Автор темы
- #1
Quake Flying damage numbers...
Author https://onetap.su/members/tilestra.54952/
var iVictim_index, First_pos, Second_pos, Third_pos, Fourth_pos, Fifth_pos, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Five, iDamageCount = iOffsetCount = YOffsetFirst = YOffsetSecond = YOffsetThird = YOffsetFourth = YOffsetFive = loadFont = HitAttack = 0;
//Store coordinates array
const first_screen_pos = [], second_screen_pos = [], third_screen_pos = [], fourth_screen_pos = [], fifth_screen_pos = [];
//Damage event
//Get attacker
iAttacker = Event.GetInt("attacker"); iAttacker_index = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(iAttacker);
//Get victim
iVictim = Event.GetInt("userid"); iVictim_index = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(iVictim);
if(Entity.GetLocalPlayer() == iVictim_index && Entity.GetLocalPlayer() !== iAttacker_index) return;
if(Entity.GetLocalPlayer() == iAttacker_index)
//First hit
HitAttack = 1;
//Reset every 5 hit
if(iDamageCount == 5) iDamageCount = 0; if(iOffsetCount == 5) iOffsetCount = 0;
//Collect them and set only 5 hits
//This is offset for Y for each
//This shit reads every hit with a new var...
if(iDamageCount == 1) { First = Event.GetInt("dmg_health"); First_pos = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(iVictim_index); }
if(iDamageCount == 2) { Second = Event.GetInt("dmg_health"); Second_pos = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(iVictim_index); }
if(iDamageCount == 3) { Third = Event.GetInt("dmg_health"); Third_pos = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(iVictim_index); }
if(iDamageCount == 4) { Fourth = Event.GetInt("dmg_health"); Fourth_pos = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(iVictim_index); }
if(iDamageCount == 5) { Five = Event.GetInt("dmg_health"); Fifth_pos = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(iVictim_index); }
//Setup offsets
if(iOffsetCount == 1) YOffsetFirst = 255; if(iOffsetCount == 2) YOffsetSecond = 255; if(iOffsetCount == 3) YOffsetThird = 255; if(iOffsetCount == 4) YOffsetFourth = 255; if(iOffsetCount == 5) YOffsetFive = 200;
function HUD_REDRAW()
//Once and lock font load
if(loadFont == 0)
//this font u can get here https://onetap.su/threads/beta-in-development-onetap-hud-engine-0-1-dev-18945-18952-dec-27-2019.13647/
fontSM2 = Render.AddFont("MuseoSansCyrl-500", 10, 300)
loadFont = 1;
/*Render.StringCustomCustom(Global.GetScreenSize()[0]/2, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]/2, 1, "" + iDamageCount, [ 255, 255, 255, 255 ], fontSM2);
Render.StringCustomCustom(Global.GetScreenSize()[0]/2, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]/2+50, 1, "" + iOffsetCount, [ 255, 255, 255, 255 ], fontSM2);*/
//Stop flooding
if(!HitAttack || !getCustomValue('Quake Damage Numbers')) return;
//Doing cycle through all players will affect on FPS heavily... so
//Setup x,y,z
if(iDamageCount < 6)
first_screen_pos = Render.WorldToScreen(First_pos);
second_screen_pos = Render.WorldToScreen(Second_pos);
third_screen_pos = Render.WorldToScreen(Third_pos);
fourth_screen_pos = Render.WorldToScreen(Fourth_pos);
fifth_screen_pos = Render.WorldToScreen(Fifth_pos);
color = UI.GetColor("MISC", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "DMG Color");
//Five pieces of damage, the hell
if(UI.GetValue("Script items", "Fade text")){
Render.StringCustom(first_screen_pos[0]-15 + 1, first_screen_pos[1]-50+YOffsetFirst-255 + 1, 1, "- " + First, [ 0, 0,0, YOffsetFirst ], fontSM2);
Render.StringCustom(first_screen_pos[0]-15 - 1, first_screen_pos[1]-50+YOffsetFirst-255 - 1, 1, "- " + First, [ 0, 0,0, YOffsetFirst ], fontSM2);
Render.StringCustom(first_screen_pos[0]-15 - 1, first_screen_pos[1]-50+YOffsetFirst-255 + 1, 1, "- " + First, [ 0, 0,0, YOffsetFirst ], fontSM2);
Render.StringCustom(first_screen_pos[0]-15 + 1, first_screen_pos[1]-50+YOffsetFirst-255 - 1, 1, "- " + First, [ 0, 0,0, YOffsetFirst ], fontSM2);
