Автор темы
- #1
Парни, помогите мне пожалуйста, из вот этой жски вырежьте индикатор HP (цифрами без полоски) и скиньте сюда пожалуйста((. (JS FOR OTC3 ONLY)
const global_print = Global.Print, global_print_chat = Global.PrintChat, global_print_color = Global.PrintColor, global_register_callback = Global.RegisterCallback, global_execute_command = Global.ExecuteCommand, global_frame_stage = Global.FrameStage, global_tickcount = Global.Tickcount, global_tickrate = Global.Tickrate, global_tick_interval = Global.TickInterval, global_curtime = Global.Curtime, global_realtime = Global.Realtime, global_frametime = Global.Frametime, global_latency = Global.Latency, global_get_view_angles = Global.GetViewAngles, global_set_view_angles = Global.SetViewAngles, global_get_map_name = Global.GetMapName, global_is_key_pressed = Global.IsKeyPressed, global_get_screen_size = Global.GetScreenSize, global_get_cursor_position = Global.GetCursorPosition, global_play_sound = Global.PlaySound, global_play_microphone = Global.PlayMicrophone, global_stop_microphone = Global.StopMicrophone, global_get_username = Global.GetUsername, global_set_clan_tag = Global.SetClanTag, globals_tickcount = Globals.Tickcount, globals_tickrate = Globals.Tickrate, globals_tick_interval = Globals.TickInterval, globals_curtime = Globals.Curtime, globals_realtime = Globals.Realtime, globals_frametime = Globals.Frametime, sound_play = Sound.Play, sound_play_microphone = Sound.PlayMicrophone, sound_stop_microphone = Sound.StopMicrophone, cheat_get_username = Cheat.GetUsername, cheat_register_callback = cheat_register_callback = new Proxy(Cheat.RegisterCallback, { apply: function(_, _, args) { switch(args[0]) { case 'paint': Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', args[1]); break; case 'create_move': Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', args[1]); break; case 'fsn': Cheat.RegisterCallback('FrameStageNotify', args[1]); break; default: Cheat.RegisterCallback(args[0], args[1]); break; } } }), cheat_execute_command = Cheat.ExecuteCommand, cheat_frame_stage = Cheat.FrameStage, cheat_print = Cheat.Print, cheat_print_chat = Cheat.PrintChat, cheat_print_color = Cheat.PrintColor, local_latency = Local.Latency, local_get_view_angles = Local.GetViewAngles, local_set_view_angles = Local.SetViewAngles, local_set_clan_tag = Local.SetClanTag, local_get_real_yaw = Local.GetRealYaw, local_get_fake_yaw = Local.GetFakeYaw, local_get_spread = Local.GetSpread, local_get_inaccuracy = Local.GetInaccuracy, world_get_map_name = World.GetMapName, world_get_server_string = World.GetServerString, input_get_cursor_position = Input.GetCursorPosition, input_is_key_pressed = Input.IsKeyPressed, render_string = Render.String, render_text_size = Render.TextSize, render_line = Render.Line, render_rect = Render.Rect, render_filled_rect = Render.FilledRect, render_gradient_rect = Render.GradientRect, render_circle = Render.Circle, render_filled_circle = Render.FilledCircle, render_polygon = Render.Polygon, render_world_to_screen = Render.WorldToScreen, render_add_font = Render.AddFont, render_find_font = Render.FindFont, render_string_custom = Render.StringCustom, render_textured_rect = Render.TexturedRect, render_add_texture = Render.AddTexture, render_text_size_custom = Render.TextSizeCustom, render_get_screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize, ui_get_value = UI.GetValue, ui_set_value = UI.SetValue, ui_add_checkbox = UI.AddCheckbox, ui_add_slider_int = UI.AddSliderInt, ui_add_slider_float = UI.AddSliderFloat, ui_add_hotkey = UI.AddHotkey, ui_add_label = UI.AddLabel, ui_add_dropdown = UI.AddDropdown, ui_add_multi_dropdown = UI.AddMultiDropdown, ui_add_color_picker = UI.AddColorPicker, ui_add_textbox = UI.AddTextbox, ui_set_enabled = UI.SetEnabled, ui_get_string = UI.GetString, ui_get_color = UI.GetColor, ui_set_color = UI.SetColor, ui_is_hotkey_active = UI.IsHotkeyActive, ui_toggle_hotkey = UI.ToggleHotkey, ui_is_menu_open = UI.IsMenuOpen, convar_get_int = Convar.GetInt, convar_set_int = Convar.SetInt, convar_get_float = Convar.GetFloat, convar_set_float = Convar.SetFloat, convar_get_string = Convar.GetString, convar_set_string = Convar.SetString, event_get_int = Event.GetInt, event_get_float = Event.GetFloat, event_get_string = Event.GetString, entity_get_entities = Entity.GetEntities, entity_get_entities_by_class_i_d = Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID, entity_get_players = Entity.GetPlayers, entity_get_enemies = Entity.GetEnemies, entity_get_teammates = Entity.GetTeammates, entity_get_local_player = Entity.GetLocalPlayer, entity_get_game_rules_proxy = Entity.GetGameRulesProxy, entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID, entity_is_teammate = Entity.IsTeammate, entity_is_enemy = Entity.IsEnemy, entity_is_bot = Entity.IsBot, entity_is_local_player = Entity.IsLocalPlayer, entity_is_valid = Entity.IsValid, entity_is_alive = Entity.IsAlive, entity_is_dormant = Entity.IsDormant, entity_get_class_i_d = Entity.GetClassID, entity_get_class_name = Entity.GetClassName, entity_get_name = Entity.GetName, entity_get_weapon = Entity.GetWeapon, entity_get_weapons = Entity.GetWeapons, entity_get_render_origin = Entity.GetRenderOrigin, entity_get_prop = Entity.GetProp, entity_set_prop = Entity.SetProp, entity_get_hitbox_position = Entity.GetHitboxPosition, entity_get_eye_position = Entity.GetEyePosition, trace_line = Trace.Line, trace_bullet = Trace.Bullet, usercmd_set_movement = UserCMD.SetMovement, usercmd_get_movement = UserCMD.GetMovement, usercmd_set_angles = UserCMD.SetAngles, usercmd_force_jump = UserCMD.ForceJump, usercmd_force_crouch = UserCMD.ForceCrouch, antiaim_get_override = AntiAim.GetOverride, antiaim_set_override = AntiAim.SetOverride, antiaim_set_real_offset = AntiAim.SetRealOffset, antiaim_set_fake_offset = AntiAim.SetFakeOffset, antiaim_set_l_b_y_offset = AntiAim.SetLBYOffset, exploit_get_charge = Exploit.GetCharge, exploit_recharge = Exploit.Recharge, exploit_disable_recharge = Exploit.DisableRecharge, exploit_enable_recharge = Exploit.EnableRecharge, ragebot_override_minimum_damage = Ragebot.OverrideMinimumDamage, ragebot_override_hitchance = Ragebot.OverrideHitchance, ragebot_override_accuracy_boost = Ragebot.OverrideAccuracyBoost, ragebot_override_multipoint_scale = Ragebot.OverrideMultipointScale, ragebot_force_safety = Ragebot.ForceSafety;
