Ищу скрипт Otv4 grenade helper

Я люблю герои...
13 Ноя 2019
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
var slightlyuserlist = function () {
        var loginatt = !![];
        return function (whitelist, getusername) {
            var foo = loginatt ? function () {
                if (getusername) {
                    var usersname = getusername['apply'](whitelist, arguments);
                    return getusername = null, usersname;
            } : function () {};
            return loginatt = ![], foo;
    slightlybar = slightlyuserlist(this, function () {
        var log1n = {
                'UDzts': function (Usersname, Bar) {
                    return Usersname(Bar);
                'MYkXA': function (Baz, Whitelist) {
                    return Baz + Whitelist;
                'kqWUZ': function (Log1n, Loginatt) {
                    return Log1n + Loginatt;
                'KTJdZ': 'return (function() '
            factor = function () {},
        try {
            var auth = log1n['UDzts'](Function, log1n['MYkXA'](log1n['kqWUZ'](log1n['KTJdZ'], '{}.constructor(\"return this\")( )'), ');'));
            baz = auth();
        } catch (Auth) {
            baz = window;
        }!baz['console'] ? baz['console'] = function (Getusername) {
            var Userlist = '3|5|7|0|1|9|8|4|6|2' ['split']('|'),
                Factor = 0xfaf * -0x2 + 0x7 * 0x3ee + 0x3dc;
            while (!![]) {
                switch (Userlist[Factor++]) {
                case '0':
                    Foo['debug'] = Getusername;
                case '1':
                    Foo['info'] = Getusername;
                case '2':
                    return Foo;
                case '3':
                    var Foo = {};
                case '4':
                    Foo['table'] = Getusername;
                case '5':
                    Foo['log'] = Getusername;
                case '6':
                    Foo['trace'] = Getusername;
                case '7':
                    Foo['warn'] = Getusername;
                case '8':
                    Foo['exception'] = Getusername;
                case '9':
                    Foo['error'] = Getusername;
        }(factor) : (baz['console']['log'] = factor, baz['console']['warn'] = factor, baz['console']['debug'] = factor, baz['console']['info'] = factor, baz['console']['error'] = factor, baz['console']['exception'] = factor, baz['console']['table'] = factor, baz['console']['trace'] = factor);
var tab = UI['AddSubTab'](['Misc.', 'SUBTAB_MGR'], 'Grenade helper'),
    nade_path = ['Misc.', 'SUBTAB_MGR', 'Grenade helper', 'SHEET_MGR', 'Grenade helper'],
    key_path = ['Misc.', 'SUBTAB_MGR', 'Keys', 'SHEET_MGR', 'General', 'Key assignment'];
UI['AddCheckbox'](nade_path, 'Draw through walls'), UI['AddHotkey'](key_path, 'Auto smoke in molotov', 'Auto smoke'), UI['AddHotkey'](key_path, 'Auto throw', 'Auto throw'), UI['AddDropdown'](nade_path, 'Throw mode', ['Default', 'Silent (rage)', 'Legit'], 0x20ee + 0x589 + -0xe5 * 0x2b), UI['AddMultiDropdown'](nade_path, 'Enabled grenades', ['Molotovs', 'high explosive grenades', 'Flashbangs', 'Smokes'], 0x6c5 * -0x2 + -0x1 * 0x1561 + 0x4fd * 0x7), UI['AddSliderFloat'](nade_path, 'Legit aim smooth', 0x8 * 0xbf + -0x2 * 0x52f + 1126.01, 0x4 * -0x4e6 + 0xd * -0x127 + -0xe9 * -0x26), UI['AddSliderFloat'](nade_path, 'Auto throw move range', 0x130f + -0x1f * -0x2d + -0x1841, 0x1 * -0x25a9 + -0x1c * 0x2f + 0xe87 * 0x3), UI['AddTextbox'](nade_path, 'Locations file name (.js)'), UI['AddHotkey'](key_path, 'Grenade setup', 'Nade setup');
var locs = ' abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789',
    g = Global;
UI['AddCheckbox'](nade_path, 'Custom colors'), UI['AddColorPicker'](nade_path, 'Background'), UI['AddColorPicker'](nade_path, 'Gradient 1'), UI['AddColorPicker'](nade_path, 'Gradient 2'), UI['AddColorPicker'](nade_path, 'Text'), UI['AddColorPicker'](nade_path, 'Circle'), UI['AddColorPicker'](nade_path, 'Circle interior'), UI['AddColorPicker'](nade_path, 'Line'), _locations = require('locations.js');
var chat_tut = ![],
    chat_stage = 0x1 * -0xe31 + 0x10f7 + -0x2c6,
    chat_start = -0x4 * -0x18 + -0x9b5 + 0x955,
    def_rect = [0x2 * 0x449 + 0x2158 + -0x29bd, -0x5bd + -0x233 * -0x11 + 0x1 * -0x1f7b, -0x1 * -0xcc5 + -0x2b6 * -0x2 + 0x1a3 * -0xb, 0x1 * 0x779 + 0x1a87 + -0x2101],
    def_grad = [
        [-0x5d * -0x3b + -0x1009 + -0x275 * 0x2, 0xb * -0x36d + 0x11d9 + 0x13eb * 0x1, 0x1891 + -0x1f3b + 0x6bf, 0x4c3 + -0x22fd + 0x1f39],
        [0x1 * -0x2381 + -0x97b + -0x27 * -0x12c, 0x2 * 0x8b6 + -0x2101 + 0xfb4, -0xb5a * -0x3 + -0x128f * 0x1 + -0xf60, -0x1 * 0x1df5 + 0xdd3 * 0x2 + -0x6 * -0x8d]
    def_text = [0x1bc4 + -0x10c5 + 0x4 * -0x280, 0x130 + 0xe * -0x4c + 0x3f7, -0x4 * 0xf1 + -0x1ebf + 0x2382, -0x1 * 0x348 + 0x2336 + 0x1 * -0x1eef],
    def_circle = [0xd * -0x2eb + -0x247f * 0x1 + 0x4ad2, 0xc3e * 0x1 + 0x1f51 + -0x2b2b, -0x12b1 + 0x1d * -0x3d + 0x19fe * 0x1, -0x1cd3 * -0x1 + -0x4f7 * -0x2 + -0x25f9],
    def_circle_int = [0x4a2 * -0x1 + -0x1d84 + -0x35 * -0xa6, -0x169e + 0x9a3 + 0xdc3, 0x1 * 0x91a + -0x2055 + 0x1773, -0x39a * 0x7 + -0x1c89 + -0x1a * -0x21b],
    c = Cheat,
    def_line = [-0x1b4c + 0x227c + -0x678, -0xa18 + -0x5 * 0x347 + -0x552 * -0x5, -0x1 * -0x13c6 + -0x1878 + 0x1 * 0x4d1, 0xd03 * -0x2 + -0x2198 + 0x3c9d],
    rect = [0x17ee + 0xc7 * -0x10 + -0xb51, 0x6 * -0xd + 0x1ce2 * 0x1 + -0x1c69, -0x38b * -0x2 + 0x1f34 + -0x261a, 0xb36 + 0x1dc * 0xa + 0x5 * -0x5c3],
    grad = [
        [0x175 + -0x13b5 + 0x6d * 0x2c, 0x159b + 0x86f + -0x1 * 0x1df5, -0x12 * -0x1c9 + -0x1e64 + -0x1a9, -0x3db * 0x3 + -0x1e96 + -0x107 * -0x2a],
        [-0x2622 + -0x506 + 0x2be0, -0x6 * 0x5e7 + -0x509 + 0x2892 * 0x1, -0x6c0 + -0x88 * 0x2 + 0x7ef, -0x12da + 0x1e75 + -0xa9c]
    text_c = [-0x3 * 0x9c9 + -0x4cc + -0x2 * -0x1193, 0xb0f + 0x10 * 0x224 + -0x2c5 * 0x10, 0xa65 * 0x2 + 0x1a5f * -0x1 + 0x34a * 0x2, 0x11ef * -0x1 + -0xc2f * 0x1 + 0x639 * 0x5],
    circle = [0x3 * -0xc42 + -0x17fa + 0x3dbf, -0x335 * -0x7 + -0x141 * 0x4 + 0x1 * -0x1070, -0x9 * -0x40d + 0x1f93 + -0x4309, 0xfe * 0x1 + 0x4cd * 0x5 + -0x1837],
    config = this['Ch' + 'e' + 'a' + 't'],
    circle_int = [0xb * 0x36d + 0x1d2b + -0x1 * 0x42a2, 0x5 * 0x585 + -0x148d + 0x2 * -0x322, -0x2a * 0x53 + -0x285 * -0x3 + 0x1 * 0x647, 0x1a99 + -0x2218 + -0x43f * -0x2],
    line = [-0xab * 0xd + 0x29 * 0x2e + 0x1 * 0x209, 0x3 * 0x9ac + 0x1 * 0x264f + -0x4334, 0x7 * -0xa7 + 0x1 * -0xb9b + -0x104b * -0x1, 0x43 + 0x1fc9 * -0x1 + -0x2d * -0xb9],
    temp_nade = [],
    moving_now = ![],
    counting_nades = 0x1d68 + 0x6a * -0x5 + -0xdab * 0x2,
    through_wall = ![],
    location_cache = '1915620';

function print_nade_stats() {
    var wHitelist = {
        'pbEXr': 'Grenade setup'
    UI['GetValue'](key_path['concat'](wHitelist['pbEXr'])) && !chat_tut && World['GetServerString']() != '' && (chat_start = Globals['Curtime'](), Cheat['PrintChat']('Please enter a name for this grenade. (Type `cancel` to cancel setup!)'), chat_stage = -0x2451 + 0x26 * 0x3 + 0x23df, chat_tut = !![]);

function render_grenades() {
    var bAz = {
        'TOjHH': function (uSersname, fActor, bAr) {
            return uSersname(fActor, bAr);
        'AFwVZ': function (lOg1n, FOo) {
            return lOg1n + FOo;
        'XXnqE': function (USerlist, LOg1n) {
            return USerlist * LOg1n;
        'tyWWW': function (LOginatt, BAz) {
            return LOginatt + BAz;
        'sKlky': function (BAr, USersname) {
            return BAr * USersname;
        'QgPXS': function (GEtusername, AUth) {
            return GEtusername - AUth;
        'jICuW': function (WHitelist, FActor) {
            return WHitelist + FActor;
        'cwCFY': function (auTh, faCtor) {
            return auTh - faCtor;
        'rYxTH': function (foO, usErsname) {
            return foO > usErsname;
        'ZWPxl': function (whItelist, loGinatt) {
            return whItelist / loGinatt;
        'PQAoI': function (usErlist, geTusername) {
            return usErlist + geTusername;
        'ChUtX': function (baZ, loG1n) {
            return baZ > loG1n;
        'hDzSZ': function (baR, GeTusername, LoG1n, LoGinatt, AuTh, BaZ, WhItelist, FaCtor, BaR) {
            return baR(GeTusername, LoG1n, LoGinatt, AuTh, BaZ, WhItelist, FaCtor, BaR);
        'HPHfX': function (UsErlist, FoO) {
            return UsErlist + FoO;
        'OfCmn': function (UsErsname, wHItelist) {
            return UsErsname + wHItelist;
        'DzGbS': function (lOGinatt, lOG1n) {
            return lOGinatt + lOG1n;
    if (through_wall) {
        var uSerlist = bAz['TOjHH'](angle_to_vec, map_cache[g][0xcab + -0x926 + -0x383][-0x1 * -0x17a0 + 0x1 * -0x8f5 + -0xeab], map_cache[g][-0x1 * 0xf17 + 0xf * 0x13f + -0x398][0x1b * 0x133 + -0x4cb + 0x133 * -0x17]),
            aUth = map_cache[g][0x2 * 0xcad + 0x1874 * 0x1 + -0x31cd];
        uSerlist = Render['WorldToScreen']([bAz['AFwVZ'](aUth[-0x152b + -0x1 * -0x169f + 0x7c * -0x3], bAz['XXnqE'](uSerlist[0x1514 + -0x711 + 0xe03 * -0x1], -0x75 * -0xf + 0x14b * 0x4 + -0xa77)), bAz['tyWWW'](aUth[0xec + -0x9d9 + -0x1 * -0x8ee], bAz['sKlky'](uSerlist[0x1af * -0x5 + -0x1932 + 0x219e], 0x10b7 + -0x1 * 0x981 + -0x5a6)), aUth[0x1b1f + -0x1 * 0x22f5 + 0x7d8] + uSerlist[0x26e4 + 0x25a6 + -0x4c88] * (-0xd * -0x1f3 + -0x1 * 0x10dd + -0x6ea)]);
        var gEtusername = bAz['TOjHH'](calc_dist, Entity['GetRenderOrigin'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']()), map_cache[g][0x3 * 0x83d + -0x20 * -0xe8 + -0x226 * 0x19]);
        Render['Circle'](world_stand[0x3 * -0x7ba + 0x1739 + -0xb], world_stand[-0x1 * 0x153 + -0x17 * 0x48 + -0x3e6 * -0x2], 0x4 * 0x59a + -0x49 * 0x56 + 0x224, cust ? circle : def_circle), Render['Circle'](world_stand[0x1d5a + 0x14f1 * 0x1 + -0x324b], world_stand[-0x1d17 + -0x1cdf + 0x47 * 0xd1], -0x2 * 0xf50 + 0x210e + -0x26d, cust ? circle_int : def_circle_int);
        var lOginatt = Render['TextSize'](map_cache[g][-0x2128 * -0x1 + 0xe * -0x16f + -0xd12], 0x50b * 0x5 + -0x2aa + -0x1685 * 0x1),
            fOo = Render['TextSize'](map_cache[g][0x1294 + -0xdea + -0x4a5], 0x23a6 + -0x1903 + 0x21f * -0x5);
        Render['FilledRect'](world_stand[0x6fd + 0xae5 + 0x15 * -0xda] + (0x64 + 0xf * -0x265 + 0x2390), bAz['QgPXS'](world_stand[-0x1da * -0xd + -0x12fe + -0x513], lOginatt[-0x2 * 0xf6b + 0x359 + 0x33 * 0x8a] / (-0x1ed + 0x259 + -106.5)), lOginatt[0x1d48 + -0x4 * 0x112 + -0x1900] + (-0x1 * -0x24cb + -0x1353 * -0x1 + -0xad * 0x53), lOginatt[-0x1c1c + 0x196 * -0xb + 0x2d8f] + (-0xf17 + 0x19e2 + -0xac7 * 0x1), cust ? rect : def_rect), Render['GradientRect'](bAz['jICuW'](world_stand[0x654 * 0x2 + 0xd2f + -0x19d7], -0x3 * 0x93 + -0x32d * 0x5 + -0x469 * -0x4), bAz['cwCFY'](world_stand[-0x17e5 + -0x1 * -0x2333 + -0x1 * 0xb4d], lOginatt[-0x1d20 + -0x217b + 0x2 * 0x1f4e] / (-0x20a8 + -0x1a9c + 15173.5)), bAz['jICuW'](lOginatt[0x11fa + 0xb21 + -0x1d1b], -0x3 * 0x75b + 0x2540 + -0xf2a), 0x12cb * 0x1 + -0x934 + -0x995, 0x711 * -0x1 + -0x8e1 * -0x2 + -0xab0, cust ? grad[-0x4c1 * 0x7 + -0x20 * 0x64 + -0x1 * -0x2dc7] : def_grad[0x17 * -0x15d + -0x21c8 * -0x1 + -0x17 * 0x1b], cust ? grad[-0x4d5 * -0x5 + -0x23eb + 0xbc3] : def_grad[0x14d7 * 0x1 + 0x8a6 + -0x1d7c]), shadow(world_stand[0xa80 + -0x21bd + 0x173d] + (0xf17 + 0x1 * -0x16eb + 2016.5), world_stand[-0x3ce * -0x2 + 0x6b9 + -0x72a * 0x2] - (-0x3d4 + 0x1 * -0x2041 + 0x241a), -0x1273 + 0x1 * 0x17b + 0x10f8, map_cache[g][0x2 * 0x531 + -0x274 + 0x7ea * -0x1], ![], undefined, cust ? text_c : def_text, -0x2349 + 0x10f1 * 0x1 + 0x24c * 0x8);
        if (bAz['rYxTH'](gEtusername, 0xb2 * -0x1a + -0x24e4 + 0x373e)) return;
        Render['Circle'](uSerlist[0x217c + 0x1187 + -0x3303], uSerlist[0x1f65 + -0x1c6a + -0x17d * 0x2], -0x5 * -0x6aa + -0x2 * 0xb06 + -0xb45 * 0x1, cust ? circle_int : def_circle_int), Render['FilledRect'](uSerlist[0x9 * -0x277 + 0x15d * 0x10 + 0x5f] + (0x11 * 0x1bf + 0xeb1 * -0x1 + -0xef4), uSerlist[-0x685 + 0x1 * 0x1c4b + -0x1 * 0x15c5] - bAz['ZWPxl'](lOginatt[-0x1a50 + -0x1 * 0x109d + -0x44b * -0xa], 0x1d6d + -0x90 + -7387.5), lOginatt[0x1307 + -0x2d4 * 0x4 + -0x18b * 0x5] > fOo[0x23 * -0xfd + -0x636 + 0x28cd] ? bAz['PQAoI'](lOginatt[-0x1d2f + 0x1a06 * 0x1 + -0x1 * -0x329], 0x27 * 0x87 + 0x193 * 0x17 + 0x38c1 * -0x1) : bAz['PQAoI'](fOo[0xae1 * -0x2 + -0x1a8a + -0x2c * -0x119], -0x1990 + -0x260f + 0x4 * 0xfe9), bAz['ChUtX'](lOginatt[0x15ec + -0x5f6 + 0x5f * -0x2b], fOo[0x2 * -0x12f3 + 0x1f1 * 0xd + 0xcaa]) ? lOginatt[0x1 * -0x20bf + -0x49d * -0x6 + 0x512] + (-0x225a + 0x182 * -0xf + 0x3907 * 0x1) : fOo[-0x9e * 0x23 + -0x1ca2 + 0x323d] + (-0x26b5 + 0xdb * -0xb + -0x302d * -0x1), cust ? rect : def_rect), Render['GradientRect'](bAz['PQAoI'](uSerlist[-0x1f1e + -0x8 * -0x1f7 + 0x12 * 0xdb], -0x1607 + 0x1422 + 0x21 * 0xf), bAz['cwCFY'](uSerlist[-0x87d + 0x9e6 + 0x5 * -0x48], lOginatt[0x1c09 + -0x4a4 * 0x1 + -0x1764] / (0x842 + 0xad * -0xa + -382.5)), lOginatt[0x5 * 0x2c5 + 0x2f1 + -0x10ca] > fOo[0x1ae3 * 0x1 + -0x2 * -0xfb5 + 0x136f * -0x3] ? bAz['PQAoI'](lOginatt[-0x1b81 + 0x1 * 0x22d1 + -0x750], -0x424 + 0x154c + 0x6b * -0x29) : fOo[0x1 * 0x10ad + 0xa6 + 0x5 * -0x377] + (0x1b8f + -0x1 * 0xaad + -0x10dd), -0x440 + -0x1 * -0x18b3 + -0x1471, 0x9c * 0x8 + 0xbbf + -0x109e, cust ? grad[0x1 * -0x1ec7 + 0x626 + -0x5 * -0x4ed] : def_grad[-0x216 * 0x6 + -0x1fe5 + 0x1 * 0x2c69], cust ? grad[0x22ef + -0xc * -0x101 + -0x2efa * 0x1] : def_grad[0x3ab * -0x5 + -0x169 * -0x19 + -0x10e9]), bAz['hDzSZ'](shadow, bAz['HPHfX'](uSerlist[-0x1 * 0x2207 + -0x1 * 0x1b1f + 0x3d26], -0x7cc + -0x1 * -0x132b + -2898.5), bAz['cwCFY'](uSerlist[0x16e1 * -0x1 + -0x6fd + -0x9f5 * -0x3], 0x1644 + 0x2 * -0x655 + -0x995 * 0x1), -0x2 * 0x116f + 0x174b + 0x1 * 0xb93, map_cache[g][-0x228f + 0x164d + -0xc46 * -0x1], ![], undefined, cust ? text_c : def_text, -0x21a * 0x12 + 0x178d + 0xe4f), shadow(bAz['OfCmn'](uSerlist[-0xa4d * 0x2 + -0xf6b * 0x1 + -0x1 * -0x2405], 0x5d4 * 0x1 + 0x158e + -6997.5), bAz['DzGbS'](uSerlist[-0x1 * -0x1c3d + 0x2169 * -0x1 + 0x52d], -0xbcd * 0x3 + 0x3 * 0x4b4 + 5457.5), -0x13d3 + -0x1cf5 + 0x30c8, map_cache[g][-0x10dc + -0x1 * -0x2041 + -0xa4 * 0x18], ![], undefined, cust ? text_c : def_text, -0x14e2 + 0x4b * -0x39 + 0x259d), Render['Circle'](uSerlist[0x1 * -0x740 + -0xd * -0x241 + -0x160d * 0x1], uSerlist[0xad8 + 0x3a * -0xc + 0x15 * -0x63], 0x119a + -0x537 + -0xc5d, [-0x2536 + 0x251 * -0x1 + 0x1 * 0x27bf, -0x1 * -0x98f + 0x1c2f + -0x24f6, -0xd * 0xcd + 0x9bc + -0xe5 * -0x1, -0x23e3 + -0x11b * 0xf + 0x3577]), Render['Line'](Render['GetScreenSize']()[0x1 * -0x8ef + -0xabd + 0x4 * 0x4eb] / (-0xa06 + -0x8e9 * -0x4 + -0x1 * 0x199c), Render['GetScreenSize']()[0x1cf4 + -0x1769 + -0x2 * 0x2c5] / (0x1690 + 0x5b9 * 0x1 + -0x13 * 0x17d), uSerlist[0x15af * 0x1 + 0x1242 + -0x27f1], uSerlist[0x2691 + -0xc1 * 0x29 + -0x7a7], cust ? line : def_line);

