Автор темы
- #1

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Технические детали / Technical Details:
Features V2:
- Compass + Marker System
- Minimap + Marker System
- World Marker System
- Crosshair System + Hit Feedback
- Mission Notification
- Update Notification
- Option Notification
- Pickup Notification
- Progress Notification
- Primary Notification
- Tutorial Notification
- HUD Effects (Black Screen / Highlight / Damage Effect)
Additional Notes:
It was deliberately omitted a health indicator and weapon display,
as these would be too different and varied in design and structure.
Number of Blueprint Classes: 49
Number of Master Materials: 19
Number of Material Instances: 29
Number of Textures: 157
Number of Widgets: 55
Fonts (Open Font License): Martel / Trirong / Roboto / Roboto Cnd / Exo2 / Barlow Cnd
Network replicated: No, HUD & Widget classes are completely clientside
Update from 06/28/2021
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