d vector system
* @typedef Vector {x: number, y: number, z: number}
var vector = {
    _class: 'vector'

* @brief Creates a new 3d vector instance.
* @param data {array}
* @returns {Vector}
vector.new = function(data)
    return {
        x: data[0],
        y: data[1],
        z: data[2]

* @brief Realizes a mathematical operation between two vectors.
* @param vec {Vector}
* @param vec2 {Vector}
* @param operation {string}
* @returns {Vector}
vector.operate = function(vec, vec2, operation)
  switch (operation)
      case '+':
          return {
              x: vec.x + vec2.x,
              y: vec.y + vec2.y,
              z: vec.z + vec2.z

      case '-':
          return {
              x: vec.x - vec2.x,
              y: vec.y - vec2.y,
              z: vec.z - vec2.z

      case '*':
          return {
              x: vec.x * vec2.x,
              y: vec.y * vec2.y,
              z: vec.z * vec2.z

      case '/':
          return {
              x: vec.x / vec2.x,
              y: vec.y / vec2.y,
              z: vec.z / vec2.z

          throw new Error("[Vector] Invalid operation type.");

* @brief Returns the 2d length of a vector.
* @param vec {Vector}
* @returns {number}
vector.length2d = function(vec)
    return Math.sqrt(vec.x * vec.x + vec.y * vec.y);

* @brief Converts a vector to angles.
* @param vec
* @returns {Vector}
vector.angles = function(vec)
    return {
        x: -Math.atan2(vec.z, this.length2d(vec)) * 180 / Math.PI,
        y: Math.atan2(vec.y, vec.x) * 180 / Math.PI,
        z: 0

* @brief Calculates the fov delta between two points based on a specific view angles.
* @param origin {Vector}
* @param destination {Vector}
* @param view {Vector}
* @returns {number}
vector.fov_to = function(origin, destination, view)
    const angles = this.angles(this.operate(destination, origin, '-'));

    const delta = this.new(
            Math.abs(view.x - angles.x),
            Math.abs(view.y % 360 - angles.y % 360) % 360,

    if (delta.y > 180)
        delta.y = 360 - delta.y;

    return this.length2d(delta);

* @brief Unpacks a vector object into an array.
* @param vec {Vector}
* @returns {[number, number, number]}
vector.to_array = function(vec)
    return [

* @brief Normalizes an yaw angle.
* @param angle {number}
* @returns {number}
function normalize_yaw(angle)
    var adjusted_yaw = angle;

    if (adjusted_yaw < -180)
        adjusted_yaw += 360;

    if (adjusted_yaw > 180)
        adjusted_yaw -= 360;

    return adjusted_yaw;


//region main

// Create our main instance
var plugin = {
    _info: {
        _title: "Advanced body freestanding",
        _version: "1.1.0",
        _author: "april#0001"

    last_hit_lby: [],
    last_target_visibility: false,
    override_flip: false,
    last_override_time: globals_curtime( )


//region menu

// Create our menu elements
const enable = menu.call(ui_add_checkbox, "Smart freestand", "lby_enable", []);
const body = menu.call(ui_add_dropdown, "Body freestanding", "lby_body_mode", [["Normal", "Reversed"]]);
const smart = menu.call(ui_add_checkbox, "Smart switch", "lby_smart", []);
const flip = menu.call(ui_add_multi_dropdown, "Body inverter flip", "lby_body", [["Slow motion", "Run", "Jump"]]);

// Declare our references
const ref_inverter = menu.reference(["Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter"]);
const ref_bodyflip = menu.reference(["Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter flip"]);
const ref_inverter_legit = menu.reference(["Anti-Aim", "Legit Anti-Aim", "Direction key"]);
const ref_ragebot = menu.reference(["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Enabled"]);


//region functions

* @brief Inverts the lower body yaw to the specified value.
* @param state {number} Whether or not to invert the lower body yaw.
function update_anti_aim_state(state)
    // If our rage aimbot is enabled, than we should invert the
    // rage anti-aim.
    if (menu.get(ref_ragebot))
        // Check if our inverter's state is the same as our desired one.
        // If not, then toggle the hotkey to invert it.
        if (menu.get_hotkey(ref_inverter) !== state)

        // Return because we don't wanna do the same to the legit anti-aim's state.

    // Invert the state because the legit anti-aim's inverter is different
    // from the rage one.
    state = (state + 1) % 2;

    // Check if our inverter's state is the same as our desired one.
    // If not, then toggle the hotkey to invert it.
    if (menu.get_hotkey(ref_inverter_legit) !== state)

* @brief Gets the closest (FOV-based) enemy and returns its entity id.
* @returns {number}
function get_closest_target( ) {
    // Get our entities.
    const players = entity_get_enemies();
    const me = entity_get_local_player();

    // Initialize our data array.
    const data = {id: null, fov: 180};

    // Loop for each player in the server.
    for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
        // Get the current player.
        const e = players[i];

        // Get our eye's position, the player's head position and our view angles.
        const destination = vector.new(entity_get_hitbox_position(e, 0)),
            origin = vector.new(entity_get_eye_position(me));
        const angles = vector.new(local_get_view_angles());

        // Calculate the FOV distance.
        const fov = vector.fov_to(origin, destination, angles);

        // If our FOV distance is lower than the cached one, then it means that
        // there's another player which is even closer to our crosshair.
        if (fov < data.fov) {
            // Cache this entity and our current FOV distance for further
            // calculations.
            data.id = e;
            data.fov = fov;

    // Return the closest entity to our crosshair.
    return data.id;

* @brief Gets whether or not our target is visible.
* @returns {boolean}
function get_target_visibility( )
    // Get our target.
    const target = get_closest_target( );

    // If the target is not valid, then it is not visible.
    if (!target || !entity_is_valid(target))
        return false;

    // If it is dormant, than it isn't visible either.
    if (entity_is_dormant(target))
        return false;

    // Get our tracing properties.
    const me = entity_get_local_player( );
    var origin = vector.new(entity_get_eye_position(me)), velocity = vector.new(entity_get_prop(me, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]")), destination = entity_get_hitbox_position(target, 0);

    // Adds our velocity vector to our origin vector as to make the trace
    // more accurate when moving.
    velocity = vector.operate(velocity, vector.new([0.25, 0.25, 0.25]), '*');
    origin = vector.operate(origin, velocity, '+');

    // Trace a line from our eye position to the target's head and see if we hit anything.
    const result = trace_line(me, vector.to_array(origin), destination)[0];

    // Return results.
    return result === target;

* @brief Gets which anti-aim side matches your settings the best. Or, in other words, does freestanding.
function get_optimal_angle( )
    // Get current lower body yaw mode
    const _mode = menu.get(body);

    // Get some properties.
    const me = entity_get_local_player( );

    // And more properties..
    const origin = vector.new(entity_get_render_origin(me));
    var yaw = local_get_view_angles( )[1];
    var data = {left: 0, right: 0};

