Автор темы
- #1
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Данный скрипт не проверялся модераторами, так как является кряком приватной LUA и в нём может присутствовать обфускация. Даже известные пользователи могут выложить вредоносный скрипт под видом крякнутого, поэтому любое использование исключительно на свой страх и риск.
local x, y, sc = EngineClient.GetScreenSize().x, EngineClient.GetScreenSize().y, EngineClient.GetScreenSize()
typedef struct {
unsigned short wYear;
unsigned short wMonth;
unsigned short wDayOfWeek;
unsigned short wDay;
unsigned short wHour;
unsigned short wMinute;
unsigned short wSecond;
unsigned short wMilliseconds;
void GetSystemTime(LPSYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime);
void GetLocalTime(LPSYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime);
typedef struct {
float x;
float y;
float z;
} vec3_struct;
bool CreateDirectoryA(const char* lpPathName, void* lpSecurityAttributes);
void* __stdcall URLDownloadToFileA(void* LPUNKNOWN, const char* LPCSTR, const char* LPCSTR2, int a, int LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK);
void* __stdcall ShellExecuteA(void* hwnd, const char* op, const char* file, const char* params, const char* dir, int show_cmd);
bool DeleteUrlCacheEntryA(const char* lpszUrlName);
local urlmon = ffi.load 'UrlMon'
local wininet = ffi.load 'WinInet'
local gdi = ffi.load 'Gdi32'
Download = function(from, to)
urlmon.URLDownloadToFileA(nil, from, to, 0,0)
CreateDir = function(path)
ffi.C.CreateDirectoryA(path, NULL)
local general = {}
local killaura = {}
local prediction = {}
local acatel = {}
local exscord = {}
local ideal_yaw = {}
general.menu = Menu.MultiCombo("Indicators ", "Indicators", {"KillAura.lua", "Prediction.lua", "Acatel.us", "Exscord", "Ideal Yaw"}, 0)
killaura.style = Menu.Combo("Indicators", "KillAura.lua Style", {"Old", "Recode"}, 0)
killaura.text_main = Menu.TextBox("Indicators", "KillAura.lua Text", 20, "KILLAURA")
killaura.color = Menu.ColorEdit("Indicators", "KillAura.lua Color", Color.RGBA(143, 154, 236, 255))
prediction.style = Menu.Combo("Indicators", "Prediction.lua Style", {"New", "New Centered", "Old"}, 0)
prediction.arrows = Menu.Switch("Indicators", "Prediction.lua Arrows", false)
prediction.new_menu = Menu.MultiCombo("Indicators", "Prediction.lua List", {"Script Name", "Anti-Aim State", "Double-Tap", "Hide Shots", "Force Body Aim", "Force Safe Points", "Freestanding", "Quick peek", "Ideal tick"}, 0)
prediction.old_menu = Menu.MultiCombo("Indicators", "Prediction.lua List ", {"Script Name", "Anti-Aim State", "Arrow", "Double-Tap", "Hide Shots", "Force Body Aim", "Force Safe Points", "Freestanding", "Quick peek"}, 0)
prediction.text_left = Menu.TextBox("Indicators", "Prediction.lua Text #1", 20, "predi")
prediction.text_right = Menu.TextBox("Indicators", "Prediction.lua Text #2", 20, "ction.lua")
prediction.text_old_left = Menu.TextBox("Indicators", "Prediction.lua Text #1 ", 20, "predi")
prediction.text_old_right = Menu.TextBox("Indicators", "Prediction.lua Text #2 ", 20, "ction°")
prediction.color = Menu.ColorEdit("Indicators", "Prediction.lua Color", Color.RGBA(0, 199, 255, 255))
acatel.style = Menu.Combo("Indicators", "Acatel.us Style", {"Default", "Modern", "Legacy"}, 0)
acatel.text_left = Menu.TextBox("Indicators", "Acatel.us Text #1", 20, "ACATEL")
acatel.text_right = Menu.TextBox("Indicators", "Acatel.us Text #2", 20, "BETA")
acatel.color = Menu.ColorEdit("Indicators", "Acatel.us Color", Color.RGBA(239, 179, 177, 255))
exscord.text_left = Menu.TextBox("Indicators", "Exscord Text #1", 20, "EXS")
exscord.text_right = Menu.TextBox("Indicators", "Exscord Text #2", 20, "CORD")
exscord.color = Menu.ColorEdit("Indicators", "Exscord Color", Color.RGBA(239, 179, 177, 255))
ideal_yaw.text_main = Menu.TextBox("Indicators", "Ideal Yaw Text", 20, "IDEAL YAW")
local button = Menu.Button("Indicators ", "Download Font", "Download Font", function()
Download('https://fontsforyou.com/downloads/99851-smallestpixel97', 'nl\\killaura\\fonts\\pixel9.ttf')
Download('https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/839869752418893844/938849843156226109/Acta_Symbols_W95_Arrows.ttf', 'nl\\killaura\\fonts\\arrows.ttf')
Cheat.AddNotify("killaura | Indicators Pack", "Font downloaded, restart script!")
