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человечек который хсает
28 Апр 2021
var _0x4b26 = ['creator', 'Improve strafe', 'Dormant aimbot on key', 'Scout damage', 'CPlayerResource', 'Harmed', 'm_iPing', 'm_vecVelocity[0]', '[toggle]', ' | dst: ', 'Show watermark', 'GetRenderOrigin', ' | SHIFTING', 'GetWeapon', 'ShadowText', 'IsLocalPlayer', 'Doubletap', 'AddSliderInt', 'abs', 'IsValid', 'frametime', 'R8 hitchance', 'bullet_impact', ' [obt]', 'Fake desync', 'Auto-sniper damage', 'length', 'right arm', 'Resize width', 'Right dir.', 'left leg', 'Scope lines hide', 'Viewmodel in scope', 'Creator discord: ', 'GetUsername', 'enter_bombzone', 'Tickrate', '1jimVgc', 'Exploits', 'STATIC', 'Delay', 'Auto peek', 'confilter', 'timer', 'Force body aim', 'Right', 'Verdana', 'Line', 'Scope lines color 1', 'Force safe point', '486629HwptXJ', 'AddCheckbox', 'Curtime', 'Fake angles', 'BulletImpact', 'Local bullet tracer', 'Back dir.', 'PrintColor', 'Revolver', 'GetColor', 'item_purchase', 'Neverlose', 'Movement', 'Restrictions', 'Prefer safe point', 'player_hurt', 'Switch desync on shot', 'IsAlive', 'fps_max', 'Auto-sniper', 'fakelag', 'ForceTargetMinimumDamage', 'Scope lines width', 'CreateMove', 'max', 'atan2', 'Arc in fake indicator', 'keybinds', 'ssg 08', 'GetEnemies', 'Legit AA on \"E\"', ' ╚███╔╝ ██║  ██║██╔████╔██║ ╚████╔╝ ███████║█████═╝ ██║  ╚═╝██║  ██║██████╔╝██║  ██║', 'legitaa', 'AddHotkey', 'Changers', 'ms / ', '{}.constructor(\"return this\")( )', 'AddFont', '3qdiOZf', 'health', 'Arc', 'Minimum damage on key', 'exception', 'xomyakcord', 'GetProp', 'left arm', 'awp', 'Buys', 'Scout hitchance', '187531UeIUcB', 'chest', 'IrWL5106TZZKNFPz4P4Gl3pSN?J370f5hi373ZjPg%VOVh6lN', 'DMG', 'Colors', 'IsDormant', 'GetEntityFromUserID', 'round_end', 'Entities', 'senry', ' bought ', 'Default damage', 'OnItemPurchase', 'weapon_', 'weight', 'prototype', '+attack', 'You monitor hz', 'item_', 'r_aspectratio', 'Trigger limit', '-speed', 'Low-delta on slow-walk', 'Harmed by ', 'sqrt', 'xomyak', 'min', 'OnRoundStart', 'return (function() ', 'Inverter', 'cos', 'attacker', 'Style line', 'Skeet', 'info', 'SetFakeOffset', 'Lerp', 'userid', 'Extra', 'toString', 'bind', 'm_nTickBase', 'unknown', 'floor', 'SCOUT', 'DEagle', 'Exploit', 'Custom name in crosshair indicator', 'Hits', 'Show anti-aimbot information', 'AddTextbox', '97345AqKgsj', 'weapon_fire', 'DEagle damage', 'HIDESHOTS', 'Static', 'Watermark username', 'RagebotFire', 'm_flNextPrimaryAttack', 'SetFloat', 'table', 'apply', 'viewmodel', 'isplanted', 'АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя', '[hold]', '435179TPLNHW', 'player_connect_full', 'General color', 'Show \"YAW\" in crosshair indicator', 'Low-delta range', 'Show frequency information', '131031vfUdhn', 'DT_BaseEntity', 'Slide walk', 'Show manual arrows', 'Recharge', 'General', 'Reverse fade', '╚██╗██╔╝██╔══██╗████╗ ████║╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔══██╗██║ ██╔╝██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗', 'Aspect ratio value', 'SetAngles', 'dthelper', 'r_drawvgui', 'AddDropdown', 'SetEnabled', 'GetServerString', 'Disable fakelags with R8', '298687RaGDvy', 'LEGIT AA', '-attack', 'Mouse dir', '██╔╝╚██╗╚█████╔╝██║ ╚═╝ ██║   ██║   ██║  ██║██║ ╚██╗╚█████╔╝╚█████╔╝██║  ██║██████╔╝', 'GetEntitiesByClassID', 'm_iTeamNum', 'Background alpha', 'round_start', 'Tickcount', 'senry#0001\x0a', 'Enable', 'Draw', 'GENERAL', 'Show keybinds states', 'AWP damage', 'GetValue', 'console', 'Clamp', 'Safe point', 'Custom scope lines', 'AddMultiDropdown', 'stomach', 'Hidden cvars', 'Color bullet tracer', 'charAt', 'Console filter', 'TextSizeCustom', 'Hide shots', 'Visual', 'Logs', 'GetCharge', 'Edge jump', 'EnableRecharge', 'Color line', 'Body aim', 'Drag', 'Hide', 'GradientRect', 'ExecuteCommand', '460373NzcVOY', ' damage', 'Inverted low-delta range', 'ForceTargetHitchance', 'DormantAimShot', 'Left dir.', 'Anti-Aim', 'IsMenuOpen', 'Yaw offset', 'Weapon hitchance', '__proto__', 'Penetration dot', 'seize aka senry. ', 'getMinutes', 'push', 'CBaseCombatWeapon', 'RegisterCallback', 'Scope lines color 2', 'g3sg1', 'GetRealYaw', 'CBasePlayer', 'sin', 'getSeconds', 'LOW DELTA', 'Scout', 'unshift', 'Rage menu', 'Hotkeys', ' for ', 'SetDropdown', 'SetOverride', 'ragebot_fire', 'CreateMoveFunctions', 'SetLBYOffset', 'penerdot', 'BombTrue', 'warn', 'con_filter_enable', 'IsKeyPressed', 'Limit', 'SetValue', 'Aspect ratio', 'Double-tap instant', 'Removals', 'weapon', 'FilledRect', 'Watermark name', 'CCSPlayer', 'ResetScopelines', 'hitgroup', 'Scope lines offset', 'GetInt', 'Damage marker', 'Helpers', 'kb_y', 'Misc', 'molotov', 'Show indicator under crosshair', 'Frametime', 'fixsens', 'm_flNextAttack', 'version', 'con_filter_text', 'aspectratio', 'trace', 'StringCustom', 'SetRealOffset', ' 52>;L25@ r8', 'r8 revolver', 'Left', 'GetString', 'right leg', ' | ', 'Chroma', 'IsHotkeyActive', 'dmg_health', 'team', 'AddSliderFloat', 'Hits under crosshair', 'SetString', 'bomb_planted', 'Realtime', 'TickInterval', 'Time bullet tracer', 'Minimum damages', 'Script items', 'body', 'WorldToScreen', 'Minimum damage', 'Double tap', 'zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse', 'Fade', 'DrawFunctions', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'bomb_exploded', '          xomyakcord', 'm_bIsScoped', 'GetFakeYaw', 'Bullet', '\"hold\" in state bind', 'Leg fucker', 'fov_cs_debug', 'Gradient', 'scar 20', 'Hurt ', ' ██╔██╗ ██║  ██║██║╚██╔╝██║  ╚██╔╝  ██╔══██║██╔═██╗ ██║  ██╗██║  ██║██╔══██╗██║  ██║', 'GetCursorPosition', 'head', 'Calibri', 'Ragebot', 'Visual menu', 'replace', 'GetLocalPlayer', 'constructor', 'GetName', 'PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION', 'GetFloat', 'Other', 'GetScreenSize', 'generic', 'Rage', 'width', 'R8 & Scout hitchance in air', 'AddColorPicker'];
var _0x27ab0a = _0x23cf;
(function(_0x5a9577, _0x1c76f8) {
    var _0x46de28 = _0x23cf;
    while (!![]) {
        try {
            var _0x55ea40 = -parseInt(_0x46de28(0x22b)) * parseInt(_0x46de28(0x10a)) + parseInt(_0x46de28(0x162)) + parseInt(_0x46de28(0x18a)) + parseInt(_0x46de28(0x238)) + -parseInt(_0x46de28(0x14c)) + -parseInt(_0x46de28(0x152)) * parseInt(_0x46de28(0xff)) + parseInt(_0x46de28(0x13d));
            if (_0x55ea40 === _0x1c76f8) break;
            else _0x5a9577.push(_0x5a9577.shift());
        } catch (_0x8437a6) {
}(_0x4b26, 0x4fe3f));
var _0x291cba = function() {
        var _0x2cb8c8 = !![];
        return function(_0x3bbe3, _0x5b44c3) {
            var _0x14ba85 = _0x2cb8c8 ? function() {
                var _0x10e4ac = _0x23cf;
                if (_0x5b44c3) {
                    var _0x4a2320 = _0x5b44c3[_0x10e4ac(0x147)](_0x3bbe3, arguments);
                    return _0x5b44c3 = null, _0x4a2320;
            } : function() {};
            return _0x2cb8c8 = ![], _0x14ba85;
    _0x21b0a8 = _0x291cba(this, function() {
        var _0x16814f = _0x23cf,
            _0xd57026 = function() {
                var _0x3d00a8 = _0x23cf,
                try {
                    _0x3056f6 = Function(_0x3d00a8(0x126) + _0x3d00a8(0xfd) + ');')();
                } catch (_0x3701ef) {
                    _0x3056f6 = window;
                return _0x3056f6;
            _0x554860 = _0xd57026(),
            _0x1dc84a = _0x554860[_0x16814f(0x173)] = _0x554860[_0x16814f(0x173)] || {},
            _0x545b35 = ['log', _0x16814f(0x1ae), 'info', 'error', _0x16814f(0x103), _0x16814f(0x146), _0x16814f(0x1ca)];
        for (var _0x2f5a85 = 0x0; _0x2f5a85 < _0x545b35[_0x16814f(0x220)]; _0x2f5a85++) {
            var _0x3956bb = _0x291cba[_0x16814f(0x1fb)][_0x16814f(0x119)][_0x16814f(0x132)](_0x291cba),
                _0xbd1f96 = _0x545b35[_0x2f5a85],
                _0x3c6d20 = _0x1dc84a[_0xbd1f96] || _0x3956bb;
            _0x3956bb[_0x16814f(0x194)] = _0x291cba[_0x16814f(0x132)](_0x291cba), _0x3956bb[_0x16814f(0x131)] = _0x3c6d20[_0x16814f(0x131)][_0x16814f(0x132)](_0x3c6d20), _0x1dc84a[_0xbd1f96] = _0x3956bb;
var _0xad6d = [_0x27ab0a(0x123), _0x27ab0a(0x113), '0.5', '██╗  ██╗ █████╗ ███╗   ███╗██╗   ██╗ █████╗ ██╗  ██╗ █████╗  █████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗', '\x0a', _0x27ab0a(0x159), _0x27ab0a(0xf8), _0x27ab0a(0x1f3), _0x27ab0a(0x166), '╚═╝  ╚═╝ ╚════╝ ╚═╝     ╚═╝   ╚═╝   ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝ ╚════╝  ╚════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═════╝ v0.1.0', '                     Welcome, ', '!\x0a', 'Creator this cord: ', _0x27ab0a(0x196), _0x27ab0a(0x227), _0x27ab0a(0x16c), _0x27ab0a(0x14a), '', '?', _0x27ab0a(0x17b), _0x27ab0a(0x135), 'round', _0x27ab0a(0x12a), _0x27ab0a(0x1df), _0x27ab0a(0x184), 'Chroma direction', _0x27ab0a(0x169), 'r', 'g', 'b', 'PI', _0x27ab0a(0x128), _0x27ab0a(0x19f), '_x', '_y', _0x27ab0a(0x250), _0x27ab0a(0x124), _0x27ab0a(0x1e9), _0x27ab0a(0x1a4), _0x27ab0a(0x1f8), 'Misc menu', _0x27ab0a(0x1de), _0x27ab0a(0x204), _0x27ab0a(0x193), _0x27ab0a(0x120), 'Manual direction', 'Indicator on screen', _0x27ab0a(0x23d), _0x27ab0a(0x176), _0x27ab0a(0x225), _0x27ab0a(0x14f), _0x27ab0a(0x1b3), _0x27ab0a(0x115), 'Revolver damage', _0x27ab0a(0x13f), _0x27ab0a(0x209), _0x27ab0a(0x171), _0x27ab0a(0x21f), _0x27ab0a(0x161), _0x27ab0a(0x21b), _0x27ab0a(0x109), 'DT Peek helper', _0x27ab0a(0x1b4), _0x27ab0a(0x248), _0x27ab0a(0x180), _0x27ab0a(0x150), _0x27ab0a(0x18c), _0x27ab0a(0x1ee), _0x27ab0a(0x256), _0x27ab0a(0x1dd), _0x27ab0a(0x1be), _0x27ab0a(0x24e), _0x27ab0a(0x1bc), _0x27ab0a(0x14e), _0x27ab0a(0x17a), _0x27ab0a(0x236), _0x27ab0a(0x19b), 'Type animation', _0x27ab0a(0x139), 'Enable arc in doubletap charge', 'Show in watermark', _0x27ab0a(0x1b8), _0x27ab0a(0x142), _0x27ab0a(0x252), _0x27ab0a(0x11b), _0x27ab0a(0x1ed), _0x27ab0a(0x222), _0x27ab0a(0x207), _0x27ab0a(0x208), _0x27ab0a(0x102), _0x27ab0a(0x18f), _0x27ab0a(0x23e), _0x27ab0a(0x223), 'Fix zoom sensitivity', 'Peneration dot on scope', _0x27ab0a(0x226), _0x27ab0a(0x17c), _0x27ab0a(0x15a), 'kb_x', _0x27ab0a(0x1c0), _0x27ab0a(0x1f7), _0x27ab0a(0x17f), _0x27ab0a(0x1c1), _0x27ab0a(0x202), _0x27ab0a(0x190), _0x27ab0a(0x187), 'Default', _0x27ab0a(0x240), _0x27ab0a(0x137), _0x27ab0a(0x1a2), 'AWP', _0x27ab0a(0x24b), 'R8', _0x27ab0a(0x13a), _0x27ab0a(0x20b), _0x27ab0a(0x108), _0x27ab0a(0x1d8), _0x27ab0a(0x157), _0x27ab0a(0x10e), _0x27ab0a(0xfb), _0x27ab0a(0x1c3), _0x27ab0a(0x155), _0x27ab0a(0x170), _0x27ab0a(0x210), _0x27ab0a(0x13b), _0x27ab0a(0x151), _0x27ab0a(0x141), _0x27ab0a(0x1e5), _0x27ab0a(0x158), _0x27ab0a(0x1f0), _0x27ab0a(0x12b), _0x27ab0a(0x1d3), _0x27ab0a(0x1cf), _0x27ab0a(0x233), _0x27ab0a(0x243), 'Nickname', 'Config name', _0x27ab0a(0x22e), 'IP', _0x27ab0a(0x22a), 'Hours and minutes', 'Seconds', 'Resolver override', _0x27ab0a(0x1e2), 'Dormant aimbot', _0x27ab0a(0x17e), _0x27ab0a(0x1e3), _0x27ab0a(0x185), _0x27ab0a(0x175), _0x27ab0a(0x127), 'Fake duck', 'Slow walk', _0x27ab0a(0x22f), _0x27ab0a(0x182), _0x27ab0a(0x1bf), _0x27ab0a(0x1a5), _0x27ab0a(0x1ff), _0x27ab0a(0x1ce), _0x27ab0a(0x1cd), 'desert eagle', _0x27ab0a(0x254), _0x27ab0a(0x107), _0x27ab0a(0x1f1), _0x27ab0a(0x19c), _0x27ab0a(0x220), _0x27ab0a(0x251), _0x27ab0a(0x122), '+speed', _0x27ab0a(0x11a), _0x27ab0a(0x24c), 'Fake-Lag', _0x27ab0a(0x1b1), _0x27ab0a(0x11e), _0x27ab0a(0x19e), 'm_hGroundEntity', _0x27ab0a(0x1e7), _0x27ab0a(0x1b9), _0x27ab0a(0x133), _0x27ab0a(0x1c6), _0x27ab0a(0x199), _0x27ab0a(0x144), _0x27ab0a(0x16d), 'Disable', _0x27ab0a(0x156), _0x27ab0a(0x16f), _0x27ab0a(0x138), _0x27ab0a(0x216), _0x27ab0a(0x244), 'dthelper', 'Rage Anti-Aim', 'Auto direction', _0x27ab0a(0x136), 'Accuracy', _0x27ab0a(0x246), 'Prefer body aim', _0x27ab0a(0xf9), _0x27ab0a(0x1fd), _0x27ab0a(0x245), 'At targets', _0x27ab0a(0x192), _0x27ab0a(0x165), 'Manual dir', _0x27ab0a(0x23b), _0x27ab0a(0x21e), _0x27ab0a(0x130), 'Pitch', '-use', _0x27ab0a(0x147), _0x27ab0a(0x1d4), _0x27ab0a(0x231), _0x27ab0a(0x118), _0x27ab0a(0x154), _0x27ab0a(0x20e), _0x27ab0a(0x22c), _0x27ab0a(0x232), _0x27ab0a(0x237), 'XOMYAK YAW', _0x27ab0a(0x22d), _0x27ab0a(0x140), 'DT', _0x27ab0a(0x10d), _0x27ab0a(0x201), _0x27ab0a(0x1f5), _0x27ab0a(0x10b), _0x27ab0a(0x178), _0x27ab0a(0x106), _0x27ab0a(0x221), _0x27ab0a(0x224), _0x27ab0a(0x1d1), _0x27ab0a(0x1e0), _0x27ab0a(0x12f), _0x27ab0a(0x129), _0x27ab0a(0x1f2), ' in the ', _0x27ab0a(0x1bb), _0x27ab0a(0x1a6), _0x27ab0a(0x1d5), ' damage (', _0x27ab0a(0x100), ' remaining)', _0x27ab0a(0x121), _0x27ab0a(0x18b), _0x27ab0a(0x1a3), ' ', ' (', ')', _0x27ab0a(0x1d6), 'CBaseEntity', _0x27ab0a(0x168), _0x27ab0a(0x1b6), _0x27ab0a(0x117), _0x27ab0a(0x1f9), _0x27ab0a(0x11c), 'assaultsuit', 'kevlar + helmet', 'incgrenade', _0x27ab0a(0x1c2), _0x27ab0a(0x134), _0x27ab0a(0x114), _0x27ab0a(0x234), _0x27ab0a(0x163), _0x27ab0a(0x1a1), _0x27ab0a(0x1f6), '<', '>', _0x27ab0a(0x198), _0x27ab0a(0x14b), _0x27ab0a(0x253), 'kb', _0x27ab0a(0x104), _0x27ab0a(0x21d), 'getHours', _0x27ab0a(0x197), _0x27ab0a(0x1a0), '0', ':', _0x27ab0a(0x1d2), ' | delay: ', _0x27ab0a(0x20a), _0x27ab0a(0x20c), 'ms', 'tick', 'FL:     ', _0x27ab0a(0x212), '1', _0x27ab0a(0x20f), 'toFixed', _0x27ab0a(0x218), '      ', 'FAKE (', 'info', _0x27ab0a(0xfc), 'hz', _0x27ab0a(0x21a), 'IO |', 'pop', _0x27ab0a(0x24a), 'ceil', 'WORLD', _0x27ab0a(0x112), _0x27ab0a(0x1b5), _0x27ab0a(0x1ea), _0x27ab0a(0x15d), 'fixsens', _0x27ab0a(0x1e4), _0x27ab0a(0x230), _0x27ab0a(0x1af), _0x27ab0a(0x1c8), _0x27ab0a(0x10c), 'viewmodel', _0x27ab0a(0x1ef), 'Turn speed', _0x27ab0a(0x20d), _0x27ab0a(0x1ac), _0x27ab0a(0x195), _0x27ab0a(0x1c9), 'Miscellaneous', _0x27ab0a(0x179), _0x27ab0a(0x11d), _0x27ab0a(0x11f), _0x27ab0a(0x164), 'x', 'y', 'z', _0x27ab0a(0x153), _0x27ab0a(0x149), _0x27ab0a(0x1da), 'BombPlantedScopelines', 'bomb_defused', _0x27ab0a(0x1ba), _0x27ab0a(0x1e8), _0x27ab0a(0x111), _0x27ab0a(0x16e), _0x27ab0a(0x1e6), _0x27ab0a(0x247), 'PlayerHurt', _0x27ab0a(0x229), _0x27ab0a(0x1ad), 'exit_bombzone', 'BombFalse', _0x27ab0a(0x16a), _0x27ab0a(0x125), _0x27ab0a(0x1a9), _0x27ab0a(0x143), _0x27ab0a(0x21c), _0x27ab0a(0x23c), _0x27ab0a(0x13e), _0x27ab0a(0x18e), _0x27ab0a(0x242), _0x27ab0a(0x116), _0x27ab0a(0x24f), _0x27ab0a(0x1aa), _0x27ab0a(0x14d), 'PlayerConnectFull'],
    _0x4e61f7 = {};
_0x4e61f7.name = _0xad6d[0x0], _0x4e61f7[_0x27ab0a(0x206)] = _0xad6d[0x1], _0x4e61f7[_0x27ab0a(0x1c7)] = _0xad6d[0x2];
var info = _0x4e61f7;

function _0x23cf(_0x564f18, _0x5a65cf) {
    return _0x23cf = function(_0x3390a8, _0x21b0a8) {
        _0x3390a8 = _0x3390a8 - 0xf8;
        var _0x291cba = _0x4b26[_0x3390a8];
        return _0x291cba;
    }, _0x23cf(_0x564f18, _0x5a65cf);
Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xff, 0xa8, 0x5, 0xff], _0xad6d[0x3] + _0xad6d[0x4]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xff, 0xa8, 0x5, 0xff], _0xad6d[0x5] + _0xad6d[0x4]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xff, 0xa8, 0x5, 0xff], _0xad6d[0x6] + _0xad6d[0x4]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xff, 0xa8, 0x5, 0xff], _0xad6d[0x7] + _0xad6d[0x4]), Cheat.PrintColor([0xff, 0xa8, 0x5, 0xff], _0xad6d[0x8] + _0xad6d[0x4]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xff, 0xa8, 0x5, 0xff], _0xad6d[0x9] + _0xad6d[0x4]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xad, 0xd1, 0xf, 0xff], _0xad6d[0xa] + Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x228)]() + _0xad6d[0xb]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xbf, 0xf, 0xf, 0xff], _0xad6d[0xc]), Cheat.PrintColor([0xdc, 0xdc, 0xdc, 0xff], _0xad6d[0xd]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xbf, 0xf, 0xf, 0xff], _0xad6d[0xe]), Cheat.PrintColor([0xdc, 0xdc, 0xdc, 0xff], _0xad6d[0xf]);
var _0x3eed7f = {};
_0x3eed7f[_0x27ab0a(0x1a7)] = function(_0x4d91be, _0x5ed09d, _0x5145a5) {
    var _0x57fe44 = 0x1 << _0x5ed09d;
    return _0x5145a5 ? _0x4d91be | _0x57fe44 : _0x4d91be & ~_0x57fe44;
const CRender = {
        'Russificator': function(_0x1ec459) {
            var _0x2efdca = _0xad6d[0x10],
                _0x5386e2 = _0xad6d[0x11],
                _0x4157d0 = [];
            for (var _0x2c704b in _0x2efdca) {
                _0x4157d0[_0x2efdca[_0x2c704b]] = _0xad6d[0x12];
            for (var _0x10bd1b in _0x1ec459) {
                var _0x4a81d5 = _0x1ec459[_0xad6d[0x13]](_0x10bd1b);
                _0x5386e2 += _0x4157d0[_0x4a81d5] || _0x4a81d5;
            return _0x5386e2;
        'ShadowText': function(_0x2e4a06, _0x1dc179, _0x20d3f0, _0x117047, _0x13f52b, _0x4a5e66, _0x47ba69) {
            var _0x21c43f = _0x27ab0a;
            Render[_0x21c43f(0x1cb)](_0x2e4a06 + 0x1, _0x1dc179 + 0x1, _0x20d3f0, _0x117047, _0x4a5e66, _0x47ba69), Render[_0x21c43f(0x1cb)](_0x2e4a06, _0x1dc179, _0x20d3f0, _0x117047, _0x13f52b, _0x47ba69);
        'AdaptiveText': function(_0x59857d, _0x54f3a9, _0x53cb7a, _0x21a9b1, _0x854cc9, _0x269264) {
            var _0x36e0e1 = _0x27ab0a;
            Render[_0x36e0e1(0x1cb)](_0x59857d - Render[_0x36e0e1(0x17d)](_0x21a9b1, _0x269264)[0x0] / 0x2, _0x54f3a9, _0x53cb7a, _0x21a9b1, _0x854cc9, _0x269264);
        'AdaptiveShadowText': function(_0x4eb7be, _0x1fb19f, _0x157fe1, _0x5262e7, _0x3169d0, _0x1f9ae4, _0x27c7b3) {
            var _0x52a102 = _0x27ab0a;
            CRender[_0x52a102(0x214)](_0x4eb7be - Render[_0x52a102(0x17d)](_0x5262e7, _0x27c7b3)[0x0] / 0x2, _0x1fb19f, _0x157fe1, _0x5262e7, _0x3169d0, _0x1f9ae4, _0x27c7b3);
        'HSV2RGB': function(_0x27233b, _0x3dd752, _0x38d765) {
            var _0x1ebd9b, _0x240b2c, _0x4a9219, _0x4824cf, _0x438b2d, _0x25c76c, _0x1571af, _0x3cf740;
            _0x4824cf = Math[_0xad6d[0x14]](_0x27233b * 0x6), _0x438b2d = _0x27233b * 0x6 - _0x4824cf, _0x25c76c = _0x38d765 * (0x1 - _0x3dd752), _0x1571af = _0x38d765 * (0x1 - _0x438b2d * _0x3dd752), _0x3cf740 = _0x38d765 * (0x1 - (0x1 - _0x438b2d) * _0x3dd752);
            switch (_0x4824cf % 0x6) {
                case 0x0:
                    _0x1ebd9b = _0x38d765, _0x240b2c = _0x3cf740, _0x4a9219 = _0x25c76c;
                case 0x1:
                    _0x1ebd9b = _0x1571af, _0x240b2c = _0x38d765, _0x4a9219 = _0x25c76c;
                case 0x2:
                    _0x1ebd9b = _0x25c76c, _0x240b2c = _0x38d765, _0x4a9219 = _0x3cf740;
                case 0x3:
                    _0x1ebd9b = _0x25c76c, _0x240b2c = _0x1571af, _0x4a9219 = _0x38d765;
                case 0x4:
                    _0x1ebd9b = _0x3cf740, _0x240b2c = _0x25c76c, _0x4a9219 = _0x38d765;
                case 0x5:
                    _0x1ebd9b = _0x38d765, _0x240b2c = _0x25c76c, _0x4a9219 = _0x1571af;
            var _0x27f87d = {};
            return _0x27f87d.r = Math[_0xad6d[0x15]](_0x1ebd9b * 0xff), _0x27f87d.g = Math[_0xad6d[0x15]](_0x240b2c * 0xff), _0x27f87d.b = Math[_0xad6d[0x15]](_0x4a9219 * 0xff), _0x27f87d;
        'FilledRect': function(_0x5881d0, _0x383bff, _0xc16b1c, _0x571698, _0x52acd5) {
            var _0x47d51d = _0x27ab0a;
            const _0x578ee0 = UI[_0x47d51d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x16]),
                _0x15c5a4 = UI.GetColor(_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x18]),
                _0xb26450 = UI[_0x47d51d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x19]),
                _0x1faa54 = UI[_0x47d51d(0x241)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x1a]);
            var _0x48bc5b = _0x1faa54[0x3],
                _0x368080 = CRender.HSV2RGB(Global[_0x47d51d(0x1db)]() / 0x4, 0.9, 0x1);
            if (_0x578ee0 != 0x4) {
                Render[_0x47d51d(0x1b7)](_0x5881d0, _0x383bff, _0xc16b1c, _0x571698, [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, _0x48bc5b * _0x52acd5]);
                var _0x15b1d8 = _0x578ee0 == 0x0 ? [_0x15c5a4[0x0], _0x15c5a4[0x1], _0x15c5a4[0x2], 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x1 ? [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x2 ? [_0x15c5a4[0x0], _0x15c5a4[0x1], _0x15c5a4[0x2], 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x3 ? [0x0, 0xd5, 0xff, 0xff * _0x52acd5] : [_0xb26450 == 0x0 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1b]] : _0xb26450 == 0x1 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1c]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1b]], _0xb26450 == 0x0 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1c]] : _0xb26450 == 0x1 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1d]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1c]], _0xb26450 == 0x0 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1d]] : _0xb26450 == 0x1 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1b]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1d]], 0xff * _0x52acd5],
                    _0x49c28c = _0x578ee0 == 0x0 ? [_0x15c5a4[0x0], _0x15c5a4[0x1], _0x15c5a4[0x2], 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x1 ? [_0x15c5a4[0x0], _0x15c5a4[0x1], _0x15c5a4[0x2], 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x2 ? [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x3 ? [0xcc, 0x12, 0xcc, 0xff * _0x52acd5] : [_0xb26450 == 0x2 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1b]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1d]], _0xb26450 == 0x2 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1c]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1b]], _0xb26450 == 0x2 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1d]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1c]], 0xff * _0x52acd5],
                    _0x12ebbf = _0x578ee0 == 0x0 ? [_0x15c5a4[0x0], _0x15c5a4[0x1], _0x15c5a4[0x2], 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x1 ? [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x2 ? [_0x15c5a4[0x0], _0x15c5a4[0x1], _0x15c5a4[0x2], 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x3 ? [0xff, 0xfa, 0x0, 0xff * _0x52acd5] : [_0xb26450 == 0x0 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1c]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1b]], _0xb26450 == 0x0 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1d]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1c]], _0xb26450 == 0x0 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1b]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1d]], 0xff * _0x52acd5];
                Render[_0x47d51d(0x188)](_0x5881d0, _0x383bff - 0x2, _0xc16b1c / 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, _0x15b1d8, _0x49c28c), Render[_0x47d51d(0x188)](_0x5881d0 + _0xc16b1c / 0x2, _0x383bff - 0x2, _0xc16b1c / 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, _0x49c28c, _0x12ebbf);
            } else Render[_0x47d51d(0x1b7)](_0x5881d0, _0x383bff - 0x2, _0xc16b1c, _0x571698 + 0x2, [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, _0x48bc5b * _0x52acd5]), Render.GradientRect(_0x5881d0 + 0x1, _0x383bff - 0x1, _0xc16b1c / 0x2 - 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, [0x0, 0xd5, 0xff, 0xff * _0x52acd5], [0xcc, 0x12, 0xcc, 0xff * _0x52acd5]), Render[_0x47d51d(0x188)](_0x5881d0 + _0xc16b1c / 0x2, _0x383bff - 0x1, _0xc16b1c / 0x2 - 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, [0xcc, 0x12, 0xcc, 0xff * _0x52acd5], [0xff, 0xfa, 0x0, 0xff * _0x52acd5]);
        'Arc': function(_0x1d040f, _0x58e805, _0x58a25a, _0x3a5ba4, _0x121bfa, _0x27bf09, _0x5166c3) {
            var _0x7f0e25 = _0x27ab0a;
            for (var _0x49b812 = _0x121bfa; _0x49b812 < _0x121bfa + _0x27bf09; _0x49b812++) {
                const _0x358364 = _0x49b812 * Math[_0xad6d[0x1e]] / 0xb4;
                Render[_0x7f0e25(0x235)](_0x1d040f + Math[_0xad6d[0x1f]](_0x358364) * _0x58a25a, _0x58e805 + Math[_0xad6d[0x20]](_0x358364) * _0x58a25a, _0x1d040f + Math[_0xad6d[0x1f]](_0x358364) * _0x3a5ba4, _0x58e805 + Math[_0xad6d[0x20]](_0x358364) * _0x3a5ba4, _0x5166c3);
        'Drag': function(_0x709b40, _0x2496e3, _0x1f4f4b, _0x4673a1, _0x1e902b, _0x56380b) {
            var _0x31f870 = _0x27ab0a,
                _0x3de3dd = Global[_0x31f870(0x1f4)]();
            _0x3de3dd[0x0] >= _0x709b40 && _0x3de3dd[0x0] <= _0x709b40 + _0x1f4f4b && _0x3de3dd[0x1] >= _0x2496e3 && _0x3de3dd[0x1] <= _0x2496e3 + _0x4673a1 && (Global.IsKeyPressed(0x1) && _0x56380b[0x0] == 0x0 && (_0x56380b[0x0] = 0x1, _0x56380b[0x1] = _0x709b40 - _0x3de3dd[0x0], _0x56380b[0x2] = _0x2496e3 - _0x3de3dd[0x1])), !Global[_0x31f870(0x1b0)](0x1) && (_0x56380b[0x0] = 0x0), _0x56380b[0x0] == 0x1 && UI.IsMenuOpen() && (UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x17], _0x1e902b + _0xad6d[0x21], _0x3de3dd[0x0] + _0x56380b[0x1]), UI[_0x31f870(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0x1e902b + _0xad6d[0x22], _0x3de3dd[0x1] + _0x56380b[0x2]));
    Anim = {
        'Clamp': function(_0x263d6d, _0x2bcf05, _0x3723dd) {
            return Math[_0xad6d[0x24]](Math[_0xad6d[0x23]](_0x263d6d, _0x2bcf05), _0x3723dd);
        'Lerp': function(_0x5d8733, _0x5d5bfb, _0x23fc6e) {
            return _0x5d8733 * (0x1 - _0x23fc6e) + _0x5d5bfb * _0x23fc6e;
    CUI = _0x3eed7f,
    MenuVisible = function() {
        var _0x1ca7ec = _0x27ab0a,
            _0x1c454b = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x25]),
            _0x5d57f0 = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x26]),
            _0x30c8e5 = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x27]),
            _0x4d3df8 = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x28]);
        rage = _0x1c454b == 0x0 && _0x5d57f0 == 0x0, antiaim = _0x1c454b == 0x0 && _0x5d57f0 == 0x1, visual = _0x1c454b == 0x1 && _0x30c8e5 == 0x0, colors = _0x1c454b == 0x1 && _0x30c8e5 == 0x1, changers = _0x1c454b == 0x1 && _0x30c8e5 == 0x2, helpers = _0x1c454b == 0x2 && _0x4d3df8 == 0x0, hotkeys = _0x1c454b == 0x2 && _0x4d3df8 == 0x1, other = _0x1c454b == 0x2 && _0x4d3df8 == 0x2;
        const _0x1effa0 = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x29]),
            _0x5c67a9 = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2a]),
            _0x2fb2f8 = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2b]),
            _0x2792cc = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2c]),
            _0x1dc209 = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2d]),
            _0x926299 = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2e]),
            _0x1e53ea = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x16]),
            _0x2f2236 = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2f]),
            _0x52065a = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x30]),
            _0x5c0575 = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x31]),
            _0x33737a = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x32]),
            _0x465f7b = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x33]);
        UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x26], _0x1c454b == 0x0), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x29], rage), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x34], rage && _0x1effa0 == 0x1), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x35], rage && _0x1effa0 == 0x2), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x36], rage && _0x1effa0 == 0x3), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x37], rage && _0x1effa0 == 0x4), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x38], rage && _0x1effa0 == 0x5), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x39], rage && _0x1effa0 == 0x6), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x3a], rage), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x2a], rage), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x2b], rage && _0x5c67a9), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x3b], rage && _0x5c67a9 && _0x2fb2f8 == 0x1), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x3c], rage && _0x5c67a9 && _0x2fb2f8 == 0x2), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x3d], rage), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x3e], rage), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x3f], rage), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x40], rage), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x2c], antiaim), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x41], antiaim && _0x2792cc), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x42], antiaim && _0x2792cc), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x43], antiaim), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x44], antiaim), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x2d], antiaim), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x27], _0x1c454b == 0x1), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x2e], visual), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x16], visual && _0x926299), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x19], visual && _0x1e53ea == 0x5), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x2f], visual), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x45], visual && _0x2f2236), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x46], visual), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x30], visual), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x31], visual && _0x52065a), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x47], visual && _0x52065a && !_0x5c0575), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x48], visual && _0x52065a && !_0x5c0575), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x49], colors), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x18], colors && _0x926299), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x1a], colors && _0x926299), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x4a], colors && _0x2f2236), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x4b], colors && _0x52065a), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x4c], colors && _0x52065a), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x4d], changers && (_0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x0 || _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x2)), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x32], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x0), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x4e], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x0 && _0x33737a), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x4f], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x0), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x50], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x3), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x51], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x3), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x52], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x3), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x53], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x4), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x54], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x5), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x55], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x2), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x56], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x2), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x28], _0x1c454b == 0x2), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x57], helpers), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x58], hotkeys), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x59], hotkeys), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x5a], hotkeys && _0x1dc209), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x5b], hotkeys && _0x1dc209), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x5c], hotkeys && _0x1dc209), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x5d], other), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x5e], other), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x5f], other), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x60], other), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x33], other), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x61], other && _0x465f7b), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x62], ![]), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x63], ![]);
var screen = Global[_0x27ab0a(0x200)]();
UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x25], [_0xad6d[0x64], _0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x66]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x26], [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x68]]), UI.AddDropdown(_0xad6d[0x29], [_0xad6d[0x69], _0xad6d[0x6a], _0xad6d[0x6b], _0xad6d[0x6c], _0xad6d[0x6d], _0xad6d[0x6e], _0xad6d[0x6f]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x34], 0x0, 0x82), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x35], 0x0, 0x82), UI.AddSliderInt(_0xad6d[0x36], 0x0, 0x82), UI.AddSliderInt(_0xad6d[0x37], 0x0, 0x82), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x38], 0x0, 0x82), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x39], 0x0, 0x82), UI.AddCheckbox(_0xad6d[0x3a]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x2a]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x2b], [_0xad6d[0x69], _0xad6d[0x70], _0xad6d[0x6d]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x3b], 0x1, 0x64), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x3c], 0x1, 0x64), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x3d]), UI.AddCheckbox(_0xad6d[0x3e]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x3f]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x177)](_0xad6d[0x40], [_0xad6d[0x71], _0xad6d[0x72], _0xad6d[0x73], _0xad6d[0x74]]), UI.AddCheckbox(_0xad6d[0x2c]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x41], -0x32, 0x0), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x42], 0x0, 0x32), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x43]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x44]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x2d]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x27], [_0xad6d[0x75], _0xad6d[0x76], _0xad6d[0x77]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x177)](_0xad6d[0x2e], [_0xad6d[0x78], _0xad6d[0x79], _0xad6d[0x7a], _0xad6d[0x7b], _0xad6d[0x7c], _0xad6d[0x7d]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x16], [_0xad6d[0x7e], _0xad6d[0x7f], _0xad6d[0x80], _0xad6d[0x81], _0xad6d[0x82], _0xad6d[0x83]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x19], [_0xad6d[0x84], _0xad6d[0x85], _0xad6d[0x7e]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x2f]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x1d7)](_0xad6d[0x45], 0x1, 0xa), UI.AddCheckbox(_0xad6d[0x46]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x30]), UI.AddCheckbox(_0xad6d[0x31]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x47], 0x1, 0x12c), UI.AddSliderInt(_0xad6d[0x48], 0x0, 0x32), UI.AddColorPicker(_0xad6d[0x49]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x205)](_0xad6d[0x18]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x205)](_0xad6d[0x1a]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x205)](_0xad6d[0x4a]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x205)](_0xad6d[0x4b]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x205)](_0xad6d[0x4c]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x4d], [_0xad6d[0x82], _0xad6d[0x86]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x32]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x13c)](_0xad6d[0x4e]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x4f]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x177)](_0xad6d[0x50], [_0xad6d[0x87], _0xad6d[0x88], _0xad6d[0x89], _0xad6d[0x8a], _0xad6d[0x8b], _0xad6d[0x8c], _0xad6d[0x8d]]), UI.AddTextbox(_0xad6d[0x51]), UI.AddTextbox(_0xad6d[0x52]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x53]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x54], 0x3c, 0x168), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x177)](_0xad6d[0x55], [_0xad6d[0x8e], _0xad6d[0x8f], _0xad6d[0x90], _0xad6d[0x91], _0xad6d[0x92], _0xad6d[0x93], _0xad6d[0x94], _0xad6d[0x95], _0xad6d[0x96], _0xad6d[0x97], _0xad6d[0x98], _0xad6d[0x99]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x56]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x28], [_0xad6d[0x9a], _0xad6d[0x9b], _0xad6d[0x9c]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x57]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0xfa)](_0xad6d[0x58]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0xfa)](_0xad6d[0x59]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0xfa)](_0xad6d[0x5a]), UI.AddHotkey(_0xad6d[0x5b]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0xfa)](_0xad6d[0x5c]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x5d]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x5e]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x5f]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x60]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x33]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x1d7)](_0xad6d[0x61], 0.2, 0x3), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x62], 0x0, Render[_0x27ab0a(0x200)]()[0x0]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x63], 0x0, Render.GetScreenSize()[0x1]);
var manuals = [
            [_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x5a]], -0x5a, ![],
            [!![], ![], ![]]
            [_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x5b]], 0x0, ![],
            [![], !![], ![]]
            [_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x5c]], 0x5a, ![],
            [![], ![], !![]]
        [0x0, 0x0, !![]]
    _0x16778a = {};
_0x16778a.confilter = 0x0, _0x16778a[_0x27ab0a(0x148)] = 0x0;
var not_spam = _0x16778a,
    _0x352e54 = {};
_0x352e54[_0x27ab0a(0x1ac)] = !![], _0x352e54[_0x27ab0a(0x1c9)] = !![], _0x352e54[_0x27ab0a(0xf9)] = !![], _0x352e54[_0x27ab0a(0x15c)] = !![], _0x352e54[_0x27ab0a(0x24c)] = !![], _0x352e54[_0x27ab0a(0x1c5)] = !![];
var original = _0x352e54,
    _0x43fa3e = {};
_0x43fa3e.timer = 0x0, _0x43fa3e[_0x27ab0a(0x203)] = 0x0;
var dst = _0x43fa3e,
    _0x2d98c6 = {};
_0x2d98c6[_0x27ab0a(0x12c)] = 0x0, _0x2d98c6[_0x27ab0a(0x231)] = Global.Curtime();
var ms_hz = _0x2d98c6,
    _0x50312c = {};
_0x50312c[_0x27ab0a(0x12c)] = 0x0, _0x50312c[_0x27ab0a(0x231)] = Global[_0x27ab0a(0x23a)](), _0x50312c[_0x27ab0a(0x21a)] = [];
var io = _0x50312c,
    lftimer = Global[_0x27ab0a(0x23a)](),
    shottimer = Global[_0x27ab0a(0x23a)](),
    DAShot = !![],
    Restore = ![],
    WeaponFire = ![],
    draw_scopelines = !![];
const Rage = function() {
    const _0x4bad03 = function() {
            var _0x3ea268 = _0x23cf;
            if (!UI[_0x3ea268(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x59])) return;
            var _0x56415b = Entity.GetEnemies(),
                _0x3e4df5 = Entity.GetName(Entity[_0x3ea268(0x213)](Entity[_0x3ea268(0x1fa)]()));
            switch (_0x3e4df5) {
                default: {
                    damage = UI[_0x3ea268(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x34]);
            case _0xad6d[0x9d]:
            case _0xad6d[0x9e]: {
                damage = UI[_0x3ea268(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x35]);
            case _0xad6d[0x9f]: {
                damage = UI[_0x3ea268(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x36]);
            case _0xad6d[0xa0]: {
                damage = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x37]);
