Вопрос Оффсеты vbe

20 Июн 2021
как их вытащить ? знаю лишь то что можно достать чере3 ce с помощью поиска 06 и тд
Shitcode lord 💩
25 Ноя 2020
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Смотри нетвар m_iTaggedAsVisibleByTeam у C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Hero. Можешь мой старый дампер заюзать.

Сам дампер.
#include "CSource2Client.h"

std::set<const char*> ClassNames;

struct ClassDescription;
struct SchemaParent {
    uintptr_t idk;
    ClassDescription* parent;
struct ClassDescription {
    uintptr_t idk;//0
    uintptr_t classname;//8
    uintptr_t modulename;//10
    int sizeofclass;//18
    short memberstoiterate;//1c
    char pad[6];//20
    uintptr_t MemberInfo;//28
    uintptr_t idk2;//30
    SchemaParent* parent;//38
struct SchemaTypeDescription {
    uintptr_t idk;
    uintptr_t name;
    uintptr_t idk2;
struct MemberDescription {
    uintptr_t name;
    SchemaTypeDescription* schematypeptr;
    int offset;
    int idk;
    uintptr_t idk2;
typedef void* (*oCreateInterface)(const char*, int);
oCreateInterface pCreateInterface;
uintptr_t CreateInterface(const char* szModule, const char* szInterface) {
    pCreateInterface = (oCreateInterface)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA(szModule), "CreateInterface");
    return (uintptr_t)pCreateInterface(szInterface, 0);

uintptr_t SchemaSystem = 0;
void SchemaDumpToFileFull(const char* _module, const char* _class) {
    uintptr_t Scope = ((uintptr_t(*)(uintptr_t schemasys, const char* _mod))(*(uintptr_t*)(*(uintptr_t*)(SchemaSystem)+0x68)))(SchemaSystem, _module);

    if (!Scope) {
        cout << "No such scope [" << _module << "]" << "\n";

    uintptr_t Test1 = ((uintptr_t(*)(uintptr_t scope, const char* _class))(*(uintptr_t*)(*(uintptr_t*)(Scope)+0x10)))(Scope, _class);

    if (!Test1) {
        cout << "No such class [" << _class << "]" << "\n";

    std::ofstream myfile;
    std::string filepath = "C:\\Users\\Alexander\\Desktop\\";
    filepath = filepath + _class + ".txt";
    ClassDescription* a = (ClassDescription*)Test1;

label_1: {}
    myfile << (const char*)a->classname << "\n";
    if (!a->memberstoiterate) myfile << "<no members>" << "\n";
    for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < a->memberstoiterate; i++) {
        MemberDescription* z = (MemberDescription*)(a->MemberInfo + i * 0x20);
        myfile << "[Name => " << (const char*)z->name << "] [Type => " << (const char*)z->schematypeptr->name << "] [Offset => 0x" << std::hex << z->offset << " | "  << std::dec << z->offset << "]\n";

    if (a->parent) { a = a->parent->parent; goto label_1; }
    cout << "Netvars Dumped" << "\n";

void NetvarManager::DumpClassNames() {
    std::ofstream dumpFile;
    dumpFile.open("C:\\Users\\Alexander\\Desktop\\ClassNames.txt", std::ios_base::app);

    for (ClientClass* classes = sdk.client->GetAllClasses(); classes; classes = classes->m_pNext) {
        if (!classes->recvTable || !classes->recvTable->netVarsArray || !classes->m_pClassName)
        dumpFile << classes->m_pClassName << " | " << (int)classes->recvTable->numOfVars << "\n";

    cout << "Netvars Dumped" << "\n";

int NetvarManager::Offset(const char* m_pClassName, const char* netvarName) {
    SchemaSystem = CreateInterface("schemasystem.dll", "SchemaSystem_001");
    uintptr_t Scope = ((uintptr_t(*)(uintptr_t schemasys, const char* _mod))(*(uintptr_t*)(*(uintptr_t*)(SchemaSystem)+0x68)))(SchemaSystem, "client.dll");
    ClassDescription* a = (ClassDescription*)((uintptr_t(*)(uintptr_t scope, const char* _class))(*(uintptr_t*)(*(uintptr_t*)(Scope)+0x10)))(Scope, m_pClassName);

    int Offset = 0;
label_1: {}
    for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < a->memberstoiterate; i++) {
        MemberDescription* z = (MemberDescription*)(a->MemberInfo + i * 0x20);
        if (!strcmp((const char*)z->name, netvarName))
            return z->offset;

    if (a->parent) {
        a = a->parent->parent;
        goto label_1;

    return Offset;

void NetvarManager::DumpByName(const char* m_pClassName) {
    SchemaSystem = CreateInterface("schemasystem.dll", "SchemaSystem_001");
    SchemaDumpToFileFull("client.dll", m_pClassName);
#pragma once
#include "Schema.h"
#include "definitions.h"
#include "IAppSystem.h"

struct RecvProp;

struct DVariant {
    union {
        float m_Float;
        long m_Int;
        char* m_pString;
        void* m_pData;
        float m_Vector[3];
        int64_t m_Int64;
    int m_Type;

struct CRecvProxyData {
    const RecvProp* m_pRecvProp;
    DVariant m_Value;
    int m_iElement;
    int m_ObjectID;

struct RecvTable {
    RecvProp* m_pProps;
    int m_nProps;
    void* m_pDecoder;
    char* m_pNetTableName;
    bool m_bInitialized;
    bool m_bInMainList;

typedef void(*RecvVarProxyFn) (const CRecvProxyData* pData, void* pStruct, void* pOut);

struct RecvProp {
    char* m_pVarName;
    int m_RecvType;
    int m_Flags;
    int m_StringBufferSize;
    bool m_bInsideArray;
    const void* m_pExtraData;
    RecvProp* m_pArrayProp;
    void* m_ArrayLengthProxy;
    RecvVarProxyFn m_ProxyFn;
    void* m_DataTableProxyFn;
    RecvTable* m_pDataTable;
    int m_Offset;
    int m_ElementStride;
    int m_nElements;
    const char* m_pParentArrayPropName;

class ClientClass {
    char* m_pNetworkName; // 0x0000 //EX: CDOTAPlayer
    char* m_pClassName; // 0x0008 //EX: C_DOTAPlayer
    ClientClass* m_pNext; // 0x0010
    void* m_pCreateFn; // 0x0018
    void* m_pDestroyFn; // 0x0028
    char pad_0030[8]; // 0x0030
    char* m_pLibNameAndClassName; // 0x0038 //EX: libclient.so!C_DOTAPlayer
    SchemaRecvTable* recvTable; // 0x0040
    char pad_0048[20]; // 0x0048
    EClassIds m_ClassID; // 0x005C
    void* N00000046; // 0x0060
    void* N00000047; // 0x0068