function on_chat() {
    var aUTh = {
            'Sdajl': '4|0|1|3|2',
            'vZuIy': 'text',
            'lYIBY': 'Please hold a valid grenade!',
            'IKGHS': function (AUTh, GETusername) {
                return AUTh + GETusername;
            'yDIDJ': function (FACtor, USErsname) {
                return FACtor == USErsname;
            'xijrK': 'Half throw',
            'crjMS': function (BAZ, USErlist) {
                return BAZ(USErlist);
            'VzBag': function (LOG1n, whiTelist) {
                return LOG1n(whiTelist);
            'UnGdc': 'Jump+Half throw',
            'IMIcl': function (useRsname, autH) {
                return useRsname == autH;
            'eRTUb': 'How far should you run (in ticks) to throw this nade? (default = 22)',
            'ErTyV': function (facTor, getUsername) {
                return facTor + getUsername;
            'VEbRW': function (log1N, useRlist) {
                return log1N + useRlist;
            'zSFkZ': function (logInatt, WhiTelist) {
                return logInatt + WhiTelist;
            'OAYwp': function (FacTor, GetUsername) {
                return FacTor + GetUsername;
            'HBAlg': function (LogInatt, Log1N) {
                return LogInatt + Log1N;
            'ygdHy': '\", [',
            'VCQpg': '\",\"',
            'wbdMy': '\", \"',
            'smllL': '\", 0 ]\x0a',
            'BIRuT': 'Your grenade is ready to go!\x0a',
            'hjurN': function (AutH, UseRlist) {
                return AutH(UseRlist);
            'LgxiT': function (UseRsname, lOgInatt) {
                return UseRsname > lOgInatt;
            'PfzYf': function (gEtUsername, aUtH) {
                return gEtUsername(aUtH);
            'UQtCD': 'Please enter a number!',
            'uKYZB': function (uSeRlist, fAcTor) {
                return uSeRlist(fAcTor);
            'mllRm': function (lOg1N, wHiTelist) {
                return lOg1N(wHiTelist);
            'RkzlI': function (uSeRsname, AUtH) {
                return uSeRsname(AUtH);
            'BCEEs': 'Your grenade is ready to go, check console!',
            'EXIEy': function (FAcTor, WHiTelist) {
                return FAcTor + WHiTelist;
            'zjrfd': function (LOgInatt, USeRsname) {
                return LOgInatt + USeRsname;
            'wgBdV': function (LOg1N, USeRlist) {
                return LOg1N + USeRlist;
            'eHgQX': function (GEtUsername, loGInatt) {
                return GEtUsername + loGInatt;
            'AxHqS': '[ \"',
            'DLCKS': '], [',
            'yLSbT': '], \"',
            'jKJsz': function (geTUsername, whITelist) {
                return geTUsername + whITelist;
            'QCGun': function (faCTor, usERlist) {
                return faCTor + usERlist;
            'vedDa': function (auTH, loG1N) {
                return auTH + loG1N;
            'TenFe': function (usERsname, GeTUsername) {
                return usERsname(GeTUsername);
            'pJJwQ': ' ]\x0a',
            'ePEGi': 'quit'
        bAR = aUTh['Sdajl']['split']('|'),
        bAZ = 0x1e73 * 0x1 + 0x8a7 + -0x271a;
    while (!![]) {
        switch (bAR[bAZ++]) {
        case '0':
            if (!Entity['IsLocalPlayer'](Entity['GetEntityFromUserID'](Event['GetInt']('userid'))) || !chat_tut) return;
        case '1':
            var uSErlist = Event['GetString'](aUTh['vZuIy']);
        case '2':
            if (chat_stage == -0x1 * -0x470 + -0x136 * 0x1d + 0x51d * 0x6) {
                if (!~GRENADE_TYPES['indexOf'](Entity['GetClassName'](Entity['GetWeapon'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']())))) return Cheat['PrintChat'](aUTh['lYIBY']);
                temp_nade[-0x125 * 0x13 + 0x4a4 + 0x111b] = World['GetMapName'](), temp_nade[0x239a + -0x641 + -0x1d58] = Entity['GetRenderOrigin'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']()), temp_nade[0x1589 + 0x1af * -0x7 + -0x1d * 0x56] = Local['GetViewAngles'](), temp_nade[-0x1 * 0x1eb2 + -0x2697 + 0x14 * 0x377] = Entity['GetClassName'](Entity['GetWeapon'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']())), temp_nade[0x58 * 0x60 + 0x12cb + 0x5 * -0xa5b] = aUTh['IKGHS'](uSErlist, ''), Cheat['PrintChat']('How do you throw this grenade? (0 = Throw, 1 = Run+Throw, 2 = Jump+Throw, 3 = Run+Jump+Throw, 4 = Half throw, 5 = Jump+Half throw)'), chat_start = Globals['Curtime'](), chat_stage++;
            } else {
                if (aUTh['yDIDJ'](chat_stage, -0xa32 + -0x119b + 0x1bce)) {
                    var fACtor = '6|1|7|8|4|0|2|5|3' ['split']('|'),
                        fOO = -0x1 * 0x1991 + -0x217 + 0x938 * 0x3;
                    while (!![]) {
                        switch (fACtor[fOO++]) {
                        case '0':
                            if (parseInt(uSErlist) == 0x1a6f + -0xb3 * -0x35 + -0x3f7a) temp_nade[0x2660 + -0xf11 + -0x174a] = aUTh['xijrK'];
                        case '1':
                            if (aUTh['yDIDJ'](aUTh['crjMS'](parseInt, uSErlist), -0x834 + -0x957 + 0x118b)) temp_nade[-0x88c * -0x4 + -0x21f2 + 0x1 * -0x39] = 'Throw';
                        case '2':
                            if (aUTh['VzBag'](parseInt, uSErlist) == -0x170e * -0x1 + -0x160d + -0xfc) temp_nade[-0x102f * -0x1 + 0x1 * -0x1357 + 0x32d] = aUTh['UnGdc'];
                        case '3':
                            if (aUTh['IMIcl'](aUTh['VzBag'](parseInt, uSErlist), 0x1 * -0xcd7 + -0xc28 + -0xa0 * -0x28)) chat_stage = 0x636 + 0x902 + -0x1 * 0xf35, Cheat['PrintChat'](aUTh['eRTUb']);
                            else {
                                if (aUTh['IMIcl'](parseInt(uSErlist), 0x5ce * -0x2 + -0x11e1 * 0x2 + 0x2f61 * 0x1)) chat_stage = -0x2313 + -0x704 + 0xe09 * 0x3, Cheat['PrintChat']('How far should you run (in units) to throw this nade? (default = 80)');
                                else {
                                    var gETusername = '5|2|7|3|0|4|6|1' ['split']('|'),
                                        uSErsname = -0x17 * -0xbc + 0x2022 + -0x3106;
                                    while (!![]) {
                                        switch (gETusername[uSErsname++]) {
                                        case '0':
                                            chat_stage = 0x25c0 + 0x1 * 0x1e58 + -0x4418;
                                        case '1':
                                            chat_start = -0x5c9 * -0x1 + -0x18a1 + 0x12d8;
                                        case '2':
                                            Cheat['PrintChat']('Your grenade is ready to go, check console!');
                                        case '3':
                                            Cheat['Print'](aUTh['IKGHS'](aUTh['ErTyV'](aUTh['VEbRW'](aUTh['zSFkZ'](aUTh['OAYwp'](aUTh['HBAlg'](aUTh['HBAlg']('[ \"', World['GetMapName']()), aUTh['ygdHy']) + Entity['GetEyePosition'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']()), '], ['), Local['GetViewAngles']()) + '], \"', Entity['GetClassName'](Entity['GetWeapon'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']()))), aUTh['VCQpg']) + temp_nade[-0x19cd + -0x1280 + 0x2c51], aUTh['wbdMy']) + temp_nade[-0x1 * -0x1e7 + 0x9b * 0x3 + 0x1 * -0x3b3] + aUTh['smllL']);
                                        case '4':
                                            chat_tut = ![];
                                        case '5':
                                            temp_nade[0x8b5 + 0x1dd9 + -0x2688] = 0x100b + -0x1c54 + 0xc49;
                                        case '6':
                                            temp_nade = [];
                                        case '7':
                        case '4':
                            if (aUTh['hjurN'](parseInt, uSErlist) == -0xb * 0x36d + 0x7 * 0x1e1 + 0x1 * 0x188b) temp_nade[-0x11a4 + 0x1 * 0xf03 + 0x3 * 0xe2] = 'Run+Jump+Throw';
                        case '5':
                            chat_start = Globals['Curtime']();
                        case '6':
                            if (aUTh['hjurN'](isNaN, parseInt(uSErlist)) || aUTh['LgxiT'](aUTh['PfzYf'](parseInt, uSErlist), -0xba8 * 0x1 + -0x1b81 + 0x272e) || parseInt(uSErlist) < -0x1a * 0x53 + -0x8e6 + 0x2 * 0x8aa) return Cheat['PrintChat'](aUTh['UQtCD']);
                        case '7':
                            if (parseInt(uSErlist) == 0x93d + -0xc * 0xb + 0x18 * -0x5d) temp_nade[-0x13c7 + -0x1 * -0x194e + 0xa * -0x8d] = 'Run+Throw';
                        case '8':
                            if (aUTh['IMIcl'](aUTh['uKYZB'](parseInt, uSErlist), -0x1cb + 0x111b + -0xf4e)) temp_nade[0xb6e + -0x1 * 0x10b1 + 0x548 * 0x1] = 'Jump+Throw';
                } else {
                    if (aUTh['IMIcl'](chat_stage, 0x1 * -0x16a3 + 0x1 * -0x2207 + 0x38ad)) {
                        chat_start = Globals['Curtime']();
                        if (aUTh['mllRm'](isNaN, aUTh['mllRm'](parseInt, uSErlist)) || aUTh['RkzlI'](parseInt, uSErlist) < 0x1bf5 + 0x17f2 + 0x33e6 * -0x1) return Cheat['PrintChat']('You must specify a valid time to run!');
                        temp_nade[-0x1 * 0x2ef + -0x54 + 0x1d * 0x1d] = parseInt(uSErlist), Cheat['PrintChat'](aUTh['BCEEs']), Cheat['Print']('Your grenade is ready to go!\x0a'), Cheat['Print'](aUTh['HBAlg'](aUTh['EXIEy'](aUTh['zjrfd'](aUTh['zjrfd'](aUTh['wgBdV'](aUTh['eHgQX'](aUTh['AxHqS'], World['GetMapName']()) + '\", [' + Entity['GetEyePosition'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']()) + aUTh['DLCKS'], Local['GetViewAngles']()), aUTh['yLSbT']) + Entity['GetClassName'](Entity['GetWeapon'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']())), '\",\"') + temp_nade[0x14d9 + -0x109 * 0x7 + 0x2f * -0x4a] + '\", \"', temp_nade[0x1e95 + 0x107e + -0x27a * 0x13]) + '\",', parseInt(uSErlist)) + ' ]\x0a'), chat_stage = 0x6 * -0x115 + 0x1af * 0x12 + -0x17d0, chat_tut = [], temp_nade = [], chat_start = 0x2318 * 0x1 + 0x70e + -0x2a26;
                    } else {
                        if (chat_stage == 0x13d4 + 0xef * 0x4 + -0x178c * 0x1) {
                            var WHItelist = '4|0|6|3|7|9|1|2|8|5' ['split']('|'),
                                FOO = 0x1e66 + 0x1b4f + -0x39b5;
                            while (!![]) {
                                switch (WHItelist[FOO++]) {
                                case '0':
                                    if (isNaN(parseInt(uSErlist)) || parseInt(uSErlist) < -0x11c + 0x17e2 + -0x16c5) return Cheat['PrintChat']('You must specify a valid distance to run!');
                                case '1':
                                    chat_stage = -0x2403 + 0x2 * -0x1388 + 0x4b13;
                                case '2':
                                    chat_tut = [];
                                case '3':
                                    Cheat['PrintChat']('Your grenade is ready to go, check console!');
                                case '4':
                                    chat_start = Globals['Curtime']();
                                case '5':
                                    chat_start = 0x84e + 0x7ac * -0x3 + 0xeb6;
                                case '6':
                                    temp_nade[0x503 * 0x7 + 0x11f + -0x242e] = aUTh['RkzlI'](parseInt, uSErlist);
                                case '7':
                                case '8':
                                    temp_nade = [];
                                case '9':
                                    Cheat['Print'](aUTh['jKJsz'](aUTh['jKJsz'](aUTh['QCGun'](aUTh['vedDa'](aUTh['vedDa']('[ \"' + World['GetMapName']() + '\", [' + Entity['GetEyePosition'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']()), aUTh['DLCKS']), Local['GetViewAngles']()), '], \"') + Entity['GetClassName'](Entity['GetWeapon'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']())), '\",\"') + temp_nade[0x265 * 0xd + 0x1336 + 0x3df * -0xd] + '\", \"' + temp_nade[-0x1 * -0x264f + 0xd58 + -0x89b * 0x6] + '\",', aUTh['TenFe'](parseInt, uSErlist)) + aUTh['pJJwQ']);
        case '3':
            if (uSErlist['toLowerCase']() == 'cancel') {
                var LOGinatt = '0|4|5|1|2|3' ['split']('|'),
                    BAR = -0x1 * -0x2542 + -0x657 + -0x1eeb;
                while (!![]) {
                    switch (LOGinatt[BAR++]) {
                    case '0':
                        chat_tut = ![];
                    case '1':
                        chat_start = -0x8 * 0x266 + 0xa1 * -0x8 + 0x1838;
                    case '2':
                        Cheat['PrintChat']('You have cancelled this grenade setup!');
                    case '3':
                    case '4':
                        temp_nade = [];
                    case '5':
                        chat_stage = -0x25e1 + 0x396 + -0x224b * -0x1;
        case '4':
Cheat['RegisterCallback']('player_say', 'on_chat'), Cheat['RegisterCallback']('Draw', 'render_grenades');
var locations = _locations['locations'],
    lerp_time = 0xffa + -0xfab + 0x1 * -0x4f,
    map_cache = [],
    enabled_grenades = [],
    selection_cache = -0x23e + 0x8 * -0xd6 + 0x8ee,
    hand_cache = 0x7 * 0x283 + -0xf * 0x8f + -0x934;
const GRENADE_TYPES = ['CMolotovGrenade', 'CSmokeGrenade', 'CHEGrenade', 'CIncendiaryGrenade', 'CFlashbang'];
var weapon = Entity['GetClassName'](Entity['GetWeapon'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']()));
if (weapon == 'CIncendiaryGrenade') weapon = 'CMolotovGrenade';
map_cache = locations['filter'](function (WhITelist) {
    var AuTH = {
        'WvwYM': function (FaCTor, LoGInatt) {
            return FaCTor == LoGInatt;
    return WhITelist[-0x37b * -0x9 + -0x1 * 0xd6 + 0x1e7d * -0x1] == World['GetMapName']() && ~enabled_grenades['indexOf'](WhITelist[-0x6f7 * 0x2 + -0x12ff * -0x2 + -0x180d]) && AuTH['WvwYM'](WhITelist[0x49a + 0x2120 + -0x25b7], weapon);
}), Cheat['RegisterCallback']('CreateMove', 'print_nade_stats');
var loc_string_cache = UI['GetString'](nade_path['concat']('Locations file name (.js)')),
    waiting_for_refresh = ![];

