омг чел за моргенкорд не шарит???
омг чел за моргенкорд не шарит???
Ага, только где оно там?!кароче там внутри автоматически автоволл фикс даблтап буст я(мы) постарались
.lua file: 1.lua
morgenshterncord 2.0 public
by zapp04 and [deleted]
swastika crosshair
custom miss logs
local ver = "2.0"
local build = "public"
local whalecum = ui.add_label("Welcome to the morgenshterncord " .. ver)
local biden = ui.add_label("Build: " .. build)
local killsay = ui.add_checkbox("Killsay")
local roundsay = ui.add_checkbox("Roundsay")
local opener = {"???° N?N????° ??????N???", "???° N? ?+?????°N?N???", "N??ч??N? ???° ?????ч N?N???", "N?N??ч?? ????N????ч???° ?+N???N???", "N??°??N??? ?+?????°N?N???", "N? ???ч??N?", "?????ч ?ч?+?°?>??", "N??°??N??? N????ч?¶????", "N? N? N? N? N?", "?????·???чN?", "???°?????>?°?? ???°?????>?°??", "???ч?>?°N? ???ч??N????? ?+N???N???", "N? N? N??> ??N?????N??чN??? N? ????N???????N???", "N? ?+??N?N? N?N? N?N?????", "N? ???ч??N? ??N????+?>?ч???°", "??N??ч?+ ????N??????° ??", "??N????ч ????N? ?¶????N? ?????·??N? ??????N???", "?>?°?>?? ?>?°?>???????? ?·?° ?????? ??N?N?N??чN?", "?? ??????N? N?N????°N? N???????", "??N????°?> ?+N????чN? ?+?°N? ?????>N?N????>N?N?", "N??? N???", "?+??N? N? ???чN?N? ???°?? ?????>????????", "???????????·??N???N? ?°?>??N??чN? N??°????N???????N?", "???°?>N?N??ч?? N??ч?>?? ??", "N??°??N???", "???????? ????N??????>N?N? ?+N? ??????", "N?", "???°???°???°", "?ч??N? ??", "???ч ???????чN???N?N?", "N??°??N??? N?N?N???N???", "N? ?ч????", "N??чN?N?N??ч N???N??°????????", "???° ?????ч?? ?·?°??N?N?N???", "?????° ?чN?N?", "N?N??? N?N? ?????¶?чN?N? ???°N?N? ?????ч", "N? ??N??+N??°?> N?N???N?", "???°N??°N??°??", "?????°?????°?? ?+?ч?+??"}
local closer = {"???°??????N??° ??N?N???", "????N?N??ч?? N???N?", "?°??N??????°N?", "N??°N??°N??°N??°", "N???N? ???????чN? 1488", "?°??N?", "N?N???", "N??ч????", "?·???>??N???", "N??ч?+????", "???ч???ч?? N??°?? ??????????", "????N????+???°", "???°?????>?°??", "N?N??? ??????N??? ???°?????>?°??", "????N????ч??N?N??чN???", "N??чN?", "?+?°?+????", "?>N????+?° ???>?? N??чN??°", "N????????>?°??", "N??°???°N?", "N?N??°N?", "?·?°??", "???°?ч?+?°?>", "N?N??ч??????", "?+??N?", "???°???°", "N?N????°", "N???N?", "N?N?N?", "N??+?>N???????", "?+N???", "????N? N??°??", "??????????", "?+?>N?N?N?", "??N??>N?", "N?N??ч?> ???ч???°", "???ч??", "???ч????N??ч???°", "?>N??+????????", "???ч???????°??N?", "??N??????°", "N?N?N? N??чN????чN?", "N???N??°?>", "????N?N? ??N???N?N?N??°", "?????>???????? N?N????°??", "?+???????+?°??", "N??°?>?°N?", "??N??чN?", "?+?°N?N?", "?+?°?????°"}
local punct = {"!", "?", "."}
local function on_round_start(event)
if not roundsay:get() then
engine.execute_client_cmd("say morgenstherncord " .. ver .. " | pandora edition")
local function on_round_end(event)
if not roundsay:get() then
engine.execute_client_cmd("say morgenstherncord " .. ver .. " | pandora edition")
local empty = ui.add_label("")
local kilzom = ui.add_checkbox("Killzoom")
local slider = ui.add_slider("Zoom Time", 3, 20)
----------------------------------------------------custom logs----------------------------------------------------
local empty = ui.add_label("")
local enable_logging = ui.add_checkbox("Enable shot logging")
local enable_miss = ui.add_checkbox("Miss log")
local miss_label = ui.add_label("Miss color")
local miss_clr = ui.add_colorpicker("asdasdasd")
miss_clr:set(color.new(232, 135, 135))
local r1, g1, b1 = miss_clr:get():r(), miss_clr:get():g(), miss_clr:get():b()
callbacks.register("shot_miss", function(shot)
if not enable_logging:get() then return end
if not enable_miss:get() then return end
player_info = engine.get_player_info(shot.target_index)
if shot.hitgroup == 0 then
hitgroup = "??N????°N??°"
elseif shot.hitgroup == 1 then
hitgroup = "?ч?+?°?>N?????N??ч??"
