Kodit izke
Автор темы
- #1
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Сливаю т.к. не играю с кряком и что бы вы могли добавить свои функции.
Сразу говорю много говно кода.
Вообщем кому надо тот сделает.
Всем удачи, я свой чит делать)
Сразу говорю много говно кода.
var jitter_cache = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset")
var yaw_cache = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset")
function lowdeltaslow() {
localplayer_index = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "AA on slowwalk") && UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Slow walk")) {
UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Fake-Lag", "Jitter", 0);
UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Fake-Lag", "Trigger limit", 16);
UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Fake-Lag", "Limit", 16);
UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset", -10);
UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset", 40);
} else {
UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset", jitter_cache);
if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "AA on slowwalk") && !UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Slow walk")) {
UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Fake-Lag", "Jitter", 100);
UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Fake-Lag", "Trigger limit", 16);
UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Fake-Lag", "Limit", 0);
UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset", 0);
UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset", 5);
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "lowdeltaslow");
//local tracer
var x = 0,
y = 0,
z = 0;
var eye_angles = [0, 0, 0];
var wts_impact = [0, 0, 0];
var render_time = 0;
function bullet_impact() {
if (!UI.GetValue("Local Bullet Tracer"))
player = Event.GetInt("userid");
player_id = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(player);
impact_x = Event.GetFloat("x"), impact_y = Event.GetFloat("y"), impact_z = Event.GetFloat("z");
if (Entity.GetLocalPlayer() !== player_id)
x = impact_x;
y = impact_y;
z = impact_z;
eye_angles = Entity.GetEyePosition(Entity.GetLocalPlayer());
render_time = Globals.Curtime();
function drawed() {
if (!UI.GetValue("Local Bullet Tracer"))
wts_impact = Render.WorldToScreen([x, y, z]);
wts_eye_angles = Render.WorldToScreen([eye_angles[0], eye_angles[1], eye_angles[2]]);
if (wts_impact[2] === 1 && wts_eye_angles[2] === 1 //remove this and experience a mess
(Globals.Curtime() - render_time) < 4) //4s just as the client/server impacts
Render.Line(wts_eye_angles[0], wts_eye_angles[1], wts_impact[0], wts_impact[1], [61, 135, 224, 230]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback("bullet_impact", "bullet_impact");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "drawed");
const keybinds_x = UI.AddSliderInt("keybinds_x", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0])
const keybinds_y = UI.AddSliderInt("keybinds_y", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1])
UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "keybinds_x", 0);
UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "keybinds_y", 655);
function in_bounds(vec, x, y, x2, y2) {
return (vec[0] > x) && (vec[1] > y) && (vec[0] < x2) && (vec[1] < y2)
function xy() {
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "keybinds_x", false)
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "keybinds_y", false)
function keybinds() {
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Enable binds list")) {
var h = [];
const fontpixel = Render.AddFont("MuseoSansCyrl-500", 12, 100);
const fontpixel1 = Render.AddFont("MuseoSansCyrl-500", 13, 100);
var lflt = UI.GetValue("Anti-aim", "Fake-Lag", "Limit");
if (UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Fake-Lag", "Enabled") && lflt > 0) {
h.push("Fakelag - " + lflt)
if (UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Manual dir")) {
h.push("Manual direction")
if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Auto bunnyhop") && Input.IsKeyPressed(0x20)) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Visual", "WORLD", "View", "Thirdperson")) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Slow walk")) {
h.push("Slow walk")
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck")) {
h.push("Fake duck")