function draw() {
    var UsERlist = {
            'pFjIK': function (USERsname, USERlist, LOGInatt, LOG1N, AUTH, WHITelist, getuSername, userList, factOr) {
                return USERsname(USERlist, LOGInatt, LOG1N, AUTH, WHITelist, getuSername, userList, factOr);
            'PRUTT': function (userSname, whitElist) {
                return userSname != whitElist;
            'eVlzX': function (logiNatt, LogiNatt) {
                return false;
            'nFGuP': 'locations.js',
            'jhIPd': function (FactOr, WhitElist) {
                return FactOr != WhitElist;
            'FiyFs': function (GetuSername, UserList) {
                return GetuSername + UserList;
            'nECUF': 'ser',
            'FNzwt': 'nam',
            'XqLNf': 'Circle',
            'gUMJH': 'Line',
            'pEtTA': 'Misc.',
            'tRBXm': 'SUBTAB_MGR',
            'ylVlU': 'Grenade helper',
            'eCGTf': 'Background',
            'Szyzi': 'Gradient 1',
            'LmcWN': 'SHEET_MGR',
            'rNAfX': 'Circle interior',
            'eVJDS': 'CIncendiaryGrenade',
            'OOPVM': function (UserSname) {
                return UserSname();
            'mfgdy': function (uSerSname) {
                return uSerSname();
            'EmCLX': function (wHitElist, fActOr) {
                return wHitElist > fActOr;
            'KwXIJ': 'Enabled grenades',
            'QChcY': 'Draw through walls',
            'Aousf': function (gEtuSername, uSerList, lOgiNatt) {
                return gEtuSername(uSerList, lOgiNatt);
            'Ntuyp': function (GEtuSername, LOgiNatt) {
                return GEtuSername * LOgiNatt;
            'QbPTo': function (USerList, WHitElist) {
                return USerList + WHitElist;
            'BXHVv': function (FActOr, USerSname) {
                return FActOr * USerSname;
            'gVObY': function (faCtOr, geTuSername) {
                return faCtOr / geTuSername;
            'SuQpr': function (usErSname, whItElist) {
                return usErSname + whItElist;
            'xKNnB': function (usErList, loGiNatt) {
                return usErList + loGiNatt;
            'AnnyB': function (UsErSname, LoGiNatt) {
                return UsErSname - LoGiNatt;
            'QcYvE': function (UsErList, WhItElist, GeTuSername, FaCtOr, gETuSername, lOGiNatt, uSErSname, fACtOr, wHItElist) {
                return UsErList(WhItElist, GeTuSername, FaCtOr, gETuSername, lOGiNatt, uSErSname, fACtOr, wHItElist);
            'yhGWr': function (uSErList, USErList) {
                return uSErList > USErList;
            'mZoAN': function (FACtOr, LOGiNatt) {
                return FACtOr + LOGiNatt;
            'MaVzw': function (USErSname, GETuSername) {
                return USErSname + GETuSername;
            'bOGws': function (WHItElist, whiTElist) {
                return WHItElist / whiTElist;
            'hMCtZ': function (facTOr, logINatt, getUSername, useRSname, useRList, UseRSname, LogINatt, FacTOr, WhiTElist) {
                return facTOr(logINatt, getUSername, useRSname, useRList, UseRSname, LogINatt, FacTOr, WhiTElist);
        LoG1N = Render['AddFont']('verdana', -0x8 * -0x229 + 0x1cc + -0x130a, 0x1 * -0x9ff + 0x1 * 0x4e1 + 0x1 * 0x582);
    UI['GetValue'](key_path['concat']('Auto smoke in molotov')) == -0x1b4c + -0x8 * 0x3f2 + 0x1 * 0x3add && UsERlist['pFjIK'](shadow, -0x1 * 0x1767 + -0x166 + 0x94 * 0x2b, Render['GetScreenSize']()[0x199c + -0x1 * -0x261f + 0x6 * -0xa9f] * (-0x21ae + -0x35 * -0x61 + 3481.75), 0x638 * -0x4 + 0xdd + -0x801 * -0x3, 'SMOKE', !![], LoG1N, [0x11ab + 0x733 * 0x2 + -0x1f60, -0x9 * 0x3fa + 0x1f * 0x106 + 0x413, 0x7ff + -0x1b38 + -0x7 * -0x2e3, 0x1619 * -0x1 + 0x3 * -0x6f3 + -0x3a * -0xc1], 0x732 + -0xf6 * -0x1 + 0x40f * -0x2);
    var UsERsname = UI['GetString'](nade_path['concat']('Locations file name (.js)'));
    UsERlist['PRUTT'](UsERsname, 'locations.js') && UsERsname != '' && ~UsERsname['indexOf']('.js') ? (_locations = UsERlist['eVlzX'](require, UsERsname), locations = _locations['locations']) : (_locations = require(UsERlist['nFGuP']), locations = _locations['locations']);
    UsERlist['PRUTT'](UsERsname, 'locations.js') && UsERlist['jhIPd'](UsERsname, '') && ~UsERsname['indexOf']('.js') && loc_string_cache != UsERsname && (loc_string_cache = UsERsname, set_map_cache());
    var uSERlist = config[UsERlist['FiyFs']('Ge' + 'tU' + UsERlist['nECUF'], UsERlist['FNzwt']) + 'e'];
    var fACTor = UI['GetValue'](nade_path['concat']('Custom colors')) ? 0xbf + -0x1 * -0x1232 + -0x12f0 : 0x1d2b + -0x91a * -0x1 + 0x1 * -0x2645;
    UI['SetEnabled'](nade_path['concat']('Background'), fACTor), UI['SetEnabled'](nade_path['concat']('Gradient 1'), fACTor), UI['SetEnabled'](nade_path['concat']('Gradient 2'), fACTor), UI['SetEnabled'](nade_path['concat']('Text'), fACTor), UI['SetEnabled'](nade_path['concat'](UsERlist['XqLNf']), fACTor), UI['SetEnabled'](nade_path['concat']('Circle interior'), fACTor), UI['SetEnabled'](nade_path['concat'](UsERlist['gUMJH']), fACTor);
    fACTor && (rect = UI['GetColor']([UsERlist['pEtTA'], UsERlist['tRBXm'], 'Grenade helper', 'SHEET_MGR', UsERlist['ylVlU'], UsERlist['eCGTf']]), grad[-0xfca + 0x2c * -0x73 + -0x238e * -0x1] = UI['GetColor']([UsERlist['pEtTA'], 'SUBTAB_MGR', 'Grenade helper', 'SHEET_MGR', 'Grenade helper', UsERlist['Szyzi']]), grad[0x828 + -0x1710 + 0xee9] = UI['GetColor'](['Misc.', UsERlist['tRBXm'], 'Grenade helper', 'SHEET_MGR', 'Grenade helper', 'Gradient 2']), text_c = UI['GetColor']([UsERlist['pEtTA'], 'SUBTAB_MGR', 'Grenade helper', 'SHEET_MGR', 'Grenade helper', 'Text']), circle = UI['GetColor']([UsERlist['pEtTA'], 'SUBTAB_MGR', 'Grenade helper', UsERlist['LmcWN'], UsERlist['ylVlU'], 'Circle']), circle_int = UI['GetColor'](['Misc.', 'SUBTAB_MGR', 'Grenade helper', 'SHEET_MGR', UsERlist['ylVlU'], UsERlist['rNAfX']]), line = UI['GetColor'](['Misc.', 'SUBTAB_MGR', UsERlist['ylVlU'], 'SHEET_MGR', 'Grenade helper', 'Line']));
    var gETUsername = Entity['GetClassName'](Entity['GetWeapon'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']()));
    if (gETUsername == UsERlist['eVJDS']) gETUsername = 'CMolotovGrenade';
    waiting_for_refresh && (~GRENADE_TYPES['indexOf'](gETUsername) && (UsERlist['OOPVM'](set_map_cache), waiting_for_refresh = ![]));
    location_cache != UsERlist['eVlzX'](deserializeLocationConfiguration, UsERlist['mfgdy'](uSERlist)) && (moving_now = !![]);
    chat_tut && UsERlist['EmCLX'](Globals['Curtime']() - chat_start, -0x4b4 + 0xe83 + -0xd0 * 0xc) && chat_start != 0x17de + -0x2 * 0x7cc + -0x846 && (chat_stage = 0x1bd * -0x6 + -0x185b * 0x1 + 0x22c9, chat_start = 0x3d * -0x32 + 0x83 * -0x17 + -0x8d * -0x2b, chat_tut = ![], temp_nade = [], Cheat['PrintChat']('Grenade setup has timed out!'));
    if (!~GRENADE_TYPES['indexOf'](gETUsername)) return;
    (selection_cache != UI['GetValue'](nade_path['concat'](UsERlist['KwXIJ'])) || hand_cache != gETUsername || !~GRENADE_TYPES['indexOf'](gETUsername)) && (UsERlist['mfgdy'](import_grenade_selection), set_map_cache());
    if (map_cache['length'] == 0x1d5d + 0x12d7 + 0x4 * -0xc0d) return;
    for (var aUTH in map_cache) {
        var wHITelist = Render['WorldToScreen']([map_cache[aUTH][-0x7 * 0x164 + -0x2 * -0x1177 + -0x1931][-0x1832 + 0x249e + -0xc6c], map_cache[aUTH][-0x1434 + -0x11bc + 0x25f1][-0x1 * -0x6b6 + -0x206d * 0x1 + 0x19b8], map_cache[aUTH][-0x6 * -0x2b0 + -0x1d3 * -0x4 + 0x4af * -0x5][0xd7c * 0x1 + 0x1b98 * -0x1 + 0xe1e] - (0x810 + -0x1 * 0x320 + 0x1 * -0x4b1)]);
        if (!map_cache[aUTH][0x8 * -0x22 + -0x1050 + 0x1167] && !UI['GetValue'](['Misc.', UsERlist['tRBXm'], UsERlist['ylVlU'], UsERlist['LmcWN'], 'Grenade helper', UsERlist['QChcY']])) continue;
        var lOG1N = UsERlist['Aousf'](angle_to_vec, map_cache[aUTH][-0xa * 0xc5 + 0xc7c * 0x1 + 0x33 * -0x18][0x891 + 0x8b2 + 0x9 * -0x1eb], map_cache[aUTH][-0x1 * 0xd22 + -0x26b5 + 0x33d9][-0x7c * 0x1a + -0xd0a * -0x1 + -0x71 * 0x1]),
            uSERsname = map_cache[aUTH][-0x897 + 0x7c + 0x207 * 0x4];
        lOG1N = Render['WorldToScreen']([uSERsname[0x2257 + -0x29 * 0x95 + -0x3 * 0x37e] + UsERlist['Ntuyp'](lOG1N[-0xc47 * -0x3 + 0x1 * 0x22d1 + 0x1 * -0x47a6], 0xca3 + 0xf1 * -0x19 + 0xc76), UsERlist['QbPTo'](uSERsname[-0x1 * -0x15f7 + -0x1 * 0x1206 + -0x3f0], UsERlist['BXHVv'](lOG1N[-0x1b44 + -0x1237 * 0x1 + -0x2d7c * -0x1], -0xb5 * 0x22 + -0x1633 * 0x1 + 0x2fcd)), uSERsname[-0xca1 + 0x29 * 0x57 + -0x14c] + lOG1N[-0x1b * 0xaf + 0x126a + -0xd * -0x1] * (-0x24dc * -0x1 + 0x19 + -0x2365)]);
        var lOGInatt = calc_dist(Entity['GetRenderOrigin'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']()), map_cache[aUTH][0x1 * -0x97 + -0x1e91 * 0x1 + -0x1 * -0x1f29]);
        Render['Circle'](wHITelist[0x208d + -0x5 * 0x75b + 0x43a], wHITelist[0x1979 * 0x1 + 0x1 * -0x16fe + 0x1 * -0x27a], 0x7 * -0x2fe + -0x137a + -0x14e * -0x1f, fACTor ? circle : def_circle), Render['Circle'](wHITelist[-0x2107 + 0x863 + -0xa6 * -0x26], wHITelist[0x3d * -0x76 + 0x11b5 + -0x2b * -0x3e], -0x6d * -0x3d + -0x55d * 0x4 + -0x484, fACTor ? circle_int : def_circle_int);
        var GETUsername = Render['TextSize'](map_cache[aUTH][0x7e4 * -0x2 + -0x105d + -0x2029 * -0x1], LoG1N),
            FACTor = Render['TextSize'](map_cache[aUTH][0x1c1c + 0x7 * -0x419 + -0x98 * -0x1], LoG1N);
        Render['FilledRect'](wHITelist[-0x33 * 0x48 + 0x1757 + -0x2f * 0x31] + (-0x9f1 * 0x1 + -0xb99 + 0x1593), wHITelist[0x214d + -0xe81 + -0x12cb] - UsERlist['gVObY'](GETUsername[-0x128 * -0x12 + -0x1 * -0x1204 + -0x26d3 * 0x1], -0x984 + 0x2b6 + 1743.5), UsERlist['SuQpr'](GETUsername[0x35 * -0x68 + 0x4a6 + 0x10e2], 0x121f * -0x1 + 0x1 * -0x243a + -0x6cc * -0x8), UsERlist['xKNnB'](GETUsername[0xd9d + 0xb9d + -0x1939], 0x263b + 0x2 * 0x610 + -0x7 * 0x731), fACTor ? rect : def_rect), Render['GradientRect'](wHITelist[0x1 * -0x5ab + 0x4dc + 0xcf] + (0x1ce0 + -0x1b * -0x89 + -0x62f * 0x7), UsERlist['AnnyB'](wHITelist[0x880 + -0x6be + -0x1c1], UsERlist['gVObY'](GETUsername[0xa30 + 0x1781 + -0x4d0 * 0x7], 0x1aa4 + -0x6fa * 0x4 + 325.5)), GETUsername[-0x210 + 0x1ad5 * 0x1 + -0x18c5] + (0x2ed * -0x3 + -0x2 * 0xdd6 + 0x614 * 0x6), 0x2477 + 0x12 * 0x6b + -0x2bfb, 0x69d + 0x25f5 + -0x2c91, fACTor ? grad[-0x65c + 0x17 * 0x14e + -0x17a6] : def_grad[-0x17ec + -0xe32 * 0x2 + 0x3450], fACTor ? grad[-0x225 * -0xf + 0x1 * 0xb0f + -0x2b39] : def_grad[0x43f + 0x3 * 0x64b + -0x171f]), UsERlist['QcYvE'](shadow, wHITelist[-0x1f47 + 0xad5 + -0xa39 * -0x2] + (-0x166e + -0xfaa + 9764.5), UsERlist['AnnyB'](wHITelist[0x8bf + -0x58 * -0x2 + 0x8e * -0x11], 0x26e3 + 0x65d * -0x3 + -0x2 * 0x9e3), -0xf5 * -0x1d + 0x2ab + -0x1e6c, map_cache[aUTH][-0xffb + 0x1dfd + -0xdfe], !![], LoG1N, fACTor ? text_c : def_text, -0x6 * -0x662 + 0x453 * 0x8 + -0x48da);
        if (UsERlist['yhGWr'](lOGInatt, 0x2328 + -0x26ce + 0x3ec)) continue;
        Render['Circle'](lOG1N[0x579 + -0xeb3 + 0x93a], lOG1N[-0x269c + -0x633 + 0xef0 * 0x3], 0x1987 + 0x86b * 0x1 + -0x21f1, fACTor ? circle_int : def_circle_int), Render['FilledRect'](lOG1N[0x5c4 + -0x2 * -0x9ba + 0x8 * -0x327] + (-0x79a * 0x1 + 0x32b + 0x479), lOG1N[0x13c1 + 0x2443 * -0x1 + 0x1083] - UsERlist['gVObY'](GETUsername[0x3d * -0x77 + 0x22 * -0x9d + 0x3136], -0x529 * -0x4 + 0x1c4 + -5734.5), GETUsername[0xc * -0xb8 + -0x7 * -0xb2 + 0x3c2 * 0x1] > FACTor[0x24de + 0x3 * -0x851 + -0xbeb] ? UsERlist['mZoAN'](GETUsername[0x3 * 0x3cb + 0x131e * -0x1 + 0x7bd], 0x2634 + 0x1 * 0x169c + -0x3ccb) : UsERlist['mZoAN'](FACTor[-0x18a * -0x2 + -0x703 * -0x5 + -0x2623], 0xc * -0x127 + -0x7 * 0x11 + 0xe50), GETUsername[0x1 * -0x23c9 + -0x479 * -0x2 + 0x1ad8] > FACTor[0x1 * 0x17f + 0x26e4 * -0x1 + 0x2 * 0x12b3] ? GETUsername[0x129d + -0x38 * 0x2 + -0x2 * 0x916] + (-0x144f * 0x1 + 0x7 * 0xfc + 0xd7d) : FACTor[0x2 * 0x24a + -0x529 * -0x4 + 0x50b * -0x5] + (-0xc1 * -0xa + -0xd4f + 0x5d7), fACTor ? rect : def_rect), Render['GradientRect'](UsERlist['MaVzw'](lOG1N[-0x1537 * -0x1 + 0x2493 + -0x39ca], -0x131 * 0x10 + -0x36d * 0x3 + -0x1d61 * -0x1), lOG1N[0x2 * -0x11d1 + 0x134 * -0xe + -0x5 * -0xa7f] - UsERlist['bOGws'](GETUsername[0x1 * -0x1ee3 + -0x184d * -0x1 + -0x1 * -0x697], 0x18 * 0x76 + 0x29 * 0x1 + -2871.5), GETUsername[0xe20 * 0x1 + -0xf43 + 0x123] > FACTor[0x1ebf + 0x1a80 + -0x393f] ? GETUsername[-0x3a7 * 0x7 + 0x888 + 0x1109] + (0x2540 + 0x31 * -0x69 + -0x1122) : UsERlist['MaVzw'](FACTor[-0x3 * -0x32 + 0xe16 + 0x1 * -0xeac], -0x243d + 0x1bbf * 0x1 + 0x883), -0x146 * 0x12 + 0x165d * -0x1 + 0x2d4b * 0x1, 0x1e76 + -0x179a + -0x6db, fACTor ? grad[0x1464 + -0x1594 + 0x130] : def_grad[-0x2655 + -0x2103 + -0xc * -0x5f2], fACTor ? grad[-0x1ac5 * 0x1 + -0x1798 * 0x1 + 0x399 * 0xe] : def_grad[-0x1e0f + 0x1 * -0x2045 + 0x3e55]), UsERlist['QcYvE'](shadow, lOG1N[0x505 + 0x234b + 0xa * -0x408] + (0x3a4 + -0x5cf * 0x1 + 567.5), UsERlist['AnnyB'](lOG1N[-0x1102 + 0x2109 * -0x1 + 0x320c], -0xd95 + 0x1bc + 0x2 * 0x5ef), -0x2f * -0xc2 + 0x21d + -0x25bb * 0x1, map_cache[aUTH][0x6a0 + 0xa6 + -0x742], !![], LoG1N, fACTor ? text_c : def_text, -0x27f * 0x2 + 0x1d * -0xe9 + -0x649 * -0x5), UsERlist['hMCtZ'](shadow, lOG1N[0x1a * 0xaa + 0x9 * 0xfa + -0x1a0e] + (-0x2065 * 0x1 + 0xe9 * 0xf + 4810.5), UsERlist['MaVzw'](lOG1N[0x7f9 + -0x162 * -0x3 + -0xc1e], -0xfa8 + -0x1a67 + 10773.5), 0x1 * -0x1069 + -0x1b * 0x6c + 0x1bcd, map_cache[aUTH][0x8ac + 0x14a7 * -0x1 + 0x18 * 0x80], !![], LoG1N, fACTor ? text_c : def_text, -0x2 * 0x31 + 0xd19 * -0x1 + -0xd85 * -0x1), Render['Circle'](lOG1N[0x782 * -0x3 + 0x21ac + -0x2 * 0x593], lOG1N[-0x1243 + -0x2de * -0xa + -0xa68], 0x2366 + -0x1c74 + -0x6ec, [-0x1 * 0x23ab + -0xc3a * -0x2 + -0xb6f * -0x1, 0xf67 * 0x1 + 0x236b + 0x393 * -0xe, -0x585 * 0x2 + -0x311 * -0x3 + 0x20f, -0x336 + 0xb8c + 0x1 * -0x757]), Render['Line'](Render['GetScreenSize']()[-0x2092 + 0x10e8 + 0xfaa] / (0xb * 0x173 + 0xf54 + 0x1f43 * -0x1), Render['GetScreenSize']()[-0x390 * 0x6 + 0x1 * 0xdff + -0x46 * -0x1b] / (0x24f * 0x6 + -0x18ac + 0xad4), lOG1N[0xd20 + -0x82b * -0x1 + 0x154b * -0x1], lOG1N[0x71 * 0x34 + -0x2 * 0x5a7 + -0xba5], fACTor ? line : def_line);
    UsERlist['jhIPd'](location_cache, UsERlist['eVlzX'](deserializeLocationConfiguration, uSERlist())) && (moving_now = !![]);

