Автор темы
- #1
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Yeah! Shit-code for 3k lines > create 2 files !
bIg iQ
bIg iQ
UI.AddSliderInt('', -1, 0);
UI.AddLabel(' Visuals CFG ');
UI.AddSliderInt('', -1, 0);
UI.AddLabel(' ESP ');
const global_print = Global.Print,
global_print_chat = Global.PrintChat,
global_print_color = Global.PrintColor,
global_register_callback = Global.RegisterCallback,
global_execute_command = Global.ExecuteCommand,
global_frame_stage = Global.FrameStage,
global_tickcount = Global.Tickcount,
global_tickrate = Global.Tickrate,
global_tick_interval = Global.TickInterval,
global_curtime = Global.Curtime,
global_realtime = Global.Realtime,
global_frametime = Global.Frametime,
global_latency = Global.Latency,
global_get_view_angles = Global.GetViewAngles,
global_set_view_angles = Global.SetViewAngles,
global_get_map_name = Global.GetMapName,
global_is_key_pressed = Global.IsKeyPressed,
global_get_screen_size = Global.GetScreenSize,
global_get_cursor_position = Global.GetCursorPosition,
global_play_sound = Global.PlaySound,
global_play_microphone = Global.PlayMicrophone,
global_stop_microphone = Global.StopMicrophone,
global_get_username = Global.GetUsername,
global_set_clan_tag = Global.SetClanTag,
globals_tickcount = Globals.Tickcount,
globals_tickrate = Globals.Tickrate,
globals_tick_interval = Globals.TickInterval,
globals_curtime = Globals.Curtime,
globals_realtime = Globals.Realtime,
globals_frametime = Globals.Frametime,
sound_play = Sound.Play,
sound_play_microphone = Sound.PlayMicrophone,
sound_stop_microphone = Sound.StopMicrophone,
cheat_get_username = Cheat.GetUsername,
cheat_register_callback = cheat_register_callback = new Proxy(Cheat.RegisterCallback, {
apply: function (_0x48e4x8f, _0x48e4x8f, _0x48e4x90) {
switch (_0x48e4x90[0]) {
case 'paint':
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', _0x48e4x90[1]);
case 'create_move':
Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', _0x48e4x90[1]);
case 'fsn':
Cheat.RegisterCallback('FrameStageNotify', _0x48e4x90[1]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x48e4x90[0], _0x48e4x90[1]);
cheat_execute_command = Cheat.ExecuteCommand,
cheat_frame_stage = Cheat.FrameStage,
cheat_print = Cheat.Print,
cheat_print_chat = Cheat.PrintChat,
cheat_print_color = Cheat.PrintColor,
local_latency = Local.Latency,
local_get_view_angles = Local.GetViewAngles,
local_set_view_angles = Local.SetViewAngles,
local_set_clan_tag = Local.SetClanTag,
local_get_real_yaw = Local.GetRealYaw,
local_get_fake_yaw = Local.GetFakeYaw,
local_get_spread = Local.GetSpread,
local_get_inaccuracy = Local.GetInaccuracy,
world_get_map_name = World.GetMapName,
world_get_server_string = World.GetServerString,
input_get_cursor_position = Input.GetCursorPosition,
input_is_key_pressed = Input.IsKeyPressed,
render_string = Render.String,
render_text_size = Render.TextSize,
render_line = Render.Line,
render_rect = Render.Rect,
render_filled_rect = Render.FilledRect,
render_gradient_rect = Render.GradientRect,
render_circle = Render.Circle,
render_filled_circle = Render.FilledCircle,
render_polygon = Render.Polygon,
render_world_to_screen = Render.WorldToScreen,
render_add_font = Render.AddFont,
render_find_font = Render.FindFont,
render_string_custom = Render.StringCustom,
render_textured_rect = Render.TexturedRect,
render_add_texture = Render.AddTexture,
render_text_size_custom = Render.TextSizeCustom,
render_get_screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize,
ui_get_value = UI.GetValue,
ui_set_value = UI.SetValue,
ui_add_checkbox = UI.AddCheckbox,
ui_add_slider_int = UI.AddSliderInt,
ui_add_slider_float = UI.AddSliderFloat,
ui_add_hotkey = UI.AddHotkey,
ui_add_label = UI.AddLabel,
ui_add_dropdown = UI.AddDropdown,
ui_add_multi_dropdown = UI.AddMultiDropdown,
ui_add_color_picker = UI.AddColorPicker,
ui_add_textbox = UI.AddTextbox,
ui_set_enabled = UI.SetEnabled,
ui_get_string = UI.GetString,
ui_get_color = UI.GetColor,
ui_set_color = UI.SetColor,
ui_is_hotkey_active = UI.IsHotkeyActive,
ui_toggle_hotkey = UI.ToggleHotkey,
ui_is_menu_open = UI.IsMenuOpen,
convar_get_int = Convar.GetInt,
convar_set_int = Convar.SetInt,
convar_get_float = Convar.GetFloat,
convar_set_float = Convar.SetFloat,
convar_get_string = Convar.GetString,
convar_set_string = Convar.SetString,
event_get_int = Event.GetInt,
event_get_float = Event.GetFloat,
event_get_string = Event.GetString,
entity_get_entities = Entity.GetEntities,
entity_get_entities_by_class_i_d = Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID,
entity_get_players = Entity.GetPlayers,
entity_get_enemies = Entity.GetEnemies,
entity_get_teammates = Entity.GetTeammates,
entity_get_local_player = Entity.GetLocalPlayer,
entity_get_game_rules_proxy = Entity.GetGameRulesProxy,
entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID,
entity_is_teammate = Entity.IsTeammate,
entity_is_enemy = Entity.IsEnemy,
entity_is_bot = Entity.IsBot,
entity_is_local_player = Entity.IsLocalPlayer,
entity_is_valid = Entity.IsValid,
entity_is_alive = Entity.IsAlive,
entity_is_dormant = Entity.IsDormant,
entity_get_class_i_d = Entity.GetClassID,
entity_get_class_name = Entity.GetClassName,
entity_get_name = Entity.GetName,
entity_get_weapon = Entity.GetWeapon,
entity_get_weapons = Entity.GetWeapons,
entity_get_render_origin = Entity.GetRenderOrigin,
entity_get_prop = Entity.GetProp,
entity_set_prop = Entity.SetProp,
entity_get_hitbox_position = Entity.GetHitboxPosition,
entity_get_eye_position = Entity.GetEyePosition,
trace_line = Trace.Line,
trace_bullet = Trace.Bullet,
usercmd_set_movement = UserCMD.SetMovement,
usercmd_get_movement = UserCMD.GetMovement,
usercmd_set_angles = UserCMD.SetAngles,
usercmd_force_jump = UserCMD.ForceJump,
usercmd_force_crouch = UserCMD.ForceCrouch,
antiaim_get_override = AntiAim.GetOverride,
antiaim_set_override = AntiAim.SetOverride,
antiaim_set_real_offset = AntiAim.SetRealOffset,
antiaim_set_fake_offset = AntiAim.SetFakeOffset,
antiaim_set_l_b_y_offset = AntiAim.SetLBYOffset,
exploit_get_charge = Exploit.GetCharge,
exploit_recharge = Exploit.Recharge,
exploit_disable_recharge = Exploit.DisableRecharge,
exploit_enable_recharge = Exploit.EnableRecharge,
ragebot_override_minimum_damage = Ragebot.OverrideMinimumDamage,
ragebot_override_hitchance = Ragebot.OverrideHitchance,
ragebot_override_accuracy_boost = Ragebot.OverrideAccuracyBoost,
ragebot_override_multipoint_scale = Ragebot.OverrideMultipointScale,
ragebot_force_safety = Ragebot.ForceSafety;
const weapon_info = {
"glock 18": {
clip: 20,
icon: 'd'
"p2000": {
clip: 13,
icon: 'o'
"dual berettas": {
clip: 30,
icon: 'b'
"p250": {
clip: 13,
icon: 'y'
"five seven": {
clip: 20,
icon: 'c'
"cz75 auto": {
clip: 12,
icon: 'Q'
"usp s": {
clip: 12,
icon: 'P'
"desert eagle": {
clip: 7,
icon: 'a'
"r8 revolver": {
clip: 8,
icon: 'R'
"tec 9": {
clip: 18,
icon: 'w'
"nova": {
clip: 8,
icon: 'B'
"xm1014": {
clip: 7,
icon: 'r'
"mag 7": {
clip: 5,
icon: 't'
"sawed off": {
clip: 7,
icon: 'v'
"negev": {
clip: 150,
icon: 'u'
"m249": {
clip: 100,
icon: 'i'
"mp9": {
clip: 30,
icon: 'A'
"mp7": {
clip: 30,
icon: 'z'
"mp5 sd": {
clip: 30,
icon: 'p'
"ump 45": {
clip: 25,
icon: 'q'
"p90": {
clip: 50,
icon: 'C'
"pp bizon": {
clip: 64,
icon: 's'
"mac 10": {
clip: 30,
icon: 'n'
"ak 47": {
clip: 30,
icon: 'e'
"m4a4": {
clip: 30,
icon: 'l'
"m4a1 s": {
clip: 25,
icon: 'm'
"famas": {
clip: 25,
icon: 'h'
"galil ar": {
clip: 35,
icon: 'k'
"aug": {
clip: 30,
icon: 'f'
"ssg 08": {
clip: 10,
icon: 'F'
"sg 553": {
clip: 30,
icon: 'E'
"awp": {
clip: 10,
icon: 'g'
"scar 20": {
clip: 20,
icon: 'D'
"g3sg1": {
clip: 20,
icon: 'j'
"high explosive grenade": {
clip: -1,
icon: 'I'
"smoke grenade": {
clip: -1,
icon: 'J'
"flashbang": {
clip: -1,
icon: 'H'
"decoy grenade": {
clip: -1,
icon: 'L'
"molotov": {
clip: -1,
icon: 'K'
"incendiary grenade": {
clip: -1,
icon: 'M'
"zeus x27": {
clip: 1,
icon: 'x'
"c4 explosive": {
clip: -1,
icon: 'N'
"m9 bayonet": {
clip: -1,
icon: 'Z'
"bayonet": {
clip: -1,
icon: 'V'
"flip knife": {
clip: -1,
icon: 'W'
"gut knife": {
clip: -1,
icon: 'X'
"karambit": {
clip: -1,
icon: 'Y'
"butterfly knife": {
clip: -1,
icon: '3'
"falchion knife": {
clip: -1,
icon: '1'
"navaja knife": {
clip: -1,
icon: '6'
"shadow daggers": {
clip: -1,
icon: '4'
"stiletto knife": {
clip: -1,
icon: '7'
"bowie knife": {
clip: -1,
icon: '2'
"huntsman knife": {
clip: -1,
icon: '0'
"talon knife": {
clip: -1,
icon: '8'
"ursus knife": {
clip: -1,
icon: '5'
"classic knife": {
clip: -1,
icon: 'G'
"paracord knife": {
clip: -1,
icon: 'G'
"survival knife": {
clip: -1,
icon: 'G'
"nomad knife": {
clip: -1,
icon: 'G'
"skeleton knife": {
clip: -1,
icon: 'G'
"knife": {
clip: -1,
icon: 'G'
var menu_elements_t = [];
var menu = [];
const menu_spacer = ' ';
menu.label = function (_0x48e4x95) {
menu.call = function (_0x48e4x96, name, _0x48e4x95, _0x48e4x98) {
if (_0x48e4x95 in menu_elements_t) {
throw new Error('[Menu] The label must be unique!')
const _0x48e4x99 = name + menu_spacer + _0x48e4x95;
var _0x48e4x9a = [_0x48e4x99];
const _0x48e4x9b = {
name: name,
label: _0x48e4x95,
properties: _0x48e4x98
if (_0x48e4x98 !== null) {
for (var _0x48e4x9c = 0; _0x48e4x9c < _0x48e4x98.length; _0x48e4x9c++) {
_0x48e4x96.apply(null, _0x48e4x9a);
menu_elements_t[_0x48e4x95] = _0x48e4x9b;
return _0x48e4x95
menu.get = function (_0x48e4x95) {
if (!(_0x48e4x95 in menu_elements_t)) {
throw new Error("[Menu] This element's label doesn't exist!")
const _0x48e4x98 = menu_elements_t[_0x48e4x95];
const _0x48e4x99 = _0x48e4x98.name + menu_spacer + _0x48e4x98.label;
return UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', _0x48e4x99)
menu.get_hotkey = function (_0x48e4x95) {
if (!(_0x48e4x95 in menu_elements_t)) {
throw new Error("[Menu] This element's label doesn't exist!")
const _0x48e4x98 = menu_elements_t[_0x48e4x95];
const _0x48e4x99 = _0x48e4x98.name + menu_spacer + _0x48e4x98.label;
return UI.IsHotkeyActive('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', _0x48e4x99)
menu.get_color = function (_0x48e4x95) {
if (!(_0x48e4x95 in menu_elements_t)) {
throw new Error("[Menu] This element's label doesn't exist!")
const _0x48e4x98 = menu_elements_t[_0x48e4x95];
const _0x48e4x99 = _0x48e4x98.name + menu_spacer + _0x48e4x98.label;
return UI.GetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', _0x48e4x99)
menu.set = function (_0x48e4x95, _0x48e4x9d) {
if (!(_0x48e4x95 in menu_elements_t)) {
throw new Error("[Menu] This element's label doesn't exist!")
const _0x48e4x98 = menu_elements_t[_0x48e4x95];
const _0x48e4x99 = _0x48e4x98.name + menu_spacer + _0x48e4x98.label;
UI.SetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', _0x48e4x99, _0x48e4x9d)
menu.set_color = function (_0x48e4x95, color) {
if (!(_0x48e4x95 in menu_elements_t)) {
throw new Error("[Menu] This element's label doesn't exist!")
const _0x48e4x98 = menu_elements_t[_0x48e4x95];
const _0x48e4x99 = _0x48e4x98.name + menu_spacer + _0x48e4x98.label;
UI.SetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', _0x48e4x99, color)
menu.visibility = function (_0x48e4x95, _0x48e4x9f) {
if (!(_0x48e4x95 in menu_elements_t)) {
throw new Error("[Menu] This element's label doesn't exist!")
