Автор темы
- #1
V4.26 - V4.27
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Трейлер / Trailer:
Плагин предоставляет простой, легкий и надежный инструмент для построения иерархических экземпляров статических Meshes с использованием сплайнов.
Он был построен с учетом дизайна уровней, чтобы облегчить жизнь дизайнеров и ускорить итерации.
Он предлагает множество инструментов, связанных с Meshes, размещенными с использованием сплайна.
Технические детали / Technical details:
- Multiple meshes - you can set multiple different meshes that will automatically align on the spline. The meshes are aligned using their bounds, not the pivot, which means that if you have a mesh, that has some bad pivot, the tool will still align it in a smart way!
- First and Last meshes - you can set up special meshes at the beginning or end of the spline, which allows you to control exactly how your fences or walls begin or end.
- Mesh randomizing - with multiple meshes selected, you can make them appear randomly so that your fences, walls, or even towns are extremely simple to randomize to make them look more natural.
- Ground alignment - the tool allows aligning meshes to the ground using their bounds, which is much more accurate and good-looking than using pivot casting. Also, the ground alignment can be applied to each mesh individually.
- Asynchronous calculations - calculations are by default performed on a separate thread, which allows creating very, very long splines with thousands of meshes without freezing your computer, which improves the level design speed and makes it more comfortable.
- SimpleInstancedSplineMesh
Number of C++ Classes: 6
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Windows 64
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows 64
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Important/Additional Notes: Currently ground alignment work for Landscape only, but it's a work in progress, and we are planning on adding support alignment to other surfaces too.
V4.26 - V4.27 (Plugin V1.0):
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