Автор темы
- #1

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Трейлер / Trailer:
Быстрая, плавная и веселая система передвижения персонажей.
Данный набор состоит из Character Blueprint в шаблоне персонажа от первого лица, который реализует механику движений, основанную на опыте из современных игр от первого лица. Персонаж может: прыгать, приседать, бежать, скользить, бегать по стенам и прятать оружие. Каждая из функций легко изменяется и отключается.
What can you do with it?
- Use it as a base template for your own character.
- Add code from the Blueprint to another character, re-implementing some or all features of Fast Movement System in your own project.
- Have fun with provided character on a showcase map - which is already entertaining!
There is also a map designed to show the capabilities of Fast Movement System.
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August 21 2019 - Release, 4.22 only.
September 6 2019 - 4.23 version added.
Технические детали / Technical Details:
- Walking
- Jumping - double jump by default - you can change how many jumps can your character do in the row!
- Crouching
- Running
- Wall Running
- Wall Jumping
- Wall Climbing
- Sliding (on flat surfaces, uphills and downhills).
- Weapon Holstering
- Everything is commented, exposed and easily customizable.
- When moving this character to another project, remember to setup inputs correctly!
- 4 Blueprints
- One enumerator
- A showcase map
- A bunch of free placeholder Epic assets.
- Keyboard
- Gamepad can be easily configured in Project Settings (if needed, just ask for it and I will add it myself).
- No (but can be added in the future if there will be demand for it)
- Tested on Windows, should work on every platform.
- Tested on Windows, should work on every platform.
- Most of it has been thoroughly commented and categorized, so there should be no need for additional documentation.
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