Render.StringCustom(first_screen_pos[0]-15, first_screen_pos[1]-50+YOffsetFirst-255, 1, "- " + First, alp( color, YOffsetFirst ), fontSM2);
if(UI.GetValue("Script items", "Fade text")){
Render.StringCustom(second_screen_pos[0]+15 - 1, second_screen_pos [1]-50+YOffsetSecond-255 - 1, 1, "- " + Second, [ 0, 0, 0, YOffsetSecond ], fontSM2);
Render.StringCustom(second_screen_pos[0]+15 + 1, second_screen_pos [1]-50+YOffsetSecond-255 + 1, 1, "- " + Second, [ 0, 0, 0, YOffsetSecond ], fontSM2);
Render.StringCustom(second_screen_pos[0]+15 + 1, second_screen_pos [1]-50+YOffsetSecond-255 - 1, 1, "- " + Second, [ 0, 0, 0, YOffsetSecond ], fontSM2);
Render.StringCustom(second_screen_pos[0]+15 - 1, second_screen_pos [1]-50+YOffsetSecond-255 + 1, 1, "- " + Second, [ 0, 0, 0, YOffsetSecond ], fontSM2);
Render.StringCustom(second_screen_pos[0]+15, second_screen_pos [1]-50+YOffsetSecond-255, 1, "- "+ Second, alp( color, YOffsetSecond ), fontSM2);
if(UI.GetValue("Script items", "Fade text")){
Render.StringCustom(third_screen_pos[0]-25 - 1, third_screen_pos[1]-50+YOffsetThird-255 - 1, 1, "- " + Third, [ 0,0,0, YOffsetThird ], fontSM2);
Render.StringCustom(third_screen_pos[0]-25 + 1, third_screen_pos[1]-50+YOffsetThird-255 + 1, 1, "- " + Third, [ 0,0,0, YOffsetThird ], fontSM2);
Render.StringCustom(third_screen_pos[0]-25 + 1, third_screen_pos[1]-50+YOffsetThird-255 - 1, 1, "- " + Third, [ 0,0,0, YOffsetThird ], fontSM2);
Render.StringCustom(third_screen_pos[0]-25 - 1, third_screen_pos[1]-50+YOffsetThird-255 + 1, 1, "- " + Third, [ 0,0,0, YOffsetThird ], fontSM2);
Render.StringCustom(third_screen_pos[0]-25, third_screen_pos[1]-50+YOffsetThird-255, 1, "- " + Third, alp( color, YOffsetThird ), fontSM2);
if(UI.GetValue("Script items", "Fade text")){
Render.StringCustom(fourth_screen_pos[0]+25 - 1, fourth_screen_pos[1]-50+YOffsetFourth-255 - 1, 1, "- " + Fourth, [ 0, 0, 0, YOffsetFourth ], fontSM2);
Render.StringCustom(fourth_screen_pos[0]+25 + 1, fourth_screen_pos[1]-50+YOffsetFourth-255 + 1, 1, "- " + Fourth, [ 0, 0, 0, YOffsetFourth ], fontSM2);
Render.StringCustom(fourth_screen_pos[0]+25 + 1, fourth_screen_pos[1]-50+YOffsetFourth-255 - 1, 1, "- " + Fourth, [ 0, 0, 0, YOffsetFourth ], fontSM2);
Render.StringCustom(fourth_screen_pos[0]+25 - 1, fourth_screen_pos[1]-50+YOffsetFourth-255 + 1, 1, "- " + Fourth, [ 0, 0, 0, YOffsetFourth ], fontSM2);
Render.StringCustom(fourth_screen_pos[0]+25, fourth_screen_pos[1]-50+YOffsetFourth-255, 1, "- " + Fourth, alp(color, YOffsetFourth ), fontSM2);
if(UI.GetValue("Script items", "Fade text")){
Render.StringCustom(fifth_screen_pos[0]-10 - 1, fifth_screen_pos[1]-50+YOffsetFive-255 - 1, 1, "- " + Five, [ 0, 0, 0, YOffsetFive ], fontSM2);
Render.StringCustom(fifth_screen_pos[0]-10 + 1, fifth_screen_pos[1]-50+YOffsetFive-255 + 1, 1, "- " + Five, [ 0, 0, 0, YOffsetFive ], fontSM2);
Render.StringCustom(fifth_screen_pos[0]-10 + 1, fifth_screen_pos[1]-50+YOffsetFive-255 - 1, 1, "- " + Five, [ 0, 0, 0, YOffsetFive ], fontSM2);
Render.StringCustom(fifth_screen_pos[0]-10 - 1, fifth_screen_pos[1]-50+YOffsetFive-255 + 1, 1, "- " + Five, [ 0, 0, 0, YOffsetFive ], fontSM2);
Render.StringCustom(fifth_screen_pos[0]-10, fifth_screen_pos[1]-50+YOffsetFive-255, 1, "- " + Five, alp( color, YOffsetFive ), fontSM2);
function getCustomValue(name)
var value = UI.GetValue("MISC", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", name);
return value;
function pushY()
//Push Y
if(YOffsetFirst > 1) YOffsetFirst--; if(YOffsetSecond > 1) YOffsetSecond--; if(YOffsetThird > 1) YOffsetThird--; if(YOffsetFourth > 1) YOffsetFourth--; if(YOffsetFive > 1) YOffsetFive--;
function alp(c, a) {
return [c[0], c[1], c[2], a]
function Main44()
Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "HUD_REDRAW");
Global.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "EVENT_PLAYER_HURT");
Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "pushY");
UI.AddCheckbox('Quake Damage Numbers');
UI.AddColorPicker("DMG Color");
UI.AddCheckbox('Fade text');
UI.AddCheckbox("Premade Settings");