Автор темы
- #1
auto misc_interface::get_flex_create_fn()->CreateClientClassFn {
auto clazz = CInterfaces::Get().Client->GetAllClasses();
while (fnv::hash_runtime(clazz->m_pNetworkName) != FNV("CBaseFlex"))//CBaseFlex
clazz = clazz->m_pNext;
return clazz->m_pCreateFn;
auto misc_interface::make_flex(int entry, int serial)->CBaseEntity* {
static auto flex_create_fn = get_flex_create_fn();
if (flex_create_fn) {
flex_create_fn(entry, serial);
const auto flex = static_cast<CBaseAttributableItem*>(CInterfaces::Get().EntityList->GetClientEntity(entry));
flex->InitializeAsClientEntity("models/player/custom_player/legacy/ctm_sas_varianta.mdl", RenderGroup_t::RENDER_GROUP_OPAQUE_ENTITY);
auto mod = CInterfaces::Get().ModelInfo->GetModel(flex->GetModelIndex());
if (mod)
return flex;
return nullptr;
auto misc_interface::calculate_frame_distance(const model_t* model) -> void {
Vector vecMin, vecMax;
CInterfaces::Get().ModelInfo->GetModelRenderBounds(model, vecMin, vecMax);
Vector vecCenter = (vecMax + vecMin) * 0.5f;
vecMin -= vecCenter;
vecMax -= vecCenter;
// Get the bounds points and transform them by the desired model panel rotation.
Vector aBoundsPoints[8];
aBoundsPoints[0].Init(vecMax.x, vecMax.y, vecMax.z);
aBoundsPoints[1].Init(vecMin.x, vecMax.y, vecMax.z);
aBoundsPoints[2].Init(vecMax.x, vecMin.y, vecMax.z);
aBoundsPoints[3].Init(vecMin.x, vecMin.y, vecMax.z);
aBoundsPoints[4].Init(vecMax.x, vecMax.y, vecMin.z);
aBoundsPoints[5].Init(vecMin.x, vecMax.y, vecMin.z);
aBoundsPoints[6].Init(vecMax.x, vecMin.y, vecMin.z);
aBoundsPoints[7].Init(vecMin.x, vecMin.y, vecMin.z);
// Translated center point (offset from camera center).
Vector vecTranslateCenter = -vecCenter;
// Build the rotation matrix.
QAngle angPanelAngles(0,0,0);
matrix3x4_t matRotation;
math::angle_matrix(angPanelAngles, matRotation);
Vector aXFormPoints[8];
for (int iPoint = 0; iPoint < 8; ++iPoint)
math::vector_transform(aBoundsPoints[iPoint], matRotation, aXFormPoints[iPoint]);
Vector vecXFormCenter;
math::vector_transform(-vecTranslateCenter, matRotation, vecXFormCenter);
int w = 1000, h = 1000;
float flW = (float)w;
float flH = (float)h;
float flFOVx = DEG2RAD(54 * 0.5f);
auto fovx = flFOVx;
if (fovx < 1 || fovx > 179)
fovx = 90;
float val = atan(tan(DEG2RAD(fovx) * 0.5f) / flW / flH);
float flFOVy = RAD2DEG(val) * 2.0f;
flFOVy = DEG2RAD(flFOVy);
float flTanFOVx = tan(flFOVx);
float flTanFOVy = tan(flFOVy);
// Find the max value of x, y, or z
float flDist = 0.0f;
for (int iPoint = 0; iPoint < 8; ++iPoint)
float flDistZ = fabs(aXFormPoints[iPoint].z / flTanFOVy - aXFormPoints[iPoint].x);
float flDistY = fabs(aXFormPoints[iPoint].y / flTanFOVx - aXFormPoints[iPoint].x);
float flTestDist = std::max(flDistZ, flDistY);
flDist = std::max(flDist, flTestDist);
// Scale the object down by 10%.
flDist *= 1.10f;
// Add the framing offset.
vecXFormCenter += Vector(110,5,5);
m_vecOriginOffset.x = flDist - vecXFormCenter.x;
m_vecOriginOffset.y = -vecXFormCenter.y;
m_vecOriginOffset.z = -vecXFormCenter.z;
// Screen space points.
Vector2D aScreenPoints[8];
Vector aCameraPoints[8];
for (int iPoint = 0; iPoint < 8; ++iPoint)
aCameraPoints[iPoint] = aXFormPoints[iPoint];
aCameraPoints[iPoint].x += flDist;
aScreenPoints[iPoint].x = aCameraPoints[iPoint].y / (flTanFOVx * aCameraPoints[iPoint].x);
aScreenPoints[iPoint].y = aCameraPoints[iPoint].z / (flTanFOVy * aCameraPoints[iPoint].x);
aScreenPoints[iPoint].x = (aScreenPoints[iPoint].x * 0.5f + 0.5f) * flW;
aScreenPoints[iPoint].y = (aScreenPoints[iPoint].y * 0.5f + 0.5f) * flH;
// Find the min/max and center of the 2D bounding box of the object.
