var keybinds = [];
keybinds.push({path: ["Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots"], name: "Hide-shots"});
keybinds.push({path: ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Exploits", "Doubletap"], name: "Double-tap"});
keybinds.push({path: ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Force body aim"], name: "Body-aim"});
keybinds.push({path: ["Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter"], name: "Angle Inverter"});
keybinds.push({path: ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Force safe point"], name: "Force Safepoint"});
keybinds.push({path: ["Misc", "Movement", "Auto peek"], name: "Auto Peek"});
keybinds.push({path: ["Misc", "Movement", "Edge jump"], name: "Edge Jump"});
keybinds.push({path: ["Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Slow walk"], name: "Slow Walk"});
keybinds.push({path: ["Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck"], name: "Fake Duck"});
keybinds.push({path: ["Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Heavy Pistol Override"], name: "Damage override"});
keybinds.push({path: ["VIsual", "World", "Thirdperson"], name: "third person"});
const print = function(text, color){
if(color == undefined)
Cheat.Print(text.toString() + "\n");
Cheat.PrintColor(color, text.toString() + "\n");
const getval = function(name){
return UI.GetValue("Script items", name);
const setval = function(name, value){
return UI.SetValue("Script items", name, value);
const getcol = function(name){
return UI.GetColor("Script items", name);
const get_active_keybinds = function(){
var ret = [];
for(var i in keybinds){
if(UI.IsHotkeyActive.apply(null, keybinds[i].path))
return ret;
const get_spectators = function()
const players = Entity.GetPlayers();
var spectators = [];
for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++)
const m_hObserverTarget = Entity.GetProp(players[i], "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget");
if (m_hObserverTarget !== "m_hObserverTarget") {
if (m_hObserverTarget === Entity.GetLocalPlayer())
const name = Entity.GetName(players[i]);
spectators.push(name.length >= 22 ? name.substr(0, 20) + "..." : name);
return spectators;
const point_in_rect = function(pos, min, max, debug) {
if(debug) {
if(pos[0] > min[0] && pos[1] > min[1] && pos[0] < max[0] && pos[1] < max[1])
Render.Rect(min[0], min[1], max[0] - min[0], max[1] - min[1], [0, 255, 0, 255])
else Render.Rect(min[0], min[1], max[0] - min[0], max[1] - min[1], [255, 0, 0, 255])
return pos[0] > min[0]
&& pos[1] > min[1]
&& pos[0] < max[0]
&& pos[1] < max[1];
const get_dropdown_value = function(value, index)
const mask = 1 << index;
return value & mask ? true : false;
Cheat.Print("\nLoaded ");
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], keybinds.length + " ");
print("You may add yours by using:");
Cheat.PrintColor([255,255,0,255], 'keybinds.push({path: ["Legit", "Triggerbot", "Enabled"], name: "Trigger bot"}); ');
print("for example.");
const screen_size = Global.GetScreenSize();
const render_container = function(x1, y1, w, h, name, color1, color2, font, to_write, state, custom){
if(getval(name + "_x") <= 0){
UI.AddCheckbox(name+" stored");
UI.AddSliderInt(name+"_x", 1, screen_size[0]);
UI.AddSliderInt(name+"_y", 1, screen_size[0]);
UI.AddSliderInt(name+"_x_off", 1, screen_size[0]);
UI.AddSliderInt(name+"_y_off", 1, screen_size[0]);
setval(name+"_x", x1);
setval(name+"_y", y1);
UI.SetEnabled("Script items", name+" stored", false);
UI.SetEnabled("Script items", name+"_x", false);
UI.SetEnabled("Script items", name+"_y", false);