Menu.Text("Indicators ", "After download font, restart script!")
local font =
pixel9 = Render.InitFont("nl\\killaura\\fonts\\pixel9.ttf", 9),
pixel910 = Render.InitFont("nl\\killaura\\fonts\\pixel9.ttf", 10),
arrows = Render.InitFont("nl\\killaura\\fonts\\arrows.ttf", 14),
verdanabd = Render.InitFont("Verdana Bold", 11),
verdana = Render.InitFont("Verdana",12),
tahoma = Render.InitFont("Tahoma", 12),
local HC = Menu.FindVar("Aimbot","Ragebot","Accuracy","Hit Chance")
local DMG = Menu.FindVar("Aimbot","Ragebot","Accuracy","Minimum Damage")
local AW = Menu.FindVar("Aimbot","Ragebot","Accuracy","Autowall")
local FOV = Menu.FindVar("Aimbot","Ragebot","Main","FOV")
local BA = Menu.FindVar("Aimbot","Ragebot","Misc","Body Aim")
local SP = Menu.FindVar("Aimbot","Ragebot","Misc","Safe Points")
local DT = Menu.FindVar("Aimbot","Ragebot","Exploits","Double Tap")
local AP = Menu.FindVar("Miscellaneous","Main","Movement","Auto Peek")
local SW = Menu.FindVar("Aimbot","Anti Aim","Misc","Slow Walk")
local HS = Menu.FindVar("Aimbot","Ragebot","Exploits","Hide Shots")
local YAW = Menu.FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Main", "Yaw Base")
local PING = Menu.FindVar("Miscellaneous", "Main", "Other", "Fake Ping")
local FD = Menu.FindVar("Aimbot","Anti Aim","Misc","Fake Duck")
local get_closest_enemy = function()
local best_dist = 10000.0
local best_enemy = nil
local lp = EntityList.GetClientEntity(EngineClient.GetLocalPlayer())
local vec_distance = function(vec_one, vec_two)
local delta_x, delta_y, delta_z = vec_one.x - vec_two.x, vec_one.y - vec_two.y
return math.sqrt(delta_x * delta_x + delta_y * delta_y)
for idx = 1, GlobalVars.maxClients + 1 do
local ent = EntityList.GetClientEntity(idx)
if ent and ent:IsPlayer() then
local player = ent:GetPlayer()
if not player:IsTeamMate() and player:IsAlive() and not player:IsDormant() then
local origin = Render.ScreenPosition(ent:GetRenderOrigin())
local temp_dist = vec_distance(Vector2.new(sc.x / 2, sc.y / 2), origin)
if(temp_dist < best_dist) then
best_dist = temp_dist
best_enemy = ent
return best_enemy
local velocity = function(ent)
local speed = ent:GetProp("m_vecVelocity"):Length2D()
return speed
local KILLAURA = function(text, ay, color)
Render.Text(text, Vector2.new(x/2+8, y/2+ay), color, 9, font.pixel9, true)
local KILLAURA2 = function(text, ay, color)
ts = Render.CalcTextSize(text, 9, font.pixel9)
Render.Text(text, Vector2.new(x/2-ts.x, y/2+ay), color, 9, font.pixel9, true)
local PREDICTION = function(text, ay, color)
ts = Render.CalcTextSize("prediction.lua", 11, font.verdanabd)
Render.Text(text, Vector2.new(x/2-ts.x/2, y/2+ay), color, 9, font.pixel9, true)
local PREDICTION2 = function(text, ay, color)
ts = Render.CalcTextSize(text, 9, font.pixel9)
Render.Text(text, Vector2.new(x/2-ts.x/2, y/2+ay), color, 9, font.pixel9, true)
local ACATEL = function(text, ay, color)
Render.Text(text, Vector2.new(x/2, y/2+ay), color, 10, font.pixel910, true)
local ACATEL2 = function(text, ay, color, ts2)
ts = Render.CalcTextSize(text, 10, font.pixel910)
Render.Text(text, Vector2.new(x/2-ts.x/2-ts2, y/2+ay), color, 10, font.pixel910, true)
local EXSCORD = function(text, ay, color)
ts = Render.CalcTextSize(text, 10, font.pixel910)
Render.Text(text, Vector2.new(x/2-ts.x/2, y/2+ay), color, 10, font.pixel910, true)
local IDEALYAW = function(text, ay, color)
Render.Text(text, Vector2.new(x/2+1, y/2+1+ay), Color.new(0, 0, 0, 1), 12, font.tahoma)
