19 Июн 2019
const menu = function() {
        const f = UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Select Tab');
    aa = f == 0,
    rage = f == 1,
    vis = f == 2,
    clr = f == 3;
    UI.SetEnabled("Custom Anti-aimbot angles", true && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Freestand Desync", aa)
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Override minimum DMG key", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Minimum damage", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Jump scout/revolver hitchance", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Hitchance", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "FPS Boost", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "DT Peek Helper [SSG08 & AWP]", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Safe Points For AWP", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Fix zoom sensitivity", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Aspect Ratio", vis);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Style Indicators", vis);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Indicators", vis);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Watermark Icons", vis);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Show ping enemy", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "Watermark Color", clr)
    UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "Hotkeys color", clr)
    UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "FPS Color", clr)
    UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "MS & HZ Color", clr)
    UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "FL Color", clr)
    UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "Spectator color", clr);
UI.AddDropdown('Select Tab', ['Anti-Aim', 'Rage', 'Visuals', 'Colors'])
UI.AddCheckbox("Custom Anti-aimbot angles");
UI.AddDropdown("Pitch", ["Off", "Down", "Zero", "Up"]);
UI.AddDropdown("Yaw base", ["Local view", "At targets"]);
UI.AddCheckbox("At Targets on Air");
UI.AddSliderInt("Yaw", -180, 180);
UI.AddDropdown("Yaw jitter", ["Off", "Offset"]);
UI.AddSliderInt("Jitter", -180, 180);
UI.AddDropdown("Body yaw", ["Default", "Static", "Jitter"]);
UI.AddMultiDropdown("Jitter only", ["Stand", "Walk", "Move", "Air", "Low delta"]);
UI.AddSliderInt("Jitter offset", 0, 60);
UI.AddCheckbox("Jitter LBY");
UI.AddSliderInt("Jitter flip LBY", 0, 60);
UI.AddSliderInt("Jitter speed", 0, 35);
UI.AddSliderInt("LBY Value", 0, 60);
UI.AddSliderInt("Fake Value", 0, 60);
UI.AddSliderInt("Real Value", 0, 60);
UI.AddCheckbox("Low delta on slow-mo");
UI.AddDropdown("Freestand Desync", ["Off", "Peek Real", "Peek Fake"])
UI.AddHotkey("Override minimum DMG key");
UI.AddSliderInt("Minimum damage", 1, 130);
UI.AddCheckbox('Jump scout/revolver hitchance');
UI.AddSliderInt('Hitchance', 0, 100);
UI.AddCheckbox("FPS Boost");
UI.AddCheckbox("DT Peek Helper [SSG08 & AWP]");
UI.AddCheckbox( "Safe Points For AWP" );
UI.AddCheckbox("Fix zoom sensitivity");
UI.AddDropdown("Style Indicators", ["GameSense", "Standart"]);
UI.AddMultiDropdown("Indicators", ["Keybinds", "Spectators", "Watermark", "FL Indicator","FPS Indicator","MS Indicator", "Fake Indicator"]);
UI.AddDropdown("Watermark Icons", ["Onetap","Cogwheel","JS Code", "Performance"])
UI.AddSliderFloat("Aspect Ratio",1.0,2.0);
UI.AddColorPicker("Watermark Color");
UI.AddColorPicker("Hotkeys color");
UI.AddColorPicker("Spectator color");
UI.AddColorPicker("FPS Color");
UI.AddColorPicker("MS & HZ Color");
UI.AddColorPicker("FL Color");
UI.AddCheckbox("Show ping enemy");

Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'menu')

function roundstart()
Cheat.PrintChat("CFG AND JS BY ENDLESS" + "\n");
Cheat.PrintChat("https://vk.com/cfgshop_endless" + "\n");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("round_start", "roundstart")

var screen_size = Global.GetScreenSize();

var logs = [];

const log = function(text, time, alpha, color){
    this.text = text
    this.time = time
    this.alpha = alpha
    this.color = color

const hitboxes = ["generic", "head", "chest", "stomach", "left arm", "right arm", "left leg", "right leg", "body"];
const getHitbox = function(i){
    return hitboxes[i] || "Generic"
hit_logs1 = function(){
    var uid = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));
    var attacker = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker"));
    var text = Entity.GetName(uid) + " for -" + Event.GetInt("dmg_health") + " in " + getHitbox(Event.GetInt("hitgroup")) + " (" + Event.GetInt("health") + ")";
    col = Event.GetInt("health") > 0 ? 1 : 0

    if(Entity.IsLocalPlayer(attacker) && attacker != uid){
    logs.push(new log(text, Globals.Tickcount(), 255, col))
logdraw1 = function(){
    var font = Render.AddFont("Calibri", 8, 100);
    for (var i in logs) {
        x = screen_size[0] / 2;
        y = screen_size[1] / 2 + 50;
        color = logs[i].color > 0 ? [255, 255, 255, logs[i].alpha] : [200, 0, 0, logs[i].alpha];
        Render.StringCustom(x + 1, y + 1 + (i * 11), 1, logs[i].text, [0, 0, 0, logs[i].alpha], font);
        Render.StringCustom(x, y + (i * 11), 1, logs[i].text, color, font);
        if (logs[i].time + 250 < Globals.Tickcount())
            logs[i].alpha -= Globals.Frametime() * 600;
        if (logs[i].alpha < 0)

var old = 0;
const Inair = function () {
    if (Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), 'CBasePlayer', 'm_hGroundEntity')) {
        return true
    } else {
        return false
get_velocity = function(index) {
    const velocity = Entity.GetProp(index, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]");
    return Math.sqrt(velocity[0] * velocity[0] + velocity[1] * velocity[1]);
jitte = function (f, s, fl) {
    if ((Globals.Tickcount() - old) > s) {
        if (UI.GetValue("Script items", f) !== 60)
            UI.SetValue("Script items", f, 60);
            UI.SetValue("Script items", f, fl);
        old = Globals.Tickcount();
const visible = function(){
    antiaim = UI.GetValue("Custom Anti-aimbot angles");
    yjit = UI.GetValue("Yaw jitter");
    byaw = UI.GetValue("Body yaw");
    bjit = UI.GetValue("Jitter only");
    sjit = UI.GetValue("Jitter LBY");
    UI.SetEnabled("Pitch", true && antiaim && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Yaw base", true && antiaim && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("At Targets on Air", true && antiaim && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Yaw", true && antiaim && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Yaw jitter", true && antiaim && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Jitter", true && antiaim && yjit && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Body yaw", true && antiaim && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Jitter only", true && antiaim && byaw == 2 && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Jitter offset", true && antiaim && byaw == 2 && bjit && aa);   
    UI.SetEnabled("Jitter LBY", true && antiaim && byaw == 1 && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Jitter flip LBY", true && antiaim && byaw == 1 && sjit && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Jitter speed", true && antiaim && byaw == 1 && sjit && aa);   
    UI.SetEnabled("LBY Value", true && antiaim && byaw == 1 && aa);   
    UI.SetEnabled("Fake Value", true && antiaim && byaw == 1 && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Real Value", true && antiaim && byaw == 1 && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Low delta on slow-mo", true && antiaim && aa);         

var orig_antiaim = true;
var flip_aa = false;
var last = 0;
const antiaim = function(){
    var vel = get_velocity(Entity.GetLocalPlayer());
    var duck = (Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CBasePlayer", "m_flDuckAmount") > 0.8);
    var inverter = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter");
    var slowwalk = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Slow walk");
    var fd = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck");
    var dt = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Doubletap");
    var hs = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots");       
    var air = Inair();
    var enableaa = UI.GetValue("Custom Anti-aimbot angles");
    var pitch = UI.GetValue("Pitch");
    var ybase = UI.GetValue("Yaw base");
    var targetair = UI.GetValue("At Targets on Air");
    var yaw = UI.GetValue("Yaw");
    var yjit = UI.GetValue("Yaw jitter");
    var jit = UI.GetValue("Jitter");
    var byaw = UI.GetValue("Body yaw");
    var bjit = UI.GetValue("Jitter only");
    var joffset = UI.GetValue("Jitter offset");
    var sjite = UI.GetValue("Jitter LBY");
    var spjit = UI.GetValue("Jitter speed");
    var fljit = UI.GetValue("Jitter flip LBY");
    var lowdelta = UI.GetValue("Low delta on slow-mo");
    var st_bfake = UI.GetValue("Fake Value");   
    var st_breal = UI.GetValue("Real Value");   
    var st_blby = UI.GetValue("LBY Value");
    var sim = Globals.Curtime() - Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CBaseEntity", "m_flSimulationTime")
    if (last > sim)
        flip_aa = !flip_aa
    last = sim
    //original antiaim
    if (orig_antiaim){
        var untrusted_cache = UI.GetValue("Misc", "PERFOMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions");
        var pitch_cache = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch");
        var yaw_base_cache = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets");
        var yaw_cache = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset");
        var jitter_cache = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset");
        var body_yaw_cache = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "LBY mode");
        orig_antiaim = false;
    var target_chache = UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets");
        //Targets on Air
        if (targetair){
            UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets", false);
            UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets", air);
        } else {
            UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets", target_chache);
            UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets", ybase);
    //custom antiaim
    if (enableaa){
    if (pitch !== 1){
        UI.SetValue("Misc", "PERFOMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions", 0);
        UI.SetValue("Misc", "PERFOMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions", 1);
    pit = pitch !== 0 ? pitch + 1 : 0;
    jitter = yjit ? jit : 0
    normal_lby = !(dt || hs) ? (inverter ? -60 : 60) : 0
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch", pit);
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset", yaw);
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset", jitter);
    AntiAim.SetRealOffset(inverter ? 60 : -60);

    if (byaw == 2){
        if(bjit & (1 << 0) && vel <= 1){
        AntiAim.SetRealOffset(flip_aa ? joffset : -joffset);
        if(bjit & (1 << 1) && vel <= 124 && !air){       
        AntiAim.SetRealOffset(flip_aa ? joffset : -joffset);
        if(bjit & (1 << 2) && vel >= 125 && !air){   
        AntiAim.SetRealOffset(flip_aa ? joffset : -joffset);       
        if(bjit & (1 << 3) && air){       
        AntiAim.SetRealOffset(flip_aa ? joffset : -joffset);   
    if (byaw == 1){
        var p = sjit ? jitte("LBY Value", spjit, fljit) : "";
        AntiAim.SetFakeOffset(inverter ? st_bfake : -st_bfake);   
        AntiAim.SetRealOffset(inverter ? st_breal : -st_breal);
        AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(inverter ? -st_blby : st_blby);
    if (lowdelta && slowwalk){
        inv = bjit & (1 << 4) ? (flip_aa ? 21 : -25) : (inverter ? 21 : -25)
    //return original antiaim   
    }else if (!orig_antiaim){
    UI.SetValue("Misc", "PERFOMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions", untrusted_cache);
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch", pitch_cache);
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets", yaw_base_cache);
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset", yaw_cache);
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset", jitter_cache);
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "LBY mode", body_yaw_cache);       
    orig_antiaim = true;

const unload = function(){

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "antiaim");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "unload");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "visible");

/// Freestand Desync
const deg2rad = function(g) {
    return g * Math.PI / 180;
angle_to_vec = function (T, P) {
    var f = deg2rad(T);
    var O = deg2rad(P);
    var r = Math.sin(f);
    var Y = Math.cos(f);
    var K = Math.sin(O);
    var z = Math.cos(O);
    return [Y * z,Y * K, -r];
trace = function (T, P) {
    var f = angle_to_vec(P[0], P[1])
    var O = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(T);
    O[2] += 50;
    var r = [O[0] + f[0] * 0x2000, O[1] + f[1] * 0x2000, O[2] + f[2] * 0x2000]
    var Y = Trace.Line(T, O, r);
    if (Y[1] == 1) return;
    r = [O[0] + f[0] * Y[1] * 0x2000, O[1] + f[1] * Y[1] * 0x2000, O[2] + f[2] * Y[1] * 0x2000];
    var K = Math.sqrt((O[0] - r[0]) * (O[0] - r[0]) + (O[1] - r[1]) * (O[1] - r[1]) + (O[2] - r[2]) * (O[2] - r[2]));
    O = Render.WorldToScreen(O)
    r = Render.WorldToScreen(r);
    if (r[2] != 1 || O[2] != 1) return;
    return K;
freestand_desync = function(){
    var local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    var peek = UI.GetValue("Freestand Desync");
    if (!Entity.IsAlive(local) && peek == 0) return;
    if (UI.GetValue("Freestand Desync") == 0) return;
    if (Entity.IsValid(local)) {
        var inverted = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter");
        var angle = Local.GetViewAngles();
        left_distance = trace(local, [0, angle[1] - 22]);
        right_distance = trace(local, [0, angle[1] + 22]);
        if (left_distance > right_distance) {
            if (peek == 2 ? inverted : !inverted)
                UI.ToggleHotkey("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter");
        if (right_distance > left_distance) {
            if (peek == 2 ? !inverted : inverted)
                UI.ToggleHotkey("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter");

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "freestand_desync");
/// MinDamage

    var General = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "GENERAL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage" )
    var Pistol = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage" )
    var HeavyPistol = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage" )
    var Scout = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage" )
    var Awp = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage" )
    var AutoSniper = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage" )

function IshotkeyACTIVE() {
    var IskeyActive = UI.IsHotkeyActive( "Script items", "Override minimum DMG key" )
    var SliderValue = UI.GetValue( "Script items", "Minimum damage" )
    if ( IskeyActive ) {
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "GENERAL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", SliderValue );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", SliderValue );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", SliderValue );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", SliderValue );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", SliderValue );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", SliderValue );   
    } else if ( !IskeyActive ) {
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "GENERAL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", General );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", Pistol );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", HeavyPistol );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", Scout );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", Awp );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", AutoSniper );
/// Hitchance in air
    var revolverhitchance = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Accuracy", "Hitchance" );
    var scouthitchance = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Hitchance" );

function HitchanceInAir() {
    if (!UI.GetValue("Script items", "Jump scout/revolver hitchance" && rage)) return;
    var getweapon = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
    var jshitchance = UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Hitchance');
    var inAir = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), 'CBasePlayer', 'm_hGroundEntity');
    if (inAir =='m_hGroundEntity') {
        UI.SetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOL', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', jshitchance)
        UI.SetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', jshitchance)
    } else {
        UI.SetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOL', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', revolverhitchance)
        UI.SetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', scouthitchance)
/// FPS Boost
function fps_boost() {
    if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", "FPS Boost")) {
        UI.SetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Misc", "Force sv_cheats", true);
        UI.SetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Misc", "Hidden cvars", true);
        Convar.SetString("r_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_static_prop_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_world_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_foot_contact_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_viewmodel_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_rope_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_sprite_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_world_shadows_in_viewmodelcascade", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_translucent_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_entity_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("violence_hblood", "0");
        Convar.SetString("r_3dsky", "0");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawdecals", "0");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawrain", "0");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawropes", "0");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawsprites", "0");
        Convar.SetString("fog_enable_water_fog", "0");
        Convar.SetString("@panorama_disable_blur", "1");
        Convar.SetString("dsp_slow_cpu", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_disable_ragdolls", "1");
        Convar.SetString("mat_disable_bloom", "1");
    } else {
        Convar.SetString("r_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_static_prop_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_world_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_foot_contact_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_viewmodel_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_rope_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_sprite_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_world_shadows_in_viewmodelcascade", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_translucent_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_entity_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("violence_hblood", "1");
        Convar.SetString("r_3dsky", "1");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawdecals", "1");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawrain", "1");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawropes", "1");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawsprites", "1");
        Convar.SetString("fog_enable_water_fog", "1");
        Convar.SetString("@panorama_disable_blur", "0");
        Convar.SetString("dsp_slow_cpu", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_disable_ragdolls", "0");
        Convar.SetString("mat_disable_bloom", "0");
/// dtpeek
var dtpeek_cache = true;
DT_PeekHelper = function(){
    if (!UI.GetValue("Script items", "DT Peek Helper [SSG08 & AWP]")) return;
    weapon_name =  Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))
    doubletap = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "Exploit", "Doubletap");
    autopeek = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Auto peek");
    active = (doubletap && autopeek);

    if (active && (weapon_name == "ssg 08" || weapon_name == "awp")){
    if (dtpeek_cache){
        scout_prefer = UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Prefer safe point")
        scout_stop = UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Auto stop mode")
        autodirection_cache = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Auto direction");
        dtpeek_cache = false;
    UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Prefer safe point", true)
    UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Auto stop mode", 8)
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Auto direction", active);
    }else if (!dtpeek_cache){
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Prefer safe point", scout_prefer)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Auto stop mode", scout_stop)
        UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Auto direction", autodirection_cache);
        dtpeek_cache = true;

Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "DT_PeekHelper");

/// AWP
var safePBackup = false

function safeAWP() {
    SlocalPlayer = Entity.GetLocalPlayer()
    SlocalPlayerWeapon = Entity.GetWeapon(SlocalPlayer)
    SlocalPlayerWeaponName = Entity.GetName(SlocalPlayerWeapon)

    if ( UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Safe Points For AWP') && SlocalPlayerWeaponName == 'awp' ) {
        forceSafePoint = UI.IsHotkeyActive('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Force safe point')
        if (!forceSafePoint) {
            UI.ToggleHotkey('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Force safe point')
            safePBackup = true
    } else if (safePBackup) {
        UI.ToggleHotkey('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Force safe point')
        safePBackup = false

/// Fix zoom
function zoomfix(){
    if (Cheat.FrameStage() == 5) {
        var zoom_sens = Convar.GetFloat("zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse");
        if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Scipt items", "Fix zoom sensitivity")) {
            var zoom_current_sens = Convar.GetFloat("sensitivity");
            var zoom_fov = UI.GetValue("Visual", "WORLD", "View", "Field of view");
            var fixed_zoom_sens = zoom_fov / 100 * zoom_current_sens;
            if (zoom_sens != fixed_zoom_sens) {
                Cheat.ExecuteCommand("zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse " + fixed_zoom_sens);
                Cheat.ExecuteCommand("zoom_sensitivity_ratio_joystick " + fixed_zoom_sens);
        } else {
            if (zoom_sens != 1.0) {
                Cheat.ExecuteCommand("zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse " + 1.0);
                Cheat.ExecuteCommand("zoom_sensitivity_ratio_joystick " + 1.0);
Cheat.RegisterCallback("FrameStageNotify", "zoomfix");

Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'HitchanceInAir');
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "IshotkeyACTIVE");
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'safeAWP')
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "antiaim");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "unload");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "visible");

var username = Cheat.GetUsername();
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], "███████╗██╗░░██╗░██████╗███████╗███╗░░██╗░██████╗███████╗\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], "██╔════╝╚██╗██╔╝██╔════╝██╔════╝████╗░██║██╔════╝██╔════╝\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], "█████╗░░░╚███╔╝░╚█████╗░█████╗░░██╔██╗██║╚█████╗░█████╗░░\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], "██╔══╝░░░██╔██╗░░╚═══██╗██╔══╝░░██║╚████║░╚═══██╗██╔══╝░░\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], "███████╗██╔╝╚██╗██████╔╝███████╗██║░╚███║██████╔╝███████╗\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], "╚══════╝╚═╝░░╚═╝╚═════╝░╚══════╝╚═╝░░╚══╝╚═════╝░╚══════╝ v5.0.0\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 0, 255, 0, 255 ], "Welcome, " +username+ "!\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 255, 0, 0, 255 ], "Official Store: " );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 255, 255, 255, 255 ], "https://vk.com/cfgshop_endless\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 255, 0, 0, 255 ], "Bugs Discord Channel: " );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 255, 255, 255, 255 ], "#bugs-report\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 0, 255, 0, 255 ], "[UPDATE LOG 5.0.0]\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Indicators are no longer movable, but they are not lost\n");
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] New menu\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Add New Anti-Aim System and At Target on Air\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Add Freestand Desync\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Add Enemy Ping ESP\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] The Keybinds shows Base Yaw (Local View / At Targets)\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Fix More Bugs\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Remove Var indicator\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] New design Fake indicator\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] After enabling JS, you can go to the local game with VAC\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Add Dormant Aimbot (Beta)\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Improvement FPS\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [+] And ETC\n" );
/// Visuals
const get = function(elm)
return UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", elm);
const set = function(elm1, v)
return UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", elm1, v);

const in_bounds = function(vec, x, y, x2, y2) {
return (vec[0] > x) && (vec[1] > y) && (vec[0] < x2) && (vec[1] < y2)

var stored = ![],
x_offs = 0,
y_offs = 0;

const move1 = function (x, y, width, height, name) {
if (UI.IsMenuOpen() && Input.IsKeyPressed(0x1)) {
  const mouse_pos = Global.GetCursorPosition();
  if (in_bounds(mouse_pos, x, y, x + width, y + height)) {
        x_offs = mouse_pos[0] - x;
        y_offs = mouse_pos[1] - y;
        stored = true;
     UI.SetValue("Script items", name + "_x", mouse_pos[0] - x_offs);
     UI.SetValue("Script items", name + "_y", mouse_pos[1] - y_offs);
} else if(stored) stored = false;

function skeetobvodka(x, y, w, h, color){
const style = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Style Indicators")
if (style !== 0){
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 2, w, h, [15, 15, 15, 150]);
Render.FilledRect(x, y - 1, w, h + 2, [15, 15, 15, color[3]]);
Render.Rect(x, y - 1, w, h + 3, [15, 15, 15, 200]);}

if (style == 0) {
Render.GradientRect(x + 1, y, w / 2 - 1, 1, 2, [55, 177, 218, 255], [203, 70, 205, 255]);
Render.GradientRect(x + w / 2, y, w / 2 - 1 + 1, 1, 2, [203, 70, 205, 255], [204, 227, 53, 255]);
}else if (style == 1){
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 1, w, 1, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255]);

function HSVtoRGB(h, s, v) {
var r, g, b, i, f, p, q, t;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
    s = h.s, v = h.v, h = h.h;
i = Math.floor(h * 6);
f = h * 6 - i;
p = v * (1 - s);
q = v * (1 - f * s);
t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
switch (i % 6) {
    case 0: r = v, g = t, b = p; break;
    case 1: r = q, g = v, b = p; break;
    case 2: r = p, g = v, b = t; break;
    case 3: r = p, g = q, b = v; break;
    case 4: r = t, g = p, b = v; break;
    case 5: r = v, g = p, b = q; break;
return {
    r: Math.round(r * 255),
    g: Math.round(g * 255),
    b: Math.round(b * 255)
var aspect_cache = 0;

function aspect(){
var aspect_slider = UI.GetValue("Aspect Ratio");
if (aspect_cache != aspect_slider) {
    aspect_cache = aspect_slider;
    UI.SetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Miscellaneous", "Hidden cvars", 1);
    Global.ExecuteCommand("r_aspectratio " + aspect_slider);

var fps_info = [];
var last_timee = Global.Curtime();

function draw_containe()
if (!(UI.GetValue("Indicators") & (1<<4))) return;

var text = "IE | "
var w = Render.TextSize(text, 8)[0] + 20;
var x = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];   
var y = Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) ? 75 : 50;
x = x - w - 99;
var avg = {'fps': 0};

Render.FilledRect(x - 20, y - 16, 55, 21, [15, 15, 15, fpsc[3]]);
Render.String(x - 17, y - 11, 0, "IE | ", [ 255, 255, 255, 255 ], 8 );

if (Global.Curtime() - last_timee > 0.5) {

    last_timee = Global.Curtime();

    fps_info.unshift(1 / Global.Frametime());
fpsc = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "FPS Color");
if (fps_info.length > 4)

var fps_max = Convar.GetInt("fps_max") || 400;
for (i = 0; i < fps_info.length; i++)
    avg.fps += fps_info[i]
    Render.GradientRect( x - i * 5 + 25, y + 1 - fps_info[i] / fps_max * 35, 5, fps_info[i] / fps_max * 35, 0, [35, 35, 95, 0], [fpsc[0], fpsc[1], fpsc[2], 255]
function mainn()

function Areset()
llast_time = Global.Curtime();
fps_info = [];

function main_mshz() {
if (!(UI.GetValue("Indicators") & (1<<5))) return;
const ping = Math.abs(Local.Latency() * 1000 - 16).toFixed(2);
var font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 100);
var text = +ping+ "ms / 60hz";
var w = Render.TextSizeCustom(text, font)[0] + 8;
var x = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];   
var y = Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) ? 55 : 30;
x = x - w - 10;
msc = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "MS & HZ Color");
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 4, w, 20, [17, 17, 17, msc[3]]);
Render.StringCustom(x + 4, y + 7, 0, text, [0, 0, 0, 180], font);
Render.StringCustom(x + 4, y + 7, 0, text, [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
var width = 75;
var stylee = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Style Indicators")
if (stylee == 0) {
    Render.GradientRect( x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 2, [55, 177, 218/*55, 177, 218*/, 255], [203, 70, 205/*203, 70, 205*/, 255]);
    Render.GradientRect( x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 2, [203, 70, 205/*203, 70, 205*/, 255], [204, 227, 53/*204, 227, 53*/, 255]);               
} else if (stylee == 1) {
    Render.GradientRect( x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [ msc[0], msc[1], msc[2], 0 ], [ msc[0], msc[1], msc[2], 255 ]);
    Render.GradientRect( x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [ msc[0], msc[1], msc[2], 255 ], [ msc[0], msc[1], msc[2], 0 ]);
if (ping > 64 && stylee == 1) {
    Render.GradientRect( x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [ 255, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 255, 0, 0, 255 ]);
    Render.GradientRect( x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [ 255, 0, 0, 255 ], [ 255, 0, 0, 0 ]);               
} else if (ping < 64 && stylee == 1 ) {
    Render.GradientRect( x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [ 0, 255, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 255, 0, 255 ]);
    Render.GradientRect( x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [ 0, 255, 0, 255 ], [ 0, 255, 0, 0 ]);
if (stylee == 0){
    Render.Rect(x, y + 4, w, 21, [17, 17, 17, 200]);
/// Fake

function main_fake() {
if (!(UI.GetValue("Indicators") & (1<<6))) return;
if (!World.GetServerString()) return;
if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) return;
var font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 100);
const dt = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "Exploits", "Doubletap");
var RealYaw = Local.GetRealYaw();
var FakeYaw = Local.GetFakeYaw();
var delta = Math.min(Math.abs(RealYaw - FakeYaw) / 2, 60).toFixed(1);
var text = "    FAKE (" + delta.toString() + "  ) ";
var w = Render.TextSizeCustom(text, font)[0] + 8;
var h = 22;
var x = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];   
var y = 30;
x = x - w - 110;
Render.GradientRect( x, y + 4, 45, 21, 1, [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 100 ]);
Render.GradientRect( x + 45, y + 4, 45, 21, 1, [ 0, 0, 0, 100 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]);
Render.GradientRect(x + 5, y + 4, 2, h / 2, 0, [(255 - 255 * (delta / 100)), 255 * (delta / 100), 0, 100], [(255 - 255 * (delta / 100)), 255 * (delta / 100), 0, 255]);
Render.GradientRect(x + 5, y + h / 2 + 4, 2, h / 2, 0, [(255 - 255 * (delta / 100)), 255 * (delta / 100), 0, 255], [(255 - 255 * (delta / 100)), 255 * (delta / 100), 0, 100]);
Render.StringCustom(x, y + 9, 0, text, [0, 0, 0, 180], font);
Render.StringCustom(x - 1, y + 8, 0, text, [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
Render.Circle(x + 12 + Render.TextSizeCustom("FAKE (" + delta.toString(), font)[0], y + 9, 1, [255, 255, 255, 255]);

/// Fakelag
var charge_alpha = 0;
function fl_indicator(){
if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) return;
if (!(UI.GetValue("Indicators") & (1<<3))) return;
const color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "FL Color");   
const dt = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "Exploits", "Doubletap");
const hs = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "Exploits", "Hide shots");
const flag = UI.GetValue( "Anti-Aim", "Fake-Lag", "Limit");   
const font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 100);
const charge = Exploit.GetCharge();
const fl = (dt || hs) ? 0 : flag
var text = "FL:  "+fl;
if (dt) text += " | SHIFTING";
var w = Render.TextSizeCustom(text, font)[0] + 8;
var x = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];   
var y = 30;
x = x - w - 10
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 4, w, 20, [17, 17, 17, color[3]]);
Render.StringCustom(x + 4, y + 7, 0, text, [0, 0, 0, 180], font);
Render.StringCustom(x + 4, y + 7, 0, text, [255, 255, 255, 255], font);

if (charge >= 1) {
    charge_alpha = Math.min(charge_alpha + (8 * Globals.Frametime()), 1);
} else {
    charge_alpha = charge_alpha - (8 * Globals.Frametime());
    if (charge_alpha < 0) charge_alpha = 0;

var stylee = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Style Indicators")

if (stylee == 0) {
    Render.GradientRect(x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 2, [55, 177, 218, 255], [203, 70, 205, 255]);
    Render.GradientRect(x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 2, [203, 70, 205, 255], [204, 227, 53, 255]);           
} else if (stylee == 1) {
    if (dt){
    Render.GradientRect( x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [255, 145, 0, 0], [ 255, 145, 0, 255]);
    Render.GradientRect( x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [255, 145, 0, 255], [ 255, 145, 0, 0]);

    Render.GradientRect( x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [0, 255, 0, 0], [0, 255, 0, charge_alpha * 255]);
    Render.GradientRect( x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [0, 255, 0, charge_alpha * 255], [0, 255, 0, 0]);
    Render.GradientRect( x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 0], [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255]);
    Render.GradientRect( x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255], [color[0], color[1], color[2], 0]);         
if (stylee == 0){
    Render.Rect(x, y + 4, w, 21, [17, 17, 17, 200]);
function render(){
    if(!UI.GetValue("Script items", "Show ping enemy")) return;
    const enemy = Entity.GetEnemies();
    for (i = 0; i < enemy.length; i++){
        if (Entity.IsAlive(enemy[i])){
        const pingenemy = Math.round(Entity.GetProp(enemy[i], "CPlayerResource", "m_iPing")).toString();
        const font = Render.AddFont("MuseoSansCyrl-700", 8, 100);
        var pos = Entity.GetRenderBox(enemy[i]);
        var a = pos[3] - pos[1]
        a /= 2
        a += pos[1]
        const ping = (pingenemy <= 0 ? "BOT" : pingenemy)
        Render.StringCustom(a + 3, pos[2] - 23, 1, ping, [0, 0, 0, 150], font);
        Render.StringCustom(a + 2, pos[2] - 24, 1, ping, [255, 255, 255, 255], font); 

Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "render");

var msc = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "MS & HZ Color");
var logc = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "HitLogs Color");
var flcol = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "FL Color");
var fpsc = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "FPS Color");
var standart = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Watermark Color");
var colorhotkeys = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys color");
var cspec = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Spectator color");
if (msc[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "MS & HZ Color", [255, 255, 255, 255]);

if (cspec[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Spectator color", [255, 255, 255, 255]);

if (flcol[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "FL Color", [255, 255, 255, 255]);

if (standart[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Watermark Color", [255, 255, 255, 255]);
if (logc[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "HitLogs Color", [255, 255, 255, 255]);

if (fpsc[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "FPS Color", [35, 35, 35, 255]);

if (colorhotkeys[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys color", [89, 119, 239, 3]);

UI.AddSliderInt("keybind_x", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]);
UI.AddSliderInt("keybind_y", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);
UI.AddSliderInt("spectator_x", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]);
UI.AddSliderInt("spectator_y", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);

hide = function(){
var ind = UI.GetValue("Indicators");

