Автор темы
- #1
this lua is from a china's forum (
Its code is very messy, but gives a basic idea
It doesn't look good. It's a abandoned project. Its author knows that many people abroad are looking for it, so it's open source
All of its point information is written into its source code. This Lua is just for fun. If you see that the source code gives you ideas, you can modify and write your Lua by yourself (remember to share it with me: P)
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
)Its code is very messy, but gives a basic idea
It doesn't look good. It's a abandoned project. Its author knows that many people abroad are looking for it, so it's open source
All of its point information is written into its source code. This Lua is just for fun. If you see that the source code gives you ideas, you can modify and write your Lua by yourself (remember to share it with me: P)
local font = render.create_font("Verdana", 18, 100, font_flags.antialias)
--傻瓜蛋: 77
--火: 99
--雷: 96
ui.add_label("Rage Through Hot Key") -- this does not return anything
local Thorugh = ui.add_hotkey("Thorugh")
ui.add_label("through hotkey is Inaccurate")
ui.add_label("de_dust2") -- this does not return anything
local map0 = ui.add_hotkey("map0")
ui.add_label("de_inferno") -- this does not return anything
local map1 = ui.add_hotkey("map1")
ui.add_label("de_train") -- this does not return anything
local map2 = ui.add_hotkey("map2")
ui.add_label("de_nuke") -- this does not return anything
local map3 = ui.add_hotkey("map3")
ui.add_label("de_mirage") -- this does not return anything
local map4 = ui.add_hotkey("map4")
ui.add_label("de_overpass") -- this does not return anything
local map5 = ui.add_hotkey("map5")
ui.add_label("de_office") -- this does not return anything
local map6 = ui.add_hotkey("map6")
ui.add_label("recommended to bind the num keyboard")
map_t = 0
function main()
local color_line = color.new(173, 255, 47)
local color_background = color.new(0, 0, 0, 200)
local color_text = color.new(255, 255, 255)
local screen = {render.get_screen()}
local map_te = ""
local lp_wep = entity_list.get_client_entity(entity_list.get_client_entity(engine.get_local_player()):get_prop("DT_BaseCombatCharacter", "m_hActiveWeapon"))
local using = lp_wep:class_id() --判断武器
render.add_indicator(tostring(using), color.new(255,0,0))
if map_t == 0 then
map_te = "map: de_dust2"
if map_t == 1 then
map_te = "map: de_inferno"
if map_t == 2 then
map_te = "map: de_train"
if map_t == 3 then
map_te = "map: de_nuke"
if map_t == 4 then
map_te = "map: de_mirage"
if map_t == 5 then
map_te = "map: de_overpass"
if map_t == 6 then
map_te = "map: de_office"
if map0:get() then
map_t = 0
if map1:get() then
map_t = 1
if map2:get() then
map_t = 2
if map3:get() then
map_t = 3
if map4:get() then
map_t = 4
if map5:get() then
map_t = 5
if map6:get() then
map_t = 6
if engine.is_connected() then
font:text(screen[1] - 120,screen[2]*0.5, color_text, map_te)
local playerpos = entity_list.get_client_entity(engine.get_local_player()):origin() --玩家坐标--
if map_t == 0 then
if map_t == 1 then
if using == 156 then
local in_ct_s_s = vector2d.new(0,0)
local in_ct_s = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(416.46,1768.67,128.56),in_ct_s_s) --小镇警家烟世界坐标转屏幕坐标--
local s_in_ct_s = math.sqrt((playerpos.x - 416.46)^2 + (playerpos.y - 1768.67)^2 + (playerpos.z -128.56)^2) --三维距离--
