Вопрос Оптимизация кода

life is cheap, death is free!
9 Дек 2019
Нужен человек который оптимизирует блудтеч, так как там уже пиздец критичная ситуация
Деньги не обещаю так как самому нужны
var screen_size = Global.GetScreenSize()
var isInverted;
var time, fillbar, shotsfired;
var drawLeft = 0; drawNotActive = 1;
var drawRight = 0
var leftWasPressed = false; var rightWasPressed = false;
var safePBackup = false
var heavy_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
var scout_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
var awp_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
var auto_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
var pistol_cache = UI.GetValue("Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage")
var fake_cache = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Fake-Lag", "Limit")
var jump = false
var oldTick = 0
var lastPressed = 0
var isNotActive = false
var clock = 0
var tickcount = 0
var original_aa = true;
var flip = false
const clamp = function(val, min, max) { return Math.min(Math.max(min, val), max) }
var thirdperson_cache = UI.GetValue("Visuals", "WORLD", "View", "Thirdperson")
var person = 0, turned = 1

//todo list: menu for js important: FUCKING DO A OPTIMIZATION -200 FPS IS NOT GOOD
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255]," ▄▄▄▄    ██▓     ▒█████   ▒█████  ▓█████▄ ▄▄▄█████▓▓█████  ▄████▄   ██░ ██ " + '\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255],"▓█████▄ ▓██▒    ▒██▒  ██▒▒██▒  ██▒▒██▀ ██▌▓  ██▒ ▓▒▓█   ▀ ▒██▀ ▀█  ▓██░ ██▒" + '\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255],"▒██▒ ▄██▒██░    ▒██░  ██▒▒██░  ██▒░██   █▌▒ ▓██░ ▒░▒███   ▒▓█    ▄ ▒██▀▀██░" + '\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255],"▒██░█▀  ▒██░    ▒██   ██░▒██   ██░░▓█▄   ▌░ ▓██▓ ░ ▒▓█  ▄ ▒▓▓▄ ▄██▒░▓█ ░██ " + '\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255],"░▓█  ▀█▓░██████▒░ ████▓▒░░ ████▓▒░░▒████▓   ▒██▒ ░ ░▒████▒▒ ▓███▀ ░░▓█▒░██▓" + '\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255],"░▒▓███▀▒░ ▒░▓  ░░ ▒░▒░▒░ ░ ▒░▒░▒░  ▒▒▓  ▒   ▒ ░░   ░░ ▒░ ░░ ░▒ ▒  ░ ▒ ░░▒░▒" + '\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255],"▒░▒   ░ ░ ░ ▒  ░  ░ ▒ ▒░   ░ ▒ ▒░  ░ ▒  ▒     ░     ░ ░  ░  ░  ▒    ▒ ░▒░ ░" + '\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255]," ░    ░   ░ ░   ░ ░ ░ ▒  ░ ░ ░ ▒   ░ ░  ░   ░         ░   ░         ░  ░░ ░" + '\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255]," ░          ░  ░    ░ ░      ░ ░     ░                ░  ░░ ░       ░  ░  ░" + '\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255],"      ░                            ░                      ░                " + '\n')
username = Cheat.GetUsername();
Cheat.PrintColor([145,197,56,255], "Welcome, " + username + "! your current version is: v 1.9.1" + '\n');
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "Yougame Page: ")
Cheat.Print("https://yougame.biz/threads/196597/" + '\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "Creator of script: ")
Cheat.Print("ber$$erker#8168" + '\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "BIG THANKS TO:" + '\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "Sleebu for arm skin changer, adaptive autoscope & other code and moral help: ")
Cheat.Print("Sleebu#1337" + '\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "nijo for tabs: ")
Cheat.Print("nijo#1149" + '\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "Mased for help with coding & other: ")
Cheat.Print("Mased#2459" + '\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([145,197,56,255], "[UPDATE LOG V1.9.1]" + '\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Add watermark" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Add disable fakelags on r8" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Change grenade warning default a little" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Add Dodge jitter (looks like adaptive jitter in acidtech)" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Add adaptive autoscope based on enemy distance" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Change indicators a little" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Add hitlogs under crosshair" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Add Dormant aimbot" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Add animations back to skeet scope" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Add viewmodel in scope" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([145,197,56,255], "[UPDATE LOG V1.9]" + '\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Add dtpeek helper for awp and scout" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Change animated custom scope to default one" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Add animated thirdperson" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Rework nade warning" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Remove freestanding on key" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Add checkbox for clock sync" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Add commands for training server" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Add fps boost" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Add checkbox for animated thirdperson" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Replace visuals with anti-aim in tabs" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Finnaly add enabling other checkboxes on enable function checkbox" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Add two types of grenade warning" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Add color pickers for all indicators" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([145,197,56,255], "[UPDATE LOG V1.8]" + '\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Add tabs for AA, RAGE, VISUALS, MISC" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- remove custom scope" +'\n')
Cheat.PrintColor([255,0,0,255], "- Add custom arms skin" +'\n')

function can_shoot(Player){
    var index = Entity.GetWeapon(Player);
    var classid = Entity.GetClassID(index);
    var weapon =  classid == 107 || classid == 108 || classid == 96 || classid == 99 || classid ==112 || classid == 155 || classid == 47;
    var clip = Entity.GetProp(index, "DT_BaseCombatWeapon", "m_iClip1");
    var getbuttons = Entity.GetProp(index,'CBasePlayer', 'm_fFlags' );
    if(weapon || clip == 0 || getbuttons & 1 << 1 ) return false;
    return true;

function VectorAdd(a, b){
    return [a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1], a[2] + b[2]];

function VectorDot(a, b){
    return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2];

function VectorLength(x, y, z){
    return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);

function VectorNormalize(vec){
    var length = VectorLength(vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]);
    return [vec[0] / length, vec[1] / length, vec[2] / length];

function VectorSubtract(a, b){
    return [a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1], a[2] - b[2]];

function VectorMultiply(a, b){
    return [a[0] * b[0], a[1] * b[1], a[2] * b[2]];

function VectorDistance(a, b){
    return VectorLength(a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1], a[2] - b[2]);

function VectorAngles(forward){
    var angles;
    var tmp, yaw, pitch;
    if (forward[1] == 0 && forward[0] == 0){
        yaw = 0;
        if (forward[2] > 0)
            pitch = 270;
            pitch = 90;
        yaw = (Math.atan2(forward[1], forward[0]) * 180 / Math.PI);
        if (yaw < 0)
            yaw += 360;
        tmp = Math.sqrt (forward[0]*forward[0] + forward[1]*forward[1]);
        pitch = (Math.atan2(-forward[2], tmp) * 180 / Math.PI);
        if (pitch < 0)
            pitch += 360;
    x = pitch;
    y = yaw;
    z = 0;
    angles = [x, y, z];
    return angles;

var dormant_aim_shot = true;
function dormantAim(){
    if(!UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Dormant Aimbot")) return;
    if(!can_shoot(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) return;
    var e = Entity.GetEnemies();
    var d = e.filter(function(e){
        return Entity.IsDormant(e) && Entity.IsAlive(e) && Trace.Bullet(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), e, Entity.GetEyePosition(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()), VectorAdd(Entity.GetRenderOrigin(e), [0, 0, 45]))[1] > 1;
    var c = d.sort(function(a, b){
        return Trace.Bullet(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), a, Entity.GetEyePosition(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()), VectorAdd(Entity.GetRenderOrigin(a), [0, 0, 45]))[1] - Trace.Bullet(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), b, Entity.GetEyePosition(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()), VectorAdd(Entity.GetRenderOrigin(b), [0, 0, 45]))[1];
    // if no enemies return
    if(!c) {
    var weapon_index = Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer());
    var m_flNextPrimaryAttack = Entity.GetProp(weapon_index,"DT_BaseCombatWeapon","m_flNextPrimaryAttack"); //gets time until next attack
    var viewangle = VectorAngles(VectorSubtract(VectorAdd(Entity.GetRenderOrigin(c), [0, 0, 45]),Entity.GetEyePosition(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())));
    if( Globals.Curtime() - m_flNextPrimaryAttack > 0.1){
    //UserCMD.SetViewAngles(viewangle, true)
    //UserCMD.SetButtons((1 << 0) | UserCMD.GetButtons())
    var getbuttons = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(),'CBasePlayer', 'm_fFlags');
    dormant_aim_shot = true;

    dmg = Trace.Bullet(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), c, Entity.GetEyePosition(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()), VectorAdd(Entity.GetRenderOrigin(c), [0, 0, 45]))[1];

function shoot() {
    if(dormant_aim_shot) { // don't care who shot
        dormant_aim_shot = false;

function draw9() {

    if (!UI.GetValue("MISC", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", "Display watermark")) return;


var ping = Math.round(Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CPlayerResource", "m_iPing")).toString()
var fps = Math.floor(1 / Global.Frametime());
var today = new Date();
  var hours1 = today.getHours();
  var minutes1 = today.getMinutes();
var seconds1 = today.getSeconds();
var value = Math.min(Math.abs(Local.GetRealYaw() - Local.GetFakeYaw()) + 2, 60)["toFixed"](0);
  var hours = hours1 <= 9 ? "0"+hours1+":" : hours1+":";
  var minutes = minutes1 <= 9 ? "0" + minutes1+":" : minutes1+":";
var seconds = seconds1 <= 9 ? "0" + seconds1 : seconds1;
var server_tickrate = Globals.Tickrate().toString()
var ebanaya_hueta = Math.round(Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CPlayerResource", "m_iPing")).toString()
  var speed = Math.sqrt(Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]")).toString() //
color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Watermark color");
var font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 400);
var text = "BLOODTECH | version: 1.9.1 | user: [" + Cheat.GetUsername() + "] | " + fps + " fps | " + ping + " ms / " + server_tickrate + " tick | "+ hours + minutes + seconds;
var w = Render.TextSizeCustom(text, font)[0] + 8;
var x = Global.GetScreenSize()[0] /2;
var y = Global.GetScreenSize()[1] /2;

x = x - w - 10;

Render.GradientRect( x + 430, 1048, w - 200, 2, 1, [ color[0], color[1], color[2], 0 ], [ color[0], color[1], color[2], 255 ]);
Render.GradientRect( x + 230, 1048, w - 200, 2, 1, [ color[0], color[1], color[2], 255 ], [ color[0], color[1], color[2], 0 ]);
Render.FilledRect(x + 230, 1048, w, 2, [ color[0], color[1], color[2], 85 ]);
Render.FilledRect(x + 230, 1050, w, 16, [ 17, 17, 17, color[3] ]);
Render.StringCustom(x+234, 1050, 0, text, [ 255, 255, 255, 245 ], font);