Render.Text(text, Vector2.new(x/2, y/2+ay), color, 12, font.tahoma)
local calcs = {
deg2rad = function(self, x)
return x * (math.pi / 180.0)
rotated_position = function(self, start, rotation, distance)
local rad = self:deg2rad(rotation)
local new_start = Vector.new(start.x, start.y, start.z)
new_start.x = new_start.x + math.cos(rad) * distance
new_start.y = new_start.y + math.sin(rad) * distance
return new_start
local lerp = function (a, b, percentage) return math.floor(a + (b - a) * percentage) end
--normalize yaw
local normalize_yaw = function(yaw)
while yaw > 180 do yaw = yaw - 360 end
while yaw < -180 do yaw = yaw + 360 end
return yaw
local add_y = 0
local anim = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
local draw = function()
local closest_enemy = get_closest_enemy()
local alpha = math.min(math.floor(math.sin((GlobalVars.realtime%3) * 4) * 175 + 50), 255)
local delta = math.abs(normalize_yaw(AntiAim.GetCurrentRealRotation()%360 - AntiAim.GetFakeRotation()%360))/2
local manuals = YAW:Get() == 2 or YAW:Get() == 3
local dmg = false
local binds = Cheat.GetBinds()
for i = 1, #binds do
if binds[i]:GetName() == "Minimum Damage" and binds[i]:IsActive() then
dmg = true
local lp = EntityList.GetClientEntity(EngineClient.GetLocalPlayer())
if not lp then return end
if SW:Get() then
--slow walk
killaura.state = "DEFAULT"
killaura.state_old = "DEFAULT AURA"
prediction.state = "ABUSED"
prediction.state_old = "TANK"
elseif bit.band(lp:GetPlayer():GetProp("m_fFlags"), bit.lshift(1,0)) == 0 then
killaura.state = "JESUS"
killaura.state_old = "FLYING JESUS"
prediction.state = "AIR"
prediction.state_old = "AEROBIC^"
elseif lp:GetProp("m_flDuckAmount") > 0.8 then
killaura.state = "DEFAULT"
killaura.state_old = "DEFAULT AURA"
prediction.state = "HALFMAX"
prediction.state_old = "TANK"
elseif velocity(lp) > 2 then
killaura.state = "DEFAULT"
killaura.state_old = "STABLE AURA"
prediction.state = "MOVING"
prediction.state_old = "DYNAMIC-"
killaura.state = "DEFAULT"
killaura.state_old = "IDEAL AURA"
prediction.state = "ADAPTIVE"
prediction.state_old = "DYNAMIC-"
if general.menu:GetBool(1) then
killaura.clr = Color.new(killaura.color:GetColor().r, killaura.color:GetColor().g, killaura.color:GetColor().b, 1)
if killaura.style:Get() == 0 then
add_y = 30
KILLAURA2(killaura.text_main:Get(), add_y, killaura.clr)
add_y = add_y + 7
if DT:Get() then
KILLAURA2(Exploits.GetCharge() == 1 and "DT:DANGEROUS" or "DT:AURA", add_y, Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1))
add_y = add_y + 7
if closest_enemy ~= nil then
KILLAURA2("T:"..closest_enemy:GetPlayer():GetName(), add_y, Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1))
add_y = add_y + 7
KILLAURA2("AA:"..killaura.state_old, add_y, Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1))
add_y = add_y + 7
KILLAURA2("FL:"..ClientState.m_choked_commands, add_y, Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1))
add_y = add_y + 7
elseif killaura.style:Get() == 1 then
add_y = 6
KILLAURA("KILLAURA", add_y, killaura.clr)
ts = Render.CalcTextSize("KILLAURA ", 9, font.pixel9)
Render.Text(AntiAim.GetInverterState() and ">" or "<", Vector2.new(x/2+8+ts.x, y/2+add_y), Color.new(1, 0.9, 0.9, 1), 9, font.pixel9, true)
add_y = add_y + 9
Render.BoxFilled(Vector2.new(x/2+6, y/2+add_y), Vector2.new(x/2+18+ts.x, y/2+add_y+1), Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1))
add_y = add_y + 1
if closest_enemy ~= nil then
KILLAURA("T:"..closest_enemy:GetPlayer():GetName(), add_y, Color.new(0.7, 0.7, 1, 1))