    // Loops for every angle from the left of your yaw to the right of your yaw
    // in steps of 30, resulting in 3 steps per side.
    for (var r = yaw - 90; r <= yaw + 90; r += 30)
        // If our current angle is the center one then there's no need
        // to do anything with it.
        if (r === yaw)

        // Convert our angle to radians
        const rad = r * Math.PI / 180;

        // Create our destination point based on current angle.
        const point = vector.operate(
                256 * Math.cos(rad),
                256 * Math.sin(rad),

        // Trace a line from our player's origin to the current point.
        // Using this to check the trace's fraction (m_flFraction) until
        // it hits something and then add it to our data array.
        // This is how my 'environmental freestanding' logic is made.
        // The side with lower fractions is the side which is logically
        // closer to the player's head.
        const line = trace_line(me, vector.to_array(origin), vector.to_array(point));

        // Get which side we're iterating on.
        const side = r < yaw ? "left" : "right";

        // Update our data array.
        data[side] += line[1];

    // Calculates an average for both sides.
    data.left /= 3;
    data.right /= 3;

    // If our left avg. fractions are greater than the right ones, then return
    // the number 0 which corresponds to the right side, or, in the Hide fake angle mode,
    // return 1 which corresponds to the left side.
    if (data.left > data.right)
        return _mode === 0 ? 0 : 1;

    // Does the same thing as above, except the right avg. fractions are greater than
    // the left ones.
    return _mode === 0 ? 1 : 0;

* @brief Handles the inverter flip feature.
function update_inverter_flip( )
    // Check if the inverter flip options are enabled.
    if (!menu.get(flip))

    // Get some properties.
    const visible = get_target_visibility( );
    const now = globals_curtime( );

    // If it has been 300ms since the last override then
    // reset the override state.
    if (plugin.last_override_time + 0.3 < now)
        plugin.override_flip = false;

    // If our current target visibility isn't the same as
    // our cached one, then the target became visible/invisible.
    if (visible !== plugin.last_target_visibility)
        // In this case, we should override, so, set override to
        // true and cache our current time.
        plugin.override_flip = true;
        plugin.last_override_time = now;

    // Cache the target's visibility.
    plugin.last_target_visibility = visible;

    // Check if we're overriding
    if (plugin.override_flip)
        // Set the inverter flip to nothing.
        menu.set(ref_bodyflip, 0);

    // If we're not overriding, then set the inverter flip options to
    // the selected options.
    menu.set(ref_bodyflip, menu.get(flip));

* @brief Updates our anti-aim based on the current freestanding mode and input.
function update_anti_aim( )
    // Get our local player.
    const me = entity_get_local_player( );

    // Check if our player is valid and alive.
    if (!entity_is_valid(me) || !entity_is_alive(me))

    // Get if our anti-aim is on smart mode.
    const _smart = menu.get(smart);

    // Handle the inverter flip.
    update_inverter_flip( );

    // If our anti-aim is set to 'Smart', then the entire logic is different.
    // The smart mode does not use freestanding as input, it uses data from
    // other users as input.
    if (_smart)
        // Get our FOV-based target.
        const target = get_closest_target( );

        // Check if our target is valid.
        // Otherwise, just return our current freestanding angle.
        if (target == null)
            update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle( ));

        // Check if our target has already hit us.
        // If not, then just return current freestanding angle.
        if (plugin.last_hit_lby[target] == null)
            update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle( ));

        // Return the opposite angle to the last hit angle.
        // In this case if the inverter was off, now return on.
        if (plugin.last_hit_lby[target] === 0)

        // Or, if the inverter was on, return off.

    // If our anti-aim is not on smart mode, then we're just using regular
    // freestanding. So, do freestanding.
    update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle( ));

* @brief Renders our plugin's indicator.
function do_indicators( )
    // Get our local player.
    const me = entity_get_local_player( );

    // Check if our player is valid and alive.
    if (!entity_is_valid(me) || !entity_is_alive(me))

    // Get our drawing properties.
    const y = render_get_screen_size( )[1];

    // Get our anti-aim info.
    const yaw = local_get_real_yaw( ), fake = local_get_fake_yaw( );
    var delta = Math.round(normalize_yaw(yaw - fake) / 2), abs = Math.abs(delta);

    // If we're using legit anti-aim, invert the delta.
    // Doing this to fix the indicators because legit
    // anti-aim inverter is different.
    if (menu.get(ref_ragebot))
        delta *= -1;


* @callback create_move
* @brief Handles our plugin's logic.
function on_tick( )
    // Checks whether or not our script is enabled.
    if (!(menu.get(enable)))

    // Does the freestanding.
    update_anti_aim( );

function on_frame( )
    // Checks whether or not our script is enabled.
    if (!(menu.get(enable)))

    // Draws our indicators
    do_indicators( );

* @callback player_hurt
* @brief Handles the last hit LBY logic.
function on_player_hurt( )
    // Get the event's entities.
    const me = entity_get_local_player( );
    const attacker = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int("attacker"));
    const userid = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int("userid"));

    // Checks if our local player was the one getting hurt and not the one attacking.
    // Or, in other words, check if we got hurt.
    if (me !== attacker && me === userid)
        // Update the last hit lower body global.
        plugin.last_hit_lby[attacker] = menu.get_hotkey(ref_inverter);

* @callback round_start, player_connect_full
* @brief Resets the last hit LBY list whenever the round ends or you switch servers.
function reset( )
    // Reset the last lower body state.
    plugin.last_hit_lby = [];


//region callbacks

// Register our 'create_move' callback.
    'create_move', 'on_tick'

// Register our 'paint' callback.
    'paint', 'on_frame'

// Register our 'player_hurt' callback.
    'player_hurt', 'on_player_hurt'

// Register our 'player_connect_full' callback.
    'player_connect_full', 'reset'



UI.AddLabel("#MIN DMG#")
UI.AddHotkey("Heavy Pistol Override")
UI.AddSliderInt("Heavy Pistol Mindmg", 0, 130)
UI.AddHotkey("Scout Override")
UI.AddSliderInt("Scout Mindmg", 0, 130)
UI.AddHotkey("AWP Override")
UI.AddSliderInt("AWP Mindmg", 0, 130)
UI.AddHotkey("Auto Override")
UI.AddSliderInt("Auto Mindmg", 0, 130)

var heavy_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
var scout_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
var awp_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
var auto_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
function isActive(a)
    return UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", a)
function setValue(cat, value)
    UI.SetValue("Rage", cat.toUpperCase(), "Targeting", "Minimum damage", value)
function isHeavyPistol(name)
    if (name == "r8 revolver" || name == "desert eagle")
        return true
function isAutoSniper(name)
    if(name == "scar 20" || weapon_name == "g3sg1")
        return true
function onCM()
    heavy_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Heavy Pistol Mindmg")
    scout_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Scout Mindmg")
    awp_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "AWP Mindmg")
    auto_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Auto Mindmg")
    weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))

    if (isActive("Heavy Pistol Override") && isHeavyPistol(weapon_name))
        setValue("HEAVY PISTOL", heavy_value)
        setValue("HEAVY PISTOL", heavy_cache)

    if (isActive("Scout Override") && weapon_name == "ssg 08")
        setValue("SCOUT", scout_value)
        setValue("SCOUT", scout_cache)

    if (isActive("AWP Override") && weapon_name == "awp")
        setValue("AWP", awp_value)
        setValue("AWP", awp_cache)

    if (isActive("Auto Override") && isAutoSniper(weapon_name))
        setValue("AUTOSNIPER", auto_value)
        setValue("AUTOSNIPER", auto_cache)


Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "onCM")
UI.AddCheckbox("Safe point conditions");
const conditions = UI.AddMultiDropdown("Conditions",["head", "legs and feet"]);

function safe() {
    const dropdown_value = UI.GetValue.apply(null, conditions);
    if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Safe point conditions")) {
        if (dropdown_value & (1 << 0)) {
        if (dropdown_value & (1 << 1)) {

function main_createmove(){

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "main_createmove")
UI.AddSliderInt("Safe point after x missed shots", 1, 6);

function on_ragebot_fire() {
    //The ragebot fired so now we're waiting for a 'player_hurt' event
    waiting_for_hit = true;
    //Update the current target index
    target_idx = Event.GetInt("target_index");
    //Update the tick count
    tick_count = Globals.Tickcount()

function on_player_hurt() {

    var entity = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));

    if (entity == Entity.GetLocalPlayer())

    var attacker = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker"));

    if (attacker != Entity.GetLocalPlayer())

    if (entity != target_idx)

    waiting_for_hit = false;
    target_idx = 0;
    tick_count = -1;


function on_create_move() {

    var tick_interval = 1000 / Globals.Tickrate();

    var wait_ticks = 1 + Math.ceil((Local.Latency() * 2) / tick_interval);

    if (Globals.Tickcount() - tick_count >= wait_ticks && waiting_for_hit) {

        if (misses[target_idx] >= UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Safe point after x missed shots")) {
            safety_ents[target_idx] = 1;

        waiting_for_hit = false;
        target_idx = 0;
        tick_count = -1;

    var rbot_target = Ragebot.GetTarget();

    if (rbot_target == 0)

    if (safety_ents[rbot_target] == 1) {

function on_player_death() {
    var idx = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));

function reset_miss_logs() {
    for (var i = 0; i < 64; i++) {

function reset_specific_miss_logs(idx) {
    misses[idx] = 0;
    safety_ents[idx] = 0;

Cheat.RegisterCallback("ragebot_fire", "on_ragebot_fire");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "on_player_hurt");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "on_create_move");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_death", "on_player_death")
Cheat.RegisterCallback("round_start", "reset_miss_logs");

UI.AddLabel("#DOUBLE TAP#")
UI.AddLabel("Double tap fast recharge always on")
function can_shift_shot(ticks_to_shift) {
    var me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    var wpn = Entity.GetWeapon(me);

    if (me == null || wpn == null)
        return false;

    var tickbase = Entity.GetProp(me, "CCSPlayer", "m_nTickBase");
    var curtime = Globals.TickInterval() * (tickbase-ticks_to_shift)

    if (curtime < Entity.GetProp(me, "CCSPlayer", "m_flNextAttack"))
        return false;

    if (curtime < Entity.GetProp(wpn, "CBaseCombatWeapon", "m_flNextPrimaryAttack"))
        return false;

    return true;

function _TBC_CREATE_MOVE() {
    var is_charged = Exploit.GetCharge()

    Exploit[(is_charged != 1 ? "Enable" : "Disable") + "Recharge"]()

    if (can_shift_shot(14) && is_charged != 1) {

function _TBC_UNLOAD() {

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "_TBC_CREATE_MOVE");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "_TBC_UNLOAD");
UI.AddDropdown("T Model", ["None", "'TwoTimes' McCoy", "Seal Team 6 Soldier", "Buckshot", "Lt. Commander Ricksaw", "Dragomir", "Rezan The Ready", "Maximus", "Blackwolf", "The Doctor' Romanow", "8 Squadron Officer", "3rd Commando Company", "Special Agent Ava", "Operator", "Markus Delrow", "Michael Syfers", "Enforcer", "Slingshot", "Soldier", "The Elite Mr. Muhlik", "Ground Rebel", "Osiris", "Prof. Shahmat", "Heavy armor"])
    UI.AddDropdown("CT Model", ["None", "'TwoTimes' McCoy", "Seal Team 6 Soldier", "Buckshot", "Lt. Commander Ricksaw", "Dragomir", "Rezan The Ready", "Maximus", "Blackwolf", "The Doctor' Romanow", "8 Squadron Officer", "3rd Commando Company", "Special Agent Ava", "Operator", "Markus Delrow", "Michael Syfers", "Enforcer", "Slingshot", "Soldier", "The Elite Mr. Muhlik", "Ground Rebel", "Osiris", "Prof. Shahmat", "Heavy armor"])

      function AgentCh(){
            if(Cheat.FrameStage() != 2)
            var team = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(),"DT_BaseEntity", "m_iTeamNum")

            UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "T Model", true)
            UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "CT Model", true)
            if(team == 2){
                UI.SetValue("Misc", "SKINS", "Player", "Player model", UI.GetValue("Script items", "T Model"))
            if(team == 3){
                UI.SetValue("Misc", "SKINS", "Player", "Player model", UI.GetValue("Script items", "CT Model"))

UI.AddSliderInt( "Aspect ratio", 0, 500 );

function fsn( ) {
    ui_arat_val = UI.GetValue( "Aspect ratio" );

    switch ( Global.FrameStage( ) ) {
        case 5: {
            Global.ExecuteCommand( "r_aspectratio " + ui_arat_val.toString()/100 );

        default: break;

Global.RegisterCallback( "FrameStageNotify", "fsn" );
UI.AddLabel("#CLAN TAG#")
UI.AddDropdown("Custom Clantags",  ["DISABLED", "DREAMSYNC"]);
trigger = true;
halftimeval = false;
var lasttime = 0;

function start( )
    var tag = UI.GetValue( "Script items", "Custom Clantags" );
        if(tag == 0){
            speed = 0;
        if(tag == 1){
            speed = 2.5;
    var time = parseInt(Math.round(Globals.Curtime() * speed))

    if (time != lasttime)
        if(tag == 0) { Local.SetClanTag(""); }

        if(tag == 1)
            DREAMSYNCTAG = [

"D ",
"DR ",
"DRE ",
"DREA ",


            Num = time % DREAMSYNCTAG.length;

    lasttime = time;

Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "start");
UPD: скрипт был написан, извиняюсь, спащен в блокноте..............
за что я должен это все копировать? Не легче готовый скрипт кинуть?
23 Авг 2020
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Пол Не выбрано Мужской Женский
6 Ноя 2018
Короче сделал скриптец(1 если что). Можете юзать, да. Прошу не критиковать меня, вы просто морального права не имеете это делать.
Скрипт включает : вотермарку, кейбинды, фристенд, настройки сейф поинтов, дабл-тап, мин дамаг, аспект ратио, наш лакшери клантег и модель ченджер. Вообщем алл ин ван.
Паста? да.
ss :
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.