if in_ct_s then
if s_in_ct_s < 800 then
render.rectangle_filled(in_ct_s_s.x - 9 -5, in_ct_s_s.y - 3,render.get_text_size("CT smoke") + 14, 3, color_line) --颜色条--
render.rectangle_filled(in_ct_s_s.x - 9 - 5, in_ct_s_s.y - 3, render.get_text_size("CT smoke") + 14, 16, color_background) --背景条--
render.circle_filled(in_ct_s_s.x - 3 -5, in_ct_s_s.y + 6,3, 12, color.new(255,255,255))
render.text(math.modf(in_ct_s_s.x),math.modf(in_ct_s_s.y), "CT smoke",color.new(255,255,255)) --字--
end --对应三维距离判断的if--
end --对应三维坐标转换成功的if--
local in_ct_s_s_l = vector2d.new(0,0)
local in_ct_s_l = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(432.91,1803.42,236.03),in_ct_s_s_l) --小镇警家烟连线世界坐标转屏幕坐标--
if in_ct_s_l then
if s_in_ct_s < 4 then
render.rectangle_filled(in_ct_s_s_l.x - 9 -5, in_ct_s_s_l.y - 3,render.get_text_size("Through") + 14, 3, color_line) --颜色条--
render.rectangle_filled(in_ct_s_s_l.x - 9 - 5, in_ct_s_s_l.y - 3, render.get_text_size("Through") + 14, 16, color_background) --背景条--
render.circle_filled(in_ct_s_s_l.x - 3 -5, in_ct_s_s_l.y + 6,3, 12, color.new(255,255,255))
render.text(math.modf(in_ct_s_s_l.x),math.modf(in_ct_s_s_l.y), "Through",color.new(255,255,255)) --字--
render.line(in_ct_s_s_l.x - 3 -5,in_ct_s_s_l.y + 6,screen[1]/2, screen[2]/2,color_line)
if Thorugh:get() then
engine.set_view_angles(qangle.new(-48.13, 65.54, 0.0))
end --热键--
end -- if s_in_ct_s < 20 then --
end --if in_ct_s_l then--
if using == 77 then
local in_box_s_s = vector2d.new(0,0)
local in_box_s = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(498.82,2467.03,160.03),in_box_s_s) --小镇警家烟世界坐标转屏幕坐标--
local s_in_box_s = math.sqrt((playerpos.x - 498.82)^2 + (playerpos.y - 2467.03)^2 + (playerpos.z - 160.03)^2) --三维距离--
if in_box_s then
if s_in_box_s < 800 then
render.rectangle_filled(in_box_s_s.x - 9 -5, in_box_s_s.y - 3,render.get_text_size("Two box flash") + 14, 3, color_line) --颜色条--
render.rectangle_filled(in_box_s_s.x - 9 - 5, in_box_s_s.y - 3, render.get_text_size("Two box flash") + 14, 16, color_background) --背景条--
render.circle_filled(in_box_s_s.x - 3 -5, in_box_s_s.y + 6,3, 12, color.new(255,255,255))
render.text(math.modf(in_box_s_s.x),math.modf(in_box_s_s.y), "Two box flash",color.new(255,255,255)) --字--
end --对应三维距离判断的if--
local in_box_s_s_l = vector2d.new(0,0)
local in_box_s_l = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(397,2472,221),in_box_s_s_l)
if in_box_s_l then
if s_in_box_s < 4 then
render.rectangle_filled(in_box_s_s_l.x - 9 -5, in_box_s_s_l.y - 3,render.get_text_size("Through (No hot key)") + 14, 3, color_line) --颜色条--
render.rectangle_filled(in_box_s_s_l.x - 9 - 5, in_box_s_s_l.y - 3, render.get_text_size("Through (No hot key)") + 14, 16, color_background) --背景条--
render.circle_filled(in_box_s_s_l.x - 3 -5, in_box_s_s_l.y + 6,3, 12, color.new(255,255,255))
render.text(math.modf(in_box_s_s_l.x),math.modf(in_box_s_s_l.y), "Through (No hot key)",color.new(255,255,255)) --字--
render.line(in_box_s_s_l.x - 3 -5,in_box_s_s_l.y + 6,screen[1]/2, screen[2]/2,color_line)
end -- if s_in_box_s < 20 then --
end --if in_box_s_l then--
if using == 99 or using == 113 then
local in_boxf_s_s = vector2d.new(0,0)
local in_boxf_s = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(409.34,2009.17,128.03),in_boxf_s_s) --小镇警家烟世界坐标转屏幕坐标--
