JS-скрипт Yougame.biz cord. (OTC)

22 Мар 2020
UI.AddLabel('|          YOUGAME.CORD RELEASE         |');
UI.AddLabel('|          discord: restenj#8002          |');
UI.AddLabel('                    -RAGE -  ');
UI.AddCheckbox("Antiaim & Indication v3");
UI.AddHotkey("Minimum damage override");
UI.AddSliderInt("Heavy Pistol/desert eagle Mindmg", 0, 130);
UI.AddSliderInt("Scout Mindmg", 0, 130);
UI.AddSliderInt("AWP Mindmg", 0, 130);
UI.AddSliderInt("Auto Mindmg", 0, 130);

screen_size = Global.GetScreenSize()

heavy_cache =              UI.GetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
scout_cache =              UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
awp_cache =                UI.GetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
auto_cache =               UI.GetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")

restore_values =   false

function isHeavyPistol(name)
    if (name == "r8 revolver" || name == "desert eagle" || name == " 52>;L25@ r8")
        return true

function isAutoSniper(name)
    if(name == "scar 20" || name == "g3sg1")
        return true

function isPistol(name)
    if(name == "usp s" || name == "dual berettas" || name == "tec 9" || name == "p2000" || name == "five seven" || name == "p250" || name == "cz75 auto" || name == "glock 18")
        return true

function isGeneral(name)
   if(name == "ak 47" || name == "m4a4" || name == "m4a1 s" || name == "sg 553" || name == "aug" || name == "famas" || name == "galil ar" || name == "p90" || name == "pp bizon" || name == "ump 45" || name == "mp7" || name == "mp9" || name == "mac 10" || name == "nova" || name == "xm1014" || name == "sawed off" || name == "mag 7" || name == "m249" || name == "negev" || name == "5352")
   return true


function override_mindmg() {
    if (!UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Minimum damage override")) {
       if (restore_values) {
          restore_values = false
          UI.SetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", heavy_cache)
          UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",        scout_cache)
          UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",          awp_cache)
          UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",   auto_cache)

       } else {

          heavy_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
          scout_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
          awp_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
          auto_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")

    restore_values = true
    heavy_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Heavy Pistol/desert eagle Mindmg")
    scout_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Scout Mindmg")
    awp_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "AWP Mindmg")
    auto_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Auto Mindmg")
    weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))

    if (isHeavyPistol(weapon_name)) {
       UI.SetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", heavy_value)


    if (weapon_name == "ssg 08") {
       UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",        scout_value)


    if (weapon_name == "awp") {
       UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",          awp_value)


    if (isAutoSniper(weapon_name)) {
       UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",   auto_value)


function draw_ind()
    if (World.GetServerString() == "")
    isDmg = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Minimum damage override");
    isDoubletap = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Doubletap");
    isHideshots = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots");
    isSafe = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "General", "Force safe point");
    isBody = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "General", "Force body aim");
    isFs = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets");
    isAuto = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Auto direction");
    isDuck = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck");
    isHc = false;

    add_y = 60
    Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0,"OPPOSITE", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
    Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "OPPOSITE", [177, 171, 255, 255], 3);
    if(isAuto) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "FREESTAND", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "FREESTAND", [209, 139, 230, 255], 3);
    } else if(isFs) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "SMART", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "SMART", [209, 139, 230, 255], 3);
    } else {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "DYNAMIC", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "DYNAMIC", [209, 139, 230, 255], 3);
    if(isDuck && isDoubletap) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "DT (fakeduck)", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "DT (fakeduck)", [255, 0, 0, 255], 3);
    } else if(isDoubletap) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "DT", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "DT", [255 * (1.0 - Exploit.GetCharge()), 255 * Exploit.GetCharge(), 0, 255], 3);
    if(isHideshots) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "ONSHOT", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "ONSHOT", [152, 240, 16, 255], 3);
    if(isDmg) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "DMG", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "DMG", [255, 255, 255, 255], 3);
    if(isHc) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "HC", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3)
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "HC", [250, 85, 85, 255], 3)
    if(isBody) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "BAIM", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "BAIM", [124, 215, 13, 255], 3);
    if(isSafe) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "SAFE", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "SAFE", [124, 215, 13, 255], 3);

function menu_cb()
    if(!UI.IsMenuOpen()) return
   enabled = UI.GetValue( "Antiaim & Indication v3");
   UI.SetEnabled( "Minimum damage override", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Heavy Pistol/desert eagle Mindmg", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Scout Mindmg", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "AWP Mindmg", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Auto Mindmg", enabled);

function unload()
   UI.SetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",      heavy_cache)
   UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",             scout_cache)
   UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",               awp_cache)
   UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",        auto_cache)


Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "unload");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "override_mindmg")
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "menu_cb")
UI.AddHotkey("Legit AA Key");

function legit_aa()
    if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Legit AA Key"))
        if (original_aa)
            restrictions_cache = UI.GetValue("Misc", "PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions");
            hiderealangle_cache = UI.GetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Hide real angle");
            yaw_offset_cache = UI.GetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset");
            jitter_offset_cache = UI.GetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset");
            pitch_cache = UI.GetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch");
            original_aa = false;
        UI.SetValue ("Misc", "PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions", 0);
        UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Hide real angle", true);
        UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset", 180);
        UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset", 0);
        UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch", 0);
        if (!original_aa)
            UI.SetValue ("Misc", "PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions", restrictions_cache);
            UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Hide real angle", hiderealangle_cache);
            UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset", yaw_offset_cache);
            UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset", jitter_offset_cache);
            UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch", pitch_cache);
            original_aa = true;

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "legit_aa");
UI.AddHotkey('Defensive on key');
UI.AddHotkey('Force head');
UI.AddHotkey( "Head override key" )
var cache1 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "GENERAL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
var cache2 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
var cache3 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
var cache4 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
var cache5 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
var cache6 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
function on_cm(){
    if(UI.IsHotkeyActive( "Script items", "Head override key" )){
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "GENERAL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "GENERAL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache2)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache3)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache4)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache5)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache6)
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "on_cm")
UI.AddHotkey('Freestand hotkey');
UI.AddHotkey('Low delta on key');
function Low_delta() {
    var _0x3f94xcd = Boolean(Entity.GetProp(g_Local, 'CCSPlayer', 'm_bIsScoped'));
    var _0x3f94xce = UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Low delta');
    if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Low delta on key') || _0x3f94xcd && !UI.IsHotkeyActive('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Legit AA hotkey')) {
    } else {
Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'Low_delta');

hitboxes = [
    'left arm',
    'right arm',
    'left leg',
    'right leg',
var scriptitems = ("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items");
var shots = 0;
var predicthc = 0;
var safety = 0;
var hitboxName = "";
var choked = 0;
var exploit = 0;
var logs = [];
var logsct = [];
var logsalpha = [];
function getHitboxName(index)
    switch (index)
        case 0:
            hitboxName = "head";
        case 1:
            hitboxName = "head";
        case 2:
            hitboxName = "stomach";
        case 3:
            hitboxName = "stomach";
        case 4:
            hitboxName = "stomach";
        case 5:
            hitboxName = "chest";
        case 6:
            hitboxName = "chest";
        case 7:
            hitboxName = "left leg";
        case 8:
            hitboxName = "right leg";
        case 9:
            hitboxName = "left leg";
        case 10:
            hitboxName = "right leg";
        case 11:
            hitboxName = "left leg";
        case 12:
            hitboxName = "right leg";
        case 13:
            hitboxName = "left arm";
        case 14:
            hitboxName = "right arm";
        case 15:
            hitboxName = "left arm";
        case 16:
            hitboxName = "left arm";
        case 17:
            hitboxName = "right arm";
        case 18:
            hitboxName = "right arm";
            hitboxName = "body";
    return hitboxName;
function HitgroupName(index) {
    return hitboxes[index] || 'body';

var target = -1;
var shots_fired = 0;
var hits = 0;
var lastUpdate = 0;
var logged = false;

function ragebot_fire() {
    predicthc = Event.GetInt("hitchance");
    safety = Event.GetInt("safepoint");
    hitboxName = getHitboxName(Event.GetInt("hitbox"));
    exploit = (Event.GetInt("exploit")+1).toString();
  target = Event.GetInt("target_index");
  logged = false;
  lastUpdate = Globals.Curtime();

function hitlog() {
    var hit = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));
    var attacker = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker"));
    if (attacker == Entity.GetLocalPlayer() && hit == target) hits++;

    var hittype = "Hit ";
    me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    hitbox = Event.GetInt('hitgroup');
    target_damage = Event.GetInt("dmg_health");
    target_health = Event.GetInt("health");
    victim = Event.GetInt('userid');
    attacker = Event.GetInt('attacker');
    weapon = Event.GetString('weapon');
    victimIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(victim);
    attackerIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(attacker);
    name = Entity.GetName(victimIndex);
      var simtime = Globals.Tickcount() % 17;

    var flags = "";

    if (exploit == 2)
      flags += "T";

    flags += "B";

    if (hitbox == 1)
      flags += "H";

      if (safety == 1) {
          safety = "true";
      else {
          safety = "false";

    if (weapon == "hegrenade")
      hittype = "Naded ";
    else if (weapon == "inferno")
      hittype = "Burned ";
    else if (weapon == "knife")
      hittype = "Knifed ";

    if (me == attackerIndex && me != victimIndex) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([45, 245, 10, 1], "");
    if (hittype == "Hit ") {
        if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Enable chat logging")) {
            Cheat.PrintChat(" \x08[\x0cyougame.cord\x08] [\x0c"+shots.toString()+"\x08] "+hittype+name+"'s \x10"+HitgroupName(hitbox)+"\x08 for \x07"+target_damage.toString()+"\x08 ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining) aimed=\x10"+hitboxName+"\x08("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) safety=\x03"+safety+"\x08 (\x10"+flags+"\x08) (\x10"+simtime+"\x08:\x10"+exploit+"\x08).\n");
      Cheat.Print("[rest.cord] "+hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining). "+"\n");
          logs.push("[yougame.cord] "+hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining). ");}
    else {
      Cheat.Print(hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining). \n");
          logs.push(hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining).");


  if (shots == 99)
    shots = 0;


function removelogs() {
    if (logs.length > 6) {

    if (logsct[0] + 6.5 < Globals.Curtime()) {
        logsalpha[0] -= Globals.Frametime() * 600;
        if (logsalpha[0] < 0) {

function item_purchase() {
    Cheat.PrintColor([45, 245, 10, 1], "");
    Cheat.Print(Entity.GetName(Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid")))+" bought "+Event.GetString("weapon")+"."+"\n");
    logs.push(Entity.GetName(Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid")))+" bought "+Event.GetString("weapon")+""+".");

function onDraw() {
    if (!World.GetServerString()) return;
    var font = Render.AddFont("Lucida Console", 8, 0);

    for (i = 0; i < logs.length; i++) {
        Render.StringCustom(4, 4 + 13*i, 0, logs[i], [0, 0, 0, logsalpha[i]], font);
        Render.StringCustom(3, 3 + 13*i, 0, logs[i], [255, 255, 255, logsalpha[i]], font);

    if (shots_fired > hits && (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 0.33)) {
      if (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 1) {
        shots_fired = 0;
        hits = 0;
      if (!logged) {
        var simtime = Globals.Tickcount() % 16;
        logged = true;
        var issafe = "true";
        var reason = "bad resolver?";
        if (safety == 0) {
          issafe = "false";

        if (Entity.IsAlive(target) == false)
            reason = "death.";
        else if (Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) == false)
            reason = "dead.";
        else if (safety == true && predicthc < 76)
            reason = "spread.";
        else if (safety == true && predicthc > 76)
            reason = "prediction error.";

        var flags = "";

        if (exploit == 2)
          flags += "T";

          flags += "B";

