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Gmod Net Library Debug 💗

20 Мар 2022
hexanenetlibrarydebug = hexanenetlibrarydebug or {}

hexanenetlibrarydebug.antiNetSpam = {}

hexanenetlibrarydebug.flaggedNetPlayers = {}

hexanenetlibrarydebug.antiConSpam = {}

hexanenetlibrarydebug.flaggedConPlayers = {}

hexanenetlibrarydebug.threshold = 20

hexanenetlibrarydebug.net = {

    "UKT_MOMOS", "Sandbox_ArmDupe", "Fix_Keypads", "memeDoor",

    "Remove_Exploiters", "noclipcloakaesp_chat_text", "fellosnake", "NoNerks",

    "BackDoor", "kek", "OdiumBackDoor", "cucked", "ULogs_Info", "Ulib_Message",

    "m9k_addons", "Sbox_itemstore", "rcivluz", "Sbox_darkrp", "_Defqon", "something",

    "random", "strip0", "killserver", "DefqonBackdoor", "fuckserver", "cvaraccess",

    "rconadmin", "_CAC_ReadMemory", "nostrip", "DarkRP_AdminWeapons",

    "enablevac", "SessionBackdoor", "LickMeOut", "MoonMan", "Im_SOCool", "fix",

    "idk", "ULXQUERY2", "ULX_QUERY2", "jesuslebg", "zilnix", "Þà ?D)◘",

    "disablebackdoor", "oldNetReadData", "SENDTEST", "Sandbox_GayParty",

    "nocheat", "_clientcvars", "_main", "ZimbaBackDoor", "stream", "waoz", "DarkRP_UTF8",

    "bdsm", "ZernaxBackdoor", "anticrash", "audisquad_lua", "dontforget", "noprop", "thereaper",



timer.Create("hexanenetlibrarydebug.CleanSpam", 1,0, function()

    hexanenetlibrarydebug.antiNetSpam = {}

    hexanenetlibrarydebug.flaggedNetPlayers = {}

    hexanenetlibrarydebug.antiConSpam = {}

    hexanenetlibrarydebug.flaggedConPlayers = {}


function net.Incoming(len, client)

    local i = net.ReadHeader()

    local name = util.NetworkIDToString(i)

    if not name then



    local plySteamid = IsValid(client) and client:SteamID() or "UNKNOWN STEAMID"

    local plyNick = IsValid(client) and client:Nick() or "UNKNOWN PLAYER NAME"

    local plyIP = IsValid(client) and client:IPAddress() or "UNKNOWN IP"

    local antiNetSpam = hexanenetlibrarydebug.antiNetSpam

    local flaggedNetPlayers = hexanenetlibrarydebug.flaggedNetPlayers

    antiNetSpam[plySteamid] =  antiNetSpam[plySteamid] or {}

    antiNetSpam[plySteamid][name] = (antiNetSpam[plySteamid][name] or 0) + 1

    if antiNetSpam[plySteamid][name] > hexanenetlibrarydebug.threshold  then

        if not flaggedNetPlayers[plySteamid] then

            ServerLog(string.format("Net spam attempted on Net Message: %s Client: %s (STEAMID: %s) (IP: %s) \n", name, plyNick, plySteamid, plyIP))


        flaggedNetPlayers[plySteamid] = true


    local func = net.Receivers[name:lower()]

    if not func then

        ServerLog(string.format("No receiving function for '%s' (net msg #%d) Client: %s (STEAMID: %s) (IP: %s) \n", name, i, plyNick, plySteamid, plyIP))



    len = len - 16

    local curString = !table.HasValue(hexanenetlibrarydebug.net, name) and "Net message '%s' (%d) received (%.2fkb (%db)) Client: %s (STEAMID: %s) (IP: %s) \n" or "Net message '%s' (%d) received (%.2fkb (%db)) Client: %s (STEAMID: %s) (IP: %s) [ Exploitable String ] \n"