На слабых пк лучше не юзать т.к требует оптимизации что я делать конечно не умею....

UI.AddLabel("  #Welcome to Dreamsync helper#")


const x1 = UI.AddSliderInt("Hotkeys_x", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]);
const y1 = UI.AddSliderInt("Hotkeys_y", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);

var color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Watermark");

if (color[3] == 0)
    UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Watermark", [89, 119, 239, 255]);

function draw() {

    var today = new Date();
    var hours1 = today.getHours();
    var minutes1 = today.getMinutes();
    var seconds1 = today.getSeconds();

    var hours = hours1 <= 9 ? "0"+hours1+":" : hours1+":";
    var minutes = minutes1 <= 9 ? "0" + minutes1+":" : minutes1+":";
    var seconds = seconds1 <= 9 ? "0" + seconds1 : seconds1;

    var server_tickrate = Globals.Tickrate().toString()
    var ping = Math.round(Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CPlayerResource", "m_iPing")).toString() // кто это сделал - контуженный на всю голову ебаный хуесос

    color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Watermark");

    var font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 400);
    var text = "dreamsync helper | delay: " + ping + "ms | " + server_tickrate + "tick | " + hours + minutes + seconds;

    var w = Render.TextSizeCustom(text, font)[0] + 8;
    var x = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];

    x = x - w - 10;

    Render.FilledRect(x, 10, w, 2, [ color[0], color[1], color[2], 255 ]);

    Render.StringCustom(x+4, 10 + 4, 0, text, [ 255, 255, 255, 255 ], font);

Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "draw");

var color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys");
if (color[3] == 0) {
    UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys", [89, 119, 239, 255]);
function in_bounds(vec, x, y, x2, y2)
    return (vec[0] > x) && (vec[1] > y) && (vec[0] < x2) && (vec[1] < y2)
function main()
    if(!World.GetServerString()) return;
    const x = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_x"),
            y = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_y");
    color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys");
    var font = Render.AddFont( "Verdana", 7, 100);
    var h = [];

     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Slow walk")) {
       h.push("Slow motion")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck")) {
       h.push("Duck peek assist")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Auto peek")) {
       h.push("Peek assist")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter")) {
       h.push("Anti-aim inverter")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force safe point")) {
       h.push("Safe point override")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force body aim")) {
       h.push("Force body aim")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Resolver override")) {
       h.push("Resolver override")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Doubletap")) {
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots")) {
       h.push("On shot Anti-Aim")
     if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Minimum damage override")) {
       h.push("Damage override")
    if (h.length > 0) {

        Render.FilledRect(x, y+3, 200, 2, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255]);
        Render.StringCustom(x + 100 - (Render.TextSizeCustom("Hotkeys", font)[0] / 2) + 2, y + 9, 0, "Keybinds", [0, 0, 0, 180], font);
        Render.StringCustom(x + 100 - (Render.TextSizeCustom("Hotkeys", font)[0] / 2) + 1, y + 8, 0, "Keybinds", [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
        for (i = 0; i < h.length; i++)
            Render.StringCustom(x + 102 - (Render.TextSizeCustom(h[i], font)[0] / 2), y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, 180], font);
            Render.StringCustom(x + 101 - (Render.TextSizeCustom(h[i], font)[0] / 2), y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    if (Global.IsKeyPressed(1) && UI.IsMenuOpen()) {
        const mouse_pos = Global.GetCursorPosition();
        if (in_bounds(mouse_pos, x, y, x + 200, y + 30)) {
            UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_x", mouse_pos[0] - 100);
            UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_y", mouse_pos[1] - 20);

Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "main")