KILLAURA("T:UNKNOWN", add_y, Color.new(0.7, 0.7, 1, 1))
add_y = add_y + 7
KILLAURA(YAW:Get() == 5 and "FREESTAND" or "M:"..killaura.state, add_y, Color.new(0.7, 0.7, 1, 1))
if DT:Get() then
add_y = add_y + 7
KILLAURA("DT", add_y, Exploits.GetCharge() == 1 and Color.new(0.7, 0.7, 1, 1) or Color.new(1, 0.3, 0.3, 1))
Render.GradientBoxFilled(Vector2.new(x/2+6, y/2+15), Vector2.new(x/2+18+ts.x, y/2+add_y+10), Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0.2), Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0.2), Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0), Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0))
Render.BoxFilled(Vector2.new(x/2+6, y/2+add_y+9), Vector2.new(x/2+18+ts.x, y/2+add_y+10), Color.new(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.95))
if general.menu:GetBool(2) then
if prediction.arrows:Get() then
ts = Render.CalcTextSize("w", 14, font.arrows)
Render.Text("w", Vector2.new(x/2-50-ts.x, y/2-5), YAW:Get() == 3 and Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1) or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0.3), 14, font.arrows, true)
Render.Text("x", Vector2.new(x/2+50, y/2-5), YAW:Get() == 2 and Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1) or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0.3), 14, font.arrows, true)
prediction.clr = Color.new(prediction.color:GetColor().r, prediction.color:GetColor().g, prediction.color:GetColor().b, 1)
add_y = 30
if prediction.old_menu:GetBool(3) and prediction.style:Get() == 2 then
add_y = add_y + 20
local real_rotation = calcs:deg2rad(EngineClient:GetViewAngles().yaw - AntiAim.GetCurrentRealRotation() - 90);
Render.PolyFilled(AntiAim.GetInverterState() and prediction.clr or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1),
Vector2.new(x/2 + math.cos(real_rotation) * 45,
y/2 + math.sin(real_rotation) * 45),
Vector2.new(x/2 + math.cos(real_rotation + calcs:deg2rad(20)) * 30,
y/2 + math.sin(real_rotation + calcs:deg2rad(20)) * 30),
Vector2.new(x/2 + math.cos(real_rotation) * 32,
y/2 + math.sin(real_rotation) * 32)
Render.PolyFilled(AntiAim.GetInverterState() and Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1) or prediction.clr,
Vector2.new(x/2 + math.cos(real_rotation) * 45,
y/2 + math.sin(real_rotation) * 45),
Vector2.new(x/2 + math.cos(real_rotation - calcs:deg2rad(20)) * 30,
y/2 + math.sin(real_rotation - calcs:deg2rad(20)) * 30),
Vector2.new(x/2 + math.cos(real_rotation) * 32,
y/2 + math.sin(real_rotation) * 32)
if prediction.old_menu:GetBool(1) and prediction.style:Get() == 2 or prediction.new_menu:GetBool(1) and prediction.style:Get() == 1 or prediction.new_menu:GetBool(1) and prediction.style:Get() == 0 then
ts = Render.CalcTextSize(prediction.style:Get() == 2 and prediction.text_old_left:Get()..prediction.text_old_right:Get() or prediction.text_left:Get()..prediction.text_right:Get(), 11, font.verdanabd)
ts2 = Render.CalcTextSize(prediction.style:Get() == 2 and prediction.text_old_left:Get() or prediction.text_left:Get(), 11, font.verdanabd)
Render.Text(prediction.style:Get() == 2 and prediction.text_old_left:Get()..prediction.text_old_right:Get() or prediction.text_left:Get()..prediction.text_right:Get(), Vector2.new(x/2-ts.x/2+1, y/2+add_y), Color.new(0, 0, 0, 1), 11, font.verdanabd)
Render.Text(prediction.style:Get() == 2 and prediction.text_old_left:Get() or prediction.text_left:Get(), Vector2.new(x/2-ts.x/2, y/2+add_y), AntiAim.GetInverterState() and prediction.clr or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1), 11, font.verdanabd)