UI.SetEnabled("keybind_x", false);
UI.SetEnabled("keybind_y", false);
UI.SetEnabled("spectator_x", false);
UI.SetEnabled("spectator_y", false);   

adap_render = function(x, y, width, height, alpha, color){
const color1 = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", color);
const rgb = HSVtoRGB(Global.Realtime() * 0.09, 1, 1);
const style = UI.GetValue("Style Indicators");
if (style !== 0){
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 2, width, height, [15, 15, 15, alpha * color1[3]]);}
if (style == 0){
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 2, width, height, [15, 15, 15, alpha * color1[3]]);
Render.GradientRect(x, y, width / 2, 2, 1, [89, 180, 255, alpha * 255], [204, 51, 255, alpha * 255]);
Render.GradientRect(x + width / 2, y, width / 2, 2, 1, [204, 51, 255, alpha * 255], [255, 255, 102, alpha * 255]);
Render.Rect(x, y - 1, width + 1, height + 4, [15, 15, 15, alpha * color1[3]])}     
if (style == 1){
Render.GradientRect(x, y, width / 2, 2, 1, [0, 0, 0, alpha * 255], [color1[0], color1[1], color1[2], alpha * 255]);
Render.GradientRect(x + width / 2, y, width / 2, 2, 1, [color1[0], color1[1], color1[2], alpha * 255], [0, 0, 0, alpha * 255]);}

getObservators = function() {
var ents = Entity.GetPlayers();
var local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
var localtarget = Entity.GetProp(local, "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget");
if (!local) return;
spec = [];
for (i = 0; i < ents.length; i++) {
    if (Entity.IsAlive(local)) {
        if (!ents[i] || Entity.IsAlive(ents[i])) continue;
        var observer = Entity.GetProp(ents[i], "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget");
        if (!observer || observer == "m_hObserverTarget") continue;
        const names = Entity.GetName(ents[i])
        if (observer == local) spec.push(names.length >= 18 ? names.substr(0, 15) + "..." : names);
    } else {
        if (!ents[i] || Entity.IsAlive(ents[i])) continue;
        var observer = Entity.GetProp(ents[i], "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget");
        if (!observer || observer == "m_hObserverTarget") continue;
        const names = Entity.GetName(ents[i])
        if (observer == localtarget) spec.push(names.length >= 16 ? names.substr(0, 13) + "..." : names);

var alpha = 0;
var alphas = 0;
var maxwidth = 0;

function keybind(){
const color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys color");
const font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 0);
const x = UI.GetValue("keybind_x");
const y = UI.GetValue("keybind_y");
const style = UI.GetValue("[ALL] Style line")
var width = 55;
var maxwidth = 0;
var keyactive = [];
var mdmg = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Minimum damage");
info_key = [
["Yaw Base", null, "[At Targets]"],
["Yaw Base", null, "[Local View]"],
["Trigger bot", ["Legit", "GENERAL", "Triggerbot", "Enabled"], "[holding]"],
["Double tap", ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Exploits", "Doubletap"], "[toggled]"],
["Hide shots", ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Exploits", "Hide shots"], "[toggled]"],
["Safe point", ["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force safe point"], "[toggled]"],
["Body aim", ["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force body aim"], "[toggled]"],
["Resolver override", ["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Resolver override"], "[holding]"],
["Min Damage Override", ["JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Override minimum DMG key"], "["+mdmg+"]"],
["Fake duck", ["Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck"], "[holding]"],
["Slow walk", ["Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Slow walk"], "[holding]"],
["Inverter", ["Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter"], "[toggled]"],
["Edge jump", ["Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Edge jump"], "[holding]"],
["Auto peek", ["Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Auto peek"], "[holding]"],
var target = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets");
var freestand = UI.GetValue("SCRIPT ITEMS", "FreeStand Desync");
for(var i in info_key){
    aa = info_key[i][2];
    bind = info_key[i][1];
    name = info_key[i][0];
    if(bind !== null && UI.IsHotkeyActive.apply(null, bind)){
    if(aa == "[At Targets]" && target){
    if(aa == "[Local View]" && !target){

if (keyactive.length > 0 || UI.IsMenuOpen()) {
    alpha = Math.min(alpha + (8 * Globals.Frametime()), 1);
} else {
    alpha = alpha - (8 * Globals.Frametime());
    if (alpha < 0) alpha = 0;

for (var g in keyactive) {
    bind = keyactive[g];
    name = info_key[bind][0];
    if (Render.TextSizeCustom(name, font)[0] > maxwidth) {
        maxwidth = Render.TextSizeCustom(name, font)[0];

if (maxwidth == 0) maxwidth = 50;
width = width + maxwidth;
w = width > 145 ? width : 145;

if (!(UI.GetValue("Indicators") & (1<<0))) return;
adap_render(x, y, w + 1, 17, alpha, "Hotkeys color");

Render.StringCustom(x + (w / 2) - (Render.TextSizeCustom("keybinds", font)[0] / 2 - 1), y + 5, 0, "keybinds", [0, 0, 0, alpha * 255], font);
Render.StringCustom(x + (w / 2) - (Render.TextSizeCustom("keybinds", font)[0] / 2), y + 4, 0, "keybinds", [255, 255, 255, alpha * 255], font);

for(var j in keyactive){
    bind = keyactive[j];
    name = info_key[bind][0];
    state = info_key[bind][2];
    Render.StringCustom(x + 4, y + 24 + (j * 17), 0, name, [0, 0, 0, alpha * 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 23 + (j * 17), 0, name, [255, 255, 255, alpha * 255], font);

    Render.StringCustom(x + w - Render.TextSizeCustom(state, font)[0], y + 24 + (j * 17), 0, state, [0, 0, 0, alpha * 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(x + w - Render.TextSizeCustom(state, font)[0] - 1, y + 23 + (j * 17), 0, state, [255, 255, 255, alpha * 255], font);       
move1(x, y, w, 19, "keybind");

function spectator(){
const font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 0);
const x = UI.GetValue("spectator_x");
const y = UI.GetValue("spectator_y");

if (spec.length > 0 || UI.IsMenuOpen()) {
    alphas = Math.min(alphas + (8 * Globals.Frametime()), 1);
} else {
    alphas = alphas - (8 * Globals.Frametime());
    if (alphas < 0) alphas = 0;

if (!(UI.GetValue("Indicators") & (1<<1))) return;
adap_render(x, y, 140, 17, alphas, "Spectator color");       
Render.StringCustom(x + (140 / 2) - (Render.TextSizeCustom("spectators ("+spec.length+")", font)[0] / 2 - 1), y + 5, 0, "spectators ("+spec.length+")", [0, 0, 0, alphas * 180], font);
Render.StringCustom(x + (140 / 2) - (Render.TextSizeCustom("spectators ("+spec.length+")", font)[0] / 2), y + 4, 0, "spectators ("+spec.length+")", [255, 255, 255, alphas * 255], font);       

for(g = 0; g < spec.length; g++){
    names = spec[g];
    Render.StringCustom(x + 4, y + 24 + (g * 17) , 0, names, [0, 0, 0, alphas * 140], font);
    Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 23 + (g * 17), 0, names, [255, 255, 255, alphas * 255], font);

    Render.StringCustom(x + 140 - Render.TextSizeCustom("[watching]", font)[0] - 2, y + 24 + (g * 17) , 0, "[watching]", [0, 0, 0, alphas * 140], font);
    Render.StringCustom(x + 140 - Render.TextSizeCustom("[watching]", font)[0] - 3, y + 23 + (g * 17), 0, "[watching]", [255, 255, 255, alphas * 255], font);
move1(x, y, 140, 20, "spectator");

Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "keybind");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "spectator");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "hide");

var username = Cheat.GetUsername();
function draw() {
if (!(UI.GetValue("Indicators") & (1<<2))) return;
    var rgb = HSVtoRGB(Global.Tickcount() % 350 / 350,1,1);
    var ping = Math.round(Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CPlayerResource", "m_iPing")).toString()
    const now = new Date();
    const hours = now.getHours(), mins = now.getMinutes(), secs = now.getSeconds();
    const time = (hours < 10 ? "0" + hours : hours) + ":" + (mins < 10 ? "0" + mins : mins) + ":" + (secs < 10 ? "0" + secs : secs);
color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "Javascript", "Script items", "Watermark");
    var font = Render.AddFont( "Verdana", 7, 400);
    var text = "Exsense  | " +username+ " | [Version        ] | "+time+ " |     "
    var h = 18;
    var w = Render.TextSizeCustom(text, font)[0] + 8;
var x = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];   
var y = 10;
var standart = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Watermark Color");
x = x - w - 10;
skeetobvodka(x, y, w, h, standart);
var iconswater = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Watermark Icons")
                            if (iconswater == 0) {
            Render.String(x + w - 18, y + 5, 0, "!", [rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, 255], 6);
            } else if (iconswater == 1 ) {
            Render.String(x + w - 19, y + 5, 0, "@", [rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, 255], 6);
            } else if (iconswater == 2 ) {
            Render.String(x + w - 20, y + 5, 0, "^", [rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, 255], 6);
            } else if (iconswater == 3 ) {
            Render.String(x + w - 18, y + 5, 0, "#", [rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, 255], 6);
Render.StringCustom(x + w - 112, y + 4, 0, "5.0", [rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, 255], font);
Render.StringCustom(x+4, y + 4, 0, text, [255,255,255,255], font);
UI.SetValue('Misc', 'PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION', 'Watermark', false);
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "draw");

function drawner(){
if (!World.GetServerString()) return;
var screen = Global.GetScreenSize();
var font = Render.AddFont("Calibri", 8, 400);
var color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Yaw color");
var dt = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "Exploits", "Double tap");
var charge = Exploit.GetCharge();
const pulse = Math.sin(Math.abs(-Math.PI + (Globals.Curtime() * (1 / .75)) % (Math.PI * 2))) * 255;
const rgb = HSVtoRGB(Global.Realtime() * 0.09, 1, 1);

Render.StringCustom(screen[0] / 2, screen[1] / 2 + 18, 1, "Exsense", [255, 255, 255, pulse], font);

Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "hit_logs1");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "logdraw1");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_connect_full", "Areset");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "fl_indicator")
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "main_fake");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "main_mshz");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "mainn");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "keybind");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "spectator");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "drawner");
Cheat.ExecuteCommand( "sv_lan 1" );
28 Дек 2018
const menu = function() {
        const f = UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Select Tab');
    aa = f == 0,
    rage = f == 1,
    vis = f == 2,
    clr = f == 3;
    UI.SetEnabled("Custom Anti-aimbot angles", true && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Freestand Desync", aa)
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Override minimum DMG key", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Minimum damage", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Jump scout/revolver hitchance", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Hitchance", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "FPS Boost", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "DT Peek Helper [SSG08 & AWP]", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Safe Points For AWP", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Fix zoom sensitivity", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Aspect Ratio", vis);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Style Indicators", vis);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Indicators", vis);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Watermark Icons", vis);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Show ping enemy", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "Watermark Color", clr)
    UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "Hotkeys color", clr)
    UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "FPS Color", clr)
    UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "MS & HZ Color", clr)
    UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "FL Color", clr)
    UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "Spectator color", clr);
UI.AddDropdown('Select Tab', ['Anti-Aim', 'Rage', 'Visuals', 'Colors'])
UI.AddCheckbox("Custom Anti-aimbot angles");
UI.AddDropdown("Pitch", ["Off", "Down", "Zero", "Up"]);
UI.AddDropdown("Yaw base", ["Local view", "At targets"]);
UI.AddCheckbox("At Targets on Air");
UI.AddSliderInt("Yaw", -180, 180);
UI.AddDropdown("Yaw jitter", ["Off", "Offset"]);
UI.AddSliderInt("Jitter", -180, 180);
UI.AddDropdown("Body yaw", ["Default", "Static", "Jitter"]);
UI.AddMultiDropdown("Jitter only", ["Stand", "Walk", "Move", "Air", "Low delta"]);
UI.AddSliderInt("Jitter offset", 0, 60);
UI.AddCheckbox("Jitter LBY");
UI.AddSliderInt("Jitter flip LBY", 0, 60);
UI.AddSliderInt("Jitter speed", 0, 35);
UI.AddSliderInt("LBY Value", 0, 60);
UI.AddSliderInt("Fake Value", 0, 60);
UI.AddSliderInt("Real Value", 0, 60);
UI.AddCheckbox("Low delta on slow-mo");
UI.AddDropdown("Freestand Desync", ["Off", "Peek Real", "Peek Fake"])
UI.AddHotkey("Override minimum DMG key");
UI.AddSliderInt("Minimum damage", 1, 130);
UI.AddCheckbox('Jump scout/revolver hitchance');
UI.AddSliderInt('Hitchance', 0, 100);
UI.AddCheckbox("FPS Boost");
UI.AddCheckbox("DT Peek Helper [SSG08 & AWP]");
UI.AddCheckbox( "Safe Points For AWP" );
UI.AddCheckbox("Fix zoom sensitivity");
UI.AddDropdown("Style Indicators", ["GameSense", "Standart"]);
UI.AddMultiDropdown("Indicators", ["Keybinds", "Spectators", "Watermark", "FL Indicator","FPS Indicator","MS Indicator", "Fake Indicator"]);
UI.AddDropdown("Watermark Icons", ["Onetap","Cogwheel","JS Code", "Performance"])
UI.AddSliderFloat("Aspect Ratio",1.0,2.0);
UI.AddColorPicker("Watermark Color");
UI.AddColorPicker("Hotkeys color");
UI.AddColorPicker("Spectator color");
UI.AddColorPicker("FPS Color");
UI.AddColorPicker("MS & HZ Color");
UI.AddColorPicker("FL Color");
UI.AddCheckbox("Show ping enemy");

Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'menu')

function roundstart()
Cheat.PrintChat("CFG AND JS BY ENDLESS" + "\n");
Cheat.PrintChat("https://vk.com/cfgshop_endless" + "\n");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("round_start", "roundstart")

var screen_size = Global.GetScreenSize();

var logs = [];

const log = function(text, time, alpha, color){
    this.text = text
    this.time = time
    this.alpha = alpha
    this.color = color

const hitboxes = ["generic", "head", "chest", "stomach", "left arm", "right arm", "left leg", "right leg", "body"];
const getHitbox = function(i){
    return hitboxes[i] || "Generic"
hit_logs1 = function(){
    var uid = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));
    var attacker = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker"));
    var text = Entity.GetName(uid) + " for -" + Event.GetInt("dmg_health") + " in " + getHitbox(Event.GetInt("hitgroup")) + " (" + Event.GetInt("health") + ")";
    col = Event.GetInt("health") > 0 ? 1 : 0

    if(Entity.IsLocalPlayer(attacker) && attacker != uid){
    logs.push(new log(text, Globals.Tickcount(), 255, col))
logdraw1 = function(){
    var font = Render.AddFont("Calibri", 8, 100);
    for (var i in logs) {
        x = screen_size[0] / 2;
        y = screen_size[1] / 2 + 50;
        color = logs[i].color > 0 ? [255, 255, 255, logs[i].alpha] : [200, 0, 0, logs[i].alpha];
        Render.StringCustom(x + 1, y + 1 + (i * 11), 1, logs[i].text, [0, 0, 0, logs[i].alpha], font);
        Render.StringCustom(x, y + (i * 11), 1, logs[i].text, color, font);
        if (logs[i].time + 250 < Globals.Tickcount())
            logs[i].alpha -= Globals.Frametime() * 600;
        if (logs[i].alpha < 0)

var old = 0;
const Inair = function () {
    if (Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), 'CBasePlayer', 'm_hGroundEntity')) {
        return true
    } else {
        return false
get_velocity = function(index) {
    const velocity = Entity.GetProp(index, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]");
    return Math.sqrt(velocity[0] * velocity[0] + velocity[1] * velocity[1]);
jitte = function (f, s, fl) {
    if ((Globals.Tickcount() - old) > s) {
        if (UI.GetValue("Script items", f) !== 60)
            UI.SetValue("Script items", f, 60);
            UI.SetValue("Script items", f, fl);
        old = Globals.Tickcount();
const visible = function(){
    antiaim = UI.GetValue("Custom Anti-aimbot angles");
    yjit = UI.GetValue("Yaw jitter");
    byaw = UI.GetValue("Body yaw");
    bjit = UI.GetValue("Jitter only");
    sjit = UI.GetValue("Jitter LBY");
    UI.SetEnabled("Pitch", true && antiaim && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Yaw base", true && antiaim && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("At Targets on Air", true && antiaim && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Yaw", true && antiaim && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Yaw jitter", true && antiaim && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Jitter", true && antiaim && yjit && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Body yaw", true && antiaim && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Jitter only", true && antiaim && byaw == 2 && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Jitter offset", true && antiaim && byaw == 2 && bjit && aa);  
    UI.SetEnabled("Jitter LBY", true && antiaim && byaw == 1 && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Jitter flip LBY", true && antiaim && byaw == 1 && sjit && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Jitter speed", true && antiaim && byaw == 1 && sjit && aa);  
    UI.SetEnabled("LBY Value", true && antiaim && byaw == 1 && aa);  
    UI.SetEnabled("Fake Value", true && antiaim && byaw == 1 && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Real Value", true && antiaim && byaw == 1 && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Low delta on slow-mo", true && antiaim && aa);        

var orig_antiaim = true;
var flip_aa = false;
var last = 0;
const antiaim = function(){
    var vel = get_velocity(Entity.GetLocalPlayer());
    var duck = (Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CBasePlayer", "m_flDuckAmount") > 0.8);
    var inverter = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter");
    var slowwalk = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Slow walk");
    var fd = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck");
    var dt = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Doubletap");
    var hs = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots");      
    var air = Inair();
    var enableaa = UI.GetValue("Custom Anti-aimbot angles");
    var pitch = UI.GetValue("Pitch");
    var ybase = UI.GetValue("Yaw base");
    var targetair = UI.GetValue("At Targets on Air");
    var yaw = UI.GetValue("Yaw");
    var yjit = UI.GetValue("Yaw jitter");
    var jit = UI.GetValue("Jitter");
    var byaw = UI.GetValue("Body yaw");
    var bjit = UI.GetValue("Jitter only");
    var joffset = UI.GetValue("Jitter offset");
    var sjite = UI.GetValue("Jitter LBY");
    var spjit = UI.GetValue("Jitter speed");
    var fljit = UI.GetValue("Jitter flip LBY");
    var lowdelta = UI.GetValue("Low delta on slow-mo");
    var st_bfake = UI.GetValue("Fake Value");  
    var st_breal = UI.GetValue("Real Value");  
    var st_blby = UI.GetValue("LBY Value");
    var sim = Globals.Curtime() - Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CBaseEntity", "m_flSimulationTime")
    if (last > sim)
        flip_aa = !flip_aa
    last = sim
    //original antiaim
    if (orig_antiaim){
        var untrusted_cache = UI.GetValue("Misc", "PERFOMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions");
        var pitch_cache = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch");
        var yaw_base_cache = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets");
        var yaw_cache = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset");
        var jitter_cache = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset");
        var body_yaw_cache = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "LBY mode");
        orig_antiaim = false;
    var target_chache = UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets");
        //Targets on Air
        if (targetair){
            UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets", false);
            UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets", air);
        } else {
            UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets", target_chache);
            UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets", ybase);
    //custom antiaim
    if (enableaa){
    if (pitch !== 1){
        UI.SetValue("Misc", "PERFOMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions", 0);
        UI.SetValue("Misc", "PERFOMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions", 1);
    pit = pitch !== 0 ? pitch + 1 : 0;
    jitter = yjit ? jit : 0
    normal_lby = !(dt || hs) ? (inverter ? -60 : 60) : 0
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch", pit);
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset", yaw);
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset", jitter);
    AntiAim.SetRealOffset(inverter ? 60 : -60);

    if (byaw == 2){
        if(bjit & (1 << 0) && vel <= 1){
        AntiAim.SetRealOffset(flip_aa ? joffset : -joffset);
        if(bjit & (1 << 1) && vel <= 124 && !air){      
        AntiAim.SetRealOffset(flip_aa ? joffset : -joffset);
        if(bjit & (1 << 2) && vel >= 125 && !air){  
        AntiAim.SetRealOffset(flip_aa ? joffset : -joffset);      
        if(bjit & (1 << 3) && air){      
        AntiAim.SetRealOffset(flip_aa ? joffset : -joffset);  
    if (byaw == 1){
        var p = sjit ? jitte("LBY Value", spjit, fljit) : "";
        AntiAim.SetFakeOffset(inverter ? st_bfake : -st_bfake);  
        AntiAim.SetRealOffset(inverter ? st_breal : -st_breal);
        AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(inverter ? -st_blby : st_blby);
    if (lowdelta && slowwalk){
        inv = bjit & (1 << 4) ? (flip_aa ? 21 : -25) : (inverter ? 21 : -25)
    //return original antiaim  
    }else if (!orig_antiaim){
    UI.SetValue("Misc", "PERFOMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions", untrusted_cache);
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch", pitch_cache);
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets", yaw_base_cache);
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset", yaw_cache);
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset", jitter_cache);
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "LBY mode", body_yaw_cache);      
    orig_antiaim = true;

const unload = function(){

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "antiaim");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "unload");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "visible");

/// Freestand Desync
const deg2rad = function(g) {
    return g * Math.PI / 180;
angle_to_vec = function (T, P) {
    var f = deg2rad(T);
    var O = deg2rad(P);
    var r = Math.sin(f);
    var Y = Math.cos(f);
    var K = Math.sin(O);
    var z = Math.cos(O);
    return [Y * z,Y * K, -r];
trace = function (T, P) {
    var f = angle_to_vec(P[0], P[1])
    var O = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(T);
    O[2] += 50;
    var r = [O[0] + f[0] * 0x2000, O[1] + f[1] * 0x2000, O[2] + f[2] * 0x2000]
    var Y = Trace.Line(T, O, r);
    if (Y[1] == 1) return;
    r = [O[0] + f[0] * Y[1] * 0x2000, O[1] + f[1] * Y[1] * 0x2000, O[2] + f[2] * Y[1] * 0x2000];
    var K = Math.sqrt((O[0] - r[0]) * (O[0] - r[0]) + (O[1] - r[1]) * (O[1] - r[1]) + (O[2] - r[2]) * (O[2] - r[2]));
    O = Render.WorldToScreen(O)
    r = Render.WorldToScreen(r);
    if (r[2] != 1 || O[2] != 1) return;
    return K;
freestand_desync = function(){
    var local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    var peek = UI.GetValue("Freestand Desync");
    if (!Entity.IsAlive(local) && peek == 0) return;
    if (UI.GetValue("Freestand Desync") == 0) return;
    if (Entity.IsValid(local)) {
        var inverted = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter");
        var angle = Local.GetViewAngles();
        left_distance = trace(local, [0, angle[1] - 22]);
        right_distance = trace(local, [0, angle[1] + 22]);
        if (left_distance > right_distance) {
            if (peek == 2 ? inverted : !inverted)
                UI.ToggleHotkey("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter");
        if (right_distance > left_distance) {
            if (peek == 2 ? !inverted : inverted)
                UI.ToggleHotkey("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter");

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "freestand_desync");
/// MinDamage

    var General = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "GENERAL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage" )
    var Pistol = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage" )
    var HeavyPistol = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage" )
    var Scout = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage" )
    var Awp = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage" )
    var AutoSniper = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage" )

function IshotkeyACTIVE() {
    var IskeyActive = UI.IsHotkeyActive( "Script items", "Override minimum DMG key" )
    var SliderValue = UI.GetValue( "Script items", "Minimum damage" )
    if ( IskeyActive ) {
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "GENERAL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", SliderValue );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", SliderValue );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", SliderValue );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", SliderValue );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", SliderValue );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", SliderValue );  
    } else if ( !IskeyActive ) {
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "GENERAL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", General );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", Pistol );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", HeavyPistol );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", Scout );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", Awp );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", AutoSniper );
/// Hitchance in air
    var revolverhitchance = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Accuracy", "Hitchance" );
    var scouthitchance = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Hitchance" );

function HitchanceInAir() {
    if (!UI.GetValue("Script items", "Jump scout/revolver hitchance" && rage)) return;
    var getweapon = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
    var jshitchance = UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Hitchance');
    var inAir = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), 'CBasePlayer', 'm_hGroundEntity');
    if (inAir =='m_hGroundEntity') {
        UI.SetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOL', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', jshitchance)
        UI.SetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', jshitchance)
    } else {
        UI.SetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOL', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', revolverhitchance)
        UI.SetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', scouthitchance)
/// FPS Boost
function fps_boost() {
    if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", "FPS Boost")) {
        UI.SetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Misc", "Force sv_cheats", true);
        UI.SetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Misc", "Hidden cvars", true);
        Convar.SetString("r_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_static_prop_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_world_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_foot_contact_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_viewmodel_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_rope_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_sprite_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_world_shadows_in_viewmodelcascade", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_translucent_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_entity_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("violence_hblood", "0");
        Convar.SetString("r_3dsky", "0");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawdecals", "0");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawrain", "0");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawropes", "0");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawsprites", "0");
        Convar.SetString("fog_enable_water_fog", "0");
        Convar.SetString("@panorama_disable_blur", "1");
        Convar.SetString("dsp_slow_cpu", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_disable_ragdolls", "1");
        Convar.SetString("mat_disable_bloom", "1");
    } else {
        Convar.SetString("r_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_static_prop_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_world_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_foot_contact_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_viewmodel_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_rope_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_sprite_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_world_shadows_in_viewmodelcascade", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_translucent_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_entity_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("violence_hblood", "1");
        Convar.SetString("r_3dsky", "1");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawdecals", "1");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawrain", "1");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawropes", "1");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawsprites", "1");
        Convar.SetString("fog_enable_water_fog", "1");
        Convar.SetString("@panorama_disable_blur", "0");
        Convar.SetString("dsp_slow_cpu", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_disable_ragdolls", "0");
        Convar.SetString("mat_disable_bloom", "0");
/// dtpeek
var dtpeek_cache = true;
DT_PeekHelper = function(){
    if (!UI.GetValue("Script items", "DT Peek Helper [SSG08 & AWP]")) return;
    weapon_name =  Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))
    doubletap = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "Exploit", "Doubletap");
    autopeek = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Auto peek");
    active = (doubletap && autopeek);

    if (active && (weapon_name == "ssg 08" || weapon_name == "awp")){
    if (dtpeek_cache){
        scout_prefer = UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Prefer safe point")
        scout_stop = UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Auto stop mode")
        autodirection_cache = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Auto direction");
        dtpeek_cache = false;
    UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Prefer safe point", true)
    UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Auto stop mode", 8)
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Auto direction", active);
    }else if (!dtpeek_cache){
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Prefer safe point", scout_prefer)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Auto stop mode", scout_stop)
        UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Auto direction", autodirection_cache);
        dtpeek_cache = true;

Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "DT_PeekHelper");

/// AWP
var safePBackup = false

function safeAWP() {
    SlocalPlayer = Entity.GetLocalPlayer()
    SlocalPlayerWeapon = Entity.GetWeapon(SlocalPlayer)
    SlocalPlayerWeaponName = Entity.GetName(SlocalPlayerWeapon)

    if ( UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Safe Points For AWP') && SlocalPlayerWeaponName == 'awp' ) {
        forceSafePoint = UI.IsHotkeyActive('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Force safe point')
        if (!forceSafePoint) {
            UI.ToggleHotkey('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Force safe point')
            safePBackup = true
    } else if (safePBackup) {
        UI.ToggleHotkey('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Force safe point')
        safePBackup = false

/// Fix zoom
function zoomfix(){
    if (Cheat.FrameStage() == 5) {
        var zoom_sens = Convar.GetFloat("zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse");
        if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Scipt items", "Fix zoom sensitivity")) {
            var zoom_current_sens = Convar.GetFloat("sensitivity");
            var zoom_fov = UI.GetValue("Visual", "WORLD", "View", "Field of view");
            var fixed_zoom_sens = zoom_fov / 100 * zoom_current_sens;
            if (zoom_sens != fixed_zoom_sens) {
                Cheat.ExecuteCommand("zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse " + fixed_zoom_sens);
                Cheat.ExecuteCommand("zoom_sensitivity_ratio_joystick " + fixed_zoom_sens);
        } else {
            if (zoom_sens != 1.0) {
                Cheat.ExecuteCommand("zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse " + 1.0);
                Cheat.ExecuteCommand("zoom_sensitivity_ratio_joystick " + 1.0);
Cheat.RegisterCallback("FrameStageNotify", "zoomfix");

Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'HitchanceInAir');
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "IshotkeyACTIVE");
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'safeAWP')
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "antiaim");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "unload");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "visible");

var username = Cheat.GetUsername();
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], "███████╗██╗░░██╗░██████╗███████╗███╗░░██╗░██████╗███████╗\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], "██╔════╝╚██╗██╔╝██╔════╝██╔════╝████╗░██║██╔════╝██╔════╝\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], "█████╗░░░╚███╔╝░╚█████╗░█████╗░░██╔██╗██║╚█████╗░█████╗░░\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], "██╔══╝░░░██╔██╗░░╚═══██╗██╔══╝░░██║╚████║░╚═══██╗██╔══╝░░\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], "███████╗██╔╝╚██╗██████╔╝███████╗██║░╚███║██████╔╝███████╗\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], "╚══════╝╚═╝░░╚═╝╚═════╝░╚══════╝╚═╝░░╚══╝╚═════╝░╚══════╝ v5.0.0\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 0, 255, 0, 255 ], "Welcome, " +username+ "!\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 255, 0, 0, 255 ], "Official Store: " );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 255, 255, 255, 255 ], "https://vk.com/cfgshop_endless\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 255, 0, 0, 255 ], "Bugs Discord Channel: " );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 255, 255, 255, 255 ], "#bugs-report\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 0, 255, 0, 255 ], "[UPDATE LOG 5.0.0]\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Indicators are no longer movable, but they are not lost\n");
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] New menu\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Add New Anti-Aim System and At Target on Air\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Add Freestand Desync\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Add Enemy Ping ESP\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] The Keybinds shows Base Yaw (Local View / At Targets)\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Fix More Bugs\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Remove Var indicator\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] New design Fake indicator\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] After enabling JS, you can go to the local game with VAC\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Add Dormant Aimbot (Beta)\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Improvement FPS\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [+] And ETC\n" );
/// Visuals
const get = function(elm)
return UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", elm);
const set = function(elm1, v)
return UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", elm1, v);

const in_bounds = function(vec, x, y, x2, y2) {
return (vec[0] > x) && (vec[1] > y) && (vec[0] < x2) && (vec[1] < y2)

var stored = ![],
x_offs = 0,
y_offs = 0;

const move1 = function (x, y, width, height, name) {
if (UI.IsMenuOpen() && Input.IsKeyPressed(0x1)) {
  const mouse_pos = Global.GetCursorPosition();
  if (in_bounds(mouse_pos, x, y, x + width, y + height)) {
        x_offs = mouse_pos[0] - x;
        y_offs = mouse_pos[1] - y;
        stored = true;
     UI.SetValue("Script items", name + "_x", mouse_pos[0] - x_offs);
     UI.SetValue("Script items", name + "_y", mouse_pos[1] - y_offs);
} else if(stored) stored = false;

function skeetobvodka(x, y, w, h, color){
const style = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Style Indicators")
if (style !== 0){
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 2, w, h, [15, 15, 15, 150]);
Render.FilledRect(x, y - 1, w, h + 2, [15, 15, 15, color[3]]);
Render.Rect(x, y - 1, w, h + 3, [15, 15, 15, 200]);}

if (style == 0) {
Render.GradientRect(x + 1, y, w / 2 - 1, 1, 2, [55, 177, 218, 255], [203, 70, 205, 255]);
Render.GradientRect(x + w / 2, y, w / 2 - 1 + 1, 1, 2, [203, 70, 205, 255], [204, 227, 53, 255]);
}else if (style == 1){
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 1, w, 1, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255]);

function HSVtoRGB(h, s, v) {
var r, g, b, i, f, p, q, t;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
    s = h.s, v = h.v, h = h.h;
i = Math.floor(h * 6);
f = h * 6 - i;
p = v * (1 - s);
q = v * (1 - f * s);
t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
switch (i % 6) {
    case 0: r = v, g = t, b = p; break;
    case 1: r = q, g = v, b = p; break;
    case 2: r = p, g = v, b = t; break;
    case 3: r = p, g = q, b = v; break;
    case 4: r = t, g = p, b = v; break;
    case 5: r = v, g = p, b = q; break;
return {
    r: Math.round(r * 255),
    g: Math.round(g * 255),
    b: Math.round(b * 255)
var aspect_cache = 0;

function aspect(){
var aspect_slider = UI.GetValue("Aspect Ratio");
if (aspect_cache != aspect_slider) {
    aspect_cache = aspect_slider;
    UI.SetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Miscellaneous", "Hidden cvars", 1);
    Global.ExecuteCommand("r_aspectratio " + aspect_slider);

var fps_info = [];
var last_timee = Global.Curtime();

function draw_containe()
if (!(UI.GetValue("Indicators") & (1<<4))) return;

var text = "IE | "
var w = Render.TextSize(text, 8)[0] + 20;
var x = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];  
var y = Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) ? 75 : 50;
x = x - w - 99;
var avg = {'fps': 0};