const _0x48e4x98 = menu_elements_t[_0x48e4x95];
const _0x48e4x99 = _0x48e4x98.name + menu_spacer + _0x48e4x98.label;
UI.SetEnabled('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', _0x48e4x99, _0x48e4x9f)
function vec(_0x48e4xa1) {
const _0x48e4xa2 = {
x: _0x48e4xa1[0] || 0,
y: _0x48e4xa1[1] || 0,
z: _0x48e4xa1[2] || 0
return _0x48e4xa2
function vec_add(_0x48e4xa4, _0x48e4xa5) {
return {
x: _0x48e4xa4.x + _0x48e4xa5.x,
y: _0x48e4xa4.y + _0x48e4xa5.y,
z: _0x48e4xa4.z + _0x48e4xa5.z
function box(_0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8, _0x48e4xa9, _0x48e4xaa) {
const _0x48e4xab = {
x: _0x48e4xa7,
y: _0x48e4xa8,
x2: _0x48e4xa9,
y2: _0x48e4xaa,
w: _0x48e4xa9 - _0x48e4xa7,
h: _0x48e4xaa - _0x48e4xa8
return _0x48e4xab
function entity_get_box(_0x48e4xad, _0x48e4xae) {
const _0x48e4xaf = vec(entity_get_render_origin(_0x48e4xad));
const _0x48e4xb0 = vec_add(vec(entity_get_prop(_0x48e4xad, 'CBaseEntity', 'm_vecMins')), _0x48e4xaf);
const _0x48e4xb1 = vec_add(vec(entity_get_prop(_0x48e4xad, 'CBaseEntity', 'm_vecMaxs')), _0x48e4xaf);
const _0x48e4xb2 = [render_world_to_screen([_0x48e4xb0.x - _0x48e4xae, _0x48e4xb0.y - _0x48e4xae, _0x48e4xb0.z - _0x48e4xae]), render_world_to_screen([_0x48e4xb0.x - _0x48e4xae, _0x48e4xb1.y + _0x48e4xae, _0x48e4xb0.z - _0x48e4xae]), render_world_to_screen([_0x48e4xb1.x + _0x48e4xae, _0x48e4xb1.y + _0x48e4xae, _0x48e4xb0.z - _0x48e4xae]), render_world_to_screen([_0x48e4xb1.x + _0x48e4xae, _0x48e4xb0.y - _0x48e4xae, _0x48e4xb0.z - _0x48e4xae]), render_world_to_screen([_0x48e4xb1.x + _0x48e4xae, _0x48e4xb1.y + _0x48e4xae, _0x48e4xb1.z + _0x48e4xae]), render_world_to_screen([_0x48e4xb0.x - _0x48e4xae, _0x48e4xb1.y + _0x48e4xae, _0x48e4xb1.z + _0x48e4xae]), render_world_to_screen([_0x48e4xb0.x - _0x48e4xae, _0x48e4xb0.y - _0x48e4xae, _0x48e4xb1.z + _0x48e4xae]), render_world_to_screen([_0x48e4xb1.x + _0x48e4xae, _0x48e4xb0.y - _0x48e4xae, _0x48e4xb1.z + _0x48e4xae])];
if (!_0x48e4xb2[0][0] || !_0x48e4xb2[0][1] || !_0x48e4xb2[1][0] || !_0x48e4xb2[1][1] || !_0x48e4xb2[2][0] || !_0x48e4xb2[2][1] || !_0x48e4xb2[3][0] || !_0x48e4xb2[3][1] || !_0x48e4xb2[4][0] || !_0x48e4xb2[4][1] || !_0x48e4xb2[5][0] || !_0x48e4xb2[5][1] || !_0x48e4xb2[6][0] || !_0x48e4xb2[6][1] || !_0x48e4xb2[7][0] || !_0x48e4xb2[7][1]) {
return null
var _0x48e4xb3, _0x48e4xb4, _0x48e4xb5, _0x48e4xb6;
_0x48e4xb3 = _0x48e4xb4 = _0x48e4xb2[3][0];
_0x48e4xb5 = _0x48e4xb6 = _0x48e4xb2[3][1];
for (var _0x48e4x9c = 0; _0x48e4x9c < _0x48e4xb2.length; _0x48e4x9c++) {
if (_0x48e4xb3 > _0x48e4xb2[_0x48e4x9c][0]) {
_0x48e4xb3 = _0x48e4xb2[_0x48e4x9c][0]
if (_0x48e4xb6 < _0x48e4xb2[_0x48e4x9c][1]) {
_0x48e4xb6 = _0x48e4xb2[_0x48e4x9c][1]
if (_0x48e4xb4 < _0x48e4xb2[_0x48e4x9c][0]) {
_0x48e4xb4 = _0x48e4xb2[_0x48e4x9c][0]
if (_0x48e4xb5 > _0x48e4xb2[_0x48e4x9c][1]) {
_0x48e4xb5 = _0x48e4xb2[_0x48e4x9c][1]
return box(_0x48e4xb3, _0x48e4xb5, _0x48e4xb4, _0x48e4xb6)
function render_string_custom_outline(_0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8, _0x48e4xb8, _0x48e4xb9, color, _0x48e4xba) {
render_string_custom(_0x48e4xa7 - 1, _0x48e4xa8 - 1, _0x48e4xb8, _0x48e4xb9, [15, 15, 15, color[3] * 0.25], _0x48e4xba);
render_string_custom(_0x48e4xa7 + 1, _0x48e4xa8 - 1, _0x48e4xb8, _0x48e4xb9, [15, 15, 15, color[3] * 0.25], _0x48e4xba);
render_string_custom(_0x48e4xa7 - 1, _0x48e4xa8 + 1, _0x48e4xb8, _0x48e4xb9, [15, 15, 15, color[3] * 0.25], _0x48e4xba);
render_string_custom(_0x48e4xa7 + 1, _0x48e4xa8 + 1, _0x48e4xb8, _0x48e4xb9, [15, 15, 15, color[3] * 0.25], _0x48e4xba);
render_string_custom(_0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8, _0x48e4xb8, _0x48e4xb9, color, _0x48e4xba)
function point_inside_screen(_0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8) {
const _0x48e4xbc = render_get_screen_size();
return _0x48e4xa7 > -_0x48e4xbc[0] * 0.5 && _0x48e4xa7 < _0x48e4xbc[0] * 1.5 && _0x48e4xa8 > 0 && _0x48e4xa8 < _0x48e4xbc[1]
function clamp(_0x48e4xbe, _0x48e4xbf, _0x48e4xc0) {
return Math.max(Math.min(_0x48e4xbe, _0x48e4xc0), _0x48e4xbf)
function render_outlined_rect(_0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8, _0x48e4xc2, h, color) {
render_rect(_0x48e4xa7 - 1, _0x48e4xa8 - 1, _0x48e4xc2 + 2, h + 2, [25, 25, 25, 75]);
render_rect(_0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8, _0x48e4xc2, h, color);
render_rect(_0x48e4xa7 + 1, _0x48e4xa8 + 1, _0x48e4xc2 - 2, h - 2, [25, 25, 25, 75])
function render_outlined_rect_override(_0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8, _0x48e4xc2, h, color) {
render_rect(_0x48e4xa7 - 1, _0x48e4xa8 + 2, _0x48e4xc2 + 2, h - 2, [25, 25, 25, 75]);
render_rect(_0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8, _0x48e4xc2, h, color)
const enable = menu.call(ui_add_checkbox, '[k] enable', 'kitkat_switch', null);
const bbox = menu.call(ui_add_dropdown, '[k] bounding box', 'kitkat_box', [
['Off', 'Normal', 'Cornered']
const bbox_color = menu.call(ui_add_color_picker, '[k] bounding box color', 'kitkat_box_color', null);
const bbox_gradient = menu.call(ui_add_checkbox, '[k] bounding box gradient', 'kitkat_box_grad', null);
const name = menu.call(ui_add_checkbox, '[k] name', 'kitkat_name', null);
const name_color = menu.call(ui_add_color_picker, '[k] name color', 'kitkat_name_color', null);
const health = menu.call(ui_add_checkbox, '[k] health bar', 'kitkat_health', null);
const weapon = menu.call(ui_add_multi_dropdown, '[k] weapon', 'kitkat_weapon', [
['Name', 'Icon']
const weapon_name_color = menu.call(ui_add_color_picker, '[k] weapon name color', 'kitkat_weapon_name_color', null);
const weapon_icon_color = menu.call(ui_add_color_picker, '[k] weapon icon color', 'kitkat_weapon_icon_color', null);
const ammo = menu.call(ui_add_checkbox, '[k] ammo', 'kitkat_ammo', null);
const ammo_color = menu.call(ui_add_color_picker, '[k] ammo color', 'kitkat_ammo_color', null);
const hitmarker = menu.call(ui_add_checkbox, '[k] screen hitmarker', 'kitkat_hitmarker', null);
var esp = {
hitmarker_alpha: 0,
health: []
esp.setup_colors = function () {
const _0x48e4xd2 = [
[bbox_color, [255, 255, 255, 200]],
[name_color, [255, 255, 255, 200]],
[weapon_name_color, [232, 232, 232, 200]],
[weapon_icon_color, [200, 200, 200, 200]],
[ammo_color, [65, 135, 245, 200]]
for (var _0x48e4x9c = 0; _0x48e4x9c < _0x48e4xd2.length; _0x48e4x9c++) {
const color = menu.get_color(_0x48e4xd2[_0x48e4x9c][0]);
const _0x48e4xd3 = _0x48e4xd2[_0x48e4x9c][1];
if (color[3] === 0) {
menu.set_color(_0x48e4xd2[_0x48e4x9c][0], _0x48e4xd3)
esp.box = function (_0x48e4xad, box) {
const color = menu.get_color(bbox_color);
const _0x48e4xd4 = menu.get(bbox) === 2;
if (point_inside_screen(box.x, 1) && point_inside_screen(box.x2, 1)) {
if (menu.get(bbox_gradient)) {
render_gradient_rect(box.x + 1, box.y + 1, box.w - 2, box.h - 2, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0], color)
if (_0x48e4xd4) {
const _0x48e4xd5 = box.w / 4,
_0x48e4xd6 = box.h / 4;
render_line(box.x, box.y, box.x + _0x48e4xd5, box.y, color);
render_line(box.x + _0x48e4xd5 * 3, box.y, box.x + _0x48e4xd5 * 4, box.y, color);
render_line(box.x, box.y2, box.x + _0x48e4xd5, box.y2, color);
render_line(box.x + _0x48e4xd5 * 3, box.y2, box.x + _0x48e4xd5 * 4, box.y2, color);
render_line(box.x, box.y, box.x, box.y + _0x48e4xd6, color);
render_line(box.x, box.y + _0x48e4xd6 * 3, box.x, box.y + _0x48e4xd6 * 4, color);
render_line(box.x2, box.y, box.x2, box.y + _0x48e4xd6, color);
render_line(box.x2, box.y + _0x48e4xd6 * 3, box.x2, box.y + _0x48e4xd6 * 4, color);
render_outlined_rect(box.x, box.y, box.w, box.h, color)
esp.name = function (_0x48e4xad, box, _0x48e4xba) {
const name = entity_get_name(_0x48e4xad);
const color = menu.get_color(name_color);
render_string_custom_outline(box.x + (box.w / 2), box.y - 14, 1, name, color, _0x48e4xba)
esp.health = function (_0x48e4xad, box, _0x48e4xba) {
const health = entity_get_prop(_0x48e4xad, 'CBasePlayer', 'm_iHealth');
const _0x48e4xd7 = this.health[_0x48e4xad];
const color = [255 - health * 2.55, health * 2.55, 0, 225];
if (!this.health[_0x48e4xad]) {
this.health[_0x48e4xad] = health
const _0x48e4xd8 = 2 * globals_frametime() * 100;
if (_0x48e4xd7 < health) {
this.health[_0x48e4xad] = clamp(this.health[_0x48e4xad] + _0x48e4xd8, 0, health);
const color = [255 - health * 2.55, health * 2.55, 0, 225]
if (_0x48e4xd7 > health) {
this.health[_0x48e4xad] = clamp(this.health[_0x48e4xad] - _0x48e4xd8, health, 100)
if (health < 4) {
render_string_custom_outline(box.x + (box.w / 2), box.y - 24, 1, 'low health', [65, 135, 245, 200], _0x48e4xba)
render_string_custom_outline(box.x - 22, box.y, 0, health.toString(), [0, 255, 0, 225], _0x48e4xba);
render_filled_rect(box.x - 6, box.y - 1, 4, box.h + 2, [25, 25, 25, 75]);
render_filled_rect(box.x - 5, box.y + (box.h) - (box.h) * _0x48e4xd7 / 100, 2, (box.h) * _0x48e4xd7 / 100, color)
esp.weapon = function (box, _0x48e4xd9, _0x48e4xba) {
const name = entity_get_name(_0x48e4xd9);
const _0x48e4x9d = menu.get(weapon);
const _0x48e4xd8 = menu.get(ammo) ? 0 : -6;
if (_0x48e4x9d & (1 << 0)) {
const name_color = menu.get_color(weapon_name_color);
render_string_custom_outline(box.x + (box.w / 2), box.y + box.h + (_0x48e4x9d & (1 << 1) ? 22 : 8) + _0x48e4xd8, 1, name.toUpperCase(), name_color, _0x48e4xba)
if (_0x48e4x9d & (1 << 1)) {
const _0x48e4xda = menu.get_color(weapon_icon_color);
render_string(box.x + (box.w / 2), box.y + box.h + 8 + _0x48e4xd8, 1, weapon_info[name].icon, _0x48e4xda, 6)
esp.ammo = function (box, _0x48e4xd9) {
var ammo = entity_get_prop(_0x48e4xd9, 'CBaseCombatWeapon', 'm_iClip1');
var _0x48e4xdb = weapon_info[entity_get_name(_0x48e4xd9)].clip;
const color = menu.get_color(ammo_color);
if (_0x48e4xdb < 0) {
_0x48e4xdb = ammo = 1
render_filled_rect(box.x, box.y + box.h + 2, box.w, 4, [25, 25, 25, 125]);
render_filled_rect(box.x + 1, box.y + box.h + 3, (box.w - 2) * ammo / _0x48e4xdb, 2, color)
esp.hitmarker = function () {
if (this.hitmarker_alpha === 0) {
const _0x48e4xa7 = render_get_screen_size()[0],
_0x48e4xa8 = render_get_screen_size()[1];
const _0x48e4xd8 = globals_frametime() * 255;
this.hitmarker_alpha = clamp(this.hitmarker_alpha - _0x48e4xd8, 0, 255);
render_line(_0x48e4xa7 / 2 - 10, _0x48e4xa8 / 2 - 10, _0x48e4xa7 / 2 - 5, _0x48e4xa8 / 2 - 5, [225, 225, 225, this.hitmarker_alpha]);
render_line(_0x48e4xa7 / 2 - 10, _0x48e4xa8 / 2 + 10, _0x48e4xa7 / 2 - 5, _0x48e4xa8 / 2 + 5, [225, 225, 225, this.hitmarker_alpha]);
render_line(_0x48e4xa7 / 2 + 5, _0x48e4xa8 / 2 - 5, _0x48e4xa7 / 2 + 10, _0x48e4xa8 / 2 - 10, [225, 225, 225, this.hitmarker_alpha]);
render_line(_0x48e4xa7 / 2 + 5, _0x48e4xa8 / 2 + 5, _0x48e4xa7 / 2 + 10, _0x48e4xa8 / 2 + 10, [225, 225, 225, this.hitmarker_alpha])
esp.handle_damage = function () {
const _0x48e4xdc = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int('attacker'));
const _0x48e4xdd = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int('userid'));
const _0x48e4xde = entity_get_local_player();
if (_0x48e4xdc == _0x48e4xde && _0x48e4xdd !== _0x48e4xde) {
this.hitmarker_alpha = 255
var fps = 0;
var last_update = 0;
esp.watermark = function (_0x48e4xba) {
const username = cheat_get_username();
const _0x48e4xe2 = local_latency();
const _0x48e4xe3 = globals_curtime();
if (_0x48e4xe3 - last_update > 1) {
fps = 1 / globals_frametime();
last_update = _0x48e4xe3
const _0x48e4xb9 = '';
const _0x48e4xa7 = render_get_screen_size()[0];
const _0x48e4xe4 = render_text_size_custom(_0x48e4xb9, _0x48e4xba)[0];
render_rect(_0x48e4xa7 - 0 - _0x48e4xe4, 0, _0x48e4xe4 + 0, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0]);
render_filled_rect(_0x48e4xa7 - 0 - _0x48e4xe4, 0, 0, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0]);
render_filled_rect(_0x48e4xa7 - 0 - _0x48e4xe4, 0, _0x48e4xe4 + 19, 25, [0, 0, 0, 0]);
render_string_custom(_0x48e4xa7 - 0 - _0x48e4xe4, 0, 0, _0x48e4xb9, [0, 0, 0, 0], _0x48e4xba)
esp.do = function () {
const _0x48e4xe5 = entity_get_enemies();
const _0x48e4xe6 = {
watermark: render_add_font('Segoe UI', 0, 0),
name: render_add_font('MuseoSansCyrl-900', 7, 400),
hp: render_add_font('MuseoSansCyrl-900', 6, 200),
weapon: render_add_font('MuseoSansCyrl-900', 6, 250)
if (menu.get(hitmarker)) {
for (var _0x48e4x9c = 0; _0x48e4x9c < _0x48e4xe5.length; _0x48e4x9c++) {
const _0x48e4xad = _0x48e4xe5[_0x48e4x9c];
if (_0x48e4xad && entity_is_alive(_0x48e4xad) && !entity_is_dormant(_0x48e4xad)) {
const box = entity_get_box(_0x48e4xad, 0);
const _0x48e4xd9 = entity_get_weapon(_0x48e4xad);
if (point_inside_screen(box.x, box.y) && point_inside_screen(box.x2, 1)) {
if (menu.get(bbox)) {
esp.box(_0x48e4xad, box)
if (menu.get(name)) {
esp.name(_0x48e4xad, box, _0x48e4xe6.name)
if (menu.get(health)) {
esp.health(_0x48e4xad, box, _0x48e4xe6.hp)
if (menu.get(ammo)) {
esp.ammo(box, _0x48e4xd9)
if (menu.get(weapon)) {
esp.weapon(box, _0x48e4xd9, _0x48e4xe6.weapon)
function on_frame_render() {
function on_player_hurt() {
cheat_register_callback('paint', 'on_frame_render');
cheat_register_callback('player_hurt', 'on_player_hurt');
UI.AddLabel(' Chams ');
var materials = [];
function createMat(name) {
UI.AddColorPicker(name + ' chams');
var _0x48e4xeb = ['Hollow', 'Pulse', 'Rainbow', 'Wireframe'];
UI.AddMultiDropdown(name + ' options', _0x48e4xeb);
UI.AddSliderFloat('Vibrancy ' + name.toLowerCase(), 0, 10);
Material.Create(name + ' chams');
materials.push([name, name + ' chams', name + ' options', 'Vibrancy ' + name.toLowerCase()])
function HSVtoRGB(h, _0x48e4xed, _0x48e4xbe) {
var _0x48e4xee, _0x48e4xef, _0x48e4xf0, _0x48e4x9c, _0x48e4xf1, _0x48e4xf2, _0x48e4xf3, _0x48e4xf4;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
_0x48e4xed = h.s, _0x48e4xbe = h.v, h = h.h
_0x48e4x9c = Math.floor(h * 6);
_0x48e4xf1 = h * 6 - _0x48e4x9c;
_0x48e4xf2 = _0x48e4xbe * (1 - _0x48e4xed);
_0x48e4xf3 = _0x48e4xbe * (1 - _0x48e4xf1 * _0x48e4xed);
_0x48e4xf4 = _0x48e4xbe * (1 - (1 - _0x48e4xf1) * _0x48e4xed);
switch (_0x48e4x9c % 6) {
case 0:
_0x48e4xee = _0x48e4xbe, _0x48e4xef = _0x48e4xf4, _0x48e4xf0 = _0x48e4xf2;
case 1:
_0x48e4xee = _0x48e4xf3, _0x48e4xef = _0x48e4xbe, _0x48e4xf0 = _0x48e4xf2;
case 2:
_0x48e4xee = _0x48e4xf2, _0x48e4xef = _0x48e4xbe, _0x48e4xf0 = _0x48e4xf4;
