Автор темы
- #1
Данный скрипт не проверялся модераторами, так как является кряком приватной LUA и в нём может присутствовать обфускация. Даже известные пользователи могут выложить вредоносный скрипт под видом крякнутого, поэтому любое использование исключительно на свой страх и риск.
ля как похуй, осторожно , это 1 опыт!!
lua_option_26_jitter_desync = ui.add_check_box("Jitter desync", "lua_option_26_jitter_desync", false)
local antihit_antiaim_flip_bind = ui.get_key_bind("antihit_antiaim_flip_bind")
client.register_callback("create_move", function()
if not lua_option_26_jitter_desync:get_value() or not entitylist.get_local_player():is_alive() then return end
if clientstate.get_choked_commands() == 0 then
if antihit_antiaim_flip_bind:get_type() == 0 then
local misc_hit_logs = ui.add_check_box("hit logs", "misc_hit_logs", false)
local misc_buy_logs = ui.add_check_box("buy logs", "misc_buy_logs", false)
local hitboxes = { "neck", "pelvis", "body", "thorax", "lower chest", "upper chest", "right thigh", "left thigh", "right calf", "left calf", "right foot", "left foot", "right hand", "left hand", "right upper arm", "right forearm", "left upper arm", "left forearm" }
function on_shot_fired(shot_info)
if misc_hit_logs:get_value() == true then
if shot_info.result == "hit" and not shot_info.manual then
client.notify("Hit " .. engine.get_player_info(shot_info.target:get_index()).name .. " in " .. hitboxes[shot_info.hitbox + 1] .. " for " .. tostring(shot_info.server_damage) .. " (" .. tostring(shot_info.client_damage) .. ") (hitchance " .. tostring(shot_info.hitchance) .."%) (bt for " .. tostring(shot_info.backtrack) .. " ticks).")
if shot_info.result ~= "hit" and not shot_info.manual then
client.notify("Missed shot due to " .. shot_info.result .. ".")
local function on_unload()
client.register_callback("shot_fired", on_shot_fired)
client.register_callback("unload", on_unload)
client.register_callback("create_move", create_move)
client.register_callback("paint", on_paint)
client.register_callback("fire_game_event", on_events)
local viewmodel_on_scope = ui.add_check_box("Viewmodel on scope", "viewmodel_on_scope", false)
local visuals_other_removals = ui.get_multi_combo_box("visuals_other_removals")
visuals_other_removals:set_value(0, false)
local function on_paint()
local player = entitylist.get_local_player()
local is_scoped = player:get_prop_bool( se.get_netvar( "DT_CSPlayer", "m_bIsScoped" ) )
local view_scope = viewmodel_on_scope:get_value()
local r_drawvgui = se.get_convar("r_drawvgui")
local fov_cs_debug = se.get_convar("fov_cs_debug")
if view_scope and is_scoped then
client.register_callback("paint", on_paint)
client.register_callback("fire_game_event", function(event)
if event:get_name() == "round_start" then
is_round_started = true
if event:get_name() == "round_prestart" then
is_round_started = true
if event:get_name() == "round_freeze_end" then
is_round_started = false
client.register_callback("create_move", function(cmd)
if is_round_started then
buy_bot( )
is_round_started = false
is_round_started = false
pistols_list = { ["0"] = "", ["1"] = "buy glock; buy hkp2000; buy usp_silencer;", ["2"] = "buy elite;", ["3"] = "buy p250;", ["4"] = "buy tec9; buy fiveseven;", ["5"] = "buy deagle; buy revolver;", }
pistols_name_list = { "None", "Glock-18/HKP2000/USP-S", "Dual Berretas", "P250", "Tec-9/Five7", "Deagle/Revolver" }
weapons_list = { ["0"] = "", ["1"] = "buy ssg08;", ["2"] = "buy awp;", ["3"] = "buy scar20; buy g3sg1;", ["4"] = "buy galilar; buy famas;", ["5"] = "buy ak47; buy m4a1; buy m4a1_silencer;", ["6"] = "buy sg556; buy aug;", ["7"] = "buy nova;", ["8"] = "buy xm1014;", ["9"] = "buy mag7;", ["10"] = "buy m249;", ["11"] = "buy negev;", ["12"] = "buy mac10; buy mp9;", ["13"] = "buy mp7;", ["14"] = "buy ump45;", ["15"] = "buy p90;", ["16"] = "buy bizon;" }