//region api

// Localizing all of the functions in snake_case because why not.
const global_print = Global.Print, global_print_chat = Global.PrintChat, global_print_color = Global.PrintColor, global_register_callback = Global.RegisterCallback, global_execute_command = Global.ExecuteCommand, global_frame_stage = Global.FrameStage, global_tickcount = Global.Tickcount, global_tickrate = Global.Tickrate, global_tick_interval = Global.TickInterval, global_curtime = Global.Curtime, global_realtime = Global.Realtime, global_frametime = Global.Frametime, global_latency = Global.Latency, global_get_view_angles = Global.GetViewAngles, global_set_view_angles = Global.SetViewAngles, global_get_map_name = Global.GetMapName, global_is_key_pressed = Global.IsKeyPressed, global_get_screen_size = Global.GetScreenSize, global_get_cursor_position = Global.GetCursorPosition, global_play_sound = Global.PlaySound, global_play_microphone = Global.PlayMicrophone, global_stop_microphone = Global.StopMicrophone, global_get_username = Global.GetUsername, global_set_clan_tag = Global.SetClanTag, globals_tickcount = Globals.Tickcount, globals_tickrate = Globals.Tickrate, globals_tick_interval = Globals.TickInterval, globals_curtime = Globals.Curtime, globals_realtime = Globals.Realtime, globals_frametime = Globals.Frametime, sound_play = Sound.Play, sound_play_microphone = Sound.PlayMicrophone, sound_stop_microphone = Sound.StopMicrophone, cheat_get_username = Cheat.GetUsername, cheat_register_callback = cheat_register_callback = new Proxy(Cheat.RegisterCallback, { apply: function(_, _, args) { switch(args[0]) { case 'paint': Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', args[1]); break; case 'create_move': Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', args[1]); break; case 'fsn': Cheat.RegisterCallback('FrameStageNotify', args[1]); break; default: Cheat.RegisterCallback(args[0], args[1]); break; } } }), cheat_execute_command = Cheat.ExecuteCommand, cheat_frame_stage = Cheat.FrameStage, cheat_print = Cheat.Print, cheat_print_chat = Cheat.PrintChat, cheat_print_color = Cheat.PrintColor, local_latency = Local.Latency, local_get_view_angles = Local.GetViewAngles, local_set_view_angles = Local.SetViewAngles, local_set_clan_tag = Local.SetClanTag, local_get_real_yaw = Local.GetRealYaw, local_get_fake_yaw = Local.GetFakeYaw, local_get_spread = Local.GetSpread, local_get_inaccuracy = Local.GetInaccuracy, world_get_map_name = World.GetMapName, world_get_server_string = World.GetServerString, input_get_cursor_position = Input.GetCursorPosition, input_is_key_pressed = Input.IsKeyPressed, render_string = Render.String, render_text_size = Render.TextSize, render_line = Render.Line, render_rect = Render.Rect, render_filled_rect = Render.FilledRect, render_gradient_rect = Render.GradientRect, render_circle = Render.Circle, render_filled_circle = Render.FilledCircle, render_polygon = Render.Polygon, render_world_to_screen = Render.WorldToScreen, render_add_font = Render.AddFont, render_find_font = Render.FindFont, render_string_custom = Render.StringCustom, render_textured_rect = Render.TexturedRect, render_add_texture = Render.AddTexture, render_text_size_custom = Render.TextSizeCustom, render_get_screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize, ui_get_value = UI.GetValue, ui_set_value = UI.SetValue, ui_add_checkbox = UI.AddCheckbox, ui_add_slider_int = UI.AddSliderInt, ui_add_slider_float = UI.AddSliderFloat, ui_add_hotkey = UI.AddHotkey, ui_add_label = UI.AddLabel, ui_add_dropdown = UI.AddDropdown, ui_add_multi_dropdown = UI.AddMultiDropdown, ui_add_color_picker = UI.AddColorPicker, ui_add_textbox = UI.AddTextbox, ui_set_enabled = UI.SetEnabled, ui_get_string = UI.GetString, ui_get_color = UI.GetColor, ui_set_color = UI.SetColor, ui_is_hotkey_active = UI.IsHotkeyActive, ui_toggle_hotkey = UI.ToggleHotkey, ui_is_menu_open = UI.IsMenuOpen, convar_get_int = Convar.GetInt, convar_set_int = Convar.SetInt, convar_get_float = Convar.GetFloat, convar_set_float = Convar.SetFloat, convar_get_string = Convar.GetString, convar_set_string = Convar.SetString, event_get_int = Event.GetInt, event_get_float = Event.GetFloat, event_get_string = Event.GetString, entity_get_entities = Entity.GetEntities, entity_get_entities_by_class_i_d = Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID, entity_get_players = Entity.GetPlayers, entity_get_enemies = Entity.GetEnemies, entity_get_teammates = Entity.GetTeammates, entity_get_local_player = Entity.GetLocalPlayer, entity_get_game_rules_proxy = Entity.GetGameRulesProxy, entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID, entity_is_teammate = Entity.IsTeammate, entity_is_enemy = Entity.IsEnemy, entity_is_bot = Entity.IsBot, entity_is_local_player = Entity.IsLocalPlayer, entity_is_valid = Entity.IsValid, entity_is_alive = Entity.IsAlive, entity_is_dormant = Entity.IsDormant, entity_get_class_i_d = Entity.GetClassID, entity_get_class_name = Entity.GetClassName, entity_get_name = Entity.GetName, entity_get_weapon = Entity.GetWeapon, entity_get_weapons = Entity.GetWeapons, entity_get_render_origin = Entity.GetRenderOrigin, entity_get_prop = Entity.GetProp, entity_set_prop = Entity.SetProp, entity_get_hitbox_position = Entity.GetHitboxPosition, entity_get_eye_position = Entity.GetEyePosition, trace_line = Trace.Line, trace_bullet = Trace.Bullet, usercmd_set_movement = UserCMD.SetMovement, usercmd_get_movement = UserCMD.GetMovement, usercmd_set_angles = UserCMD.SetAngles, usercmd_force_jump = UserCMD.ForceJump, usercmd_force_crouch = UserCMD.ForceCrouch, antiaim_get_override = AntiAim.GetOverride, antiaim_set_override = AntiAim.SetOverride, antiaim_set_real_offset = AntiAim.SetRealOffset, antiaim_set_fake_offset = AntiAim.SetFakeOffset, antiaim_set_l_b_y_offset = AntiAim.SetLBYOffset, exploit_get_charge = Exploit.GetCharge, exploit_recharge = Exploit.Recharge, exploit_disable_recharge = Exploit.DisableRecharge, exploit_enable_recharge = Exploit.EnableRecharge, ragebot_override_minimum_damage = Ragebot.OverrideMinimumDamage, ragebot_override_hitchance = Ragebot.OverrideHitchance, ragebot_override_accuracy_boost = Ragebot.OverrideAccuracyBoost, ragebot_override_multipoint_scale = Ragebot.OverrideMultipointScale, ragebot_force_safety = Ragebot.ForceSafety;

//region dependencies

* @title BetterUI
* @version 2.0.0
* @description A better UI system for Onetap

var menu = [];
const menu_spacer = "                                                                                  ";

* Creates a new menu label
* @param label {string}
menu.label = function(label)
    // Creates the label

* Creates a new menu element
* @param func {function}
* @param name {string}
* @param label {string},
* @param properties {array}
menu.call = function(func, name, label, properties)
    // Get properties
    const final_name = name + menu_spacer + label;
    var final_props = [final_name];
    const element_info_t = {
        path: ["Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", final_name]

    // If our properties aren't null, then pack them together.
    if (properties != null)
        for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++)

    // Create our menu element and return properties
    func.apply(null, final_props);
    return element_info_t;

* Creates a new menu reference
* @param path {array}
menu.reference = function(path)
    const element_info_t = {
        path: path

    return element_info_t;

* Gets the value of a menu element
* @param elem {array}
* @return {*}
menu.get = function(elem)
    // If the element doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Returns the element's value
    return UI.GetValue.apply(null, elem.path);

* Gets the value of a menu element
* @param elem {array}
* @return {*}
menu.get_hotkey = function(elem)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Returns the element's value
    return UI.IsHotkeyActive.apply(null, elem.path);

* Gets the value of a menu element
* @param elem {array}
* @return {*}
menu.get_color = function(elem)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Returns the element's value
    return UI.GetColor.apply(null, elem.path);

* Sets the value of a menu element
* @param elem {array}
* @param value {any}
menu.set = function(elem, value)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Get properties
    const properties = elem;

    // Set the element's value
    UI.SetValue.apply(null, properties.path);

* Sets the value of a color picker
* @param elem {array}
* @param color {array|Color}
menu.set_color = function(elem, color)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Get properties
    const properties = elem;

    // Set the element's value
    UI.SetColor.apply(null, properties.path);

* Sets the value of a color picker
* @param elem {array}
menu.toggle = function(elem)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Set the element's value
    UI.ToggleHotkey.apply(null, elem.path);

* Changes the visibility of a menu elements
* @param elem {array}
* @param visible {boolean}
menu.visibility = function(elem, visible)
    // If the label doesn't exist
    if (!(elem.path))
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!");

    // Get properties
    const properties = elem;

    // Change the element's visibility
    UI.SetEnabled.apply(null, properties.path);

* @title Vector
* @description Simple 3d vector system
* @typedef Vector {x: number, y: number, z: number}
var vector = {
    _class: 'vector'