class CSource2Client : IAppSystem {
    virtual void SetGlobals(void* CGlobalVarsBase) = 0; // 11
    virtual void InstallStringTableCallback(const char*) = 0;
    virtual void PlayerInfoChanged(int entIndex) = 0; // 13
    virtual void ClearInstancedBaselineFromClientClasses(void) = 0; // 14
    virtual void CreateMove(int screenSlot, int, bool) = 0; // 15
    virtual void* _16() = 0;
    virtual void* _17() = 0;
    virtual void SendMove(int screanSlot, int) = 0; // 18
    virtual void ProcessInput(int screenSlot, float, bool) = 0; // 19
    virtual void WriteUserCmdDeltaToBuffer(int, void*, int, int, bool) = 0; // 20
    virtual bool EncodeUserCmdToBuffer(void* CSplitScreenSlot_t, char&, int) = 0;
    virtual bool DecodeUserCmdToBuffer(void* CSplitScreenSlot_t, char&, int) = 0;
    virtual void GetEntity2Networkable(int entIndex, void* Entity2Networkable_t) = 0;
    virtual const char* GetEntity2ClassName(int entIndex) = 0;
    virtual void GetNetworkFieldChangeCallbackQueue(void) = 0; // 25
    virtual void NotifyShouldTransmit() = 0;
    virtual ClientClass* GetAllClasses() = 0; // 27 <---- VERIFIED
    virtual void ReceivedServerInfo(void* GameSessionConfiguration_t, void* ILoopModePrerequisiteRegistry) = 0;
    virtual void FrameStageNotify(ClientFrameStage_t stage) = 0; // 29 <---- VERIFIED
    virtual void HudVidInit(void) = 0; // 30
    virtual void HudUpdate(bool bActive) = 0;
    virtual void HudReset(void) = 0;
    virtual void HudText(void* client_textmessage_t) = 0;
    virtual void IN_ClearStates(void) = 0; // 34
    virtual bool IN_IsKeyDown(const char* name, bool isDown) = 0;
    virtual void DecalShoot() = 0; // 36
    virtual void PlayerDecalShoot() = 0;
    virtual void OnLevelLoadingStarted(void) = 0; // 38
    virtual void CenterStringOff(void) = 0;
    virtual void View_Fade(void* ScreenFade_t) = 0;
    virtual void OnSplitScreenStateChanged(void) = 0;
    virtual void ResetHudCloseCaption(void) = 0;
    virtual int GetPlayerTeamIndex(int entIndex) = 0;
    virtual void render_perf_shit() = 0;
    virtual bool CanVoiceChat(void) = 0;
    virtual void OnFullEntityUpdate(void) = 0;
    virtual void OnServerConnectionTimedOut(void const* ns_address) = 0;
#pragma once
#define PACK( __Declaration__ ) __pragma( pack(push, 1) ) __Declaration__ __pragma( pack(pop))

struct CSchemaClassBinding {
    CSchemaClassBinding* parent;
    const char* binaryName; // ex: C_World
    const char* projectName; // ex: libclient.so
    const char* className; // ex: client
    void* classInfoOldSynthesized;
    void* classInfoN;
    void* thisModuleBindingPointer;
    void* pSchemaType;

struct Netvar {
    const char* netvarName; // ex: m_nMinGPULevel
    void* _pad[2]; // 0x8
    uint32_t offset; // 0x18
    uint32_t something; // 0x1C
    void* _pad2[10];
    const char* typeName; // ex: uint8
    void* _pad3[5];

PACK(struct NetvarWrapper {
    Netvar* netVar;
    char sevenByteSwag[7];

struct SchemaRecvTable {
    const char* varName;
    void* _pad;
    int32_t numOfVars;
    int32_t something;
    NetvarWrapper* netVarsArray;
#pragma once

/* generic constants */
#define LIFE_ALIVE 0

/* Inspired by: https://github.com/DustinHLand/vkDOOM3/blob/master/neo/renderer/Vulkan/RenderBackend_VK.cpp#L91 */
#define CASE_STRING( x ) case static_cast<int>( x ) : return #x
#define CASE_STD_STRING( x ) case static_cast<int>( x ) : return std::string(#x)

typedef unsigned long long VPANEL;
typedef unsigned long long HFont;

class ICommandLine;
class KeyValues;
class CBaseClientState;
struct CGlowObjectManager;
class CDotaPlayer;

enum AttachType {

enum ClientFrameStage_t : int
    // (haven't run any frames yet)
    // A network packet is being recieved
    // Data has been received and we're going to start calling PostDataUpdate
    // Data has been received and we've called PostDataUpdate on all data recipients
    // We've received all packets, we can now do interpolation, prediction, etc..
    // We're about to start rendering the scene
    // We've finished rendering the scene.