case 3:
_0x48e4xee = _0x48e4xf2, _0x48e4xef = _0x48e4xf3, _0x48e4xf0 = _0x48e4xbe;
case 4:
_0x48e4xee = _0x48e4xf4, _0x48e4xef = _0x48e4xf2, _0x48e4xf0 = _0x48e4xbe;
case 5:
_0x48e4xee = _0x48e4xbe, _0x48e4xef = _0x48e4xf2, _0x48e4xf0 = _0x48e4xf3;
return [Math.round(_0x48e4xee * 255), Math.round(_0x48e4xef * 255), Math.round(_0x48e4xf0 * 255), 255]
function materialUpdate() {
for (i in materials) {
var _0x48e4xf6 = materials[i];
var _0x48e4xf7 = Material.Get(_0x48e4xf6[0] + ' chams');
if (_0x48e4xf7 > 0) {
Material.SetKeyValue(_0x48e4xf7, '$baseTexture', 'vgui/white');
var _0x48e4xf8 = UI.GetValue('Script items', _0x48e4xf6[2]) & 1;
if (i == 1) {
Cheat.Print(UI.GetValue('Script items', _0x48e4xf6[2]) + `\
Material.SetKeyValue(_0x48e4xf7, '$additive', _0x48e4xf8 ? '1' : '0');
Material.SetKeyValue(_0x48e4xf7, '$envmap', 'models/effects/cube_white');
Material.SetKeyValue(_0x48e4xf7, '$envmapfresnel', '1');
var _0x48e4xf9 = UI.GetColor('Script items', _0x48e4xf6[0] + ' chams');
var _0x48e4xfa = UI.GetValue('Script items', _0x48e4xf6[2]) & 2;
var _0x48e4xfb = UI.GetValue('Script items', _0x48e4xf6[2]) & 4;
if (_0x48e4xfb) {
_0x48e4xf9 = HSVtoRGB(Globals.Realtime() / 5 % 1, 1, 1);
_0x48e4xf9[0] /= 10;
_0x48e4xf9[1] /= 10;
_0x48e4xf9[2] /= 10
if (_0x48e4xfa) {
var _0x48e4xfc = 7;
var _0x48e4xf8 = 5;
var _0x48e4xfd = 0.6;
var _0x48e4xfe = (Math.sin(Globals.Realtime() * 7) + 5) * _0x48e4xfd;
_0x48e4xf9[0] *= _0x48e4xfe;
_0x48e4xf9[1] *= _0x48e4xfe;
_0x48e4xf9[2] *= _0x48e4xfe
var _0x48e4xff = UI.GetValue('Script items', _0x48e4xf6[2]) & 8;
Material.SetKeyValue(_0x48e4xf7, '$wireframe', _0x48e4xff ? '1' : '0');
var _0x48e4x100 = UI.GetValue('Script items', _0x48e4xf6[3]);
Material.SetKeyValue(_0x48e4xf7, '$envmapfresnelminmaxexp', '[0 ' + (11 - _0x48e4x100) + ' ' + ((11 - _0x48e4x100) * 2) + ']');
Material.SetKeyValue(_0x48e4xf7, '$envmaptint', '[' + _0x48e4xf9[0] / 255 + ' ' + _0x48e4xf9[1] / 255 + ' ' + _0x48e4xf9[2] / 255 + ']');
Material.SetKeyValue(_0x48e4xf7, '$alpha', _0x48e4xf9[3] / 255 + '');
createMat('Better glow');
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Material', 'materialUpdate');
function onUnload() {
for (i in materials) {
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Unload', 'onUnload');
UI.AddLabel(' BLOOM ');
var props = false;
var tonemapClass = 'CEnvTonemapController';
function getValue(name) {
var _0x48e4x9d = UI.GetValue('Script items', name);
return _0x48e4x9d
function getColor(name) {
var _0x48e4x9d = UI.GetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', name);
return _0x48e4x9d
function onRender() {
if (!Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) {
var _0x48e4x107 = Entity.GetEntities();
for (var _0x48e4x9c = 0; _0x48e4x9c < _0x48e4x107.length; _0x48e4x9c++) {
var _0x48e4x108 = _0x48e4x107[_0x48e4x9c];
var name = Entity.GetClassName(_0x48e4x108);
if (name !== tonemapClass) {
if (!props) {
Entity.SetProp(_0x48e4x108, tonemapClass, 'm_bUseCustomAutoExposureMin', true);
Entity.SetProp(_0x48e4x108, tonemapClass, 'm_bUseCustomAutoExposureMax', true);
Entity.SetProp(_0x48e4x108, tonemapClass, 'm_bUseCustomBloomScale', true);
props = true
if (props) {
var _0x48e4x9d = getValue('world bloom') / 10;
Entity.SetProp(_0x48e4x108, tonemapClass, 'm_flCustomAutoExposureMin', _0x48e4x9d);
Entity.SetProp(_0x48e4x108, tonemapClass, 'm_flCustomAutoExposureMax', _0x48e4x9d);
Entity.SetProp(_0x48e4x108, tonemapClass, 'm_flCustomBloomScale', getValue('bloom') / 10)
Convar.SetFloat('r_modelAmbientMin', getValue('model bloom') / 10)
function init() {
UI.AddSliderFloat('world bloom', 0.0, 100.0);
UI.AddSliderFloat('model bloom', 0.0, 100.0);
UI.AddSliderFloat('bloom', 0.0, 100.0);
UI.SetValue('Misc', 'GENERAL', 'Hidden cvars', true);
UI.SetValue('Misc', 'PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION', 'Disable post processing', false);
Global.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'onRender')
UI.AddLabel(' Aspect Ratio ');
UI.AddSliderFloat('Aspect Ratio', 1.0, 2.0);
var aspect_cache = 0;
function aspect() {
var _0x48e4x10c = UI.GetValue('Aspect Ratio');
if (aspect_cache != _0x48e4x10c) {
aspect_cache = _0x48e4x10c;
UI.SetValue('Misc', 'GENERAL', 'Miscellaneous', 'Hidden cvars', 1);
Global.ExecuteCommand('r_aspectratio ' + _0x48e4x10c)
Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'aspect');
UI.AddLabel(' Other ');
UI.AddCheckbox('Mute All');
function hide() {
var _0x48e4x10e = UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Mute All');
if (_0x48e4x10e) {
Cheat.ExecuteCommand('cl_chatfilters 0');
Cheat.ExecuteCommand('cl_mute_all_but_friends_and_party 1');
Cheat.ExecuteCommand('cl_mute_enemy_team 1');
Cheat.ExecuteCommand('tv_nochat 1')
} else {
Cheat.ExecuteCommand('cl_chatfilters 63');
Cheat.ExecuteCommand('cl_mute_all_but_friends_and_party 0');
Cheat.ExecuteCommand('cl_mute_enemy_team 0');
Cheat.ExecuteCommand('tv_nochat 0')
Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'hide');
UI.AddDropdown('Style Indicators', ['Gradient', 'Standart']);
UI.AddDropdown('Watermark Icons', ['Onetap', 'Cogwheel', 'JS Code', 'Performance']);
var ping_info = [];
var last_time = Global.Curtime();
const window_x = UI.AddSliderInt('VAR - X', 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]);
const window_y = UI.AddSliderInt('VAR - Y', 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);
UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'VAR - X', false);
UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'VAR - Y', false);
function hex_to_ascii(_0x48e4x114) {
var _0x48e4x115 = _0x48e4x114.toString();
var _0x48e4x116 = '';
for (var _0x48e4x117 = 0; _0x48e4x117 < _0x48e4x115.length; _0x48e4x117 += 2) {
_0x48e4x116 += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(_0x48e4x115.substr(_0x48e4x117, 2), 16))
return _0x48e4x116
function handle_visibility() {
UI.SetEnabled('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'VAR - X', false);
UI.SetEnabled('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'VAR - Y', false)
function get(_0x48e4x11a) {
return UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', _0x48e4x11a)
function set(_0x48e4x11a, _0x48e4x9d) {
return UI.SetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', _0x48e4x11a, _0x48e4x9d)
function handle_dragging() {
var in_bounds = function (vec, x1, y1, _0x48e4xa9, _0x48e4xaa) {
return (vec[0] > x1) && (vec[1] > y1) && (vec[0] < _0x48e4xa9) && (vec[1] < _0x48e4xaa)
if (Global.IsKeyPressed(1)) {
const _0x48e4xa7 = get('VAR - X'),
_0x48e4xa8 = get('VAR - Y');
const _0x48e4x120 = Global.GetCursorPosition();
if (in_bounds(_0x48e4x120, _0x48e4xa7 - 15, _0x48e4xa8 - 15, _0x48e4xa7 + 15, _0x48e4xa8 + 15)) {
set('VAR - X', _0x48e4x120[0] + 2);
set('VAR - Y', _0x48e4x120[1] + 5)
function draw_container() {
const _0x48e4xa7 = get('VAR - X'),
_0x48e4xa8 = get('VAR - Y');
var _0x48e4x122 = {
'ping': 0
Render.FilledRect(_0x48e4xa7 - 20, _0x48e4xa8 - 16, 65, 20, [15, 15, 15, varc[3]]);
Render.String(_0x48e4xa7 - 17, _0x48e4xa8 - 12, 0, 'VAR | ', [255, 255, 255, 255], 8);
if (Global.Curtime() - last_time > 0.5) {
last_time = Global.Curtime();
ping_info.unshift(Global.Latency() + 5)
varc = UI.GetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Var Color');
if (ping_info.length > 4) {
for (i = 0; i < ping_info.length; i++) {
_0x48e4x122.ping += ping_info[i];
Render.GradientRect(_0x48e4xa7 + -i * 5 + 35, _0x48e4xa8 - ping_info[i] / 100 * 70, 5, ping_info[i] / 100 * 70, 0, [95, 35, 35, 0], [varc[0], varc[1], varc[2], 255])
function main() {
function reset() {
last_time = Global.Curtime();
ping_info = []
Global.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'main');
Global.RegisterCallback('player_connect_full', 'reset');
var fps_info = [];
var last_timee = Global.Curtime();
const win_x = UI.AddSliderInt('IO - X', 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]);
const win_y = UI.AddSliderInt('IO - Y', 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);
UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'IO - X', false);
UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'IO - Y', false);
function hex_to_ascii(_0x48e4x114) {
var _0x48e4x115 = _0x48e4x114.toString();
var _0x48e4x116 = '';
for (var _0x48e4x117 = 0; _0x48e4x117 < _0x48e4x115.length; _0x48e4x117 += 2) {
_0x48e4x116 += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(_0x48e4x115.substr(_0x48e4x117, 2), 16))
return _0x48e4x116
function get(_0x48e4x11a) {
return UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', _0x48e4x11a)
function set(_0x48e4x11a, _0x48e4x9d) {
return UI.SetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', _0x48e4x11a, _0x48e4x9d)
function handle_draggin() {
var in_bounds = function (vec, x1, y1, _0x48e4xa9, _0x48e4xaa) {
return (vec[0] > x1) && (vec[1] > y1) && (vec[0] < _0x48e4xa9) && (vec[1] < _0x48e4xaa)
if (Global.IsKeyPressed(1)) {
const _0x48e4xa7 = get('IO - X'),
_0x48e4xa8 = get('IO - Y');
const _0x48e4x120 = Global.GetCursorPosition();
if (in_bounds(_0x48e4x120, _0x48e4xa7 - 20, _0x48e4xa8 - 20, _0x48e4xa7 + 20, _0x48e4xa8 + 20)) {
set('IO - X', _0x48e4x120[0] + 2);
set('IO - Y', _0x48e4x120[1] + 5)
function draw_containe() {
const _0x48e4xa7 = get('IO - X'),
_0x48e4xa8 = get('IO - Y');
var _0x48e4x122 = {
'fps': 0
Render.FilledRect(_0x48e4xa7 - 20, _0x48e4xa8 - 16, 55, 20, [15, 15, 15, fpsc[3]]);
Render.String(_0x48e4xa7 - 17, _0x48e4xa8 - 12, 0, 'IO | ', [255, 255, 255, 255], 8);
if (Global.Curtime() - last_timee > 0.5) {
last_timee = Global.Curtime();
fps_info.unshift(1 / Global.Frametime())
fpsc = UI.GetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'FPS Color');
if (fps_info.length > 4) {
for (i = 0; i < fps_info.length; i++) {
_0x48e4x122.fps += fps_info[i];
Render.GradientRect(_0x48e4xa7 - i * 5 + 25, _0x48e4xa8 - fps_info[i] / Convar.GetInt('fps_max') * 35, 5, fps_info[i] / Convar.GetInt('fps_max') * 35, 0, [35, 35, 95, 0], [fpsc[0], fpsc[1], fpsc[2], 255])
function mainn() {
function Areset() {
llast_time = Global.Curtime();
fps_info = []
Global.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'mainn');
Global.RegisterCallback('player_connect_full', 'Areset');
const ms_x = UI.AddSliderInt('MS - X', 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]);
const ms_y = UI.AddSliderInt('MS - Y', 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);
UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'MS - X', false);
UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'MS - Y', false);
function drag() {
var in_bounds = function (vec, x1, y1, _0x48e4xa9, _0x48e4xaa) {
return (vec[0] > x1) && (vec[1] > y1) && (vec[0] < _0x48e4xa9) && (vec[1] < _0x48e4xaa)
if (Global.IsKeyPressed(1)) {
const _0x48e4xa7 = get('MS - X'),
_0x48e4xa8 = get('MS - Y');
const _0x48e4x120 = Global.GetCursorPosition();
if (in_bounds(_0x48e4x120, _0x48e4xa7 - 35, _0x48e4xa8 - 35, _0x48e4xa7 + 35, _0x48e4xa8 + 35)) {
set('MS - X', _0x48e4x120[0] + 25);
set('MS - Y', _0x48e4x120[1] - 10)
function main_mshz() {
if (!World.GetServerString()) {
const _0x48e4xe2 = Math.round(Local.Latency() * 1000 - 16);
var _0x48e4xba = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 7, 100);
var _0x48e4xb9 = +_0x48e4xe2 + 'ms / 60hz';
var _0x48e4xc2 = Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x48e4xb9, _0x48e4xba)[0] + 8;
const _0x48e4xa7 = get('MS - X'),
_0x48e4xa8 = get('MS - Y');
msc = UI.GetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'MS & HZ Color');
Render.FilledRect(_0x48e4xa7 - _0x48e4xc2, _0x48e4xa8 + 4, _0x48e4xc2, 20, [17, 17, 17, msc[3]]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + 4 - _0x48e4xc2, _0x48e4xa8 + 7, 0, _0x48e4xb9, [0, 0, 0, 180], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + 4 - _0x48e4xc2, _0x48e4xa8 + 7, 0, _0x48e4xb9, [255, 255, 255, 255], _0x48e4xba);
var _0x48e4xe4 = 75;
var _0x48e4x131 = UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Style Indicators');
if (_0x48e4x131 == 0) {
Render.GradientRect(_0x48e4xa7 - _0x48e4xc2, _0x48e4xa8 + 23, _0x48e4xc2, 1, 2, [55, 177, 218, 255], [203, 70, 205, 255]);
Render.GradientRect(_0x48e4xa7 - _0x48e4xc2, _0x48e4xa8 + 23, _0x48e4xc2, 1, 2, [203, 70, 205, 255], [204, 227, 53, 255])
} else {
if (_0x48e4x131 == 1) {
Render.GradientRect(_0x48e4xa7 - _0x48e4xc2 - 3, _0x48e4xa8 + 23, 35, 2, 1, [msc[0], msc[1], msc[2], 0], [msc[0], msc[1], msc[2], 255]);
Render.GradientRect(_0x48e4xa7 - _0x48e4xc2 - (-31), _0x48e4xa8 + 23, 35, 2, 1, [msc[0], msc[1], msc[2], 255], [msc[0], msc[1], msc[2], 0])
Global.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'main_mshz');
Global.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'drag');
const x1 = UI.AddSliderInt('Hotkeys_x', 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]);
const y1 = UI.AddSliderInt('Hotkeys_y', 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);
UI.AddLabel(' Colors');
UI.AddColorPicker('Watermark (Standart) Color');
UI.AddColorPicker('Hotkeys color');
UI.AddColorPicker('Hotkeys topbar alpha');
UI.AddColorPicker('FPS Color');
UI.AddColorPicker('Var Color');
UI.AddColorPicker('MS & HZ Color');
var msc = UI.GetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'MS & HZ Color');
var logc = UI.GetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'HitLogs Color');
var fpsc = UI.GetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'FPS Color');
var varc = UI.GetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Var Color');
var standart = UI.GetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Watermark (Standart) Color');
var colorhotkeys = UI.GetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Hotkeys color');
if (msc[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'MS & HZ Color', [255, 255, 255, 255])
if (standart[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Watermark (Standart) Color', [255, 255, 255, 255])
if (logc[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'HitLogs Color', [255, 255, 255, 255])
if (varc[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Var Color', [35, 35, 35, 255])
if (fpsc[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'FPS Color', [35, 35, 35, 255])
