UE4 Plugin RPG Engine ToolKit

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Легенда форума
1 Авг 2016

Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.

Версия 4.24, рады любым рекомпилам :)

Технические детали / Technical Details:
RPG Database Manager: C# Application

The database manager is used to create Items, Weapon, Armor, Actor definitions. You can also define classes with customizable stat progression. Extended sections of the manager includes defining monster groups, Map listing, as well as defining default settings and initial party makeup.

Event flows can also be created and branched for decision making. The modular building allows you to create a building layout in layers and generate them in editor.

The RPG Engine Toolkit:

Houses the RPG Data Manage the main interface to the database. With this are smart objects for world creation, AI Mob, NPC AI, PC Hero, Character Generator / Randomizer with modular actor data, Battle and Roaming AI, Battle Logic, NPC Crowd Spawner,Monster spawner, Zones Triggers,Treasure Chest,Cut Scene Actors,Hover Board, and Spell Example, NPC Point of interest and many more.

Platforms Tested: Windows

Updates: Please work on a separate copy of the plugin as updates to the engine can overwrite your engine changes. So please copy the plugin to your local project to keep your engine edits.

As always if you are stuck hit me up on my facebook page or via email. Comments on the store do not notify me (They sometimes do now). I'm always online so let me know. Happy developing!

Support and updates:
As I find better and innovative ways to improve the system I will release more updates to this system.
The system is near complete with all the features I've wanted to include as an example. The last few things will be added and implemented as I enter in the final phase of my tech demo for my own game.

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