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "General", "Movement", "Auto peek")) {
h.push("Auto peek")
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter")) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "General", "General", "Force safe point")) {
h.push("Safe point")
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Minimum damage override")) {
h.push("Dmg override")
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "General", "General", "Force body aim")) {
h.push("Body aim")
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Desync on shot")) {
h.push("On shot anti-aim")
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots")) {
h.push("Hide shots")
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Legit", "GENERAL", "Triggerbot", "Enabled")) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Resolver override")) {
h.push("Resolver override")
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Double tap")) {
h.push("Double Tap")
const x = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "keybinds_x"),
y = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "keybinds_y");
const rainbow = [
Math.floor(Math.sin(Global.Realtime() * 2) * 127 + 128),
Math.floor(Math.sin(Global.Realtime() * 2 + 2) * 127 + 128),
Math.floor(Math.sin(Global.Realtime() * 2 + 2) * 127 + 128),
Render.FilledRect(x, y, 200, 26, [0, 0, 10, 255]);
Render.FilledRect(x + 1, y - 1, 198, 2, [0, 0, 10, 255]);
Render.FilledRect(x + 2, y - 2, 196, 2, [0, 0, 10, 255]);
Render.StringCustom(x + 39, y + 1, 0, "Binds", [255, 255, 255, 255], fontpixel1);
Render.FilledRect(x + 7, y + 3, 24, 16, [34, 179, 246, 255]);
Render.FilledRect(x + 8, y + 2, 24, 16, [34, 179, 246, 255]);
Render.FilledRect(x + 10, y + 5, 3, 3, [0, 0, 10, 255])
Render.FilledRect(x + 14, y + 5, 3, 3, [0, 0, 10, 255])
Render.FilledRect(x + 18, y + 5, 3, 3, [0, 0, 10, 255])
Render.FilledRect(x + 22, y + 5, 3, 3, [0, 0, 10, 255])
Render.FilledRect(x + 26, y + 5, 3, 3, [0, 0, 10, 255])
Render.FilledRect(x + 12, y + 9, 3, 3, [0, 0, 10, 255])
Render.FilledRect(x + 16, y + 9, 3, 3, [0, 0, 10, 255])
Render.FilledRect(x + 20, y + 9, 3, 3, [0, 0, 10, 255])
Render.FilledRect(x + 24, y + 9, 3, 3, [0, 0, 10, 255])
Render.FilledRect(x + 10, y + 13, 3, 3, [0, 0, 10, 255])
Render.FilledRect(x + 14, y + 13, 11, 3, [0, 0, 10, 255])
Render.FilledRect(x + 26, y + 13, 3, 3, [0, 0, 10, 255])
for (i = 0; i < h.length; i++) {
Render.StringCustom(x + 4, y + 25 + 20 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, 255], fontpixel);
Render.StringCustom(x + 176, y + 25 + 20 * i, 0, "on", [255, 255, 255, 255], fontpixel);
if (Global.IsKeyPressed(1)) {
const mouse_pos = Global.GetCursorPosition();
if (in_bounds(mouse_pos, x - 10, y - 10, x + 220, y + 50)) {
if (UI.IsMenuOpen() == false)
UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "keybinds_x", mouse_pos[0] - 100);
UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "keybinds_y", mouse_pos[1] - 5);
Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "keybinds");
//spactator list
UI.AddSliderInt("Specs_x", 0, Render.GetScreenSize()[0])
UI.AddSliderInt("Specs_y", 0, Render.GetScreenSize()[1])
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Specs_x", false)
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Specs_y", false)
UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Specs_x", 250);
UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Specs_y", 655);
function get_spectators() {
var specs = [];
const players = Entity.GetPlayers();
for (i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
const cur = players[i];
if (Entity.GetProp(cur, "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget") != "m_hObserverTarget") {
const obs = Entity.GetProp(cur, "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget")
if (obs === Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) {
const name = Entity.GetName(cur);
return specs;
function Spectatorss() {
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Enable spectators list")) {
const fontpixel = Render.AddFont("MuseoSansCyrl-500", 12, 100);
const fontpixel1 = Render.AddFont("MuseoSansCyrl-500", 13, 100);
var icons = Render.AddFont("raphaelicons", 19, 500)
const names = get_spectators();
const x1 = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Specs_x"),