        Cheat.PrintColor([45, 245, 10, 1], "");
        Cheat.Print("[yougame.cord] Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s "+hitboxName+ " due to "+reason+"\n");
            logs.push("[yougame.cord] Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s "+hitboxName+ " due to "+reason+"\n");
            if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Enable chat logging")) {
                Cheat.PrintChat(" \x08[\x0crest.cord\x08] [\x0c"+shots.toString()+"\x08] "+"\x08Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s \x10"+hitboxName+"\x08("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) due to \x07"+reason+"\x08, safety=\x03"+issafe+"\x08 (\x10"+flags+"\x08) (\x10"+simtime+"\x08:\x10"+exploit+"\x08)");
        if (shots == 99)
          shots = 0;

function main() {
    Global.RegisterCallback("ragebot_fire", "ragebot_fire");
    Global.RegisterCallback("item_purchase", "item_purchase");
  Global.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "hitlog");
    Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "onDraw");
    Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "removelogs");

UI.AddCheckbox("Instant recharge");

function can_shift_shot(ticks_to_shift) {
                            if (!UI.GetValue("MISC", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", "Instant recharge")) return;
    var me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    var wpn = Entity.GetWeapon(me);

    if (me == null || wpn == null)
        return false;

    var tickbase = Entity.GetProp(me, "CCSPlayer", "m_nTickBase");
    var curtime = Globals.TickInterval() * (tickbase-ticks_to_shift)

    if (curtime < Entity.GetProp(me, "CCSPlayer", "m_flNextAttack"))
        return false;

    if (curtime < Entity.GetProp(wpn, "CBaseCombatWeapon", "m_flNextPrimaryAttack"))
        return false;

    return true;

function _TBC_CREATE_MOVE() {
                            if (!UI.GetValue("MISC", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", "Instant recharge")) return;
    var is_charged = Exploit.GetCharge()

    Exploit[(is_charged != 1 ? "Enable" : "Disable") + "Recharge"]()

    if (can_shift_shot(14) && is_charged != 1) {


function _TBC_UNLOAD() {          

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "_TBC_CREATE_MOVE");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "_TBC_UNLOAD");
const x1 = UI.AddSliderInt("Hotkeys_x", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]);
const y1 = UI.AddSliderInt("Hotkeys_y", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);
UI.AddColorPicker("Hotkeys color");
UI.AddColorPicker("Hotkeys topbar alpha");

var colorhotkeys = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys color");
if (colorhotkeys[3] == 0) {
    UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys color", [89, 119, 239, 3]);
var alpha = 0;
var maxwidth = 0;
var swalpha = 0;
var fdalpha = 0;
var apalpha = 0;
var aialpha = 0;
var spalpha = 0;
var fbalpha = 0;
var dtalpha = 0;
var hsalpha = 0;
var doalpha = 0;
var textalpha = 0;
var h = new Array();

function in_bounds(vec, x, y, x2, y2) {
                if (!UI.GetValue("MISC", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", "Hotkeys")) return;
    return (vec[0] > x) && (vec[1] > y) && (vec[0] < x2) && (vec[1] < y2)

function main_hotkeys() {
            if (!UI.GetValue("MISC", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", "Hotkeys")) return;
        if (!World.GetServerString()) return;
        const x = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_x"),
            y = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_y");
        colorhotkeys = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys color");
        colorhotkeys1 = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys topbar alpha");
        var font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 100);
        var frames = 8 * Globals.Frametime();
        var width = 75;
        var maxwidth = 0;
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Slow walk")) {
            swalpha = Math.min(swalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            swalpha = swalpha - frames;
            if (swalpha < 0) swalpha = 0;
            if (swalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Slow walk"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck")) {
            fdalpha = Math.min(fdalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            fdalpha = fdalpha - frames;
            if (fdalpha < 0) fdalpha = 0;
            if (fdalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Duck peek assist"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Auto peek")) {
            apalpha = Math.min(apalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            apalpha = apalpha - frames;
            if (apalpha < 0) apalpha = 0;
            if (apalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Auto peek"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter")) {
            aialpha = Math.min(aialpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            aialpha = aialpha - frames;
            if (aialpha < 0) aialpha = 0;
            if (aialpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Anti-aim inverter"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter")) {
            aialpha = Math.min(aialpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            aialpha = aialpha - frames;
            if (aialpha < 0) aialpha = 0;
            if (aialpha == 0) {

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force safe point")) {
            spalpha = Math.min(spalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            spalpha = spalpha - frames;
            if (spalpha < 0) spalpha = 0;
            if (spalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Safe point override"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force body aim")) {
            fbalpha = Math.min(fbalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            fbalpha = fbalpha - frames;
            if (fbalpha < 0) fbalpha = 0;
            if (fbalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Force body aim"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Doubletap")) {
            dtalpha = Math.min(dtalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            dtalpha = dtalpha - frames;
            if (dtalpha < 0) dtalpha = 0;
            if (dtalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Double tap"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots")) {
            hsalpha = Math.min(hsalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            hsalpha = hsalpha - frames;
            if (hsalpha < 0) hsalpha = 0;
            if (hsalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Hide shots"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Heavy Pistol Override") || !UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Scout Override") || !UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "AWP Override") || !UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Auto Override")) {
            doalpha = Math.min(doalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            doalpha = doalpha - frames;
            if (doalpha < 0) doalpha = 0;
            if (doalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Damage override"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Slow walk")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Slow walk") == -1)
                h.push("Slow walk")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Duck peek assist") == -1)
                h.push("Duck peek assist")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Auto peek")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Auto peek") == -1)
                h.push("Auto peek")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Anti-aim inverter") == -1)
                h.push("Anti-aim inverter")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force safe point")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Safe point override") == -1)
                h.push("Safe point override")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force body aim")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Force body aim") == -1)
                h.push("Force body aim")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Doubletap")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Double tap") == -1)
                h.push("Double tap")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Hide shots") == -1)
                h.push("Hide shots")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Scout Override")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Damage override") == -1)
                h.push("Damage override")

        if (h.length > 0) {
            alpha = Math.min(alpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            alpha = alpha - frames;
            if (alpha < 0) alpha = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < h.length; i++) {
            if (Render.TextSizeCustom(h[i], font)[0] > maxwidth) {
                maxwidth = Render.TextSizeCustom(h[i], font)[0];
        if (maxwidth == 0) maxwidth = 50;
        width = width + maxwidth;
        if (alpha > 0) {
                Render.GradientRect( x - 3, y + 3, 80, 2, 1, [ colorhotkeys[0], colorhotkeys[1], colorhotkeys[2], 0 ], [ colorhotkeys[0], colorhotkeys[1], colorhotkeys[2], 255 ]);
                Render.GradientRect( x + 77, y + 3, width - 75, 2, 1, [ colorhotkeys[0], colorhotkeys[1], colorhotkeys[2], 255 ], [ colorhotkeys[0], colorhotkeys[1], colorhotkeys[2], 0 ]);
                Render.FilledRect(x, y + 5, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, colorhotkeys1[3] ]);
                Render.StringCustom(x + width / 2 - (Render.TextSizeCustom("keybinds", font)[0] / 2) + 2, y + 9, 0, "keybinds", [0, 0, 0, alpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                Render.StringCustom(x + width / 2 - (Render.TextSizeCustom("keybinds", font)[0] / 2) + 1, y + 8, 0, "keybinds", [255, 255, 255, alpha * 255], font);
                //Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23, width, 18 * h.length, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], alpha * 255)]);
                for (i = 0; i < h.length; i++) {
                    switch (h[i]) {
                        case 'Slow walk':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(swalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, swalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, swalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [0, 0, 0, swalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [255, 255, 255, swalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Duck peek assist':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(fdalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, fdalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, fdalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [0, 0, 0, fdalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [255, 255, 255, fdalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Auto peek':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(apalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, apalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, apalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [0, 0, 0, apalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [255, 255, 255, apalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Anti-aim inverter':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(aialpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, aialpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, aialpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [0, 0, 0, aialpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [255, 255, 255, aialpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Safe point override':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(spalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, spalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, spalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [0, 0, 0, spalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [255, 255, 255, spalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Force body aim':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(fbalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, fbalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, fbalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [0, 0, 0, fbalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [255, 255, 255, fbalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Double tap':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(dtalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, dtalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, dtalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [0, 0, 0, dtalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [255, 255, 255, dtalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Hide shots':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(hsalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, hsalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, hsalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [0, 0, 0, hsalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [255, 255, 255, hsalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Damage override':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(doalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, doalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, doalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [0, 0, 0, doalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [255, 255, 255, doalpha * 255], font);

        if (Global.IsKeyPressed(1) && UI.IsMenuOpen()) {
            var mouse_pos1 = Global.GetCursorPosition();
            if (in_bounds(mouse_pos1, x, y, x + width, y + 30)) {
                UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_x", mouse_pos1[0] - width / 2);
                UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_y", mouse_pos1[1] - 20);
Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "main_hotkeys");

function menu_ht()
   enabled = UI.GetValue( "Hotkeys");
   UI.SetEnabled( "Hotkeys_x", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Hotkeys_y", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Hotkeys color", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Hotkeys topbar alpha", enabled);
function menu_htcheck() {
    if (UI.IsMenuOpen()) {

Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "menu_htcheck");
UI.AddLabel("                >Misc<      ")
UI.AddSliderFloat("Aspect ratio", 0, 5);
function on_cm(){  
if(Convar.GetFloat("r_aspectratio") != UI.GetValue("Script items", "Aspect ratio")){
   Convar.SetFloat("r_aspectratio", UI.GetValue("Script items", "Aspect ratio"))

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "on_cm")
var clock = 0
function createmove()
    clock = clock + 0.5
    if (clock > 1)
        if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Slide walk"))
            UI.SetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Slide walk", 0);
            clock = 0
            UI.SetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Slide walk", 1);
            clock = 0
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "createmove")
Сделан для удобства , а так же для юных пастерков. Знаю мало чего есть , основное для хвх игры сойдет.