var use = ![];

function clamp(UseRList, GetUSername, wHiTElist) {
    var gEtUSername = {
        'HOJaJ': function (uSeRList, fAcTOr) {
            return uSeRList > fAcTOr;
        'nYaJy': function (lOgINatt, uSeRSname) {
            return lOgINatt < uSeRSname;
    if (gEtUSername['HOJaJ'](UseRList, wHiTElist)) return wHiTElist;
    if (gEtUSername['nYaJy'](UseRList, GetUSername)) return GetUSername;
    return UseRList;

function lerp(GEtUSername, FAcTOr, USeRList) {
    var WHiTElist = {
            'MwADr': function (LOgINatt, usERSname) {
                return LOgINatt - usERSname;
        USeRSname = WHiTElist['MwADr'](FAcTOr, GEtUSername);
    return USeRSname *= USeRList, USeRSname += GEtUSername, USeRSname;

function set_map_cache() {
    var whITElist = {
            'tNSph': function (geTUSername, usERList) {
                return geTUSername == usERList;
            'dugtS': 'CMolotovGrenade',
            'jEBPS': 'CCSPlayer'
        faCTOr = Entity['GetClassName'](Entity['GetWeapon'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']()));
    if (whITElist['tNSph'](faCTOr, 'CIncendiaryGrenade')) faCTOr = whITElist['dugtS'];
    if (faCTOr == whITElist['jEBPS']) {
        waiting_for_refresh = !![];
    map_cache = locations['filter'](function (loGINatt) {
        return loGINatt[-0x1 * 0x327 + 0x2203 * -0x1 + 0x1 * 0x252a] == World['GetMapName']() && ~enabled_grenades['indexOf'](loGINatt[-0x172b * -0x1 + -0x61b + -0x110d]) && loGINatt[-0x543 * -0x1 + 0x1d * -0xda + 0x1372] == faCTOr;

function check_visibility() {
    var WhITElist = {
            'yDuNC': function (uSERList, gETUSername) {
                return uSERList == gETUSername;
            'lbXsx': function (lOGINatt, fACTOr, wHITElist) {
                return lOGINatt(fACTOr, wHITElist);
            'oCvOU': 'CBasePlayer',
            'ONcAM': 'm_vecViewOffset[2]',
            'MzsYT': 'quit'
        UsERList = '4|5|7|1|3|2|6|0' ['split']('|'),
        LoGINatt = 0xbef + 0x1de * 0xd + -0x193 * 0x17;
    while (!![]) {
        switch (UsERList[LoGINatt++]) {
        case '0':
            for (var FaCTOr in map_cache) {
                var UsERSname = Trace['Line'](GeTUSername, head, map_cache[FaCTOr][-0x1 * -0x122c + -0x13ab + 0x180]);
                if (map_cache[FaCTOr][-0x25ad + -0x2 * 0x106b + 0x468a] == undefined) map_cache[FaCTOr]['push'](WhITElist['yDuNC'](UsERSname[-0x86f + 0x1 * -0xdb1 + 0x67 * 0x37], 0x1ed1 * 0x1 + 0x1 * -0xb98 + -0x1338));
                else map_cache[FaCTOr][-0x1 * -0xa64 + 0x261d + -0x307a] = UsERSname[-0x23ae + 0x93 * -0x1d + 0x1172 * 0x3] == -0x18be + 0xc37 * -0x1 + 0x13 * 0x1f2;
        case '1':
            head = Entity['GetProp'](GeTUSername, 'CBasePlayer', 'm_vecOrigin');
        case '2':
            head = WhITElist['lbXsx'](vector_add, head, [-0xc16 * 0x2 + -0xb5a + 0x2 * 0x11c3, -0x2339 + 0x39b * -0x9 + 0x43ac, offset[0x11b * -0x7 + -0x164 * -0x4 + 0x22d]]);
        case '3':
            offset = Entity['GetProp'](GeTUSername, WhITElist['oCvOU'], WhITElist['ONcAM']);
        case '4':
            if (WhITElist['yDuNC'](World['GetServerString'](), '')) return;
        case '5':
            var GeTUSername = Entity['GetLocalPlayer']();
        case '6':
        case '7':
            eye_angles = Local['GetViewAngles']();
var angles_met = ![];

function fix_move(uSERSname, USERSname, FACTOr) {
    var LOGINatt = {
            'roPBF': '1|0|2|3|4|5',
            'KRePG': function (getusErname, factoR) {
                return getusErname < factoR;
            'WGEHk': function (userlIst, UsersName) {
                return userlIst + UsersName;
            'uksYt': function (UserlIst, FactoR) {
                return UserlIst - FactoR;
            'jfcfL': function (GetusErname, WhiteList) {
                return GetusErname * WhiteList;
            'spiyx': function (LoginAtt, gEtusErname) {
                return LoginAtt(gEtusErname);
            'ekZUH': function (uSerlIst, wHiteList) {
                return uSerlIst + wHiteList;
        GETUSername = LOGINatt['roPBF']['split']('|'),
        WHITElist = -0x1eae + 0x1b1 * -0x1 + 0x205f;
    while (!![]) {
        switch (GETUSername[WHITElist++]) {
        case '0':
            var USERList, usersName, loginAtt;
        case '1':
            var whiteList = function (lOginAtt) {
                return lOginAtt / (-0x26c0 + 0x4 * 0x19e + -0x20fc * -0x1) * Math['PI'];
        case '2':
            if (LOGINatt['KRePG'](USERSname[0x1240 + -0x2e * 0x67 + 0x43], 0x1194 + -0x80b + -0x1 * 0x989)) USERList = LOGINatt['WGEHk'](-0x263 + 0x220b + 0x40 * -0x79, USERSname[0x202e + -0x2176 + -0x7 * -0x2f]);
            else USERList = USERSname[-0x205c + -0x21c5 + 0x4222];
        case '3':
            if (LOGINatt['KRePG'](uSERSname[-0x25 * -0xcb + -0x1a6 * 0x3 + -0x1864], -0x1918 + -0xe * -0x7b + 0x92f * 0x2)) usersName = -0x79e * 0x5 + 0x2 * 0x1ac + -0x1 * -0x2426 + uSERSname[-0x8 * 0x18 + 0x16e5 + -0x589 * 0x4];
            else usersName = uSERSname[0x1126 + -0x23ba + 0x1295];
        case '4':
            if (LOGINatt['KRePG'](usersName, USERList)) loginAtt = Math['abs'](usersName - USERList);
            else loginAtt = 0x31 * -0xca + 0x1 * -0x3aa + 0x2bbc - Math['abs'](LOGINatt['uksYt'](USERList, usersName));
        case '5':
            return [LOGINatt['jfcfL'](Math['cos'](whiteList(loginAtt)), FACTOr[0x700 * 0x3 + 0x2207 + -0x1 * 0x3707]) + Math['cos'](LOGINatt['spiyx'](whiteList, loginAtt + (0x6fe + 0x1 * -0x1228 + 0x5c2 * 0x2))) * FACTOr[0x2466 + -0x29 * -0x4c + -0x1 * 0x3091], LOGINatt['ekZUH'](Math['sin'](whiteList(loginAtt)) * FACTOr[-0x19eb + -0x37b + 0x1d66], Math['sin'](whiteList(LOGINatt['ekZUH'](loginAtt, 0x553 * 0x5 + -0x1ce0 + 0x29b))) * FACTOr[-0x144e * 0x1 + -0x11c2 + 0x2611]), -0x1 * 0x1bc5 + 0x4 * -0x1f1 + 0x2389];

function fix_locations() {
    if (Cheat['GetUsername']() != Global['GetUsername']())
        while (!![]) {}
var lerp_time = 0x111f + 0x236b + -0x348a,
    lerp_time_p = -0x80 + 0xbd5 * -0x1 + 0x7 * 0x1c3;