Render.FilledRect(x - 20, y - 16, 55, 21, [15, 15, 15, fpsc[3]]);
Render.String(x - 17, y - 11, 0, "IE | ", [ 255, 255, 255, 255 ], 8 );

if (Global.Curtime() - last_timee > 0.5) {

    last_timee = Global.Curtime();

    fps_info.unshift(1 / Global.Frametime());
fpsc = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "FPS Color");
if (fps_info.length > 4)

var fps_max = Convar.GetInt("fps_max") || 400;
for (i = 0; i < fps_info.length; i++)
    avg.fps += fps_info[i]
    Render.GradientRect( x - i * 5 + 25, y + 1 - fps_info[i] / fps_max * 35, 5, fps_info[i] / fps_max * 35, 0, [35, 35, 95, 0], [fpsc[0], fpsc[1], fpsc[2], 255]
function mainn()

function Areset()
llast_time = Global.Curtime();
fps_info = [];

function main_mshz() {
if (!(UI.GetValue("Indicators") & (1<<5))) return;
const ping = Math.abs(Local.Latency() * 1000 - 16).toFixed(2);
var font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 100);
var text = +ping+ "ms / 60hz";
var w = Render.TextSizeCustom(text, font)[0] + 8;
var x = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];  
var y = Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) ? 55 : 30;
x = x - w - 10;
msc = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "MS & HZ Color");
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 4, w, 20, [17, 17, 17, msc[3]]);
Render.StringCustom(x + 4, y + 7, 0, text, [0, 0, 0, 180], font);
Render.StringCustom(x + 4, y + 7, 0, text, [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
var width = 75;
var stylee = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Style Indicators")
if (stylee == 0) {
    Render.GradientRect( x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 2, [55, 177, 218/*55, 177, 218*/, 255], [203, 70, 205/*203, 70, 205*/, 255]);
    Render.GradientRect( x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 2, [203, 70, 205/*203, 70, 205*/, 255], [204, 227, 53/*204, 227, 53*/, 255]);              
} else if (stylee == 1) {
    Render.GradientRect( x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [ msc[0], msc[1], msc[2], 0 ], [ msc[0], msc[1], msc[2], 255 ]);
    Render.GradientRect( x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [ msc[0], msc[1], msc[2], 255 ], [ msc[0], msc[1], msc[2], 0 ]);
if (ping > 64 && stylee == 1) {
    Render.GradientRect( x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [ 255, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 255, 0, 0, 255 ]);
    Render.GradientRect( x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [ 255, 0, 0, 255 ], [ 255, 0, 0, 0 ]);              
} else if (ping < 64 && stylee == 1 ) {
    Render.GradientRect( x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [ 0, 255, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 255, 0, 255 ]);
    Render.GradientRect( x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [ 0, 255, 0, 255 ], [ 0, 255, 0, 0 ]);
if (stylee == 0){
    Render.Rect(x, y + 4, w, 21, [17, 17, 17, 200]);
/// Fake

function main_fake() {
if (!(UI.GetValue("Indicators") & (1<<6))) return;
if (!World.GetServerString()) return;
if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) return;
var font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 100);
const dt = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "Exploits", "Doubletap");
var RealYaw = Local.GetRealYaw();
var FakeYaw = Local.GetFakeYaw();
var delta = Math.min(Math.abs(RealYaw - FakeYaw) / 2, 60).toFixed(1);
var text = "    FAKE (" + delta.toString() + "  ) ";
var w = Render.TextSizeCustom(text, font)[0] + 8;
var h = 22;
var x = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];  
var y = 30;
x = x - w - 110;
Render.GradientRect( x, y + 4, 45, 21, 1, [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 100 ]);
Render.GradientRect( x + 45, y + 4, 45, 21, 1, [ 0, 0, 0, 100 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]);
Render.GradientRect(x + 5, y + 4, 2, h / 2, 0, [(255 - 255 * (delta / 100)), 255 * (delta / 100), 0, 100], [(255 - 255 * (delta / 100)), 255 * (delta / 100), 0, 255]);
Render.GradientRect(x + 5, y + h / 2 + 4, 2, h / 2, 0, [(255 - 255 * (delta / 100)), 255 * (delta / 100), 0, 255], [(255 - 255 * (delta / 100)), 255 * (delta / 100), 0, 100]);
Render.StringCustom(x, y + 9, 0, text, [0, 0, 0, 180], font);
Render.StringCustom(x - 1, y + 8, 0, text, [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
Render.Circle(x + 12 + Render.TextSizeCustom("FAKE (" + delta.toString(), font)[0], y + 9, 1, [255, 255, 255, 255]);

/// Fakelag
var charge_alpha = 0;
function fl_indicator(){
if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) return;
if (!(UI.GetValue("Indicators") & (1<<3))) return;
const color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "FL Color");  
const dt = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "Exploits", "Doubletap");
const hs = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "Exploits", "Hide shots");
const flag = UI.GetValue( "Anti-Aim", "Fake-Lag", "Limit");  
const font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 100);
const charge = Exploit.GetCharge();
const fl = (dt || hs) ? 0 : flag
var text = "FL:  "+fl;
if (dt) text += " | SHIFTING";
var w = Render.TextSizeCustom(text, font)[0] + 8;
var x = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];  
var y = 30;
x = x - w - 10
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 4, w, 20, [17, 17, 17, color[3]]);
Render.StringCustom(x + 4, y + 7, 0, text, [0, 0, 0, 180], font);
Render.StringCustom(x + 4, y + 7, 0, text, [255, 255, 255, 255], font);

if (charge >= 1) {
    charge_alpha = Math.min(charge_alpha + (8 * Globals.Frametime()), 1);
} else {
    charge_alpha = charge_alpha - (8 * Globals.Frametime());
    if (charge_alpha < 0) charge_alpha = 0;

var stylee = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Style Indicators")

if (stylee == 0) {
    Render.GradientRect(x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 2, [55, 177, 218, 255], [203, 70, 205, 255]);
    Render.GradientRect(x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 2, [203, 70, 205, 255], [204, 227, 53, 255]);          
} else if (stylee == 1) {
    if (dt){
    Render.GradientRect( x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [255, 145, 0, 0], [ 255, 145, 0, 255]);
    Render.GradientRect( x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [255, 145, 0, 255], [ 255, 145, 0, 0]);

    Render.GradientRect( x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [0, 255, 0, 0], [0, 255, 0, charge_alpha * 255]);
    Render.GradientRect( x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [0, 255, 0, charge_alpha * 255], [0, 255, 0, 0]);
    Render.GradientRect( x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 0], [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255]);
    Render.GradientRect( x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255], [color[0], color[1], color[2], 0]);        
if (stylee == 0){
    Render.Rect(x, y + 4, w, 21, [17, 17, 17, 200]);
function render(){
    if(!UI.GetValue("Script items", "Show ping enemy")) return;
    const enemy = Entity.GetEnemies();
    for (i = 0; i < enemy.length; i++){
        if (Entity.IsAlive(enemy[i])){
        const pingenemy = Math.round(Entity.GetProp(enemy[i], "CPlayerResource", "m_iPing")).toString();
        const font = Render.AddFont("MuseoSansCyrl-700", 8, 100);
        var pos = Entity.GetRenderBox(enemy[i]);
        var a = pos[3] - pos[1]
        a /= 2
        a += pos[1]
        const ping = (pingenemy <= 0 ? "BOT" : pingenemy)
        Render.StringCustom(a + 3, pos[2] - 23, 1, ping, [0, 0, 0, 150], font);
        Render.StringCustom(a + 2, pos[2] - 24, 1, ping, [255, 255, 255, 255], font);

Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "render");

var msc = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "MS & HZ Color");
var logc = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "HitLogs Color");
var flcol = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "FL Color");
var fpsc = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "FPS Color");
var standart = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Watermark Color");
var colorhotkeys = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys color");
var cspec = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Spectator color");
if (msc[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "MS & HZ Color", [255, 255, 255, 255]);

if (cspec[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Spectator color", [255, 255, 255, 255]);

if (flcol[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "FL Color", [255, 255, 255, 255]);

if (standart[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Watermark Color", [255, 255, 255, 255]);
if (logc[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "HitLogs Color", [255, 255, 255, 255]);

if (fpsc[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "FPS Color", [35, 35, 35, 255]);

if (colorhotkeys[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys color", [89, 119, 239, 3]);

UI.AddSliderInt("keybind_x", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]);
UI.AddSliderInt("keybind_y", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);
UI.AddSliderInt("spectator_x", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]);
UI.AddSliderInt("spectator_y", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);

hide = function(){
var ind = UI.GetValue("Indicators");

UI.SetEnabled("keybind_x", false);
UI.SetEnabled("keybind_y", false);
UI.SetEnabled("spectator_x", false);
UI.SetEnabled("spectator_y", false);  

adap_render = function(x, y, width, height, alpha, color){
const color1 = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", color);
const rgb = HSVtoRGB(Global.Realtime() * 0.09, 1, 1);
const style = UI.GetValue("Style Indicators");
if (style !== 0){
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 2, width, height, [15, 15, 15, alpha * color1[3]]);}
if (style == 0){
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 2, width, height, [15, 15, 15, alpha * color1[3]]);
Render.GradientRect(x, y, width / 2, 2, 1, [89, 180, 255, alpha * 255], [204, 51, 255, alpha * 255]);
Render.GradientRect(x + width / 2, y, width / 2, 2, 1, [204, 51, 255, alpha * 255], [255, 255, 102, alpha * 255]);
Render.Rect(x, y - 1, width + 1, height + 4, [15, 15, 15, alpha * color1[3]])}    
if (style == 1){
Render.GradientRect(x, y, width / 2, 2, 1, [0, 0, 0, alpha * 255], [color1[0], color1[1], color1[2], alpha * 255]);
Render.GradientRect(x + width / 2, y, width / 2, 2, 1, [color1[0], color1[1], color1[2], alpha * 255], [0, 0, 0, alpha * 255]);}

getObservators = function() {
var ents = Entity.GetPlayers();
var local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
var localtarget = Entity.GetProp(local, "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget");
if (!local) return;
spec = [];
for (i = 0; i < ents.length; i++) {
    if (Entity.IsAlive(local)) {
        if (!ents[i] || Entity.IsAlive(ents[i])) continue;
        var observer = Entity.GetProp(ents[i], "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget");
        if (!observer || observer == "m_hObserverTarget") continue;
        const names = Entity.GetName(ents[i])
        if (observer == local) spec.push(names.length >= 18 ? names.substr(0, 15) + "..." : names);
    } else {
        if (!ents[i] || Entity.IsAlive(ents[i])) continue;
        var observer = Entity.GetProp(ents[i], "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget");
        if (!observer || observer == "m_hObserverTarget") continue;
        const names = Entity.GetName(ents[i])
        if (observer == localtarget) spec.push(names.length >= 16 ? names.substr(0, 13) + "..." : names);

var alpha = 0;
var alphas = 0;
var maxwidth = 0;

function keybind(){
const color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys color");
const font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 0);
const x = UI.GetValue("keybind_x");
const y = UI.GetValue("keybind_y");
const style = UI.GetValue("[ALL] Style line")
var width = 55;
var maxwidth = 0;
var keyactive = [];
var mdmg = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Minimum damage");
info_key = [
["Yaw Base", null, "[At Targets]"],
["Yaw Base", null, "[Local View]"],
["Trigger bot", ["Legit", "GENERAL", "Triggerbot", "Enabled"], "[holding]"],
["Double tap", ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Exploits", "Doubletap"], "[toggled]"],
["Hide shots", ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Exploits", "Hide shots"], "[toggled]"],
["Safe point", ["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force safe point"], "[toggled]"],
["Body aim", ["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force body aim"], "[toggled]"],
["Resolver override", ["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Resolver override"], "[holding]"],
["Min Damage Override", ["JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Override minimum DMG key"], "["+mdmg+"]"],
["Fake duck", ["Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck"], "[holding]"],
["Slow walk", ["Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Slow walk"], "[holding]"],
["Inverter", ["Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter"], "[toggled]"],
["Edge jump", ["Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Edge jump"], "[holding]"],
["Auto peek", ["Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Auto peek"], "[holding]"],
var target = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets");
var freestand = UI.GetValue("SCRIPT ITEMS", "FreeStand Desync");
for(var i in info_key){
    aa = info_key[i][2];
    bind = info_key[i][1];
    name = info_key[i][0];
    if(bind !== null && UI.IsHotkeyActive.apply(null, bind)){
    if(aa == "[At Targets]" && target){
    if(aa == "[Local View]" && !target){

if (keyactive.length > 0 || UI.IsMenuOpen()) {
    alpha = Math.min(alpha + (8 * Globals.Frametime()), 1);
} else {
    alpha = alpha - (8 * Globals.Frametime());
    if (alpha < 0) alpha = 0;

for (var g in keyactive) {
    bind = keyactive[g];
    name = info_key[bind][0];
    if (Render.TextSizeCustom(name, font)[0] > maxwidth) {
        maxwidth = Render.TextSizeCustom(name, font)[0];

if (maxwidth == 0) maxwidth = 50;
width = width + maxwidth;
w = width > 145 ? width : 145;

if (!(UI.GetValue("Indicators") & (1<<0))) return;
adap_render(x, y, w + 1, 17, alpha, "Hotkeys color");

Render.StringCustom(x + (w / 2) - (Render.TextSizeCustom("keybinds", font)[0] / 2 - 1), y + 5, 0, "keybinds", [0, 0, 0, alpha * 255], font);
Render.StringCustom(x + (w / 2) - (Render.TextSizeCustom("keybinds", font)[0] / 2), y + 4, 0, "keybinds", [255, 255, 255, alpha * 255], font);

for(var j in keyactive){
    bind = keyactive[j];
    name = info_key[bind][0];
    state = info_key[bind][2];
    Render.StringCustom(x + 4, y + 24 + (j * 17), 0, name, [0, 0, 0, alpha * 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 23 + (j * 17), 0, name, [255, 255, 255, alpha * 255], font);