Vector2D vecScreenMin(99999.0f, 99999.0f), vecScreenMax(-99999.0f, -99999.0f);
for (int iPoint = 0; iPoint < 8; ++iPoint)
vecScreenMin.x = std::min(vecScreenMin.x, aScreenPoints[iPoint].x);
vecScreenMin.y = std::min(vecScreenMin.y, aScreenPoints[iPoint].y);
vecScreenMax.x = std::max(vecScreenMax.x, aScreenPoints[iPoint].x);
vecScreenMax.y = std::max(vecScreenMax.y, aScreenPoints[iPoint].y);
vecScreenMin.x = clamp(vecScreenMin.x, 0.0f, flW);
vecScreenMin.y = clamp(vecScreenMin.y, 0.0f, flH);
vecScreenMax.x = clamp(vecScreenMax.x, 0.0f, flW);
vecScreenMax.y = clamp(vecScreenMax.y, 0.0f, flH);
Vector2D vecScreenCenter = (vecScreenMax + vecScreenMin) * 0.5f;
m_vecViewportOffset.x = -((flW * 0.5f) - vecScreenCenter.x);
m_vecViewportOffset.y = -((flH * 0.5f) - vecScreenCenter.y);
auto misc_interface::paint_model() -> void {
static auto set_abs_origin_addr = utils::memory::find_pattern("client_panorama.dll", "55 8B EC 83 E4 F8 51 53 56 57 8B F1", 0);
const auto set_abs_origin_fn = reinterpret_cast<void(__thiscall*)(void*, const Vector&)>(set_abs_origin_addr);
typedef void(__thiscall * SetAbsAngleFn)(void*, const QAngle&);
static SetAbsAngleFn SetAbsAngles = (SetAbsAngleFn)((DWORD)utils::memory::find_pattern("client_panorama.dll", "55 8B EC 83 E4 F8 83 EC 64 53 56 57 8B F1 E8", 0));
if (!buffer)
buffer = CInterfaces::Get().MaterialSystem->CreateRenderTargetFF("esp_preview");
if (!flex_ent.Get()) {
const auto entry = GLOBAL_INTERFACES.EntityList->GetHighestEntityIndex() + 1;
const auto serial = rand() % 0x1000;
make_flex(entry, serial);
flex_ent = CHandle<CBaseEntity>(CBaseHandle(entry | serial << 16));
float flWidthRatio = ((float)1000.f / (float)1000.f) / (4.0f / 3.0f);
Vector vecExtraModelOffset(15, 0, 0);
set_abs_origin_fn(flex_ent.Get(), m_vecOriginOffset + vecExtraModelOffset);
SetAbsAngles(flex_ent.Get(), QAngle(0, 0, 0));
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext(CInterfaces::Get().MaterialSystem);
int viewportX, viewportY, viewportWidth, viewportHeight;
pRenderContext->GetViewport(viewportX, viewportY, viewportWidth, viewportHeight);
CViewSetup view;
memset(&view, 0, sizeof(view));
view.x = /*x + */m_vecViewportOffset.x + viewportX; // we actually want to offset by the
view.y =/* y + */m_vecViewportOffset.y + viewportY; // viewport origin here because Push3DView expects global coords below
view.width = 1000;
view.height = 1000;
view.m_bOrtho = false;
float halfAngleRadians = 54 * (0.5f * M_PI / 180.0f);
float t = tan(halfAngleRadians);
t *= flWidthRatio;
float retDegrees = (180.0f / M_PI) * atan(t);
view.fov = retDegrees * 2.0f;
view.zNear = 7;
view.zFar = 1000;
static auto pCubemapTexture = CInterfaces::Get().MaterialSystem->FindTexture("editor/cubemap.hdr", NULL, true);
pRenderContext->BindLocalCubemap( pCubemapTexture );
pRenderContext->SetLightingOrigin(0, 0, 0);
static Vector white[6] =
Vector(0.4, 0.4, 0.4),
Vector(0.4, 0.4, 0.4),
Vector(0.4, 0.4, 0.4),
Vector(0.4, 0.4, 0.4),
Vector(0.4, 0.4, 0.4),
Vector(0.4, 0.4, 0.4),
CInterfaces::Get().StudioRender->SetLocalLights(0, NULL);
Frustum dummyFrustum;
CInterfaces::Get().RenderView->Push3DView(pRenderContext,view, 0, NULL, dummyFrustum);
float color[3] = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
flex_ent->DrawModel(1, 255);
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