if (colorhotkeys[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Hotkeys color', [89, 119, 239, 3])
var alpha = 0;
var maxwidth = 0;
var swalpha = 0;
var fdalpha = 0;
var apalpha = 0;
var aialpha = 0;
var spalpha = 0;
var fbalpha = 0;
var dtalpha = 0;
var hsalpha = 0;
var doalpha = 0;
var textalpha = 0;
var h = new Array();
function in_bounds(vec, _0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8, _0x48e4xa9, _0x48e4xaa) {
return (vec[0] > _0x48e4xa7) && (vec[1] > _0x48e4xa8) && (vec[0] < _0x48e4xa9) && (vec[1] < _0x48e4xaa)
function main_hotkeys() {
if (!World.GetServerString()) {
const _0x48e4xa7 = UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Hotkeys_x'),
_0x48e4xa8 = UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Hotkeys_y');
colorhotkeys = UI.GetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Hotkeys color');
colorhotkeys1 = UI.GetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Hotkeys topbar alpha');
var _0x48e4xba = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 7, 100);
var _0x48e4x145 = 8 * Globals.Frametime();
var _0x48e4xe4 = 75;
var maxwidth = 0;
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Anti-Aim', 'Extra', 'Slow walk')) {
swalpha = Math.min(swalpha + _0x48e4x145, 1)
} else {
swalpha = swalpha - _0x48e4x145;
if (swalpha < 0) {
swalpha = 0
if (swalpha == 0) {
h.splice(h.indexOf('Slow walk'))
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Anti-Aim', 'Extra', 'Fake duck')) {
fdalpha = Math.min(fdalpha + _0x48e4x145, 1)
} else {
fdalpha = fdalpha - _0x48e4x145;
if (fdalpha < 0) {
fdalpha = 0
if (fdalpha == 0) {
h.splice(h.indexOf('Duck peek assist'))
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Misc', 'GENERAL', 'Movement', 'Auto peek')) {
apalpha = Math.min(apalpha + _0x48e4x145, 1)
} else {
apalpha = apalpha - _0x48e4x145;
if (apalpha < 0) {
apalpha = 0
if (apalpha == 0) {
h.splice(h.indexOf('Auto peek'))
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Anti-Aim', 'Fake angles', 'Inverter')) {
aialpha = Math.min(aialpha + _0x48e4x145, 1)
} else {
aialpha = aialpha - _0x48e4x145;
if (aialpha < 0) {
aialpha = 0
if (aialpha == 0) {
h.splice(h.indexOf('Anti-aim inverter'))
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Anti-Aim', 'Fake angles', 'Inverter')) {
aialpha = Math.min(aialpha + _0x48e4x145, 1)
} else {
aialpha = aialpha - _0x48e4x145;
if (aialpha < 0) {
aialpha = 0
if (aialpha == 0) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Force safe point')) {
spalpha = Math.min(spalpha + _0x48e4x145, 1)
} else {
spalpha = spalpha - _0x48e4x145;
if (spalpha < 0) {
spalpha = 0
if (spalpha == 0) {
h.splice(h.indexOf('Safe point override'))
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Force body aim')) {
fbalpha = Math.min(fbalpha + _0x48e4x145, 1)
} else {
fbalpha = fbalpha - _0x48e4x145;
if (fbalpha < 0) {
fbalpha = 0
if (fbalpha == 0) {
h.splice(h.indexOf('Force body aim'))
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Rage', 'Exploits', 'Doubletap')) {
dtalpha = Math.min(dtalpha + _0x48e4x145, 1)
} else {
dtalpha = dtalpha - _0x48e4x145;
if (dtalpha < 0) {
dtalpha = 0
if (dtalpha == 0) {
h.splice(h.indexOf('Double tap'))
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Rage', 'Exploits', 'Hide shots')) {
hsalpha = Math.min(hsalpha + _0x48e4x145, 1)
} else {
hsalpha = hsalpha - _0x48e4x145;
if (hsalpha < 0) {
hsalpha = 0
if (hsalpha == 0) {
h.splice(h.indexOf('Hide shots'))
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Script items', 'Heavy Pistol Override') || !UI.IsHotkeyActive('Script items', 'Scout Override') || !UI.IsHotkeyActive('Script items', 'AWP Override') || !UI.IsHotkeyActive('Script items', 'Auto Override')) {
doalpha = Math.min(doalpha + _0x48e4x145, 1)
} else {
doalpha = doalpha - _0x48e4x145;
if (doalpha < 0) {
doalpha = 0
if (doalpha == 0) {
h.splice(h.indexOf('Damage override'))
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Anti-Aim', 'Extra', 'Slow walk')) {
if (h.indexOf('Slow walk') == -1) {
h.push('Slow walk')
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Anti-Aim', 'Extra', 'Fake duck')) {
if (h.indexOf('Duck peek assist') == -1) {
h.push('Duck peek assist')
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Misc', 'GENERAL', 'Movement', 'Auto peek')) {
if (h.indexOf('Auto peek') == -1) {
h.push('Auto peek')
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Anti-Aim', 'Fake angles', 'Inverter')) {
if (h.indexOf('Anti-aim inverter') == -1) {
h.push('Anti-aim inverter')
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Force safe point')) {
if (h.indexOf('Safe point override') == -1) {
h.push('Safe point override')
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Force body aim')) {
if (h.indexOf('Force body aim') == -1) {
h.push('Force body aim')
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Rage', 'Exploits', 'Doubletap')) {
if (h.indexOf('Double tap') == -1) {
h.push('Double tap')
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Rage', 'Exploits', 'Hide shots')) {
if (h.indexOf('Hide shots') == -1) {
h.push('Hide shots')
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Script items', 'Scout Override')) {
if (h.indexOf('Damage override') == -1) {
h.push('Damage override')
if (h.length > 0) {
alpha = Math.min(alpha + _0x48e4x145, 1)
} else {
alpha = alpha - _0x48e4x145;
if (alpha < 0) {
alpha = 0
for (i = 0; i < h.length; i++) {
if (Render.TextSizeCustom(h[i], _0x48e4xba)[0] > maxwidth) {
maxwidth = Render.TextSizeCustom(h[i], _0x48e4xba)[0]
var _0x48e4x131 = UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Style Indicators');
if (maxwidth == 0) {
maxwidth = 50
_0x48e4xe4 = _0x48e4xe4 + maxwidth;
if (alpha > 0) {
if (_0x48e4x131 == 0) {
Render.GradientRect(_0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8 + 4, _0x48e4xe4, 1, 2, [203, 70, 205, 255], [204, 227, 53, 255])
} else {
if (_0x48e4x131 == 1) {
Render.GradientRect(_0x48e4xa7 - 3, _0x48e4xa8 + 3, 80, 2, 1, [colorhotkeys[0], colorhotkeys[1], colorhotkeys[2], 0], [colorhotkeys[0], colorhotkeys[1], colorhotkeys[2], 255]);
Render.GradientRect(_0x48e4xa7 + 77, _0x48e4xa8 + 3, _0x48e4xe4 - 75, 2, 1, [colorhotkeys[0], colorhotkeys[1], colorhotkeys[2], 255], [colorhotkeys[0], colorhotkeys[1], colorhotkeys[2], 0])
Render.FilledRect(_0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8 + 5, _0x48e4xe4, 18, [17, 17, 17, colorhotkeys1[3]]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + _0x48e4xe4 / 2 - (Render.TextSizeCustom('keybinds', _0x48e4xba)[0] / 2) + 2, _0x48e4xa8 + 9, 0, 'keybinds', [0, 0, 0, alpha * 255 / 1.3], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + _0x48e4xe4 / 2 - (Render.TextSizeCustom('keybinds', _0x48e4xba)[0] / 2) + 1, _0x48e4xa8 + 8, 0, 'keybinds', [255, 255, 255, alpha * 255], _0x48e4xba);
for (i = 0; i < h.length; i++) {
switch (h[i]) {
case 'Slow walk':
Render.FilledRect(_0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8 + 23 + 18 * i, _0x48e4xe4, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(swalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + 3, _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, swalpha * 255 / 1.3], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + 2, _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, swalpha * 255], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 - 3 + _0x48e4xe4 - Render.TextSizeCustom('[holding]', _0x48e4xba)[0], _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, '[holding]', [0, 0, 0, swalpha * 255 / 1.3], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 - 2 + _0x48e4xe4 - Render.TextSizeCustom('[holding]', _0x48e4xba)[0], _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, '[holding]', [255, 255, 255, swalpha * 255], _0x48e4xba);
case 'Duck peek assist':
Render.FilledRect(_0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8 + 23 + 18 * i, _0x48e4xe4, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(fdalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + 3, _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, fdalpha * 255 / 1.3], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + 2, _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, fdalpha * 255], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 - 3 + _0x48e4xe4 - Render.TextSizeCustom('[holding]', _0x48e4xba)[0], _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, '[holding]', [0, 0, 0, fdalpha * 255 / 1.3], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 - 2 + _0x48e4xe4 - Render.TextSizeCustom('[holding]', _0x48e4xba)[0], _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, '[holding]', [255, 255, 255, fdalpha * 255], _0x48e4xba);
case 'Auto peek':
Render.FilledRect(_0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8 + 23 + 18 * i, _0x48e4xe4, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(apalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + 3, _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, apalpha * 255 / 1.3], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + 2, _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, apalpha * 255], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 - 3 + _0x48e4xe4 - Render.TextSizeCustom('[toggled]', _0x48e4xba)[0], _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, '[toggled]', [0, 0, 0, apalpha * 255 / 1.3], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 - 2 + _0x48e4xe4 - Render.TextSizeCustom('[toggled]', _0x48e4xba)[0], _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, '[toggled]', [255, 255, 255, apalpha * 255], _0x48e4xba);
case 'Anti-aim inverter':
Render.FilledRect(_0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8 + 23 + 18 * i, _0x48e4xe4, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(aialpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + 3, _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, aialpha * 255 / 1.3], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + 2, _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, aialpha * 255], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 - 3 + _0x48e4xe4 - Render.TextSizeCustom('[toggled]', _0x48e4xba)[0], _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, '[toggled]', [0, 0, 0, aialpha * 255 / 1.3], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 - 2 + _0x48e4xe4 - Render.TextSizeCustom('[toggled]', _0x48e4xba)[0], _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, '[toggled]', [255, 255, 255, aialpha * 255], _0x48e4xba);
case 'Safe point override':
Render.FilledRect(_0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8 + 23 + 18 * i, _0x48e4xe4, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(spalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + 3, _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, spalpha * 255 / 1.3], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + 2, _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, spalpha * 255], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 - 3 + _0x48e4xe4 - Render.TextSizeCustom('[toggled]', _0x48e4xba)[0], _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, '[toggled]', [0, 0, 0, spalpha * 255 / 1.3], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 - 2 + _0x48e4xe4 - Render.TextSizeCustom('[toggled]', _0x48e4xba)[0], _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, '[toggled]', [255, 255, 255, spalpha * 255], _0x48e4xba);
case 'Force body aim':
Render.FilledRect(_0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8 + 23 + 18 * i, _0x48e4xe4, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(fbalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + 3, _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, fbalpha * 255 / 1.3], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + 2, _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, fbalpha * 255], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 - 3 + _0x48e4xe4 - Render.TextSizeCustom('[holding]', _0x48e4xba)[0], _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, '[holding]', [0, 0, 0, fbalpha * 255 / 1.3], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 - 2 + _0x48e4xe4 - Render.TextSizeCustom('[holding]', _0x48e4xba)[0], _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, '[holding]', [255, 255, 255, fbalpha * 255], _0x48e4xba);
case 'Double tap':
Render.FilledRect(_0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8 + 23 + 18 * i, _0x48e4xe4, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(dtalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + 3, _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, dtalpha * 255 / 1.3], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + 2, _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, dtalpha * 255], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 - 3 + _0x48e4xe4 - Render.TextSizeCustom('[toggled]', _0x48e4xba)[0], _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, '[toggled]', [0, 0, 0, dtalpha * 255 / 1.3], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 - 2 + _0x48e4xe4 - Render.TextSizeCustom('[toggled]', _0x48e4xba)[0], _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, '[toggled]', [255, 255, 255, dtalpha * 255], _0x48e4xba);
case 'Hide shots':
Render.FilledRect(_0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8 + 23 + 18 * i, _0x48e4xe4, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(hsalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + 3, _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, hsalpha * 255 / 1.3], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + 2, _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, hsalpha * 255], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 - 3 + _0x48e4xe4 - Render.TextSizeCustom('[toggled]', _0x48e4xba)[0], _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, '[toggled]', [0, 0, 0, hsalpha * 255 / 1.3], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 - 2 + _0x48e4xe4 - Render.TextSizeCustom('[toggled]', _0x48e4xba)[0], _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, '[toggled]', [255, 255, 255, hsalpha * 255], _0x48e4xba);
case 'Damage override':