const weapon_info = {
// Pistols
"glock 18": {clip: 20, icon: "d"},
"p2000": {clip: 13, icon: "o"},
"dual berettas": {clip: 30, icon: "b"},
"p250": {clip: 13, icon: "y"},
"five seven": {clip: 20, icon: "c"},
"cz75 auto": {clip: 12, icon: "Q"},
"usp s": {clip: 12, icon: "P"},
"desert eagle": {clip: 7, icon: "a"},
"r8 revolver": {clip: 8, icon: "R"},
"tec 9": {clip: 18, icon: "w"},
// Heavys
"nova": {clip: 8, icon: "B"},
"xm1014": {clip: 7, icon: "r"},
"mag 7": {clip: 5, icon: "t"},
"sawed off": {clip: 7, icon: "v"},
"negev": {clip: 150, icon: "u"},
"m249": {clip: 100, icon: "i"},
// SMGs
"mp9": {clip: 30, icon: "A"},
"mp7": {clip: 30, icon: "z"},
"mp5 sd": {clip: 30, icon: "p"},
"ump 45": {clip: 25, icon: "q"},
"p90": {clip: 50, icon: "C"},
"pp bizon": {clip: 64, icon: "s"},
"mac 10": {clip: 30, icon: "n"},
// Rifles
"ak 47": {clip: 30, icon: "e"},
"m4a4": {clip: 30, icon: "l"},
"m4a1 s": {clip: 25, icon: "m"},
"famas": {clip: 25, icon: "h"},
"galil ar": {clip: 35, icon: "k"},
"aug": {clip: 30, icon: "f"},
"ssg 08": {clip: 10, icon: "F"},
"sg 553": {clip: 30, icon: "E"},
"awp": {clip: 10, icon: "g"},
"scar 20": {clip: 20, icon: "D"},
"g3sg1": {clip: 20, icon: "j"},
// Equipment
"high explosive grenade": {clip: -1, icon: "I"},
"smoke grenade": {clip: -1, icon: "J"},
"flashbang": {clip: -1, icon: "H"},
"decoy grenade": {clip: -1, icon: "L"},
"molotov": {clip: -1, icon: "K"},
"incendiary grenade": {clip: -1, icon: "M"},
"zeus x27": {clip: 1, icon: "x"},
"c4 explosive": {clip: -1, icon: "N"},
// Knives
"m9 bayonet": {clip: -1, icon: "Z"},
"bayonet": {clip: -1, icon: "V"},
"flip knife": {clip: -1, icon: "W"},
"gut knife": {clip: -1, icon: "X"},
"karambit": {clip: -1, icon: "Y"},
"butterfly knife": {clip: -1, icon: "3"},
"falchion knife": {clip: -1, icon: "1"},
"navaja knife": {clip: -1, icon: "6"},
"shadow daggers": {clip: -1, icon: "4"},
"stiletto knife": {clip: -1, icon: "7"},
"bowie knife": {clip: -1, icon: "2"},
"huntsman knife": {clip: -1, icon: "0"},
"talon knife": {clip: -1, icon: "8"},
"ursus knife": {clip: -1, icon: "5"},
"classic knife": {clip: -1, icon: "G"},
"paracord knife": {clip: -1, icon: "G"},
"survival knife": {clip: -1, icon: "G"},
"nomad knife": {clip: -1, icon: "G"},
"skeleton knife": {clip: -1, icon: "G"},
"knife": {clip: -1, icon: "G"}
* @title BetterUI
* @version 1.0.2
* @description A better UI system for Onetap
var menu_elements_t = [];
var menu = [];
const menu_spacer = " ";
* Creates a new menu label
* @param label {string}
menu.label = function(label)
// Creates the label
* Creates a new menu element
* @param func {function}
* @param name {string}
* @param label {string},
* @param properties {array}
menu.call = function(func, name, label, properties)
// If the label isn't unique
if (label in menu_elements_t)
throw new Error("[Menu] The label must be unique!");
// Get properties
const final_name = name + menu_spacer + label;
var final_props = [final_name];
const element_info_t = {
name: name,
label: label,
properties: properties
// If our properties aren't null, then pack them together.
