JS-скрипт Darkraicord (crack) on otc v3. DT"1 tick", ideal yaw, low delta


  • да

    Голосов: 116 48.7%
  • нет

    Голосов: 58 24.4%
  • пошёл в жопу!

    Голосов: 64 26.9%

  • Всего проголосовало
4 Май 2020
пиздарики, тратить 1к рублей на жску, в которой 99.9% – паста.
да и вообще на скрипты тратить деньги такое себе удовольствие, но это дело каждого
28 Дек 2018
source code by de4js

UI.AddCheckbox('$ IDEAL YAW $');
UI.AddLabel("$ Darkrai's IDEAL YAW $");
UI.AddCheckbox('$ Low Delta $');

function get_velocity() {
    velocity = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), 'CBasePlayer', 'm_vecVelocity[0]');
    speed = Math.sqrt(velocity[0] * velocity[0] + velocity[1] * velocity[1]);
    return speed

function rand_int(_0x708dx4, _0x708dx5) {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (_0x708dx5 - _0x708dx4 + 1) + _0x708dx4)
var death_angles = [];
var wish = {
    real: 0,
    fake: 0,
    lby: 0,
    side: 0,
    limit: 0
var local = {
    real: 0,
    fake: 0,
    duck_amount: 0,
    shifting: false,
    in_air: false
var globals = {
    tick_count: 0,
    cur_time: 0,
    debug: true

function update() {
    globals.tick_count = Globals.Tickcount();
    globals.cur_time = Globals.Curtime();
    local.real = Math.floor(Local.GetRealYaw());
    local.fake = Math.floor(Local.GetFakeYaw());
    local.duck_amount = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), 'CBasePlayer', 'm_flDuckAmount')

function set_wish_angles() {

function adjust_antiaim() {
    if (!UI.GetValue('Misc', '$ Low Delta $')) {
    if (local.shifting && get_velocity() > 1.11) {
        wish.lby = -140;
        wish.real = globals.tick_count % 2 ? rand_int(-55, -22) : rand_int(22, 55)
    } else {
        if (wish.side == 0) {
            wish.lby = 94;
            wish.real = globals.tick_count % 12 ? wish.real : wish.real - 22;
            if (wish.real <= -21) {
                wish.real = 22
            if (wish.real == 14) {
                wish.real = -14
        } else {
            if (wish.side == 1) {
                wish.lby = -94;
                wish.real = globals.tick_count % 12 ? wish.real : wish.real + 22;
                if (wish.real >= 21) {
                    wish.real = -22
                if (wish.real == -14) {
                    wish.real = 14

function player_death() {

function create_move() {
    if (!UI.GetValue('Misc', '$ IDEAL YAW $')) {

function draw() {
    if (!UI.GetValue('Misc', '$ IDEAL YAW $') || !globals.debug) {
    bestfont = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 9, 400);
    font = Render.AddFont('Calibri', 9, 40);
    Render.FilledRect(300, 14, 270, 62, [0, 0, 0, 200]);
    Render.FilledRect(300, 14, 270, 3, [63, 64, 125, 255]);
    Render.StringCustom(943, 545, 0, 'IDEAL YAW', [235, 116, 52, 255], bestfont);
    Render.StringCustom(943, 555, 0, 'DYNAMIC', [232, 151, 252, 255], bestfont);
    Render.StringCustom(301, 12, 0, 'FAKE Real ' + wish.real, [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(301, 24, 0, 'Spamming ' + wish.fake, [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(301, 36, 0, 'LBY ' + wish.lby, [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(301, 48, 0, 'SIDE ' + wish.side, [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(301, 60, 0, 'LIMIT ' + wish.limit, [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(420, 12, 0, '4 REAL ' + local.real, [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(420, 24, 0, 'lowdelta ' + local.fake, [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(420, 36, 0, 'DUCK AMOUNT ' + local.duck_amount.toFixed(1), [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(420, 48, 0, 'SHIFT AA ' + local.shifting.toString(), [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(420, 60, 0, 'AIR? ' + local.in_air.toString(), [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    if (!UI.GetValue('Misc', '$ Low Delta $')) {
    Render.StringCustom(943, 565, 0, 'LOW DELTA', [255, 100, 200, 255], bestfont)
Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'create_move');
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'draw');
Cheat.RegisterCallback('player_death', 'player_death');
UI.AddSliderInt('Ticks to shift', 1, 16);
dtvalue = UI.GetValue('Ticks to shift', 1, 16);

function _FrameNetUpdateStart() {}

function Teleport() {
    Teleport = 30(proccesticks);
var time, delay, fillbar, shotsfired;

function can_shift_shot(_0x708dx17) {
    var _0x708dx18 = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    var _0x708dx19 = Entity.GetWeapon(_0x708dx18);
    if (_0x708dx18 == null || _0x708dx19 == null) {
        return false
    var _0x708dx1a = Entity.GetProp(_0x708dx18, 'CCSPlayer', 'm_nTickBase');
    var _0x708dx1b = Globals.TickInterval() * (_0x708dx1a - _0x708dx17);
    if (_0x708dx1b < Entity.GetProp(_0x708dx18, 'CCSPlayer', 'm_flNextAttack')) {
        return false
    if (_0x708dx1b < Entity.GetProp(_0x708dx19, 'CBaseCombatWeapon', 'm_flNextPrimaryAttack')) {
        return false
    return true
UI.AddHotkey('ONKEY LEGIT AA Peek');
var restrictions_cache = UI.GetValue('Misc', 'PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION', 'Information', 'Restrictions');
var hiderealangle_cache = UI.GetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Fake angles', 'Hide real angle');
var yawoffset_cache = UI.GetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Rage Anti-Aim', 'Yaw offset');
var pitch_cache = UI.GetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Extra', 'Pitch');
var isOriginal = true;

function mai3213n() {
    if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Misc', 'ONKEY LEGIT AA Peek')) {
        if (isOriginal) {
            restrictions_cache = UI.GetValue('Misc', 'PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION', 'Information', 'Restrictions');
            hiderealangle_cache = UI.GetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Fake angles', 'Hide real angle');
            yawoffset_cache = UI.GetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Rage Anti-Aim', 'Yaw offset');
            pitch_cache = UI.GetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Extra', 'Pitch');
            isOriginal = false
        UI.SetValue('Misc', 'PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION', 'Information', 'Restrictions', 0);
        UI.SetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Fake angles', 'Hide real angle', true);
        UI.SetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Rage Anti-Aim', 'Yaw offset', 180);
        UI.SetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Extra', 'Pitch', 0)
    } else {
        if (!isOriginal) {
            UI.SetValue('Misc', 'PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION', 'Information', 'Restrictions', restrictions_cache);
            UI.SetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Fake angles', 'Hide real angle', hiderealangle_cache);
            UI.SetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Rage Anti-Aim', 'Yaw offset', yawoffset_cache);
            UI.SetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Extra', 'Pitch', pitch_cache);
            isOriginal = true
Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'mai3213n');
UI.AddCheckbox('FORCE ONSHOT');
var last_shot_time = [];

function on_draw() {
    if (!UI.GetValue('Misc', 'FORCE ONSHOT') || !UI.IsHotkeyActive('Misc', 'KEY')) {
    var _0x708dx24 = Render.AddFont('Calibri', 30, 700);
    Render.StringCustom(100, 500, 25, 'ONSHOT', [255, 255, 255, 255], _0x708dx24)

function on_create_move() {
    if (!UI.GetValue('Misc', 'FORCE ONSHOT') || !UI.IsHotkeyActive('Misc', 'KEY')) {
    var local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    if (!Entity.IsAlive(local)) {
    var _0x708dx26 = Entity.GetEnemies();
    for (var _0x708dx27 = 0; _0x708dx27 < _0x708dx26.length; _0x708dx27++) {
        var _0x708dx28 = _0x708dx26[_0x708dx27];
        var _0x708dx29 = Globals.Tickcount() - last_shot_time[_0x708dx28];
        var _0x708dx2a = _0x708dx29 >= 0 && _0x708dx29 <= 12;
        if (!_0x708dx2a) {

function on_weapon_fire() {
    var _0x708dx2c = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt('userid'));
    last_shot_time[_0x708dx2c] = Globals.Tickcount()