weapons_name_list = { "None", "SSG08", "AWP", "Scar20/G3SG1", "GalilAR/Famas", "AK-47/M4A1", "AUG/SG556", "Nova","XM1014", "Mag-7", "M249", "Negev", "Mac-10/MP9", "MP7", "UMP-45", "P90", "Bizon" }
other_list = { ["0"] = "buy vesthelm;", ["1"] = "buy hegrenade;", ["2"] = "buy molotov; buy incgrenade;", ["3"] = "buy smokegrenade;", ["4"] = "buy taser;", ["5"] = "buy defuser;" }
other_name_list = { "Armor", "HE", "Molotov/Incgrenade", "Smoke", "Taser", "Defuser"}
function buy_bot( )
local pistol = pistols_list[tostring(buy_pistol:get_value(""))]
local weapon = weapons_list[tostring(buy_weapon:get_value(""))]
local other = ""
for i = 0, 5 do
other = other..(buy_other:get_value(i) and other_list[tostring(i)] or "")
scale_thirdperson = ui.add_check_box("Thirdperson distance", "scale_thirdperson", false)
once_thirdperson = false
client.register_callback("create_move", function()
if scale_thirdperson:get_value() then se.get_convar("cam_idealdist"):set_int(scale_thirdperson:get_value() and thirdperson_scale:get_value() or 120) end
if scale_thirdperson:get_value() and not once_thirdperson then once_thirdperson = not once_thirdperson end
if not scale_thirdperson:get_value() and once_thirdperson then once_thirdperson = not once_thirdperson; se.get_convar("cam_idealdist"):set_int(120) end
end) client.register_callback("unload", function() if scale_thirdperson:get_value() then se.get_convar("cam_idealdist"):set_int(120) end end)
lua_option_123_animfucker = ui.add_check_box("Animfucker", "lua_option_123_enabled", false)
local ffi = require 'ffi'
typedef uintptr_t (__thiscall* GetClientEntity_4242425_t)(void*, int);
local ENTITY_LIST_POINTER = ffi.cast("void***", se.create_interface("client.dll", "VClientEntityList003")) or error("Failed to find VClientEntityList003!")
local GET_CLIENT_ENTITY_FN = ffi.cast("GetClientEntity_4242425_t", ENTITY_LIST_POINTER[0][3])
local ffi_helpers = {
get_animstate_offset = function()
return 14612
get_entity_address = function(entity_index)
local addr = GET_CLIENT_ENTITY_FN(ENTITY_LIST_POINTER, entity_index)
return addr
local function on_create_move(cmd)
local localplayer = entitylist.get_local_player()
if not localplayer then return end
ffi.cast("float*", ffi_helpers.get_entity_address(localplayer:get_index()) + 10100)[0] = 0
function leg_breaker(cmd)
if switch then
switch = false
switch = true
if switch then
if not lua_option_123_animfucker:get_value() or not entitylist.get_local_player():is_alive() then return end
local antiaim_active_movement_type = ui.get_combo_box("antihit_extra_leg_movement"):set_value(1)
local antiaim_active_movement_type = ui.get_combo_box("antihit_extra_leg_movement"):set_value(2)
client.register_callback("create_move", on_create_move)
client.register_callback("create_move", leg_breaker)
lua_option_landing_enabled_pitch = ui.add_check_box("Enabled Pitch", "lua_option_landing_enabled", false)
lua_option_14_dt_hitchance = ui.add_check_box("DT Hitchance", "lua_option_14_dt_hitchance", false)
lua_option_1_jump_ssg_fix = ui.add_check_box("Jump ssg fix", "lua_option_1_jump_ssg_fix", false)
local pitchBackupValue = ui.get_combo_box("antihit_antiaim_pitch"):get_value()
local misc_hit_logs = ui.add_check_box("hit logs", "misc_hit_logs", false)
local misc_buy_logs = ui.add_check_box("buy logs", "misc_buy_logs", false)
struct Animstate_t
char pad[ 3 ];
char m_bForceWeaponUpdate; //0x4
char pad1[ 91 ];
void* m_pBaseEntity; //0x60
void* m_pActiveWeapon; //0x64
void* m_pLastActiveWeapon; //0x68
float m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTime; //0x6C