local s_in_boxf_s = math.sqrt((playerpos.x - 409.34)^2 + (playerpos.y - 2009.17)^2 + (playerpos.z - 128.03)^2) --三维距离--
if in_boxf_s then
if s_in_boxf_s < 800 then
render.rectangle_filled(in_boxf_s_s.x - 9 -5, in_boxf_s_s.y - 3,render.get_text_size("Two box fire") + 14, 3, color_line) --颜色条--
render.rectangle_filled(in_boxf_s_s.x - 9 - 5, in_boxf_s_s.y - 3, render.get_text_size("Two box fire") + 14, 16, color_background) --背景条--
render.circle_filled(in_boxf_s_s.x - 3 -5, in_boxf_s_s.y + 6,3, 12, color.new(255,255,255))
render.text(math.modf(in_boxf_s_s.x),math.modf(in_boxf_s_s.y), "Two box fire",color.new(255,255,255)) --字--
end --对应三维距离判断的if--
local in_boxf_s_s_l = vector2d.new(0,0)
local in_boxf_s_l = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(434.5,2145.68,346.2354),in_boxf_s_s_l)
if in_boxf_s_l then
if s_in_boxf_s < 4 then
render.rectangle_filled(in_boxf_s_s_l.x - 9 -5, in_boxf_s_s_l.y - 3,render.get_text_size("Jump through") + 14, 3, color_line) --颜色条--
render.rectangle_filled(in_boxf_s_s_l.x - 9 - 5, in_boxf_s_s_l.y - 3, render.get_text_size("Jump through") + 14, 16, color_background) --背景条--
render.circle_filled(in_boxf_s_s_l.x - 3 -5, in_boxf_s_s_l.y + 6,3, 12, color.new(255,255,255))
render.text(math.modf(in_boxf_s_s_l.x),math.modf(in_boxf_s_s_l.y), "Jump through",color.new(255,255,255)) --字--
render.line(in_boxf_s_s_l.x - 3 -5,in_boxf_s_s_l.y + 6,screen[1]/2, screen[2]/2,color_line)
if Thorugh:get() then
engine.set_view_angles(qangle.new(-47.55, 80.63, 0.0))
end --热键--
end -- if s_in_boxf_s < 20 then --
end --if in_boxf_s_l then--
if using == 156 then
local in_coff_s_s = vector2d.new(0,0)
local in_coff_s = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(339.97,2027.88,128.03),in_coff_s_s) --小镇警家烟世界坐标转屏幕坐标--
local s_in_coff_s = math.sqrt((playerpos.x - 339.97)^2 + (playerpos.y - 2027.88)^2 + (playerpos.z - 128.03)^2) --三维距离--
if in_coff_s then
if s_in_coff_s < 800 then
render.rectangle_filled(in_coff_s_s.x - 9 -5, in_coff_s_s.y - 3,render.get_text_size("Coffin smoke") + 14, 3, color_line) --颜色条--
render.rectangle_filled(in_coff_s_s.x - 9 - 5, in_coff_s_s.y - 3, render.get_text_size("Coffin smoke") + 14, 16, color_background) --背景条--
render.circle_filled(in_coff_s_s.x - 3 -5, in_coff_s_s.y + 6,3, 12, color.new(255,255,255))
render.text(math.modf(in_coff_s_s.x),math.modf(in_coff_s_s.y), "Coffin smoke",color.new(255,255,255)) --字--
end --对应三维距离判断的if--
local in_coff_s_s_l = vector2d.new(0,0)
local in_coff_s_l = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(353.929,2144.068,264.474),in_coff_s_s_l)
if in_coff_s_l then
if s_in_coff_s < 4 then
render.rectangle_filled(in_coff_s_s_l.x - 9 -5, in_coff_s_s_l.y - 3,render.get_text_size("Jump through") + 14, 3, color_line) --颜色条--
render.rectangle_filled(in_coff_s_s_l.x - 9 - 5, in_coff_s_s_l.y - 3, render.get_text_size("Jump through") + 14, 16, color_background) --背景条--
render.circle_filled(in_coff_s_s_l.x - 3 -5, in_coff_s_s_l.y + 6,3, 12, color.new(255,255,255))
render.text(math.modf(in_coff_s_s_l.x),math.modf(in_coff_s_s_l.y), "Jump through",color.new(255,255,255)) --字--
render.line(in_coff_s_s_l.x - 3 -5,in_coff_s_s_l.y + 6,screen[1]/2, screen[2]/2,color_line)
if Thorugh:get() then
engine.set_view_angles(qangle.new(-31.295, 84.014, 0.0))
end --热键--
if using == 156 then
local in_car_s_s = vector2d.new(0,0)