function on_player_connect() {
    var _0x708dx2e = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt('userid'));
    if (_0x708dx2e == Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) {
        last_shot_time = []
Cheat.RegisterCallback('weapon_fire', 'on_weapon_fire');
Cheat.RegisterCallback('player_connect_full', 'on_player_connect');
Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'on_create_move');
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'on_draw');
const global_print = Global.Print,
    global_print_chat = Global.PrintChat,
    global_print_color = Global.PrintColor,
    global_register_callback = Global.RegisterCallback,
    global_execute_command = Global.ExecuteCommand,
    global_frame_stage = Global.FrameStage,
    global_tickcount = Global.Tickcount,
    global_tickrate = Global.Tickrate,
    global_tick_interval = Global.TickInterval,
    global_curtime = Global.Curtime,
    global_realtime = Global.Realtime,
    global_frametime = Global.Frametime,
    global_latency = Global.Latency,
    global_get_view_angles = Global.GetViewAngles,
    global_set_view_angles = Global.SetViewAngles,
    global_get_map_name = Global.GetMapName,
    global_is_key_pressed = Global.IsKeyPressed,
    global_get_screen_size = Global.GetScreenSize,
    global_get_cursor_position = Global.GetCursorPosition,
    global_play_sound = Global.PlaySound,
    global_play_microphone = Global.PlayMicrophone,
    global_stop_microphone = Global.StopMicrophone,
    global_get_username = Global.GetUsername,
    global_set_clan_tag = Global.SetClanTag,
    globals_tickcount = Globals.Tickcount,
    globals_tickrate = Globals.Tickrate,
    globals_tick_interval = Globals.TickInterval,
    globals_curtime = Globals.Curtime,
    globals_realtime = Globals.Realtime,
    globals_frametime = Globals.Frametime,
    sound_play = Sound.Play,
    sound_play_microphone = Sound.PlayMicrophone,
    sound_stop_microphone = Sound.StopMicrophone,
    cheat_get_username = Cheat.GetUsername,
    cheat_register_callback = cheat_register_callback = new Proxy(Cheat.RegisterCallback, {
        apply: function (_0x708dxbd, _0x708dxbd, _0x708dxbe) {
            switch (_0x708dxbe[0]) {
            case 'paint':
                Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', _0x708dxbe[1]);
            case 'create_move':
                Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', _0x708dxbe[1]);
            case 'fsn':
                Cheat.RegisterCallback('FrameStageNotify', _0x708dxbe[1]);
                Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x708dxbe[0], _0x708dxbe[1]);
    cheat_execute_command = Cheat.ExecuteCommand,
    cheat_frame_stage = Cheat.FrameStage,
    cheat_print = Cheat.Print,
    cheat_print_chat = Cheat.PrintChat,
    cheat_print_color = Cheat.PrintColor,
    local_latency = Local.Latency,
    local_get_view_angles = Local.GetViewAngles,
    local_set_view_angles = Local.SetViewAngles,
    local_set_clan_tag = Local.SetClanTag,
    local_get_real_yaw = Local.GetRealYaw,
    local_get_fake_yaw = Local.GetFakeYaw,
    local_get_spread = Local.GetSpread,
    local_get_inaccuracy = Local.GetInaccuracy,
    world_get_map_name = World.GetMapName,
    world_get_server_string = World.GetServerString,
    input_get_cursor_position = Input.GetCursorPosition,
    input_is_key_pressed = Input.IsKeyPressed,
    render_string = Render.String,
    render_text_size = Render.TextSize,
    render_line = Render.Line,
    render_rect = Render.Rect,
    render_filled_rect = Render.FilledRect,
    render_gradient_rect = Render.GradientRect,
    render_circle = Render.Circle,
    render_filled_circle = Render.FilledCircle,
    render_polygon = Render.Polygon,
    render_world_to_screen = Render.WorldToScreen,
    render_add_font = Render.AddFont,
    render_find_font = Render.FindFont,
    render_string_custom = Render.StringCustom,
    render_textured_rect = Render.TexturedRect,
    render_add_texture = Render.AddTexture,
    render_text_size_custom = Render.TextSizeCustom,
    render_get_screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize,
    ui_get_value = UI.GetValue,
    ui_set_value = UI.SetValue,
    ui_add_checkbox = UI.AddCheckbox,
    ui_add_slider_int = UI.AddSliderInt,
    ui_add_slider_float = UI.AddSliderFloat,
    ui_add_hotkey = UI.AddHotkey,
    ui_add_label = UI.AddLabel,
    ui_add_dropdown = UI.AddDropdown,
    ui_add_multi_dropdown = UI.AddMultiDropdown,
    ui_add_color_picker = UI.AddColorPicker,
    ui_add_textbox = UI.AddTextbox,
    ui_set_enabled = UI.SetEnabled,
    ui_get_string = UI.GetString,
    ui_get_color = UI.GetColor,
    ui_set_color = UI.SetColor,
    ui_is_hotkey_active = UI.IsHotkeyActive,
    ui_toggle_hotkey = UI.ToggleHotkey,
    ui_is_menu_open = UI.IsMenuOpen,
    convar_get_int = Convar.GetInt,
    convar_set_int = Convar.SetInt,
    convar_get_float = Convar.GetFloat,
    convar_set_float = Convar.SetFloat,
    convar_get_string = Convar.GetString,
    convar_set_string = Convar.SetString,
    event_get_int = Event.GetInt,
    event_get_float = Event.GetFloat,
    event_get_string = Event.GetString,
    entity_get_entities = Entity.GetEntities,
    entity_get_entities_by_class_i_d = Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID,
    entity_get_players = Entity.GetPlayers,
    entity_get_enemies = Entity.GetEnemies,
    entity_get_teammates = Entity.GetTeammates,
    entity_get_local_player = Entity.GetLocalPlayer,
    entity_get_game_rules_proxy = Entity.GetGameRulesProxy,
    entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID,
    entity_is_teammate = Entity.IsTeammate,
    entity_is_enemy = Entity.IsEnemy,
    entity_is_bot = Entity.IsBot,
    entity_is_local_player = Entity.IsLocalPlayer,
    entity_is_valid = Entity.IsValid,
    entity_is_alive = Entity.IsAlive,
    entity_is_dormant = Entity.IsDormant,
    entity_get_class_i_d = Entity.GetClassID,
    entity_get_class_name = Entity.GetClassName,
    entity_get_name = Entity.GetName,
    entity_get_weapon = Entity.GetWeapon,
    entity_get_weapons = Entity.GetWeapons,
    entity_get_render_origin = Entity.GetRenderOrigin,
    entity_get_prop = Entity.GetProp,
    entity_set_prop = Entity.SetProp,
    entity_get_hitbox_position = Entity.GetHitboxPosition,
    entity_get_eye_position = Entity.GetEyePosition,
    trace_line = Trace.Line,
    trace_bullet = Trace.Bullet,
    usercmd_set_movement = UserCMD.SetMovement,
    usercmd_get_movement = UserCMD.GetMovement,
    usercmd_set_angles = UserCMD.SetAngles,
    usercmd_force_jump = UserCMD.ForceJump,
    usercmd_force_crouch = UserCMD.ForceCrouch,
    antiaim_get_override = AntiAim.GetOverride,
    antiaim_set_override = AntiAim.SetOverride,
    antiaim_set_real_offset = AntiAim.SetRealOffset,
    antiaim_set_fake_offset = AntiAim.SetFakeOffset,
    antiaim_set_l_b_y_offset = AntiAim.SetLBYOffset,
    exploit_get_charge = Exploit.GetCharge,
    exploit_recharge = Exploit.Recharge,
    exploit_disable_recharge = Exploit.DisableRecharge,
    exploit_enable_recharge = Exploit.EnableRecharge,
    ragebot_override_minimum_damage = Ragebot.OverrideMinimumDamage,
    ragebot_override_hitchance = Ragebot.OverrideHitchance,
    ragebot_override_accuracy_boost = Ragebot.OverrideAccuracyBoost,
    ragebot_override_multipoint_scale = Ragebot.OverrideMultipointScale,
    ragebot_force_safety = Ragebot.ForceSafety;
var menu_elements_t = [];
var menu = [];
const menu_spacer = '                                                                                  ';
menu.label = function (_0x708dxc2) {
menu.call = function (_0x708dxc3, _0x708dxc4, _0x708dxc2, _0x708dxc5) {
    if (_0x708dxc2 in menu_elements_t) {
        throw new Error('[Menu] The label must be unique!')
    const _0x708dxc6 = _0x708dxc4 + menu_spacer + _0x708dxc2;
    var _0x708dxc7 = [_0x708dxc6];
    const _0x708dxc8 = {
        name: _0x708dxc4,
        label: _0x708dxc2,
        properties: _0x708dxc5
    if (_0x708dxc5 !== null) {
        for (var _0x708dx27 = 0; _0x708dx27 < _0x708dxc5.length; _0x708dx27++) {
    _0x708dxc3.apply(null, _0x708dxc7);
    menu_elements_t[_0x708dxc2] = _0x708dxc8;
    return _0x708dxc2
menu.get = function (_0x708dxc2) {
    if (!(_0x708dxc2 in menu_elements_t)) {
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element's label doesn't exist!")
    const _0x708dxc5 = menu_elements_t[_0x708dxc2];
    const _0x708dxc6 = _0x708dxc5.name + menu_spacer + _0x708dxc5.label;
    return UI.GetValue('Misc', _0x708dxc6)
menu.get_hotkey = function (_0x708dxc2) {
    if (!(_0x708dxc2 in menu_elements_t)) {
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element's label doesn't exist!")
    const _0x708dxc5 = menu_elements_t[_0x708dxc2];
    const _0x708dxc6 = _0x708dxc5.name + menu_spacer + _0x708dxc5.label;
    return UI.IsHotkeyActive('Misc', _0x708dxc6)
menu.get_color = function (_0x708dxc2) {
    if (!(_0x708dxc2 in menu_elements_t)) {
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element's label doesn't exist!")
    const _0x708dxc5 = menu_elements_t[_0x708dxc2];
    const _0x708dxc6 = _0x708dxc5.name + menu_spacer + _0x708dxc5.label;
    return UI.GetColor('Misc', _0x708dxc6)
menu.set = function (_0x708dxc2, _0x708dxc9) {
    if (!(_0x708dxc2 in menu_elements_t)) {
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element's label doesn't exist!")
    const _0x708dxc5 = menu_elements_t[_0x708dxc2];
    const _0x708dxc6 = _0x708dxc5.name + menu_spacer + _0x708dxc5.label;
    UI.SetValue('Misc', _0x708dxc6, _0x708dxc9)
menu.set_color = function (_0x708dxc2, color) {
    if (!(_0x708dxc2 in menu_elements_t)) {
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element's label doesn't exist!")
    const _0x708dxc5 = menu_elements_t[_0x708dxc2];
    const _0x708dxc6 = _0x708dxc5.name + menu_spacer + _0x708dxc5.label;
    UI.SetColor('Misc', _0x708dxc6, color)
menu.visibility = function (_0x708dxc2, _0x708dxcb) {
    if (!(_0x708dxc2 in menu_elements_t)) {
        throw new Error("[Menu] This element's label doesn't exist!")
    const _0x708dxc5 = menu_elements_t[_0x708dxc2];
    const _0x708dxc6 = _0x708dxc5.name + menu_spacer + _0x708dxc5.label;
    UI.SetEnabled('Misc', _0x708dxc6, _0x708dxcb)
var color = {
    _class: 'color'
color.new_rgba = function (_0x708dxcc, _0x708dxcd, _0x708dxce, _0x708dxcf) {
    if (!_0x708dxcc || !_0x708dxcd || !_0x708dxce || !_0x708dxcf) {
        throw new Error('[Color] Invalid color values!')
    return {
        r: _0x708dxcc,
        g: _0x708dxcd,
        b: _0x708dxce,
        a: _0x708dxcf
color.new_hexa = function (_0x708dxd0, _0x708dxcf) {
    if (!_0x708dxd0 || !_0x708dxcf) {
        throw new Error('[Color] Invalid color values!')
    var _0x708dxcc, _0x708dxcd, _0x708dxce;
    if (_0x708dxd0.length > 6) {
        _0x708dxcc = parseInt(_0x708dxd0.substring(1, 3), 16);
        _0x708dxcd = parseInt(_0x708dxd0.substring(3, 5), 16);
        _0x708dxce = parseInt(_0x708dxd0.substring(5, 7), 16)
    } else {
        _0x708dxcc = parseInt(_0x708dxd0.substring(0, 2), 16);
        _0x708dxcd = parseInt(_0x708dxd0.substring(2, 4), 16);
        _0x708dxce = parseInt(_0x708dxd0.substring(4, 6), 16)
    return {
        r: _0x708dxcc,
        g: _0x708dxcd,
        b: _0x708dxce,
        a: _0x708dxcf,
        hex: _0x708dxd0
color.rgb_to_hsl = function (_0x708dxd1) {
    var _0x708dxcc = _0x708dxd1.r,
        _0x708dxcd = _0x708dxd1.g,
        _0x708dxce = _0x708dxd1.b,
        _0x708dxcf = _0x708dxd1.a;
    _0x708dxcc /= 255, _0x708dxcd /= 255, _0x708dxce /= 255;
    var _0x708dx5 = Math.max(_0x708dxcc, _0x708dxcd, _0x708dxce),
        _0x708dx4 = Math.min(_0x708dxcc, _0x708dxcd, _0x708dxce);
    var _0x708dxd2, _0x708dxd3, _0x708dxd4 = (_0x708dx5 + _0x708dx4) / 2;
    if (_0x708dx5 == _0x708dx4) {
        _0x708dxd2 = _0x708dxd3 = 0
    } else {
        var _0x708dxd5 = _0x708dx5 - _0x708dx4;
        _0x708dxd3 = _0x708dxd4 > 0.5 ? _0x708dxd5 / (2 - _0x708dx5 - _0x708dx4) : _0x708dxd5 / (_0x708dx5 + _0x708dx4);
        switch (_0x708dx5) {
        case _0x708dxcc:
            _0x708dxd2 = (_0x708dxcd - _0x708dxce) / _0x708dxd5 + (_0x708dxcd < _0x708dxce ? 6 : 0);
        case _0x708dxcd:
            _0x708dxd2 = (_0x708dxce - _0x708dxcc) / _0x708dxd5 + 2;
        case _0x708dxce:
            _0x708dxd2 = (_0x708dxcc - _0x708dxcd) / _0x708dxd5 + 4;
        _0x708dxd2 /= 6
    return {
        r: _0x708dxcc * 255,
        g: _0x708dxcd * 255,
        b: _0x708dxce * 255,
        h: _0x708dxd2 * 360,
        s: _0x708dxd3 * 100,
        l: _0x708dxd4 * 100,
        a: _0x708dxcf
color.new_hsla = function (_0x708dxd2, _0x708dxd3, _0x708dxd4, _0x708dxcf) {
    if (typeof _0x708dxd2 != 'number' || typeof _0x708dxd3 != 'number' || typeof _0x708dxd4 != 'number' || typeof _0x708dxcf != 'number') {
        throw new Error('[Color] Invalid color values!')
    var _0x708dxcc, _0x708dxcd, _0x708dxce;
    _0x708dxd2 /= 360;
    _0x708dxd3 /= 100;
    _0x708dxd4 /= 100;
    if (_0x708dxd3 === 0) {
        _0x708dxcc = _0x708dxcd = _0x708dxce = _0x708dxd4
    } else {
        var _0x708dxd6 = function (_0x708dxd7, _0x708dxd8, _0x708dxd9) {
            if (_0x708dxd9 < 0) {
                _0x708dxd9 += 1
            if (_0x708dxd9 > 1) {
                _0x708dxd9 -= 1
            if (_0x708dxd9 < 1 / 6) {
                return _0x708dxd7 + (_0x708dxd8 - _0x708dxd7) * 6 * _0x708dxd9
            if (_0x708dxd9 < 1 / 2) {
                return _0x708dxd8
            if (_0x708dxd9 < 2 / 3) {
                return _0x708dxd7 + (_0x708dxd8 - _0x708dxd7) * (2 / 3 - _0x708dxd9) * 6
            return _0x708dxd7
        var _0x708dxd8 = _0x708dxd4 < 0.5 ? _0x708dxd4 * (1 + _0x708dxd3) : _0x708dxd4 + _0x708dxd3 - _0x708dxd4 * _0x708dxd3;
        var _0x708dxd7 = 2 * _0x708dxd4 - _0x708dxd8;
        _0x708dxcc = Math.round(_0x708dxd6(_0x708dxd7, _0x708dxd8, _0x708dxd2 + 1 / 3) * 255);
        _0x708dxcd = Math.round(_0x708dxd6(_0x708dxd7, _0x708dxd8, _0x708dxd2) * 255);
        _0x708dxce = Math.round(_0x708dxd6(_0x708dxd7, _0x708dxd8, _0x708dxd2 - 1 / 3) * 255)
    return {
        r: _0x708dxcc,
        g: _0x708dxcd,
        b: _0x708dxce,
        a: _0x708dxcf,
        h: _0x708dxd2,
        s: _0x708dxd3,
        l: _0x708dxd4
color.is_valid = function (_0x708dxd1) {
    return ((_0x708dxd1 instanceof Array) && _0x708dxd1.r && _0x708dxd1.g && _0x708dxd1.b && _0x708dxd1.a)
color.to_hex = function (_0x708dxd1) {
    if (!color.is_valid(_0x708dxd1)) {
        throw new Error('[Color] Invalid color instance!')
    var _0x708dxda = '#';
    _0x708dxda += _0x708dxd1.r.toString(16);
    _0x708dxda += _0x708dxd1.g.toString(16);
    _0x708dxda += _0x708dxd1.b.toString(16);
    return _0x708dxda
color.unpack = function (_0x708dxd1) {
    return [_0x708dxd1.r, _0x708dxd1.g, _0x708dxd1.b, _0x708dxd1.a]
color.new_offset = function (_0x708dxdb, _0x708dxcc, _0x708dxcd, _0x708dxce, _0x708dxcf) {
    if (!color.is_valid(self) || (!_0x708dxcc && !_0x708dxcd && !_0x708dxce && !_0x708dxcf)) {
        throw new Error('[Color] Invalid color instance and/or values!')
    return {
        r: _0x708dxdb.r + _0x708dxcc,
        g: _0x708dxdb.g + _0x708dxcd,
        b: _0x708dxdb.b + _0x708dxce,
        a: _0x708dxdb.a + _0x708dxcf,
        offset: {
            r: _0x708dxcc,
            g: _0x708dxcd,
            b: _0x708dxce,
            a: _0x708dxcf
color.is_zero = function (_0x708dxd1, _0x708dxdc) {
    if (!color.is_valid(_0x708dxd1)) {
        throw new Error('[Color] Invalid color instance!')
    _0x708dxdc = _0x708dxdc || 0;
    return ((_0x708dxd1.r < _0x708dxdc) && (_0x708dxd1.g < _0x708dxdc) && (_0x708dxd1.b < _0x708dxdc) && (_0x708dxd1.a < _0x708dxdc))
color.is_transparent = function (_0x708dxd1, _0x708dxdc) {
    if (!color.is_valid(_0x708dxd1)) {
        throw new Error('[Color] Invalid color instance!')
    _0x708dxdc = _0x708dxdc || 0;
    return ((_0x708dxd1.a < _0x708dxdc))
color.shift_hue = function (_0x708dxd1, _0x708dxdd) {
    if (!_0x708dxdd || typeof _0x708dxd1.h == 'null' || typeof _0x708dxd1.s == 'null' || typeof _0x708dxd1.l == 'null') {
        throw new Error('[Color] Invalid color instance and/or shift amount!')
    _0x708dxdd += _0x708dxd1.h;
    _0x708dxdd = _0x708dxdd % 360;
    return color.new_hsla(_0x708dxdd, _0x708dxd1.s, _0x708dxd1.l, _0x708dxd1.a)
color.shift_lum = function (_0x708dxd1, _0x708dxdd) {
    if (!_0x708dxdd || typeof _0x708dxd1.h == 'null' || typeof _0x708dxd1.s == 'null' || typeof _0x708dxd1.l == 'null') {
        throw new Error('[Color] Invalid color instance and/or shift amount!')
    _0x708dxdd += _0x708dxd1.l;
    _0x708dxdd = Math.min(_0x708dxdd, 100);
    return color.new_hsla(_0x708dxd1.h, _0x708dxd1.s, _0x708dxdd, _0x708dxd1.a)
var point = {
    _class: 'point'
point.new = function (_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0) {
    const _0x708dxe1 = {
        x: _0x708dxdf,
        y: _0x708dxe0
    return _0x708dxe1
var area = {
    _class: 'area'
area.new = function (_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0, _0x708dxe3, _0x708dxd2) {
    const _0x708dxe4 = {
        x: _0x708dxdf,
        y: _0x708dxe0,
        x2: _0x708dxdf + _0x708dxe3,
        y2: _0x708dxe0 + _0x708dxd2
    return _0x708dxe4
area.in_bounds = function (area, point) {
    return point.x > area.x && point.x < area.x2 && point.y > area.y && point.y < area.y2