SS -
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
life is cheap, death is free!
9 Дек 2019
меня тошнило из за хуйни какой то
и как только увидел эту хуйню сразу проблевался, спасибо
22 Мар 2020
14 Ноя 2020
UI.AddLabel('|          YOUGAME.CORD RELEASE         |');
UI.AddLabel('|          discord: restenj#8002          |');
UI.AddLabel('                    -RAGE -  ');
UI.AddCheckbox("Antiaim & Indication v3");
UI.AddHotkey("Minimum damage override");
UI.AddSliderInt("Heavy Pistol/desert eagle Mindmg", 0, 130);
UI.AddSliderInt("Scout Mindmg", 0, 130);
UI.AddSliderInt("AWP Mindmg", 0, 130);
UI.AddSliderInt("Auto Mindmg", 0, 130);

screen_size = Global.GetScreenSize()

heavy_cache =              UI.GetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
scout_cache =              UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
awp_cache =                UI.GetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
auto_cache =               UI.GetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")

restore_values =   false

function isHeavyPistol(name)
    if (name == "r8 revolver" || name == "desert eagle" || name == " 52>;L25@ r8")
        return true

function isAutoSniper(name)
    if(name == "scar 20" || name == "g3sg1")
        return true

function isPistol(name)
    if(name == "usp s" || name == "dual berettas" || name == "tec 9" || name == "p2000" || name == "five seven" || name == "p250" || name == "cz75 auto" || name == "glock 18")
        return true

function isGeneral(name)
   if(name == "ak 47" || name == "m4a4" || name == "m4a1 s" || name == "sg 553" || name == "aug" || name == "famas" || name == "galil ar" || name == "p90" || name == "pp bizon" || name == "ump 45" || name == "mp7" || name == "mp9" || name == "mac 10" || name == "nova" || name == "xm1014" || name == "sawed off" || name == "mag 7" || name == "m249" || name == "negev" || name == "5352")
   return true


function override_mindmg() {

    if (!UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Minimum damage override")) {
       if (restore_values) {
          restore_values = false
          UI.SetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", heavy_cache)
          UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",        scout_cache)
          UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",          awp_cache)
          UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",   auto_cache)

       } else {

          heavy_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
          scout_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
          awp_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
          auto_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")

    restore_values = true
    heavy_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Heavy Pistol/desert eagle Mindmg")
    scout_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Scout Mindmg")
    awp_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "AWP Mindmg")
    auto_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Auto Mindmg")
    weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))

    if (isHeavyPistol(weapon_name)) {
       UI.SetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", heavy_value)


    if (weapon_name == "ssg 08") {
       UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",        scout_value)


    if (weapon_name == "awp") {
       UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",          awp_value)


    if (isAutoSniper(weapon_name)) {
       UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",   auto_value)


function draw_ind()
    if (World.GetServerString() == "")
    isDmg = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Minimum damage override");
    isDoubletap = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Doubletap");
    isHideshots = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots");
    isSafe = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "General", "Force safe point");
    isBody = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "General", "Force body aim");
    isFs = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets");
    isAuto = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Auto direction");
    isDuck = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck");
    isHc = false;

    add_y = 60
    Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0,"OPPOSITE", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
    Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "OPPOSITE", [177, 171, 255, 255], 3);
    if(isAuto) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "FREESTAND", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "FREESTAND", [209, 139, 230, 255], 3);
    } else if(isFs) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "SMART", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "SMART", [209, 139, 230, 255], 3);
    } else {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "DYNAMIC", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "DYNAMIC", [209, 139, 230, 255], 3);
    if(isDuck && isDoubletap) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "DT (fakeduck)", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "DT (fakeduck)", [255, 0, 0, 255], 3);
    } else if(isDoubletap) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "DT", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "DT", [255 * (1.0 - Exploit.GetCharge()), 255 * Exploit.GetCharge(), 0, 255], 3);
    if(isHideshots) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "ONSHOT", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "ONSHOT", [152, 240, 16, 255], 3);
    if(isDmg) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "DMG", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "DMG", [255, 255, 255, 255], 3);
    if(isHc) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "HC", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3)
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "HC", [250, 85, 85, 255], 3)
    if(isBody) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "BAIM", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "BAIM", [124, 215, 13, 255], 3);
    if(isSafe) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "SAFE", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "SAFE", [124, 215, 13, 255], 3);

function menu_cb()
    if(!UI.IsMenuOpen()) return
   enabled = UI.GetValue( "Antiaim & Indication v3");
   UI.SetEnabled( "Minimum damage override", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Heavy Pistol/desert eagle Mindmg", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Scout Mindmg", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "AWP Mindmg", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Auto Mindmg", enabled);

function unload()
   UI.SetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",      heavy_cache)
   UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",             scout_cache)
   UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",               awp_cache)
   UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",        auto_cache)


Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "unload");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "override_mindmg")
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "menu_cb")
UI.AddHotkey("Legit AA Key");

function legit_aa()
    if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Legit AA Key"))
        if (original_aa)
            restrictions_cache = UI.GetValue("Misc", "PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions");
            hiderealangle_cache = UI.GetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Hide real angle");
            yaw_offset_cache = UI.GetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset");
            jitter_offset_cache = UI.GetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset");
            pitch_cache = UI.GetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch");
            original_aa = false;
        UI.SetValue ("Misc", "PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions", 0);
        UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Hide real angle", true);
        UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset", 180);
        UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset", 0);
        UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch", 0);
        if (!original_aa)
            UI.SetValue ("Misc", "PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions", restrictions_cache);
            UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Hide real angle", hiderealangle_cache);
            UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset", yaw_offset_cache);
            UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset", jitter_offset_cache);
            UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch", pitch_cache);
            original_aa = true;

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "legit_aa");
UI.AddHotkey('Defensive on key');
UI.AddHotkey('Force head');
UI.AddHotkey( "Head override key" )
var cache1 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "GENERAL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
var cache2 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
var cache3 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
var cache4 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
var cache5 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
var cache6 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
function on_cm(){
    if(UI.IsHotkeyActive( "Script items", "Head override key" )){
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "GENERAL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "GENERAL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache2)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache3)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache4)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache5)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache6)
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "on_cm")
UI.AddHotkey('Freestand hotkey');
UI.AddHotkey('Low delta on key');
function Low_delta() {
    var _0x3f94xcd = Boolean(Entity.GetProp(g_Local, 'CCSPlayer', 'm_bIsScoped'));
    var _0x3f94xce = UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Low delta');
    if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Low delta on key') || _0x3f94xcd && !UI.IsHotkeyActive('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Legit AA hotkey')) {
    } else {
Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'Low_delta');

hitboxes = [
    'left arm',
    'right arm',
    'left leg',
    'right leg',
var scriptitems = ("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items");
var shots = 0;
var predicthc = 0;
var safety = 0;
var hitboxName = "";
var choked = 0;
var exploit = 0;
var logs = [];
var logsct = [];
var logsalpha = [];
function getHitboxName(index)
    switch (index)
        case 0:
            hitboxName = "head";
        case 1:
            hitboxName = "head";
        case 2:
            hitboxName = "stomach";
        case 3:
            hitboxName = "stomach";
        case 4:
            hitboxName = "stomach";
        case 5:
            hitboxName = "chest";
        case 6:
            hitboxName = "chest";
        case 7:
            hitboxName = "left leg";
        case 8:
            hitboxName = "right leg";
        case 9:
            hitboxName = "left leg";
        case 10:
            hitboxName = "right leg";
        case 11:
            hitboxName = "left leg";
        case 12:
            hitboxName = "right leg";
        case 13:
            hitboxName = "left arm";
        case 14:
            hitboxName = "right arm";
        case 15:
            hitboxName = "left arm";
        case 16:
            hitboxName = "left arm";
        case 17:
            hitboxName = "right arm";
        case 18:
            hitboxName = "right arm";
            hitboxName = "body";
    return hitboxName;
function HitgroupName(index) {
    return hitboxes[index] || 'body';

var target = -1;
var shots_fired = 0;
var hits = 0;
var lastUpdate = 0;
var logged = false;

function ragebot_fire() {
    predicthc = Event.GetInt("hitchance");
    safety = Event.GetInt("safepoint");
    hitboxName = getHitboxName(Event.GetInt("hitbox"));
    exploit = (Event.GetInt("exploit")+1).toString();
  target = Event.GetInt("target_index");
  logged = false;
  lastUpdate = Globals.Curtime();

function hitlog() {
    var hit = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));
    var attacker = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker"));
    if (attacker == Entity.GetLocalPlayer() && hit == target) hits++;

    var hittype = "Hit ";
    me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    hitbox = Event.GetInt('hitgroup');
    target_damage = Event.GetInt("dmg_health");
    target_health = Event.GetInt("health");
    victim = Event.GetInt('userid');
    attacker = Event.GetInt('attacker');
    weapon = Event.GetString('weapon');
    victimIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(victim);
    attackerIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(attacker);
    name = Entity.GetName(victimIndex);
      var simtime = Globals.Tickcount() % 17;

    var flags = "";

    if (exploit == 2)
      flags += "T";

    flags += "B";

    if (hitbox == 1)
      flags += "H";

      if (safety == 1) {
          safety = "true";
      else {
          safety = "false";

    if (weapon == "hegrenade")
      hittype = "Naded ";
    else if (weapon == "inferno")
      hittype = "Burned ";
    else if (weapon == "knife")
      hittype = "Knifed ";

    if (me == attackerIndex && me != victimIndex) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([45, 245, 10, 1], "");
    if (hittype == "Hit ") {
        if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Enable chat logging")) {
            Cheat.PrintChat(" \x08[\x0cyougame.cord\x08] [\x0c"+shots.toString()+"\x08] "+hittype+name+"'s \x10"+HitgroupName(hitbox)+"\x08 for \x07"+target_damage.toString()+"\x08 ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining) aimed=\x10"+hitboxName+"\x08("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) safety=\x03"+safety+"\x08 (\x10"+flags+"\x08) (\x10"+simtime+"\x08:\x10"+exploit+"\x08).\n");
      Cheat.Print("[rest.cord] "+hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining). "+"\n");
          logs.push("[yougame.cord] "+hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining). ");}
    else {
      Cheat.Print(hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining). \n");
          logs.push(hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining).");


  if (shots == 99)
    shots = 0;


function removelogs() {
    if (logs.length > 6) {

    if (logsct[0] + 6.5 < Globals.Curtime()) {
        logsalpha[0] -= Globals.Frametime() * 600;
        if (logsalpha[0] < 0) {

function item_purchase() {
    Cheat.PrintColor([45, 245, 10, 1], "");
    Cheat.Print(Entity.GetName(Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid")))+" bought "+Event.GetString("weapon")+"."+"\n");
    logs.push(Entity.GetName(Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid")))+" bought "+Event.GetString("weapon")+""+".");

function onDraw() {
    if (!World.GetServerString()) return;
    var font = Render.AddFont("Lucida Console", 8, 0);

    for (i = 0; i < logs.length; i++) {
        Render.StringCustom(4, 4 + 13*i, 0, logs[i], [0, 0, 0, logsalpha[i]], font);
        Render.StringCustom(3, 3 + 13*i, 0, logs[i], [255, 255, 255, logsalpha[i]], font);

    if (shots_fired > hits && (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 0.33)) {
      if (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 1) {
        shots_fired = 0;
        hits = 0;
      if (!logged) {
        var simtime = Globals.Tickcount() % 16;
        logged = true;
        var issafe = "true";
        var reason = "bad resolver?";
        if (safety == 0) {
          issafe = "false";

        if (Entity.IsAlive(target) == false)
            reason = "death.";
        else if (Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) == false)
            reason = "dead.";
        else if (safety == true && predicthc < 76)
            reason = "spread.";
        else if (safety == true && predicthc > 76)
            reason = "prediction error.";

        var flags = "";

        if (exploit == 2)
          flags += "T";

          flags += "B";