enum class EClassIds : int
    CAdditionalWearable = 0,
    C_AI_BaseNPC = 1,
    C_BaseAnimating = 1,
    C_BaseAnimatingOverlay = 2,
    C_BaseAttributableItem = 3,
    C_BaseButton = 4,
    C_BaseClientUIEntity = 5,
    C_BaseCombatCharacter = 6,
    C_BaseCombatWeapon = 7,
    C_BaseDoor = 8,
    C_BaseEntity = 9,
    C_BaseFlex = 10,
    C_BaseModelEntity = 11,
    C_BasePlayer = 12,
    C_BasePropDoor = 13,
    C_BaseTeamObjectiveResource = 15,
    C_BaseToggle = 14,
    C_BaseTrigger = 15,
    C_BaseViewModel = 16,
    C_BaseVRHandAttachment = 17,
    C_Beam = 18,
    C_BeamSpotLight = 21,
    C_Breakable = 19,
    C_BreakableProp = 20,
    C_ButtonTimed = 21,
    C_ColorCorrection = 22,
    C_ColorCorrectionVolume = 23,
    C_DevtestHierarchy = 24,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Abaddon_DeathCoil = 25,
    CDOTA_Ability_AbyssalUnderlord_DarkRift = 26,
    CDOTA_Ability_AbyssalUnderlord_Firestorm = 27,
    CDOTA_Ability_AbyssalUnderlord_PitOfMalice = 28,
    CDOTA_Ability_Alchemist_AcidSpray = 29,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Alchemist_UnstableConcoction = 30,
    CDOTA_Ability_Alchemist_UnstableConcoctionThrow = 31,
    CDOTA_Ability_AncientApparition_ChillingTouch = 32,
    CDOTA_Ability_AncientApparition_ColdFeet = 33,
    CDOTA_Ability_AncientApparition_IceBlast = 34,
    CDOTA_Ability_AncientApparition_IceVortex = 35,
    C_DOTA_Ability_AntiMage_Blink = 36,
    C_DOTA_Ability_AntiMage_ManaVoid = 37,
    C_DOTA_Ability_AntiMage_SpellShield = 38,
    C_DOTA_Ability_ArcWarden_Flux = 39,
    C_DOTA_Ability_ArcWarden_MagneticField = 40,
    C_DOTA_Ability_ArcWarden_SparkWraith = 41,
    C_DOTA_Ability_ArcWarden_TempestDouble = 42,
    C_DOTA_Ability_AttributeBonus = 43,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Axe_BerserkersCall = 44,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Axe_CounterHelix = 45,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Axe_CullingBlade = 46,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Bane_BrainSap = 47,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Bane_FiendsGrip = 48,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Batrider_Flamebreak = 49,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Batrider_StickyNapalm = 50,
    CDOTA_Ability_Beastmaster_PrimalRoar = 51,
    C_DOTA_Ability_BlackDragon_Fireball = 52,
    CDOTA_Ability_Bloodseeker_Bloodbath = 53,
    C_DOTA_Ability_BountyHunter_Jinada = 54,
    C_DOTA_Ability_BountyHunter_ShurikenToss = 55,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_DispelMagic = 56,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_DrunkenBrawler = 57,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_DrunkenHaze = 58,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_PermanentImmolation = 59,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_PrimalSplit = 60,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_ThunderClap = 61,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Bristleback_QuillSpray = 62,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Bristleback_ViscousNasalGoo = 63,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Broodmother_SpinWeb = 64,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Centaur_HoofStomp = 65,
    CDOTA_Ability_Centaur_Stampede = 66,
    C_DOTA_Ability_ChaosKnight_Phantasm = 67,
    C_DOTA_Ability_ChaosKnight_Reality_Rift = 68,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Chen_HandOfGod = 69,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Chen_HolyPersuasion = 70,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Chen_TestOfFaith = 71,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Chen_TestOfFaithTeleport = 72,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Courier_TakeStashAndTransferItems = 73,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Courier_TakeStashItems = 74,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Courier_TransferItems = 75,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Courier_TransferItems_ToOtherPlayer = 76,
    C_DOTA_Ability_CrystalMaiden_CrystalNova = 77,
    C_DOTA_Ability_CrystalMaiden_FreezingField = 78,
    C_DOTA_Ability_DarkSeer_Surge = 79,
    C_DOTA_Ability_DarkSeer_Vacuum = 80,
    C_DOTA_Ability_DarkWillow_Bedlam = 81,
    C_DOTA_Ability_DarkWillow_BrambleMaze = 82,
    C_DOTA_Ability_DarkWillow_ShadowRealm = 83,
    C_DOTA_Ability_DarkWillow_Terrorize = 84,
    C_DOTA_Ability_DataDriven = 85,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Dazzle_Poison_Touch = 86,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Dazzle_ShadowWave = 87,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Dazzle_Shallow_Grave = 88,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Dazzle_Weave = 89,
    C_DOTA_Ability_DeathProphet_CarrionSwarm = 90,
    C_DOTA_Ability_DeathProphet_Exorcism = 91,
    C_DOTA_Ability_DeathProphet_Silence = 92,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Disruptor_Glimpse = 93,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Disruptor_KineticField = 94,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Disruptor_StaticStorm = 95,
    C_DOTA_Ability_DoomBringer_Devour = 96,
    C_DOTA_Ability_DoomBringer_InfernalBlade = 97,
    C_DOTA_Ability_DragonKnight_BreatheFire = 98,
    C_DOTA_Ability_DrowRanger_Silence = 99,
    C_DOTA_Ability_DrowRanger_WaveOfSilence = 100,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Earthshaker_Aftershock = 101,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Earthshaker_EnchantTotem = 102,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Earthshaker_Fissure = 103,
    C_DOTA_Ability_EarthSpirit_BoulderSmash = 104,
    C_DOTA_Ability_EarthSpirit_GeomagneticGrip = 105,
    CDOTA_Ability_EarthSpirit_Petrify = 106,
    C_DOTA_Ability_EarthSpirit_RollingBoulder = 107,
    C_DOTA_Ability_EarthSpirit_StoneCaller = 108,
    CDOTA_Ability_Elder_Titan_EarthSplitter = 109,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Elder_Titan_NaturalOrder = 110,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Elder_Titan_NaturalOrder_Spirit = 111,
    C_DOTA_Ability_EmberSpirit_Activate_FireRemnant = 112,
    C_DOTA_Ability_EmberSpirit_FireRemnant = 113,
    C_DOTA_Ability_EmberSpirit_SearingChains = 114,
    C_DOTA_Ability_EmberSpirit_SleightOfFist = 115,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Enchantress_Enchant = 116,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Enchantress_Impetus = 117,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Enchantress_NaturesAttendants = 118,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Enchantress_Untouchable = 119,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Enigma_BlackHole = 120,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Enigma_DemonicConversion = 121,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Enigma_MidnightPulse = 122,
    C_DOTA_Ability_FacelessVoid_Chronosphere = 123,
    C_DOTA_Ability_FacelessVoid_TimeDilation = 124,
    C_DOTA_Ability_FacelessVoid_TimeWalk = 125,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Furion_ForceOfNature = 126,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Furion_Sprout = 127,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Furion_Teleportation = 128,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Black_BrainSap = 129,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Black_Nightmare = 130,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Blue_ColdFeet = 131,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Blue_IceVortex = 132,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Green_LivingArmor = 133,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Green_Overgrowth = 134,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Orange_DragonSlave = 135,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Orange_LightStrikeArray = 136,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Purple_PlagueWard = 137,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Purple_VenomousGale = 138,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Red_Earthshock = 139,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Red_Overpower = 140,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Sight = 141,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_White_Degen_Aura = 142,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_White_Purification = 143,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Yellow_IonShell = 144,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Yellow_Surge = 145,
    CDOTA_Ability_Gyrocopter_Call_Down = 146,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Gyrocopter_Flak_Cannon = 147,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Gyrocopter_Homing_Missile = 148,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Gyrocopter_Rocket_Barrage = 149,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Healing_Campfire = 150,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Holdout_CullingBlade = 151,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Holdout_GladiatorsUnite = 152,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Holdout_Multishot = 153,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Holdout_Omnislash = 154,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Huskar_Inner_Vitality = 155,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Huskar_Life_Break = 156,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Invoker_Alacrity = 157,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Invoker_AttributeBonus = 158,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Invoker_DeafeningBlast = 159,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Invoker_EMP = 160,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Invoker_GhostWalk = 161,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Invoker_Invoke = 162,
    CDOTA_Ability_Invoker_InvokedBase = 163,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Invoker_SunStrike = 164,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Invoker_Tornado = 165,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Jakiro_DualBreath = 166,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Jakiro_IcePath = 167,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Jakiro_Macropyre = 168,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Juggernaut_BladeFury = 169,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Juggernaut_HealingWard = 170,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Juggernaut_Omnislash = 171,
    C_DOTA_Ability_KeeperOfTheLight_BlindingLight = 172,
    C_DOTA_Ability_KeeperOfTheLight_Illuminate = 173,
    C_DOTA_Ability_KeeperOfTheLight_Recall = 174,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Kunkka_GhostShip = 175,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Kunkka_Tidebringer = 176,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Kunkka_Torrent = 177,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Legion_Commander_MomentOfCourage = 178,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Legion_Commander_OverwhelmingOdds = 179,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Legion_Commander_PressTheAttack = 180,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Leshrac_Diabolic_Edict = 181,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Leshrac_Pulse_Nova = 182,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Leshrac_Split_Earth = 183,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Lich_ChainFrost = 184,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Lich_FrostNova = 185,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Life_Stealer_Infest = 186,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Life_Stealer_Open_Wounds = 187,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Lina_DragonSlave = 188,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Lina_LagunaBlade = 189,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Lina_LightStrikeArray = 190,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Lion_FingerOfDeath = 191,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Lion_Impale = 192,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Lion_ManaDrain = 193,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Lion_Voodoo = 194,