function text(_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0, _0x708dxcf, text, color, _0x708dx24) {
    Render.StringCustom(_0x708dxdf + 1, _0x708dxe0 + 1, _0x708dxcf, text, [15, 15, 15, 55], _0x708dx24);
    Render.StringCustom(_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0, _0x708dxcf, text, color, _0x708dx24)

function draw_container(_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0, _0x708dxe3, _0x708dxe7, _0x708dx24, _0x708dxe8) {
    const _0x708dxe9 = menu.get_color(_0x708dxe8);
    const _0x708dxea = color.rgb_to_hsl(color.new_rgba(_0x708dxe9[0], _0x708dxe9[1], _0x708dxe9[2], _0x708dxe9[3]));
    const _0x708dxeb = color.shift_lum(_0x708dxea, 20);
    if (menu.get(rgb)) {
        const _0x708dxec = ((1 / menu.get(rgb_speed)) * globals_frametime()) * 360;
        const _0x708dxed = color.shift_hue(_0x708dxea, _0x708dxec);
        menu.set_color(_0x708dxe8, color.unpack(_0x708dxed))
    const _0x708dxee = color.new_hexa('#FFFFFF', 255);
    const _0x708dxef = color.new_hexa('#28282F', 125);
    render_gradient_rect(_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0, _0x708dxe3 / 2, 2, 1, color.unpack(_0x708dxea), color.unpack(_0x708dxeb));
    render_gradient_rect(_0x708dxdf + _0x708dxe3 / 2, _0x708dxe0, _0x708dxe3 / 2, 2, 1, color.unpack(_0x708dxeb), color.unpack(_0x708dxea));
    render_filled_rect(_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0 + 2, _0x708dxe3, 16, color.unpack(_0x708dxef));
    text(_0x708dxdf + _0x708dxe3 / 2, _0x708dxe0 + 2, 1, _0x708dxe7, color.unpack(_0x708dxee), _0x708dx24)
const windows = menu.call(ui_add_multi_dropdown, 'Darkraicord', 'ca_enable', [
    ['Watermark', 'Spectators', 'Active keybinds', 'Team damage']
const accent = menu.call(ui_add_color_picker, 'Accent color', 'ca_accent', null);
const rgb = menu.call(ui_add_checkbox, 'RGB colors', 'ca_rgbmode', null);
const rgb_speed = menu.call(ui_add_slider_float, 'RGB duration', 'ca_rgbspeed', [1, 5]);
const position = {
    spectators: {
        x: menu.call(ui_add_slider_int, '', 'spectator_pos_x', [0, 2560]),
        y: menu.call(ui_add_slider_int, '', 'spectator_pos_y', [0, 1440])
    keybinds: {
        x: menu.call(ui_add_slider_int, '', 'keybinds_pos_x', [0, 2560]),
        y: menu.call(ui_add_slider_int, '', 'keybinds_pos_y', [0, 1440])
    team_damage: {
        x: menu.call(ui_add_slider_int, '', 'team_damage_pos_x', [0, 2560]),
        y: menu.call(ui_add_slider_int, '', 'team_damage_pos_y', [0, 1440])

function setup_colors() {
    const _0x708dxd0 = color.new_hexa('#DA9F56', 255);
    if (menu.get_color(accent)[3] === 0) {
        menu.set_color(accent, color.unpack(_0x708dxd0))

function handle_menu_visibility() {
    for (var _0x708dxf7 in position) {
        const _0x708dxdf = position[_0x708dxf7].x,
            _0x708dxe0 = position[_0x708dxf7].y;
        menu.visibility(_0x708dxdf, false);
        menu.visibility(_0x708dxe0, false)