        Cheat.PrintColor([45, 245, 10, 1], "");
        Cheat.Print("[yougame.cord] Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s "+hitboxName+ " due to "+reason+"\n");
            logs.push("[yougame.cord] Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s "+hitboxName+ " due to "+reason+"\n");
            if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Enable chat logging")) {
                Cheat.PrintChat(" \x08[\x0crest.cord\x08] [\x0c"+shots.toString()+"\x08] "+"\x08Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s \x10"+hitboxName+"\x08("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) due to \x07"+reason+"\x08, safety=\x03"+issafe+"\x08 (\x10"+flags+"\x08) (\x10"+simtime+"\x08:\x10"+exploit+"\x08)");
        if (shots == 99)
          shots = 0;

function main() {
    Global.RegisterCallback("ragebot_fire", "ragebot_fire");
    Global.RegisterCallback("item_purchase", "item_purchase");
  Global.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "hitlog");
    Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "onDraw");
    Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "removelogs");

UI.AddCheckbox("Instant recharge");

function can_shift_shot(ticks_to_shift) {
                            if (!UI.GetValue("MISC", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", "Instant recharge")) return;
    var me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    var wpn = Entity.GetWeapon(me);

    if (me == null || wpn == null)
        return false;

    var tickbase = Entity.GetProp(me, "CCSPlayer", "m_nTickBase");
    var curtime = Globals.TickInterval() * (tickbase-ticks_to_shift)

    if (curtime < Entity.GetProp(me, "CCSPlayer", "m_flNextAttack"))
        return false;

    if (curtime < Entity.GetProp(wpn, "CBaseCombatWeapon", "m_flNextPrimaryAttack"))
        return false;

    return true;

function _TBC_CREATE_MOVE() {
                            if (!UI.GetValue("MISC", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", "Instant recharge")) return;
    var is_charged = Exploit.GetCharge()

    Exploit[(is_charged != 1 ? "Enable" : "Disable") + "Recharge"]()

    if (can_shift_shot(14) && is_charged != 1) {


function _TBC_UNLOAD() {         

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "_TBC_CREATE_MOVE");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "_TBC_UNLOAD");
const x1 = UI.AddSliderInt("Hotkeys_x", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]);
const y1 = UI.AddSliderInt("Hotkeys_y", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);
UI.AddColorPicker("Hotkeys color");
UI.AddColorPicker("Hotkeys topbar alpha");

var colorhotkeys = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys color");
if (colorhotkeys[3] == 0) {
    UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys color", [89, 119, 239, 3]);
var alpha = 0;
var maxwidth = 0;
var swalpha = 0;
var fdalpha = 0;
var apalpha = 0;
var aialpha = 0;
var spalpha = 0;
var fbalpha = 0;
var dtalpha = 0;
var hsalpha = 0;
var doalpha = 0;
var textalpha = 0;
var h = new Array();

function in_bounds(vec, x, y, x2, y2) {
                if (!UI.GetValue("MISC", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", "Hotkeys")) return;
    return (vec[0] > x) && (vec[1] > y) && (vec[0] < x2) && (vec[1] < y2)

function main_hotkeys() {
            if (!UI.GetValue("MISC", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", "Hotkeys")) return;
        if (!World.GetServerString()) return;
        const x = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_x"),
            y = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_y");
        colorhotkeys = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys color");
        colorhotkeys1 = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys topbar alpha");
        var font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 100);
        var frames = 8 * Globals.Frametime();
        var width = 75;
        var maxwidth = 0;
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Slow walk")) {
            swalpha = Math.min(swalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            swalpha = swalpha - frames;
            if (swalpha < 0) swalpha = 0;
            if (swalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Slow walk"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck")) {
            fdalpha = Math.min(fdalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            fdalpha = fdalpha - frames;
            if (fdalpha < 0) fdalpha = 0;
            if (fdalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Duck peek assist"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Auto peek")) {
            apalpha = Math.min(apalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            apalpha = apalpha - frames;
            if (apalpha < 0) apalpha = 0;
            if (apalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Auto peek"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter")) {
            aialpha = Math.min(aialpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            aialpha = aialpha - frames;
            if (aialpha < 0) aialpha = 0;
            if (aialpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Anti-aim inverter"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter")) {
            aialpha = Math.min(aialpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            aialpha = aialpha - frames;
            if (aialpha < 0) aialpha = 0;
            if (aialpha == 0) {

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force safe point")) {
            spalpha = Math.min(spalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            spalpha = spalpha - frames;
            if (spalpha < 0) spalpha = 0;
            if (spalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Safe point override"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force body aim")) {
            fbalpha = Math.min(fbalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            fbalpha = fbalpha - frames;
            if (fbalpha < 0) fbalpha = 0;
            if (fbalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Force body aim"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Doubletap")) {
            dtalpha = Math.min(dtalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            dtalpha = dtalpha - frames;
            if (dtalpha < 0) dtalpha = 0;
            if (dtalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Double tap"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots")) {
            hsalpha = Math.min(hsalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            hsalpha = hsalpha - frames;
            if (hsalpha < 0) hsalpha = 0;
            if (hsalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Hide shots"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Heavy Pistol Override") || !UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Scout Override") || !UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "AWP Override") || !UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Auto Override")) {
            doalpha = Math.min(doalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            doalpha = doalpha - frames;
            if (doalpha < 0) doalpha = 0;
            if (doalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Damage override"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Slow walk")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Slow walk") == -1)
                h.push("Slow walk")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Duck peek assist") == -1)
                h.push("Duck peek assist")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Auto peek")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Auto peek") == -1)
                h.push("Auto peek")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Anti-aim inverter") == -1)
                h.push("Anti-aim inverter")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force safe point")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Safe point override") == -1)
                h.push("Safe point override")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force body aim")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Force body aim") == -1)
                h.push("Force body aim")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Doubletap")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Double tap") == -1)
                h.push("Double tap")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Hide shots") == -1)
                h.push("Hide shots")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Scout Override")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Damage override") == -1)
                h.push("Damage override")

        if (h.length > 0) {
            alpha = Math.min(alpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            alpha = alpha - frames;
            if (alpha < 0) alpha = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < h.length; i++) {
            if (Render.TextSizeCustom(h[i], font)[0] > maxwidth) {
                maxwidth = Render.TextSizeCustom(h[i], font)[0];
        if (maxwidth == 0) maxwidth = 50;
        width = width + maxwidth;
        if (alpha > 0) {
                Render.GradientRect( x - 3, y + 3, 80, 2, 1, [ colorhotkeys[0], colorhotkeys[1], colorhotkeys[2], 0 ], [ colorhotkeys[0], colorhotkeys[1], colorhotkeys[2], 255 ]);
                Render.GradientRect( x + 77, y + 3, width - 75, 2, 1, [ colorhotkeys[0], colorhotkeys[1], colorhotkeys[2], 255 ], [ colorhotkeys[0], colorhotkeys[1], colorhotkeys[2], 0 ]);
                Render.FilledRect(x, y + 5, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, colorhotkeys1[3] ]);
                Render.StringCustom(x + width / 2 - (Render.TextSizeCustom("keybinds", font)[0] / 2) + 2, y + 9, 0, "keybinds", [0, 0, 0, alpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                Render.StringCustom(x + width / 2 - (Render.TextSizeCustom("keybinds", font)[0] / 2) + 1, y + 8, 0, "keybinds", [255, 255, 255, alpha * 255], font);
                //Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23, width, 18 * h.length, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], alpha * 255)]);
                for (i = 0; i < h.length; i++) {
                    switch (h[i]) {
                        case 'Slow walk':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(swalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, swalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, swalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [0, 0, 0, swalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [255, 255, 255, swalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Duck peek assist':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(fdalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, fdalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, fdalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [0, 0, 0, fdalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [255, 255, 255, fdalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Auto peek':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(apalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, apalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, apalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [0, 0, 0, apalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [255, 255, 255, apalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Anti-aim inverter':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(aialpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, aialpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, aialpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [0, 0, 0, aialpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [255, 255, 255, aialpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Safe point override':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(spalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, spalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, spalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [0, 0, 0, spalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [255, 255, 255, spalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Force body aim':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(fbalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, fbalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, fbalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [0, 0, 0, fbalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [255, 255, 255, fbalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Double tap':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(dtalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, dtalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, dtalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [0, 0, 0, dtalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [255, 255, 255, dtalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Hide shots':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(hsalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, hsalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, hsalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [0, 0, 0, hsalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [255, 255, 255, hsalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Damage override':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(doalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, doalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, doalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [0, 0, 0, doalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [255, 255, 255, doalpha * 255], font);

        if (Global.IsKeyPressed(1) && UI.IsMenuOpen()) {
            var mouse_pos1 = Global.GetCursorPosition();
            if (in_bounds(mouse_pos1, x, y, x + width, y + 30)) {
                UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_x", mouse_pos1[0] - width / 2);
                UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_y", mouse_pos1[1] - 20);
Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "main_hotkeys");

function menu_ht()
   enabled = UI.GetValue( "Hotkeys");
   UI.SetEnabled( "Hotkeys_x", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Hotkeys_y", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Hotkeys color", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Hotkeys topbar alpha", enabled);
function menu_htcheck() {
    if (UI.IsMenuOpen()) {

Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "menu_htcheck");
UI.AddLabel("                >Misc<      ")
UI.AddSliderFloat("Aspect ratio", 0, 5);
function on_cm(){ 
if(Convar.GetFloat("r_aspectratio") != UI.GetValue("Script items", "Aspect ratio")){
   Convar.SetFloat("r_aspectratio", UI.GetValue("Script items", "Aspect ratio"))

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "on_cm")
var clock = 0
function createmove()
    clock = clock + 0.5
    if (clock > 1)
        if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Slide walk"))
            UI.SetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Slide walk", 0);
            clock = 0
            UI.SetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Slide walk", 1);
            clock = 0
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "createmove")
Сделан для удобства , а так же для юных пастерков. Знаю мало чего есть , основное для хвх игры сойдет.