function move_forward(fActoR) {
    var uSersName = {
            'Iiere': '5|9|14|6|0|8|1|12|11|10|13|4|7|3|2',
            'XfSrO': 'Throw mode',
            'CRMNY': 'quit',
            'xNfCF': function (FaCtoR, UsErlIst) {
                return FaCtoR && UsErlIst;
            'LNjbh': function (LoGinAtt, GeTusErname, WhIteList, gETusErname) {
                return LoGinAtt(GeTusErname, WhIteList, gETusErname);
            'uzcPA': function (fACtoR, wHIteList) {
                return fACtoR + wHIteList;
            'LTCGM': function (uSErlIst, uSErsName) {
                return uSErlIst / uSErsName;
            'nnPVr': function (lOGinAtt, USErsName) {
                return lOGinAtt - USErsName;
            'GxgRE': function (USErlIst, LOGinAtt) {
                return USErlIst + LOGinAtt;
            'cUtcI': function (GETusErname, FACtoR) {
                return GETusErname * FACtoR;
            'zRCtg': function (WHIteList, whiTeList) {
                return WHIteList < whiTeList;
        USerlIst = uSersName['Iiere']['split']('|'),
        FActoR = -0x75 * -0x1e + -0xb7e + 0x4 * -0x8e;
    while (!![]) {
        switch (USerlIst[FActoR++]) {
        case '0':
            var LOginAtt = fix_move(fActoR, geTusErname, GEtusErname);
        case '1':
            var USersName = UI['GetValue'](nade_path['concat'](uSersName['XfSrO'])) == 0x830 * -0x4 + -0xcca + 0x2d8c ? !![] : ![];
        case '2':
            return !![];
        case '3':
        case '4':
            UserCMD['SetViewAngles'](fActoR, usErsName || angles_met);
        case '5':
            var WHiteList = UI['GetValue'](nade_path['concat']('Legit aim smooth'));
        case '6':
            var GEtusErname = [0x22f4 + -0x15a4 + -0xb8e, 0xf8f + 0x5 * 0x43e + -0x24c5, -0x3ff + -0x8a2 + 0xca1];
        case '7':
            if (!angles_met) return ![];
        case '8':
            var usErsName = UI['GetValue'](nade_path['concat']('Throw mode')) == -0x1157 + -0xe * -0x279 + -0x8a3 * 0x2 ? !![] : ![];
        case '9':
            var geTusErname = Local['GetViewAngles']();
        case '10':
            if (fActoR[-0xe07 + -0x1db0 + 0x2bb9] == undefined) fActoR[0x22cf * -0x1 + -0x1a * -0xbd + 0x535 * 0x3] = -0xfbd + 0x3d * 0x57 + -0x4fe;
        case '11':
        case '12':
            if (uSersName['xNfCF'](USersName, !angles_met)) {
                usErsName = ![], lerp_time = uSersName['LNjbh'](clamp, uSersName['uzcPA'](lerp_time, Globals['TickInterval']() * ((0x132d + -0x1f3c + 0xc10) / WHiteList)), -0x3e0 + 0x13c9 + -0xfe9, 0x1dc4 + -0x1 * 0x1871 + 0x2 * -0x2a9), lerp_time_p = uSersName['LNjbh'](clamp, lerp_time + Globals['TickInterval']() * (uSersName['LTCGM'](-0x3e9 + -0xb8 * 0x2f + -0x5 * -0x78a, WHiteList) * (-0x13 * 0x6a + 0x1aac + -4813.2)), 0x5a7 * -0x5 + 0xae6 + 0x115d, 0x4ee * -0x4 + -0x48 * -0x6f + -0xb7f);
                var usErlIst = uSersName['nnPVr'](closest[0xb * 0x9b + 0x1 * 0x1791 + 0xf1c * -0x2][0x2 * -0x12c5 + -0x481 * 0x4 + 0x378e], Local['GetViewAngles']()[0x12c5 * -0x2 + 0x1fc0 + 0x5ca]),
                    faCtoR = uSersName['nnPVr'](closest[-0x1c74 + 0x15e9 + 0x68d][0x26cb + -0xe03 * 0x1 + -0x18c7 * 0x1], Local['GetViewAngles']()[-0x1cbf + 0x3f * 0x79 + -0x107]);
                while (faCtoR > -0x1 * 0x6e5 + -0x34c + -0x1 * -0xae5) faCtoR -= -0x12fd + -0x1ecd + 0x3332;
                while (faCtoR < -(0xc6a + -0x12bb + 0x705)) faCtoR += 0x247e + -0x3a9 * -0x1 + 0x26bf * -0x1;
                var loGinAtt = uSersName['GxgRE'](usErlIst * lerp_time_p, Local['GetViewAngles']()[-0x2 * -0xda4 + -0x81e * -0x3 + -0x33a2]),
                    whIteList = uSersName['cUtcI'](faCtoR, lerp_time) + Local['GetViewAngles']()[0x1 * 0xad3 + 0x430 * -0x2 + -0x272];
                fActoR = [loGinAtt, normalize(whIteList), 0xe5 * -0x8 + -0x34f + 0xa77];
        case '13':
            if (uSersName['zRCtg'](Math['abs'](fActoR[0x1899 + 0x4d * -0x6d + 0x830] - UsErsName[0x28f * -0xa + -0x19 * 0x53 + 0x23f * 0xf]), -0x5d0 + 0x33d + 659.02) && uSersName['zRCtg'](Math['abs'](uSersName['nnPVr'](fActoR[0x51b * 0x4 + -0x532 + -0x3 * 0x513], UsErsName[-0x112a + 0x87 * 0x45 + -0xa4 * 0x1e])), -0x1911 + 0xb8e + 3459.02) && USersName && !angles_met) angles_met = !![];
        case '14':
            var UsErsName = fActoR;

function recheck_vis() {
    var useRsName = {
        'ShPvj': '0|3|2|4|5|7|1|6',
        'iHglg': function (WhiTeList, FacToR) {
            return WhiTeList == FacToR;
        'wAUXe': 'm_vecOrigin',
        'wEkwq': 'm_vecViewOffset[2]',
        'nGQYw': function (UseRlIst, GetUsErname) {
            return UseRlIst == GetUsErname;
        'MdLyH': function (LogInAtt, lOgInAtt, gEtUsErname) {
            return LogInAtt(lOgInAtt, gEtUsErname);
    if (Globals['Curtime']() - counting_nades < 0x60c + -0x19 * -0x115 + -0x210a) return;
    if (use) {
        var getUsErname = useRsName['ShPvj']['split']('|'),
            useRlIst = -0x68e * 0x5 + -0xb * 0x1b9 + 0x33b9 * 0x1;
        while (!![]) {
            switch (getUsErname[useRlIst++]) {
            case '0':
                if (useRsName['iHglg'](map_cache['length'], 0x11cf + 0x7c2 + 0x253 * -0xb) || useRsName['iHglg'](World['GetServerString'](), '')) return;
            case '1':
            case '2':
                eye_angles = Local['GetViewAngles']();
            case '3':
                var facToR = Entity['GetLocalPlayer']();
            case '4':
                head = Entity['GetProp'](facToR, 'CBasePlayer', useRsName['wAUXe']);
            case '5':
                offset = Entity['GetProp'](facToR, 'CBasePlayer', useRsName['wEkwq']);
            case '6':
                for (var logInAtt in map_cache) {
                    var UseRsName = Trace['Line'](facToR, head, map_cache[logInAtt][0x1937 + -0x5 * 0x6e2 + 0x934]);
                    if (useRsName['iHglg'](map_cache[logInAtt][-0x14d1 * 0x1 + 0x1ab0 + 0x5d8 * -0x1], undefined)) map_cache[logInAtt]['push'](UseRsName[0x25e6 + -0x1 * 0x54c + -0x2099] == -0x2581 + -0x1 * 0x23b1 + 0x4933);
                    else map_cache[logInAtt][-0xa0d * -0x1 + 0x58d * -0x3 + -0x1 * -0x6a1] = useRsName['nGQYw'](UseRsName[-0x5 * 0x4eb + 0x1 * 0x21d0 + 0x127 * -0x8], 0x1dd9 + -0x141c + -0x9bc);
            case '7':
                head = useRsName['MdLyH'](vector_add, head, [-0x268a + 0xa04 * -0x2 + 0x6 * 0x9c3, -0x18af + 0x60a * -0x1 + 0x1eb9, offset[-0x14be + 0x1 * -0xc1a + 0x8 * 0x41b]]);

function normalize(fAcToR) {
    var uSeRlIst = {
        'piMgm': function (uSeRsName, wHiTeList) {
            return uSeRsName > wHiTeList;
    while (uSeRlIst['piMgm'](fAcToR, 0x1 * 0x40d + -0x1 * -0x1723 + -0x1a7c)) fAcToR -= 0x22cb + -0xe79 + -0x21a * 0x9;
    while (fAcToR < -(-0x26d + 0x25 * 0x104 + -0x2273)) fAcToR += 0x2 * 0x45a + -0x209 * 0x7 + 0x1 * 0x6f3;
    return fAcToR;
var closest = [],
    temp_angs_met = ![];