function get_spectators() {
    const _0x708dx18 = entity_get_local_player();
    const _0x708dxf9 = entity_get_players();
    var _0x708dxfa = '';
    for (var _0x708dx27 = 0; _0x708dx27 < _0x708dxf9.length; _0x708dx27++) {
        const _0x708dxfb = _0x708dxf9[_0x708dx27];
        const _0x708dxfc = Entity.GetProp(_0x708dxfb, 'CBasePlayer', 'm_hObserverTarget');
        if (_0x708dxfc !== 'm_hObserverTarget') {
            if (_0x708dxfc === _0x708dx18) {
                const _0x708dxc4 = Entity.GetName(_0x708dxfb);
                _0x708dxfa += _0x708dxc4 + `\
    return _0x708dxfa
var modules = {
    _class: 'modules',
    hotkeys: [{
        path: ['Legit', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Enabled'],
        conditions: [
            ['Legit', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Enabled']
        label: 'legit aimbot'
    }, {
        path: ['Legit', 'GENERAL', 'Triggerbot', 'Enabled'],
        conditions: [
            ['Legit', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Enabled']
        label: 'triggerbot'
    }, {
        path: ['Rage', 'GENERAL', 'Resolver override'],
        conditions: [
            ['Rage', 'GENERAL', 'Enabled']
        label: 'resolver override'
    }, {
        path: ['Rage', 'Exploits', 'Hide shots'],
        conditions: [
            ['Rage', 'GENERAL', 'Enabled']
        label: 'hide shots'
    }, {
        path: ['Rage', 'Exploits', 'Doubletap'],
        conditions: [
            ['Rage', 'GENERAL', 'Enabled']
        label: 'doubletap'
    }, {
        path: ['Anti-Aim', 'Legit Anti-Aim', 'Direction key'],
        conditions: [
            ['Legit', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Enabled']
        label: 'anti-aim inverter'
    }, {
        path: ['Anti-Aim', 'Fake angles', 'Inverter'],
        conditions: [
            ['Rage', 'GENERAL', 'Enabled']
        label: 'anti-aim inverter'
    }, {
        path: ['Misc', 'Movement', 'Edge jump'],
        conditions: [
            ['Misc', 'Movement', 'Edge jump']
        label: 'edge jump'
    }, {
        path: ['Misc', 'Movement', 'Auto peek'],
        conditions: [
            ['Misc', 'Movement', 'Auto peek']
        label: 'auto peek'
    damage_dealt: []
modules.watermark = function (_0x708dx24) {
    const _0x708dxfe = function () {
        const text = 'onetap [darkraicord] | ' + cheat_get_username() + ' | ';
        const _0x708dxff = world_get_server_string();
        if (_0x708dxff != '') {
            text += _0x708dxff + ' | delay: ' + Math.round(local_latency() * 1000 - 16) + ' | ' + globals_tickrate() + 'tick | '
        const _0x708dx100 = new Date();
        const _0x708dx101 = _0x708dx100.getHours(),
            _0x708dx102 = _0x708dx100.getMinutes(),
            _0x708dx103 = _0x708dx100.getSeconds();
        const time = (_0x708dx101 < 10 ? '0' + _0x708dx101 : _0x708dx101) + ':' + (_0x708dx102 < 10 ? '0' + _0x708dx102 : _0x708dx102) + ':' + (_0x708dx103 < 10 ? '0' + _0x708dx103 : _0x708dx103);
        text += time;
        return text
    const text = _0x708dxfe();
    const _0x708dx104 = render_text_size_custom(text, _0x708dx24)[0] + 15;
    const _0x708dx105 = render_get_screen_size()[0];
    draw_container(_0x708dx105 - 10 - _0x708dx104, 10, _0x708dx104, text, _0x708dx24, accent)
modules.spectators = function (_0x708dx24) {
    const _0x708dxdf = menu.get(position.spectators.x),
        _0x708dxe0 = menu.get(position.spectators.y);
    const _0x708dxfa = get_spectators();
    const _0x708dx106 = area.new(_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0, 200, 32);
    const _0x708dx107 = point.new(input_get_cursor_position()[0], input_get_cursor_position()[1]);
    draw_container(_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0, 200, 'spectators', _0x708dx24, accent);
    text(_0x708dxdf + 4, _0x708dxe0 + 18, 0, _0x708dxfa, [255, 255, 255, 200], _0x708dx24);
    if (input_is_key_pressed(1)) {
        if (area.in_bounds(_0x708dx106, _0x708dx107)) {
            menu.set(position.spectators.x, _0x708dx107.x - 100);
            menu.set(position.spectators.y, _0x708dx107.y - 10)
modules.keybinds = function (_0x708dx24) {
    const _0x708dxdf = menu.get(position.keybinds.x),
        _0x708dxe0 = menu.get(position.keybinds.y);
    const _0x708dx108 = function () {
        var _0x708dxdb = '';
        for (var _0x708dx27 = 0; _0x708dx27 < modules.hotkeys.length; _0x708dx27++) {
            const _0x708dx109 = modules.hotkeys[_0x708dx27];
            const _0x708dx10a = true;
            for (var _0x708dx10b = 0; _0x708dx10b < _0x708dx109.conditions.length; _0x708dx10b++) {
                const _0x708dx10c = _0x708dx109.conditions[_0x708dx10b];
                _0x708dx10a = _0x708dx10a && ui_get_value.apply(null, _0x708dx10c)
            if (ui_is_hotkey_active.apply(null, _0x708dx109.path) && _0x708dx10a) {
                _0x708dxdb += '[toggled] ' + _0x708dx109.label + `\
        return _0x708dxdb
    const _0x708dx106 = area.new(_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0, 200, 32);
    const _0x708dx107 = point.new(input_get_cursor_position()[0], input_get_cursor_position()[1]);
    draw_container(_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0, 200, 'keybinds', _0x708dx24, accent);
    text(_0x708dxdf + 4, _0x708dxe0 + 18, 0, _0x708dx108(), [255, 255, 255, 200], _0x708dx24);
    if (input_is_key_pressed(1)) {
        if (area.in_bounds(_0x708dx106, _0x708dx107)) {
            menu.set(position.keybinds.x, _0x708dx107.x - 100);
            menu.set(position.keybinds.y, _0x708dx107.y - 10)
modules.team_damage = function (_0x708dx24) {
    const _0x708dxdf = menu.get(position.team_damage.x),
        _0x708dxe0 = menu.get(position.team_damage.y);
    const _0x708dx10d = function () {
        var _0x708dxdb = '';
        for (var _0x708dx10e in modules.damage_dealt) {
            const _0x708dx10f = modules.damage_dealt[_0x708dx10e];
            _0x708dxdb += entity_get_name(parseInt(_0x708dx10e)) + ' | ' + _0x708dx10f
        return _0x708dxdb
    const _0x708dx106 = area.new(_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0, 200, 32);
    const _0x708dx107 = point.new(input_get_cursor_position()[0], input_get_cursor_position()[1]);
    draw_container(_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0, 200, 'team damage', _0x708dx24, accent);
    text(_0x708dxdf + 4, _0x708dxe0 + 18, 0, _0x708dx10d(), [255, 255, 255, 200], _0x708dx24);
    if (input_is_key_pressed(1)) {
        if (area.in_bounds(_0x708dx106, _0x708dx107)) {
            menu.set(position.team_damage.x, _0x708dx107.x - 100);
            menu.set(position.team_damage.y, _0x708dx107.y - 10)

function on_paint() {
    const _0x708dx111 = render_add_font('Segoe UI', 8, 400);
    const _0x708dx112 = menu.get(windows);
    if (_0x708dx112 & (1 << 0)) {
    if (!entity_is_valid(entity_get_local_player())) {
    if (_0x708dx112 & (1 << 1)) {
    if (_0x708dx112 & (1 << 2)) {
    if (_0x708dx112 & (1 << 3)) {

function on_player_damage() {
    const _0x708dx114 = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int('attacker'));
    const _0x708dx115 = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int('userid'));
    const _0x708dx18 = entity_get_local_player();
    if (entity_get_prop(_0x708dx114, 'CBaseEntity', 'm_iTeamNum') == entity_get_prop(_0x708dx115, 'CBaseEntity', 'm_iTeamNum') && entity_get_prop(_0x708dx114, 'CBaseEntity', 'm_iTeamNum') == entity_get_prop(_0x708dx18, 'CBaseEntity', 'm_iTeamNum') && entity_get_prop(_0x708dx115, 'CBaseEntity', 'm_iTeamNum') == entity_get_prop(_0x708dx18, 'CBaseEntity', 'm_iTeamNum')) {
        if (!modules.damage_dealt[_0x708dx114]) {
            modules.damage_dealt[_0x708dx114] = 0
        modules.damage_dealt[_0x708dx114] += event_get_int('dmg_health')

function on_connect() {
    modules.damage_dealt = []
cheat_register_callback('paint', 'on_paint');
cheat_register_callback('player_hurt', 'on_player_damage');
cheat_register_callback('player_connect_full', 'on_connect')
4 Сен 2019
prince1337 not bad
source code by try harder $$

var _0x2e98 = ["Darkrai"
, "papo4ka zol"
, "HimKim"
, "push"
, "indexOf"
, "$ IDEAL YAW $"
, "$ Darkrai\'s IDEAL YAW $"
, "$ Low Delta $"
, "CBasePlayer"
, "m_vecVelocity[0]"
, "sqrt"
, "random"
, "floor"
, "tick_count"
, "cur_time"
, "real"
, "fake"
, "duck_amount"
, "m_flDuckAmount"
, "lby"
, "Misc"
, "shifting"
, "side"
, "debug"
, "Verdana"
, "Calibri"
, "FAKE Real "
, "Spamming "
, "LBY "
, "SIDE "
, "LIMIT "
, "limit"
, "4 REAL "
, "lowdelta "
, "toFixed"
, "AIR? "
, "in_air"
, "CreateMove"
, "create_move"
, "Draw"
, "draw"
, "player_death"
, "Ticks to shift"
, "CCSPlayer"
, "m_nTickBase"
, "m_flNextAttack"
, "CBaseCombatWeapon"
, "m_flNextPrimaryAttack"
, "Information"
, "Restrictions"
, "Anti-Aim"
, "Fake angles"
, "Hide real angle"
, "Rage Anti-Aim"
, "Yaw offset"
, "Extra"
, "Pitch"
, "mai3213n"
, "KEY"
, "length"
, "userid"
, "weapon_fire"
, "on_weapon_fire"
, "player_connect_full"
, "on_player_connect"
, "on_create_move"
, "on_draw"
, "Print"
, "PrintChat"
, "PrintColor"
, "RegisterCallback"
, "ExecuteCommand"
, "FrameStage"
, "Tickcount"
, "Tickrate"
, "TickInterval"
, "Curtime"
, "Realtime"
, "Frametime"
, "Latency"
, "GetViewAngles"
, "SetViewAngles"
, "GetMapName"
, "IsKeyPressed"
, "GetScreenSize"
, "GetCursorPosition"
, "PlaySound"
, "PlayMicrophone"
, "StopMicrophone"
, "GetUsername"
, "SetClanTag"
, "Play"
, "paint"
, "FrameStageNotify"
, "fsn"
, "GetRealYaw"
, "GetFakeYaw"
, "GetSpread"
, "GetInaccuracy"
, "GetServerString"
, "String"
, "TextSize"
, "Line"
, "Rect"
, "FilledRect"
, "GradientRect"
, "Circle"
, "FilledCircle"
, "Polygon"
, "WorldToScreen"
, "AddFont"
, "FindFont"
, "StringCustom"
, "TexturedRect"
, "AddTexture"
, "TextSizeCustom"
, "GetValue"
, "SetValue"
, "AddCheckbox"
, "AddSliderInt"
, "AddSliderFloat"
, "AddHotkey"
, "AddLabel"
, "AddDropdown"
, "AddMultiDropdown"
, "AddColorPicker"
, "AddTextbox"
, "SetEnabled"
, "GetString"
, "GetColor"
, "SetColor"
, "IsHotkeyActive"
, "ToggleHotkey"
, "IsMenuOpen"
, "GetInt"
, "SetInt"
, "GetFloat"
, "SetFloat"
, "SetString"
, "GetEntities"
, "GetEntitiesByClassID"
, "GetPlayers"
, "GetEnemies"
, "GetTeammates"
, "GetLocalPlayer"
, "GetGameRulesProxy"
, "GetEntityFromUserID"
, "IsTeammate"
, "IsEnemy"
, "IsBot"
, "IsLocalPlayer"
, "IsValid"
, "IsAlive"
, "IsDormant"
, "GetClassID"
, "GetClassName"
, "GetName"
, "GetWeapon"
, "GetWeapons"
, "GetRenderOrigin"
, "GetProp"
, "SetProp"
, "GetHitboxPosition"
, "GetEyePosition"
, "Bullet"
, "SetMovement"
, "GetMovement"
, "SetAngles"
, "ForceJump"
, "ForceCrouch"
, "GetOverride"
, "SetOverride"
, "SetRealOffset"
, "SetFakeOffset"
, "SetLBYOffset"
, "GetCharge"
, "Recharge"
, "DisableRecharge"
, "EnableRecharge"
, "OverrideMinimumDamage"
, "OverrideHitchance"
, "OverrideAccuracyBoost"
, "OverrideMultipointScale"
, "ForceSafety"
, "                                                                                  "
, "label"
, "call"
, "[Menu] The label must be unique!"
, "apply"
, "get"
, "[Menu] This element\'s label doesn\'t exist!"
, "name"
, "get_hotkey"
, "get_color"
, "set"
, "set_color"
, "visibility"
, "color"
, "new_rgba"
, "[Color] Invalid color values!"
, "new_hexa"
, "substring"
, "rgb_to_hsl"
, "r"
, "g"
, "b"
, "a"
, "max"
, "min"
, "new_hsla"
, "number"
, "round"
, "is_valid"
, "to_hex"
, "[Color] Invalid color instance!"
, "#"
, "unpack"
, "new_offset"
, "[Color] Invalid color instance and/or values!"
, "is_zero"
, "is_transparent"
, "shift_hue"
, "h"
, "null"
, "s"
, "l"
, "[Color] Invalid color instance and/or shift amount!"
, "shift_lum"
, "point"
, "new"
, "area"
, "in_bounds"
, "x"
, "x2"
, "y"
, "y2"
, "#28282F"
, "Darkraicord"
, "ca_enable"
, "Watermark"
, "Spectators"
, "Active keybinds"
, "Team damage"
, "Accent color"
, "ca_accent"
, "RGB colors"
, "ca_rgbmode"
, "RGB duration"
, "ca_rgbspeed"
, ""
, "spectator_pos_x"
, "spectator_pos_y"
, "keybinds_pos_x"
, "keybinds_pos_y"
, "team_damage_pos_x"
, "team_damage_pos_y"
, "#DA9F56"
, "m_hObserverTarget"
, "\x0A"
, "modules"
, "Legit"
, "General"
, "Enabled"
, "legit aimbot"
, "Triggerbot"
, "triggerbot"
, "Rage"
, "Resolver override"
, "resolver override"
, "Exploits"
, "Hide shots"
, "hide shots"
, "Doubletap"
, "doubletap"
, "Legit Anti-Aim"
, "Direction key"
, "anti-aim inverter"
, "Inverter"
, "Movement"
, "Edge jump"
, "edge jump"
, "Auto peek"
, "auto peek"
, "watermark"
, "onetap [darkraicord] | "
, " | "
, " | delay: "
, "tick | "
, "getHours"
, "getMinutes"
, "getSeconds"
, "0"
, ":"
, "spectators"
, "keybinds"
, "hotkeys"
, "conditions"
, "path"
, "[toggled] "
, "team_damage"
, "damage_dealt"
, "team damage"
, "Segoe UI"
, "attacker"
, "CBaseEntity"
, "m_iTeamNum"
, "dmg_health"
, "on_paint"
, "player_hurt"
, "on_player_damage"
, "on_connect"];