int m_iLastClientSideAnimationUpdateFramecount; //0x70
float m_flAnimUpdateDelta; //0x74
float m_flEyeYaw; //0x78
float m_flPitch; //0x7C
float m_flGoalFeetYaw; //0x80
float m_flCurrentFeetYaw; //0x84
float m_flCurrentTorsoYaw; //0x88
float m_flUnknownVelocityLean; //0x8C
float m_flLeanAmount; //0x90
char pad2[ 4 ];
float m_flFeetCycle; //0x98
float m_flFeetYawRate; //0x9C
char pad3[ 4 ];
float m_fDuckAmount; //0xA4
float m_fLandingDuckAdditiveSomething; //0xA8
char pad4[ 4 ];
float m_vOriginX; //0xB0
float m_vOriginY; //0xB4
float m_vOriginZ; //0xB8
float m_vLastOriginX; //0xBC
float m_vLastOriginY; //0xC0
float m_vLastOriginZ; //0xC4
float m_vVelocityX; //0xC8
float m_vVelocityY; //0xCC
char pad5[ 4 ];
float m_flUnknownFloat1; //0xD4
char pad6[ 8 ];
float m_flUnknownFloat2; //0xE0
float m_flUnknownFloat3; //0xE4
float m_flUnknown; //0xE8
float m_flSpeed2D; //0xEC
float m_flUpVelocity; //0xF0
float m_flSpeedNormalized; //0xF4
float m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays; //0xF8
float m_flFeetSpeedUnknownForwardOrSideways; //0xFC
float m_flTimeSinceStartedMoving; //0x100
float m_flTimeSinceStoppedMoving; //0x104
bool m_bOnGround; //0x108
bool m_bInHitGroundAnimation; //0x109
float m_flTimeSinceInAir; //0x10A
float m_flLastOriginZ; //0x10E
float m_flHeadHeightOrOffsetFromHittingGroundAnimation; //0x112
float m_flStopToFullRunningFraction; //0x116
char pad7[ 4 ]; //0x11A
float m_flMagicFraction; //0x11E
char pad8[ 60 ]; //0x122
float m_flWorldForce; //0x15E
char pad9[ 462 ]; //0x162
float m_flMaxYaw; //0x334
function UTILS_GetAnimState()
return ffi.cast("struct Animstate_t**", entitylist.get_local_player():get_address() + 0x3914)[0]
client.register_callback("create_move", function(cmd)
if not lua_option_landing_enabled_pitch:get_value() or not entitylist.get_local_player():is_alive() then return end
if UTILS_GetAnimState().m_bInHitGroundAnimation then
if UTILS_GetAnimState().m_flHeadHeightOrOffsetFromHittingGroundAnimation then
lua_option_1_static_legs = ui.add_check_box("Static_legs", "lua_option_1_static_legs", false)
typedef uintptr_t (__thiscall* GetClientEntity_4242425_t)(void*, int);
typedef struct
float x;
float y;
float z;
} Vector_t;
typedef struct
char pad0[0x60]; // 0x00
void* pEntity; // 0x60
void* pActiveWeapon; // 0x64
void* pLastActiveWeapon; // 0x68
float flLastUpdateTime; // 0x6C
int iLastUpdateFrame; // 0x70
float flLastUpdateIncrement; // 0x74
float flEyeYaw; // 0x78
float flEyePitch; // 0x7C
float flGoalFeetYaw; // 0x80
float flLastFeetYaw; // 0x84
float flMoveYaw; // 0x88
float flLastMoveYaw; // 0x8C // changes when moving/jumping/hitting ground
float flLeanAmount; // 0x90
char pad1[0x4]; // 0x94
float flFeetCycle; // 0x98 0 to 1
float flMoveWeight; // 0x9C 0 to 1
float flMoveWeightSmoothed; // 0xA0
float flDuckAmount; // 0xA4
float flHitGroundCycle; // 0xA8
float flRecrouchWeight; // 0xAC
Vector_t vecOrigin; // 0xB0
Vector_t vecLastOrigin;// 0xBC
Vector_t vecVelocity; // 0xC8
Vector_t vecVelocityNormalized; // 0xD4
Vector_t vecVelocityNormalizedNonZero; // 0xE0
float flVelocityLenght2D; // 0xEC
float flJumpFallVelocity; // 0xF0
float flSpeedNormalized; // 0xF4 // clamped velocity from 0 to 1
float flRunningSpeed; // 0xF8
float flDuckingSpeed; // 0xFC
float flDurationMoving; // 0x100
float flDurationStill; // 0x104
bool bOnGround; // 0x108
bool bHitGroundAnimation; // 0x109
char pad2[0x2]; // 0x10A
float flNextLowerBodyYawUpdateTime; // 0x10C
float flDurationInAir; // 0x110
float flLeftGroundHeight; // 0x114
float flHitGroundWeight; // 0x118 // from 0 to 1, is 1 when standing
float flWalkToRunTransition; // 0x11C // from 0 to 1, doesnt change when walking or crouching, only running
char pad3[0x4]; // 0x120