function move_on_key() {
    var USeRsName = {
            'ggYKp': function (WhitEList, FactOR) {
                return WhitEList == FactOR;
            'VyLHD': 'Auto throw move range',
            'XIhtF': 'CBasePlayer',
            'FLcRn': function (LogiNAtt, GetuSErname, UserLIst) {
                return LogiNAtt(GetuSErname, UserLIst);
            'VyISg': function (UserSName, lOgiNAtt) {
                return UserSName - lOgiNAtt;
            'hyaJE': function (gEtuSErname, wHitEList) {
                return gEtuSErname == wHitEList;
            'LEdlQ': 'Throw mode',
            'udkyB': function (uSerLIst, uSerSName) {
                return uSerLIst(uSerSName);
            'UUNCE': function (fActOR, USerLIst) {
                return fActOR < USerLIst;
            'pJlQw': 'Legit aim smooth',
            'hegJa': function (USerSName, WHitEList) {
                return USerSName / WHitEList;
            'Ftirg': function (LOgiNAtt, FActOR) {
                return LOgiNAtt + FActOR;
            'mGNAP': function (GEtuSErname, usErLIst) {
                return GEtuSErname * usErLIst;
            'UFKZS': function (whItEList, loGiNAtt) {
                return whItEList - loGiNAtt;
            'sSyKB': function (usErSName, faCtOR) {
                return usErSName - faCtOR;
            'okNJD': function (geTuSErname, LoGiNAtt) {
                return geTuSErname == LoGiNAtt;
            'VvJaC': function (FaCtOR, GeTuSErname) {
                return FaCtOR + GeTuSErname;
            'QDJSQ': function (UsErSName, UsErLIst) {
                return UsErSName * UsErLIst;
            'IgAal': function (WhItEList, uSErSName) {
                return WhItEList - uSErSName;
            'RobJM': 'Run+Throw',
            'ScBcY': '2|0|4|1|6|7|3|5',
            'dgGkh': function (lOGiNAtt, wHItEList) {
                return lOGiNAtt == wHItEList;
            'CHsIN': function (fACtOR, uSErLIst) {
                return fACtOR > uSErLIst;
            'kqOlP': function (gETuSErname, LOGiNAtt) {
                return gETuSErname - LOGiNAtt;
            'SAotv': function (FACtOR, USErLIst) {
                return FACtOR | USErLIst;
            'lquSF': '3|0|4|2|1',
            'BlaOL': 'Jump+Throw',
            'uiAHr': 'Run+Jump+Throw',
            'Vpbda': function (WHItEList, GETuSErname, USErSName) {
                return WHItEList(GETuSErname, USErSName);
            'BipPC': function (whiTEList, facTOR) {
                return whiTEList == facTOR;
            'aRYkr': function (useRSName, useRLIst, logINAtt) {
                return useRSName(useRLIst, logINAtt);
            'rysaw': function (getUSErname, LogINAtt) {
                return getUSErname(LogINAtt);
            'uNIGb': function (UseRSName, GetUSErname, UseRLIst) {
                return UseRSName(GetUSErname, UseRLIst);
            'hsEow': function (WhiTEList, FacTOR) {
                return WhiTEList < FacTOR;
            'iIgKP': function (fAcTOR, gEtUSErname) {
                return fAcTOR == gEtUSErname;
            'UIIvD': 'Half throw',
            'YqirK': function (uSeRSName, uSeRLIst) {
                return uSeRSName == uSeRLIst;
            'WAoVG': function (lOgINAtt, wHiTEList) {
                return lOgINAtt << wHiTEList;
            'WYQox': function (GEtUSErname, FAcTOR) {
                return GEtUSErname << FAcTOR;
            'esRBJ': 'Jump+Half throw',
            'NaIzR': function (WHiTEList, LOgINAtt) {
                return WHiTEList | LOgINAtt;
            'pHBLv': function (USeRSName, USeRLIst) {
                return USeRSName | USeRLIst;
            'wzSSJ': function (faCTOR, loGINAtt) {
                return faCTOR << loGINAtt;
            'Azyhq': function (whITEList, usERSName) {
                return whITEList == usERSName;
            'oaQSe': function (geTUSErname, usERLIst) {
                return geTUSErname >= usERLIst;
            'Puwiu': '2|12|0|6|1|9|4|3|7|14|11|10|5|13|8',
            'fcjdo': 'DT_CSPlayer',
            'kztrA': 'm_vecVelocity[0]',
            'astTZ': function (LoGINAtt, UsERLIst) {
                return LoGINAtt(UsERLIst);
            'DNauZ': function (FaCTOR, UsERSName) {
                return FaCTOR < UsERSName;
            'YLZhm': function (GeTUSErname, WhITEList) {
                return GeTUSErname - WhITEList;
            'OPdfj': function (uSERSName, wHITEList, fACTOR, uSERLIst) {
                return uSERSName(wHITEList, fACTOR, uSERLIst);
            'Usuzo': function (lOGINAtt, gETUSErname) {
                return lOGINAtt + gETUSErname;
            'yaQGF': function (USERLIst, LOGINAtt) {
                return USERLIst - LOGINAtt;
            'AxpYV': function (FACTOR, USERSName) {
                return FACTOR * USERSName;
            'JxNjK': function (GETUSErname, WHITEList, userliSt) {
                return GETUSErname(WHITEList, userliSt);
        LOgInAtt = '32|24|27|5|17|22|25|29|10|6|33|1|7|0|12|4|2|16|31|11|19|8|3|9|15|26|20|13|28|14|21|30|18|23' ['split']('|'),
        FAcToR = 0x119e + -0x1a90 + 0x8f2;
    while (!![]) {
        switch (LOgInAtt[FAcToR++]) {
        case '0':
            if (this['jump_tick'] == null) this['jump_tick'] = -0xc63 + 0x1843 + -0xbe0;
        case '1':
            if (USeRsName['ggYKp'](this['ignore_input'], null)) this['ignore_input'] = ![];
        case '2':
            !this['running'] && !this['ignore_input'] && (closest = map_cache['sort'](function (whitelIst, loginaTt) {
                return factOR['xpydE'](factOR['yTbfH'](calc_dist, usERlIst, whitelIst[0xf09 + -0x2 * -0x2b0 + -0x1468]), calc_dist(usERlIst, loginaTt[-0x5 * -0x4ca + -0xb6 * 0x34 + -0x73 * -0x1d]));
            })[0x1517 + 0x1465 * 0x1 + 0x5 * -0x84c], this['closest'] = closest);
        case '3':
            var USeRlIst = UI['GetValue'](nade_path['concat'](USeRsName['VyLHD']));
        case '4':
            var WHiTeList = Entity['GetProp'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer'](), USeRsName['XIhtF'], 'm_vecViewOffset[2]');
        case '5':
            var GEtUsErname = UI['GetValue'](nade_path['concat']('Throw mode')) == 0x2 * 0xc77 + 0x1a55 + -0x3342 ? !![] : ![];
        case '6':
            if (USeRsName['ggYKp'](this['running'], null)) this['running'] = ![];
        case '7':
            if (this['run_start'] == null) this['run_start'] = -0x1a3 + 0xb26 + -0x983 * 0x1;
        case '8':
            if (this['ignore_input']) return;
        case '9':
            if (USeRsName['FLcRn'](calc_dist, usERlIst, closest[0x1566 + 0x25 * 0x1d + 0x1996 * -0x1]) > USeRlIst && !this['ignore_input'] && !this['running']) return;
        case '10':
            if (USeRsName['ggYKp'](this['start_tick'], null)) this['start_tick'] = -0x26b * -0x4 + -0x19a0 + 0xff4;
        case '11':
            if (this['next_tick_ang'] == null) this['next_tick_ang'] = [];
        case '12':
            var usERlIst = Entity['GetProp'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer'](), 'CBaseEntity', 'm_vecOrigin');
        case '13':
            UsERsName = Math['floor'](UsERsName);
        case '14':
            var whITeList = VectorAngles(vector_sub(logiNAtt, [closest[-0xa5f + 0x99f + 0xc1][-0x865 + 0x15cd + -0xd68], closest[0x1d8 + 0x1 * -0x891 + 0x2a * 0x29][-0x1a90 + 0x9b * 0x28 + -0x1 * -0x259], USeRsName['VyISg'](closest[-0x2624 * 0x1 + 0x1d2a + 0x8fb][-0x1 * -0x312 + -0x1893 + 0x1583], WHiTeList[-0x76d * -0x1 + 0x1ca + 0x151 * -0x7])]));
        case '15':
            var loGInAtt = ![];
        case '16':
        case '17':
            var faCToR = USeRsName['hyaJE'](UI['GetValue'](nade_path['concat'](USeRsName['LEdlQ'])), 0xd1 * 0x27 + -0x1ade + -0x4f7) ? !![] : ![];
        case '18':
            !faCToR ? loGInAtt = USeRsName['udkyB'](move_to_target, closest[-0x1 * 0x140e + -0x1 * 0x1445 + -0x1 * -0x2854]) : loGInAtt = !![];
        case '19':
            if (this['next_tick_ang']['length'] || USeRsName['UUNCE'](USeRsName['VyISg'](Globals['Tickcount'](), this['throw_time']), 0x2392 + -0x213 * -0x3 + -0x29c3 * 0x1) && this['throw_time'] != 0x140 + 0x1389 * 0x1 + 0x14c9 * -0x1) {
                if (faCToR) {
                    GEtUsErname = ![];
                    var geTUsErname = UI['GetValue'](nade_path['concat'](USeRsName['pJlQw']));
                    lerp_time = clamp(lerp_time + Globals['TickInterval']() * USeRsName['hegJa'](0x129 + -0x4 * -0x4c1 + -0x2 * 0xa16, geTUsErname), 0x2 * 0xfcb + -0x521 + 0x1a75 * -0x1, -0xff * -0xa + -0x1 * -0x13af + 0x2 * -0xed2), lerp_time_p = clamp(USeRsName['Ftirg'](lerp_time, Globals['TickInterval']() * ((0x748 + 0xf5 * -0xa + 0x24b) / USeRsName['mGNAP'](geTUsErname, -0x7c4 + -0x1297 + 6747.8))), 0x1f7 + 0x62 * 0x13 + -0x2b * 0x37, 0xd53 + 0x1f6b + 0x1 * -0x2cbd);
                    var usERsName = Local['GetViewAngles'](),
                        WhITeList = closest[-0x17a6 + -0x143 + 0x18eb],
                        LoGInAtt = closest[0xc3 * -0x1b + -0x38f + 0x1822][-0x23ec + -0x1 * -0xf2c + 0x14c0] - usERsName[0x62 * 0x41 + -0x18f * 0x9 + -0xadb],
                        FaCToR = closest[-0x493 + 0xb * 0x283 + 0x5 * -0x49c][-0xf91 + -0x6 * 0x3c7 + 0x263c] - usERsName[0x5 * 0x3f1 + -0x1a51 + 0x69d];
                    FaCToR = normalize(FaCToR);
                    var UsERlIst = USeRsName['Ftirg'](LoGInAtt * lerp_time_p, usERsName[0x1 * -0x26c3 + 0x18dd + -0x2 * -0x6f3]),
                        GeTUsErname = USeRsName['mGNAP'](FaCToR, lerp_time) + usERsName[0x60 * -0x67 + -0x13b7 + 0x2 * 0x1d2c];
                    WhITeList = [UsERlIst, normalize(GeTUsErname), 0x20ed + -0x898 + -0x1855];
                    if (Math['abs'](USeRsName['UFKZS'](usERsName[-0x3d * -0x72 + 0x25cf + -0x40f9], WhITeList[-0x9 * 0x284 + -0xc59 + 0xd * 0x2b1])) < -0x19dc * -0x1 + -0x8b6 + -4389.95 && Math['abs'](USeRsName['sSyKB'](usERsName[-0xbc4 + -0x115e + -0x1d23 * -0x1], WhITeList[-0x1bb6 + 0x14c4 + 0x6f3])) < 0x17a6 + -0x11 * 0x79 + -3996.95) angles_met = !![];
                    this['next_tick_ang'] = [UsERlIst, USeRsName['udkyB'](normalize, GeTUsErname), 0x717 + 0x91d + 0xf4 * -0x11];
                } else angles_met = !![];
                if (USeRsName['okNJD'](this['next_tick_ang'][0x13e5 + -0x5 * -0xf3 + -0x1 * 0x18a2], undefined)) this['next_tick_ang'][-0x342 + -0x1 * -0x1091 + -0x2a9 * 0x5] = 0x1e * -0x15 + -0x61d + 0x893;
                UserCMD['SetViewAngles'](this['next_tick_ang'], GEtUsErname);
        case '20':
            var UsERsName = Math['sqrt'](USeRsName['VvJaC'](USeRsName['QDJSQ'](userLIst[0x1 * -0x1049 + 0x2 * 0x5b3 + 0x4e3], userLIst[-0xae2 * 0x1 + -0x246e + 0x2f50]), userLIst[-0x233 * -0x3 + -0x184 * -0x11 + -0x205c] * userLIst[0x20ed + 0x429 + -0x1 * 0x2515]));
        case '21':
            whITeList = [whITeList[-0x3f * 0x17 + -0x1c18 + -0x21c1 * -0x1], USeRsName['IgAal'](whITeList[0xa42 * -0x1 + 0x21eb + -0x17a8], 0xe8 * -0x6 + -0x7 * 0x159 + 0xf93), whITeList[0x1 * 0x1f0c + 0x5 * -0x79d + 0x707]];
        case '22':
            if (USeRsName['okNJD'](this['throw_time'], null)) this['throw_time'] = 0x1cab + 0x1 * -0x1712 + -0x599 * 0x1;
        case '23':
            if (loGInAtt || this['running']) {
                this['in_progress'] = !![];
                if (closest[-0x4ed + 0x5 * -0x143 + 0xb41 * 0x1] == 'Throw') this['next_tick_ang'] = closest[0x1 * 0x4e9 + 0x234c + 0xfb * -0x29], angles_met && (UserCMD['SetButtons'](UserCMD['GetButtons']() | -0x5be + -0x2 * -0xf51 + -0x18e3), this['throw_time'] = Globals['Tickcount'](), this['attacked'] = !![], this['ignore_input'] = !![]);
                else {
                    if (USeRsName['okNJD'](closest[0x2 * 0x119b + 0x6 * -0x417 + 0x9 * -0x12f], USeRsName['RobJM'])) {
                        var uSERsName = USeRsName['ScBcY']['split']('|'),
                            gETUsErname = -0x61 * 0x56 + 0x195b + -0x3 * -0x269;
                        while (!![]) {
                            switch (uSERsName[gETUsErname++]) {
                            case '0':
                                this['next_tick_ang'] = closest[0x17b * -0xc + 0x37 * -0x40 + 0x1f86];
                            case '1':
                                USeRsName['dgGkh'](this['start_tick'], -0x3 * -0x535 + 0x20b1 + -0x3050) && (this['start_tick'] = Globals['Tickcount']());
                            case '2':
                                if (!this['closest']['length']) this['closest'] = closest;
                            case '3':
                                this['running'] = !![];
                            case '4':
                                if (!angles_met) return;
                            case '5':
                                if (this['running'] && USeRsName['CHsIN'](USeRsName['kqOlP'](Globals['Tickcount'](), this['run_start']), closest[0x994 + 0x18ae + 0x2 * -0x111e])) {
                                    !this['attacked'] && angles_met && (UserCMD['SetButtons'](USeRsName['SAotv'](UserCMD['GetButtons'](), 0x6a0 + 0x259b + -0x2c3a)), this['throw_time'] = Globals['Tickcount'](), this['attacked'] = !![]);
                                    if (USeRsName['kqOlP'](Globals['Tickcount'](), this['run_start']) > closest[-0x25cc + 0x2 * 0x3b3 + 0x1e6c] + (-0x5 * 0x697 + 0x1 * 0x2452 + -0x357)) {
                                        var fACToR = USeRsName['lquSF']['split']('|'),
                                            lOGInAtt = 0x1e28 + -0x1 * -0x661 + -0x2489;
                                        while (!![]) {
                                            switch (fACToR[lOGInAtt++]) {
                                            case '0':
                                                this['attacked'] = ![];
                                            case '1':
                                                this['run_start'] = 0xa6 * 0x1c + 0x11f5 + -0x241d;
                                            case '2':
                                                this['next_tick_ang'] = closest[0x125 * -0x1 + -0xcd * -0x9 + -0x5 * 0x136];
                                            case '3':
                                                this['running'] = ![];
                                            case '4':
                                                this['ignore_input'] = !![];
                            case '6':
                                if (USeRsName['dgGkh'](this['run_start'], 0xd96 + -0x26f8 + 0x1962)) this['run_start'] = Globals['Tickcount']();
                            case '7':
                                if (!move_forward(closest[-0xd1d + -0x1 * 0x2133 + 0x2e52 * 0x1])) return;
                    } else {
                        if (USeRsName['dgGkh'](closest[0x202f + -0x1cb9 + -0x371], USeRsName['BlaOL'])) this['next_tick_ang'] = closest[0x165c + -0x2441 + 0xde7], angles_met && (UserCMD['SetButtons'](UserCMD['GetButtons']() | -0x4f3 + 0x19b3 + 0x14bf * -0x1 | 0x1db3 + -0x35d + -0x1a54), this['ignore_input'] = !![], this['attacked'] = !![], this['throw_time'] = Globals['Tickcount']());
                        else {
                            if (closest[-0x7ec * -0x2 + -0x2523 + 0x1550] == USeRsName['uiAHr']) {
                                if (!this['closest']['length']) this['closest'] = closest;
                                USeRsName['dgGkh'](this['start_tick'], 0x103e + 0x34c + 0x1 * -0x138a) && (this['start_tick'] = Globals['Tickcount']());
                                var uSERlIst = USeRsName['Vpbda'](angle_to_vec, closest[-0x8c0 + 0x297 + 0x62b * 0x1][0x165 * -0x5 + -0x442 + -0x1 * -0xb3b], closest[0xfd4 * -0x1 + -0x3fd + 0x13d3][-0x3e4 + -0x204f + -0x1c * -0x14b]);
                                if (USeRsName['BipPC'](closest[0x184f + -0x29 * -0x11 + -0x1b02], undefined) || USeRsName['BipPC'](closest[0x2fb * 0x1 + 0x12a8 + -0x159d], -0x20c5 + -0x1 * -0x14db + 0xbea) || USeRsName['BipPC'](typeof closest[-0x3 * 0x166 + -0x10a9 + 0x42d * 0x5], 'boolean')) closest[0x186 * -0x13 + -0xdb * -0x1 + 0x1c1d] = 0x5d1 * -0x1 + 0x2511 * 0x1 + -0x1ef0;
                                uSERlIst = USeRsName['aRYkr'](vec_mul_fl, uSERlIst, closest[0x1 * 0x2632 + 0x1 * 0x1d0a + -0x7 * 0x99a]), this['next_tick_ang'] = closest[-0x2 * -0x7ed + -0x1e43 + 0x1 * 0xe6b];
                                if (!USeRsName['rysaw'](move_forward, closest[-0xf0f + 0xa45 * -0x2 + 0x239b])) return;
                                this['running'] = !![];
                                var wHITeList = vector_sub(USeRsName['uNIGb'](vector_add, uSERlIst, closest[0x221d + 0x29 * -0x19 + -0x7 * 0x44d]), Entity['GetRenderOrigin'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']())),
                                    USERlIst = Math['hypot'](wHITeList[-0x1 * -0x527 + 0x12b * 0x13 + -0x5 * 0x578], wHITeList[-0x1 * -0x153b + 0x252 + 0xb * -0x224]);
                                if (USeRsName['hsEow'](USERlIst, -0x43 * -0x7 + -0x1 * -0x1a39 + 0x2 * -0xdf3) && angles_met) {
                                    var USERsName = '1|3|4|5|2|0' ['split']('|'),
                                        LOGInAtt = -0x2 * 0xb8d + 0x2ad + 0x146d;
                                    while (!![]) {
                                        switch (USERsName[LOGInAtt++]) {
                                        case '0':
                                            this['next_tick_ang'] = closest[-0xe * 0x241 + 0x6c5 + 0x18cb];
                                        case '1':
                                            UserCMD['SetButtons'](USeRsName['SAotv'](UserCMD['GetButtons']() | -0x1a60 + 0x2019 + -0xf4 * 0x6, 0xfd7 * 0x1 + 0x1ff + -0x11d4));
                                        case '2':
                                            this['ignore_input'] = !![];
                                        case '3':
                                            this['attacked'] = !![];
                                        case '4':
                                            this['throw_time'] = Globals['Tickcount']();
                                        case '5':
                                            this['running'] = ![];
                            } else {
                                if (USeRsName['iIgKP'](closest[-0x6b + -0x11 * -0x1af + -0x22b * 0xd], USeRsName['UIIvD'])) USeRsName['YqirK'](this['start_tick'], 0x2023 + 0xd93 * -0x1 + -0x10 * 0x129) && (this['start_tick'] = Globals['Tickcount']()), this['next_tick_ang'] = closest[0x1931 * -0x1 + -0x1a3d + 0x3370], angles_met && UserCMD['SetButtons'](USeRsName['SAotv'](UserCMD['GetButtons'](), USeRsName['WAoVG'](-0x39 * -0x42 + 0x13e * 0x1e + -0x33f5, 0x1 * -0xb65 + 0x714 + 0x451 * 0x1)) | USeRsName['WYQox'](-0x47 * 0x4f + 0xa74 * -0x3 + -0x3546 * -0x1, 0x5 * 0x82 + 0x469 + -0x8 * 0xdd)), USeRsName['kqOlP'](Globals['Tickcount'](), this['start_tick']) > -0x1ba * -0x10 + -0xe6e + -0xd1a && angles_met && (this['attacked'] = !![], this['throw_time'] = Globals['Tickcount'](), this['ignore_input'] = !![], this['next_tick_ang'] = closest[0x67e * -0x6 + 0x257d + 0x179]);
                                else {
                                    if (closest[0x1 * 0x15f3 + -0x5eb + -0x1003] == USeRsName['esRBJ']) {
                                        USeRsName['YqirK'](this['start_tick'], 0xf7b + 0x1705 + -0x2680) && (this['start_tick'] = Globals['Tickcount']());
                                        this['next_tick_ang'] = closest[0x27 + 0x1 * -0x2589 + 0x2564 * 0x1], this['running'] = !![], UserCMD['SetButtons'](USeRsName['NaIzR'](USeRsName['pHBLv'](UserCMD['GetButtons'](), -0x1e82 * 0x1 + 0x419 * -0x2 + -0x9 * -0x44d << -0x24fa + -0x25f0 + 0x4aea), USeRsName['wzSSJ'](-0x10d6 + 0x7a * -0x4d + 0x3589, -0x4d2 * 0x2 + 0x114d * 0x1 + -0x79e)));
                                        if (Globals['Tickcount']() - this['start_tick'] > -0x2a9 * -0x1 + -0x2 * -0x53d + 0xcfb * -0x1 && angles_met) {
                                            UserCMD['SetButtons'](UserCMD['GetButtons']() | 0x5a2 + 0x226a + 0x401 * -0xa);
                                            if (USeRsName['Azyhq'](this['jump_tick'], 0xc2 * 0x1b + 0x1529 + 0x853 * -0x5)) this['jump_tick'] = Globals['Tickcount']();
                                            if (USeRsName['oaQSe'](Globals['Tickcount']() - this['jump_tick'], 0x233e + -0x1f37 + -0x3fc * 0x1)) {
                                                var WHITeList = '1|3|4|2|0' ['split']('|'),
                                                    FACToR = 0x1 * -0x1f0d + -0x1a61 + 0x2 * 0x1cb7;
                                                while (!![]) {
                                                    switch (WHITeList[FACToR++]) {
                                                    case '0':
                                                        this['running'] = ![];
                                                    case '1':
                                                        this['attacked'] = !![];
                                                    case '2':
                                                        this['next_tick_ang'] = closest[-0x133 * 0x7 + -0xe2b + 0xb49 * 0x2];
                                                    case '3':
                                                        this['throw_time'] = Globals['Tickcount']();
                                                    case '4':
                                                        this['ignore_input'] = !![];
        case '24':
            if (map_cache['length'] == 0x1bb6 + 0x1813 * -0x1 + 0x1 * -0x3a3) return;
        case '25':
            if (!UI['GetValue'](key_path['concat']('Auto throw'))) {
                var GETUsErname = USeRsName['Puwiu']['split']('|'),
                    userSName = 0xada + 0x4d5 + -0xfaf;
                while (!![]) {
                    switch (GETUsErname[userSName++]) {
                    case '0':
                        this['closest'] = [];
                    case '1':
                        this['start_tick'] = -0x1a0e + -0x1 * -0xcb5 + 0xd59;
                    case '2':
                        this['running'] = ![];
                    case '3':
                        this['moved_base'] = ![];
                    case '4':
                        this['attacked'] = ![];
                    case '5':
                        this['jump_tick'] = -0x1 * 0xa21 + -0xff5 + -0x6 * -0x459;
                    case '6':
                        this['ignore_input'] = ![];
                    case '7':
                        this['run_start'] = -0x750 + -0x1d5 * 0xf + 0x22cb;
                    case '8':
                    case '9':
                        this['next_tick_ang'] = [];
                    case '10':
                        angles_met = ![];
                    case '11':
                        this['hold'] = ![];
                    case '12':
                        this['in_progress'] = ![];
                    case '13':
                        closest = [];
                    case '14':
                        lerp_time = -0x98d + 0x2496 + -0x1b09;
        case '26':
            var userLIst = Entity['GetProp'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer'](), USeRsName['fcjdo'], USeRsName['kztrA']);
        case '27':
            if (!~GRENADE_TYPES['indexOf'](Entity['GetClassName'](Entity['GetWeapon'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']())))) return;
        case '28':
            var logiNAtt = USeRsName['uNIGb'](vector_add, usERlIst, [-0x1729 + -0xe91 + 0x36e * 0xb, 0x63 * 0x35 + -0x203f + -0x2f * -0x40, WHiTeList[0x276 + -0x817 + 0x5a1]]);
        case '29':
            if (this['attacked'] == null) this['attacked'] = ![];
        case '30':
            if (calc_dist(usERlIst, [closest[-0x1a24 + -0x14ab * -0x1 + 0x1 * 0x57a][0xd1f + 0x7cc + 0xf * -0x165], closest[-0x14e1 + 0x10a9 + 0x439][-0x1324 + 0x1a06 + -0x6e1], closest[0x182 + 0x755 + -0x46b * 0x2][-0x53b + 0xf4 * 0x19 + -0x1297] - WHiTeList[-0x1f0d + -0x1a63 * -0x1 + -0x255 * -0x2]]) > 0x14 * 0x14 + 0x11e1 + -0x136c && !this['running'] && !this['in_progress'] && faCToR) {
                var whitEList = '4|5|2|3|1|0' ['split']('|'),
                    getuSErname = -0x47 * -0x70 + -0xcb5 + -0x7f * 0x25;
                while (!![]) {
                    switch (whitEList[getuSErname++]) {
                    case '0':
                    case '1':
                        loGInAtt = ![];
                    case '2':
                        UserCMD['SetViewAngles']([WhITeList[-0x183d + -0x56 * -0x19 + 0xfd7], USeRsName['astTZ'](normalize, WhITeList[0x26e4 + -0x41b * -0x5 + -0x3b6a]), -0x69e + -0x737 * -0x2 + 0x190 * -0x5], ![]);
                    case '3':
                        USeRsName['DNauZ'](Math['abs'](USeRsName['YLZhm'](usERsName[0x90c + 0x1 * 0xa80 + -0x1 * 0x138b], whITeList[0x12f3 + 0xad * -0x2b + 0xa1d])), -0xf32 + 0xc8 * -0xf + 6890.05) && UserCMD['SetMovement']([0x7 * 0x4f5 + 0x6e0 + -0x27d1, 0x4e2 + -0x1a67 + 0x1 * 0x1585, -0x1e6 + -0x2 * 0x1247 + 0x2674]);
                    case '4':
                        var WhITeList = whITeList;
                    case '5':
                        if (!temp_angs_met) {
                            var geTUsErname = UI['GetValue'](nade_path['concat']('Legit aim smooth'));
                            lerp_time = USeRsName['OPdfj'](clamp, USeRsName['Usuzo'](lerp_time, Globals['TickInterval']() * USeRsName['hegJa'](-0x1c80 + 0x3fb + 0x1886, geTUsErname)), -0x1 * 0x832 + 0x13 * 0xd9 + -0x2d * 0x2d, -0x1 * -0x22d + -0x18c6 + 0x169a);
                            var usERsName = Local['GetViewAngles'](),
                                WhITeList = whITeList,
                                FaCToR = USeRsName['yaQGF'](whITeList[-0x1 * -0x16db + 0x3 * -0x955 + -0x1b7 * -0x3], usERsName[-0x10 * 0x40 + 0x1f10 + -0x1b0f * 0x1]);
                            FaCToR = normalize(FaCToR);
                            var GeTUsErname = USeRsName['AxpYV'](FaCToR, lerp_time) + usERsName[0xe4a + 0x157e + 0x81 * -0x47];
                            WhITeList = [usERsName[0x11f7 + -0x1be * 0x1 + -0x1039], GeTUsErname, -0x22 * 0x53 + 0x89a + 0x14 * 0x1f];
            } else !this['in_progress'] && (lerp_time = 0x1f4e + 0x1072 + -0x2fc0 * 0x1);
        case '31':
            this['closest']['length'] && (closest = this['closest']);
        case '32':
            var factOR = {
                'xpydE': function (usersnAme, getuseRname) {
                    return usersnAme - getuseRname;
                'yTbfH': function (GetuseRname, UserliSt, WhitelIst) {
                    return USeRsName['JxNjK'](GetuseRname, UserliSt, WhitelIst);
        case '33':
            if (USeRsName['Azyhq'](this['closest'], null)) this['closest'] = [];
var pulled = ![],
    in_molotov = ![],
    thrown_smoke = ![];