UI.SetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Miscellaneous", "Hidden cvars", true)

function isDoubleTapActive()
    var isCheckboxActive = UI.GetValue("Rage", "Exploits", "Doubletap");
    var isKeyActive = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Doubletap");
    return isCheckboxActive && isKeyActive;

function correctLBYMode()
    if (isDoubleTapActive() == 1)
            UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Accuracy", "Auto stop mode", 6);
            UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Accuracy", "Auto stop mode", 64);


autostopmodescout = UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Auto stop mode"); autostopmodeawp = UI.GetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Accuracy", "Auto stop mode"); safepointscout = UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Prefer safe point"); safepointawp = UI.GetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Accuracy", "Prefer safe point"); bodyaimscout = UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Prefer body aim"); bodyaimawp = UI.GetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Accuracy", "Prefer body aim");

function helper() {
    if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Peek Helper for AWP/Scout", true)) {
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Auto peek") && UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "Exploits", "Doubletap")) {
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Auto stop mode", false);
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Accuracy", "Auto stop mode", false);
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Prefer safe point", true);
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Accuracy", "Prefer safe point", true);
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Prefer body aim", true);
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Accuracy", "Prefer body aim", true);
                UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Auto direction", true);
            } else {
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Auto stop mode", autostopmodescout);
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Accuracy", "Auto stop mode", autostopmodeawp);
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Prefer safe point", safepointscout);
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Accuracy", "Prefer safe point", safepointawp);
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Prefer body aim", bodyaimscout);
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Accuracy", "Prefer body aim", bodyaimawp);
                UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Auto direction", false);
        } else {
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Auto stop mode", autostopmodescout);
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Accuracy", "Auto stop mode", autostopmodeawp);
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Prefer safe point", safepointscout);
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Accuracy", "Prefer safe point", safepointawp);
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Prefer body aim", bodyaimscout);
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Accuracy", "Prefer body aim", bodyaimawp);
                UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Auto direction", false);

function unloadhelper() {
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Auto stop mode", autostopmodescout);
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Accuracy", "Auto stop mode", autostopmodeawp);
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Prefer safe point", safepointscout);
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Accuracy", "Prefer safe point", safepointawp);
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Prefer body aim", bodyaimscout);
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Accuracy", "Prefer body aim", bodyaimawp); 
                UI.ToggleHotkey("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Freestanding");

LPx = [(screen_size[0] /2) - 30, (screen_size[1] /2) + 7];
LPy = [(screen_size[0] /2) - 30, (screen_size[1] /2) - 7];
LPz = [(screen_size[0] /2) - 43, (screen_size[1] /2)];
RPx = [(screen_size[0] /2) + 30, (screen_size[1] /2) + 7];
RPy = [(screen_size[0] /2) + 30, (screen_size[1] /2) - 7];
RPz = [(screen_size[0] /2) + 43, (screen_size[1] /2)];

function drawind()

    drawLeft = UI.IsHotkeyActive( "Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Left" )
    drawRight = UI.IsHotkeyActive( "Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Right" )
    arrown = UI.GetColor( "Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Arrows color" );
    arrow = UI.GetColor( "Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Selected arrow color" );
                  color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Selected inverter color");
                  real_yaw = Local.GetRealYaw();
                  fake_yaw = Local.GetFakeYaw();
                  delta = Math.min(Math.abs(real_yaw - fake_yaw) / 2, 60).toFixed(0);
                      isInverter = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter");
                  isDesyncMode = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Fake desync");
        if(UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Display arrows'))
                                    if (isDesyncMode == 0){

                                    if (isInverter == 1)
                                    Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] /2) - 29, (screen_size[1] /2) - 7, 2, 15, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255]);   
                                    Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] /2) + 27, (screen_size[1] /2) - 7, 2, 15, [arrown[0], arrown[1], arrown[2], arrown[3]]);   
                                    else if(isInverter == 0)
                                    Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] /2) + 27, (screen_size[1] /2) - 7, 2, 15, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255]);     
                                    Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] /2) - 29, (screen_size[1] /2) - 7, 2, 15, [arrown[0], arrown[1], arrown[2], arrown[3]]);   
                                    if (isDesyncMode == 1){

                                    if (isInverter == 1)
                                    Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] /2) + 41, (screen_size[1] /2) - 10, 2, 21, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255]);
                                    else if(isInverter == 0)
                                    Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] /2) - 43, (screen_size[1] /2) - 10, 2, 21, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255]);
                                    Render.Polygon([RPy, RPz, RPx], [arrown[0], arrown[1], arrown[2], arrown[3]]); 
                                    Render.Polygon([LPx, LPz, LPy], [arrow[0], arrow[1], arrow[2], 255]);
                                    else if(drawRight)
                                    Render.Polygon([RPy, RPz, RPx], [arrow[0], arrow[1], arrow[2], 255]); 
                                    Render.Polygon([LPx, LPz, LPy], [arrown[0], arrown[1], arrown[2], arrown[3]]);

                                    else if(drawNotActive)
                                    Render.Polygon([RPy, RPz, RPx], [arrown[0], arrown[1], arrown[2], arrown[3]]); 
                                    Render.Polygon([LPx, LPz, LPy], [arrown[0], arrown[1], arrown[2], arrown[3]]);

function ManualAA()
    if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Right"))
        if (original_aa)
            yaw_offset_cache = UI.GetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset");
            original_aa = false;
        UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset", 90);
    else if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Left"))
        if (original_aa)
            yaw_offset_cache = UI.GetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset");
            original_aa = false;
        UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset", -90);
        if (!original_aa)
            UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset", yaw_offset_cache);
            original_aa = true;

function player_connect(){
    lastPressed = Global.Tickcount();
    oldTick = Global.Tickcount();

    time = Globals.Curtime();

function GetVelocity()
    var velocity = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]");
    return Math.sqrt(velocity[0] * velocity[0] + velocity[1] * velocity[1]);

function isHActive() {
    var isCheckboxActive1 = UI.GetValue("Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots");
    var isKeyActive1 = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots");

    return isCheckboxActive1 && isKeyActive1;

function draw()
    var ping = Math.round(Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CPlayerResource", "m_iPing")).toString()
    var ping2 = Math.floor(Local.Latency()*1000/19.5);
    var today = new Date();
    var hours1 = today.getHours();
    var minutes1 = today.getMinutes();
    var seconds1 = today.getSeconds();
    var hours = hours1 <= 9 ? "0" + today.getHours() + ":" : today.getHours() + ":";
    var minutes = minutes1 <= 9 ? "0" + today.getMinutes() + ":" : today.getMinutes() + ":";
    var seconds = seconds1 <= 9 ? "0" + today.getSeconds() : today.getSeconds()    ;
    var screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize()
    var font2 = Render.AddFont( "Small Fonts", 7, 0);
    var local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    var text  = "latency: " + (ping * 1) + "ms " + " ticks: " + Globals.Tickrate().toString() + "  time: " + hours + minutes + seconds ;
    var fps = Math.floor(1 / Global.Frametime());
    g_Local_weapon = Entity.GetWeapon(local);
    g_Local_classname = Entity.GetClassName(g_Local_weapon);

    var x1 = screen_size[0] / 2;
    var y1 = screen_size[1] - 148;
    var x2 = screen_size[0] / 2 + 25;
    var y2 = screen_size[1] - 110;
    var x3 = screen_size[0] / 2 - 25;
    var y3 = screen_size[1] - 110;         
    var y4 = screen_size[1] - 125; 
    var alpha_1 = Math.sin(Math.abs(-Math.PI + (Globals.Curtime() * (1 / .75)) % (Math.PI * 2))) * 255;     
    var alpha_2 = Math.sin(Globals.Curtime() * 2.5) * 55 + 200; 
    var alpha_3 = Math.sin(Globals.Curtime() * 4) * 55 + 200;     

var trWidth = 17;
var trHeight = 18;
var LX = screen_size[0] / 2 - trWidth / 1 + 7;
var RX = screen_size[0] / 2 + trWidth / 1 - 8;
var UY = screen_size[1] - 103 - trHeight ;
var DY = screen_size[1] - 103;
var fontSize = 10;
var font3 = Render.AddFont( "Verdana", fontSize, 0);
var font4 = Render.AddFont( "Verdana", 7, 0);

var signColor = [ 255, 207, 48, 255 ];
var shadowColor = [ 194, 159, 47, 255 ];
var green = [36, 240, 80,255];
var red = [250, 42, 42, 255];
var redsafe = [250, 42, 42, 255];

if(UI.GetValue("Script Items", "Enable clock sync"))
    if (ping > 69)
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 3 - -317, UY + 3, 0, "!", [64, 50, 15, 200], font3 );             
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 3 - -318, UY + 3, 0, "!", ping < 69 ? signColor : [red[0],red[1],red[2],alpha_3 ], font3 );   
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 3 - -317, UY + 3, 0, "!", [64, 50, 15, 200], font3 );             
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 3 - -318 * 1.0031, UY + 3, 0, "!", signColor, font3 );             

    if (ping > 69)
    Render.Line( LX, DY, RX, DY, ping < 69 ? signColor : [red[0],red[1],red[2],alpha_3 ]);

//бок левый
    Render.Line( screen_size[0] / 2, UY , LX , DY, ping < 69 ? signColor : [red[0],red[1],red[2],alpha_3 ] );

//бок правый
    Render.Line( screen_size[0] / 2, UY , RX, DY, ping < 69 ? signColor : [red[0],red[1],red[2],alpha_3 ] );
    Render.Line( LX, DY, RX, DY, signColor);
//бок левый
    Render.Line( screen_size[0] / 2, UY , LX , DY, signColor);

    Render.Line( screen_size[0] / 2, UY - -0, LX - -0, DY - 1, shadowColor);

//бок правый
    Render.Line( screen_size[0] / 2, UY , RX, DY, signColor);

    Render.Line( screen_size[0] / 2 + -0, UY - 1, RX + 0, DY - 1, shadowColor);


//текст графа
var lp = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    var velocity = Math.round(GetVelocity(lp)); 