function get_velocity() {
    velocity = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), _0x2e98[8], _0x2e98[9]);
    speed = Math[_0x2e98[10]](velocity[0] * velocity[0] + velocity[1] * velocity[1]);
    return speed

function rand_int(_0x708dx4, _0x708dx5) {
    return Math[_0x2e98[12]](Math[_0x2e98[11]]() * (_0x708dx5 - _0x708dx4 + 1) + _0x708dx4)
var death_angles = [];
var wish = {
    real: 0
    , fake: 0
    , lby: 0
    , side: 0
    , limit: 0
var local = {
    real: 0
    , fake: 0
    , duck_amount: 0
    , shifting: false
    , in_air: false
var globals = {
    tick_count: 0
    , cur_time: 0
    , debug: true

function update() {
    globals[_0x2e98[13]] = Globals.Tickcount();
    globals[_0x2e98[14]] = Globals.Curtime();
    local[_0x2e98[15]] = Math[_0x2e98[12]](Local.GetRealYaw());
    local[_0x2e98[16]] = Math[_0x2e98[12]](Local.GetFakeYaw());
    local[_0x2e98[17]] = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), _0x2e98[8], _0x2e98[18])

function set_wish_angles() {

function adjust_antiaim() {
    if (!UI.GetValue(_0x2e98[20], _0x2e98[7])) {
    if (local[_0x2e98[21]] && get_velocity() > 1.11) {
        wish[_0x2e98[19]] = -140;
        wish[_0x2e98[15]] = globals[_0x2e98[13]] % 2 ? rand_int(-55, -22) : rand_int(22, 55)
    } else {
        if (wish[_0x2e98[22]] == 0) {
            wish[_0x2e98[19]] = 94;
            wish[_0x2e98[15]] = globals[_0x2e98[13]] % 12 ? wish[_0x2e98[15]] : wish[_0x2e98[15]] - 22;
            if (wish[_0x2e98[15]] <= -21) {
                wish[_0x2e98[15]] = 22
            if (wish[_0x2e98[15]] == 14) {
                wish[_0x2e98[15]] = -14
        } else {
            if (wish[_0x2e98[22]] == 1) {
                wish[_0x2e98[19]] = -94;
                wish[_0x2e98[15]] = globals[_0x2e98[13]] % 12 ? wish[_0x2e98[15]] : wish[_0x2e98[15]] + 22;
                if (wish[_0x2e98[15]] >= 21) {
                    wish[_0x2e98[15]] = -22
                if (wish[_0x2e98[15]] == -14) {
                    wish[_0x2e98[15]] = 14

function player_death() {

function create_move() {
    if (!UI.GetValue(_0x2e98[20], _0x2e98[5])) {

function draw() {
    if (!UI.GetValue(_0x2e98[20], _0x2e98[5]) || !globals[_0x2e98[23]]) {
    bestfont = Render.AddFont(_0x2e98[24], 9, 400);
    font = Render.AddFont(_0x2e98[25], 9, 40);
    Render.FilledRect(300, 14, 270, 62, [0, 0, 0, 200]);
    Render.FilledRect(300, 14, 270, 3, [63, 64, 125, 255]);
    Render.StringCustom(943, 545, 0, _0x2e98[26], [235, 116, 52, 255], bestfont);
    Render.StringCustom(943, 555, 0, _0x2e98[27], [232, 151, 252, 255], bestfont);
    Render.StringCustom(301, 12, 0, _0x2e98[28] + wish[_0x2e98[15]], [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(301, 24, 0, _0x2e98[29] + wish[_0x2e98[16]], [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(301, 36, 0, _0x2e98[30] + wish[_0x2e98[19]], [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(301, 48, 0, _0x2e98[31] + wish[_0x2e98[22]], [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(301, 60, 0, _0x2e98[32] + wish[_0x2e98[33]], [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(420, 12, 0, _0x2e98[34] + local[_0x2e98[15]], [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(420, 24, 0, _0x2e98[35] + local[_0x2e98[16]], [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(420, 36, 0, _0x2e98[36] + local[_0x2e98[17]][_0x2e98[37]](1), [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(420, 48, 0, _0x2e98[38] + local[_0x2e98[21]].toString(), [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(420, 60, 0, _0x2e98[39] + local[_0x2e98[40]].toString(), [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
    if (!UI.GetValue(_0x2e98[20], _0x2e98[7])) {
    Render.StringCustom(943, 565, 0, _0x2e98[41], [255, 100, 200, 255], bestfont)
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x2e98[42], _0x2e98[43]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x2e98[44], _0x2e98[45]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x2e98[46], _0x2e98[46]);
UI.AddSliderInt(_0x2e98[47], 1, 16);
dtvalue = UI.GetValue(_0x2e98[47], 1, 16);

function _FrameNetUpdateStart() {}

function Teleport() {
    Teleport = 30(proccesticks);
var time, delay, fillbar, shotsfired;

function can_shift_shot(_0x708dx17) {
    var _0x708dx18 = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    var _0x708dx19 = Entity.GetWeapon(_0x708dx18);
    if (_0x708dx18 == null || _0x708dx19 == null) {
        return false
    var _0x708dx1a = Entity.GetProp(_0x708dx18, _0x2e98[48], _0x2e98[49]);
    var _0x708dx1b = Globals.TickInterval() * (_0x708dx1a - _0x708dx17);
    if (_0x708dx1b < Entity.GetProp(_0x708dx18, _0x2e98[48], _0x2e98[50])) {
        return false
    if (_0x708dx1b < Entity.GetProp(_0x708dx19, _0x2e98[51], _0x2e98[52])) {
        return false
    return true
var restrictions_cache = UI.GetValue(_0x2e98[20], _0x2e98[54], _0x2e98[55], _0x2e98[56]);
var hiderealangle_cache = UI.GetValue(_0x2e98[57], _0x2e98[58], _0x2e98[59]);
var yawoffset_cache = UI.GetValue(_0x2e98[57], _0x2e98[60], _0x2e98[61]);
var pitch_cache = UI.GetValue(_0x2e98[57], _0x2e98[62], _0x2e98[63]);
var isOriginal = true;

function mai3213n() {
    if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x2e98[20], _0x2e98[53])) {
        if (isOriginal) {
            restrictions_cache = UI.GetValue(_0x2e98[20], _0x2e98[54], _0x2e98[55], _0x2e98[56]);
            hiderealangle_cache = UI.GetValue(_0x2e98[57], _0x2e98[58], _0x2e98[59]);
            yawoffset_cache = UI.GetValue(_0x2e98[57], _0x2e98[60], _0x2e98[61]);
            pitch_cache = UI.GetValue(_0x2e98[57], _0x2e98[62], _0x2e98[63]);
            isOriginal = false
        UI.SetValue(_0x2e98[20], _0x2e98[54], _0x2e98[55], _0x2e98[56], 0);
        UI.SetValue(_0x2e98[57], _0x2e98[58], _0x2e98[59], true);
        UI.SetValue(_0x2e98[57], _0x2e98[60], _0x2e98[61], 180);
        UI.SetValue(_0x2e98[57], _0x2e98[62], _0x2e98[63], 0)
    } else {
        if (!isOriginal) {
            UI.SetValue(_0x2e98[20], _0x2e98[54], _0x2e98[55], _0x2e98[56], restrictions_cache);
            UI.SetValue(_0x2e98[57], _0x2e98[58], _0x2e98[59], hiderealangle_cache);
            UI.SetValue(_0x2e98[57], _0x2e98[60], _0x2e98[61], yawoffset_cache);
            UI.SetValue(_0x2e98[57], _0x2e98[62], _0x2e98[63], pitch_cache);
            isOriginal = true
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x2e98[42], _0x2e98[64]);
var last_shot_time = [];

function on_draw() {
    if (!UI.GetValue(_0x2e98[20], _0x2e98[65]) || !UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x2e98[20], _0x2e98[66])) {
    var _0x708dx24 = Render.AddFont(_0x2e98[25], 30, 700);
    Render.StringCustom(100, 500, 25, _0x2e98[67], [255, 255, 255, 255], _0x708dx24)

function on_create_move() {
    if (!UI.GetValue(_0x2e98[20], _0x2e98[65]) || !UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x2e98[20], _0x2e98[66])) {
    var local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    if (!Entity.IsAlive(local)) {
    var _0x708dx26 = Entity.GetEnemies();
    for (var _0x708dx27 = 0; _0x708dx27 < _0x708dx26[_0x2e98[68]]; _0x708dx27++) {
        var _0x708dx28 = _0x708dx26[_0x708dx27];
        var _0x708dx29 = Globals.Tickcount() - last_shot_time[_0x708dx28];
        var _0x708dx2a = _0x708dx29 >= 0 && _0x708dx29 <= 12;
        if (!_0x708dx2a) {

function on_weapon_fire() {
    var _0x708dx2c = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt(_0x2e98[69]));
    last_shot_time[_0x708dx2c] = Globals.Tickcount()