SS -
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
Во первых пастерам нужно чтобы весь код был расписан.
Во вторых не нзал что югейм такой хуёвый(
2 Май 2019
UI.AddLabel('|          YOUGAME.CORD RELEASE         |');
UI.AddLabel('|          discord: restenj#8002          |');
UI.AddLabel('                    -RAGE -  ');
UI.AddCheckbox("Antiaim & Indication v3");
UI.AddHotkey("Minimum damage override");
UI.AddSliderInt("Heavy Pistol/desert eagle Mindmg", 0, 130);
UI.AddSliderInt("Scout Mindmg", 0, 130);
UI.AddSliderInt("AWP Mindmg", 0, 130);
UI.AddSliderInt("Auto Mindmg", 0, 130);

screen_size = Global.GetScreenSize()

heavy_cache =              UI.GetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
scout_cache =              UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
awp_cache =                UI.GetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
auto_cache =               UI.GetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")

restore_values =   false

function isHeavyPistol(name)
    if (name == "r8 revolver" || name == "desert eagle" || name == " 52>;L25@ r8")
        return true

function isAutoSniper(name)
    if(name == "scar 20" || name == "g3sg1")
        return true

function isPistol(name)
    if(name == "usp s" || name == "dual berettas" || name == "tec 9" || name == "p2000" || name == "five seven" || name == "p250" || name == "cz75 auto" || name == "glock 18")
        return true

function isGeneral(name)
   if(name == "ak 47" || name == "m4a4" || name == "m4a1 s" || name == "sg 553" || name == "aug" || name == "famas" || name == "galil ar" || name == "p90" || name == "pp bizon" || name == "ump 45" || name == "mp7" || name == "mp9" || name == "mac 10" || name == "nova" || name == "xm1014" || name == "sawed off" || name == "mag 7" || name == "m249" || name == "negev" || name == "5352")
   return true


function override_mindmg() {

    if (!UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Minimum damage override")) {
       if (restore_values) {
          restore_values = false
          UI.SetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", heavy_cache)
          UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",        scout_cache)
          UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",          awp_cache)
          UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",   auto_cache)

       } else {

          heavy_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
          scout_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
          awp_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
          auto_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")

    restore_values = true
    heavy_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Heavy Pistol/desert eagle Mindmg")
    scout_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Scout Mindmg")
    awp_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "AWP Mindmg")
    auto_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Auto Mindmg")
    weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))

    if (isHeavyPistol(weapon_name)) {
       UI.SetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", heavy_value)


    if (weapon_name == "ssg 08") {
       UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",        scout_value)


    if (weapon_name == "awp") {
       UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",          awp_value)


    if (isAutoSniper(weapon_name)) {
       UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",   auto_value)


function draw_ind()
    if (World.GetServerString() == "")
    isDmg = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Minimum damage override");
    isDoubletap = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Doubletap");
    isHideshots = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots");
    isSafe = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "General", "Force safe point");
    isBody = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "General", "Force body aim");
    isFs = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets");
    isAuto = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Auto direction");
    isDuck = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck");
    isHc = false;

    add_y = 60
    Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0,"OPPOSITE", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
    Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "OPPOSITE", [177, 171, 255, 255], 3);
    if(isAuto) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "FREESTAND", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "FREESTAND", [209, 139, 230, 255], 3);
    } else if(isFs) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "SMART", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "SMART", [209, 139, 230, 255], 3);
    } else {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "DYNAMIC", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "DYNAMIC", [209, 139, 230, 255], 3);
    if(isDuck && isDoubletap) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "DT (fakeduck)", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "DT (fakeduck)", [255, 0, 0, 255], 3);
    } else if(isDoubletap) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "DT", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "DT", [255 * (1.0 - Exploit.GetCharge()), 255 * Exploit.GetCharge(), 0, 255], 3);
    if(isHideshots) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "ONSHOT", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "ONSHOT", [152, 240, 16, 255], 3);
    if(isDmg) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "DMG", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "DMG", [255, 255, 255, 255], 3);
    if(isHc) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "HC", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3)
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "HC", [250, 85, 85, 255], 3)
    if(isBody) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "BAIM", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "BAIM", [124, 215, 13, 255], 3);
    if(isSafe) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "SAFE", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "SAFE", [124, 215, 13, 255], 3);

function menu_cb()
    if(!UI.IsMenuOpen()) return
   enabled = UI.GetValue( "Antiaim & Indication v3");
   UI.SetEnabled( "Minimum damage override", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Heavy Pistol/desert eagle Mindmg", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Scout Mindmg", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "AWP Mindmg", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Auto Mindmg", enabled);

function unload()
   UI.SetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",      heavy_cache)
   UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",             scout_cache)
   UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",               awp_cache)
   UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",        auto_cache)


Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "unload");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "override_mindmg")
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "menu_cb")
UI.AddHotkey("Legit AA Key");

function legit_aa()
    if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Legit AA Key"))
        if (original_aa)
            restrictions_cache = UI.GetValue("Misc", "PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions");
            hiderealangle_cache = UI.GetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Hide real angle");
            yaw_offset_cache = UI.GetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset");
            jitter_offset_cache = UI.GetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset");
            pitch_cache = UI.GetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch");
            original_aa = false;
        UI.SetValue ("Misc", "PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions", 0);
        UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Hide real angle", true);
        UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset", 180);
        UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset", 0);
        UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch", 0);
        if (!original_aa)
            UI.SetValue ("Misc", "PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions", restrictions_cache);
            UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Hide real angle", hiderealangle_cache);
            UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset", yaw_offset_cache);
            UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset", jitter_offset_cache);
            UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch", pitch_cache);
            original_aa = true;

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "legit_aa");
UI.AddHotkey('Defensive on key');
UI.AddHotkey('Force head');
UI.AddHotkey( "Head override key" )
var cache1 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "GENERAL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
var cache2 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
var cache3 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
var cache4 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
var cache5 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
var cache6 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
function on_cm(){
    if(UI.IsHotkeyActive( "Script items", "Head override key" )){
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "GENERAL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "GENERAL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache2)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache3)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache4)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache5)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache6)
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "on_cm")
UI.AddHotkey('Freestand hotkey');
UI.AddHotkey('Low delta on key');
function Low_delta() {
    var _0x3f94xcd = Boolean(Entity.GetProp(g_Local, 'CCSPlayer', 'm_bIsScoped'));
    var _0x3f94xce = UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Low delta');
    if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Low delta on key') || _0x3f94xcd && !UI.IsHotkeyActive('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Legit AA hotkey')) {
    } else {
Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'Low_delta');

hitboxes = [
    'left arm',
    'right arm',
    'left leg',
    'right leg',
var scriptitems = ("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items");
var shots = 0;
var predicthc = 0;
var safety = 0;
var hitboxName = "";
var choked = 0;
var exploit = 0;
var logs = [];
var logsct = [];
var logsalpha = [];
function getHitboxName(index)
    switch (index)
        case 0:
            hitboxName = "head";
        case 1:
            hitboxName = "head";
        case 2:
            hitboxName = "stomach";
        case 3:
            hitboxName = "stomach";
        case 4:
            hitboxName = "stomach";
        case 5:
            hitboxName = "chest";
        case 6:
            hitboxName = "chest";
        case 7:
            hitboxName = "left leg";
        case 8:
            hitboxName = "right leg";
        case 9:
            hitboxName = "left leg";
        case 10:
            hitboxName = "right leg";
        case 11:
            hitboxName = "left leg";
        case 12:
            hitboxName = "right leg";
        case 13:
            hitboxName = "left arm";
        case 14:
            hitboxName = "right arm";
        case 15:
            hitboxName = "left arm";
        case 16:
            hitboxName = "left arm";
        case 17:
            hitboxName = "right arm";
        case 18:
            hitboxName = "right arm";
            hitboxName = "body";
    return hitboxName;
function HitgroupName(index) {
    return hitboxes[index] || 'body';

var target = -1;
var shots_fired = 0;
var hits = 0;
var lastUpdate = 0;
var logged = false;

function ragebot_fire() {
    predicthc = Event.GetInt("hitchance");
    safety = Event.GetInt("safepoint");
    hitboxName = getHitboxName(Event.GetInt("hitbox"));
    exploit = (Event.GetInt("exploit")+1).toString();
  target = Event.GetInt("target_index");
  logged = false;
  lastUpdate = Globals.Curtime();

function hitlog() {
    var hit = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));
    var attacker = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker"));
    if (attacker == Entity.GetLocalPlayer() && hit == target) hits++;

    var hittype = "Hit ";
    me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    hitbox = Event.GetInt('hitgroup');
    target_damage = Event.GetInt("dmg_health");
    target_health = Event.GetInt("health");
    victim = Event.GetInt('userid');
    attacker = Event.GetInt('attacker');
    weapon = Event.GetString('weapon');
    victimIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(victim);
    attackerIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(attacker);
    name = Entity.GetName(victimIndex);
      var simtime = Globals.Tickcount() % 17;

    var flags = "";

    if (exploit == 2)
      flags += "T";

    flags += "B";

    if (hitbox == 1)
      flags += "H";

      if (safety == 1) {
          safety = "true";
      else {
          safety = "false";

    if (weapon == "hegrenade")
      hittype = "Naded ";
    else if (weapon == "inferno")
      hittype = "Burned ";
    else if (weapon == "knife")
      hittype = "Knifed ";

    if (me == attackerIndex && me != victimIndex) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([45, 245, 10, 1], "");
    if (hittype == "Hit ") {
        if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Enable chat logging")) {
            Cheat.PrintChat(" \x08[\x0cyougame.cord\x08] [\x0c"+shots.toString()+"\x08] "+hittype+name+"'s \x10"+HitgroupName(hitbox)+"\x08 for \x07"+target_damage.toString()+"\x08 ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining) aimed=\x10"+hitboxName+"\x08("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) safety=\x03"+safety+"\x08 (\x10"+flags+"\x08) (\x10"+simtime+"\x08:\x10"+exploit+"\x08).\n");
      Cheat.Print("[rest.cord] "+hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining). "+"\n");
          logs.push("[yougame.cord] "+hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining). ");}
    else {
      Cheat.Print(hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining). \n");
          logs.push(hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining).");


  if (shots == 99)
    shots = 0;


function removelogs() {
    if (logs.length > 6) {

    if (logsct[0] + 6.5 < Globals.Curtime()) {
        logsalpha[0] -= Globals.Frametime() * 600;
        if (logsalpha[0] < 0) {

function item_purchase() {
    Cheat.PrintColor([45, 245, 10, 1], "");
    Cheat.Print(Entity.GetName(Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid")))+" bought "+Event.GetString("weapon")+"."+"\n");
    logs.push(Entity.GetName(Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid")))+" bought "+Event.GetString("weapon")+""+".");

function onDraw() {
    if (!World.GetServerString()) return;
    var font = Render.AddFont("Lucida Console", 8, 0);

    for (i = 0; i < logs.length; i++) {
        Render.StringCustom(4, 4 + 13*i, 0, logs[i], [0, 0, 0, logsalpha[i]], font);
        Render.StringCustom(3, 3 + 13*i, 0, logs[i], [255, 255, 255, logsalpha[i]], font);

    if (shots_fired > hits && (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 0.33)) {
      if (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 1) {
        shots_fired = 0;
        hits = 0;
      if (!logged) {
        var simtime = Globals.Tickcount() % 16;
        logged = true;
        var issafe = "true";
        var reason = "bad resolver?";
        if (safety == 0) {
          issafe = "false";

        if (Entity.IsAlive(target) == false)
            reason = "death.";
        else if (Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) == false)
            reason = "dead.";
        else if (safety == true && predicthc < 76)
            reason = "spread.";
        else if (safety == true && predicthc > 76)
            reason = "prediction error.";

        var flags = "";

        if (exploit == 2)
          flags += "T";

          flags += "B";