    if (ping < 69)
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 - 75, screen_size[1] - 112, 0, "clock syncing", [0,0,0,alpha_3], font2 ); 
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 - 74, screen_size[1] - 113, 0, "clock syncing", [255,255,255,alpha_3 ], font2 );
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 + 18, screen_size[1] - 112, 0, "+-" + ping2 / 1  +"."+ ping2 * 3/1+"ms", [0,0,0,255], font2 ); 
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 + 17, screen_size[1] - 113, 0, "+-" + ping2 / 1  +"."+ ping2 * 3/1+"ms", [255,255,255,255 ], font2 );
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 - 75, screen_size[1] - 92, 0, "loss:(+-"+ ping2 / 5+")  ", [0,0,0,255], font2 ); 
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 - 74, screen_size[1] - 93, 0, "loss:(+-"+ ping2 / 5+")  ", [255,255,255,255], font2);
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 - 18, screen_size[1] - 92, 0, "ping: " + "          fps:", [0,0,0,255], font2 ); 
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 - 19, screen_size[1] - 93, 0, "ping: " + "          fps:", [255,255,255,255], font2);
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 + 30, screen_size[1] - 92, 0, "    " + fps, [0,0,0,255], font2 ); 
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 + 31, screen_size[1] - 93, 0, "    " + fps, [255,255,255,255], font2);
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 - 75, screen_size[1] - 71, 0, "time: " + hours + minutes + seconds + "   ticks: " + Globals.Tickrate().toString() + "   velocity: " + (GetVelocity().toFixed(0)).toString() + " u/s " , [0,0,0,255], font2 ); 
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 - 74, screen_size[1] - 72, 0, "time: " + hours + minutes + seconds + "   ticks: " + Globals.Tickrate().toString() + "   velocity: " + (GetVelocity().toFixed(0)).toString() + " u/s ", [255,255,255,255], font2 );
// fps < 60 ? [red[0],red[1],red[2],alpha_3 ] :   
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 + 0, screen_size[1] - 92, 0, " " + ping, [0,0,0,255], font2 ); 
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 + 1, screen_size[1] - 93, 0, " " + ping, ping > 60 ? [255, 125, 95, 255 ] : [255,255,255,255], font2);
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 - 80, screen_size[1] - 112, 0, "lost connection ", [0,0,0,alpha_3], font2 ); 
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 - 79, screen_size[1] - 113, 0, "lost connection ", [255,255,255,alpha_3 ], font2 );
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 + 18, screen_size[1] - 112, 0, "+-" + ping2 / 1  +"."+ ping2 * 3/1+"ms", [0,0,0,alpha_3], font2 ); 
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 + 17, screen_size[1] - 113, 0, "+-" + ping2 / 1  +"."+ ping2 * 3/1+"ms", [255,255,255,alpha_3 ], font2 );
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 - 56, screen_size[1] - 92, 0, "(+-"+ ping2 / 4+")  ", [0,0,0,255], font2 );
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 - 80, screen_size[1] - 92, 0, "loss:", [0,0,0,255], font2 ); 
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 - 79, screen_size[1] - 93, 0, "loss:", [255,255,255,255], font2);
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 - 61, screen_size[1] - 93, 0, "  (+-"+ ping2 / 4+")  ", [255, 82, 62, 255], font2);
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 - 25, screen_size[1] - 92, 0, "ping: " + "          fps:", [0,0,0,255], font2 ); 
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 - 25, screen_size[1] - 93, 0, "ping: " + "          fps:", [255,255,255,255], font2);
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 + 27, screen_size[1] - 92, 0, "    " + fps, [0,0,0,255], font2 ); 
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 + 26, screen_size[1] - 93, 0, "    " + fps,[255,255,255,255], font2);
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 + -6, screen_size[1] - 92, 0, " " + ping, [0,0,0,255], font2 ); 
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 + -7, screen_size[1] - 93, 0, " " + ping, ping > 60 ? [255, 125, 95, 255 ] : [255,255,255,255], font2);
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 - 79, screen_size[1] - 71, 0, "time: " + hours + minutes + seconds + "   ticks: " + Globals.Tickrate().toString() + "   velocity: " + (GetVelocity().toFixed(0)).toString() + " u/s " , [0,0,0,255], font2 ); 
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 - 78, screen_size[1] - 72, 0, "time: " + hours + minutes + seconds + "   ticks: " + Globals.Tickrate().toString() + "   velocity: " + (GetVelocity().toFixed(0)).toString() + " u/s ", [255,255,255,255], font2 );

    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 - 48, screen_size[1] - 31, 0, "        exploit: ", [0,0,0,255], font2 );
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 - 47, screen_size[1] - 32, 0, "        exploit: ", [255,255,255,255], font2 );
                  Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 - 40, screen_size[1] - 21, 0, "lagcomp: ", [0,0,0,255], font2 );
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 - 39, screen_size[1] - 22, 0, "lagcomp: ", [255,255,255,255], font2 );


    if (isHActive() == 1)
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 + 3, screen_size[1] - 21, 0, "broken", [0, 0, 0,255], font2 );
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 + 2, screen_size[1] - 22, 0, "broken", green, font2 );
    if (isHActive() == 0)
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 + 2, screen_size[1] - 21, 0, "unsafe", [0, 0, 0,255], font2 );
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 + 2, screen_size[1] - 22, 0, "unsafe", red, font2 );
    if (isDoubleTapActive() == 1)
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 + 3, screen_size[1] - 31, 0, "shifting", [0, 0, 0,255], font2 );
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 + 2, screen_size[1] - 32, 0, "shifting", green, font2 );
    if (isDoubleTapActive() == 0)
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 + 3, screen_size[1] - 31, 0, "disabled", [0, 0, 0,255], font2 );
    Render.StringCustom(screen_size[0] / 2 + 2, screen_size[1] - 32, 0, "disabled", red, font2 );

function fsn( ) {
    ui_arat_val = UI.GetValue( "Aspect ratio" );

    switch ( Global.FrameStage( ) ) {
        case 5: {
            Global.ExecuteCommand( "r_aspectratio " + ui_arat_val.toString()/100 );

        default: break;

function safeAWP() {
    SlocalPlayer = Entity.GetLocalPlayer()
    SlocalPlayerWeapon = Entity.GetWeapon(SlocalPlayer)
    SlocalPlayerWeaponName = Entity.GetName(SlocalPlayerWeapon)

                  if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Safe AWP")) {
    if (SlocalPlayerWeaponName == 'awp' ) {
        forceSafePoint = UI.IsHotkeyActive('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Force safe point')
        if (!forceSafePoint) {
            UI.ToggleHotkey('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Force safe point')
            safePBackup = true
    } else if (safePBackup) {
        UI.ToggleHotkey('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Force safe point')
        safePBackup = false

function pingspike()
    if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "pingspike"))
        UI.SetValue ("Misc", "GENERAL", "Miscellaneous", "Extended backtracking", true);
        UI.SetValue ("Misc", "GENERAL", "Miscellaneous", "Extended backtracking", false);

function pHurt() {
    attackerEntity = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker"));
    localEntity = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();

    if (attackerEntity == localEntity) {
        victimName = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid")));
        hitboxName = getHitboxName(Event.GetInt("hitgroup"));
        damageDone = Event.GetInt("dmg_health");
        healthRemaining = Event.GetInt("health");
        hurtLogs.push([victimName, hitboxName, damageDone, healthRemaining, 0, 255, (Math.random() * (0.2 - 1.200) + 1.200).toFixed(4), Globals.Curtime()]);

hurtLogs = [ ];

typeSpeed = 0.05;
fadeOutSpeed = 8;
showDelayTime = typeSpeed + Globals.Curtime();
function showOrHide() {
    for (var i = 0; i < hurtLogs.length; i++) {
        toSay =  victimName + " "+ hitboxName  + " " + damageDone  + " "+ "(" + healthRemaining +")";
        if(Globals.Curtime() - hurtLogs[i][7] < 2)
        hurtLogs[i][5] -= Globals.Frametime() * 500;
        if (hurtLogs[i][5] < 0) {
            hurtLogs.shift(i, 1);

function drawLogs() {
    localplayer_index = Entity.GetLocalPlayer( );
    localplayer_alive = Entity.IsAlive( localplayer_index );
        if (localplayer_alive == true){
            screen = Render.GetScreenSize()
            textX = (screen[0]/2)
            add_y = add_y + 20
            textY = (screen[1]/2) + add_y
            textYIncrement = 12;
            textCol = [255, 255, 255];
            for (var i = 0; i < hurtLogs.length; i++) {
                currentLog = hurtLogs[i];
                victimName = currentLog[0];
                hitboxName = currentLog[1];
                damageDone = currentLog[2];
                healthRemaining = currentLog[3]
                currentTextPos = textY + (textYIncrement * i);
                toSay =  victimName + " "+ hitboxName  + " " + "-"+damageDone  + " "+ "(" + healthRemaining +")";
                textCol = [255,255,255];
                textColdead = [200,0,0];
                if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "hitlogs under crosshair") == 1)
                if (healthRemaining > 0){
                    Render.String(textX + 1, currentTextPos + 1, 1, toSay, [0, 0, 0, hurtLogs[i][5]], 3);
                    Render.String(textX, currentTextPos, 1, toSay, [textCol[0], textCol[1], textCol[2], hurtLogs[i][5]], 3);
                if (healthRemaining <= 0){
                    Render.String(textX + 1, currentTextPos + 1, 1, toSay, [0, 0, 0, hurtLogs[i][5]], 3);
                    Render.String(textX, currentTextPos, 1, toSay, [textColdead[0], textColdead[1], textColdead[2], hurtLogs[i][5]], 3);

hitboxes = [
    'left arm',
    'right arm',
    'left leg',
    'right leg',
var scriptitems = ("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items");
var shots = 0;
var predicthc = 0;
var safety = 0;
var hitboxName = "";
var choked = 0;
var exploit = 0;
var logs = [];
var logsct = [];
var logsalpha = [];
function getHitboxName(index)
    switch (index)
        case 0:
            hitboxName = "head";
        case 1:
            hitboxName = "head";
        case 2:
            hitboxName = "stomach";
        case 3:
            hitboxName = "stomach";
        case 4:
            hitboxName = "stomach";
        case 5:
            hitboxName = "chest";
        case 6:
            hitboxName = "chest";
        case 7:
            hitboxName = "left leg";
        case 8:
            hitboxName = "right leg";
        case 9:
            hitboxName = "left leg";
        case 10:
            hitboxName = "right leg";
        case 11:
            hitboxName = "left leg";
        case 12:
            hitboxName = "right leg";
        case 13:
            hitboxName = "left arm";
        case 14:
            hitboxName = "right arm";
        case 15:
            hitboxName = "left arm";
        case 16:
            hitboxName = "left arm";
        case 17:
            hitboxName = "right arm";
        case 18:
            hitboxName = "right arm";
            hitboxName = "body";
    return hitboxName;
function HitgroupName(index) {
    return hitboxes[index] || 'body';

var target = -1;
var shots_fired = 0;
var hits = 0;
var lastUpdate = 0;
var logged = false;

function ragebot_fire() {
    predicthc = Event.GetInt("hitchance");
    safety = Event.GetInt("safepoint");
    hitboxName = getHitboxName(Event.GetInt("hitbox"));
    exploit = (Event.GetInt("exploit")+1).toString();
  target = Event.GetInt("target_index");
  logged = false;
  lastUpdate = Globals.Curtime();

function hitlog() {
    var hit = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));
    var attacker = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker"));
    if (attacker == Entity.GetLocalPlayer() && hit == target) hits++;

    var hittype = "Hit ";
    me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    hitbox = Event.GetInt('hitgroup');
    target_damage = Event.GetInt("dmg_health");
    target_health = Event.GetInt("health");
    victim = Event.GetInt('userid');
    attacker = Event.GetInt('attacker');
    weapon = Event.GetString('weapon');
    victimIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(victim);
    attackerIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(attacker);
    name = Entity.GetName(victimIndex);
      var simtime = Globals.Tickcount() % 17;

    var flags = "";

    if (exploit == 2)
      flags += "T";

    flags += "B";

    if (hitbox == 1)
      flags += "H";

      if (safety == 1) {
          safety = "true";
      else {
          safety = "false";

    if (weapon == "hegrenade")
      hittype = "Naded ";
    else if (weapon == "inferno")
      hittype = "Burned ";
    else if (weapon == "knife")
      hittype = "Knifed ";

    if (me == attackerIndex && me != victimIndex) {
        colind = UI.GetColor("Misc", "Script items", "Indicators color")
        Cheat.PrintColor([colind[0], colind[1], colind[2], 255], "[bloodtech] ");
    if (hittype == "Hit ") {
        if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Enable chat logging")) {
            Cheat.PrintChat(" \x08[\x0cbloodtech\x08] [\x0c"+shots.toString()+"\x08] "+hittype+name+"'s \x10"+HitgroupName(hitbox)+"\x08 for \x07"+target_damage.toString()+"\x08 ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining) aimed=\x10"+hitboxName+"\x08("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) safety=\x03"+safety+"\x08 (\x10"+flags+"\x08) (\x10"+simtime+"\x08:\x10"+exploit+"\x08)\n");
      Cheat.Print("["+shots.toString()+"] "+hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining) aimed="+hitboxName+"("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) bt=0 ("+flags+") ("+simtime+":"+exploit+")\n");
          logs.push("["+shots.toString()+"] "+hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining) aimed="+hitboxName+"("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) bt=0 ("+flags+") ("+simtime+":"+exploit+")");
    else {
      Cheat.Print("["+shots.toString()+"] "+hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining) \n");
          logs.push("["+shots.toString()+"] "+hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining)");


  if (shots == 99)
    shots = 0;


function removelogs() {
    if (logs.length > 6) {

    if (logsct[0] + 6.5 < Globals.Curtime()) {
        logsalpha[0] -= Globals.Frametime() * 600;
        if (logsalpha[0] < 0) {

function item_purchase() {
    colind = UI.GetColor("Misc", "Script items", "Indicators color")