float flAffectedFraction; // 0x124 // affected while jumping and running, or when just jumping, 0 to 1
char pad4[0x208]; // 0x128
float flMinBodyYaw; // 0x330
float flMaxBodyYaw; // 0x334
float flMinPitch; //0x338
float flMaxPitch; // 0x33C
int iAnimsetVersion; // 0x340
} CCSGOPlayerAnimationState_534535_t;
local entity_list_ptr = ffi.cast("void***", se.create_interface("client.dll", "VClientEntityList003"))
local get_client_entity_fn = ffi.cast("GetClientEntity_4242425_t", entity_list_ptr[0][3])
local ffi_helpers = {
get_entity_address = function(ent_index)
local addr = get_client_entity_fn(entity_list_ptr, ent_index)
return addr
local shared_onground
client.register_callback("paint", function()
local localplayer = entitylist.get_local_player()
if not lua_option_1_static_legs:get_value() or not entitylist.get_local_player():is_alive() then return end
if not localplayer then return end
local m_fFlags = se.get_netvar("DT_BasePlayer", "m_fFlags")
local bOnGround = bit.band(localplayer:get_prop_float(m_fFlags), bit.lshift(1,0)) ~= 0
if not bOnGround then
ffi.cast("CCSGOPlayerAnimationState_534535_t**", ffi_helpers.get_entity_address(localplayer:get_index()) + 14612)[0].flDurationInAir = 99
ffi.cast("CCSGOPlayerAnimationState_534535_t**", ffi_helpers.get_entity_address(localplayer:get_index()) + 14612)[0].flHitGroundCycle = 0
ffi.cast("CCSGOPlayerAnimationState_534535_t**", ffi_helpers.get_entity_address(localplayer:get_index()) + 14612)[0].bHitGroundAnimation = false
shared_onground = bOnGround
client.register_callback("paint", function()
local localplayer = entitylist.get_local_player()
if not localplayer then return end
local m_fFlags = se.get_netvar("DT_BasePlayer", "m_fFlags")
local bOnGround = bit.band(localplayer:get_prop_float(m_fFlags), bit.lshift(1,0)) ~= 0
if bOnGround and not shared_onground then
ffi.cast("CCSGOPlayerAnimationState_534535_t**", ffi_helpers.get_entity_address(localplayer:get_index()) + 14612)[0].flDurationInAir = 0.5
lua_option_2_watermark = ui.add_check_box("Watermark", "lua_option_2_watermark", false)
local verdana = renderer.setup_font("C:/windows/fonts/verdana.ttf", 13, 0)
local screen = engine.get_screen_size()
local pos, pos2 = vec2_t.new(screen.x - 379, 5), vec2_t.new(screen.x - 5, 30)
function get_ping()
local ping = math.floor(se.get_latency())
if ping < 10 then ping = " " .. tostring(ping) end
return ping
function get_tickr()
local tickr = 1.0 / globalvars.get_interval_per_tick()
return tickr
function draw_watermark()
if not lua_option_2_watermark:get_value() or not entitylist.get_local_player():is_alive() then return end
local username = client.get_username()
local inner_pos1, inner_pos2 = vec2_t.new(screen.x - 245, 12), vec2_t.new(screen.x - 15, 65)
renderer.rect_filled(pos, pos2, color_t.new(30,30,30,255))
local fpos1, fpos2 = vec2_t.new(screen.x - 379, 4), vec2_t.new(screen.x - 5, 6)
renderer.rect_filled_fade(fpos1, fpos2, color_t.new(0, 213, 255, 255))
local fpos = vec2_t.new(screen.x - 375, 10)
renderer.text("tryway | version: 1 [beta] | " .. get_tickr() .. " tick | " .. client.get_username() .. " | delay:".. get_ping() .."ms ", verdana, fpos, 13, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, 255))
client.register_callback("paint", draw_watermark)
lua_option_12333_arrows = ui.add_check_box("Arrows", "lua_option_12333_arrows", false)
local font_verdana = renderer.setup_font("C:/windows/fonts/verdana.ttf", 25, 32)
local screen = engine.get_screen_size()
local m_iHealth = se.get_netvar("DT_BasePlayer", "m_iHealth")
local antihit_antiaim_flip_bind = ui.get_key_bind('antihit_antiaim_flip_bind')
local function on_paint()
if not lua_option_12333_arrows:get_value() or not entitylist.get_local_player():is_alive() then return end