Render.FilledRect(_0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8 + 23 + 18 * i, _0x48e4xe4, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(colorhotkeys[3], Math.min(doalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + 3, _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, doalpha * 255 / 1.3], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + 2, _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, doalpha * 255], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 - 3 + _0x48e4xe4 - Render.TextSizeCustom('[holding]', _0x48e4xba)[0], _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, '[holding]', [0, 0, 0, doalpha * 255 / 1.3], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 - 2 + _0x48e4xe4 - Render.TextSizeCustom('[holding]', _0x48e4xba)[0], _0x48e4xa8 + 26 + 18 * i, 0, '[holding]', [255, 255, 255, doalpha * 255], _0x48e4xba);
if (Global.IsKeyPressed(1) && UI.IsMenuOpen()) {
var _0x48e4x146 = Global.GetCursorPosition();
if (in_bounds(_0x48e4x146, _0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8, _0x48e4xa7 + _0x48e4xe4, _0x48e4xa8 + 30)) {
UI.SetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Hotkeys_x', _0x48e4x146[0] - _0x48e4xe4 / 2);
UI.SetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Hotkeys_y', _0x48e4x146[1] - 20)
Global.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'main_hotkeys');
function hex_to_ascii(_0x48e4x114) {
var _0x48e4x115 = _0x48e4x114.toString();
var _0x48e4x116 = '';
for (var _0x48e4x117 = 0; _0x48e4x117 < _0x48e4x115.length; _0x48e4x117 += 2) {
_0x48e4x116 += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(_0x48e4x115.substr(_0x48e4x117, 2), 16))
return _0x48e4x116
var username = Cheat.GetUsername();;;
UI.AddColorPicker('Yaw color');
var color = UI.GetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', '"Yaw color"');
if (color[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor('Misc', 'Javascript', 'Script items', 'Yaw color', [255, 255, 255, 255])
function HSVtoRGB(h, _0x48e4xed, _0x48e4xbe) {
var _0x48e4xee, _0x48e4xef, _0x48e4xf0, _0x48e4x9c, _0x48e4xf1, _0x48e4xf2, _0x48e4xf3, _0x48e4xf4;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
_0x48e4xed = h.s, _0x48e4xbe = h.v, h = h.h
_0x48e4x9c = Math.floor(h * 6);
_0x48e4xf1 = h * 6 - _0x48e4x9c;
_0x48e4xf2 = _0x48e4xbe * (1 - _0x48e4xed);
_0x48e4xf3 = _0x48e4xbe * (1 - _0x48e4xf1 * _0x48e4xed);
_0x48e4xf4 = _0x48e4xbe * (1 - (1 - _0x48e4xf1) * _0x48e4xed);
switch (_0x48e4x9c % 6) {
case 0:
_0x48e4xee = _0x48e4xbe, _0x48e4xef = _0x48e4xf4, _0x48e4xf0 = _0x48e4xf2;
case 1:
_0x48e4xee = _0x48e4xf3, _0x48e4xef = _0x48e4xbe, _0x48e4xf0 = _0x48e4xf2;
case 2:
_0x48e4xee = _0x48e4xf2, _0x48e4xef = _0x48e4xbe, _0x48e4xf0 = _0x48e4xf4;
case 3:
_0x48e4xee = _0x48e4xf2, _0x48e4xef = _0x48e4xf3, _0x48e4xf0 = _0x48e4xbe;
case 4:
_0x48e4xee = _0x48e4xf4, _0x48e4xef = _0x48e4xf2, _0x48e4xf0 = _0x48e4xbe;
case 5:
_0x48e4xee = _0x48e4xbe, _0x48e4xef = _0x48e4xf2, _0x48e4xf0 = _0x48e4xf3;
return {
r: Math.round(_0x48e4xee * 255),
g: Math.round(_0x48e4xef * 255),
b: Math.round(_0x48e4xf0 * 255)
function draw() {
var _0x48e4x148 = HSVtoRGB(Global.Tickcount() % 350 / 350, 1, 1);
if (!World.GetServerString()) {
var _0x48e4xe2 = Math.round(Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), 'CPlayerResource', 'm_iPing')).toString();
const _0x48e4xe3 = new Date();
const _0x48e4x149 = _0x48e4xe3.getHours(),
_0x48e4x14a = _0x48e4xe3.getMinutes(),
_0x48e4x14b = _0x48e4xe3.getSeconds();
const _0x48e4x14c = (_0x48e4x149 < 10 ? '0' + _0x48e4x149 : _0x48e4x149) + ':' + (_0x48e4x14a < 10 ? '0' + _0x48e4x14a : _0x48e4x14a) + ':' + (_0x48e4x14b < 10 ? '0' + _0x48e4x14b : _0x48e4x14b);
color = UI.GetColor('Misc', 'Javascript', 'Script items', 'Watermark');
var _0x48e4xba = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 7, 400);
var _0x48e4xb9 = 'predictive - yaw | ' + username + ' | [Version ] | ' + _0x48e4x14c + ' | ';
var h = 18;
var _0x48e4xc2 = Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x48e4xb9, _0x48e4xba)[0] + 8;
var _0x48e4xa7 = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];
var _0x48e4xa8 = 10;
var standart = UI.GetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Watermark (Standart) Color');
var _0x48e4x131 = UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Style Indicators');
_0x48e4xa7 = _0x48e4xa7 - _0x48e4xc2 - 10;
if (_0x48e4x131 == 0) {
Render.GradientRect(_0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8 + 1, _0x48e4xc2, 1, 2, [55, 177, 218, 255], [203, 70, 205, 255]);
Render.GradientRect(_0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8 + 1, _0x48e4xc2, 1, 2, [203, 70, 205, 255], [204, 227, 53, 255])
} else {
if (_0x48e4x131 == 1) {
Render.FilledRect(_0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8 + 1, _0x48e4xc2, 1, [standart[0], standart[1], standart[2], 255])
Render.FilledRect(_0x48e4xa7, _0x48e4xa8 + 2, _0x48e4xc2, h, [15, 15, 15, standart[3]]);
var _0x48e4x14d = UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Watermark Icons');
if (_0x48e4x14d == 0) {
Render.String(_0x48e4xa7 + _0x48e4xc2 - 18, _0x48e4xa8 + 5, 0, '!', [_0x48e4x148.r, _0x48e4x148.g, _0x48e4x148.b, 255], 6)
} else {
if (_0x48e4x14d == 1) {
Render.String(_0x48e4xa7 + _0x48e4xc2 - 19, _0x48e4xa8 + 5, 0, '@', [_0x48e4x148.r, _0x48e4x148.g, _0x48e4x148.b, 255], 6)
} else {
if (_0x48e4x14d == 2) {
Render.String(_0x48e4xa7 + _0x48e4xc2 - 20, _0x48e4xa8 + 5, 0, '^', [_0x48e4x148.r, _0x48e4x148.g, _0x48e4x148.b, 255], 6)
} else {
if (_0x48e4x14d == 3) {
Render.String(_0x48e4xa7 + _0x48e4xc2 - 18, _0x48e4xa8 + 5, 0, '#', [_0x48e4x148.r, _0x48e4x148.g, _0x48e4x148.b, 255], 6)
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + _0x48e4xc2 - 112, _0x48e4xa8 + 4, 0, '3.0', [_0x48e4x148.r, _0x48e4x148.g, _0x48e4x148.b, 255], _0x48e4xba);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4xa7 + 4, _0x48e4xa8 + 4, 0, _0x48e4xb9, [255, 255, 255, 255], _0x48e4xba)
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'draw');
function drawner() {
var _0x48e4x14f = [];
var _0x48e4x150 = Global.GetScreenSize();
var _0x48e4xba = Render.AddFont('Calibri Bold', 8, 400);
var _0x48e4x151 = Render.AddFont('Calibri Bold', 8, 501);
var _0x48e4x152 = Render.AddFont('Calibri Bold', 8, 500);
var _0x48e4x153 = UI.GetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', '"predictive - yaw" color');
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4x150[0] / 2, _0x48e4x150[1] / 2 + 24, 1, 'predictive - yaw', [0, 0, 0, color[3]], _0x48e4x152);
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4x150[0] / 2, _0x48e4x150[1] / 2 + 25, 1, 'predictive - yaw', [color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]], _0x48e4xba)
function HSVtoRGB(h, _0x48e4xed, _0x48e4xbe) {
var _0x48e4xee, _0x48e4xef, _0x48e4xf0, _0x48e4x9c, _0x48e4xf1, _0x48e4xf2, _0x48e4xf3, _0x48e4xf4;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
_0x48e4xed = h.s, _0x48e4xbe = h.v, h = h.h
_0x48e4x9c = Math.floor(h * 6);
_0x48e4xf1 = h * 6 - _0x48e4x9c;
_0x48e4xf2 = _0x48e4xbe * (1 - _0x48e4xed);
_0x48e4xf3 = _0x48e4xbe * (1 - _0x48e4xf1 * _0x48e4xed);
_0x48e4xf4 = _0x48e4xbe * (1 - (1 - _0x48e4xf1) * _0x48e4xed);
switch (_0x48e4x9c % 6) {
case 0:
_0x48e4xee = _0x48e4xbe, _0x48e4xef = _0x48e4xf4, _0x48e4xf0 = _0x48e4xf2;
case 1:
_0x48e4xee = _0x48e4xf3, _0x48e4xef = _0x48e4xbe, _0x48e4xf0 = _0x48e4xf2;
case 2:
_0x48e4xee = _0x48e4xf2, _0x48e4xef = _0x48e4xbe, _0x48e4xf0 = _0x48e4xf4;
case 3:
_0x48e4xee = _0x48e4xf2, _0x48e4xef = _0x48e4xf3, _0x48e4xf0 = _0x48e4xbe;
case 4:
_0x48e4xee = _0x48e4xf4, _0x48e4xef = _0x48e4xf2, _0x48e4xf0 = _0x48e4xbe;
case 5:
_0x48e4xee = _0x48e4xbe, _0x48e4xef = _0x48e4xf2, _0x48e4xf0 = _0x48e4xf3;
return {
r: Math.round(_0x48e4xee * 255),
g: Math.round(_0x48e4xef * 255),
b: Math.round(_0x48e4xf0 * 255)
var logs = [];
const log = function (_0x48e4xb9, _0x48e4x14c) {
this.text = _0x48e4xb9;
this.time = _0x48e4x14c
const hitboxes = ['generic', 'head', 'chest', 'stomach', 'left arm', 'right arm', 'left leg', 'right leg', 'body'];
const get_hitbox = function (_0x48e4x9c) {
return hitboxes[_0x48e4x9c] || 'Generic'
const hitlogs = function () {
const _0x48e4x159 = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt('userid'));
const _0x48e4xdc = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt('attacker'));
const _0x48e4xb9 = '[Predictive] hurt ' + Entity.GetName(_0x48e4x159) + ' for ' + Event.GetInt('dmg_health') + ' in ' + get_hitbox(Event.GetInt('hitgroup'));
if (Entity.IsLocalPlayer(_0x48e4xdc) && _0x48e4xdc != _0x48e4x159) {
logs.push(new log(_0x48e4xb9, Globals.Tickcount()))
const draw = function () {
var _0x48e4x148 = HSVtoRGB(Global.Tickcount() % 350 / 350, 1, 1);
const _0x48e4xba = Render.AddFont('Smallest Pixel-7', 8, 400);
for (var _0x48e4x9c in logs) {
logc = UI.GetColor('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'HitLogs Color');
var _0x48e4x15a = Render.TextSizeCustom(logs[_0x48e4x9c].text, _0x48e4xba);
Render.GradientRect(0, 4 - (_0x48e4x9c * -15), _0x48e4x15a[0] + 40, 15, 1, [_0x48e4x148.r, _0x48e4x148.g, _0x48e4x148.b, 150], [logc[0], logc[1], logc[2], 0]);
Render.StringCustom(5, 5 - (_0x48e4x9c * -15), 0, logs[_0x48e4x9c].text, [_0x48e4x148.r, _0x48e4x148.g, _0x48e4x148.b, 255], _0x48e4xba);
if (logs[_0x48e4x9c].time + 300 < Globals.Tickcount()) {
function onRender() {
var _0x48e4x150 = Global.GetScreenSize();
var _0x48e4xba = Render.AddFont('Small pixel', 7, 400);
var _0x48e4x15b = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
entities = Entity.GetEntities();
for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {
if (Entity.IsLocalPlayer(entities[i])) {
var _0x48e4x15c = Local.GetRealYaw();
var _0x48e4x15d = Local.GetFakeYaw();
var _0x48e4x15e = UI.IsHotkeyActive('Anti-aim', 'Extra', 'Slow walk', 'Enabled');
var _0x48e4x15f = Math.min(Math.abs(_0x48e4x15c - _0x48e4x15d) / 2, 60).toFixed(1);
var _0x48e4x160 = Entity.GetProp(_0x48e4x15b, 'CBasePlayer', 'm_hGroundEntity');
duckamount = Entity.GetProp(entities[i], 'CBasePlayer', 'm_flDuckAmount');
if (duckamount > 0) {
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4x150[0] / 2, _0x48e4x150[1] / 2 + 40, 1, 'duck [ ' + _0x48e4x15f.toString() + ' ]', [0, 255, 0, 255], _0x48e4xba)
} else {
if (_0x48e4x160 == 'm_hGroundEntity') {
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4x150[0] / 2, _0x48e4x150[1] / 2 + 40, 1, 'air [ ' + _0x48e4x15f.toString() + ' ]', [0, 255, 0, 255], _0x48e4xba)
} else {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Anti-aim', 'Extra', 'Slow walk', 'Enabled')) {
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4x150[0] / 2, _0x48e4x150[1] / 2 + 40, 1, 'slowwalk [ ' + _0x48e4x15f.toString() + ' ]', [0, 255, 0, 255], _0x48e4xba)
} else {
Render.StringCustom(_0x48e4x150[0] / 2, _0x48e4x150[1] / 2 + 40, 1, 'static [ ' + _0x48e4x15f.toString() + ' ]', [0, 255, 0, 255], _0x48e4xba)
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'onRender');
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'draw');
Cheat.RegisterCallback('player_hurt', 'hitlogs');
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'drawner');
Convar.SetString('fps_max', '400');
UI.AddSliderInt('', -1, 0)
UI.AddSliderInt('', -1, 0);
UI.AddLabel(' Predictive.Technology');
UI.AddLabel(' Anti-Aim & Fake Lag ');
function pHurt() {
attackerEntity = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt('attacker'));
localEntity = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
if (attackerEntity == localEntity) {
victimName = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt('userid')));
hitboxName = hitgroupToHitbox(Event.GetInt('hitgroup'));
damageDone = Event.GetInt('dmg_health');
healthRemaining = Event.GetInt('health');
hurtLogs.push([victimName, hitboxName, damageDone, healthRemaining, 0, 255, (Math.random() * (0.2 - 1.200) + 1.200).toFixed(4), Globals.Curtime()])
hurtLogs = [];
typeSpeed = 0.05;
fadeOutSpeed = 5;
showDelayTime = typeSpeed + Globals.Curtime();
function showOrHide() {
for (var _0xb2e2x3 = 0; _0xb2e2x3 < hurtLogs.length; _0xb2e2x3++) {
toSay = victimName + ' ' + hitboxName + ' ' + damageDone + ' ' + '(' + healthRemaining + ')';
if (Globals.Curtime() - hurtLogs[_0xb2e2x3][7] < 2) {
hurtLogs[_0xb2e2x3][5] -= Globals.Frametime() * 500;
if (hurtLogs[_0xb2e2x3][5] < 0) {
hurtLogs.shift(_0xb2e2x3, 1)
function drawLogs() {
localplayer_index = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
localplayer_alive = Entity.IsAlive(localplayer_index);
if (localplayer_alive == true) {
screen = Render.GetScreenSize();
textX = (screen[0] / 2);
textY = (screen[1] / 2) + 55;
textYIncrement = 12;
textCol = [255, 255, 255];
for (var _0xb2e2x3 = 0; _0xb2e2x3 < hurtLogs.length; _0xb2e2x3++) {
currentLog = hurtLogs[_0xb2e2x3];
victimName = currentLog[0];
hitboxName = currentLog[1];
damageDone = currentLog[2];
healthRemaining = currentLog[3];
consolasFont = Render.AddFont('MuseoSansCyrl-500', 8, 100);
currentTextPos = textY + (textYIncrement * _0xb2e2x3);
toSay = victimName + ' ' + hitboxName + ' ' + '-' + damageDone + ' ' + '(' + healthRemaining + ')';
textCol = [255, 255, 255];
textColdead = [200, 0, 0];
if (healthRemaining > 0) {
Render.StringCustom(textX + 1, currentTextPos + 1, 1, toSay, [0, 0, 0, hurtLogs[_0xb2e2x3][5]], consolasFont);
Render.StringCustom(textX, currentTextPos, 1, toSay, [textCol[0], textCol[1], textCol[2], hurtLogs[_0xb2e2x3][5]], consolasFont)
if (healthRemaining <= 0) {
Render.StringCustom(textX + 1, currentTextPos + 1, 1, toSay, [0, 0, 0, hurtLogs[_0xb2e2x3][5]], consolasFont);
Render.StringCustom(textX, currentTextPos, 1, toSay, [textColdead[0], textColdead[1], textColdead[2], hurtLogs[_0xb2e2x3][5]], consolasFont)
function hitgroupToHitbox(_0xb2e2x6) {
hitbox = 'generic';
switch (_0xb2e2x6) {
case 0:
hitbox = 'head';
case 1:
hitbox = 'neck';
case 2:
hitbox = 'pelvis';
case 3:
hitbox = 'body';
case 4:
hitbox = 'chest';
case 5:
hitbox = 'chest';
case 6:
hitbox = 'upper chest';
case 7:
hitbox = 'left thigh';
case 8:
hitbox = 'right thigh';
case 9:
hitbox = 'left calf';
case 10:
hitbox = 'right calf';
case 11:
hitbox = 'left foot';
case 12:
hitbox = 'right foot';