    Cheat.PrintColor([colind[0], colind[1], colind[2], 255], "[bloodtech] ");
    Cheat.Print(Entity.GetName(Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid")))+" bought "+Event.GetString("weapon")+"\n");
    logs.push(Entity.GetName(Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid")))+" bought "+Event.GetString("weapon")+"");

function onDraw() {
    if (!World.GetServerString()) return;
    var font = Render.AddFont("Lucida Console", 8, 0);

    for (i = 0; i < logs.length; i++) {
        Render.StringCustom(4, 4 + 13*i, 0, logs[i], [0, 0, 0, logsalpha[i]], font);
        Render.StringCustom(3, 3 + 13*i, 0, logs[i], [255, 255, 255, logsalpha[i]], font);

    if (shots_fired > hits && (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 0.33)) {
      if (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 1) {
        shots_fired = 0;
        hits = 0;
      if (!logged) {
        var simtime = Globals.Tickcount() % 16;
        logged = true;
        var issafe = "true";
        var reason = "resolver";
        if (safety == 0) {
          issafe = "false";

        if (Entity.IsAlive(target) == false)
            reason = "death";
        else if (Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) == false)
            reason = "dead";
        else if (safety == true && predicthc < 76)
            reason = "spread";
        else if (safety == true && predicthc > 76)
            reason = "prediction error";

        var flags = "";

        if (exploit == 2)
          flags += "T";

          flags += "B";

        colind = UI.GetColor("Misc", "Script items", "Indicators color")

        Cheat.PrintColor([colind[0], colind[1], colind[2], 255], "[bloodtech] ");
        Cheat.Print("["+shots.toString()+"] "+"Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s "+hitboxName+"("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) due to "+reason+", bt=0 ("+flags+") ("+simtime+":"+exploit+")\n");
            logs.push("["+shots.toString()+"] "+"Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s "+hitboxName+"("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) due to "+reason+", bt=0 ("+flags+") ("+simtime+":"+exploit+")");

            if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Enable chat logging")) {
                Cheat.PrintChat(" \x08[\x0cbloodtech\x08] [\x0c"+shots.toString()+"\x08] "+"\x08Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s \x10"+hitboxName+"\x08("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) due to \x07"+reason+"\x08, safety=\x03"+issafe+"\x08 (\x10"+flags+"\x08) (\x10"+simtime+"\x08:\x10"+exploit+"\x08)");
        if (shots == 99)
          shots = 0;

function ragdollForce( )
    UI.SetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Miscellaneous", "Ragdoll Gravity", "1")
    if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Ragdoll Force")) {
    framestage = Cheat.FrameStage();
    if (framestage == 3)
        entities = Entity.GetEntities();
        for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++)
            classID = Entity.GetClassID(entities[i]);
            if (classID == 42)
                dir = Entity.GetProp(entities[i], "CCSRagdoll", "m_vecRagdollVelocity");
                dir[0] = 0
                dir[1] = 0
                dir[2] = 999999
                dir1 = Entity.GetProp(entities[i], "CBaseAnimating", "m_vecForce");
                dir1[0] = 0
                dir1[1] = 0
                dir1[2] = 999999
                Entity.SetProp(entities[i], "CCSRagdoll", "m_vecRagdollVelocity", dir);
                Entity.SetProp(entities[i], "CBaseAnimating", "m_vecForce", dir1);

function get_velocity(index)
    var velocity = Entity.GetProp(index, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]");
    return Math.sqrt(velocity[0] * velocity[0] + velocity[1] * velocity[1]);

function get_health(index)
    health_override = Entity.GetProp(index, "CBasePlayer", "m_iHealth");
    return health_override;

function Low_delta()
       if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Low delta on key"))

function isActive(a) {
        return UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", a)

function setValue(cat, value) {
        UI.SetValue("Rage", cat.toUpperCase(), "Targeting", "Minimum damage", value)

function isPistol(name) {
        if (name == "p2000" || name == "glock 18" || name == "dual berettas" || name == "usp s" || name == "five seven" || name == "p250" || name == "tec 9") {
                return true

function isHeavyPistol(name) {
        if (name == "r8 revolver" || name == "desert eagle") {
                return true

function isAutoSniper(name) {
        if (name == "scar 20" || name == "g3sg1") {
                return true

var original_dmg = true

function onCM() {
        am = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Weapon Mindmg")
        name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))
        if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Weapon Override"))
            if (original_dmg)
                pc = UI.GetValue("Rage", "PISTOL", "Minimum damage")
                hpc = UI.GetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Minimum damage")
                scc = UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Minimum damage")
                awpc = UI.GetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Minimum damage")
                atc = UI.GetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Minimum damage")
                original_dmg = false;
            if (isPistol(name))
            UI.SetValue("Rage", "PISTOL", "Minimum damage", am)
            if (isHeavyPistol(name))
            UI.SetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Minimum damage", am)
            if (name == "ssg 08")
            UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Minimum damage", am)
            if (name == "awp")
            UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Minimum damage", am)
            if (isAutoSniper(name))
            UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Minimum damage", am)
            if (!original_dmg)
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "PISTOL", "Minimum damage", pc)
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Minimum damage", hpc)
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Minimum damage", scc)
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Minimum damage", awpc)
                UI.SetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Minimum damage", atc)
                original_dmg = true;

alpha_main = 0
alpha_anim = 0
add_anim   = 0

value_duck = 0
alpha_duck_anim = 0
alpha_duck = 0
add_duck   = 0

value_damage = 0
alpha_damage = 0
add_damage   = 0

value_FS = 0
alpha_FS = 0
add_FS   = 0

value_SP = 0
alpha_SP = 0
add_SP   = 0

value_BAIM = 0
alpha_BAIM = 0
add_BAIM   = 0

value_legit = 0
alpha_legit = 0
add_legit   = 0

value_onshot = 0
alpha_onshot = 0
add_onshot   = 0

value_autopeek = 0
alpha_autopeek = 0
add_autopeek   = 0

value_dt = 0
alpha_dt = 0
add_dt   = 0
red_dt   = 0
green_dt = 0

value_hs = 0
alpha_hs = 0
add_hs   = 0

value_ping = 0
alpha_ping = 0
add_ping   = 0

value_DA = 0
alpha_DA = 0
add_DA   = 0

value_arc = 0
alpha_anim_state = false
alpha_duck_state = false

var csgo_weapons = {
    "0": "none",
    "1": "deagle",
    "2": "elite",
    "3": "fiveseven",
    "4": "glock",
    "5": "p228",
    "6": "usp",
    "7": "ak47",
    "8": "aug",
    "9": "awp",
    "10": "famas",
    "11": "g3sg1",
    "12": "galil",
    "13": "galilar",
    "14": "m249",
    "15": "m3",
    "16": "m4a4",
    "17": "mac10",
    "18": "mp5navy",
    "19": "p90",
    "20": "ssg08",
    "21": "sg550",
    "22": "sg552",
    "23": "tmp",
    "24": "ump45",
    "25": "xm1014",
    "26": "bizon",
    "27": "mag7",
    "28": "negev",
    "29": "sawedoff",
    "30": "tec9",
    "31": "taser",
    "32": "hkp2000",
    "33": "mp7",
    "34": "mp9",
    "35": "nova",
    "36": "p250",
    "37": "scar17",
    "38": "scar20",
    "39": "sg556",
    "40": "ssg08",
    "41": "knifegg",
    "42": "knife",
    "43": "flashbang",
    "44": "hegrenade",
    "45": "smokegrenade",
    "46": "molotov",
    "47": "decoy",
    "48": "incgrenade",
    "49": "c4",
    "60": "m4a1",
    "63": "cz75",
    "64": "revolver",
    "197108": "knife",
    "197113": "knife",
    "197114": "knife",
    "197115": "knife",
    "197116": "knife",
    "197123": "knife",
    "197120": "knife",
    "197128": "knife",
    "197124": "knife",
    "197130": "knife",
    "197122": "knife",
    "197117": "knife",
    "197131": "knife",
    "197127": "knife",
    "197111": "knife",
    "197125": "knife",
    "197126": "knife",
    "197129": "knife",
    "197133": "knife",
    "262205": "usp",
    "262208": "revolver"
function getWeaponName(){
    var weapon = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()), "DT_WeaponBaseItem", "m_iItemDefinitionIndex");
    return csgo_weapons[weapon];

function closestTarget(){
    var enemies = Entity.GetEnemies();
    var dists = [];
    var damage = [];
    for(e in enemies) {
        if(!Entity.IsAlive(enemies[e]) || Entity.IsDormant(enemies[e]) || !Entity.IsValid(enemies[e])) continue;
        dists.push([enemies[e], calcDist(Entity.GetHitboxPosition(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), 0), Entity.GetHitboxPosition(enemies[e], 0))]);
    dists.sort(function(a, b)
        return a[1] - b[1];
    if(dists.length == 0 || dists == []) return target = -1;
    return dists[0][0];

function isInAir(){
    var fv = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CBasePlayer", "m_flFallVelocity");
    if(fv < -1 || fv > 1){
        return true;
    return false;

function calcDist(a, b){
    var x = a[0] - b[0];
    var y = a[1] - b[1];
    var z = a[2] - b[2];
    return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);

function get_metric_distance(a, b){
    return Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a[0] - b[0], 2) + Math.pow(a[1] - b[1], 2) + Math.pow(a[2] - b[2], 2)) * 0.0254);

var noscope_target = -1;
var noscope_dist = {
    "ssg08": 4,
    "scar20": 7,
    "g3sg1" : 7
function autoscope(){
    local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    if(UI.GetValue("Script items", "Adaptive autoscope")){
        if((getWeaponName() !== "ssg08" && getWeaponName() !== "scar20" && getWeaponName() !== "g3sg1") || isInAir()){
            UI.SetValue("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Auto scope", true);
            noscope_target = closestTarget();
            noscope_target = Ragebot.GetTarget();
            UI.SetValue("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Auto scope", true);
        if(get_metric_distance(Entity.GetRenderOrigin(local), Entity.GetRenderOrigin(noscope_target)) < noscope_dist[getWeaponName()]){
            UI.SetValue("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Auto scope", false);
            UI.SetValue("Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Auto scope", true);