y1 = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Specs_y");
//Light bottom
Render.FilledRect(x1, y1, 200, 26, [0, 0, 10, 255]);
Render.FilledRect(x1 + 1, y1 - 1, 198, 2, [0, 0, 10, 255]);
Render.FilledRect(x1 + 2, y1 - 2, 196, 2, [0, 0, 10, 255]);
//Dark Top rectangle
Render.FilledRect(x1, y1, 200, 26, [0, 0, 10, 255]);
Render.FilledRect(x1 + 1, y1 - 1, 198, 2, [0, 0, 10, 255]);
Render.FilledRect(x1 + 2, y1 - 2, 196, 2, [0, 0, 10, 255]);
Render.StringCustom(x1 + 5, y1, 0, "K", [34, 179, 246, 255], icons);
//Spectators text
Render.StringCustom(x1 + 30, y1 + 1, 0, "Spectators", [255, 255, 255, 255], fontpixel1);
//Logo ENd
//Render Active Keybind
for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
Render.StringCustom(x1 + 5, y1 + 25 + 25 * i, 0, names[i], [255, 255, 255, 255], fontpixel);
//Move menu
if (Global.IsKeyPressed(1)) {
const mouse_pos = Global.GetCursorPosition();
if (in_bounds(mouse_pos, x1, y1, x1 + 200, y1 + 26)) {
if (UI.IsMenuOpen() == false)
UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Specs_x", mouse_pos[0] - 100);
UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Specs_y", mouse_pos[1] - 15);
Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "Spectatorss");
UI.AddCheckbox("Better resolver")
var onres = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Better resolver")
var isKeyActive = UI.IsHotkeyActive( "Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Resolver override" );
function betterresik()
if (onres = true)
if (offover = true)
UI.ToggleHotkey("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Resolver override")
else if (offover = false)
UI.ToggleHotkey("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Resolver override")
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "betterresik");
var lasttime = 0;
function clantag() {
var tag = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Clantag");
var time = parseInt((Globals.Curtime() * 5))
if (time != lasttime) {
if (tag == false) {
if (tag == true) {
switch ((time) % 53) {
case 1: {
Local.SetClanTag(" ");
case 2: {
Local.SetClanTag(" | ");
case 3: {
Local.SetClanTag(" |\\ ");
case 4: {
Local.SetClanTag(" |\\| ");
case 5: {
Local.SetClanTag(" N ");
case 6: {
Local.SetClanTag(" N3 ");
case 7: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Ne ");
case 8: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Ne\\ ");
case 9: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Ne\\/ ");
case 10: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Nev ");
case 11: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Nev3 ");
case 12: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neve ");
case 13: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neve| ");
case 14: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neve|2 ");
case 15: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Never|_ ");
case 16: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neverl ");
case 17: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neverl0 ");
case 18: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neverlo ");
case 19: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neverlo5 ");
case 20: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neverlos ");
case 21: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neverlos3 ");
case 22: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neverlose ");
case 23: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neverlose. ");
case 24: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neverlose.< ");
case 25: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neverlose.c< ");
case 26: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neverlose.cc ");
case 27: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neverlose.cc ");
case 28: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neverlose.c< ");
case 29: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neverlose.< ");
case 30: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neverlose. ");
case 31: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neverlose ");
case 32: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neverlos3 ");
case 33: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neverlos ");
case 34: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neverlo5 ");
case 35: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neverlo ");