elseif shot.hitgroup == 2 then
hitgroup = "N??чN?N?"
elseif shot.hitgroup == 3 then
hitgroup = "N?N??????°N?"
elseif shot.hitgroup == 4 then
hitgroup = "?>?ч???°N? N?N????°"
elseif shot.hitgroup == 5 then
hitgroup = "??N??°???°N? N?N????°"
elseif shot.hitgroup == 6 then
hitgroup = "?>?ч???°N? ???????°"
elseif shot.hitgroup == 7 then
hitgroup = "??N??°???°N? ???????°"
elseif shot.hitgroup == 8 then
hitgroup = "N??чN?"
if shot.reason == "spread" then
client.log(string.format("????N???N??> ???? N???N?????N? | N???N?N??°??N?: %i", shot.hitchance), color.new(r1, g1, b1), ""..shot.id)
elseif shot.reason == "occlusion" then
client.log(string.format("????N???N??> ???? ?°?????>?>N?"), color.new(r1, g1, b1), ""..shot.id)
elseif shot.reason == "desync" then
client.log(string.format("????N???N??> ???? N??чN????>N????чN?N? | N???N??+????N?: %s", hitgroup), color.new(r1, g1, b1), ""..shot.id)
--client.log(string.format("????N???N??> ???? %s | N???N??+????N?: %s | ???°???°??: %s | N???N?N??°??N?: %i | ??N???N??????°: %s", player_info.name, hitgroup, shot.damage, shot.hitchance, shot.reason), color.new(r1, g1, b1), ""..shot.id)
local empty = ui.add_label("")
local nazicheckbox = ui.add_checkbox("Swastika crosshair")
local function DEG2RAD(x)
return x * 3.1415926535 / 180
local function RAD2DEG(x)
return x * 180 / 3.1415926535
local function hsvToRgb(h, s, v, a)
local r, g, b
local i = math.floor(h * 6);
local f = h * 6 - i;
local p = v * (1 - s);
local q = v * (1 - f * s);
local t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
i = i % 6
if i == 0 then r, g, b = v, t, p
elseif i == 1 then r, g, b = q, v, p
elseif i == 2 then r, g, b = p, v, t
elseif i == 3 then r, g, b = p, q, v
elseif i == 4 then r, g, b = t, p, v
elseif i == 5 then r, g, b = v, p, q
return r * 255, g * 255, b * 255, a * 255
local rotationdegree = 0
local size1 = ui.add_slider("crosshair size", 1, 500)
local speed1 = ui.add_slider("speed", 0, 3)
local nazislider = ui.add_slider("rainbow speed", 100, 1000)
local function draw_svaston(x, y, size)
local gamma = math.atan(size / size)
local r, g, b, _ = hsvToRgb(global_vars.tickcount % nazislider:get() / nazislider:get(), 1, 1, 255)
for i = 1, 4 do
local p_0 = (size * math.sin(DEG2RAD(rotationdegree + (i * 90))))
local p_1 = (size * math.cos(DEG2RAD(rotationdegree + (i * 90))))
local p_2 = ((size / math.cos(gamma)) * math.sin(DEG2RAD(rotationdegree + (i * 90) + RAD2DEG(gamma))))
local p_3 = ((size / math.cos(gamma)) * math.cos(DEG2RAD(rotationdegree + (i * 90) + RAD2DEG(gamma))))
local colour = color.new(r, g, b, 255)
render.line(x, y, x + p_0, y - p_1, colour)
render.line(x + p_0, y - p_1, x + p_2, y - p_3, colour)
rotationdegree = rotationdegree + speed1:get()
local w, h = render.get_screen()
local function on_player_death(event)
if killsay:get() then
userid = event:get_int("userid")
attacker = event:get_int("attacker")
attacker_index = engine.get_player_for_user_id(attacker)
noob_index = engine.get_player_for_user_id(userid)
--player_info = engine.get_player_info(noob_index)
local_player_index = engine.get_local_player()
if attacker_index == local_player_index and noob_index ~= local_player_index then
--engine.execute_client_cmd("say " .. player_info.name .. " owned by morgenshterncord " .. ver)
engine.execute_client_cmd("say " .. opener[math.random(#opener)] .. " " .. closer[math.random(#closer)] .. punct[math.random(#punct)])
if kilzom:get() then