//animation function

clamp = function (val, min, max) {
   if (val > max)
      return max
   if (min > val)
      return min
   return val
function indication() {
   if (World.GetServerString() == "")

   player = Entity.GetLocalPlayer()

   isDoubletap = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Doubletap") && !(Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetGameRulesProxy(), "CCSGameRulesProxy", "m_bIsValveDS" ))
   IsSAFEP = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "General", "Force safe point")
   islowdelta = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Low delta on key")
   isHideShot = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots") && !(Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetGameRulesProxy(), "CCSGameRulesProxy", "m_bIsValveDS" ))
   isDamageOverride = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Weapon Override")
   isForceBody = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "General", "Force body aim")
   isFakeDuck = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck") && !(Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetGameRulesProxy(), "CCSGameRulesProxy", "m_bIsValveDS" ))
   isAutoPick = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement","Auto peek")
   isPing = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "pingspike")
   isDA = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Dormant Aimbot")
   isLegitAA = (UI.GetValue("Anti-aim", "Extra", "Pitch") == 0 ? true : false )
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Desync line", true))
   add_y = 20
   add_y = 10

   add_factor = 10
   fade_factor = ((1 / .15) * Globals.Frametime() * 200) / 200

   fade_factor_anim = ((1 / .9) * Globals.Frametime()) * 200
   fade_factor_duck = ((1 / .1) * Globals.Frametime()) * 200

   //Dead animation
   if ((!Entity.IsAlive(player) && alpha_main != 0 || Input.IsKeyPressed(0x09)) )
      alpha_main = clamp(alpha_main - fade_factor * 100, 0, 255)
   if (Entity.IsAlive(player) && alpha_main != 255 && !Input.IsKeyPressed(0x09) )
      alpha_main = clamp(alpha_main + fade_factor * 100, 0, 255)
       if(UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Display indicators' ))
   //Damage animation
    if (isDamageOverride && alpha_damage != 1 && alpha_main == 255){
       value_damage = clamp(value_damage + fade_factor, 0, 1.0)
       alpha_damage = clamp(alpha_damage + fade_factor * value_damage, 0, 1.0)
       add_damage   = clamp(add_damage + fade_factor * value_damage, 0, 1.0)
    if (!isDamageOverride && alpha_damage != 0 || alpha_main != 255){
       value_damage = clamp(value_damage - fade_factor, 0, 1)
       alpha_damage = clamp(alpha_damage - fade_factor * alpha_damage, 0, 1)
       add_damage = clamp(add_damage - fade_factor * add_damage, 0, 1)
    if(alpha_damage < 0.01) alpha_damage = 0
    if(add_damage < 0.01)   add_damage   = 0
   //Baim animation
    if (isForceBody && alpha_BAIM != 1 && alpha_main == 255){
       value_BAIM = clamp(value_BAIM + fade_factor, 0, 1.0)
       alpha_BAIM = clamp(alpha_BAIM + fade_factor * value_BAIM, 0, 1.0)
       add_BAIM   = clamp(add_BAIM + fade_factor * value_BAIM, 0, 1.0)
    if (!isForceBody && alpha_BAIM != 0 || alpha_main != 255){
       value_BAIM = clamp(value_BAIM - fade_factor, 0, 1)
       alpha_BAIM = clamp(alpha_BAIM - fade_factor * alpha_BAIM, 0, 1)
       add_BAIM = clamp(add_BAIM - fade_factor * add_BAIM, 0, 1)
    if(alpha_BAIM < 0.01) alpha_BAIM = 0
    if(add_BAIM < 0.01)   add_BAIM   = 0
   //Auto Peek animation
   if (isAutoPick && alpha_autopeek != 1 && alpha_main == 255){
      value_autopeek = clamp(value_autopeek + fade_factor, 0, 1)
      alpha_autopeek = clamp(alpha_autopeek + fade_factor * value_autopeek, 0, 1)
      add_autopeek   = clamp(add_autopeek   + fade_factor * value_autopeek, 0, 1)
   if (!isAutoPick && alpha_autopeek != 0 || alpha_main != 255){
      value_autopeek = clamp(value_autopeek - fade_factor, 0, 1)
      alpha_autopeek = clamp(alpha_autopeek - fade_factor * alpha_autopeek, 0, 1)
      add_autopeek   = clamp(add_autopeek   - fade_factor * add_autopeek, 0, 1)
      if(alpha_autopeek < 0.01) alpha_autopeek = 0
      if(add_autopeek < 0.01)   add_autopeek   = 0
   //SP animation
   if (IsSAFEP && alpha_SP != 1 && alpha_main == 255){
      value_SP = clamp(value_SP + fade_factor, 0, 1)
      alpha_SP = clamp(alpha_SP + fade_factor * value_SP, 0, 1)
      add_SP   = clamp(add_SP   + fade_factor * value_SP, 0, 1)
   if (!IsSAFEP && alpha_SP != 0 || alpha_main != 255){
      value_SP = clamp(value_SP - fade_factor, 0, 1)
      alpha_SP = clamp(alpha_SP - fade_factor * alpha_SP, 0, 1)
      add_SP   = clamp(add_SP   - fade_factor * add_SP, 0, 1)
      if(alpha_SP < 0.01) alpha_SP = 0
      if(add_SP < 0.01)   add_SP   = 0
   //Ping animation
   if (isPing && alpha_ping != 1 && alpha_main == 255){
      value_ping = clamp(value_ping + fade_factor, 0, 1)
      alpha_ping = clamp(alpha_ping + fade_factor * value_ping, 0, 1)
      add_ping   = clamp(add_ping   + fade_factor * value_ping, 0, 1)
   if (!isPing && alpha_ping != 0 || alpha_main != 255){
      value_ping = clamp(value_ping - fade_factor, 0, 1)
      alpha_ping = clamp(alpha_ping - fade_factor * alpha_ping, 0, 1)
      add_ping   = clamp(add_ping   - fade_factor * add_ping, 0, 1)
      if(alpha_ping < 0.01) alpha_ping = 0
      if(add_ping < 0.01)   add_ping   = 0
    //DA animation
   if (isDA && alpha_DA != 1 && alpha_main == 255){
    value_DA = clamp(value_DA + fade_factor, 0, 1)
    alpha_DA = clamp(alpha_DA + fade_factor * value_DA, 0, 1)
    add_DA   = clamp(add_DA   + fade_factor * value_DA, 0, 1)
if (!isDA && alpha_DA != 0 || alpha_main != 255){
    value_DA = clamp(value_DA - fade_factor, 0, 1)
    alpha_DA = clamp(alpha_DA - fade_factor * alpha_DA, 0, 1)
    add_DA   = clamp(add_DA   - fade_factor * add_DA, 0, 1)
    if(alpha_DA < 0.01) alpha_DA = 0
    if(add_DA < 0.01)   add_DA   = 0
   //ANIM animation
    if (!isDoubletap && !isHideShot && alpha_main == 255) {
       add_anim = clamp(add_anim + fade_factor, 0, 1)
       if (alpha_anim_state == false) {
          alpha_anim = clamp(alpha_anim + fade_factor_anim, 0, 255)
          if (alpha_anim == 255)
             alpha_anim_state = true
       } else {
          alpha_anim = clamp(alpha_anim - fade_factor_anim, 0, 255)
         if (alpha_anim == 0)
             alpha_anim_state = false
    } else {
      alpha_anim = clamp(alpha_anim - fade_factor * 100, 0, 255)
      add_anim   = clamp(add_anim - fade_factor * add_anim, 0, 1)

   //Fake Duck animation
   if (isFakeDuck) {
      if (alpha_duck_state == false) {
         alpha_duck_anim = clamp(alpha_duck_anim + fade_factor_duck, 0, 255)
         if (alpha_duck_anim == 255)
            alpha_duck_state = true
      } else {
         alpha_duck_anim = clamp(alpha_duck_anim - fade_factor_duck, 0, 255)
         if (alpha_duck_anim == 0)
            alpha_duck_state = false
      alpha_duck_anim = alpha_duck * 255

   if (isFakeDuck && add_duck != 1 && alpha_main == 255){
      value_duck = clamp(value_duck + fade_factor, 0, 1)
      add_duck   = clamp(add_duck   + fade_factor * value_duck, 0, 1)
      alpha_duck = clamp(alpha_duck + fade_factor * value_duck, 0, 1)
   if (!isFakeDuck && alpha_duck != 0  || alpha_main != 255){
      value_duck = clamp(value_duck - fade_factor, 0, 1)
      add_duck   = clamp(add_duck   - fade_factor * add_duck, 0, 1)
      alpha_duck = clamp(alpha_duck - fade_factor * alpha_duck, 0, 1)
   if(alpha_duck < 0.01) alpha_duck = 0
   if(add_duck < 0.01) add_duck = 0

   if(isDoubletap && Exploit.GetCharge() >= 0.5 ){
      value_arc = clamp(value_arc + fade_factor * 1.2 * value_dt, 0, 1)
     } else {
      value_arc = clamp(value_arc - fade_factor * 1.2 * value_arc, 0, 1)

   if(isDoubletap && Exploit.GetCharge() >= 0.5 ){
      value_arc = clamp(value_arc + fade_factor * 1.2 * value_dt, 0, 1)
     } else {
      value_arc = clamp(value_arc - fade_factor * 1.2 * value_arc, 0, 1)

   //Double tap animation
if(!isFakeDuck && isDoubletap && green_dt != 1 && Exploit.GetCharge() >= 0.3 && alpha_main == 255){
   value_dt = clamp(value_dt + fade_factor , 0, 1)
   alpha_dt = clamp(alpha_dt + fade_factor  * value_dt, 0, 1)
   green_dt = clamp(green_dt + fade_factor  * value_dt, 0, 1)

if(!isFakeDuck && isDoubletap) add_dt   = clamp(add_dt   + fade_factor  * value_dt, 0, 1)
if(!isDoubletap || alpha_main != 255 || isFakeDuck) alpha_dt = clamp(alpha_dt - fade_factor  * alpha_dt, 0, 1)
if(!isDoubletap || alpha_main != 255 || isFakeDuck) add_dt   = clamp(add_dt   - fade_factor  * add_dt, 0, 1)

if(!isDoubletap && alpha_dt != 0 || Exploit.GetCharge() <= 0.3  || alpha_main != 255){
   value_dt = clamp(value_dt - fade_factor , 0, 1)
   green_dt = clamp(green_dt - fade_factor * green_dt, 0, 1)

if(isDoubletap && red_dt != 150 && Exploit.GetCharge() >= 0.3 && alpha_main == 255)
red_dt = clamp(red_dt   - fade_factor * 75, 150, 255)

if(!isDoubletap && red_dt != 255 || Exploit.GetCharge() <= 0.3 || alpha_main != 255)
red_dt = clamp(red_dt   + fade_factor * 75 , 150, 255)
if(alpha_dt < 0.01) alpha_dt = 0
if(add_dt < 0.01) add_dt = 0
dt_color = [red_dt ,255 * green_dt,0,255 * alpha_dt]
   //Hide Shots Animation
   if(!isFakeDuck && isHideShot && !isDoubletap && alpha_hs != 1 && Exploit.GetCharge() >= 0.3 && alpha_main == 255){
      value_hs = clamp(value_hs + fade_factor , 0, 1)
      alpha_hs = clamp(alpha_hs + fade_factor  * value_hs, 0, 1)
      add_hs = clamp(alpha_hs + fade_factor  * value_hs, 0, 1)

   if(!isHideShot || isDoubletap && alpha_hs != 0 || alpha_main != 255 || isFakeDuck){
      value_hs = clamp(value_hs - fade_factor , 0, 1)
      alpha_hs = clamp(alpha_hs - fade_factor  * alpha_hs, 0, 1)
      add_hs = clamp(alpha_hs - fade_factor  * add_hs, 0, 1)

   hs_color = [250,200,0,alpha_hs * 255]
   colind = UI.GetColor("Misc", "Script items", "Indicators color")