    C_DOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_Rabid = 195,
    C_DOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_SavageRoar = 196,
    C_DOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_SavageRoar_Bear = 197,
    C_DOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_SpiritBear = 198,
    C_DOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_SpiritBear_Entangle = 199,
    C_DOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_SpiritBear_Return = 200,
    C_DOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_TrueForm_BattleCry = 201,
    C_DOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_TrueForm_Druid = 202,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Lua = 203,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Luna_Eclipse = 204,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Luna_LucentBeam = 205,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Luna_LunarBlessing = 206,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Lycan_FeralImpulse = 207,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Lycan_Howl = 208,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Lycan_SummonWolves = 209,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Magnataur_ReversePolarity = 210,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Magnataur_Shockwave = 211,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Magnataur_Skewer = 212,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Medusa_SplitShot = 213,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Meepo_DividedWeStand = 214,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Meepo_Earthbind = 215,
    CDOTA_Ability_Meepo_Poof = 216,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Mirana_Arrow = 217,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Mirana_Leap = 218,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Mirana_MoonlightShadow = 219,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Mirana_Starfall = 220,
    C_DOTA_Ability_MonkeyKing_FurArmy = 221,
    C_DOTA_Ability_MonkeyKing_Spring = 222,
    C_DOTA_Ability_MonkeyKing_TreeDance = 223,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Morphling_AdaptiveStrike_Agi = 224,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Morphling_AdaptiveStrike_Str = 225,
    CDOTA_Ability_Morphling_Hybrid = 226,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Morphling_Replicate = 227,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Morphling_Waveform = 228,
    C_DOTA_Ability_NagaSiren_Ensnare = 229,
    C_DOTA_Ability_NagaSiren_MirrorImage = 230,
    C_DOTA_Ability_NagaSiren_RipTide = 231,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Necrolyte_Death_Pulse = 232,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Necrolyte_ReapersScythe = 233,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Necrolyte_Sadist = 234,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Nevermore_Requiem = 235,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Nevermore_Shadowraze = 236,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Nian_Apocalypse = 237,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Nian_Eruption = 238,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Nian_Frenzy = 239,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Nian_Hurricane = 240,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Nian_Roar = 241,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Nian_Sigils = 242,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Nian_Tail_Swipe = 243,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Nian_Waterball = 244,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Nian_Whirlpool = 245,
    C_DOTA_Ability_NightStalker_CripplingFear = 246,
    C_DOTA_Ability_NightStalker_HunterInTheNight = 247,
    CDOTA_Ability_Nyx_Assassin_Burrow = 248,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Nyx_Assassin_Impale = 249,
    CDOTA_Ability_Nyx_Assassin_ManaBurn = 250,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Obsidian_Destroyer_ArcaneOrb = 251,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Obsidian_Destroyer_AstralImprisonment = 252,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Obsidian_Destroyer_SanityEclipse = 253,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Ogre_Magi_Bloodlust = 254,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Ogre_Magi_Fireblast = 255,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Ogre_Magi_Ignite = 256,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Ogre_Magi_Multicast = 257,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Ogre_Magi_Unrefined_Fireblast = 258,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Omniknight_GuardianAngel = 259,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Omniknight_Purification = 260,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Oracle_FatesEdict = 261,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Oracle_FortunesEnd = 262,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Oracle_PurifyingFlames = 263,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Pangolier_Gyroshell = 264,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Pangolier_GyroshellStop = 265,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Pangolier_ShieldCrash = 266,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Pangolier_Swashbuckle = 267,
    C_DOTA_Ability_PhantomAssassin_PhantomStrike = 268,
    C_DOTA_Ability_PhantomLancer_Doppelwalk = 269,
    C_DOTA_Ability_PhantomLancer_SpiritLance = 270,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Phoenix_LaunchFireSpirit = 271,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Phoenix_Supernova = 272,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Puck_DreamCoil = 273,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Puck_IllusoryOrb = 274,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Puck_WaningRift = 275,
    CDOTA_Ability_Pudge_Dismember = 276,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Pudge_FleshHeap = 277,
    CDOTA_Ability_Pudge_MeatHook = 278,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Pudge_Rot = 279,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Pugna_Decrepify = 280,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Pugna_LifeDrain = 281,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Pugna_NetherBlast = 282,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Pugna_NetherWard = 283,
    C_DOTA_Ability_QueenOfPain_Blink = 284,
    C_DOTA_Ability_QueenOfPain_ScreamOfPain = 285,
    C_DOTA_Ability_QueenOfPain_ShadowStrike = 286,
    C_DOTA_Ability_QueenOfPain_SonicWave = 287,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Rattletrap_BatteryAssault = 288,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Rattletrap_Hookshot = 289,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Rattletrap_PowerCogs = 290,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Rattletrap_RocketFlare = 291,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Razor_EyeOfTheStorm = 292,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Razor_PlasmaField = 293,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Razor_UnstableCurrent = 294,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Riki_BlinkStrike = 295,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Riki_SmokeScreen = 296,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Riki_TricksOfTheTrade = 297,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Rubick_NullField = 298,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Rubick_SpellSteal = 299,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Rubick_Telekinesis = 300,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Rubick_TelekinesisLand = 301,
    C_DOTA_Ability_SandKing_BurrowStrike = 302,
    C_DOTA_Ability_SandKing_Epicenter = 303,
    C_DOTA_Ability_SandKing_SandStorm = 304,
    C_DOTA_Ability_SatyrTrickster_Purge = 305,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Shadow_Demon_Disruption = 306,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Shadow_Demon_Shadow_Poison = 307,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Shadow_Demon_Soul_Catcher = 308,
    C_DOTA_Ability_ShadowShaman_Shackles = 309,
    C_DOTA_Ability_ShadowShamanVoodoo = 310,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Shredder_Chakram = 311,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Shredder_TimberChain = 312,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Silencer_CurseOfTheSilent = 313,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Silencer_GlaivesOfWisdom = 314,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Silencer_GlobalSilence = 315,
    C_DOTA_Ability_SkeletonKing_Reincarnation = 316,
    C_DOTA_Ability_SkeletonKing_VampiricAura = 317,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Skywrath_Mage_Ancient_Seal = 318,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Skywrath_Mage_Mystic_Flare = 319,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Slardar_Amplify_Damage = 320,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Slardar_Slithereen_Crush = 321,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Slark_EssenceShift = 322,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Slark_Pounce = 323,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Slark_ShadowDance = 324,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Sniper_Assassinate = 325,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Sniper_Shrapnel = 326,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Spawnlord_Master_Freeze = 327,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Spectre_Desolate = 328,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Spectre_Dispersion = 329,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Spectre_SpectralDagger = 330,
    C_DOTA_Ability_SpiritBreaker_EmpoweringHaste = 331,
    C_DOTA_Ability_SpiritBreaker_NetherStrike = 332,
    C_DOTA_Ability_StormSpirit_BallLightning = 333,
    C_DOTA_Ability_StormSpirit_ElectricVortex = 334,
    C_DOTA_Ability_StormSpirit_StaticRemnant = 335,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Sven_StormBolt = 336,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Sven_Warcry = 337,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Techies_FocusedDetonate = 338,
    CDOTA_Ability_Techies_LandMines = 339,
    CDOTA_Ability_Techies_Minefield_Sign = 340,
    CDOTA_Ability_Techies_RemoteMines = 341,
    CDOTA_Ability_Techies_RemoteMines_SelfDetonate = 342,