            case _0xad6d[0xa1]: {
                damage = UI[_0x3ea268(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x38]);
            case _0xad6d[0xa2]:
            case _0xad6d[0xa3]: {
                damage = UI[_0x3ea268(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x39]);
            for (i = 0x0; i < _0x56415b[_0xad6d[0xa4]]; i++) {
                Entity.IsValid(_0x56415b[i]) && Entity[_0x3ea268(0x249)](_0x56415b[i]) && !Entity[_0x3ea268(0x10f)](_0x56415b[i]) && Ragebot[_0x3ea268(0x24d)](_0x56415b[i], damage);
        _0x30076f = function(_0x26684d, _0x1e9b64) {
            return x = _0x1e9b64[0x0] - _0x26684d[0x0], z = _0x1e9b64[0x1] - _0x26684d[0x1], y = _0x26684d[0x2] - _0x1e9b64[0x2], [Math[_0xad6d[0xa5]](z, x) * 0xb4 / Math[_0xad6d[0x1e]], Math[_0xad6d[0xa5]](y, Math[_0xad6d[0xa6]](x * x + z * z)) * 0xb4 / Math[_0xad6d[0x1e]]];
        _0x2766d3 = function() {
            var _0x57e785 = _0x23cf;
            if (!UI[_0x57e785(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x58])) return;
            enemies = Entity[_0x57e785(0x255)]();
            for (i = 0x0; i < enemies[_0xad6d[0xa4]]; i++) {
                if (Entity[_0x57e785(0x249)](enemies[i]) && Entity.IsDormant(enemies[i])) {
                    var _0x19b894 = Entity.GetHitboxPosition(Entity[_0x57e785(0x1fa)](), 0x0),
                        _0x4fc976 = Entity[_0x57e785(0x211)](enemies[i]);
                    _0x4fc976[0x2] = _0x4fc976[0x2] + 0x26;
                    var _0x4ad9d2 = Trace[_0x57e785(0x1ec)](Entity[_0x57e785(0x1fa)](), enemies[i], _0x19b894, _0x4fc976);
                    if (_0x4ad9d2[0x1] > 0x0) {
                        var _0x105424 = _0x30076f(_0x19b894, _0x4fc976),
                            _0x42d531 = _0x105424[0x0],
                            _0x1c31a1 = _0x105424[0x1];
                        Local.GetInaccuracy() < 0.008 && (UserCMD[_0x57e785(0x15b)]([_0x1c31a1, _0x42d531, 0x0]), Cheat[_0x57e785(0x189)](_0xad6d[0xa7]), Cheat[_0x57e785(0x189)](_0xad6d[0xa8]), DAShot = !![]);
        _0x33a86c = function() {
            var _0x372a71 = _0x23cf;
            if (UI[_0x372a71(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x3a])) {
                var _0x4d5587 = Entity[_0x372a71(0x1fc)](Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
                _0x4d5587 == _0xad6d[0x9d] || _0x4d5587 == _0xad6d[0x9e] ? (original[_0xad6d[0xa9]] && (OldFakelag = UI[_0x372a71(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xab]), OldLimitFakelag = UI[_0x372a71(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xac]), original[_0xad6d[0xa9]] = ![]), UI[_0x372a71(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xab], 0x0), UI[_0x372a71(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xac], 0x0)) : !original[_0xad6d[0xa9]] && (UI[_0x372a71(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xab], OldFakelag), UI[_0x372a71(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xac], OldLimitFakelag), original[_0xad6d[0xa9]] = !![]);
            } else !original[_0xad6d[0xa9]] && (UI[_0x372a71(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xab], OldFakelag), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xac], OldLimitFakelag), original[_0xad6d[0xa9]] = !![]);
        _0x241112 = function() {
            var _0x59ee41 = _0x23cf;
            if (UI[_0x59ee41(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2a])) {
                var _0x2660dd = Entity.GetEnemies(),
                    _0x605b6c = Entity[_0x59ee41(0x1fc)](Entity[_0x59ee41(0x213)](Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
                for (i = 0x0; i < _0x2660dd[_0xad6d[0xa4]]; i++) {
                    if (!Entity[_0x59ee41(0x219)](_0x2660dd[i]) && !Entity.IsAlive(_0x2660dd[i])) continue;
                    Entity.GetProp(Entity[_0x59ee41(0x1fa)](), _0xad6d[0xad], _0xad6d[0xae]) && ((_0x605b6c == _0xad6d[0x9d] || _0x605b6c == _0xad6d[0x9e]) && Ragebot[_0x59ee41(0x18d)](_0x2660dd[i], UI[_0x59ee41(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xaf], _0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x3b])), _0x605b6c == _0xad6d[0xa0] && Ragebot[_0x59ee41(0x18d)](_0x2660dd[i], UI[_0x59ee41(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xaf], _0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x3c])));
        _0x207b5e = function(_0x1785d0) {
            var _0x24b81f = _0x23cf;
            local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
            var _0x4bda08 = Entity.GetWeapon(local);
            if (local == null || _0x4bda08 == null) return ![];
            var _0x129ea7 = Entity[_0x24b81f(0x105)](local, _0xad6d[0xb0], _0xad6d[0xb1]),
                _0x4f6287 = Globals[_0x24b81f(0x1dc)]() * (_0x129ea7 - _0x1785d0);
            if (_0x4f6287 < Entity[_0x24b81f(0x105)](local, _0xad6d[0xb0], _0xad6d[0xb2])) return ![];
            if (_0x4f6287 < Entity[_0x24b81f(0x105)](_0x4bda08, _0xad6d[0xb3], _0xad6d[0xb4])) return ![];
            return !![];
        _0x4ccfd4 = function() {
            var _0x424944 = _0x23cf,
                _0x35a905 = Entity.GetName(Entity[_0x424944(0x213)](Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
            if (!UI[_0x424944(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x3e]) || (_0x35a905 == _0xad6d[0x9d] || _0x35a905 == _0xad6d[0x9e])) {
            var _0x4fe45f = Exploit[_0x424944(0x181)]();
            Exploit[(_0x4fe45f != 0x1 ? _0xad6d[0xb5] : _0xad6d[0xb6]) + _0xad6d[0xb7]](), _0x207b5e(0xa) && _0x4fe45f != 0x1 && (Exploit.DisableRecharge(), Exploit.Recharge());
        _0x1e9740 = function() {
            var _0x1a7612 = _0x23cf;
            UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x3d]) && (weapon = Entity[_0x1a7612(0x1fc)](Entity.GetWeapon(Entity[_0x1a7612(0x1fa)]())), legitaa = UI[_0x1a7612(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x44]) && Input.IsKeyPressed(0x45), doubletap = UI[_0x1a7612(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xb9], _0xad6d[0xba]), hideshots = UI[_0x1a7612(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xb9], _0xad6d[0x91]), autopeek = UI[_0x1a7612(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0x98]), active = doubletap && autopeek, active && (weapon == _0xad6d[0xa0] || weapon == _0xad6d[0xa1]) ? (original[_0xad6d[0xbc]] && (autodirection_cache = UI[_0x1a7612(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xbe]), scoutpsp_cache = UI[_0x1a7612(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xbf], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc1]), awppbaim_cache = UI[_0x1a7612(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x6e], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc2]), awppsp_cache = UI[_0x1a7612(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x6e], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc1]), original[_0xad6d[0xbc]] = ![]), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xbe], legitaa ? ![] : !![]), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xbf], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc1], !![]), UI[_0x1a7612(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x6e], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc2], !![]), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x6e], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc1], !![])) : !original[_0xad6d[0xbc]] && (UI[_0x1a7612(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xbe], autodirection_cache), UI[_0x1a7612(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xbf], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc1], scoutpsp_cache), UI[_0x1a7612(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x6e], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc2], awppbaim_cache), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x6e], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc1], awppsp_cache), original[_0xad6d[0xbc]] = !![]));
        _0x24e530 = function() {
            var _0x457667 = _0x23cf;
            const _0x391560 = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x44]) && Input.IsKeyPressed(0x45),
                _0x261e82 = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2c]);
            _0x391560 ? !Restore && (original[_0xad6d[0xc3]] && (AntiUntrusted_Cache = UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xc4], _0xad6d[0xc5]), AtTargets_Cache = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc6]), AutoDir_Cache = UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xbe]), YawOffset_Cache = UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7]), Mouse_Cache = UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc8]), Manual_Cache = UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc9]), FakeDsc_Cache = UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0xcb]), Pitch_Cache = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xcc], _0xad6d[0xcd]), original[_0xad6d[0xc3]] = ![]), Cheat[_0x457667(0x189)](_0xad6d[0xce]), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xc4], _0xad6d[0xc5], 0x0), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc6], ![]), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xbe], ![]), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7], 0xb4), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc8], ![]), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc9], ![]), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0xcb], ![]), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xcc], _0xad6d[0xcd], 0x0), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1a8)](0x1), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1cc)](UI[_0x457667(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0x95]) ? -0x3c : 0x3c), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1ab)](UI[_0x457667(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0x95]) ? 0x3c : -0x3c), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x12d)](0x0)) : !original[_0xad6d[0xc3]] && (UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xc4], _0xad6d[0xc5], AntiUntrusted_Cache), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc6], AtTargets_Cache), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xbe], AutoDir_Cache), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7], YawOffset_Cache), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc8], Mouse_Cache), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc9], Manual_Cache), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0xcb], FakeDsc_Cache), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xcc], _0xad6d[0xcd], Pitch_Cache), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1a8)](0x0), original[_0xad6d[0xc3]] = !![]);
            _0x261e82 && UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xcc], _0xad6d[0x97]) && !_0x391560 ? (AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1a8)](0x1), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1cc)](UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0x95]) ? UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x42]) : UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x41])), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1ab)](0x0), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x12d)](0x0)) : !_0x391560 && AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1a8)](0x0);
            if (UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2d]))
                for (var _0x179e2c = 0x0; _0x179e2c < manuals[_0xad6d[0xa4]] - 0x1; _0x179e2c++) {
                    if (UI[_0xad6d[0xd0]][_0xad6d[0xcf]](null, manuals[_0x179e2c][0x0]) && !manuals[_0x179e2c][0x2]) {
                        manuals[0x3][0x2] = ![], manuals[0x3][0x0] = Global[_0x457667(0x16b)](), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7], manuals[_0x179e2c][0x1]), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc6], ![]);
                        for (var _0x3cd5ee = 0x0; _0x3cd5ee < manuals[_0xad6d[0xa4]] - 0x1; _0x3cd5ee++) {
                            manuals[_0x3cd5ee][0x2] = manuals[_0x3cd5ee][0x3][_0x179e2c];
                    } else UI[_0xad6d[0xd0]][_0xad6d[0xcf]](null, manuals[_0x179e2c][0x0]) && manuals[_0x179e2c][0x2] && Global[_0x457667(0x16b)]() > manuals[0x3][0x0] + 0xc && !_0x391560 && (manuals[0x3][0x1] = Global[_0x457667(0x16b)](), manuals[0x3][0x2] = !![]);
                    if (manuals[0x3][0x2]) {
                        if (Global[_0x457667(0x16b)]() > manuals[0x3][0x1] + 0.1) {
                            manuals[0x3][0x2] = Global[_0x457667(0x16b)]();
                            for (var _0x568d95 = 0x0; _0x568d95 < 0x3; _0x568d95++) {
                                manuals[_0x568d95][0x2] = ![];
                        }!_0x391560 && (UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7], -0x6), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc6], !![]));
        _0x4a564d = function() {
            var _0x5d4a0e = _0x23cf,
                _0x4a0973 = Entity[_0x5d4a0e(0x167)](0x61)[0x0];
            if (_0x4a0973) {
                function _0x21c362(_0x6c113c, _0x32c808) {
                    var _0x1418ef = _0x6c113c[0x0] - _0x32c808[0x0],
                        _0x7b2403 = _0x6c113c[0x1] - _0x32c808[0x1],
                        _0x3935c4 = _0x6c113c[0x2] - _0x32c808[0x2];
                    return Math[_0xad6d[0xa6]](_0x1418ef ** 0x2 + _0x7b2403 ** 0x2 + _0x3935c4 ** 0x2);
                var _0x4b6836 = Entity[_0x5d4a0e(0x211)](_0x4a0973),
                    _0x4c9b80 = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(Entity[_0x5d4a0e(0x1fa)]());
                distance = _0x21c362(_0x4b6836, _0x4c9b80), Restore = ![], distance <= 0x3d && distance >= 0x17 && (Restore = !![]);
        _0x5474c0 = function() {
            var _0x489197 = _0x23cf,
                _0x33b0a8 = Entity[_0x489197(0x105)](Entity[_0x489197(0x1fa)](), _0xad6d[0xad], _0xad6d[0xae]);
            actual_pos = Entity[_0x489197(0x211)](Entity[_0x489197(0x1fa)]())[0x2], !_0x33b0a8 ? (dst[_0xad6d[0xd1]] = Anim[_0x489197(0x174)](dst[_0xad6d[0xd1]] - 0.5, 0x0, 0x1), saved_pos = Entity[_0x489197(0x211)](Entity.GetLocalPlayer())[0x2], dst[_0xad6d[0xd2]] = 0x0) : dst[_0xad6d[0xd1]] = 0x1, dst[_0xad6d[0xd2]] = Math[_0xad6d[0x15]](actual_pos - saved_pos);
        _0x31f84d = function() {
            var _0x5a1b59 = _0x23cf;
            UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x3f]) && (WeaponFire && Global[_0x5a1b59(0x23a)]() - shottimer > 0.55 && (UI.ToggleHotkey(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0x95]), shottimer = Global[_0x5a1b59(0x23a)](), WeaponFire = ![]));
        _0x50f49b = function() {
            var _0x3c9998 = _0x23cf;
            UI[_0x3c9998(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x43]) && (Global.Tickcount() - lftimer > 0x5 && (!UI[_0x3c9998(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0xd3]) ? UI[_0x3c9998(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0xd3], !![]) : UI[_0x3c9998(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0xd3], ![]), lftimer = Global[_0x3c9998(0x16b)]()));
    _0x4bad03(), _0x33a86c(), _0x241112(), _0x4ccfd4(), _0x1e9740(), _0x2766d3(), _0x24e530(), _0x4a564d(), _0x5474c0(), _0x31f84d(), _0x50f49b();
var drag = [
        [0x0, 0x0, 0x0]
    binds = [
            [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x75], _0xad6d[0x8e]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x59]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x58]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0x91]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0xba]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x75], _0xad6d[0xd6]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x75], _0xad6d[0xd7]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0x95]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xcc], _0xad6d[0x96]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xcc], _0xad6d[0x97]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0x98]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0x99]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
    indbinds = [
        [_0xad6d[0xd8], null, 0x1, 0x1, [0x3, 0x84, 0xfc, 0xff], ![], 0x0],
        [_0xad6d[0xd9], null, 0x1, 0x1, [0x3, 0x84, 0xfc, 0xff], ![], 0x0],
            [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0x91]], 0x0, 0x0, [0xcb, 0xd1, 0x11, 0xff], ![], 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0xba]], 0x0, 0x0, [0x9b, 0xc7, 0x22, 0xff], !![], 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x59]], 0x0, 0x0, [0xe1, 0xe1, 0xe1, 0xff], ![], 0x0
    animaspect = 0x0,
    cacheaspect = 0x0,
    animwidth = [0x0, 0x0, 0x0],
    arc = 0x0,
    animarc = 0x0,
    valueclr = 0x0,
    arrow_alpha = [0x0, 0x0],
    alpha = [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0],
    anim_y = [0x0, 0x0],
    hits = [],
    dmgi = [],
    logs = [],
    tracers = [],
    draw_scopelines = !![];
const hitgroup = function(_0x1dee7f) {
        const _0x20600d = [_0xad6d[0xdd], _0xad6d[0xde], _0xad6d[0xdf], _0xad6d[0xe0], _0xad6d[0xe1], _0xad6d[0xe2], _0xad6d[0xe3], _0xad6d[0xe4], _0xad6d[0x12]];
        return _0x20600d[_0x1dee7f] || _0xad6d[0xe5];
    PlayerHurt = function() {
        const _0x520650 = function() {
            var _0x48931b = _0x23cf;
            if (Entity[_0x48931b(0x249)](Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) && Entity[_0x48931b(0x1fa)]() != null) {
                var _0x2b9bb2 = Entity[_0x48931b(0x110)](Event[_0x48931b(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xe6])),
                    _0x1b3fc6 = Entity[_0x48931b(0x110)](Event[_0x48931b(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xe7])),
                    _0x42947c = Entity[_0x48931b(0x211)](_0x2b9bb2),
                    _0xd47e87 = _0xad6d[0xe8] + Entity[_0x48931b(0x1fc)](_0x2b9bb2) + _0xad6d[0xe9] + hitgroup(Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xea])) + _0xad6d[0xeb] + Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xec]) + _0xad6d[0xed] + Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xee]) + _0xad6d[0xef],
                    _0x49006d = _0xad6d[0xf0] + Entity[_0x48931b(0x1fc)](_0x1b3fc6) + _0xad6d[0xe9] + hitgroup(Event[_0x48931b(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xea])) + _0xad6d[0xeb] + Event[_0x48931b(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xec]) + _0xad6d[0xf1];
                Entity.IsLocalPlayer(_0x1b3fc6) && _0x1b3fc6 != _0x2b9bb2 && (dmgi[_0xad6d[0xf2]]([Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xec]), Event[_0x48931b(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xea]), Global[_0x48931b(0x23a)](), 0x1, 0x0, 0x64, _0x42947c]), hits[_0xad6d[0xf2]]([Entity.GetName(_0x2b9bb2) + _0xad6d[0xf3] + hitgroup(Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xea])) + _0xad6d[0xf3] + Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xec]) + _0xad6d[0xf4] + Event[_0x48931b(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xee]) + _0xad6d[0xf5], 0x0, Global.Curtime(), Event[_0x48931b(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xee])]), UI[_0x48931b(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x40]) & 0x1 << 0x0 && logs[_0xad6d[0xf2]]([_0xd47e87, 0x0, Global[_0x48931b(0x23a)]()])), Entity[_0x48931b(0x215)](_0x2b9bb2) && (UI[_0x48931b(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x40]) & 0x1 << 0x1 && logs[_0xad6d[0xf2]]([_0x49006d, 0x0, Global[_0x48931b(0x23a)]()]));
    OnItemPurchase = function() {
        var _0x46f41c = _0x27ab0a;
        if (UI[_0x46f41c(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x40]) & 0x1 << 0x2) {
            if (Event[_0x46f41c(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xf6]) != Entity[_0x46f41c(0x105)](Entity[_0x46f41c(0x1fa)](), _0xad6d[0xf7], _0xad6d[0xf8])) {
                var _0x3c8ecb = Event[_0x46f41c(0x1d0)](_0xad6d[0xf9]);
                _0x3c8ecb = _0x3c8ecb[_0xad6d[0xfb]](_0xad6d[0xfa], _0xad6d[0x11]), _0x3c8ecb = _0x3c8ecb[_0xad6d[0xfb]](_0xad6d[0xfc], _0xad6d[0x11]), _0x3c8ecb = _0x3c8ecb[_0xad6d[0xfb]](_0xad6d[0xfd], _0xad6d[0xfe]), _0x3c8ecb = _0x3c8ecb[_0xad6d[0xfb]](_0xad6d[0xff], _0xad6d[0x100]);
                if (_0x3c8ecb != _0xad6d[0x101]) {
                    var _0x287a4f = Entity[_0x46f41c(0x1fc)](Entity[_0x46f41c(0x110)](Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xe6]))) + _0xad6d[0x102] + _0x3c8ecb;
                    logs[_0xad6d[0xf2]]([_0x287a4f, 0x0, Global[_0x46f41c(0x23a)]()]);
    Visual = function() {
        var _0x5bc0cb = _0x27ab0a;
        const _0x5ed791 = UI.GetColor(_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x49]),
            _0x1f02d0 = UI.GetColor(_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x1a])[0x3],
            _0x4f0401 = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x4d]);
        var _0x9bbbe1 = Render[_0x5bc0cb(0xfe)](_0xad6d[0x103], 0x7, 0x190),
            _0x14aea0 = Entity[_0x5bc0cb(0x249)](Entity[_0x5bc0cb(0x1fa)]()),
            _0x2bd07e = [0x0, 0x0];
        const _0x5455e3 = function() {
                var _0x319ff9 = _0x5bc0cb;
                const _0x46bb44 = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x44]) && Input[_0x319ff9(0x1b0)](0x45),
                    _0x297b51 = UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2c]) && UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xcc], _0xad6d[0x97]),
                    _0x10ce01 = UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x4f]);
                var _0x3471a = UI[_0x319ff9(0x1d0)](_0xad6d[0x4e]) != _0xad6d[0x11] ? UI.GetString(_0xad6d[0x4e]) : _0xad6d[0xd8],
                    _0x4b7e3d = _0x46bb44 ? _0xad6d[0x104] : _0x297b51 ? _0xad6d[0x105] : _0xad6d[0xd9],
                    _0x31b1cb = Render.AddFont(_0xad6d[0x103], 0x7, 0x190),
                    _0x1e9d6b = Exploit[_0x319ff9(0x181)](),
                    _0x72e57 = 0x1e;
                for (var _0x3ea243 = 0x0; _0x3ea243 < indbinds[_0xad6d[0xa4]] - 0x1; _0x3ea243++) {
                    indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x1] != null && UI[_0xad6d[0xd0]][_0xad6d[0xcf]](null, indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x1]) && UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x0 && _0x14aea0 && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x2] = 0x1, indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x12e)](Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1), 0x1, 0.0095));
                    (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x1] != null && !UI[_0xad6d[0xd0]][_0xad6d[0xcf]](null, indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x1]) || !(UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x0) || !_0x14aea0) && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x12e)](Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1), 0x0, 0.0095), indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] <= 0x0 && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x2] = 0x0));
                    indbinds[0x1][0x0] = _0x4b7e3d, indbinds[0x0][0x0] = _0x3471a, indbinds[0x0][0x4] = _0x5ed791, indbinds[0x1][0x4] = _0x5ed791;
                    indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x0] == _0x3471a && (UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x32]) && UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x0 && _0x14aea0 && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x2] = 0x1, indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1)), (!UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x32]) || !(UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x0) || !_0x14aea0) && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1), indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] <= 0x0 && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x2] = 0x0)));
                    indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x0] == _0x4b7e3d && (UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x0 && _0x14aea0 && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x2] = 0x1, indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] = Anim.Clamp(indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1)), (!(UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x0) || !_0x14aea0) && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] <= 0x0 && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x2] = 0x0)));
                    Exploit[_0x319ff9(0x181)]() >= 0x1 && _0x10ce01 && (animarc = Anim.Clamp(animarc + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)]() / 0xa, 0x0, 0x1));
                    (Exploit[_0x319ff9(0x181)]() < 0x1 || !_0x10ce01) && (animarc = Anim.Clamp(animarc - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals.Frametime() / 0xa, 0x0, 0x1));
                    Exploit.GetCharge() >= 0x1 ? valueclr = Anim.Clamp(valueclr + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)]() / 0xa, 0x0, 1.14) : valueclr = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](valueclr - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals.Frametime() / 0xa, 0x0, 0.86);
                    indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x0] == _0xad6d[0xdb] && (animarc < 0.05 ? indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x6] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x6] - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1) : indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x6] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x6] + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1));
                    indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x0] == _0xad6d[0xdb] && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x4] = [0x9e, 0xc7 * valueclr, 0x14, 0xff]);
                    var _0x5571f3 = indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x0],
                        _0x44fb40 = indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x2],
                        _0x2ac636 = indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3],
                        _0x40f92 = indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x4],
                        _0x37a3a9 = indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x6];
                    _0x72e57 += 0xa * (_0x4f0401 == 0x0 ? _0x44fb40 : _0x2ac636), y = _0x72e57 - 0xa * (_0x4f0401 == 0x0 ? _0x44fb40 : _0x2ac636), indbinds[indbinds[_0xad6d[0xa4]] - 0x1] = _0x72e57, _0x2ac636 > 0x0 && (CRender[_0x319ff9(0x214)](screen[0x0] / 0x2 + 0x5 * _0x37a3a9, screen[0x1] / 0x2 + y, 0x1, _0x5571f3, [_0x40f92[0x0], _0x40f92[0x1], _0x40f92[0x2], 0xff * _0x2ac636], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x2ac636], _0x31b1cb), animarc > 0x0 && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x5] && CRender[_0x319ff9(0x101)](screen[0x0] / 0x2 - 0xa, screen[0x1] / 0x2 + y + 0x7, 4.3, 4.025, 0x2d, animarc * 0x168, [_0x40f92[0x0], _0x40f92[0x1], _0x40f92[0x2], 0xff * _0x2ac636])));
                var _0x4bab42 = Render[_0x319ff9(0xfe)](_0xad6d[0x106], 0x14, 0x320),
                    _0x1649e1 = 0x2d;
                UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7]) == -0x5a && UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x1 && (arrow_alpha[0x0] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](arrow_alpha[0x0] + 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1)), (UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7]) != -0x5a || !(UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x1)) && (arrow_alpha[0x0] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](arrow_alpha[0x0] - 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1)), UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7]) == 0x5a && UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x1 && (arrow_alpha[0x1] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](arrow_alpha[0x1] + 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1)), (UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7]) != 0x5a || !(UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x1)) && (arrow_alpha[0x1] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](arrow_alpha[0x1] - 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1)), arrow_alpha[0x0] > 0x0 && (Render[_0x319ff9(0x1cb)](screen[0x0] / 0x2 - Render[_0x319ff9(0x17d)](_0xad6d[0x107], _0x4bab42)[0x0] - _0x1649e1 + 0x1, screen[0x1] / 0x2 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0xad6d[0x107], _0x4bab42)[0x1] / 0x2, 0x0, _0xad6d[0x107], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x96 * arrow_alpha[0x0]], _0x4bab42), Render[_0x319ff9(0x1cb)](screen[0x0] / 0x2 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0xad6d[0x107], _0x4bab42)[0x0] - _0x1649e1, screen[0x1] / 0x2 - Render[_0x319ff9(0x17d)](_0xad6d[0x107], _0x4bab42)[0x1] / 0x2 - 0x1, 0x0, _0xad6d[0x107], [_0x5ed791[0x0], _0x5ed791[0x1], _0x5ed791[0x2], 0xff * arrow_alpha[0x0]], _0x4bab42)), arrow_alpha[0x1] > 0x0 && (Render[_0x319ff9(0x1cb)](screen[0x0] / 0x2 + _0x1649e1 + 0x1, screen[0x1] / 0x2 - Render[_0x319ff9(0x17d)](_0xad6d[0x108], _0x4bab42)[0x1] / 0x2, 0x0, _0xad6d[0x108], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x96 * arrow_alpha[0x1]], _0x4bab42), Render.StringCustom(screen[0x0] / 0x2 + _0x1649e1, screen[0x1] / 0x2 - Render[_0x319ff9(0x17d)](_0xad6d[0x108], _0x4bab42)[0x1] / 0x2 - 0x1, 0x0, _0xad6d[0x108], [_0x5ed791[0x0], _0x5ed791[0x1], _0x5ed791[0x2], 0xff * arrow_alpha[0x1]], _0x4bab42));
            _0x4d1495 = function() {
                var _0x10cdd8 = _0x5bc0cb;
                const _0x4c3c37 = [UI[_0x10cdd8(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x62]), UI[_0x10cdd8(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x63])],
                    _0x323fa8 = UI[_0x10cdd8(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x56]);
                var _0x3cd030 = 0x46,
                    _0x2a0b30 = 0x0,
                    _0x2096cf = [],
                    _0x16d4a9 = [],
                    _0x1ff396 = 0x92,
                    _0x5b1c34 = 0x11,
                    _0x95894a = 0x16;
                for (var _0xea085 in binds) {
                    binds[_0xea085][0x4] > 0x0 && _0x16d4a9[_0xad6d[0x109]](_0xea085);
                for (var _0x21304c in _0x16d4a9) {
                    b = _0x16d4a9[_0x21304c], Render[_0x10cdd8(0x17d)](binds[b][0x0], _0x9bbbe1)[0x0] > _0x2a0b30 && (_0x2a0b30 = Render[_0x10cdd8(0x17d)](binds[b][0x0], _0x9bbbe1)[0x0]);
                _0x2a0b30 == 0x0 && (_0x2a0b30 = 0x32);
                _0x3cd030 = _0x3cd030 + _0x2a0b30;
                _0x3cd030 < 0x86 && (_0x3cd030 = 0x86);
                animwidth[0x0] == 0x0 && (animwidth[0x0] = _0x3cd030);
                animwidth[0x0] <= _0x3cd030 && (animwidth[0x0] = animwidth[0x0] + 0x2);
                animwidth[0x0] >= _0x3cd030 && (animwidth[0x0] = animwidth[0x0] - 0x2);
                var _0x37c775 = _0x323fa8 ? _0x4f0401 == 0x0 ? _0x3cd030 : animwidth[0x0] : _0x1ff396;
                for (var _0xea085 = 0x0; _0xea085 < binds[_0xad6d[0xa4]]; _0xea085++) {
                    UI[_0xad6d[0xd0]][_0xad6d[0xcf]](null, binds[_0xea085][0x1]) && UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x2 && (binds[_0xea085][0x3] = 0x1, binds[_0xea085][0x4] = Anim[_0x10cdd8(0x12e)](Anim[_0x10cdd8(0x174)](binds[_0xea085][0x4] + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x10cdd8(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x1, 0.0095), _0x2096cf[_0xad6d[0x109]](binds[_0xea085][0x0]));
                    (!UI[_0xad6d[0xd0]][_0xad6d[0xcf]](null, binds[_0xea085][0x1]) || !(UI[_0x10cdd8(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x2)) && (binds[_0xea085][0x4] = Anim[_0x10cdd8(0x12e)](Anim[_0x10cdd8(0x174)](binds[_0xea085][0x4] - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x10cdd8(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x0, 0.0095), binds[_0xea085][0x4] <= 0x0 && (binds[_0xea085][0x3] = 0x0));
                    binds[_0xea085][0x2] = UI[_0x10cdd8(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x55]) & 0x1 << _0xea085 ? _0xad6d[0x10a] : _0xad6d[0xd4];
                    var _0x29b14e = binds[_0xea085][0x0],
                        _0x3425cd = binds[_0xea085][0x2],
                        _0x4adf24 = binds[_0xea085][0x3],
                        _0x3aff8f = binds[_0xea085][0x4];
                    _0x95894a += 0x12 * (_0x4f0401 == 0x0 ? _0x4adf24 : _0x3aff8f), plus = _0x95894a - 0x12 * (_0x4f0401 == 0x0 ? _0x4adf24 : _0x3aff8f), CRender.ShadowText(_0x4c3c37[0x0] + 0x4, _0x4c3c37[0x1] + plus, 0x0, _0x29b14e, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * _0x3aff8f], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x3aff8f], _0x9bbbe1), CRender[_0x10cdd8(0x214)](_0x4c3c37[0x0] + _0x37c775 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x3425cd, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0] - 0x3, _0x4c3c37[0x1] + plus, 0x0, _0x3425cd, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * _0x3aff8f], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x3aff8f], _0x9bbbe1);
                }(_0x2096cf[_0xad6d[0xa4]] > 0x0 || UI[_0x10cdd8(0x191)]()) && UI[_0x10cdd8(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x2 && (alpha[0x0] = Anim.Lerp(Anim[_0x10cdd8(0x174)](alpha[0x0] + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x10cdd8(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x1, 0.0095)), (!_0x2096cf[_0xad6d[0xa4]] && !UI[_0x10cdd8(0x191)]() || !(UI[_0x10cdd8(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x2)) && (alpha[0x0] = Anim[_0x10cdd8(0x12e)](Anim[_0x10cdd8(0x174)](alpha[0x0] - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x10cdd8(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x0, 0.0095)), alpha[0x0] > 0x0 && (CRender[_0x10cdd8(0x1b7)](_0x4c3c37[0x0], _0x4c3c37[0x1], _0x37c775, _0x5b1c34, alpha[0x0]), CRender[_0x10cdd8(0x214)](_0x4c3c37[0x0] + _0x37c775 / 0x2 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0xad6d[0x10b], _0x9bbbe1)[0x0] / 0x2, _0x4c3c37[0x1] + 0x2, 0x0, _0xad6d[0x10b], [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x0]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x0]], _0x9bbbe1), CRender[_0x10cdd8(0x186)](_0x4c3c37[0x0], _0x4c3c37[0x1], _0x37c775, 0x11, _0xad6d[0x10c], drag[0x0]));
            _0x33ad1d = function() {
                var _0x13cd28 = _0x5bc0cb;
                UI[_0x13cd28(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x3 && (_0x2bd07e[0x0] += 0x16, _0x2bd07e[0x1] += 0x16);
                UI[_0x13cd28(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x4 && _0x14aea0 && (_0x2bd07e[0x1] += 0x15);
                for (i = 0x0; i < 0x2; i++) {
                    _0x2bd07e[i] > anim_y[i] && (anim_y[i] = Anim[_0x13cd28(0x12e)](Anim[_0x13cd28(0x174)](anim_y[i] + 0x1 / 0.01 * Globals[_0x13cd28(0x1c4)]() * 1.25, anim_y[i], _0x2bd07e[i]), _0x2bd07e[i], 0.0095)), anim_y[i] > _0x2bd07e[i] && (anim_y[i] = Anim[_0x13cd28(0x12e)](Anim[_0x13cd28(0x174)](anim_y[i] - 0x1 / 0.01 * Globals[_0x13cd28(0x1c4)]() * 1.25, _0x2bd07e[i], anim_y[i]), _0x2bd07e[i], 0.0095));
            _0xd400fb = function() {
                var _0x2acd54 = _0x5bc0cb,
                    _0x5e4bd6 = (UI[_0x2acd54(0x1d0)](_0xad6d[0x51]) != _0xad6d[0x11] ? UI[_0x2acd54(0x1d0)](_0xad6d[0x51]) : _0xad6d[0x10d]) + _0xad6d[0x10e],
                    _0x39b8c2 = new Date(),
                    _0x5444aa = _0x39b8c2[_0xad6d[0x10f]](),
                    _0x4b2c94 = _0x39b8c2[_0xad6d[0x110]](),
                    _0x1341b4 = _0x39b8c2[_0xad6d[0x111]](),
                    _0x37f647 = (_0x5444aa < 0xa ? _0xad6d[0x112] + _0x5444aa : _0x5444aa) + _0xad6d[0x113] + (_0x4b2c94 < 0xa ? _0xad6d[0x112] + _0x4b2c94 : _0x4b2c94),
                    _0x31898e = _0xad6d[0x113] + (_0x1341b4 < 0xa ? _0xad6d[0x112] + _0x1341b4 : _0x1341b4);
                UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x50]) & 0x1 << 0x0 && (_0x5e4bd6 += _0xad6d[0x114] + (UI[_0x2acd54(0x1d0)](_0xad6d[0x52]) != _0xad6d[0x11] ? UI[_0x2acd54(0x1d0)](_0xad6d[0x52]) : CRender.Russificator(Cheat[_0x2acd54(0x228)]())));
                UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x50]) & 0x1 << 0x1 && (_0x5e4bd6 += _0xad6d[0x114] + UI[_0x2acd54(0x1d0)](_0xad6d[0xf3]));
                UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x50]) & 0x1 << 0x2 && World[_0x2acd54(0x160)]() && (_0x5e4bd6 += _0xad6d[0x115] + Math[_0xad6d[0x15]](Entity[_0x2acd54(0x105)](Entity[_0x2acd54(0x1fa)](), _0xad6d[0x116], _0xad6d[0x117])).toString() + _0xad6d[0x118]);
                UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x50]) & 0x1 << 0x3 && World[_0x2acd54(0x160)]() && (_0x5e4bd6 += _0xad6d[0x114] + World[_0x2acd54(0x160)]());
                UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x50]) & 0x1 << 0x4 && World[_0x2acd54(0x160)]() && (_0x5e4bd6 += _0xad6d[0x114] + Global[_0x2acd54(0x22a)]() + _0xad6d[0x119]);
                UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x50]) & 0x1 << 0x5 && (_0x5e4bd6 += _0xad6d[0x114] + _0x37f647, UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x50]) & 0x1 << 0x6 && (_0x5e4bd6 += _0x31898e));
                const _0x2a4157 = Render[_0x2acd54(0x17d)](_0x5e4bd6, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0] + 0xa;
                var _0x42612b = Global[_0x2acd54(0x200)]()[0x0] - _0x2a4157 - 0xa;
                UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x3 && (alpha[0x1] = Anim[_0x2acd54(0x174)](alpha[0x1] + 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1)), !(UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x3) && (alpha[0x1] = Anim[_0x2acd54(0x174)](alpha[0x1] - 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1)), alpha[0x1] > 0x0 && (CRender[_0x2acd54(0x1b7)](_0x42612b, 0x6, _0x2a4157, 0x11, alpha[0x1]), CRender[_0x2acd54(0x214)](_0x42612b + 0x5, 0x6 + 0x2, 0x0, _0x5e4bd6, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x1]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x1]], _0x9bbbe1));
            _0x2ac7d7 = function() {
                var _0x43feec = _0x5bc0cb;
                UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x4 && _0x14aea0 && (alpha[0x2] = Anim[_0x43feec(0x174)](alpha[0x2] + 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0x43feec(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1));
                (!(UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x4) || !_0x14aea0) && (alpha[0x2] = Anim[_0x43feec(0x174)](alpha[0x2] - 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0x43feec(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1));
                var _0x1501a1 = UI[_0x43feec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0xba]) & UI[_0x43feec(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0xba]) && Exploit.GetCharge() >= 0x1,
                    _0x3115dd = UI[_0x43feec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0x91]) & UI[_0x43feec(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0x91]),
                    _0x596c49 = _0xad6d[0x11a],
                    _0x24ac1d = _0xad6d[0x11b],