case 36: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neverl0 ");
case 37: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neverl ");
case 38: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Never|_ ");
case 39: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Never|2 ");
case 40: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neve|2 ");
case 41: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neve| ");
case 42: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Neve ");
case 43: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Nev3 ");
case 44: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Nev ");
case 45: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Ne\\/ ");
case 46: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Ne\\ ");
case 47: {
Local.SetClanTag(" Ne ");
case 48: {
Local.SetClanTag(" N3 ");
case 49: {
Local.SetClanTag(" N ");
case 50: {
Local.SetClanTag(" |\\| ");
case 51: {
Local.SetClanTag(" |\\ ");
case 52: {
Local.SetClanTag(" | ");
case 53: {
Local.SetClanTag(" ");
lasttime = time;
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "clantag");
//set settings
function setSsaa() {
var aaon = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Enable antiaim")
var aaat = UI.GetValue("Script items", "At targets")
var aaad = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Freestand")
UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Enabled", aaon)
UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets", aaat)
UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Auto direction", aaad)
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "setSsaa");
Cheat.CursorInBox = function(x, y, length, height) {
var cursor = Input.GetCursorPosition()
if (cursor[0] > x && cursor[0] < x + length && cursor[1] > y && cursor[1] < y + height)
return true
return false
function settings(x, y, w, h, color, title) {
var font = Render.AddFont("MuseoSansCyrl-500", 12, 500)
var font3 = Render.AddFont("MuseoSansCyrl-900", 12, 500)
var font2 = Render.AddFont("MuseoSansCyrl-900", 21, 500)
Render.FilledRect(x, y - 1, w - 2, h, color)
Render.FilledRect(x - 1, y, w, h - 2, color)
Render.FilledRect(x - 1, y + 25, 300, 2, [16, 37, 61, 255], font)
Render.FilledRect(x - 1, y + 95, 300, 2, [16, 37, 61, 255], font)
Render.FilledRect(x - 1, y + 375, 300, 2, [16, 37, 61, 255], font)
Render.StringCustom(x + 20, y + 125, 0, "Version:", [255, 255, 255, 255], font3)
Render.StringCustom(x + 90, y + 125, 0, "1.0.0", [34, 179, 246, 255], font3)
//build date
Render.StringCustom(x + 20, y + 155, 0, "Build date:", [255, 255, 255, 255], font3)
Render.StringCustom(x + 110, y + 155, 0, "09.01.2021", [34, 179, 246, 255], font3)
//build type
Render.StringCustom(x + 20, y + 185, 0, "Build type:", [255, 255, 255, 255], font3)
Render.StringCustom(x + 110, y + 185, 0, "Beta", [34, 179, 246, 255], font3)
//build type
Render.StringCustom(x + 20, y + 215, 0, "Created by:", [255, 255, 255, 255], font3)
Render.StringCustom(x + 115, y + 215, 0, "Magma (magma#8327)", [34, 179, 246, 255], font3)
Render.StringCustom(x + 20, y + 245, 0, "Subcription till:", [255, 255, 255, 255], font3)
Render.StringCustom(x + 145, y + 245, 0, "Never", [34, 179, 246, 255], font3)
//neverlose copy
Render.StringCustom(x + 76, y + 315, 0, "neverlose.cc © 2021", [255, 255, 255, 255], font)
Render.StringCustom(x + 36, y + 3, 0, title, [255, 255, 255, 255], font)
Render.StringCustom(x + 6, y + 3, 0, "NL", [34, 179, 246, 255], font3)
Render.StringCustom(x + 7, y + 3, 0, "NL", [209, 217, 243, 255], font3)
Render.StringCustom(x + 39, y + 44, 0, "NEVERLOSE.CC", [34, 179, 246, 255], font2)
Render.StringCustom(x + 40, y + 45, 0, "NEVERLOSE.CC", [255, 255, 255, 255], font2)
function drawBoard(x, y, w, h, color, title) {
var font = Render.AddFont("MuseoSansCyrl-900", 21, 500)
var font2 = Render.AddFont("MuseoSansCyrl-500", 11, 500)
var font3 = Render.AddFont("MuseoSansCyrl-900", 11, 500)
var icon = Render.AddFont("raphaelicons", 19, 500)
Render.FilledRect(x, y - 1, 198, 630, [4, 12, 25, 230])
Render.FilledRect(x + 198, y - 1, 650, 630, [9, 6, 13, 255])
Render.FilledCircle(x + 30, y + 595, 20, [255, 255, 255, 255])
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 560, 198, 2, [16, 37, 61, 200])
Render.FilledRect(x + 198, y + 55, 650, 2, [16, 37, 61, 200])
Render.StringCustom(x + 20, y + 54, 0, "Aimbot", [48, 58, 70, 255], font3)
