JS-скрипт Additional.js for crack

13 Окт 2020
Кароче нашел достаточно старую js, делал для L33ROY, немного пасты.

//Menu tab
UI.AddSliderInt('', 0, 0)
UI.AddDropdown('Category', ['Rage', 'Anti-Aim', 'Visuals', 'Misc'])
UI.AddSliderInt('', 0, 0)

/*...Rage/DT Recharge */ {
UI.AddCheckbox('DT Recharge boost')

UI.AddCheckbox('MinDamage override')
UI.AddHotkey('MinDamage Key')
UI.AddSliderInt('MinDamage - GENERAL', 0, 130)
UI.AddSliderInt('MinDamage - PISTOL', 0, 130)
UI.AddSliderInt('MinDamage - HEAVY PISTOL', 0, 130)
UI.AddSliderInt('MinDamage - SCOUT', 0, 130)
UI.AddSliderInt('MinDamage - AWP', 0, 130)
UI.AddSliderInt('MinDamage - AUTOSNIPER', 0, 130)
//...Rage/Jump hitchance
UI.AddCheckbox('Jump scout/revolver hitchance')
UI.AddSliderInt('Jump scout hitchance', 0, 100)
UI.AddSliderInt('Jump revolver hitchance', 0, 100)
//...Rage/Noscope hitchance
UI.AddCheckbox('Noscope hitchance')
UI.AddSliderInt('Noscope hitchance value', 0, 100)

UI.AddCheckbox('Fakelag conditions')
UI.AddDropdown('Conditions', ['Stand', 'Move', 'Air'])
UI.AddSliderInt('[S] - Fakelag limit', 0, 16)
UI.AddSliderInt('[S] - Trigger limit', 0, 16)

UI.AddSliderInt('[M] - Fakelag limit', 0, 16)
UI.AddSliderInt('[M] - Trigger limit', 0, 16)

UI.AddSliderInt('[A] - Fakelag limit', 0, 16)
UI.AddSliderInt('[A] - Trigger limit', 0, 16)

UI.AddCheckbox('Safe head')
UI.AddHotkey('Safe head key')
UI.AddCheckbox('Safe head on slow walk')

UI.AddCheckbox('Fluctuate fakelags')

/*...Visuals/Indicators */ {
UI.AddCheckbox('Enable indicators')
UI.AddColorPicker('Indicators color')
UI.AddCheckbox('Centered indicators')
UI.AddCheckbox('Enable desync indicators')
UI.AddColorPicker('Real arrow color')
UI.AddColorPicker('Fake arrow color')

/*...Visuals/Custom aspectratio */ {
UI.AddCheckbox('Custom aspectratio')
UI.AddSliderFloat('Aspectratio', 0.0, 10.0)
//...Visuals/Model Changer
UI.AddCheckbox('Team model changer')
UI.AddDropdown('CT Models', ['None', "TwoTimes McCoy [CT]", 'Seal Team 6 Soldier [CT]', 'Buckshot [CT]', 'Commander Ricksaw [CT]', 'Dragomir [T]', 'Rezan The Ready [T]', 'Maximus [T]', 'Blackwolf [T]',
'The Doctor Romanow [T]', 'B Squadron Officer [CT]', 'Commando Company [CT]', 'Special Agent Ava [CT]', 'Operator [CT]', 'Markus Delrow [CT]', 'Michael Syfers [CT]', 'Enforcer [T]', 'Slingshot [T]',
'Soldier [T]', 'The Elite Mr. Muhlik [T]', 'Ground Rebel [T]', 'Osiris [T]', 'Prof. Shahmat [T]'])

UI.AddDropdown('T Models', ['None', "TwoTimes McCoy [CT]", 'Seal Team 6 Soldier [CT]', 'Buckshot [CT]', 'Commander Ricksaw [CT]', 'Dragomir [T]', 'Rezan The Ready [T]', 'Maximus [T]', 'Blackwolf [T]',
'The Doctor Romanow [T]', 'B Squadron Officer [CT]', 'Commando Company [CT]', 'Special Agent Ava [CT]', 'Operator [CT]', 'Markus Delrow [CT]', 'Michael Syfers [CT]', 'Enforcer [T]', 'Slingshot [T]',
'Soldier [T]', 'The Elite Mr. Muhlik [T]', 'Ground Rebel [T]', 'Osiris [T]', 'Prof. Shahmat [T]'])