Render.Text(prediction.style:Get() == 2 and prediction.text_old_right:Get() or prediction.text_right:Get(), Vector2.new(x/2-ts.x/2+ts2.x, y/2+add_y), AntiAim.GetInverterState() and Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1) or prediction.clr, 11, font.verdanabd)
add_y = add_y + 11
if prediction.style:Get() == 0 then
if prediction.new_menu:GetBool(2) then
PREDICTION("+/-"..prediction.state, add_y, prediction.clr)
add_y = add_y + 8
if prediction.new_menu:GetBool(3) then
PREDICTION("DT", add_y, DT:Get() and prediction.clr or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1))
add_y = add_y + 8
if prediction.new_menu:GetBool(4) then
PREDICTION("OS", add_y, HS:Get() and prediction.clr or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1))
add_y = add_y + 8
if prediction.new_menu:GetBool(5) then
PREDICTION("FB", add_y, BA:Get() == 2 and prediction.clr or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1))
add_y = add_y + 8
if prediction.new_menu:GetBool(6) then
PREDICTION("SP", add_y, SP:Get() == 2 and prediction.clr or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1))
add_y = add_y + 8
if prediction.new_menu:GetBool(7) then
PREDICTION("FS", add_y, YAW:Get() == 5 and prediction.clr or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1))
add_y = add_y + 8
if prediction.new_menu:GetBool(8) then
PREDICTION("QP", add_y, AP:Get() and prediction.clr or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1))
add_y = add_y + 8
if prediction.new_menu:GetBool(9) and AP:Get() and DT:Get() then
PREDICTION("+/-CHARGED IDEAL TICK ("..math.floor(Exploits.GetCharge()*100).."%)", add_y, Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1))
add_y = add_y + 8
elseif prediction.style:Get() == 1 then
if prediction.new_menu:GetBool(2) then
PREDICTION2(".MODE "..prediction.state.."+/-", add_y, prediction.clr)
add_y = add_y + 8
if prediction.new_menu:GetBool(3) then
PREDICTION2("DT", add_y, DT:Get() and prediction.clr or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0.3))
add_y = add_y + 8
if prediction.new_menu:GetBool(4) then
PREDICTION2("OS-AA", add_y, HS:Get() and prediction.clr or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0.3))
add_y = add_y + 8
if prediction.new_menu:GetBool(5) then
PREDICTION2("BAIM", add_y, BA:Get() == 2 and prediction.clr or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0.3))
add_y = add_y + 8
if prediction.new_menu:GetBool(6) then
PREDICTION2("SAFE", add_y, SP:Get() == 2 and prediction.clr or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0.3))
add_y = add_y + 8
if prediction.new_menu:GetBool(7) then
PREDICTION2("FREESTANDING", add_y, YAW:Get() == 5 and prediction.clr or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0.3))
add_y = add_y + 8
if prediction.new_menu:GetBool(8) then
PREDICTION2("QUICKPEEK", add_y, AP:Get() and prediction.clr or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0.3))
add_y = add_y + 8
if prediction.new_menu:GetBool(9) and AP:Get() and DT:Get() then
PREDICTION2("+/-CHARGED IDEAL TICK ("..math.floor(Exploits.GetCharge()*100).."%)", 17, prediction.clr)
add_y = add_y + 8
elseif prediction.style:Get() == 2 then
if prediction.old_menu:GetBool(2) then
PREDICTION2(prediction.state_old, add_y, prediction.clr)
add_y = add_y + 8
if prediction.old_menu:GetBool(4) then