local local_player = engine.get_local_player()
local me = entitylist.get_entity_by_index(local_player)
if me:get_prop_int(m_iHealth) < 0 or not engine.is_in_game() then
if antihit_antiaim_flip_bind:is_active() then
renderer.text('<<', font_verdana, vec2_t.new(screen.x / 2 - 50, screen.y / 2 - 10), 15, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, 255))
renderer.text('>>', font_verdana, vec2_t.new(screen.x / 2 + 30, screen.y / 2 - 10), 15, color_t.new(178, 34, 34, 220))
renderer.text('<<', font_verdana, vec2_t.new(screen.x / 2 - 50, screen.y / 2 - 10), 15, color_t.new(0, 255, 0, 220))
renderer.text('>>', font_verdana, vec2_t.new(screen.x / 2 + 30, screen.y / 2 - 10), 15, color_t.new(178, 34, 34, 255))
client.register_callback("paint", on_paint);
lua_screen_ind = ui.add_check_box("Keybinds", "lua_screen_ind", false)
local color_line = ui.add_color_edit("Color line", "color_line", true, color_t.new(52, 164, 235, 255))
local keybinds_x = ui.add_slider_int("keybind_x", "keybinds_x", 0, engine.get_screen_size().x, 345)
local keybinds_y = ui.add_slider_int("keybind_y", "keybinds_y", 0, engine.get_screen_size().y, 215)
local verdana = renderer.setup_font("C:/windows/fonts/verdana.ttf", 12, 0)
local types = { "always", "holding", "toggled", "disabled" }
local function drag(x, y, width, height, xmenu, ymenu, item)
local cursor = renderer.get_cursor_pos()
if (cursor.x >= x) and (cursor.x <= x + width) and (cursor.y >= y) and (cursor.y <= y + height) then
if client.is_key_pressed(1) and item[1] == 0 then
item[1] = 1
item[2] = x - cursor.x
item[3] = y - cursor.y
if not client.is_key_pressed(1) then item[1] = 0 end
if item[1] == 1 and ui.is_visible() then
xmenu:set_value(cursor.x + item[2])
ymenu:set_value(cursor.y + item[3])
local function filledbox(x, y, w, h)
local col = color_line:get_value()
renderer.rect_filled(vec2_t.new(x, y - 2), vec2_t.new(x + w, y + h), color_t.new(30, 30, 30, col.a))
renderer.rect_filled_fade(vec2_t.new(x, y - 2), vec2_t.new(x + w / 2, y), color_t.new(0, 213, 255, 255), color_t.new(204, 18, 204, 255), color_t.new(204, 18, 204, 255), color_t.new(0, 213, 255, 255))
renderer.rect_filled_fade(vec2_t.new(x + (w / 2), y - 2), vec2_t.new(x + w, y), color_t.new(204, 18, 204, 255), color_t.new(255, 250, 0, 255), color_t.new(255, 250, 0, 255), color_t.new(204, 18, 204, 255))
local item = { 0, 0, 0 }
local alphak = 0
local m = {
["Double tap"] = {reference = ui.get_key_bind("rage_active_exploit_bind"), exploit = 2},
["Hide shots"] = {reference = ui.get_key_bind("rage_active_exploit_bind"), exploit = 1},
["Slow walk"] = {reference = ui.get_key_bind("antihit_extra_slowwalk_bind"), exploit = 0},
["Fake duck"] = {reference = ui.get_key_bind("antihit_extra_fakeduck_bind"), exploit = 0},
["Jump bug"] = {reference = ui.get_key_bind("misc_jump_bug_bind"), exploit = 0},
["Edge jump"] = {reference = ui.get_key_bind("misc_edge_jump_bind"), exploit = 0},
client.register_callback("paint", function()
local screen = lua_screen_ind:get_value(1) or lua_screen_ind:get_value(0)
keybinds_x:set_visible(false) keybinds_y:set_visible(false)
if lua_screen_ind:get_value(0) and engine.is_connected() then
local width = 146
local height = 17
local offset = 1
local keybinds = {}
local xk = keybinds_x:get_value()
local yk = keybinds_y:get_value()
for i,v in pairs(m) do
local exploits = ui.get_combo_box("rage_active_exploit"):get_value()
if v.exploit == 0 and v.reference:is_active() then
table.insert(keybinds, i)
if v.exploit ~= 0 and exploits == v.exploit and v.reference:is_active() then
table.insert(keybinds, i)
for k,f in pairs(keybinds) do
local v = m[f]
local state = "["..types[v.reference:get_type() + 1].."]"