* @brief Creates a new 3d vector instance.
* @param data {array}
* @returns {Vector}
vector.new = function(data)
    return {
        x: data[0],
        y: data[1],
        z: data[2]

* @brief Realizes a mathematical operation between two vectors.
* @param vec {Vector}
* @param vec2 {Vector}
* @param operation {string}
* @returns {Vector}
vector.operate = function(vec, vec2, operation)
  switch (operation)
      case '+':
          return {
              x: vec.x + vec2.x,
              y: vec.y + vec2.y,
              z: vec.z + vec2.z

      case '-':
          return {
              x: vec.x - vec2.x,
              y: vec.y - vec2.y,
              z: vec.z - vec2.z

      case '*':
          return {
              x: vec.x * vec2.x,
              y: vec.y * vec2.y,
              z: vec.z * vec2.z

      case '/':
          return {
              x: vec.x / vec2.x,
              y: vec.y / vec2.y,
              z: vec.z / vec2.z

          throw new Error("[Vector] Invalid operation type.");

* @brief Returns the 2d length of a vector.
* @param vec {Vector}
* @returns {number}
vector.length2d = function(vec)
    return Math.sqrt(vec.x * vec.x + vec.y * vec.y);

* @brief Converts a vector to angles.
* @param vec
* @returns {Vector}
vector.angles = function(vec)
    return {
        x: -Math.atan2(vec.z, this.length2d(vec)) * 180 / Math.PI,
        y: Math.atan2(vec.y, vec.x) * 180 / Math.PI,
        z: 0

* @brief Calculates the fov delta between two points based on a specific view angles.
* @param origin {Vector}
* @param destination {Vector}
* @param view {Vector}
* @returns {number}
vector.fov_to = function(origin, destination, view)
    const angles = this.angles(this.operate(destination, origin, '-'));

    const delta = this.new(
            Math.abs(view.x - angles.x),
            Math.abs(view.y % 360 - angles.y % 360) % 360,

    if (delta.y > 180)
        delta.y = 360 - delta.y;

    return this.length2d(delta);

* @brief Unpacks a vector object into an array.
* @param vec {Vector}
* @returns {[number, number, number]}
vector.to_array = function(vec)
    return [

* @brief Normalizes an yaw angle.
* @param angle {number}
* @returns {number}
function normalize_yaw(angle)
    var adjusted_yaw = angle;

    if (adjusted_yaw < -180)
        adjusted_yaw += 360;

    if (adjusted_yaw > 180)
        adjusted_yaw -= 360;

    return adjusted_yaw;


//region main

// Create our main instance
var plugin = {
    _info: {
        _title: "Advanced body freestanding",
        _version: "1.1.0",
        _author: "april#0001"

    last_hit_lby: [],
    last_target_visibility: false,
    override_flip: false,
    last_override_time: globals_curtime( )


//region menu

// Create our menu elements
const enable = menu.call(ui_add_checkbox, "Smart freestand", "lby_enable", []);
const body = menu.call(ui_add_dropdown, "Body freestanding", "lby_body_mode", [["Normal", "Reversed"]]);
const smart = menu.call(ui_add_checkbox, "Smart switch", "lby_smart", []);
const flip = menu.call(ui_add_multi_dropdown, "Body inverter flip", "lby_body", [["Slow motion", "Run", "Jump"]]);

// Declare our references
const ref_inverter = menu.reference(["Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter"]);
const ref_bodyflip = menu.reference(["Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter flip"]);
const ref_inverter_legit = menu.reference(["Anti-Aim", "Legit Anti-Aim", "Direction key"]);
const ref_ragebot = menu.reference(["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Enabled"]);


//region functions

* @brief Inverts the lower body yaw to the specified value.
* @param state {number} Whether or not to invert the lower body yaw.
function update_anti_aim_state(state)
    // If our rage aimbot is enabled, than we should invert the
    // rage anti-aim.
    if (menu.get(ref_ragebot))
        // Check if our inverter's state is the same as our desired one.
        // If not, then toggle the hotkey to invert it.
        if (menu.get_hotkey(ref_inverter) !== state)

        // Return because we don't wanna do the same to the legit anti-aim's state.

    // Invert the state because the legit anti-aim's inverter is different
    // from the rage one.
    state = (state + 1) % 2;

    // Check if our inverter's state is the same as our desired one.
    // If not, then toggle the hotkey to invert it.
    if (menu.get_hotkey(ref_inverter_legit) !== state)

* @brief Gets the closest (FOV-based) enemy and returns its entity id.
* @returns {number}
function get_closest_target( ) {
    // Get our entities.
    const players = entity_get_enemies();
    const me = entity_get_local_player();

    // Initialize our data array.
    const data = {id: null, fov: 180};

    // Loop for each player in the server.
    for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
        // Get the current player.
        const e = players[i];

        // Get our eye's position, the player's head position and our view angles.
        const destination = vector.new(entity_get_hitbox_position(e, 0)),
            origin = vector.new(entity_get_eye_position(me));
        const angles = vector.new(local_get_view_angles());

        // Calculate the FOV distance.
        const fov = vector.fov_to(origin, destination, angles);

        // If our FOV distance is lower than the cached one, then it means that
        // there's another player which is even closer to our crosshair.
        if (fov < data.fov) {
            // Cache this entity and our current FOV distance for further
            // calculations.
            data.id = e;
            data.fov = fov;

    // Return the closest entity to our crosshair.
    return data.id;

* @brief Gets whether or not our target is visible.
* @returns {boolean}
function get_target_visibility( )
    // Get our target.
    const target = get_closest_target( );

    // If the target is not valid, then it is not visible.
    if (!target || !entity_is_valid(target))
        return false;

    // If it is dormant, than it isn't visible either.
    if (entity_is_dormant(target))
        return false;

    // Get our tracing properties.
    const me = entity_get_local_player( );
    var origin = vector.new(entity_get_eye_position(me)), velocity = vector.new(entity_get_prop(me, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]")), destination = entity_get_hitbox_position(target, 0);

    // Adds our velocity vector to our origin vector as to make the trace
    // more accurate when moving.
    velocity = vector.operate(velocity, vector.new([0.25, 0.25, 0.25]), '*');
    origin = vector.operate(origin, velocity, '+');

    // Trace a line from our eye position to the target's head and see if we hit anything.
    const result = trace_line(me, vector.to_array(origin), destination)[0];

    // Return results.
    return result === target;

* @brief Gets which anti-aim side matches your settings the best. Or, in other words, does freestanding.
function get_optimal_angle( )
    // Get current lower body yaw mode
    const _mode = menu.get(body);

    // Get some properties.
    const me = entity_get_local_player( );

    // And more properties..
    const origin = vector.new(entity_get_render_origin(me));
    var yaw = local_get_view_angles( )[1];
    var data = {left: 0, right: 0};