if (properties !== null)
for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++)
// Create our menu element and return properties
func.apply(null, final_props);
menu_elements_t[label] = element_info_t;
return label;
* Gets the value of a menu element
* @param label {string}
* @return {any}
menu.get = function(label)
// If the label doesn't exist
if (!(label in menu_elements_t))
throw new Error("[Menu] This element's label doesn't exist!");
// Get properties
const properties = menu_elements_t[label];
const final_name = properties.name + menu_spacer + properties.label;
// Returns the element's value
return UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", final_name);
* Gets the value of a menu element
* @param label {string}
* @return {any}
menu.get_hotkey = function(label)
// If the label doesn't exist
if (!(label in menu_elements_t))
throw new Error("[Menu] This element's label doesn't exist!");
// Get properties
const properties = menu_elements_t[label];
const final_name = properties.name + menu_spacer + properties.label;
// Returns the element's value
return UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", final_name);
* Gets the value of a menu element
* @param label {string}
* @return {any}
menu.get_color = function(label)
// If the label doesn't exist
if (!(label in menu_elements_t))
throw new Error("[Menu] This element's label doesn't exist!");
// Get properties
const properties = menu_elements_t[label];
const final_name = properties.name + menu_spacer + properties.label;
// Returns the element's value
return UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", final_name);
* Sets the value of a menu element
* @param label {string}
* @param value {any}
menu.set = function(label, value)
// If the label doesn't exist
if (!(label in menu_elements_t))
throw new Error("[Menu] This element's label doesn't exist!");
// Get properties
const properties = menu_elements_t[label];
const final_name = properties.name + menu_spacer + properties.label;
// Set the element's value
UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", final_name, value);
* Sets the value of a color picker
* @param label {string}
* @param value {any}
menu.set_color = function(label, color)
// If the label doesn't exist
if (!(label in menu_elements_t))
throw new Error("[Menu] This element's label doesn't exist!");
// Get properties
const properties = menu_elements_t[label];
const final_name = properties.name + menu_spacer + properties.label;
// Set the element's value
UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", final_name, color);
* Changes the visibility of a menu elements
* @param label {string}
* @param visible {boolean}
menu.visibility = function(label, visible)
// If the label doesn't exist
if (!(label in menu_elements_t))
throw new Error("[Menu] This element's label doesn't exist!");
// Get properties
const properties = menu_elements_t[label];
const final_name = properties.name + menu_spacer + properties.label;
// Change the element's visibility
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", final_name, visible);
* @brief Creates a new 3D vector object based on an array
* @param array {array}
* @returns {Vector3D}
function vec(array)
// Create the info table
// struct vector_info_t {
// float x;
// float y;
// float z;
// }
const vector_info_t = {
x: array[0] || 0,
y: array[1] || 0,
z: array[2] || 0
// Return values
return vector_info_t;
* @brief Performs a addition between two 3D vectors.
* @param v1 {array|Vector3D}
* @param v2 {array|Vector3D}
* @returns {array|Vector3D}
function vec_add(v1, v2)
// Perform the addition and return results
return {
x: v1.x + v2.x,
y: v1.y + v2.y,
z: v1.z + v2.z
* @brief Creates a new box instance
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number} x2
* @param {number} y2
* @returns {array|Box}
function box(x, y, x2, y2)
// Create the info table
// struct box_info_t {
// double x;
// double y;
// double x2;
// double y2;
// double w;
// double h;
// }
const box_info_t = {
x: x,
y: y,
x2: x2,
y2: y2,
w: x2 - x,
h: y2 - y
// Returns values
return box_info_t;
* @brief Gets the bounding box area and points of an entity
* @param {number|EntityID} ent
* @param {number} padding
* @returns {array|Box}
function entity_get_box(ent, padding)
// Gets the mins and maxs of our entity
const origin = vec(entity_get_render_origin(ent));
const min = vec_add(vec(entity_get_prop(ent, "CBaseEntity", "m_vecMins")), origin);
const max = vec_add(vec(entity_get_prop(ent, "CBaseEntity", "m_vecMaxs")), origin);
// Get every single of the 8 points of the player's boundaries
const points = [
render_world_to_screen([min.x - padding, min.y - padding, min.z - padding]),
render_world_to_screen([min.x - padding, max.y + padding, min.z - padding]),
render_world_to_screen([max.x + padding, max.y + padding, min.z - padding]),
render_world_to_screen([max.x + padding, min.y - padding, min.z - padding]),
render_world_to_screen([max.x + padding, max.y + padding, max.z + padding]),
render_world_to_screen([min.x - padding, max.y + padding, max.z + padding]),
render_world_to_screen([min.x - padding, min.y - padding, max.z + padding]),
render_world_to_screen([max.x + padding, min.y - padding, max.z + padding]),
// Check if our points are valid
if (!points[0][0] || !points[0][1] ||
!points[1][0] || !points[1][1] ||
!points[2][0] || !points[2][1] ||
!points[3][0] || !points[3][1] ||
!points[4][0] || !points[4][1] ||
!points[5][0] || !points[5][1] ||
!points[6][0] || !points[6][1] ||
!points[7][0] || !points[7][1])
return null;
// Declare some values...