                    _0x68eb0a = _0x1501a1 || _0x3115dd ? _0xad6d[0x11c] : UI[_0x43feec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xab])[_0x43feec(0x131)]();
                const _0x47dcbb = Render[_0x43feec(0x17d)](_0x596c49, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0] + 0xa,
                    _0x4ce29c = Render[_0x43feec(0x17d)](_0x24ac1d, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0],
                    _0x4f433a = Render[_0x43feec(0x17d)](_0x68eb0a, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0];
                _0x1501a1 && UI[_0x43feec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x4 && _0x14aea0 && (alpha[0x3] = Anim[_0x43feec(0x174)](alpha[0x3] + 0x1 / 0.15 * Globals[_0x43feec(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1));
                (!_0x1501a1 || !(UI[_0x43feec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x4) || !_0x14aea0) && (alpha[0x3] = Anim.Clamp(alpha[0x3] - 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0x43feec(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1));
                var _0xaf274e = _0x1501a1 ? _0x47dcbb + _0x4ce29c : _0x47dcbb + (alpha[0x3] == 0x0 ? 0x0 : _0x4ce29c),
                    _0x9d0108 = Global.GetScreenSize()[0x0] - _0xaf274e - 0xa,
                    _0x332b84 = [0xff, 0xb4, 0x0, 0xff];
                Exploit.GetCharge() < 0.9 && UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0xba]) & UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0xba]) && _0x14aea0 && (_0x332b84 = [0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xff]);
                alpha[0x2] > 0x0 && (Render[_0x43feec(0x1b7)](_0x9d0108, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4, _0xaf274e, 0x12, [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, _0x1f02d0 * alpha[0x2]]), Render.GradientRect(_0x9d0108, anim_y[0x0] + 0x11 + 0x4, _0xaf274e / 0x2, 0x1, 0x1, [_0x332b84[0x0], _0x332b84[0x1], _0x332b84[0x2], 0x0 * alpha[0x2]], [_0x332b84[0x0], _0x332b84[0x1], _0x332b84[0x2], 0xff * alpha[0x2]]), Render[_0x43feec(0x188)](_0x9d0108 + _0xaf274e / 0x2, anim_y[0x0] + 0x11 + 0x4, _0xaf274e / 0x2, 0x1, 0x1, [_0x332b84[0x0], _0x332b84[0x1], _0x332b84[0x2], 0xff * alpha[0x2]], [_0x332b84[0x0], _0x332b84[0x1], _0x332b84[0x2], 0x0 * alpha[0x2]]), CRender.ShadowText(_0x9d0108 + 0x4, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4 + 0x2, 0x0, _0x596c49, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x2]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x2]], _0x9bbbe1), CRender[_0x43feec(0x214)](_0x9d0108 + _0x47dcbb - _0x4f433a - 0x3, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4 + 0x2, 0x0, _0x68eb0a, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x2]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x2]], _0x9bbbe1), alpha[0x3] > 0x0 && (CRender[_0x43feec(0x214)](_0x9d0108 + _0x47dcbb - 0x4, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4 + 0x2, 0x0, dst[_0xad6d[0xd1]] ? _0xad6d[0x11d] : _0x24ac1d, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x3]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x3]], _0x9bbbe1), dst[_0xad6d[0xd1]] && Render[_0x43feec(0x188)](_0x9d0108 + _0x47dcbb + 0x1e, anim_y[0x0] + 0x9, Anim[_0x43feec(0x174)](dst[_0xad6d[0xd2]], 0x0, 0x1e), 0x7, 0x1, [0x64, 0x7d, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x3]], [0x64, 0x7d, 0xff, 0x41 * alpha[0x3]])));
                var _0x388ef1 = UI[_0x43feec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x53]),
                    _0x1836b7 = Local[_0x43feec(0x19d)](),
                    _0xb8810a = Local[_0x43feec(0x1eb)](),
                    _0x5da523 = Math[_0xad6d[0x24]](Math[_0xad6d[0x11f]](_0x1836b7 - _0xb8810a) / 0x2, 0x3c)[_0xad6d[0x11e]](0x1);
                arc < _0x5da523 / 0x3c && (arc = arc += 0.025)[_0xad6d[0x11e]](0x2);
                arc > _0x5da523 / 0x3c && (arc = arc -= 0.025)[_0xad6d[0x11e]](0x2);
                arc[0x0] < 0.01 && (arc[0x0] = 0x0);
                var _0x2aed49 = [0xaa + (0x9a - 0xba) * _0x5da523 / 0x3c, 0x0 + (0xff - 0x0) * _0x5da523 / 0x3c, 0x10 + (0x0 - 0x10) * _0x5da523 / 0x3c, 0xff * alpha[0x2]],
                    _0x2edcc3 = arc < 0.01 ? _0xad6d[0x11] : _0xad6d[0x120],
                    _0x2937ed = (_0x388ef1 ? _0x2edcc3 : _0xad6d[0x11]) + _0xad6d[0x121] + _0x5da523[_0x43feec(0x131)]() + _0xad6d[0xf5],
                    _0x1cd161 = Render[_0x43feec(0x17d)](_0x2937ed, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0],
                    _0x3e8e7c = Global.GetScreenSize()[0x0] - _0x1cd161 - _0xaf274e - 0x14;
                animwidth[0x1] <= 0x0 && (animwidth[0x1] = _0x1cd161);
                animwidth[0x1] < _0x1cd161 && (animwidth[0x1] = animwidth[0x1] += 1.5);
                animwidth[0x1] > _0x1cd161 && (animwidth[0x1] = animwidth[0x1] -= 1.5);
                var _0x3e7a2a = Global[_0x43feec(0x200)]()[0x0] - animwidth[0x1] - _0xaf274e - 0x14;
                alpha[0x2] > 0x0 && (Render[_0x43feec(0x188)](_0x3e8e7c + 0x3 + 0xa, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4, _0x1cd161 / 0x2 - 0x5, 0x12, 0x1, [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, 0x0], [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, 0x8c * alpha[0x2]]), Render[_0x43feec(0x188)](_0x3e8e7c + _0x1cd161 / 0x2 + 0x3 + 0x5, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4, _0x1cd161 / 0x2 - 0x5, 0x12, 0x1, [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, 0x8c * alpha[0x2]], [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, 0x0]), Render.GradientRect(_0x3e7a2a - 0x2, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4, 0x2, 0x9, 0x0, [_0x2aed49[0x0], _0x2aed49[0x1], _0x2aed49[0x2], 0x64 * alpha[0x2]], [_0x2aed49[0x0], _0x2aed49[0x1], _0x2aed49[0x2], 0xff * alpha[0x2]]), Render[_0x43feec(0x188)](_0x3e7a2a - 0x2, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4 + 0x9, 0x2, 0x9, 0x0, [_0x2aed49[0x0], _0x2aed49[0x1], _0x2aed49[0x2], 0xff * alpha[0x2]], [_0x2aed49[0x0], _0x2aed49[0x1], _0x2aed49[0x2], 0x64 * alpha[0x2]]), CRender[_0x43feec(0x214)](_0x3e8e7c + 0x4, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4 + 0x2, 0x0, _0x2937ed, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x2]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x2]], _0x9bbbe1), _0x388ef1 && CRender[_0x43feec(0x101)](_0x3e7a2a + 0xb, anim_y[0x0] + 0xd, 5.2, 4.5, 0x0, arc * 0x168, [0x37, 0x90, 0xcc, 0xff * alpha[0x2]]));
            _0x1de037 = function() {
                var _0xa9c9be = _0x5bc0cb;
                UI[_0xa9c9be(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x5 && (alpha[0x4] = Anim.Clamp(alpha[0x4] + 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0xa9c9be(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1));
                !(UI[_0xa9c9be(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x5) && (alpha[0x4] = Anim.Clamp(alpha[0x4] - 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0xa9c9be(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1));
                Global[_0xa9c9be(0x23a)]() - ms_hz[_0xad6d[0xd1]] > 0.5 && World[_0xa9c9be(0x160)]() != _0xad6d[0x11] && (ms_hz[_0xad6d[0x122]] = (Global[_0xa9c9be(0x1c4)]() * 0x64)[_0xad6d[0x11e]](0x1), ms_hz[_0xad6d[0xd1]] = Global[_0xa9c9be(0x23a)]());
                World[_0xa9c9be(0x160)]() == _0xad6d[0x11] && (ms_hz[_0xad6d[0x122]] = (Global.Frametime() * 0x64)[_0xad6d[0x11e]](0x1));
                var _0xf4d2d2 = ms_hz[_0xad6d[0x122]] + _0xad6d[0x123] + UI[_0xa9c9be(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x54]) + _0xad6d[0x124],
                    _0x4b26e3 = Render[_0xa9c9be(0x17d)](_0xf4d2d2, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0] + 0x8,
                    _0x5cc91d = Global[_0xa9c9be(0x200)]()[0x0] - _0x4b26e3 - 0xa;
                alpha[0x4] > 0x0 && (Render[_0xa9c9be(0x1b7)](_0x5cc91d, anim_y[0x1] + 0x4, _0x4b26e3, 0x12, [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, _0x1f02d0 * alpha[0x4]]), Render[_0xa9c9be(0x188)](_0x5cc91d, anim_y[0x1] + 0x4 + 0x11, _0x4b26e3 / 0x2, 0x1, 0x1, [0xff, 0xff, 0x0, 0x0 * alpha[0x4]], [0xff, 0xff, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x4]]), Render.GradientRect(_0x5cc91d + _0x4b26e3 / 0x2, anim_y[0x1] + 0x4 + 0x11, _0x4b26e3 / 0x2, 0x1, 0x1, [0xff, 0xff, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x4]], [0xff, 0xff, 0x0, 0x0 * alpha[0x4]]), CRender[_0xa9c9be(0x214)](_0x5cc91d + 0x4, anim_y[0x1] + 0x4 + 0x2, 0x0, _0xf4d2d2, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x4]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x4]], _0x9bbbe1));
                var _0x35891d = io[_0xad6d[0x125]],
                    _0x1212bd = _0xad6d[0x126];
                const _0x173f60 = Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x1212bd, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0] + 0x26;
                var _0x39c26b = Global.GetScreenSize()[0x0] - (_0x4b26e3 + _0x173f60) - 0xd;
                if (alpha[0x4] > 0x0) {
                    Render[_0xa9c9be(0x1b7)](_0x39c26b, anim_y[0x1] + 0x4, _0x173f60, 0x12, [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, _0x1f02d0 * alpha[0x4]]), CRender[_0xa9c9be(0x214)](_0x39c26b + 0x5, anim_y[0x1] + 0x4 + 0x3, 0x0, _0x1212bd, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x4]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x4]], _0x9bbbe1);
                    Global[_0xa9c9be(0x23a)]() - io[_0xad6d[0xd1]] > 0.4 && (_0x35891d[_0xad6d[0xf2]](0x1 / Global[_0xa9c9be(0x1c4)]()), io[_0xad6d[0xd1]] = Global.Curtime());
                    _0x35891d[_0xad6d[0xa4]] > 0x9 && _0x35891d[_0xad6d[0x127]]();
                    for (i = 0x0; i < _0x35891d[_0xad6d[0xa4]]; i++) {
                        var _0x25aa2b = Math[_0xad6d[0x129]](_0x35891d[i] / (Convar[_0xa9c9be(0x1fe)](_0xad6d[0x128]) != 0x0 ? Convar[_0xa9c9be(0x1fe)](_0xad6d[0x128]) : 0x15e) * 0x14);
                        _0x25aa2b <= 0xc && (max = _0x25aa2b), _0x25aa2b >= 0xc && (max = 0xc), Render[_0xa9c9be(0x188)](_0x39c26b + 0x35 - i * 0x3, anim_y[0x1] + 0x13 - max, 0x3, max, 0x0, [0x88, 0xb5, 0xfb, 0x0], [0x88, 0xb5, 0xfb, 0xff * alpha[0x4]]);
            _0x9e04b7 = function() {
                var _0x12355d = _0x5bc0cb;
                if (Entity[_0x12355d(0x249)](Entity[_0x12355d(0x1fa)]())) {
                    const _0x2b27b1 = UI[_0x12355d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x12c]),
                        _0x4f7c4c = Entity[_0x12355d(0x105)](Entity[_0x12355d(0x1fa)](), _0xad6d[0xb0], _0xad6d[0x12d]),
                        _0x22cda3 = UI[_0x12355d(0x241)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x4b]),
                        _0x30a49b = UI[_0x12355d(0x241)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x4c]),
                        _0x3add16 = UI[_0x12355d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x47]),
                        _0x8292a3 = UI[_0x12355d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x48]);
                    _0x4f7c4c && UI[_0x12355d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x30]) && (animwidth[0x2] < _0x3add16 && (animwidth[0x2] = Anim[_0x12355d(0x174)](animwidth[0x2] + 0x1 / 0.01 * Globals[_0x12355d(0x1c4)]() * 0x5, animwidth[0x2], _0x3add16)), animwidth[0x2] > _0x3add16 && (animwidth[0x2] = Anim[_0x12355d(0x174)](animwidth[0x2] - 0x1 / 0.01 * Globals.Frametime() * 0x5, _0x3add16, animwidth[0x2]))), (!_0x4f7c4c || !UI[_0x12355d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x30])) && (animwidth[0x2] = Anim[_0x12355d(0x174)](animwidth[0x2] - 0x1 / 0.01 * Globals.Frametime() * 0x5, 0x0, animwidth[0x2])), animwidth[0x2] <= 0x0 && (animwidth[0x2] = 0x0), animwidth[0x2] > 0x0 ? (Convar[_0x12355d(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x12e], draw_scopelines ? 0x0 : 0x1), UI[_0x12355d(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x12c], CUI[_0x12355d(0x1a7)](_0x2b27b1, 0x2, draw_scopelines ? ![] : !![])), Render[_0x12355d(0x188)](screen[0x0] / 0x2 + _0x8292a3, screen[0x1] / 0x2, animwidth[0x2], 0x1, 0x1, _0x22cda3, _0x30a49b), Render.GradientRect(screen[0x0] / 0x2 - _0x8292a3 - animwidth[0x2] + 0x1, screen[0x1] / 0x2, animwidth[0x2], 0x1, 0x1, _0x30a49b, _0x22cda3), Render.GradientRect(screen[0x0] / 0x2, screen[0x1] / 0x2 + _0x8292a3, 0x1, animwidth[0x2], 0x0, _0x22cda3, _0x30a49b), Render[_0x12355d(0x188)](screen[0x0] / 0x2, screen[0x1] / 0x2 - _0x8292a3 - animwidth[0x2] + 0x1, 0x1, animwidth[0x2], 0x0, _0x30a49b, _0x22cda3)) : (!_0x4f7c4c || !UI[_0x12355d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x30])) && (Convar.SetFloat(_0xad6d[0x12e], 0x1), UI[_0x12355d(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x12c], 0xff));
                } else Convar[_0x12355d(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x12e], 0x1), UI[_0x12355d(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x12c], 0xff);
            _0x46221d = function() {
                var _0x3dbd6e = _0x5bc0cb;
                UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x5d]) ? (original[_0xad6d[0x12f]] && (OrigZoomSensevity = Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x1fe)](_0xad6d[0x130]), original[_0xad6d[0x12f]] = ![]), Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x130], 0x0)) : !original[_0xad6d[0x12f]] && (Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x130], OrigZoomSensevity), original[_0xad6d[0x12f]] = !![]);
                UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x60]) ? not_spam[_0xad6d[0x131]] != 0x1 && (Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x132], 0x1), Convar.SetString(_0xad6d[0x133], _0xad6d[0x134]), not_spam[_0xad6d[0x131]] = 0x1) : not_spam[_0xad6d[0x131]] != 0x0 && (Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x132], 0x0), Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x1d9)](_0xad6d[0x133], _0xad6d[0x11]), not_spam[_0xad6d[0x131]] = 0x0);
                UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x5f]) ? not_spam[_0xad6d[0x135]] != 0x1 && (Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x136], 0x5a), not_spam[_0xad6d[0x135]] = 0x1) : not_spam[_0xad6d[0x135]] != 0x0 && (Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x136], 0x0), not_spam[_0xad6d[0x135]] = 0x0);
                if (UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x57])) {
                    UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0x137], ![]);
                    var _0x2d6e7c = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), _0xad6d[0xad], _0xad6d[0x138]);
                    StrafeValue = parseFloat(Math[_0xad6d[0xa6]](_0x2d6e7c[0x0] * _0x2d6e7c[0x0] + _0x2d6e7c[0x1] * _0x2d6e7c[0x1])) / 1.5, UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0x137], StrafeValue);
                } else UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0x137], !![]);
                UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x5e]) ? (original[_0xad6d[0x139]] && (PenetDot_Cache = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x13a]), original[_0xad6d[0x139]] = ![]), Entity[_0x3dbd6e(0x105)](Entity[_0x3dbd6e(0x1fa)](), _0xad6d[0xb0], _0xad6d[0x12d]) ? UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x13a], 0x1) : UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x13a], 0x0)) : !original[_0xad6d[0x139]] && (UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x13a], PenetDot_Cache), original[_0xad6d[0x139]] = !![]), UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x33]) ? (aspectratio = UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x61]), aspectratio > animaspect && (animaspect = parseFloat(Anim[_0x3dbd6e(0x174)](animaspect + 0x1 / 0.2 * Globals.Frametime(), animaspect, aspectratio))), animaspect > aspectratio && (animaspect = parseFloat(Anim.Clamp(animaspect - 0x1 / 0.2 * Globals[_0x3dbd6e(0x1c4)](), aspectratio, animaspect))), original[_0xad6d[0x13b]] && (hiddencvars = UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0x13c], _0xad6d[0x13d]), aspectcache = Convar.GetFloat(_0xad6d[0x13e]), original[_0xad6d[0x13b]] = ![]), cacheaspect != animaspect && (Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x13e], animaspect), cacheaspect = animaspect)) : !original[_0xad6d[0x13b]] && (UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0x13c], _0xad6d[0x13d], hiddencvars), Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x13e], aspectcache), original[_0xad6d[0x13b]] = !![]);
        _0x9e04b7(), _0x5455e3(), _0x4d1495(), _0x33ad1d(), _0xd400fb(), _0x2ac7d7(), _0x1de037(), _0x46221d();
    DrawLogs = function() {
        const _0x369da9 = function() {
                var _0x340930 = _0x23cf;
                !UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x2f]) && (tracers = []);
                if (tracers[_0xad6d[0xa4]] > 0x0)
                    for (var _0xb62363 in tracers) {
                        var _0x38d09a = tracers[_0xb62363];
                        _0x38d09a[0x2] + UI[_0x340930(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x45]) > Globals[_0x340930(0x23a)]() && (_0x38d09a[0x3] = Anim[_0x340930(0x174)](_0x38d09a[0x3] + 0x1 / 0.175 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1));
                        _0x38d09a[0x2] + UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x45]) < Globals[_0x340930(0x23a)]() && (_0x38d09a[0x3] = Anim.Clamp(_0x38d09a[0x3] - 0x1 / 0.175 * Globals[_0x340930(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), _0x38d09a[0x3] <= 0x0 && tracers[_0xad6d[0x127]]());
                        var _0x172ccf = UI[_0x340930(0x241)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x4a]),
                            _0x5baab2 = Render[_0x340930(0x1e1)](_0x38d09a[0x0]),
                            _0x30e653 = Render[_0x340930(0x1e1)](_0x38d09a[0x1]);
                        _0x5baab2[0x2] === 0x1 && Render[_0x340930(0x235)](_0x5baab2[0x0], _0x5baab2[0x1], _0x30e653[0x0], _0x30e653[0x1], [_0x172ccf[0x0], _0x172ccf[0x1], _0x172ccf[0x2], 0xff * _0x38d09a[0x3]]);
            _0x41bcf7 = function() {
                var _0x126832 = _0x23cf;
                !(UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x40]) & 0x1 << 0x3) && (hits = []);
                if (hits[_0xad6d[0xa4]] > 0x0) {
                    var _0x323f97 = Render[_0x126832(0xfe)](_0xad6d[0x103], 0x7, 0x190),
                        _0x5bb422 = 0x5 + indbinds[indbinds[_0xad6d[0xa4]] - 0x1];
                    for (var _0x419a4a in hits) {
                        hits[_0x419a4a][0x2] + 3.75 > Global.Curtime() && (hits[_0x419a4a][0x1] = Anim.Lerp(Anim.Clamp(hits[_0x419a4a][0x1] + 0x1 / 0.15 * Globals[_0x126832(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x1, 0.0095));
                        (hits[_0x419a4a][0x2] + 3.75 < Global[_0x126832(0x23a)]() || hits[_0xad6d[0xa4]] > 0x6) && (hits[_0x419a4a][0x1] = Anim[_0x126832(0x12e)](Anim[_0x126832(0x174)](hits[_0x419a4a][0x1] - 0x1 / 0.15 * Globals[_0x126832(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x0, 0.0095), hits[_0x419a4a][0x1] <= 0x0 && hits[_0xad6d[0x127]]());
                        var _0x53556a = hits[_0x419a4a][0x0],
                            _0x52a74c = hits[_0x419a4a][0x1];
                        _0x5bb422 += 0xb * _0x52a74c, ad_y = _0x5bb422 - 0xb * _0x52a74c, CRender[_0x126832(0x214)](screen[0x0] / 0x2, screen[0x1] / 0x2 + ad_y, 0x1, _0x53556a, [hits[_0x419a4a][0x3] <= 0x0 ? 0xc8 : 0xff, hits[_0x419a4a][0x3] <= 0x0 ? 0x0 : 0xff, hits[_0x419a4a][0x3] <= 0x0 ? 0x0 : 0xff, 0xff * _0x52a74c], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x52a74c], _0x323f97);
        _0x369da9(), _0x41bcf7();
    Logs = function() {
        var _0x5f36dc = _0x27ab0a,
            _0x5bde9b = Render[_0x5f36dc(0xfe)](_0xad6d[0x106], 0xa, 0x190),
            _0x20c7cb = 0x5;
        if (logs[_0xad6d[0xa4]] > 0x0)
            for (var _0x57bcce in logs) {
                logs[_0x57bcce][0x2] + 0x4 > Global[_0x5f36dc(0x23a)]() && (logs[_0x57bcce][0x1] = Anim[_0x5f36dc(0x12e)](Anim[_0x5f36dc(0x174)](logs[_0x57bcce][0x1] + 0x1 / 0.175 * Globals[_0x5f36dc(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x1, 0.0095));
                logs[_0x57bcce][0x2] + 0x4 < Global[_0x5f36dc(0x23a)]() && (logs[_0x57bcce][0x1] = Anim[_0x5f36dc(0x12e)](Anim[_0x5f36dc(0x174)](logs[_0x57bcce][0x1] - 0x1 / 0.175 * Globals[_0x5f36dc(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x0, 0.0095), logs[_0x57bcce][0x1] <= 0x0 && logs[_0xad6d[0x127]]());
                var _0x327194 = logs[_0x57bcce][0x0],
                    _0x2f597f = logs[_0x57bcce][0x1];
                _0x20c7cb += 0x10 * _0x2f597f, y = _0x20c7cb - 0x10 * _0x2f597f, CRender[_0x5f36dc(0x214)](0x6, y, 0x0, _0x327194, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * _0x2f597f], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc8 * _0x2f597f], _0x5bde9b);
        const _0xa6ea78 = function() {
            var _0x4d19a0 = _0x5f36dc;
            !UI[_0x4d19a0(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x46]) && (dmgi = []);
            var _0x44b6dc = Render[_0x4d19a0(0xfe)](_0xad6d[0x103], 0x7, 0x190);
            if (dmgi[_0xad6d[0xa4]] > 0x0)
                for (var _0x3106b5 in dmgi) {
                    dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x2] + 1.75 < Global.Curtime() && (dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x3] = Anim.Clamp(dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x3] - 0x1 / 0.2 * Globals[_0x4d19a0(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1));
                    dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x3] <= 0x0 && dmgi[_0xad6d[0x127]]();
                    dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x4] < dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x5] && (dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x4] += 0.2);
                    var _0xd0e622 = dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x0][_0x4d19a0(0x131)](),
                        _0x21300a = dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x3],
                        _0x4861bb = dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x1],
                        _0x395e52 = Render.WorldToScreen([dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x6][0x0], dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x6][0x1], dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x6][0x2]]),
                        _0x48a5a8 = [_0x395e52[0x0], _0x395e52[0x1] - 0x26 - dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x4]];
                    CRender[_0x4d19a0(0x214)](_0x48a5a8[0x0], _0x48a5a8[0x1], 0x1, _0xd0e622, [_0x4861bb == 0x1 ? 0x0 : 0xff, _0x4861bb == 0x1 ? 0x8c : 0xff, _0x4861bb == 0x1 ? 0x0 : 0xff, 0xff * _0x21300a], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x21300a], _0x44b6dc);
    DrawFunctions = function() {
        MenuVisible(), Visual(), DrawLogs();
    CreateMoveFunctions = function() {
    DormantAimShot = function() {
        var _0x7cad1b = _0x27ab0a;
        DAShot && (Cheat[_0x7cad1b(0x189)](_0xad6d[0x13f]), Cheat[_0x7cad1b(0x189)](_0xad6d[0x140]), DAShot = ![]);
    BulletImpact = function() {
        var _0x2d1500 = _0x27ab0a;
        Entity[_0x2d1500(0x215)](Entity[_0x2d1500(0x110)](Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xe6]))) && tracers[_0xad6d[0xf2]]([Entity.GetEyePosition(Entity[_0x2d1500(0x1fa)]()), [Event[_0x2d1500(0x1fe)](_0xad6d[0x141]), Event.GetFloat(_0xad6d[0x142]), Event[_0x2d1500(0x1fe)](_0xad6d[0x143])], Globals.Curtime(), 0x0]);
    BombFalse = function() {
        var _0x35566a = _0x27ab0a,
            _0x22ce98 = Event[_0x35566a(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xe6]),
            _0x9b5592 = Entity[_0x35566a(0x110)](_0x22ce98);
        _0x9b5592 == Entity[_0x35566a(0x1fa)]() && (Restore = ![]);
    BombTrue = function() {
        var _0x22e1d5 = _0x27ab0a,
            _0xe64ece = Entity[_0x22e1d5(0x105)](Entity[_0x22e1d5(0x1fa)](), _0xad6d[0x144], _0xad6d[0xf8]),
            _0x243f7e = Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xe6]),
            _0x1302d1 = Entity[_0x22e1d5(0x110)](_0x243f7e),
            _0x34c061 = Event[_0x22e1d5(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0x145]);
        Restore = ![], _0x1302d1 == Entity[_0x22e1d5(0x1fa)]() && (_0xe64ece == 0x3 && (_0x34c061 && (Restore = !![])));
    RagebotFire = function() {
        !WeaponFire && (WeaponFire = !![]);
    Unload = function() {
        var _0x281499 = _0x27ab0a;
    PlayerNotConnect = function() {
        var _0x490ab1 = _0x27ab0a;
        if (World[_0x490ab1(0x160)]() != _0xad6d[0x11]) return;
        logs = [], hurt = [], dmgi = [], tracers = [], Cheat[_0x490ab1(0x189)](_0xad6d[0x140]), Cheat[_0x490ab1(0x189)](_0xad6d[0x13f]);
    OnRoundStart = function() {
        var _0x129c97 = _0x27ab0a;
        dmgi = [], tracers = [], Cheat.ExecuteCommand(_0xad6d[0x140]), Cheat[_0x129c97(0x189)](_0xad6d[0x13f]);
    PlayerConnectFull = function() {
        var _0x2331e7 = _0x27ab0a;
        ms_hz[_0xad6d[0xd1]] = Global.Curtime(), io[_0xad6d[0xd1]] = Global.Curtime(), shottimer = Global[_0x2331e7(0x23a)]();
    ResetScopelines = function() {
        draw_scopelines = ![];
    BombPlantedScopelines = function() {
        draw_scopelines = !![];
Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x146], _0xad6d[0x147]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x148], _0xad6d[0x149]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x14a], _0xad6d[0x149]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x14b], _0xad6d[0x149]), Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0xad6d[0x14c], _0xad6d[0x40]), Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0xad6d[0x14c], _0xad6d[0x14d]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x14e], _0xad6d[0x14f]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x150], _0xad6d[0x151]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x152], _0xad6d[0x153]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x154], _0xad6d[0x155]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x156], _0xad6d[0x157]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x158], _0xad6d[0x159]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x15a], _0xad6d[0x15b]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x15c], _0xad6d[0x15d]), Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0xad6d[0x15e], _0xad6d[0x15f]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x160], _0xad6d[0x161]); _0xad6d[0x15f]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x160], _0xad6d[0x161]);
Zodiak 1love
19 Авг 2019
var _0x27ab0a = _0x23cf;
(function(_0x5a9577, _0x1c76f8) {
    var _0x46de28 = _0x23cf;
    while (true) {
        try {
            var _0x55ea40 = -parseInt(_0x46de28(0x22b)) * parseInt(_0x46de28(0x10a)) + parseInt(_0x46de28(0x162)) + parseInt(_0x46de28(0x18a)) + parseInt(_0x46de28(0x238)) + -parseInt(_0x46de28(0x14c)) + -parseInt(_0x46de28(0x152)) * parseInt(_0x46de28(0xff)) + parseInt(_0x46de28(0x13d));
            if (_0x55ea40 === _0x1c76f8) break;
            else _0x5a9577.push(_0x5a9577.shift());
        } catch (_0x8437a6) {
}(_0x4b26, 0x4fe3f));
var _0x291cba = function() {
        var _0x2cb8c8 = true;
        return function(_0x3bbe3, _0x5b44c3) {
            var _0x14ba85 = _0x2cb8c8 ? function() {
                var _0x10e4ac = _0x23cf;
                if (_0x5b44c3) {
                    var _0x4a2320 = _0x5b44c3[_0x10e4ac(0x147)](_0x3bbe3, arguments);
                    return _0x5b44c3 = null, _0x4a2320;
            } : function() {};
            return _0x2cb8c8 = true, _0x14ba85;
    _0x21b0a8 = _0x291cba(this, function() {
        var _0x16814f = _0x23cf,
            _0xd57026 = function() {
                var _0x3d00a8 = _0x23cf,
                try {
                    _0x3056f6 = Function(_0x3d00a8(0x126) + _0x3d00a8(0xfd) + ');')();
                } catch (_0x3701ef) {
                    _0x3056f6 = window;
                return _0x3056f6;
            _0x554860 = _0xd57026(),
            _0x1dc84a = _0x554860[_0x16814f(0x173)] = _0x554860[_0x16814f(0x173)] || {},
            _0x545b35 = ['log', _0x16814f(0x1ae), 'info', 'error', _0x16814f(0x103), _0x16814f(0x146), _0x16814f(0x1ca)];
        for (var _0x2f5a85 = 0x0; _0x2f5a85 < _0x545b35[_0x16814f(0x220)]; _0x2f5a85++) {
            var _0x3956bb = _0x291cba[_0x16814f(0x1fb)][_0x16814f(0x119)][_0x16814f(0x132)](_0x291cba),
                _0xbd1f96 = _0x545b35[_0x2f5a85],
                _0x3c6d20 = _0x1dc84a[_0xbd1f96] || _0x3956bb;
            _0x3956bb[_0x16814f(0x194)] = _0x291cba[_0x16814f(0x132)](_0x291cba), _0x3956bb[_0x16814f(0x131)] = _0x3c6d20[_0x16814f(0x131)][_0x16814f(0x132)](_0x3c6d20), _0x1dc84a[_0xbd1f96] = _0x3956bb;
var _0xad6d = [_0x27ab0a(0x123), _0x27ab0a(0x113), '0.5', '██╗  ██╗ █████╗ ███╗   ███╗██╗   ██╗ █████╗ ██╗  ██╗ █████╗  █████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗', '\x0a', _0x27ab0a(0x159), _0x27ab0a(0xf8), _0x27ab0a(0x1f3), _0x27ab0a(0x166), '╚═╝  ╚═╝ ╚════╝ ╚═╝     ╚═╝   ╚═╝   ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝ ╚════╝  ╚════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═════╝ v0.1.0', '                     Welcome, ', '!\x0a', 'Creator this cord: ', _0x27ab0a(0x196), _0x27ab0a(0x227), _0x27ab0a(0x16c), _0x27ab0a(0x14a), '', '?', _0x27ab0a(0x17b), _0x27ab0a(0x135), 'round', _0x27ab0a(0x12a), _0x27ab0a(0x1df), _0x27ab0a(0x184), 'Chroma direction', _0x27ab0a(0x169), 'r', 'g', 'b', 'PI', _0x27ab0a(0x128), _0x27ab0a(0x19f), '_x', '_y', _0x27ab0a(0x250), _0x27ab0a(0x124), _0x27ab0a(0x1e9), _0x27ab0a(0x1a4), _0x27ab0a(0x1f8), 'Misc menu', _0x27ab0a(0x1de), _0x27ab0a(0x204), _0x27ab0a(0x193), _0x27ab0a(0x120), 'Manual direction', 'Indicator on screen', _0x27ab0a(0x23d), _0x27ab0a(0x176), _0x27ab0a(0x225), _0x27ab0a(0x14f), _0x27ab0a(0x1b3), _0x27ab0a(0x115), 'Revolver damage', _0x27ab0a(0x13f), _0x27ab0a(0x209), _0x27ab0a(0x171), _0x27ab0a(0x21f), _0x27ab0a(0x161), _0x27ab0a(0x21b), _0x27ab0a(0x109), 'DT Peek helper', _0x27ab0a(0x1b4), _0x27ab0a(0x248), _0x27ab0a(0x180), _0x27ab0a(0x150), _0x27ab0a(0x18c), _0x27ab0a(0x1ee), _0x27ab0a(0x256), _0x27ab0a(0x1dd), _0x27ab0a(0x1be), _0x27ab0a(0x24e), _0x27ab0a(0x1bc), _0x27ab0a(0x14e), _0x27ab0a(0x17a), _0x27ab0a(0x236), _0x27ab0a(0x19b), 'Type animation', _0x27ab0a(0x139), 'Enable arc in doubletap charge', 'Show in watermark', _0x27ab0a(0x1b8), _0x27ab0a(0x142), _0x27ab0a(0x252), _0x27ab0a(0x11b), _0x27ab0a(0x1ed), _0x27ab0a(0x222), _0x27ab0a(0x207), _0x27ab0a(0x208), _0x27ab0a(0x102), _0x27ab0a(0x18f), _0x27ab0a(0x23e), _0x27ab0a(0x223), 'Fix zoom sensitivity', 'Peneration dot on scope', _0x27ab0a(0x226), _0x27ab0a(0x17c), _0x27ab0a(0x15a), 'kb_x', _0x27ab0a(0x1c0), _0x27ab0a(0x1f7), _0x27ab0a(0x17f), _0x27ab0a(0x1c1), _0x27ab0a(0x202), _0x27ab0a(0x190), _0x27ab0a(0x187), 'Default', _0x27ab0a(0x240), _0x27ab0a(0x137), _0x27ab0a(0x1a2), 'AWP', _0x27ab0a(0x24b), 'R8', _0x27ab0a(0x13a), _0x27ab0a(0x20b), _0x27ab0a(0x108), _0x27ab0a(0x1d8), _0x27ab0a(0x157), _0x27ab0a(0x10e), _0x27ab0a(0xfb), _0x27ab0a(0x1c3), _0x27ab0a(0x155), _0x27ab0a(0x170), _0x27ab0a(0x210), _0x27ab0a(0x13b), _0x27ab0a(0x151), _0x27ab0a(0x141), _0x27ab0a(0x1e5), _0x27ab0a(0x158), _0x27ab0a(0x1f0), _0x27ab0a(0x12b), _0x27ab0a(0x1d3), _0x27ab0a(0x1cf), _0x27ab0a(0x233), _0x27ab0a(0x243), 'Nickname', 'Config name', _0x27ab0a(0x22e), 'IP', _0x27ab0a(0x22a), 'Hours and minutes', 'Seconds', 'Resolver override', _0x27ab0a(0x1e2), 'Dormant aimbot', _0x27ab0a(0x17e), _0x27ab0a(0x1e3), _0x27ab0a(0x185), _0x27ab0a(0x175), _0x27ab0a(0x127), 'Fake duck', 'Slow walk', _0x27ab0a(0x22f), _0x27ab0a(0x182), _0x27ab0a(0x1bf), _0x27ab0a(0x1a5), _0x27ab0a(0x1ff), _0x27ab0a(0x1ce), _0x27ab0a(0x1cd), 'desert eagle', _0x27ab0a(0x254), _0x27ab0a(0x107), _0x27ab0a(0x1f1), _0x27ab0a(0x19c), _0x27ab0a(0x220), _0x27ab0a(0x251), _0x27ab0a(0x122), '+speed', _0x27ab0a(0x11a), _0x27ab0a(0x24c), 'Fake-Lag', _0x27ab0a(0x1b1), _0x27ab0a(0x11e), _0x27ab0a(0x19e), 'm_hGroundEntity', _0x27ab0a(0x1e7), _0x27ab0a(0x1b9), _0x27ab0a(0x133), _0x27ab0a(0x1c6), _0x27ab0a(0x199), _0x27ab0a(0x144), _0x27ab0a(0x16d), 'Disable', _0x27ab0a(0x156), _0x27ab0a(0x16f), _0x27ab0a(0x138), _0x27ab0a(0x216), _0x27ab0a(0x244), 'dthelper', 'Rage Anti-Aim', 'Auto direction', _0x27ab0a(0x136), 'Accuracy', _0x27ab0a(0x246), 'Prefer body aim', _0x27ab0a(0xf9), _0x27ab0a(0x1fd), _0x27ab0a(0x245), 'At targets', _0x27ab0a(0x192), _0x27ab0a(0x165), 'Manual dir', _0x27ab0a(0x23b), _0x27ab0a(0x21e), _0x27ab0a(0x130), 'Pitch', '-use', _0x27ab0a(0x147), _0x27ab0a(0x1d4), _0x27ab0a(0x231), _0x27ab0a(0x118), _0x27ab0a(0x154), _0x27ab0a(0x20e), _0x27ab0a(0x22c), _0x27ab0a(0x232), _0x27ab0a(0x237), 'XOMYAK YAW', _0x27ab0a(0x22d), _0x27ab0a(0x140), 'DT', _0x27ab0a(0x10d), _0x27ab0a(0x201), _0x27ab0a(0x1f5), _0x27ab0a(0x10b), _0x27ab0a(0x178), _0x27ab0a(0x106), _0x27ab0a(0x221), _0x27ab0a(0x224), _0x27ab0a(0x1d1), _0x27ab0a(0x1e0), _0x27ab0a(0x12f), _0x27ab0a(0x129), _0x27ab0a(0x1f2), ' in the ', _0x27ab0a(0x1bb), _0x27ab0a(0x1a6), _0x27ab0a(0x1d5), ' damage (', _0x27ab0a(0x100), ' remaining)', _0x27ab0a(0x121), _0x27ab0a(0x18b), _0x27ab0a(0x1a3), ' ', ' (', ')', _0x27ab0a(0x1d6), 'CBaseEntity', _0x27ab0a(0x168), _0x27ab0a(0x1b6), _0x27ab0a(0x117), _0x27ab0a(0x1f9), _0x27ab0a(0x11c), 'assaultsuit', 'kevlar + helmet', 'incgrenade', _0x27ab0a(0x1c2), _0x27ab0a(0x134), _0x27ab0a(0x114), _0x27ab0a(0x234), _0x27ab0a(0x163), _0x27ab0a(0x1a1), _0x27ab0a(0x1f6), '<', '>', _0x27ab0a(0x198), _0x27ab0a(0x14b), _0x27ab0a(0x253), 'kb', _0x27ab0a(0x104), _0x27ab0a(0x21d), 'getHours', _0x27ab0a(0x197), _0x27ab0a(0x1a0), '0', ':', _0x27ab0a(0x1d2), ' | delay: ', _0x27ab0a(0x20a), _0x27ab0a(0x20c), 'ms', 'tick', 'FL:     ', _0x27ab0a(0x212), '1', _0x27ab0a(0x20f), 'toFixed', _0x27ab0a(0x218), '      ', 'FAKE (', 'info', _0x27ab0a(0xfc), 'hz', _0x27ab0a(0x21a), 'IO |', 'pop', _0x27ab0a(0x24a), 'ceil', 'WORLD', _0x27ab0a(0x112), _0x27ab0a(0x1b5), _0x27ab0a(0x1ea), _0x27ab0a(0x15d), 'fixsens', _0x27ab0a(0x1e4), _0x27ab0a(0x230), _0x27ab0a(0x1af), _0x27ab0a(0x1c8), _0x27ab0a(0x10c), 'viewmodel', _0x27ab0a(0x1ef), 'Turn speed', _0x27ab0a(0x20d), _0x27ab0a(0x1ac), _0x27ab0a(0x195), _0x27ab0a(0x1c9), 'Miscellaneous', _0x27ab0a(0x179), _0x27ab0a(0x11d), _0x27ab0a(0x11f), _0x27ab0a(0x164), 'x', 'y', 'z', _0x27ab0a(0x153), _0x27ab0a(0x149), _0x27ab0a(0x1da), 'BombPlantedScopelines', 'bomb_defused', _0x27ab0a(0x1ba), _0x27ab0a(0x1e8), _0x27ab0a(0x111), _0x27ab0a(0x16e), _0x27ab0a(0x1e6), _0x27ab0a(0x247), 'PlayerHurt', _0x27ab0a(0x229), _0x27ab0a(0x1ad), 'exit_bombzone', 'BombFalse', _0x27ab0a(0x16a), _0x27ab0a(0x125), _0x27ab0a(0x1a9), _0x27ab0a(0x143), _0x27ab0a(0x21c), _0x27ab0a(0x23c), _0x27ab0a(0x13e), _0x27ab0a(0x18e), _0x27ab0a(0x242), _0x27ab0a(0x116), _0x27ab0a(0x24f), _0x27ab0a(0x1aa), _0x27ab0a(0x14d), 'PlayerConnectFull'],
    _0x4e61f7 = {};
_0x4e61f7.name = _0xad6d[0x0], _0x4e61f7[_0x27ab0a(0x206)] = _0xad6d[0x1], _0x4e61f7[_0x27ab0a(0x1c7)] = _0xad6d[0x2];
var info = _0x4e61f7;

function _0x23cf(_0x564f18, _0x5a65cf) {
    return _0x23cf = function(_0x3390a8, _0x21b0a8) {
        _0x3390a8 = _0x3390a8 - 0xf8;
        var _0x291cba = _0x4b26[_0x3390a8];
        return _0x291cba;
    }, _0x23cf(_0x564f18, _0x5a65cf);
Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xff, 0xa8, 0x5, 0xff], _0xad6d[0x3] + _0xad6d[0x4]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xff, 0xa8, 0x5, 0xff], _0xad6d[0x5] + _0xad6d[0x4]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xff, 0xa8, 0x5, 0xff], _0xad6d[0x6] + _0xad6d[0x4]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xff, 0xa8, 0x5, 0xff], _0xad6d[0x7] + _0xad6d[0x4]), Cheat.PrintColor([0xff, 0xa8, 0x5, 0xff], _0xad6d[0x8] + _0xad6d[0x4]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xff, 0xa8, 0x5, 0xff], _0xad6d[0x9] + _0xad6d[0x4]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xad, 0xd1, 0xf, 0xff], _0xad6d[0xa] + Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x228)]() + _0xad6d[0xb]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xbf, 0xf, 0xf, 0xff], _0xad6d[0xc]), Cheat.PrintColor([0xdc, 0xdc, 0xdc, 0xff], _0xad6d[0xd]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xbf, 0xf, 0xf, 0xff], _0xad6d[0xe]), Cheat.PrintColor([0xdc, 0xdc, 0xdc, 0xff], _0xad6d[0xf]);
var _0x3eed7f = {};
_0x3eed7f[_0x27ab0a(0x1a7)] = function(_0x4d91be, _0x5ed09d, _0x5145a5) {
    var _0x57fe44 = 0x1 << _0x5ed09d;
    return _0x5145a5 ? _0x4d91be | _0x57fe44 : _0x4d91be & ~_0x57fe44;
const CRender = {
        'Russificator': function(_0x1ec459) {
            var _0x2efdca = _0xad6d[0x10],
                _0x5386e2 = _0xad6d[0x11],
                _0x4157d0 = [];
            for (var _0x2c704b in _0x2efdca) {
                _0x4157d0[_0x2efdca[_0x2c704b]] = _0xad6d[0x12];
            for (var _0x10bd1b in _0x1ec459) {
                var _0x4a81d5 = _0x1ec459[_0xad6d[0x13]](_0x10bd1b);
                _0x5386e2 += _0x4157d0[_0x4a81d5] || _0x4a81d5;
            return _0x5386e2;
        'ShadowText': function(_0x2e4a06, _0x1dc179, _0x20d3f0, _0x117047, _0x13f52b, _0x4a5e66, _0x47ba69) {
            var _0x21c43f = _0x27ab0a;
            Render[_0x21c43f(0x1cb)](_0x2e4a06 + 0x1, _0x1dc179 + 0x1, _0x20d3f0, _0x117047, _0x4a5e66, _0x47ba69), Render[_0x21c43f(0x1cb)](_0x2e4a06, _0x1dc179, _0x20d3f0, _0x117047, _0x13f52b, _0x47ba69);
        'AdaptiveText': function(_0x59857d, _0x54f3a9, _0x53cb7a, _0x21a9b1, _0x854cc9, _0x269264) {
            var _0x36e0e1 = _0x27ab0a;
            Render[_0x36e0e1(0x1cb)](_0x59857d - Render[_0x36e0e1(0x17d)](_0x21a9b1, _0x269264)[0x0] / 0x2, _0x54f3a9, _0x53cb7a, _0x21a9b1, _0x854cc9, _0x269264);
        'AdaptiveShadowText': function(_0x4eb7be, _0x1fb19f, _0x157fe1, _0x5262e7, _0x3169d0, _0x1f9ae4, _0x27c7b3) {
            var _0x52a102 = _0x27ab0a;
            CRender[_0x52a102(0x214)](_0x4eb7be - Render[_0x52a102(0x17d)](_0x5262e7, _0x27c7b3)[0x0] / 0x2, _0x1fb19f, _0x157fe1, _0x5262e7, _0x3169d0, _0x1f9ae4, _0x27c7b3);
        'HSV2RGB': function(_0x27233b, _0x3dd752, _0x38d765) {
            var _0x1ebd9b, _0x240b2c, _0x4a9219, _0x4824cf, _0x438b2d, _0x25c76c, _0x1571af, _0x3cf740;
            _0x4824cf = Math[_0xad6d[0x14]](_0x27233b * 0x6), _0x438b2d = _0x27233b * 0x6 - _0x4824cf, _0x25c76c = _0x38d765 * (0x1 - _0x3dd752), _0x1571af = _0x38d765 * (0x1 - _0x438b2d * _0x3dd752), _0x3cf740 = _0x38d765 * (0x1 - (0x1 - _0x438b2d) * _0x3dd752);
            switch (_0x4824cf % 0x6) {
                case 0x0:
                    _0x1ebd9b = _0x38d765, _0x240b2c = _0x3cf740, _0x4a9219 = _0x25c76c;
                case 0x1:
                    _0x1ebd9b = _0x1571af, _0x240b2c = _0x38d765, _0x4a9219 = _0x25c76c;
                case 0x2:
                    _0x1ebd9b = _0x25c76c, _0x240b2c = _0x38d765, _0x4a9219 = _0x3cf740;
                case 0x3:
                    _0x1ebd9b = _0x25c76c, _0x240b2c = _0x1571af, _0x4a9219 = _0x38d765;
                case 0x4:
                    _0x1ebd9b = _0x3cf740, _0x240b2c = _0x25c76c, _0x4a9219 = _0x38d765;
                case 0x5:
                    _0x1ebd9b = _0x38d765, _0x240b2c = _0x25c76c, _0x4a9219 = _0x1571af;
            var _0x27f87d = {};
            return _0x27f87d.r = Math[_0xad6d[0x15]](_0x1ebd9b * 0xff), _0x27f87d.g = Math[_0xad6d[0x15]](_0x240b2c * 0xff), _0x27f87d.b = Math[_0xad6d[0x15]](_0x4a9219 * 0xff), _0x27f87d;