function on_player_connect() {
    var _0x708dx2e = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt(_0x2e98[69]));
    if (_0x708dx2e == Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) {
        last_shot_time = []
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x2e98[70], _0x2e98[71]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x2e98[72], _0x2e98[73]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x2e98[42], _0x2e98[74]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x2e98[44], _0x2e98[75]);
const global_print = Global[_0x2e98[76]]
    , global_print_chat = Global[_0x2e98[77]]
    , global_print_color = Global[_0x2e98[78]]
    , global_register_callback = Global[_0x2e98[79]]
    , global_execute_command = Global[_0x2e98[80]]
    , global_frame_stage = Global[_0x2e98[81]]
    , global_tickcount = Global[_0x2e98[82]]
    , global_tickrate = Global[_0x2e98[83]]
    , global_tick_interval = Global[_0x2e98[84]]
    , global_curtime = Global[_0x2e98[85]]
    , global_realtime = Global[_0x2e98[86]]
    , global_frametime = Global[_0x2e98[87]]
    , global_latency = Global[_0x2e98[88]]
    , global_get_view_angles = Global[_0x2e98[89]]
    , global_set_view_angles = Global[_0x2e98[90]]
    , global_get_map_name = Global[_0x2e98[91]]
    , global_is_key_pressed = Global[_0x2e98[92]]
    , global_get_screen_size = Global[_0x2e98[93]]
    , global_get_cursor_position = Global[_0x2e98[94]]
    , global_play_sound = Global[_0x2e98[95]]
    , global_play_microphone = Global[_0x2e98[96]]
    , global_stop_microphone = Global[_0x2e98[97]]
    , global_get_username = Global[_0x2e98[98]]
    , global_set_clan_tag = Global[_0x2e98[99]]
    , globals_tickcount = Globals[_0x2e98[82]]
    , globals_tickrate = Globals[_0x2e98[83]]
    , globals_tick_interval = Globals[_0x2e98[84]]
    , globals_curtime = Globals[_0x2e98[85]]
    , globals_realtime = Globals[_0x2e98[86]]
    , globals_frametime = Globals[_0x2e98[87]]
    , sound_play = Sound[_0x2e98[100]]
    , sound_play_microphone = Sound[_0x2e98[96]]
    , sound_stop_microphone = Sound[_0x2e98[97]]
    , cheat_get_username = Cheat[_0x2e98[98]]
    , cheat_register_callback = cheat_register_callback = new Proxy(Cheat.RegisterCallback, {
        apply: function (_0x708dxbd, _0x708dxbd, _0x708dxbe) {
            switch (_0x708dxbe[0]) {
            case _0x2e98[101]:
                Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x2e98[44], _0x708dxbe[1]);
            case _0x2e98[43]:
                Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x2e98[42], _0x708dxbe[1]);
            case _0x2e98[103]:
                Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x2e98[102], _0x708dxbe[1]);
                Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x708dxbe[0], _0x708dxbe[1]);
    , cheat_execute_command = Cheat[_0x2e98[80]]
    , cheat_frame_stage = Cheat[_0x2e98[81]]
    , cheat_print = Cheat[_0x2e98[76]]
    , cheat_print_chat = Cheat[_0x2e98[77]]
    , cheat_print_color = Cheat[_0x2e98[78]]
    , local_latency = Local[_0x2e98[88]]
    , local_get_view_angles = Local[_0x2e98[89]]
    , local_set_view_angles = Local[_0x2e98[90]]
    , local_set_clan_tag = Local[_0x2e98[99]]
    , local_get_real_yaw = Local[_0x2e98[104]]
    , local_get_fake_yaw = Local[_0x2e98[105]]
    , local_get_spread = Local[_0x2e98[106]]
    , local_get_inaccuracy = Local[_0x2e98[107]]
    , world_get_map_name = World[_0x2e98[91]]
    , world_get_server_string = World[_0x2e98[108]]
    , input_get_cursor_position = Input[_0x2e98[94]]
    , input_is_key_pressed = Input[_0x2e98[92]]
    , render_string = Render[_0x2e98[109]]
    , render_text_size = Render[_0x2e98[110]]
    , render_line = Render[_0x2e98[111]]
    , render_rect = Render[_0x2e98[112]]
    , render_filled_rect = Render[_0x2e98[113]]
    , render_gradient_rect = Render[_0x2e98[114]]
    , render_circle = Render[_0x2e98[115]]
    , render_filled_circle = Render[_0x2e98[116]]
    , render_polygon = Render[_0x2e98[117]]
    , render_world_to_screen = Render[_0x2e98[118]]
    , render_add_font = Render[_0x2e98[119]]
    , render_find_font = Render[_0x2e98[120]]
    , render_string_custom = Render[_0x2e98[121]]
    , render_textured_rect = Render[_0x2e98[122]]
    , render_add_texture = Render[_0x2e98[123]]
    , render_text_size_custom = Render[_0x2e98[124]]
    , render_get_screen_size = Render[_0x2e98[93]]
    , ui_get_value = UI[_0x2e98[125]]
    , ui_set_value = UI[_0x2e98[126]]
    , ui_add_checkbox = UI[_0x2e98[127]]
    , ui_add_slider_int = UI[_0x2e98[128]]
    , ui_add_slider_float = UI[_0x2e98[129]]
    , ui_add_hotkey = UI[_0x2e98[130]]
    , ui_add_label = UI[_0x2e98[131]]
    , ui_add_dropdown = UI[_0x2e98[132]]
    , ui_add_multi_dropdown = UI[_0x2e98[133]]
    , ui_add_color_picker = UI[_0x2e98[134]]
    , ui_add_textbox = UI[_0x2e98[135]]
    , ui_set_enabled = UI[_0x2e98[136]]
    , ui_get_string = UI[_0x2e98[137]]
    , ui_get_color = UI[_0x2e98[138]]
    , ui_set_color = UI[_0x2e98[139]]
    , ui_is_hotkey_active = UI[_0x2e98[140]]
    , ui_toggle_hotkey = UI[_0x2e98[141]]
    , ui_is_menu_open = UI[_0x2e98[142]]
    , convar_get_int = Convar[_0x2e98[143]]
    , convar_set_int = Convar[_0x2e98[144]]
    , convar_get_float = Convar[_0x2e98[145]]
    , convar_set_float = Convar[_0x2e98[146]]
    , convar_get_string = Convar[_0x2e98[137]]
    , convar_set_string = Convar[_0x2e98[147]]
    , event_get_int = Event[_0x2e98[143]]
    , event_get_float = Event[_0x2e98[145]]
    , event_get_string = Event[_0x2e98[137]]
    , entity_get_entities = Entity[_0x2e98[148]]
    , entity_get_entities_by_class_i_d = Entity[_0x2e98[149]]
    , entity_get_players = Entity[_0x2e98[150]]
    , entity_get_enemies = Entity[_0x2e98[151]]
    , entity_get_teammates = Entity[_0x2e98[152]]
    , entity_get_local_player = Entity[_0x2e98[153]]
    , entity_get_game_rules_proxy = Entity[_0x2e98[154]]
    , entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d = Entity[_0x2e98[155]]
    , entity_is_teammate = Entity[_0x2e98[156]]
    , entity_is_enemy = Entity[_0x2e98[157]]
    , entity_is_bot = Entity[_0x2e98[158]]
    , entity_is_local_player = Entity[_0x2e98[159]]
    , entity_is_valid = Entity[_0x2e98[160]]
    , entity_is_alive = Entity[_0x2e98[161]]
    , entity_is_dormant = Entity[_0x2e98[162]]
    , entity_get_class_i_d = Entity[_0x2e98[163]]
    , entity_get_class_name = Entity[_0x2e98[164]]
    , entity_get_name = Entity[_0x2e98[165]]
    , entity_get_weapon = Entity[_0x2e98[166]]
    , entity_get_weapons = Entity[_0x2e98[167]]
    , entity_get_render_origin = Entity[_0x2e98[168]]
    , entity_get_prop = Entity[_0x2e98[169]]
    , entity_set_prop = Entity[_0x2e98[170]]
    , entity_get_hitbox_position = Entity[_0x2e98[171]]
    , entity_get_eye_position = Entity[_0x2e98[172]]
    , trace_line = Trace[_0x2e98[111]]
    , trace_bullet = Trace[_0x2e98[173]]
    , usercmd_set_movement = UserCMD[_0x2e98[174]]
    , usercmd_get_movement = UserCMD[_0x2e98[175]]
    , usercmd_set_angles = UserCMD[_0x2e98[176]]
    , usercmd_force_jump = UserCMD[_0x2e98[177]]
    , usercmd_force_crouch = UserCMD[_0x2e98[178]]
    , antiaim_get_override = AntiAim[_0x2e98[179]]
    , antiaim_set_override = AntiAim[_0x2e98[180]]
    , antiaim_set_real_offset = AntiAim[_0x2e98[181]]
    , antiaim_set_fake_offset = AntiAim[_0x2e98[182]]
    , antiaim_set_l_b_y_offset = AntiAim[_0x2e98[183]]
    , exploit_get_charge = Exploit[_0x2e98[184]]
    , exploit_recharge = Exploit[_0x2e98[185]]
    , exploit_disable_recharge = Exploit[_0x2e98[186]]
    , exploit_enable_recharge = Exploit[_0x2e98[187]]
    , ragebot_override_minimum_damage = Ragebot[_0x2e98[188]]
    , ragebot_override_hitchance = Ragebot[_0x2e98[189]]
    , ragebot_override_accuracy_boost = Ragebot[_0x2e98[190]]
    , ragebot_override_multipoint_scale = Ragebot[_0x2e98[191]]
    , ragebot_force_safety = Ragebot[_0x2e98[192]];
var menu_elements_t = [];
var menu = [];
const menu_spacer = _0x2e98[193];
menu[_0x2e98[194]] = function (_0x708dxc2) {
menu[_0x2e98[195]] = function (_0x708dxc3, _0x708dxc4, _0x708dxc2, _0x708dxc5) {
    if (_0x708dxc2 in menu_elements_t) {
        throw new Error(_0x2e98[196])
    const _0x708dxc6 = _0x708dxc4 + menu_spacer + _0x708dxc2;
    var _0x708dxc7 = [_0x708dxc6];
    const _0x708dxc8 = {
        name: _0x708dxc4
        , label: _0x708dxc2
        , properties: _0x708dxc5
    if (_0x708dxc5 !== null) {
        for (var _0x708dx27 = 0; _0x708dx27 < _0x708dxc5[_0x2e98[68]]; _0x708dx27++) {
    _0x708dxc3[_0x2e98[197]](null, _0x708dxc7);
    menu_elements_t[_0x708dxc2] = _0x708dxc8;
    return _0x708dxc2
menu[_0x2e98[198]] = function (_0x708dxc2) {
    if (!(_0x708dxc2 in menu_elements_t)) {
        throw new Error(_0x2e98[199])
    const _0x708dxc5 = menu_elements_t[_0x708dxc2];
    const _0x708dxc6 = _0x708dxc5[_0x2e98[200]] + menu_spacer + _0x708dxc5[_0x2e98[194]];
    return UI.GetValue(_0x2e98[20], _0x708dxc6)
menu[_0x2e98[201]] = function (_0x708dxc2) {
    if (!(_0x708dxc2 in menu_elements_t)) {
        throw new Error(_0x2e98[199])
    const _0x708dxc5 = menu_elements_t[_0x708dxc2];
    const _0x708dxc6 = _0x708dxc5[_0x2e98[200]] + menu_spacer + _0x708dxc5[_0x2e98[194]];
    return UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x2e98[20], _0x708dxc6)
menu[_0x2e98[202]] = function (_0x708dxc2) {
    if (!(_0x708dxc2 in menu_elements_t)) {
        throw new Error(_0x2e98[199])
    const _0x708dxc5 = menu_elements_t[_0x708dxc2];
    const _0x708dxc6 = _0x708dxc5[_0x2e98[200]] + menu_spacer + _0x708dxc5[_0x2e98[194]];
    return UI.GetColor(_0x2e98[20], _0x708dxc6)
menu[_0x2e98[203]] = function (_0x708dxc2, _0x708dxc9) {
    if (!(_0x708dxc2 in menu_elements_t)) {
        throw new Error(_0x2e98[199])
    const _0x708dxc5 = menu_elements_t[_0x708dxc2];
    const _0x708dxc6 = _0x708dxc5[_0x2e98[200]] + menu_spacer + _0x708dxc5[_0x2e98[194]];
    UI.SetValue(_0x2e98[20], _0x708dxc6, _0x708dxc9)
menu[_0x2e98[204]] = function (_0x708dxc2, color) {
    if (!(_0x708dxc2 in menu_elements_t)) {
        throw new Error(_0x2e98[199])
    const _0x708dxc5 = menu_elements_t[_0x708dxc2];
    const _0x708dxc6 = _0x708dxc5[_0x2e98[200]] + menu_spacer + _0x708dxc5[_0x2e98[194]];
    UI.SetColor(_0x2e98[20], _0x708dxc6, color)
menu[_0x2e98[205]] = function (_0x708dxc2, _0x708dxcb) {
    if (!(_0x708dxc2 in menu_elements_t)) {
        throw new Error(_0x2e98[199])
    const _0x708dxc5 = menu_elements_t[_0x708dxc2];
    const _0x708dxc6 = _0x708dxc5[_0x2e98[200]] + menu_spacer + _0x708dxc5[_0x2e98[194]];
    UI.SetEnabled(_0x2e98[20], _0x708dxc6, _0x708dxcb)
var color = {
    _class: _0x2e98[206]
color[_0x2e98[207]] = function (_0x708dxcc, _0x708dxcd, _0x708dxce, _0x708dxcf) {
    if (!_0x708dxcc || !_0x708dxcd || !_0x708dxce || !_0x708dxcf) {
        throw new Error(_0x2e98[208])
    return {
        r: _0x708dxcc
        , g: _0x708dxcd
        , b: _0x708dxce
        , a: _0x708dxcf
color[_0x2e98[209]] = function (_0x708dxd0, _0x708dxcf) {
    if (!_0x708dxd0 || !_0x708dxcf) {
        throw new Error(_0x2e98[208])
    var _0x708dxcc, _0x708dxcd, _0x708dxce;
    if (_0x708dxd0[_0x2e98[68]] > 6) {
        _0x708dxcc = parseInt(_0x708dxd0[_0x2e98[210]](1, 3), 16);
        _0x708dxcd = parseInt(_0x708dxd0[_0x2e98[210]](3, 5), 16);
        _0x708dxce = parseInt(_0x708dxd0[_0x2e98[210]](5, 7), 16)
    } else {
        _0x708dxcc = parseInt(_0x708dxd0[_0x2e98[210]](0, 2), 16);
        _0x708dxcd = parseInt(_0x708dxd0[_0x2e98[210]](2, 4), 16);
        _0x708dxce = parseInt(_0x708dxd0[_0x2e98[210]](4, 6), 16)
    return {
        r: _0x708dxcc
        , g: _0x708dxcd
        , b: _0x708dxce
        , a: _0x708dxcf
        , hex: _0x708dxd0
color[_0x2e98[211]] = function (_0x708dxd1) {
    var _0x708dxcc = _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[212]]
        , _0x708dxcd = _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[213]]
        , _0x708dxce = _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[214]]
        , _0x708dxcf = _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[215]];
    _0x708dxcc /= 255, _0x708dxcd /= 255, _0x708dxce /= 255;
    var _0x708dx5 = Math[_0x2e98[216]](_0x708dxcc, _0x708dxcd, _0x708dxce)
        , _0x708dx4 = Math[_0x2e98[217]](_0x708dxcc, _0x708dxcd, _0x708dxce);
    var _0x708dxd2, _0x708dxd3, _0x708dxd4 = (_0x708dx5 + _0x708dx4) / 2;
    if (_0x708dx5 == _0x708dx4) {
        _0x708dxd2 = _0x708dxd3 = 0
    } else {
        var _0x708dxd5 = _0x708dx5 - _0x708dx4;
        _0x708dxd3 = _0x708dxd4 > 0.5 ? _0x708dxd5 / (2 - _0x708dx5 - _0x708dx4) : _0x708dxd5 / (_0x708dx5 + _0x708dx4);
        switch (_0x708dx5) {
        case _0x708dxcc:
            _0x708dxd2 = (_0x708dxcd - _0x708dxce) / _0x708dxd5 + (_0x708dxcd < _0x708dxce ? 6 : 0);
        case _0x708dxcd:
            _0x708dxd2 = (_0x708dxce - _0x708dxcc) / _0x708dxd5 + 2;
        case _0x708dxce:
            _0x708dxd2 = (_0x708dxcc - _0x708dxcd) / _0x708dxd5 + 4;
        _0x708dxd2 /= 6
    return {
        r: _0x708dxcc * 255
        , g: _0x708dxcd * 255
        , b: _0x708dxce * 255
        , h: _0x708dxd2 * 360
        , s: _0x708dxd3 * 100
        , l: _0x708dxd4 * 100
        , a: _0x708dxcf
color[_0x2e98[218]] = function (_0x708dxd2, _0x708dxd3, _0x708dxd4, _0x708dxcf) {
    if (typeof _0x708dxd2 != _0x2e98[219] || typeof _0x708dxd3 != _0x2e98[219] || typeof _0x708dxd4 != _0x2e98[219] || typeof _0x708dxcf != _0x2e98[219]) {
        throw new Error(_0x2e98[208])
    var _0x708dxcc, _0x708dxcd, _0x708dxce;
    _0x708dxd2 /= 360;
    _0x708dxd3 /= 100;
    _0x708dxd4 /= 100;
    if (_0x708dxd3 === 0) {
        _0x708dxcc = _0x708dxcd = _0x708dxce = _0x708dxd4
    } else {
        var _0x708dxd6 = function (_0x708dxd7, _0x708dxd8, _0x708dxd9) {
            if (_0x708dxd9 < 0) {
                _0x708dxd9 += 1
            if (_0x708dxd9 > 1) {
                _0x708dxd9 -= 1
            if (_0x708dxd9 < 1 / 6) {
                return _0x708dxd7 + (_0x708dxd8 - _0x708dxd7) * 6 * _0x708dxd9
            if (_0x708dxd9 < 1 / 2) {
                return _0x708dxd8
            if (_0x708dxd9 < 2 / 3) {
                return _0x708dxd7 + (_0x708dxd8 - _0x708dxd7) * (2 / 3 - _0x708dxd9) * 6
            return _0x708dxd7
        var _0x708dxd8 = _0x708dxd4 < 0.5 ? _0x708dxd4 * (1 + _0x708dxd3) : _0x708dxd4 + _0x708dxd3 - _0x708dxd4 * _0x708dxd3;
        var _0x708dxd7 = 2 * _0x708dxd4 - _0x708dxd8;
        _0x708dxcc = Math[_0x2e98[220]](_0x708dxd6(_0x708dxd7, _0x708dxd8, _0x708dxd2 + 1 / 3) * 255);
        _0x708dxcd = Math[_0x2e98[220]](_0x708dxd6(_0x708dxd7, _0x708dxd8, _0x708dxd2) * 255);
        _0x708dxce = Math[_0x2e98[220]](_0x708dxd6(_0x708dxd7, _0x708dxd8, _0x708dxd2 - 1 / 3) * 255)
    return {
        r: _0x708dxcc
        , g: _0x708dxcd
        , b: _0x708dxce
        , a: _0x708dxcf
        , h: _0x708dxd2
        , s: _0x708dxd3
        , l: _0x708dxd4
color[_0x2e98[221]] = function (_0x708dxd1) {
    return ((_0x708dxd1 instanceof Array) && _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[212]] && _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[213]] && _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[214]] && _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[215]])
color[_0x2e98[222]] = function (_0x708dxd1) {
    if (!color[_0x2e98[221]](_0x708dxd1)) {
        throw new Error(_0x2e98[223])
    var _0x708dxda = _0x2e98[224];
    _0x708dxda += _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[212]].toString(16);
    _0x708dxda += _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[213]].toString(16);
    _0x708dxda += _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[214]].toString(16);
    return _0x708dxda
color[_0x2e98[225]] = function (_0x708dxd1) {
    return [_0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[212]], _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[213]], _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[214]], _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[215]]]
color[_0x2e98[226]] = function (_0x708dxdb, _0x708dxcc, _0x708dxcd, _0x708dxce, _0x708dxcf) {
    if (!color[_0x2e98[221]](self) || (!_0x708dxcc && !_0x708dxcd && !_0x708dxce && !_0x708dxcf)) {
        throw new Error(_0x2e98[227])
    return {
        r: _0x708dxdb[_0x2e98[212]] + _0x708dxcc
        , g: _0x708dxdb[_0x2e98[213]] + _0x708dxcd
        , b: _0x708dxdb[_0x2e98[214]] + _0x708dxce
        , a: _0x708dxdb[_0x2e98[215]] + _0x708dxcf
        , offset: {
            r: _0x708dxcc
            , g: _0x708dxcd
            , b: _0x708dxce
            , a: _0x708dxcf
color[_0x2e98[228]] = function (_0x708dxd1, _0x708dxdc) {
    if (!color[_0x2e98[221]](_0x708dxd1)) {
        throw new Error(_0x2e98[223])
    _0x708dxdc = _0x708dxdc || 0;
    return ((_0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[212]] < _0x708dxdc) && (_0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[213]] < _0x708dxdc) && (_0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[214]] < _0x708dxdc) && (_0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[215]] < _0x708dxdc))
color[_0x2e98[229]] = function (_0x708dxd1, _0x708dxdc) {
    if (!color[_0x2e98[221]](_0x708dxd1)) {
        throw new Error(_0x2e98[223])
    _0x708dxdc = _0x708dxdc || 0;
    return ((_0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[215]] < _0x708dxdc))
color[_0x2e98[230]] = function (_0x708dxd1, _0x708dxdd) {
    if (!_0x708dxdd || typeof _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[231]] == _0x2e98[232] || typeof _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[233]] == _0x2e98[232] || typeof _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[234]] == _0x2e98[232]) {
        throw new Error(_0x2e98[235])
    _0x708dxdd += _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[231]];
    _0x708dxdd = _0x708dxdd % 360;
    return color[_0x2e98[218]](_0x708dxdd, _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[233]], _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[234]], _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[215]])
color[_0x2e98[236]] = function (_0x708dxd1, _0x708dxdd) {
    if (!_0x708dxdd || typeof _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[231]] == _0x2e98[232] || typeof _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[233]] == _0x2e98[232] || typeof _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[234]] == _0x2e98[232]) {
        throw new Error(_0x2e98[235])
    _0x708dxdd += _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[234]];
    _0x708dxdd = Math[_0x2e98[217]](_0x708dxdd, 100);
    return color[_0x2e98[218]](_0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[231]], _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[233]], _0x708dxdd, _0x708dxd1[_0x2e98[215]])
var point = {
    _class: _0x2e98[237]
point[_0x2e98[238]] = function (_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0) {
    const _0x708dxe1 = {
        x: _0x708dxdf
        , y: _0x708dxe0
    return _0x708dxe1
var area = {
    _class: _0x2e98[239]
area[_0x2e98[238]] = function (_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0, _0x708dxe3, _0x708dxd2) {
    const _0x708dxe4 = {
        x: _0x708dxdf
        , y: _0x708dxe0
        , x2: _0x708dxdf + _0x708dxe3
        , y2: _0x708dxe0 + _0x708dxd2
    return _0x708dxe4
area[_0x2e98[240]] = function (area, point) {
    return point[_0x2e98[241]] > area[_0x2e98[241]] && point[_0x2e98[241]] < area[_0x2e98[242]] && point[_0x2e98[243]] > area[_0x2e98[243]] && point[_0x2e98[243]] < area[_0x2e98[244]]