case 13:
hitbox = 'left hand';
case 14:
hitbox = 'right hand';
case 15:
hitbox = 'left arm';
case 16:
hitbox = 'left forearm';
case 17:
hitbox = 'right arm';
case 18:
hitbox = 'right forearm'
return hitbox
Cheat.RegisterCallback('player_hurt', 'pHurt');
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'drawLogs');
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'showOrHide');
var presets = [
['Default', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]],
['Endless Preset [Best]', [-30, 10, 0, -50, 10, -4, -100, 10, -8]],
['Static Head', [48['PRESET NAME', [-30, 10, 0, -50, 10, -4, -100, 10, -8]], -9, 15, 48, -16, 12, 100, -21, 3]],
['Breaker', [40, -28, 13, 15, -9, -4, 100, 24, -10]],
['Low Delta(AutoInvert)', [-31, 8, -13, 5, -40, -9, -25, 40, 10]],
['Lagsync', [96, 0, 16, -5, 27, 66, -40, 33, 5]],
['Sync', [-34, 6, 3, 10, -3, 10, -8, 46, -4]]
var localplayer = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
var counter = 0;
var real_1 = 0;
var fake_1 = 0;
var body_1 = 0;
var real_2 = 0;
var fake_2 = 0;
var body_2 = 0;
var real_3 = 0;
var fake_3 = 0;
var body_3 = 0;
var block_set = false;
var inverted = UI.IsHotkeyActive('Anti-Aim', 'Fake angles', 'Inverter');
var preset = 'Custom';
var preset_custom = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
var screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize();
UI.AddCheckbox('Save preset');
UI.AddCheckbox('Random preset');
UI.AddSliderInt('Real 1', -100, 100);
UI.AddSliderInt('Fake 1', -100, 100);
UI.AddSliderInt('Body yaw 1', -100, 100);
UI.AddSliderInt('Real 2', -100, 100);
UI.AddSliderInt('Fake 2', -100, 100);
UI.AddSliderInt('Body yaw 2', -100, 100);
UI.AddSliderInt('Real 3', -100, 100);
UI.AddSliderInt('Fake 3', -100, 100);
UI.AddSliderInt('Body yaw 3', -100, 100);
UI.AddCheckbox('Test states');
UI.AddHotkey('Next state');
UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Save preset', false);
UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Random preset', false);
UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Real 1', false);
UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Fake 1', false);
UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Body yaw 1', false);
UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Real 2', false);
UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Fake 2', false);
UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Body yaw 2', false);
UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Real 3', false);
UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Fake 3', false);
UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Body yaw 3', false);
UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Test states', false);
UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Next state', false);
function main() {
localplayer = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
real_1 = GetValue('Real 1') * inverted;
fake_1 = GetValue('Fake 1') * inverted;
body_1 = GetValue('Body yaw 1') * inverted;
real_2 = GetValue('Real 2') * inverted;
fake_2 = GetValue('Fake 2') * inverted;
body_2 = GetValue('Body yaw 2') * inverted;
real_3 = GetValue('Real 3') * inverted;
fake_3 = GetValue('Fake 3') * inverted;
body_3 = GetValue('Body yaw 3') * inverted;
inverted = (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Anti-Aim', 'Fake angles', 'Inverter')) ? 1 : -1;
if (GetValue('Test states')) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Script items', 'Next state')) {
if (!block_set) {
block_set = true
} else {
block_set = false
Render.String(25, screen_size[1] - 200, 0, 'State: ' + (counter + 1), [255, 255, 255, 255], 4)
function antiaim() {
if (!GetValue('Test states')) {
if (counter > 2) {
counter = 0
switch ((counter)) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
function setPreset() {
preset = UI.GetString('Script items', 'Predictive presets');
if (preset == 'Custom') {};
for (i = 0; i < presets.length; i++) {
if (presets[i][0] == preset) {
function setValues(_0xb2e2x1c) {
UI.SetValue('Script items', 'Real 1', _0xb2e2x1c[0]);
UI.SetValue('Script items', 'Fake 1', _0xb2e2x1c[1]);
UI.SetValue('Script items', 'Body yaw 1', _0xb2e2x1c[2]);
UI.SetValue('Script items', 'Real 2', _0xb2e2x1c[3]);
UI.SetValue('Script items', 'Fake 2', _0xb2e2x1c[4]);
UI.SetValue('Script items', 'Body yaw 2', _0xb2e2x1c[5]);
UI.SetValue('Script items', 'Real 3', _0xb2e2x1c[6]);
UI.SetValue('Script items', 'Fake 3', _0xb2e2x1c[7]);
UI.SetValue('Script items', 'Body yaw 3', _0xb2e2x1c[8])
function savePreset() {
if (GetValue('Save preset') == false) {
UI.SetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Save preset', false);
Cheat.PrintColor([255, 0, 102, 255], `\
Cheat.PrintColor([51, 255, 102, 255], '["PRESET NAME", [' + real_1 + ', ' + fake_1 + ', ' + body_1 + ', ' + real_2 + ', ' + fake_2 + ', ' + body_2 + ', ' + real_3 + ', ' + fake_3 + ', ' + body_3 + `]]\
function addPresetDropdown() {
var _0xb2e2x1f = ['Custom'];
for (i = 0; i < presets.length; i++) {
UI.AddDropdown('Predictive presets', _0xb2e2x1f)
function randomAA() {
if (GetValue('Random preset') == false) {
UI.SetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Random preset', false);
var _0xb2e2x21 = [];
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
UI.SetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Predictive presets', 'Custom');
function randomNum() {
var _0xb2e2x23 = Math.random();
_0xb2e2x23 = Math.pow(_0xb2e2x23, 2);
_0xb2e2x23 *= Math.round(Math.random()) ? 1 : -1;
_0xb2e2x23 *= 100;
_0xb2e2x23 = Math.ceil(_0xb2e2x23);
return _0xb2e2x23
function GetValue(_0xb2e2x25) {
return UI.GetValue('Script items', _0xb2e2x25)
Global.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'antiaim');
Global.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'main');
Global.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'setPreset');
Global.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'savePreset');
Global.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'randomAA');
const global_print = Global.Print,
global_print_chat = Global.PrintChat,
global_print_color = Global.PrintColor,
global_register_callback = Global.RegisterCallback,
global_execute_command = Global.ExecuteCommand,
global_frame_stage = Global.FrameStage,
global_tickcount = Global.Tickcount,
global_tickrate = Global.Tickrate,
global_tick_interval = Global.TickInterval,
global_curtime = Global.Curtime,
global_realtime = Global.Realtime,
global_frametime = Global.Frametime,
global_latency = Global.Latency,
global_get_view_angles = Global.GetViewAngles,
global_set_view_angles = Global.SetViewAngles,
global_get_map_name = Global.GetMapName,
global_is_key_pressed = Global.IsKeyPressed,
global_get_screen_size = Global.GetScreenSize,
global_get_cursor_position = Global.GetCursorPosition,
global_play_sound = Global.PlaySound,
global_play_microphone = Global.PlayMicrophone,
global_stop_microphone = Global.StopMicrophone,
global_get_username = Global.GetUsername,
global_set_clan_tag = Global.SetClanTag,
globals_tickcount = Globals.Tickcount,
globals_tickrate = Globals.Tickrate,
globals_tick_interval = Globals.TickInterval,
globals_curtime = Globals.Curtime,
globals_realtime = Globals.Realtime,
globals_frametime = Globals.Frametime,
sound_play = Sound.Play,
sound_play_microphone = Sound.PlayMicrophone,
sound_stop_microphone = Sound.StopMicrophone,
cheat_get_username = Cheat.GetUsername,
cheat_register_callback = cheat_register_callback = new Proxy(Cheat.RegisterCallback, {
apply: function (_0xb2e2xb4, _0xb2e2xb4, _0xb2e2xb5) {
switch (_0xb2e2xb5[0]) {
case 'paint':
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', _0xb2e2xb5[1]);
case 'create_move':
Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', _0xb2e2xb5[1]);
case 'fsn':
Cheat.RegisterCallback('FrameStageNotify', _0xb2e2xb5[1]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0xb2e2xb5[0], _0xb2e2xb5[1]);
cheat_execute_command = Cheat.ExecuteCommand,
cheat_frame_stage = Cheat.FrameStage,
cheat_print = Cheat.Print,
cheat_print_chat = Cheat.PrintChat,
cheat_print_color = Cheat.PrintColor,
local_latency = Local.Latency,
local_get_view_angles = Local.GetViewAngles,
local_set_view_angles = Local.SetViewAngles,
local_set_clan_tag = Local.SetClanTag,
local_get_real_yaw = Local.GetRealYaw,
local_get_fake_yaw = Local.GetFakeYaw,
local_get_spread = Local.GetSpread,
local_get_inaccuracy = Local.GetInaccuracy,
world_get_map_name = World.GetMapName,
world_get_server_string = World.GetServerString,
input_get_cursor_position = Input.GetCursorPosition,
input_is_key_pressed = Input.IsKeyPressed,
render_string = Render.String,
render_text_size = Render.TextSize,
render_line = Render.Line,
render_rect = Render.Rect,
render_filled_rect = Render.FilledRect,
render_gradient_rect = Render.GradientRect,
render_circle = Render.Circle,
render_filled_circle = Render.FilledCircle,
render_polygon = Render.Polygon,
render_world_to_screen = Render.WorldToScreen,
render_add_font = Render.AddFont,
render_find_font = Render.FindFont,
render_string_custom = Render.StringCustom,
render_textured_rect = Render.TexturedRect,
render_add_texture = Render.AddTexture,
render_text_size_custom = Render.TextSizeCustom,
render_get_screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize,
ui_get_value = UI.GetValue,
ui_set_value = UI.SetValue,
ui_add_checkbox = UI.AddCheckbox,
ui_add_slider_int = UI.AddSliderInt,
ui_add_slider_float = UI.AddSliderFloat,
ui_add_hotkey = UI.AddHotkey,
ui_add_label = UI.AddLabel,
ui_add_dropdown = UI.AddDropdown,
ui_add_multi_dropdown = UI.AddMultiDropdown,
ui_add_color_picker = UI.AddColorPicker,
ui_add_textbox = UI.AddTextbox,
ui_set_enabled = UI.SetEnabled,
ui_get_string = UI.GetString,
ui_get_color = UI.GetColor,
ui_set_color = UI.SetColor,
ui_is_hotkey_active = UI.IsHotkeyActive,
ui_toggle_hotkey = UI.ToggleHotkey,
ui_is_menu_open = UI.IsMenuOpen,
convar_get_int = Convar.GetInt,
convar_set_int = Convar.SetInt,
convar_get_float = Convar.GetFloat,
convar_set_float = Convar.SetFloat,
convar_get_string = Convar.GetString,
convar_set_string = Convar.SetString,
event_get_int = Event.GetInt,
event_get_float = Event.GetFloat,
event_get_string = Event.GetString,
entity_get_entities = Entity.GetEntities,
entity_get_entities_by_class_i_d = Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID,
entity_get_players = Entity.GetPlayers,
entity_get_enemies = Entity.GetEnemies,
entity_get_teammates = Entity.GetTeammates,
entity_get_local_player = Entity.GetLocalPlayer,
entity_get_game_rules_proxy = Entity.GetGameRulesProxy,
entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID,
entity_is_teammate = Entity.IsTeammate,
entity_is_enemy = Entity.IsEnemy,
entity_is_bot = Entity.IsBot,
entity_is_local_player = Entity.IsLocalPlayer,
entity_is_valid = Entity.IsValid,
entity_is_alive = Entity.IsAlive,
entity_is_dormant = Entity.IsDormant,
entity_get_class_i_d = Entity.GetClassID,
entity_get_class_name = Entity.GetClassName,
entity_get_name = Entity.GetName,
entity_get_weapon = Entity.GetWeapon,
entity_get_weapons = Entity.GetWeapons,
entity_get_render_origin = Entity.GetRenderOrigin,
entity_get_prop = Entity.GetProp,
entity_set_prop = Entity.SetProp,
entity_get_hitbox_position = Entity.GetHitboxPosition,
entity_get_eye_position = Entity.GetEyePosition,
trace_line = Trace.Line,
trace_bullet = Trace.Bullet,
usercmd_set_movement = UserCMD.SetMovement,
usercmd_get_movement = UserCMD.GetMovement,
usercmd_set_angles = UserCMD.SetAngles,
usercmd_force_jump = UserCMD.ForceJump,
usercmd_force_crouch = UserCMD.ForceCrouch,
antiaim_get_override = AntiAim.GetOverride,
antiaim_set_override = AntiAim.SetOverride,
antiaim_set_real_offset = AntiAim.SetRealOffset,
antiaim_set_fake_offset = AntiAim.SetFakeOffset,
antiaim_set_l_b_y_offset = AntiAim.SetLBYOffset,
exploit_get_charge = Exploit.GetCharge,
exploit_recharge = Exploit.Recharge,
exploit_disable_recharge = Exploit.DisableRecharge,
exploit_enable_recharge = Exploit.EnableRecharge,
ragebot_override_minimum_damage = Ragebot.OverrideMinimumDamage,
ragebot_override_hitchance = Ragebot.OverrideHitchance,
ragebot_override_accuracy_boost = Ragebot.OverrideAccuracyBoost,
ragebot_override_multipoint_scale = Ragebot.OverrideMultipointScale,
ragebot_force_safety = Ragebot.ForceSafety;
var menu = {
_class: 'BetterUI'
const menu_spacer = ' ';
menu.concat = function (_0xb2e2xb8, _0xb2e2xb9) {
var _0xb2e2xba = [];
for (var _0xb2e2xbb in _0xb2e2xb8) {
return _0xb2e2xba
menu.label = function (_0xb2e2xbc) {
menu.call = function (_0xb2e2xbd, _0xb2e2xbe, _0xb2e2xbc, _0xb2e2xbf) {
const _0xb2e2xc0 = _0xb2e2xbe + menu_spacer + _0xb2e2xbc;
var _0xb2e2xc1 = [_0xb2e2xc0];
const _0xb2e2xc2 = {
path: ['Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script Items', _0xb2e2xc0]
if (_0xb2e2xbf != null) {
for (var _0xb2e2x3 = 0; _0xb2e2x3 < _0xb2e2xbf.length; _0xb2e2x3++) {
_0xb2e2xbd.apply(null, _0xb2e2xc1);
return _0xb2e2xc2
menu.reference = function (_0xb2e2xc3) {
const _0xb2e2xc2 = {
path: _0xb2e2xc3
return _0xb2e2xc2
menu.get = function (_0xb2e2xc4) {
if (!(_0xb2e2xc4.path)) {
throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!")
return UI.GetValue.apply(null, _0xb2e2xc4.path)
menu.get_hotkey = function (_0xb2e2xc4) {
if (!(_0xb2e2xc4.path)) {
throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!")
return UI.IsHotkeyActive.apply(null, _0xb2e2xc4.path)
menu.get_color = function (_0xb2e2xc4) {
if (!(_0xb2e2xc4.path)) {
throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!")
return UI.GetColor.apply(null, _0xb2e2xc4.path)
menu.set = function (_0xb2e2xc4, _0xb2e2xc5) {
if (!(_0xb2e2xc4.path)) {
throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!")
const _0xb2e2xbf = _0xb2e2xc4;
UI.SetValue.apply(null, this.concat(_0xb2e2xbf.path, _0xb2e2xc5))
menu.set_color = function (_0xb2e2xc4, _0xb2e2xc6) {
if (!(_0xb2e2xc4.path)) {
throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!")
const _0xb2e2xbf = _0xb2e2xc4;
UI.SetColor.apply(null, this.concat(_0xb2e2xbf.path, _0xb2e2xc6))
menu.toggle = function (_0xb2e2xc4) {
if (!(_0xb2e2xc4.path)) {
throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!")