        'FilledRect': function(_0x5881d0, _0x383bff, _0xc16b1c, _0x571698, _0x52acd5) {
            var _0x47d51d = _0x27ab0a;
            const _0x578ee0 = UI[_0x47d51d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x16]),
                _0x15c5a4 = UI.GetColor(_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x18]),
                _0xb26450 = UI[_0x47d51d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x19]),
                _0x1faa54 = UI[_0x47d51d(0x241)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x1a]);
            var _0x48bc5b = _0x1faa54[0x3],
                _0x368080 = CRender.HSV2RGB(Global[_0x47d51d(0x1db)]() / 0x4, 0.9, 0x1);
            if (_0x578ee0 != 0x4) {
                Render[_0x47d51d(0x1b7)](_0x5881d0, _0x383bff, _0xc16b1c, _0x571698, [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, _0x48bc5b * _0x52acd5]);
                var _0x15b1d8 = _0x578ee0 == 0x0 ? [_0x15c5a4[0x0], _0x15c5a4[0x1], _0x15c5a4[0x2], 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x1 ? [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x2 ? [_0x15c5a4[0x0], _0x15c5a4[0x1], _0x15c5a4[0x2], 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x3 ? [0x0, 0xd5, 0xff, 0xff * _0x52acd5] : [_0xb26450 == 0x0 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1b]] : _0xb26450 == 0x1 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1c]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1b]], _0xb26450 == 0x0 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1c]] : _0xb26450 == 0x1 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1d]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1c]], _0xb26450 == 0x0 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1d]] : _0xb26450 == 0x1 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1b]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1d]], 0xff * _0x52acd5],
                    _0x49c28c = _0x578ee0 == 0x0 ? [_0x15c5a4[0x0], _0x15c5a4[0x1], _0x15c5a4[0x2], 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x1 ? [_0x15c5a4[0x0], _0x15c5a4[0x1], _0x15c5a4[0x2], 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x2 ? [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x3 ? [0xcc, 0x12, 0xcc, 0xff * _0x52acd5] : [_0xb26450 == 0x2 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1b]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1d]], _0xb26450 == 0x2 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1c]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1b]], _0xb26450 == 0x2 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1d]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1c]], 0xff * _0x52acd5],
                    _0x12ebbf = _0x578ee0 == 0x0 ? [_0x15c5a4[0x0], _0x15c5a4[0x1], _0x15c5a4[0x2], 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x1 ? [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x2 ? [_0x15c5a4[0x0], _0x15c5a4[0x1], _0x15c5a4[0x2], 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x3 ? [0xff, 0xfa, 0x0, 0xff * _0x52acd5] : [_0xb26450 == 0x0 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1c]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1b]], _0xb26450 == 0x0 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1d]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1c]], _0xb26450 == 0x0 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1b]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1d]], 0xff * _0x52acd5];
                Render[_0x47d51d(0x188)](_0x5881d0, _0x383bff - 0x2, _0xc16b1c / 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, _0x15b1d8, _0x49c28c), Render[_0x47d51d(0x188)](_0x5881d0 + _0xc16b1c / 0x2, _0x383bff - 0x2, _0xc16b1c / 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, _0x49c28c, _0x12ebbf);
            } else Render[_0x47d51d(0x1b7)](_0x5881d0, _0x383bff - 0x2, _0xc16b1c, _0x571698 + 0x2, [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, _0x48bc5b * _0x52acd5]), Render.GradientRect(_0x5881d0 + 0x1, _0x383bff - 0x1, _0xc16b1c / 0x2 - 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, [0x0, 0xd5, 0xff, 0xff * _0x52acd5], [0xcc, 0x12, 0xcc, 0xff * _0x52acd5]), Render[_0x47d51d(0x188)](_0x5881d0 + _0xc16b1c / 0x2, _0x383bff - 0x1, _0xc16b1c / 0x2 - 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, [0xcc, 0x12, 0xcc, 0xff * _0x52acd5], [0xff, 0xfa, 0x0, 0xff * _0x52acd5]);
        'Arc': function(_0x1d040f, _0x58e805, _0x58a25a, _0x3a5ba4, _0x121bfa, _0x27bf09, _0x5166c3) {
            var _0x7f0e25 = _0x27ab0a;
            for (var _0x49b812 = _0x121bfa; _0x49b812 < _0x121bfa + _0x27bf09; _0x49b812++) {
                const _0x358364 = _0x49b812 * Math[_0xad6d[0x1e]] / 0xb4;
                Render[_0x7f0e25(0x235)](_0x1d040f + Math[_0xad6d[0x1f]](_0x358364) * _0x58a25a, _0x58e805 + Math[_0xad6d[0x20]](_0x358364) * _0x58a25a, _0x1d040f + Math[_0xad6d[0x1f]](_0x358364) * _0x3a5ba4, _0x58e805 + Math[_0xad6d[0x20]](_0x358364) * _0x3a5ba4, _0x5166c3);
        'Drag': function(_0x709b40, _0x2496e3, _0x1f4f4b, _0x4673a1, _0x1e902b, _0x56380b) {
            var _0x31f870 = _0x27ab0a,
                _0x3de3dd = Global[_0x31f870(0x1f4)]();
            _0x3de3dd[0x0] >= _0x709b40 && _0x3de3dd[0x0] <= _0x709b40 + _0x1f4f4b && _0x3de3dd[0x1] >= _0x2496e3 && _0x3de3dd[0x1] <= _0x2496e3 + _0x4673a1 && (Global.IsKeyPressed(0x1) && _0x56380b[0x0] == 0x0 && (_0x56380b[0x0] = 0x1, _0x56380b[0x1] = _0x709b40 - _0x3de3dd[0x0], _0x56380b[0x2] = _0x2496e3 - _0x3de3dd[0x1])), !Global[_0x31f870(0x1b0)](0x1) && (_0x56380b[0x0] = 0x0), _0x56380b[0x0] == 0x1 && UI.IsMenuOpen() && (UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x17], _0x1e902b + _0xad6d[0x21], _0x3de3dd[0x0] + _0x56380b[0x1]), UI[_0x31f870(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0x1e902b + _0xad6d[0x22], _0x3de3dd[0x1] + _0x56380b[0x2]));
    Anim = {
        'Clamp': function(_0x263d6d, _0x2bcf05, _0x3723dd) {
            return Math[_0xad6d[0x24]](Math[_0xad6d[0x23]](_0x263d6d, _0x2bcf05), _0x3723dd);
        'Lerp': function(_0x5d8733, _0x5d5bfb, _0x23fc6e) {
            return _0x5d8733 * (0x1 - _0x23fc6e) + _0x5d5bfb * _0x23fc6e;
    CUI = _0x3eed7f,
    MenuVisible = function() {
        var _0x1ca7ec = _0x27ab0a,
            _0x1c454b = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x25]),
            _0x5d57f0 = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x26]),
            _0x30c8e5 = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x27]),
            _0x4d3df8 = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x28]);
        rage = _0x1c454b == 0x0 && _0x5d57f0 == 0x0, antiaim = _0x1c454b == 0x0 && _0x5d57f0 == 0x1, visual = _0x1c454b == 0x1 && _0x30c8e5 == 0x0, colors = _0x1c454b == 0x1 && _0x30c8e5 == 0x1, changers = _0x1c454b == 0x1 && _0x30c8e5 == 0x2, helpers = _0x1c454b == 0x2 && _0x4d3df8 == 0x0, hotkeys = _0x1c454b == 0x2 && _0x4d3df8 == 0x1, other = _0x1c454b == 0x2 && _0x4d3df8 == 0x2;
        const _0x1effa0 = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x29]),
            _0x5c67a9 = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2a]),
            _0x2fb2f8 = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2b]),
            _0x2792cc = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2c]),
            _0x1dc209 = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2d]),
            _0x926299 = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2e]),
            _0x1e53ea = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x16]),
            _0x2f2236 = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2f]),
            _0x52065a = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x30]),
            _0x5c0575 = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x31]),
            _0x33737a = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x32]),
            _0x465f7b = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x33]);
        UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x26], _0x1c454b == 0x0), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x29], rage), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x34], rage && _0x1effa0 == 0x1), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x35], rage && _0x1effa0 == 0x2), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x36], rage && _0x1effa0 == 0x3), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x37], rage && _0x1effa0 == 0x4), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x38], rage && _0x1effa0 == 0x5), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x39], rage && _0x1effa0 == 0x6), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x3a], rage), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x2a], rage), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x2b], rage && _0x5c67a9), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x3b], rage && _0x5c67a9 && _0x2fb2f8 == 0x1), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x3c], rage && _0x5c67a9 && _0x2fb2f8 == 0x2), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x3d], rage), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x3e], rage), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x3f], rage), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x40], rage), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x2c], antiaim), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x41], antiaim && _0x2792cc), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x42], antiaim && _0x2792cc), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x43], antiaim), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x44], antiaim), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x2d], antiaim), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x27], _0x1c454b == 0x1), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x2e], visual), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x16], visual && _0x926299), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x19], visual && _0x1e53ea == 0x5), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x2f], visual), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x45], visual && _0x2f2236), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x46], visual), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x30], visual), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x31], visual && _0x52065a), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x47], visual && _0x52065a && !_0x5c0575), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x48], visual && _0x52065a && !_0x5c0575), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x49], colors), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x18], colors && _0x926299), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x1a], colors && _0x926299), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x4a], colors && _0x2f2236), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x4b], colors && _0x52065a), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x4c], colors && _0x52065a), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x4d], changers && (_0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x0 || _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x2)), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x32], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x0), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x4e], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x0 && _0x33737a), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x4f], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x0), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x50], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x3), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x51], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x3), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x52], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x3), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x53], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x4), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x54], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x5), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x55], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x2), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x56], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x2), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x28], _0x1c454b == 0x2), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x57], helpers), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x58], hotkeys), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x59], hotkeys), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x5a], hotkeys && _0x1dc209), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x5b], hotkeys && _0x1dc209), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x5c], hotkeys && _0x1dc209), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x5d], other), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x5e], other), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x5f], other), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x60], other), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x33], other), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x61], other && _0x465f7b), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x62], true), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x63], true);
var screen = Global[_0x27ab0a(0x200)]();
UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x25], [_0xad6d[0x64], _0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x66]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x26], [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x68]]), UI.AddDropdown(_0xad6d[0x29], [_0xad6d[0x69], _0xad6d[0x6a], _0xad6d[0x6b], _0xad6d[0x6c], _0xad6d[0x6d], _0xad6d[0x6e], _0xad6d[0x6f]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x34], 0x0, 0x82), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x35], 0x0, 0x82), UI.AddSliderInt(_0xad6d[0x36], 0x0, 0x82), UI.AddSliderInt(_0xad6d[0x37], 0x0, 0x82), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x38], 0x0, 0x82), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x39], 0x0, 0x82), UI.AddCheckbox(_0xad6d[0x3a]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x2a]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x2b], [_0xad6d[0x69], _0xad6d[0x70], _0xad6d[0x6d]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x3b], 0x1, 0x64), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x3c], 0x1, 0x64), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x3d]), UI.AddCheckbox(_0xad6d[0x3e]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x3f]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x177)](_0xad6d[0x40], [_0xad6d[0x71], _0xad6d[0x72], _0xad6d[0x73], _0xad6d[0x74]]), UI.AddCheckbox(_0xad6d[0x2c]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x41], -0x32, 0x0), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x42], 0x0, 0x32), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x43]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x44]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x2d]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x27], [_0xad6d[0x75], _0xad6d[0x76], _0xad6d[0x77]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x177)](_0xad6d[0x2e], [_0xad6d[0x78], _0xad6d[0x79], _0xad6d[0x7a], _0xad6d[0x7b], _0xad6d[0x7c], _0xad6d[0x7d]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x16], [_0xad6d[0x7e], _0xad6d[0x7f], _0xad6d[0x80], _0xad6d[0x81], _0xad6d[0x82], _0xad6d[0x83]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x19], [_0xad6d[0x84], _0xad6d[0x85], _0xad6d[0x7e]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x2f]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x1d7)](_0xad6d[0x45], 0x1, 0xa), UI.AddCheckbox(_0xad6d[0x46]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x30]), UI.AddCheckbox(_0xad6d[0x31]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x47], 0x1, 0x12c), UI.AddSliderInt(_0xad6d[0x48], 0x0, 0x32), UI.AddColorPicker(_0xad6d[0x49]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x205)](_0xad6d[0x18]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x205)](_0xad6d[0x1a]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x205)](_0xad6d[0x4a]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x205)](_0xad6d[0x4b]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x205)](_0xad6d[0x4c]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x4d], [_0xad6d[0x82], _0xad6d[0x86]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x32]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x13c)](_0xad6d[0x4e]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x4f]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x177)](_0xad6d[0x50], [_0xad6d[0x87], _0xad6d[0x88], _0xad6d[0x89], _0xad6d[0x8a], _0xad6d[0x8b], _0xad6d[0x8c], _0xad6d[0x8d]]), UI.AddTextbox(_0xad6d[0x51]), UI.AddTextbox(_0xad6d[0x52]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x53]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x54], 0x3c, 0x168), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x177)](_0xad6d[0x55], [_0xad6d[0x8e], _0xad6d[0x8f], _0xad6d[0x90], _0xad6d[0x91], _0xad6d[0x92], _0xad6d[0x93], _0xad6d[0x94], _0xad6d[0x95], _0xad6d[0x96], _0xad6d[0x97], _0xad6d[0x98], _0xad6d[0x99]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x56]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x28], [_0xad6d[0x9a], _0xad6d[0x9b], _0xad6d[0x9c]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x57]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0xfa)](_0xad6d[0x58]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0xfa)](_0xad6d[0x59]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0xfa)](_0xad6d[0x5a]), UI.AddHotkey(_0xad6d[0x5b]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0xfa)](_0xad6d[0x5c]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x5d]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x5e]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x5f]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x60]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x33]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x1d7)](_0xad6d[0x61], 0.2, 0x3), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x62], 0x0, Render[_0x27ab0a(0x200)]()[0x0]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x63], 0x0, Render.GetScreenSize()[0x1]);
var manuals = [
            [_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x5a]], -0x5a, true, [true, true, true]
            [_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x5b]], 0x0, true, [true, true, true]
            [_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x5c]], 0x5a, true, [true, true, true]
        [0x0, 0x0, true]
    _0x16778a = {};
_0x16778a.confilter = 0x0, _0x16778a[_0x27ab0a(0x148)] = 0x0;
var not_spam = _0x16778a,
    _0x352e54 = {};
_0x352e54[_0x27ab0a(0x1ac)] = true, _0x352e54[_0x27ab0a(0x1c9)] = true, _0x352e54[_0x27ab0a(0xf9)] = true, _0x352e54[_0x27ab0a(0x15c)] = true, _0x352e54[_0x27ab0a(0x24c)] = true, _0x352e54[_0x27ab0a(0x1c5)] = true;
var original = _0x352e54,
    _0x43fa3e = {};
_0x43fa3e.timer = 0x0, _0x43fa3e[_0x27ab0a(0x203)] = 0x0;
var dst = _0x43fa3e,
    _0x2d98c6 = {};
_0x2d98c6[_0x27ab0a(0x12c)] = 0x0, _0x2d98c6[_0x27ab0a(0x231)] = Global.Curtime();
var ms_hz = _0x2d98c6,
    _0x50312c = {};
_0x50312c[_0x27ab0a(0x12c)] = 0x0, _0x50312c[_0x27ab0a(0x231)] = Global[_0x27ab0a(0x23a)](), _0x50312c[_0x27ab0a(0x21a)] = [];
var io = _0x50312c,
    lftimer = Global[_0x27ab0a(0x23a)](),
    shottimer = Global[_0x27ab0a(0x23a)](),
    DAShot = true,
    Restore = true,
    WeaponFire = true,
    draw_scopelines = true;
const Rage = function() {
    const _0x4bad03 = function() {
            var _0x3ea268 = _0x23cf;
            if (!UI[_0x3ea268(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x59])) return;
            var _0x56415b = Entity.GetEnemies(),
                _0x3e4df5 = Entity.GetName(Entity[_0x3ea268(0x213)](Entity[_0x3ea268(0x1fa)]()));
            switch (_0x3e4df5) {
                default: {
                    damage = UI[_0x3ea268(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x34]);
            case _0xad6d[0x9d]:
            case _0xad6d[0x9e]: {
                damage = UI[_0x3ea268(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x35]);
            case _0xad6d[0x9f]: {
                damage = UI[_0x3ea268(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x36]);
            case _0xad6d[0xa0]: {
                damage = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x37]);
            case _0xad6d[0xa1]: {
                damage = UI[_0x3ea268(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x38]);
            case _0xad6d[0xa2]:
            case _0xad6d[0xa3]: {
                damage = UI[_0x3ea268(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x39]);
            for (i = 0x0; i < _0x56415b[_0xad6d[0xa4]]; i++) {
                Entity.IsValid(_0x56415b[i]) && Entity[_0x3ea268(0x249)](_0x56415b[i]) && !Entity[_0x3ea268(0x10f)](_0x56415b[i]) && Ragebot[_0x3ea268(0x24d)](_0x56415b[i], damage);
        _0x30076f = function(_0x26684d, _0x1e9b64) {
            return x = _0x1e9b64[0x0] - _0x26684d[0x0], z = _0x1e9b64[0x1] - _0x26684d[0x1], y = _0x26684d[0x2] - _0x1e9b64[0x2], [Math[_0xad6d[0xa5]](z, x) * 0xb4 / Math[_0xad6d[0x1e]], Math[_0xad6d[0xa5]](y, Math[_0xad6d[0xa6]](x * x + z * z)) * 0xb4 / Math[_0xad6d[0x1e]]];
        _0x2766d3 = function() {
            var _0x57e785 = _0x23cf;
            if (!UI[_0x57e785(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x58])) return;
            enemies = Entity[_0x57e785(0x255)]();
            for (i = 0x0; i < enemies[_0xad6d[0xa4]]; i++) {
                if (Entity[_0x57e785(0x249)](enemies[i]) && Entity.IsDormant(enemies[i])) {
                    var _0x19b894 = Entity.GetHitboxPosition(Entity[_0x57e785(0x1fa)](), 0x0),
                        _0x4fc976 = Entity[_0x57e785(0x211)](enemies[i]);
                    _0x4fc976[0x2] = _0x4fc976[0x2] + 0x26;
                    var _0x4ad9d2 = Trace[_0x57e785(0x1ec)](Entity[_0x57e785(0x1fa)](), enemies[i], _0x19b894, _0x4fc976);
                    if (_0x4ad9d2[0x1] > 0x0) {
                        var _0x105424 = _0x30076f(_0x19b894, _0x4fc976),
                            _0x42d531 = _0x105424[0x0],
                            _0x1c31a1 = _0x105424[0x1];
                        Local.GetInaccuracy() < 0.008 && (UserCMD[_0x57e785(0x15b)]([_0x1c31a1, _0x42d531, 0x0]), Cheat[_0x57e785(0x189)](_0xad6d[0xa7]), Cheat[_0x57e785(0x189)](_0xad6d[0xa8]), DAShot = true);
        _0x33a86c = function() {
            var _0x372a71 = _0x23cf;
            if (UI[_0x372a71(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x3a])) {
                var _0x4d5587 = Entity[_0x372a71(0x1fc)](Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
                _0x4d5587 == _0xad6d[0x9d] || _0x4d5587 == _0xad6d[0x9e] ? (original[_0xad6d[0xa9]] && (OldFakelag = UI[_0x372a71(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xab]), OldLimitFakelag = UI[_0x372a71(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xac]), original[_0xad6d[0xa9]] = true), UI[_0x372a71(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xab], 0x0), UI[_0x372a71(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xac], 0x0)) : !original[_0xad6d[0xa9]] && (UI[_0x372a71(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xab], OldFakelag), UI[_0x372a71(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xac], OldLimitFakelag), original[_0xad6d[0xa9]] = true);
            } else !original[_0xad6d[0xa9]] && (UI[_0x372a71(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xab], OldFakelag), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xac], OldLimitFakelag), original[_0xad6d[0xa9]] = true);
        _0x241112 = function() {
            var _0x59ee41 = _0x23cf;
            if (UI[_0x59ee41(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2a])) {
                var _0x2660dd = Entity.GetEnemies(),
                    _0x605b6c = Entity[_0x59ee41(0x1fc)](Entity[_0x59ee41(0x213)](Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
                for (i = 0x0; i < _0x2660dd[_0xad6d[0xa4]]; i++) {
                    if (!Entity[_0x59ee41(0x219)](_0x2660dd[i]) && !Entity.IsAlive(_0x2660dd[i])) continue;
                    Entity.GetProp(Entity[_0x59ee41(0x1fa)](), _0xad6d[0xad], _0xad6d[0xae]) && ((_0x605b6c == _0xad6d[0x9d] || _0x605b6c == _0xad6d[0x9e]) && Ragebot[_0x59ee41(0x18d)](_0x2660dd[i], UI[_0x59ee41(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xaf], _0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x3b])), _0x605b6c == _0xad6d[0xa0] && Ragebot[_0x59ee41(0x18d)](_0x2660dd[i], UI[_0x59ee41(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xaf], _0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x3c])));
        _0x207b5e = function(_0x1785d0) {
            var _0x24b81f = _0x23cf;
            local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
            var _0x4bda08 = Entity.GetWeapon(local);
            if (local == null || _0x4bda08 == null) return true;
            var _0x129ea7 = Entity[_0x24b81f(0x105)](local, _0xad6d[0xb0], _0xad6d[0xb1]),
                _0x4f6287 = Globals[_0x24b81f(0x1dc)]() * (_0x129ea7 - _0x1785d0);
            if (_0x4f6287 < Entity[_0x24b81f(0x105)](local, _0xad6d[0xb0], _0xad6d[0xb2])) return true;
            if (_0x4f6287 < Entity[_0x24b81f(0x105)](_0x4bda08, _0xad6d[0xb3], _0xad6d[0xb4])) return true;
            return true;
        _0x4ccfd4 = function() {
            var _0x424944 = _0x23cf,
                _0x35a905 = Entity.GetName(Entity[_0x424944(0x213)](Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
            if (!UI[_0x424944(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x3e]) || (_0x35a905 == _0xad6d[0x9d] || _0x35a905 == _0xad6d[0x9e])) {
            var _0x4fe45f = Exploit[_0x424944(0x181)]();
            Exploit[(_0x4fe45f != 0x1 ? _0xad6d[0xb5] : _0xad6d[0xb6]) + _0xad6d[0xb7]](), _0x207b5e(0xa) && _0x4fe45f != 0x1 && (Exploit.DisableRecharge(), Exploit.Recharge());
        _0x1e9740 = function() {
            var _0x1a7612 = _0x23cf;
            UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x3d]) && (weapon = Entity[_0x1a7612(0x1fc)](Entity.GetWeapon(Entity[_0x1a7612(0x1fa)]())), legitaa = UI[_0x1a7612(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x44]) && Input.IsKeyPressed(0x45), doubletap = UI[_0x1a7612(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xb9], _0xad6d[0xba]), hideshots = UI[_0x1a7612(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xb9], _0xad6d[0x91]), autopeek = UI[_0x1a7612(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0x98]), active = doubletap && autopeek, active && (weapon == _0xad6d[0xa0] || weapon == _0xad6d[0xa1]) ? (original[_0xad6d[0xbc]] && (autodirection_cache = UI[_0x1a7612(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xbe]), scoutpsp_cache = UI[_0x1a7612(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xbf], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc1]), awppbaim_cache = UI[_0x1a7612(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x6e], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc2]), awppsp_cache = UI[_0x1a7612(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x6e], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc1]), original[_0xad6d[0xbc]] = true), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xbe], legitaa ? ![] : true), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xbf], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc1], true), UI[_0x1a7612(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x6e], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc2], true), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x6e], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc1], true)) : !original[_0xad6d[0xbc]] && (UI[_0x1a7612(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xbe], autodirection_cache), UI[_0x1a7612(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xbf], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc1], scoutpsp_cache), UI[_0x1a7612(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x6e], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc2], awppbaim_cache), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x6e], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc1], awppsp_cache), original[_0xad6d[0xbc]] = true));
        _0x24e530 = function() {
            var _0x457667 = _0x23cf;
            const _0x391560 = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x44]) && Input.IsKeyPressed(0x45),
                _0x261e82 = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2c]);
            _0x391560 ? !Restore && (original[_0xad6d[0xc3]] && (AntiUntrusted_Cache = UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xc4], _0xad6d[0xc5]), AtTargets_Cache = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc6]), AutoDir_Cache = UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xbe]), YawOffset_Cache = UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7]), Mouse_Cache = UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc8]), Manual_Cache = UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc9]), FakeDsc_Cache = UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0xcb]), Pitch_Cache = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xcc], _0xad6d[0xcd]), original[_0xad6d[0xc3]] = true), Cheat[_0x457667(0x189)](_0xad6d[0xce]), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xc4], _0xad6d[0xc5], 0x0), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc6], true), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xbe], true), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7], 0xb4), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc8], true), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc9], true), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0xcb], true), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xcc], _0xad6d[0xcd], 0x0), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1a8)](0x1), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1cc)](UI[_0x457667(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0x95]) ? -0x3c : 0x3c), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1ab)](UI[_0x457667(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0x95]) ? 0x3c : -0x3c), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x12d)](0x0)) : !original[_0xad6d[0xc3]] && (UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xc4], _0xad6d[0xc5], AntiUntrusted_Cache), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc6], AtTargets_Cache), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xbe], AutoDir_Cache), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7], YawOffset_Cache), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc8], Mouse_Cache), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc9], Manual_Cache), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0xcb], FakeDsc_Cache), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xcc], _0xad6d[0xcd], Pitch_Cache), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1a8)](0x0), original[_0xad6d[0xc3]] = true);
            _0x261e82 && UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xcc], _0xad6d[0x97]) && !_0x391560 ? (AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1a8)](0x1), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1cc)](UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0x95]) ? UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x42]) : UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x41])), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1ab)](0x0), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x12d)](0x0)) : !_0x391560 && AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1a8)](0x0);
            if (UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2d]))
                for (var _0x179e2c = 0x0; _0x179e2c < manuals[_0xad6d[0xa4]] - 0x1; _0x179e2c++) {
                    if (UI[_0xad6d[0xd0]][_0xad6d[0xcf]](null, manuals[_0x179e2c][0x0]) && !manuals[_0x179e2c][0x2]) {
                        manuals[0x3][0x2] = true, manuals[0x3][0x0] = Global[_0x457667(0x16b)](), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7], manuals[_0x179e2c][0x1]), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc6], true);
                        for (var _0x3cd5ee = 0x0; _0x3cd5ee < manuals[_0xad6d[0xa4]] - 0x1; _0x3cd5ee++) {
                            manuals[_0x3cd5ee][0x2] = manuals[_0x3cd5ee][0x3][_0x179e2c];
                    } else UI[_0xad6d[0xd0]][_0xad6d[0xcf]](null, manuals[_0x179e2c][0x0]) && manuals[_0x179e2c][0x2] && Global[_0x457667(0x16b)]() > manuals[0x3][0x0] + 0xc && !_0x391560 && (manuals[0x3][0x1] = Global[_0x457667(0x16b)](), manuals[0x3][0x2] = true);
                    if (manuals[0x3][0x2]) {
                        if (Global[_0x457667(0x16b)]() > manuals[0x3][0x1] + 0.1) {
                            manuals[0x3][0x2] = Global[_0x457667(0x16b)]();
                            for (var _0x568d95 = 0x0; _0x568d95 < 0x3; _0x568d95++) {
                                manuals[_0x568d95][0x2] = true;
                        }!_0x391560 && (UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7], -0x6), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc6], true));
        _0x4a564d = function() {
            var _0x5d4a0e = _0x23cf,
                _0x4a0973 = Entity[_0x5d4a0e(0x167)](0x61)[0x0];
            if (_0x4a0973) {
                function _0x21c362(_0x6c113c, _0x32c808) {
                    var _0x1418ef = _0x6c113c[0x0] - _0x32c808[0x0],
                        _0x7b2403 = _0x6c113c[0x1] - _0x32c808[0x1],
                        _0x3935c4 = _0x6c113c[0x2] - _0x32c808[0x2];
                    return Math[_0xad6d[0xa6]](_0x1418ef * * 0x2 + _0x7b2403 * * 0x2 + _0x3935c4 * * 0x2);
                var _0x4b6836 = Entity[_0x5d4a0e(0x211)](_0x4a0973),
                    _0x4c9b80 = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(Entity[_0x5d4a0e(0x1fa)]());
                distance = _0x21c362(_0x4b6836, _0x4c9b80), Restore = true, distance <= 0x3d && distance >= 0x17 && (Restore = true);
        _0x5474c0 = function() {
            var _0x489197 = _0x23cf,
                _0x33b0a8 = Entity[_0x489197(0x105)](Entity[_0x489197(0x1fa)](), _0xad6d[0xad], _0xad6d[0xae]);
            actual_pos = Entity[_0x489197(0x211)](Entity[_0x489197(0x1fa)]())[0x2], !_0x33b0a8 ? (dst[_0xad6d[0xd1]] = Anim[_0x489197(0x174)](dst[_0xad6d[0xd1]] - 0.5, 0x0, 0x1), saved_pos = Entity[_0x489197(0x211)](Entity.GetLocalPlayer())[0x2], dst[_0xad6d[0xd2]] = 0x0) : dst[_0xad6d[0xd1]] = 0x1, dst[_0xad6d[0xd2]] = Math[_0xad6d[0x15]](actual_pos - saved_pos);
        _0x31f84d = function() {
            var _0x5a1b59 = _0x23cf;
            UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x3f]) && (WeaponFire && Global[_0x5a1b59(0x23a)]() - shottimer > 0.55 && (UI.ToggleHotkey(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0x95]), shottimer = Global[_0x5a1b59(0x23a)](), WeaponFire = true));
        _0x50f49b = function() {
            var _0x3c9998 = _0x23cf;
            UI[_0x3c9998(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x43]) && (Global.Tickcount() - lftimer > 0x5 && (!UI[_0x3c9998(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0xd3]) ? UI[_0x3c9998(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0xd3], true) : UI[_0x3c9998(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0xd3], true), lftimer = Global[_0x3c9998(0x16b)]()));
    _0x4bad03(), _0x33a86c(), _0x241112(), _0x4ccfd4(), _0x1e9740(), _0x2766d3(), _0x24e530(), _0x4a564d(), _0x5474c0(), _0x31f84d(), _0x50f49b();
var drag = [
        [0x0, 0x0, 0x0]
    binds = [
            [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x75], _0xad6d[0x8e]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x59]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x58]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0x91]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0xba]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x75], _0xad6d[0xd6]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x75], _0xad6d[0xd7]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0x95]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xcc], _0xad6d[0x96]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xcc], _0xad6d[0x97]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0x98]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0x99]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
    indbinds = [
        [_0xad6d[0xd8], null, 0x1, 0x1, [0x3, 0x84, 0xfc, 0xff], true, 0x0],
        [_0xad6d[0xd9], null, 0x1, 0x1, [0x3, 0x84, 0xfc, 0xff], true, 0x0],
            [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0x91]], 0x0, 0x0, [0xcb, 0xd1, 0x11, 0xff], true, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0xba]], 0x0, 0x0, [0x9b, 0xc7, 0x22, 0xff], true, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x59]], 0x0, 0x0, [0xe1, 0xe1, 0xe1, 0xff], true, 0x0
    animaspect = 0x0,
    cacheaspect = 0x0,
    animwidth = [0x0, 0x0, 0x0],
    arc = 0x0,
    animarc = 0x0,
    valueclr = 0x0,
    arrow_alpha = [0x0, 0x0],
    alpha = [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0],
    anim_y = [0x0, 0x0],
    hits = [],
    dmgi = [],
    logs = [],
    tracers = [],
    draw_scopelines = true;
const hitgroup = function(_0x1dee7f) {
        const _0x20600d = [_0xad6d[0xdd], _0xad6d[0xde], _0xad6d[0xdf], _0xad6d[0xe0], _0xad6d[0xe1], _0xad6d[0xe2], _0xad6d[0xe3], _0xad6d[0xe4], _0xad6d[0x12]];
        return _0x20600d[_0x1dee7f] || _0xad6d[0xe5];
    PlayerHurt = function() {
        const _0x520650 = function() {
            var _0x48931b = _0x23cf;
            if (Entity[_0x48931b(0x249)](Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) && Entity[_0x48931b(0x1fa)]() != null) {
                var _0x2b9bb2 = Entity[_0x48931b(0x110)](Event[_0x48931b(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xe6])),
                    _0x1b3fc6 = Entity[_0x48931b(0x110)](Event[_0x48931b(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xe7])),
                    _0x42947c = Entity[_0x48931b(0x211)](_0x2b9bb2),
                    _0xd47e87 = _0xad6d[0xe8] + Entity[_0x48931b(0x1fc)](_0x2b9bb2) + _0xad6d[0xe9] + hitgroup(Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xea])) + _0xad6d[0xeb] + Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xec]) + _0xad6d[0xed] + Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xee]) + _0xad6d[0xef],
                    _0x49006d = _0xad6d[0xf0] + Entity[_0x48931b(0x1fc)](_0x1b3fc6) + _0xad6d[0xe9] + hitgroup(Event[_0x48931b(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xea])) + _0xad6d[0xeb] + Event[_0x48931b(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xec]) + _0xad6d[0xf1];
