Автор темы
- #1
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Привет, я сделал хороший и красивый конфиг на кряк вантапа в3 и он довольно хорошо хаесает!
Я бы посоветовал с ним поиграть каждому, так-как конфиг максимально классный.
Что на счёт скриптов, была переработана только визуальная часть, а в корде практически нихуя не переделывал.
Скрин со старого обновления конфига в новом изменены: rainbow line, keybinds, watermark.
Я бы посоветовал с ним поиграть каждому, так-как конфиг максимально классный.
Что на счёт скриптов, была переработана только визуальная часть, а в корде практически нихуя не переделывал.
Скрин со старого обновления конфига в новом изменены: rainbow line, keybinds, watermark.
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.

Hello everyone, another update of my config for onetap v3 crack, in which not only the visual part was touched.
- Pistols have been fixed, now misses are not so common.
- Scar has also been fixed, misses are also extremely rare.
- The logic of doubletap has been changed, now scar does not shoot at the head, but tries to baiming.
- The rainbow line at the top of the screen has been reduced.
- Changed the color of the hitmarker.
- fixed small bugs with watermark.
- Slightly modified keybinds.
- Changed the color of the damagemarker.
A configuration for weak computers has been added.
!!WARNING!! This config shows more frames per second than the usual 60, but it is less playable for me and this result will be different on each computer.
- An important script that played a big role in ragebot has been removed.
- Simplified chams on opponents.
- Changed Attachments chams, no longer rgb
- Dropped weapons changed.
- Removed chams for Desync.
- Ruined chums for Weapons.
- The blackout, which is enabled by default in csgo, has been removed.
- Made more transparent textures that are shot through.
- The teammates models have been removed, skeletons are now in their place.
- Removed Chams for History (I think it's a Backtrack).
- Changed the lua responsible for aspectRatio.
- Pistols have been fixed, now misses are not so common.
- Scar has also been fixed, misses are also extremely rare.
- The logic of doubletap has been changed, now scar does not shoot at the head, but tries to baiming.
- The rainbow line at the top of the screen has been reduced.
- Changed the color of the hitmarker.
- fixed small bugs with watermark.
- Slightly modified keybinds.
- Changed the color of the damagemarker.
A configuration for weak computers has been added.
!!WARNING!! This config shows more frames per second than the usual 60, but it is less playable for me and this result will be different on each computer.
- An important script that played a big role in ragebot has been removed.
- Simplified chams on opponents.
- Changed Attachments chams, no longer rgb
- Dropped weapons changed.
- Removed chams for Desync.
- Ruined chums for Weapons.
- The blackout, which is enabled by default in csgo, has been removed.
- Made more transparent textures that are shot through.
- The teammates models have been removed, skeletons are now in their place.
- Removed Chams for History (I think it's a Backtrack).
- Changed the lua responsible for aspectRatio.