UI.AddCheckbox('Enable grenade warning')
UI.AddCheckbox('Custom colors')
UI.AddColorPicker('Circle color')
UI.AddColorPicker('Background circle color')
UI.AddColorPicker('Icon & text color')

UI.AddCheckbox('Animfucker (leg breaker)')
UI.AddSliderInt('', 0, 0)

function menuControl() {
    var menuElement = UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Category')
    rage = menuElement == 0
    antiAim = menuElement == 1
    visuals = menuElement == 2
    misc = menuElement == 3

    //...Rage/DT additional
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'DT Recharge boost', rage)

        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'MinDamage override', rage)
        const minDamage = UI.GetValue('Script items', 'MinDamage override') && rage
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'MinDamage Key', minDamage)
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'MinDamage - GENERAL', minDamage)
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'MinDamage - PISTOL', minDamage)
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'MinDamage - HEAVY PISTOL', minDamage)
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'MinDamage - SCOUT', minDamage)
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'MinDamage - AWP', minDamage)
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'MinDamage - AUTOSNIPER', minDamage)
    //...Rage/Jump hitchance
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Jump scout/revolver hitchance', rage)
        const hitchance = UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Jump scout/revolver hitchance') && rage
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Jump scout hitchance', hitchance)
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Jump revolver hitchance', hitchance)

    //...Rage/Noscope hitchance
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Noscope hitchance', rage)
        const noscopeHitchance = UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Noscope hitchance') && rage
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Noscope hitchance value', noscopeHitchance)

        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Fakelag conditions', antiAim)
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Conditions', antiAim && UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Fakelag conditions'))
        const conditions = UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Conditions')

        stand = antiAim && UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Fakelag conditions') && conditions == 0
        move = antiAim && UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Fakelag conditions') && conditions == 1
        air = antiAim && UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Fakelag conditions') && conditions == 2

        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', '[S] - Fakelag limit', stand)
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', '[S] - Trigger limit', stand)

        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', '[M] - Fakelag limit', move)
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', '[M] - Trigger limit', move)

        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', '[A] - Fakelag limit', air)
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', '[A] - Trigger limit', air)

    //...AntiAim/Safe head
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Safe head', antiAim)
        const safeHead = UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Safe head') && antiAim
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Safe head key', safeHead)
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Safe head on slow walk', safeHead)

        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Fluctuate fakelags', antiAim)

        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Enable indicators', visuals)
        const enableIndicators = UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Enable indicators') && visuals
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Indicators color', enableIndicators)
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Enable desync indicators', enableIndicators)
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Centered indicators', enableIndicators)

    //...Visuals/Fake indicators color
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Enable desync indicators', visuals)
        const enableDesyncIndicators = UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Enable desync indicators') && visuals
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Real arrow color', enableDesyncIndicators)
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Fake arrow color', enableDesyncIndicators)
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Custom aspectratio', visuals)
        const aspectRatio = UI.GetValue('Script itmes', 'Custom aspectratio') && visuals
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Aspectratio', aspectRatio)
    //...Visuals/Model changer
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Team model changer', visuals)
        const modelChanger = UI.GetValue('Script itmes', 'Team model changer') && visuals
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'CT Models', modelChanger)
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'T Models', modelChanger)

        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Enable grenade warning', visuals)
        const grenadeWarningC = UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Custom colors') & visuals
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Custom colors', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Enable grenade warning') & visuals)
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Circle color', grenadeWarningC)
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Background circle color', grenadeWarningC)
        UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Icon & text color', grenadeWarningC)

        UI.SetEnabled('SCript items', 'Animfucker (leg breaker)', misc)

Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'menuControl')