        Cheat.PrintColor([45, 245, 10, 1], "");
        Cheat.Print("[yougame.cord] Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s "+hitboxName+ " due to "+reason+"\n");
            logs.push("[yougame.cord] Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s "+hitboxName+ " due to "+reason+"\n");
            if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Enable chat logging")) {
                Cheat.PrintChat(" \x08[\x0crest.cord\x08] [\x0c"+shots.toString()+"\x08] "+"\x08Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s \x10"+hitboxName+"\x08("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) due to \x07"+reason+"\x08, safety=\x03"+issafe+"\x08 (\x10"+flags+"\x08) (\x10"+simtime+"\x08:\x10"+exploit+"\x08)");
        if (shots == 99)
          shots = 0;

function main() {
    Global.RegisterCallback("ragebot_fire", "ragebot_fire");
    Global.RegisterCallback("item_purchase", "item_purchase");
  Global.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "hitlog");
    Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "onDraw");
    Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "removelogs");

UI.AddCheckbox("Instant recharge");

function can_shift_shot(ticks_to_shift) {
                            if (!UI.GetValue("MISC", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", "Instant recharge")) return;
    var me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    var wpn = Entity.GetWeapon(me);

    if (me == null || wpn == null)
        return false;

    var tickbase = Entity.GetProp(me, "CCSPlayer", "m_nTickBase");
    var curtime = Globals.TickInterval() * (tickbase-ticks_to_shift)

    if (curtime < Entity.GetProp(me, "CCSPlayer", "m_flNextAttack"))
        return false;

    if (curtime < Entity.GetProp(wpn, "CBaseCombatWeapon", "m_flNextPrimaryAttack"))
        return false;

    return true;

function _TBC_CREATE_MOVE() {
                            if (!UI.GetValue("MISC", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", "Instant recharge")) return;
    var is_charged = Exploit.GetCharge()

    Exploit[(is_charged != 1 ? "Enable" : "Disable") + "Recharge"]()

    if (can_shift_shot(14) && is_charged != 1) {


function _TBC_UNLOAD() {         

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "_TBC_CREATE_MOVE");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "_TBC_UNLOAD");
const x1 = UI.AddSliderInt("Hotkeys_x", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]);
const y1 = UI.AddSliderInt("Hotkeys_y", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);
UI.AddColorPicker("Hotkeys color");
UI.AddColorPicker("Hotkeys topbar alpha");

var colorhotkeys = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys color");
if (colorhotkeys[3] == 0) {
    UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys color", [89, 119, 239, 3]);
var alpha = 0;
var maxwidth = 0;
var swalpha = 0;
var fdalpha = 0;
var apalpha = 0;
var aialpha = 0;
var spalpha = 0;
var fbalpha = 0;
var dtalpha = 0;
var hsalpha = 0;
var doalpha = 0;
var textalpha = 0;
var h = new Array();

function in_bounds(vec, x, y, x2, y2) {
                if (!UI.GetValue("MISC", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", "Hotkeys")) return;
    return (vec[0] > x) && (vec[1] > y) && (vec[0] < x2) && (vec[1] < y2)

function main_hotkeys() {
            if (!UI.GetValue("MISC", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", "Hotkeys")) return;
        if (!World.GetServerString()) return;
        const x = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_x"),
            y = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_y");
        colorhotkeys = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys color");
        colorhotkeys1 = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys topbar alpha");
        var font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 100);
        var frames = 8 * Globals.Frametime();
        var width = 75;
        var maxwidth = 0;
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Slow walk")) {
            swalpha = Math.min(swalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            swalpha = swalpha - frames;
            if (swalpha < 0) swalpha = 0;
            if (swalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Slow walk"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck")) {
            fdalpha = Math.min(fdalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            fdalpha = fdalpha - frames;
            if (fdalpha < 0) fdalpha = 0;
            if (fdalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Duck peek assist"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Auto peek")) {
            apalpha = Math.min(apalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            apalpha = apalpha - frames;
            if (apalpha < 0) apalpha = 0;
            if (apalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Auto peek"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter")) {
            aialpha = Math.min(aialpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            aialpha = aialpha - frames;
            if (aialpha < 0) aialpha = 0;
            if (aialpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Anti-aim inverter"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter")) {
            aialpha = Math.min(aialpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            aialpha = aialpha - frames;
            if (aialpha < 0) aialpha = 0;
            if (aialpha == 0) {

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force safe point")) {
            spalpha = Math.min(spalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            spalpha = spalpha - frames;
            if (spalpha < 0) spalpha = 0;
            if (spalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Safe point override"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force body aim")) {
            fbalpha = Math.min(fbalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            fbalpha = fbalpha - frames;
            if (fbalpha < 0) fbalpha = 0;
            if (fbalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Force body aim"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Doubletap")) {
            dtalpha = Math.min(dtalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            dtalpha = dtalpha - frames;
            if (dtalpha < 0) dtalpha = 0;
            if (dtalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Double tap"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots")) {
            hsalpha = Math.min(hsalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            hsalpha = hsalpha - frames;
            if (hsalpha < 0) hsalpha = 0;
            if (hsalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Hide shots"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Heavy Pistol Override") || !UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Scout Override") || !UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "AWP Override") || !UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Auto Override")) {
            doalpha = Math.min(doalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            doalpha = doalpha - frames;
            if (doalpha < 0) doalpha = 0;
            if (doalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Damage override"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Slow walk")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Slow walk") == -1)
                h.push("Slow walk")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Duck peek assist") == -1)
                h.push("Duck peek assist")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Auto peek")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Auto peek") == -1)
                h.push("Auto peek")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Anti-aim inverter") == -1)
                h.push("Anti-aim inverter")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force safe point")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Safe point override") == -1)
                h.push("Safe point override")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force body aim")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Force body aim") == -1)
                h.push("Force body aim")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Doubletap")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Double tap") == -1)
                h.push("Double tap")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Hide shots") == -1)
                h.push("Hide shots")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Scout Override")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Damage override") == -1)
                h.push("Damage override")

        if (h.length > 0) {
            alpha = Math.min(alpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            alpha = alpha - frames;
            if (alpha < 0) alpha = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < h.length; i++) {
            if (Render.TextSizeCustom(h[i], font)[0] > maxwidth) {
                maxwidth = Render.TextSizeCustom(h[i], font)[0];
        if (maxwidth == 0) maxwidth = 50;
        width = width + maxwidth;
        if (alpha > 0) {
                Render.GradientRect( x - 3, y + 3, 80, 2, 1, [ colorhotkeys[0], colorhotkeys[1], colorhotkeys[2], 0 ], [ colorhotkeys[0], colorhotkeys[1], colorhotkeys[2], 255 ]);
                Render.GradientRect( x + 77, y + 3, width - 75, 2, 1, [ colorhotkeys[0], colorhotkeys[1], colorhotkeys[2], 255 ], [ colorhotkeys[0], colorhotkeys[1], colorhotkeys[2], 0 ]);
                Render.FilledRect(x, y + 5, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, colorhotkeys1[3] ]);
                Render.StringCustom(x + width / 2 - (Render.TextSizeCustom("keybinds", font)[0] / 2) + 2, y + 9, 0, "keybinds", [0, 0, 0, alpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                Render.StringCustom(x + width / 2 - (Render.TextSizeCustom("keybinds", font)[0] / 2) + 1, y + 8, 0, "keybinds", [255, 255, 255, alpha * 255], font);
                //Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23, width, 18 * h.length, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], alpha * 255)]);
                for (i = 0; i < h.length; i++) {
                    switch (h[i]) {
                        case 'Slow walk':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(swalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, swalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, swalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [0, 0, 0, swalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [255, 255, 255, swalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Duck peek assist':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(fdalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, fdalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, fdalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [0, 0, 0, fdalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [255, 255, 255, fdalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Auto peek':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(apalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, apalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, apalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [0, 0, 0, apalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [255, 255, 255, apalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Anti-aim inverter':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(aialpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, aialpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, aialpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [0, 0, 0, aialpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [255, 255, 255, aialpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Safe point override':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(spalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, spalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, spalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [0, 0, 0, spalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [255, 255, 255, spalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Force body aim':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(fbalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, fbalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, fbalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [0, 0, 0, fbalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [255, 255, 255, fbalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Double tap':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(dtalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, dtalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, dtalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [0, 0, 0, dtalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [255, 255, 255, dtalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Hide shots':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(hsalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, hsalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, hsalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [0, 0, 0, hsalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [255, 255, 255, hsalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Damage override':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(doalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, doalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, doalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [0, 0, 0, doalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [255, 255, 255, doalpha * 255], font);

        if (Global.IsKeyPressed(1) && UI.IsMenuOpen()) {
            var mouse_pos1 = Global.GetCursorPosition();
            if (in_bounds(mouse_pos1, x, y, x + width, y + 30)) {
                UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_x", mouse_pos1[0] - width / 2);
                UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_y", mouse_pos1[1] - 20);
Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "main_hotkeys");

function menu_ht()
   enabled = UI.GetValue( "Hotkeys");
   UI.SetEnabled( "Hotkeys_x", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Hotkeys_y", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Hotkeys color", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Hotkeys topbar alpha", enabled);
function menu_htcheck() {
    if (UI.IsMenuOpen()) {

Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "menu_htcheck");
UI.AddLabel("                >Misc<      ")
UI.AddSliderFloat("Aspect ratio", 0, 5);
function on_cm(){ 
if(Convar.GetFloat("r_aspectratio") != UI.GetValue("Script items", "Aspect ratio")){
   Convar.SetFloat("r_aspectratio", UI.GetValue("Script items", "Aspect ratio"))

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "on_cm")
var clock = 0
function createmove()
    clock = clock + 0.5
    if (clock > 1)
        if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Slide walk"))
            UI.SetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Slide walk", 0);
            clock = 0
            UI.SetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Slide walk", 1);
            clock = 0
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "createmove")
Сделан для удобства , а так же для юных пастерков. Знаю мало чего есть , основное для хвх игры сойдет.