renderer.text(f, verdana, vec2_t.new(xk + 4, yk + 5 + (18 * k)), 12, color_t.new(0, 0, 0, 255))
renderer.text(f, verdana, vec2_t.new(xk + 3, yk + 4 + (18 * k)), 12, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, 255))
renderer.text(state, verdana, vec2_t.new(xk + width - renderer.get_text_size(verdana, 12, state).x - 1, yk + 5 + (18 * k)), 12, color_t.new(0, 0, 0, 255))
renderer.text(state, verdana, vec2_t.new(xk + width - renderer.get_text_size(verdana, 12, state).x - 2, yk + 4 + (18 * k)), 12, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, 255))
offset = offset + 1
if #keybinds ~= 0 or ui.is_visible() then
filledbox(xk, yk, width, height)
renderer.text("keybinds", verdana, vec2_t.new(xk + (width /2) - (renderer.get_text_size(verdana, 12, "keybinds").x /2) + 1, yk + 3), 12, color_t.new(0, 0, 0, 255))
renderer.text("keybinds", verdana, vec2_t.new(xk + (width /2) - (renderer.get_text_size(verdana, 12, "keybinds").x /2), yk + 2), 12, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, 255))
drag(xk, yk, width, height + 2, keybinds_x, keybinds_y, item)
local function dthitchance()
if not lua_option_14_dt_hitchance:get_value() or not entitylist.get_local_player():is_alive() then return end
if dtactive0:is_active() then
client.register_callback("paint", dthitchance)
local velocity = nil
local m_vecVelocity = {
[0] = se.get_netvar("DT_BasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]"),
[1] = se.get_netvar("DT_BasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[1]")
local function main()
if not lua_option_1_jump_ssg_fix:get_value() or not entitylist.get_local_player():is_alive() then return end
local player = entitylist.get_entity_by_index(engine.get_local_player())
if player then
velocity = math.sqrt(player:get_prop_float(m_vecVelocity[0]) ^ 2 + player:get_prop_float(m_vecVelocity[1]) ^ 2)
if velocity ~= nil then
if velocity > 5 then
ui.set_bool("misc_autostrafer", true)
ui.set_bool("misc_autostrafer", false)
client.register_callback("paint", main)
local lowdelta = ui.add_key_bind("Low Delta On Key","low_delta", 0, 1)
local desync = ui.get_slider_int("antihit_antiaim_desync_length")
local function cydelta()
if lowdelta:is_active() then
desync:set_value(12) --- Desync value when lowdelta bind actived
desync:set_value(60) --- Desync value when lowdelta bind not actived
client.register_callback("paint", cydelta)
local font = renderer.setup_font("C:/windows/fonts/arial.ttf", 30, 0)
local minimum_damage = ui.add_key_bind("Damage Override Key", "damage_override_key", 0, 1)
local minimum_damage_value = ui.add_slider_int("Damage Override Value", "damage_override_value", 1, 120, 1)
local m_iHealth = se.get_netvar("DT_BasePlayer", "m_iHealth")
local function on_create_move(cmd)
local override = {
MinimumDamage = { minimum_damage:is_active(), minimum_damage_value:get_value() }
local entities = entitylist.get_players(0)
for i = 1, #entities do
local index = entities[i]:get_index()
if override.MinimumDamage[1] then
ragebot.override_min_damage(index, override.MinimumDamage[2])
local function on_paint()
local local_player = entitylist:get_local_player()
local screen = engine.get_screen_size()
if local_player:get_prop_int(m_iHealth) < 1 then
return end
if minimum_damage:is_active() then
renderer.text('Damage Override', font, vec2_t.new(screen.x / 2 - 2, screen.y / 2 + 15), 16, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, 255))