Render.StringCustom(x + 20, y + 174, 0, "Visual", [48, 58, 70, 255], font3)
Render.StringCustom(x + 20, y + 353, 0, "Miscellaneous", [48, 58, 70, 255], font3)
Render.StringCustom(x + 11, y + 81, 0, "%", [34, 179, 246, 255], icon)
Render.StringCustom(x + 11, y + 111, 0, "0", [34, 179, 246, 255], icon)
Render.StringCustom(x + 11, y + 141, 0, ")", [34, 179, 246, 255], icon)
Render.StringCustom(x + 11, y + 201, 0, "L", [34, 179, 246, 255], icon)
Render.StringCustom(x + 11, y + 231, 0, "a", [34, 179, 246, 255], icon)
Render.StringCustom(x + 11, y + 261, 0, "u", [34, 179, 246, 255], icon)
Render.StringCustom(x + 11, y + 291, 0, "7", [34, 179, 246, 255], icon)
Render.StringCustom(x + 11, y + 321, 0, "i", [34, 179, 246, 255], icon)
Render.StringCustom(x + 11, y + 381, 0, "/", [34, 179, 246, 255], icon)
Render.StringCustom(x + 11, y + 411, 0, "c", [34, 179, 246, 255], icon)
Render.StringCustom(x + 11, y + 441, 0, ";", [34, 179, 246, 255], icon)
Render.StringCustom(x + 11, y + 471, 0, "E", [34, 179, 246, 255], icon)
//settings logo
Render.StringCustom(x + 20, y + 14, 0, title, [34, 179, 246, 255], font)
Render.StringCustom(x + 21, y + 15, 0, title, [255, 255, 255, 255], font)
Render.StringCustom(x + 65, y + 577, 0, "Magma", [255, 255, 255, 255], font2) //name
Render.StringCustom(x + 65, y + 598, 0, "Till: ", [45, 45, 45, 255], font2) //podpiska
Render.StringCustom(x + 95, y + 598, 0, "never", [51, 136, 255, 255], font2) //time podpiska
X = function() {
return UI.GetValue("Script items", "X")
Y = function() {
return UI.GetValue("Script items", "Y")
function sliders() {
UI.AddSliderInt("X", -630, Render.GetScreenSize()[0])
UI.AddSliderInt("Y", -600, Render.GetScreenSize()[1])
UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "X", false)
UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "Y", false)
var menumove = false;
var waitforup = false;
var offsetx = 0;
var offsety = 0;
function checkMovement() {
var cursor = Input.GetCursorPosition()
var onmenu = Cheat.CursorInBox(X(), Y(), 850, 630)
if (UI.IsMenuOpen()) {
if (Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01) && !waitforup && onmenu) {
menumove = true
offsetx = cursor[0] - X()
offsety = cursor[1] - Y()
waitforup = true
if (!Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)) {
menumove = false
waitforup = false
if (menumove) {
UI.SetValue("Script items", "X", cursor[0] - offsetx)
UI.SetValue("Script items", "Y", cursor[1] - offsety)
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "checkMovement")
var idCheckbox = 0
var comboOverlapping = false
var comboactive = -1
var wasDown = []
function resetSpacing() {
idCheckbox = 0
function checkbox(x, y, name, enable) {
var font = Render.AddFont("MuseoSansCyrl-500", 12, 500)
var color = [11, 17, 43, 255]
var color1 = [74, 87, 97, 255]
var xs = 0
if (enable) {
color = [3, 23, 46, 255]
color1 = [3, 168, 245, 255]
color2 = [255, 255, 255, 255]
xs = 28
} else {
color = [11, 17, 43, 255]
color1 = [74, 87, 97, 255]
color2 = [210, 210, 210, 255]
xs = 0
if (!comboOverlapping) {
Render.FilledCircle(x + 236, y + 15, 7, color)
Render.FilledCircle(x + 263, y + 15, 7, color)
Render.FilledRect(x + 235, y + 8, 30, 15, color)
Render.FilledCircle(x + 236 + xs, y + 15, 9, color1)
Render.StringCustom(x, y + 5, 0, name, color2, font)
if (UI.IsMenuOpen() && !comboOverlapping) {
if ((Cheat.CursorInBox(x + 232, y + 8, 42, 15)) && comboactive == -1) {
if (!wasDown[idCheckbox]) {
if (Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)) {
wasDown[idCheckbox] = true
return true
} else if (wasDown[idCheckbox]) {
if (!Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)) {
wasDown[idCheckbox] = false
return false
return false
function settings_checkbox(x, y, name, enable) {
var color1 = [74, 87, 97, 255]
if (enable) {
color = [3, 23, 46, 255]
color1 = [3, 168, 245, 255]
} else {
color = [11, 17, 43, 255]
color1 = [74, 87, 97, 255]
if (!comboOverlapping) {
Render.FilledCircle(x + 186, y + 15, 12, color1)
if (UI.IsMenuOpen() && !comboOverlapping) {
if ((Cheat.CursorInBox(x + 173, y + 3, 24, 24)) && comboactive == -1) {
if (!wasDown[idCheckbox]) {
if (Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)) {
wasDown[idCheckbox] = true
return true
} else if (wasDown[idCheckbox]) {
if (!Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)) {