SS -
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
считай сам себя пастерком назвал
На ваш бан.
7 Дек 2020
UI.AddLabel('|          YOUGAME.CORD RELEASE         |');
UI.AddLabel('|          discord: restenj#8002          |');
UI.AddLabel('                    -RAGE -  ');
UI.AddCheckbox("Antiaim & Indication v3");
UI.AddHotkey("Minimum damage override");
UI.AddSliderInt("Heavy Pistol/desert eagle Mindmg", 0, 130);
UI.AddSliderInt("Scout Mindmg", 0, 130);
UI.AddSliderInt("AWP Mindmg", 0, 130);
UI.AddSliderInt("Auto Mindmg", 0, 130);

screen_size = Global.GetScreenSize()

heavy_cache =              UI.GetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
scout_cache =              UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
awp_cache =                UI.GetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
auto_cache =               UI.GetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")

restore_values =   false

function isHeavyPistol(name)
    if (name == "r8 revolver" || name == "desert eagle" || name == " 52>;L25@ r8")
        return true

function isAutoSniper(name)
    if(name == "scar 20" || name == "g3sg1")
        return true

function isPistol(name)
    if(name == "usp s" || name == "dual berettas" || name == "tec 9" || name == "p2000" || name == "five seven" || name == "p250" || name == "cz75 auto" || name == "glock 18")
        return true

function isGeneral(name)
   if(name == "ak 47" || name == "m4a4" || name == "m4a1 s" || name == "sg 553" || name == "aug" || name == "famas" || name == "galil ar" || name == "p90" || name == "pp bizon" || name == "ump 45" || name == "mp7" || name == "mp9" || name == "mac 10" || name == "nova" || name == "xm1014" || name == "sawed off" || name == "mag 7" || name == "m249" || name == "negev" || name == "5352")
   return true


function override_mindmg() {

    if (!UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Minimum damage override")) {
       if (restore_values) {
          restore_values = false
          UI.SetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", heavy_cache)
          UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",        scout_cache)
          UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",          awp_cache)
          UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",   auto_cache)

       } else {

          heavy_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
          scout_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
          awp_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
          auto_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")

    restore_values = true
    heavy_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Heavy Pistol/desert eagle Mindmg")
    scout_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Scout Mindmg")
    awp_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "AWP Mindmg")
    auto_value = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Auto Mindmg")
    weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))

    if (isHeavyPistol(weapon_name)) {
       UI.SetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", heavy_value)


    if (weapon_name == "ssg 08") {
       UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",        scout_value)


    if (weapon_name == "awp") {
       UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",          awp_value)


    if (isAutoSniper(weapon_name)) {
       UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",   auto_value)


function draw_ind()
    if (World.GetServerString() == "")
    isDmg = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Minimum damage override");
    isDoubletap = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Doubletap");
    isHideshots = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots");
    isSafe = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "General", "Force safe point");
    isBody = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "General", "Force body aim");
    isFs = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets");
    isAuto = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Auto direction");
    isDuck = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck");
    isHc = false;

    add_y = 60
    Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0,"OPPOSITE", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
    Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "OPPOSITE", [177, 171, 255, 255], 3);
    if(isAuto) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "FREESTAND", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "FREESTAND", [209, 139, 230, 255], 3);
    } else if(isFs) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "SMART", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "SMART", [209, 139, 230, 255], 3);
    } else {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "DYNAMIC", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "DYNAMIC", [209, 139, 230, 255], 3);
    if(isDuck && isDoubletap) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "DT (fakeduck)", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "DT (fakeduck)", [255, 0, 0, 255], 3);
    } else if(isDoubletap) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "DT", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "DT", [255 * (1.0 - Exploit.GetCharge()), 255 * Exploit.GetCharge(), 0, 255], 3);
    if(isHideshots) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "ONSHOT", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "ONSHOT", [152, 240, 16, 255], 3);
    if(isDmg) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "DMG", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "DMG", [255, 255, 255, 255], 3);
    if(isHc) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "HC", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3)
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "HC", [250, 85, 85, 255], 3)
    if(isBody) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "BAIM", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "BAIM", [124, 215, 13, 255], 3);
    if(isSafe) {
        add_y = add_y + 9
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 0, "SAFE", [0, 0, 0, 255], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 0, "SAFE", [124, 215, 13, 255], 3);

function menu_cb()
    if(!UI.IsMenuOpen()) return
   enabled = UI.GetValue( "Antiaim & Indication v3");
   UI.SetEnabled( "Minimum damage override", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Heavy Pistol/desert eagle Mindmg", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Scout Mindmg", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "AWP Mindmg", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Auto Mindmg", enabled);

function unload()
   UI.SetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",      heavy_cache)
   UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",             scout_cache)
   UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",               awp_cache)
   UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage",        auto_cache)


Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "unload");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "override_mindmg")
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "menu_cb")
UI.AddHotkey("Legit AA Key");

function legit_aa()
    if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Legit AA Key"))
        if (original_aa)
            restrictions_cache = UI.GetValue("Misc", "PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions");
            hiderealangle_cache = UI.GetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Hide real angle");
            yaw_offset_cache = UI.GetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset");
            jitter_offset_cache = UI.GetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset");
            pitch_cache = UI.GetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch");
            original_aa = false;
        UI.SetValue ("Misc", "PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions", 0);
        UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Hide real angle", true);
        UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset", 180);
        UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset", 0);
        UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch", 0);
        if (!original_aa)
            UI.SetValue ("Misc", "PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions", restrictions_cache);
            UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Hide real angle", hiderealangle_cache);
            UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset", yaw_offset_cache);
            UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset", jitter_offset_cache);
            UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch", pitch_cache);
            original_aa = true;

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "legit_aa");
UI.AddHotkey('Defensive on key');
UI.AddHotkey('Force head');
UI.AddHotkey( "Head override key" )
var cache1 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "GENERAL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
var cache2 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
var cache3 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
var cache4 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
var cache5 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
var cache6 = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Hitboxes" )
function on_cm(){
    if(UI.IsHotkeyActive( "Script items", "Head override key" )){
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "GENERAL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", 1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "GENERAL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache1)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache2)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache3)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache4)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache5)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", cache6)
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "on_cm")
UI.AddHotkey('Freestand hotkey');
UI.AddHotkey('Low delta on key');
function Low_delta() {
    var _0x3f94xcd = Boolean(Entity.GetProp(g_Local, 'CCSPlayer', 'm_bIsScoped'));
    var _0x3f94xce = UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Low delta');
    if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Low delta on key') || _0x3f94xcd && !UI.IsHotkeyActive('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Legit AA hotkey')) {
    } else {
Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'Low_delta');

hitboxes = [
    'left arm',
    'right arm',
    'left leg',
    'right leg',
var scriptitems = ("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items");
var shots = 0;
var predicthc = 0;
var safety = 0;
var hitboxName = "";
var choked = 0;
var exploit = 0;
var logs = [];
var logsct = [];
var logsalpha = [];
function getHitboxName(index)
    switch (index)
        case 0:
            hitboxName = "head";
        case 1:
            hitboxName = "head";
        case 2:
            hitboxName = "stomach";
        case 3:
            hitboxName = "stomach";
        case 4:
            hitboxName = "stomach";
        case 5:
            hitboxName = "chest";
        case 6:
            hitboxName = "chest";
        case 7:
            hitboxName = "left leg";
        case 8:
            hitboxName = "right leg";
        case 9:
            hitboxName = "left leg";
        case 10:
            hitboxName = "right leg";
        case 11:
            hitboxName = "left leg";
        case 12:
            hitboxName = "right leg";
        case 13:
            hitboxName = "left arm";
        case 14:
            hitboxName = "right arm";
        case 15:
            hitboxName = "left arm";
        case 16:
            hitboxName = "left arm";
        case 17:
            hitboxName = "right arm";
        case 18:
            hitboxName = "right arm";
            hitboxName = "body";
    return hitboxName;
function HitgroupName(index) {
    return hitboxes[index] || 'body';

var target = -1;
var shots_fired = 0;
var hits = 0;
var lastUpdate = 0;
var logged = false;

function ragebot_fire() {
    predicthc = Event.GetInt("hitchance");
    safety = Event.GetInt("safepoint");
    hitboxName = getHitboxName(Event.GetInt("hitbox"));
    exploit = (Event.GetInt("exploit")+1).toString();
  target = Event.GetInt("target_index");
  logged = false;
  lastUpdate = Globals.Curtime();

function hitlog() {
    var hit = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));
    var attacker = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker"));
    if (attacker == Entity.GetLocalPlayer() && hit == target) hits++;

    var hittype = "Hit ";
    me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    hitbox = Event.GetInt('hitgroup');
    target_damage = Event.GetInt("dmg_health");
    target_health = Event.GetInt("health");
    victim = Event.GetInt('userid');
    attacker = Event.GetInt('attacker');
    weapon = Event.GetString('weapon');
    victimIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(victim);
    attackerIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(attacker);
    name = Entity.GetName(victimIndex);
      var simtime = Globals.Tickcount() % 17;

    var flags = "";

    if (exploit == 2)
      flags += "T";

    flags += "B";

    if (hitbox == 1)
      flags += "H";

      if (safety == 1) {
          safety = "true";
      else {
          safety = "false";

    if (weapon == "hegrenade")
      hittype = "Naded ";
    else if (weapon == "inferno")
      hittype = "Burned ";
    else if (weapon == "knife")
      hittype = "Knifed ";

    if (me == attackerIndex && me != victimIndex) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([45, 245, 10, 1], "");
    if (hittype == "Hit ") {
        if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Enable chat logging")) {
            Cheat.PrintChat(" \x08[\x0cyougame.cord\x08] [\x0c"+shots.toString()+"\x08] "+hittype+name+"'s \x10"+HitgroupName(hitbox)+"\x08 for \x07"+target_damage.toString()+"\x08 ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining) aimed=\x10"+hitboxName+"\x08("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) safety=\x03"+safety+"\x08 (\x10"+flags+"\x08) (\x10"+simtime+"\x08:\x10"+exploit+"\x08).\n");
      Cheat.Print("[rest.cord] "+hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining). "+"\n");
          logs.push("[yougame.cord] "+hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining). ");}
    else {
      Cheat.Print(hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining). \n");
          logs.push(hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining).");


  if (shots == 99)
    shots = 0;


function removelogs() {
    if (logs.length > 6) {

    if (logsct[0] + 6.5 < Globals.Curtime()) {
        logsalpha[0] -= Globals.Frametime() * 600;
        if (logsalpha[0] < 0) {

function item_purchase() {
    Cheat.PrintColor([45, 245, 10, 1], "");
    Cheat.Print(Entity.GetName(Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid")))+" bought "+Event.GetString("weapon")+"."+"\n");
    logs.push(Entity.GetName(Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid")))+" bought "+Event.GetString("weapon")+""+".");

function onDraw() {
    if (!World.GetServerString()) return;
    var font = Render.AddFont("Lucida Console", 8, 0);

    for (i = 0; i < logs.length; i++) {
        Render.StringCustom(4, 4 + 13*i, 0, logs[i], [0, 0, 0, logsalpha[i]], font);
        Render.StringCustom(3, 3 + 13*i, 0, logs[i], [255, 255, 255, logsalpha[i]], font);

    if (shots_fired > hits && (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 0.33)) {
      if (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 1) {
        shots_fired = 0;
        hits = 0;
      if (!logged) {
        var simtime = Globals.Tickcount() % 16;
        logged = true;
        var issafe = "true";
        var reason = "bad resolver?";
        if (safety == 0) {
          issafe = "false";

        if (Entity.IsAlive(target) == false)
            reason = "death.";
        else if (Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) == false)
            reason = "dead.";
        else if (safety == true && predicthc < 76)
            reason = "spread.";
        else if (safety == true && predicthc > 76)
            reason = "prediction error.";

        var flags = "";

        if (exploit == 2)
          flags += "T";

          flags += "B";