    Render.String(screen_size[0] /2, screen_size[1] /2 + add_y + 1, 1, "bloodtech", [0, 0, 0, alpha_main],3);
    Render.String(screen_size[0] /2, screen_size[1] /2 + add_y, 1, "bloodtech", [colind[0], colind[1], colind[2], alpha_main],3);

    if (islowdelta && UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Dodge jitter")) {
       add_y = add_y + add_factor
       Render.String(screen_size[0] /2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 1, "dodge delta", [0, 0, 0, alpha_main], 3);
       Render.String(screen_size[0] /2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 1, "dodge delta", [colind[0], colind[1], colind[2], alpha_main], 3);
    } else if (islowdelta) {
        add_y = add_y + add_factor
        Render.String(screen_size[0] /2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 1, "low delta", [0, 0, 0, alpha_main], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] /2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 1, "low delta", [colind[0], colind[1], colind[2], alpha_main], 3);
    } else if (isLegitAA) {
       add_y = add_y + add_factor
       Render.String(screen_size[0] /2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 1, "legit aa", [0, 0, 0, alpha_main], 3);
       Render.String(screen_size[0] /2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 1, "legit aa", [colind[0], colind[1], colind[2], alpha_main], 3);
    } else if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Dodge jitter")) {
        add_y = add_y + add_factor
        Render.String(screen_size[0] /2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 1, "dodge jitter", [0, 0, 0, alpha_main], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] /2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 1, "dodge jitter", [colind[0], colind[1], colind[2], alpha_main], 3);
    } else if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset")) {
        add_y = add_y + add_factor
        Render.String(screen_size[0] /2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 1, "jitter", [0, 0, 0, alpha_main], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] /2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 1, "jitter", [colind[0], colind[1], colind[2], alpha_main], 3);
    } else {
        add_y = add_y + add_factor
        Render.String(screen_size[0] /2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y + 1, 1, "static", [0, 0, 0, alpha_main], 3);
        Render.String(screen_size[0] /2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 1, "static", [colind[0], colind[1], colind[2], alpha_main], 3);

   if (isFakeDuck || alpha_duck_anim > 0 && alpha_main > 50) {
      add_y = add_y + add_duck * add_factor;
      Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + 1 + add_y, 1, "duck", [0, 0, 0, alpha_duck_anim], 3);
      Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 1, "duck", [158, 181, 113, alpha_duck_anim], 3);

   if(isDoubletap && Exploit.GetCharge() >= 0.5 ){
      value_arc = clamp(value_arc + fade_factor * 1.2 * value_dt, 0, 1)
     } else {
      value_arc = clamp(value_arc - fade_factor * 1.2 * value_arc, 0, 1)

   //render arc
    if (alpha_main > 50 && Entity.IsAlive(player)) {
        x = (screen_size[0] / 2 + 8)
        y = (screen_size[1] / 2 + 14 + add_dt * add_factor)
        distance = 4.5
        inner_radius = 2.3
        segments = 30
      if(value_arc < 0.01) value_arc = 0
        max_angle = 360 * value_arc;
       add_y = add_y + add_dt
       render_arc(x + 6, y + add_y - 9, distance, inner_radius, -90, max_angle, segments, [0, 0, 0, 120 * alpha_dt]);
       render_arc(x + 5, y + add_y - 10, distance, inner_radius, -90, max_angle, segments, dt_color);

         function render_arc(x, y, radius, radius_inner, start_angle, end_angle, segments, dt_color) {
          while (360 % segments != 0) {

          segments = 360 / segments;

          for (var i = start_angle; i < start_angle + end_angle; i = i + segments) {

             var rad = i * Math.PI / 180;
               var rad2 = (i + segments) * Math.PI / 180;

             var rad_cos = Math.cos(rad)
              var rad_sin = Math.sin(rad)

              var rad2_cos = Math.cos(rad2);
              var rad2_sin = Math.sin(rad2);

              var x1_outer = x + rad_cos * radius;
              var y1_outer = y + rad_sin * radius;

              var x2_outer = x + rad2_cos * radius;
             var y2_outer = y + rad2_sin * radius;

             var x1_inner = x + rad_cos * radius_inner;
             var y1_inner = y + rad_sin * radius_inner;

             var x2_inner = x + rad2_cos * radius_inner;
             var y2_inner = y + rad2_sin * radius_inner;

                [x1_outer, y1_outer],
                [x2_outer, y2_outer],
                [x1_inner, y1_inner]

                  [x1_inner, y1_inner],
                  [x2_outer, y2_outer],
                 [x2_inner, y2_inner]

   if(alpha_dt != 0){
       add_y = add_y + add_dt * add_factor
   Render.String(screen_size[0] /2, screen_size[1] / 2  + add_y + 1 , 1, "dt", [0, 0, 0, dt_color[3]], 3);
   Render.String(screen_size[0] /2, screen_size[1] / 2  + add_y, 1, "dt", dt_color, 3);

   if(alpha_hs != 0){
       add_y = add_y + add_hs * add_factor
   Render.String(screen_size[0] /2, screen_size[1] / 2  + add_y + 1 , 1, "hide", [0, 0, 0, hs_color[3]], 3);
   Render.String(screen_size[0] /2, screen_size[1] / 2  + add_y, 1, "hide", hs_color, 3);

  if (alpha_autopeek > 0) {
      add_y = add_y + add_autopeek * add_factor ;

      Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + 1 + add_y, 1, "peek", [0, 0, 0, alpha_autopeek * 255], 3);
      Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 1, "peek", [73, 71, 166, alpha_autopeek * 255], 3);
   if (alpha_SP > 0) {
      add_y = add_y + add_SP * add_factor ;

      Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + 1 + add_y, 1, "safe", [0, 0, 0, alpha_SP * 255], 3);
      Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 1, "safe", [141, 140, 197, alpha_SP * 255], 3);
   if (alpha_ping > 0) {
      add_y = add_y + add_ping * add_factor ;

      Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + 1 + add_y, 1, "ping", [0, 0, 0, alpha_ping * 255], 3);
      Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 1, "ping", [141, 140, 197, alpha_ping * 255], 3);
    if (alpha_DA > 0) {
    add_y = add_y + add_DA * add_factor ;

    Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + 1 + add_y, 1, "dormant", [0, 0, 0, alpha_DA * 255], 3);
    Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 1, "dormant", [141, 140, 197, alpha_DA * 255], 3);
    if (alpha_damage > 0) {
       add_y = add_y + add_damage * add_factor;

       Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + 1 + add_y, 1, "dmg", [0, 0, 0, alpha_damage * 255], 3);
       Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 1, "dmg", [158, 181, 113, alpha_damage * 255], 3);
    if (alpha_BAIM > 0) {
       add_y = add_y + add_BAIM * add_factor;

       Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + 1 + add_y, 1, "baim", [0, 0, 0, alpha_BAIM * 255], 3);
       Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + add_y, 1, "baim", [141, 140, 197, alpha_BAIM * 255], 3);

function delta() {
    local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    if (!UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Desync line") || !Entity.IsValid(local) || !Entity.IsAlive(local)) return;
    font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 8, 400);
    x = screen_size[0];
    y = screen_size[1];
    coldelt = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "line color");
    real_yaw = Local.GetRealYaw();
    fake_yaw = Local.GetFakeYaw();
    delta = Math.min(Math.abs(real_yaw - fake_yaw) / 2, 60).toFixed(0);
    delta_size = Render.TextSizeCustom(delta, font);
    Render.GradientRect(x / 2, y / 2 + 15, (45 / 60) * delta, 2, 1, coldelt, [0, 0, 0, 0]);
    Render.GradientRect(x / 2 - (45 / 60) * delta + 1, y / 2 + 15, (45 / 60) * delta, 2, 1, [0, 0, 0, 0], coldelt);

function anim()
    if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "legfucker"))
        clock = clock + 0.5
        if (clock > 1)
            if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Slide walk") && !UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Jitter move"))
                UI.SetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Slide walk", 0);
                UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Jitter move", 1);
                clock = 0
                UI.SetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Slide walk", 1);
                UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Jitter move", 0);
                clock = 0

function dodgejitter()
    if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Dodge jitter"))
        clock = clock + 0.5
        if (clock > 1)
        UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset", -6);
        clock = 0
        UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset", 16);

var delay = 3

function fakelags()
    var send = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Send Limit")
    var choke = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Choke Limit")
    if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "jitter fakelag"))
    if(tickcount >= choke && !flip)
        flip = true
        tickcount = 0
    if(tickcount >= send && flip)
        flip = false
        tickcount = 0
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Fake-Lag", "Limit", !flip ? choke : 0)

function roundstart()
    tickcount = 0

var original_naa = true

function legit_aa()
    if (UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Legit AA Key"))
        if (original_naa)
            restrictions_cache = UI.GetValue("Misc", "PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions");
            hiderealangle_cache = UI.GetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Hide real angle");
            yaw_offset_cache = UI.GetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset");
            jitter_offset_cache = UI.GetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset");
            pitch_cache = UI.GetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch");
            original_naa = false;
        UI.SetValue ("Misc", "PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions", 0);
        UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Hide real angle", true);
        UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset", 180);
        UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset", 0);
        UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch", 0);
        if (!original_naa)
            UI.SetValue ("Misc", "PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions", restrictions_cache);
            UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Hide real angle", hiderealangle_cache);
            UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset", yaw_offset_cache);
            UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset", jitter_offset_cache);
            UI.SetValue ("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch", pitch_cache);
            original_naa = true;

var lasttime = 0;
function onRender( )
var tag = UI.GetValue("Clantag");
var speed = 4.5;
var time = parseInt((Globals.Curtime() * speed))
if (time != lasttime)
if (tag == 1) {
switch ((time) % 38) {

case 1: { Local.SetClanTag(""); break; }
case 2: { Local.SetClanTag("^"); break; }
case 3: { Local.SetClanTag("B"); break; }
case 4: { Local.SetClanTag("B$"); break; }
case 5: { Local.SetClanTag("Bl"); break; }
case 6: { Local.SetClanTag("Bl{}"); break; }
case 7: { Local.SetClanTag("Blo"); break; }
case 8: { Local.SetClanTag("Blo{}"); break; }
case 9: { Local.SetClanTag("Bloo"); break; }
case 10: { Local.SetClanTag("Bloo%"); break; }
case 11: { Local.SetClanTag("Blood"); break; }
case 12: { Local.SetClanTag("Blood_"); break; }
case 13: { Local.SetClanTag("BloodT"); break; }
case 14: { Local.SetClanTag("BloodT@"); break; }
case 15: { Local.SetClanTag("BloodTe"); break; }
case 16: { Local.SetClanTag("BloodTe("); break; }
case 17: { Local.SetClanTag("BloodTec"); break; }
case 18: { Local.SetClanTag("BloodTec|"); break; }
case 19: { Local.SetClanTag("BloodTech"); break; }
case 20: { Local.SetClanTag("BloodTech"); break; }
case 21: { Local.SetClanTag("^loodTech"); break; }
case 22: { Local.SetClanTag("loodTech"); break; }
case 23: { Local.SetClanTag("$oodTech"); break; }
case 24: { Local.SetClanTag("oodTech"); break; }
case 25: { Local.SetClanTag("{}odTech"); break; }
case 26: { Local.SetClanTag("odTech"); break; }
case 27: { Local.SetClanTag("{}dTech"); break; }
case 28: { Local.SetClanTag("dTech"); break; }
case 29: { Local.SetClanTag("%Tech"); break; }
case 30: { Local.SetClanTag("Tech"); break; }
case 31: { Local.SetClanTag("_ech"); break; }
case 32: { Local.SetClanTag("ech"); break; }
case 33: { Local.SetClanTag("@ch"); break; }
case 34: { Local.SetClanTag("ch"); break; }
case 35: { Local.SetClanTag("(h"); break; }
case 36: { Local.SetClanTag("h"); break; }
case 37: { Local.SetClanTag("|"); break; }
case 38: { Local.SetClanTag(""); break; }
lasttime = time;