    Render.StringCustom(x + w - Render.TextSizeCustom(state, font)[0], y + 24 + (j * 17), 0, state, [0, 0, 0, alpha * 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(x + w - Render.TextSizeCustom(state, font)[0] - 1, y + 23 + (j * 17), 0, state, [255, 255, 255, alpha * 255], font);      
move1(x, y, w, 19, "keybind");

function spectator(){
const font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 0);
const x = UI.GetValue("spectator_x");
const y = UI.GetValue("spectator_y");

if (spec.length > 0 || UI.IsMenuOpen()) {
    alphas = Math.min(alphas + (8 * Globals.Frametime()), 1);
} else {
    alphas = alphas - (8 * Globals.Frametime());
    if (alphas < 0) alphas = 0;

if (!(UI.GetValue("Indicators") & (1<<1))) return;
adap_render(x, y, 140, 17, alphas, "Spectator color");      
Render.StringCustom(x + (140 / 2) - (Render.TextSizeCustom("spectators ("+spec.length+")", font)[0] / 2 - 1), y + 5, 0, "spectators ("+spec.length+")", [0, 0, 0, alphas * 180], font);
Render.StringCustom(x + (140 / 2) - (Render.TextSizeCustom("spectators ("+spec.length+")", font)[0] / 2), y + 4, 0, "spectators ("+spec.length+")", [255, 255, 255, alphas * 255], font);      

for(g = 0; g < spec.length; g++){
    names = spec[g];
    Render.StringCustom(x + 4, y + 24 + (g * 17) , 0, names, [0, 0, 0, alphas * 140], font);
    Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 23 + (g * 17), 0, names, [255, 255, 255, alphas * 255], font);

    Render.StringCustom(x + 140 - Render.TextSizeCustom("[watching]", font)[0] - 2, y + 24 + (g * 17) , 0, "[watching]", [0, 0, 0, alphas * 140], font);
    Render.StringCustom(x + 140 - Render.TextSizeCustom("[watching]", font)[0] - 3, y + 23 + (g * 17), 0, "[watching]", [255, 255, 255, alphas * 255], font);
move1(x, y, 140, 20, "spectator");

Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "keybind");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "spectator");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "hide");

var username = Cheat.GetUsername();
function draw() {
if (!(UI.GetValue("Indicators") & (1<<2))) return;
    var rgb = HSVtoRGB(Global.Tickcount() % 350 / 350,1,1);
    var ping = Math.round(Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CPlayerResource", "m_iPing")).toString()
    const now = new Date();
    const hours = now.getHours(), mins = now.getMinutes(), secs = now.getSeconds();
    const time = (hours < 10 ? "0" + hours : hours) + ":" + (mins < 10 ? "0" + mins : mins) + ":" + (secs < 10 ? "0" + secs : secs);
color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "Javascript", "Script items", "Watermark");
    var font = Render.AddFont( "Verdana", 7, 400);
    var text = "Exsense  | " +username+ " | [Version        ] | "+time+ " |     "
    var h = 18;
    var w = Render.TextSizeCustom(text, font)[0] + 8;
var x = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];  
var y = 10;
var standart = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Watermark Color");
x = x - w - 10;
skeetobvodka(x, y, w, h, standart);
var iconswater = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Watermark Icons")
                            if (iconswater == 0) {
            Render.String(x + w - 18, y + 5, 0, "!", [rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, 255], 6);
            } else if (iconswater == 1 ) {
            Render.String(x + w - 19, y + 5, 0, "@", [rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, 255], 6);
            } else if (iconswater == 2 ) {
            Render.String(x + w - 20, y + 5, 0, "^", [rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, 255], 6);
            } else if (iconswater == 3 ) {
            Render.String(x + w - 18, y + 5, 0, "#", [rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, 255], 6);
Render.StringCustom(x + w - 112, y + 4, 0, "5.0", [rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, 255], font);
Render.StringCustom(x+4, y + 4, 0, text, [255,255,255,255], font);
UI.SetValue('Misc', 'PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION', 'Watermark', false);
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "draw");

function drawner(){
if (!World.GetServerString()) return;
var screen = Global.GetScreenSize();
var font = Render.AddFont("Calibri", 8, 400);
var color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Yaw color");
var dt = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "Exploits", "Double tap");
var charge = Exploit.GetCharge();
const pulse = Math.sin(Math.abs(-Math.PI + (Globals.Curtime() * (1 / .75)) % (Math.PI * 2))) * 255;
const rgb = HSVtoRGB(Global.Realtime() * 0.09, 1, 1);

Render.StringCustom(screen[0] / 2, screen[1] / 2 + 18, 1, "Exsense", [255, 255, 255, pulse], font);

Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "hit_logs1");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "logdraw1");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_connect_full", "Areset");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "fl_indicator")
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "main_fake");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "main_mshz");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "mainn");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "keybind");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "spectator");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "drawner");
Cheat.ExecuteCommand( "sv_lan 1" );
Сочувствую тому кто это кодил, а еще больше тому, кто это юзает. КАК ТАКОЕ ДЕРЬМИЩЕ МОЖНО НАКОДИТЬ А ЕЩЕ И ПРОДАВАТЬ бЛДЯЬ ФУ
20 Авг 2020
На,мог-бы получше поискать.
const menu = function() {
        const f = UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Select Tab');
    aa = f == 0,
    rage = f == 1,
    vis = f == 2,
    clr = f == 3;
    UI.SetEnabled("Custom Anti-aimbot angles", true && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Freestand Desync", aa)
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Override minimum DMG key", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Minimum damage", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Jump scout/revolver hitchance", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Hitchance", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "FPS Boost", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "DT Peek Helper [SSG08 & AWP]", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Safe Points For AWP", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Fix zoom sensitivity", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Aspect Ratio", vis);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Style Indicators", vis);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Indicators", vis);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Watermark Icons", vis);
    UI.SetEnabled("SCRIPT ITEMS", "Show ping enemy", rage);
    UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "Watermark Color", clr)
    UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "Hotkeys color", clr)
    UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "FPS Color", clr)
    UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "MS & HZ Color", clr)
    UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "FL Color", clr)
    UI.SetEnabled("Script items", "Spectator color", clr);
UI.AddDropdown('Select Tab', ['Anti-Aim', 'Rage', 'Visuals', 'Colors'])
UI.AddCheckbox("Custom Anti-aimbot angles");
UI.AddDropdown("Pitch", ["Off", "Down", "Zero", "Up"]);
UI.AddDropdown("Yaw base", ["Local view", "At targets"]);
UI.AddCheckbox("At Targets on Air");
UI.AddSliderInt("Yaw", -180, 180);
UI.AddDropdown("Yaw jitter", ["Off", "Offset"]);
UI.AddSliderInt("Jitter", -180, 180);
UI.AddDropdown("Body yaw", ["Default", "Static", "Jitter"]);
UI.AddMultiDropdown("Jitter only", ["Stand", "Walk", "Move", "Air", "Low delta"]);
UI.AddSliderInt("Jitter offset", 0, 60);
UI.AddCheckbox("Jitter LBY");
UI.AddSliderInt("Jitter flip LBY", 0, 60);
UI.AddSliderInt("Jitter speed", 0, 35);
UI.AddSliderInt("LBY Value", 0, 60);
UI.AddSliderInt("Fake Value", 0, 60);
UI.AddSliderInt("Real Value", 0, 60);
UI.AddCheckbox("Low delta on slow-mo");
UI.AddDropdown("Freestand Desync", ["Off", "Peek Real", "Peek Fake"])
UI.AddHotkey("Override minimum DMG key");
UI.AddSliderInt("Minimum damage", 1, 130);
UI.AddCheckbox('Jump scout/revolver hitchance');
UI.AddSliderInt('Hitchance', 0, 100);
UI.AddCheckbox("FPS Boost");
UI.AddCheckbox("DT Peek Helper [SSG08 & AWP]");
UI.AddCheckbox( "Safe Points For AWP" );
UI.AddCheckbox("Fix zoom sensitivity");
UI.AddDropdown("Style Indicators", ["GameSense", "Standart"]);
UI.AddMultiDropdown("Indicators", ["Keybinds", "Spectators", "Watermark", "FL Indicator","FPS Indicator","MS Indicator", "Fake Indicator"]);
UI.AddDropdown("Watermark Icons", ["Onetap","Cogwheel","JS Code", "Performance"])
UI.AddSliderFloat("Aspect Ratio",1.0,2.0);
UI.AddColorPicker("Watermark Color");
UI.AddColorPicker("Hotkeys color");
UI.AddColorPicker("Spectator color");
UI.AddColorPicker("FPS Color");
UI.AddColorPicker("MS & HZ Color");
UI.AddColorPicker("FL Color");
UI.AddCheckbox("Show ping enemy");

Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'menu')

function roundstart()
Cheat.PrintChat("CFG AND JS BY ENDLESS" + "\n");
Cheat.PrintChat("https://vk.com/cfgshop_endless" + "\n");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("round_start", "roundstart")

var screen_size = Global.GetScreenSize();

var logs = [];

const log = function(text, time, alpha, color){
    this.text = text
    this.time = time
    this.alpha = alpha
    this.color = color

const hitboxes = ["generic", "head", "chest", "stomach", "left arm", "right arm", "left leg", "right leg", "body"];
const getHitbox = function(i){
    return hitboxes[i] || "Generic"
hit_logs1 = function(){
    var uid = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));
    var attacker = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker"));
    var text = Entity.GetName(uid) + " for -" + Event.GetInt("dmg_health") + " in " + getHitbox(Event.GetInt("hitgroup")) + " (" + Event.GetInt("health") + ")";
    col = Event.GetInt("health") > 0 ? 1 : 0

    if(Entity.IsLocalPlayer(attacker) && attacker != uid){
    logs.push(new log(text, Globals.Tickcount(), 255, col))
logdraw1 = function(){
    var font = Render.AddFont("Calibri", 8, 100);
    for (var i in logs) {
        x = screen_size[0] / 2;
        y = screen_size[1] / 2 + 50;
        color = logs[i].color > 0 ? [255, 255, 255, logs[i].alpha] : [200, 0, 0, logs[i].alpha];
        Render.StringCustom(x + 1, y + 1 + (i * 11), 1, logs[i].text, [0, 0, 0, logs[i].alpha], font);
        Render.StringCustom(x, y + (i * 11), 1, logs[i].text, color, font);
        if (logs[i].time + 250 < Globals.Tickcount())
            logs[i].alpha -= Globals.Frametime() * 600;
        if (logs[i].alpha < 0)

var old = 0;
const Inair = function () {
    if (Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), 'CBasePlayer', 'm_hGroundEntity')) {
        return true
    } else {
        return false
get_velocity = function(index) {
    const velocity = Entity.GetProp(index, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]");
    return Math.sqrt(velocity[0] * velocity[0] + velocity[1] * velocity[1]);
jitte = function (f, s, fl) {
    if ((Globals.Tickcount() - old) > s) {
        if (UI.GetValue("Script items", f) !== 60)
            UI.SetValue("Script items", f, 60);
            UI.SetValue("Script items", f, fl);
        old = Globals.Tickcount();
const visible = function(){
    antiaim = UI.GetValue("Custom Anti-aimbot angles");
    yjit = UI.GetValue("Yaw jitter");
    byaw = UI.GetValue("Body yaw");
    bjit = UI.GetValue("Jitter only");
    sjit = UI.GetValue("Jitter LBY");
    UI.SetEnabled("Pitch", true && antiaim && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Yaw base", true && antiaim && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("At Targets on Air", true && antiaim && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Yaw", true && antiaim && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Yaw jitter", true && antiaim && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Jitter", true && antiaim && yjit && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Body yaw", true && antiaim && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Jitter only", true && antiaim && byaw == 2 && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Jitter offset", true && antiaim && byaw == 2 && bjit && aa);   
    UI.SetEnabled("Jitter LBY", true && antiaim && byaw == 1 && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Jitter flip LBY", true && antiaim && byaw == 1 && sjit && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Jitter speed", true && antiaim && byaw == 1 && sjit && aa);   
    UI.SetEnabled("LBY Value", true && antiaim && byaw == 1 && aa);   
    UI.SetEnabled("Fake Value", true && antiaim && byaw == 1 && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Real Value", true && antiaim && byaw == 1 && aa);
    UI.SetEnabled("Low delta on slow-mo", true && antiaim && aa);         

var orig_antiaim = true;
var flip_aa = false;
var last = 0;
const antiaim = function(){
    var vel = get_velocity(Entity.GetLocalPlayer());
    var duck = (Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CBasePlayer", "m_flDuckAmount") > 0.8);
    var inverter = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter");
    var slowwalk = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Slow walk");
    var fd = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck");
    var dt = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Doubletap");
    var hs = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "Exploits", "Hide shots");       
    var air = Inair();
    var enableaa = UI.GetValue("Custom Anti-aimbot angles");
    var pitch = UI.GetValue("Pitch");
    var ybase = UI.GetValue("Yaw base");
    var targetair = UI.GetValue("At Targets on Air");
    var yaw = UI.GetValue("Yaw");
    var yjit = UI.GetValue("Yaw jitter");
    var jit = UI.GetValue("Jitter");
    var byaw = UI.GetValue("Body yaw");
    var bjit = UI.GetValue("Jitter only");
    var joffset = UI.GetValue("Jitter offset");
    var sjite = UI.GetValue("Jitter LBY");
    var spjit = UI.GetValue("Jitter speed");
    var fljit = UI.GetValue("Jitter flip LBY");
    var lowdelta = UI.GetValue("Low delta on slow-mo");
    var st_bfake = UI.GetValue("Fake Value");   
    var st_breal = UI.GetValue("Real Value");   
    var st_blby = UI.GetValue("LBY Value");
    var sim = Globals.Curtime() - Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CBaseEntity", "m_flSimulationTime")
    if (last > sim)
        flip_aa = !flip_aa
    last = sim
    //original antiaim
    if (orig_antiaim){
        var untrusted_cache = UI.GetValue("Misc", "PERFOMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions");
        var pitch_cache = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch");
        var yaw_base_cache = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets");
        var yaw_cache = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset");
        var jitter_cache = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset");
        var body_yaw_cache = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "LBY mode");
        orig_antiaim = false;
    var target_chache = UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets");
        //Targets on Air
        if (targetair){
            UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets", false);
            UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets", air);
        } else {
            UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets", target_chache);
            UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets", ybase);
    //custom antiaim
    if (enableaa){
    if (pitch !== 1){
        UI.SetValue("Misc", "PERFOMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions", 0);
        UI.SetValue("Misc", "PERFOMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions", 1);
    pit = pitch !== 0 ? pitch + 1 : 0;
    jitter = yjit ? jit : 0
    normal_lby = !(dt || hs) ? (inverter ? -60 : 60) : 0
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch", pit);
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset", yaw);
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset", jitter);
    AntiAim.SetRealOffset(inverter ? 60 : -60);

    if (byaw == 2){
        if(bjit & (1 << 0) && vel <= 1){
        AntiAim.SetRealOffset(flip_aa ? joffset : -joffset);
        if(bjit & (1 << 1) && vel <= 124 && !air){       
        AntiAim.SetRealOffset(flip_aa ? joffset : -joffset);
        if(bjit & (1 << 2) && vel >= 125 && !air){   
        AntiAim.SetRealOffset(flip_aa ? joffset : -joffset);       
        if(bjit & (1 << 3) && air){       
        AntiAim.SetRealOffset(flip_aa ? joffset : -joffset);   
    if (byaw == 1){
        var p = sjit ? jitte("LBY Value", spjit, fljit) : "";
        AntiAim.SetFakeOffset(inverter ? st_bfake : -st_bfake);   
        AntiAim.SetRealOffset(inverter ? st_breal : -st_breal);
        AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(inverter ? -st_blby : st_blby);
    if (lowdelta && slowwalk){
        inv = bjit & (1 << 4) ? (flip_aa ? 21 : -25) : (inverter ? 21 : -25)
    //return original antiaim   
    }else if (!orig_antiaim){
    UI.SetValue("Misc", "PERFOMANCE & INFORMATION", "Information", "Restrictions", untrusted_cache);
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch", pitch_cache);
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets", yaw_base_cache);
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset", yaw_cache);
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset", jitter_cache);
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "LBY mode", body_yaw_cache);       
    orig_antiaim = true;

const unload = function(){

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "antiaim");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "unload");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "visible");