renderer.text('Damage Override', font, vec2_t.new(screen.x / 2 - 3, screen.y / 2 + 15), 16, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, 255))
renderer.text('Damage Override', font, vec2_t.new(screen.x / 2 - 2, screen.y / 2 + 15), 16, color_t.new(100, 100, 100, 255))
renderer.text('Damage Override', font, vec2_t.new(screen.x / 2 - 3, screen.y / 2 + 15), 16, color_t.new(100, 100, 100, 255))
renderer.text('Tryway', font, vec2_t.new(screen.x / 2 - 3, screen.y / 2 + 1), 16, color_t.new(220, 135, 49, 255))
renderer.text('Tryway', font, vec2_t.new(screen.x / 2 - 4, screen.y / 2 + 1), 16, color_t.new(17,17,17,100))
local Button = ui.add_key_bind("Body Aim Key", "body_aim_key", 0, 1)
local Deagle_head = ui.get_multi_combo_box("rage_deagle_hitscan")
local r8_head = ui.get_multi_combo_box("rage_revolver_hitscan")
local Scout_head = ui.get_multi_combo_box("rage_scout_hitscan")
local Auto_head = ui.get_multi_combo_box("rage_auto_hitscan")
local Pistols_head = ui.get_multi_combo_box("rage_pistols_hitscan")
local Smg_head = ui.get_multi_combo_box("rage_smg_hitscan")
local Rifle_head = ui.get_multi_combo_box("rage_rifle_hitscan")
local Awp_head = ui.get_multi_combo_box("rage_awp_hitscan")
local Shotgun_head = ui.get_multi_combo_box("rage_shotguns_hitscan")
local arial = renderer.setup_font("C:/windows/fonts/arial.ttf", 30, 0)
local screen_size = engine.get_screen_size()
client.register_callback("paint", function()
local bind_active = Button:is_active()
if bind_active then
Shotgun_head:set_value(0, false)
Deagle_head:set_value(0, false)
r8_head:set_value(0, false)
Auto_head:set_value(0, false)
Pistols_head:set_value(0, false)
Scout_head:set_value(0, false)
Smg_head:set_value(0, false)
Rifle_head:set_value(0, false)
Awp_head:set_value(0, false)
renderer.text("Body Aim", arial, vec2_t.new(957, 570), 16, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, 255))
renderer.text("Body Aim", arial, vec2_t.new(958, 570), 16, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, 255))
if bind_active == false then
Shotgun_head:set_value(0, true)
Deagle_head:set_value(0, true)
r8_head:set_value(0, true)
Auto_head:set_value(0, true)
Pistols_head:set_value(0, true)
Scout_head:set_value(0, true)
Smg_head:set_value(0, true)
Rifle_head:set_value(0, true)
Awp_head:set_value(0, true)
renderer.text("Body Aim", arial, vec2_t.new(957, 570), 16, color_t.new(100, 100, 100, 255))
renderer.text("Body Aim", arial, vec2_t.new(958, 570), 16, color_t.new(100, 100, 100, 255))
client.register_callback('create_move', on_create_move)
client.register_callback("paint", on_paint)
buy_pistol = ui.add_combo_box("Pistol", "_pistols", pistols_name_list, 0)
buy_weapon = ui.add_combo_box("Weapon", "_weapons", weapons_name_list, 0)
buy_other = ui.add_multi_combo_box("Other", "_other", other_name_list, { false, false, false, false, false, false })
lua_option_pitch_selected = ui.add_combo_box("Pitch", "lua_option_pitch_selected", { "None", "Down", "Zero", "Up" }, 2)
thirdperson_scale = ui.add_slider_int("Thirdperson scale", "thirdperson_scale", 65, 200, 120)
local dtactive0 = ui.get_key_bind("rage_active_exploit_bind")
local dtactive = ui.add_slider_int("auto dt Hitchance", "auto dt Hitchance", 0, 100, 24)
local dtactive3 = ui.add_slider_int("deagle dt Hitchance", "deagle dt Hitchance", 0, 100, 23)
local auto_hitchance = ui.get_slider_int("rage_auto_hitchance")
local deagle_hitchance = ui.get_slider_int("rage_deagle_hitchance")