var scoutCach = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance')
var revolverCach = UI.GetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOl', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance')
function airHC() {
    var scoutAir = UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Jump scout hitchance')
    var revolverAir = UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Jump revolver hitchance')

    var local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer()
    var localWeapon = Entity.GetWeapon(local)
    var localWeaponName = Entity.GetName(localWeapon)
    var inAir = Entity.GetProp(local, 'CBasePlayer', 'm_hGroundEntity')
if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Jump scout/r8"))
    if (localWeaponName == 'r8 revolver' && inAir =='m_hGroundEntity') {
        UI.SetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOL', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', revolverAir)
    } else {
        UI.SetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOL', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', revolverCach)
    if (localWeaponName == 'ssg 08' && inAir == 'm_hGroundEntity') {
        UI.SetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', scoutAir)
    } else {
        UI.SetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', scoutCach)

function r8fakelag()
    var local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer()
    var localWeapon = Entity.GetWeapon(local)
    var localWeaponName = Entity.GetName(localWeapon)
    if (localWeaponName == 'r8 revolver' && UI.GetValue("Script items", "Disable fakelags on r8") == 1)
    UI.SetValue("Fake-Lag", "Enabled", 0)
    UI.SetValue("Fake-Lag", "Enabled", 1)
function ImportGrenades()
    var grenades = Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID(9).concat(Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID(114).concat(Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID(100)));
    for (e in grenades)
        pass = false;
        for (g in positions)
            if (positions[g][0] == grenades[e])
                pass = true;
        if (pass)

        positions.push([grenades[e], Globals.Curtime(), [Entity.GetRenderOrigin(grenades[e])], Globals.Curtime()]);

const clr = [
    text = [ 240, 240, 240, 255 ],
    main = [ 38, 38, 38, 160 ],
    back = [ 32, 32, 32, 255 ],
    high = [ 48, 48, 48, 255 ],
    red  = [ 240, 41, 41, 255 ],

var positions = [];
var trace = [];
var render = [];
var local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();

function Clamp(v, min, max)
    return Math.max(Math.min(v, max), min);

function GrenadeWarning()
    var grenades = Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID(9).concat(Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID(114).concat(Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID(100)));

    if (!Entity.IsAlive(local)) { return; }
    for (g in grenades) {
        for (var i = 0; i < grenades.length; i++) {
            var g = grenades[i];
            var isInferno = Entity.GetClassID(g) === 100;
            var isHeGrenade = Entity.GetClassID(g) === 9;
            function DistanceInFeets (origin, destination) {
                var sub = [destination[0] - origin[0], destination[1] - origin[1], destination[2] - origin[2]];
                return Math.round(Math.sqrt(sub[0] ** 2 + sub[1] ** 2 + sub[2] ** 2) / 12);
            var destination = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(g);
            var origin = Entity.GetEyePosition(local);
            var distance = DistanceInFeets(origin, destination);
            var screen = Render.WorldToScreen(destination);
            var isSafe = distance > (isInferno ? 15 : 20) || trace[1] < 0.61;
            if (distance > 256) { continue; }
            if (isHeGrenade && Entity.GetProp (g, "CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile", "m_nExplodeEffectTickBegin")) { continue; }
            font = Render.AddFont("Small fonts", 7, 100);
            const warning_stroke = true;
            Render.FilledCircle( screen[0], screen[1] + 36, 15, [ 255, 255, 255, 90 ])
            Render.Circle(screen[0], screen[1] + 36, 15, !isSafe && warning_stroke ? [ 240, 41, 41, 255 ] : [ 255, 255, 255, 90 ])
            Render.String(screen[0] - 8, screen[1] + 27, 0, isHeGrenade ? "I" : "K", [ 240, 240, 240, 255 ], 5);

function enQWarn()
    var grenades = Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID(9).concat(Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID(114).concat(Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID(100)));

    if (!Entity.IsAlive(local)) { return; }

    for (g in grenades) {
        for (var i = 0; i < grenades.length; i++) {
            var g = grenades[i];
            var isInferno = Entity.GetClassID(g) === 100;
            var isHeGrenade = Entity.GetClassID(g) === 9;

            /* --------------- */

            function DistanceInFeets (origin, destination) {
                var sub = [destination[0] - origin[0], destination[1] - origin[1], destination[2] - origin[2]];
                return Math.round(Math.sqrt(sub[0] ** 2 + sub[1] ** 2 + sub[2] ** 2) / 12);
                //return Math.round(sub[0] + sub[1] + sub[2]); // Для измерения в юнитах

            /* --------------- */

            var destination = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(g);
            var origin = Entity.GetEyePosition(local);
            var distance = DistanceInFeets(origin, destination);
            var screen = Render.WorldToScreen(destination);
            var isSafe = distance > (isInferno ? 15 : 20) || trace[1] < 0.61;

            /* --------------- */

            if (distance > 256) { continue; }

            if (isHeGrenade && Entity.GetProp (g, "CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile", "m_nExplodeEffectTickBegin")) { continue; }

            /* --------------- */

            Render.FilledRect (screen[0] + 16, screen[1] - 12, 48, 24, clr[1]);

            Render.Polygon ([ [ screen[0] + 8,  screen[1] - 1 ], [ screen[0] + 16, screen[1] - 8 ], [ screen[0] + 16, screen[1] + 8 ] ], clr[1]);

            Render.String (screen[0] + 36, screen[1] - 5, 0, Math.round(distance / 3.28) + " m", clr[0], 3);
            Render.String (screen[0] + 20, screen[1] - 6, 0, isHeGrenade ? "I" : "K", isSafe ? clr[0] : clr[4], 6);

            /* --------------- */

            const warning_stroke = false; // true для красной обводки при опасности

            Render.Line ( screen[0] + 8, screen[1], screen[0] + 16, screen[1] - 8, !isSafe && warning_stroke ? clr[4] : clr[3])
            Render.Line ( screen[0] + 8, screen[1], screen[0] + 16, screen[1] + 8, !isSafe && warning_stroke ? clr[4] : clr[3])

            Render.Line ( screen[0] + 16, screen[1] - 12, screen[0] + 16, screen[1] - 7, !isSafe && warning_stroke ? clr[4] : clr[3])
            Render.Line ( screen[0] + 16, screen[1] + 12, screen[0] + 16, screen[1] + 8, !isSafe && warning_stroke ? clr[4] : clr[3])

            Render.Line ( screen[0] + 16, screen[1] - 12, screen[0] + 64, screen[1] - 12, !isSafe && warning_stroke ? clr[4] : clr[3])
            Render.Line ( screen[0] + 16, screen[1] + 12, screen[0] + 64, screen[1] + 12, !isSafe && warning_stroke ? clr[4] : clr[3])
            Render.Line ( screen[0] + 64, screen[1] + 12, screen[0] + 64, screen[1] - 12, !isSafe && warning_stroke ? clr[4] : clr[3])
            /* --------------- */

            if (isInferno)
                var time = Entity.GetProp(g, "CInferno", "m_nFireEffectTickBegin") * Globals.TickInterval();
                var factor = Clamp(((time + 7) - Globals.Curtime()) / 7, 0, 7);

                Render.FilledRect(screen[0] + 16, screen[1] + 10, 48, 2, clr[2]);
                Render.FilledRect(screen[0] + 16, screen[1] + 10, Math.trunc(factor * 48), 2, clr[4]);

/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

function DrawNade()
if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Nade warning") == true)
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Warning type") == 0)
if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Warning type") == 1)

function armsColor()
    if (UI.GetValue("Script items", "Enable Custom Arms")) {
    var team = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(),"DT_BaseEntity", "m_iTeamNum");
    if(team == 2){ // T
    if(Convar.GetString("r_skin") == UI.GetValue("T arms skin")) return;
    Global.ExecuteCommand("r_skin " + UI.GetValue("T arms skin"));
    else if(team == 3){ // CT
    if(Convar.GetString("r_skin") == UI.GetValue("CT arms skin")) return;
    Global.ExecuteCommand("r_skin " + UI.GetValue("CT arms skin"));

function get_weapon(entity) {
    if (Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(entity)) == 'g3sg1' || Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(entity)) == 'scar 20') return 'auto';
    else if (Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(entity)) == 'awp') return 'awp';
    else if (Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(entity)) == 'desert eagle') return 'deagle';
    else if (Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(entity)) == 'r8 revolver') return 'revolver';
    else if (Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(entity)) == 'ssg 08') return 'scout';
    else return 'other';
should_draw = false
const reset = function(){
    should_draw = false;
const bomb_planted = function(){
    should_draw = true;
function set_dropdown_value(value, index, enable) /*credits to ed*/ {
    var mask = 1 << index;
    return enable ? (value | mask) : (value & ~mask);
clamp = function (val, min, max) {
    if (val > max)
       return max
    if (min > val)
       return min
    return val
alpha_scope = 255

function drawscope() {
    var local_player = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    fade_factor = ((1 / .15) * Globals.Frametime()) * 200
    if (Entity.IsAlive(local_player)) {
        if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Enable custom scope")) {
            scoped = Entity.GetProp(local_player, "CCSPlayer", "m_bIsScoped");
            var offset = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Distance from crosshair");
            var height = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Size of lines");
            var color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Scope color");
            var color2 = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Scope color 2");

            if (!scoped && alpha_scope != 0)
                alpha_scope = clamp(alpha_scope - fade_factor, 0, 255)
            if (scoped && alpha_scope != 255)
                alpha_scope = clamp(alpha_scope + fade_factor, 0, 255)
                if (alpha_scope != 0 ) {
                    Convar.SetFloat("r_drawvgui",should_draw ? 1 : 0 );
                    if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Viewmodel in scope") == 1)
                    Convar.SetFloat("fov_cs_debug", 90)
                    Render.GradientRect(screen_size[0] / 2 + offset, screen_size[1] / 2, height, 1, 1, [color[0], color[1], color[2], alpha_scope], [color2[0], color2[1], color2[2], 0]);
                    Render.GradientRect(screen_size[0] / 2 - height - offset, screen_size[1] / 2, height, 1, 1, [color2[0], color2[1], color2[2], 0], [color[0], color[1], color[2], alpha_scope]);
                    Render.GradientRect(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + offset, 1, height, 0, [color[0], color[1], color[2], alpha_scope], [color2[0], color2[1], color2[2], 0]);
                    Render.GradientRect(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 - height - offset, 1, height, 0, [color2[0], color2[1], color2[2], 0], [color[0], color[1], color[2], alpha_scope]);
             if (!scoped) {
                Convar.SetFloat("r_drawvgui", 1)
                Convar.SetFloat("fov_cs_debug", 0)
    } else {
        Convar.SetFloat("r_drawvgui", 1);