wasDown[idCheckbox] = false
return false
return false
function addTab(x, y, name, value) {
var font = Render.AddFont("MuseoSansCyrl-500", 13, 500)
var color1 = [74, 87, 97, 255]
var enable = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Tabs")
if (value == enable) {
color1 = [255, 255, 255, 255]
color2 = [5, 50, 75, 255]
} else {
color1 = [255, 255, 255, 255]
color2 = [255, 255, 255, 0]
if (!comboOverlapping) {
Render.FilledRect(x + 2, y, 180, 25, color2)
Render.FilledRect(x, y - 2, 180, 25, color2)
Render.FilledRect(x - 2, y, 180, 25, color2)
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 2, 180, 25, color2)
Render.StringCustom(x + 30, y + 2, 0, name, color1, font)
if (UI.IsMenuOpen() && !comboOverlapping) {
if ((Cheat.CursorInBox(x, y, 180, 25)) && comboactive == -1) {
if (!wasDown[idCheckbox]) {
if (Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)) {
wasDown[idCheckbox] = true
return true
} else if (wasDown[idCheckbox]) {
if (!Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)) {
wasDown[idCheckbox] = false
return false
return false
function weaponGroup(x, y, name, value) {
var font = Render.AddFont("MuseoSansCyrl-500", 13, 500)
var color1 = [74, 87, 97, 255]
var enableRAGE = UI.GetValue("Script items", "WeaponsRage")
if (value == enableRAGE) {
color1 = [255, 255, 255, 255]
color2 = [5, 50, 75, 255]
} else {
color1 = [255, 255, 255, 255]
color2 = [255, 255, 255, 0]
if (!comboOverlapping) {
Render.FilledRect(x + 2, y, 75, 25, color2)
Render.FilledRect(x, y - 2, 75, 25, color2)
Render.FilledRect(x - 2, y, 75, 25, color2)
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 2, 75, 25, color2)
Render.StringCustom(x, y + 2, 0, name, color1, font)
if (UI.IsMenuOpen() && !comboOverlapping) {
if ((Cheat.CursorInBox(x, y, 75, 25)) && comboactive == -1) {
if (!wasDown[idCheckbox]) {
if (Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)) {
wasDown[idCheckbox] = true
return true
} else if (wasDown[idCheckbox]) {
if (!Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)) {
wasDown[idCheckbox] = false
return false
return false
x - отступ с лева
y - отступ с верху
h - ширина
w - высота
function menubox(x, y, h, w, name) {
var font = Render.AddFont("MuseoSansCyrl-500", 13, 500)
var color1 = [255, 255, 255, 255]
var color2 = [1, 11, 21, 255]
var color3 = [7, 25, 37, 255]
if (!comboOverlapping) {
Render.FilledRect(x, y, h, w, color2)
Render.FilledRect(x + 2, y + 30, h - 4, 2, color3)
Render.StringCustom(x + 10, y + 5, 0, name, color1, font)
//chacks misc-aa
UI.AddCheckbox("Enable binds list")
UI.AddCheckbox("Enable spectators list")
UI.AddCheckbox("Enable antiaim")
UI.AddCheckbox("At targets")
UI.AddCheckbox("AA on slowwalk")
//falsed misc- aa
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Enable binds list", false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Enable spectators list", false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Clantag", false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Rage", false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Enable antiaim", false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "At targets", false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Freestand", false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "AA on slowwalk", false);
UI.AddCheckbox("Local Bullet Tracer");
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Local Bullet Tracer", false);
UI.AddDropdown("Tabs", ["Ragebot", "Antiaim", "Legitbot", "Players", "Weapon", "Grenades", "World", "View", "Main", "Inventory", "Scripts", "Config"])
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Tabs", false);
//weapon group
UI.AddDropdown("WeaponsRage", ["GENERAL", "PISTOL", "HEAVY PISTOL", "SCOUT", "AWP", "AUTOSNIPER"])
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "WeaponsRage", false);
// rage
UI.AddCheckbox("Enable rage")
UI.AddCheckbox("Override default for pistol")
UI.AddCheckbox("Override default for heavy")
UI.AddCheckbox("Override default for scout")
UI.AddCheckbox("Override default for awp")
UI.AddCheckbox("Override default for auto")