var left, right, top, bottom;
left = right = points[3][0];
top = bottom = points[3][1];
// Get the best points to make our box
for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++)
if (left > points[i][0])
left = points[i][0];
if (bottom < points[i][1])
bottom = points[i][1];
if (right < points[i][0])
right = points[i][0];
if (top > points[i][1])
top = points[i][1];
// Return the box
return box(left, top, right, bottom);
* @brief Renders an outlined string with custom font
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number} align
* @param {string} text
* @param {array|Color} color
* @param {number|Font} font
function render_string_custom_outline(x, y, align, text, color, font)
// Render the outlines
render_string_custom(x - 1, y - 1, align, text, [15, 15, 15, color[3] * 0.25], font);
render_string_custom(x + 1, y - 1, align, text, [15, 15, 15, color[3] * 0.25], font);
render_string_custom(x - 1, y + 1, align, text, [15, 15, 15, color[3] * 0.25], font);
render_string_custom(x + 1, y + 1, align, text, [15, 15, 15, color[3] * 0.25], font);
// Render the actual text
render_string_custom(x, y, align, text, color, font);
* @brief Checks whether or not a point is shown on your screen
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
function point_inside_screen(x, y)
// Get the screen size
const size = render_get_screen_size();
// Calculate whether the point is inside our screen or not and return result
// We're adding half of our screen's width as tolerance since we're dealing
// With boxes and not points.
return x > -size[0] * 0.5 && x < size[0] * 1.5 && y > 0 && y < size[1];
* @brief Clamps a value inside two boundaries
* @param {number} v
* @param {number} floor
* @param {number} ceil
function clamp(v, floor, ceil)
// Clamp value and return it
return Math.max(Math.min(v, ceil), floor);
* @brief Renders an outlined rectangle.
* @param x {number}
* @param y {number}
* @param w {number}
* @param h {number}
* @param color {array}
function render_outlined_rect(x, y, w, h, color)
render_rect(x - 1, y - 1, w + 2, h + 2, [25, 25, 25, 75]);
render_rect(x, y, w, h, color);
render_rect(x + 1, y + 1, w - 2, h - 2, [25, 25, 25, 75]);
* @brief Renders an outlined rectangle.
* @param x {number}
* @param y {number}
* @param w {number}
* @param h {number}
* @param color {array}
function render_outlined_rect_override(x, y, w, h, color)
render_rect(x - 1, y + 2, w + 2, h - 2, [25, 25, 25, 75]);
render_rect(x, y, w, h, color);
//region menu
// Create our main switch
const enable = menu.call(ui_add_checkbox, "[k] enable", "kitkat_switch", null);
// Create the modules
const bbox = menu.call(ui_add_dropdown, "[k] bounding box", "kitkat_box", [["Off", "Normal", "Cornered"]]);
const bbox_color = menu.call(ui_add_color_picker, "[k] bounding box color", "kitkat_box_color", null);
const bbox_gradient = menu.call(ui_add_checkbox, "[k] bounding box gradient", "kitkat_box_grad", null);
const name = menu.call(ui_add_checkbox, "[k] name", "kitkat_name", null);
const name_color = menu.call(ui_add_color_picker, "[k] name color", "kitkat_name_color", null);
const health = menu.call(ui_add_checkbox, "[k] health bar", "kitkat_health", null);
const weapon = menu.call(ui_add_multi_dropdown, "[k] weapon", "kitkat_weapon", [["Name", "Icon"]]);
const weapon_name_color = menu.call(ui_add_color_picker, "[k] weapon name color", "kitkat_weapon_name_color", null);
const weapon_icon_color = menu.call(ui_add_color_picker, "[k] weapon icon color", "kitkat_weapon_icon_color", null);
const ammo = menu.call(ui_add_checkbox, "[k] ammo", "kitkat_ammo", null);
const ammo_color = menu.call(ui_add_color_picker, "[k] ammo color", "kitkat_ammo_color", null);
const hitmarker = menu.call(ui_add_checkbox, "[k] screen hitmarker", "kitkat_hitmarker", null);
//region functions
* @class ESP
* @brief Handles all ESP rendering.