const thirdperson = function() {
    local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer()
    var thirdperson_cache = UI.GetValue("Thirdperson distance"),
    hotkey_state = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Script items", "Animated thirdperson"),
    fade_factor = ((1 / .005) * Globals.Frametime())
    if(UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Enable anim thirdperson"))
    if(hotkey_state && person != 1 && Entity.IsAlive(local))
        person = clamp(person - fade_factor, 49, thirdperson_cache)
    if(!hotkey_state && person != 0 || !Entity.IsAlive(local))
        person = clamp(person + fade_factor, 49, thirdperson_cache)
    if(hotkey_state && person == 49 && turned) {
        UI.ToggleHotkey("Visuals", "WORLD", "View", "Thirdperson")
        turned = 0

    if(!hotkey_state && person > 49 && !turned) {
        UI.ToggleHotkey("Visuals", "WORLD", "View", "Thirdperson")
        turned = 1

    if(turned && !UI.IsHotkeyActive("Visuals", "WORLD", "View", "Thirdperson") || !turned && UI.IsHotkeyActive("Visuals", "WORLD", "View", "Thirdperson"))
        UI.ToggleHotkey("Visuals", "WORLD", "View", "Thirdperson")
    if(person != 0) UI.SetValue("Visuals", "WORLD", "View", "Thirdperson", person );
    else {
        UI.SetValue("Visuals", "WORLD", "View", "Thirdperson", thirdperson_cache );

const unload = function() {
    UI.SetValue("Visuals", "WORLD", "View", "Thirdperson", thirdperson_cache );

function fps_boost()
    if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Fps Boost"))
            // Disable shadows ->
            Convar.SetString("r_shadows", "0");
            Convar.SetString("cl_csm_static_prop_shadows", "0");
            Convar.SetString("cl_csm_shadows", "0");
            Convar.SetString("cl_csm_world_shadows", "0");
            Convar.SetString("cl_foot_contact_shadows", "0");
            Convar.SetString("cl_csm_viewmodel_shadows", "0");
            Convar.SetString("cl_csm_rope_shadows", "0");
            Convar.SetString("cl_csm_sprite_shadows", "0");
            // Disable blood ->
            Convar.SetString("violence_hblood", "0");
            // Disable 3dsky ->
            Convar.SetString("r_3dsky", "0");

            // Disable decals ->
            //Convar.SetString("r_drawdecals", "0");

            // Disable rain ->
            Convar.SetString("r_drawrain", "0");
            // Disable ropes ->
            Convar.SetString("r_drawropes", "0");

            // Disable sprites ->
            Convar.SetString("r_drawsprites", "0");

            // Disable water fog ->
            Convar.SetString("fog_enable_water_fog", "0");
            // Enable shadows ->
            Convar.SetString("r_shadows", "1");
            Convar.SetString("cl_csm_static_prop_shadows", "1");
            Convar.SetString("cl_csm_shadows", "1");
            Convar.SetString("cl_csm_world_shadows", "1");
            Convar.SetString("cl_foot_contact_shadows", "1");
            Convar.SetString("cl_csm_viewmodel_shadows", "1");
            Convar.SetString("cl_csm_rope_shadows", "1");
            Convar.SetString("cl_csm_sprite_shadows", "1");
            // Enable blood ->
            Convar.SetString("violence_hblood", "1");
            // Enable 3dsky ->
            Convar.SetString("r_3dsky", "1");

            // Enable decals ->
            //Convar.SetString("r_drawdecals", "1");

            // Enable rain ->
            Convar.SetString("r_drawrain", "1");
            // Enable ropes ->
            Convar.SetString("r_drawropes", "1");

            // Enable sprites ->
            Convar.SetString("r_drawsprites", "1");

            // Enable water fog ->
            Convar.SetString("fog_enable_water_fog", "1");

function training_server() {
    if (!UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Training server")) return;
    Cheat.ExecuteCommand("sv_cheats 1");
    Cheat.ExecuteCommand("mp_roundtime_defuse 99999999999999999999");
    Cheat.ExecuteCommand("mp_roundtime_hostage 99999999999999999999");
    Cheat.ExecuteCommand("mp_roundtime 99999999999999999999");
    Cheat.ExecuteCommand("sv_infinite_ammo 1");
    Cheat.ExecuteCommand("mp_maxmoney 64000");
    Cheat.ExecuteCommand("mp_startmoney 64000");
    Cheat.ExecuteCommand("ammo_grenade_limit_total 6");
    Cheat.ExecuteCommand("mp_buy_anywhere 1");
    Cheat.ExecuteCommand("sv_grenade_trajectory 1");
    Cheat.ExecuteCommand("sv_showimpacts_time 10");
    Cheat.ExecuteCommand("sv_showimpacts 1");
    Cheat.ExecuteCommand("sv_grenade_trajectory_time 10");
    Cheat.ExecuteCommand("mp_buytime 99999999999999999999");
    Cheat.ExecuteCommand("mp_restartgame 1");
    Cheat.ExecuteCommand("mp_freezetime 1");
    Cheat.ExecuteCommand("cl_showpos 1");
    Cheat.ExecuteCommand("sv_airaccelerate 206");
    Cheat.ExecuteCommand("mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1");
    Cheat.ExecuteCommand("mp_respawn_on_death_t 1");
    UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Training server", 0)

UI.AddDropdown( "Sections", [ "Rage", "Anti-Aim", "Visual", "Misc" ] );
function menu(){

    UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","pingspike", false)
    UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Weapon Override", false)
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    UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","CT arms skin", false)
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    UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Viewmodel in scope", false)
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    UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Adaptive autoscope", false)

    if(UI.GetValue("Script items", "Sections") == 0){
      // Rage
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        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Disable fakelags on r8", true)
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        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items",'Jump scout hitchance', true)
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    if(UI.GetValue("Script items", "Sections") == 2){
      // Visual
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        if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Desync line"))
        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","line color", true)
        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Nade warning", true)
        if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Nade warning"))
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        if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Display indicators"))
        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Indicators color", true)
        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","hitlogs under crosshair", true)
        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Enable clock sync", true)
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        if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Display arrows"))
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        if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Display watermark"))
        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Watermark color", true)
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        if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Enable custom scope"))
        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Viewmodel in scope", true)
        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Distance from crosshair", true)
        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Size of lines", true)
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        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","hitlogs under crosshair", true)
    if(UI.GetValue("Script items", "Sections") == 1){
        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","legfucker", true)
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        if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Low delta"))
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        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Legit AA Key", true)
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        if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","jitter fakelag"))
        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Send Limit", true)
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    if(UI.GetValue("Script items", "Sections") == 3){
      // Misc

        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Enable anim thirdperson", true)
        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Aspect ratio", true)
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        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Thirdperson distance", true)
        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Enable chat logging", true)
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        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Ragdoll Force", true)
        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Training server", true)
        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","Fps Boost", true)
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        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","T arms skin", true)
        UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items","CT arms skin", true)

function Main()
        UI.AddCheckbox("Peek Helper for AWP/Scout");
        UI.AddCheckbox("Disable fakelags on r8")
        UI.AddCheckbox("Adaptive autoscope")
        UI.AddHotkey("Dormant Aimbot")
        UI.AddHotkey("Weapon Override")
        UI.AddSliderInt("Weapon Mindmg", 0, 130)
        UI.AddCheckbox("Jump scout/r8")
        UI.AddSliderInt('Jump scout hitchance', 0, 100)
        UI.AddSliderInt('Jump revolver hitchance', 0, 100)

        UI.AddCheckbox("Low delta");
        UI.AddHotkey("Low delta on key");
        UI.AddHotkey("Legit AA Key");
        UI.AddHotkey("Dodge jitter")
        UI.AddCheckbox("jitter fakelag")
        UI.AddSliderInt("Send Limit", 0, 16)
        UI.AddSliderInt("Choke Limit", 0, 16)   

        UI.AddCheckbox("Desync line");
        UI.AddColorPicker("line color");
        UI.AddCheckbox("Display indicators")
        UI.AddColorPicker("Indicators color")
        UI.AddCheckbox("Display arrows")
        UI.AddColorPicker("Arrows color")
        UI.AddColorPicker("Selected arrow color")
        UI.AddColorPicker("Selected inverter color")
        UI.AddCheckbox("Display watermark")
        UI.AddColorPicker("Watermark color")
        UI.AddCheckbox("hitlogs under crosshair")
        UI.AddCheckbox("Enable clock sync")
        UI.AddCheckbox ("Enable custom scope");
        UI.AddCheckbox("Viewmodel in scope")
        UI.AddSliderInt ("Distance from crosshair", 0, 200);
        UI.AddSliderInt ("Size of lines", 20, 200);
        UI.AddColorPicker( "Scope color" );
        UI.AddColorPicker( "Scope color 2" );
        UI.AddCheckbox("Nade warning")
        UI.AddDropdown("Warning type", ["Default", "enQ"])

        UI.AddSliderInt("Aspect ratio", 0, 500 );
        UI.AddCheckbox("Enable anim thirdperson")
        UI.AddHotkey("Animated thirdperson")
        UI.AddSliderInt("Thirdperson distance", 50, 250)
        UI.AddCheckbox("Enable chat logging" );
        UI.AddCheckbox("Safe AWP");
        UI.AddCheckbox("Ragdoll Force");
        UI.AddCheckbox("Training server")
        UI.AddCheckbox("Fps Boost");
        UI.AddCheckbox("Enable Custom Arms")
        UI.AddDropdown("T arms skin", ["Default", "Nigger", "Brown", "Asian", "Red", "Tatoo", "White"])
        UI.AddDropdown("CT arms skin", ["Default", "Nigger", "Brown", "Asian", "Red", "Tatoo", "White"])
    //  callbacks
    Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "drawind")
    Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "ManualAA")
    Global.RegisterCallback("player_connect_full", "player_connect")
    Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "draw")
    Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "drawscope")
    Global.RegisterCallback( "FrameStageNotify", "fsn" )
    Global.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'safeAWP')
    Global.RegisterCallback("ragebot_fire", "ragebot_fire");
    Global.RegisterCallback("item_purchase", "item_purchase");
    Global.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "hitlog");
    Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "removelogs");
    Global.RegisterCallback("FrameStageNotify", "ragdollForce");
    Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "onDraw");
    Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "onCM")
    Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "Low_delta");
    Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "indication")
    Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "delta");
    Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "anim");
    Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "fakelags");
    Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "dodgejitter");
    Global.RegisterCallback("round_start", "roundstart")
    Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "pingspike")
    Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "legit_aa");
    Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "onRender");
    Global.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'airHC')
    Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "DrawNade");
    Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "armsColor");
    Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "helper");
    Global.RegisterCallback("Unload", "unloadhelper");
    Cheat.RegisterCallback("FrameStageNotify", "thirdperson");
    Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "unload");
    Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "training_server");
    Cheat.RegisterCallback( "Draw", "fps_boost" );
    Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "r8fakelag")
    Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "draw9");
    Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "pHurt")
    Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "drawLogs")
    Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "showOrHide")
    Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "autoscope")
    Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "dormantAim");
    Global.RegisterCallback("weapon_fire", "shoot");
Последнее редактирование:
Уникальное звание
8 Авг 2019
почему ты просто суда его не кинул?
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