/*RAGE*/ {
    var MinDamageGeneralCache =       UI.GetValue('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage')
    var MinDamagePistolCache =        UI.GetValue('Rage', 'PISTOL', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage')
    var MinDamageHeavyPistolCache =   UI.GetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOL', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage')
    var MinDamageScoutCache =         UI.GetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage')
    var MinDamageAwpCache =           UI.GetValue('Rage', 'AWP', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage')
    var MinDamageAutosniperCache =    UI.GetValue('Rage', 'AUTOSNIPER', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage')
    function minDamage() {
        if (!UI.IsHotkeyActive('Script items', 'MinDamage Key')) {
            if (minDamageBackup) {
                UI.SetValue('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage',           MinDamageGeneralCache)
                UI.SetValue('Rage', 'PISTOL', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage',            MinDamagePistolCache)
                UI.SetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOL', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage',      MinDamageHeavyPistolCache)
                UI.SetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage',             MinDamageScoutCache)
                UI.SetValue('Rage', 'AWP', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage',               MinDamageAwpCache)
                UI.SetValue('Rage', 'AUTOSNIPER', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage',        MinDamageAutosniperCache)
                minDamageBackup = false
            } else {
                MinDamageGeneralCache =       UI.GetValue('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage')
                MinDamagePistolCache =        UI.GetValue('Rage', 'PISTOL', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage')
                MinDamageHeavyPistolCache =   UI.GetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOL', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage')
                MinDamageScoutCache =         UI.GetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage')
                MinDamageAwpCache =           UI.GetValue('Rage', 'AWP', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage')
                MinDamageAutosniperCache =    UI.GetValue('Rage', 'AUTOSNIPER', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage')

        minDamageBackup = true

        generalV =          UI.GetValue('Script items', 'MinDamage - GENERAL')
        pistolV =           UI.GetValue('Script items', 'MinDamage - PISTOL')
        heavyPistolV =      UI.GetValue('Script items', 'MinDamage - HEAVY PISTOL')
        scoutV =            UI.GetValue('Script items', 'MinDamage - SCOUT')
        awpV =              UI.GetValue('Script items', 'MinDamage - AWP')
        autosniperV =       UI.GetValue('Script items', 'MinDamage - AUTOSNIPER')

        var weapon = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))

        if (weapon == 'glock 18' || weapon == 'usp s' || weapon == 'p200' || weapon == 'cz75 auto' || weapon == 'tec 9' || weapon == 'five seven' || weapon == 'p250' || weapon == 'dual berettas') {
            UI.SetValue('Rage', 'PISTOL', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage', pistolV)
        } else if (weapon == 'r8 revolver' || weapon == 'desert eagle') {
            UI.SetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOL', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage', heavyPistolV)
        } else if (weapon == 'ssg 08') {
            UI.SetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage', scoutV)
        } else if (weapon == 'awp') {
            UI.SetValue('Rage', 'AWP', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage', awpV)
        } else if (weapon == 'scar 20' || weapon == 'g3sg1') {
            UI.SetValue('Rage', 'AUTOSNIPER', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage', autosniperV)
        } else {
            UI.SetValue('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage', generalV)

    Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'minDamage')

    var jumpScoutCach = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance')
    var jumpRevolverCach = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOl', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance')
    function jumpHitchance() {
        if (UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Jump scout/revolver hitchance')) {
            var scoutAir = UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Jump scout hitchance')
            var revolverAir = UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Jump revolver hitchance')
            var local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer()
            var localWeapon = Entity.GetWeapon(local)
            var localWeaponName = Entity.GetName(localWeapon)
            var inAir = Entity.GetProp(local, 'CBasePlayer', 'm_hGroundEntity')
            if (localWeaponName == 'r8 revolver' && inAir =='m_hGroundEntity') {
                UI.SetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOL', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', revolverAir)
            } else {
                UI.SetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOL', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', jumpRevolverCach)
            if (localWeaponName == 'ssg 08' && inAir == 'm_hGroundEntity') {
                UI.SetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', scoutAir)
            } else {
                UI.SetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', jumpScoutCach)

    Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'jumpHitchance')

    noscopeHcCache = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'AUTOSNIPER', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance')
    function noscope() {

        var weapon = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))
        scoped = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CCSPlayer", "m_bIsScoped")
        if (UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Noscope hitchance')) {
            if (scoped) {
                if (noscopeHcBackup) {
                    UI.SetValue('Rage', 'AUTOSNIPER', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', noscopeHcCache)
                    noscopeHcBackup = false
                } else {
                    noscopeHcCache = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'AUTOSNIPER', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance')
            if (weapon != 'g3sg1' && weapon != 'scar 20') return

            noscopeHcBackup = true

            noscopeHcValue = UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Noscope hitchance value')
            UI.SetValue('Rage', 'AUTOSNIPER', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', noscopeHcValue)

    Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'noscope')

        function dtSpeed(a) {
            var me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
            var wpn = Entity.GetWeapon(me);

            if (me == null || wpn == null)
                return false;

            var tickbase = Entity.GetProp(me, "CCSPlayer", "m_nTickBase");
            var curtime = Globals.TickInterval() * (tickbase-a)

            if (curtime < Entity.GetProp(me, "CCSPlayer", "m_flNextAttack"))
                return false;

            if (curtime < Entity.GetProp(wpn, "CBaseCombatWeapon", "m_flNextPrimaryAttack"))
                return false;

            return true;

        function dt() {
            var is_charged = Exploit.GetCharge()

            var recharge_delay = 8
            Exploit[(is_charged != 1 ? "Enable" : "Disable") + "Recharge"]()

            if (UI.GetValue('Script items', 'DT Recharge boost')) {
                if (dtSpeed(recharge_delay) && is_charged != 1) {

        function unload() {

        Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "dt")
        Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "unload")

/*Anti Aim*/ {
    function safeHead() {
        if (!UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Safe head') && !UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Safe head on slow walk' && !UI.IsHotkeyActive('Script items', 'Safe head key')) ) { AntiAim.SetOverride(0) }
        if (UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Safe head')) {
            if (UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Safe head on slow walk')) {
                if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Anti-Aim', 'Extra', 'Slow walk')) {
                } else {
            if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Script items', 'Safe head key')) {

    function unload() {

    Cheat.RegisterCallback('Unload', 'unload')
    Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'safeHead')

    function getVelocity(index) {
        var velocity = Entity.GetProp(index, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]")
        return Math.sqrt(velocity[0] * velocity[0] + velocity[1] * velocity[1])

    fakelagLimit = UI.GetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Fake-Lag', 'Limit')
    triggerLimit = UI.GetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Fake-Lag', 'Trigger limit')
    function fakeLagConditions() {
        if (!UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Fakelag conditions')) {
            if (fakelagBackup) {
                UI.SetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Fake-Lag', 'Limit', fakelagLimit)
                UI.SetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Fake-Lag', 'Trigger limit', triggerLimit)
                fakelagBackup = false
            } else {
                fakelagLimit = UI.GetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Fake-Lag', 'Limit')
                triggerLimit = UI.GetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Fake-Lag', 'Trigger limit')

        fakelagBackup = true

        standLimit = UI.GetValue('Script items', '[S] - Fakelag limit')
        standTriggerLimit = UI.GetValue('Script items', '[S] - Trigger limit')

        moveLimit = UI.GetValue('Script items', '[M] - Fakelag limit')
        moveTriggerLimit = UI.GetValue('Script items', '[M] - Trigger limit')

        airLimit = UI.GetValue('Script items', '[A] - Fakelag limit')
        airTriggerLimit = UI.GetValue('Script items', '[A] - Trigger limit')
        if (getVelocity(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) < 2) {
            UI.SetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Fake-Lag', 'Limit', standLimit)
            UI.SetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Fake-Lag', 'Trigger limit', standTriggerLimit)
        } else if (getVelocity(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) >= 195) {
            UI.SetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Fake-Lag', 'Limit', moveLimit)
            UI.SetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Fake-Lag', 'Trigger limit', moveTriggerLimit)
        } else if (Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CBasePlayer", "m_hGroundEntity")) {
            UI.SetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Fake-Lag', 'Limit', airLimit)
            UI.SetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Fake-Lag', 'Trigger limit', airTriggerLimit)

    Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'fakeLagConditions')

/*Visuals*/ {
   function superior() {
        const screen = Global.GetScreenSize();
        const font = Render.AddFont("Smallest Pixel-7", 10, 100);
        const arrowsFont = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 13, 100);
        var indicators = []
        var color = UI.GetColor('Script items', 'Indicators color')
        indicators.push('ADDITIONAL') //Main
        /*AIMBOT*/ {
            if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Force body aim')) { indicators.push('AIM: BODY') }
            else if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Force safe point')) { indicators.push('AIM: SAFE POINTS') }
            else { indicators.push('AIM: NORMAL') }

        /*AA*/ {
            if (UI.GetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Fake angles', 'LBY mode') == 0) { indicators.push('AA: NORMAL') } //AA - Normal
            if (UI.GetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Fake angles', 'LBY mode') == 1) { indicators.push('AA: OPPOSTIE') } //AA - Opposite
            if (UI.GetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Fake angles', 'LBY mode') == 2) { indicators.push('AA: SWAY') } //AA - SWAY