local in_car_s = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(1566.56,-274.03,256.03),in_car_s_s)
local s_in_car_s = math.sqrt((playerpos.x - 1564.56)^2 + (playerpos.y - -274.03)^2 + (playerpos.z - 256.03)^2) --三维距离--
if in_car_s then
if s_in_car_s < 800 then
render.rectangle_filled(in_car_s_s.x - 9 -5, in_car_s_s.y - 3,render.get_text_size("Car smoke") + 14, 3, color_line) --颜色条--
render.rectangle_filled(in_car_s_s.x - 9 - 5, in_car_s_s.y - 3, render.get_text_size("Car smoke") + 14, 16, color_background) --背景条--
render.circle_filled(in_car_s_s.x - 3 -5, in_car_s_s.y + 6,3, 12, color.new(255,255,255))
render.text(math.modf(in_car_s_s.x),math.modf(in_car_s_s.y), "Car smoke",color.new(255,255,255)) --字--
end --对应三维距离判断的if--
local in_car_s_s_l = vector2d.new(0,0)
local in_car_s_l = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(1706.83,-392.64,341),in_car_s_s_l)
if in_car_s_l then
if s_in_car_s < 4 then
render.rectangle_filled(in_car_s_s_l.x - 9 -5, in_car_s_s_l.y - 3,render.get_text_size("Through") + 14, 3, color_line) --颜色条--
render.rectangle_filled(in_car_s_s_l.x - 9 - 5, in_car_s_s_l.y - 3, render.get_text_size("Through") + 14, 16, color_background) --背景条--
render.circle_filled(in_car_s_s_l.x - 3 -5, in_car_s_s_l.y + 6,3, 12, color.new(255,255,255))
render.text(math.modf(in_car_s_s_l.x),math.modf(in_car_s_s_l.y), "Through",color.new(255,255,255)) --字--
render.line(in_car_s_s_l.x - 3 -5,in_car_s_s_l.y + 6,screen[1]/2, screen[2]/2,color_line)
if Thorugh:get() then
engine.set_view_angles(qangle.new(-6, -39.336, 0.0))
end --热键--
if using == 156 then
local in_link_s_s = vector2d.new(0,0)
local in_link_s = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(895.95,-56.59,296.03),in_link_s_s)
local s_in_link_s = math.sqrt((playerpos.x - 895.95)^2 + (playerpos.y - -56.59)^2 + (playerpos.z - 296.03)^2) --三维距离--
if in_link_s then
if s_in_link_s < 800 then
render.rectangle_filled(in_link_s_s.x - 9 -5, in_link_s_s.y - 3,render.get_text_size("Link smoke") + 14, 3, color_line) --颜色条--
render.rectangle_filled(in_link_s_s.x - 9 - 5, in_link_s_s.y - 3, render.get_text_size("Link smoke") + 14, 16, color_background) --背景条--
render.circle_filled(in_link_s_s.x - 3 -5, in_link_s_s.y + 6,3, 12, color.new(255,255,255))
render.text(math.modf(in_link_s_s.x),math.modf(in_link_s_s.y), "Link smoke",color.new(255,255,255)) --字--
end --对应三维距离判断的if--
local in_link_s_s_l = vector2d.new(0,0)
local in_link_s_l = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(952,13.231,443.109),in_link_s_s_l)
if in_link_s_l then
if s_in_link_s < 4 then
render.rectangle_filled(in_link_s_s_l.x - 9 -5, in_link_s_s_l.y - 3,render.get_text_size("Through") + 14, 3, color_line) --颜色条--
render.rectangle_filled(in_link_s_s_l.x - 9 - 5, in_link_s_s_l.y - 3, render.get_text_size("Through") + 14, 16, color_background) --背景条--
render.circle_filled(in_link_s_s_l.x - 3 -5, in_link_s_s_l.y + 6,3, 12, color.new(255,255,255))
render.text(math.modf(in_link_s_s_l.x),math.modf(in_link_s_s_l.y), "Through",color.new(255,255,255)) --字--
render.line(in_link_s_s_l.x - 3 -5,in_link_s_s_l.y + 6,screen[1]/2, screen[2]/2,color_line)
if Thorugh:get() then
engine.set_view_angles(qangle.new(-42.119, 53.11, 0.0))
end --热键--
if using == 156 then
local in_book_s_s = vector2d.new(0,0)
