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- #1
since the pasting community has been dead after the latest update, why not revive it
pasteronies stop pming me if u dont have enough reactions

in case of a crash on injection, make a folder in %appdata% and name it itzlaith_lw

download :

pasteronies stop pming me if u dont have enough reactions

NOTE:- forgot to add this in and im too lazy to upload the source again so here's the fix
in resolver.cpp inside this
add at the end
in resolver.cpp inside this
else if (g_ctx.globals.restype[player_record->type].missed_shots[player->EntIndex()] >= 6 )
g_cfg.player_list.sides[player_record->curSide].low_delta[e->EntIndex()] = false;
g_cfg.player_list.sides[player_record->curSide].low_delta_20[e->EntIndex()] = false;
g_cfg.player_list.types[player_record->type].should_flip[e->EntIndex()] = false;
g_ctx.globals.restype[player_record->type].missed_shots[player->EntIndex()] = 0;
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
- animation system improvements
- ragebot improvements/addons
- auto wall improvements
- moved DoubleTap from CL_Move to CL_SendMove, credits:- aesi the GOAT for pointing me in the right direction.
(why send move is better than cl_move? because cl_sendmove from what i noticed allows the client to simulate more commands for a prefixed tickbase because simulation happens server sided so ping wont clamp your commands, unlike cl_move which allows the client to simulate commands locally, kittenpopo gonna be mad lol)
- fixed FakeLag + AA + DoubleTap (CreateMove properly rehooked)
- properly hooked InPrediction
- major resolver improvements
- fixed a memory leak happening with the animation system that caused random crashes in certain scenarios
- ragebot improvements/addons
- auto wall improvements
- moved DoubleTap from CL_Move to CL_SendMove, credits:- aesi the GOAT for pointing me in the right direction.
(why send move is better than cl_move? because cl_sendmove from what i noticed allows the client to simulate more commands for a prefixed tickbase because simulation happens server sided so ping wont clamp your commands, unlike cl_move which allows the client to simulate commands locally, kittenpopo gonna be mad lol)
- fixed FakeLag + AA + DoubleTap (CreateMove properly rehooked)
- properly hooked InPrediction
- major resolver improvements
- fixed a memory leak happening with the animation system that caused random crashes in certain scenarios
- major resolver/animations improvements
- ragebot improvements
- auto wall improvements
- major doubletap improvements
- fixed all crashes (console crash and random crashes)
- properly implemented AX aka anti-exploitation
- ragebot improvements
- auto wall improvements
- major doubletap improvements
- fixed all crashes (console crash and random crashes)
- properly implemented AX aka anti-exploitation
- fixed a bug in the resolver, resolver wasn't working properly
- ported my lw base to hentaiware credits hentaiware
- reworked some stuff in the ragebot
- tickbase fixes\improvements
- updated resolver
- updated animation system
- improved runcommand hook
- auto wall improvements
- added anti-brute auto flip
- added LagSync (pasted)
-improved freestand
- fixed random crashes/memory leaks
- added HideShots back with DoubeTap teleport (experimental)
- added DoubleTap customization (ticks to shift and recharge time)
- reworked some stuff in the ragebot
- tickbase fixes\improvements
- updated resolver
- updated animation system
- improved runcommand hook
- auto wall improvements
- added anti-brute auto flip
- added LagSync (pasted)
-improved freestand
- fixed random crashes/memory leaks
- added HideShots back with DoubeTap teleport (experimental)
- added DoubleTap customization (ticks to shift and recharge time)
- complete resolver rework
- complete prediction revision
- changed some stuff in the ragebot
- reworked doubletap from copy command to cl_move hook (instant now)
- fixed cl_move doubetap client siding
- added defensive double tap
-changed the autowall
- animation system semi rework with more accurate calculations and matrices
- rebuilt velocity setup for more accurate resolving and safepoints
- added mega lean AA (pasted)
- added FakeFlick AA (pasted)
- complete prediction revision
- changed some stuff in the ragebot
- reworked doubletap from copy command to cl_move hook (instant now)
- fixed cl_move doubetap client siding
- added defensive double tap
-changed the autowall
- animation system semi rework with more accurate calculations and matrices
- rebuilt velocity setup for more accurate resolving and safepoints
- added mega lean AA (pasted)
- added FakeFlick AA (pasted)
in case of a crash on injection, make a folder in %appdata% and name it itzlaith_lw

download :
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