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Enable rage", false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Override default for pistol", false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Override default for heavy", false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Override default for scout", false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Override default for awp", false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Override default for auto", false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Settings", false);
UI.AddCheckbox("Show ping")
UI.AddCheckbox("Show name")
UI.AddCheckbox("Show time")
UI.AddCheckbox("Show ip")
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Show ping", false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Show name", false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Show time", false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Show ip", false);
UI.SetEnabled( "Legit", "GENERAL", "General", "Enabled", false );
UI.SetEnabled( "Legit", "GENERAL", "General", "Reaction time", false );
UI.SetEnabled( "Legit", "GENERAL", "Triggerbot", "Enabled", false );
UI.SetEnabled( "Legit", "GENERAL", "Triggerbot", "Magnet", false );
UI.SetEnabled( "Legit", "GENERAL", "Backtracking", "Enabled", false );
UI.SetEnabled( "Legit", "GENERAL", "Backtracking", "Maximum time", false );
UI.SetEnabled( "Legit", "GENERAL", "Default config", "Hitboxes", false );
UI.SetEnabled( "Legit", "GENERAL", "Default config", "Hitbox priority", false );
UI.SetEnabled( "Legit", "GENERAL", "Default config", "Fov", false );
UI.SetEnabled( "Legit", "GENERAL", "Default config", "Deadzone", false );
UI.SetEnabled( "Legit", "GENERAL", "Default config", "Speed (yaw)", false );
UI.SetEnabled( "Legit", "GENERAL", "Default config", "Speed (pitch)", false );
UI.SetEnabled( "Legit", "GENERAL", "Default config", "Recoil control", false );
UI.SetEnabled( "Legit", "GENERAL", "Default config", "Assist", false );
UI.SetEnabled( "Legit", "GENERAL", "Default config", "Triggerbot hitchance", false );
UI.SetEnabled( "Legit", "PISTOL", "General", "Override default", false );
UI.SetEnabled( "Legit", "RIFLE", "General", "Override default", false );
UI.SetEnabled( "Legit", "SNIPER", "General", "Override default", false );
UI.SetEnabled( "Legit", "SMG", "General", "Override default", false );
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "PERFOMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Watermark", false);
UI.SetValue("Misc", "PERFOMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Watermark", false);
function mainmenu() {
var AddCheckbox = function(x, y, name) {
if (checkbox(x, y, name, UI.GetValue("Script items", name))) UI.SetValue("Script items", name, !UI.GetValue("Script items", name))
var AddTab = function(x, y, name, value) {
if (addTab(x, y, name, value)) UI.SetValue("Script items", "Tabs", value)
var AddGroup = function(x, y, name, value) {
if (weaponGroup(x, y, name, value)) UI.SetValue("Script items", "WeaponsRage", value)
var AddBox = function(x, y, h, w, name) {
if (menubox(x, y, h, w, name));
if (UI.IsMenuOpen()) {
drawBoard(X(), Y(), 200, 630, [7, 9, 23, 255], "NEVERLOSE");
AddTab(X() + 10, Y() + 80, "Ragebot", 0)
AddTab(X() + 10, Y() + 110, "Antiaim", 1)
AddTab(X() + 10, Y() + 140, "Legitbot", 2)
AddTab(X() + 10, Y() + 200, "Players", 3)
AddTab(X() + 10, Y() + 230, "Weapon", 4)
AddTab(X() + 10, Y() + 260, "Grenades", 5)
AddTab(X() + 10, Y() + 290, "World", 6)
AddTab(X() + 10, Y() + 320, "View", 7)
AddTab(X() + 10, Y() + 380, "Main", 8)
AddTab(X() + 10, Y() + 410, "Inventory", 9)
AddTab(X() + 10, Y() + 440, "Script", 10)
AddTab(X() + 10, Y() + 470, "Config", 11)
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Tabs") == 0) {
AddGroup(X() + 210, Y() + 15, "GENERAL", 0)
AddGroup(X() + 290, Y() + 15, " PISTOLS", 1)
AddGroup(X() + 370, Y() + 15, " HEAVY", 2)
AddGroup(X() + 450, Y() + 15, " SCOUT", 3)
AddGroup(X() + 530, Y() + 15, " AWP", 4)
AddGroup(X() + 610, Y() + 15, " AUTO", 5)
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "WeaponsRage") == 0) {
AddBox(X() + 215, Y() + 65, 295, 280, "Main")
AddCheckbox(X() + 225, Y() + 105, "Enable rage")
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "WeaponsRage") == 1) {
AddBox(X() + 215, Y() + 65, 295, 280, "Main")
AddCheckbox(X() + 225, Y() + 105, "Override default for pistol")
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "WeaponsRage") == 2) {
AddBox(X() + 215, Y() + 65, 295, 280, "Main")
AddCheckbox(X() + 225, Y() + 105, "Override default for heavy")
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "WeaponsRage") == 3) {