    CDOTA_Ability_Techies_StasisTrap = 343,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Techies_Suicide = 344,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Terrorblade_ConjureImage = 345,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Terrorblade_Reflection = 346,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Terrorblade_Sunder = 347,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Throw_Coal = 348,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Throw_Snowball = 349,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Tidehunter_AnchorSmash = 350,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Tidehunter_Gush = 351,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Tidehunter_Ravage = 352,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Tiny_Avalanche = 353,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Tiny_CraggyExterior = 354,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Tiny_Toss = 355,
    CDOTA_Ability_Treant_EyesInTheForest = 356,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Treant_LivingArmor = 357,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Treant_Overgrowth = 358,
    C_DOTA_Ability_TrollWarlord_BerserkersRage = 359,
    C_DOTA_Ability_TrollWarlord_Whirling_Axes_Melee = 360,
    C_DOTA_Ability_TrollWarlord_WhirlingAxes_Ranged = 361,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Tusk_FrozenSigil = 362,
    CDOTA_Ability_Tusk_WalrusKick = 363,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Tusk_WalrusPunch = 364,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Undying_Decay = 365,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Undying_FleshGolem = 366,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Undying_SoulRip = 367,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Ursa_Earthshock = 368,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Ursa_Enrage = 369,
    C_DOTA_Ability_VengefulSpirit_Magic_Missile = 370,
    C_DOTA_Ability_VengefulSpirit_Nether_Swap = 371,
    C_DOTA_Ability_VengefulSpirit_WaveOfTerror = 372,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Venomancer_PlagueWard = 373,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Venomancer_PoisonNova = 374,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Venomancer_VenomousGale = 375,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Viper_CorrosiveSkin = 376,
    CDOTA_Ability_Viper_Nethertoxin = 377,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Viper_PoisonAttack = 378,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Viper_ViperStrike = 379,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Visage_Stone_Form_Self_Cast = 380,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Visage_SummonFamiliars = 381,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Visage_SummonFamiliars_StoneForm = 382,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Warlock_RainOfChaos = 383,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Warlock_Shadow_Word = 384,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Warlock_Upheaval = 385,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Weaver_Shukuchi = 386,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Weaver_TheSwarm = 387,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Weaver_TimeLapse = 388,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Windrunner_FocusFire = 389,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Windrunner_Powershot = 390,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Windrunner_Windrun = 391,
    CDOTA_Ability_Winter_Wyvern_Arctic_Burn = 392,
    CDOTA_Ability_Winter_Wyvern_Cold_Embrace = 393,
    CDOTA_Ability_Winter_Wyvern_Splinter_Blast = 394,
    CDOTA_Ability_Winter_Wyvern_Winters_Curse = 395,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Wisp_Overcharge = 396,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Wisp_Relocate = 397,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Wisp_Spirits = 398,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Wisp_Tether = 399,
    C_DOTA_Ability_WitchDoctor_Maledict = 400,
    C_DOTA_Ability_WitchDoctor_ParalyzingCask = 401,
    C_DOTA_Ability_WitchDoctor_VoodooRestoration = 402,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Zuus_Cloud = 403,
    C_DOTA_Ability_Zuus_LightningBolt = 404,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC = 405,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Additive = 406,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Barracks = 407,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Building = 408,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Creature = 409,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Creep = 410,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Lane = 411,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Neutral = 412,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Siege = 413,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Talking = 414,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Effigy_BattleCup = 415,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Effigy_Statue = 416,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Filler = 417,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Fort = 418,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_HallofFame = 419,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Healer = 420,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Hero = 421,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_HoldoutTower = 422,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_HoldoutTower_HeavySlow = 423,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_HoldoutTower_LightFast = 424,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_HoldoutTower_ReduceSpeed = 425,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Invoker_Forged_Spirit = 426,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_SDKTower = 427,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_ShadowShaman_SerpentWard = 428,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Shop = 429,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Tower = 430,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Trap_Ward = 431,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Tusk_Sigil = 432,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Venomancer_PlagueWard = 433,
    C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Warlock_Golem = 434,
    C_DOTA_Beastmaster_Axe = 435,
    C_DOTA_DarkWillow_Creature = 436,
    C_DOTA_DataCustomTeam = 437,
    C_DOTA_DataDire = 438,
    C_DOTA_DataNonSpectator = 439,
    C_DOTA_DataRadiant = 440,
    C_DOTA_DataSpectator = 441,
    C_DOTA_DeathProphet_Exorcism_Spirit = 442,
    C_DOTA_DisplacementVisibility = 443,
    C_DOTA_Hero_Recorder = 444,
    C_DOTA_Item = 445,
    C_DOTA_Item_Aether_Lens = 446,
    C_DOTA_Item_Ancient_Janggo = 447,
    C_DOTA_Item_Arcane_Boots = 448,
    C_DOTA_Item_Armlet = 449,
    CDOTA_Item_Battlefury = 450,
    C_DOTA_Item_BlinkDagger = 451,
    C_DOTA_Item_Bloodstone = 452,
    C_DOTA_Item_BootsOfTravel = 453,
    CDOTA_Item_BootsOfTravel_2 = 454,
    C_DOTA_Item_Buckler = 455,
    C_DOTA_Item_Crimson_Guard = 456,
    C_DOTA_Item_Cyclone = 457,
    C_DOTA_Item_DataDriven = 458,
    C_DOTA_Item_DeathGoldDropped = 459,
    C_DOTA_Item_Diffusal_Blade = 460,
    C_DOTA_Item_Diffusal_Blade_Level2 = 461,
    C_DOTA_Item_EmptyBottle = 462,
    C_DOTA_Item_Ethereal_Blade = 463,
    CDOTA_Item_ForceStaff = 464,
    C_DOTA_Item_GemOfTrueSight = 465,
    CDOTA_Item_GlimmerCape = 466,
    CDOTA_Item_Guardian_Greaves = 467,
    CDOTA_Item_Hurricane_Pike = 468,
    C_DOTA_Item_Iron_Talon = 469,
    C_DOTA_Item_Lua = 470,
    C_DOTA_Item_MantaStyle = 471,
    CDOTA_Item_Medallion_Of_Courage = 472,
    C_DOTA_Item_Mekansm = 473,
    C_DOTA_Item_MeteorHammer = 474,
    CDOTA_Item_Moonshard = 475,
    C_DOTA_Item_Necronomicon = 476,
    C_DOTA_Item_Necronomicon_Level2 = 477,
    C_DOTA_Item_Necronomicon_Level3 = 478,
    C_DOTA_Item_Nian_Flag_Trap = 479,
    C_DOTA_Item_Nullifier = 480,
    CDOTA_Item_ObserverWard = 481,
    C_DOTA_Item_Physical = 482,
    C_DOTA_Item_Pipe = 483,
    C_DOTA_Item_PowerTreads = 484,
    C_DOTA_Item_QuellingBlade = 485,
    C_DOTA_Item_Radiance = 486,
    CDOTA_Item_Recipe_Guardian_Greaves = 487,
    C_DOTA_Item_Recipe_Veil_Of_Discord = 488,
    C_DOTA_Item_Ring_Of_Basilius = 489,
    C_DOTA_Item_RingOfAquila = 490,
    C_DOTA_Item_Rune = 491,
    C_DOTA_Item_RuneSpawner = 492,
    C_DOTA_Item_RuneSpawner_Bounty = 493,
    C_DOTA_Item_RuneSpawner_Powerup = 494,
    CDOTA_Item_SentryWard = 495,
    C_DOTA_Item_Shivas_Guard = 496,
    C_DOTA_Item_Smoke_Of_Deceit = 497,
    CDOTA_Item_Solar_Crest = 498,
    C_DOTA_Item_Spirit_Vessel = 499,
    C_DOTA_Item_Tango = 500,
    C_DOTA_Item_Tango_Single = 501,
    C_DOTA_Item_TeleportScroll = 502,
    C_DOTA_Item_Tome_Of_Knowledge = 503,
    C_DOTA_Item_TranquilBoots = 504,
    C_DOTA_Item_TranquilBoots2 = 505,
    C_DOTA_Item_UltimateScepter = 506,
    C_DOTA_Item_Urn_Of_Shadows = 507,
    C_DOTA_Item_Veil_Of_Discord = 508,
    C_DOTA_Item_Vladmir = 509,
    CDOTA_Item_Ward_Dispenser = 510,
    C_DOTA_NeutralSpawner = 511,
    C_DOTA_NPC_DataDriven = 512,
    CDOTA_NPC_Observer_Ward = 513,
    CDOTA_NPC_Observer_Ward_TrueSight = 514,
    C_DOTA_NPC_Techies_Minefield_Sign = 515,
    C_DOTA_NPC_TechiesMines = 516,
    C_DOTA_NPC_Treant_EyesInTheForest = 517,
    C_DOTA_NPC_WitchDoctor_Ward = 518,
    C_DOTA_PhantomAssassin_Gravestone = 519,
    C_DOTA_PlayerResource = 520,
    C_DOTA_RoshanSpawner = 521,
    C_DOTA_SimpleObstruction = 522,
    C_DOTA_TempTree = 523,
    C_DOTA_Tiny_ScepterTree = 524,
    CDOTA_Unit_Announcer = 525,
    CDOTA_Unit_Announcer_Killing_Spree = 526,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Brewmaster_PrimalEarth = 527,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Brewmaster_PrimalFire = 528,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Brewmaster_PrimalStorm = 529,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Broodmother_Spiderling = 530,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Broodmother_Web = 531,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Courier = 532,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Earth_Spirit_Stone = 533,
    CDOTA_Unit_Elder_Titan_AncestralSpirit = 534,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Fountain = 535,
    CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Abaddon = 536,
    CDOTA_Unit_Hero_AbyssalUnderlord = 537,
    CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Alchemist = 538,
    CDOTA_Unit_Hero_AncientApparition = 539,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_AntiMage = 540,
    CDOTA_Unit_Hero_ArcWarden = 541,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Axe = 542,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Bane = 543,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Batrider = 544,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Beastmaster = 545,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Beastmaster_Beasts = 546,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Beastmaster_Boar = 547,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Beastmaster_Hawk = 548,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Bloodseeker = 549,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_BountyHunter = 550,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Brewmaster = 551,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Bristleback = 552,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Broodmother = 553,
    CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Centaur = 554,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_ChaosKnight = 555,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Chen = 556,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Clinkz = 557,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_CrystalMaiden = 558,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_DarkSeer = 559,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_DarkWillow = 560,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Dazzle = 561,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_DeathProphet = 562,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Disruptor = 563,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_DoomBringer = 564,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_DragonKnight = 565,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_DrowRanger = 566,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Earthshaker = 567,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_EarthSpirit = 568,
    CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Elder_Titan = 569,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_EmberSpirit = 570,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Enchantress = 571,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Enigma = 572,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_FacelessVoid = 573,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Furion = 574,
    CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Gyrocopter = 575,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Huskar = 576,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Invoker = 577,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Jakiro = 578,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Juggernaut = 579,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_KeeperOfTheLight = 580,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Kunkka = 581,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Legion_Commander = 582,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Leshrac = 583,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Lich = 584,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Life_Stealer = 585,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Lina = 586,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Lion = 587,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_LoneDruid = 588,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Luna = 589,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Lycan = 590,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Magnataur = 591,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Medusa = 592,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Meepo = 593,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Mirana = 594,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_MonkeyKing = 595,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Morphling = 596,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Naga_Siren = 597,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Necrolyte = 598,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Nevermore = 599,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_NightStalker = 600,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Nyx_Assassin = 601,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Obsidian_Destroyer = 602,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Ogre_Magi = 603,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Omniknight = 604,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Oracle = 605,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Pangolier = 606,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_PhantomAssassin = 607,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_PhantomLancer = 608,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Phoenix = 609,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Puck = 610,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Pudge = 611,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Pugna = 612,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_QueenOfPain = 613,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Rattletrap = 614,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Razor = 615,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Riki = 616,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Rubick = 617,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_SandKing = 618,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Shadow_Demon = 619,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_ShadowShaman = 620,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Shredder = 621,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Silencer = 622,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_SkeletonKing = 623,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Skywrath_Mage = 624,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Slardar = 625,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Slark = 626,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Sniper = 627,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Spectre = 628,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_SpiritBreaker = 629,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_StormSpirit = 630,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Sven = 631,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Techies = 632,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_TemplarAssassin = 633,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Terrorblade = 634,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Tidehunter = 635,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Tinker = 636,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Tiny = 637,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Treant = 638,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_TrollWarlord = 639,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Tusk = 640,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Undying = 641,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Ursa = 642,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_VengefulSpirit = 643,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Venomancer = 644,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Viper = 645,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Visage = 646,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Warlock = 647,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Weaver = 648,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Windrunner = 649,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Winter_Wyvern = 650,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Wisp = 651,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_WitchDoctor = 652,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Hero_Zuus = 653,
    C_DOTA_Unit_LoopingSound = 654,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Nian = 655,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Roshan = 656,
    C_DOTA_Unit_SpiritBear = 657,
    C_DOTA_Unit_TargetDummy = 658,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Undying_Tombstone = 659,
    C_DOTA_Unit_Undying_Zombie = 660,
    C_DOTA_Unit_VisageFamiliar = 661,
    C_DOTA_Unit_ZeusCloud = 662,
    C_DOTA_Wisp_Spirit = 663,
    C_DOTAAbilityDraftGameMode = 664,
    C_DOTABaseAbility = 665,
    C_DOTABaseCustomHeroPickRules = 666,
    C_DOTABaseGameMode = 667,
    C_DOTACameraBounds = 668,
    C_DOTAFogOfWarTempViewers = 669,
    C_DOTAGameManagerProxy = 670,
    C_DOTAGamerulesProxy = 671,
    C_DOTAHoldoutNetworker = 672,
    CDOTAInGamePredictionState = 673,
    C_DOTAMinimapBoundary = 677,
    C_DOTAMutationGameMode = 674,
    C_DOTAPlayer = 675,
    C_DOTAPropCustomTexture = 676,
    C_DotaQuest = 677,
    C_DotaQuestBase = 678,
    C_DOTASpecGraphPlayerData = 679,
    C_DOTASpectatorGraphManagerProxy = 680,
    C_DotaSubquestBase = 681,
    C_DOTATeam = 682,
    C_DOTATurboGameMode = 683,
    C_DOTATurboHeroPickRules = 684,
    C_DotaTutorialNetworker = 685,
    C_DOTAWearableItem = 686,
    C_DynamicLight = 687,
    C_DynamicProp = 688,
    C_EconEntity = 689,
    C_EconWearable = 690,
    C_EntityDissolve = 691,
    C_EntityFlame = 692,
    C_EnvClock = 693,
    C_EnvCombinedLightProbeVolume = 694,
    C_EnvCubemap = 695,
    C_EnvCubemapBox = 696,
    C_EnvDeferredLight = 697,
    C_EnvDetailController = 698,
    C_EnvDOFController = 699,
    C_EnvLightProbeVolume = 700,
    C_EnvProjectedTexture = 701,
    C_EnvScreenEffect = 702,
    C_EnvScreenOverlay = 703,
    C_EnvSky = 704,
    C_EnvVolumetricFogController = 705,
    C_EnvWind = 706,
    C_FireSmoke = 707,
    C_Fish = 708,
    C_FogController = 709,
    C_Func_Dust = 710,
    C_Func_LOD = 711,
    C_FuncAreaPortalWindow = 712,
    C_FuncBrush = 713,
    C_FuncCombineBarrier = 714,
    C_FuncConveyor = 715,
    C_FuncDistanceOccluder = 716,
    C_FuncLadder = 717,
    C_FuncMonitor = 718,
    C_FuncMoveLinear = 719,
    C_FuncOccluder = 720,
    C_FuncRotating = 721,
    C_FuncTrackTrain = 722,
    C_GameRulesProxy = 723,
    C_GenericFlexCycler = 724,
    C_HandleTest = 725,
    C_InfoLadderDismount = 726,
    C_InfoOverlayAccessor = 727,
    C_InfoPlayerStartBadGuys = 728,
    C_InfoPlayerStartDota = 729,
    C_InfoPlayerStartGoodGuys = 730,
    CInfoWorldLayer = 731,
    C_IngameEvent_Base = 732,
    C_IngameEvent_DotaPlus = 733,
    C_IngameEvent_DotaPrime = 734,
    C_IngameEvent_FM2015 = 735,
    C_IngameEvent_FM2016 = 736,
    C_IngameEvent_TI6 = 737,
    C_IngameEvent_TI7 = 738,
    C_IngameEvent_TI8 = 739,
    C_IngameEvent_WM2016 = 740,
    C_IngameEvent_WM2017 = 741,
    C_LightDirectionalEntity = 742,
    C_LightEntity = 743,
    C_LightEnvironmentEntity = 744,
    C_LightGlow = 745,
    C_LightOrthoEntity = 746,
    C_LightSpotEntity = 747,
    C_MaterialModifyControl = 748,
    C_ModelPointEntity = 749,
    C_ParticlePerformanceMonitor = 750,
    C_ParticleSystem = 751,
    C_PhysBox = 752,
    C_PhysBoxMultiplayer = 753,
    C_PhysicsProp = 754,
    C_PhysMagnet = 755,
    C_PlayerResource = 757,
    C_PointCamera = 758,
    C_PointClientUIDialog = 759,
    C_PointClientUIHUD = 763,
    C_PointClientUIWorldPanel = 760,
    C_PointClientUIWorldTextPanel = 761,
    C_PointEntity = 763,
    C_PointHMDAnchor = 764,
    C_PointHMDAnchorOverride = 765,
    C_PointValueRemapper = 766,
    C_PointWorldText = 767,
    C_PoseController = 768,
    C_PostProcessController = 769,
    C_PostProcessingVolume = 770,
    CClient_Precipitation = 771,
    C_PrecipitationBlocker = 772,
    C_PropHMDAvatar = 773,
    C_PropJeep = 777,
    C_PropVehicleChoreoGeneric = 778,
    C_PropVehicleDriveable = 774,
    C_PropVRHand = 775,
    C_PropVRTrackedObject = 776,
    C_PropZipline = 777,
    C_RagdollManager = 778,
    C_ServerRagdoll = 779,
    C_ServerRagdollAttached = 780,
    C_RopeKeyframe = 781,
    C_SceneEntity = 782,
    C_ShadowControl = 783,
    C_SkyCamera = 784,
    C_SlideshowDisplay = 790,
    C_SpeechBubbleManager = 785,
    C_SpotlightEnd = 786,
    C_Sprite = 787,
    C_SpriteOriented = 788,
    C_Sun = 789,
    C_Team = 790,
    C_TeamplayRoundBasedRulesProxy = 797,
    C_TeamRoundTimer = 798,
    C_TestTraceline = 791,
    C_TFWearableItem = 792,
    C_TonemapController2 = 793,
    C_TriggerCamera = 794,
    C_TriggerPlayerMovement = 795,
    C_VRHandModelOverride = 797,
    C_WaterBullet = 798,
    C_World = 799,
    C_NextBotCombatCharacter = 800,