local in_book_s = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(941.96,433.324,88.019),in_book_s_s)
local s_in_book_s = math.sqrt((playerpos.x - 941.96)^2 + (playerpos.y - 433.324)^2 + (playerpos.z - 88.019)^2) --三维距离--
if in_book_s then
if s_in_book_s < 800 then
render.rectangle_filled(in_book_s_s.x - 9 -5, in_book_s_s.y - 3,render.get_text_size("Book smoke") + 14, 3, color_line) --颜色条--
render.rectangle_filled(in_book_s_s.x - 9 - 5, in_book_s_s.y - 3, render.get_text_size("Book smoke") + 14, 16, color_background) --背景条--
render.circle_filled(in_book_s_s.x - 3 -5, in_book_s_s.y + 6,3, 12, color.new(255,255,255))
render.text(math.modf(in_book_s_s.x),math.modf(in_book_s_s.y), "Book smoke",color.new(255,255,255)) --字--
end --对应三维距离判断的if--
local in_book_s_s_l = vector2d.new(0,0)
local in_book_s_l = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(1318.84,714.265,653.128),in_book_s_s_l)
if in_book_s_l then
if s_in_book_s < 4 then
render.rectangle_filled(in_book_s_s_l.x - 9 -5, in_book_s_s_l.y - 3,render.get_text_size("Through") + 14, 3, color_line) --颜色条--
render.rectangle_filled(in_book_s_s_l.x - 9 - 5, in_book_s_s_l.y - 3, render.get_text_size("Through") + 14, 16, color_background) --背景条--
render.circle_filled(in_book_s_s_l.x - 3 -5, in_book_s_s_l.y + 6,3, 12, color.new(255,255,255))
render.text(math.modf(in_book_s_s_l.x),math.modf(in_book_s_s_l.y), "Through",color.new(255,255,255)) --字--
render.line(in_book_s_s_l.x - 3 -5,in_book_s_s_l.y + 6,screen[1]/2, screen[2]/2,color_line)
if Thorugh:get() then
engine.set_view_angles(qangle.new(-46.354,37.749, 0.0))
end --热键--
if using == 99 or using == 113 then
local in_corf_s_s = vector2d.new(0,0)
local in_corf_s = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(1977.871,1225.968,174.031),in_corf_s_s)
local s_in_corf_s = math.sqrt((playerpos.x - 1977.871)^2 + (playerpos.y - 1225.968)^2 + (playerpos.z - 174.031)^2) --三维距离--
if in_corf_s then
if s_in_corf_s < 800 then
render.rectangle_filled(in_corf_s_s.x - 9 -5, in_corf_s_s.y - 3,render.get_text_size("Corner fire") + 14, 3, color_line) --颜色条--
render.rectangle_filled(in_corf_s_s.x - 9 - 5, in_corf_s_s.y - 3, render.get_text_size("Corner fire") + 14, 16, color_background) --背景条--
render.circle_filled(in_corf_s_s.x - 3 -5, in_corf_s_s.y + 6,3, 12, color.new(255,255,255))
render.text(math.modf(in_corf_s_s.x),math.modf(in_corf_s_s.y), "Corner fire",color.new(255,255,255)) --字--
end --对应三维距离判断的if--
local in_corf_s_s_l = vector2d.new(0,0)
local in_corf_s_l = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(1963.395,874.5247,513.3685),in_corf_s_s_l)
if in_corf_s_l then
if s_in_corf_s < 4 then
render.rectangle_filled(in_corf_s_s_l.x - 9 -5, in_corf_s_s_l.y - 3,render.get_text_size("Jump through") + 14, 3, color_line) --颜色条--
render.rectangle_filled(in_corf_s_s_l.x - 9 - 5, in_corf_s_s_l.y - 3, render.get_text_size("Jump through") + 14, 16, color_background) --背景条--
render.circle_filled(in_corf_s_s_l.x - 3 -5, in_corf_s_s_l.y + 6,3, 12, color.new(255,255,255))
render.text(math.modf(in_corf_s_s_l.x),math.modf(in_corf_s_s_l.y), "Jump through",color.new(255,255,255)) --字--
render.line(in_corf_s_s_l.x - 3 -5,in_corf_s_s_l.y + 6,screen[1]/2, screen[2]/2,color_line)
if Thorugh:get() then
engine.set_view_angles(qangle.new(-37.448,-92.033, 0.0))
end --热键--
if using == 99 or using == 113 then
local in_abs_s_s = vector2d.new(0,0)