local local_player = entity_list.get_client_entity(engine.get_local_player())
if local_player == nil then return end
local attacker = engine.get_player_for_user_id(event:get_int("attacker"))
if attacker == engine.get_local_player() then
local_player:get_prop("DT_CSPlayer", "m_flHealthShotBoostExpirationTime"):set_float(global_vars.curtime + (slider:get() * 0.1))
local function onPaint()
if not engine.in_game() then return end
if nazicheckbox:get() then
draw_svaston(w / 2, h / 2, size1:get())
callbacks.register("paint", onPaint)
callbacks.register("player_death", on_player_death)
callbacks.register("round_start", on_round_start)
callbacks.register("round_end", on_round_end)
это был рофл шутка 2020 квнАга, только где оно там?!
Код:.lua file: 1.lua --[[ morgenshterncord 2.0 public by zapp04 and [deleted] features: killsay roundsay swastika crosshair custom miss logs ]] ----------------------------------------------------killsay---------------------------------------------------- local ver = "2.0" local build = "public" local whalecum = ui.add_label("Welcome to the morgenshterncord " .. ver) local biden = ui.add_label("Build: " .. build) local killsay = ui.add_checkbox("Killsay") local roundsay = ui.add_checkbox("Roundsay") local opener = {"???° N?N????° ??????N???", "???° N? ?+?????°N?N???", "N??ч??N? ???° ?????ч N?N???", "N?N??ч?? ????N????ч???° ?+N???N???", "N??°??N??? ?+?????°N?N???", "N? ???ч??N?", "?????ч ?ч?+?°?>??", "N??°??N??? N????ч?¶????", "N? N? N? N? N?", "?????·???чN?", "???°?????>?°?? ???°?????>?°??", "???ч?>?°N? ???ч??N????? ?+N???N???", "N? N? N??> ??N?????N??чN??? N? ????N???????N???", "N? ?+??N?N? N?N? N?N?????", "N? ???ч??N? ??N????+?>?ч???°", "??N??ч?+ ????N??????° ??", "??N????ч ????N? ?¶????N? ?????·??N? ??????N???", "?>?°?>?? ?>?°?>???????? ?·?° ?????? ??N?N?N??чN?", "?? ??????N? N?N????°N? N???????", "??N????°?> ?+N????чN? ?+?°N? ?????>N?N????>N?N?", "N??? N???", "?+??N? N? ???чN?N? ???°?? ?????>????????", "???????????·??N???N? ?°?>??N??чN? N??°????N???????N?", "???°?>N?N??ч?? N??ч?>?? ??", "N??°??N???", "???????? ????N??????>N?N? ?+N? ??????", "N?", "???°???°???°", "?ч??N? ??", "???ч ???????чN???N?N?", "N??°??N??? N?N?N???N???", "N? ?ч????", "N??чN?N?N??ч N???N??°????????", "???° ?????ч?? ?·?°??N?N?N???", "?????° ?чN?N?", "N?N??? N?N? ?????¶?чN?N? ???°N?N? ?????ч", "N? ??N??+N??°?> N?N???N?", "???°N??°N??°??", "?????°?????°?? ?+?ч?+??"} local closer = {"???°??????N??° ??N?N???", "????N?N??ч?? N???N?", "?°??N??????°N?", "N??°N??°N??°N??°", "N???N? ???????чN? 1488", "?°??N?", "N?N???", "N??ч????", "?·???>??N???", "N??ч?+????", "???ч???ч?? N??°?? ??????????", "????N????+???°", "???°?????>?°??", "N?N??? ??????N??? ???°?????>?°??", "????N????ч??N?N??чN???", "N??чN?", "?+?°?+????", "?>N????+?° ???>?? N??чN??°", "N????????>?°??", "N??°???°N?", "N?N??°N?", "?·?°??", "???°?ч?+?°?>", "N?N??ч??????", "?+??N?", "???°???°", "N?N????°", "N???N?", "N?N?N?", "N??+?>N???????", "?+N???", "????N? N??°??", "??????????", "?+?>N?N?N?", "??N??>N?", "N?N??ч?> ???ч???°", "???ч??", "???ч????N??ч???°", "?>N??+????????", "???ч???????°??N?", "??N??????°", "N?N?N? N??чN????чN?", "N???N??°?>", "????N?N? ??N???N?N?N??°", "?????>???????? N?N????°??", "?+???????+?°??", "N??°?>?°N?", "??N??чN?", "?+?°N?N?", "?+?°?????°"} local punct = {"!", "?", "."