        /*EX*/ {
            if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'Exploits', 'Doubletap')) { indicators.push('EX: DOUBLETAP') } //Only doubletap
            else if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'Exploits', 'Hide shots') && UI.IsHotkeyActive('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'Exploits', 'Doubletap')) { indicators.push('EX: DT') } //DT && Hide shots
            else if (UI.IsHotkeyActive('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'Exploits', 'Hide shots') && !UI.IsHotkeyActive('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'Exploits', 'Doubletap')) { indicators.push('EX: HIDE SHOTS') } //Only hide shots
            else { indicators.push('EX: NONE') }
        /*DMG*/ {
            const weapon = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))
            if (weapon == 'glock 18' || weapon == 'usp s' || weapon == 'p200' || weapon == 'cz75 auto' || weapon == 'tec 9' || weapon == 'five seven' || weapon == 'p250' || weapon == 'dual berettas') { indicators.push('DMG: ' + UI.GetValue('Rage', 'PISTOL', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage')) }
            else if (weapon == 'r8 revolver' || weapon == 'desert eagle') { indicators.push('DMG: ' + UI.GetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOL', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage')) }
            else if (weapon == 'ssg 08') { indicators.push('DMG: ' + UI.GetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage')) }
            else if (weapon == 'awp') { indicators.push('DMG: ' + UI.GetValue('Rage', 'AWP', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage')) }
            else if (weapon == 'scar 20' || weapon == 'g3sg1') { indicators.push('DMG: ' + UI.GetValue('Rage', 'AUTOSNIPER', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage')) }
            else { indicators.push('DMG: ' + UI.GetValue('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'Targeting', 'Minimum damage')) }

        /*FL*/ {
            if (!UI.IsHotkeyActive('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'Exploits', 'Doubletap') && !UI.IsHotkeyActive('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'Exploits', 'Hide shots')) { indicators.push('FL: ' + UI.GetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Fake-Lags', 'Limit')) }
            else { indicators.push('FL: ' + 0) }

        /*Desync indicator*/ {
            var real = Local.GetRealYaw()
            var fake = Local.GetFakeYaw()
            var diff = real - fake
            while(diff > 180) diff -= 360
            while(diff < 180) diff += 360
            diff = Math.abs(diff)
            var aadem = diff >= 360

        if (Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) {
            for (var i = 0; i < indicators.length; i++) {
                if (UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Enable desync indicators')) {
                    Render.StringCustom(aadem ? screen[0] /2 -78 : screen[0] /2 +66, screen[1] /2 -14, 0, aadem ? '<' : '>', UI.GetColor('Script items', 'Fake arrow color'), arrowsFont)
                    Render.StringCustom(aadem ? screen[0] /2 +66 : screen[0] /2 -78, screen[1] /2 -14, 0, aadem ? '>' : '<', UI.GetColor('Script items', 'Real arrow color'), arrowsFont)
                if (UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Enable indicators')) {
                    Render.StringCustom(UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Centered indicators') ? screen[0] / 2 - 2 : screen[0] /2 - 29, screen[1] /2 + 23 + (10 * i), UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Centered indicators') ? 1 : 0, indicators[i], [0,0,0,255], font);
                    Render.StringCustom(UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Centered indicators') ? screen[0] / 2 : screen[0] /2 - 27, screen[1] /2 + 23 + (10 * i), UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Centered indicators') ? 1 : 0, indicators[i], color, font);

    Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "superior");

    function aspectRatio() {
        if (UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Custom aspectratio')) {
            Convar.SetFloat('r_aspectratio', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Aspectratio'))
        } else {
            Convar.SetFloat('r_aspectratio', 0.0)

    Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'aspectRatio')

    modelChangerCache = UI.GetValue('Misc', 'SKINS', 'Player', 'Player model')
    function modelChanger() {
        if (!UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Team model changer')) {
            if (modelChangerBackup) {
                UI.SetValue('Misc', 'SKINS', 'Player', 'Player model', modelChangerCache)
                modelChangerBackup = false
            } else {
                modelChangerCache = UI.GetValue('Misc', 'SKINS', 'Player', 'Player model')

        var team = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(),"DT_BaseEntity", "m_iTeamNum")
        modelChangerBackup = true

        if (UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Team model changer')) {
            if (team == 2) {
                UI.SetValue('Misc', 'SKINS', 'Player', 'Player model', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'T Models'))
            } else if (team == 3) {
                UI.SetValue('Misc', 'SKINS', 'Player', 'Player model', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'CT Models'))
            } else {

    function modelChangerUnload() {
        UI.SetValue('Misc', 'SKINS', 'Player', 'Player model', modelChangerCache)