/// Freestand Desync
const deg2rad = function(g) {
    return g * Math.PI / 180;
angle_to_vec = function (T, P) {
    var f = deg2rad(T);
    var O = deg2rad(P);
    var r = Math.sin(f);
    var Y = Math.cos(f);
    var K = Math.sin(O);
    var z = Math.cos(O);
    return [Y * z,Y * K, -r];
trace = function (T, P) {
    var f = angle_to_vec(P[0], P[1])
    var O = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(T);
    O[2] += 50;
    var r = [O[0] + f[0] * 0x2000, O[1] + f[1] * 0x2000, O[2] + f[2] * 0x2000]
    var Y = Trace.Line(T, O, r);
    if (Y[1] == 1) return;
    r = [O[0] + f[0] * Y[1] * 0x2000, O[1] + f[1] * Y[1] * 0x2000, O[2] + f[2] * Y[1] * 0x2000];
    var K = Math.sqrt((O[0] - r[0]) * (O[0] - r[0]) + (O[1] - r[1]) * (O[1] - r[1]) + (O[2] - r[2]) * (O[2] - r[2]));
    O = Render.WorldToScreen(O)
    r = Render.WorldToScreen(r);
    if (r[2] != 1 || O[2] != 1) return;
    return K;
freestand_desync = function(){
    var local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
    var peek = UI.GetValue("Freestand Desync");
    if (!Entity.IsAlive(local) && peek == 0) return;
    if (UI.GetValue("Freestand Desync") == 0) return;
    if (Entity.IsValid(local)) {
        var inverted = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter");
        var angle = Local.GetViewAngles();
        left_distance = trace(local, [0, angle[1] - 22]);
        right_distance = trace(local, [0, angle[1] + 22]);
        if (left_distance > right_distance) {
            if (peek == 2 ? inverted : !inverted)
                UI.ToggleHotkey("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter");
        if (right_distance > left_distance) {
            if (peek == 2 ? !inverted : inverted)
                UI.ToggleHotkey("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter");

Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "freestand_desync");
/// MinDamage

    var General = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "GENERAL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage" )
    var Pistol = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage" )
    var HeavyPistol = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage" )
    var Scout = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage" )
    var Awp = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage" )
    var AutoSniper = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage" )

function IshotkeyACTIVE() {
    var IskeyActive = UI.IsHotkeyActive( "Script items", "Override minimum DMG key" )
    var SliderValue = UI.GetValue( "Script items", "Minimum damage" )
    if ( IskeyActive ) {
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "GENERAL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", SliderValue );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", SliderValue );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", SliderValue );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", SliderValue );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", SliderValue );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", SliderValue );   
    } else if ( !IskeyActive ) {
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "GENERAL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", General );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", Pistol );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", HeavyPistol );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", Scout );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", Awp );
    UI.SetValue( "Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage", AutoSniper );
/// Hitchance in air
    var revolverhitchance = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Accuracy", "Hitchance" );
    var scouthitchance = UI.GetValue( "Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Hitchance" );

function HitchanceInAir() {
    if (!UI.GetValue("Script items", "Jump scout/revolver hitchance" && rage)) return;
    var getweapon = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
    var jshitchance = UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Hitchance');
    var inAir = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), 'CBasePlayer', 'm_hGroundEntity');
    if (inAir =='m_hGroundEntity') {
        UI.SetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOL', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', jshitchance)
        UI.SetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', jshitchance)
    } else {
        UI.SetValue('Rage', 'HEAVY PISTOL', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', revolverhitchance)
        UI.SetValue('Rage', 'SCOUT', 'Accuracy', 'Hitchance', scouthitchance)
/// FPS Boost
function fps_boost() {
    if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script Items", "FPS Boost")) {
        UI.SetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Misc", "Force sv_cheats", true);
        UI.SetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Misc", "Hidden cvars", true);
        Convar.SetString("r_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_static_prop_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_world_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_foot_contact_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_viewmodel_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_rope_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_sprite_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_world_shadows_in_viewmodelcascade", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_translucent_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_entity_shadows", "0");
        Convar.SetString("violence_hblood", "0");
        Convar.SetString("r_3dsky", "0");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawdecals", "0");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawrain", "0");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawropes", "0");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawsprites", "0");
        Convar.SetString("fog_enable_water_fog", "0");
        Convar.SetString("@panorama_disable_blur", "1");
        Convar.SetString("dsp_slow_cpu", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_disable_ragdolls", "1");
        Convar.SetString("mat_disable_bloom", "1");
    } else {
        Convar.SetString("r_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_static_prop_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_world_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_foot_contact_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_viewmodel_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_rope_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_sprite_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_world_shadows_in_viewmodelcascade", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_translucent_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("cl_csm_entity_shadows", "1");
        Convar.SetString("violence_hblood", "1");
        Convar.SetString("r_3dsky", "1");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawdecals", "1");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawrain", "1");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawropes", "1");
        Convar.SetString("r_drawsprites", "1");
        Convar.SetString("fog_enable_water_fog", "1");
        Convar.SetString("@panorama_disable_blur", "0");
        Convar.SetString("dsp_slow_cpu", "0");
        Convar.SetString("cl_disable_ragdolls", "0");
        Convar.SetString("mat_disable_bloom", "0");
/// dtpeek
var dtpeek_cache = true;
DT_PeekHelper = function(){
    if (!UI.GetValue("Script items", "DT Peek Helper [SSG08 & AWP]")) return;
    weapon_name =  Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))
    doubletap = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "Exploit", "Doubletap");
    autopeek = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Auto peek");
    active = (doubletap && autopeek);

    if (active && (weapon_name == "ssg 08" || weapon_name == "awp")){
    if (dtpeek_cache){
        scout_prefer = UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Prefer safe point")
        scout_stop = UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Auto stop mode")
        autodirection_cache = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Auto direction");
        dtpeek_cache = false;
    UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Prefer safe point", true)
    UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Auto stop mode", 8)
    UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Auto direction", active);
    }else if (!dtpeek_cache){
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Prefer safe point", scout_prefer)
        UI.SetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Accuracy", "Auto stop mode", scout_stop)
        UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Auto direction", autodirection_cache);
        dtpeek_cache = true;

Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "DT_PeekHelper");

/// AWP
var safePBackup = false

function safeAWP() {
    SlocalPlayer = Entity.GetLocalPlayer()
    SlocalPlayerWeapon = Entity.GetWeapon(SlocalPlayer)
    SlocalPlayerWeaponName = Entity.GetName(SlocalPlayerWeapon)

    if ( UI.GetValue('Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script items', 'Safe Points For AWP') && SlocalPlayerWeaponName == 'awp' ) {
        forceSafePoint = UI.IsHotkeyActive('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Force safe point')
        if (!forceSafePoint) {
            UI.ToggleHotkey('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Force safe point')
            safePBackup = true
    } else if (safePBackup) {
        UI.ToggleHotkey('Rage', 'GENERAL', 'General', 'Force safe point')
        safePBackup = false

/// Fix zoom
function zoomfix(){
    if (Cheat.FrameStage() == 5) {
        var zoom_sens = Convar.GetFloat("zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse");
        if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Scipt items", "Fix zoom sensitivity")) {
            var zoom_current_sens = Convar.GetFloat("sensitivity");
            var zoom_fov = UI.GetValue("Visual", "WORLD", "View", "Field of view");
            var fixed_zoom_sens = zoom_fov / 100 * zoom_current_sens;
            if (zoom_sens != fixed_zoom_sens) {
                Cheat.ExecuteCommand("zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse " + fixed_zoom_sens);
                Cheat.ExecuteCommand("zoom_sensitivity_ratio_joystick " + fixed_zoom_sens);
        } else {
            if (zoom_sens != 1.0) {
                Cheat.ExecuteCommand("zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse " + 1.0);
                Cheat.ExecuteCommand("zoom_sensitivity_ratio_joystick " + 1.0);
Cheat.RegisterCallback("FrameStageNotify", "zoomfix");

Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'HitchanceInAir');
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "IshotkeyACTIVE");
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'safeAWP')
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "antiaim");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "unload");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "visible");

var username = Cheat.GetUsername();
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], "███████╗██╗░░██╗░██████╗███████╗███╗░░██╗░██████╗███████╗\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], "██╔════╝╚██╗██╔╝██╔════╝██╔════╝████╗░██║██╔════╝██╔════╝\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], "█████╗░░░╚███╔╝░╚█████╗░█████╗░░██╔██╗██║╚█████╗░█████╗░░\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], "██╔══╝░░░██╔██╗░░╚═══██╗██╔══╝░░██║╚████║░╚═══██╗██╔══╝░░\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], "███████╗██╔╝╚██╗██████╔╝███████╗██║░╚███║██████╔╝███████╗\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], "╚══════╝╚═╝░░╚═╝╚═════╝░╚══════╝╚═╝░░╚══╝╚═════╝░╚══════╝ v5.0.0\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 0, 255, 0, 255 ], "Welcome, " +username+ "!\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 255, 0, 0, 255 ], "Official Store: " );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 255, 255, 255, 255 ], "https://vk.com/cfgshop_endless\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 255, 0, 0, 255 ], "Bugs Discord Channel: " );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 255, 255, 255, 255 ], "#bugs-report\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 0, 255, 0, 255 ], "[UPDATE LOG 5.0.0]\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Indicators are no longer movable, but they are not lost\n");
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] New menu\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Add New Anti-Aim System and At Target on Air\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Add Freestand Desync\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Add Enemy Ping ESP\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] The Keybinds shows Base Yaw (Local View / At Targets)\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Fix More Bugs\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Remove Var indicator\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] New design Fake indicator\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] After enabling JS, you can go to the local game with VAC\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Add Dormant Aimbot (Beta)\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [ + ] Improvement FPS\n" );
Cheat.PrintColor( [ 102, 140, 255, 255 ], " [+] And ETC\n" );
/// Visuals
const get = function(elm)
return UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", elm);
const set = function(elm1, v)
return UI.SetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", elm1, v);

const in_bounds = function(vec, x, y, x2, y2) {
return (vec[0] > x) && (vec[1] > y) && (vec[0] < x2) && (vec[1] < y2)

var stored = ![],
x_offs = 0,
y_offs = 0;

const move1 = function (x, y, width, height, name) {
if (UI.IsMenuOpen() && Input.IsKeyPressed(0x1)) {
  const mouse_pos = Global.GetCursorPosition();
  if (in_bounds(mouse_pos, x, y, x + width, y + height)) {
        x_offs = mouse_pos[0] - x;
        y_offs = mouse_pos[1] - y;
        stored = true;
     UI.SetValue("Script items", name + "_x", mouse_pos[0] - x_offs);
     UI.SetValue("Script items", name + "_y", mouse_pos[1] - y_offs);
} else if(stored) stored = false;

function skeetobvodka(x, y, w, h, color){
const style = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Style Indicators")
if (style !== 0){
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 2, w, h, [15, 15, 15, 150]);
Render.FilledRect(x, y - 1, w, h + 2, [15, 15, 15, color[3]]);
Render.Rect(x, y - 1, w, h + 3, [15, 15, 15, 200]);}

if (style == 0) {
Render.GradientRect(x + 1, y, w / 2 - 1, 1, 2, [55, 177, 218, 255], [203, 70, 205, 255]);
Render.GradientRect(x + w / 2, y, w / 2 - 1 + 1, 1, 2, [203, 70, 205, 255], [204, 227, 53, 255]);
}else if (style == 1){
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 1, w, 1, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255]);

function HSVtoRGB(h, s, v) {
var r, g, b, i, f, p, q, t;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
    s = h.s, v = h.v, h = h.h;
i = Math.floor(h * 6);
f = h * 6 - i;
p = v * (1 - s);
q = v * (1 - f * s);
t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
switch (i % 6) {
    case 0: r = v, g = t, b = p; break;
    case 1: r = q, g = v, b = p; break;
    case 2: r = p, g = v, b = t; break;
    case 3: r = p, g = q, b = v; break;
    case 4: r = t, g = p, b = v; break;
    case 5: r = v, g = p, b = q; break;
return {
    r: Math.round(r * 255),
    g: Math.round(g * 255),
    b: Math.round(b * 255)
var aspect_cache = 0;

function aspect(){
var aspect_slider = UI.GetValue("Aspect Ratio");
if (aspect_cache != aspect_slider) {
    aspect_cache = aspect_slider;
    UI.SetValue("Misc", "GENERAL", "Miscellaneous", "Hidden cvars", 1);
    Global.ExecuteCommand("r_aspectratio " + aspect_slider);

var fps_info = [];
var last_timee = Global.Curtime();

function draw_containe()
if (!(UI.GetValue("Indicators") & (1<<4))) return;

var text = "IE | "
var w = Render.TextSize(text, 8)[0] + 20;
var x = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];   
var y = Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) ? 75 : 50;
x = x - w - 99;
var avg = {'fps': 0};

Render.FilledRect(x - 20, y - 16, 55, 21, [15, 15, 15, fpsc[3]]);
Render.String(x - 17, y - 11, 0, "IE | ", [ 255, 255, 255, 255 ], 8 );

if (Global.Curtime() - last_timee > 0.5) {

    last_timee = Global.Curtime();

    fps_info.unshift(1 / Global.Frametime());
fpsc = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "FPS Color");
if (fps_info.length > 4)

var fps_max = Convar.GetInt("fps_max") || 400;
for (i = 0; i < fps_info.length; i++)
    avg.fps += fps_info[i]
    Render.GradientRect( x - i * 5 + 25, y + 1 - fps_info[i] / fps_max * 35, 5, fps_info[i] / fps_max * 35, 0, [35, 35, 95, 0], [fpsc[0], fpsc[1], fpsc[2], 255]
function mainn()

function Areset()
llast_time = Global.Curtime();
fps_info = [];

function main_mshz() {
if (!(UI.GetValue("Indicators") & (1<<5))) return;
const ping = Math.abs(Local.Latency() * 1000 - 16).toFixed(2);
var font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 100);
var text = +ping+ "ms / 60hz";
var w = Render.TextSizeCustom(text, font)[0] + 8;
var x = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];   
var y = Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) ? 55 : 30;
x = x - w - 10;
msc = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "MS & HZ Color");
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 4, w, 20, [17, 17, 17, msc[3]]);
Render.StringCustom(x + 4, y + 7, 0, text, [0, 0, 0, 180], font);
Render.StringCustom(x + 4, y + 7, 0, text, [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
var width = 75;
var stylee = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Style Indicators")
if (stylee == 0) {
    Render.GradientRect( x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 2, [55, 177, 218/*55, 177, 218*/, 255], [203, 70, 205/*203, 70, 205*/, 255]);
    Render.GradientRect( x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 2, [203, 70, 205/*203, 70, 205*/, 255], [204, 227, 53/*204, 227, 53*/, 255]);               
} else if (stylee == 1) {
    Render.GradientRect( x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [ msc[0], msc[1], msc[2], 0 ], [ msc[0], msc[1], msc[2], 255 ]);
    Render.GradientRect( x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [ msc[0], msc[1], msc[2], 255 ], [ msc[0], msc[1], msc[2], 0 ]);
if (ping > 64 && stylee == 1) {
    Render.GradientRect( x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [ 255, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 255, 0, 0, 255 ]);
    Render.GradientRect( x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [ 255, 0, 0, 255 ], [ 255, 0, 0, 0 ]);               
} else if (ping < 64 && stylee == 1 ) {
    Render.GradientRect( x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [ 0, 255, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 255, 0, 255 ]);
    Render.GradientRect( x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [ 0, 255, 0, 255 ], [ 0, 255, 0, 0 ]);
if (stylee == 0){
    Render.Rect(x, y + 4, w, 21, [17, 17, 17, 200]);
/// Fake

function main_fake() {
if (!(UI.GetValue("Indicators") & (1<<6))) return;
if (!World.GetServerString()) return;
if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) return;
var font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 100);
const dt = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "Exploits", "Doubletap");
var RealYaw = Local.GetRealYaw();
var FakeYaw = Local.GetFakeYaw();
var delta = Math.min(Math.abs(RealYaw - FakeYaw) / 2, 60).toFixed(1);
var text = "    FAKE (" + delta.toString() + "  ) ";
var w = Render.TextSizeCustom(text, font)[0] + 8;
var h = 22;
var x = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];   
var y = 30;
x = x - w - 110;
Render.GradientRect( x, y + 4, 45, 21, 1, [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 100 ]);
Render.GradientRect( x + 45, y + 4, 45, 21, 1, [ 0, 0, 0, 100 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]);
Render.GradientRect(x + 5, y + 4, 2, h / 2, 0, [(255 - 255 * (delta / 100)), 255 * (delta / 100), 0, 100], [(255 - 255 * (delta / 100)), 255 * (delta / 100), 0, 255]);
Render.GradientRect(x + 5, y + h / 2 + 4, 2, h / 2, 0, [(255 - 255 * (delta / 100)), 255 * (delta / 100), 0, 255], [(255 - 255 * (delta / 100)), 255 * (delta / 100), 0, 100]);
Render.StringCustom(x, y + 9, 0, text, [0, 0, 0, 180], font);
Render.StringCustom(x - 1, y + 8, 0, text, [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
Render.Circle(x + 12 + Render.TextSizeCustom("FAKE (" + delta.toString(), font)[0], y + 9, 1, [255, 255, 255, 255]);