} local function on_round_start(event) if not roundsay:get() then return end engine.execute_client_cmd("say morgenstherncord " .. ver .. " | pandora edition") end local function on_round_end(event) if not roundsay:get() then return end engine.execute_client_cmd("say morgenstherncord " .. ver .. " | pandora edition") end ----------------------------------------------------killzoom---------------------------------------------------- local empty = ui.add_label("") local kilzom = ui.add_checkbox("Killzoom") local slider = ui.add_slider("Zoom Time", 3, 20) ----------------------------------------------------custom logs---------------------------------------------------- local empty = ui.add_label("") local enable_logging = ui.add_checkbox("Enable shot logging") local enable_miss = ui.add_checkbox("Miss log") local miss_label = ui.add_label("Miss color") local miss_clr = ui.add_colorpicker("asdasdasd") miss_clr:set(color.new(232, 135, 135)) local r1, g1, b1 = miss_clr:get():r(), miss_clr:get():g(), miss_clr:get():b() callbacks.register("shot_miss", function(shot) if not enable_logging:get() then return end if not enable_miss:get() then return end player_info = engine.get_player_info(shot.target_index) if shot.hitgroup == 0 then hitgroup = "??N????°N??°" elseif shot.hitgroup == 1 then hitgroup = "?ч?+?°?>N?????N??ч??" elseif shot.hitgroup == 2 then hitgroup = "N??чN?N?" elseif shot.hitgroup == 3 then hitgroup = "N?N??????°N?" elseif shot.hitgroup == 4 then hitgroup = "?>?ч???°N? N?N????°" elseif shot.hitgroup == 5 then hitgroup = "??N??°???°N? N?N????°" elseif shot.hitgroup == 6 then hitgroup = "?>?ч???°N? ???????°" elseif shot.hitgroup == 7 then hitgroup = "??N??°???°N? ???????°" elseif shot.hitgroup == 8 then hitgroup = "N??чN?" end if shot.reason == "spread" then client.log(string.format("????N???N??> ???? N???N?????N? | N???N?N??°??N?: %i", shot.hitchance), color.new(r1, g1, b1), ""..shot.id) elseif shot.reason == "occlusion" then client.log(string.format("????N???N??> ???? ?°?????>?>N?"), color.new(r1, g1, b1), ""..shot.id) elseif shot.reason == "desync" then client.log(string.format("????N???N??> ???? N??чN????>N????чN?N? | N???N??+????N?: %s", hitgroup), color.new(r1, g1, b1), ""..shot.id) end --client.log(string.format("????N???N??> ???? %s | N???N??+????N?: %s | ???°???°??: %s | N???N?N??°??N?: %i | ??N???N??????°: %s", player_info.name, hitgroup, shot.damage, shot.hitchance, shot.reason), color.new(r1, g1, b1), ""..shot.id) end) ----------------------------------------------------swastika---------------------------------------------------- local empty = ui.add_label("") local nazicheckbox = ui.add_checkbox("Swastika crosshair") local function DEG2RAD(x) return x * 3.1415926535 / 180 end local function RAD2DEG(x) return x * 180 / 3.1415926535 end local function hsvToRgb(h, s, v, a) local r, g, b local i = math.floor(h * 6); local f = h * 6 - i; local p = v * (1 - s); local q = v * (1 - f * s); local t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s); i = i % 6 if i == 0 then r, g, b = v, t, p elseif i == 1 then r, g, b = q, v, p elseif i == 2 then r, g, b = p, v, t elseif i == 3 then r, g, b = p, q, v elseif i == 4 then r, g, b = t, p, v elseif i == 5 then r, g, b = v, p, q end return r * 255, g * 255, b * 255, a * 255 end local rotationdegree = 0 local size1 = ui.add_slider("crosshair size", 1, 500) local speed1 = ui.add_slider("speed", 0, 3) local nazislider = ui.add_slider("rainbow speed", 100, 1000) local function draw_svaston(x, y, size) local gamma = math.atan(size / size) local r, g, b, _ = hsvToRgb(global_vars.tickcount % nazislider:get() / nazislider:get(), 1, 1, 255) for i = 1, 4 do local p_0 = (size * math.sin(DEG2RAD(rotationdegree + (i * 90)))) local p_1 = (size * math.cos(DEG2RAD(rotationdegree + (i * 90)))) local p_2 = ((size / math.cos(gamma)) * math.sin(DEG2RAD(rotationdegree + (i * 90) + RAD2DEG(gamma)))) local p_3 = ((size / math.cos(gamma)) * math.cos(DEG2RAD(rotationdegree + (i * 90) + RAD2DEG(gamma)))) local colour = color.new(r, g, b, 255) render.line(x, y, x + p_0, y - p_1, colour) render.line(x + p_0, y - p_1, x + p_2, y - p_3, colour) end rotationdegree = rotationdegree + speed1:get() end local w, h = render.get_screen() ----------------------------------------------------killsay---------------------------------------------------- local function on_player_death(event) if killsay:get() then userid = event:get_int("userid") attacker = event:get_int("attacker") attacker_index = engine.get_player_for_user_id(attacker) noob_index = engine.get_player_for_user_id(userid) --player_info = engine.get_player_info(noob_index) local_player_index = engine.get_local_player() if attacker_index == local_player_index and noob_index ~= local_player_index then --engine.execute_client_cmd("say " .. player_info.name .. " owned by morgenshterncord " .. ver) engine.execute_client_cmd("say " .. opener[math.random(#opener)] .. " " .. closer[math.random(#closer)] .. punct[math.random(#punct)]) end end if kilzom:get() then local local_player = entity_list.get_client_entity(engine.get_local_player()) if local_player == nil then return end local attacker = engine.get_player_for_user_id(event:get_int("attacker")) if attacker == engine.get_local_player() then local_player:get_prop("DT_CSPlayer", "m_flHealthShotBoostExpirationTime"):set_float(global_vars.curtime + (slider:get() * 0.1)) end end end local function onPaint() if not engine.in_game() then return end if nazicheckbox:get() then draw_svaston(w / 2, h / 2, size1:get()) end end callbacks.register("paint", onPaint) callbacks.register("player_death", on_player_death) callbacks.register("round_start", on_round_start) callbacks.register("round_end", on_round_end)
какие то странные нынче приколы...это был рофл шутка 2020 квн
-- да суки я знаю что это кринж а не обфускация мне похуй пососите мне яйца.
найс кодировка брат =DDDDD{"???° N?N????° ??????N???", "???° N? ?+????
сделай сам конфиг. в чем проблема то?илипомогите найти кфг прошу не банить
какая минута там секунд 10...Найс обфускация кода, аж целую минуту расшифровывал его)
А так - нормас прикол, аж чуть эпилепсию не подхватил/
На держи очень старый как говно мамонта туториал по защите в виде картинки:
Посмотреть вложение 126123
вы не ждали????? ладно.
короче моргенкорд на пандору да ура класс ненавижу апи пандоры ебись оно в рот бля
кароче там внутри автоматически автоволл фикс даблтап буст я(мы) постарались
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
тут вы можете оскорблять гоги и ирвала и не бояться что вас накажут:Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.(а еще получать свежые обновления...... да........... наверное.........)
ждите скоро релиз на вантап в4...
ебучий случай как же мне похуй...
ладноебучий случай как же мне похуй...
Проект предоставляет различный материал, относящийся к сфере киберспорта, программирования, ПО для игр, а также позволяет его участникам общаться на многие другие темы. Почта для жалоб: admin@yougame.biz