UI.ToggleHotkey.apply(null, _0xb2e2xc4.path)
menu.visibility = function (_0xb2e2xc4, _0xb2e2xc7) {
if (!(_0xb2e2xc4.path)) {
throw new Error("[Menu] This element doesn't exist!")
const _0xb2e2xbf = _0xb2e2xc4;
UI.SetEnabled.apply(null, this.concat(_0xb2e2xbf.path, _0xb2e2xc7))
var vector = {
_class: 'vector'
vector.new = function (_0xb2e2xc9) {
return {
x: _0xb2e2xc9[0],
y: _0xb2e2xc9[1],
z: _0xb2e2xc9[2]
vector.operate = function (_0xb2e2xca, _0xb2e2xcb, _0xb2e2xcc) {
switch (_0xb2e2xcc) {
case '+':
return {
x: _0xb2e2xca.x + _0xb2e2xcb.x, y: _0xb2e2xca.y + _0xb2e2xcb.y, z: _0xb2e2xca.z + _0xb2e2xcb.z
case '-':
return {
x: _0xb2e2xca.x - _0xb2e2xcb.x, y: _0xb2e2xca.y - _0xb2e2xcb.y, z: _0xb2e2xca.z - _0xb2e2xcb.z
case '*':
return {
x: _0xb2e2xca.x * _0xb2e2xcb.x, y: _0xb2e2xca.y * _0xb2e2xcb.y, z: _0xb2e2xca.z * _0xb2e2xcb.z
case '/':
return {
x: _0xb2e2xca.x / _0xb2e2xcb.x, y: _0xb2e2xca.y / _0xb2e2xcb.y, z: _0xb2e2xca.z / _0xb2e2xcb.z
throw new Error('[Vector] Invalid operation type.')
vector.length2d = function (_0xb2e2xca) {
return Math.sqrt(_0xb2e2xca.x * _0xb2e2xca.x + _0xb2e2xca.y * _0xb2e2xca.y)
vector.angles = function (_0xb2e2xca) {
return {
x: -Math.atan2(_0xb2e2xca.z, this.length2d(_0xb2e2xca)) * 180 / Math.PI,
y: Math.atan2(_0xb2e2xca.y, _0xb2e2xca.x) * 180 / Math.PI,
z: 0
vector.fov_to = function (_0xb2e2xcd, _0xb2e2xce, _0xb2e2xcf) {
const _0xb2e2xd0 = this.angles(this.operate(_0xb2e2xce, _0xb2e2xcd, '-'));
const _0xb2e2xd1 = this.new([Math.abs(_0xb2e2xcf.x - _0xb2e2xd0.x), Math.abs(_0xb2e2xcf.y % 360 - _0xb2e2xd0.y % 360) % 360, 0]);
if (_0xb2e2xd1.y > 180) {
_0xb2e2xd1.y = 360 - _0xb2e2xd1.y
return this.length2d(_0xb2e2xd1)
vector.to_array = function (_0xb2e2xca) {
return [_0xb2e2xca.x, _0xb2e2xca.y, _0xb2e2xca.z]
function normalize_yaw(_0xb2e2xd3) {
var _0xb2e2xd4 = _0xb2e2xd3;
if (_0xb2e2xd4 < -180) {
_0xb2e2xd4 += 360
if (_0xb2e2xd4 > 180) {
_0xb2e2xd4 -= 360
return _0xb2e2xd4
var plugin = {
_info: {
_title: 'Advanced body freestanding',
_version: '1.1.0',
_author: 'april#0001'
last_hit_lby: [],
last_target_visibility: false,
override_flip: false,
last_override_time: globals_curtime()
const enable = menu.call(ui_add_checkbox, 'Advanced body freestanding', 'lby_enable', []);
const body = menu.call(ui_add_dropdown, 'Body freestanding', 'lby_body_mode', [
['Hide real angle', 'Hide fake angle']
const smart = menu.call(ui_add_checkbox, 'Smart switch', 'lby_smart', []);
const flip = menu.call(ui_add_multi_dropdown, 'Body inverter flip', 'lby_body', [
['Walk', 'Run', 'In air']
const ref_inverter = menu.reference(['Anti-Aim', 'Fake angles', 'Inverter']);
const ref_bodyflip = menu.reference(['Anti-Aim', 'Fake angles', 'Inverter flip']);
const ref_inverter_legit = menu.reference(['Anti-Aim', 'Legit Anti-Aim', 'Direction key']);
const ref_ragebot = menu.reference(['Rage', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Enabled']);
function update_anti_aim_state(_0xb2e2xdf) {
if (menu.get(ref_ragebot)) {
if (menu.get_hotkey(ref_inverter) !== _0xb2e2xdf) {
_0xb2e2xdf = (_0xb2e2xdf + 1) % 2;
if (menu.get_hotkey(ref_inverter_legit) !== _0xb2e2xdf) {
function get_closest_target() {
const _0xb2e2xe1 = entity_get_enemies();
const _0xb2e2xe2 = entity_get_local_player();
const _0xb2e2xc9 = {
id: null,
fov: 180
for (var _0xb2e2x3 = 0; _0xb2e2x3 < _0xb2e2xe1.length; _0xb2e2x3++) {
const _0xb2e2xe3 = _0xb2e2xe1[_0xb2e2x3];
const _0xb2e2xce = vector.new(entity_get_hitbox_position(_0xb2e2xe3, 0)),
_0xb2e2xcd = vector.new(entity_get_eye_position(_0xb2e2xe2));
const _0xb2e2xd0 = vector.new(local_get_view_angles());
const _0xb2e2xe4 = vector.fov_to(_0xb2e2xcd, _0xb2e2xce, _0xb2e2xd0);
if (_0xb2e2xe4 < _0xb2e2xc9.fov) {
_0xb2e2xc9.id = _0xb2e2xe3;
_0xb2e2xc9.fov = _0xb2e2xe4
return _0xb2e2xc9.id
function get_target_visibility() {
const _0xb2e2xe6 = get_closest_target();
if (!_0xb2e2xe6 || !entity_is_valid(_0xb2e2xe6)) {
return false
if (entity_is_dormant(_0xb2e2xe6)) {
return false
const _0xb2e2xe2 = entity_get_local_player();
var _0xb2e2xcd = vector.new(entity_get_eye_position(_0xb2e2xe2)),
_0xb2e2xe7 = vector.new(entity_get_prop(_0xb2e2xe2, 'CBasePlayer', 'm_vecVelocity[0]')),
_0xb2e2xce = entity_get_hitbox_position(_0xb2e2xe6, 0);
_0xb2e2xe7 = vector.operate(_0xb2e2xe7, vector.new([0.25, 0.25, 0.25]), '*');
_0xb2e2xcd = vector.operate(_0xb2e2xcd, _0xb2e2xe7, '+');
const _0xb2e2xe8 = trace_line(_0xb2e2xe2, vector.to_array(_0xb2e2xcd), _0xb2e2xce)[0];
return _0xb2e2xe8 === _0xb2e2xe6
function get_optimal_angle() {
const _0xb2e2xea = menu.get(body);
const _0xb2e2xe2 = entity_get_local_player();
const _0xb2e2xcd = vector.new(entity_get_render_origin(_0xb2e2xe2));
var _0xb2e2xeb = local_get_view_angles()[1];
var _0xb2e2xc9 = {
left: 0,
right: 0
for (var _0xb2e2xec = _0xb2e2xeb - 90; _0xb2e2xec <= _0xb2e2xeb + 90; _0xb2e2xec += 30) {
if (_0xb2e2xec === _0xb2e2xeb) {
const _0xb2e2xed = _0xb2e2xec * Math.PI / 180;
const _0xb2e2xee = vector.operate(_0xb2e2xcd, vector.new([256 * Math.cos(_0xb2e2xed), 256 * Math.sin(_0xb2e2xed), 0]), '+');
const _0xb2e2xef = trace_line(_0xb2e2xe2, vector.to_array(_0xb2e2xcd), vector.to_array(_0xb2e2xee));
const _0xb2e2xf0 = _0xb2e2xec < _0xb2e2xeb ? 'left' : 'right';
_0xb2e2xc9[_0xb2e2xf0] += _0xb2e2xef[1]
_0xb2e2xc9.left /= 3;
_0xb2e2xc9.right /= 3;
if (_0xb2e2xc9.left > _0xb2e2xc9.right) {
return _0xb2e2xea === 0 ? 0 : 1
return _0xb2e2xea === 0 ? 1 : 0
function update_inverter_flip() {
if (!menu.get(flip)) {
const _0xb2e2xc7 = get_target_visibility();
const _0xb2e2xf2 = globals_curtime();
if (plugin.last_override_time + 0.3 < _0xb2e2xf2) {
plugin.override_flip = false
if (_0xb2e2xc7 !== plugin.last_target_visibility) {
plugin.override_flip = true;
plugin.last_override_time = _0xb2e2xf2
plugin.last_target_visibility = _0xb2e2xc7;
if (plugin.override_flip) {
menu.set(ref_bodyflip, 0);
menu.set(ref_bodyflip, menu.get(flip))
function update_anti_aim() {
const _0xb2e2xe2 = entity_get_local_player();
if (!entity_is_valid(_0xb2e2xe2) || !entity_is_alive(_0xb2e2xe2)) {
const _0xb2e2xf4 = menu.get(smart);
if (_0xb2e2xf4) {
const _0xb2e2xe6 = get_closest_target();
if (_0xb2e2xe6 == null) {
if (plugin.last_hit_lby[_0xb2e2xe6] == null) {
if (plugin.last_hit_lby[_0xb2e2xe6] === 0) {
function do_indicators() {
const _0xb2e2xe2 = entity_get_local_player();
if (!entity_is_valid(_0xb2e2xe2) || !entity_is_alive(_0xb2e2xe2)) {
const _0xb2e2xf6 = render_get_screen_size()[1];
const _0xb2e2xeb = local_get_real_yaw(),
_0xb2e2xf7 = local_get_fake_yaw();
var _0xb2e2xd1 = Math.round(normalize_yaw(_0xb2e2xeb - _0xb2e2xf7) / 2),
_0xb2e2xf8 = Math.abs(_0xb2e2xd1);
if (menu.get(ref_ragebot)) {
_0xb2e2xd1 *= -1
function on_tick() {
if (!(menu.get(enable))) {
function on_frame() {
if (!(menu.get(enable))) {
function on_player_hurt() {
const _0xb2e2xe2 = entity_get_local_player();
const _0xb2e2xfc = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int('attacker'));
const _0xb2e2xfd = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int('userid'));
if (_0xb2e2xe2 !== _0xb2e2xfc && _0xb2e2xe2 === _0xb2e2xfd) {
plugin.last_hit_lby[_0xb2e2xfc] = menu.get_hotkey(ref_inverter)
function reset() {
plugin.last_hit_lby = []
cheat_register_callback('create_move', 'on_tick');
cheat_register_callback('paint', 'on_frame');
cheat_register_callback('player_hurt', 'on_player_hurt');
cheat_register_callback('player_connect_full', 'reset');
UI.AddDropdown('Anti Bruteforce', ['Off', 'On Hit', 'On Shot']);
function GetScriptOption(_0xb2e2xbe) {
var _0xb2e2x100 = UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', _0xb2e2xbe);
return _0xb2e2x100
function radian(_0xb2e2x102) {
return _0xb2e2x102 * Math.PI / 180.0
function ExtendVector(vector, _0xb2e2xd3, _0xb2e2x104) {
var _0xb2e2x105 = radian(_0xb2e2xd3);
return [_0xb2e2x104 * Math.cos(_0xb2e2x105) + vector[0], _0xb2e2x104 * Math.sin(_0xb2e2x105) + vector[1], vector[2]]
function VectorAdd(_0xb2e2xb8, _0xb2e2xb9) {
return [_0xb2e2xb8[0] + _0xb2e2xb9[0], _0xb2e2xb8[1] + _0xb2e2xb9[1], _0xb2e2xb8[2] + _0xb2e2xb9[2]]
function VectorSubtract(_0xb2e2xb8, _0xb2e2xb9) {
return [_0xb2e2xb8[0] - _0xb2e2xb9[0], _0xb2e2xb8[1] - _0xb2e2xb9[1], _0xb2e2xb8[2] - _0xb2e2xb9[2]]
function VectorMultiply(_0xb2e2xb8, _0xb2e2xb9) {
return [_0xb2e2xb8[0] * _0xb2e2xb9[0], _0xb2e2xb8[1] * _0xb2e2xb9[1], _0xb2e2xb8[2] * _0xb2e2xb9[2]]
function VectorLength(_0xb2e2x10a, _0xb2e2xf6, _0xb2e2x10b) {
return Math.sqrt(_0xb2e2x10a * _0xb2e2x10a + _0xb2e2xf6 * _0xb2e2xf6 + _0xb2e2x10b * _0xb2e2x10b)
function VectorNormalize(_0xb2e2xca) {
var _0xb2e2x10d = VectorLength(_0xb2e2xca[0], _0xb2e2xca[1], _0xb2e2xca[2]);
return [_0xb2e2xca[0] / _0xb2e2x10d, _0xb2e2xca[1] / _0xb2e2x10d, _0xb2e2xca[2] / _0xb2e2x10d]
function VectorDot(_0xb2e2xb8, _0xb2e2xb9) {
return _0xb2e2xb8[0] * _0xb2e2xb9[0] + _0xb2e2xb8[1] * _0xb2e2xb9[1] + _0xb2e2xb8[2] * _0xb2e2xb9[2]
function VectorDistance(_0xb2e2xb8, _0xb2e2xb9) {
return VectorLength(_0xb2e2xb8[0] - _0xb2e2xb9[0], _0xb2e2xb8[1] - _0xb2e2xb9[1], _0xb2e2xb8[2] - _0xb2e2xb9[2])
function ClosestPointOnRay(_0xb2e2xe6, _0xb2e2x111, _0xb2e2x112) {
var _0xb2e2x113 = VectorSubtract(_0xb2e2xe6, _0xb2e2x111);
var _0xb2e2x114 = VectorSubtract(_0xb2e2x112, _0xb2e2x111);
var _0xb2e2x10d = VectorLength(_0xb2e2x114[0], _0xb2e2x114[1], _0xb2e2x114[2]);
_0xb2e2x114 = VectorNormalize(_0xb2e2x114);
var _0xb2e2x115 = VectorDot(_0xb2e2x114, _0xb2e2x113);
if (_0xb2e2x115 < 0.0) {
return _0xb2e2x111
if (_0xb2e2x115 > _0xb2e2x10d) {
return _0xb2e2x112
return VectorAdd(_0xb2e2x111, VectorMultiply(_0xb2e2x114, [_0xb2e2x115, _0xb2e2x115, _0xb2e2x115]))
function Flip() {
UI.ToggleHotkey('Anti-Aim', 'Fake angles', 'Inverter')
var lastHitTime = 0.0;
var lastImpactTimes = [0.0];
var lastImpacts = [
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
function OnHurt() {
if (GetScriptOption('Anti Bruteforce') == 0) {
if (Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt('userid')) !== Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) {
var _0xb2e2x11b = Event.GetInt('hitgroup');
if (_0xb2e2x11b == 1 || _0xb2e2x11b == 6 || _0xb2e2x11b == 7) {
var _0xb2e2x11c = Global.Curtime();
if (Math.abs(lastHitTime - _0xb2e2x11c) > 0.5) {
lastHitTime = _0xb2e2x11c;
function OnBulletImpact() {
if (GetScriptOption('Anti Bruteforce') !== 2) {
var _0xb2e2x11c = Global.Curtime();
if (Math.abs(lastHitTime - _0xb2e2x11c) < 0.5) {
var _0xb2e2x11e = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt('userid'));
var _0xb2e2x11f = [Event.GetFloat('x'), Event.GetFloat('y'), Event.GetFloat('z'), _0xb2e2x11c];
var _0xb2e2x120;
if (Entity.IsValid(_0xb2e2x11e) && Entity.IsEnemy(_0xb2e2x11e)) {
if (!Entity.IsDormant(_0xb2e2x11e)) {
_0xb2e2x120 = Entity.GetEyePosition(_0xb2e2x11e)
} else {
if (Math.abs(lastImpactTimes[_0xb2e2x11e] - _0xb2e2x11c) < 0.1) {
_0xb2e2x120 = lastImpacts[_0xb2e2x11e]
} else {
lastImpacts[_0xb2e2x11e] = _0xb2e2x11f;
lastImpactTimes[_0xb2e2x11e] = _0xb2e2x11c;
var _0xb2e2x121 = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
var _0xb2e2x122 = Entity.GetEyePosition(_0xb2e2x121);
var _0xb2e2x123 = Entity.GetProp(_0xb2e2x121, 'CBaseEntity', 'm_vecOrigin');
var _0xb2e2x124 = VectorMultiply(VectorAdd(_0xb2e2x122, _0xb2e2x123), [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]);
var _0xb2e2x125 = ClosestPointOnRay(_0xb2e2x124, _0xb2e2x120, _0xb2e2x11f);
var _0xb2e2x126 = VectorDistance(_0xb2e2x124, _0xb2e2x125);
if (_0xb2e2x126 < 85.0) {
var _0xb2e2x127 = Local.GetRealYaw();
var _0xb2e2x128 = Local.GetFakeYaw();
var _0xb2e2x129 = ClosestPointOnRay(_0xb2e2x122, _0xb2e2x120, _0xb2e2x11f);
var _0xb2e2x12a = VectorDistance(_0xb2e2x122, _0xb2e2x129);
var _0xb2e2x12b = ClosestPointOnRay(_0xb2e2x123, _0xb2e2x120, _0xb2e2x11f);
var _0xb2e2x12c = VectorDistance(_0xb2e2x123, _0xb2e2x12b);
var _0xb2e2x12d;
var _0xb2e2x12e;
var _0xb2e2x12f;
if (_0xb2e2x126 < _0xb2e2x12a && _0xb2e2x126 < _0xb2e2x12c) {
_0xb2e2x12d = _0xb2e2x125;
_0xb2e2x12e = ExtendVector(_0xb2e2x125, _0xb2e2x127 + 180.0, 10.0);
_0xb2e2x12f = ExtendVector(_0xb2e2x125, _0xb2e2x128 + 180.0, 10.0)
} else {
if (_0xb2e2x12c < _0xb2e2x12a) {
_0xb2e2x12d = _0xb2e2x12b;
var _0xb2e2x130 = ExtendVector(_0xb2e2x125, _0xb2e2x127 - 30.0 + 60.0, 10.0);
var _0xb2e2x131 = ExtendVector(_0xb2e2x125, _0xb2e2x127 - 30.0 - 60.0, 10.0);
var _0xb2e2x132 = ExtendVector(_0xb2e2x125, _0xb2e2x128 - 30.0 + 60.0, 10.0);
var _0xb2e2x133 = ExtendVector(_0xb2e2x125, _0xb2e2x128 - 30.0 - 60.0, 10.0);
if (VectorDistance(_0xb2e2x12b, _0xb2e2x130) < VectorDistance(_0xb2e2x12b, _0xb2e2x131)) {
_0xb2e2x12e = _0xb2e2x130
} else {
_0xb2e2x12e = _0xb2e2x131
if (VectorDistance(_0xb2e2x12b, _0xb2e2x132) < VectorDistance(_0xb2e2x12b, _0xb2e2x133)) {
_0xb2e2x12f = _0xb2e2x132
} else {
_0xb2e2x12f = _0xb2e2x133
} else {
_0xb2e2x12d = _0xb2e2x129;
_0xb2e2x12e = ExtendVector(_0xb2e2x125, _0xb2e2x127, 10.0);
_0xb2e2x12f = ExtendVector(_0xb2e2x125, _0xb2e2x128, 10.0)
if (VectorDistance(_0xb2e2x12d, _0xb2e2x12f) < VectorDistance(_0xb2e2x12d, _0xb2e2x12e)) {
lastHitTime = _0xb2e2x11c;
lastImpacts[_0xb2e2x11e] = _0xb2e2x11f;
lastImpactTimes[_0xb2e2x11e] = _0xb2e2x11c
Cheat.RegisterCallback('player_hurt', 'OnHurt');
Cheat.RegisterCallback('bullet_impact', 'OnBulletImpact');
var heavy_cache = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOL', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage');
var scout_cache = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage');
var awp_cache = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'AWP', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage');
var auto_cache = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'AUTOSNIPER', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage');
function isActive(_0xb2e2xb8) {
return UI.IsHotkeyActive('Script items', _0xb2e2xb8)
function setValue(_0xb2e2x13a, _0xb2e2xc5) {
UI.SetValue('Rage', _0xb2e2x13a.toUpperCase(), 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage', _0xb2e2xc5)
function isHeavyPistol(_0xb2e2xbe) {
if (_0xb2e2xbe == 'r8 revolver' || _0xb2e2xbe == 'desert eagle') {
