JS-скрипт Additional js for v4.

13 Окт 2020
Просто еще одна моя js на вантап. Делал по преколу. Есть немного пасты (Чисто из за того что не умел либо было лень.)

Source code, из функций:
Minor DT fixes
In air hitchance
Noscope hitchance

Force safety with noscope
Force safety on limbs
Only head key

Low delta on slow walk/on key

Local bullet tracers

Additional clantag


UI.AddSubTab(['Rage', 'SUBTAB_MGR'], '[Additional] Rage')
    ragePath = ['Rage', '[Additional] Rage', '[Additional] Rage']
    UI.AddCheckbox(ragePath, 'Minor DT improvements')
        UI.AddSliderInt(ragePath, 'Recharge delay', 4, 17)
        UI.AddSliderInt(ragePath, 'Noscope recharge delay', 4, 17)
    UI.AddCheckbox(ragePath, 'In air hitchance')
        UI.AddSliderInt(ragePath, 'Scout air hitchance', 0, 100)
        UI.AddSliderInt(ragePath, 'Revolver air hitchance', 0, 100)
    UI.AddCheckbox(ragePath, 'Noscope hitchance')
        UI.AddSliderInt(ragePath, 'Noscope hitchance value', 0, 100)
    UI.AddCheckbox(ragePath, 'Force safety with noscope')
    UI.AddCheckbox(ragePath, 'Force safety on limbs')

    UI.AddHotkey(['Rage', 'General', 'Key assignment'], 'Force head key', 'Only head')
    UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment"], "MinDamage override", "MinDmg");

    UI.AddHotkey(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Key assignment'], 'Low delta key', 'Low delta')

UI.AddSubTab(['Rage', 'SUBTAB_MGR'], '[Additional] AA')
    aaPath = ['Rage', '[Additional] AA', '[Additional] AA']
    UI.AddCheckbox(aaPath, 'Low delta')
        UI.AddCheckbox(aaPath, 'Low delta on slow walk')

UI.AddSubTab(['Visuals', 'SUBTAB_MGR'], '[Additional] Visual')
    visualsPath = ['Visuals', '[Additional] Visual', '[Additional] Visual']
    UI.AddCheckbox(visualsPath, 'Indicators')
        UI.AddMultiDropdown(visualsPath, 'Indicators list', ['BAIM State', 'Doubletap', 'Desync', 'Legit AA'])
    UI.AddCheckbox(visualsPath, 'Local bullet tracers')
        UI.AddColorPicker(visualsPath, 'Local bullet tracers color')

UI.AddSubTab(['Misc.', 'SUBTAB_MGR'], '[Additional] Misc')
    miscPath = ['Misc.', '[Additional] Misc', '[Additional] Misc']
    UI.AddCheckbox(miscPath, 'Additional clantag')
function globalMenu() {
    //Dt improvements
        UI.SetEnabled(['Rage', '[Additional] Rage', '[Additional] Rage', 'Recharge delay'], UI.GetValue(['Rage', '[Additional] Rage', '[Additional] Rage', 'Minor DT improvements']))
        UI.SetEnabled(['Rage', '[Additional] Rage', '[Additional] Rage', 'Noscope recharge delay'], UI.GetValue(['Rage', '[Additional] Rage', '[Additional] Rage', 'Minor DT improvements']))
    //Air hitchance
        UI.SetEnabled(['Rage', '[Additional] Rage', '[Additional] Rage', 'Scout air hitchance'], UI.GetValue(['Rage', '[Additional] Rage', '[Additional] Rage', 'In air hitchance']))
        UI.SetEnabled(['Rage', '[Additional] Rage', '[Additional] Rage', 'Revolver air hitchance'], UI.GetValue(['Rage', '[Additional] Rage', '[Additional] Rage', 'In air hitchance']))

    //Noscope hitchance
        UI.SetEnabled(['Rage', '[Additional] Rage', '[Additional] Rage', 'Noscope hitchance value'], UI.GetValue(['Rage', '[Additional] Rage', '[Additional] Rage', 'Noscope hitchance']))

        UI.SetEnabled(['Visuals', '[Additional] Visual', '[Additional] Visual', 'Indicators list'], UI.GetValue(['Visuals', '[Additional] Visual', '[Additional] Visual', 'Indicators']))
    //Local bullet tracers
        UI.SetEnabled(['Visuals', '[Additional] Visual', '[Additional] Visual', 'Local bullet tracers color'], UI.GetValue(['Visuals', '[Additional] Visual', '[Additional] Visual', 'Local bullet tracers']))

Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'globalMenu')

    var tab_names = ["General","USP","Glock","Five Seven","Tec-9","Deagle","Revolver","Dualies","P250","CZ-75","Mac10","P90","MP5","MP7","MP9","UMP45","PP-Bizon","M4A1-S","M4A4","AK47","AUG","SG553","FAMAS","GALIL","AWP","SSG08","SCAR20","G3SG1","M249","XM1014","MAG7","Negev","Sawed off"];
    function createDMG() {
        for (k in tab_names) {
            UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "Target", tab_names[k]], "Minimum damage override", 1,100);


    function minDamage() {
        var wep2tab = {"usp s" : "USP","glock 18" : "Glock","dual berettas" : "Dualies","r8 revolver" : "Revolver","desert eagle" : "Deagle","p250" : "P250","tec 9" : "Tec-9",
        "mp9": "MP9","mac 10": "Mac10","pp bizon": "PP-Bizon","ump 45" : "UMP45","ak 47" : "AK47","sg 553" : "SG553","aug" : "AUG","m4a1 s": "M4A1-S","m4a4": "M4A4","ssg 08": "SSG08",
        "awp" : "AWP","g3sg1" : "G3SG1","scar 20" : "SCAR20","xm1014" : "XM1014","mag 7" : "MAG7","m249" : "M249","negev" : "Negev","p2000" : "General","famas" : "FAMAS","five seven" : "Five Seven","mp7" : "MP7",
        "ump 45" : "UMP45","p90" : "P90","cz75 auto" : "CZ-75","mp5 sd" : "MP5","galil ar" : "GALIL","sawed off" : "Sawed off"};
        if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment","MinDamage override"])) {
            var tab = wep2tab[Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))];
            if (tab == undefined) {tab = "General";}
            var override = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", tab, "Minimum damage override"]);
            if (override == 0 && tab != "General") {override = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", "General","MinDamage override"])}
            var en = Entity.GetEnemies();
            for (e in en) {
                Ragebot.ForceTargetMinimumDamage(en[e], override);

    Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'minDamage')

    function createSL() {
        for (k in tab_names) {
            UI.AddCheckbox(['Rage', 'Target', tab_names[k]], 'Force safety if lethal')
            UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "Target", tab_names[k]], "Lethal hp value", 1,100);


    function safetyIfLethal() {
        var wep2tab = {"usp s" : "USP","glock 18" : "Glock","dual berettas" : "Dualies","r8 revolver" : "Revolver","desert eagle" : "Deagle","p250" : "P250","tec 9" : "Tec-9",
        "mp9": "MP9","mac 10": "Mac10","pp bizon": "PP-Bizon","ump 45" : "UMP45","ak 47" : "AK47","sg 553" : "SG553","aug" : "AUG","m4a1 s": "M4A1-S","m4a4": "M4A4","ssg 08": "SSG08",
        "awp" : "AWP","g3sg1" : "G3SG1","scar 20" : "SCAR20","xm1014" : "XM1014","mag 7" : "MAG7","m249" : "M249","negev" : "Negev","p2000" : "General","famas" : "FAMAS","five seven" : "Five Seven","mp7" : "MP7",
        "ump 45" : "UMP45","p90" : "P90","cz75 auto" : "CZ-75","mp5 sd" : "MP5","galil ar" : "GALIL","sawed off" : "Sawed off"}
        var tab = wep2tab[Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))];
        if (tab == undefined) { tab = 'General' }

        for (e in tab_names) {
            UI.SetEnabled(['Rage', 'Target', tab_names[e], 'Lethal hp value'], UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Target', tab_names[e], 'Force safety if lethal']))

        if (UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Target', tab, 'Force safety if lethal'])) {
            lowHpValue = UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Target', tab, 'Lethal hp value'])
            enemyHP = Entity.GetProp(Ragebot.GetTarget(), 'CBasePlayer', 'm_iHealth')
            if (enemyHP > lowHpValue) {
                Ragebot.ForceTargetMinimumDamage(Ragebot.GetTarget(), 130)
        } else {

    Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'safetyIfLethal')

    function minorDT() {
        if (UI.GetValue(['Rage', '[Additional] Rage', '[Additional] Rage', 'Minor DT improvements'])) {
            //Override DT tickbase manipulation