/// Fakelag
var charge_alpha = 0;
function fl_indicator(){
if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) return;
if (!(UI.GetValue("Indicators") & (1<<3))) return;
const color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "FL Color");   
const dt = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "Exploits", "Doubletap");
const hs = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "Exploits", "Hide shots");
const flag = UI.GetValue( "Anti-Aim", "Fake-Lag", "Limit");   
const font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 100);
const charge = Exploit.GetCharge();
const fl = (dt || hs) ? 0 : flag
var text = "FL:  "+fl;
if (dt) text += " | SHIFTING";
var w = Render.TextSizeCustom(text, font)[0] + 8;
var x = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];   
var y = 30;
x = x - w - 10
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 4, w, 20, [17, 17, 17, color[3]]);
Render.StringCustom(x + 4, y + 7, 0, text, [0, 0, 0, 180], font);
Render.StringCustom(x + 4, y + 7, 0, text, [255, 255, 255, 255], font);

if (charge >= 1) {
    charge_alpha = Math.min(charge_alpha + (8 * Globals.Frametime()), 1);
} else {
    charge_alpha = charge_alpha - (8 * Globals.Frametime());
    if (charge_alpha < 0) charge_alpha = 0;

var stylee = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Style Indicators")

if (stylee == 0) {
    Render.GradientRect(x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 2, [55, 177, 218, 255], [203, 70, 205, 255]);
    Render.GradientRect(x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 2, [203, 70, 205, 255], [204, 227, 53, 255]);           
} else if (stylee == 1) {
    if (dt){
    Render.GradientRect( x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [255, 145, 0, 0], [ 255, 145, 0, 255]);
    Render.GradientRect( x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [255, 145, 0, 255], [ 255, 145, 0, 0]);

    Render.GradientRect( x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [0, 255, 0, 0], [0, 255, 0, charge_alpha * 255]);
    Render.GradientRect( x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [0, 255, 0, charge_alpha * 255], [0, 255, 0, 0]);
    Render.GradientRect( x, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 0], [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255]);
    Render.GradientRect( x + w / 2, y + 23, w / 2, 1, 1, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255], [color[0], color[1], color[2], 0]);         
if (stylee == 0){
    Render.Rect(x, y + 4, w, 21, [17, 17, 17, 200]);
function render(){
    if(!UI.GetValue("Script items", "Show ping enemy")) return;
    const enemy = Entity.GetEnemies();
    for (i = 0; i < enemy.length; i++){
        if (Entity.IsAlive(enemy[i])){
        const pingenemy = Math.round(Entity.GetProp(enemy[i], "CPlayerResource", "m_iPing")).toString();
        const font = Render.AddFont("MuseoSansCyrl-700", 8, 100);
        var pos = Entity.GetRenderBox(enemy[i]);
        var a = pos[3] - pos[1]
        a /= 2
        a += pos[1]
        const ping = (pingenemy <= 0 ? "BOT" : pingenemy)
        Render.StringCustom(a + 3, pos[2] - 23, 1, ping, [0, 0, 0, 150], font);
        Render.StringCustom(a + 2, pos[2] - 24, 1, ping, [255, 255, 255, 255], font); 

Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "render");

var msc = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "MS & HZ Color");
var logc = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "HitLogs Color");
var flcol = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "FL Color");
var fpsc = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "FPS Color");
var standart = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Watermark Color");
var colorhotkeys = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys color");
var cspec = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Spectator color");
if (msc[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "MS & HZ Color", [255, 255, 255, 255]);

if (cspec[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Spectator color", [255, 255, 255, 255]);

if (flcol[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "FL Color", [255, 255, 255, 255]);

if (standart[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Watermark Color", [255, 255, 255, 255]);
if (logc[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "HitLogs Color", [255, 255, 255, 255]);

if (fpsc[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "FPS Color", [35, 35, 35, 255]);

if (colorhotkeys[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys color", [89, 119, 239, 3]);

UI.AddSliderInt("keybind_x", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]);
UI.AddSliderInt("keybind_y", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);
UI.AddSliderInt("spectator_x", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]);
UI.AddSliderInt("spectator_y", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);

hide = function(){
var ind = UI.GetValue("Indicators");

UI.SetEnabled("keybind_x", false);
UI.SetEnabled("keybind_y", false);
UI.SetEnabled("spectator_x", false);
UI.SetEnabled("spectator_y", false);   

adap_render = function(x, y, width, height, alpha, color){
const color1 = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", color);
const rgb = HSVtoRGB(Global.Realtime() * 0.09, 1, 1);
const style = UI.GetValue("Style Indicators");
if (style !== 0){
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 2, width, height, [15, 15, 15, alpha * color1[3]]);}
if (style == 0){
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 2, width, height, [15, 15, 15, alpha * color1[3]]);
Render.GradientRect(x, y, width / 2, 2, 1, [89, 180, 255, alpha * 255], [204, 51, 255, alpha * 255]);
Render.GradientRect(x + width / 2, y, width / 2, 2, 1, [204, 51, 255, alpha * 255], [255, 255, 102, alpha * 255]);
Render.Rect(x, y - 1, width + 1, height + 4, [15, 15, 15, alpha * color1[3]])}     
if (style == 1){
Render.GradientRect(x, y, width / 2, 2, 1, [0, 0, 0, alpha * 255], [color1[0], color1[1], color1[2], alpha * 255]);
Render.GradientRect(x + width / 2, y, width / 2, 2, 1, [color1[0], color1[1], color1[2], alpha * 255], [0, 0, 0, alpha * 255]);}

getObservators = function() {
var ents = Entity.GetPlayers();
var local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
var localtarget = Entity.GetProp(local, "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget");
if (!local) return;
spec = [];
for (i = 0; i < ents.length; i++) {
    if (Entity.IsAlive(local)) {
        if (!ents[i] || Entity.IsAlive(ents[i])) continue;
        var observer = Entity.GetProp(ents[i], "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget");
        if (!observer || observer == "m_hObserverTarget") continue;
        const names = Entity.GetName(ents[i])
        if (observer == local) spec.push(names.length >= 18 ? names.substr(0, 15) + "..." : names);
    } else {
        if (!ents[i] || Entity.IsAlive(ents[i])) continue;
        var observer = Entity.GetProp(ents[i], "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget");
        if (!observer || observer == "m_hObserverTarget") continue;
        const names = Entity.GetName(ents[i])
        if (observer == localtarget) spec.push(names.length >= 16 ? names.substr(0, 13) + "..." : names);

var alpha = 0;
var alphas = 0;
var maxwidth = 0;

function keybind(){
const color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Hotkeys color");
const font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 0);
const x = UI.GetValue("keybind_x");
const y = UI.GetValue("keybind_y");
const style = UI.GetValue("[ALL] Style line")
var width = 55;
var maxwidth = 0;
var keyactive = [];
var mdmg = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Minimum damage");
info_key = [
["Yaw Base", null, "[At Targets]"],
["Yaw Base", null, "[Local View]"],
["Trigger bot", ["Legit", "GENERAL", "Triggerbot", "Enabled"], "[holding]"],
["Double tap", ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Exploits", "Doubletap"], "[toggled]"],
["Hide shots", ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Exploits", "Hide shots"], "[toggled]"],
["Safe point", ["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force safe point"], "[toggled]"],
["Body aim", ["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Force body aim"], "[toggled]"],
["Resolver override", ["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Resolver override"], "[holding]"],
["Min Damage Override", ["JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Override minimum DMG key"], "["+mdmg+"]"],
["Fake duck", ["Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Fake duck"], "[holding]"],
["Slow walk", ["Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Slow walk"], "[holding]"],
["Inverter", ["Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "Inverter"], "[toggled]"],
["Edge jump", ["Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Edge jump"], "[holding]"],
["Auto peek", ["Misc", "GENERAL", "Movement", "Auto peek"], "[holding]"],
var target = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "At targets");
var freestand = UI.GetValue("SCRIPT ITEMS", "FreeStand Desync");
for(var i in info_key){
    aa = info_key[i][2];
    bind = info_key[i][1];
    name = info_key[i][0];
    if(bind !== null && UI.IsHotkeyActive.apply(null, bind)){
    if(aa == "[At Targets]" && target){
    if(aa == "[Local View]" && !target){

if (keyactive.length > 0 || UI.IsMenuOpen()) {
    alpha = Math.min(alpha + (8 * Globals.Frametime()), 1);
} else {
    alpha = alpha - (8 * Globals.Frametime());
    if (alpha < 0) alpha = 0;

for (var g in keyactive) {
    bind = keyactive[g];
    name = info_key[bind][0];
    if (Render.TextSizeCustom(name, font)[0] > maxwidth) {
        maxwidth = Render.TextSizeCustom(name, font)[0];

if (maxwidth == 0) maxwidth = 50;
width = width + maxwidth;
w = width > 145 ? width : 145;

if (!(UI.GetValue("Indicators") & (1<<0))) return;
adap_render(x, y, w + 1, 17, alpha, "Hotkeys color");

Render.StringCustom(x + (w / 2) - (Render.TextSizeCustom("keybinds", font)[0] / 2 - 1), y + 5, 0, "keybinds", [0, 0, 0, alpha * 255], font);
Render.StringCustom(x + (w / 2) - (Render.TextSizeCustom("keybinds", font)[0] / 2), y + 4, 0, "keybinds", [255, 255, 255, alpha * 255], font);

for(var j in keyactive){
    bind = keyactive[j];
    name = info_key[bind][0];
    state = info_key[bind][2];
    Render.StringCustom(x + 4, y + 24 + (j * 17), 0, name, [0, 0, 0, alpha * 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 23 + (j * 17), 0, name, [255, 255, 255, alpha * 255], font);

    Render.StringCustom(x + w - Render.TextSizeCustom(state, font)[0], y + 24 + (j * 17), 0, state, [0, 0, 0, alpha * 255], font);
    Render.StringCustom(x + w - Render.TextSizeCustom(state, font)[0] - 1, y + 23 + (j * 17), 0, state, [255, 255, 255, alpha * 255], font);       
move1(x, y, w, 19, "keybind");

function spectator(){
const font = Render.AddFont("Verdana", 7, 0);
const x = UI.GetValue("spectator_x");
const y = UI.GetValue("spectator_y");

if (spec.length > 0 || UI.IsMenuOpen()) {
    alphas = Math.min(alphas + (8 * Globals.Frametime()), 1);
} else {
    alphas = alphas - (8 * Globals.Frametime());
    if (alphas < 0) alphas = 0;

if (!(UI.GetValue("Indicators") & (1<<1))) return;
adap_render(x, y, 140, 17, alphas, "Spectator color");       
Render.StringCustom(x + (140 / 2) - (Render.TextSizeCustom("spectators ("+spec.length+")", font)[0] / 2 - 1), y + 5, 0, "spectators ("+spec.length+")", [0, 0, 0, alphas * 180], font);
Render.StringCustom(x + (140 / 2) - (Render.TextSizeCustom("spectators ("+spec.length+")", font)[0] / 2), y + 4, 0, "spectators ("+spec.length+")", [255, 255, 255, alphas * 255], font);       

for(g = 0; g < spec.length; g++){
    names = spec[g];
    Render.StringCustom(x + 4, y + 24 + (g * 17) , 0, names, [0, 0, 0, alphas * 140], font);
    Render.StringCustom(x + 3, y + 23 + (g * 17), 0, names, [255, 255, 255, alphas * 255], font);

    Render.StringCustom(x + 140 - Render.TextSizeCustom("[watching]", font)[0] - 2, y + 24 + (g * 17) , 0, "[watching]", [0, 0, 0, alphas * 140], font);
    Render.StringCustom(x + 140 - Render.TextSizeCustom("[watching]", font)[0] - 3, y + 23 + (g * 17), 0, "[watching]", [255, 255, 255, alphas * 255], font);
move1(x, y, 140, 20, "spectator");

Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "keybind");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "spectator");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "hide");

var username = Cheat.GetUsername();
function draw() {
if (!(UI.GetValue("Indicators") & (1<<2))) return;
    var rgb = HSVtoRGB(Global.Tickcount() % 350 / 350,1,1);
    var ping = Math.round(Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CPlayerResource", "m_iPing")).toString()
    const now = new Date();
    const hours = now.getHours(), mins = now.getMinutes(), secs = now.getSeconds();
    const time = (hours < 10 ? "0" + hours : hours) + ":" + (mins < 10 ? "0" + mins : mins) + ":" + (secs < 10 ? "0" + secs : secs);
color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "Javascript", "Script items", "Watermark");
    var font = Render.AddFont( "Verdana", 7, 400);
    var text = "Exsense  | " +username+ " | [Version        ] | "+time+ " |     "
    var h = 18;
    var w = Render.TextSizeCustom(text, font)[0] + 8;
var x = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];   
var y = 10;
var standart = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Watermark Color");
x = x - w - 10;
skeetobvodka(x, y, w, h, standart);
var iconswater = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Watermark Icons")
                            if (iconswater == 0) {
            Render.String(x + w - 18, y + 5, 0, "!", [rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, 255], 6);
            } else if (iconswater == 1 ) {
            Render.String(x + w - 19, y + 5, 0, "@", [rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, 255], 6);
            } else if (iconswater == 2 ) {
            Render.String(x + w - 20, y + 5, 0, "^", [rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, 255], 6);
            } else if (iconswater == 3 ) {
            Render.String(x + w - 18, y + 5, 0, "#", [rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, 255], 6);
Render.StringCustom(x + w - 112, y + 4, 0, "5.0", [rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, 255], font);
Render.StringCustom(x+4, y + 4, 0, text, [255,255,255,255], font);
UI.SetValue('Misc', 'PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION', 'Watermark', false);
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "draw");

function drawner(){
if (!World.GetServerString()) return;
var screen = Global.GetScreenSize();
var font = Render.AddFont("Calibri", 8, 400);
var color = UI.GetColor("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Yaw color");
var dt = UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "Exploits", "Double tap");
var charge = Exploit.GetCharge();
const pulse = Math.sin(Math.abs(-Math.PI + (Globals.Curtime() * (1 / .75)) % (Math.PI * 2))) * 255;
const rgb = HSVtoRGB(Global.Realtime() * 0.09, 1, 1);

Render.StringCustom(screen[0] / 2, screen[1] / 2 + 18, 1, "Exsense", [255, 255, 255, pulse], font);

Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "hit_logs1");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "logdraw1");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_connect_full", "Areset");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "fl_indicator")
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "main_fake");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "main_mshz");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "mainn");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "keybind");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "spectator");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "drawner");
Cheat.ExecuteCommand( "sv_lan 1" );
Сверху Снизу