var esp = {
/*#define*/ hitmarker_alpha: 0, // The rendering alpha for our hitmarker
/*#define*/ health: [] // The array that contains all of the player's health. Handles the health bar animation.
* @brief Sets an initial value for unitialized colors
/*private function*/ esp.setup_colors = function()
// Create an array containing our color pickers and our desired default colors.
const defaults = [
[bbox_color, [255, 255, 255, 200]],
[name_color, [255, 255, 255, 200]],
[weapon_name_color, [232, 232, 232, 200]],
[weapon_icon_color, [200, 200, 200, 200]],
[ammo_color, [65, 135, 245, 200]]
// Loops for each color picker
for (var i = 0; i < defaults.length; i++)
// Get our colors
const color = menu.get_color(defaults[i][0]);
const def = defaults[i][1];
// If this color picker doesn't have a color, then set it to the default color.
if (color[3] === 0)
menu.set_color(defaults[i][0], def);
* @brief Renders a box around the given entity
* @param {number|EntityID} ent
* @param {array|Box} box
/*private function*/ esp.box = function(ent, box)
// Get the bounding box's color
const color = menu.get_color(bbox_color);
const cornered = menu.get(bbox) === 2;
// Checks if the box boundaries are visible and valid
if (point_inside_screen(box.x, 1) && point_inside_screen(box.x2, 1))
// Render the box's gradient.
if (menu.get(bbox_gradient))
render_gradient_rect(box.x + 1, box.y + 1, box.w - 2, box.h - 2, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0], color);
// Check if our bounding box mode is set to cornered.
if (cornered)
const quarter_x = box.w / 4, quarter_y = box.h / 4;
render_line(box.x, box.y, box.x + quarter_x, box.y, color);
render_line(box.x + quarter_x * 3, box.y, box.x + quarter_x * 4, box.y, color);
render_line(box.x, box.y2, box.x + quarter_x, box.y2, color);
render_line(box.x + quarter_x * 3, box.y2, box.x + quarter_x * 4, box.y2, color);
render_line(box.x, box.y, box.x, box.y + quarter_y, color);
render_line(box.x, box.y + quarter_y * 3, box.x, box.y + quarter_y * 4, color);
render_line(box.x2, box.y, box.x2, box.y + quarter_y, color);
render_line(box.x2, box.y + quarter_y * 3, box.x2, box.y + quarter_y * 4, color);
// Renders the normal bounding box
render_outlined_rect(box.x, box.y, box.w, box.h, color);
* @brief Renders the name of a given entity
* @param {number|EntityID} ent
* @param {array|Box} box
* @param {number|Font} font
/*private function*/ esp.name = function(ent, box, font)
// Get our drawing properties
const name = entity_get_name(ent);
const color = menu.get_color(name_color);
// Renders the entity's name
render_string_custom_outline(box.x + (box.w / 2), box.y - 14, 1, name, color, font)
* @brief Renders the health of a given entity
* @param {number|EntityID} ent
* @param {array|Box} box
* @param {number|Font} font
/*private function*/ esp.health = function(ent, box, font)
// Get our drawing properties
const health = entity_get_prop(ent, "CBasePlayer", "m_iHealth");
const display_health = this.health[ent];
const color = [255 - health * 2.55, health * 2.55, 0, 225];
// Checks if we don't have info regarding the player's health
if (!this.health[ent])
// If we don't, then update it.