#define FL_ONGROUND                (1<<0)    // At rest / on the ground
#define FL_DUCKING                (1<<1)    // Player flag -- Player is fully crouched
#define FL_WATERJUMP            (1<<2)    // player jumping out of water
#define FL_ONTRAIN                (1<<3)    // Player is _controlling_ a train, so movement commands should be ignored on client during prediction.
#define FL_INRAIN                (1<<4)    // Indicates the entity is standing in rain
#define FL_FROZEN                (1<<5)    // Player is frozen for 3rd person camera
#define FL_ATCONTROLS            (1<<6)    // Player can't move, but keeps key inputs for controlling another entity
#define FL_CLIENT                (1<<7)    // Is a player
#define FL_FAKECLIENT            (1<<8)    // Fake client, simulated server side; don't send network messages to them
// NON-PLAYER SPECIFIC (i.e., not used by GameMovement or the client .dll ) -- Can still be applied to players, though
#define FL_INWATER                (1<<9)    // In water

#define CONTENTS_EMPTY            0        // No contents

#define CONTENTS_SOLID            0x1        // an eye is never valid in a solid
#define CONTENTS_WINDOW            0x2        // translucent, but not watery (glass)
#define CONTENTS_AUX            0x4
#define CONTENTS_GRATE            0x8        // alpha-tested "grate" textures.  Bullets/sight pass through, but solids don't
#define CONTENTS_SLIME            0x10
#define CONTENTS_WATER            0x20
#define CONTENTS_BLOCKLOS        0x40    // block AI line of sight
#define CONTENTS_OPAQUE            0x80    // things that cannot be seen through (may be non-solid though)


#define CONTENTS_UNUSED            0x200

// unused
// NOTE: If it's visible, grab from the top + update LAST_VISIBLE_CONTENTS
// if not visible, then grab from the bottom.
// CONTENTS_OPAQUE + SURF_NODRAW count as CONTENTS_OPAQUE (shadow-casting toolsblocklight textures)
#define CONTENTS_BLOCKLIGHT        0x400

#define CONTENTS_TEAM1            0x800    // per team contents used to differentiate collisions
#define CONTENTS_TEAM2            0x1000    // between players and objects on different teams

// ignore CONTENTS_OPAQUE on surfaces that have SURF_NODRAW

// hits entities which are MOVETYPE_PUSH (doors, plats, etc.)
#define CONTENTS_MOVEABLE        0x4000

// remaining contents are non-visible, and don't eat brushes
#define CONTENTS_AREAPORTAL        0x8000

#define CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP        0x10000
#define CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP    0x20000

// currents can be added to any other contents, and may be mixed
#define CONTENTS_CURRENT_0        0x40000
#define CONTENTS_CURRENT_90        0x80000
#define CONTENTS_CURRENT_180    0x100000
#define CONTENTS_CURRENT_270    0x200000
#define CONTENTS_CURRENT_UP        0x400000
#define CONTENTS_CURRENT_DOWN    0x800000

#define CONTENTS_ORIGIN            0x1000000    // removed before bsping an entity

#define CONTENTS_MONSTER        0x2000000    // should never be on a brush, only in game
#define CONTENTS_DEBRIS            0x4000000
#define CONTENTS_DETAIL            0x8000000    // brushes to be added after vis leafs
#define CONTENTS_TRANSLUCENT    0x10000000    // auto set if any surface has trans
#define CONTENTS_LADDER            0x20000000
#define CONTENTS_HITBOX            0x40000000    // use accurate hitboxes on trace