    ServerLog(string.format(curString, name, i, len/8/1024, len/8, plyNick, plySteamid, plyIP))

    local status, error = pcall( function() func(len, client) end )

    if not status then

        ServerLog(string.format("Error during net message (%s). Reasoning: %s \n", name, error))



hexanenetlibrarydebug.crun = hexanenetlibrarydebug.crun or concommand.Run

function concommand.Run(ply, cmd, args, argStr)

    if !IsValid(ply) then return hexanenetlibrarydebug.crun(ply,cmd,args,argStr) end

    if !cmd then return hexanenetlibrarydebug.crun(ply,cmd,args,argStr) end

    local plySteamid = IsValid(ply) and ply:SteamID() or "UNKNOWN STEAMID"

    local plyNick = IsValid(ply) and ply:Nick() or "UNKNOWN PLAYER NAME"

    local plyIP = IsValid(ply) and ply:IPAddress() or "UNKNOWN IP"

    local antiConSpam = hexanenetlibrarydebug.antiConSpam

    local flaggedConPlayers = hexanenetlibrarydebug.flaggedConPlayers

    antiConSpam[plySteamid] =  antiConSpam[plySteamid] or {}

    antiConSpam[plySteamid][cmd] = (antiConSpam[plySteamid][cmd] or 0) + 1

    local temp = (args and args ~= "" and #args != 0) and " "..table.concat(args, " ") or "None"

    if antiConSpam[plySteamid][cmd] > 10 then


        if not flaggedConPlayers[plySteamid] then

            ServerLog("Player " .. "'"..plyNick.."'" .. " ("..plySteamid.. ") " .. "("..plyIP..")" .. " has attempted to concommand spam with command: " .. cmd .. " args: " .. temp .. ". \n")


        flaggedConPlayers[plySteamid] = true


    ServerLog("Player " .. "'"..plyNick.."'" .. " ("..plySteamid.. ") " .. "("..plyIP..")" .. " has executed this command: " .. cmd .. " args: " .. temp .. ". \n")

    return hexanenetlibrarydebug.crun(ply, cmd, args,argStr)


Gmod Net Library Debug

A lua script to debug/print net messages and console commands in Garry's Mod.

Installation Instructions
Download the lua script.
Add/upload it to your servers garrysmod/lua/autorun/server directory.
Restart the server and you'll start to see the net messages appear. These are normal. Keep the script on the server and check back to your console when you believe one is being abused.
What does this do?
This script prints net messages and ran console commands to your server's console to allow you to debug issues such as net exploits which are commonly abused if an addon is written poorly.

How can I tell if there's an issue?
Most of the time, if a player is attempting to run a net message crash exploit, it'll simply spam the vulnerable net message which will be obvious in the console.

If I find a net message exploit, how can I fix it?
Simply removing the addon or fixing the code will solve it.

Example Output
ServerLog: Player 'Hyro' (STEAM_0:1:53406071) (IP:27005) has executed this command: gm_spawn args:  models/props_lab/filecabinet02.mdl 0.00 000000000.

ServerLog: Player 'Hyro' (STEAM_0:1:53406071) (IP:27005) has executed this command: gm_spawn args:  models/props_trainstation/clock01.mdl 0.00 000000000.

ServerLog: Player 'Hyro' (STEAM_0:1:53406071) (IP:27005) has executed this command: gm_spawn args:  models/props_trainstation/TrackSign02.mdl 0.00 000000000.

ServerLog: Player 'Hyro' (STEAM_0:1:53406071) (IP:27005) has executed this command: gm_spawn args:  models/props_junk/MetalBucket01a.mdl 0.00 000000000.

ServerLog: Player 'Hyro' (STEAM_0:1:53406071) (IP:27005) has executed this command: gm_spawn args:  models/props_interiors/ElevatorShaft_Door01a.mdl 0.00 000000000.

ServerLog: Player 'Hyro' (STEAM_0:1:53406071) (IP:27005) has executed this command: gmod_undo args: None.

ServerLog: Player 'Hyro' (STEAM_0:1:53406071) (IP:27005) has executed this command: gmod_tool args:  balloon.

ServerLog: Player 'Hyro' (STEAM_0:1:53406071) (IP:27005) has executed this command: gmod_tool args:  button.

ServerLog: Player 'Hyro' (STEAM_0:1:53406071) (IP:27005) has executed this command: gmod_tool args:  duplicator.

ServerLog: Player 'Hyro' (STEAM_0:1:53406071) (IP:27005) has executed this command: gmod_tool args:  dynamite.

ServerLog: Player 'Hyro' (STEAM_0:1:53406071) (IP:27005) has executed this command: gmod_tool args:  emitter.

ServerLog: Net message 'properties' (3) received (0.01kb (15b)) Client: Hyro (STEAMID: STEAM_0:1:53406071)
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