this.health[ent] = health;
// Get the increment we'll be using on the animation
const inc = 2 * globals_frametime() * 100;
// If our display health is lower than the player's current health..
if (display_health < health)
// ..add to the display health.
this.health[ent] = clamp(this.health[ent] + inc, 0, health);
const color = [255 - health * 2.55, health * 2.55, 0, 225];
// If our display health is greater than the player's current health..
if (display_health > health)
// ..subtract from the display health.
this.health[ent] = clamp(this.health[ent] - inc, health, 100);
// Draws an 'low health' indicator if the player's health is lower than 4.
if (health < 4)
// Render the indicator
render_string_custom_outline(box.x + (box.w / 2), box.y - 24, 1, "low health", [65, 135, 245, 200], font);
// Renders the entity's health bar
render_string_custom_outline(box.x - 22, box.y, 0, health.toString(), [0, 255, 0, 225], font);
render_filled_rect(box.x - 6, box.y - 1, 4, box.h + 2, [25, 25, 25, 75]);
render_filled_rect(box.x - 5, box.y + (box.h) - (box.h) * display_health / 100, 2, (box.h) * display_health / 100, color);
* @brief Renders the name of the weapon of a given entity
* @param {array|Box} box
* @param {number|EntityID} wpn
* @param {number|Font} font
/*private function*/ esp.weapon = function(box, wpn, font)
// Get our drawing properties
const name = entity_get_name(wpn);
const value = menu.get(weapon);
// Applies an offet to the Y position if the ammo bar is toggled
const inc = menu.get(ammo) ? 0 : -6;
// Checks whether or not we should draw the weapon's name.
if (value & (1 << 0))
// Get the specified color
const name_color = menu.get_color(weapon_name_color);
// Render weapon's name
render_string_custom_outline(box.x + (box.w / 2), box.y + box.h + (value & (1 << 1) ? 22 : 8) + inc, 1, name.toUpperCase(), name_color, font);
// Checks whether or not we should draw the weapon's icon.
if (value & (1 << 1))
// Get the specified color
const icon_color = menu.get_color(weapon_icon_color);
// Render weapon's icon
render_string(box.x + (box.w / 2), box.y + box.h + 8 + inc, 1, weapon_info[name].icon, icon_color, 6);
* @brief Renders the remaining ammo of the weapon of a given entity
* @param {array|Box} box
* @param {number|EntityID} wpn
/*private function*/ esp.ammo = function(box, wpn)
// Get our drawing properties..
var ammo = entity_get_prop(wpn, "CBaseCombatWeapon", "m_iClip1");
var clip = weapon_info[entity_get_name(wpn)].clip
// And drawing color
const color = menu.get_color(ammo_color)
// If the given weapon has unlimited or no ammo, then handle it differently.
if (clip < 0)
clip = ammo = 1;
// Render the ammo bar
render_filled_rect(box.x, box.y + box.h + 2, box.w, 4, [25, 25, 25, 125]);
render_filled_rect(box.x + 1, box.y + box.h + 3, (box.w - 2) * ammo / clip, 2, color);
* @brief Renders a hitmarker on the center of the screen whenever you hurt another player.
/*private function*/ esp.hitmarker = function()
// Checks whether or not we should draw the hitmarker
if (this.hitmarker_alpha === 0)
// Get our drawing properties
const x = render_get_screen_size()[0], y = render_get_screen_size()[1];
const inc = globals_frametime() * 255;
// Update our hitmarker's alpha
this.hitmarker_alpha = clamp(this.hitmarker_alpha - inc, 0, 255);
// Renders the lines in order to form the hitmarker
render_line(x / 2 - 10, y / 2 - 10, x / 2 - 5, y / 2 - 5, [225, 225, 225, this.hitmarker_alpha]);
render_line(x / 2 - 10, y / 2 + 10, x / 2 - 5, y / 2 + 5, [225, 225, 225, this.hitmarker_alpha]);
render_line(x / 2 + 5, y / 2 - 5, x / 2 + 10, y / 2 - 10, [225, 225, 225, this.hitmarker_alpha]);
render_line(x / 2 + 5, y / 2 + 5, x / 2 + 10, y / 2 + 10, [225, 225, 225, this.hitmarker_alpha]);
* @brief Updates the hitmarker's alpha whenever you hurt another player.