local in_abs_s = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(941.96875,608.093566 ,88.3498),in_abs_s_s)
local s_in_abs_s = math.sqrt((playerpos.x - 941.96875)^2 + (playerpos.y - 608.093566)^2 + (playerpos.z - 88.3498)^2) --三维距离--
if in_abs_s then
if s_in_abs_s < 800 then
render.rectangle_filled(in_abs_s_s.x - 9 -5, in_abs_s_s.y - 3,render.get_text_size("Above the stable fire") + 14, 3, color_line) --颜色条--
render.rectangle_filled(in_abs_s_s.x - 9 - 5, in_abs_s_s.y - 3, render.get_text_size("Above the stable fire") + 14, 16, color_background) --背景条--
render.circle_filled(in_abs_s_s.x - 3 -5, in_abs_s_s.y + 6,3, 12, color.new(255,255,255))
render.text(math.modf(in_abs_s_s.x),math.modf(in_abs_s_s.y), "Above the stable fire",color.new(255,255,255)) --字--
end --对应三维距离判断的if--
local in_abs_s_s_l = vector2d.new(0,0)
local in_abs_s_l = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(1075.012,436.74,298.782),in_abs_s_s_l)
if in_abs_s_l then
if s_in_abs_s < 4 then
render.rectangle_filled(in_abs_s_s_l.x - 9 -5, in_abs_s_s_l.y - 3,render.get_text_size("Jump through") + 14, 3, color_line) --颜色条--
render.rectangle_filled(in_abs_s_s_l.x - 9 - 5, in_abs_s_s_l.y - 3, render.get_text_size("Jump through") + 14, 16, color_background) --背景条--
render.circle_filled(in_abs_s_s_l.x - 3 -5, in_abs_s_s_l.y + 6,3, 12, color.new(255,255,255))
render.text(math.modf(in_abs_s_s_l.x),math.modf(in_abs_s_s_l.y), "Jump through",color.new(255,255,255)) --字--
render.line(in_abs_s_s_l.x - 3 -5,in_abs_s_s_l.y + 6,screen[1]/2, screen[2]/2,color_line)
if Thorugh:get() then
end --热键--
if using == 99 or using == 113 then
local in_bcf_s_s = vector2d.new(0,0)
local in_bcf_s = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(460.446,1828.49,136.114),in_bcf_s_s)
local s_in_bcf_s = math.sqrt((playerpos.x - 460.446)^2 + (playerpos.y - 1828.49)^2 + (playerpos.z - 136.114)^2) --三维距离--
if in_bcf_s then
if s_in_bcf_s < 800 then
render.rectangle_filled(in_bcf_s_s.x - 9 -5, in_bcf_s_s.y - 3,render.get_text_size("Corner fire") + 14, 3, color_line) --颜色条--
render.rectangle_filled(in_bcf_s_s.x - 9 - 5, in_bcf_s_s.y - 3, render.get_text_size("Corner fire") + 14, 16, color_background) --背景条--
render.circle_filled(in_bcf_s_s.x - 3 -5, in_bcf_s_s.y + 6,3, 12, color.new(255,255,255))
render.text(math.modf(in_bcf_s_s.x),math.modf(in_bcf_s_s.y), "Corner fire",color.new(255,255,255)) --字--
end --对应三维距离判断的if--
local in_bcf_s_s_l = vector2d.new(0,0)
local in_bcf_s_l = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(379,2129.277,195.320),in_bcf_s_s_l)
if in_bcf_s_l then
if s_in_bcf_s < 4 then
render.rectangle_filled(in_bcf_s_s_l.x - 9 -5, in_bcf_s_s_l.y - 3,render.get_text_size("Jump through") + 14, 3, color_line) --颜色条--
render.rectangle_filled(in_bcf_s_s_l.x - 9 - 5, in_bcf_s_s_l.y - 3, render.get_text_size("Jump through") + 14, 16, color_background) --背景条--
render.circle_filled(in_bcf_s_s_l.x - 3 -5, in_bcf_s_s_l.y + 6,3, 12, color.new(255,255,255))
render.text(math.modf(in_bcf_s_s_l.x),math.modf(in_bcf_s_s_l.y), "Jump through",color.new(255,255,255)) --字--
render.line(in_bcf_s_s_l.x - 3 -5,in_bcf_s_s_l.y + 6,screen[1]/2, screen[2]/2,color_line)
if Thorugh:get() then
end --热键--
end -- 地图判断
end --函数end--
callbacks.register("paint", main) --回调函数注册--
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