                Entity.IsLocalPlayer(_0x1b3fc6) && _0x1b3fc6 != _0x2b9bb2 && (dmgi[_0xad6d[0xf2]]([Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xec]), Event[_0x48931b(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xea]), Global[_0x48931b(0x23a)](), 0x1, 0x0, 0x64, _0x42947c]), hits[_0xad6d[0xf2]]([Entity.GetName(_0x2b9bb2) + _0xad6d[0xf3] + hitgroup(Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xea])) + _0xad6d[0xf3] + Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xec]) + _0xad6d[0xf4] + Event[_0x48931b(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xee]) + _0xad6d[0xf5], 0x0, Global.Curtime(), Event[_0x48931b(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xee])]), UI[_0x48931b(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x40]) & 0x1 << 0x0 && logs[_0xad6d[0xf2]]([_0xd47e87, 0x0, Global[_0x48931b(0x23a)]()])), Entity[_0x48931b(0x215)](_0x2b9bb2) && (UI[_0x48931b(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x40]) & 0x1 << 0x1 && logs[_0xad6d[0xf2]]([_0x49006d, 0x0, Global[_0x48931b(0x23a)]()]));
    OnItemPurchase = function() {
        var _0x46f41c = _0x27ab0a;
        if (UI[_0x46f41c(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x40]) & 0x1 << 0x2) {
            if (Event[_0x46f41c(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xf6]) != Entity[_0x46f41c(0x105)](Entity[_0x46f41c(0x1fa)](), _0xad6d[0xf7], _0xad6d[0xf8])) {
                var _0x3c8ecb = Event[_0x46f41c(0x1d0)](_0xad6d[0xf9]);
                _0x3c8ecb = _0x3c8ecb[_0xad6d[0xfb]](_0xad6d[0xfa], _0xad6d[0x11]), _0x3c8ecb = _0x3c8ecb[_0xad6d[0xfb]](_0xad6d[0xfc], _0xad6d[0x11]), _0x3c8ecb = _0x3c8ecb[_0xad6d[0xfb]](_0xad6d[0xfd], _0xad6d[0xfe]), _0x3c8ecb = _0x3c8ecb[_0xad6d[0xfb]](_0xad6d[0xff], _0xad6d[0x100]);
                if (_0x3c8ecb != _0xad6d[0x101]) {
                    var _0x287a4f = Entity[_0x46f41c(0x1fc)](Entity[_0x46f41c(0x110)](Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xe6]))) + _0xad6d[0x102] + _0x3c8ecb;
                    logs[_0xad6d[0xf2]]([_0x287a4f, 0x0, Global[_0x46f41c(0x23a)]()]);
    Visual = function() {
        var _0x5bc0cb = _0x27ab0a;
        const _0x5ed791 = UI.GetColor(_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x49]),
            _0x1f02d0 = UI.GetColor(_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x1a])[0x3],
            _0x4f0401 = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x4d]);
        var _0x9bbbe1 = Render[_0x5bc0cb(0xfe)](_0xad6d[0x103], 0x7, 0x190),
            _0x14aea0 = Entity[_0x5bc0cb(0x249)](Entity[_0x5bc0cb(0x1fa)]()),
            _0x2bd07e = [0x0, 0x0];
        const _0x5455e3 = function() {
                var _0x319ff9 = _0x5bc0cb;
                const _0x46bb44 = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x44]) && Input[_0x319ff9(0x1b0)](0x45),
                    _0x297b51 = UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2c]) && UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xcc], _0xad6d[0x97]),
                    _0x10ce01 = UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x4f]);
                var _0x3471a = UI[_0x319ff9(0x1d0)](_0xad6d[0x4e]) != _0xad6d[0x11] ? UI.GetString(_0xad6d[0x4e]) : _0xad6d[0xd8],
                    _0x4b7e3d = _0x46bb44 ? _0xad6d[0x104] : _0x297b51 ? _0xad6d[0x105] : _0xad6d[0xd9],
                    _0x31b1cb = Render.AddFont(_0xad6d[0x103], 0x7, 0x190),
                    _0x1e9d6b = Exploit[_0x319ff9(0x181)](),
                    _0x72e57 = 0x1e;
                for (var _0x3ea243 = 0x0; _0x3ea243 < indbinds[_0xad6d[0xa4]] - 0x1; _0x3ea243++) {
                    indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x1] != null && UI[_0xad6d[0xd0]][_0xad6d[0xcf]](null, indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x1]) && UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x0 && _0x14aea0 && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x2] = 0x1, indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x12e)](Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1), 0x1, 0.0095));
                    (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x1] != null && !UI[_0xad6d[0xd0]][_0xad6d[0xcf]](null, indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x1]) || !(UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x0) || !_0x14aea0) && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x12e)](Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1), 0x0, 0.0095), indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] <= 0x0 && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x2] = 0x0));
                    indbinds[0x1][0x0] = _0x4b7e3d, indbinds[0x0][0x0] = _0x3471a, indbinds[0x0][0x4] = _0x5ed791, indbinds[0x1][0x4] = _0x5ed791;
                    indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x0] == _0x3471a && (UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x32]) && UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x0 && _0x14aea0 && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x2] = 0x1, indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1)), (!UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x32]) || !(UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x0) || !_0x14aea0) && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1), indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] <= 0x0 && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x2] = 0x0)));
                    indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x0] == _0x4b7e3d && (UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x0 && _0x14aea0 && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x2] = 0x1, indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] = Anim.Clamp(indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1)), (!(UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x0) || !_0x14aea0) && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] <= 0x0 && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x2] = 0x0)));
                    Exploit[_0x319ff9(0x181)]() >= 0x1 && _0x10ce01 && (animarc = Anim.Clamp(animarc + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)]() / 0xa, 0x0, 0x1));
                    (Exploit[_0x319ff9(0x181)]() < 0x1 || !_0x10ce01) && (animarc = Anim.Clamp(animarc - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals.Frametime() / 0xa, 0x0, 0x1));
                    Exploit.GetCharge() >= 0x1 ? valueclr = Anim.Clamp(valueclr + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)]() / 0xa, 0x0, 1.14) : valueclr = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](valueclr - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals.Frametime() / 0xa, 0x0, 0.86);
                    indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x0] == _0xad6d[0xdb] && (animarc < 0.05 ? indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x6] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x6] - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1) : indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x6] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x6] + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1));
                    indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x0] == _0xad6d[0xdb] && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x4] = [0x9e, 0xc7 * valueclr, 0x14, 0xff]);
                    var _0x5571f3 = indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x0],
                        _0x44fb40 = indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x2],
                        _0x2ac636 = indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3],
                        _0x40f92 = indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x4],
                        _0x37a3a9 = indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x6];
                    _0x72e57 += 0xa * (_0x4f0401 == 0x0 ? _0x44fb40 : _0x2ac636), y = _0x72e57 - 0xa * (_0x4f0401 == 0x0 ? _0x44fb40 : _0x2ac636), indbinds[indbinds[_0xad6d[0xa4]] - 0x1] = _0x72e57, _0x2ac636 > 0x0 && (CRender[_0x319ff9(0x214)](screen[0x0] / 0x2 + 0x5 * _0x37a3a9, screen[0x1] / 0x2 + y, 0x1, _0x5571f3, [_0x40f92[0x0], _0x40f92[0x1], _0x40f92[0x2], 0xff * _0x2ac636], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x2ac636], _0x31b1cb), animarc > 0x0 && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x5] && CRender[_0x319ff9(0x101)](screen[0x0] / 0x2 - 0xa, screen[0x1] / 0x2 + y + 0x7, 4.3, 4.025, 0x2d, animarc * 0x168, [_0x40f92[0x0], _0x40f92[0x1], _0x40f92[0x2], 0xff * _0x2ac636])));
                var _0x4bab42 = Render[_0x319ff9(0xfe)](_0xad6d[0x106], 0x14, 0x320),
                    _0x1649e1 = 0x2d;
                UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7]) == -0x5a && UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x1 && (arrow_alpha[0x0] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](arrow_alpha[0x0] + 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1)), (UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7]) != -0x5a || !(UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x1)) && (arrow_alpha[0x0] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](arrow_alpha[0x0] - 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1)), UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7]) == 0x5a && UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x1 && (arrow_alpha[0x1] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](arrow_alpha[0x1] + 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1)), (UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7]) != 0x5a || !(UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x1)) && (arrow_alpha[0x1] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](arrow_alpha[0x1] - 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1)), arrow_alpha[0x0] > 0x0 && (Render[_0x319ff9(0x1cb)](screen[0x0] / 0x2 - Render[_0x319ff9(0x17d)](_0xad6d[0x107], _0x4bab42)[0x0] - _0x1649e1 + 0x1, screen[0x1] / 0x2 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0xad6d[0x107], _0x4bab42)[0x1] / 0x2, 0x0, _0xad6d[0x107], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x96 * arrow_alpha[0x0]], _0x4bab42), Render[_0x319ff9(0x1cb)](screen[0x0] / 0x2 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0xad6d[0x107], _0x4bab42)[0x0] - _0x1649e1, screen[0x1] / 0x2 - Render[_0x319ff9(0x17d)](_0xad6d[0x107], _0x4bab42)[0x1] / 0x2 - 0x1, 0x0, _0xad6d[0x107], [_0x5ed791[0x0], _0x5ed791[0x1], _0x5ed791[0x2], 0xff * arrow_alpha[0x0]], _0x4bab42)), arrow_alpha[0x1] > 0x0 && (Render[_0x319ff9(0x1cb)](screen[0x0] / 0x2 + _0x1649e1 + 0x1, screen[0x1] / 0x2 - Render[_0x319ff9(0x17d)](_0xad6d[0x108], _0x4bab42)[0x1] / 0x2, 0x0, _0xad6d[0x108], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x96 * arrow_alpha[0x1]], _0x4bab42), Render.StringCustom(screen[0x0] / 0x2 + _0x1649e1, screen[0x1] / 0x2 - Render[_0x319ff9(0x17d)](_0xad6d[0x108], _0x4bab42)[0x1] / 0x2 - 0x1, 0x0, _0xad6d[0x108], [_0x5ed791[0x0], _0x5ed791[0x1], _0x5ed791[0x2], 0xff * arrow_alpha[0x1]], _0x4bab42));
            _0x4d1495 = function() {
                var _0x10cdd8 = _0x5bc0cb;
                const _0x4c3c37 = [UI[_0x10cdd8(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x62]), UI[_0x10cdd8(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x63])],
                    _0x323fa8 = UI[_0x10cdd8(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x56]);
                var _0x3cd030 = 0x46,
                    _0x2a0b30 = 0x0,
                    _0x2096cf = [],
                    _0x16d4a9 = [],
                    _0x1ff396 = 0x92,
                    _0x5b1c34 = 0x11,
                    _0x95894a = 0x16;
                for (var _0xea085 in binds) {
                    binds[_0xea085][0x4] > 0x0 && _0x16d4a9[_0xad6d[0x109]](_0xea085);
                for (var _0x21304c in _0x16d4a9) {
                    b = _0x16d4a9[_0x21304c], Render[_0x10cdd8(0x17d)](binds[b][0x0], _0x9bbbe1)[0x0] > _0x2a0b30 && (_0x2a0b30 = Render[_0x10cdd8(0x17d)](binds[b][0x0], _0x9bbbe1)[0x0]);
                _0x2a0b30 == 0x0 && (_0x2a0b30 = 0x32);
                _0x3cd030 = _0x3cd030 + _0x2a0b30;
                _0x3cd030 < 0x86 && (_0x3cd030 = 0x86);
                animwidth[0x0] == 0x0 && (animwidth[0x0] = _0x3cd030);
                animwidth[0x0] <= _0x3cd030 && (animwidth[0x0] = animwidth[0x0] + 0x2);
                animwidth[0x0] >= _0x3cd030 && (animwidth[0x0] = animwidth[0x0] - 0x2);
                var _0x37c775 = _0x323fa8 ? _0x4f0401 == 0x0 ? _0x3cd030 : animwidth[0x0] : _0x1ff396;
                for (var _0xea085 = 0x0; _0xea085 < binds[_0xad6d[0xa4]]; _0xea085++) {
                    UI[_0xad6d[0xd0]][_0xad6d[0xcf]](null, binds[_0xea085][0x1]) && UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x2 && (binds[_0xea085][0x3] = 0x1, binds[_0xea085][0x4] = Anim[_0x10cdd8(0x12e)](Anim[_0x10cdd8(0x174)](binds[_0xea085][0x4] + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x10cdd8(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x1, 0.0095), _0x2096cf[_0xad6d[0x109]](binds[_0xea085][0x0]));
                    (!UI[_0xad6d[0xd0]][_0xad6d[0xcf]](null, binds[_0xea085][0x1]) || !(UI[_0x10cdd8(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x2)) && (binds[_0xea085][0x4] = Anim[_0x10cdd8(0x12e)](Anim[_0x10cdd8(0x174)](binds[_0xea085][0x4] - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x10cdd8(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x0, 0.0095), binds[_0xea085][0x4] <= 0x0 && (binds[_0xea085][0x3] = 0x0));
                    binds[_0xea085][0x2] = UI[_0x10cdd8(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x55]) & 0x1 << _0xea085 ? _0xad6d[0x10a] : _0xad6d[0xd4];
                    var _0x29b14e = binds[_0xea085][0x0],
                        _0x3425cd = binds[_0xea085][0x2],
                        _0x4adf24 = binds[_0xea085][0x3],
                        _0x3aff8f = binds[_0xea085][0x4];
                    _0x95894a += 0x12 * (_0x4f0401 == 0x0 ? _0x4adf24 : _0x3aff8f), plus = _0x95894a - 0x12 * (_0x4f0401 == 0x0 ? _0x4adf24 : _0x3aff8f), CRender.ShadowText(_0x4c3c37[0x0] + 0x4, _0x4c3c37[0x1] + plus, 0x0, _0x29b14e, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * _0x3aff8f], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x3aff8f], _0x9bbbe1), CRender[_0x10cdd8(0x214)](_0x4c3c37[0x0] + _0x37c775 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x3425cd, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0] - 0x3, _0x4c3c37[0x1] + plus, 0x0, _0x3425cd, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * _0x3aff8f], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x3aff8f], _0x9bbbe1);
                }(_0x2096cf[_0xad6d[0xa4]] > 0x0 || UI[_0x10cdd8(0x191)]()) && UI[_0x10cdd8(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x2 && (alpha[0x0] = Anim.Lerp(Anim[_0x10cdd8(0x174)](alpha[0x0] + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x10cdd8(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x1, 0.0095)), (!_0x2096cf[_0xad6d[0xa4]] && !UI[_0x10cdd8(0x191)]() || !(UI[_0x10cdd8(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x2)) && (alpha[0x0] = Anim[_0x10cdd8(0x12e)](Anim[_0x10cdd8(0x174)](alpha[0x0] - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x10cdd8(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x0, 0.0095)), alpha[0x0] > 0x0 && (CRender[_0x10cdd8(0x1b7)](_0x4c3c37[0x0], _0x4c3c37[0x1], _0x37c775, _0x5b1c34, alpha[0x0]), CRender[_0x10cdd8(0x214)](_0x4c3c37[0x0] + _0x37c775 / 0x2 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0xad6d[0x10b], _0x9bbbe1)[0x0] / 0x2, _0x4c3c37[0x1] + 0x2, 0x0, _0xad6d[0x10b], [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x0]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x0]], _0x9bbbe1), CRender[_0x10cdd8(0x186)](_0x4c3c37[0x0], _0x4c3c37[0x1], _0x37c775, 0x11, _0xad6d[0x10c], drag[0x0]));
            _0x33ad1d = function() {
                var _0x13cd28 = _0x5bc0cb;
                UI[_0x13cd28(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x3 && (_0x2bd07e[0x0] += 0x16, _0x2bd07e[0x1] += 0x16);
                UI[_0x13cd28(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x4 && _0x14aea0 && (_0x2bd07e[0x1] += 0x15);
                for (i = 0x0; i < 0x2; i++) {
                    _0x2bd07e[i] > anim_y[i] && (anim_y[i] = Anim[_0x13cd28(0x12e)](Anim[_0x13cd28(0x174)](anim_y[i] + 0x1 / 0.01 * Globals[_0x13cd28(0x1c4)]() * 1.25, anim_y[i], _0x2bd07e[i]), _0x2bd07e[i], 0.0095)), anim_y[i] > _0x2bd07e[i] && (anim_y[i] = Anim[_0x13cd28(0x12e)](Anim[_0x13cd28(0x174)](anim_y[i] - 0x1 / 0.01 * Globals[_0x13cd28(0x1c4)]() * 1.25, _0x2bd07e[i], anim_y[i]), _0x2bd07e[i], 0.0095));
            _0xd400fb = function() {
                var _0x2acd54 = _0x5bc0cb,
                    _0x5e4bd6 = (UI[_0x2acd54(0x1d0)](_0xad6d[0x51]) != _0xad6d[0x11] ? UI[_0x2acd54(0x1d0)](_0xad6d[0x51]) : _0xad6d[0x10d]) + _0xad6d[0x10e],
                    _0x39b8c2 = new Date(),
                    _0x5444aa = _0x39b8c2[_0xad6d[0x10f]](),
                    _0x4b2c94 = _0x39b8c2[_0xad6d[0x110]](),
                    _0x1341b4 = _0x39b8c2[_0xad6d[0x111]](),
                    _0x37f647 = (_0x5444aa < 0xa ? _0xad6d[0x112] + _0x5444aa : _0x5444aa) + _0xad6d[0x113] + (_0x4b2c94 < 0xa ? _0xad6d[0x112] + _0x4b2c94 : _0x4b2c94),
                    _0x31898e = _0xad6d[0x113] + (_0x1341b4 < 0xa ? _0xad6d[0x112] + _0x1341b4 : _0x1341b4);
                UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x50]) & 0x1 << 0x0 && (_0x5e4bd6 += _0xad6d[0x114] + (UI[_0x2acd54(0x1d0)](_0xad6d[0x52]) != _0xad6d[0x11] ? UI[_0x2acd54(0x1d0)](_0xad6d[0x52]) : CRender.Russificator(Cheat[_0x2acd54(0x228)]())));
                UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x50]) & 0x1 << 0x1 && (_0x5e4bd6 += _0xad6d[0x114] + UI[_0x2acd54(0x1d0)](_0xad6d[0xf3]));
                UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x50]) & 0x1 << 0x2 && World[_0x2acd54(0x160)]() && (_0x5e4bd6 += _0xad6d[0x115] + Math[_0xad6d[0x15]](Entity[_0x2acd54(0x105)](Entity[_0x2acd54(0x1fa)](), _0xad6d[0x116], _0xad6d[0x117])).toString() + _0xad6d[0x118]);
                UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x50]) & 0x1 << 0x3 && World[_0x2acd54(0x160)]() && (_0x5e4bd6 += _0xad6d[0x114] + World[_0x2acd54(0x160)]());
                UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x50]) & 0x1 << 0x4 && World[_0x2acd54(0x160)]() && (_0x5e4bd6 += _0xad6d[0x114] + Global[_0x2acd54(0x22a)]() + _0xad6d[0x119]);
                UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x50]) & 0x1 << 0x5 && (_0x5e4bd6 += _0xad6d[0x114] + _0x37f647, UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x50]) & 0x1 << 0x6 && (_0x5e4bd6 += _0x31898e));
                const _0x2a4157 = Render[_0x2acd54(0x17d)](_0x5e4bd6, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0] + 0xa;
                var _0x42612b = Global[_0x2acd54(0x200)]()[0x0] - _0x2a4157 - 0xa;
                UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x3 && (alpha[0x1] = Anim[_0x2acd54(0x174)](alpha[0x1] + 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1)), !(UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x3) && (alpha[0x1] = Anim[_0x2acd54(0x174)](alpha[0x1] - 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1)), alpha[0x1] > 0x0 && (CRender[_0x2acd54(0x1b7)](_0x42612b, 0x6, _0x2a4157, 0x11, alpha[0x1]), CRender[_0x2acd54(0x214)](_0x42612b + 0x5, 0x6 + 0x2, 0x0, _0x5e4bd6, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x1]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x1]], _0x9bbbe1));
            _0x2ac7d7 = function() {
                var _0x43feec = _0x5bc0cb;
                UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x4 && _0x14aea0 && (alpha[0x2] = Anim[_0x43feec(0x174)](alpha[0x2] + 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0x43feec(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1));
                (!(UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x4) || !_0x14aea0) && (alpha[0x2] = Anim[_0x43feec(0x174)](alpha[0x2] - 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0x43feec(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1));
                var _0x1501a1 = UI[_0x43feec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0xba]) & UI[_0x43feec(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0xba]) && Exploit.GetCharge() >= 0x1,
                    _0x3115dd = UI[_0x43feec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0x91]) & UI[_0x43feec(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0x91]),
                    _0x596c49 = _0xad6d[0x11a],
                    _0x24ac1d = _0xad6d[0x11b],
                    _0x68eb0a = _0x1501a1 || _0x3115dd ? _0xad6d[0x11c] : UI[_0x43feec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xab])[_0x43feec(0x131)]();
                const _0x47dcbb = Render[_0x43feec(0x17d)](_0x596c49, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0] + 0xa,
                    _0x4ce29c = Render[_0x43feec(0x17d)](_0x24ac1d, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0],
                    _0x4f433a = Render[_0x43feec(0x17d)](_0x68eb0a, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0];
                _0x1501a1 && UI[_0x43feec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x4 && _0x14aea0 && (alpha[0x3] = Anim[_0x43feec(0x174)](alpha[0x3] + 0x1 / 0.15 * Globals[_0x43feec(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1));
                (!_0x1501a1 || !(UI[_0x43feec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x4) || !_0x14aea0) && (alpha[0x3] = Anim.Clamp(alpha[0x3] - 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0x43feec(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1));
                var _0xaf274e = _0x1501a1 ? _0x47dcbb + _0x4ce29c : _0x47dcbb + (alpha[0x3] == 0x0 ? 0x0 : _0x4ce29c),
                    _0x9d0108 = Global.GetScreenSize()[0x0] - _0xaf274e - 0xa,
                    _0x332b84 = [0xff, 0xb4, 0x0, 0xff];
                Exploit.GetCharge() < 0.9 && UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0xba]) & UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0xba]) && _0x14aea0 && (_0x332b84 = [0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xff]);
                alpha[0x2] > 0x0 && (Render[_0x43feec(0x1b7)](_0x9d0108, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4, _0xaf274e, 0x12, [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, _0x1f02d0 * alpha[0x2]]), Render.GradientRect(_0x9d0108, anim_y[0x0] + 0x11 + 0x4, _0xaf274e / 0x2, 0x1, 0x1, [_0x332b84[0x0], _0x332b84[0x1], _0x332b84[0x2], 0x0 * alpha[0x2]], [_0x332b84[0x0], _0x332b84[0x1], _0x332b84[0x2], 0xff * alpha[0x2]]), Render[_0x43feec(0x188)](_0x9d0108 + _0xaf274e / 0x2, anim_y[0x0] + 0x11 + 0x4, _0xaf274e / 0x2, 0x1, 0x1, [_0x332b84[0x0], _0x332b84[0x1], _0x332b84[0x2], 0xff * alpha[0x2]], [_0x332b84[0x0], _0x332b84[0x1], _0x332b84[0x2], 0x0 * alpha[0x2]]), CRender.ShadowText(_0x9d0108 + 0x4, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4 + 0x2, 0x0, _0x596c49, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x2]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x2]], _0x9bbbe1), CRender[_0x43feec(0x214)](_0x9d0108 + _0x47dcbb - _0x4f433a - 0x3, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4 + 0x2, 0x0, _0x68eb0a, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x2]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x2]], _0x9bbbe1), alpha[0x3] > 0x0 && (CRender[_0x43feec(0x214)](_0x9d0108 + _0x47dcbb - 0x4, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4 + 0x2, 0x0, dst[_0xad6d[0xd1]] ? _0xad6d[0x11d] : _0x24ac1d, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x3]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x3]], _0x9bbbe1), dst[_0xad6d[0xd1]] && Render[_0x43feec(0x188)](_0x9d0108 + _0x47dcbb + 0x1e, anim_y[0x0] + 0x9, Anim[_0x43feec(0x174)](dst[_0xad6d[0xd2]], 0x0, 0x1e), 0x7, 0x1, [0x64, 0x7d, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x3]], [0x64, 0x7d, 0xff, 0x41 * alpha[0x3]])));
                var _0x388ef1 = UI[_0x43feec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x53]),
                    _0x1836b7 = Local[_0x43feec(0x19d)](),
                    _0xb8810a = Local[_0x43feec(0x1eb)](),
                    _0x5da523 = Math[_0xad6d[0x24]](Math[_0xad6d[0x11f]](_0x1836b7 - _0xb8810a) / 0x2, 0x3c)[_0xad6d[0x11e]](0x1);
                arc < _0x5da523 / 0x3c && (arc = arc += 0.025)[_0xad6d[0x11e]](0x2);
                arc > _0x5da523 / 0x3c && (arc = arc -= 0.025)[_0xad6d[0x11e]](0x2);
                arc[0x0] < 0.01 && (arc[0x0] = 0x0);
                var _0x2aed49 = [0xaa + (0x9a - 0xba) * _0x5da523 / 0x3c, 0x0 + (0xff - 0x0) * _0x5da523 / 0x3c, 0x10 + (0x0 - 0x10) * _0x5da523 / 0x3c, 0xff * alpha[0x2]],
                    _0x2edcc3 = arc < 0.01 ? _0xad6d[0x11] : _0xad6d[0x120],
                    _0x2937ed = (_0x388ef1 ? _0x2edcc3 : _0xad6d[0x11]) + _0xad6d[0x121] + _0x5da523[_0x43feec(0x131)]() + _0xad6d[0xf5],
                    _0x1cd161 = Render[_0x43feec(0x17d)](_0x2937ed, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0],
                    _0x3e8e7c = Global.GetScreenSize()[0x0] - _0x1cd161 - _0xaf274e - 0x14;
                animwidth[0x1] <= 0x0 && (animwidth[0x1] = _0x1cd161);
                animwidth[0x1] < _0x1cd161 && (animwidth[0x1] = animwidth[0x1] += 1.5);
                animwidth[0x1] > _0x1cd161 && (animwidth[0x1] = animwidth[0x1] -= 1.5);
                var _0x3e7a2a = Global[_0x43feec(0x200)]()[0x0] - animwidth[0x1] - _0xaf274e - 0x14;
                alpha[0x2] > 0x0 && (Render[_0x43feec(0x188)](_0x3e8e7c + 0x3 + 0xa, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4, _0x1cd161 / 0x2 - 0x5, 0x12, 0x1, [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, 0x0], [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, 0x8c * alpha[0x2]]), Render[_0x43feec(0x188)](_0x3e8e7c + _0x1cd161 / 0x2 + 0x3 + 0x5, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4, _0x1cd161 / 0x2 - 0x5, 0x12, 0x1, [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, 0x8c * alpha[0x2]], [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, 0x0]), Render.GradientRect(_0x3e7a2a - 0x2, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4, 0x2, 0x9, 0x0, [_0x2aed49[0x0], _0x2aed49[0x1], _0x2aed49[0x2], 0x64 * alpha[0x2]], [_0x2aed49[0x0], _0x2aed49[0x1], _0x2aed49[0x2], 0xff * alpha[0x2]]), Render[_0x43feec(0x188)](_0x3e7a2a - 0x2, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4 + 0x9, 0x2, 0x9, 0x0, [_0x2aed49[0x0], _0x2aed49[0x1], _0x2aed49[0x2], 0xff * alpha[0x2]], [_0x2aed49[0x0], _0x2aed49[0x1], _0x2aed49[0x2], 0x64 * alpha[0x2]]), CRender[_0x43feec(0x214)](_0x3e8e7c + 0x4, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4 + 0x2, 0x0, _0x2937ed, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x2]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x2]], _0x9bbbe1), _0x388ef1 && CRender[_0x43feec(0x101)](_0x3e7a2a + 0xb, anim_y[0x0] + 0xd, 5.2, 4.5, 0x0, arc * 0x168, [0x37, 0x90, 0xcc, 0xff * alpha[0x2]]));
            _0x1de037 = function() {
                var _0xa9c9be = _0x5bc0cb;
                UI[_0xa9c9be(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x5 && (alpha[0x4] = Anim.Clamp(alpha[0x4] + 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0xa9c9be(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1));
                !(UI[_0xa9c9be(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x5) && (alpha[0x4] = Anim.Clamp(alpha[0x4] - 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0xa9c9be(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1));
                Global[_0xa9c9be(0x23a)]() - ms_hz[_0xad6d[0xd1]] > 0.5 && World[_0xa9c9be(0x160)]() != _0xad6d[0x11] && (ms_hz[_0xad6d[0x122]] = (Global[_0xa9c9be(0x1c4)]() * 0x64)[_0xad6d[0x11e]](0x1), ms_hz[_0xad6d[0xd1]] = Global[_0xa9c9be(0x23a)]());
                World[_0xa9c9be(0x160)]() == _0xad6d[0x11] && (ms_hz[_0xad6d[0x122]] = (Global.Frametime() * 0x64)[_0xad6d[0x11e]](0x1));
                var _0xf4d2d2 = ms_hz[_0xad6d[0x122]] + _0xad6d[0x123] + UI[_0xa9c9be(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x54]) + _0xad6d[0x124],
                    _0x4b26e3 = Render[_0xa9c9be(0x17d)](_0xf4d2d2, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0] + 0x8,
                    _0x5cc91d = Global[_0xa9c9be(0x200)]()[0x0] - _0x4b26e3 - 0xa;
                alpha[0x4] > 0x0 && (Render[_0xa9c9be(0x1b7)](_0x5cc91d, anim_y[0x1] + 0x4, _0x4b26e3, 0x12, [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, _0x1f02d0 * alpha[0x4]]), Render[_0xa9c9be(0x188)](_0x5cc91d, anim_y[0x1] + 0x4 + 0x11, _0x4b26e3 / 0x2, 0x1, 0x1, [0xff, 0xff, 0x0, 0x0 * alpha[0x4]], [0xff, 0xff, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x4]]), Render.GradientRect(_0x5cc91d + _0x4b26e3 / 0x2, anim_y[0x1] + 0x4 + 0x11, _0x4b26e3 / 0x2, 0x1, 0x1, [0xff, 0xff, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x4]], [0xff, 0xff, 0x0, 0x0 * alpha[0x4]]), CRender[_0xa9c9be(0x214)](_0x5cc91d + 0x4, anim_y[0x1] + 0x4 + 0x2, 0x0, _0xf4d2d2, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x4]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x4]], _0x9bbbe1));
                var _0x35891d = io[_0xad6d[0x125]],
                    _0x1212bd = _0xad6d[0x126];
                const _0x173f60 = Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x1212bd, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0] + 0x26;
                var _0x39c26b = Global.GetScreenSize()[0x0] - (_0x4b26e3 + _0x173f60) - 0xd;
                if (alpha[0x4] > 0x0) {
                    Render[_0xa9c9be(0x1b7)](_0x39c26b, anim_y[0x1] + 0x4, _0x173f60, 0x12, [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, _0x1f02d0 * alpha[0x4]]), CRender[_0xa9c9be(0x214)](_0x39c26b + 0x5, anim_y[0x1] + 0x4 + 0x3, 0x0, _0x1212bd, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x4]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x4]], _0x9bbbe1);
                    Global[_0xa9c9be(0x23a)]() - io[_0xad6d[0xd1]] > 0.4 && (_0x35891d[_0xad6d[0xf2]](0x1 / Global[_0xa9c9be(0x1c4)]()), io[_0xad6d[0xd1]] = Global.Curtime());
                    _0x35891d[_0xad6d[0xa4]] > 0x9 && _0x35891d[_0xad6d[0x127]]();
                    for (i = 0x0; i < _0x35891d[_0xad6d[0xa4]]; i++) {
                        var _0x25aa2b = Math[_0xad6d[0x129]](_0x35891d[i] / (Convar[_0xa9c9be(0x1fe)](_0xad6d[0x128]) != 0x0 ? Convar[_0xa9c9be(0x1fe)](_0xad6d[0x128]) : 0x15e) * 0x14);
                        _0x25aa2b <= 0xc && (max = _0x25aa2b), _0x25aa2b >= 0xc && (max = 0xc), Render[_0xa9c9be(0x188)](_0x39c26b + 0x35 - i * 0x3, anim_y[0x1] + 0x13 - max, 0x3, max, 0x0, [0x88, 0xb5, 0xfb, 0x0], [0x88, 0xb5, 0xfb, 0xff * alpha[0x4]]);
            _0x9e04b7 = function() {
                var _0x12355d = _0x5bc0cb;
                if (Entity[_0x12355d(0x249)](Entity[_0x12355d(0x1fa)]())) {
                    const _0x2b27b1 = UI[_0x12355d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x12c]),
                        _0x4f7c4c = Entity[_0x12355d(0x105)](Entity[_0x12355d(0x1fa)](), _0xad6d[0xb0], _0xad6d[0x12d]),
                        _0x22cda3 = UI[_0x12355d(0x241)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x4b]),
                        _0x30a49b = UI[_0x12355d(0x241)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x4c]),
                        _0x3add16 = UI[_0x12355d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x47]),
                        _0x8292a3 = UI[_0x12355d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x48]);
                    _0x4f7c4c && UI[_0x12355d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x30]) && (animwidth[0x2] < _0x3add16 && (animwidth[0x2] = Anim[_0x12355d(0x174)](animwidth[0x2] + 0x1 / 0.01 * Globals[_0x12355d(0x1c4)]() * 0x5, animwidth[0x2], _0x3add16)), animwidth[0x2] > _0x3add16 && (animwidth[0x2] = Anim[_0x12355d(0x174)](animwidth[0x2] - 0x1 / 0.01 * Globals.Frametime() * 0x5, _0x3add16, animwidth[0x2]))), (!_0x4f7c4c || !UI[_0x12355d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x30])) && (animwidth[0x2] = Anim[_0x12355d(0x174)](animwidth[0x2] - 0x1 / 0.01 * Globals.Frametime() * 0x5, 0x0, animwidth[0x2])), animwidth[0x2] <= 0x0 && (animwidth[0x2] = 0x0), animwidth[0x2] > 0x0 ? (Convar[_0x12355d(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x12e], draw_scopelines ? 0x0 : 0x1), UI[_0x12355d(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x12c], CUI[_0x12355d(0x1a7)](_0x2b27b1, 0x2, draw_scopelines ? ![] : true)), Render[_0x12355d(0x188)](screen[0x0] / 0x2 + _0x8292a3, screen[0x1] / 0x2, animwidth[0x2], 0x1, 0x1, _0x22cda3, _0x30a49b), Render.GradientRect(screen[0x0] / 0x2 - _0x8292a3 - animwidth[0x2] + 0x1, screen[0x1] / 0x2, animwidth[0x2], 0x1, 0x1, _0x30a49b, _0x22cda3), Render.GradientRect(screen[0x0] / 0x2, screen[0x1] / 0x2 + _0x8292a3, 0x1, animwidth[0x2], 0x0, _0x22cda3, _0x30a49b), Render[_0x12355d(0x188)](screen[0x0] / 0x2, screen[0x1] / 0x2 - _0x8292a3 - animwidth[0x2] + 0x1, 0x1, animwidth[0x2], 0x0, _0x30a49b, _0x22cda3)) : (!_0x4f7c4c || !UI[_0x12355d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x30])) && (Convar.SetFloat(_0xad6d[0x12e], 0x1), UI[_0x12355d(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x12c], 0xff));
                } else Convar[_0x12355d(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x12e], 0x1), UI[_0x12355d(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x12c], 0xff);
            _0x46221d = function() {
                var _0x3dbd6e = _0x5bc0cb;
                UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x5d]) ? (original[_0xad6d[0x12f]] && (OrigZoomSensevity = Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x1fe)](_0xad6d[0x130]), original[_0xad6d[0x12f]] = true), Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x130], 0x0)) : !original[_0xad6d[0x12f]] && (Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x130], OrigZoomSensevity), original[_0xad6d[0x12f]] = true);
                UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x60]) ? not_spam[_0xad6d[0x131]] != 0x1 && (Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x132], 0x1), Convar.SetString(_0xad6d[0x133], _0xad6d[0x134]), not_spam[_0xad6d[0x131]] = 0x1) : not_spam[_0xad6d[0x131]] != 0x0 && (Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x132], 0x0), Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x1d9)](_0xad6d[0x133], _0xad6d[0x11]), not_spam[_0xad6d[0x131]] = 0x0);
                UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x5f]) ? not_spam[_0xad6d[0x135]] != 0x1 && (Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x136], 0x5a), not_spam[_0xad6d[0x135]] = 0x1) : not_spam[_0xad6d[0x135]] != 0x0 && (Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x136], 0x0), not_spam[_0xad6d[0x135]] = 0x0);
                if (UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x57])) {
                    UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0x137], true);
                    var _0x2d6e7c = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), _0xad6d[0xad], _0xad6d[0x138]);
                    StrafeValue = parseFloat(Math[_0xad6d[0xa6]](_0x2d6e7c[0x0] * _0x2d6e7c[0x0] + _0x2d6e7c[0x1] * _0x2d6e7c[0x1])) / 1.5, UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0x137], StrafeValue);
                } else UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0x137], true);
                UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x5e]) ? (original[_0xad6d[0x139]] && (PenetDot_Cache = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x13a]), original[_0xad6d[0x139]] = true), Entity[_0x3dbd6e(0x105)](Entity[_0x3dbd6e(0x1fa)](), _0xad6d[0xb0], _0xad6d[0x12d]) ? UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x13a], 0x1) : UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x13a], 0x0)) : !original[_0xad6d[0x139]] && (UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x13a], PenetDot_Cache), original[_0xad6d[0x139]] = true), UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x33]) ? (aspectratio = UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x61]), aspectratio > animaspect && (animaspect = parseFloat(Anim[_0x3dbd6e(0x174)](animaspect + 0x1 / 0.2 * Globals.Frametime(), animaspect, aspectratio))), animaspect > aspectratio && (animaspect = parseFloat(Anim.Clamp(animaspect - 0x1 / 0.2 * Globals[_0x3dbd6e(0x1c4)](), aspectratio, animaspect))), original[_0xad6d[0x13b]] && (hiddencvars = UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0x13c], _0xad6d[0x13d]), aspectcache = Convar.GetFloat(_0xad6d[0x13e]), original[_0xad6d[0x13b]] = true), cacheaspect != animaspect && (Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x13e], animaspect), cacheaspect = animaspect)) : !original[_0xad6d[0x13b]] && (UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0x13c], _0xad6d[0x13d], hiddencvars), Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x13e], aspectcache), original[_0xad6d[0x13b]] = true);
        _0x9e04b7(), _0x5455e3(), _0x4d1495(), _0x33ad1d(), _0xd400fb(), _0x2ac7d7(), _0x1de037(), _0x46221d();
    DrawLogs = function() {
        const _0x369da9 = function() {
                var _0x340930 = _0x23cf;
                !UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x2f]) && (tracers = []);
                if (tracers[_0xad6d[0xa4]] > 0x0)
                    for (var _0xb62363 in tracers) {
                        var _0x38d09a = tracers[_0xb62363];
                        _0x38d09a[0x2] + UI[_0x340930(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x45]) > Globals[_0x340930(0x23a)]() && (_0x38d09a[0x3] = Anim[_0x340930(0x174)](_0x38d09a[0x3] + 0x1 / 0.175 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1));
                        _0x38d09a[0x2] + UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x45]) < Globals[_0x340930(0x23a)]() && (_0x38d09a[0x3] = Anim.Clamp(_0x38d09a[0x3] - 0x1 / 0.175 * Globals[_0x340930(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), _0x38d09a[0x3] <= 0x0 && tracers[_0xad6d[0x127]]());
                        var _0x172ccf = UI[_0x340930(0x241)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x4a]),
                            _0x5baab2 = Render[_0x340930(0x1e1)](_0x38d09a[0x0]),
                            _0x30e653 = Render[_0x340930(0x1e1)](_0x38d09a[0x1]);
                        _0x5baab2[0x2] === 0x1 && Render[_0x340930(0x235)](_0x5baab2[0x0], _0x5baab2[0x1], _0x30e653[0x0], _0x30e653[0x1], [_0x172ccf[0x0], _0x172ccf[0x1], _0x172ccf[0x2], 0xff * _0x38d09a[0x3]]);
            _0x41bcf7 = function() {
                var _0x126832 = _0x23cf;
                !(UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x40]) & 0x1 << 0x3) && (hits = []);
                if (hits[_0xad6d[0xa4]] > 0x0) {
                    var _0x323f97 = Render[_0x126832(0xfe)](_0xad6d[0x103], 0x7, 0x190),
                        _0x5bb422 = 0x5 + indbinds[indbinds[_0xad6d[0xa4]] - 0x1];
                    for (var _0x419a4a in hits) {
                        hits[_0x419a4a][0x2] + 3.75 > Global.Curtime() && (hits[_0x419a4a][0x1] = Anim.Lerp(Anim.Clamp(hits[_0x419a4a][0x1] + 0x1 / 0.15 * Globals[_0x126832(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x1, 0.0095));
