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Автор темы
- #1

Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
Раритет раскопал))
Технические детали / Technical Details:
Designed for all platforms
Camera is done through PlayerCameraManager with the following features:
- Zooming in and out
- smooth zooming yes/no
- smooth zoom factor
- rotation through i.e. middle mouse button in all directions
- clamping of rotation to min and max values (pitch and yaw)
- snapback of camera rotation to. original settings yes/no
- snapback smoothing factor
- possibility to set a different target to view than the current
player from outside (i.e. playercontroller, level blueprint, etc)
- configurable camera lag
Sample PlayerController containing the following features:
- click to move
- highlighting of enemies on mouseover (through rendercustomdepth)
- highlighting of player if behind a wall or anything that blocks sight
- target click coordinate detection based on a virtual plane on
height of the player (instead of tracing the first hit, so a click into
"nothing" is also supported)
Basic EnemyController utilizing a behaviourtree with the following settings:
- aggroRange
- isMelee
- meleeRange
- isRanged
- rangedRange
- rangedSkill
- shouldChasePlayer
- shouldPatrol
- waypointgroup
- waittimebetweenwaypoints
Waypoints are basically implemented, AI that has a group of waypoints
assigned will go to one after another utilizing the navmesh inbetween
(useful for patrolling).
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