Модератор раздела «Unreal Engine»
Автор темы
- #1
Добро пожаловать в передовую систему миссии и уведомления. Эта система создана на 100% Blueprints. Хотя вам не нужно добавлять / редактировать любой blueprint. Все работает динамично. Еще одна вещь, эта система использует Data Tables, которые содержат более 60 (не очень подсчитано) и позволяет вам повторно разработать / создать все.
Более подробная информация в архиве.
⦁ System uses Data Tables and you don't even need to check blueprints to create a mission.
⦁ Unlimited possibilities for a mission.
⦁ Each of the marker can be set as compass or screen markers.
⦁ Kill, Kill Groups, Kill Monsters, Collect, Reach and Interact objective types with dialogue system.
⦁ Main, side and overlap mission actors with multiple/single mission layouts.
⦁ Supports World Composition. (Uses unique names)
⦁ It has own dialogue system. Supports Sounds, Subtitles and sequences. Fully customisable! ( With skip sequence feature )
⦁ Tons of widgets that you can call where ever you like and each one of them are fully customisable.
⦁ All of the widgets of a mission can be re-design with the variables in Data Tables. (Colors, layouts, texts)
⦁ This pack also has XP and Level system. Every XP that you get from missions will make your character level up. (Modular)
⦁ Monster and collectable markers are distance sensitive. Which means you can show/hide them depends on the distance. Also can be add as compass or screen markers.
⦁ For global notifications (New Location Discovered Example) all you need to do is creating a child Blueprint and set variables from defaults
⦁ You can create Special Areas to change compass color with dynamic background.
⦁ Also you can add Landmarks to your compass just by adding Landmark Blueprint in to world. It will be automatically added to the compass.
⦁ Reward system with XP and Gold, Coin or whatever you call
⦁ And ofcourse there are more but it’s really hard to remember :)
Технические детали / Technical Details:
Input: Keyboard And Gamepad
Network Replicated: -
Supported Development Platforms: ALL
Supported Target Build Platforms: ALL
Important/Additional Notes: This project developed for STANDALONE game. So there will be no update for network replication. But you can always use the widgets and mission Blueprints on a multiplayer game.
Пожалуйста, зарегистрируйтесь или авторизуйтесь, чтобы увидеть содержимое.
Изначально был: Advanced Mission And Notification System V3 V4.22
Потом: Mission Component
Теперь: Ultimate Quest Manager V4.27
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