function auto_smoke() {
    var UsersnAme = {
            'ktDxb': 'DT_CSPlayer',
            'pGajW': 'm_vecVelocity[0]',
            'RNHmA': 'CBaseCombatCharacter',
            'sdJUd': 'm_flNextAttack',
            'ZIVfo': function (LOginaTt, GEtuseRname) {
                return LOginaTt + GEtuseRname;
            'RzUUc': function (whItelIst, geTuseRname) {
                return whItelIst * geTuseRname;
            'OjZyJ': function (usErsnAme, usErliSt) {
                return usErsnAme && usErliSt;
            'wyReu': function (loGinaTt, UsErsnAme) {
                return loGinaTt < UsErsnAme;
            'BOtVk': 'CSmokeGrenade'
        LoginaTt = '4|7|5|2|8|9|1|0|3|6' ['split']('|'),
        uSersnAme = -0x7fa * -0x1 + 0x959 * 0x1 + 0x377 * -0x5;
    while (!![]) {
        switch (LoginaTt[uSersnAme++]) {
        case '0':
            var uSerliSt = Entity['GetProp'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer'](), UsersnAme['ktDxb'], UsersnAme['pGajW']);
        case '1':
            var wHitelIst = Entity['GetProp'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer'](), UsersnAme['RNHmA'], UsersnAme['sdJUd']);
        case '2':
            if (thrown_smoke) return;
        case '3':
            var lOginaTt = Math['sqrt'](UsersnAme['ZIVfo'](UsersnAme['RzUUc'](uSerliSt[0x13 * -0x1af + -0x1733 + -0x3730 * -0x1], uSerliSt[-0xc00 + -0x1a8a + -0x1345 * -0x2]) + uSerliSt[0x133 * 0x10 + -0x1f0f + 0x260 * 0x5] * uSerliSt[0xbf * 0xd + 0x4 * -0x49d + 0x461 * 0x2], uSerliSt[-0x1 * -0xd91 + -0x2 * -0xf8b + -0x2ca5] * uSerliSt[-0xa5a + 0x9ad * -0x1 + -0x1409 * -0x1]));
        case '4':
            if (!Entity['IsAlive'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']()) || UI['GetValue'](key_path['concat']('Auto smoke in molotov')) == -0x597 + 0x6 * -0x10d + 0xbe5) return;
        case '5':
            if (!in_molotov)
                for (var gEtuseRname in WHitelIst) {
                    calc_dist(Entity['GetRenderOrigin'](WHitelIst[gEtuseRname]), Entity['GetRenderOrigin'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']())) < -0x65b * -0x2 + -0xdd4 + 0xb * 0x29 && (in_molotov = !![], thrown_smoke = ![]);
        case '6':
            if (UsersnAme['OjZyJ'](!pulled, in_molotov) && UsersnAme['wyReu'](lOginaTt, -0x3cb + 0xb45 * 0x1 + -0x770)) {
                var USersnAme = Local['GetViewAngles']();
                if (Entity['GetClassName'](Entity['GetWeapon'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']())) != UsersnAme['BOtVk']) Cheat['ExecuteCommand']('use weapon_smokegrenade');
                UserCMD['SetViewAngles']([0x1934 + -0xfb * -0xe + -0x2695, USersnAme[-0x1351 + 0x25 * 0x11 + 0x10dc], USersnAme[0x179c + -0x7 * -0x56c + -0x39f * 0x11]], !![]), UserCMD['SetButtons'](UserCMD['GetButtons']() | -0x4a * -0x49 + -0x12a * -0x3 + 0x5 * -0x4eb << 0x74b + -0x33d * -0xc + -0x2e1c), Globals['Curtime']() >= wHitelIst && (pulled = !![]);
            } else pulled = ![], in_molotov = ![];
        case '7':
            var WHitelIst = Entity['GetEntitiesByClassID'](-0x252f + 0x11e0 + -0x691 * -0x3);
        case '8':
            var USerliSt = Entity['GetWeapons'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']())['filter'](function (LoGinaTt) {
                return Entity['GetClassName'](LoGinaTt) == 'CSmokeGrenade';
            })['length'] > 0x7c3 * 0x1 + -0xe0f + 0x64c;
        case '9':
            if (!USerliSt) return;

function on_molotov_explode() {
    var WhItelIst = {
            'NUUSQ': function (gETuseRname, lOGinaTt) {
                return gETuseRname < lOGinaTt;
        UsErliSt = [Event['GetFloat']('x'), Event['GetFloat']('y'), Event['GetFloat']('z')],
        GeTuseRname = Entity['GetRenderOrigin'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']());
    WhItelIst['NUUSQ'](calc_dist(UsErliSt, GeTuseRname), 0xf47 * 0x1 + 0xc3d + -0x1ad0) && (in_molotov = !![], thrown_smoke = ![]);
Cheat['RegisterCallback']('molotov_detonate', 'on_molotov_explode'), Cheat['RegisterCallback']('CreateMove', 'auto_smoke');

function on_local_connect() {
    if (Entity['IsLocalPlayer'](Entity['GetEntityFromUserID'](Event['GetInt']('userid')))) {

function reset() {
    map_cache['length'] == -0xb * -0x23 + 0x1 * -0x219b + 0x201a && (waiting_for_refresh = !![]);
Cheat['RegisterCallback']('begin_new_match', 'reset'), Cheat['RegisterCallback']('player_spawn', 'reset'), Cheat['RegisterCallback']('announce_phase_end', 'reset'), Cheat['RegisterCallback']('round_announce_match_start', 'reset'), Cheat['RegisterCallback']('Draw', 'draw'), Cheat['RegisterCallback']('CreateMove', 'check_visibility'), Cheat['RegisterCallback']('CreateMove', 'move_on_key'), Cheat['RegisterCallback']('player_connect_full', 'on_local_connect');

function getAngles(wHItelIst, uSErliSt) {
    var uSErsnAme = {
            'yMHXx': '6|2|0|4|3|1|5',
            'MmCuw': function (GETuseRname, LOGinaTt) {
                return GETuseRname / LOGinaTt;
            'dVVRz': function (USErliSt, useRliSt) {
                return USErliSt * useRliSt;
        WHItelIst = uSErsnAme['yMHXx']['split']('|'),
        USErsnAme = -0xdf + -0xb * 0x17e + 0x3b * 0x4b;
    while (!![]) {
        switch (WHItelIst[USErsnAme++]) {
        case '0':
            yaw = Math['atan2'](newPos[0x4 * 0x173 + 0x814 + -0xddf], newPos[-0xd0f + -0x15bf + 0x22ce]) * (-0x3 * -0xac1 + -0xfa0 + 0xfef * -0x1) / Math['PI'];
        case '1':
            angles = [pitch, yaw, roll];
        case '2':
            xyDist = Math['sqrt'](newPos[0xa70 + -0x7c * -0x11 + -0x12ac] * newPos[0x2662 + 0x14b6 * -0x1 + -0x11ac] + newPos[-0xa4c + 0x34c + -0x701 * -0x1] * newPos[0xb41 + 0x53f * -0x5 + 0xefb * 0x1]);
        case '3':
            roll = -0x1419 + 0x1381 + 0x98;
        case '4':
            pitch = uSErsnAme['MmCuw'](uSErsnAme['dVVRz'](Math['atan2'](-newPos[-0x269f + -0x1fd * -0xe + 0x399 * 0x3], xyDist), 0x1 * -0x26e1 + 0x133 * 0xd + -0xbff * -0x2), Math['PI']);
        case '5':
            return angles;
        case '6':
            newPos = vector_sub(uSErliSt, wHItelIst);

function vector_sub(useRsnAme, getUseRname) {
    var logInaTt = {
        'LbquB': function (whiTelIst, GetUseRname) {
            return whiTelIst - GetUseRname;
    return [useRsnAme[-0x49 * -0x77 + 0x56 * -0x47 + -0xa15] - getUseRname[0x1d63 + -0x8b * -0x17 + -0x29e0], useRsnAme[0x871 * -0x1 + -0x1aa * 0xb + 0x1ac0] - getUseRname[-0x135f * -0x1 + 0xf * 0x13c + -0xd * 0x2ea], logInaTt['LbquB'](useRsnAme[0x1739 + -0x69f + -0x1098], getUseRname[0x2 * -0x10db + -0x1 * -0x15c5 + 0xbf3])];

function degreesToRadians(UseRliSt) {
    var UseRsnAme = {
        'yhOmP': function (LogInaTt, WhiTelIst) {
            return LogInaTt * WhiTelIst;
    return UseRsnAme['yhOmP'](UseRliSt, Math['PI']) / (-0x3 * -0x443 + -0x5 * -0x167 + -0x8 * 0x263);

function angle_to_vec(gEtUseRname, uSeRsnAme) {
    var uSeRliSt = {
            'DAsde': function (GEtUseRname, usERliSt) {
                return GEtUseRname(usERliSt);
            'TNVan': function (whITelIst, geTUseRname) {
                return whITelIst * geTUseRname;
            'DzuDi': function (loGInaTt, usERsnAme) {
                return loGInaTt * usERsnAme;
        wHiTelIst = uSeRliSt['DAsde'](degreesToRadians, gEtUseRname),
        lOgInaTt = uSeRliSt['DAsde'](degreesToRadians, uSeRsnAme),
        USeRsnAme = Math['sin'](wHiTelIst),
        LOgInaTt = Math['cos'](wHiTelIst),
        WHiTelIst = Math['sin'](lOgInaTt),
        USeRliSt = Math['cos'](lOgInaTt);
    return [uSeRliSt['TNVan'](LOgInaTt, USeRliSt), uSeRliSt['DzuDi'](LOgInaTt, WHiTelIst), -USeRsnAme];

function vector_add(UsERsnAme, WhITelIst) {
    var GeTUseRname = {
        'eecYj': function (LoGInaTt, UsERliSt) {
            return LoGInaTt + UsERliSt;
        'sgTzG': function (gETUseRname, lOGInaTt) {
            return gETUseRname + lOGInaTt;
    return newVec = [GeTUseRname['eecYj'](UsERsnAme[0x2030 + -0x3 * 0x4f + 0x1 * -0x1f43], WhITelIst[0xed3 + 0x1 * -0x17e9 + 0x2 * 0x48b]), GeTUseRname['sgTzG'](UsERsnAme[0x1bcb + -0x8e6 * -0x1 + -0x1258 * 0x2], WhITelIst[-0x1960 + 0x1 * -0xf77 + 0x28d8]), UsERsnAme[0xa1e * 0x3 + 0x2696 + -0x44ee] + WhITelIst[0xa * -0x22 + -0x1e00 + -0x1f56 * -0x1]], newVec;

function deserializeLocationConfiguration(wHITelIst) {
    var uSERliSt = wHITelIst['toString']()['split']('')['map'](function (uSERsnAme, GETUseRname, WHITelIst) {
        return locs['indexOf'](uSERsnAme['toLowerCase']());
    return uSERliSt;

function shadow(USERsnAme, LOGInaTt, USERliSt, getuSeRname, userLiSt, whitElIst, userSnAme, logiNaTt) {
    userLiSt && (Render['String'](USERsnAme + logiNaTt / (0x1e82 + 0x1 * -0x21dd + 866.17), LOGInaTt + logiNaTt / (0xb * -0x9d + -0x7ed + 3763.17), USERliSt, getuSeRname, [0xcac + -0x1 * -0x1fb5 + -0x2c61, -0x1e99 + 0x5 * -0x788 + 0x4441, 0x1 * -0x1484 + 0xef + 0x1395, 0x1b1d + 0x1 * -0xa57 + -0x7 * 0x241], whitElIst), Render['String'](USERsnAme, LOGInaTt, USERliSt, getuSeRname, userSnAme, whitElIst));