PREDICTION2("DT", add_y, DT:Get() and prediction.clr or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0.3))
add_y = add_y + 8
if prediction.old_menu:GetBool(5) then
PREDICTION2("OS-AA", add_y, HS:Get() and prediction.clr or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0.3))
add_y = add_y + 8
if prediction.old_menu:GetBool(6) then
PREDICTION2("BAIM", add_y, BA:Get() == 2 and prediction.clr or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0.3))
add_y = add_y + 8
if prediction.old_menu:GetBool(7) then
PREDICTION2("SAFE", add_y, SP:Get() == 2 and prediction.clr or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0.3))
add_y = add_y + 8
if prediction.old_menu:GetBool(8) then
PREDICTION2("FREESTANDING", add_y, YAW:Get() == 5 and prediction.clr or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0.3))
add_y = add_y + 8
if prediction.old_menu:GetBool(9) then
PREDICTION2("QUICKPEEK", add_y, AP:Get() and prediction.clr or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0.3))
add_y = add_y + 8
if general.menu:GetBool(3) then
acatel.clr = Color.new(acatel.color:GetColor().r, acatel.color:GetColor().g, acatel.color:GetColor().b, alpha/255)
if acatel.style:Get() == 0 then
add_y = 30
ts = Render.CalcTextSize(acatel.text_left:Get(), 10, font.pixel910)
ACATEL(acatel.text_left:Get(), add_y, Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1))
Render.Text(acatel.text_right:Get(), Vector2.new(x/2+1+ts.x, y/2+add_y), acatel.clr, 10, font.pixel910, true)
add_y = add_y + 8
ts = Render.CalcTextSize("FAKE YAW:", 10, font.pixel910)
ACATEL("FAKE YAW:", add_y, Color.new(0.65, 0.65, 1, 1))
Render.Text(AntiAim.GetInverterState() and "L" or "R", Vector2.new(x/2+1+ts.x, y/2+add_y), Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1), 10, font.pixel910, true)
add_y = add_y + 8
if DT:Get() and HS:Get() then
ACATEL("DT", add_y, Exploits.GetCharge() == 1 and Color.new(0, 1, 0, alpha/255) or Color.new(1, 0.3, 0.3, alpha/255))
add_y = add_y + 8
if DT:Get() then
ACATEL("DT", add_y, Exploits.GetCharge() == 1 and Color.new(0, 1, 0, 1) or Color.new(1, 0.3, 0.3, 1))
add_y = add_y + 8
if HS:Get() then
ACATEL("ONSHOT", add_y, Color.new(0.93, 0.70, 0.69, 1))
add_y = add_y + 8
ACATEL("BAIM", add_y, BA:Get() == 2 and Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1) or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0.3))
ts = Render.CalcTextSize("BAIM" , 10, font.pixel910)
Render.Text("SP", Vector2.new(x/2+ts.x+2, y/2+add_y), SP:Get() == 2 and Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1) or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0.3), 10, font.pixel910, true)
ts = Render.CalcTextSize("SP", 10, font.pixel910) + ts
Render.Text("FS", Vector2.new(x/2+ts.x+4, y/2+add_y), YAW:Get() == 5 and Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1) or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0.3), 10, font.pixel910, true)
elseif acatel.style:Get() == 1 then
add_y = 35
ts = Render.CalcTextSize(acatel.text_left:Get(), 10, font.pixel910)
ACATEL(acatel.text_left:Get(), add_y, Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1))
Render.Text(acatel.text_right:Get(), Vector2.new(x/2+1+ts.x, y/2+add_y), acatel.clr, 10, font.pixel910, true)
add_y = add_y + 10
ts = Render.CalcTextSize("SMART:", 10, font.pixel910)
ACATEL("SMART:", add_y, Color.new(0.65, 0.65, 1, 1))
Render.Text(AntiAim.GetInverterState() and "LEFT" or "RIGHT", Vector2.new(x/2+1+ts.x, y/2+add_y), Color.new(1, 0.45, 0.45, 1), 10, font.pixel910, true)
