Модератор раздела «Reallusion Software»
Автор темы
- #1

Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
Вы научитесь:
- Game programming wisdom from an industry veteran still working at the forefront
- A series of very deep dives into the code behind the game GRIP: Combat Racing
- How to go from having a game idea with zero code, all the way up to final implementation
- How to setup Unreal Engine both from stock build and from source code
- Using Perforce version control and how to work effectively within a team
- How to use the Unreal Engine Editor
- Coding standards and best practices
- Common programming problems and their common solutions
- Writing readable, maintainable, yet fast and efficient code
- Advanced C++ to buff those coding chops
- Mathematical magic for solving many common coding problems
- Complex vector mathematics for working effectively in a 3D game world
- Understanding the Unreal Engine object framework for creating professional games
- Graphics programming to create and use materials, particle systems and procedural geometry
- Audio programming to create and use sound cues, classes and mixers
- Understanding vehicle dynamics and building a physics model from the ground up
- Understanding artificial intelligence and building an autonomous vehicle bot
- Understanding cameras and how to make your game shine
- How to create a pickup system featuring weapons and other power-ups
- How to implement those weapons and power-ups, from a simple turbo to a homing missile
- How to modify the Unreal Engine source code itself, and perform upgrades to the engine
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