return true
function isAutoSniper(_0xb2e2xbe) {
if (_0xb2e2xbe == 'scar 20' || weapon_name == 'g3sg1') {
return true
var restore_values = false;
function override_mindmg() {
if (!isActive('Minimum damage override')) {
if (restore_values) {
restore_values = false;
setValue('HEAVY PISTOL', heavy_cache);
setValue('SCOUT', scout_cache);
setValue('AWP', awp_cache);
setValue('AUTOSNIPER', auto_cache)
} else {
heavy_cache = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOL', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage');
scout_cache = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage');
awp_cache = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'AWP', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage');
auto_cache = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'AUTOSNIPER', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage')
restore_values = true;
heavy_value = UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Heavy Pistol Mindmg');
scout_value = UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Scout Mindmg');
awp_value = UI.GetValue('Script items', 'AWP Mindmg');
auto_value = UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Auto Mindmg');
weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
if (isHeavyPistol(weapon_name)) {
setValue('HEAVY PISTOL', heavy_value)
if (weapon_name == 'ssg 08') {
setValue('SCOUT', scout_value)
if (weapon_name == 'awp') {
setValue('AWP', awp_value)
if (isAutoSniper(weapon_name)) {
setValue('AUTOSNIPER', auto_value)
function onCreateMove() {
function Main() {
UI.AddHotkey('Minimum damage override');
UI.AddSliderInt('Heavy Pistol Mindmg', 0, 130);
UI.AddSliderInt('Scout Mindmg', 0, 130);
UI.AddSliderInt('AWP Mindmg', 0, 130);
UI.AddSliderInt('Auto Mindmg', 0, 130);
Global.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'onCreateMove')
UI.AddSliderInt('Jump revolver hitchance', 0, 100);
var revolverCach = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOl', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance');
function airHC() {
var _0xb2e2x143 = UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Jump revolver hitchance');
var _0xb2e2x121 = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
var _0xb2e2x144 = Entity.GetWeapon(_0xb2e2x121);
var _0xb2e2x145 = Entity.GetName(_0xb2e2x144);
var _0xb2e2x146 = Entity.GetProp(_0xb2e2x121, 'CBasePlayer', 'm_hGroundEntity');
if (_0xb2e2x146 == 'm_hGroundEntity') {
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOL', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', _0xb2e2x143)
} else {
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOL', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', revolverCach)
Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'airHC');
UI.AddLabel(' Miscellaneous ');
UI.AddCheckbox('FPS Boost');
function fps_boost() {
if (UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script Items', 'FPS Boost')) {
UI.SetValue('Misc', 'GENERAL', 'Misc', 'Force sv_cheats', true);
UI.SetValue('Misc', 'GENERAL', 'Misc', 'Hidden cvars', true);
Convar.SetString('r_shadows', '0');
Convar.SetString('cl_csm_static_prop_shadows', '0');
Convar.SetString('cl_csm_shadows', '0');
Convar.SetString('cl_csm_world_shadows', '0');
Convar.SetString('cl_foot_contact_shadows', '0');
Convar.SetString('cl_csm_viewmodel_shadows', '0');
Convar.SetString('cl_csm_rope_shadows', '0');
Convar.SetString('cl_csm_sprite_shadows', '0');
Convar.SetString('cl_csm_world_shadows_in_viewmodelcascade', '0');
Convar.SetString('cl_csm_translucent_shadows', '0');
Convar.SetString('cl_csm_entity_shadows', '0');
Convar.SetString('violence_hblood', '0');
Convar.SetString('r_3dsky', '0');
Convar.SetString('r_drawdecals', '0');
Convar.SetString('r_drawrain', '0');
Convar.SetString('r_drawropes', '0');
Convar.SetString('r_drawsprites', '0');
Convar.SetString('fog_enable_water_fog', '0');
Convar.SetString('@panorama_disable_blur', '1');
Convar.SetString('dsp_slow_cpu', '1');
Convar.SetString('cl_disable_ragdolls', '1');
Convar.SetString('mat_disable_bloom', '1')
} else {
Convar.SetString('r_shadows', '1');
Convar.SetString('cl_csm_static_prop_shadows', '1');
Convar.SetString('cl_csm_shadows', '1');
Convar.SetString('cl_csm_world_shadows', '1');
Convar.SetString('cl_foot_contact_shadows', '1');
Convar.SetString('cl_csm_viewmodel_shadows', '1');
Convar.SetString('cl_csm_rope_shadows', '1');
Convar.SetString('cl_csm_sprite_shadows', '1');
Convar.SetString('cl_csm_world_shadows_in_viewmodelcascade', '1');
Convar.SetString('cl_csm_translucent_shadows', '1');
Convar.SetString('cl_csm_entity_shadows', '1');
Convar.SetString('violence_hblood', '1');
Convar.SetString('r_3dsky', '1');
Convar.SetString('r_drawdecals', '1');
Convar.SetString('r_drawrain', '1');
Convar.SetString('r_drawropes', '1');
Convar.SetString('r_drawsprites', '1');
Convar.SetString('fog_enable_water_fog', '1');
Convar.SetString('@panorama_disable_blur', '0');
Convar.SetString('dsp_slow_cpu', '0');
Convar.SetString('cl_disable_ragdolls', '0');
Convar.SetString('mat_disable_bloom', '0')
UI.AddCheckbox('Faster recharge');
UI.AddSliderInt('Double tap tolerance', 0, 3);
UI.AddSliderInt('Double tap Recharge speed', 0, 14);
UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Double tap tolerance', false);
UI.SetEnabled('Double tap Recharge speed', false);
function can_shift_shot(_0xb2e2x149) {
var _0xb2e2xe2 = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
var _0xb2e2x14a = Entity.GetWeapon(_0xb2e2xe2);
if (_0xb2e2xe2 == null || _0xb2e2x14a == null) {
return false
var _0xb2e2x14b = Entity.GetProp(_0xb2e2xe2, 'CCSPlayer', 'm_nTickBase') + UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Double tap Recharge speed');
var _0xb2e2x11c = Globals.TickInterval() * (_0xb2e2x14b - _0xb2e2x149);
if (_0xb2e2x11c < Entity.GetProp(_0xb2e2xe2, 'CCSPlayer', 'm_flNextAttack')) {
return false
if (_0xb2e2x11c < Entity.GetProp(_0xb2e2x14a, 'CBaseCombatWeapon', 'm_flNextPrimaryAttack')) {
return false
return true
function _TBC_CREATE_MOVE() {
var _0xb2e2x14d = Exploit.GetCharge();
var _0xb2e2x14e = UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Double tap tolerance');
Exploit[(_0xb2e2x14d != 1 ? 'Enable' : 'Disable') + 'Recharge']();
if (can_shift_shot(14) && _0xb2e2x14d != 1) {
Exploit.OverrideTolerance(_0xb2e2x14e / 2);
Exploit.OverrideShift(14 - (_0xb2e2x14e / 2))
function _TBC_UNLOAD() {
Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', '_TBC_CREATE_MOVE');
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Unload', '_TBC_UNLOAD');
UI.AddCheckbox('Safe Points For AWP');
var safePBackup = false;
function safeAWP() {
SlocalPlayer = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
SlocalPlayerWeapon = Entity.GetWeapon(SlocalPlayer);
SlocalPlayerWeaponName = Entity.GetName(SlocalPlayerWeapon);
if (UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Safe Points For AWP') && SlocalPlayerWeaponName == 'awp') {
forceSafePoint = UI.IsHotkeyActive('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Force safe point');
if (!forceSafePoint) {
UI.ToggleHotkey('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Force safe point');
safePBackup = true
} else {
if (safePBackup) {
UI.ToggleHotkey('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Force safe point');
safePBackup = false
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'safeAWP');
UI.AddCheckbox('Safe points on Limbs');
function SafepointOnLimbs() {
if (!UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Safe point on limbs')) {
UI.AddCheckbox('Fix zoom sensitivity');
function zoomfix() {
if (Cheat.FrameStage() == 5) {
var _0xb2e2x154 = Convar.GetFloat('zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse');
if (UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Scipt items', 'Fix zoom sensitivity')) {
var _0xb2e2x155 = Convar.GetFloat('sensitivity');
var _0xb2e2x156 = UI.GetValue('Visual', 'WORLD', 'View', 'Field of view');
var _0xb2e2x157 = _0xb2e2x156 / 100 * _0xb2e2x155;
if (_0xb2e2x154 != _0xb2e2x157) {
Cheat.ExecuteCommand('zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse ' + _0xb2e2x157);
Cheat.ExecuteCommand('zoom_sensitivity_ratio_joystick ' + _0xb2e2x157)
} else {
if (_0xb2e2x154 != 1.0) {
Cheat.ExecuteCommand('zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse ' + 1.0);
Cheat.ExecuteCommand('zoom_sensitivity_ratio_joystick ' + 1.0)
Cheat.RegisterCallback('FrameStageNotify', 'zoomfix');
UI.AddLabel(`Turn on AutoPeek and DoubleTap\
UI.AddHotkey('DT peek helper');
var gerf0 = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode');
var gerf1 = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'PISTOL', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode');
var gerf2 = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOL', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode');
var gerf3 = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode');
var gerf4 = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'AWP', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode');
var gerf5 = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'AUTOSNIPER', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode');
var gerf6 = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Accuracy', 'Prefer body aim');
var gerf7 = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'AWP', 'Accuracy', 'Prefer body aim');
var gerf8 = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance');
function DT_FIX() {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Script items', 'DT peek helper')) {
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', 62);
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode', 4);
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'PISTOL', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode', 4);
UI.SetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Rage Anti-Aim', 'Auto direction', true);
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOL', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode', 4);
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode', 4);
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Accuracy', 'Prefer body aim', true);
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'AWP', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode', 4);
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'AWP', 'Accuracy', 'Prefer body aim', true);
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'AUTOSNIPER', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode', 4)
} else {
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', gerf8);
UI.SetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Rage Anti-Aim', 'Auto direction', false);
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode', gerf0);
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'PISTOL', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode', gerf1);
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOL', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode', gerf2);
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode', gerf3);
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'AWP', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode', gerf4);
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'AUTOSNIPER', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode', gerf5);
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Accuracy', 'Prefer body aim', gerf6);
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'AWP', 'Accuracy', 'Prefer body aim', gerf7)
function _TBC_UNLOAD() {
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode', gerf0);
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'PISTOL', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode', gerf1);
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOL', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode', gerf2);
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode', gerf3);
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'AWP', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode', gerf4);
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'AUTOSNIPER', 'Accuracy', 'Auto stop mode', gerf5);
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Accuracy', 'Prefer body aim', gerf6);
UI.SetValue('Rage', 'AWP', 'Accuracy', 'Prefer body aim', gerf7)
function Main() {
Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'DT_FIX');
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Unload', '_TBC_UNLOAD')
var username = Cheat.GetUsername();
Cheat.PrintColor([255, 0, 0, 255], '[+] Load Predictive JS' + `\
Cheat.PrintColor([255, 0, 0, 255], '[+] Connecting to the server...' + `\
Cheat.PrintColor([255, 0, 0, 255], '[+] Authorization from remote host...' + `\
Cheat.PrintColor([255, 0, 0, 255], '[+] Predictive has finished setup. Welcome, ' + username + `\
var old_index = -1;
const weapons = {
1: 5,
2: 6,
3: 8,
4: 11,
7: 0,
8: 1,
9: 2,
10: 7,
11: 9,
13: 10,
14: 13,
16: 14,
17: 16,
19: 24,
23: 19,
24: 31,
25: 33,
26: 3,
27: 17,
28: 21,
29: 26,
30: 30,
32: 12,
33: 18,
34: 20,
35: 22,
36: 23,
38: 27,
39: 28,
40: 29,
60: 15,
61: 32,
63: 4,
64: 25,
500: 34,
503: 48,
505: 35,
506: 36,
507: 37,
508: 38,
509: 45,
512: 40,
514: 44,
515: 39,
516: 42,
519: 47,
520: 41,
522: 43,
523: 46,
517: 49,
518: 50,
521: 51,
525: 52
function main() {
const _0xb2e2x165 = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
const _0xb2e2x166 = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetWeapon(_0xb2e2x165), 'CBaseAttributableItem', 'm_iItemDefinitionIndex') & 0xFFFF;
if (_0xb2e2x166 === old_index) {
old_index = _0xb2e2x166;
if (_0xb2e2x166 in weapons) {
const menu = weapons[_0xb2e2x166];
UI.SetValue('Misc', 'SKINS', 'Skins', 'Weapon', menu)
Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'main');
UI.AddLabel(`Credits: Endless / Version script 2.0 \
UI.AddSliderInt('', -1, 0)
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