add_y = add_y + 10
acatel.col = Exploits.GetCharge() == 1 and Color.new(0, 1, 0, 1) or Color.new(1, 0.3, 0.3, 1)
ACATEL("DT", add_y, DT:Get() and acatel.col or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0.3))
ts = Render.CalcTextSize("DT" , 10, font.pixel910)
Render.Text("HS", Vector2.new(x/2+ts.x+2, y/2+add_y), HS:Get() and Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1) or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0.3), 10, font.pixel910, true)
ts = Render.CalcTextSize("HS", 10, font.pixel910) + ts
Render.Text("FS", Vector2.new(x/2+ts.x+4, y/2+add_y), YAW:Get() == 5 and Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1) or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0.3), 10, font.pixel910, true)
ts = Render.CalcTextSize("FS", 10, font.pixel910) + ts
Render.Text("M:B", Vector2.new(x/2+ts.x+6, y/2+add_y), Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1), 10, font.pixel910, true)
elseif acatel.style:Get() == 2 then
add_y = 35
ACATEL2(acatel.text_left:Get().." "..acatel.text_right:Get(), add_y, Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1), 0)
add_y = add_y + 10
ACATEL2(math.floor(delta*1.74).."%", add_y, Color.new(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1), 0)
add_y = add_y + 10
if DT:Get() then
if 1 > Exploits.GetCharge() then
Render.Circle(Vector2.new(x/2+5, y/2+add_y+5.5), 4, 32, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 1), 0.01, 361, 0)
Render.Circle(Vector2.new(x/2+5, y/2+add_y+5.5), 1.5, 32, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 1), 0.01, 361, 0)
Render.Circle(Vector2.new(x/2+5, y/2+add_y+5.5), 3, 32, Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1), 2, Exploits.GetCharge()*360, 0)
ACATEL2("DT", add_y, Exploits.GetCharge() == 1 and Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1) or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 0.3), Exploits.GetCharge() == 1 and 0 or 5)
add_y = add_y + 10
if HS:Get() then
ACATEL2("ONSHOT", add_y, Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1),0)
add_y = add_y + 10
if general.menu:GetBool(4) then
exscord.clr = Color.new(exscord.color:GetColor().r, exscord.color:GetColor().g, exscord.color:GetColor().b, 1)
exscord.col = Color.new(exscord.color:GetColor().r, exscord.color:GetColor().g, exscord.color:GetColor().b, 0)
add_y = 12
ts = Render.CalcTextSize(exscord.text_left:Get(), 10, font.pixel9)
Render.Text(exscord.text_left:Get(), Vector2.new(x/2 - ts.x, y/2 + add_y + 2), AntiAim.GetInverterState() and exscord.clr or Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1), 10, font.pixel910, true)
Render.Text(exscord.text_right:Get(), Vector2.new(x/2-2, y/2 + add_y + 2), AntiAim.GetInverterState() and Color.new(1, 1, 1, 1) or exscord.clr, 10, font.pixel910, true)
add_y = add_y + 9
anim[7] = lerp(anim[7], math.floor(delta/2), GlobalVars.frametime * 11)
Render.GradientBoxFilled(Vector2.new(x/2-anim[7]-4, y/2+add_y+5), Vector2.new(x/2, y/2+add_y+7), exscord.col, exscord.clr, exscord.col, exscord.clr)
Render.GradientBoxFilled(Vector2.new(x/2+anim[7]+4, y/2+add_y+5), Vector2.new(x/2, y/2+add_y+7), exscord.col, exscord.clr, exscord.col, exscord.clr)
if DT:Get() then
anim[1] = lerp(anim[1], 255, GlobalVars.frametime * 11)
add_y = add_y + 9
if anim[1] > 0 then
add_y = add_y + 9
anim[1] = lerp(anim[1], 0, GlobalVars.frametime * 11)
if 1 > Exploits.GetCharge() and DT:Get() then