UI.SetEnabled("Script items", name+"_x_off", false);
UI.SetEnabled("Script items", name+"_y_off", false);
const cursor_pos = Input.GetCursorPosition();
if(UI.IsMenuOpen() && Input.IsKeyPressed(0x1)){
if(point_in_rect(cursor_pos, [getval(name+"_x"), getval(name+"_y")], [getval(name+"_x") + w, getval(name+"_y") + h])){
if(getval(name + " stored") == 0){
setval(name+"_x_off", cursor_pos[0] - getval(name+"_x"));
setval(name+"_y_off", cursor_pos[1] - getval(name+"_y"));
setval(name + " stored", 1);
setval(name+"_x", cursor_pos[0] - getval(name+"_x_off"));
setval(name+"_y", cursor_pos[1] - getval(name+"_y_off"));
} else if(getval(name + " stored")) setval(name + " stored", 0);
x = getval(name+"_x");
y = getval(name+"_y");
Render.GradientRect(x, y, w, 2, 1, color1, color2);
Render.GradientRect(x + 1, y + 2, w - 2, h, 0, [0,0,0,125], [0,0,0,0]);
const text_size = Render.TextSizeCustom(name, font);
Render.FilledCircle(x + 12, y + 12, text_size[1] / 2 + 1, [20,20,20,255]);
Render.FilledCircle(x + 12 + text_size[0], y + 12, text_size[1] / 2 + 1, [20,20,20,255]);
Render.FilledRect(x + 12, y + 6, text_size[0], text_size[1] + 1, [20,20,20,255]);
Render.StringCustom(x + 13, y + 6, 0, name, [255,255,255,255], font);
Render.StringCustom(x + w - 27, y + 6, 0, "<", [255,255,255,255], font);
Render.FilledCircle(x + w - 14, y + 12, 6, [20,20,20,100]);
Render.StringCustom(x + w - 16, y + 5, 0, "x", [255,255,255,255], font);
const text_size_state = Render.TextSizeCustom(state, font);
for(var i in to_write){
if(custom != null){
const text_size_state = Render.TextSizeCustom(custom[i], font);
state = custom[i];
Render.StringCustom(x + 10, y + 25 + (i * 13), 0, to_write[i], [255,255,255,255], font);
Render.StringCustom(x + w - text_size_state[0] - 15, y + 25 + (i * 13), 0, "[" + state + "]", [255,255,255,255], font);
UI.AddLabel(" Indicators by @lenin");
UI.AddMultiDropdown( "Windows", [ "Hotkeys", "Spectator list", "Watermark" ] );
UI.AddCheckbox("Show windows only with information");
UI.AddColorPicker("Gradient color 1");
UI.AddColorPicker("Gradient color 2");
UI.AddCheckbox("Render test container");
const watermark = [Cheat.GetUsername().length > 14 ? Cheat.GetUsername().substr(0,14) + "..." : Cheat.GetUsername(), World.GetServerString() != "" ? World.GetServerString() : "unknown", Math.round(Local.Latency() * 1000 - 16).toString(), Globals.Tickrate().toString()];
const watermark_custom = ["user", "server", "latency", "tickrate"];
const for_test = ["Idet negr", "vidit dom stoit", "konec prikola"];
const main = function(){
const font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 300);
if(get_dropdown_value(getval("Windows"), 0)){
const active_binds = get_active_keybinds();
if(!(active_binds.length <= 0 && getval("Show windows only with information")))
render_container(300, 300, 150, 25, "Hotkey", getcol("Gradient color 1"), getcol("Gradient color 2"), font, active_binds, "on")
if(get_dropdown_value(getval("Windows"), 1)){
const spectators = get_spectators();
if(!(spectators.length <= 0 && getval("Show windows only with information")))
render_container(300, 450, 200, 25, "Spectators", getcol("Gradient color 1"), getcol("Gradient color 2"), font, spectators, "watching")
if(get_dropdown_value(getval("Windows"), 2))
render_container(300, 700, 150, 25, "", getcol("Gradient color 1"), getcol("Gradient color 2"), font, watermark_custom, "", watermark)
if(getval("Render test container"))
render_container(300, 100, 150, 25, "Test Container", getcol("Gradient color 1"), getcol("Gradient color 2"), font, for_test, "funny")
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "main");