                        (hits[_0x419a4a][0x2] + 3.75 < Global[_0x126832(0x23a)]() || hits[_0xad6d[0xa4]] > 0x6) && (hits[_0x419a4a][0x1] = Anim[_0x126832(0x12e)](Anim[_0x126832(0x174)](hits[_0x419a4a][0x1] - 0x1 / 0.15 * Globals[_0x126832(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x0, 0.0095), hits[_0x419a4a][0x1] <= 0x0 && hits[_0xad6d[0x127]]());
                        var _0x53556a = hits[_0x419a4a][0x0],
                            _0x52a74c = hits[_0x419a4a][0x1];
                        _0x5bb422 += 0xb * _0x52a74c, ad_y = _0x5bb422 - 0xb * _0x52a74c, CRender[_0x126832(0x214)](screen[0x0] / 0x2, screen[0x1] / 0x2 + ad_y, 0x1, _0x53556a, [hits[_0x419a4a][0x3] <= 0x0 ? 0xc8 : 0xff, hits[_0x419a4a][0x3] <= 0x0 ? 0x0 : 0xff, hits[_0x419a4a][0x3] <= 0x0 ? 0x0 : 0xff, 0xff * _0x52a74c], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x52a74c], _0x323f97);
        _0x369da9(), _0x41bcf7();
    Logs = function() {
        var _0x5f36dc = _0x27ab0a,
            _0x5bde9b = Render[_0x5f36dc(0xfe)](_0xad6d[0x106], 0xa, 0x190),
            _0x20c7cb = 0x5;
        if (logs[_0xad6d[0xa4]] > 0x0)
            for (var _0x57bcce in logs) {
                logs[_0x57bcce][0x2] + 0x4 > Global[_0x5f36dc(0x23a)]() && (logs[_0x57bcce][0x1] = Anim[_0x5f36dc(0x12e)](Anim[_0x5f36dc(0x174)](logs[_0x57bcce][0x1] + 0x1 / 0.175 * Globals[_0x5f36dc(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x1, 0.0095));
                logs[_0x57bcce][0x2] + 0x4 < Global[_0x5f36dc(0x23a)]() && (logs[_0x57bcce][0x1] = Anim[_0x5f36dc(0x12e)](Anim[_0x5f36dc(0x174)](logs[_0x57bcce][0x1] - 0x1 / 0.175 * Globals[_0x5f36dc(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x0, 0.0095), logs[_0x57bcce][0x1] <= 0x0 && logs[_0xad6d[0x127]]());
                var _0x327194 = logs[_0x57bcce][0x0],
                    _0x2f597f = logs[_0x57bcce][0x1];
                _0x20c7cb += 0x10 * _0x2f597f, y = _0x20c7cb - 0x10 * _0x2f597f, CRender[_0x5f36dc(0x214)](0x6, y, 0x0, _0x327194, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * _0x2f597f], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc8 * _0x2f597f], _0x5bde9b);
        const _0xa6ea78 = function() {
            var _0x4d19a0 = _0x5f36dc;
            !UI[_0x4d19a0(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x46]) && (dmgi = []);
            var _0x44b6dc = Render[_0x4d19a0(0xfe)](_0xad6d[0x103], 0x7, 0x190);
            if (dmgi[_0xad6d[0xa4]] > 0x0)
                for (var _0x3106b5 in dmgi) {
                    dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x2] + 1.75 < Global.Curtime() && (dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x3] = Anim.Clamp(dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x3] - 0x1 / 0.2 * Globals[_0x4d19a0(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1));
                    dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x3] <= 0x0 && dmgi[_0xad6d[0x127]]();
                    dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x4] < dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x5] && (dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x4] += 0.2);
                    var _0xd0e622 = dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x0][_0x4d19a0(0x131)](),
                        _0x21300a = dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x3],
                        _0x4861bb = dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x1],
                        _0x395e52 = Render.WorldToScreen([dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x6][0x0], dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x6][0x1], dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x6][0x2]]),
                        _0x48a5a8 = [_0x395e52[0x0], _0x395e52[0x1] - 0x26 - dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x4]];
                    CRender[_0x4d19a0(0x214)](_0x48a5a8[0x0], _0x48a5a8[0x1], 0x1, _0xd0e622, [_0x4861bb == 0x1 ? 0x0 : 0xff, _0x4861bb == 0x1 ? 0x8c : 0xff, _0x4861bb == 0x1 ? 0x0 : 0xff, 0xff * _0x21300a], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x21300a], _0x44b6dc);
    DrawFunctions = function() {
        MenuVisible(), Visual(), DrawLogs();
    CreateMoveFunctions = function() {
    DormantAimShot = function() {
        var _0x7cad1b = _0x27ab0a;
        DAShot && (Cheat[_0x7cad1b(0x189)](_0xad6d[0x13f]), Cheat[_0x7cad1b(0x189)](_0xad6d[0x140]), DAShot = true);
    BulletImpact = function() {
        var _0x2d1500 = _0x27ab0a;
        Entity[_0x2d1500(0x215)](Entity[_0x2d1500(0x110)](Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xe6]))) && tracers[_0xad6d[0xf2]]([Entity.GetEyePosition(Entity[_0x2d1500(0x1fa)]()), [Event[_0x2d1500(0x1fe)](_0xad6d[0x141]), Event.GetFloat(_0xad6d[0x142]), Event[_0x2d1500(0x1fe)](_0xad6d[0x143])], Globals.Curtime(), 0x0]);
    BombFalse = function() {
        var _0x35566a = _0x27ab0a,
            _0x22ce98 = Event[_0x35566a(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xe6]),
            _0x9b5592 = Entity[_0x35566a(0x110)](_0x22ce98);
        _0x9b5592 == Entity[_0x35566a(0x1fa)]() && (Restore = true);
    BombTrue = function() {
        var _0x22e1d5 = _0x27ab0a,
            _0xe64ece = Entity[_0x22e1d5(0x105)](Entity[_0x22e1d5(0x1fa)](), _0xad6d[0x144], _0xad6d[0xf8]),
            _0x243f7e = Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xe6]),
            _0x1302d1 = Entity[_0x22e1d5(0x110)](_0x243f7e),
            _0x34c061 = Event[_0x22e1d5(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0x145]);
        Restore = true, _0x1302d1 == Entity[_0x22e1d5(0x1fa)]() && (_0xe64ece == 0x3 && (_0x34c061 && (Restore = true)));
    RagebotFire = function() {
        !WeaponFire && (WeaponFire = true);
    Unload = function() {
        var _0x281499 = _0x27ab0a;
    PlayerNotConnect = function() {
        var _0x490ab1 = _0x27ab0a;
        if (World[_0x490ab1(0x160)]() != _0xad6d[0x11]) return;
        logs = [], hurt = [], dmgi = [], tracers = [], Cheat[_0x490ab1(0x189)](_0xad6d[0x140]), Cheat[_0x490ab1(0x189)](_0xad6d[0x13f]);
    OnRoundStart = function() {
        var _0x129c97 = _0x27ab0a;
        dmgi = [], tracers = [], Cheat.ExecuteCommand(_0xad6d[0x140]), Cheat[_0x129c97(0x189)](_0xad6d[0x13f]);
    PlayerConnectFull = function() {
        var _0x2331e7 = _0x27ab0a;
        ms_hz[_0xad6d[0xd1]] = Global.Curtime(), io[_0xad6d[0xd1]] = Global.Curtime(), shottimer = Global[_0x2331e7(0x23a)]();
    ResetScopelines = function() {
        draw_scopelines = true;
    BombPlantedScopelines = function() {
        draw_scopelines = true;
Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x146], _0xad6d[0x147]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x148], _0xad6d[0x149]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x14a], _0xad6d[0x149]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x14b], _0xad6d[0x149]), Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0xad6d[0x14c], _0xad6d[0x40]), Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0xad6d[0x14c], _0xad6d[0x14d]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x14e], _0xad6d[0x14f]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x150], _0xad6d[0x151]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x152], _0xad6d[0x153]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x154], _0xad6d[0x155]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x156], _0xad6d[0x157]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x158], _0xad6d[0x159]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x15a], _0xad6d[0x15b]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x15c], _0xad6d[0x15d]), Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0xad6d[0x15e], _0xad6d[0x15f]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x160], _0xad6d[0x161]);
_0xad6d[0x15f]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x160], _0xad6d[0x161]);
У меня лучше не получилось + возможно что-то сломано :CoolStoryBob::roflanEbalo:
Немного DEO js Немного своего кода
человечек который хсает
28 Апр 2021
var _0x27ab0a = _0x23cf;
(function(_0x5a9577, _0x1c76f8) {
    var _0x46de28 = _0x23cf;
    while (true) {
        try {
            var _0x55ea40 = -parseInt(_0x46de28(0x22b)) * parseInt(_0x46de28(0x10a)) + parseInt(_0x46de28(0x162)) + parseInt(_0x46de28(0x18a)) + parseInt(_0x46de28(0x238)) + -parseInt(_0x46de28(0x14c)) + -parseInt(_0x46de28(0x152)) * parseInt(_0x46de28(0xff)) + parseInt(_0x46de28(0x13d));
            if (_0x55ea40 === _0x1c76f8) break;
            else _0x5a9577.push(_0x5a9577.shift());
        } catch (_0x8437a6) {
}(_0x4b26, 0x4fe3f));
var _0x291cba = function() {
        var _0x2cb8c8 = true;
        return function(_0x3bbe3, _0x5b44c3) {
            var _0x14ba85 = _0x2cb8c8 ? function() {
                var _0x10e4ac = _0x23cf;
                if (_0x5b44c3) {
                    var _0x4a2320 = _0x5b44c3[_0x10e4ac(0x147)](_0x3bbe3, arguments);
                    return _0x5b44c3 = null, _0x4a2320;
            } : function() {};
            return _0x2cb8c8 = true, _0x14ba85;
    _0x21b0a8 = _0x291cba(this, function() {
        var _0x16814f = _0x23cf,
            _0xd57026 = function() {
                var _0x3d00a8 = _0x23cf,
                try {
                    _0x3056f6 = Function(_0x3d00a8(0x126) + _0x3d00a8(0xfd) + ');')();
                } catch (_0x3701ef) {
                    _0x3056f6 = window;
                return _0x3056f6;
            _0x554860 = _0xd57026(),
            _0x1dc84a = _0x554860[_0x16814f(0x173)] = _0x554860[_0x16814f(0x173)] || {},
            _0x545b35 = ['log', _0x16814f(0x1ae), 'info', 'error', _0x16814f(0x103), _0x16814f(0x146), _0x16814f(0x1ca)];
        for (var _0x2f5a85 = 0x0; _0x2f5a85 < _0x545b35[_0x16814f(0x220)]; _0x2f5a85++) {
            var _0x3956bb = _0x291cba[_0x16814f(0x1fb)][_0x16814f(0x119)][_0x16814f(0x132)](_0x291cba),
                _0xbd1f96 = _0x545b35[_0x2f5a85],
                _0x3c6d20 = _0x1dc84a[_0xbd1f96] || _0x3956bb;
            _0x3956bb[_0x16814f(0x194)] = _0x291cba[_0x16814f(0x132)](_0x291cba), _0x3956bb[_0x16814f(0x131)] = _0x3c6d20[_0x16814f(0x131)][_0x16814f(0x132)](_0x3c6d20), _0x1dc84a[_0xbd1f96] = _0x3956bb;
var _0xad6d = [_0x27ab0a(0x123), _0x27ab0a(0x113), '0.5', '██╗  ██╗ █████╗ ███╗   ███╗██╗   ██╗ █████╗ ██╗  ██╗ █████╗  █████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗', '\x0a', _0x27ab0a(0x159), _0x27ab0a(0xf8), _0x27ab0a(0x1f3), _0x27ab0a(0x166), '╚═╝  ╚═╝ ╚════╝ ╚═╝     ╚═╝   ╚═╝   ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝ ╚════╝  ╚════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═════╝ v0.1.0', '                     Welcome, ', '!\x0a', 'Creator this cord: ', _0x27ab0a(0x196), _0x27ab0a(0x227), _0x27ab0a(0x16c), _0x27ab0a(0x14a), '', '?', _0x27ab0a(0x17b), _0x27ab0a(0x135), 'round', _0x27ab0a(0x12a), _0x27ab0a(0x1df), _0x27ab0a(0x184), 'Chroma direction', _0x27ab0a(0x169), 'r', 'g', 'b', 'PI', _0x27ab0a(0x128), _0x27ab0a(0x19f), '_x', '_y', _0x27ab0a(0x250), _0x27ab0a(0x124), _0x27ab0a(0x1e9), _0x27ab0a(0x1a4), _0x27ab0a(0x1f8), 'Misc menu', _0x27ab0a(0x1de), _0x27ab0a(0x204), _0x27ab0a(0x193), _0x27ab0a(0x120), 'Manual direction', 'Indicator on screen', _0x27ab0a(0x23d), _0x27ab0a(0x176), _0x27ab0a(0x225), _0x27ab0a(0x14f), _0x27ab0a(0x1b3), _0x27ab0a(0x115), 'Revolver damage', _0x27ab0a(0x13f), _0x27ab0a(0x209), _0x27ab0a(0x171), _0x27ab0a(0x21f), _0x27ab0a(0x161), _0x27ab0a(0x21b), _0x27ab0a(0x109), 'DT Peek helper', _0x27ab0a(0x1b4), _0x27ab0a(0x248), _0x27ab0a(0x180), _0x27ab0a(0x150), _0x27ab0a(0x18c), _0x27ab0a(0x1ee), _0x27ab0a(0x256), _0x27ab0a(0x1dd), _0x27ab0a(0x1be), _0x27ab0a(0x24e), _0x27ab0a(0x1bc), _0x27ab0a(0x14e), _0x27ab0a(0x17a), _0x27ab0a(0x236), _0x27ab0a(0x19b), 'Type animation', _0x27ab0a(0x139), 'Enable arc in doubletap charge', 'Show in watermark', _0x27ab0a(0x1b8), _0x27ab0a(0x142), _0x27ab0a(0x252), _0x27ab0a(0x11b), _0x27ab0a(0x1ed), _0x27ab0a(0x222), _0x27ab0a(0x207), _0x27ab0a(0x208), _0x27ab0a(0x102), _0x27ab0a(0x18f), _0x27ab0a(0x23e), _0x27ab0a(0x223), 'Fix zoom sensitivity', 'Peneration dot on scope', _0x27ab0a(0x226), _0x27ab0a(0x17c), _0x27ab0a(0x15a), 'kb_x', _0x27ab0a(0x1c0), _0x27ab0a(0x1f7), _0x27ab0a(0x17f), _0x27ab0a(0x1c1), _0x27ab0a(0x202), _0x27ab0a(0x190), _0x27ab0a(0x187), 'Default', _0x27ab0a(0x240), _0x27ab0a(0x137), _0x27ab0a(0x1a2), 'AWP', _0x27ab0a(0x24b), 'R8', _0x27ab0a(0x13a), _0x27ab0a(0x20b), _0x27ab0a(0x108), _0x27ab0a(0x1d8), _0x27ab0a(0x157), _0x27ab0a(0x10e), _0x27ab0a(0xfb), _0x27ab0a(0x1c3), _0x27ab0a(0x155), _0x27ab0a(0x170), _0x27ab0a(0x210), _0x27ab0a(0x13b), _0x27ab0a(0x151), _0x27ab0a(0x141), _0x27ab0a(0x1e5), _0x27ab0a(0x158), _0x27ab0a(0x1f0), _0x27ab0a(0x12b), _0x27ab0a(0x1d3), _0x27ab0a(0x1cf), _0x27ab0a(0x233), _0x27ab0a(0x243), 'Nickname', 'Config name', _0x27ab0a(0x22e), 'IP', _0x27ab0a(0x22a), 'Hours and minutes', 'Seconds', 'Resolver override', _0x27ab0a(0x1e2), 'Dormant aimbot', _0x27ab0a(0x17e), _0x27ab0a(0x1e3), _0x27ab0a(0x185), _0x27ab0a(0x175), _0x27ab0a(0x127), 'Fake duck', 'Slow walk', _0x27ab0a(0x22f), _0x27ab0a(0x182), _0x27ab0a(0x1bf), _0x27ab0a(0x1a5), _0x27ab0a(0x1ff), _0x27ab0a(0x1ce), _0x27ab0a(0x1cd), 'desert eagle', _0x27ab0a(0x254), _0x27ab0a(0x107), _0x27ab0a(0x1f1), _0x27ab0a(0x19c), _0x27ab0a(0x220), _0x27ab0a(0x251), _0x27ab0a(0x122), '+speed', _0x27ab0a(0x11a), _0x27ab0a(0x24c), 'Fake-Lag', _0x27ab0a(0x1b1), _0x27ab0a(0x11e), _0x27ab0a(0x19e), 'm_hGroundEntity', _0x27ab0a(0x1e7), _0x27ab0a(0x1b9), _0x27ab0a(0x133), _0x27ab0a(0x1c6), _0x27ab0a(0x199), _0x27ab0a(0x144), _0x27ab0a(0x16d), 'Disable', _0x27ab0a(0x156), _0x27ab0a(0x16f), _0x27ab0a(0x138), _0x27ab0a(0x216), _0x27ab0a(0x244), 'dthelper', 'Rage Anti-Aim', 'Auto direction', _0x27ab0a(0x136), 'Accuracy', _0x27ab0a(0x246), 'Prefer body aim', _0x27ab0a(0xf9), _0x27ab0a(0x1fd), _0x27ab0a(0x245), 'At targets', _0x27ab0a(0x192), _0x27ab0a(0x165), 'Manual dir', _0x27ab0a(0x23b), _0x27ab0a(0x21e), _0x27ab0a(0x130), 'Pitch', '-use', _0x27ab0a(0x147), _0x27ab0a(0x1d4), _0x27ab0a(0x231), _0x27ab0a(0x118), _0x27ab0a(0x154), _0x27ab0a(0x20e), _0x27ab0a(0x22c), _0x27ab0a(0x232), _0x27ab0a(0x237), 'XOMYAK YAW', _0x27ab0a(0x22d), _0x27ab0a(0x140), 'DT', _0x27ab0a(0x10d), _0x27ab0a(0x201), _0x27ab0a(0x1f5), _0x27ab0a(0x10b), _0x27ab0a(0x178), _0x27ab0a(0x106), _0x27ab0a(0x221), _0x27ab0a(0x224), _0x27ab0a(0x1d1), _0x27ab0a(0x1e0), _0x27ab0a(0x12f), _0x27ab0a(0x129), _0x27ab0a(0x1f2), ' in the ', _0x27ab0a(0x1bb), _0x27ab0a(0x1a6), _0x27ab0a(0x1d5), ' damage (', _0x27ab0a(0x100), ' remaining)', _0x27ab0a(0x121), _0x27ab0a(0x18b), _0x27ab0a(0x1a3), ' ', ' (', ')', _0x27ab0a(0x1d6), 'CBaseEntity', _0x27ab0a(0x168), _0x27ab0a(0x1b6), _0x27ab0a(0x117), _0x27ab0a(0x1f9), _0x27ab0a(0x11c), 'assaultsuit', 'kevlar + helmet', 'incgrenade', _0x27ab0a(0x1c2), _0x27ab0a(0x134), _0x27ab0a(0x114), _0x27ab0a(0x234), _0x27ab0a(0x163), _0x27ab0a(0x1a1), _0x27ab0a(0x1f6), '<', '>', _0x27ab0a(0x198), _0x27ab0a(0x14b), _0x27ab0a(0x253), 'kb', _0x27ab0a(0x104), _0x27ab0a(0x21d), 'getHours', _0x27ab0a(0x197), _0x27ab0a(0x1a0), '0', ':', _0x27ab0a(0x1d2), ' | delay: ', _0x27ab0a(0x20a), _0x27ab0a(0x20c), 'ms', 'tick', 'FL:     ', _0x27ab0a(0x212), '1', _0x27ab0a(0x20f), 'toFixed', _0x27ab0a(0x218), '      ', 'FAKE (', 'info', _0x27ab0a(0xfc), 'hz', _0x27ab0a(0x21a), 'IO |', 'pop', _0x27ab0a(0x24a), 'ceil', 'WORLD', _0x27ab0a(0x112), _0x27ab0a(0x1b5), _0x27ab0a(0x1ea), _0x27ab0a(0x15d), 'fixsens', _0x27ab0a(0x1e4), _0x27ab0a(0x230), _0x27ab0a(0x1af), _0x27ab0a(0x1c8), _0x27ab0a(0x10c), 'viewmodel', _0x27ab0a(0x1ef), 'Turn speed', _0x27ab0a(0x20d), _0x27ab0a(0x1ac), _0x27ab0a(0x195), _0x27ab0a(0x1c9), 'Miscellaneous', _0x27ab0a(0x179), _0x27ab0a(0x11d), _0x27ab0a(0x11f), _0x27ab0a(0x164), 'x', 'y', 'z', _0x27ab0a(0x153), _0x27ab0a(0x149), _0x27ab0a(0x1da), 'BombPlantedScopelines', 'bomb_defused', _0x27ab0a(0x1ba), _0x27ab0a(0x1e8), _0x27ab0a(0x111), _0x27ab0a(0x16e), _0x27ab0a(0x1e6), _0x27ab0a(0x247), 'PlayerHurt', _0x27ab0a(0x229), _0x27ab0a(0x1ad), 'exit_bombzone', 'BombFalse', _0x27ab0a(0x16a), _0x27ab0a(0x125), _0x27ab0a(0x1a9), _0x27ab0a(0x143), _0x27ab0a(0x21c), _0x27ab0a(0x23c), _0x27ab0a(0x13e), _0x27ab0a(0x18e), _0x27ab0a(0x242), _0x27ab0a(0x116), _0x27ab0a(0x24f), _0x27ab0a(0x1aa), _0x27ab0a(0x14d), 'PlayerConnectFull'],
    _0x4e61f7 = {};
_0x4e61f7.name = _0xad6d[0x0], _0x4e61f7[_0x27ab0a(0x206)] = _0xad6d[0x1], _0x4e61f7[_0x27ab0a(0x1c7)] = _0xad6d[0x2];
var info = _0x4e61f7;

function _0x23cf(_0x564f18, _0x5a65cf) {
    return _0x23cf = function(_0x3390a8, _0x21b0a8) {
        _0x3390a8 = _0x3390a8 - 0xf8;
        var _0x291cba = _0x4b26[_0x3390a8];
        return _0x291cba;
    }, _0x23cf(_0x564f18, _0x5a65cf);
Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xff, 0xa8, 0x5, 0xff], _0xad6d[0x3] + _0xad6d[0x4]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xff, 0xa8, 0x5, 0xff], _0xad6d[0x5] + _0xad6d[0x4]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xff, 0xa8, 0x5, 0xff], _0xad6d[0x6] + _0xad6d[0x4]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xff, 0xa8, 0x5, 0xff], _0xad6d[0x7] + _0xad6d[0x4]), Cheat.PrintColor([0xff, 0xa8, 0x5, 0xff], _0xad6d[0x8] + _0xad6d[0x4]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xff, 0xa8, 0x5, 0xff], _0xad6d[0x9] + _0xad6d[0x4]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xad, 0xd1, 0xf, 0xff], _0xad6d[0xa] + Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x228)]() + _0xad6d[0xb]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xbf, 0xf, 0xf, 0xff], _0xad6d[0xc]), Cheat.PrintColor([0xdc, 0xdc, 0xdc, 0xff], _0xad6d[0xd]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x23f)]([0xbf, 0xf, 0xf, 0xff], _0xad6d[0xe]), Cheat.PrintColor([0xdc, 0xdc, 0xdc, 0xff], _0xad6d[0xf]);
var _0x3eed7f = {};
_0x3eed7f[_0x27ab0a(0x1a7)] = function(_0x4d91be, _0x5ed09d, _0x5145a5) {
    var _0x57fe44 = 0x1 << _0x5ed09d;
    return _0x5145a5 ? _0x4d91be | _0x57fe44 : _0x4d91be & ~_0x57fe44;
const CRender = {
        'Russificator': function(_0x1ec459) {
            var _0x2efdca = _0xad6d[0x10],
                _0x5386e2 = _0xad6d[0x11],
                _0x4157d0 = [];
            for (var _0x2c704b in _0x2efdca) {
                _0x4157d0[_0x2efdca[_0x2c704b]] = _0xad6d[0x12];
            for (var _0x10bd1b in _0x1ec459) {
                var _0x4a81d5 = _0x1ec459[_0xad6d[0x13]](_0x10bd1b);
                _0x5386e2 += _0x4157d0[_0x4a81d5] || _0x4a81d5;
            return _0x5386e2;
        'ShadowText': function(_0x2e4a06, _0x1dc179, _0x20d3f0, _0x117047, _0x13f52b, _0x4a5e66, _0x47ba69) {
            var _0x21c43f = _0x27ab0a;
            Render[_0x21c43f(0x1cb)](_0x2e4a06 + 0x1, _0x1dc179 + 0x1, _0x20d3f0, _0x117047, _0x4a5e66, _0x47ba69), Render[_0x21c43f(0x1cb)](_0x2e4a06, _0x1dc179, _0x20d3f0, _0x117047, _0x13f52b, _0x47ba69);
        'AdaptiveText': function(_0x59857d, _0x54f3a9, _0x53cb7a, _0x21a9b1, _0x854cc9, _0x269264) {
            var _0x36e0e1 = _0x27ab0a;
            Render[_0x36e0e1(0x1cb)](_0x59857d - Render[_0x36e0e1(0x17d)](_0x21a9b1, _0x269264)[0x0] / 0x2, _0x54f3a9, _0x53cb7a, _0x21a9b1, _0x854cc9, _0x269264);
        'AdaptiveShadowText': function(_0x4eb7be, _0x1fb19f, _0x157fe1, _0x5262e7, _0x3169d0, _0x1f9ae4, _0x27c7b3) {
            var _0x52a102 = _0x27ab0a;
            CRender[_0x52a102(0x214)](_0x4eb7be - Render[_0x52a102(0x17d)](_0x5262e7, _0x27c7b3)[0x0] / 0x2, _0x1fb19f, _0x157fe1, _0x5262e7, _0x3169d0, _0x1f9ae4, _0x27c7b3);
        'HSV2RGB': function(_0x27233b, _0x3dd752, _0x38d765) {
            var _0x1ebd9b, _0x240b2c, _0x4a9219, _0x4824cf, _0x438b2d, _0x25c76c, _0x1571af, _0x3cf740;
            _0x4824cf = Math[_0xad6d[0x14]](_0x27233b * 0x6), _0x438b2d = _0x27233b * 0x6 - _0x4824cf, _0x25c76c = _0x38d765 * (0x1 - _0x3dd752), _0x1571af = _0x38d765 * (0x1 - _0x438b2d * _0x3dd752), _0x3cf740 = _0x38d765 * (0x1 - (0x1 - _0x438b2d) * _0x3dd752);
            switch (_0x4824cf % 0x6) {
                case 0x0:
                    _0x1ebd9b = _0x38d765, _0x240b2c = _0x3cf740, _0x4a9219 = _0x25c76c;
                case 0x1:
                    _0x1ebd9b = _0x1571af, _0x240b2c = _0x38d765, _0x4a9219 = _0x25c76c;
                case 0x2:
                    _0x1ebd9b = _0x25c76c, _0x240b2c = _0x38d765, _0x4a9219 = _0x3cf740;
                case 0x3:
                    _0x1ebd9b = _0x25c76c, _0x240b2c = _0x1571af, _0x4a9219 = _0x38d765;
                case 0x4:
                    _0x1ebd9b = _0x3cf740, _0x240b2c = _0x25c76c, _0x4a9219 = _0x38d765;
                case 0x5:
                    _0x1ebd9b = _0x38d765, _0x240b2c = _0x25c76c, _0x4a9219 = _0x1571af;
            var _0x27f87d = {};
            return _0x27f87d.r = Math[_0xad6d[0x15]](_0x1ebd9b * 0xff), _0x27f87d.g = Math[_0xad6d[0x15]](_0x240b2c * 0xff), _0x27f87d.b = Math[_0xad6d[0x15]](_0x4a9219 * 0xff), _0x27f87d;
        'FilledRect': function(_0x5881d0, _0x383bff, _0xc16b1c, _0x571698, _0x52acd5) {
            var _0x47d51d = _0x27ab0a;
            const _0x578ee0 = UI[_0x47d51d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x16]),
                _0x15c5a4 = UI.GetColor(_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x18]),
                _0xb26450 = UI[_0x47d51d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x19]),
                _0x1faa54 = UI[_0x47d51d(0x241)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x1a]);
            var _0x48bc5b = _0x1faa54[0x3],
                _0x368080 = CRender.HSV2RGB(Global[_0x47d51d(0x1db)]() / 0x4, 0.9, 0x1);
            if (_0x578ee0 != 0x4) {
                Render[_0x47d51d(0x1b7)](_0x5881d0, _0x383bff, _0xc16b1c, _0x571698, [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, _0x48bc5b * _0x52acd5]);
                var _0x15b1d8 = _0x578ee0 == 0x0 ? [_0x15c5a4[0x0], _0x15c5a4[0x1], _0x15c5a4[0x2], 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x1 ? [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x2 ? [_0x15c5a4[0x0], _0x15c5a4[0x1], _0x15c5a4[0x2], 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x3 ? [0x0, 0xd5, 0xff, 0xff * _0x52acd5] : [_0xb26450 == 0x0 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1b]] : _0xb26450 == 0x1 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1c]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1b]], _0xb26450 == 0x0 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1c]] : _0xb26450 == 0x1 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1d]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1c]], _0xb26450 == 0x0 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1d]] : _0xb26450 == 0x1 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1b]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1d]], 0xff * _0x52acd5],
                    _0x49c28c = _0x578ee0 == 0x0 ? [_0x15c5a4[0x0], _0x15c5a4[0x1], _0x15c5a4[0x2], 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x1 ? [_0x15c5a4[0x0], _0x15c5a4[0x1], _0x15c5a4[0x2], 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x2 ? [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x3 ? [0xcc, 0x12, 0xcc, 0xff * _0x52acd5] : [_0xb26450 == 0x2 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1b]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1d]], _0xb26450 == 0x2 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1c]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1b]], _0xb26450 == 0x2 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1d]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1c]], 0xff * _0x52acd5],
                    _0x12ebbf = _0x578ee0 == 0x0 ? [_0x15c5a4[0x0], _0x15c5a4[0x1], _0x15c5a4[0x2], 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x1 ? [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x2 ? [_0x15c5a4[0x0], _0x15c5a4[0x1], _0x15c5a4[0x2], 0xff * _0x52acd5] : _0x578ee0 == 0x3 ? [0xff, 0xfa, 0x0, 0xff * _0x52acd5] : [_0xb26450 == 0x0 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1c]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1b]], _0xb26450 == 0x0 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1d]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1c]], _0xb26450 == 0x0 ? _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1b]] : _0x368080[_0xad6d[0x1d]], 0xff * _0x52acd5];
                Render[_0x47d51d(0x188)](_0x5881d0, _0x383bff - 0x2, _0xc16b1c / 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, _0x15b1d8, _0x49c28c), Render[_0x47d51d(0x188)](_0x5881d0 + _0xc16b1c / 0x2, _0x383bff - 0x2, _0xc16b1c / 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, _0x49c28c, _0x12ebbf);
            } else Render[_0x47d51d(0x1b7)](_0x5881d0, _0x383bff - 0x2, _0xc16b1c, _0x571698 + 0x2, [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, _0x48bc5b * _0x52acd5]), Render.GradientRect(_0x5881d0 + 0x1, _0x383bff - 0x1, _0xc16b1c / 0x2 - 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, [0x0, 0xd5, 0xff, 0xff * _0x52acd5], [0xcc, 0x12, 0xcc, 0xff * _0x52acd5]), Render[_0x47d51d(0x188)](_0x5881d0 + _0xc16b1c / 0x2, _0x383bff - 0x1, _0xc16b1c / 0x2 - 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, [0xcc, 0x12, 0xcc, 0xff * _0x52acd5], [0xff, 0xfa, 0x0, 0xff * _0x52acd5]);
        'Arc': function(_0x1d040f, _0x58e805, _0x58a25a, _0x3a5ba4, _0x121bfa, _0x27bf09, _0x5166c3) {
            var _0x7f0e25 = _0x27ab0a;
            for (var _0x49b812 = _0x121bfa; _0x49b812 < _0x121bfa + _0x27bf09; _0x49b812++) {
                const _0x358364 = _0x49b812 * Math[_0xad6d[0x1e]] / 0xb4;
                Render[_0x7f0e25(0x235)](_0x1d040f + Math[_0xad6d[0x1f]](_0x358364) * _0x58a25a, _0x58e805 + Math[_0xad6d[0x20]](_0x358364) * _0x58a25a, _0x1d040f + Math[_0xad6d[0x1f]](_0x358364) * _0x3a5ba4, _0x58e805 + Math[_0xad6d[0x20]](_0x358364) * _0x3a5ba4, _0x5166c3);
        'Drag': function(_0x709b40, _0x2496e3, _0x1f4f4b, _0x4673a1, _0x1e902b, _0x56380b) {
            var _0x31f870 = _0x27ab0a,
                _0x3de3dd = Global[_0x31f870(0x1f4)]();
            _0x3de3dd[0x0] >= _0x709b40 && _0x3de3dd[0x0] <= _0x709b40 + _0x1f4f4b && _0x3de3dd[0x1] >= _0x2496e3 && _0x3de3dd[0x1] <= _0x2496e3 + _0x4673a1 && (Global.IsKeyPressed(0x1) && _0x56380b[0x0] == 0x0 && (_0x56380b[0x0] = 0x1, _0x56380b[0x1] = _0x709b40 - _0x3de3dd[0x0], _0x56380b[0x2] = _0x2496e3 - _0x3de3dd[0x1])), !Global[_0x31f870(0x1b0)](0x1) && (_0x56380b[0x0] = 0x0), _0x56380b[0x0] == 0x1 && UI.IsMenuOpen() && (UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x17], _0x1e902b + _0xad6d[0x21], _0x3de3dd[0x0] + _0x56380b[0x1]), UI[_0x31f870(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0x1e902b + _0xad6d[0x22], _0x3de3dd[0x1] + _0x56380b[0x2]));
    Anim = {
        'Clamp': function(_0x263d6d, _0x2bcf05, _0x3723dd) {
            return Math[_0xad6d[0x24]](Math[_0xad6d[0x23]](_0x263d6d, _0x2bcf05), _0x3723dd);
        'Lerp': function(_0x5d8733, _0x5d5bfb, _0x23fc6e) {
            return _0x5d8733 * (0x1 - _0x23fc6e) + _0x5d5bfb * _0x23fc6e;
    CUI = _0x3eed7f,
    MenuVisible = function() {
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            _0x4d3df8 = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x28]);
        rage = _0x1c454b == 0x0 && _0x5d57f0 == 0x0, antiaim = _0x1c454b == 0x0 && _0x5d57f0 == 0x1, visual = _0x1c454b == 0x1 && _0x30c8e5 == 0x0, colors = _0x1c454b == 0x1 && _0x30c8e5 == 0x1, changers = _0x1c454b == 0x1 && _0x30c8e5 == 0x2, helpers = _0x1c454b == 0x2 && _0x4d3df8 == 0x0, hotkeys = _0x1c454b == 0x2 && _0x4d3df8 == 0x1, other = _0x1c454b == 0x2 && _0x4d3df8 == 0x2;
        const _0x1effa0 = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x29]),
            _0x5c67a9 = UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2a]),
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        UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x26], _0x1c454b == 0x0), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x29], rage), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x34], rage && _0x1effa0 == 0x1), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x35], rage && _0x1effa0 == 0x2), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x36], rage && _0x1effa0 == 0x3), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x37], rage && _0x1effa0 == 0x4), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x38], rage && _0x1effa0 == 0x5), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x39], rage && _0x1effa0 == 0x6), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x3a], rage), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x2a], rage), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x2b], rage && _0x5c67a9), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x3b], rage && _0x5c67a9 && _0x2fb2f8 == 0x1), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x3c], rage && _0x5c67a9 && _0x2fb2f8 == 0x2), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x3d], rage), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x3e], rage), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x3f], rage), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x40], rage), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x2c], antiaim), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x41], antiaim && _0x2792cc), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x42], antiaim && _0x2792cc), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x43], antiaim), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x44], antiaim), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x2d], antiaim), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x27], _0x1c454b == 0x1), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x2e], visual), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x16], visual && _0x926299), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x19], visual && _0x1e53ea == 0x5), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x2f], visual), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x45], visual && _0x2f2236), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x46], visual), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x30], visual), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x31], visual && _0x52065a), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x47], visual && _0x52065a && !_0x5c0575), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x48], visual && _0x52065a && !_0x5c0575), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x49], colors), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x18], colors && _0x926299), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x1a], colors && _0x926299), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x4a], colors && _0x2f2236), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x4b], colors && _0x52065a), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x4c], colors && _0x52065a), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x4d], changers && (_0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x0 || _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x2)), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x32], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x0), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x4e], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x0 && _0x33737a), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x4f], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x0), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x50], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x3), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x51], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x3), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x52], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x3), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x53], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x4), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x54], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x5), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x55], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x2), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x56], changers && _0x926299 & 0x1 << 0x2), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x28], _0x1c454b == 0x2), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x57], helpers), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x58], hotkeys), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x59], hotkeys), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x5a], hotkeys && _0x1dc209), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x5b], hotkeys && _0x1dc209), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x5c], hotkeys && _0x1dc209), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x5d], other), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x5e], other), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x5f], other), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x60], other), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x33], other), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x61], other && _0x465f7b), UI[_0x1ca7ec(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x62], true), UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x63], true);
var screen = Global[_0x27ab0a(0x200)]();
UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x25], [_0xad6d[0x64], _0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x66]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x26], [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x68]]), UI.AddDropdown(_0xad6d[0x29], [_0xad6d[0x69], _0xad6d[0x6a], _0xad6d[0x6b], _0xad6d[0x6c], _0xad6d[0x6d], _0xad6d[0x6e], _0xad6d[0x6f]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x34], 0x0, 0x82), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x35], 0x0, 0x82), UI.AddSliderInt(_0xad6d[0x36], 0x0, 0x82), UI.AddSliderInt(_0xad6d[0x37], 0x0, 0x82), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x38], 0x0, 0x82), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x39], 0x0, 0x82), UI.AddCheckbox(_0xad6d[0x3a]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x2a]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x2b], [_0xad6d[0x69], _0xad6d[0x70], _0xad6d[0x6d]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x3b], 0x1, 0x64), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x3c], 0x1, 0x64), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x3d]), UI.AddCheckbox(_0xad6d[0x3e]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x3f]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x177)](_0xad6d[0x40], [_0xad6d[0x71], _0xad6d[0x72], _0xad6d[0x73], _0xad6d[0x74]]), UI.AddCheckbox(_0xad6d[0x2c]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x41], -0x32, 0x0), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x42], 0x0, 0x32), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x43]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x44]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x2d]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x27], [_0xad6d[0x75], _0xad6d[0x76], _0xad6d[0x77]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x177)](_0xad6d[0x2e], [_0xad6d[0x78], _0xad6d[0x79], _0xad6d[0x7a], _0xad6d[0x7b], _0xad6d[0x7c], _0xad6d[0x7d]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x16], [_0xad6d[0x7e], _0xad6d[0x7f], _0xad6d[0x80], _0xad6d[0x81], _0xad6d[0x82], _0xad6d[0x83]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x19], [_0xad6d[0x84], _0xad6d[0x85], _0xad6d[0x7e]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x2f]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x1d7)](_0xad6d[0x45], 0x1, 0xa), UI.AddCheckbox(_0xad6d[0x46]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x30]), UI.AddCheckbox(_0xad6d[0x31]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x47], 0x1, 0x12c), UI.AddSliderInt(_0xad6d[0x48], 0x0, 0x32), UI.AddColorPicker(_0xad6d[0x49]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x205)](_0xad6d[0x18]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x205)](_0xad6d[0x1a]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x205)](_0xad6d[0x4a]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x205)](_0xad6d[0x4b]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x205)](_0xad6d[0x4c]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x4d], [_0xad6d[0x82], _0xad6d[0x86]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x32]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x13c)](_0xad6d[0x4e]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x4f]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x177)](_0xad6d[0x50], [_0xad6d[0x87], _0xad6d[0x88], _0xad6d[0x89], _0xad6d[0x8a], _0xad6d[0x8b], _0xad6d[0x8c], _0xad6d[0x8d]]), UI.AddTextbox(_0xad6d[0x51]), UI.AddTextbox(_0xad6d[0x52]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x53]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x54], 0x3c, 0x168), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x177)](_0xad6d[0x55], [_0xad6d[0x8e], _0xad6d[0x8f], _0xad6d[0x90], _0xad6d[0x91], _0xad6d[0x92], _0xad6d[0x93], _0xad6d[0x94], _0xad6d[0x95], _0xad6d[0x96], _0xad6d[0x97], _0xad6d[0x98], _0xad6d[0x99]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x56]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x15e)](_0xad6d[0x28], [_0xad6d[0x9a], _0xad6d[0x9b], _0xad6d[0x9c]]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x57]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0xfa)](_0xad6d[0x58]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0xfa)](_0xad6d[0x59]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0xfa)](_0xad6d[0x5a]), UI.AddHotkey(_0xad6d[0x5b]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0xfa)](_0xad6d[0x5c]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x5d]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x5e]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x5f]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x60]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x239)](_0xad6d[0x33]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x1d7)](_0xad6d[0x61], 0.2, 0x3), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x62], 0x0, Render[_0x27ab0a(0x200)]()[0x0]), UI[_0x27ab0a(0x217)](_0xad6d[0x63], 0x0, Render.GetScreenSize()[0x1]);
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            [_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x5c]], 0x5a, true, [true, true, true]
        [0x0, 0x0, true]
    _0x16778a = {};
_0x16778a.confilter = 0x0, _0x16778a[_0x27ab0a(0x148)] = 0x0;
var not_spam = _0x16778a,
    _0x352e54 = {};
_0x352e54[_0x27ab0a(0x1ac)] = true, _0x352e54[_0x27ab0a(0x1c9)] = true, _0x352e54[_0x27ab0a(0xf9)] = true, _0x352e54[_0x27ab0a(0x15c)] = true, _0x352e54[_0x27ab0a(0x24c)] = true, _0x352e54[_0x27ab0a(0x1c5)] = true;
var original = _0x352e54,
    _0x43fa3e = {};
_0x43fa3e.timer = 0x0, _0x43fa3e[_0x27ab0a(0x203)] = 0x0;
var dst = _0x43fa3e,
    _0x2d98c6 = {};
_0x2d98c6[_0x27ab0a(0x12c)] = 0x0, _0x2d98c6[_0x27ab0a(0x231)] = Global.Curtime();
var ms_hz = _0x2d98c6,
    _0x50312c = {};
_0x50312c[_0x27ab0a(0x12c)] = 0x0, _0x50312c[_0x27ab0a(0x231)] = Global[_0x27ab0a(0x23a)](), _0x50312c[_0x27ab0a(0x21a)] = [];