// These are given to FindMaterial to reference the texture groups that show up on the
#define TEXTURE_GROUP_LIGHTMAP                        "Lightmaps"
#define TEXTURE_GROUP_WORLD                            "World textures"
#define TEXTURE_GROUP_MODEL                            "Model textures"
#define TEXTURE_GROUP_VGUI                            "VGUI textures"
#define TEXTURE_GROUP_PARTICLE                        "Particle textures"
#define TEXTURE_GROUP_DECAL                            "Decal textures"
#define TEXTURE_GROUP_SKYBOX                        "SkyBox textures"
#define TEXTURE_GROUP_CLIENT_EFFECTS                "ClientEffect textures"
#define TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER                            "Other textures"
#define TEXTURE_GROUP_PRECACHED                        "Precached"
#define TEXTURE_GROUP_CUBE_MAP                        "CubeMap textures"
#define TEXTURE_GROUP_RENDER_TARGET                    "RenderTargets"
#define TEXTURE_GROUP_UNACCOUNTED                    "Unaccounted textures"    // Textures that weren't assigned a texture group.
//#define TEXTURE_GROUP_STATIC_VERTEX_BUFFER        "Static Vertex"
#define TEXTURE_GROUP_STATIC_INDEX_BUFFER            "Static Indices"
#define TEXTURE_GROUP_STATIC_VERTEX_BUFFER_DISP        "Displacement Verts"
#define TEXTURE_GROUP_DYNAMIC_INDEX_BUFFER            "Dynamic Indices"
#define TEXTURE_GROUP_DYNAMIC_VERTEX_BUFFER            "Dynamic Verts"
#define TEXTURE_GROUP_DEPTH_BUFFER                    "DepthBuffer"
#define TEXTURE_GROUP_VIEW_MODEL                    "ViewModel"
#define TEXTURE_GROUP_PIXEL_SHADERS                    "Pixel Shaders"
#define TEXTURE_GROUP_VERTEX_SHADERS                "Vertex Shaders"
#define TEXTURE_GROUP_RENDER_TARGET_SURFACE            "RenderTarget Surfaces"
#define TEXTURE_GROUP_MORPH_TARGETS                    "Morph Targets"

#define BONE_USED_BY_HITBOX 0x100

// NOTE: These are stored in a short in the engine now.  Don't use more than 16 bits
#define SURF_LIGHT        0x0001        // value will hold the light strength
#define SURF_SKY2D        0x0002        // don't draw, indicates we should skylight + draw 2d sky but not draw the 3D skybox
#define SURF_SKY        0x0004        // don't draw, but add to skybox
#define SURF_WARP        0x0008        // turbulent water warp
#define SURF_TRANS        0x0010
#define SURF_NOPORTAL    0x0020    // the surface can not have a portal placed on it
#define SURF_TRIGGER    0x0040    // FIXME: This is an xbox hack to work around elimination of trigger surfaces, which breaks occluders
#define SURF_NODRAW        0x0080    // don't bother referencing the texture

#define SURF_HINT        0x0100    // make a primary bsp splitter

#define SURF_SKIP        0x0200    // completely ignore, allowing non-closed brushes
#define SURF_NOLIGHT    0x0400    // Don't calculate light
#define SURF_BUMPLIGHT    0x0800    // calculate three lightmaps for the surface for bumpmapping
#define SURF_NOSHADOWS    0x1000    // Don't receive shadows
#define SURF_NODECALS    0x2000    // Don't receive decals
#define SURF_NOPAINT    SURF_NODECALS    // the surface can not have paint placed on it
#define SURF_NOCHOP        0x4000    // Don't subdivide patches on this surface
#define SURF_HITBOX        0x8000    // surface is part of a hitbox

#define MASK_ALL                    (0xFFFFFFFF)
// everything that is normally solid
// everything that blocks player movement
// blocks npc movement
// blocks fluid movement
// water physics in these contents
// everything that blocks lighting
// everything that blocks lighting, but with monsters added.
// everything that blocks line of sight for AI
// everything that blocks line of sight for AI plus NPCs
// everything that blocks line of sight for players
// everything that blocks line of sight for players, but with monsters added.
// bullets see these as solid
// bullets see these as solid, except monsters (world+brush only)
// non-raycasted weapons see this as solid (includes grates)
// hits solids (not grates) and passes through everything else
// everything normally solid, except monsters (world+brush only)
// everything normally solid for player movement, except monsters (world+brush only)
// everything normally solid for npc movement, except monsters (world+brush only)
// just the world, used for route rebuilding
// just the world, used for route rebuilding
// These are things that can split areaportals

// UNDONE: This is untested, any moving water

// everything that blocks corpse movement
// UNDONE: Not used yet / may be deleted

#define SEQUENCE_DEFAULT_DRAW                        0
#define SEQUENCE_DEFAULT_IDLE1                        1
#define SEQUENCE_DEFAULT_IDLE2                        2
#define SEQUENCE_DEFAULT_LIGHT_MISS1                3
#define SEQUENCE_DEFAULT_LIGHT_MISS2                4
#define SEQUENCE_DEFAULT_HEAVY_MISS1                9
#define SEQUENCE_DEFAULT_HEAVY_HIT1                    10
#define SEQUENCE_DEFAULT_HEAVY_BACKSTAB                11
#define SEQUENCE_DEFAULT_LOOKAT01                    12

#define SEQUENCE_BUTTERFLY_DRAW                        0
#define SEQUENCE_BUTTERFLY_DRAW2                    1
#define SEQUENCE_BUTTERFLY_LOOKAT01                    13
#define SEQUENCE_BUTTERFLY_LOOKAT03                    15

#define SEQUENCE_FALCHION_IDLE1                        1
#define SEQUENCE_FALCHION_HEAVY_MISS1                8
#define SEQUENCE_FALCHION_LOOKAT01                    12
#define SEQUENCE_FALCHION_LOOKAT02                    13

#define SEQUENCE_DAGGERS_IDLE1                        1
#define SEQUENCE_DAGGERS_LIGHT_MISS1                 2
#define SEQUENCE_DAGGERS_LIGHT_MISS5                 6
#define SEQUENCE_DAGGERS_HEAVY_MISS2                 11
#define SEQUENCE_DAGGERS_HEAVY_MISS1                 12

#define SEQUENCE_BOWIE_IDLE1                         1
#pragma once

struct AppSystemInfo_t {
    const char* m_pModuleName;
    const char* m_pInterfaceName;

enum InitReturnVal_t {
    INIT_FAILED = 0,


enum AppSystemTier_t {


typedef void* (*CreateInterfaceFn)(const char* pName, int* pReturnCode);

/* Things that at the start of the Officially exported Interfaces */
/* Note that some classes may not include all of these */
class IAppSystem {
    virtual void Connect(CreateInterfaceFn factory) = 0;
    virtual void Disconnect() = 0;
    // Here's where systems can access other interfaces implemented by this object
    // Returns NULL if it doesn't implement the requested interface
    virtual void* QueryInterface(const char* interfaceName) = 0; // normally has string of interface in it. EX: "PanoramaUIEngine001"
    virtual InitReturnVal_t Init() = 0;
    virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
    virtual void Preshutdown() = 0;
    // Returns all dependent libraries
    virtual const AppSystemInfo_t* GetDependencies() = 0;
    virtual AppSystemTier_t GetTier() = 0;
    // Reconnect to a particular interface
    virtual void Reconnect(void* factory, const char* pInterfaceName) = 0;
    virtual bool IsSingleton() = 0;
    virtual void GetBuildType() = 0; // 10

Правда, толку от такого вбе, он только на локального героя работает. Но можно легко пропатчить, чтобы на всех работал.
Вот в этом посте я подробней расписал.

Но лучше, конечно, просто хукнуть коллбек изменения "видимости" героя. Сига на функцию в том же посте есть. Хукаешь, ну и фигачишь
long long hkOnTeamVisibilityChanged(CBaseEntity* BaseEntity, long long a2, int* State) {
    bool Visible = false;
    if (*(int*)State == 14)
        Visible = true;
    else if (*(int*)State == 6 || *(int*)State == 10)
        Visible = false;

    // Ну и тут рисуешь кружок под героем, или еще что делаешь.

    return oOnTeamVisibilityChanged(BaseEntity, a2, State);
Сверху Снизу