Render.Circle(Vector2.new(x/2+20, y/2+add_y+5.5), 3, 32, Exploits.GetCharge() == 1 and Color.RGBA(0, 190, 0, anim[1]) or Color.RGBA(190, 0, 0, anim[1]), 1, Exploits.GetCharge()*360, 0)
if DT:Get() and Exploits.GetCharge() > 0 and Exploits.GetCharge() < 1 then
anim[8] = lerp(anim[8], 6, GlobalVars.frametime * 15)
anim[8] = lerp(anim[8], 0, GlobalVars.frametime * 15)
ACATEL2("DOUBLETAP", add_y, Exploits.GetCharge() == 1 and Color.RGBA(0, 190, 0, anim[1]) or Color.RGBA(190, 0, 0, anim[1]), DT:Get() and Exploits.GetCharge() > 0 and Exploits.GetCharge() < 1 and 6 or 0)
if HS:Get() and DT:Get() == false then
anim[2] = lerp(anim[2], 255, GlobalVars.frametime * 11)
add_y = add_y + 9
if anim[2] > 0 then
add_y = add_y + 9
anim[2] = lerp(anim[2], 0, GlobalVars.frametime * 11)
EXSCORD("ON-SHOT", add_y, Exploits.GetCharge() == 1 and Color.RGBA(0, 190, 0, anim[2]) or Color.RGBA(190, 0, 0, anim[2]))
if dmg then
anim[3] = lerp(anim[3], 255, GlobalVars.frametime * 11)
add_y = add_y + 9
if anim[3] > 0 then
add_y = add_y + 9
anim[3] = lerp(anim[3], 0, GlobalVars.frametime * 11)
EXSCORD("DMG", add_y, Color.RGBA(252, 134, 194, anim[3]))
if FD:Get() then
anim[4] = lerp(anim[4], 255, GlobalVars.frametime * 11)
add_y = add_y + 9
if anim[4] > 0 then
add_y = add_y + 9
anim[4] = lerp(anim[4], 0, GlobalVars.frametime * 11)
EXSCORD("DUCK", add_y, Color.RGBA(255, 197, 227, math.floor(anim[4]-lp:GetProp("m_flDuckAmount")*255)))
if general.menu:GetBool(5) then
add_y = 40
IDEALYAW(manuals and "FAKE YAW" or ideal_yaw.text_main:Get(), add_y, manuals and Color.RGBA(159, 159, 230, 255) or Color.RGBA(220, 135, 49, 255))
add_y = add_y + 10
IDEALYAW(YAW:Get() == 5 and "FREESTAND" or "DYNAMIC", add_y, Color.RGBA(209, 159, 230, 255))
add_y = add_y + 10
if DT:Get() then
IDEALYAW(FD:Get() and "DT (fakeduck)" or "DT", add_y, Exploits.GetCharge() == 1 and Color.RGBA(0, 255, 0, 255) or Color.RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255))
add_y = add_y + 10
if HS:Get() then
IDEALYAW("AA", add_y, Color.RGBA(120, 128, 200, 255))
add_y = add_y + 10
if dmg then
IDEALYAW("DMG", add_y, Color.RGBA(200, 185, 255, 255))
add_y = add_y + 10
local setvis = function()
local vis = function(s, d)
prediction.vis_new = general.menu:GetBool(2) and prediction.style:Get() == 0 or general.menu:GetBool(2) and prediction.style:Get() == 1
prediction.vis_old = general.menu:GetBool(2) and prediction.style:Get() == 2
vis(killaura.style, general.menu:GetBool(1))
vis(killaura.text_main, general.menu:GetBool(1))
vis(killaura.color, general.menu:GetBool(1))
vis(prediction.arrows, general.menu:GetBool(2))
vis(prediction.style, general.menu:GetBool(2))
vis(prediction.new_menu, prediction.vis_new)
vis(prediction.old_menu, prediction.vis_old)
vis(prediction.text_left, prediction.vis_new and prediction.new_menu:Get(1))
vis(prediction.text_right, prediction.vis_new and prediction.new_menu:Get(1))
vis(prediction.text_old_left, prediction.vis_old and prediction.old_menu:Get(1))
vis(prediction.text_old_right, prediction.vis_old and prediction.old_menu:Get(1))
vis(prediction.color, general.menu:GetBool(2))
vis(acatel.style, general.menu:GetBool(3))
vis(acatel.text_left, general.menu:GetBool(3))
vis(acatel.text_right, general.menu:GetBool(3))
vis(acatel.color, general.menu:GetBool(3))
vis(exscord.text_left, general.menu:GetBool(4))
vis(exscord.text_right, general.menu:GetBool(4))
vis(exscord.color, general.menu:GetBool(4))
vis(ideal_yaw.text_main, general.menu:GetBool(5))
local hook_draw = function()
Cheat.RegisterCallback("draw", hook_draw)