var io = _0x50312c,
    lftimer = Global[_0x27ab0a(0x23a)](),
    shottimer = Global[_0x27ab0a(0x23a)](),
    DAShot = true,
    Restore = true,
    WeaponFire = true,
    draw_scopelines = true;
const Rage = function() {
    const _0x4bad03 = function() {
            var _0x3ea268 = _0x23cf;
            if (!UI[_0x3ea268(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x59])) return;
            var _0x56415b = Entity.GetEnemies(),
                _0x3e4df5 = Entity.GetName(Entity[_0x3ea268(0x213)](Entity[_0x3ea268(0x1fa)]()));
            switch (_0x3e4df5) {
                default: {
                    damage = UI[_0x3ea268(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x34]);
            case _0xad6d[0x9d]:
            case _0xad6d[0x9e]: {
                damage = UI[_0x3ea268(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x35]);
            case _0xad6d[0x9f]: {
                damage = UI[_0x3ea268(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x36]);
            case _0xad6d[0xa0]: {
                damage = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x37]);
            case _0xad6d[0xa1]: {
                damage = UI[_0x3ea268(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x38]);
            case _0xad6d[0xa2]:
            case _0xad6d[0xa3]: {
                damage = UI[_0x3ea268(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x39]);
            for (i = 0x0; i < _0x56415b[_0xad6d[0xa4]]; i++) {
                Entity.IsValid(_0x56415b[i]) && Entity[_0x3ea268(0x249)](_0x56415b[i]) && !Entity[_0x3ea268(0x10f)](_0x56415b[i]) && Ragebot[_0x3ea268(0x24d)](_0x56415b[i], damage);
        _0x30076f = function(_0x26684d, _0x1e9b64) {
            return x = _0x1e9b64[0x0] - _0x26684d[0x0], z = _0x1e9b64[0x1] - _0x26684d[0x1], y = _0x26684d[0x2] - _0x1e9b64[0x2], [Math[_0xad6d[0xa5]](z, x) * 0xb4 / Math[_0xad6d[0x1e]], Math[_0xad6d[0xa5]](y, Math[_0xad6d[0xa6]](x * x + z * z)) * 0xb4 / Math[_0xad6d[0x1e]]];
        _0x2766d3 = function() {
            var _0x57e785 = _0x23cf;
            if (!UI[_0x57e785(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x58])) return;
            enemies = Entity[_0x57e785(0x255)]();
            for (i = 0x0; i < enemies[_0xad6d[0xa4]]; i++) {
                if (Entity[_0x57e785(0x249)](enemies[i]) && Entity.IsDormant(enemies[i])) {
                    var _0x19b894 = Entity.GetHitboxPosition(Entity[_0x57e785(0x1fa)](), 0x0),
                        _0x4fc976 = Entity[_0x57e785(0x211)](enemies[i]);
                    _0x4fc976[0x2] = _0x4fc976[0x2] + 0x26;
                    var _0x4ad9d2 = Trace[_0x57e785(0x1ec)](Entity[_0x57e785(0x1fa)](), enemies[i], _0x19b894, _0x4fc976);
                    if (_0x4ad9d2[0x1] > 0x0) {
                        var _0x105424 = _0x30076f(_0x19b894, _0x4fc976),
                            _0x42d531 = _0x105424[0x0],
                            _0x1c31a1 = _0x105424[0x1];
                        Local.GetInaccuracy() < 0.008 && (UserCMD[_0x57e785(0x15b)]([_0x1c31a1, _0x42d531, 0x0]), Cheat[_0x57e785(0x189)](_0xad6d[0xa7]), Cheat[_0x57e785(0x189)](_0xad6d[0xa8]), DAShot = true);
        _0x33a86c = function() {
            var _0x372a71 = _0x23cf;
            if (UI[_0x372a71(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x3a])) {
                var _0x4d5587 = Entity[_0x372a71(0x1fc)](Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
                _0x4d5587 == _0xad6d[0x9d] || _0x4d5587 == _0xad6d[0x9e] ? (original[_0xad6d[0xa9]] && (OldFakelag = UI[_0x372a71(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xab]), OldLimitFakelag = UI[_0x372a71(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xac]), original[_0xad6d[0xa9]] = true), UI[_0x372a71(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xab], 0x0), UI[_0x372a71(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xac], 0x0)) : !original[_0xad6d[0xa9]] && (UI[_0x372a71(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xab], OldFakelag), UI[_0x372a71(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xac], OldLimitFakelag), original[_0xad6d[0xa9]] = true);
            } else !original[_0xad6d[0xa9]] && (UI[_0x372a71(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xab], OldFakelag), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xac], OldLimitFakelag), original[_0xad6d[0xa9]] = true);
        _0x241112 = function() {
            var _0x59ee41 = _0x23cf;
            if (UI[_0x59ee41(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2a])) {
                var _0x2660dd = Entity.GetEnemies(),
                    _0x605b6c = Entity[_0x59ee41(0x1fc)](Entity[_0x59ee41(0x213)](Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
                for (i = 0x0; i < _0x2660dd[_0xad6d[0xa4]]; i++) {
                    if (!Entity[_0x59ee41(0x219)](_0x2660dd[i]) && !Entity.IsAlive(_0x2660dd[i])) continue;
                    Entity.GetProp(Entity[_0x59ee41(0x1fa)](), _0xad6d[0xad], _0xad6d[0xae]) && ((_0x605b6c == _0xad6d[0x9d] || _0x605b6c == _0xad6d[0x9e]) && Ragebot[_0x59ee41(0x18d)](_0x2660dd[i], UI[_0x59ee41(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xaf], _0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x3b])), _0x605b6c == _0xad6d[0xa0] && Ragebot[_0x59ee41(0x18d)](_0x2660dd[i], UI[_0x59ee41(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xaf], _0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x3c])));
        _0x207b5e = function(_0x1785d0) {
            var _0x24b81f = _0x23cf;
            local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
            var _0x4bda08 = Entity.GetWeapon(local);
            if (local == null || _0x4bda08 == null) return true;
            var _0x129ea7 = Entity[_0x24b81f(0x105)](local, _0xad6d[0xb0], _0xad6d[0xb1]),
                _0x4f6287 = Globals[_0x24b81f(0x1dc)]() * (_0x129ea7 - _0x1785d0);
            if (_0x4f6287 < Entity[_0x24b81f(0x105)](local, _0xad6d[0xb0], _0xad6d[0xb2])) return true;
            if (_0x4f6287 < Entity[_0x24b81f(0x105)](_0x4bda08, _0xad6d[0xb3], _0xad6d[0xb4])) return true;
            return true;
        _0x4ccfd4 = function() {
            var _0x424944 = _0x23cf,
                _0x35a905 = Entity.GetName(Entity[_0x424944(0x213)](Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
            if (!UI[_0x424944(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x3e]) || (_0x35a905 == _0xad6d[0x9d] || _0x35a905 == _0xad6d[0x9e])) {
            var _0x4fe45f = Exploit[_0x424944(0x181)]();
            Exploit[(_0x4fe45f != 0x1 ? _0xad6d[0xb5] : _0xad6d[0xb6]) + _0xad6d[0xb7]](), _0x207b5e(0xa) && _0x4fe45f != 0x1 && (Exploit.DisableRecharge(), Exploit.Recharge());
        _0x1e9740 = function() {
            var _0x1a7612 = _0x23cf;
            UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x3d]) && (weapon = Entity[_0x1a7612(0x1fc)](Entity.GetWeapon(Entity[_0x1a7612(0x1fa)]())), legitaa = UI[_0x1a7612(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x44]) && Input.IsKeyPressed(0x45), doubletap = UI[_0x1a7612(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xb9], _0xad6d[0xba]), hideshots = UI[_0x1a7612(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xb9], _0xad6d[0x91]), autopeek = UI[_0x1a7612(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0x98]), active = doubletap && autopeek, active && (weapon == _0xad6d[0xa0] || weapon == _0xad6d[0xa1]) ? (original[_0xad6d[0xbc]] && (autodirection_cache = UI[_0x1a7612(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xbe]), scoutpsp_cache = UI[_0x1a7612(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xbf], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc1]), awppbaim_cache = UI[_0x1a7612(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x6e], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc2]), awppsp_cache = UI[_0x1a7612(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x6e], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc1]), original[_0xad6d[0xbc]] = true), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xbe], legitaa ? ![] : true), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xbf], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc1], true), UI[_0x1a7612(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x6e], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc2], true), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x6e], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc1], true)) : !original[_0xad6d[0xbc]] && (UI[_0x1a7612(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xbe], autodirection_cache), UI[_0x1a7612(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xbf], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc1], scoutpsp_cache), UI[_0x1a7612(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x6e], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc2], awppbaim_cache), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x6e], _0xad6d[0xc0], _0xad6d[0xc1], awppsp_cache), original[_0xad6d[0xbc]] = true));
        _0x24e530 = function() {
            var _0x457667 = _0x23cf;
            const _0x391560 = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x44]) && Input.IsKeyPressed(0x45),
                _0x261e82 = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2c]);
            _0x391560 ? !Restore && (original[_0xad6d[0xc3]] && (AntiUntrusted_Cache = UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xc4], _0xad6d[0xc5]), AtTargets_Cache = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc6]), AutoDir_Cache = UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xbe]), YawOffset_Cache = UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7]), Mouse_Cache = UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc8]), Manual_Cache = UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc9]), FakeDsc_Cache = UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0xcb]), Pitch_Cache = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xcc], _0xad6d[0xcd]), original[_0xad6d[0xc3]] = true), Cheat[_0x457667(0x189)](_0xad6d[0xce]), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xc4], _0xad6d[0xc5], 0x0), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc6], true), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xbe], true), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7], 0xb4), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc8], true), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc9], true), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0xcb], true), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xcc], _0xad6d[0xcd], 0x0), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1a8)](0x1), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1cc)](UI[_0x457667(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0x95]) ? -0x3c : 0x3c), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1ab)](UI[_0x457667(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0x95]) ? 0x3c : -0x3c), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x12d)](0x0)) : !original[_0xad6d[0xc3]] && (UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xc4], _0xad6d[0xc5], AntiUntrusted_Cache), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc6], AtTargets_Cache), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xbe], AutoDir_Cache), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7], YawOffset_Cache), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc8], Mouse_Cache), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc9], Manual_Cache), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0xcb], FakeDsc_Cache), UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xcc], _0xad6d[0xcd], Pitch_Cache), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1a8)](0x0), original[_0xad6d[0xc3]] = true);
            _0x261e82 && UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xcc], _0xad6d[0x97]) && !_0x391560 ? (AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1a8)](0x1), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1cc)](UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0x95]) ? UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x42]) : UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x41])), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1ab)](0x0), AntiAim[_0x457667(0x12d)](0x0)) : !_0x391560 && AntiAim[_0x457667(0x1a8)](0x0);
            if (UI[_0x457667(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2d]))
                for (var _0x179e2c = 0x0; _0x179e2c < manuals[_0xad6d[0xa4]] - 0x1; _0x179e2c++) {
                    if (UI[_0xad6d[0xd0]][_0xad6d[0xcf]](null, manuals[_0x179e2c][0x0]) && !manuals[_0x179e2c][0x2]) {
                        manuals[0x3][0x2] = true, manuals[0x3][0x0] = Global[_0x457667(0x16b)](), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7], manuals[_0x179e2c][0x1]), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc6], true);
                        for (var _0x3cd5ee = 0x0; _0x3cd5ee < manuals[_0xad6d[0xa4]] - 0x1; _0x3cd5ee++) {
                            manuals[_0x3cd5ee][0x2] = manuals[_0x3cd5ee][0x3][_0x179e2c];
                    } else UI[_0xad6d[0xd0]][_0xad6d[0xcf]](null, manuals[_0x179e2c][0x0]) && manuals[_0x179e2c][0x2] && Global[_0x457667(0x16b)]() > manuals[0x3][0x0] + 0xc && !_0x391560 && (manuals[0x3][0x1] = Global[_0x457667(0x16b)](), manuals[0x3][0x2] = true);
                    if (manuals[0x3][0x2]) {
                        if (Global[_0x457667(0x16b)]() > manuals[0x3][0x1] + 0.1) {
                            manuals[0x3][0x2] = Global[_0x457667(0x16b)]();
                            for (var _0x568d95 = 0x0; _0x568d95 < 0x3; _0x568d95++) {
                                manuals[_0x568d95][0x2] = true;
                        }!_0x391560 && (UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7], -0x6), UI[_0x457667(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc6], true));
        _0x4a564d = function() {
            var _0x5d4a0e = _0x23cf,
                _0x4a0973 = Entity[_0x5d4a0e(0x167)](0x61)[0x0];
            if (_0x4a0973) {
                function _0x21c362(_0x6c113c, _0x32c808) {
                    var _0x1418ef = _0x6c113c[0x0] - _0x32c808[0x0],
                        _0x7b2403 = _0x6c113c[0x1] - _0x32c808[0x1],
                        _0x3935c4 = _0x6c113c[0x2] - _0x32c808[0x2];
                    return Math[_0xad6d[0xa6]](_0x1418ef * * 0x2 + _0x7b2403 * * 0x2 + _0x3935c4 * * 0x2);
                var _0x4b6836 = Entity[_0x5d4a0e(0x211)](_0x4a0973),
                    _0x4c9b80 = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(Entity[_0x5d4a0e(0x1fa)]());
                distance = _0x21c362(_0x4b6836, _0x4c9b80), Restore = true, distance <= 0x3d && distance >= 0x17 && (Restore = true);
        _0x5474c0 = function() {
            var _0x489197 = _0x23cf,
                _0x33b0a8 = Entity[_0x489197(0x105)](Entity[_0x489197(0x1fa)](), _0xad6d[0xad], _0xad6d[0xae]);
            actual_pos = Entity[_0x489197(0x211)](Entity[_0x489197(0x1fa)]())[0x2], !_0x33b0a8 ? (dst[_0xad6d[0xd1]] = Anim[_0x489197(0x174)](dst[_0xad6d[0xd1]] - 0.5, 0x0, 0x1), saved_pos = Entity[_0x489197(0x211)](Entity.GetLocalPlayer())[0x2], dst[_0xad6d[0xd2]] = 0x0) : dst[_0xad6d[0xd1]] = 0x1, dst[_0xad6d[0xd2]] = Math[_0xad6d[0x15]](actual_pos - saved_pos);
        _0x31f84d = function() {
            var _0x5a1b59 = _0x23cf;
            UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x3f]) && (WeaponFire && Global[_0x5a1b59(0x23a)]() - shottimer > 0.55 && (UI.ToggleHotkey(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0x95]), shottimer = Global[_0x5a1b59(0x23a)](), WeaponFire = true));
        _0x50f49b = function() {
            var _0x3c9998 = _0x23cf;
            UI[_0x3c9998(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x43]) && (Global.Tickcount() - lftimer > 0x5 && (!UI[_0x3c9998(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0xd3]) ? UI[_0x3c9998(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0xd3], true) : UI[_0x3c9998(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0xd3], true), lftimer = Global[_0x3c9998(0x16b)]()));
    _0x4bad03(), _0x33a86c(), _0x241112(), _0x4ccfd4(), _0x1e9740(), _0x2766d3(), _0x24e530(), _0x4a564d(), _0x5474c0(), _0x31f84d(), _0x50f49b();
var drag = [
        [0x0, 0x0, 0x0]
    binds = [
            [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x75], _0xad6d[0x8e]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x59]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x58]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0x91]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0xba]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x75], _0xad6d[0xd6]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0x75], _0xad6d[0xd7]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xca], _0xad6d[0x95]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xcc], _0xad6d[0x96]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xcc], _0xad6d[0x97]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0x98]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0x99]], _0xad6d[0xd4], 0x0, 0x0
    indbinds = [
        [_0xad6d[0xd8], null, 0x1, 0x1, [0x3, 0x84, 0xfc, 0xff], true, 0x0],
        [_0xad6d[0xd9], null, 0x1, 0x1, [0x3, 0x84, 0xfc, 0xff], true, 0x0],
            [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0x91]], 0x0, 0x0, [0xcb, 0xd1, 0x11, 0xff], true, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0xba]], 0x0, 0x0, [0x9b, 0xc7, 0x22, 0xff], true, 0x0
            [_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x59]], 0x0, 0x0, [0xe1, 0xe1, 0xe1, 0xff], true, 0x0
    animaspect = 0x0,
    cacheaspect = 0x0,
    animwidth = [0x0, 0x0, 0x0],
    arc = 0x0,
    animarc = 0x0,
    valueclr = 0x0,
    arrow_alpha = [0x0, 0x0],
    alpha = [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0],
    anim_y = [0x0, 0x0],
    hits = [],
    dmgi = [],
    logs = [],
    tracers = [],
    draw_scopelines = true;
const hitgroup = function(_0x1dee7f) {
        const _0x20600d = [_0xad6d[0xdd], _0xad6d[0xde], _0xad6d[0xdf], _0xad6d[0xe0], _0xad6d[0xe1], _0xad6d[0xe2], _0xad6d[0xe3], _0xad6d[0xe4], _0xad6d[0x12]];
        return _0x20600d[_0x1dee7f] || _0xad6d[0xe5];
    PlayerHurt = function() {
        const _0x520650 = function() {
            var _0x48931b = _0x23cf;
            if (Entity[_0x48931b(0x249)](Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) && Entity[_0x48931b(0x1fa)]() != null) {
                var _0x2b9bb2 = Entity[_0x48931b(0x110)](Event[_0x48931b(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xe6])),
                    _0x1b3fc6 = Entity[_0x48931b(0x110)](Event[_0x48931b(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xe7])),
                    _0x42947c = Entity[_0x48931b(0x211)](_0x2b9bb2),
                    _0xd47e87 = _0xad6d[0xe8] + Entity[_0x48931b(0x1fc)](_0x2b9bb2) + _0xad6d[0xe9] + hitgroup(Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xea])) + _0xad6d[0xeb] + Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xec]) + _0xad6d[0xed] + Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xee]) + _0xad6d[0xef],
                    _0x49006d = _0xad6d[0xf0] + Entity[_0x48931b(0x1fc)](_0x1b3fc6) + _0xad6d[0xe9] + hitgroup(Event[_0x48931b(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xea])) + _0xad6d[0xeb] + Event[_0x48931b(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xec]) + _0xad6d[0xf1];
                Entity.IsLocalPlayer(_0x1b3fc6) && _0x1b3fc6 != _0x2b9bb2 && (dmgi[_0xad6d[0xf2]]([Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xec]), Event[_0x48931b(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xea]), Global[_0x48931b(0x23a)](), 0x1, 0x0, 0x64, _0x42947c]), hits[_0xad6d[0xf2]]([Entity.GetName(_0x2b9bb2) + _0xad6d[0xf3] + hitgroup(Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xea])) + _0xad6d[0xf3] + Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xec]) + _0xad6d[0xf4] + Event[_0x48931b(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xee]) + _0xad6d[0xf5], 0x0, Global.Curtime(), Event[_0x48931b(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xee])]), UI[_0x48931b(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x40]) & 0x1 << 0x0 && logs[_0xad6d[0xf2]]([_0xd47e87, 0x0, Global[_0x48931b(0x23a)]()])), Entity[_0x48931b(0x215)](_0x2b9bb2) && (UI[_0x48931b(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x40]) & 0x1 << 0x1 && logs[_0xad6d[0xf2]]([_0x49006d, 0x0, Global[_0x48931b(0x23a)]()]));
    OnItemPurchase = function() {
        var _0x46f41c = _0x27ab0a;
        if (UI[_0x46f41c(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x40]) & 0x1 << 0x2) {
            if (Event[_0x46f41c(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xf6]) != Entity[_0x46f41c(0x105)](Entity[_0x46f41c(0x1fa)](), _0xad6d[0xf7], _0xad6d[0xf8])) {
                var _0x3c8ecb = Event[_0x46f41c(0x1d0)](_0xad6d[0xf9]);
                _0x3c8ecb = _0x3c8ecb[_0xad6d[0xfb]](_0xad6d[0xfa], _0xad6d[0x11]), _0x3c8ecb = _0x3c8ecb[_0xad6d[0xfb]](_0xad6d[0xfc], _0xad6d[0x11]), _0x3c8ecb = _0x3c8ecb[_0xad6d[0xfb]](_0xad6d[0xfd], _0xad6d[0xfe]), _0x3c8ecb = _0x3c8ecb[_0xad6d[0xfb]](_0xad6d[0xff], _0xad6d[0x100]);
                if (_0x3c8ecb != _0xad6d[0x101]) {
                    var _0x287a4f = Entity[_0x46f41c(0x1fc)](Entity[_0x46f41c(0x110)](Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xe6]))) + _0xad6d[0x102] + _0x3c8ecb;
                    logs[_0xad6d[0xf2]]([_0x287a4f, 0x0, Global[_0x46f41c(0x23a)]()]);
    Visual = function() {
        var _0x5bc0cb = _0x27ab0a;
        const _0x5ed791 = UI.GetColor(_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x49]),
            _0x1f02d0 = UI.GetColor(_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x1a])[0x3],
            _0x4f0401 = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x4d]);
        var _0x9bbbe1 = Render[_0x5bc0cb(0xfe)](_0xad6d[0x103], 0x7, 0x190),
            _0x14aea0 = Entity[_0x5bc0cb(0x249)](Entity[_0x5bc0cb(0x1fa)]()),
            _0x2bd07e = [0x0, 0x0];
        const _0x5455e3 = function() {
                var _0x319ff9 = _0x5bc0cb;
                const _0x46bb44 = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x44]) && Input[_0x319ff9(0x1b0)](0x45),
                    _0x297b51 = UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2c]) && UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xcc], _0xad6d[0x97]),
                    _0x10ce01 = UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x4f]);
                var _0x3471a = UI[_0x319ff9(0x1d0)](_0xad6d[0x4e]) != _0xad6d[0x11] ? UI.GetString(_0xad6d[0x4e]) : _0xad6d[0xd8],
                    _0x4b7e3d = _0x46bb44 ? _0xad6d[0x104] : _0x297b51 ? _0xad6d[0x105] : _0xad6d[0xd9],
                    _0x31b1cb = Render.AddFont(_0xad6d[0x103], 0x7, 0x190),
                    _0x1e9d6b = Exploit[_0x319ff9(0x181)](),
                    _0x72e57 = 0x1e;
                for (var _0x3ea243 = 0x0; _0x3ea243 < indbinds[_0xad6d[0xa4]] - 0x1; _0x3ea243++) {
                    indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x1] != null && UI[_0xad6d[0xd0]][_0xad6d[0xcf]](null, indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x1]) && UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x0 && _0x14aea0 && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x2] = 0x1, indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x12e)](Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1), 0x1, 0.0095));
                    (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x1] != null && !UI[_0xad6d[0xd0]][_0xad6d[0xcf]](null, indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x1]) || !(UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x0) || !_0x14aea0) && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x12e)](Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1), 0x0, 0.0095), indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] <= 0x0 && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x2] = 0x0));
                    indbinds[0x1][0x0] = _0x4b7e3d, indbinds[0x0][0x0] = _0x3471a, indbinds[0x0][0x4] = _0x5ed791, indbinds[0x1][0x4] = _0x5ed791;
                    indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x0] == _0x3471a && (UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x32]) && UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x0 && _0x14aea0 && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x2] = 0x1, indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1)), (!UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x32]) || !(UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x0) || !_0x14aea0) && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1), indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] <= 0x0 && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x2] = 0x0)));
                    indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x0] == _0x4b7e3d && (UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x0 && _0x14aea0 && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x2] = 0x1, indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] = Anim.Clamp(indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1)), (!(UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x0) || !_0x14aea0) && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3] <= 0x0 && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x2] = 0x0)));
                    Exploit[_0x319ff9(0x181)]() >= 0x1 && _0x10ce01 && (animarc = Anim.Clamp(animarc + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)]() / 0xa, 0x0, 0x1));
                    (Exploit[_0x319ff9(0x181)]() < 0x1 || !_0x10ce01) && (animarc = Anim.Clamp(animarc - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals.Frametime() / 0xa, 0x0, 0x1));
                    Exploit.GetCharge() >= 0x1 ? valueclr = Anim.Clamp(valueclr + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)]() / 0xa, 0x0, 1.14) : valueclr = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](valueclr - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals.Frametime() / 0xa, 0x0, 0.86);
                    indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x0] == _0xad6d[0xdb] && (animarc < 0.05 ? indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x6] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x6] - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1) : indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x6] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x6] + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1));
                    indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x0] == _0xad6d[0xdb] && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x4] = [0x9e, 0xc7 * valueclr, 0x14, 0xff]);
                    var _0x5571f3 = indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x0],
                        _0x44fb40 = indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x2],
                        _0x2ac636 = indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x3],
                        _0x40f92 = indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x4],
                        _0x37a3a9 = indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x6];
                    _0x72e57 += 0xa * (_0x4f0401 == 0x0 ? _0x44fb40 : _0x2ac636), y = _0x72e57 - 0xa * (_0x4f0401 == 0x0 ? _0x44fb40 : _0x2ac636), indbinds[indbinds[_0xad6d[0xa4]] - 0x1] = _0x72e57, _0x2ac636 > 0x0 && (CRender[_0x319ff9(0x214)](screen[0x0] / 0x2 + 0x5 * _0x37a3a9, screen[0x1] / 0x2 + y, 0x1, _0x5571f3, [_0x40f92[0x0], _0x40f92[0x1], _0x40f92[0x2], 0xff * _0x2ac636], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x2ac636], _0x31b1cb), animarc > 0x0 && (indbinds[_0x3ea243][0x5] && CRender[_0x319ff9(0x101)](screen[0x0] / 0x2 - 0xa, screen[0x1] / 0x2 + y + 0x7, 4.3, 4.025, 0x2d, animarc * 0x168, [_0x40f92[0x0], _0x40f92[0x1], _0x40f92[0x2], 0xff * _0x2ac636])));
                var _0x4bab42 = Render[_0x319ff9(0xfe)](_0xad6d[0x106], 0x14, 0x320),
                    _0x1649e1 = 0x2d;
                UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7]) == -0x5a && UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x1 && (arrow_alpha[0x0] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](arrow_alpha[0x0] + 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1)), (UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7]) != -0x5a || !(UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x1)) && (arrow_alpha[0x0] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](arrow_alpha[0x0] - 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1)), UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7]) == 0x5a && UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x1 && (arrow_alpha[0x1] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](arrow_alpha[0x1] + 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1)), (UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xbd], _0xad6d[0xc7]) != 0x5a || !(UI[_0x319ff9(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x1)) && (arrow_alpha[0x1] = Anim[_0x319ff9(0x174)](arrow_alpha[0x1] - 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0x319ff9(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1)), arrow_alpha[0x0] > 0x0 && (Render[_0x319ff9(0x1cb)](screen[0x0] / 0x2 - Render[_0x319ff9(0x17d)](_0xad6d[0x107], _0x4bab42)[0x0] - _0x1649e1 + 0x1, screen[0x1] / 0x2 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0xad6d[0x107], _0x4bab42)[0x1] / 0x2, 0x0, _0xad6d[0x107], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x96 * arrow_alpha[0x0]], _0x4bab42), Render[_0x319ff9(0x1cb)](screen[0x0] / 0x2 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0xad6d[0x107], _0x4bab42)[0x0] - _0x1649e1, screen[0x1] / 0x2 - Render[_0x319ff9(0x17d)](_0xad6d[0x107], _0x4bab42)[0x1] / 0x2 - 0x1, 0x0, _0xad6d[0x107], [_0x5ed791[0x0], _0x5ed791[0x1], _0x5ed791[0x2], 0xff * arrow_alpha[0x0]], _0x4bab42)), arrow_alpha[0x1] > 0x0 && (Render[_0x319ff9(0x1cb)](screen[0x0] / 0x2 + _0x1649e1 + 0x1, screen[0x1] / 0x2 - Render[_0x319ff9(0x17d)](_0xad6d[0x108], _0x4bab42)[0x1] / 0x2, 0x0, _0xad6d[0x108], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x96 * arrow_alpha[0x1]], _0x4bab42), Render.StringCustom(screen[0x0] / 0x2 + _0x1649e1, screen[0x1] / 0x2 - Render[_0x319ff9(0x17d)](_0xad6d[0x108], _0x4bab42)[0x1] / 0x2 - 0x1, 0x0, _0xad6d[0x108], [_0x5ed791[0x0], _0x5ed791[0x1], _0x5ed791[0x2], 0xff * arrow_alpha[0x1]], _0x4bab42));
            _0x4d1495 = function() {
                var _0x10cdd8 = _0x5bc0cb;
                const _0x4c3c37 = [UI[_0x10cdd8(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x62]), UI[_0x10cdd8(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x63])],
                    _0x323fa8 = UI[_0x10cdd8(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x56]);
                var _0x3cd030 = 0x46,
                    _0x2a0b30 = 0x0,
                    _0x2096cf = [],
                    _0x16d4a9 = [],
                    _0x1ff396 = 0x92,
                    _0x5b1c34 = 0x11,
                    _0x95894a = 0x16;
                for (var _0xea085 in binds) {
                    binds[_0xea085][0x4] > 0x0 && _0x16d4a9[_0xad6d[0x109]](_0xea085);
                for (var _0x21304c in _0x16d4a9) {
                    b = _0x16d4a9[_0x21304c], Render[_0x10cdd8(0x17d)](binds[b][0x0], _0x9bbbe1)[0x0] > _0x2a0b30 && (_0x2a0b30 = Render[_0x10cdd8(0x17d)](binds[b][0x0], _0x9bbbe1)[0x0]);
                _0x2a0b30 == 0x0 && (_0x2a0b30 = 0x32);
                _0x3cd030 = _0x3cd030 + _0x2a0b30;
                _0x3cd030 < 0x86 && (_0x3cd030 = 0x86);
                animwidth[0x0] == 0x0 && (animwidth[0x0] = _0x3cd030);
                animwidth[0x0] <= _0x3cd030 && (animwidth[0x0] = animwidth[0x0] + 0x2);
                animwidth[0x0] >= _0x3cd030 && (animwidth[0x0] = animwidth[0x0] - 0x2);
                var _0x37c775 = _0x323fa8 ? _0x4f0401 == 0x0 ? _0x3cd030 : animwidth[0x0] : _0x1ff396;
                for (var _0xea085 = 0x0; _0xea085 < binds[_0xad6d[0xa4]]; _0xea085++) {
                    UI[_0xad6d[0xd0]][_0xad6d[0xcf]](null, binds[_0xea085][0x1]) && UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x2 && (binds[_0xea085][0x3] = 0x1, binds[_0xea085][0x4] = Anim[_0x10cdd8(0x12e)](Anim[_0x10cdd8(0x174)](binds[_0xea085][0x4] + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x10cdd8(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x1, 0.0095), _0x2096cf[_0xad6d[0x109]](binds[_0xea085][0x0]));
                    (!UI[_0xad6d[0xd0]][_0xad6d[0xcf]](null, binds[_0xea085][0x1]) || !(UI[_0x10cdd8(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x2)) && (binds[_0xea085][0x4] = Anim[_0x10cdd8(0x12e)](Anim[_0x10cdd8(0x174)](binds[_0xea085][0x4] - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x10cdd8(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x0, 0.0095), binds[_0xea085][0x4] <= 0x0 && (binds[_0xea085][0x3] = 0x0));
                    binds[_0xea085][0x2] = UI[_0x10cdd8(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x55]) & 0x1 << _0xea085 ? _0xad6d[0x10a] : _0xad6d[0xd4];
                    var _0x29b14e = binds[_0xea085][0x0],
                        _0x3425cd = binds[_0xea085][0x2],
                        _0x4adf24 = binds[_0xea085][0x3],
                        _0x3aff8f = binds[_0xea085][0x4];
                    _0x95894a += 0x12 * (_0x4f0401 == 0x0 ? _0x4adf24 : _0x3aff8f), plus = _0x95894a - 0x12 * (_0x4f0401 == 0x0 ? _0x4adf24 : _0x3aff8f), CRender.ShadowText(_0x4c3c37[0x0] + 0x4, _0x4c3c37[0x1] + plus, 0x0, _0x29b14e, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * _0x3aff8f], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x3aff8f], _0x9bbbe1), CRender[_0x10cdd8(0x214)](_0x4c3c37[0x0] + _0x37c775 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x3425cd, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0] - 0x3, _0x4c3c37[0x1] + plus, 0x0, _0x3425cd, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * _0x3aff8f], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x3aff8f], _0x9bbbe1);
                }(_0x2096cf[_0xad6d[0xa4]] > 0x0 || UI[_0x10cdd8(0x191)]()) && UI[_0x10cdd8(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x2 && (alpha[0x0] = Anim.Lerp(Anim[_0x10cdd8(0x174)](alpha[0x0] + 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x10cdd8(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x1, 0.0095)), (!_0x2096cf[_0xad6d[0xa4]] && !UI[_0x10cdd8(0x191)]() || !(UI[_0x10cdd8(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x2)) && (alpha[0x0] = Anim[_0x10cdd8(0x12e)](Anim[_0x10cdd8(0x174)](alpha[0x0] - 0x1 / 0.12 * Globals[_0x10cdd8(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x0, 0.0095)), alpha[0x0] > 0x0 && (CRender[_0x10cdd8(0x1b7)](_0x4c3c37[0x0], _0x4c3c37[0x1], _0x37c775, _0x5b1c34, alpha[0x0]), CRender[_0x10cdd8(0x214)](_0x4c3c37[0x0] + _0x37c775 / 0x2 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0xad6d[0x10b], _0x9bbbe1)[0x0] / 0x2, _0x4c3c37[0x1] + 0x2, 0x0, _0xad6d[0x10b], [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x0]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x0]], _0x9bbbe1), CRender[_0x10cdd8(0x186)](_0x4c3c37[0x0], _0x4c3c37[0x1], _0x37c775, 0x11, _0xad6d[0x10c], drag[0x0]));
            _0x33ad1d = function() {
                var _0x13cd28 = _0x5bc0cb;
                UI[_0x13cd28(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x3 && (_0x2bd07e[0x0] += 0x16, _0x2bd07e[0x1] += 0x16);
                UI[_0x13cd28(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x4 && _0x14aea0 && (_0x2bd07e[0x1] += 0x15);
                for (i = 0x0; i < 0x2; i++) {
                    _0x2bd07e[i] > anim_y[i] && (anim_y[i] = Anim[_0x13cd28(0x12e)](Anim[_0x13cd28(0x174)](anim_y[i] + 0x1 / 0.01 * Globals[_0x13cd28(0x1c4)]() * 1.25, anim_y[i], _0x2bd07e[i]), _0x2bd07e[i], 0.0095)), anim_y[i] > _0x2bd07e[i] && (anim_y[i] = Anim[_0x13cd28(0x12e)](Anim[_0x13cd28(0x174)](anim_y[i] - 0x1 / 0.01 * Globals[_0x13cd28(0x1c4)]() * 1.25, _0x2bd07e[i], anim_y[i]), _0x2bd07e[i], 0.0095));
            _0xd400fb = function() {
                var _0x2acd54 = _0x5bc0cb,
                    _0x5e4bd6 = (UI[_0x2acd54(0x1d0)](_0xad6d[0x51]) != _0xad6d[0x11] ? UI[_0x2acd54(0x1d0)](_0xad6d[0x51]) : _0xad6d[0x10d]) + _0xad6d[0x10e],
                    _0x39b8c2 = new Date(),
                    _0x5444aa = _0x39b8c2[_0xad6d[0x10f]](),
                    _0x4b2c94 = _0x39b8c2[_0xad6d[0x110]](),
                    _0x1341b4 = _0x39b8c2[_0xad6d[0x111]](),
                    _0x37f647 = (_0x5444aa < 0xa ? _0xad6d[0x112] + _0x5444aa : _0x5444aa) + _0xad6d[0x113] + (_0x4b2c94 < 0xa ? _0xad6d[0x112] + _0x4b2c94 : _0x4b2c94),
                    _0x31898e = _0xad6d[0x113] + (_0x1341b4 < 0xa ? _0xad6d[0x112] + _0x1341b4 : _0x1341b4);
                UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x50]) & 0x1 << 0x0 && (_0x5e4bd6 += _0xad6d[0x114] + (UI[_0x2acd54(0x1d0)](_0xad6d[0x52]) != _0xad6d[0x11] ? UI[_0x2acd54(0x1d0)](_0xad6d[0x52]) : CRender.Russificator(Cheat[_0x2acd54(0x228)]())));
                UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x50]) & 0x1 << 0x1 && (_0x5e4bd6 += _0xad6d[0x114] + UI[_0x2acd54(0x1d0)](_0xad6d[0xf3]));
                UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x50]) & 0x1 << 0x2 && World[_0x2acd54(0x160)]() && (_0x5e4bd6 += _0xad6d[0x115] + Math[_0xad6d[0x15]](Entity[_0x2acd54(0x105)](Entity[_0x2acd54(0x1fa)](), _0xad6d[0x116], _0xad6d[0x117])).toString() + _0xad6d[0x118]);
                UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x50]) & 0x1 << 0x3 && World[_0x2acd54(0x160)]() && (_0x5e4bd6 += _0xad6d[0x114] + World[_0x2acd54(0x160)]());
                UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x50]) & 0x1 << 0x4 && World[_0x2acd54(0x160)]() && (_0x5e4bd6 += _0xad6d[0x114] + Global[_0x2acd54(0x22a)]() + _0xad6d[0x119]);
                UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x50]) & 0x1 << 0x5 && (_0x5e4bd6 += _0xad6d[0x114] + _0x37f647, UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x50]) & 0x1 << 0x6 && (_0x5e4bd6 += _0x31898e));
                const _0x2a4157 = Render[_0x2acd54(0x17d)](_0x5e4bd6, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0] + 0xa;
                var _0x42612b = Global[_0x2acd54(0x200)]()[0x0] - _0x2a4157 - 0xa;
                UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x3 && (alpha[0x1] = Anim[_0x2acd54(0x174)](alpha[0x1] + 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1)), !(UI[_0x2acd54(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x3) && (alpha[0x1] = Anim[_0x2acd54(0x174)](alpha[0x1] - 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1)), alpha[0x1] > 0x0 && (CRender[_0x2acd54(0x1b7)](_0x42612b, 0x6, _0x2a4157, 0x11, alpha[0x1]), CRender[_0x2acd54(0x214)](_0x42612b + 0x5, 0x6 + 0x2, 0x0, _0x5e4bd6, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x1]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x1]], _0x9bbbe1));
            _0x2ac7d7 = function() {
                var _0x43feec = _0x5bc0cb;
                UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x4 && _0x14aea0 && (alpha[0x2] = Anim[_0x43feec(0x174)](alpha[0x2] + 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0x43feec(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1));
                (!(UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x4) || !_0x14aea0) && (alpha[0x2] = Anim[_0x43feec(0x174)](alpha[0x2] - 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0x43feec(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1));
                var _0x1501a1 = UI[_0x43feec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0xba]) & UI[_0x43feec(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0xba]) && Exploit.GetCharge() >= 0x1,
                    _0x3115dd = UI[_0x43feec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0x91]) & UI[_0x43feec(0x1d4)](_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0x91]),
                    _0x596c49 = _0xad6d[0x11a],
                    _0x24ac1d = _0xad6d[0x11b],
                    _0x68eb0a = _0x1501a1 || _0x3115dd ? _0xad6d[0x11c] : UI[_0x43feec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x68], _0xad6d[0xaa], _0xad6d[0xab])[_0x43feec(0x131)]();
                const _0x47dcbb = Render[_0x43feec(0x17d)](_0x596c49, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0] + 0xa,
                    _0x4ce29c = Render[_0x43feec(0x17d)](_0x24ac1d, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0],
                    _0x4f433a = Render[_0x43feec(0x17d)](_0x68eb0a, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0];
                _0x1501a1 && UI[_0x43feec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x4 && _0x14aea0 && (alpha[0x3] = Anim[_0x43feec(0x174)](alpha[0x3] + 0x1 / 0.15 * Globals[_0x43feec(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1));
                (!_0x1501a1 || !(UI[_0x43feec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x4) || !_0x14aea0) && (alpha[0x3] = Anim.Clamp(alpha[0x3] - 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0x43feec(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1));
                var _0xaf274e = _0x1501a1 ? _0x47dcbb + _0x4ce29c : _0x47dcbb + (alpha[0x3] == 0x0 ? 0x0 : _0x4ce29c),
                    _0x9d0108 = Global.GetScreenSize()[0x0] - _0xaf274e - 0xa,
                    _0x332b84 = [0xff, 0xb4, 0x0, 0xff];
                Exploit.GetCharge() < 0.9 && UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0xba]) & UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0xad6d[0x67], _0xad6d[0xd5], _0xad6d[0xba]) && _0x14aea0 && (_0x332b84 = [0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xff]);
                alpha[0x2] > 0x0 && (Render[_0x43feec(0x1b7)](_0x9d0108, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4, _0xaf274e, 0x12, [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, _0x1f02d0 * alpha[0x2]]), Render.GradientRect(_0x9d0108, anim_y[0x0] + 0x11 + 0x4, _0xaf274e / 0x2, 0x1, 0x1, [_0x332b84[0x0], _0x332b84[0x1], _0x332b84[0x2], 0x0 * alpha[0x2]], [_0x332b84[0x0], _0x332b84[0x1], _0x332b84[0x2], 0xff * alpha[0x2]]), Render[_0x43feec(0x188)](_0x9d0108 + _0xaf274e / 0x2, anim_y[0x0] + 0x11 + 0x4, _0xaf274e / 0x2, 0x1, 0x1, [_0x332b84[0x0], _0x332b84[0x1], _0x332b84[0x2], 0xff * alpha[0x2]], [_0x332b84[0x0], _0x332b84[0x1], _0x332b84[0x2], 0x0 * alpha[0x2]]), CRender.ShadowText(_0x9d0108 + 0x4, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4 + 0x2, 0x0, _0x596c49, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x2]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x2]], _0x9bbbe1), CRender[_0x43feec(0x214)](_0x9d0108 + _0x47dcbb - _0x4f433a - 0x3, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4 + 0x2, 0x0, _0x68eb0a, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x2]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x2]], _0x9bbbe1), alpha[0x3] > 0x0 && (CRender[_0x43feec(0x214)](_0x9d0108 + _0x47dcbb - 0x4, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4 + 0x2, 0x0, dst[_0xad6d[0xd1]] ? _0xad6d[0x11d] : _0x24ac1d, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x3]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x3]], _0x9bbbe1), dst[_0xad6d[0xd1]] && Render[_0x43feec(0x188)](_0x9d0108 + _0x47dcbb + 0x1e, anim_y[0x0] + 0x9, Anim[_0x43feec(0x174)](dst[_0xad6d[0xd2]], 0x0, 0x1e), 0x7, 0x1, [0x64, 0x7d, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x3]], [0x64, 0x7d, 0xff, 0x41 * alpha[0x3]])));
                var _0x388ef1 = UI[_0x43feec(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x53]),
                    _0x1836b7 = Local[_0x43feec(0x19d)](),
                    _0xb8810a = Local[_0x43feec(0x1eb)](),
                    _0x5da523 = Math[_0xad6d[0x24]](Math[_0xad6d[0x11f]](_0x1836b7 - _0xb8810a) / 0x2, 0x3c)[_0xad6d[0x11e]](0x1);
                arc < _0x5da523 / 0x3c && (arc = arc += 0.025)[_0xad6d[0x11e]](0x2);
                arc > _0x5da523 / 0x3c && (arc = arc -= 0.025)[_0xad6d[0x11e]](0x2);
                arc[0x0] < 0.01 && (arc[0x0] = 0x0);
                var _0x2aed49 = [0xaa + (0x9a - 0xba) * _0x5da523 / 0x3c, 0x0 + (0xff - 0x0) * _0x5da523 / 0x3c, 0x10 + (0x0 - 0x10) * _0x5da523 / 0x3c, 0xff * alpha[0x2]],
                    _0x2edcc3 = arc < 0.01 ? _0xad6d[0x11] : _0xad6d[0x120],
                    _0x2937ed = (_0x388ef1 ? _0x2edcc3 : _0xad6d[0x11]) + _0xad6d[0x121] + _0x5da523[_0x43feec(0x131)]() + _0xad6d[0xf5],
                    _0x1cd161 = Render[_0x43feec(0x17d)](_0x2937ed, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0],
                    _0x3e8e7c = Global.GetScreenSize()[0x0] - _0x1cd161 - _0xaf274e - 0x14;
                animwidth[0x1] <= 0x0 && (animwidth[0x1] = _0x1cd161);
                animwidth[0x1] < _0x1cd161 && (animwidth[0x1] = animwidth[0x1] += 1.5);
                animwidth[0x1] > _0x1cd161 && (animwidth[0x1] = animwidth[0x1] -= 1.5);
                var _0x3e7a2a = Global[_0x43feec(0x200)]()[0x0] - animwidth[0x1] - _0xaf274e - 0x14;
                alpha[0x2] > 0x0 && (Render[_0x43feec(0x188)](_0x3e8e7c + 0x3 + 0xa, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4, _0x1cd161 / 0x2 - 0x5, 0x12, 0x1, [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, 0x0], [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, 0x8c * alpha[0x2]]), Render[_0x43feec(0x188)](_0x3e8e7c + _0x1cd161 / 0x2 + 0x3 + 0x5, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4, _0x1cd161 / 0x2 - 0x5, 0x12, 0x1, [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, 0x8c * alpha[0x2]], [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, 0x0]), Render.GradientRect(_0x3e7a2a - 0x2, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4, 0x2, 0x9, 0x0, [_0x2aed49[0x0], _0x2aed49[0x1], _0x2aed49[0x2], 0x64 * alpha[0x2]], [_0x2aed49[0x0], _0x2aed49[0x1], _0x2aed49[0x2], 0xff * alpha[0x2]]), Render[_0x43feec(0x188)](_0x3e7a2a - 0x2, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4 + 0x9, 0x2, 0x9, 0x0, [_0x2aed49[0x0], _0x2aed49[0x1], _0x2aed49[0x2], 0xff * alpha[0x2]], [_0x2aed49[0x0], _0x2aed49[0x1], _0x2aed49[0x2], 0x64 * alpha[0x2]]), CRender[_0x43feec(0x214)](_0x3e8e7c + 0x4, anim_y[0x0] + 0x4 + 0x2, 0x0, _0x2937ed, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x2]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x2]], _0x9bbbe1), _0x388ef1 && CRender[_0x43feec(0x101)](_0x3e7a2a + 0xb, anim_y[0x0] + 0xd, 5.2, 4.5, 0x0, arc * 0x168, [0x37, 0x90, 0xcc, 0xff * alpha[0x2]]));
            _0x1de037 = function() {
                var _0xa9c9be = _0x5bc0cb;
                UI[_0xa9c9be(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x5 && (alpha[0x4] = Anim.Clamp(alpha[0x4] + 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0xa9c9be(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1));
                !(UI[_0xa9c9be(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x2e]) & 0x1 << 0x5) && (alpha[0x4] = Anim.Clamp(alpha[0x4] - 0x1 / 0.1 * Globals[_0xa9c9be(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1));
                Global[_0xa9c9be(0x23a)]() - ms_hz[_0xad6d[0xd1]] > 0.5 && World[_0xa9c9be(0x160)]() != _0xad6d[0x11] && (ms_hz[_0xad6d[0x122]] = (Global[_0xa9c9be(0x1c4)]() * 0x64)[_0xad6d[0x11e]](0x1), ms_hz[_0xad6d[0xd1]] = Global[_0xa9c9be(0x23a)]());
                World[_0xa9c9be(0x160)]() == _0xad6d[0x11] && (ms_hz[_0xad6d[0x122]] = (Global.Frametime() * 0x64)[_0xad6d[0x11e]](0x1));
                var _0xf4d2d2 = ms_hz[_0xad6d[0x122]] + _0xad6d[0x123] + UI[_0xa9c9be(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x54]) + _0xad6d[0x124],
                    _0x4b26e3 = Render[_0xa9c9be(0x17d)](_0xf4d2d2, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0] + 0x8,
                    _0x5cc91d = Global[_0xa9c9be(0x200)]()[0x0] - _0x4b26e3 - 0xa;
                alpha[0x4] > 0x0 && (Render[_0xa9c9be(0x1b7)](_0x5cc91d, anim_y[0x1] + 0x4, _0x4b26e3, 0x12, [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, _0x1f02d0 * alpha[0x4]]), Render[_0xa9c9be(0x188)](_0x5cc91d, anim_y[0x1] + 0x4 + 0x11, _0x4b26e3 / 0x2, 0x1, 0x1, [0xff, 0xff, 0x0, 0x0 * alpha[0x4]], [0xff, 0xff, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x4]]), Render.GradientRect(_0x5cc91d + _0x4b26e3 / 0x2, anim_y[0x1] + 0x4 + 0x11, _0x4b26e3 / 0x2, 0x1, 0x1, [0xff, 0xff, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x4]], [0xff, 0xff, 0x0, 0x0 * alpha[0x4]]), CRender[_0xa9c9be(0x214)](_0x5cc91d + 0x4, anim_y[0x1] + 0x4 + 0x2, 0x0, _0xf4d2d2, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x4]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x4]], _0x9bbbe1));
                var _0x35891d = io[_0xad6d[0x125]],
                    _0x1212bd = _0xad6d[0x126];
                const _0x173f60 = Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x1212bd, _0x9bbbe1)[0x0] + 0x26;
                var _0x39c26b = Global.GetScreenSize()[0x0] - (_0x4b26e3 + _0x173f60) - 0xd;
                if (alpha[0x4] > 0x0) {
                    Render[_0xa9c9be(0x1b7)](_0x39c26b, anim_y[0x1] + 0x4, _0x173f60, 0x12, [0xf, 0xf, 0xf, _0x1f02d0 * alpha[0x4]]), CRender[_0xa9c9be(0x214)](_0x39c26b + 0x5, anim_y[0x1] + 0x4 + 0x3, 0x0, _0x1212bd, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * alpha[0x4]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * alpha[0x4]], _0x9bbbe1);
                    Global[_0xa9c9be(0x23a)]() - io[_0xad6d[0xd1]] > 0.4 && (_0x35891d[_0xad6d[0xf2]](0x1 / Global[_0xa9c9be(0x1c4)]()), io[_0xad6d[0xd1]] = Global.Curtime());
                    _0x35891d[_0xad6d[0xa4]] > 0x9 && _0x35891d[_0xad6d[0x127]]();
                    for (i = 0x0; i < _0x35891d[_0xad6d[0xa4]]; i++) {
                        var _0x25aa2b = Math[_0xad6d[0x129]](_0x35891d[i] / (Convar[_0xa9c9be(0x1fe)](_0xad6d[0x128]) != 0x0 ? Convar[_0xa9c9be(0x1fe)](_0xad6d[0x128]) : 0x15e) * 0x14);
                        _0x25aa2b <= 0xc && (max = _0x25aa2b), _0x25aa2b >= 0xc && (max = 0xc), Render[_0xa9c9be(0x188)](_0x39c26b + 0x35 - i * 0x3, anim_y[0x1] + 0x13 - max, 0x3, max, 0x0, [0x88, 0xb5, 0xfb, 0x0], [0x88, 0xb5, 0xfb, 0xff * alpha[0x4]]);
            _0x9e04b7 = function() {
                var _0x12355d = _0x5bc0cb;
                if (Entity[_0x12355d(0x249)](Entity[_0x12355d(0x1fa)]())) {
                    const _0x2b27b1 = UI[_0x12355d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x12c]),
                        _0x4f7c4c = Entity[_0x12355d(0x105)](Entity[_0x12355d(0x1fa)](), _0xad6d[0xb0], _0xad6d[0x12d]),
                        _0x22cda3 = UI[_0x12355d(0x241)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x4b]),
                        _0x30a49b = UI[_0x12355d(0x241)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x4c]),
                        _0x3add16 = UI[_0x12355d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x47]),
                        _0x8292a3 = UI[_0x12355d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x48]);
                    _0x4f7c4c && UI[_0x12355d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x30]) && (animwidth[0x2] < _0x3add16 && (animwidth[0x2] = Anim[_0x12355d(0x174)](animwidth[0x2] + 0x1 / 0.01 * Globals[_0x12355d(0x1c4)]() * 0x5, animwidth[0x2], _0x3add16)), animwidth[0x2] > _0x3add16 && (animwidth[0x2] = Anim[_0x12355d(0x174)](animwidth[0x2] - 0x1 / 0.01 * Globals.Frametime() * 0x5, _0x3add16, animwidth[0x2]))), (!_0x4f7c4c || !UI[_0x12355d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x30])) && (animwidth[0x2] = Anim[_0x12355d(0x174)](animwidth[0x2] - 0x1 / 0.01 * Globals.Frametime() * 0x5, 0x0, animwidth[0x2])), animwidth[0x2] <= 0x0 && (animwidth[0x2] = 0x0), animwidth[0x2] > 0x0 ? (Convar[_0x12355d(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x12e], draw_scopelines ? 0x0 : 0x1), UI[_0x12355d(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x12c], CUI[_0x12355d(0x1a7)](_0x2b27b1, 0x2, draw_scopelines ? ![] : true)), Render[_0x12355d(0x188)](screen[0x0] / 0x2 + _0x8292a3, screen[0x1] / 0x2, animwidth[0x2], 0x1, 0x1, _0x22cda3, _0x30a49b), Render.GradientRect(screen[0x0] / 0x2 - _0x8292a3 - animwidth[0x2] + 0x1, screen[0x1] / 0x2, animwidth[0x2], 0x1, 0x1, _0x30a49b, _0x22cda3), Render.GradientRect(screen[0x0] / 0x2, screen[0x1] / 0x2 + _0x8292a3, 0x1, animwidth[0x2], 0x0, _0x22cda3, _0x30a49b), Render[_0x12355d(0x188)](screen[0x0] / 0x2, screen[0x1] / 0x2 - _0x8292a3 - animwidth[0x2] + 0x1, 0x1, animwidth[0x2], 0x0, _0x30a49b, _0x22cda3)) : (!_0x4f7c4c || !UI[_0x12355d(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x30])) && (Convar.SetFloat(_0xad6d[0x12e], 0x1), UI[_0x12355d(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x12c], 0xff));
                } else Convar[_0x12355d(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x12e], 0x1), UI[_0x12355d(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x12c], 0xff);
            _0x46221d = function() {
                var _0x3dbd6e = _0x5bc0cb;
                UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x5d]) ? (original[_0xad6d[0x12f]] && (OrigZoomSensevity = Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x1fe)](_0xad6d[0x130]), original[_0xad6d[0x12f]] = true), Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x130], 0x0)) : !original[_0xad6d[0x12f]] && (Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x130], OrigZoomSensevity), original[_0xad6d[0x12f]] = true);
                UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x60]) ? not_spam[_0xad6d[0x131]] != 0x1 && (Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x132], 0x1), Convar.SetString(_0xad6d[0x133], _0xad6d[0x134]), not_spam[_0xad6d[0x131]] = 0x1) : not_spam[_0xad6d[0x131]] != 0x0 && (Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x132], 0x0), Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x1d9)](_0xad6d[0x133], _0xad6d[0x11]), not_spam[_0xad6d[0x131]] = 0x0);
                UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x5f]) ? not_spam[_0xad6d[0x135]] != 0x1 && (Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x136], 0x5a), not_spam[_0xad6d[0x135]] = 0x1) : not_spam[_0xad6d[0x135]] != 0x0 && (Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x136], 0x0), not_spam[_0xad6d[0x135]] = 0x0);
                if (UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x57])) {
                    UI.SetEnabled(_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0x137], true);
                    var _0x2d6e7c = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), _0xad6d[0xad], _0xad6d[0x138]);
                    StrafeValue = parseFloat(Math[_0xad6d[0xa6]](_0x2d6e7c[0x0] * _0x2d6e7c[0x0] + _0x2d6e7c[0x1] * _0x2d6e7c[0x1])) / 1.5, UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0x137], StrafeValue);
                } else UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x15f)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0xbb], _0xad6d[0x137], true);
                UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x5e]) ? (original[_0xad6d[0x139]] && (PenetDot_Cache = UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x13a]), original[_0xad6d[0x139]] = true), Entity[_0x3dbd6e(0x105)](Entity[_0x3dbd6e(0x1fa)](), _0xad6d[0xb0], _0xad6d[0x12d]) ? UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x13a], 0x1) : UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x13a], 0x0)) : !original[_0xad6d[0x139]] && (UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x1b2)](_0xad6d[0x65], _0xad6d[0x12a], _0xad6d[0x12b], _0xad6d[0x13a], PenetDot_Cache), original[_0xad6d[0x139]] = true), UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x33]) ? (aspectratio = UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x61]), aspectratio > animaspect && (animaspect = parseFloat(Anim[_0x3dbd6e(0x174)](animaspect + 0x1 / 0.2 * Globals.Frametime(), animaspect, aspectratio))), animaspect > aspectratio && (animaspect = parseFloat(Anim.Clamp(animaspect - 0x1 / 0.2 * Globals[_0x3dbd6e(0x1c4)](), aspectratio, animaspect))), original[_0xad6d[0x13b]] && (hiddencvars = UI[_0x3dbd6e(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0x13c], _0xad6d[0x13d]), aspectcache = Convar.GetFloat(_0xad6d[0x13e]), original[_0xad6d[0x13b]] = true), cacheaspect != animaspect && (Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x13e], animaspect), cacheaspect = animaspect)) : !original[_0xad6d[0x13b]] && (UI.SetValue(_0xad6d[0x66], _0xad6d[0xb8], _0xad6d[0x13c], _0xad6d[0x13d], hiddencvars), Convar[_0x3dbd6e(0x145)](_0xad6d[0x13e], aspectcache), original[_0xad6d[0x13b]] = true);
        _0x9e04b7(), _0x5455e3(), _0x4d1495(), _0x33ad1d(), _0xd400fb(), _0x2ac7d7(), _0x1de037(), _0x46221d();
    DrawLogs = function() {
        const _0x369da9 = function() {
                var _0x340930 = _0x23cf;
                !UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x2f]) && (tracers = []);
                if (tracers[_0xad6d[0xa4]] > 0x0)
                    for (var _0xb62363 in tracers) {
                        var _0x38d09a = tracers[_0xb62363];
                        _0x38d09a[0x2] + UI[_0x340930(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x45]) > Globals[_0x340930(0x23a)]() && (_0x38d09a[0x3] = Anim[_0x340930(0x174)](_0x38d09a[0x3] + 0x1 / 0.175 * Globals.Frametime(), 0x0, 0x1));
                        _0x38d09a[0x2] + UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x45]) < Globals[_0x340930(0x23a)]() && (_0x38d09a[0x3] = Anim.Clamp(_0x38d09a[0x3] - 0x1 / 0.175 * Globals[_0x340930(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), _0x38d09a[0x3] <= 0x0 && tracers[_0xad6d[0x127]]());
                        var _0x172ccf = UI[_0x340930(0x241)](_0xad6d[0x17], _0xad6d[0x4a]),
                            _0x5baab2 = Render[_0x340930(0x1e1)](_0x38d09a[0x0]),
                            _0x30e653 = Render[_0x340930(0x1e1)](_0x38d09a[0x1]);
                        _0x5baab2[0x2] === 0x1 && Render[_0x340930(0x235)](_0x5baab2[0x0], _0x5baab2[0x1], _0x30e653[0x0], _0x30e653[0x1], [_0x172ccf[0x0], _0x172ccf[0x1], _0x172ccf[0x2], 0xff * _0x38d09a[0x3]]);
            _0x41bcf7 = function() {
                var _0x126832 = _0x23cf;
                !(UI.GetValue(_0xad6d[0x40]) & 0x1 << 0x3) && (hits = []);
                if (hits[_0xad6d[0xa4]] > 0x0) {
                    var _0x323f97 = Render[_0x126832(0xfe)](_0xad6d[0x103], 0x7, 0x190),
                        _0x5bb422 = 0x5 + indbinds[indbinds[_0xad6d[0xa4]] - 0x1];
                    for (var _0x419a4a in hits) {
                        hits[_0x419a4a][0x2] + 3.75 > Global.Curtime() && (hits[_0x419a4a][0x1] = Anim.Lerp(Anim.Clamp(hits[_0x419a4a][0x1] + 0x1 / 0.15 * Globals[_0x126832(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x1, 0.0095));
                        (hits[_0x419a4a][0x2] + 3.75 < Global[_0x126832(0x23a)]() || hits[_0xad6d[0xa4]] > 0x6) && (hits[_0x419a4a][0x1] = Anim[_0x126832(0x12e)](Anim[_0x126832(0x174)](hits[_0x419a4a][0x1] - 0x1 / 0.15 * Globals[_0x126832(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x0, 0.0095), hits[_0x419a4a][0x1] <= 0x0 && hits[_0xad6d[0x127]]());
                        var _0x53556a = hits[_0x419a4a][0x0],
                            _0x52a74c = hits[_0x419a4a][0x1];
                        _0x5bb422 += 0xb * _0x52a74c, ad_y = _0x5bb422 - 0xb * _0x52a74c, CRender[_0x126832(0x214)](screen[0x0] / 0x2, screen[0x1] / 0x2 + ad_y, 0x1, _0x53556a, [hits[_0x419a4a][0x3] <= 0x0 ? 0xc8 : 0xff, hits[_0x419a4a][0x3] <= 0x0 ? 0x0 : 0xff, hits[_0x419a4a][0x3] <= 0x0 ? 0x0 : 0xff, 0xff * _0x52a74c], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x52a74c], _0x323f97);
        _0x369da9(), _0x41bcf7();
    Logs = function() {
        var _0x5f36dc = _0x27ab0a,
            _0x5bde9b = Render[_0x5f36dc(0xfe)](_0xad6d[0x106], 0xa, 0x190),
            _0x20c7cb = 0x5;
        if (logs[_0xad6d[0xa4]] > 0x0)
            for (var _0x57bcce in logs) {
                logs[_0x57bcce][0x2] + 0x4 > Global[_0x5f36dc(0x23a)]() && (logs[_0x57bcce][0x1] = Anim[_0x5f36dc(0x12e)](Anim[_0x5f36dc(0x174)](logs[_0x57bcce][0x1] + 0x1 / 0.175 * Globals[_0x5f36dc(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x1, 0.0095));
                logs[_0x57bcce][0x2] + 0x4 < Global[_0x5f36dc(0x23a)]() && (logs[_0x57bcce][0x1] = Anim[_0x5f36dc(0x12e)](Anim[_0x5f36dc(0x174)](logs[_0x57bcce][0x1] - 0x1 / 0.175 * Globals[_0x5f36dc(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1), 0x0, 0.0095), logs[_0x57bcce][0x1] <= 0x0 && logs[_0xad6d[0x127]]());
                var _0x327194 = logs[_0x57bcce][0x0],
                    _0x2f597f = logs[_0x57bcce][0x1];
                _0x20c7cb += 0x10 * _0x2f597f, y = _0x20c7cb - 0x10 * _0x2f597f, CRender[_0x5f36dc(0x214)](0x6, y, 0x0, _0x327194, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff * _0x2f597f], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc8 * _0x2f597f], _0x5bde9b);
        const _0xa6ea78 = function() {
            var _0x4d19a0 = _0x5f36dc;
            !UI[_0x4d19a0(0x172)](_0xad6d[0x46]) && (dmgi = []);
            var _0x44b6dc = Render[_0x4d19a0(0xfe)](_0xad6d[0x103], 0x7, 0x190);
            if (dmgi[_0xad6d[0xa4]] > 0x0)
                for (var _0x3106b5 in dmgi) {
                    dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x2] + 1.75 < Global.Curtime() && (dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x3] = Anim.Clamp(dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x3] - 0x1 / 0.2 * Globals[_0x4d19a0(0x1c4)](), 0x0, 0x1));
                    dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x3] <= 0x0 && dmgi[_0xad6d[0x127]]();
                    dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x4] < dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x5] && (dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x4] += 0.2);
                    var _0xd0e622 = dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x0][_0x4d19a0(0x131)](),
                        _0x21300a = dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x3],
                        _0x4861bb = dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x1],
                        _0x395e52 = Render.WorldToScreen([dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x6][0x0], dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x6][0x1], dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x6][0x2]]),
                        _0x48a5a8 = [_0x395e52[0x0], _0x395e52[0x1] - 0x26 - dmgi[_0x3106b5][0x4]];
                    CRender[_0x4d19a0(0x214)](_0x48a5a8[0x0], _0x48a5a8[0x1], 0x1, _0xd0e622, [_0x4861bb == 0x1 ? 0x0 : 0xff, _0x4861bb == 0x1 ? 0x8c : 0xff, _0x4861bb == 0x1 ? 0x0 : 0xff, 0xff * _0x21300a], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff * _0x21300a], _0x44b6dc);
    DrawFunctions = function() {
        MenuVisible(), Visual(), DrawLogs();
    CreateMoveFunctions = function() {
    DormantAimShot = function() {
        var _0x7cad1b = _0x27ab0a;
        DAShot && (Cheat[_0x7cad1b(0x189)](_0xad6d[0x13f]), Cheat[_0x7cad1b(0x189)](_0xad6d[0x140]), DAShot = true);
    BulletImpact = function() {
        var _0x2d1500 = _0x27ab0a;
        Entity[_0x2d1500(0x215)](Entity[_0x2d1500(0x110)](Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xe6]))) && tracers[_0xad6d[0xf2]]([Entity.GetEyePosition(Entity[_0x2d1500(0x1fa)]()), [Event[_0x2d1500(0x1fe)](_0xad6d[0x141]), Event.GetFloat(_0xad6d[0x142]), Event[_0x2d1500(0x1fe)](_0xad6d[0x143])], Globals.Curtime(), 0x0]);
    BombFalse = function() {
        var _0x35566a = _0x27ab0a,
            _0x22ce98 = Event[_0x35566a(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0xe6]),
            _0x9b5592 = Entity[_0x35566a(0x110)](_0x22ce98);
        _0x9b5592 == Entity[_0x35566a(0x1fa)]() && (Restore = true);
    BombTrue = function() {
        var _0x22e1d5 = _0x27ab0a,
            _0xe64ece = Entity[_0x22e1d5(0x105)](Entity[_0x22e1d5(0x1fa)](), _0xad6d[0x144], _0xad6d[0xf8]),
            _0x243f7e = Event.GetInt(_0xad6d[0xe6]),
            _0x1302d1 = Entity[_0x22e1d5(0x110)](_0x243f7e),
            _0x34c061 = Event[_0x22e1d5(0x1bd)](_0xad6d[0x145]);
        Restore = true, _0x1302d1 == Entity[_0x22e1d5(0x1fa)]() && (_0xe64ece == 0x3 && (_0x34c061 && (Restore = true)));
    RagebotFire = function() {
        !WeaponFire && (WeaponFire = true);
    Unload = function() {
        var _0x281499 = _0x27ab0a;
    PlayerNotConnect = function() {
        var _0x490ab1 = _0x27ab0a;
        if (World[_0x490ab1(0x160)]() != _0xad6d[0x11]) return;
        logs = [], hurt = [], dmgi = [], tracers = [], Cheat[_0x490ab1(0x189)](_0xad6d[0x140]), Cheat[_0x490ab1(0x189)](_0xad6d[0x13f]);
    OnRoundStart = function() {
        var _0x129c97 = _0x27ab0a;
        dmgi = [], tracers = [], Cheat.ExecuteCommand(_0xad6d[0x140]), Cheat[_0x129c97(0x189)](_0xad6d[0x13f]);
    PlayerConnectFull = function() {
        var _0x2331e7 = _0x27ab0a;
        ms_hz[_0xad6d[0xd1]] = Global.Curtime(), io[_0xad6d[0xd1]] = Global.Curtime(), shottimer = Global[_0x2331e7(0x23a)]();
    ResetScopelines = function() {
        draw_scopelines = true;
    BombPlantedScopelines = function() {
        draw_scopelines = true;
Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x146], _0xad6d[0x147]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x148], _0xad6d[0x149]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x14a], _0xad6d[0x149]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x14b], _0xad6d[0x149]), Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0xad6d[0x14c], _0xad6d[0x40]), Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0xad6d[0x14c], _0xad6d[0x14d]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x14e], _0xad6d[0x14f]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x150], _0xad6d[0x151]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x152], _0xad6d[0x153]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x154], _0xad6d[0x155]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x156], _0xad6d[0x157]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x158], _0xad6d[0x159]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x15a], _0xad6d[0x15b]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x15c], _0xad6d[0x15d]), Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0xad6d[0x15e], _0xad6d[0x15f]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x160], _0xad6d[0x161]);
_0xad6d[0x15f]), Cheat[_0x27ab0a(0x19a)](_0xad6d[0x160], _0xad6d[0x161]);
У меня лучше не получилось + возможно что-то сломано :CoolStoryBob::roflanEbalo:
Немного DEO js Немного своего кода
это тотже код...
Zodiak 1love
19 Авг 2019
это тотже код...
НЕ ты чо
var _0x4b26 = ['creator', 'Improve strafe', 'Dormant aimbot on key', 'Scout damage', 'CPlayerResource', 'Harmed', 'm_iPing', 'm_vecVelocity[0]', '[toggle]', ' | dst: ', 'Show watermark', 'GetRenderOrigin', ' | SHIFTING', 'GetWeapon', 'ShadowText', 'IsLocalPlayer', 'Doubletap', 'AddSliderInt', 'abs', 'IsValid', 'frametime', 'R8 hitchance', 'bullet_impact', ' [obt]', 'Fake desync', 'Auto-sniper damage', 'length', 'right arm', 'Resize width', 'Right dir.', 'left leg', 'Scope lines hide', 'Viewmodel in scope', 'Creator discord: ', 'GetUsername', 'enter_bombzone', 'Tickrate', '1jimVgc', 'Exploits', 'STATIC', 'Delay', 'Auto peek', 'confilter', 'timer', 'Force body aim', 'Right', 'Verdana', 'Line', 'Scope lines color 1', 'Force safe point', '486629HwptXJ', 'AddCheckbox', 'Curtime', 'Fake angles', 'BulletImpact', 'Local bullet tracer', 'Back dir.', 'PrintColor', 'Revolver', 'GetColor', 'item_purchase', 'Neverlose', 'Movement', 'Restrictions', 'Prefer safe point', 'player_hurt', 'Switch desync on shot', 'IsAlive', 'fps_max', 'Auto-sniper', 'fakelag', 'ForceTargetMinimumDamage', 'Scope lines width', 'CreateMove', 'max', 'atan2', 'Arc in fake indicator', 'keybinds', 'ssg 08', 'GetEnemies', 'Legit AA on \"E\"', ' ╚███╔╝ ██║ ██║██╔████╔██║ ╚████╔╝ ███████║█████═╝ ██║ ╚═╝██║ ██║██████╔╝██║ ██║', 'legitaa', 'AddHotkey', 'Changers', 'ms / ', '{}.constructor(\"return this\")( )', 'AddFont', '3qdiOZf', 'health', 'Arc', 'Minimum damage on key', 'exception', 'xomyakcord', 'GetProp', 'left arm', 'awp', 'Buys', 'Scout hitchance', '187531UeIUcB', 'chest', 'IrWL5106TZZKNFPz4P4Gl3pSN?J370f5hi373ZjPg%VOVh6lN', 'DMG', 'Colors', 'IsDormant', 'GetEntityFromUserID', 'round_end', 'Entities', 'senry', ' bought ', 'Default damage', 'OnItemPurchase', 'weapon_', 'weight', 'prototype', '+attack', 'You monitor hz', 'item_', 'r_aspectratio', 'Trigger limit', '-speed', 'Low-delta on slow-walk', 'Harmed by ', 'sqrt', 'xomyak', 'min', 'OnRoundStart', 'return (function() ', 'Inverter', 'cos', 'attacker', 'Style line', 'Skeet', 'info', 'SetFakeOffset', 'Lerp', 'userid', 'Extra', 'toString', 'bind', 'm_nTickBase', 'unknown', 'floor', 'SCOUT', 'DEagle', 'Exploit', 'Custom name in crosshair indicator', 'Hits', 'Show anti-aimbot information', 'AddTextbox', '97345AqKgsj', 'weapon_fire', 'DEagle damage', 'HIDESHOTS', 'Static', 'Watermark username', 'RagebotFire', 'm_flNextPrimaryAttack', 'SetFloat', 'table', 'apply', 'viewmodel', 'isplanted', 'АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя', '[hold]', '435179TPLNHW', 'player_connect_full', 'General color', 'Show \"YAW\" in crosshair indicator', 'Low-delta range', 'Show frequency information', '131031vfUdhn', 'DT_BaseEntity', 'Slide walk', 'Show manual arrows', 'Recharge', 'General', 'Reverse fade', '╚██╗██╔╝██╔══██╗████╗ ████║╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔══██╗██║ ██╔╝██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗', 'Aspect ratio value', 'SetAngles', 'dthelper', 'r_drawvgui', 'AddDropdown', 'SetEnabled', 'GetServerString', 'Disable fakelags with R8', '298687RaGDvy', 'LEGIT AA', '-attack', 'Mouse dir', '██╔╝╚██╗╚█████╔╝██║ ╚═╝ ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║██║ ╚██╗╚█████╔╝╚█████╔╝██║ ██║██████╔╝', 'GetEntitiesByClassID', 'm_iTeamNum', 'Background alpha', 'round_start', 'Tickcount', 'senry#0001\x0a', 'Enable', 'Draw', 'GENERAL', 'Show keybinds states', 'AWP damage', 'GetValue', 'console', 'Clamp', 'Safe point', 'Custom scope lines', 'AddMultiDropdown', 'stomach', 'Hidden cvars', 'Color bullet tracer', 'charAt', 'Console filter', 'TextSizeCustom', 'Hide shots', 'Visual', 'Logs', 'GetCharge', 'Edge jump', 'EnableRecharge', 'Color line', 'Body aim', 'Drag', 'Hide', 'GradientRect', 'ExecuteCommand', '460373NzcVOY', ' damage', 'Inverted low-delta range', 'ForceTargetHitchance', 'DormantAimShot', 'Left dir.', 'Anti-Aim', 'IsMenuOpen', 'Yaw offset', 'Weapon hitchance', '__proto__', 'Penetration dot', 'seize aka senry. ', 'getMinutes', 'push', 'CBaseCombatWeapon', 'RegisterCallback', 'Scope lines color 2', 'g3sg1', 'GetRealYaw', 'CBasePlayer', 'sin', 'getSeconds', 'LOW DELTA', 'Scout', 'unshift', 'Rage menu', 'Hotkeys', ' for ', 'SetDropdown', 'SetOverride', 'ragebot_fire', 'CreateMoveFunctions', 'SetLBYOffset', 'penerdot', 'BombTrue', 'warn', 'con_filter_enable', 'IsKeyPressed', 'Limit', 'SetValue', 'Aspect ratio', 'Double-tap instant', 'Removals', 'weapon', 'FilledRect', 'Watermark name', 'CCSPlayer', 'ResetScopelines', 'hitgroup', 'Scope lines offset', 'GetInt', 'Damage marker', 'Helpers', 'kb_y', 'Misc', 'molotov', 'Show indicator under crosshair', 'Frametime', 'fixsens', 'm_flNextAttack', 'version', 'con_filter_text', 'aspectratio', 'trace', 'StringCustom', 'SetRealOffset', ' 52>;L25@ r8', 'r8 revolver', 'Left', 'GetString', 'right leg', ' | ', 'Chroma', 'IsHotkeyActive', 'dmg_health', 'team', 'AddSliderFloat', 'Hits under crosshair', 'SetString', 'bomb_planted', 'Realtime', 'TickInterval', 'Time bullet tracer', 'Minimum damages', 'Script items', 'body', 'WorldToScreen', 'Minimum damage', 'Double tap', 'zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse', 'Fade', 'DrawFunctions', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'bomb_exploded', ' xomyakcord', 'm_bIsScoped', 'GetFakeYaw', 'Bullet', '\"hold\" in state bind', 'Leg fucker', 'fov_cs_debug', 'Gradient', 'scar 20', 'Hurt ', ' ██╔██╗ ██║ ██║██║╚██╔╝██║ ╚██╔╝ ██╔══██║██╔═██╗ ██║ ██╗██║ ██║██╔══██╗██║ ██║', 'GetCursorPosition', 'head', 'Calibri', 'Ragebot', 'Visual menu', 'replace', 'GetLocalPlayer', 'constructor', 'GetName', 'PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION', 'GetFloat', 'Other', 'GetScreenSize', 'generic', 'Rage', 'width', 'R8 & Scout hitchance in air', 'AddColorPicker'];
Теперь нету этого
13 Окт 2020
НЕ ты чо
var _0x4b26 = ['creator', 'Improve strafe', 'Dormant aimbot on key', 'Scout damage', 'CPlayerResource', 'Harmed', 'm_iPing', 'm_vecVelocity[0]', '[toggle]', ' | dst: ', 'Show watermark', 'GetRenderOrigin', ' | SHIFTING', 'GetWeapon', 'ShadowText', 'IsLocalPlayer', 'Doubletap', 'AddSliderInt', 'abs', 'IsValid', 'frametime', 'R8 hitchance', 'bullet_impact', ' [obt]', 'Fake desync', 'Auto-sniper damage', 'length', 'right arm', 'Resize width', 'Right dir.', 'left leg', 'Scope lines hide', 'Viewmodel in scope', 'Creator discord: ', 'GetUsername', 'enter_bombzone', 'Tickrate', '1jimVgc', 'Exploits', 'STATIC', 'Delay', 'Auto peek', 'confilter', 'timer', 'Force body aim', 'Right', 'Verdana', 'Line', 'Scope lines color 1', 'Force safe point', '486629HwptXJ', 'AddCheckbox', 'Curtime', 'Fake angles', 'BulletImpact', 'Local bullet tracer', 'Back dir.', 'PrintColor', 'Revolver', 'GetColor', 'item_purchase', 'Neverlose', 'Movement', 'Restrictions', 'Prefer safe point', 'player_hurt', 'Switch desync on shot', 'IsAlive', 'fps_max', 'Auto-sniper', 'fakelag', 'ForceTargetMinimumDamage', 'Scope lines width', 'CreateMove', 'max', 'atan2', 'Arc in fake indicator', 'keybinds', 'ssg 08', 'GetEnemies', 'Legit AA on \"E\"', ' ╚███╔╝ ██║ ██║██╔████╔██║ ╚████╔╝ ███████║█████═╝ ██║ ╚═╝██║ ██║██████╔╝██║ ██║', 'legitaa', 'AddHotkey', 'Changers', 'ms / ', '{}.constructor(\"return this\")( )', 'AddFont', '3qdiOZf', 'health', 'Arc', 'Minimum damage on key', 'exception', 'xomyakcord', 'GetProp', 'left arm', 'awp', 'Buys', 'Scout hitchance', '187531UeIUcB', 'chest', 'IrWL5106TZZKNFPz4P4Gl3pSN?J370f5hi373ZjPg%VOVh6lN', 'DMG', 'Colors', 'IsDormant', 'GetEntityFromUserID', 'round_end', 'Entities', 'senry', ' bought ', 'Default damage', 'OnItemPurchase', 'weapon_', 'weight', 'prototype', '+attack', 'You monitor hz', 'item_', 'r_aspectratio', 'Trigger limit', '-speed', 'Low-delta on slow-walk', 'Harmed by ', 'sqrt', 'xomyak', 'min', 'OnRoundStart', 'return (function() ', 'Inverter', 'cos', 'attacker', 'Style line', 'Skeet', 'info', 'SetFakeOffset', 'Lerp', 'userid', 'Extra', 'toString', 'bind', 'm_nTickBase', 'unknown', 'floor', 'SCOUT', 'DEagle', 'Exploit', 'Custom name in crosshair indicator', 'Hits', 'Show anti-aimbot information', 'AddTextbox', '97345AqKgsj', 'weapon_fire', 'DEagle damage', 'HIDESHOTS', 'Static', 'Watermark username', 'RagebotFire', 'm_flNextPrimaryAttack', 'SetFloat', 'table', 'apply', 'viewmodel', 'isplanted', 'АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя', '[hold]', '435179TPLNHW', 'player_connect_full', 'General color', 'Show \"YAW\" in crosshair indicator', 'Low-delta range', 'Show frequency information', '131031vfUdhn', 'DT_BaseEntity', 'Slide walk', 'Show manual arrows', 'Recharge', 'General', 'Reverse fade', '╚██╗██╔╝██╔══██╗████╗ ████║╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔══██╗██║ ██╔╝██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗', 'Aspect ratio value', 'SetAngles', 'dthelper', 'r_drawvgui', 'AddDropdown', 'SetEnabled', 'GetServerString', 'Disable fakelags with R8', '298687RaGDvy', 'LEGIT AA', '-attack', 'Mouse dir', '██╔╝╚██╗╚█████╔╝██║ ╚═╝ ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║██║ ╚██╗╚█████╔╝╚█████╔╝██║ ██║██████╔╝', 'GetEntitiesByClassID', 'm_iTeamNum', 'Background alpha', 'round_start', 'Tickcount', 'senry#0001\x0a', 'Enable', 'Draw', 'GENERAL', 'Show keybinds states', 'AWP damage', 'GetValue', 'console', 'Clamp', 'Safe point', 'Custom scope lines', 'AddMultiDropdown', 'stomach', 'Hidden cvars', 'Color bullet tracer', 'charAt', 'Console filter', 'TextSizeCustom', 'Hide shots', 'Visual', 'Logs', 'GetCharge', 'Edge jump', 'EnableRecharge', 'Color line', 'Body aim', 'Drag', 'Hide', 'GradientRect', 'ExecuteCommand', '460373NzcVOY', ' damage', 'Inverted low-delta range', 'ForceTargetHitchance', 'DormantAimShot', 'Left dir.', 'Anti-Aim', 'IsMenuOpen', 'Yaw offset', 'Weapon hitchance', '__proto__', 'Penetration dot', 'seize aka senry. ', 'getMinutes', 'push', 'CBaseCombatWeapon', 'RegisterCallback', 'Scope lines color 2', 'g3sg1', 'GetRealYaw', 'CBasePlayer', 'sin', 'getSeconds', 'LOW DELTA', 'Scout', 'unshift', 'Rage menu', 'Hotkeys', ' for ', 'SetDropdown', 'SetOverride', 'ragebot_fire', 'CreateMoveFunctions', 'SetLBYOffset', 'penerdot', 'BombTrue', 'warn', 'con_filter_enable', 'IsKeyPressed', 'Limit', 'SetValue', 'Aspect ratio', 'Double-tap instant', 'Removals', 'weapon', 'FilledRect', 'Watermark name', 'CCSPlayer', 'ResetScopelines', 'hitgroup', 'Scope lines offset', 'GetInt', 'Damage marker', 'Helpers', 'kb_y', 'Misc', 'molotov', 'Show indicator under crosshair', 'Frametime', 'fixsens', 'm_flNextAttack', 'version', 'con_filter_text', 'aspectratio', 'trace', 'StringCustom', 'SetRealOffset', ' 52>;L25@ r8', 'r8 revolver', 'Left', 'GetString', 'right leg', ' | ', 'Chroma', 'IsHotkeyActive', 'dmg_health', 'team', 'AddSliderFloat', 'Hits under crosshair', 'SetString', 'bomb_planted', 'Realtime', 'TickInterval', 'Time bullet tracer', 'Minimum damages', 'Script items', 'body', 'WorldToScreen', 'Minimum damage', 'Double tap', 'zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse', 'Fade', 'DrawFunctions', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'bomb_exploded', ' xomyakcord', 'm_bIsScoped', 'GetFakeYaw', 'Bullet', '\"hold\" in state bind', 'Leg fucker', 'fov_cs_debug', 'Gradient', 'scar 20', 'Hurt ', ' ██╔██╗ ██║ ██║██║╚██╔╝██║ ╚██╔╝ ██╔══██║██╔═██╗ ██║ ██╗██║ ██║██╔══██╗██║ ██║', 'GetCursorPosition', 'head', 'Calibri', 'Ragebot', 'Visual menu', 'replace', 'GetLocalPlayer', 'constructor', 'GetName', 'PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION', 'GetFloat', 'Other', 'GetScreenSize', 'generic', 'Rage', 'width', 'R8 & Scout hitchance in air', 'AddColorPicker'];
Теперь нету этого
Так оно не запустится, ведь теперь не из чего брать данные...
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