            //Fast Recharge
            function dtSpeed(a) {
                var me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
                var wpn = Entity.GetWeapon(me);

                if (me == null || wpn == null)
                    return false;

                var tickbase = Entity.GetProp(me, "CCSPlayer", "m_nTickBase");
                var curtime = Globals.TickInterval() * (tickbase-a)

                if (curtime < Entity.GetProp(me, "CCSPlayer", "m_flNextAttack"))
                    return false;

                if (curtime < Entity.GetProp(wpn, "CBaseCombatWeapon", "m_flNextPrimaryAttack"))
                    return false;

                return true;

            var is_charged = Exploit.GetCharge()

            scoped = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), 'CCSPlayer', 'm_bIsScoped')
            var recharge_delay = scoped ? UI.GetValue(['Rage', '[Additional] Rage', '[Additional] Rage', 'Recharge delay']) : UI.GetValue(['Rage', '[Additional] Rage', '[Additional] Rage', 'Noscope recharge delay'])
            Exploit[(is_charged != 1 ? "Enable" : "Disable") + "Recharge"]()

            if (dtSpeed(recharge_delay) && is_charged != 1) {
        } else {

    function unload() {

    Cheat.RegisterCallback('Unload', 'unload')
    Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'minorDT')

    function inAirHitchance() {
        airHC = null
        if (UI.GetValue(['Rage', '[Additional] Rage', '[Additional] Rage', 'In air hitchance'])) {
            weapon = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))
            if (weapon == 'ssg 08') { airHC = UI.GetValue(['Rage', '[Additional] Rage', '[Additional] Rage', 'Scout hitchance']) } else if (weapon == 'r8 revolver') { airHC = UI.GetValue(['Rage', '[Additional] Rage', '[Additional] Rage', 'Revolver hitchance']) }

            enemies = Entity.GetEnemies()
            for (var ah in enemies) {
                if (Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), 'CBasePlayer', 'm_hGroundEntity')) {
                    Ragebot.ForceTargetHitchance(enemies[ah], airHC)
        } else {

    Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'inAirHitchance')

    function noscopeHitchance() {
        noscopeHC = null
        if (UI.GetValue(['Rage', '[Additional] Rage', '[Additional] Rage', 'Noscope hitchance'])) {
            weapon = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))
            if (weapon == 'scar 20' || weapon == 'g3sg1') { noscopeHC = UI.GetValue(['Rage', '[Additional] Rage', '[Additional] Rage', 'Noscope hitchance value']) } else { return }

            enemies = Entity.GetEnemies()
            for (var nh in enemies) {
                scoped = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), 'CCSPlayer', 'm_bIsScoped')
                if (!scoped) {
                    Ragebot.ForceTargetHitchance(enemies[nh], noscopeHC)

    Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'noscopeHitchance')

    function safetyIfNotScoped() {
        scoped = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), 'CCSPlayer', 'm_bIsScoped')
        enemies = Entity.GetEnemies()
        for (var ns in enemies) {
            if (UI.GetValue(['Rage', '[Additional] Rage', '[Additional] Rage', 'Force safety with noscope']) && !scoped) {

    Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'safetyIfNotScoped')

    function safePointOnLimbs() {
        if (UI.GetValue(['Rage', '[Additional] Rage', '[Additional] Rage', 'Force safety on limbs'])) {
            for (i = 7; i < 12; i++) {

    Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'safePointOnLimbs')

    function onlyHead() {
        if (UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'General', 'Key assignment', 'Force head key'])) {
            enemies = Entity.GetEnemies()
            for (oh in enemies) {
                for (i = 1; i < 12; i++) {
                    Ragebot.IgnoreTargetHitbox(enemies[oh], i)

    Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'onlyHead')

    function lowDelta() {
        if (UI.GetValue(['Rage', '[Additional] AA', '[Additional] AA', 'Low delta'])) {
            slowWalk = UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Key assignment', 'Slow walk'])
            if (UI.GetValue(['Rage', '[Additional] AA', '[Additional] AA', 'Low delta on slow walk']) && slowWalk) {
            } else if (UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Key assignment', 'Low delta key'])) {
            } else {
        } else {


    Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'lowDelta')
    const keybind = UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment"], "Legit AA", "Legit AA")
    const legitaa_time = Global.Realtime();
    var E = true;
    var Defuse = false;
    var x = 1;
    var key = 0;
    var distance = 0;
    var distance1 = 0;
    var original_aa = true;
    function on_E(){
        var buttons = UserCMD.GetButtons();
        if(UI.GetValue(keybind)) {
            if (original_aa)
                restrictions_cache = UI.GetValue(["Config", "Cheat", "General", "Restrictions"]);
                yaw_offset_cache = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Directions", 'Yaw offset']);
                jitter_offset_cache = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Directions", 'Jitter offset']);
                pitch_cache = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", 'Pitch mode']);
                at_tar = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Directions", 'At targets']);
                autodir = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Directions", 'Auto direction']);
                original_aa = false;
            UI.SetValue(["Config", "Cheat", "General", "Restrictions"], 0);
            UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Directions", 'Yaw offset'], 180);
            UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Directions", 'Jitter offset'], 0);
            UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", 'Pitch mode'], 0);
            UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Directions", 'At targets'], 0);
            UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Directions", 'Auto direction'], 0);
            if (Input.IsKeyPressed(0x45) == true ){
                E = false;
                if(Globals.Realtime() > legitaa_time + 0.2){
                    if(E == false){
                        E = true;
                    if(E == true){
                if(E == true){
                    E = false;
            if (!original_aa){
                UI.SetValue(["Config", "Cheat", "General", "Restrictions"], restrictions_cache);
                UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Directions", 'Yaw offset'], yaw_offset_cache);
                UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Directions", 'Jitter offset'], jitter_offset_cache);
                UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", 'Pitch mode'], pitch_cache);
                UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Directions", 'At targets'], at_tar);
                UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Directions", 'Auto direction'], autodir);
                original_aa = true;
            legitaa_time = Global.Realtime();
    function Bomb(){
        var buttons = UserCMD.GetButtons();
        var C4 = Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID(129)[0];
        var Host = Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID(97)[0];
        if (C4){
            var C4Loc = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(C4);
            var local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
            var lLoc = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(local)
            distance = calcDist(C4Loc, lLoc);
            //Cheat.Print(distance +"\n");
            if(distance >= 100){
        }else if(Host != undefined){
            var HLoc = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(Host);
            var local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
            var lLoc = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(local)
            distance1 = calcDist(HLoc, lLoc);
            //Cheat.Print(distance1 +"\n");
            if(distance1 >= 100){
    function calcDist(local, target) {
        var lx = local[0];
        var ly = local[1];
        var lz = local[2];
        var tx = target[0];
        var ty = target[1];
        var tz = target[2];
        var dx = lx - tx;
        var dy = ly - ty;
        var dz = lz - tz;
        return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);

    function indicators() {
        if (!Entity.GetLocalPlayer() && !Entity.IsValid(Enttiy.GetLocalPlayer)) return

        indicate = []
        colors = []

        dropdown = UI.GetValue(['Visuals', '[Additional] Visual', '[Additional] Visual', 'Indicators list'])
        if (dropdown == 0) indicate = [], colors = []
        //Manipulation with array
        if (dropdown & (1 << 0)) {
            //BODY AIM INDICATOR
            if (UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'General', 'Key assignment', 'Force body aim'])) { indicate.push('BODY'), colors.push([183, 255, 0, 255]) } else { indicate.push('NORM'), colors.push([3, 194, 252, 255]) }
        if (dropdown & (1 << 1)) {
            dtState = Exploit.GetCharge() == 1 ? [255,255,255,255] : [255,0,0,255]
            if (UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Exploits', 'Key assignment', 'Double tap']) && !UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Exploits', 'Key assignment', 'Hide shots'])) { indicate.push('DT'), colors.push(dtState) }
            else if (UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Exploits', 'Key assignment', 'Double tap']) && UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Exploits', 'Key assignment', 'Hide shots'])) { indicate.push('DT'), colors.push(dtState) }
            else if (UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Exploits', 'Key assignment', 'Hide shots'])) { indicate.push('HIDE'), colors.push([245, 209, 66, 255]) }
            else { indicate.push('DT'), colors.push([255,0,0,255]) }
        if (dropdown & (1 << 2)) {
            //DESYNC INDICATOR
            diff = Local.GetRealYaw() - Local.GetFakeYaw()
            while(diff > 180) diff -= 360
            while(diff < 180) diff += 360
            diff = Math.abs(diff)
            if (diff <= 360) { indicate.push('RIGHT'), colors.push([255,255,255,255]) } else { indicate.push('LEFT'), colors.push([255,255,255,255]) }
        if (dropdown & (1 << 3)) {
            //LEGIT AA INDICATOR
            if ((UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Pitch mode']) == 0 || UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Pitch mode']) == 3) && UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Yaw offset']) == 180) {
                indicate.push('OUT'), colors.push([255,0,0,255])

        font = Render.GetFont("Museo Sans Cyrl 700.ttf", 12, true)
        for (i = 0; i < indicate.length && i < colors.length; i++) {
            if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) && !Entity.IsValid(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) return
            if (UI.GetValue(['Visuals', '[Additional] Visual', '[Additional] Visual', 'Indicators'])) {
                Render.String(Render.GetScreenSize()[0] /2, Render.GetScreenSize()[1] /2 + 28 + (12*i), 1, indicate[i], [0,0,0,255], font)
                Render.String(Render.GetScreenSize()[0] /2, Render.GetScreenSize()[1] /2 + 26 + (12*i), 1, indicate[i], colors[i], font)

    Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'indicators')

    var traceContainer = [];
    function tracer(eyepos, hitpos, time,color) {
        this.eyepos = eyepos
        this.position = hitpos
        this.time = time
        this.col = color
    var impact = 0;
    function onBulletImpact() {
            if (Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid")) == Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) {
                var x = Event.GetFloat("x")
                var y = Event.GetFloat("y")
                var z = Event.GetFloat("z")

                var pos = [x, y, z - 1]
                var color = UI.GetColor(['Visuals', '[Additional] Visual', '[Additional] Visual', 'Local bullet tracers color'])
                var view = Entity.GetEyePosition(Entity.GetLocalPlayer());
                view = [view[0],view[1],view[2] - 1]
                traceContainer.push(new tracer(view, pos, Globals.Tickcount(),color))
    function onDraw() {
        if (!(Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) ) {
            traceContainer = [];
        if(traceContainer.length < 1)
        var t = 90
        for (i in traceContainer) {
            var ss = Render.GetScreenSize()
            var view2s = Render.WorldToScreen(traceContainer[i].eyepos)
            var pos2s = Render.WorldToScreen(traceContainer[i].position)
            var col = traceContainer[i].col
                if ((view2s[0] < -100 || view2s[0] > ss[0] + 100 || pos2s[0] < -100 || pos2s[0] > ss[0] + 100
                    || view2s[1] < -100 || view2s[1] > ss[1] + 100 || pos2s[1] < -100 || pos2s[1] > ss[1] + 100) == false) {
                    currenteye = Entity.GetEyePosition(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())
                    if (UI.GetValue(['Visuals', '[Additional] Visual', '[Additional] Visual', 'Local bullet tracers'])) {
                            Render.Line(view2s[0], view2s[1], pos2s[0], pos2s[1], col)
            if (traceContainer[i].time + t < Globals.Tickcount()) {
                traceContainer[i].col = [traceContainer[i].col[0], traceContainer[i].col[1], traceContainer[i].col[2], clamp(traceContainer[i].col[3] - 2.5,0,255)]
            if(traceContainer[i].col[3] <= 15){

            if (20 < traceContainer.length) {
                traceContainer[i].col = [traceContainer[i].col[0], traceContainer[i].col[1], traceContainer[i].col[2], clamp(traceContainer[i].col[3] - 2.5,0,255)]

    clamp = function (val, min, max) {
        if (val > max)
        return max
        if (min > val)
        return min
        return val

    Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "onDraw")
    Cheat.RegisterCallback("bullet_impact", "onBulletImpact")

    currentTick = 0;
    lastTick = 0;
    buffer = ''
    function clantag() {

        if (UI.GetValue(['Misc.', '[Additional] Misc', '[Additional] Misc', 'Additional clantag']) && !World.GetServerString() == "") {

            currentTick = parseInt(Globals.Curtime() * 1000);

            if ((currentTick - 100) >= lastTick) {

                switch (Math.round(Globals.Curtime() % 22)) {
                    case 1: buffer = '!'; break;
                    case 2: buffer = 'A@'; break;
                    case 3: buffer = 'Ad#'; break;
                    case 4: buffer = 'Add$'; break;
                    case 5: buffer = 'Addi%'; break;
                    case 6: buffer = 'Addit^'; break;
                    case 7: buffer = 'Additi&'; break;
                    case 8: buffer = 'Additio*'; break;
                    case 9: buffer = 'Addition('; break;
                    case 10: buffer = 'Additiona)'; break;
                    case 11: buffer = 'Additional."'; break;
                    case 12: buffer = 'Additional.j№'; break;
                    case 13: buffer = 'Additional.js'; break;

                lastTick = currentTick;

            } else if (currentTick < 5000) {

                lastTick = 0;




    Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'clantag')
Сразу собранный скрипт, для самых ленивых прикрепил к посту.

Буду благодарен если скинете элементы в самом меню, уж очень лень заходить снова.


  • 5 KB Просмотры: 40
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