function text(_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0, _0x708dxcf, text, color, _0x708dx24) {
    Render.StringCustom(_0x708dxdf + 1, _0x708dxe0 + 1, _0x708dxcf, text, [15, 15, 15, 55], _0x708dx24);
    Render.StringCustom(_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0, _0x708dxcf, text, color, _0x708dx24)

function draw_container(_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0, _0x708dxe3, _0x708dxe7, _0x708dx24, _0x708dxe8) {
    const _0x708dxe9 = menu[_0x2e98[202]](_0x708dxe8);
    const _0x708dxea = color[_0x2e98[211]](color[_0x2e98[207]](_0x708dxe9[0], _0x708dxe9[1], _0x708dxe9[2], _0x708dxe9[3]));
    const _0x708dxeb = color[_0x2e98[236]](_0x708dxea, 20);
    if (menu[_0x2e98[198]](rgb)) {
        const _0x708dxec = ((1 / menu[_0x2e98[198]](rgb_speed)) * globals_frametime()) * 360;
        const _0x708dxed = color[_0x2e98[230]](_0x708dxea, _0x708dxec);
        menu[_0x2e98[204]](_0x708dxe8, color[_0x2e98[225]](_0x708dxed))
    const _0x708dxee = color[_0x2e98[209]](_0x2e98[245], 255);
    const _0x708dxef = color[_0x2e98[209]](_0x2e98[246], 125);
    render_gradient_rect(_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0, _0x708dxe3 / 2, 2, 1, color[_0x2e98[225]](_0x708dxea), color[_0x2e98[225]](_0x708dxeb));
    render_gradient_rect(_0x708dxdf + _0x708dxe3 / 2, _0x708dxe0, _0x708dxe3 / 2, 2, 1, color[_0x2e98[225]](_0x708dxeb), color[_0x2e98[225]](_0x708dxea));
    render_filled_rect(_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0 + 2, _0x708dxe3, 16, color[_0x2e98[225]](_0x708dxef));
    text(_0x708dxdf + _0x708dxe3 / 2, _0x708dxe0 + 2, 1, _0x708dxe7, color[_0x2e98[225]](_0x708dxee), _0x708dx24)
const windows = menu[_0x2e98[195]](ui_add_multi_dropdown, _0x2e98[247], _0x2e98[248], [[_0x2e98[249], _0x2e98[250], _0x2e98[251], _0x2e98[252]]]);
const accent = menu[_0x2e98[195]](ui_add_color_picker, _0x2e98[253], _0x2e98[254], null);
const rgb = menu[_0x2e98[195]](ui_add_checkbox, _0x2e98[255], _0x2e98[256], null);
const rgb_speed = menu[_0x2e98[195]](ui_add_slider_float, _0x2e98[257], _0x2e98[258], [1, 5]);
const position = {
    spectators: {
        x: menu[_0x2e98[195]](ui_add_slider_int, _0x2e98[259], _0x2e98[260], [0, 2560])
        , y: menu[_0x2e98[195]](ui_add_slider_int, _0x2e98[259], _0x2e98[261], [0, 1440])
    , keybinds: {
        x: menu[_0x2e98[195]](ui_add_slider_int, _0x2e98[259], _0x2e98[262], [0, 2560])
        , y: menu[_0x2e98[195]](ui_add_slider_int, _0x2e98[259], _0x2e98[263], [0, 1440])
    , team_damage: {
        x: menu[_0x2e98[195]](ui_add_slider_int, _0x2e98[259], _0x2e98[264], [0, 2560])
        , y: menu[_0x2e98[195]](ui_add_slider_int, _0x2e98[259], _0x2e98[265], [0, 1440])

function setup_colors() {
    const _0x708dxd0 = color[_0x2e98[209]](_0x2e98[266], 255);
    if (menu[_0x2e98[202]](accent)[3] === 0) {
        menu[_0x2e98[204]](accent, color[_0x2e98[225]](_0x708dxd0))