AddBox(X() + 215, Y() + 65, 295, 280, "Main")
AddCheckbox(X() + 225, Y() + 105, "Override default for scout")
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "WeaponsRage") == 4) {
AddBox(X() + 215, Y() + 65, 295, 280, "Main")
AddCheckbox(X() + 225, Y() + 105, "Override default for awp")
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "WeaponsRage") == 5) {
AddBox(X() + 215, Y() + 65, 295, 280, "Main")
AddCheckbox(X() + 225, Y() + 105, "Override default for auto")
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Tabs") == 1) {
AddBox(X() + 215, Y() + 65, 295, 280, "Main")
AddBox(X() + 530, Y() + 65, 295, 240, "Fake Angle")
AddBox(X() + 215, Y() + 355, 295, 260, "Fake Lag")
AddBox(X() + 530, Y() + 315, 295, 280, "Misc")
AddCheckbox(X() + 225, Y() + 105, "Enable antiaim")
AddCheckbox(X() + 225, Y() + 135, "At targets")
AddCheckbox(X() + 225, Y() + 165, "Freestand")
AddCheckbox(X() + 225, Y() + 195, "AA on slowwalk")
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Tabs") == 2) {
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Tabs") == 3) {
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Tabs") == 4) {
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Tabs") == 5) {
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Tabs") == 6) {
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Tabs") == 7) {
AddBox(X() + 215, Y() + 65, 295, 280, "Main")
AddCheckbox(X() + 225, Y() + 105, "Local Bullet Tracer")
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Tabs") == 8) {
AddCheckbox(X() + 215, Y() + 65, "Clantag")
AddCheckbox(X() + 215, Y() + 95, "Enable binds list")
AddCheckbox(X() + 215, Y() + 125, "Enable spectators list")
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Tabs") == 9) {
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Tabs") == 10) {
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Tabs") == 11) {
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "mainmenu")
function settings_menu() {
var AddCheckbox = function(x, y, name) {
if (checkbox(x, y, name, UI.GetValue("Script items", name))) UI.SetValue("Script items", name, !UI.GetValue("Script items", name))
var Addsettings_checkbox = function(x, y, name) {
if (settings_checkbox(x, y, name, UI.GetValue("Script items", name))) UI.SetValue("Script items", name, !UI.GetValue("Script items", name))
var username = Cheat.GetUsername()
var today = new Date();
var ping = Math.floor(Global.Latency() * 1000 / 1.5);
var ip = World.GetServerString()
var hours1 = today.getHours();
var minutes1 = today.getMinutes();
var seconds1 = today.getSeconds();
var hours = hours1 <= 9 ? "0" + today.getHours() + ":" : today.getHours() + ":";
var minutes = minutes1 <= 9 ? "0" + today.getMinutes() + ":" : today.getMinutes() + ":";
var seconds = seconds1 <= 9 ? "0" + today.getSeconds() : today.getSeconds();
var font = Render.AddFont("MuseoSansCyrl-900", 9, 900)
var font1 = Render.AddFont("MuseoSansCyrl-900", 11, 900)
var text = ""
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Show name")) {
text += ("| " + username)
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Show ping")) {
text += (" | " + ping + " mc")
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Show time")) {
text += (" | " + hours + minutes + seconds)
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Show ip")) {
text += (" | " + ip)
var text1 = "NL"
var h = 27;
var w = Render.TextSizeCustom(text, font)[0] + 33;
var x = Global.GetScreenSize()[0] - 2;
var y = 12;
x = x - w - 10;
Render.FilledRect(x, y - 1, w - 2, h, [0, 20, 20, 255]);
Render.FilledRect(x - 1, y, w, h - 2, [0, 20, 20, 255]);
Render.StringCustom(x + 28, y + 5, 0, text, [255, 255, 255, 255], font)
Render.StringCustom(x + 4, y + 3, 0, text1, [34, 179, 246, 255], font1)
Render.StringCustom(x + 5, y + 4, 0, text1, [255, 255, 255, 255], font1)
if (UI.IsMenuOpen()) {
Addsettings_checkbox(X() + 605, Y() + 10, "Settings")
if (UI.GetValue("Script Items", "Settings")) {
settings(X() + 870, Y() + 50, 300, 530, [9, 6, 13, 225], "About Neverlose");
AddCheckbox(X() + 885, Y() + 440, "Show ping")
AddCheckbox(X() + 885, Y() + 470, "Show name")
AddCheckbox(X() + 885, Y() + 500, "Show time")
AddCheckbox(X() + 885, Y() + 530, "Show ip")
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "settings_menu")
Всем удачи, я свой чит делать)