    // Loops for every angle from the left of your yaw to the right of your yaw
    // in steps of 30, resulting in 3 steps per side.
    for (var r = yaw - 90; r <= yaw + 90; r += 30)
        // If our current angle is the center one then there's no need
        // to do anything with it.
        if (r === yaw)

        // Convert our angle to radians
        const rad = r * Math.PI / 180;

        // Create our destination point based on current angle.
        const point = vector.operate(
                256 * Math.cos(rad),
                256 * Math.sin(rad),

        // Trace a line from our player's origin to the current point.
        // Using this to check the trace's fraction (m_flFraction) until
        // it hits something and then add it to our data array.
        // This is how my 'environmental freestanding' logic is made.
        // The side with lower fractions is the side which is logically
        // closer to the player's head.
        const line = trace_line(me, vector.to_array(origin), vector.to_array(point));

        // Get which side we're iterating on.
        const side = r < yaw ? "left" : "right";

        // Update our data array.
        data[side] += line[1];

    // Calculates an average for both sides.
    data.left /= 3;
    data.right /= 3;

    // If our left avg. fractions are greater than the right ones, then return
    // the number 0 which corresponds to the right side, or, in the Hide fake angle mode,
    // return 1 which corresponds to the left side.
    if (data.left > data.right)
        return _mode === 0 ? 0 : 1;

    // Does the same thing as above, except the right avg. fractions are greater than
    // the left ones.
    return _mode === 0 ? 1 : 0;

* @brief Handles the inverter flip feature.
function update_inverter_flip( )
    // Check if the inverter flip options are enabled.
    if (!menu.get(flip))

    // Get some properties.
    const visible = get_target_visibility( );
    const now = globals_curtime( );

    // If it has been 300ms since the last override then
    // reset the override state.
    if (plugin.last_override_time + 0.3 < now)
        plugin.override_flip = false;

    // If our current target visibility isn't the same as
    // our cached one, then the target became visible/invisible.
    if (visible !== plugin.last_target_visibility)
        // In this case, we should override, so, set override to
        // true and cache our current time.
        plugin.override_flip = true;
        plugin.last_override_time = now;

    // Cache the target's visibility.
    plugin.last_target_visibility = visible;

    // Check if we're overriding
    if (plugin.override_flip)
        // Set the inverter flip to nothing.
        menu.set(ref_bodyflip, 0);

    // If we're not overriding, then set the inverter flip options to
    // the selected options.
    menu.set(ref_bodyflip, menu.get(flip));

* @brief Updates our anti-aim based on the current freestanding mode and input.
function update_anti_aim( )
    // Get our local player.
    const me = entity_get_local_player( );

    // Check if our player is valid and alive.
    if (!entity_is_valid(me) || !entity_is_alive(me))

    // Get if our anti-aim is on smart mode.
    const _smart = menu.get(smart);

    // Handle the inverter flip.
    update_inverter_flip( );

    // If our anti-aim is set to 'Smart', then the entire logic is different.
    // The smart mode does not use freestanding as input, it uses data from
    // other users as input.
    if (_smart)
        // Get our FOV-based target.
        const target = get_closest_target( );

        // Check if our target is valid.
        // Otherwise, just return our current freestanding angle.
        if (target == null)
            update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle( ));

        // Check if our target has already hit us.
        // If not, then just return current freestanding angle.
        if (plugin.last_hit_lby[target] == null)
            update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle( ));

        // Return the opposite angle to the last hit angle.
        // In this case if the inverter was off, now return on.
        if (plugin.last_hit_lby[target] === 0)

        // Or, if the inverter was on, return off.

    // If our anti-aim is not on smart mode, then we're just using regular
    // freestanding. So, do freestanding.
    update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle( ));

* @brief Renders our plugin's indicator.
function do_indicators( )
    // Get our local player.
    const me = entity_get_local_player( );

    // Check if our player is valid and alive.
    if (!entity_is_valid(me) || !entity_is_alive(me))

    // Get our drawing properties.
    const y = render_get_screen_size( )[1];

    // Get our anti-aim info.
    const yaw = local_get_real_yaw( ), fake = local_get_fake_yaw( );
    var delta = Math.round(normalize_yaw(yaw - fake) / 2), abs = Math.abs(delta);

    // If we're using legit anti-aim, invert the delta.
    // Doing this to fix the indicators because legit
    // anti-aim inverter is different.
    if (menu.get(ref_ragebot))
        delta *= -1;


* @callback create_move
* @brief Handles our plugin's logic.
function on_tick( )
    // Checks whether or not our script is enabled.
    if (!(menu.get(enable)))

    // Does the freestanding.
    update_anti_aim( );

function on_frame( )
    // Checks whether or not our script is enabled.
    if (!(menu.get(enable)))

    // Draws our indicators
    do_indicators( );

* @callback player_hurt
* @brief Handles the last hit LBY logic.
function on_player_hurt( )
    // Get the event's entities.
    const me = entity_get_local_player( );
    const attacker = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int("attacker"));
    const userid = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int("userid"));

    // Checks if our local player was the one getting hurt and not the one attacking.
    // Or, in other words, check if we got hurt.
    if (me !== attacker && me === userid)
        // Update the last hit lower body global.
        plugin.last_hit_lby[attacker] = menu.get_hotkey(ref_inverter);

* @callback round_start, player_connect_full
* @brief Resets the last hit LBY list whenever the round ends or you switch servers.
function reset( )
    // Reset the last lower body state.
    plugin.last_hit_lby = [];


//region callbacks

// Register our 'create_move' callback.
    'create_move', 'on_tick'

// Register our 'paint' callback.
    'paint', 'on_frame'

// Register our 'player_hurt' callback.
    'player_hurt', 'on_player_hurt'

// Register our 'player_connect_full' callback.
    'player_connect_full', 'reset'



UI.AddLabel("#MIN DMG#")
UI.AddHotkey("Heavy Pistol Override")
UI.AddSliderInt("Heavy Pistol Mindmg", 0, 130)
UI.AddHotkey("Scout Override")
UI.AddSliderInt("Scout Mindmg", 0, 130)
UI.AddHotkey("AWP Override")
UI.AddSliderInt("AWP Mindmg", 0, 130)
UI.AddHotkey("Auto Override")
UI.AddSliderInt("Auto Mindmg", 0, 130)

var heavy_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
var scout_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
var awp_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
var auto_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
function isActive(a)
    return UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", a)
function setValue(cat, value)
    UI.SetValue("Rage", cat.toUpperCase(), "Targeting", "Minimum damage", value)
function isHeavyPistol(name)
    if (name == "r8 revolver" || name == "desert eagle")
        return true
function isAutoSniper(name)
    if(name == "scar 20" || weapon_name == "g3sg1")
        return true
function onCM()
    heavy_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Heavy Pistol Mindmg")
    scout_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Scout Mindmg")
    awp_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "AWP Mindmg")
    auto_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Auto Mindmg")
    weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))

    if (isActive("Heavy Pistol Override") && isHeavyPistol(weapon_name))
        setValue("HEAVY PISTOL", heavy_value)
        setValue("HEAVY PISTOL", heavy_cache)

    if (isActive("Scout Override") && weapon_name == "ssg 08")
        setValue("SCOUT", scout_value)
        setValue("SCOUT", scout_cache)

    if (isActive("AWP Override") && weapon_name == "awp")
        setValue("AWP", awp_value)
        setValue("AWP", awp_cache)

    if (isActive("Auto Override") && isAutoSniper(weapon_name))
        setValue("AUTOSNIPER", auto_value)
        setValue("AUTOSNIPER", auto_cache)


Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "onCM")
UI.AddCheckbox("Safe point conditions");
const conditions = UI.AddMultiDropdown("Conditions",["head", "legs and feet"]);

function safe() {
    const dropdown_value = UI.GetValue.apply(null, conditions);
    if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Safe point conditions")) {
        if (dropdown_value & (1 << 0)) {
        if (dropdown_value & (1 << 1)) {

function main_createmove(){

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "main_createmove")
UI.AddSliderInt("Safe point after x missed shots", 1, 6);

function on_ragebot_fire() {
    //The ragebot fired so now we're waiting for a 'player_hurt' event
    waiting_for_hit = true;
    //Update the current target index
    target_idx = Event.GetInt("target_index");
    //Update the tick count
    tick_count = Globals.Tickcount()

function on_player_hurt() {

    var entity = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));

    if (entity == Entity.GetLocalPlayer())

    var attacker = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker"));

    if (attacker != Entity.GetLocalPlayer())

    if (entity != target_idx)

    waiting_for_hit = false;
    target_idx = 0;
    tick_count = -1;


function on_create_move() {

    var tick_interval = 1000 / Globals.Tickrate();

    var wait_ticks = 1 + Math.ceil((Local.Latency() * 2) / tick_interval);

    if (Globals.Tickcount() - tick_count >= wait_ticks && waiting_for_hit) {

        if (misses[target_idx] >= UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Safe point after x missed shots")) {
            safety_ents[target_idx] = 1;

        waiting_for_hit = false;
        target_idx = 0;
        tick_count = -1;

    var rbot_target = Ragebot.GetTarget();

    if (rbot_target == 0)

    if (safety_ents[rbot_target] == 1) {

function on_player_death() {
    var idx = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));

function reset_miss_logs() {
    for (var i = 0; i < 64; i++) {

function reset_specific_miss_logs(idx) {
    misses[idx] = 0;
    safety_ents[idx] = 0;

Cheat.RegisterCallback("ragebot_fire", "on_ragebot_fire");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "on_player_hurt");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "on_create_move");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_death", "on_player_death")
Cheat.RegisterCallback("round_start", "reset_miss_logs");

UI.AddLabel("#DOUBLE TAP#")
UI.AddLabel("Double tap fast recharge always on")
function can_shift_shot(ticks_to_shift) {
    var me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    var wpn = Entity.GetWeapon(me);

    if (me == null || wpn == null)
        return false;

    var tickbase = Entity.GetProp(me, "CCSPlayer", "m_nTickBase");
    var curtime = Globals.TickInterval() * (tickbase-ticks_to_shift)

    if (curtime < Entity.GetProp(me, "CCSPlayer", "m_flNextAttack"))
        return false;

    if (curtime < Entity.GetProp(wpn, "CBaseCombatWeapon", "m_flNextPrimaryAttack"))
        return false;

    return true;

function _TBC_CREATE_MOVE() {
    var is_charged = Exploit.GetCharge()

    Exploit[(is_charged != 1 ? "Enable" : "Disable") + "Recharge"]()

    if (can_shift_shot(14) && is_charged != 1) {

function _TBC_UNLOAD() {

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "_TBC_CREATE_MOVE");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "_TBC_UNLOAD");
UI.AddDropdown("T Model", ["None", "'TwoTimes' McCoy", "Seal Team 6 Soldier", "Buckshot", "Lt. Commander Ricksaw", "Dragomir", "Rezan The Ready", "Maximus", "Blackwolf", "The Doctor' Romanow", "8 Squadron Officer", "3rd Commando Company", "Special Agent Ava", "Operator", "Markus Delrow", "Michael Syfers", "Enforcer", "Slingshot", "Soldier", "The Elite Mr. Muhlik", "Ground Rebel", "Osiris", "Prof. Shahmat", "Heavy armor"])
    UI.AddDropdown("CT Model", ["None", "'TwoTimes' McCoy", "Seal Team 6 Soldier", "Buckshot", "Lt. Commander Ricksaw", "Dragomir", "Rezan The Ready", "Maximus", "Blackwolf", "The Doctor' Romanow", "8 Squadron Officer", "3rd Commando Company", "Special Agent Ava", "Operator", "Markus Delrow", "Michael Syfers", "Enforcer", "Slingshot", "Soldier", "The Elite Mr. Muhlik", "Ground Rebel", "Osiris", "Prof. Shahmat", "Heavy armor"])

      function AgentCh(){
            if(Cheat.FrameStage() != 2)
            var team = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(),"DT_BaseEntity", "m_iTeamNum")

            UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "T Model", true)
            UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "CT Model", true)
            if(team == 2){
                UI.SetValue("Misc", "SKINS", "Player", "Player model", UI.GetValue("Script items", "T Model"))
            if(team == 3){
                UI.SetValue("Misc", "SKINS", "Player", "Player model", UI.GetValue("Script items", "CT Model"))

UI.AddSliderInt( "Aspect ratio", 0, 500 );

function fsn( ) {
    ui_arat_val = UI.GetValue( "Aspect ratio" );

    switch ( Global.FrameStage( ) ) {
        case 5: {
            Global.ExecuteCommand( "r_aspectratio " + ui_arat_val.toString()/100 );

        default: break;

Global.RegisterCallback( "FrameStageNotify", "fsn" );
UI.AddLabel("#CLAN TAG#")
UI.AddDropdown("Custom Clantags",  ["DISABLED", "DREAMSYNC"]);
trigger = true;
halftimeval = false;
var lasttime = 0;

function start( )
    var tag = UI.GetValue( "Script items", "Custom Clantags" );
        if(tag == 0){
            speed = 0;
        if(tag == 1){
            speed = 2.5;
    var time = parseInt(Math.round(Globals.Curtime() * speed))

    if (time != lasttime)
        if(tag == 0) { Local.SetClanTag(""); }

        if(tag == 1)
            DREAMSYNCTAG = [

"D ",
"DR ",
"DRE ",
"DREA ",


            Num = time % DREAMSYNCTAG.length;

    lasttime = time;

Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "start");
UPD: скрипт был написан, извиняюсь, спащен в блокноте..............
нахуя ты сурс моргенкорда слил
Уникальное звание
8 Авг 2019
это что такое, что тут забыл беттер уи если это вообще оно.................
Сверху Снизу