Looking for multiple coders to develop an insane p2c (CS:G0)

25 Фев 2018
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As stated in the title, I'm looking for some more coders to be apart of my csgo p2c project. As of now, I'm the main coder and will be around to proofread code before it goes into the main source. The plan is to develop an insane cheat with multiple people which allows multiple people to review over code and adjust as needed before it get released to the public. The cheat will be either made from scratch or a bare-bones sdk (no fully made cheat sources being used).

On the money spectrum, I plan to split up earnings evenly between all of the contributors so everyone gets an equal part (unless you slack and stop helping with the project)

I'm looking for actual coders and reversers who wants to contribute and make a high-tier quality cheat. I'm not looking for people who claim they can code and just paste from other cheats claiming its theirs. I want people who have experience in coding cheats (preferably csgo) and are confident + trustworthy. Any and all toxicity will be taken out of this project.

If you are willing to help with the project and want to make an insane p2c you can apply by contacting me here:
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.

Discord: Strydemotion#0758

Stuff I would like you to answer while applying:
-Name (Either what username you go by or your name)
-What time-zone do you live in? (I wont judge you by your time-zone, it just helps me understand when you would be online to help with the project)
-What experience do you have with gamehacking? (Have you been apart of a cheat before? Do you know reverse engineering? Talk to me about what you do)
-If possible, link me some of your past or current projects to show me your capability of coding (Anything you send to me wont be sent to anyone else)
-What's your strong-point in coding (For example, are you good at coding websites, loaders, or maybe certain parts of cheats?)
-Lastly, how well do you work with multiple people on a cheat project? (estimating around 4-5 people)
Thank you
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