Автор темы
- #1
Простой silent aimbot для игры Counter Blox. Работает на 6+ инжекторах, по принципу "кто ближе".
counter-blox silent-aimbot:
local CurrentCamera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local Players = game.Players
local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
local Mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
function ClosestPlayer()
local MaxDist, Closest = math.huge
for I,V in pairs(Players.GetPlayers(Players)) do
if V == LocalPlayer then continue end
if V.Team == LocalPlayer then continue end
if not V.Character then continue end
local Head = V.Character.FindFirstChild(V.Character, "Head")
if not Head then continue end
local Pos, Vis = CurrentCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(CurrentCamera, Head.Position)
if not Vis then continue end
local MousePos, TheirPos = Vector2.new(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y), Vector2.new(Pos.X, Pos.Y)
local Dist = (TheirPos - MousePos).Magnitude
if Dist < MaxDist then
MaxDist = Dist
Closest = V
return Closest
local MT = getrawmetatable(game)
local OldNC = MT.__namecall
local OldIDX = MT.__index
setreadonly(MT, false)
MT.__namecall = newcclosure(function(self, ...)
local Args, Method = {...}, getnamecallmethod()
if Method == "FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList" and not checkcaller() then
local CP = ClosestPlayer()
if CP and CP.Character and CP.Character.FindFirstChild(CP.Character, "Head") then
Args[1] = Ray.new(CurrentCamera.CFrame.Position, (CP.Character.Head.Position - CurrentCamera.CFrame.Position).Unit * 1000)
return OldNC(self, unpack(Args))
return OldNC(self, ...)
MT.__index = newcclosure(function(self, K)
if K == "Clips" then
return workspace.Map
return OldIDX(self, K)
setreadonly(MT, true)