Автор темы
- #1

- improved performance
- drastically improved aimbot
- drastically improved resolver
- added extra safety as option for weapon configs
-> extra safety is meant to be used when you have the feeling that you wouldnt shoot at all with force safepoint but would like to be more on the safer side of targetting
- slightly changed the behaviour of adaptive safepoint mode ( very recommended to use even on scout from now on )
- greatly improved dt peek
- improved dt speed with scar
- extend peek is hightly recommended from now on
- improved peek exploit with unstable connections
- improved the way quickstop interacts with peek assist -> over all more consistent experience with all gun types especially in combination with dt
- adjusted recharge timings for a smoother and more consistent experience
- reworked freestanding and freestand fake
- fixed knifebot
- fixed zeus range ( you will shoot at people from further away now )
- added shared esp
- added taser indicator
- improved esp clarity
- lowered slider minimum for scope lines
- made weapon icons seperate from weapon text
- made weapon icons smaller
- reworked bomb and defuser indicators
- reworked weapon icons ( it will now show the corresponding icon to every single knife )
- added second color option to rim glow
-> if you want the old behaviour set the first color to your wanted one and set the second one to black
-> if you were previously using contour you need to swap the two colors around
- added the ability to select custom chams for shot records
- added skybox changer with modulation
- added seperate prop color modulation to darkmode
- added freestand indicator
- added mask changer
- added cock hitsound
- added new agent models
- attachment chams will not be drawn on mask and gloves anymore
- fixed bt chams flickering
- fixed transparency of skeleton esp
- reworked autostrafer
- added autostrafer smoothness
- autostrafer will now unintrusively avoid walls to preserve speed and accelerate along the wall
- fixed team overhead info not showing with antiaim enabled
- fixed getting stuck on loading screen on map change
- fixed skip occlusion not working properly on some maps ( specifically mirage and dust2 )
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