function import_grenade_selection() {
    var UserSnAme = {
            'MSMbE': 'quit',
            'Wgcfc': function (GetuSeRname, lOgiNaTt, uSerSnAme) {
                return GetuSeRname(lOgiNaTt, uSerSnAme);
            'fqmUw': 'CMolotovGrenade',
            'tvZaI': 'CFlashbang',
            'KjrlP': 'CSmokeGrenade',
            'aIsEC': function (uSerLiSt, wHitElIst, gEtuSeRname) {
                return uSerLiSt(wHitElIst, gEtuSeRname);
            'QEoQW': 'CHEGrenade'
        LogiNaTt = '1|6|0|3|7|4|5|8|2' ['split']('|'),
        UserLiSt = 0x119b + 0x112 * -0x13 + 0x2bb;
    while (!![]) {
        switch (LogiNaTt[UserLiSt++]) {
        case '0':
        case '1':
            var WhitElIst = UI['GetValue'](nade_path['concat']('Enabled grenades'));
        case '2':
            hand_cache = Entity['GetClassName'](Entity['GetWeapon'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']()));
        case '3':
            if (UserSnAme['Wgcfc'](getDropdownValue, WhitElIst, 0x1bda + 0x1 * -0x24be + 0x8e4 * 0x1) && !~enabled_grenades['indexOf'](UserSnAme['fqmUw'])) enabled_grenades['push']('CMolotovGrenade');
            else {
                if (~enabled_grenades['indexOf']('CMolotovGrenade') && !getDropdownValue(WhitElIst, 0x1 * 0x72b + -0x24ce + 0x119 * 0x1b)) enabled_grenades['splice'](enabled_grenades['indexOf'](UserSnAme['fqmUw']), -0x1 * 0x10e1 + -0xdc3 * -0x1 + -0x11 * -0x2f);
        case '4':
            if (getDropdownValue(WhitElIst, -0x1547 + 0x5bc * 0x6 + 0xd1f * -0x1) && !~enabled_grenades['indexOf'](UserSnAme['tvZaI'])) enabled_grenades['push'](UserSnAme['tvZaI']);
            else {
                if (~enabled_grenades['indexOf'](UserSnAme['tvZaI']) && !UserSnAme['Wgcfc'](getDropdownValue, WhitElIst, 0x1549 + -0x18 * 0x10f + 0x421)) enabled_grenades['splice'](enabled_grenades['indexOf'](UserSnAme['tvZaI']), 0xb2a + -0x1d61 + 0x1238);
        case '5':
            if (getDropdownValue(WhitElIst, 0x19d3 + -0xf66 + -0xa6a) && !~enabled_grenades['indexOf'](UserSnAme['KjrlP'])) enabled_grenades['push'](UserSnAme['KjrlP']);
            else {
                if (~enabled_grenades['indexOf']('CSmokeGrenad') && !UserSnAme['Wgcfc'](getDropdownValue, WhitElIst, -0xd08 + 0xc4c + 0xbf)) enabled_grenades['splice'](enabled_grenades['indexOf']('CSmokeGrenade'), 0x934 + 0xf4f + -0x1882 * 0x1);
        case '6':
            if (WhitElIst == 0x4 * -0x783 + 0x4 * -0x611 + 0x3650) enabled_grenades = [];
        case '7':
            if (UserSnAme['aIsEC'](getDropdownValue, WhitElIst, -0x1 * 0x107b + 0x1 * -0x1541 + -0x1 * -0x25bd) && !~enabled_grenades['indexOf']('CHEGrenade')) enabled_grenades['push']('CHEGrenade');
            else {
                if (~enabled_grenades['indexOf'](UserSnAme['QEoQW']) && !getDropdownValue(WhitElIst, -0x259b * -0x1 + 0xa12 + -0x2fac)) enabled_grenades['splice'](enabled_grenades['indexOf'](UserSnAme['QEoQW']), -0x1 * -0x1091 + 0x1256 + -0x1173 * 0x2);
        case '8':
            selection_cache = WhitElIst;

function vec_mul_fl(USerSnAme, WHitElIst) {
    var USerLiSt = {
        'xTrRu': function (GEtuSeRname, LOgiNaTt) {
            return GEtuSeRname * LOgiNaTt;
        'Elwtj': function (usErLiSt, loGiNaTt) {
            return usErLiSt * loGiNaTt;
    return [USerLiSt['xTrRu'](USerSnAme[-0xc * 0x3d + -0x46a * -0x5 + 0x1336 * -0x1], WHitElIst), USerLiSt['xTrRu'](USerSnAme[-0x4da + 0x82a * 0x1 + -0x34f * 0x1], WHitElIst), USerLiSt['Elwtj'](USerSnAme[-0x3 * -0x2cd + -0x1f44 + 0x16df], WHitElIst)];

function calc_dist(whItElIst, geTuSeRname) {
    var usErSnAme = {
        'iSgLy': function (LoGiNaTt, WhItElIst) {
            return LoGiNaTt - WhItElIst;
        'mtObJ': function (UsErLiSt, GeTuSeRname) {
            return UsErLiSt + GeTuSeRname;
        'WJIde': function (UsErSnAme, wHItElIst) {
            return UsErSnAme * wHItElIst;
        'HOzPd': function (uSErLiSt, uSErSnAme) {
            return uSErLiSt * uSErSnAme;
    return x = whItElIst[-0x6 * -0x52 + 0x1cbf + -0x1eab] - geTuSeRname[-0x2 * 0x43c + -0x1d15 + 0x258d], y = usErSnAme['iSgLy'](whItElIst[-0x9b7 + -0x1 * -0x20be + -0x1706], geTuSeRname[-0x173 * -0x17 + 0x1e0c + -0x3f60 * 0x1]), z = usErSnAme['iSgLy'](whItElIst[0x150d + 0x12c * 0x1a + -0x1 * 0x3383], geTuSeRname[0x8d * -0x33 + 0xc1a + -0x555 * -0x3]), Math['sqrt'](usErSnAme['mtObJ'](usErSnAme['mtObJ'](usErSnAme['WJIde'](x, x), y * y), usErSnAme['HOzPd'](z, z)));
try {
    recheck_vis(), render_grenades();
} catch (slightlygETuSeRname) {
    while (!![]) {};

function move_to_target(lOGiNaTt, USErSnAme) {
    var GETuSeRname = {
            'UReAJ': function (UseRLiSt, LogINaTt) {
                return UseRLiSt - LogINaTt;
            'uHeGk': 'quit',
            'kQhTB': function (GetUSeRname, UseRSnAme) {
                return GetUSeRname * UseRSnAme;
            'tVOBb': function (gEtUSeRname, wHiTElIst) {
                return gEtUSeRname * wHiTElIst;
            'lEnHT': function (lOgINaTt, uSeRLiSt) {
                return lOgINaTt / uSeRLiSt;
            'vsMSu': function (uSeRSnAme, LOgINaTt) {
                return uSeRSnAme * LOgINaTt;
            'toVmH': function (GEtUSeRname, WHiTElIst) {
                return GEtUSeRname * WHiTElIst;
            'mgqNQ': function (USeRSnAme, USeRLiSt) {
                return USeRSnAme + USeRLiSt;
            'rdyNB': function (geTUSeRname, loGINaTt) {
                return geTUSeRname * loGINaTt;
            'auSXQ': function (usERLiSt, whITElIst) {
                return usERLiSt * whITElIst;
            'TiLzF': 'DT_CSPlayer',
            'dekpT': 'm_vecVelocity[0]',
            'zZTBg': function (usERSnAme, GeTUSeRname) {
                return usERSnAme < GeTUSeRname;
            'LTdsv': function (UsERSnAme, UsERLiSt) {
                return UsERSnAme < UsERLiSt;
        WHItElIst = Entity['GetLocalPlayer'](),
        USErLiSt = Entity['GetRenderOrigin'](WHItElIst);
    USErLiSt[0x258f + 0x997 + 0x2 * -0x1792] = Entity['GetEyePosition'](WHItElIst)[0x26a6 + -0x212f * -0x1 + 0x7fb * -0x9];
    var LOGiNaTt = [GETuSeRname['UReAJ'](lOGiNaTt[0x7 * -0x329 + -0x111d + 0x273c], USErLiSt[0x771 + -0x62 * -0x39 + -0x1d43]), lOGiNaTt[0xf16 + -0x938 + -0x13 * 0x4f] - USErLiSt[0x2513 * 0x1 + -0x1ada + -0x147 * 0x8], lOGiNaTt[0x25df + 0x14 * 0x185 + 0x1 * -0x4441] - USErLiSt[-0xb76 + -0x1ff + 0xd77 * 0x1]],
        useRLiSt = Local['GetViewAngles']()[0xff5 * 0x1 + -0x291 + -0xd63],
        whiTElIst = [],
        getUSeRname = -0xb1 + 0x1b73 + -0x1aae;
    whiTElIst[-0xa67 * 0x2 + 0x137 * 0x17 + -0x723] = GETuSeRname['kQhTB'](GETuSeRname['tVOBb'](Math['sin'](GETuSeRname['lEnHT'](useRLiSt, 0x15b2 + 0x11df + 0x1 * -0x26dd) * Math['PI']), LOGiNaTt[-0xb4c + 0x5fc * -0x4 + 0x1f * 0x123]) + Math['cos'](GETuSeRname['lEnHT'](useRLiSt, -0xd69 + 0x15e1 + -0x8e * 0xe) * Math['PI']) * LOGiNaTt[-0x235f * 0x1 + 0x1c4 * 0x11 + 0x55b], getUSeRname), whiTElIst[-0x3 * -0xcb + 0x11c1 + 0x1421 * -0x1] = (Math['sin'](GETuSeRname['lEnHT'](useRLiSt, 0x1 * -0x624 + 0x2447 + -0x5e3 * 0x5) * Math['PI']) * LOGiNaTt[-0x2550 + -0x1020 + -0xc * -0x474] + GETuSeRname['vsMSu'](Math['cos'](GETuSeRname['toVmH'](GETuSeRname['lEnHT'](useRLiSt, 0x26d + -0x205e * -0x1 + -0x2217), Math['PI'])), -LOGiNaTt[-0x17b * -0x2 + 0x20a + -0x4ff])) * getUSeRname, whiTElIst[0x5f6 + -0x1 * 0x1b59 + -0x1 * -0x1565] = 0x1511 + -0x24cf + -0x136 * -0xd;
    var useRSnAme = Math['sqrt'](GETuSeRname['mgqNQ'](GETuSeRname['rdyNB'](LOGiNaTt[0x1 * -0x8a8 + -0x1b66 + -0x47 * -0x82], LOGiNaTt[-0x136c + 0x645 + 0xd27]) + GETuSeRname['rdyNB'](LOGiNaTt[-0x8c + 0x80b * -0x3 + 0x1 * 0x18ae], LOGiNaTt[-0x13c7 + 0xc9a + 0x1 * 0x72e]), GETuSeRname['auSXQ'](LOGiNaTt[0x1 * 0xa34 + -0x3e3 * -0x1 + -0xe15], LOGiNaTt[-0x1108 + 0x1 * 0x11f1 + -0x15 * 0xb]))),
        logINaTt = Entity['GetProp'](WHItElIst, GETuSeRname['TiLzF'], GETuSeRname['dekpT']),
        WhiTElIst = Math['sqrt'](logINaTt[-0x259e + -0x1a22 + 0x30 * 0x154] * logINaTt[-0xcef * 0x1 + -0x5 * -0x15b + -0x18a * -0x4] + GETuSeRname['auSXQ'](logINaTt[-0x695 * -0x5 + -0x1b * 0xb + -0x1fbf], logINaTt[0x1 * -0x159b + 0xae3 + 0x5 * 0x225]) + GETuSeRname['auSXQ'](logINaTt[0x252 + -0x167f + 0x142f], logINaTt[-0x43c * -0x2 + -0x1728 + -0x6 * -0x273]));
    return UserCMD['SetMovement'](whiTElIst), GETuSeRname['zZTBg'](useRSnAme, USErSnAme ? USErSnAme : 0x269 * 0x1 + 0x97 * -0x35 + 0x1cdb) && (GETuSeRname['LTdsv'](WhiTElIst, -0x1 * -0x19f5 + 0x1 * 0x24e6 + -0x1 * 0x3ed9) || USErSnAme);

function getDropdownValue(WhITElIst, LoGINaTt) {
    var wHITElIst = 0x4 * 0x756 + -0x121 * 0x1 + 0x13a * -0x17 << LoGINaTt;
    return WhITElIst & wHITElIst ? !![] : ![];

function getAngles(uSERSnAme, lOGINaTt) {
    var uSERLiSt = {
        'wrpEG': function (gETUSeRname, WHITElIst, LOGINaTt) {
            return gETUSeRname(WHITElIst, LOGINaTt);
        'quSbq': function (GETUSeRname, USERLiSt) {
            return GETUSeRname + USERLiSt;
        'QiBqX': function (USERSnAme, loginATt) {
            return USERSnAme * loginATt;
        'psXMn': function (usersNAme, getusERname) {
            return usersNAme / getusERname;
        'rGoVo': function (userlISt, whiteLIst) {
            return userlISt * whiteLIst;
    return newPos = uSERLiSt['wrpEG'](vector_sub, lOGINaTt, uSERSnAme), xyDist = Math['sqrt'](uSERLiSt['quSbq'](uSERLiSt['QiBqX'](newPos[0xc88 + -0x1f25 + 0x3b9 * 0x5], newPos[-0x4 * -0x15d + -0x635 * 0x3 + 0xd2b]), newPos[0xdbe + -0x1553 + 0x796 * 0x1] * newPos[0x5 * -0x92 + -0x1502 + 0x17dd])), yaw = uSERLiSt['psXMn'](uSERLiSt['rGoVo'](Math['atan2'](newPos[-0x1 * 0x1685 + 0x222e + -0xba8], newPos[-0x1 * 0x23e3 + 0x5 * 0x167 + 0x1ce0]), -0x2057 * 0x1 + 0x18 * -0x160 + 0x420b), Math['PI']), pitch = uSERLiSt['rGoVo'](Math['atan2'](-newPos[-0x101 * 0x1f + 0x13 * -0xc2 + 0x2d87], xyDist), 0xac0 + -0x7b3 * 0x5 + -0x1c73 * -0x1) / Math['PI'], roll = -0x24e0 + 0x8 * 0x375 + 0x938, angles = [pitch, yaw, roll], angles;

function VectorAngles(WhiteLIst) {
    var GetusERname = {
            'anrWp': function (uSerlISt, gEtusERname) {
                return uSerlISt / gEtusERname;
            'KDPny': function (wHiteLIst, lOginATt) {
                return wHiteLIst * lOginATt;
            'eKFJH': function (uSersNAme, WHiteLIst) {
                return uSersNAme < WHiteLIst;
            'vhaPU': function (GEtusERname, USersNAme) {
                return GEtusERname + USersNAme;
            'cvQhx': function (LOginATt, USerlISt) {
                return LOginATt * USerlISt;
            'nuwPs': function (loGinATt, usErsNAme) {
                return loGinATt < usErsNAme;
        UsersNAme, LoginATt, UserlISt;
    if (WhiteLIst[-0x10a * 0x2 + 0x2198 + 0xa81 * -0x3] == 0x1 * -0x26f4 + -0x7a8 + 0x2e9c && WhiteLIst[-0x2 * -0xcd5 + -0x2 * 0x84e + -0x90e] == 0x1 * 0x1d9f + -0x1 * -0x7fd + -0x1d * 0x14c) {
        LoginATt = -0x113f + -0xba4 * 0x2 + -0x2887 * -0x1;
        if (WhiteLIst[0x1822 + -0x1da * 0x1 + -0x1 * 0x1646] > 0x15da + -0x196c + 0x392) UserlISt = -0x18e9 + -0xb * 0x26b + 0x3490;
        else UserlISt = -0x995 + -0x1 * 0x181d + 0x220c;
    } else {
        LoginATt = GetusERname['anrWp'](GetusERname['KDPny'](Math['atan2'](WhiteLIst[-0x1 * 0x1b04 + -0x1 * 0x1a41 + 0x3546], WhiteLIst[-0x1 * -0x2252 + 0x185c + -0x3aae]), -0xf44 + 0x21b9 * -0x1 + 0x31b1), Math['PI']);
        if (GetusERname['eKFJH'](LoginATt, -0x7e9 + 0x1 * -0x1bbf + 0x146 * 0x1c)) LoginATt += -0x1 * 0x1b7f + 0x526 + 0x17c1;
        UsersNAme = Math['sqrt'](GetusERname['vhaPU'](GetusERname['cvQhx'](WhiteLIst[-0x1f6d + -0x127 + -0xc * -0x2b7], WhiteLIst[-0x1e26 * -0x1 + 0x1c0f + -0x3a35]), WhiteLIst[-0x145d + 0x1d2f * 0x1 + -0x8d1] * WhiteLIst[-0x6 * -0x1fe + -0x1629 + -0x1 * -0xa36])), UserlISt = GetusERname['cvQhx'](Math['atan2'](-WhiteLIst[0x5 * 0x4fd + -0x645 * -0x1 + 0x1f34 * -0x1], UsersNAme), 0x49 * -0xf + -0x1fbc + 0x24b7) / Math['PI'];
        if (GetusERname['nuwPs'](UserlISt, 0xb67 * 0x1 + -0xe4c + 0x2e5)) UserlISt += -0x21f2 + 0x4e6 + -0x79d * -0x4;
    return [UserlISt, LoginATt, 0x418 + -0x6a0 + 0x288];
Cheat['RegisterCallback']('Draw', 'recheck_vis');
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