    Cheat.RegisterCallback('Unload', 'modelChangerUnload')
    Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'modelChanger')

    var positions = [];
    var trace = [];
    var render = [];
    var local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    function ImportGrenades()
        var grenades = Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID(9).concat(Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID(113).concat(Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID(100)));
        for (e in grenades)
            pass = false;
            for (g in positions)
                if (positions[g][0] == grenades[e])
                    pass = true;
            if (pass)

            positions.push([grenades[e], Globals.Curtime(), [Entity.GetRenderOrigin(grenades[e])], Globals.Curtime()]);
    function GrenadeWarning()
        var grenades = Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID(9).concat(Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID(114).concat(Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID(100)));

        if (!Entity.IsAlive(local)) { return; }
        for (g in grenades) {
            for (var i = 0; i < grenades.length; i++) {
                var g = grenades[i];
                var isInferno = Entity.GetClassID(g) === 100;
                var isHeGrenade = Entity.GetClassID(g) === 9;
                function DistanceInFeets (origin, destination) {
                    var sub = [destination[0] - origin[0], destination[1] - origin[1], destination[2] - origin[2]];
                    return Math.round(Math.sqrt(sub[0] ** 2 + sub[1] ** 2 + sub[2] ** 2) / 12);
                var destination = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(g);
                var origin = Entity.GetEyePosition(local);
                var distance = DistanceInFeets(origin, destination);
                var screen = Render.WorldToScreen(destination);
                var isSafe = distance > (isInferno ? 15 : 20) || trace[1] < 0.61;
                if (distance > 256) { continue; }
                if (isHeGrenade && Entity.GetProp (g, "CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile", "m_nExplodeEffectTickBegin")) { continue; }
                font = Render.AddFont("Small fonts", 7, 100);
                const warning_stroke = true;
                if (UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Enable grenade warning')) {
                    Render.FilledCircle( screen[0], screen[1], 22, UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Custom colors') ? UI.GetColor('Script items', 'Background circle color') : [0,0,0,130])
                    Render.Circle( screen[0], screen[1], 20, !isSafe && warning_stroke ? [ 240, 41, 41, 255 ] : UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Custom colors') ? UI.GetColor('Script items', 'Circle color') : [255,255,255,255])
                    Render.StringCustom (Math.round(distance / 3.28) < 10 ? screen[0] - 7 : screen[0] - 8.5, screen[1] + 3, 0, Math.round(distance / 3.28) + " m", [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ], font);
                    Render.StringCustom (Math.round(distance / 3.28) < 10 ? screen[0] - 7 : screen[0] - 8.5, screen[1] + 3, 0, Math.round(distance / 3.28) + " m", UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Custom colors') ? UI.GetColor('Script items', 'Icon & text color') : [255,255,255,255], font);
                    Render.String(screen[0] - 8, screen[1] - 15, 0, isHeGrenade ? "I" : "K", UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Custom colors') ? UI.GetColor('Script items', 'Icon & text color') : [255,255,255,255], 5);
    function onDraw()

    Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "onDraw");

/*Misc*/ {
    var frame = 0;
    var fakelag = UI.GetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Fake-Lag', 'Enabled')
    function fluctates() {
        if (!UI.GetValue("Script items", "Fluctuate fakelags")) {
            if (fakelagBackup) {
                UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Fake-Lag", "Enabled", fakelag)
                fakelagBackup = false
            } else {
                fakelag = UI.GetValue('Anti-Aim', 'Fake-Lag', 'Enabled')

        fakelagBackup = true

            frame++; if (frame == 30) frame = 1;
            if (frame >= 15 && frame <= 30) UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Fake-Lag", "Enabled", true);
            else UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Fake-Lag", "Enabled", false);

    Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "fluctates")

    var old_tick_count = 0;
    function draw() {
        if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Slide walk"))
            UI.SetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Slide walk", 0);
            UI.SetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Slide walk", 1);
        old_tick_count = Globals.Tickcount();

    Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "draw");

(Индикаторы - говно, делал не на свой вкус)
Крякеры, зайдите в кс и заскриньте все табы, буду благодарен:CoolCat:
16 Ноя 2020
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
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