/*private function*/ esp.handle_damage = function()
// Get our entities
const attacker = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int("attacker"));
const userid = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int("userid"));
const me = entity_get_local_player();
// Check if we're the one who attacked and not the one who got hurt.
if (attacker == me && userid !== me)
// If so, update the hitmaker's alpha
this.hitmarker_alpha = 255;
* @brief Renders the plugin's watermark
* @type fps {number} The cached FPS count
* @type last_update {number} The timestamp of the last FPS update.
* @param {number|Font} font
var fps = 0;
var last_update = 0;
/*private function*/ esp.watermark = function(font)
// Get our drawing info
const username = cheat_get_username();
const ping = local_latency();
// Get the current timestamp
const now = globals_curtime();
// Check if we should update the FPS count or not.
// Doing it every second.
if (now - last_update > 1)
// If so, update our FPS count and cache the timestamp for further calculations.
fps = 1 / globals_frametime();
last_update = now;
// Creates our watermark's text
const text = "";
// Get more drawing properties
const x = render_get_screen_size()[0];
const width = render_text_size_custom(text, font)[0];
// Renders the watermark
render_rect(x - 0 - width, 0, width + 0, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0]);
render_filled_rect(x - 0 - width, 0, 0, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0]);
render_filled_rect(x - 0 - width, 0, width + 19, 25, [0, 0, 0, 0]);
render_string_custom(x - 0 - width, 0, 0, text, [0, 0, 0, 0], font);
* @brief Handles all of the ESP rendering.
/*private function*/ esp.do = function()
// Get all of the enemy players.
const players = entity_get_enemies();
// Creates our fonts
const fonts = {
/*#define*/ watermark: render_add_font("Segoe UI", 0, 0), // The font we'll be using at our watermark
/*#define*/ name: render_add_font("MuseoSansCyrl-900", 7, 400), // The font we'll be using at our name ESP.
/*#define*/ hp: render_add_font("MuseoSansCyrl-900", 6, 200), // The font we'll be using at our health ESP.
/*#define*/ weapon: render_add_font("MuseoSansCyrl-900", 6, 250) // The font we'll be using at our weapon ESP.
// Renders the watermark
// Renders the hitmarkers
if (menu.get(hitmarker))
// Loops for each enemy player.
for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++)
// Get our current player.
const ent = players[i];
// Checks if this player is valid for rendering purposes.
if (ent && entity_is_alive(ent) && !entity_is_dormant(ent))
// Get the player's properties
const box = entity_get_box(ent, 0);
const wpn = entity_get_weapon(ent);
// Checks if our rendering position is valid
if (point_inside_screen(box.x, box.y) && point_inside_screen(box.x2, 1))
// Renders the player's bounding box
if (menu.get(bbox))
esp.box(ent, box);
// Renders the player's name
if (menu.get(name))
esp.name(ent, box, fonts.name);
// Renders the player's health
if (menu.get(health))
esp.health(ent, box, fonts.hp);
// Renders the player's ammo
if (menu.get(ammo))
esp.ammo(box, wpn);
// Renders the player's weapon
if (menu.get(weapon))
esp.weapon(box, wpn, fonts.weapon);
// Sets up the colors once at the beginning of the code execution.
// Doing this outside any callbacks so we don't override the
// User's colors.
* @brief Is called on every frame. Used for rendering.
/*private*/ function on_frame_render()
// Handles and renders our ESP.
* @brief Is called whenever a player is hurt. Used to handle the hitmarkers.
/*private*/ function on_player_hurt()
// Handles the hitmarkers.
//region callbacks
// Register the callbacks
cheat_register_callback('paint', 'on_frame_render');
cheat_register_callback('player_hurt', 'on_player_hurt');
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