Автор темы
- #1
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
I don't know why - the code is only the shift itself.
credit - miracl3 https://yougame.biz/threads/252496/
Thanks to opai for the reverse
credit - miracl3 https://yougame.biz/threads/252496/
Thanks to opai for the reverse
//nemesis - technology
using WriteUsercmdDeltaToBuffer_t = bool(__thiscall*)(void*, int, void*, int, int, bool);
void WriteUserСmd(void* buf, CUserCmd* incmd, CUserCmd* outcmd)
using WriteUserCmd_t = void(__fastcall*)(void*, CUserCmd*, CUserCmd*);
static auto Fn = util::FindSignature(crypt_str("client.dll"), crypt_str("55 8B EC 83 E4 F8 51 53 56 8B D9"));
mov ecx, buf
mov edx, incmd
push outcmd
call Fn
add esp, 4
bool __fastcall hooks::ShiftCmd(int* new_commands, int* backup_commands, void* ecx, int slot, bf_write* buf, int unk, bool real_cmd)
static auto original_fn = hooks::client_hook->get_func_address <WriteUsercmdDeltaToBuffer_t>(24);
auto new_from = -1;
auto shift_amount = g_ctx.globals.tickbase_shift;
g_ctx.globals.tickbase_shift = 0;
auto commands = *new_commands;
auto shift_commands = std::clamp(commands + shift_amount, 1, 62);
*new_commands = shift_commands;
*backup_commands = 0;
auto next_cmd_nr = m_clientstate()->iChokedCommands + m_clientstate()->nLastOutgoingCommand + 1;
auto new_to = next_cmd_nr - commands + 1;
if (new_to <= next_cmd_nr)
while (original_fn(ecx, slot, buf, new_from, new_to, true))
new_from = new_to++;
if (new_to > next_cmd_nr)
goto next_cmd;
return false;
*(int*)((uintptr_t)m_prediction() + 0x34C) = 0; //0x1C g_ctx.globals.send_pacet = 0;
*(int*)((uintptr_t)m_prediction() + 0xC) = -1;
auto fake_cmd = m_input()->GGetUserCmd(slot, new_from);
if (!fake_cmd)
return true;
CUserCmd to_cmd;
CUserCmd from_cmd;
from_cmd = *fake_cmd;
to_cmd = from_cmd;
if (real_cmd)
int iterator = 0;
m_prediction()->Update(m_clientstate()->iDeltaTick, m_clientstate()->iDeltaTick > 0, m_clientstate()->nLastCommandAck, m_clientstate()->nLastOutgoingCommand + m_clientstate()->iChokedCommands);
to_cmd.m_buttons &= ~0xFFBEFFF9;
auto new_cmd = m_input()->GetUserCmd(to_cmd.m_command_number);
auto verified_cmd = m_input()->GetVerifiedUserCmd(to_cmd.m_command_number);
std::memcpy(new_cmd, &to_cmd, sizeof(CUserCmd));
std::memcpy(&verified_cmd->m_cmd, &to_cmd, sizeof(CUserCmd));
verified_cmd->m_crc = new_cmd->GetChecksum();
WriteUserСmd(buf, &to_cmd, &from_cmd);
if (iterator >= shift_amount)
auto& out = g_ctx.globals.commands.rbegin();
out->is_outgoing = true;
out->is_used = false;
out->command_number = m_clientstate()->nLastOutgoingCommand + m_clientstate()->iChokedCommands + 1;
out->previous_command_number = 0;
auto net_chan = m_clientstate()->pNetChannel;
if (net_chan)
from_cmd = to_cmd;
} while (iterator < shift_amount);
to_cmd.m_tickcount = INT_MAX;
WriteUserСmd(buf, &to_cmd, &from_cmd);
} while (shift_amount > 0);
bool __fastcall hooks::hooked_writeusercmddeltatobuffer(void* ecx, void* edx, int slot, bf_write* buf, int from, int to, bool is_new_command)
static auto original_fn = client_hook->get_func_address <WriteUsercmdDeltaToBuffer_t>(24);
if (!g_ctx.local() || !g_ctx.get_command() || !g_ctx.local()->is_alive() || g_ctx.local()->m_flSimulationTime() || g_ctx.local()->m_bGunGameImmunity() || g_ctx.local()->m_fFlags() & FL_FROZEN)
return original_fn(ecx, slot, buf, from, to, is_new_command);
if (g_ctx.globals.should_recharge || !g_ctx.globals.tickbase_shift)
return original_fn(ecx, slot, buf, from, to, is_new_command);
if (from != -1)
return true;
uintptr_t frame_ptr = 0;
__asm mov frame_ptr, ebp;
auto backup_commands = reinterpret_cast <int*> (frame_ptr + 0xFD8);
auto new_commands = reinterpret_cast <int*> (frame_ptr + 0xFDC);
return ShiftCmd(new_commands, backup_commands, ecx, slot, buf, -1, !g_ctx.globals.break_lc);
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