UE4 Asset Universal AI System

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Легенда форума
1 Авг 2016

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Трейлер / Trailer:

Технические детали / Technical Details:
-- AI Spawn Marker
-- Waypoint Marker
-- Behavior Tree System BP's
-- Guarding at Spawn Marker
-- Guarding/Wandering around the Spawn Marker within the 2x agro range
-- Patrol AI by using a path
-- Simply Turret
-- Path system support 10 paths ( easy to add more, if need)
-- Demo player and bot character with 5 child bot's as "PAMPA" character
-- Support 2 different weapon systems. (melee and a simply fireball spell)
-- Agro and attack range can be setup in the Spawn marker
-- Team handling between the bot characters and the player character
-- Respawn and respawn time adjustable in the Spawn Marker
-- Animal AI / Run away, if enemy is in agro range
-- Regeneration HP over time function / adjustable
-- Low HP run away / switch to run away, if low HP
-- Multiplay tested
-- Defending turret with adjustable range and team
-- Wave event manager blue print
-- chase timeout function
-- Health bar and bot name text widget combined with the aim system
-- Player Hud/widget with health bar, compass and radar and weapon slot hud
-- Group spawner of same AI type (Experimental)
-- Weapon slots for player
-- Stamina and energy bar and degeneration by using weapons
-- Potion for stamina and energy / fill up the bars and stats
-- 5 melee weapons / sword, cub, ax, double ax, hammer 4 spells / projectiles
-- Pickup and toss out of all weapons possible
-- Shop terminal. where you can buy weapons and potion
-- Add gold to the system and a scoring system. Bots give points (adjustable in AI Marker)

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