        Cheat.PrintColor([45, 245, 10, 1], "");
        Cheat.Print("[yougame.cord] Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s "+hitboxName+ " due to "+reason+"\n");
            logs.push("[yougame.cord] Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s "+hitboxName+ " due to "+reason+"\n");
            if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Enable chat logging")) {
                Cheat.PrintChat(" \x08[\x0crest.cord\x08] [\x0c"+shots.toString()+"\x08] "+"\x08Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s \x10"+hitboxName+"\x08("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) due to \x07"+reason+"\x08, safety=\x03"+issafe+"\x08 (\x10"+flags+"\x08) (\x10"+simtime+"\x08:\x10"+exploit+"\x08)");
        if (shots == 99)
          shots = 0;

function main() {
    Global.RegisterCallback("ragebot_fire", "ragebot_fire");
    Global.RegisterCallback("item_purchase", "item_purchase");
  Global.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "hitlog");
    Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "onDraw");
    Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "removelogs");

UI.AddCheckbox("Instant recharge");

function can_shift_shot(ticks_to_shift) {
                            if (!UI.GetValue("MISC", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", "Instant recharge")) return;
    var me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    var wpn = Entity.GetWeapon(me);

    if (me == null || wpn == null)
        return false;

    var tickbase = Entity.GetProp(me, "CCSPlayer", "m_nTickBase");
    var curtime = Globals.TickInterval() * (tickbase-ticks_to_shift)

    if (curtime < Entity.GetProp(me, "CCSPlayer", "m_flNextAttack"))
        return false;

    if (curtime < Entity.GetProp(wpn, "CBaseCombatWeapon", "m_flNextPrimaryAttack"))
        return false;

    return true;

function _TBC_CREATE_MOVE() {
                            if (!UI.GetValue("MISC", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", "Instant recharge")) return;
    var is_charged = Exploit.GetCharge()

    Exploit[(is_charged != 1 ? "Enable" : "Disable") + "Recharge"]()

    if (can_shift_shot(14) && is_charged != 1) {


function _TBC_UNLOAD() {         

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "_TBC_CREATE_MOVE");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "_TBC_UNLOAD");
const x1 = UI.AddSliderInt("Hotkeys_x", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]);
const y1 = UI.AddSliderInt("Hotkeys_y", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);
UI.AddColorPicker("Hotkeys color");
UI.AddColorPicker("Hotkeys topbar alpha");

var colorhotkeys = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys color");
if (colorhotkeys[3] == 0) {
    UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys color", [89, 119, 239, 3]);
var alpha = 0;
var maxwidth = 0;
var swalpha = 0;
var fdalpha = 0;
var apalpha = 0;
var aialpha = 0;
var spalpha = 0;
var fbalpha = 0;
var dtalpha = 0;
var hsalpha = 0;
var doalpha = 0;
var textalpha = 0;
var h = new Array();

function in_bounds(vec, x, y, x2, y2) {
                if (!UI.GetValue("MISC", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", "Hotkeys")) return;
    return (vec[0] > x) && (vec[1] > y) && (vec[0] < x2) && (vec[1] < y2)

function main_hotkeys() {
            if (!UI.GetValue("MISC", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", "Hotkeys")) return;
        if (!World.GetServerString()) return;
        const x = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_x"),
            y = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_y");
        colorhotkeys = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys color");
        colorhotkeys1 = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys topbar alpha");
        var font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 100);
        var frames = 8 * Globals.Frametime();
        var width = 75;
        var maxwidth = 0;
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Slow walk")) {
            swalpha = Math.min(swalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            swalpha = swalpha - frames;
            if (swalpha < 0) swalpha = 0;
            if (swalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Slow walk"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck")) {
            fdalpha = Math.min(fdalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            fdalpha = fdalpha - frames;
            if (fdalpha < 0) fdalpha = 0;
            if (fdalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Duck peek assist"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Auto peek")) {
            apalpha = Math.min(apalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            apalpha = apalpha - frames;
            if (apalpha < 0) apalpha = 0;
            if (apalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Auto peek"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter")) {
            aialpha = Math.min(aialpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            aialpha = aialpha - frames;
            if (aialpha < 0) aialpha = 0;
            if (aialpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Anti-aim inverter"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter")) {
            aialpha = Math.min(aialpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            aialpha = aialpha - frames;
            if (aialpha < 0) aialpha = 0;
            if (aialpha == 0) {

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force safe point")) {
            spalpha = Math.min(spalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            spalpha = spalpha - frames;
            if (spalpha < 0) spalpha = 0;
            if (spalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Safe point override"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force body aim")) {
            fbalpha = Math.min(fbalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            fbalpha = fbalpha - frames;
            if (fbalpha < 0) fbalpha = 0;
            if (fbalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Force body aim"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Doubletap")) {
            dtalpha = Math.min(dtalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            dtalpha = dtalpha - frames;
            if (dtalpha < 0) dtalpha = 0;
            if (dtalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Double tap"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots")) {
            hsalpha = Math.min(hsalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            hsalpha = hsalpha - frames;
            if (hsalpha < 0) hsalpha = 0;
            if (hsalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Hide shots"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Heavy Pistol Override") || !UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Scout Override") || !UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "AWP Override") || !UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Auto Override")) {
            doalpha = Math.min(doalpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            doalpha = doalpha - frames;
            if (doalpha < 0) doalpha = 0;
            if (doalpha == 0) {
                h.splice(h.indexOf("Damage override"));

        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Slow walk")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Slow walk") == -1)
                h.push("Slow walk")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Duck peek assist") == -1)
                h.push("Duck peek assist")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Auto peek")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Auto peek") == -1)
                h.push("Auto peek")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Anti-aim inverter") == -1)
                h.push("Anti-aim inverter")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force safe point")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Safe point override") == -1)
                h.push("Safe point override")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force body aim")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Force body aim") == -1)
                h.push("Force body aim")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Doubletap")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Double tap") == -1)
                h.push("Double tap")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Hide shots") == -1)
                h.push("Hide shots")
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Scout Override")) {
            if (h.indexOf("Damage override") == -1)
                h.push("Damage override")

        if (h.length > 0) {
            alpha = Math.min(alpha + frames, 1);
        } else {
            alpha = alpha - frames;
            if (alpha < 0) alpha = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < h.length; i++) {
            if (Render.TextSizeCustom(h[i], font)[0] > maxwidth) {
                maxwidth = Render.TextSizeCustom(h[i], font)[0];
        if (maxwidth == 0) maxwidth = 50;
        width = width + maxwidth;
        if (alpha > 0) {
                Render.GradientRect( x - 3, y + 3, 80, 2, 1, [ colorhotkeys[0], colorhotkeys[1], colorhotkeys[2], 0 ], [ colorhotkeys[0], colorhotkeys[1], colorhotkeys[2], 255 ]);
                Render.GradientRect( x + 77, y + 3, width - 75, 2, 1, [ colorhotkeys[0], colorhotkeys[1], colorhotkeys[2], 255 ], [ colorhotkeys[0], colorhotkeys[1], colorhotkeys[2], 0 ]);
                Render.FilledRect(x, y + 5, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, colorhotkeys1[3] ]);
                Render.StringCustom(x + width / 2 - (Render.TextSizeCustom("keybinds", font)[0] / 2) + 2, y + 9, 0, "keybinds", [0, 0, 0, alpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                Render.StringCustom(x + width / 2 - (Render.TextSizeCustom("keybinds", font)[0] / 2) + 1, y + 8, 0, "keybinds", [255, 255, 255, alpha * 255], font);
                //Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23, width, 18 * h.length, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], alpha * 255)]);
                for (i = 0; i < h.length; i++) {
                    switch (h[i]) {
                        case 'Slow walk':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(swalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, swalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, swalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [0, 0, 0, swalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [255, 255, 255, swalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Duck peek assist':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(fdalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, fdalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, fdalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [0, 0, 0, fdalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [255, 255, 255, fdalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Auto peek':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(apalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, apalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, apalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [0, 0, 0, apalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [255, 255, 255, apalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Anti-aim inverter':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(aialpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, aialpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, aialpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [0, 0, 0, aialpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [255, 255, 255, aialpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Safe point override':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(spalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, spalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, spalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [0, 0, 0, spalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [255, 255, 255, spalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Force body aim':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(fbalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, fbalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, fbalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [0, 0, 0, fbalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [255, 255, 255, fbalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Double tap':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(dtalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, dtalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, dtalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [0, 0, 0, dtalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [255, 255, 255, dtalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Hide shots':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(hsalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, hsalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, hsalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [0, 0, 0, hsalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[toggled]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[toggled]", [255, 255, 255, hsalpha * 255], font);
                        case 'Damage override':
                            Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(doalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, doalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, doalpha * 255], font);

                            Render.StringCustom(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [0, 0, 0, doalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
                            Render.StringCustom(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSizeCustom("[holding]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[holding]", [255, 255, 255, doalpha * 255], font);

        if (Global.IsKeyPressed(1) && UI.IsMenuOpen()) {
            var mouse_pos1 = Global.GetCursorPosition();
            if (in_bounds(mouse_pos1, x, y, x + width, y + 30)) {
                UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_x", mouse_pos1[0] - width / 2);
                UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys_y", mouse_pos1[1] - 20);
Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "main_hotkeys");

function menu_ht()
   enabled = UI.GetValue( "Hotkeys");
   UI.SetEnabled( "Hotkeys_x", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Hotkeys_y", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Hotkeys color", enabled);
   UI.SetEnabled( "Hotkeys topbar alpha", enabled);
function menu_htcheck() {
    if (UI.IsMenuOpen()) {

Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "menu_htcheck");
UI.AddLabel("                >Misc<      ")
UI.AddSliderFloat("Aspect ratio", 0, 5);
function on_cm(){ 
if(Convar.GetFloat("r_aspectratio") != UI.GetValue("Script items", "Aspect ratio")){
   Convar.SetFloat("r_aspectratio", UI.GetValue("Script items", "Aspect ratio"))

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "on_cm")
var clock = 0
function createmove()
    clock = clock + 0.5
    if (clock > 1)
        if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Slide walk"))
            UI.SetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Slide walk", 0);
            clock = 0
            UI.SetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Slide walk", 1);
            clock = 0
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "createmove")
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