Модератор раздела «Reallusion Software»
Автор темы
- #1
V4.18, V4.20 - V4.26 (Ver. 1.1)
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Трейлер / Trailer:
Lightning Fast - это мощная комбинация материалов и блюпринтов, в которой реализован широкий спектр реалистичных и стилизованных эффектов электричества. Есть несколько способов использования молнии в играх и фильмах, начиная от ударов молний на заднем плане, мигающих молниями во время шторма через электрические заборы и заканчивая разрушительными молниями и заклинаниями. Эта система разработана с учетом всех этих эффектов одновременно на высокой производительности и качестве AAA.
Технические детали / Technical Details:
Supported effects:
- flashes/bolts/strikes
- beams/chains/splines
- discharges/electrocute/volume/fences
- trails/ribbons
- lightning gun
- lightning trail in slow-motion run
- lightning AoE
- hit/electrocute reactions
The Lightning Fast Mesh combined with Lightning Fast Material has some useful features and properties that are very important in the vfx production.
- can be used witch spline meshes
- can be scaled and keeps proper shape
- can be used in particle system
- can be watched from every angle
Update 1.1
- Added network replication
- New ambient light in lightning bolts
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Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
- GPU friendly and optimized for all platforms
- Wide range of high quality effects
- Two types o beam rendering (spline mesh/spline billboard mesh)
- Integrated with dynamic lights and material light functions and splines
- Over hundred parameters in materials to customize final effect
- Spline based shape of bolt easy to adjust to scene
- Multiple animated lines rendered in single beam
- Depth fade fade effect, glow and line color, refraction, distortion
- Procedural beam texture
- Dynamic branch masking and fading effect
- Everything implemented in blueprints show
- Parameterized cascade particles
- Easy integration with Fast Stylized Procedural Sky
- Skinned skeleton mesh and advances x-ray material
Package Size: 16MB+29MB demo
Materials: 5 (14 instances, 9 material functions)
Textures: 1
Blueprints: 10
Meshes: 10
Emitters: 11
- Prototype pack textures and materials created for demonstration purposes
- Lightning mesh generator/editor - advanced tool prepared for editing and generating lightning meshes, allows to implement external lightning propagation class. Contains additional library of functions that helps to create static meshes.
- Example map with 14 use cases
Network : Yes
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
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