Автор темы
- #1
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Трейлер / Trailer:
Ресурс содержит пример макроса Blueprint "мигания / рывка" с изменением угла обзора камеры.
Технические детали / Technical Details:
- 10 Unique Blink and Dash (mesh-based) effects (6 Dash and 4 Blink effects).
- Dash effects use Meshes for the trails/curves, not the Niagara ribbon. It will not follow the character while moving. The set distance for the dash is 1000 unreal units.
- Made by using Niagara
- The asset contains the Blueprint macro example of "blinking/dashing" with camera FOV changing. (The macros is using for the demonstration and may not fully suit your needs)
Type of Emitters: CPU | GPU | Mesh Emitters
Number of Unique Effects: 10
LODs: No
Number of Materials: 59
Number of Textures: 58
Number of Unique Meshes: 11
Texture Resolutions: 512x512-2048x2048
Supported Development Platforms: PC | Mobile | Consoles
Windows: Yes
Documentation: No
Additional Notes:
- All emitters are in the Local space.
- The Character, Animation, and Floor material from the Demonstration scene are not included.
- The asset isn't tested with VR. If you would like to get the VR demo, feel free to contact me by email.
- Please make sure that you have the Niagara plugin enabled.
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