function handle_menu_visibility() {
    for (var _0x708dxf7 in position) {
        const _0x708dxdf = position[_0x708dxf7][_0x2e98[241]]
            , _0x708dxe0 = position[_0x708dxf7][_0x2e98[243]];
        menu[_0x2e98[205]](_0x708dxdf, false);
        menu[_0x2e98[205]](_0x708dxe0, false)

function get_spectators() {
    const _0x708dx18 = entity_get_local_player();
    const _0x708dxf9 = entity_get_players();
    var _0x708dxfa = _0x2e98[259];
    for (var _0x708dx27 = 0; _0x708dx27 < _0x708dxf9[_0x2e98[68]]; _0x708dx27++) {
        const _0x708dxfb = _0x708dxf9[_0x708dx27];
        const _0x708dxfc = Entity.GetProp(_0x708dxfb, _0x2e98[8], _0x2e98[267]);
        if (_0x708dxfc !== _0x2e98[267]) {
            if (_0x708dxfc === _0x708dx18) {
                const _0x708dxc4 = Entity.GetName(_0x708dxfb);
                _0x708dxfa += _0x708dxc4 + _0x2e98[268]
    return _0x708dxfa
var modules = {
    _class: _0x2e98[269]
    , hotkeys: [{
        path: [_0x2e98[270], _0x2e98[271], _0x2e98[272], _0x2e98[273]]
        , conditions: [[_0x2e98[270], _0x2e98[271], _0x2e98[272], _0x2e98[273]]]
        , label: _0x2e98[274]
    }, {
        path: [_0x2e98[270], _0x2e98[271], _0x2e98[275], _0x2e98[273]]
        , conditions: [[_0x2e98[270], _0x2e98[271], _0x2e98[272], _0x2e98[273]]]
        , label: _0x2e98[276]
    }, {
        path: [_0x2e98[277], _0x2e98[271], _0x2e98[278]]
        , conditions: [[_0x2e98[277], _0x2e98[271], _0x2e98[273]]]
        , label: _0x2e98[279]
    }, {
        path: [_0x2e98[277], _0x2e98[280], _0x2e98[281]]
        , conditions: [[_0x2e98[277], _0x2e98[271], _0x2e98[273]]]
        , label: _0x2e98[282]
    }, {
        path: [_0x2e98[277], _0x2e98[280], _0x2e98[283]]
        , conditions: [[_0x2e98[277], _0x2e98[271], _0x2e98[273]]]
        , label: _0x2e98[284]
    }, {
        path: [_0x2e98[57], _0x2e98[285], _0x2e98[286]]
        , conditions: [[_0x2e98[270], _0x2e98[271], _0x2e98[272], _0x2e98[273]]]
        , label: _0x2e98[287]
    }, {
        path: [_0x2e98[57], _0x2e98[58], _0x2e98[288]]
        , conditions: [[_0x2e98[277], _0x2e98[271], _0x2e98[273]]]
        , label: _0x2e98[287]
    }, {
        path: [_0x2e98[20], _0x2e98[289], _0x2e98[290]]
        , conditions: [[_0x2e98[20], _0x2e98[289], _0x2e98[290]]]
        , label: _0x2e98[291]
    }, {
        path: [_0x2e98[20], _0x2e98[289], _0x2e98[292]]
        , conditions: [[_0x2e98[20], _0x2e98[289], _0x2e98[292]]]
        , label: _0x2e98[293]
    , damage_dealt: []
modules[_0x2e98[294]] = function (_0x708dx24) {
    const _0x708dxfe = function () {
        const text = _0x2e98[295] + cheat_get_username() + _0x2e98[296];
        const _0x708dxff = world_get_server_string();
        if (_0x708dxff != _0x2e98[259]) {
            text += _0x708dxff + _0x2e98[297] + Math[_0x2e98[220]](local_latency() * 1000 - 16) + _0x2e98[296] + globals_tickrate() + _0x2e98[298]
        const _0x708dx100 = new Date();
        const _0x708dx101 = _0x708dx100[_0x2e98[299]]()
            , _0x708dx102 = _0x708dx100[_0x2e98[300]]()
            , _0x708dx103 = _0x708dx100[_0x2e98[301]]();
        const time = (_0x708dx101 < 10 ? _0x2e98[302] + _0x708dx101 : _0x708dx101) + _0x2e98[303] + (_0x708dx102 < 10 ? _0x2e98[302] + _0x708dx102 : _0x708dx102) + _0x2e98[303] + (_0x708dx103 < 10 ? _0x2e98[302] + _0x708dx103 : _0x708dx103);
        text += time;
        return text
    const text = _0x708dxfe();
    const _0x708dx104 = render_text_size_custom(text, _0x708dx24)[0] + 15;
    const _0x708dx105 = render_get_screen_size()[0];
    draw_container(_0x708dx105 - 10 - _0x708dx104, 10, _0x708dx104, text, _0x708dx24, accent)
modules[_0x2e98[304]] = function (_0x708dx24) {
    const _0x708dxdf = menu[_0x2e98[198]](position[_0x2e98[304]][_0x2e98[241]])
        , _0x708dxe0 = menu[_0x2e98[198]](position[_0x2e98[304]][_0x2e98[243]]);
    const _0x708dxfa = get_spectators();
    const _0x708dx106 = area[_0x2e98[238]](_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0, 200, 32);
    const _0x708dx107 = point[_0x2e98[238]](input_get_cursor_position()[0], input_get_cursor_position()[1]);
    draw_container(_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0, 200, _0x2e98[304], _0x708dx24, accent);
    text(_0x708dxdf + 4, _0x708dxe0 + 18, 0, _0x708dxfa, [255, 255, 255, 200], _0x708dx24);
    if (input_is_key_pressed(1)) {
        if (area[_0x2e98[240]](_0x708dx106, _0x708dx107)) {
            menu[_0x2e98[203]](position[_0x2e98[304]][_0x2e98[241]], _0x708dx107[_0x2e98[241]] - 100);
            menu[_0x2e98[203]](position[_0x2e98[304]][_0x2e98[243]], _0x708dx107[_0x2e98[243]] - 10)
modules[_0x2e98[305]] = function (_0x708dx24) {
    const _0x708dxdf = menu[_0x2e98[198]](position[_0x2e98[305]][_0x2e98[241]])
        , _0x708dxe0 = menu[_0x2e98[198]](position[_0x2e98[305]][_0x2e98[243]]);
    const _0x708dx108 = function () {
        var _0x708dxdb = _0x2e98[259];
        for (var _0x708dx27 = 0; _0x708dx27 < modules[_0x2e98[306]][_0x2e98[68]]; _0x708dx27++) {
            const _0x708dx109 = modules[_0x2e98[306]][_0x708dx27];
            const _0x708dx10a = true;
            for (var _0x708dx10b = 0; _0x708dx10b < _0x708dx109[_0x2e98[307]][_0x2e98[68]]; _0x708dx10b++) {
                const _0x708dx10c = _0x708dx109[_0x2e98[307]][_0x708dx10b];
                _0x708dx10a = _0x708dx10a && ui_get_value[_0x2e98[197]](null, _0x708dx10c)
            if (ui_is_hotkey_active[_0x2e98[197]](null, _0x708dx109[_0x2e98[308]]) && _0x708dx10a) {
                _0x708dxdb += _0x2e98[309] + _0x708dx109[_0x2e98[194]] + _0x2e98[268]
        return _0x708dxdb
    const _0x708dx106 = area[_0x2e98[238]](_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0, 200, 32);
    const _0x708dx107 = point[_0x2e98[238]](input_get_cursor_position()[0], input_get_cursor_position()[1]);
    draw_container(_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0, 200, _0x2e98[305], _0x708dx24, accent);
    text(_0x708dxdf + 4, _0x708dxe0 + 18, 0, _0x708dx108(), [255, 255, 255, 200], _0x708dx24);
    if (input_is_key_pressed(1)) {
        if (area[_0x2e98[240]](_0x708dx106, _0x708dx107)) {
            menu[_0x2e98[203]](position[_0x2e98[305]][_0x2e98[241]], _0x708dx107[_0x2e98[241]] - 100);
            menu[_0x2e98[203]](position[_0x2e98[305]][_0x2e98[243]], _0x708dx107[_0x2e98[243]] - 10)
modules[_0x2e98[310]] = function (_0x708dx24) {
    const _0x708dxdf = menu[_0x2e98[198]](position[_0x2e98[310]][_0x2e98[241]])
        , _0x708dxe0 = menu[_0x2e98[198]](position[_0x2e98[310]][_0x2e98[243]]);
    const _0x708dx10d = function () {
        var _0x708dxdb = _0x2e98[259];
        for (var _0x708dx10e in modules[_0x2e98[311]]) {
            const _0x708dx10f = modules[_0x2e98[311]][_0x708dx10e];
            _0x708dxdb += entity_get_name(parseInt(_0x708dx10e)) + _0x2e98[296] + _0x708dx10f
        return _0x708dxdb
    const _0x708dx106 = area[_0x2e98[238]](_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0, 200, 32);
    const _0x708dx107 = point[_0x2e98[238]](input_get_cursor_position()[0], input_get_cursor_position()[1]);
    draw_container(_0x708dxdf, _0x708dxe0, 200, _0x2e98[312], _0x708dx24, accent);
    text(_0x708dxdf + 4, _0x708dxe0 + 18, 0, _0x708dx10d(), [255, 255, 255, 200], _0x708dx24);
    if (input_is_key_pressed(1)) {
        if (area[_0x2e98[240]](_0x708dx106, _0x708dx107)) {
            menu[_0x2e98[203]](position[_0x2e98[310]][_0x2e98[241]], _0x708dx107[_0x2e98[241]] - 100);
            menu[_0x2e98[203]](position[_0x2e98[310]][_0x2e98[243]], _0x708dx107[_0x2e98[243]] - 10)

function on_paint() {
    const _0x708dx111 = render_add_font(_0x2e98[313], 8, 400);
    const _0x708dx112 = menu[_0x2e98[198]](windows);
    if (_0x708dx112 & (1 << 0)) {
    if (!entity_is_valid(entity_get_local_player())) {
    if (_0x708dx112 & (1 << 1)) {
    if (_0x708dx112 & (1 << 2)) {
    if (_0x708dx112 & (1 << 3)) {

function on_player_damage() {
    const _0x708dx114 = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int(_0x2e98[314]));
    const _0x708dx115 = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int(_0x2e98[69]));
    const _0x708dx18 = entity_get_local_player();
    if (entity_get_prop(_0x708dx114, _0x2e98[315], _0x2e98[316]) == entity_get_prop(_0x708dx115, _0x2e98[315], _0x2e98[316]) && entity_get_prop(_0x708dx114, _0x2e98[315], _0x2e98[316]) == entity_get_prop(_0x708dx18, _0x2e98[315], _0x2e98[316]) && entity_get_prop(_0x708dx115, _0x2e98[315], _0x2e98[316]) == entity_get_prop(_0x708dx18, _0x2e98[315], _0x2e98[316])) {
        if (!modules[_0x2e98[311]][_0x708dx114]) {
            modules[_0x2e98[311]][_0x708dx114] = 0
        modules[_0x2e98[311]][_0x708dx114] += event_get_int(_0x2e98[317])

function on_connect() {
    modules[_0x2e98[311]] = []
cheat_register_callback(_0x2e98[101], _0x2e98[318]);
cheat_register_callback(_0x2e98[319], _0x2e98[320]);
cheat_register_callback(_0x2e98[72], _0x2e98[321])
Последнее редактирование:
29 Дек 2020
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
23 Авг 2020
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
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Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.

Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
(нажми) Ссылку починил

Посмотреть вложение 111594Посмотреть вложение 111593

кфг даркрая слить?
Там изначальная цена 100 рублей на кряк была.
А на кряк у него в принципе раньше жс-ок не было, изначально эта жс-ка была на в4, её переделали и слили, потом он добавил ее к своим товарам.
28 Дек 2020
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Привет всем)
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.

Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
(нажми) Ссылку починил

Посмотреть вложение 111594Посмотреть вложение 111593

кфг даркрая слить?
не плохо, но корд = кринге
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